SACRED HEART CHURCH November 2, 2014 ALL SOULS DAY GOD’S FAMILY IN MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor Rev. George J. Boyle, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence Deacon John J. Suplee Deacon Bill Williams Deacon Thomas J. Woods Mrs. Celie Magee, School Principal Sister Kathleen McCafferty, S.S.J., Director of Religious Education Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M., Parish Service Ministries Miss Mary Ann Allton, Music Director Mr. Zachary Moren, Youth Minister MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAYS Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:00noon WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoration Chapel is located at the driveway exit of the Church parking lot to Wilson Ave.* 105 Wilson Ave. Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 Fax: 610-449-2364 Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed 12-1 PM For Lunch) Evenings & Saturday: by Appointment Sunday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198 109 N. Manoa Road Religious Education Office: 610-449-3000 *for CCD nights : Resource Room 610-446-7597 C.C.D. Classes are Mondays & Wednesdays (Sept. thru May) 6:45 PM - 8:05 PM Convent: 610-446-3694 Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 108 Shelbourne Road 1 Mass Intentions for the Week Tuesday, November 4 (St. Charles Borromeo) 8:30am Grace & Richard Fisher Wednesday, November 5 8:30am Mr. and Mrs Lucyan Gutowski Thursday, November 6 8:30am Flick & Grube Families Friday, November 7 8:30am Ann & Henry Smith Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family! Please stop at the Parish Center to register or download form at Baptism ~ Pre Jordan *The next date for PreJordan is: NOVEMBER 10** Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 1:15 PM with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when Baptisms are celebrated at the 12:00 Noon Mass. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Class before setting up a date for Baptism. Pre-Jordan Class is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center, with some exceptions. *Please consult Parish Bulletin or Website to verify* Marriage Couples intending to marry should contact one of the priests for an appointment to set a date. By Archdiocesan policy, this must be done at least six months prior to the date. Saturday, November 8 8:30am Gloria Curcio Anointing of the Sick Sunday at Mass or Upon request - contact one of the priests at the rectory in case of serious illness. DEVOTIONS MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Saturday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass. ROSARY: Tuesday through Saturday mornings at 8:10 AM before Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Visit our Adoration Chapel Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm ALL ARE Reconciliation (Confession) Anytime by appointment. 610-449-3000 Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Visitation of the Sick If you or someone in your family is HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability, or advanced age, please call Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center (610-449-3000) so arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion. Also, please let us know when someone is in the hospital. Legion of Mary Meets each Monday from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the Rectory. WELCOME! The Chapel is located at the exit driveway of the church parking lot leading to Wilson Ave. Senior Citizens Sacred Heart Social Club, an Archdiocesan Organization, meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the cafeteria. Parish Mission Statement We, the Sacred Heart Parish Community, knowing we are sustained by the Eucharist, dedicate ourselves to: Forming a prayerful and worshiping community Educating all in Christ’s wisdom formed in and through the Gospel + Living our faith in today’s society We strive to: Invite, welcome and serve all through our stewardship Unite our community through acceptance of one another + Comfort through word and deed 2 Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, Welcome to Sacred Heart Church! It is a blessing to have you join our worshiping community as we celebrate our Eucharistic Liturgy for “The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed,” commonly known as All Souls Day. Your presence and prayerful participation enrich our Liturgy. May the Risen Lord enlighten your mind through the Word proclaimed and nourish your faith in the Eucharist we share. Hope you remembered to turn your clocks back as Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend! In Celtic spirituality there is the thought that in birth we leave the “Heart of God” on a journey back to the “Heart of God” when we die. Our journey in life touches many lives. Hopefully, during our lives we assist each other on our journey back to the “Heart of God.” After the death of a loved one, we, the living, continue to help them on their journey back to God through our prayers. We, as Church, traditionally pray for our deceased loved ones on All Souls Day and throughout the month of November. We call to mind those we mourn. We lift them up to God in prayer. This is what all of us are invited to do today, during this Eucharistic Liturgy. Once again, the “Wall of Remembrance,” around our Church, names those buried from Sacred Heart Church since 1927. Today, a new frame is added, remembering those who died this past year. Today and throughout November, may we continue to express our love for those who have died by lifting them up in prayer. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. On Sunday, at 3:00pm, our Parish will host the St. Thomas More Annual Memorial Mass. Welcome Golden Bears!! Be well, God bless, Fr. McKee COLLECTIONS October 26, 2014 October 25, 2013 Goal: Year to Date: Difference: $ 13,998.00 $ 15,206.00 $297,500.00 $281,087.00 $ -16,413.00 Thank you for your continued generous support! STEWARDSHIP COLLECTION UPDATE Total as of October 27, 2014: $40,592.00 From 417 Families THANK YOU! I want to extend my gratitude to all our parishioners who have already responded to this year’s Stewardship Offering Your generous support of your Church is deeply appreciated! REMINDER: If you haven’t already returned your Stewardship Offering, please do so as soon as possible, as this collection is vital to our Parish’s financial stability. Offerings can be returned via collection basket or mail or may be dropped off at the Parish Center. Blood Pressure Screenings this Sunday, November 2 after the 7:30am & 12:00n Masses in the Cry Room (sponsored by the Parish Health Ministry –1st Sunday of each month) Important Upcoming Meetings Social Club - Monday, November 3 at 1:00pm Handbells - Monday, November 3 at 7:00pm HASA Board & Finance - Thurs., Nov 6 7:00pm CYO Board - Thursday, November 6 at 7:30pm Pro-Life - Thursday, November 6 at 8:00pm New Parishioner Welcome -Sunday, November 11 Prayer Shawl - Monday, November 12 - 9:30am Children in PreK– Gr 1 are invited to participate CHILDRENS LITURGY of the WORD SUNDAY at the 10:30am Mass P.S Many thanks for the bags of food last weekend!! You outdid yourselves!! The food cupboards and the needy thank you! Next Sunday, November 9 after the 12:00n Mass, in Everett Hall for those who have registered in the parish in the last year. *If you have not yet registered in the parish, please come to the “Welcome Reception!” You can register there! 3 PRE-JORDAN CLASS Next PreJordan Session is: Monday, NOVEMBER 10 at 7:00pm in the MKD Room in the Parish Center. *Attendance at the Pre-Jordan Class is mandatory, prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Parish Center at (610) 449-3000 for further information. **Upcoming PreJordan Classes: Dec 8 & Jan 12 Sacred Heart Parish welcomes our newest members who were baptized during the month of October: Juliette Eva Heller, Harper Hoffman, Liam Michael Meroney, Tessa Venafra, Molly Clare Burke, Molly Bernadette McGlade, Henry Armand Cipparone, III & Caiden Osborne. Congratulations & God Bless All! REST IN PEACE Please pray for Elvira Vacirca, Andrew Cabrelli, Robert Iacobucci and for all members of our Sacred Heart Faith Community who have been welcomed to the happiness of eternal life. SICK Please pray for Baby Sean Cutilllo, Baby Olivia Kirmayer, Baby Andrew Sholl, Diane Clement, Michelle Meehan, Jeffrey Hunter, Helen Lawville, Genevieve Hosbach, Eleanor Blanch, Thomas Mayo, Christine Ferrante, Sharon Muschamp, Nancy Cunningham, Kyle Boas, Christina Boyd, Jim Sweeney, Rick Kearney, Bud Devlin, Pasquale Dougherty, Mike Wilson, Loretta Malloy Lego, Brigid Sullivan, Jackie Mitchell, John Conway, Jill Carey, Jack Clark, Joe Cutuli, Gina D’Orazio, Dana Kleinschmidt, Cheryl Duca, Will Lawler, Terri Michels, Matt Shaw, Susan Gallagher, Martha Primavera, Mickey McGoldrick, Michael Feerick, Richard Wagner, Marie Debow, Mark Welsh, Rose Mary Haley, Laura Bailey, Rita Hershey, Joanne McManus, Sam Stocker, Maryanne Keller, Louise Savarese, Joanna Small, James Bamber, Christopher Chipman, Amy McBride, Harold Deitz, Joseph News, Joanne Shain, Anna McPhee, Celeste Gisondi, Helen Rebardo, Joseph Mulholland, Nicholas Galassi, Andrew Cabrelli, Cathy Aquaro, Rick Reid, and Gregory Benoit. Please remember to pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace. May God bring them all home safely and soon. Poor Box Donations for NOVEMBER will be designated for Dawn’s Place H.O.P.E. H.O.P.E. provides assistance for doctor appointments, shopping, etc. If you are in need of H.O.P.E services, please call Mary Noone at 610446-5392 or Isabelle Duca at 610-449-3638. is the theme for November 2014 in anticipation of next year’s World Meeting of Families “ Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive” Consider these following opportunities for yourself and your family to help those in need! At Cradles to Crayons The “Giving Factory” in Conshohocken Tuesday, November 11 6:00 - 8:00pm Parents & children (age 6 +) will sort and pack clothing, toys, books, etc for children in need. To sign up, contact Jean Murray at [email protected] or 610-449-3000 *Pre-registration is required* CASSEROLES FOR Feed ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE the are due Friday, November 21! Poor Pans w/lids are available at the doors of church! Please deliver FROZEN casserole before 9:30am Friday, November 21 to Mary Durkin, 300 N. Manoa Rd. or Palma Ricci, 11 Woodbine Rd! EASY recipe is included OR you can make variety of casseroles using RECIPES on For more info, call Mary 610-853-9455. *IMPORTANT! Please label casserole with date and kind FOOD COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDY weekend of November 22 & 23 *keep in mind while shopping sales at local food stores suggested items: one-can meals, soups & stews, canned fruits and juices, tuna fish, cereals & pasta, peanut butter, jelly, baby food & formula, etc. ALSO needed: Thanksgiving dinner items! Thanksgiving & Christmas are around the corner! HELPING HANDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Anyone wishing to contribute to “Helping Hands for the Holidays” may place their donation (cash-check-scrip) in a envelope marked “Helping Hands” in with regular collection. Thank you! Inspiring Thoughts of the Saints SCRIPTURE READINGS The Holy Souls are SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 eager for the prayers of the Reading I: Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12 faithful which can gain Resp: Ps 43:2-3,5-6,8-9 indulgences for them. Reading II: 1 Cor 3:9c-11,16-17 Their intercession is Gospel: John 2:13-22 powerful. Pray unceasingly. Sunday & Daily Readings at St. Padre Pio 4 …..Coming Soon! LUCKY HEART LOTTERY SACRED HEART SCHOOL Interested in being a ticket seller? If so, Please contact: OPEN HOUSE Bill Reavey (610) 283-4241 [email protected] Scott Wimmer (610) 220-3028 [email protected] Bill Gowie (610) 457-8923 [email protected] Elena Jones (484) 390-0134 [email protected] SOCIAL CLUB Next Meeting: Monday, November 3 at 1:00pm Special Guest: Director of Haverford Library Upcoming Trip: Wednesday, November 12 to Atlantic City Resorts Casino - Cost $25 / Rebate $25! Call Rita at 610-446-6019 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 1:00 – 2:30pm Come see our great school! All are invited ! …especially Parents of Young Children! * FIRST PREFERENCE FOR REGISTRATION * IS GIVEN TO PARISHIONERS! Wednesday, December 3 1:00 – 3:00 PM Thursday, December 4 6:30 – 8:00 PM For registration after December 4th please contact the school office for an appointment. Mark your calendars now! SOCIAL CLUB CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Pre-K & Kindergarten filled early last year! Thursday, December 4 at McCall’s Country Club $26 for members; $28 for guests. Taking reservations now! Call Elaine at 610-853-1785 If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Celie Magee, Principal, at 610.446.9198 PRO-LIFE NEWS PRO-LIFE NEWS - The Next Meeting of the ProLife Group will be THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 at 8:00pm in the Parish Center.. If you are free, join us for a Holy Hour for Life at 7:00pm in the Adoration Chapel. ALL are Welcome! Pray for Life! 24 HOUR PREGNANCY HOTLINE: 610-626-4006! Post-Abortion Healing Retreats: Upcoming Handbell Practices : November 3, 17, 24 at 7:00pm MKD - PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN - Thursday, November 20 at 6:30pm in MKD Please call Sister Kate at 610-449-3000 to register… space is limited! ADVENT FAITH SHARING Thursdays at 1:15pm, beginning November 20 and continuing through the month of January. Anyone interested should call Sister Clare at the Parish Center (610-449-3000). Cost $10 for book: My Soul Magnifies the Lord (A Scriptural Journey With Mary) SACRED HEART SCHOOL ALL-CLASS REUNION Friday, November 28, 2014 7:00 - 11:00PM SPRINGFIELD COUNTRY CLUB BUFFET DINNER $40. 00 CASH BAR Mary Jo McGoldrick 484-437-3421 Jack Reick 610-446-3730 Sandy Turner Zimmerman 610-449-1460 Deacon John Suplee 610-449-3000 Janet Laverty Janssen 610-368-9186 Tell Family & Friends! Last Reunion Sold - out! Don’t delay...get your tickets early! 5 Sun Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 5 6 4 School Children at 8:30am Mass 3 7:00pm HASA/Finance Committee 7:00pm CYO Board 8:00pm ProLife Mtg 14 ALL SOULS 7:30pm A.A. - EH 13 2 9:30am A.A. - MKD (Election Day) 7:00pm RCIA 7:30pm Choir 12 7:00pm Pastoral Council nd Sunday Ord Time 12:00 MEMORIAL MASS 1:00pm Social Club Reception following EH 2:30pm Legion of Mary Free Blood Pressure after 7:00pm Adult Handbells 8:30pm A.A. - EH 7:30& 12:00 Masses 10 9:30am A.A. - EH Family Service Night at 7:00pm Cantor Meeting Cradles to Crayons 8:00pm Knights of 7:00pm RCIA Columbus 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm A.A. - EH 11 9 32 9:30am Prayer Shawl 2:30pm Legion of Mary 7:00pm PreJordan -MKD 8:30pm A.A. - EH Join us for 8:30am Mass 7:30pm Knights of Columbus 27 28 SACRED HEART ALL-CLASS REUNION 7:00pm - Springfield Country Club 21 10:30am RCIA Rite of Acceptance 12:00n “Welcome” for New Parishioners 33rd Sunday Ord Time 26 20 18 25 19 17 16 1:00 - 2:30pm OPEN HOUSE Feast of Christ the 24 9:30am A.A. - EH 8:30am School children at Mass 7:00pm RCIA 7:30pm A.A. - EH 7:30pm Choir 1:00pm Social Club 9:30am A.A. - EH 9:00am Installation 7:00pm Lottery Ticket of new Altar Servers 2:30pm Legion of Mary SACRED HEART SCHOOL 7:00pm Adult Handbells Pickup 7:00pm Lottery Pickup 7:00pm RCIA 7:30pm A.A. - EH 8:30pm A.A. - EH 7:30pm Choir 23 12:00n 2:30pm Legion of Mary Baptism at Mass 7:00pm Adult Handbells Thanks-by-Giving 8:30pm A.A. - EHl Food Collection 30 First Sunday of Advent 1 8 15 Saturday Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm 22 Thanks-by-Giving Food Collection 29 Confessions 3:30 — 4:30pm Thursday, December 4 at 7:00pm Presented by: Rev. Herb Sperger 6
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