PARTSSPECIFICATION f-& efr' I 8 exitsare Ensurethat all emergency dooropeners fittedwithSl emergency warningmarkers. andluminescent l'il r 6 t , ";.i'Tllifii"-fi 11q 1 . P u s hr o d 2. Bracket,complete, 3. Casing,complete 4. Tensionarm, complete 5. Base olate 6. Retainingscrew RXS 4.8 x 16 SVOX 7. Retainingscrew RXS4.8 x 9.5 SVOX 8. Retainingscrewfor cylinderplate 9. Cylindricalscrew 1 0 . R e t u r ns p r i n g 11. Plasticplug,finaltermination Pin,squarehead= 5 mm, length= 56 mm 1 4 . Carrier 1 5 . H e xk e y , 2 . 5m m 1 6 . D r i l l b i t , 3 .m 3m 1 8 . Adhesivelabelfor casing 1 9 . Adhesivelabelfor operating check 3:2 Doorknob 3.3 Lockingscrew 4:1 Tensionarm 4:2 Bracket 4:3 Arm 4:4 Outercasing 4:5 Innercasing 4:6 Rivet,KN 6 x 14 4:7 Lockingring SGA 15 4:8 LockingscrewM6 x 12 8.8 FZB 4:9 Pressnut M6 , R B6 . 4 x 1 2 1 . 5 4 . 1 0 W a s h e rB FZB 4 . 1 1 P i n ,F R P6 x 3 2 4.12 Stopscrew,M5 x 16 4:13Cover 4.14 ScrewMF x M5 x 10 SVOX tNNovATtoN O SODERHAMN P.O.Box 186,SE-82624 Soderhamn,SWEDEN Phone+46 27070230, Fax +46270 12928 Aor & Trycl AB. Batlnas. Swe&n NOTE To ensurecompletereliability, the components includedshouldnot be modifiedin any way. In the eventthat a componentis modified,Sl will not acceptany responsibility for the product. 6. Releaselockingboltfor drawbar (1). Markposition of upperattachmentandtightenbolt(2). Ensure that the attachmenlsits in the recessin the baseDlate.NOTE: retaining boltRXS4.8x 16. The following emergency door openers are designed for a lock: ,'-.1 t;iI Adjustdrawbaras follows:bolts fully extended,lever for upper attachmentin externalposition. There must not be any play. Tightenlockingbolt. lq 2 lD ||l 1il \ TypeP = emergencyopenermountedon doorknob,e.g.cylinderlock. TypeT = emergencyopenermountedon handle,e.g.drop lock. '1. Open door using existingdoorknob(or handle),checkingwhether door and lockopen and closefreely. It not,adjustthe socketfor the boltin the doorJrame. Do not forget to lubricate the lock! nili 10ilil tnil t'-n tl I Removedoorknob(1) (on TypeT: remove handle) ino miri a centreline(CL). Replace -!)")) existingcanier with carriersupplied(2). | | tRtl ,^\ /o- \\ i]l ellt V ol loll 3. Insertsquarerod intocarrier for lock (3), and align base plate (2) with (brass) outer sleeve(1). Slidemechanism on to square rod in such a way that rod goes into inner sleeveof mechanism. 4. Cut square rod as shown in the diagram.Replacerodand suspend mechanismon rod. t--ii tq t - la lil el \@/l -l Pressleverfor upperattachment towardsdoor in such a way that the boltsare completelyretracted into the lock. Screw hexagonal socket head bolt (3) in towards theleverfortheattachmentuntil it can go no further. Release leverand checkthat everything worKs. lf the mechanism as a wholeis stiff,thismaybe dueto thefollowing: - the outersleevehas not beenfittedcentrally - the baseplatehas not beenfittedcentrally. Referto 5. *@) 8. Attachspringfor drawbarin accordance with option 1 or 2, dependingon the directionin whichlockturns. Checkoperationagain. -_--_sr--------\, ---:---A IMPORTANT NOTE Attachadhesiveslip describingoperatingcheckon insideof cover 9. Bolt coverlirmly in place. NOTE:retainingbolt RXS 4.8 x 9.5 (no.7) Positiondoorknob(not tight againstcover) as shownin diagramand lockin placeusing retainingbolt. 10. Assembletube with lower attachmentand then with upper attachment. Ensurethat tube is must not be possibleto twist it out of true. Mark oositionof lowerattachmentand bolt firmlvto door. Attach label supplied as shown in the "Emergency door diagram alongside: (1 opene/' ). Attach plastic plug suppliedto lever for upperattachment(2). A+2mm The EmergencyDoor Openeris now readyfor use. Checking assembly of door .-'l 5. Bolt (brass)outer sleeveon to barrel of lock. Check that lock operates freely. Allow drawbarto hangfreely.Align base olate with centreline. Screw bottomplate firmly in Dlace. NOTE: all holes should be drilled by using the bit supplied. l'll @lt tn t - IT [,ll "l r.-k_@, The ownerof the oremisesshallensurethat the followingchecksare carriedout on all emergencydooropenerswhenmountedon door: 1. Cany out visualinspectionand measure to check that assembly and adjuslment complywithvalidassemblyinstruclions. 2. Checkfasteners.Nutsand boltsmustbe tightenedand lockedeffectively. 3. Carry out simplifiedoperatingcheck: bringpressureto bear on door with hands, and press push rod with other hand. The doorshouldnowopenunderlightpressure. lf it doesnot,adjustemergencydooropener in accordancewith assemblyinstructions. 4. Checkthat labelis in Dlaceon cover. NOTE: this check should be carried out once a year.
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