CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Monetary welfare measurement KC Border Fall 2008 Revised Fall 2014 v. 2014.11.07::16.20 1 Hicks’s Compensating and Equivalent Variations Hicks [6, 7] assigns monetary values to budget changes. He defines the Compensating Variation to be “the loss of income which would just offset a fall in price, leaving the consumer no better off than before.” That is, starting from a budget (p0 , w), considering a price change to the new budget (p1 , w) he defines CV(p0 , p1 ) by v(p1 , w − CV) = v(p0 , w), where v is the indirect utility function. In terms of the expenditure function, letting υ0 = v(p0 , w) and υ1 = v(p1 , w), we have w − CV = e(p1 , υ0 ) and w = e(p1 , υ1 ), so CV(p0 , p1 ) = e(p1 , υ1 ) − e(p1 , υ0 ). Similarly he defines the Equivalent Variation as the compensating variation for the reverse change by EV(p0 , p1 ) = e(p0 , υ1 ) − e(p0 , υ0 ). See Figure 1 for the case where the price of y is held fixed and and the price of x decreases. I hope it is apparent from the figure that the compensating and equivalent variations need not be equal. 2 The quasi-linear case A utility function u(x1 , . . . , xn , y) is quasi-linear if it is of the form u(x1 , . . . , xn , y) = y + f (x1 , . . . , xn ), where f is concave. The indifference curves of a quasi-linear function are vertical shifts of one another, and so typically intersect the x-axis, so corner solutions with y = 0 are common. For interior points though, any additional income is spent on good y. In this case the CV and EV are just vertical shifts of each other and so are equal—see Figure ??. But if corner solutions are involved, this is no longer true—see Figure 3 for a particularly nasty example. 3 Money metric utility A more general approach to assigning monetary values to budgets is taken by Chipman and Moore [1, 2], who adapt ideas from McKenzie [12] and Hurwicz and Uzawa [8]. Define ( ) µ(p∗ ; p, w) = e p∗ , v(p, w) , (⋆) 1 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 2 y e(p0 , υ1 ) EV(p0 , p1 ) w{ CV(p0 , p1 ) x ˆ(p0 , υ1 ) 1 e(p , υ0 ) x∗ (p0 , w) x∗ (p1 , w) x ˆ(p1 , υ0 ) (p0 , w) (p1 , w) x Figure 1. Compensating and equivalent variation. (The figure is drawn to scale for the case u(x, y) = x1/3 y 2/3 , w = 1, p0x = 1, p1x = 1/2, p0y = p1y = 1.) v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement y e(p0 , υ1 ) EV(p0 , p1 ) w CV(p0 , p1 ) 1 e(p , υ0 ) 3 x ˆ(p0 , υ1 ) x∗ (p0 , w) x∗ (p1 , w) x ˆ(p1 , υ0 ) (p0 , w) (p1 , w) x Figure 2. A nice quasi-linear case where CV = EV. (Here u(x, y) = y + (1/3) ln x, w = 1, p0x = 1, p1x = 1/2, p0y = p1y = 1.) where p∗ is an arbitrary price vector. Since e is strictly increasing in v, this is an indirect utility or welfare measure. That is, v(p, w) ⩾ v(p′ , w′ ) if and only if µ(p∗ ; p, w) ⩾ µ(p∗ ; p′ , w′ ), but the units of µ are in dollars (or euros, or whatever). The money values depend on the choice of p∗ . This function is variously called a money metric (indirect) utility or an incomecompensation function.1 4 Compensating and equivalent variation in terms of money metrics Thus we may define the compensating and equivalent variations of arbitrary budget changes by CV(p0 , w0 ; p1 , w1 ) = e(p1 , υ1 ) − e(p1 , υ0 ) = µ(p1 ; p1 , w1 ) − µ(p1 ; p0 , w0 ) (1) EV(p , w ; p , w ) = e(p , υ1 ) − e(p , υ0 ) = µ(p ; p , w ) − µ(p ; p , w ). (2) 0 1 In 0 terms of preferences, 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = inf{p · x : x ≽ x∗ (p0 , w0 )}. Lionel McKenzie [12] employs a similar construction to replace the expenditure function in a framework where only preferences were used, not a utility index. He defines a slightly different function µ(p; x0 ) = inf{p·x : x ≽ x0 }. v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 4 y e(p , υ1 ) 0 1 EV(p , p ) w 0 1 CV(p , p ) 0 e(p1 , υ0 ) x ˆ(p0 , υ1 ) (p0 , w) (p1 , w) x∗ (p0 , w) = x ˆ(p1 , υ0 ) x∗ (p1 , w) Figure 3. A nasty quasi-linear case where CV ̸= EV. (Here u(x, y) = y + 0.6 ln x, w = 0.4, p0x = 1, p1x = 1/2, p0y = p1y = 1. It may not look like it, but the red indifference curve is a vertical shift of the blue one.) v. 2014.11.07::16.20 x KC Border 5 Monetary welfare measurement 5 A single price change Now consider a decrease in the price of only good i. That is, p1i < p0i , p1j = p0j = p¯j for j ̸= i and w0 = w1 = w. ¯ Since the price of good i decreases, the new budget set includes the old one, so welfare will not decrease. To make the analysis non-vacuous, let us assume that x∗i (p1 , w) ¯ > 0. By definition, CV(p0 , p1 ) = µ(p1 ; p1 , w1 ) −µ(p1 ; p0 , w0 ) {z } | w ¯ EV(p0 , p1 ) = µ(p0 ; p1 , w1 ) − µ(p0 ; p0 , w0 ) {z } | w ¯ We now use the following trick (which applies whenever w0 = w1 = w): ¯ µ(p0 ; p0 , w0 ) = w0 = w ¯ = w1 = µ(p1 ; p1 , w1 ). This enables us to rewrite the values as CV = µ(p0 ; p0 , w0 ) −µ(p1 ; p0 , w0 ) | {z } w ¯ EV = µ(p0 ; p1 , w1 ) − µ(p1 ; p1 , w1 ) {z } | w ¯ Or in terms of the expenditure function, we have: CV = e(p0 , υ0 ) − e(p1 , υ0 ). EV = e(p0 , υ1 ) − e(p1 , υ1 ) Compare these expression to the definitions (2) and (1). In terms of the expenditure function, definition (2) is equivalent to EV(p0 , w0 ; p1 , w1 ) = e(p0 , υ1 ) − e(p0 , υ0 ), which by the trick is equal to e(p0 , υ1 ) − e(p1 , υ1 ). In my opinion, using the trick obscures the true comparison, which is of the budgets (p0 , w0 ) and (p1 , w1 ) using the money metric defined by p0 . So why did Hicks rewrite things this way? So he could use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the fact that ∂e/∂pi = x ˆi to get ∫ EV(p0 , p1 ) = e(p0 , υ1 ) − e(p1 , υ1 ) = p1i ∫ CV(p0 , p1 ) = e(p0 , υ0 ) − e(p1 , υ0 ) = p0i x ˆi (p, p¯−i , υ1 ) dp (2′ ) x ˆi (p, p¯−i , υ0 ) dp, (1′ ) p0i p1i where the notation p, p¯−i refers to the price vector (¯ p1 , . . . , p¯i−1 , p, p¯i+1 , . . . , p¯n ). v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 6 That is, for a change in the price of good i, the equivalent and the compensating variation are the areas under the Hicksian compensated demand curves for good i corresponding to utility levels υ1 and υ0 respectively. Also since p0i > p1i , the integrals above are positive if x ˆi is positive. Assume now that good i is not inferior, that is, assume ∂x∗i >0 ∂w for all (p, w). Recall the Slutsky equation, ( ) ∂x ˆi p, v(p, w) ∂x∗ (p, w) ∂x∗i (p, w) = + x∗j (p, w) i . ∂pj ∂pj ∂w (S) Under the assumption that good i is normal and that x∗j > 0, this implies that ( ) ∂x ˆi p, v(p, w) ∂x∗i (p, w) > . ∂pj ∂pj We know that the Hicksian compensated demands for good i are downward-sloping as a function of pi (other prices held constant), that is, ∂ x ˆi /∂pi < 0, so we have for j = i ( ) ∂x ˆi p, v(p, w) ∂x∗i (p, w) 0> > . (3) ∂pi ∂pi Now by the equivalence of expenditure minimization and utility maximization we know that x∗ (p1 , w) ¯ =x ˆ(p1 , υ1 ) and x∗ (p0 , w) ¯ =x ˆ(p0 , υ0 ). (4) Then (3) tells us that 0> ∂x ˆi (p1 , υ1 ) ∂x∗i (p1 , w) ¯ > ∂pi ∂pi and 0> ∂x ˆi (p0 , υ0 ) ∂x∗i (p0 , w) ¯ > ∂pi ∂pi That is, as a function of pi . the ordinary demand x∗i is steeper (more negatively sloped) than the Hicksian demand x ˆi , where it crosses the Hicksian demand. Since x∗i is downward sloping and 0 1 pi < pi it must be the case that the Hicksian demand x ˆi (·, υ1 ) lies above the Hicksian demand x ˆi (·, υ0 ). See Figure 4. Thus, for a price decrease, if good i is not inferior, then EV > CS > CV > 0. The inequalities are reversed for a price increase. Also note that if demand curves coincide. 6 ∂x∗ i ∂w = 0, then the three “Deadweight loss” Consider a simple problem where the good 1 is subjected to an ad rem tax of t per unit, but income and other prices remain unchanged. The original price vector is p0 and the new one is p1 = p0 + te1 (where e1 is the first unit coordinate vector (1, . . . , 0)). Clearly the consumer is worse off under the price vector p1 . But how much worse off? v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 7 xi x∗i (pi ; p¯−i , w) ¯ CS EV x ˆi (pi ; p¯−i , υ1 ) CV p1i x ˆi (pi ; p¯−i , υ0 ) p0i pi Figure 4. Illustration of a single price change. (Graphs are for a Cobb–Douglas utility.) N.B. The horizontal axis is the price axis and the vertical axis is quantity axis. The equivalent variation is the area under the Hicksian demand curve for utility level υ0 . The compensating variation is the area under the Hicksian demand curve for utility level υ1 . The consumer’s surplus is the area under the ordinary demand curve. v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 8 We shall compare the tax revenue T = tx∗1 (p1 , w) (5) to the welfare cost measured by the money metric utility. Specifically, we shall compare tax revenue to the equivalent variation of the price change (which is negative, since the consumer is worse off). We shall show that − EV −T > 0. This excess of the welfare loss over the tax revenue is referred to as the deadweight loss2 from ad rem taxation. Write ∫ p01 +t − EV −T = x ˆ1 (p, p0−1 , υ1 ) dp − T by (2′ ) p01 ∫ p01 +t = p01 ∫ p01 +t = p01 ∫ p01 +t = p01 x ˆ1 (p, p0−1 , υ1 ) dp − tx∗1 (p1 , w) by (5) x ˆ1 (p, p0−1 , υ1 ) dp − tˆ x1 (p1 , υ1 ) ∫ x ˆ1 (p, p0−1 , υ1 ) dp − p01 +t x ˆ1 (p1 , υ1 ) dp. p01 The last equality come from integrating the constant x ˆ1 (p01 + t, p0−1 , υ1 ) over an interval of length t. But Hicksian compensated demands are downward sloping, so for p01 ⩽ p ⩽ p11 = p01 + t, we have x ˆ1 (p, p0−1 , υ1 ) = x ˆ1 (p, p02 , . . . , p0n , υ1 ) > x ˆ1 (p01 + t, p02 , . . . , p0n , υ1 ) = x ˆ1 (p11 , p12 , . . . , p1n , υ1 ), so the last expression is > 0. Therefore a lump-sum tax leaves the consumer better off than an ad rem tax that raises the same revenue. The amazing thing is not so much that the ad rem tax is inferior to the lump-sum tax, but that some taxes are worse than others at all, even when they collect the same amount of revenue! This would not be apparent without our theoretical apparatus. 7 Revealed preference and lump-sum taxation Recall that x is revealed preferred to y if there is some budget containing both x and y and x is chosen. If the choice function is generated by utility maximization, then if x is revealed preferred to y, we must have u(x) ⩾ u(y). 2 I don’t know why the term “deadweight” is used. Musgrave [13] uses the term “excess burden” in 1959, which dates back at least to Joseph [9] in 1939, who claims the concept was known to Marshall [10, 8th edition] in 1890. Harberger [5] uses the term “deadweight loss” in 1964, and claims the analysis of the concept goes back at least to Dupuit [4] in 1844. v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 9 So consider an ad rem tax t on good 1 versus a lump-sum tax, as above. Assume both taxes raise the same revenue T . The ad rem tax leads to the budget (p1 , w), and the lump-sum to the budget (p0 , w − T ), where p11 = p01 + t and p1j = p0j , j = 2, . . . , n. Let x1 be demanded under the ad rem tax and x0 be demanded under the lump-sum tax. Then x0 is revealed preferred to x1 : w ⩾ p1 · x1 = p0 · x1 + tx11 = p0 · x1 + T, so p0 · x1 ⩽ w − T, which says that x1 is in the budget (p0 , w − T ), from which x0 is chosen. Thus u(x0 ) ⩾ u(x1 ), so the lump-sum tax is at least as good as the ad rem tax. This argument is a lot simpler than the argument above, but we don’t get a dollar value of the difference. Of course the previous argument gave us two or three different dollar values, depending on how we chose p∗ for the money metric. 8 Money metrics and recovering utility from demand: A little motivation It is possible to solve differential equations to recover a utility function from a demand function. The general approach may be found in Samuelson [14, 15], but the following discussion is based on Hurwicz and Uzawa [8]. Consider the demand function x∗ : Rn++ × R++ → Rn+ derived by maximizing a locally nonsatiated utility function u. Let v be the indirect utility, that is, ( ) v(p, w) = u x∗ (p, w) . Since u is locally nonsatiated, the indirect utility function v is strictly increasing in w. The Hicksian expenditure function e is defined by e(p, υ) = min{p · x : u(x) ⩾ υ}. and the income compensation function µ is defined by ( ) µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = e p, v(p0 , w0 ) , Set υ 0 = v(p0 , w0 ). From the Envelope Theorem we know that ( ) ∂e(p, υ 0 ) =x ˆi (p, υ 0 ) = x∗i p, e(p, υ 0 ) . ∂pi Suppressing υ0 , this becomes a total differential equation ( ) e′ (p) = x∗ p, e(p) . What does it mean to solve such an equation, and what happened to υ 0 ? v. 2014.11.07::16.20 (6) KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 10 An aside on solutions of differential equations You may recall from your calculus classes that, in general, differential equations have many solutions, often indexed by “constants of integration.” For instance, take the simplest differential equation, y′ = a for some constant a. The general form of the solution is y(x) = ax + C, where C is an arbitrary constant of integration. What this means is that the differential equation y ′ = a has infinitely many solutions, one for each value of C. The parameter υ in our problem can be likened to a constant of integration. You should also recall that we rarely specify C directly as a condition of the problem, since we don’t know the function y in advance. Instead we usually specify an initial condition (x0 , y 0 ). That is, we specify that y(x0 ) = y 0 . In this simple case, the way to translate an initial condition into a constant of integration is to solve the equation y 0 = ax0 + C =⇒ C = y 0 − ax0 , and rewrite the solution as y(x) = ax + (y 0 − ax0 ) = y 0 + a(x − x0 ). In order to make it really explicit that the solution depends on the initial conditions, differential equations texts may go so far as to write the solution as y(x; x0 , y 0 ) = y 0 + a(x − x0 ). In our differential equation (6), an initial condition corresponding to the “constant of integration” υ is a pair (p0 , w0 ) satisfying e(p0 , υ) = w0 . From the equivalence of expenditure minimization an utility maximization under a budget constraint, this gives us the relation ( ) υ = v(p0 , w0 ) = u x∗ (p0 , w0 ) . Following Hurwicz and Uzawa [8], define the income compensation function in terms of the Hicksian expenditure function e via ( ) µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = e p, v(p0 , w0 ) . Observe that µ(p0 ; p0 , w0 ) = w0 and ( ) ( ) ∂µ(p; p0 , w0 ) ∂e(p, υ 0 ) = =x ˆi (p, υ 0 ) = x∗i p, e(p, υ 0 ) = x∗i p, µ(p; p0 , w0 ) . ∂pi ∂pi v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 11 In other words, the function e defined by e(p) = µ(p; p0 , w0 ) solves the differential equation ( ) e′ (p) = x∗ p, e(p) . subject to the initial condition e(p0 ) = w0 . We are now going to turn the income compensation function around and treat (p0 , w0 ) as the variable of interest. Fix a price, any price, p∗ ∈ Rn++ and define the function vˆ : Rn++ ×R++ → R by ( ) vˆ(p, w) = µ(p∗ ; p, w) = e p∗ , v(p, w) . The function vˆ is another indirect utility. That is, vˆ(p, w) ⩾ vˆ(p′ , w′ ) ⇐⇒ v(p, w) ⩾ v(p′ , w′ ). We can use w to find a utility U , at least on the range of x∗ by U (x) = µ(p∗ ; p, w) 9 where x = x∗ (p, w). Recovering utility from demand: The plan The discussion above leads us to the following approach. Given a demand function x∗ : 1. Somehow solve the differential equation ( ) ∂µ(p) = x∗i p, µ(p) . ∂pi Write the solution explicitly in terms of the intial condition µ(p0 ) = w0 as µ(p; p0 , w0 ). 2. Use the function µ to define an indirect utility function vˆ by vˆ(p, w) = µ(p∗ ; p, w). 3. Invert the demand function to give (p, w) as a function of x∗ . 4. Define the utility on the range of x∗ by U (x) = µ(p∗ ; p, w) where x = x∗ (p, w). This is easier said than done, and there remain a few questions. For instance, how do we know that the differential equation has a solution? If a solution exists, how do we know that the “utility” U so derived generates the demand function x∗ ? We shall address these questions presently, but I find it helps to look at some examples first. v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border 10 Monetary welfare measurement 12 Examples In order to draw pictures, I will consider two goods x and y. By homogeneity of x∗ , I may take good y as numéraire and fix py = 1, so the price of x will simply be denoted p. 10.1 Deriving the income compensation function from a utility For the Cobb–Douglas utility function u(x, y) = xα y β where α + β = 1, the demand functions are x∗ (p, w) = The indirect utility is thus αw , p y ∗ (p, w) = βw. ( )α α v(p, w) = wβ . p β The expenditure function is e(p, υ) = υβ −β ( p )α α . Now pick (p0 , w0 ) and define ( ) µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = e p; v(p0 , w0 ) ( ( )α ) ( )α α 0 β −β p = w β β p0 α ( )α p = w0 . p0 Evaluating this at p = p0 we have µ(p0 ; p0 , w0 ) = w0 . That is, the point (p0 , w0 ) lies on the graph of µ(·; p0 , w0 ). Figure 5 shows the graph of this function for different values of (p0 , w0 ). For each fixed (p0 , w0 ), the function µ(p) = µ(p; p0 , w0 ) satisfies the (ordinary) differential equation [ ] ( ) dµ αµ(p) = α w0 (p0 )−α pα−1 = = x∗ p, µ(p) . dp p Note that homogeneity and budget exhaustion have allowed us to reduce the dimensionality by 1. We have n − 1 prices, as we have chosen a numéraire, and the demand for the nth good ∑n−1 ∗ is gotten from xn = w − i=1 pi x∗i . 10.2 Examples of recovering utility from demand Let n = 2, and set p2 = 1, so that there is effectively only one price p, and only one differential equation (for x1 ) ( ) µ′ (p) = x p, µ(p) . v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 13 µ, w 3 2 1 p 1 2 3 4 Figure 5. Graph of µ(p; p0 ; w0 ) for Cobb–Douglas α = 2/5 utility and various values of (p0 , w0 ). 1 Example In this example x(p, w) = αw . p (This x is the demand for x1 . From the budget constraint we can infer x2 = (1 − α)w.) The corresponding differential equation is µ′ = αµ p or µ′ α = . µ p (For those of you more comfortable with y-x notation, this is y ′ = αy/x.) Integrate both sides of the second form to get ln µ = α ln p + C so exponentiating each side gives µ(p) = Kpα where K = exp(C) is a constant of integration. Given the initial condition (p0 , w0 ), we must have w0 w0 = K(p0 )α , so K = 0 α , (p ) or w0 µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = 0 α pα . (p ) ∗ For convenience set p = 1, to get w vˆ(p, w) = µ(p∗ ; p, w) = α . p To recover the utility u, we need to invert the demand function, that is, we need to know for what budget (p, w) is (x1 , x2 ) chosen. The demand function is x1 = αw , p x2 = (1 − α)w, v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement so solving for w and p, we have x2 1−α w= x1 = x2 α 1−α =⇒ p 14 p= α x2 . 1 − α x1 Thus u(x1 , x2 ) = vˆ(p, w) ( ) α x2 x2 = vˆ , 1 − α x1 1 − α = ( ( x2 1−α α x2 1−α x1 = x2 1−α )α )1−α ( x1 )α α 1−α = cxα , 1 x2 where c = (1 − α)1−α αα , which is a Cobb–Douglas utility. □ 2 Example In this example we find a utility that generates a linear demand for x. That is, x(p, w) = β − αp. (Note the lack of w.) The differential equation is µ′ = β − αp. This differential equation is easy to solve: µ(p) = βp − α 2 p +C 2 2 For initial condition (p0 , w0 ) we must choose C = w0 − βp0 + α2 p0 , so the solution becomes α α 2 µ(p; p0 , w0 ) = βp − p2 + w0 − βp0 + p0 . 2 2 So choosing p∗ = 0 (not really allowed, but it works in this case), we have α vˆ(p, w) = µ(p∗ ; p, w) = w − βp + p2 . 2 Given (x, y) (let’s use this rather than (x1 , x2 )), we need to find the (p, w) at which it is chosen. We know x = β − αp, y = w − px = w − βp + αp2 , so β−x p= , α Therefore β−x w = y + βp − αp = y + β −α α 2 ( β−x α )2 . ( )2 ) β−x β−x β−x ,y + β −α = w α α α ( )2 ( )2 β−x β−x β−x α β−x = y+β −α + −β α α α } 2 α | {z | | {z } {z } ( u(x, y) = vˆ(p, w) w = y− (β − x) . 2α 2 v. 2014.11.07::16.20 p p2 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 15 Note that the utility is decreasing in x for x > β. Representative indifference curves are shown in Figure 6. The demand curve specified implies that x and y will be negative for some values of p and w, so we can’t expect that this is a complete specification. I’ll leave it to you to figure out when this makes sense. □ 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 6. Indifference curves for Example 2 (linear demand) with β = 10, α = 5. 11 A general integrability theorem Hurwicz and Uzawa [8] prove the following theorem, presented here without proof. 3 Hurwicz–Uzawa Integrability Theorem Let ξ : Rn++ × R+ → Rn+ . Assume (B) The budget exhaustion condition p · ξ(p, w) = w is satisfied for every (p, w) ∈ Rn++ × R+ . (D) Each component function ξi is differentiable everywhere on Rn++ × R+ . (S) The Slutsky matrix is symmetric, that is, for every (p, w) ∈ Rn++ × R+ , Si,j (p, w) = Sj,i (p, w) i, j = 1, . . . , n. (NSD) The Slutsky matrix is negative semidefinite, that is, for every (p, w) ∈ Rn++ × R+ , and every v ∈ Rn , n ∑ n ∑ Si,j (p, w)vi vj ⩽ 0. i=1 j=1 (IB) The function ξ satisfies the following boundedness condition on the partial derivative with respect to income. For every 0 ≪ a ≪ a ¯ ∈ Rn++ , there exists a (finite) real number Ma,¯a such that for all w ⩾ 0 ∂ξi (p, w) a≦p≦a ¯ =⇒ ∂w ⩽ Ma,¯a i = 1, . . . , n. Let X denote the range of ξ, X = {ξ(p, w) ∈ Rn+ : (p, w) ∈ Rn++ × R+ }. v. 2014.11.07::16.20 KC Border Monetary welfare measurement 16 Then there exists an upper semicontinuous monotonic utility function u : X → R on the range X such that for each (p, w) ∈ Rn++ × R+ , ξ(p, w) is the unique maximizer of u over the budget set {x ∈ X : p · x ⩽ w}. Moreover u has the following property (which reduces to strict quasiconcavity if X is itself convex): For each x ∈ X, there exists a p ∈ Rn++ such that if y ̸= x and u(y) ⩾ u(x), then p · y > p · x. I have more extensive notes on this topic, including most of a sketch of the proof here. References [1] J. S. Chipman and J. C. Moore. 1980. Compensating variation, consumer’s surplus, and welfare. American Economic Review 70(5):933–949. [2] . 1990. Acceptable indicators of welfare change, consumer’s surplus analysis, and the Gorman polar form. In J. S. Chipman, D. L. McFadden, and M. K. 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