CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY & ST. PETER LEATHERHEAD Divine Office: Week 4 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASICILICA Readings: Cycle A SACRED LITURGY Exposition of The Most Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 7.30—8 pm Saturdays 10.30—11.00 am THE SPIRIT OF CATHOLICISM: CONTEMPLATION & COMPASSION, COURTESY & COURAGE ‘Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God’. Micah 6:8 Vespers & Benediction Sundays 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 10.30 - 11.00 am Ever seeking a Grace-filled culture of love. Day Parish Priest: Address: The Revd Fr. Michael K. Masterson OBE The Presbytery, Garlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7EZ Tel: 01372 372278 Fax: 01372 813384 [email protected] Email: Website: Our Catechetical programme for Confirmation will commence on Thursday 20th November 2014 Parish Meeting Room at 7pm There will be a Mass to celebrate the beginning of our journey which will include Parents & Confirmandi at 10 am Sunday 16th November followed by refreshments. ST PETER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL are holding their Annual “CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EVENING” Thursday 13th November 2014 6.30pm-8.30pm Lots of fabulous gifts and grand raffle Stalls include The Book People, Clothes & Handbags, Christmas Cakes, Jewellery, Stocking Fillers and much more Entrance £2—Adults Refreshments available IN NOVEMBER REMEMBER THE HOLY SOULS TODAY WE REMEMBER THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE SERVICE OF THE NATION SUN 9TH Of your great charity pray for the repose of the soul of the late JAMES GEORGE TANNER who died on 29th October 2014. James’ Requiem Liturgy is on Wednesday 12th November at 11.00am We offer our prayers and sympathy to James’ family. “THE DAWN FROM ON HIGH” Young Adults Advent Retreat 28th-30th November 2014 Talks from Monks of Worth and the Wellspring Community Worth Abbey Benedictine Monastery To book your place E Mail: [email protected] Tel: 01342 710318 TOY MASS Please note that we will not be holding a Toy Mass in December or for the foreseeable future. The Cabrini Children’s Society will no longer be running its community project but will now focus entirely on giving the children the opportunity of a secure, loving and stable environment through fostering and adoption placements and a residential home for adults with learning disabilities. The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Trust is a Registered Charity No.252878 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOV 9TH NOVEMBER 2014—THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2015 Saint/Feast May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory. MON 10TH ST LEO THE GREAT, POPE & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH TUES 11TH ST MARTIN OF TOURS, BISHOP WED 12TH MASS TIME CHANGE ST JOSAPHAT, BISHOP & MARTYR is a Catholic Charity offering pilgrimage holidays for disabled and disadvantaged children to enjoy a week in Lourdes, staying in Hotels with their volunteer helpers. Today after Mass, raffle tickets will be on sale for £1 each. All proceeds will go to help the work of the HCPT. CATHOLIC HERALD In December the Catholic Herald will change from its broadsheet format to a smaller magazine layout. This will make it much easier to handle. The price will remain at present at £1.50. Please continue to support this excellent Catholic publication. Intentions etc. 8.30 am Novena For The Holy Souls 10.00 am Novena For The Holy Souls 6.00 pm Novena For The Holy Souls 9.15 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Novena For The Holy Souls NO MASS 11.00 am Requiem Liturgy for James Tanner THUR 13TH NO MASS FRI 14TH NO MASS ST ALBERT THE GREAT, BISHOP & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH SAT 15TH THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN SUN 16TH ORDINARY TIME Amen. HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust Time 9.45 am Morning Prayer 10.00 am George & Bridget Hoskins RIP 10.30 am Exposition & Confessions 8.30 am Mary Agnes Collins & Sydney Harris RIP 10.00 am In Thanksgiving for all Favours received 6.00 pm Elvira Rodrigues RIP MINISTRIES OF SERVICE — Sunday 16th November 2014 8.30 am 10.00 am 6.00 pm Reader 1 Reader 2 Pat Harris Edward Rooney Catherine Entwisle Emma Burden Susie Ball Tina Beale Special Ministers Maureen Millard Elizabeth Twist Jackie Williams Marisa Piggott Welcomers Alex & Paddy Lagarejos Yvonne Kraku & Diana Berry Counters Collections and Mass Attendance The collection on Sunday 2nd November was £982.39 Mass attendance was 388. The retiring collection for The Retired Priests’ Fund was £473.49. Next Sunday there will be a retiring collection for Arundel Cathedral Maintenance Fund. Parish Gift Aid envelopes may be used. From The Fathers ……... Passover Of The Jews In examining the precision of the most wise John, I asked myself which the addition “of the Jews” means for him. For what other nation has a feast of the Pasch? For this reason it would have been sufficient if he had said, “And the Pasch was near.” But perhaps since there is a human Pasch for those who do not celebrate it according to the intention of the Scripture, and a divine one, which is the true one that is executed in spirit and truth by those who worship God in spirit and truth, he has contrasted the one said to be “of the Jews” with the divine one. St Origen of Alexandria (200-252) Please pray for those who are sick or housebound: Francis Dummigan Mike Ward Joe McHugh Marisa Piggott & Derek Nightingale FLOWERS FOR SUNDAY CHILDREN’S LITURGY 16th November Susie Austin 16th November Ruth Hall 23rd November Elizabeth Twist 23rd November Juliana Evans COFFEE CLEANING-Week Commencing 16th November Nadine Lloyd 17th November Tina Beale & Hannah Ashfield 23rd November Emma Ashdown 24th November Patricia Agyei-Manu & Marie-Jo Herring If you wish to add or remove any names on this list please contact Patricia in the Parish Office. Prayerfully Remembering our dead. Anniversaries at this time: Winifred Smith, Olga King, John Spillane, Thomas Power, Jonas Jakobas, Thomas Kerrigan,
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