Operations and Constitution League Name Operating Agreement & Constitution Operations and Constitution Table of Contents I. Mission Statement II. League Ownership and Financial Guidelines A. Existence of Stock B. Profit Sharing C. Disclosure D. Reimbursement III. League Membership A. League Members B. Requirements for Joining the Vixens C. Requirements for Remaining Active on the Vixen Roster D. Choosing a Roller Derby Name E. Name Registration F. Attendance Requirements 1. Probationary Period for New Skaters i. Complaint Policy/Dismissal During Probationary Period 2. Practice Attendance Requirements 3. Event Attendance Requirements 4. Probation Policy for Attendance Issues 5. Absences from Practice 6. Bout Attendance 7. Requesting a Leave of Absence i. Leave of Absence Due to Injury ii. Pregnancy 8. Removal of Members or Recruits 9. Equipment Requirements G. Skills Requirements H. Dues 1. Late Payments 2. Joining Mid‐month I. Transfer Skater Policy J. Teams 1. Captains i. Term ii. Responsibilities 2. All‐Star Team i. Eligibility ii. Roster iii. Captains 3.Volunteer Positions K. League Meetings IV. Directors Operations and Constitution A. Functions and Definitions B. Qualifications and Number C. Election and Term 1. Resignation D. Removal of Directors E. Board Meetings 1. Monthly Meetings. 2. Call 3. Quorum and Action. 4. Chairperson of the Meeting. V. Officers and Committees Officers A. Officers 1. Term 2. Nominating Process 3. Voting Power B. President C. Vice President D. Secretary E. Treasurer F. Committee Chairpersons G. Removal of Officers Committees A. Recruiting Committee B. Sponsorship Committee C. Communications Committee D. Event Committee E. Finance Committee F. Interleague Relations Committee G. Training Committee VI. Code of Conduct A. Introduction B. Safety C. Public Appearances. D. Sportswomanship E. General Code of Behavior F. Committee Members’ Code of Behavior G. Disciplinary Policy H. Grievance Resolution Procedure 1. Mediation 2. Grievance Protocol VII. Fiscal Year VIII. Control Over Bylaws Operations and Constitution ARTICLE I MISSION STATEMENT The League (hereinafter referred to as “Nickname” or “Abbreviation”) is a membership organization and limited liability company managed by a board of directors comprising member skaters, in accordance with the organizations’ operating agreement and the official rules of USA Roller Sports. We are an amateur roller derby league operating in and serving the State region. Our members are strong, motivated individuals who train hard, respect their teammates and love the sport of roller derby. The league’s aggressive skaters work to increase their power, speed and endurance through discipline, hard work and focus. We strive to create a full‐contact sport that inspires girls and women and appeals to fans. The league will work to be fully sponsored and financially sound in order to acquire or create its own practice/bout space, fully funded travel, uniforms, insurance and equipment for its skaters. ARTICLE II LEAGUE OWNERSHIP AND FINANCIAL GUIDELINES A. Existence of Stock. Stock remains the sole property of the League according to the Certificate of Incorporation and will not be sold separately for profit or given away. There will be no stockholders, only owners of the league as determined by the articles of incorporation as filed with the State of ________. B. Profit Sharing. Profits are defined as the amount of money left over after normal operational costs, business expenses, and debts are paid. Profits will be utilized or distributed in this order: 1. To improve the league (including but not limited to better publicity, more merchandise, better bout/training equipment, etc.). 2. To ensure that member monthly dues are reasonable. 3. For travel to national/ regional conferences and tournaments to improve inter‐ league relations. 4. If profit exists above and beyond the options listed above, a percentage of this profit will be donated to a non‐profit cause chosen by the membership. C. Disclosure. League financial records will be accessible to all members through the Treasurer. Any member wishing to see financial records is welcome to schedule a meeting with the Treasurer to view any and all financial records. No members but the Treasurer and the Finance Committee will be allowed to retain copies of financial documents. (Owner will always have ability to retain and access to financial documents.) Operations and Constitution D. Reimbursement. Requests for expenses must be submitted to the relevant committee chair and Treasurer prior to purchase for presentation to the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting for approval. Original receipts must be presented within 30 days of purchase accompanied by an explanation of the purchase and for which event and/or purpose it served. Expenses properly filed will be reimbursed in order of filing date and within 30 days after funds are available or added as a dues credit. Committee chairs do not have decision‐making authority, but should they have autonomy to approve expenditure up to a defined maximum? ARTICLE III LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP A. League Members. Skaters for the League will be referred to as members of the league, or “Nickname.” This title, however, does not infer ownership of stock. Members will be skating and working as volunteers and are not compensated. B. Requirements for Joining the League. 1. Skaters must be female.1 2. Skaters must be 18 years of age or older 3. Skaters must provide valid photo identification 4. Skaters must read and sign the League code of conduct and participation agreement, waiver, and publicity release. 5. Skaters must read the operating agreement; sign and return the “Signature of Compliance” document. 6. Complete the application for annual USARS membership for insurance (catastrophic only) with payment. Health insurance coverage is highly recommended. C. Requirements for Remaining Active on the League Roster. 1. Maintain a 66 percent or more practice attendance and 66 percent event record (see attendance requirements section). 2. Maintain current dues and membership in good standing (see dues requirements). 3. Meet skating skill and safety standards as determined by the coaching staff (see USARS minimum skills requirements by which skaters will be periodically and at least annually assessed as their training continues). 1Female is defined by the skater. Leagueis a trans‐inclusive organization. Operations and Constitution 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Read, learn and stay current on the USA Roller Sports’ official rules. Apply for USARS membership within 30 days of joining. Skaters may either print the form from the USARS website or see the Training Committee Chair, Name of Individual, for a copy. Submit a completed form and check to an executive board members. Bear the expense of all personal equipment, uniforms, travel, USARS membership and dues. Each member is expected to serve on at least one committee. League will grant membership to those who qualify by meeting the requirements above. Voting Power within the league is held by all active members in accordance with the league’s LLC Bylaws (Operating Agreement). Each Skater is accorded one vote. Directors and Officers are accorded one and a half votes. D. Choosing a Roller Derby Name. All members of League must attend 8 practices before registering a derby name and be a member in good standing (dues must be current). Check http://www.twoevils.org/rollergirls/ to see whether your desired derby name is available. Send your desired name and number to the Secretary. Do not begin using your derby name in any venues (Web sites, social media networks, at practices, etc.) until your name is officially registered. E. Name Registration. If a skater has been a League member for six months or more and leaves with the intention of joining another league, League will retain the skater’s name and number for six months. If a skater leaves prior to this six‐month period and intends to join another league, League can hold the name for one month. If there is a special circumstance, however, the league would conduct a vote on the matter. If a skater is on an approved long‐term leave of absence and communicates that her intention is to return to the league, League abbreviation will retain the name and number for a defined period. F. Attendance Requirements. 1. Probationary Period for New Skaters. New League abbreviation skaters have a 60‐ day probation period during which they must maintain current membership and attendance before being considered an active member of the league. If during the 60‐day probation period the skater fails to maintain membership in good standing, specifically as it relates to timely dues payment and attendance, she may be dismissed via a board vote. Operations and Constitution 2. 3. 4. 5. a. Complaint Policy/Dismissal During Probationary Period. If a new skater receives three formal complaints (see league dismissal policy) regarding her conduct or Sportswomanship during her 60‐day probation, the board may dismiss her by unanimously voting for her removal. If said vote, which is based on conduct, is not unanimous, she will be permitted to continue to skate with the league. However, if the skater is issued an additional complaint within 60 days following the initial vote, her dismissal will again be brought to the board and will be determined by a majority vote. Practice Attendance Requirements. League members are required to attend 66 percent of scheduled team training sessions and practices over a one‐month period. A skater must communicate to the league Secretary or human resources officer any changes in her attendance at practice or events. Event Attendance Requirements. League members are required to attend 50 percent of events in the yearly fundraising plan. Events do not include what we define as appearances, which are when League abbreviation members participate in another business organization’s event (i.e., taking part in a community parade) as a way to increase visibility, support the organization, etc. The Sponsorship Chair will make clear what an appearance is compared to a required event. Skaters who are ill, injured, have family emergencies or a previous commitment that presents a scheduling conflict, or who must report to their employer are exempt. If you must miss an event, please notify the league Secretary. You must communicate to the Secretary any changes in your level of attendance, at practice or events. Probation Policy for Attendance Issues. If an League abbreviation skater’s attendance in either events or practices falls below the required level, that skater will be placed on probation and must make 66 percent attendance the following month to remain on the League abbreviation roster and active within the league. If the skater fails to meet this requirement this will be interpreted as a voluntary termination from the league. After dismissal, should the skater want to return, she must wait 60 days before she is eligible to be added back to the roster. After returning, she will be placed on a 90‐day probation period. If she doesn’t meet the attendance requirement, she will then be removed from the league for a period of at least six months but not to exceed one year. Absences from Practice. Absences from practices and events due to injury will be waived, however participation is strongly encouraged. Any skater injured or on leave of absence for more than 30 days must be reassessed at the level at which they left before participating in scrimmages. Any additional practices (make‐up sessions, practices with other leagues, etc.), must be approved by the Executive Board in order to count toward the 66 percent attendance requirement. Operations and Constitution 6. Game Attendance. Games are considered mandatory events, regardless of player status, unless absence has been pre‐approved by the Secretary, Coach, or Team Captain. Skater must submit request in writing 14 days prior to the game. All league members must be present at the pre‐determined time for setup and shall remain until takedown is complete. If you do not attend a game and do not have a valid excuse, you will not make attendance requirements and be on probation.4 If a teamed skater does not have a valid excuse, they will not be allowed to skate in the next game. 7. Requesting a Leave of Absence. These requirements may be waived in the case of an approved leave of absence. Leaves of absence must be brought to the attention of the Secretary in writing at least seven days prior or it will count against your attendance and you will still be responsible for dues. a. Leave of Absence Due to Injury. A leave of absence due to injury (any length of time longer than 30 days, pregnancy also counts under this leave). If you take a leave due to injury, you do not have to pay dues if you do not skate at all during a month (or more), and you will not be removed from emails groups and forums. If you are injured mid‐month you still have to pay dues for that month, and if you return mid‐month you have to pay dues for that month. Again, you must communicate with the Secretary about the reason for your leave, your injury, expected time frame back on skates and you will still be expected to represent League abbreviation, if you would like to remain on league b. Pregnancy. Any skater who is pregnant must inform the Committee and Team Captain by the end of her first trimester. It is the captain’s responsibility to hold this information in confidence until the skater is ready to announce her pregnancy. For the safety of the pregnancy, the skater will NOT be allowed to participate in games, scrimmages, and exhibition games and contact practices after the first trimester. If the skater would like to continue practicing with her team during non‐contact practice, she is welcome to do so if she provides written approval from her doctor or licensed midwife. It is understood that any practice the skater participates in during her pregnancy is done at her own risk. It is the skater’s responsibility to talk with her doctor or midwife about her activity and its impact on her baby’s development. If at any time the skater feels she cannot continue skating, she should let her coach know immediately. League abbreviation, the members, or the skating venues facilitating practices cannot be held responsible under any circumstances for complications, injuries, Operations and Constitution birth defects or miscarriages should a skater choose to continue skating during her pregnancy. 8. Removal of Members or Recruits. Members or recruits may be removed from the league for specific causes including, but not limited to, infractions of the code of conduct. Removal can be based on behavior occurring either on or off the rink, to league members or non‐members, at league functions or in the general public. (For more information, consult the Grievance Procedures.) 9. Equipment Requirements. All skaters are required to purchase quad speed skates, mouth guard, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, and helmet. High‐quality, heavily padded knee pads, available at Name of Specific Skate Shop or Brand and online, are highly recommended over the flimsier options. Additional protective gear is optional. G. Skills Requirements. League abbreviation is a USA Roller Sports (USARS) member league. Because we are members of USARS, we play and operate by USARS Official Rules. All skaters and referees are required to read, learn, and play by the current Official Rules. Referees and/or the Training Committee will notify league members of updates and revisions to the official rules. H.Dues. Dues in the amount of $35 per skater will be paid by the 15th of each calendar month. If you are unable to pay your dues, you must contact the Treasurer or Finance Chair before the 15th to discuss a payment plan. Skaters who make arrangements with the Treasurer or Finance Chair will be given a three‐day grace period. 1. Late Payments. Late payment of dues is subject to a $5 per‐week penalty. Members may not fall more than 60 days behind on dues without being removed from the roster and league. 2. Joining Mid‐month. A skater who joins the Team on or after the 29th of each month will join at a pro‐rated rate of $17.50. I. Transfer Skater Policy. Any skater who has previously bouted with any league or has been an active skater participant for more than 3 months with a league that is not yet bouting eligible to transfer into League abbreviation. Others interested in joining the league must wait until bi‐annual tryouts for an opportunity to join League abbreviation. Operations and Constitution An eligible transfer skater may begin skating at League practices when she moves to town. Secretary will provide her with bylaws and dues set up and the skater will provide her with contact info for a recommendation from her previous league, to establish that she wasn’t dismissed from that league on bad terms. She will be assessed at the level she was in her previous league, as soon as time allows. She will still be held to 60‐day probation for new league members. Transfer skaters are eligible to try out for a league team whenever the next team draft happens after they have participated and made attendance for one month. In the case that there are no upcoming team drafts after as skater joins and becomes eligible for draft, a special draft may be held for them at the majority agreement of the team captains. Skaters who have previously tried out through open tryouts are only eligible to re‐tryout through the annual open tryouts system. J. Teams. 1. Captains. Captains for teams shall be chosen by league vote, and each captain may choose her co‐Captain. Captains may choose teams from all team‐eligible skaters. Teams shall consist of no less than 10 and no more than 16 active skaters, and each Captain will submit an official team roster to the appropriate committee chair. Captains and co‐Captains may be invited to attend committee chair meetings. a. Term. Captains will last through the season. A re‐vote shall occur during the first league meeting after the bouting season. A Captain may be re‐elected. b. Responsibilities. The Captains and co‐Captains shall be responsible for the following: i. Organize practices for the team ii. Establish rules and norms for the team and mediate when necessary. iii. Ensure the safety of the team (insurance, equipment, and knowledge of WFTDA rules). iv. Keep team roster up to date and notify league if changes occur. v. Improve skaters’ skills by assigning skating mentors and giving additional time for skills work, if necessary. vi. Build team spirit and pride vii. Determine play time during bouts and scrimmages. Captains shall take attendance requirements, dues, and skill into consideration. 2. All‐Star Team. Skaters who achieve advanced skill levels while demonstrating leadership ability and league dedication make up the all‐star team for the Team Name. This team will play in inter‐league competitions and will include up to 20 skaters and two possible managers. a. Eligibility. To be eligible for the All‐Star Team, a skater must achieve a level 4 or 5 skills classification and pass assessments. The All‐Star Team’s skill set shall be assessed quarterly by the League Coach and Team Managers. b. Roster. The All‐Star Team roster shall be in effect for one year. If, at the time of tryouts, there are fewer than the maximum number skaters assessed as eligible, then the All‐Star Team shall have fewer skaters than the maximum. c. Captains. The members of the All‐Star Team shall vote for Captain, and the Captain may choose her co‐Captain. Operations and Constitution 3. Volunteer Positions. A number of skating and non‐skating volunteer positions will be available within the league including but no limited to referees, coaches, trainers, scorekeepers, announcers, and promoters. Any male involvement in the league will be limited to volunteer positions. Volunteers, unless asked, are not required to attend league meetings and have no voting power within the league. The team, via the League Officers, reserve the right to dismiss a volunteer at any time for any reason. K. League Meetings. The League shall hold monthly mandatory league meetings. There will be monthly Committee updates, communicated via newsletter, and/or emails from the Secretary. Committee Chairs will arrange meetings as necessary. Suggestions and thoughts for improvements are welcomed and accepted any time via email, web forum, or phone (for more information see Article IV: Directors). ARTICLE IV DIRECTORS A. Functions and Definitions. The Board of Directors shall manage the organizational structure and review the business affairs of the League. Directors will be working in their capacity as volunteers and shall not receive wages or benefits. B. Qualifications and Number. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least four (4) people. The number of directors may be increased or decreased by action of the members. C. Election and Term. Directors are selected by a majority of the existing board members, or by a petition of the members. The term of office is one year, however, a director may serve for more than one year if the members so choose. Newly created directorships and any vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled by the vote of a majority of the current directors. Directors who are elected to fill vacancies and newly created directorships, shall hold office until the next annual business meeting of members.8 1. Resignation. Any director may resign at any time upon written notice to the organization. Written notice must be tendered to the remaining directors. D. Removal of Directors. Any director or the entire Board of Directors may be removed with specific cause by a majority vote of the other directors, or by a majority vote of the members. E. Board Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held monthly, at a time and place as determined by the President of the Board. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Board as needed. The Secretary shall take minutes during the meeting to be distributed to the Officers and Team Captains. Team Captains will be responsible for reporting information covered at the board meeting to their teams. It is suggested that they refer to the Secretary’s minutes so that the information being passed on Operations and Constitution is consistent. If need, specific names will be omitted to protect skaters’ privacy. 1. Monthly Meetings. Board meetings shall take place in January, April, July, and October. 2. Call. No call shall be required for regular meetings for which the time and place have been fixed. Special meetings may be called by or at the direction of the President, or by 50 percent of the directors in office. Written, oral, or electronic notice of the time and place shall be given special meetings with reasonable notice so everyone can attend. 3. Quorum and Action. If a majority of the directors in office are present this is considered a quorum and the Board may vote and conduct business. If there is no quorum they must reschedule the meeting to another time. The vote of the majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board. The Board may also conduct business via “virtual meetings” by utilizing conference phone calls, email, or other electronic means. A quorum must still be reached with a majority of directors participating, and written or digital records of the business must be kept. Monthly meetings may not be “virtual meetings.” 4. Chairperson of the Meeting. The President of the Organization, if present and acting, shall preside at all meetings. Otherwise, the Board will choose a director to preside. ARTICLE V OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OFFICERS A. Officers. The officers of the organization are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Recruitment Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Communications Chair, Training Chair, Event Planning Chair, If deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, other officers can be designated and added to this agreement at a later date. An office may be held by more than one person, as the directors may determine. 1. Term. The term of office is one year, however, there is no limit to the number of years an officer may hold office. 2. Nominating Process. Officers may be nominated by the membership or directors; carefully reviewed by the board based on their qualifications, and then voted in by a majority vote of the membership at the annual meeting. If a position is left open midyear, the board may designate an officer to serve interim, but they must be re‐elected by the membership at the annual meeting. 3. Voting Power. Each officer shall have preferred voting power and shall be granted one and a half votes. B. President. The President shall attend and preside over all sessions of the Board. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the organization. She shall have general and active management of the business of the organization. She shall run checks and balances on all officers and committees, and support the cooperation of all officers and committees. Any business that is not covered by another officer or committee is her responsibility. The President reserves the right to delegate responsibilities to other Officers as she deems necessary. Operations and Constitution C. Vice President. The Vice President is the secondary executive officer of the organization and can preside over sessions of the board in the President’s absence. Also serves as Chair of Interleague Relations Committee. D. Secretary. The Secretary shall attend and keep the minutes for all sessions of the Board. Within the minutes (or with them if a written report is presented) the Secretary shall keep records of officers’ or committees’ reports for each Board session. The Secretary shall also keep all old business records archived. The Secretary shall keep accurate and updated contact information for all members. She shall be in charge of managing and submitting skaters’ skate names. The Secretary shall serve as a co‐signer on the League’s Bank Account. E. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of deposits, receipts, and disbursements of the organization’s funds in a written or electronic ledge. She shall take and give proper vouchers or receipts for deposits or disbursements. She shall not grant purchase orders without a prior estimated cost. She shall not give any reimbursements without receipts. The Treasurer shall have direct access to the League abbrevaition bank account and may work closely with the Owner of League. The Treasurer shall provide a written report of all transactions to the board of directors at the monthly board meetings or whenever they may require it. The Treasurer serves as the Chair for the Finance Committee. F. Committee Chairpersons. The following officers are the committee chairpersons, or “coordinators” for their respective committees: Recruit Coordinator, Sponsorship Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Events Coordinator, Vice President (Interleague Relations), Treasurer (Finance), and Training Coordinator. The coordinators are responsible for organizing their committee and delegating the tasks outlined below to committee members. The Board may add or consolidate committee tasks at any time by written (physical or digital) request. The committee members (by majority vote) may request in writing that the Board add or consolidate its tasks for improvement or efficiency. Any task not delegated to committee members, or unaccomplished by said member, becomes the responsibility of the chairperson. For this reason, it is vital that the Chair of each committee keep track of tasks and deadlines. There is a Chairperson’s Planning Guide (CPG) to assist with project planning, record keeping and to ensure success. G. Removal of Officers. Any Officer may be removed with specific cause by a majority vote of the other Officers or by a majority vote of the members. COMMITTEES A. Recruiting Committee. The Recruiting Committee will act as the “welcome wagon” for all new recruits. It will give new recruits a fresh‐meat pack with derby info, rules and such and introduce them to coaches, officers, and teammates. The Coordinator will keep a record of contact info for new recruits and their skills progression as determined by the coach. They will then hand over this info to the Secretary if the skater progresses. Committee members will assist in the organization of recruiting appearances around town and recruit skating workshops. At least one member of the Recruiting Committee will have to be present at all practices, bouts, and events. Recruit welcome packs must be available at all events. The Recruiting Committee will be in charge of managing recruiting flyer Operations and Constitution distribution, however, all members will assist with this task. The Recruiting coordinator may have to report activities monthly, or as needed, to the Board. B. Sponsorship Committee. The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for pursuing, organizing, reviewing, and maintaining the benefits of all the sponsors of the league. They will be armed with pre‐ made brochures, contracts, and thank you letters. If more than one type of business/organization is interested in acting as the sole sponsor for specific event or product, the coordinator will bring the issue to the Board and they will vote on which business to pursue. All skaters on the league are encouraged to ask businesses about sponsorships and even organize the paperwork for sponsors under $500. However, team members MUST refer possible sponsors over $500 directly to the Sponsorship Coordinator for more information. To ensure that sponsors give and get what is outlined in the contracts, the committee must keep an updated list of League sponsors, the benefits they offer and receive, and the dates upon which benefits have been satisfied. The Sponsorship Coordinator must report activities monthly, or as needed, to the Board. C. Communications Committee. The Communications Committee will manage the publicity of the league. Tasks include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Coordination and distribution of flyers and posters for events. 2. Maintenance of Web site, Google group, and social media outlets (twitter, Facebook). 3. Coordination of publicity appearances, photo shoots, media interviews, radio shows, TV shows, media ads, etc. The Communications Coordinator may outsource the work (to committee members, volunteers, or sponsors) and work with other committees, but shall maintain control and responsibility over the final product from these sources. The Communications Coordinator must report committee activities monthly, or as needed to the Board. D. Event Committee. The Event Committee will manage all league events (such as games, benefits, fundraisers, appearances, recruitment workshops, etc). Tasks include, but are not limited to: 1. Organization of entertainment/bands 2. Tailgating arrangements 3. Maintaining list of event volunteers and raffle prizes 4. Collection of raffle prizes for all events 5. Attend and be the “Day of” coordinator for every event (at least on committee member). 6. Make and keep contacts with other leagues (shared with Interleague Relations Committee). The Event Committee will provide information in a timely manner to the appropriate boards to create tickets, programs, and other necessities and to the Communications Committee to promote the events. The Event Coordinator may outsource certain aspects of the work (to committee members, volunteers, or sponsors) and work with other committees, but must maintain control and responsibility of these sources. The Event Coordinator may have to report activities monthly, or as needed, to the Board. E. Finance Committee. Will work under the Treasurer to assist in organizing and maintaining the finances of the league. Tasks include, but are not limited to: Operations and Constitution 1. Collecting and keeping track of dues (including dues paid by sponsors from the adopt‐a‐ skater program) 2. Inventory of merchandise 3. Calculating taxes 4. Creating and facilitating fundraisers 5. Collecting and recording bout‐ticket sales 7. Collecting and recording fundraising money 8. Organizing donations and participation with non‐profit community groups F. Interleague Relations Committee. Will work under the Vice President to assist in organizing and maintaining interleague relations. Tasks include, but are not limited to: 1. Make and keep contacts with other leagues. 2. Handle arrangements with other leagues for inter‐league games out of town 3. Arrange accommodations for other leagues coming to city for games 4. Create, update, and maintain regional and national representation of our league in conjunction with derby regionally and nationally. G. Training Committee. Will work with the Coach. Tasks include: 1. Develop and schedule cross‐training opportunities (i.e. Plyometrics, Pilates, etc.). 2. Develop stretching and training drills. 3. Plan new recruit and seasoned skater workshops 4. Keep track of new recruit skill levels 5. Problem solve teamwork and good sportsmanship issues 6. Organize a schedule for seasoned skaters to assist the new recruits at regular practice 7. Create and facilitate mentoring/extra help program ARTICLE VI CODE OF CONDUCT A. Introduction. The League is a real sports team and the skaters are trained athletes. Members must show dedication to the sport and respect to coaches and training personnel and their requirements. Members must attend and participate fully in 66% of practices and attend 50% of events. B. Safety. All protective gear must be worn during all skating activities. This includes knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and helmets. Mouth guards must be worn during bouts and scrimmages. Additional protective gear, such as ankle support and tailbone protectors, is recommended and should be taken into consideration. Skaters without protective gear will not be allowed to skate at practices. Skating under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted at League abbreviation practices (including open and closed skates), public appearances, or bouts. C. Public Appearances. All League abbreviation skaters are to represent the league in a favorable manner during public appearances, promotional events, and League abbreviation‐sponsored events. Skaters represent all members and must conduct themselves in a professional manner. The League Operations and Constitution strives to be a positive force in the city area and to be role models for girls and young women. Therefore, a member must be fully aware of how she conducts herself in front of an all‐ages audience. A suggested guideline is to consider whether your behavior would be acceptable in front of your young daughter/niece/friend’s child/etc. If an appearance/event involves children or underage individuals, skaters may not consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes in their presence. (Example: NOT publicly allowed at a street parade, car wash, yard sale, and/or other family style events. Bouts, bar fundraises, etc., are subject to one’s own discretion. Please use consideration around children.) Members may NEVER consume alcohol at a public appearance if they are or will be wearing skates. D. Sportswomanship. League is built on league camaraderie and respect. Poor Sportswomanship, malicious violence and disregard for the game rules will not be tolerated. Any malicious gossip, personal insults (including anything regarding race, religion, sexuality, body type and more,), blatant disrespect toward another rollergirl or roller derby league, and any other petty behavior that does not resemble sisterhood will not be tolerated. Attempts to harm a person’s reputation or character or sour another member’s opinion of a person, rule or situation using libel and slander will not be tolerated. This includes statements made to other league members as well as statements published on the Internet. Please see League Dismissal policy below for details. League abbreviation does not tolerate physical assaults/fighting in any form. Our focus is on athleticism, Sportswomanship, and playing the game safely and cleanly. We believe there is no place for fighting in the sport of roller derby. Members of League abbreviation will not instigate or participate in staged/fake fights or real fights during any games or scrimmages either home or away. If a League member is engaged by another skater in a physical attack, she is expected to attempt to extract herself from the situation if possible and only engage in self defense if it’s necessary for her safety. Fighting is not legal per USARS rules, and our referees will immediately eject a skater from the game if she starts a fight. E. General Code of Behavior. 1. Skaters must support a safe environment at all times. This includes: a. Skaters must have skates and protective gear. All gear must be in good working order and must not pose a threat or risk to any other skater. All protective equipment must be worn at all training sessions, scrimmages, and bouts. b. All skates must be rink‐safe, meaning that their use must not gats, indent or blemish the skating surface or any other surface, and that the skates will not cause injury to property or persons. c. Skaters must supply correct and relevant personal and contact information and must read and sign the code or conduct and waiver. d. Skaters must bring to the nearest committee members or official’s immediate attention any unusual or significant hazard in the skater’s presence or participation. e. Skaters are discouraged from wearing clothing to training, scrimmages or games that may be hazardous to the safety of other skaters or spectators. This can include but is not limited to studded belts, collars, other jewelry that may break through skin, etc. The Operations and Constitution 2. 3. 4. 5. removal or coverage/taping of piercings and other body modifications that protrude from the skin and may become caught on clothing is highly recommended. Skaters must have a strong team ethos and demonstrate good Sportswomanship at all times. a. Skaters must play by the rules. Skaters may NEVER argue with an official. If a skater disagrees with a call, she must ask the team Captain to deal with the matter. b. Skaters must control their temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other athletes, or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted in the sport c. Treat all players as you would like to be treated yourself. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player d. Cooperate with the coaches, teammates, and all other participants e. Participate in derby for the sport, not for the spectacle or drama of the bouts. f. Discuss questions, concerns and problems openly and rationally (if necessary, consult Mediation guidelines below). g. For any training sessions, scrimmages or bouts, skaters must arrive ready to participate at their fullest potential. Skaters under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or with hangovers or sleep deprivation, will be considered a danger to others and thus unfit to participate. This league must always create a welcoming environment for every member. a. Treat everyone with respect and do not discriminate. b. Each new skater, coach, trainer, and volunteer must be given a fair go and the encouragement they need. c. Injured or inexperienced skaters must be given opportunities to participate at whatever level they and the person in charge is comfortable, taking into consideration what is appropriate and safe. All skaters must meet the USARS Minimum Skills Requirements before they are allowed to scrimmage or play in a game. a. Skaters must be willing to take directions/suggestions from coaches and trainers about skills and game rules b. Skaters must also make an effort to learn new skills and be committed to improving themselves as athletes and teammates. Skaters are required to meet Attendance Requirements (See Article III.E) F. Committee Members’ Code of Behavior. (See also Article V) 1. Involve members in the planning, leadership, decision‐making and evaluation of the league. 2. Ensure that equal opportunities for participation in sports are made available to all members, regardless of age, ability, size, or any other factor addressed in the league’s Harassment Policy and all relevant State/Federal laws. 3. Ensure that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate for the ability level of participating members. Operations and Constitution 4. Ensure that adequate supervision is provided by qualified and competent coaches and trainers capable of developing appropriate positive behavior and skill technique. 5. Avoid allowing events to become primarily spectator entertainment. Focus on “sport over spectacle.” 6. Distribute and enforce the Code of Conduct regarding players, officials, spectators, coaches and the media. 7. Encourage participants to realize their potential and athletic abilities. G. Disciplinary Policy. Skaters must understand and agree to abide by the “Three Strikes Policy” as outlined below: 1. Skaters who exhibit inappropriate behavior (as outlined in this Code of Conduct) shall be given an official warning by league management 2. Skaters shall receive three (3) warnings in total; the first warning may be verbal, the second and third warnings shall be in writing. Upon receipt of the third warning, the skater will be asked to appear at a General Meeting of the board of directors, where their conduct will be discussed. As with all meetings, any and all members of the league may attend and shall be given the opportunity to present evidence for or against the misconduct. 3. Where there is not a clear consensus for the expulsion or retention of the skater from the league, a vote of all attending members at the meeting shall be taken. This vote shall determine if the skater is expelled. 4. If the motion is passed and the skater is removed from the league, they shall be asked to relinquish any title or position held and shall not be allowed to attend any further training sessions, bouts, meetings, events, etc. The skater shall also forfeit any and all dues paid thus far, and shall not have recourse to seek a refund. Ejection from the League would take effect at the time written notice is received from a member of the Executive Board. H. Grievance Resolution Procedure. The league will appoint Grievance Officers for members to notify with their concerns. Grievance Officers must deal with the matter in accordance with the league’s Grievance Resolution Procedure (see below) and a complainant, respondent or other involved party is always afforded their right to appeal in accordance with the procedure. 1. Mediation. In the spirit of Sportswomanship, League abbreviation recommends that to avoid the need to exercise this process, any members who may have personal differences or disputes should attempt to resolve the issue on their own before filing the complaint. Currently, name of individual is serving as mediator for intraleague issues. If you are uncomfortable for any reason approaching name of individual with a situation, please feel free to speak to any Committee Chair. 2. Grievance Protocol. a. In the instance when 2 separate written grievances are filed against a skater, a private meeting will be arranged between the nominee and two Committee members. The complaints will be discussed, and the two parties should attempt to come to an Operations and Constitution amicable solution to the problem. The nominee may be put on probation from all league activities for a specified amount of time, not to exceed two weeks. b. If a third written grievance against the skater is received, or if the behavior has not been corrected upon her return to the league, the incident will be presented to the Committee. The complaints and the skater’s defense will be presented to the skater’s team and her dismissal will be taken to a vote. All votes will be anonymous. A Committee member may be nominated for dismissal. Any Skater or Committee Member may file a formal complaint in writing with another Board member/Grievance Officer. ARTICLE VII FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year will begin on the first day of January, however, the term of office for Directors and Officers ends in mid‐April. ARTICLE VIII CONTROL OVER BYLAWS Proposals to amend, alter, or repeal this Agreement and to adopt a new Agreement must pass through both the Board of Directors and Officers. Proposals to amend, alter, or repeal this Agreement may come from the Directors or a petition from the members. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the Operating Agreement of the League. As in effect on the date hereof. Dated:__________ Signed by the Founding Owner, Owner name ______________________________________________________ Name:
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