Province of the Immaculate Conception éfii.r oi Provincial TOR zoo6 Edgewater Parkway Silver Spring, Maryland zo9o3 À:rr.i1 2, 1..97 0 t'{ost Severend Leo 0. Eyrne, lt.Ð Chancery 0,'f ice í126 Summit Avenrie Sa int, Paltl-, l'lin:ies ot,a SltOZ Deel A¡:chbishop F¡'rne : i suþrnit f or your apprcval as pastcr of Our Lady of Parish, in St , Pau1, che Reverond Adal"helt Wolski, T. 0.R., a p:'iest, in ¡iood stanolnp; of our Provinc e . I feel confident ûi:at I'attier Acl¿rlb.ert r,vil.1 capab-L;; fu lfilI his oblÍ.gat i-rns. Guadalupe iti: yoiìl. ¿ìppl'ovL'. 1, bre anticio¿ite his tiris resþcr:siiril:l-ty on iuiay 1, 1970. 'r,l -Sincc:re.ì-.: ;¡ours ar¡r,u',rin¿i.: o[' in Clrr.isl, -1 ,(p-*4---r/ -t/' ,l ,)/.,/--;^,, 7.d' ,e \í . rì¡r l,l.t',:nd l.;ur.;'ern e 1,. itul,iriet, T.0.;ì. ìlini¡r ti;r. I'rovir¡ci .r.t l" l CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036479 AGREEMENT ,\.4ay ô, - in Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish I17Ù H. Kublna, T.O.R. Mlnister Provinclal Provlnce of the lmnla culate Conception, 1. O . R . The Very Reverend Éiugene 2ùû6 Ed.Jewater ParkwaY SiIver Sprlng, tvlaryland 209 03 Dear F'ather Kubina: I sm torwarding ffve copiss of the 'Agreement" whlch was discussed between Archblshop Byrne, yoursell and myself, when you vlstted hlm at the Chancery some weeks ago, TheAgreement should have been tdeally sent to you belore a pastor was ðppolnted, bui tt will still be a valid agreement. May I ask you to slgn ðlI of the coples and to retum Lwo of them to thls office. The three that you retaln are for your own ftle, the parlsh flle, and for your Superlor General . May I ask you to send the partsh copy directly to Father Àdalbert Wolskl , T.O.R., Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 528 Kansas Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55i07, where he ls now residing. Father has come il¡ to see us and we had a dellghtful vlslt wltl¡ hlm tlte other day. As an afterthought, I presume that you wlll ftnd the Agreement to be acceptable. At Ieast I have operêted on that ðssumptlon, If not, please relurn the coples !o wlth your obJectlons, and we shall endeavor to work out further agreements. me Wtth cordial best wishes, I remaln Sincerely yours ln Chrlst, Monslgnor Terrance W ChancelÌor P.S. . Berntson flnally to return to this offlce tìre <.rrl'3inal copy and one phoLo copy them, and the coples has signed l\rchblshop the thôt note of the Agreement. You wlll you return wtll be necessary for our legal flle, and thereiore I rnust ask that the orlgtnal be returned. The secgnd c6py retumed wlll be fc¡r the Chancery Ille' lr4ay we ask you CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036478 ü\ È-. May 8, 1970 The Reverend Adalbert Wolskl, T.O.R. Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe 528 Kansas Avenue St. PauI, Mlnnesota 55I07 Dear Father Wolskl: / Thank you for your letter of recent date, and I am very pleased to accede to your wlshes ln preparlng thls letter for pregentatlon to the Ptrst Natfonal Bank of Salnt Paul or ány other bank seeklng conflrmatlon of your ståtus as Pastor of the Church of Our lady of Guadalupe. On May I, 1970, Archblshop Byme approved your assignment to the Parlsh of Our Lady of Guadalupe, ðnd as such, conflrma you ln that offtce of Pastor. I am encloslng also a photo copy of your asslgnment to the parlsh from your Provlnclal, whlch you may also wlsh to brtng to the bank. WÍth cordlal best wlshes, I remaln Slncerely yours ln Cl¡rlst, Monslgnor Terrance W. Berntson Chancellor CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036483 ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS z z6 Summít Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota f5ro2 The Chanceyt January 6, 1972 His Excel I ency Most Reverend Leo C. Byrne, D. D, Arc hbishop Coadjutor of Saint Pa ul and Mínneapol i s The 226 Summi st. Paul , t Avenue M'innesota 55102 Dear Archbishop Byrne, Father Adal bert hlo'lski has confirmed the date for our meeti ng for January lB' 1971, I0 a.m. at the Chancery. l^lith best wishes, I am Sincere'ly yours in Christ, {/ Rev. lvlsgr. Epi CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal scopal Vi ose V. Hayden OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH !2A KANAAg AYETIUE SAtNt PAUra H|NNEAOÍA !rto7 t{ay 11, 1972 Msgr. Terrence !{. Berntson Chancel]or Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis 226 Surmlt Àvenue SaÍnt Pau1, Nlinrresota 5r1O2 Dear Monei.gnor, I am wrítíng to infom you that on Jwte 1th, after the '1 morning lvlasses and afternoon devotions, f will be leaving this Parlsh to nake my ar:nual retreat at our Provincial headquarters in Hollldaysburg, PennsyLvania. I will take advantage of ny beine ín tÌre east to visit my family. T should be back at Lady of Guadalupe Our by the 1et of July. Father Jamee D. Hahn of the Saint Cloud Diocese u'iLl be staylng here 1n oV abu"no". trrloul-d you please give him the facultÍes of t'he Archdiocese for this period. Should an emergency or occasion arise in which Spanish io needr one of our TOR prieots who r¡iL] be 1n the area (Saint Cloud, Ïüinona and Duluth Dioceees) on lvffssÍon Appeals has agreed to handle the ¡uatter. I take t'his opportunity to tbank you for your interest and the kindness extended 1n the past. Respectfully yours, @*z*rØ-¿,Þ<-/ Rev. Adalbert WoLski CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal TOR ARCH-036452 CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036449 CON FIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036450 Iune l, 1972 , Rcverend Àdalþert lilolgkl, Î.O,R. Chu¡ch of Our I¿dy of GuadaluPa 528 l(an¡aa Avenue 9t. Paul, Mlr¡negota 55107 lhc Dear Sather Wolskl: I hove your letter of May 3l wbereln you note that you wlll be oway from the parlsh fron fune Il to lufy I L972, ' We ¡re hrppy to g¡aat thc facultles of the Archdlocese to father lome ¡ D. Hahn of the 8t. Cloud Dloceae: We wlll also nam€ hlm vlcarlus substlh¡tus. Wfth cordl¡l bcst wlshes, I ¡emaln Slncerely yours ln Cbrlet. Monglgnor Terrance W. Eemtson Chancellor CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036451 (t 1955 Oakdale Avenue 'W'est St. Paul, Minnesota 551f 8 Novernber 2P, L972 The Most Reverend Leo C. BYrne Archbishop of Minnesota 226 Surnrrrít Avenue Saint PauI, Minnesota 5 5I05 Your Excellency: I stopped one Sunday at Our Lady of It has proved to be one of the rnost for rnass. Guad.alupe had.. On that day I discovered have I reward,ing days Father Wolski. Since'then I drive several rniles to attend. 'Wolskirs Our Lad.y of Guadalupe for only one reason: Father About two years ago sermons. In days when the church sornetirnes seerns to be searching to find" itself, Father \{ol"ski seerns to know exactly where it should. be. I never leave his church after a serrrron without bging better for having heald him. l¡fhile hís styLe is not that of Bishop Sheenrs, his rnessages have power. If you have not heard hirn, you rnight enjoy the experience. His serrnons would rnake the cathedral ring! r' J CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal Y, . Reese ARCH-036453 ¿8t9e0-Hcuv e teos repun pat!l--lvlINf ollNoc c- a a 2 /¡ C¿ 17) ) o .=:ry -7" a/ ¿ e e /2æ2 Tr/2 a E¿¿z i--4 .P É âæ*/"9,XPas,4'þ o l¿a, ., æ.¿a Ø tÉ ¿^¿'/a¿ Q Þ ó t//4r /t ( -2// o â-hz (J o ) te >-@ CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036488 t (, õ ,> o 0 o ê4- -t c) 4 è ( ?áÅ,, CtÃ)- CONFI DENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036489 d rl 4', ë¿¿a- (, ) CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036490 I¿m llr I9l8 Drü f rc*nqrrfodeerrcrrr lrtlff of a ' ".:i. to ctl : '' 'Gordfülly and ¡tndrtc*y cqËr y._pur-t, oô Mogt Rev. John R. Rocch CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036486 lune 22, 1973 Reverend Àdalbert Wolskl, T.O.R. Our Lady of Guadalupe 452 Concord Street Salnt Paul, Mlnnesota 55107 Dear FaÈher Wolski, ' ln Archbtshop Byrne passed on â letter of ]une I from a whleh she alleges that on the Flrst Frtday of ]une, at your regular Mass for the members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Soclety, you addressed the women as ,'Spade \Àromen, Ttrleves and Robbers. " She malntalns that you called them thls Èhree ùlmes. Obvlously, Pather Wolskt I do not know the clrcumEtances, and I am not even certatn that thls ls true, If 1t is, however, I want you Èo know lhat both Archbtshop Byrne and I are sfncerely dlsturbed about thls and would ask you to make proper amends to your own people. I reallze, Father, thts klnd of report may not necessarlty be the case. However, lf there ls any trutt¡ to lt at all tt seems to me that your language was terrlbly intemperate. Slncerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend ]ohn R. Roach, D.D. Auxtltary Btshop of Satnt Paul and Mlnneapolls CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036484 ì Tune 22, 1973 Dear Archbishop Byrne passed on your letter to me and I have communlcated thts to Father Wolskf . I am satlsffed that there wlll be no further occurrênces of this kind. If something of this nature should take place, I wlsh that you would let mê know immedlately and I assure you that thls will be glven full attentlon. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend John R. Roach, D.D. Àuxlllary Blshop of Salnt Paul and Mlnneapolls CONFI DENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036485 o = cl CONFERENCE FOR TMMEDIATE RELEASX DATE: Apnir 4, FROM: ,John 0- H - 1974 l^liIlic 202-65e-6700 301-459-5358 DIVISION ADDS SPECI4LIST FOR MIGRANT trARMERS' NEEDS director of the Divísíon for the spanish-sneaking, united states catholíc conference, h'as announced the creation of a new position wíthin that DíviÌÍÀSHINGTON--The sion, in response to the snecial needs of mlgrant farm workers and their families. Althouqh migrants come from diverse ethníc groups I a majority of the migrant workers in this country are SpanísLrsoeaking. paul sedillo, director of thre uscc spanish-speakíng Division named Stephen Solis, a native of Port Arthur, Texas' as the Divisionrs n[ígrant Specialist. . I{r. Solis, 30, is a graduate of Lamar UniversLty' Beaumont, Texas wlrere lre Iater became associate director of a federal nrogram for mígrant and seasonal farm Workers. He comes to his posítion at the Catholíc Conference from Executive Systems Corooration, where he was responsible for providing manpower training and technicaL assistance to 44 miErant Þrograms snonsored by tha Department of Laborts I,tigrant Dívision. X,A,SP NATIONAL CATHOLIC OFFICE FOR INFORMATION 1318 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N'W' ' WASHINGTON' D. C' CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal EOOOS ARCH-036465 Aprll 4, L974 The Reverend Adalbert Wo¡skl, T.O.R. Church of Our l¿dy of Guadalupe 452 Concord Street St. Pêul, Mtnneeota 55107 Dear Father Wolgktt Thfs concerns yout telephon€ call of thts mornlng regardlng your plane to be ab¡ent fiom your part¡h trom Aprll 15 to May I, 1974. I'he Mo¡t Reverend À¡shblchoP lc placsed to tpprove your dcslgnatton of tho Reve¡end Clarcnce Llcderbcch ag the vJlqarlue subgtltuhrs of the Church of Our l¡dy of Guadalupe for thls perlod, ln aocordanco wlth Canon 465 t 4. The vartou¡ csndttlons whtch the Arct¡blshop expects to be fulftlled when a prteat lc ab¡ent from hlc aerlgnment are deccrlbed ln the Moy 19, 1964 (lU, 16) Clc¡gy Bullctln on thlg rubfect, WttJr ktnd poraonal rcgardc, I ¡emaln Stnceruly yours tn Chrlst, Reve¡snd fohn P. Ktnney Ghancellor IfK:mo CONFI DENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-0364ô6 of suåilalupe St. f,ndrew 530 ôur fa¿y St. Paul, Mlnn. 55LO7 Msg. Terrance W. Serntson Clrancery Qfttae St. Pau.I, Ilfnn. Dea¡ Monslgnor'Serntson: Please, w!.ll you sentl ne a letter conflrnlng ry appofrrtnent es Paetor of ûr fa<ty of QradaLupe Chr:¡cht lhe TlrEt Natlonal Sank of St. Paul has requesteô a copy of ry ordlers befo::e honoranil ny lng ny oheeklng aeoou¡t No. Safety Deposj.t 3ox. Ir11 apprecfate hearlng fron you as soon as posslble. [hankg. Sincerely yol¡rs/ & Afu-,, 2L,2.-l;,rø4 RAW: nb CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036467 CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036468 "Primer Encuentro Nacional Hispano de Pastoral Conclusions Committee t 3t 2 ilAssAcHuslrfs AVENUE, N.W. WASHINOTON, D. C. 2OOO5 2O2l65C-6876 April 1"0, 1974 Most Rev. Leo C. Byrne 226 Sunmit Avenue St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Your Excellency It is our pleasure to send you the first najor publication of the Division for the Spanish Speaking-United States Catholic Conference. In the pages of the Proceèdings of the Priner Encuentro are unfolded what history nay recognize as the floweiing of faith not only among the Spanish speaking Catholics, but of. the whole American Church. Whilo the struggle of the Hispano continues to be arduous and constant, sone significant acconplishnents have taken place since June, L972. This success cannot be attributed to a:ry one person or event. It is the story of Spanish speaking American Catholics convinced of the unity of the Anerican Church and of tho values of our heritage and irnpelled by this spirit to share responsibil ity for the growth of the kíngdon among our peoples and all pcoples of our cglmtry. the Ençuentro rnovement, many other bishops, clergy, religious and laity joined us in n-uestra misión to better serve and enhance the pluralistic have T?rrough churcirofthezo.slñiiñ-uerichnessoftheSpanishspeakingcu1ture. üùe sincerely hope that this publication will renew the communieation between the Divisíon for the Spanísh Speaking and the Hispano conmunity. It is onLy with the assistance and coope ration of nuestra comunidad latina that the Division for the Spanish Speaking can continue to promote its níss ion of the desaxrolLo integral del pueblo hispano. Let us continue with perseverance in solidarity in celebration Paul Sedi1lo, Jr. National" Dirsctor PS/mp I CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036463 DMSION ËOR THE SPANISH SPEAKING t 312 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., WASHTNGTON, D.C jedil lo, J r. - N ationa I D¡ recto 2OOO5 UNITED STATES OATHOIIO OONFERET\OE (2O2) 659-6876-7 r April 70, 1974 Your Excell,ency: For more thalì two years, the Division for the Spanish Speaking has requested the creation of a Migrant Specialist position within the Uníted States Catholic Confer ence. It was projected that the individual hired would be responsible for develop ing and coordinating an effort to increase the Churchrs participation in the migrant apostolate. say that I have been chosen to fill this particular posítion, which is to say the Least. I have attached a recent news release to challenge, a tremendous give you a capsule of infornation on ny appointnent and experience. I arn proud to rny work, I wi-11- be attempting to inforrn the Church at all levels of what is happening in relation to the migrant farnworker. Therefore, I woul.d like to inform you that the National Farrn Worker Ministry has designated April 28 - I,lay 4 as the National Farm Worker üleek. In light of the Gospel for Sunday, April 28, in which Christ told Sinon PeterrrTend.,.[and]...Feed ny sheep", we trust that you will encourage the 1oca1 parishes and personneL within your juriscliction to study and reflect on the plight of the farnworker. Within the scope of Furthermore, it is of utnost importance that aI7 of us be aware of not only who the farmworker is, but deal with the question of social justice as applied to hin. We hope that you will encourage educational personnel within your jurisdiction to focus on the nigrant fannworker problerns, in particular his powerlessness, during sessions that week (in schools, adult study groups, etc). Information on how to inplement this type of program may be obtained from the following source: National Farm Worker Ministry 1411 ltlest Olympic' Boulevard, Roon Los Angeles, (2r3) California 511 90015 386-8130 A1so, the United Church of Christ, 289 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010, has a poster proclaining this week and you can obtain copies fron them for 10f each. If I can be of further service to you, please feel free to I have the honor to be, Your Excellency, contact ne. Respectfully yours, WW Stephen Sotls Migrant Specialist SS/mp CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036464 for Aprll 28, r.g74 The Beverend Adalbert Wolekl, NR Churah of Or¡r L¿dy of Guadalupe 462 Concord Street St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55107 Dear Fether Wolskl: Arahblshop Byrne asked me to eend you under eeparete cover, a publfcatlon from the Dlvlslon for the Spanlsh Speaklng-It80C. It fe a report of the June 1972 meeting fn lashfngton. ft mfght be worthwhlle to keep 1n the rectory llbrary. Wlth klnd peraonal reBÊrds, I renafn Slncerely yours 1n Chrlst, Reverend John Chenoellor P. Kfnney JFK:mo CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036462 CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036469 I ¡ I I I I H t-r t, t4 C--2./ CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036470 t tl Province of the Immaculate Conception TOR Office of Ptovincial zoo6 Edgewater Parkway Silver Spring, Maryland. zogo3 June 25,1974 The Reverend ,Tohn F. Kinney Office of the Chancellor Archdiocese of SaÍnt PauI and- Minneapolis Surnmit Avenue Saint Paul-, Minnesota Dear Father Kinney: Please excuse the delay in responding to your letter of ,Iune fourth givíng approval to the appoíntments of our priests in your Archdiocese. I Ì,ras attending a conference out r Lady of Guadalupe ïIol-ski lfith regard to the question of Fa repo rt the followíng: Church and St. Joseph Church, Del ano In a telephone conversation with Bishop Roach toward the end of April we talked about t-he presentation of Father Wol-ski as Pastor of St. ,Josephls Church, Delano, pending the return of one of your priests from South America to assume the pastorate of Our Lady of Guadal-upe. Upon conferring with my Council- I find the sentiment to be that'If at all possible, that-ió, as long as there is no disturbance to the Archdíocese, to retain the pastorate of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The feeLing being that Father Vtolski, though not a very progressive Pastor, nonetheless, has done a great deaL physically and financíaIl-y for that Church. In short, we are asking if Father WolskÍ can stay on a while longer tí1 perhaps one of þur own Missionaries returns from Paraguay to repl-ace him? If there is strong reason to advise otherwise we will ãertainly oblige the Archdiocese' decision. This vzould in no way interfere with our acceptance as a Province the parish of St. Joseph, Delano, which we have already signed contract for. f woul-d þçesent the name of Father Alphonsus Domr.rick to the Archbishop for that pastorate. I understand there is a sma1l parish on the fringes of St.,Joseph's, St,. Mary Czestochowa. We would be most willing to accept this responsability al-ong with St..loseph's sínce both of these rather small communities together would offer more of a chal1-enge to a relatively active príest.' Awaiting your final word on this matter, I Yourg sincerely ín Christ, Very Reverend Emile Gentile, TOR,Min. Prov. CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036459 -) July 19, DATE: MEMO fQ: 1974 Fr. John Kinney FROM: Bishop Roach SUB}ECT: Our Lady of Guadalupe Change of Pastor The transfer of Fr. Wolski to St. Josephrs Church in Delano has been approved by Very Reverend Emile Gentile, TOR, Minister ProvÍncial, for September 1. The Archbishop has also approved the appointment of Fr. Baymond Monsour as Pastor of Our Lady of Guâdalupe effective September 1. There is going to be something of a time problem and we may have to supply for that first weekend as I now discover that Ray wants to stay at the Venezuelan mission until after the Feast Day, September 8. I will inform you further about Rayrs plans after I have heard from him again. At any rate, the l-etters, announcements, etc. should be prepared for the other two. $-'- CONFI DENTIAL-Filed Under Seal l... ARCH-036476 , DÀTE: MEMO FROM: JuLy 2Ø, 1974 1.o: Father John KinneY Bishop Roach SUBJECT: Father A. IIolski, TOR Father llolski of Our Lady of Guadalupe was ín to see me this morning. He pointed out that the report date of September I would be a Sunday and asked whether or not he might remai. n there for that weekend. want to make I told him to do so and I would suggest his report date to Del-ano something like ept ember 4t h He would . find that very agreeable. r\^JS$'-., M *^^*"-" CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal q \ Õ ARCH-036482 July 30, 1974 The Revereud Adalbert' IÍolskl, T.O.R. Church of Or¡r Lady of Guadalupe 452 Concord Street St. Peul, Mfnnesota 5ã107 Dear Pether Wolekf: tr1th. this Church of 1974. letter, f wleh to approve of your appolntm€nt to thg 8t. Joeeph, Delano, effective on lfednesdey, September 4, It le underetood thls appolntneût ls ln full conformLty çtth the propoeal of your Þrovlnclel Superlor. The appolntnent w111 be publlshed Auguet 16. fn Tlre Cathollc Bulletln of Before fultllllng any of your dutles as s pÊEtor, you a"e requfred to ua^ke you¡ Profeeelon of Fa1th, tn accordance vlth Canon 1406 8 7 o!, the Code of Canon Law. ^Any prfeet of the Archdlooeee mai wltuese lt as ny delegate; end thle <loeunent n¡uãt be returned to my offloe before you take up your new rêaponsfbllftfes. Eerewlth I dlspense you from all othe¡r forrnslltlee euah aÉ måy be requlred under Canon 1444 for tbe taklng canonfcal posseseLon of your parfsh. Prl,or to your departure from the Church of Our Ledy of 0ua;dalupe, f would agk thEt you preparo a wrltten refrort for your suaoeseor glvlng detalls ooncernlng perlsh actlvitLes, f,lnenclel connftmênts, ¡nd other lnfomatlon whtoh night be helpful. Ptrease glve thfs oonplete report to the prleet named to replace you. Ffnally, ln ¿pprovlng of your pastorate of tbe Church of St.' Joeeph, Delano, f thonk you for the good work you bave done 1n your prevfoue eeeLgnment, and f prÊy Godrs bleeslngE for you ln your new ffeld of labor. With Íarm good wfshes¡ I remel.n Slncerely and cordfally yours, lioet Reveren<l Leo C. Byrne, D.D. Archblehop CoadJutor of Selnt Paul snd Mfnneepolle cc Marilyn CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036454 rrre,xíccll a¡¡tepícc-Ì, busíne,ssnren oF rnín¡tesoto ínc258 Birmingham St. St. Paul, Minn. 55106 Plrcne 612 /776-3665 Aup:us'., )L, 1974 Most Peverard Leo C. F)¡rne Archbtshop of Saírit Parrl 8: MlnneaJ)ol-ls Chancery Office 226 Sumnit Avo St, Pau1, Ìllnn 5fI02. Tour &eel.lencyr Iù ts with deep sorr,olr that I wrlte thj.s l-ette:c, rnlsfortrrne, but because f feel- thet frienrl Ln Father Adalbert [¡lo]-ski. I and our Chureh of a death or a dear and tru,fu.l. not, beeauee is fhis ls to lnform you of our utntost respect that rrre have hacì in Fether l^Io.lski" f t"ish to tell you horn rnuch he help us ¿u:d otrr ehurch. Father i¡Iol-skl's e.nccuregement and pr¿tyers he.J-p for.mrlate this MexÌan o: ganizal;iori bae,k 1n Febnrary of this feel.o He consolrted to be our Chaplai-n. Ttrere nover ha.s been an Mexlcan organization i,ncorperate<1. fut ürith hi.s jnsj.sternce r,re ke'pt orr trying to get the ¡ight, poople Lnvolved.. I¡ Jur,e of thís year r,róTo chart,ererL as :r non* profíted organization dedieated. to help other lvlexir:ar¡s not, as fortunat.e es tJ.s. It has promot,ed commrn:ity cooperation, education schol¿rslrips. 'lhl.s coning Septenber 8, we roilJ. have a t,estlmonlal dlnner bonor.lng a }fexica.n family fo:r contribnrtlng ¿4ood to our Church, eomrnunity and socioty. This organizatior has; c:or¿e further tha^n any other in hlstory. Lt shal.l because of the spirft that I'atk¡e¡ hblski i.nstail-ed in us. Father r'ritl always t¡e remernbere.¡d as the founclal-iorr of thls Chapter. Our Lady of Guadah:pe Church's people r,r111 a}'ia¡'s havo a foncl rtremory of Father tlolskls' dedieation to helping our people. '[¡Ie ]-ove hjm'. Many peoplô, such as rriyselft joined fron far. away locatÍ.ons only beea'rse of hi.n¡. Fether t¡Iolski leaves our Churehr oür poopl.e, our chapter, urith aIl our prayers, love and affectlon. ff you* cottl-ri, ever find e r^ray that we could heve hlm back, vle pl:ay for hls retrlrn. ,sincc:r.q¡lyr, uz,z CIIAFT.ET) Founder CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal of this Chapton ARCH-036457 t PROFESEION OF FAITH With firm faith, I believe and profess all and everything that Ís contaÍned in the Symbol of Faith, that ls: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of aII thÍngs visible and ÍnvÍsible. I belleve in one Lord, ]esus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Born of the Father before aII ages. God of God, Llght of Light, true God of true God. Begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, by whom all And things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And he became flesh by the HoIy Spirlt of the Virgtn Mary: and was made man. He was also crucified for us, suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was buried. And on the third day he rose again, according to the Scrlptures. He ascended lnto heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. He wlll come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. And of hÍs kingdom there wfll be no end. And I belleve in the Holy SpirÍt, the Lord and Glver of lffe, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. Who together with the Father and the Son is adored and glorifÍed, and who spoke through the prophets. holy, Cathotic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. And I awaÍt the resurrection of the dead and the llfe of the And one, world to come. embrace and accept aII and everything which has been either deffned by the Church's solemn deliberation or affirmed and declared by its ordinary magisterÍum concerning the doctrine of faith and morals, accordingly as they are proposed by Ít, especially those things dealing wlth the mystery of the HoIy Church of Chrlst, its sacraments and the sacrifice of the Mass, and the primacy of the Roman Pontfff . I firmly f SÌgnature ÀÌ ature of Wi Given at SOITI{ SArNT pAUL on thisr the zr¿ Jray nf Septeqher- of ,19 zt. e1 CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal 1974 ARCH-036492 Eie Exaellency Tbe tost Reverend Leo C. Byrner D.D. Archblshop CoadJutor ol Salnt P¿ul ¿nd tlnneapolle Your Excellenoy: fn vtew of a forthcomLng appolntnent to another eaalgnmelt, I precent herewlth my roslgnatlon of the p¿etorate of tbe Chuloh of Orr L¡dy of Guadalupe, St. Paul, effect,lve.September 4, lg7'4. flth sentÍhe¡te of reverençe aad'devotfon, f renaln Obedteutly, EeveDend acolþerl tol8Elr'r'. (J. R. Churoh of Our LrrdY of GuedaluPe 482 Co¡cord Street 8t. Paul, lflnneeota 6s107 Plrcc DEüE CONFI DENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036455 ó' I His Excellency The Most Reverend Leo C. BYrne, D.D. Archbishop Coadjutor of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Your Excellency: In view of a forthcoming appointment to another assignment, I present herewith my resignation of the pastorate of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Pau1, effectÍve September 4, 1974. With sentiments of reverence and devotion, f remain Obediently, W-,* verend Church of Our Lady 4õ2 Concord Street a1 of St. Paul, Minnesota , Guadalupe 55107 ESS SOIITH SATNT PAIIT,. MINNESOTA fráõe 3 Septeinber, Date 1974 CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036491 / a_\ Septcmber 5, 1974 Mr. Charles Àgulrre Mexfcan American Buslnessmen of Mlnnegota, Inc. 258 Blrmlngham Street St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55f06 Dear Mr. Agulrre, Thank you very rnuch for your recent letter. In the flrst plqce, I dld not know of the lncorporôted group of MexlcanArnerlcan buslnessrnen and I am most pleased to hear of lt. Ia¡ng rateful for the observatlons you have made about the e made to the parloh and flne cont¡lbutlon F tlme, I am hopeful that the to the comrnunlty, At galns that have been made wlll ln no aense be lost or dlminlshed under the new leadershlp of your parlsh, I hope that I wlll have an opportunlty some day to rneet you offtclally and to express personally tàese sentlments to you. wlth every good wleh, I remaln Sincerely and cordlally youre, Mopt Reverend Leo C. Byrne, D.D. Archblshop Coadlutor of St. Paul and Mlnneapolis cc Rev. AdalberË Wolski, CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal TOR ARCH-036456 Iuly lS, 197$ Rsv. MlchËsl Kennody, Pro tlrn trcçutlw Secretcry Per¡sn¡el bËrü ¡rchblahop fiorsh fathcr AdrlÞert Wolelßl, lÞR fatt¡or Àdålbêrt wol¡Fl, tOR, of the Clruroh of $t. toarph fn Dcl¡no, Gùr¡r tn to tcll mc tl¡ct hc would bt t¡rtcnB¡þd ¡å hc Çþurch qf ,A¡l tlrâ 8ilnt¡ , thct' boon ftom tù¡ etlon Polô¡h that wc wonld keep thrt ¡uggästton ln nlnd ct lb¡. tlnc thrt the shu¡øh mtght ba opea bsgaç¡c of'Füber Slcd¡ts üôt¡rgmont. , CONFI DENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036458 CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH DELANO, MINNESOTA Eõ324 Deoember 19, 1975 The Reverend John F. Kirutey Chancellor Archdiocese of Saint PauI and MlnneapoÌis 226 Strlurit Àvenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Reverend and Dear Fatber KinneYt This Letter is being written to inform the Chancery Office that I will be away from the Parish for approximately three weekst beginning the 6th of January. I plan to uee t'his tine to make my aru¡ual retreat and to visit qy f¡niLy back east. I have arranged for a retired priest of the to come to Del-ano Cl-eveland Diocese to take care of things 1n qy absence. He is Fat'her Clarence Liederbach. Father w111 be here rxrtil Febnrar:y Bth. lJould -,:--___ --:--=____=< your pJ-ease obtain the trÞculties bach of the Arohdiocese for Father Lieder- for his length of time ín Delano. I take thls opportr:nity to rvlsh you all the Joys of this holy and happy Christnas Season and Godts crownj-ng gift of success on al-l your efforþa ín 1976. Thank you, Father, for your klndness and con- sideration 1n the ¡:ast. Síncerely yours, CK J CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal Rev. Adalbert Ïlolski TOR ARCH-036475 '.i. ,. /'u I December 29, 19?5 The Beverend Adalbert tïole&l Churcb of 8t. JosePh Delauo, UN 55328 Dear Father Wo1skl: Let ne acknoryledge your letter of Deoenbor 19, 19?51 ln irblcb you requeFt ',(, pernLeeio¡ a¡ia¡ge a veoat.l,on of tronger durattgn thaú tne tbfee ElÊ, of llay 1964. 19, legf.slatton ieehs allowed 1¡l tbõ extra-synodal ', Exoe.lleacy, Arcbbishop Boach, Le pLeased to gr¿nt ygu pelqLselon to þe:: ' aþeent frôú your parisu from .Iauuary 6 to January 27, Lg?6, o¡ of the Archbtsbop &oacl¡ also lc pleased to ofgthe Churchir Bovèrerrd Clarence Lled,erbach as the 5 4. perfod, ln ¿ s¡.-Josãp¡-ior thr; ,"i The varlous oondltlo¡e regerdilg aþsence from an aeslg!4ent are deecrlbed Ln tbé May 19, L964 (III, 16) Clergy BulletLn on tbls sub$.ec$. fbe Ordl¡ary Facultlee of tbe Archdlocese of, Salnt PeuL.¿nd tlnneapallgr are*"'hereby granted in favor of ,tbe Beverend Clarence L¡lederb¿gh from Jaouary 6 to Ja¡uary 27, L976, rvhen:he witl bo ¿atlng as the vloarlue "'', . sub¡tl-tuûÊ¡, of Your Parleh. æ lÍftb kind pereoual regarde, I remain Sl,ncerely your6 ln' Ch¡rlgt, Reverend John Ch¿naellor F. tsfnney CON FIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036474 CONF IDENT IAL sT¡TTffTGñTÑFõ.RUR TION FOR CHANCERY U SE PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE NAME IN ffi Rev . Adalbertllolski TOR - Chu¡ch of Saint Joseph - Delarto¡ lvlfi:nesota 51128 Reverend FatTrer kovincial am€lbanciscan Fathers ToR CASE OF EMERGENCY 2006 Edgelrater ParlmaY Address Sitver SPring, UlarYland Telephone 2O9Oj Oo1) '+45'0124 MY NEXT OF KIN ARE: Name Addres s TeIep hone Name AddTES S 'l'e I ep hone Name Addres s le ephone My Last t\rill q Testanent is located at SPECIAL BURIAT INSTRUCTIONS This infornation requested of all priests will nake it easier for us to carry out youl' wishes in case of an emergency. You may nake changes at any time by sending us up-dated infornation. þlease send the completed form to: The Chancery, 226 Surnmit, St. Pau1, MN, 55102 3/11 CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036480 LLJ, 6A CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036481 CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH OELANO, MINNESOTA 5592A Aprl1 22, 1977 Reverend Father Urban ltaglrer, OFM Conv. Vloa Cha¡roellor Á¡ohdfooese of Salnt Paul a¡rd lvfinneapolis 226 Su¡mit Avenue Saint PauJ., I,fln¡resota 55102 Dear Father Urbanrt ou:r Orden, Thlrd Ner Regular of Saint tr?a,neJ-s, ts havlng lts Genenal Chapter bàginnfng lrlay lstr Ln Rome. I have been eLeated by the prlests a¡rd solet¡ly profeesed Brothers of or¡r Provlnce ae Delegate to thls Cha¡rter. I Ì¡:i11 be leaving the ParlEh on Jr¡re. of Aprll 2fth and wIII reü¡¡rr àt the end In ry abseRee I have arrangled t'hat t'he ParÍsh of Safnt ,Joeeph |n Delano be cared for by the Reverend C1a¡ence Llederbach, a seuf-retired prlaet of the DLocese of, Cleve1a¡rd. Ïlon1d you þlease e:rtend the facultLes of the Archdlocesc to Faùhcr Idederbach and h¿ve hLn na¡ned ttsUbstitutustt during ny absence. thls opportrutJ-ty, Father, to thar¡k you for yor.r fnterest effortg for rr]¡self, th!.s Parlsh a¡rd Father Llederbaah. I tafte and Respeotfully yourst Rev. Adalberb Wolski CON Fl DENTIAL-F|led Under Seal TOR ARCH-03ô461 Aprl.l 28, L977 Tbe Reverend Adalbert Wolskl, T.O.n. Church of St. Joseph Dela:ro, Ml{ 5õ328 Peacet 'j I¡et me eahnowledge your Letter of Apr1l 22, ln lrhlch you request perulssl,o! to etrrå,ng€ for an absenoe of J.onger than three weeks allowed ln the ext¡ra-syÊodå.L legisLatlon of May 19, 1964, for offfclal busineee and/or vaoatlon. Archblslrop Roach ls pleaeed to grant you permlselon' to be abeent fiom your parlsh from Aprll 27 to Jure 3O, L9?7. lon of the' Archblsbop ,Roach also 1s pleased to of tbe Churcþ Revere¡d C1â.reuce Liederbacb as the h Canon 466 8 4. Of 8t. Joseph, Del.ano, for thfs perlod ' . faoultfes of the Archdlooeee of S¡lnt Paut and MLnueapolls are hereby Èranted ln favor of the Revereud Clarence Llederbach from.' Aprll,27 \o-June 30, L977, durlng whlch ttme he w1LL be vlcarlus pqDs'tlt at your parlsb. The varlous condltlons regarrdtng abcence from an aeelgnment are deso¡rlbed ln the May 19, 1964 (III, 16) Clergy Bul1etln ou tbis eubJeot. Tbe OrdLna,fy :. [ôd'e bl.esslng I Reverend Urban Vlce-Cbanoellor 8. lfagner, O.F,ll.Conv; CONFIDENTIAL-F|led Under Seal ARCH-036460 >?-**-L '----_./ t J July 26, 1977 Vcry Reverend Fn¡ile Gentile, TOR Ì'linister Provincial. Province of the Inmaculate Conception 2006 Edgewater Parkway Silver Spring, MD Peace 20905 I received your letter presenting Reverend Doninic Aversa, TOR, as Pastor of the Church of St..Ioseph, Delano, Minnesota, and Reverend Ëduard Sabo, TOR,as Associate Påstor of St. Patrickts Church, Inver Grove I'leights, as well as the ¡rallc of Reverend Christopher Panagoplos, TOR, as Associate Pastor of thc Church of St, Bri<lget in lUinneapolis. lVe have a rc pleasecl to appoint Father Dominic Aversa as Pastor of the Church ofS t. Joscph, Delano, effectlvc September 1, L977. lfe ere also glad toa ppoint Father Edwartl Sabo as Associate Pastor at the Church of St.r'' Fatr ick, Inver Grove lleights, effective July 11,1977 and to ap polnt F¿th er Clrristopheï Panagoplos as Assocíate Pasitor at the Church of St. Brid Set, Ì,,{inneapolis, eifective Âugust 1, 1977t,. These a¡rpointments will be officÍally announcecl ancl published in The Catholic Bulletin of the Archdiocese. We ask that when these priests arrive in the Archdiocese that they call and nake an appoi¡rtment to cone to the Chancery in ordor to ¡nake the Profession of Faith a¡rd to receive the Pagella of Faculties of the ArchCiocese. At the sane tíne, they will be given their rnarrlage certfication to be given to the Clerk of Courts so that they cen porform marriages within the State of l'Íinnesote. At that time they will be able to meet wlth tho Chancell Bishop John Kinney and also to meet wlth the Vicars for Reli ious of Arcl¡diocese. .lt¡e are very sorry to have Father bert Wolski 1e Archdiocese. We want to thank him f o d to the people of the Archdíocese while he was at St. Jose¡:hts in Delano. ltre I wish to extend sincere thanks to all of the ne¡nberg of the Thlrd CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal Order ARCH-036471 .i :Ú ¿ I Very Rev. Enile Gentile, Page TOR 2 JuLy 26, 1977 Regular for the pastoral concern they have shown to the people of the Archdiocese. Your cooperation in helping the people of this Archdiocese to l¡econe spiritually nature ls very nuch appreclated. God's blessingl Urban S. Wagner, OFM Conv. Vice-Chancel lor USIV: nw Archbishop Roach Bishop Kinney Father CarLson Father KennedY Mr. McMahon CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036472 ò Province of the Immaculatc Conception TOR OÉìce of P¡ovincid zoo6 Edgcnnær Pednuay Sih,cr Spdng l\leryland ao9o3 ituly 19, L977 Most Reverend John R. Roach Archbishop's Office 226 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, MÍnnesota Dear Archbishop Roach: At thís time I rrould like to present the following priests of ,our province for service in thê Archdiocese of Saint PauI - lttinneapolis: Reverend Edward Sabo: as Associate Pastor of Saint Patrick's Church at Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota effeclive . / l9-2.'l"L' "'t'-' ^tt'/ ,JuLy 11, 7.977 ' Reverend Christiopher Panagoplos: I as Associate Pastor of Saint Bridget's Church, Minneapolis, IrlÍnnesota effective August'l, Ig77'. ( t/ -,/ 7u*<r:nReverend Dominic Aversa: as Pastor of Saint ,Ioseph's Church in Delano, Minnesota effective September 1, L977. o/.#, çL/t I I present Father Dominíc Aversa as Pastor of St. ifoseph's Church Delano because the present Pastor, Father Adalbert Wolski, has been selected at our recent General Chapter as a member of our Order's General Curia. He will assume his new duties ín Rome in September. Father Dominic is 55 years o1d. He was ordained in 1963. In 1965 he served as Associate Pastor of St. Patrickrs Churchr Inver Grove Heights. Since that time he has served ín the Diocese of Altoona-,fohnstown (PA.) as Associate Pastor, High School Instructor and HospÍtal Chaplaín. He has expressed a desire to work again in the Archdiocese of SaÍnt PauL Minneapolis. with every good wÍsh and prayer for you and your s Very 1y in the good people, I remain Lord., arracTOR Emile cent íIe, '.. ' Minister Provincial CONFIDENTIAL-Filed Under Seal ARCH-036473
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