Lead Sheet (SAT) Revelation Song Based on the recording by Phillips, Craig and Dean www.praisecharts.com/5826 Prayerfully, ethereal EG. lead, pads, hand percussion F 1 Verse Key: F F C C 2x - Bass in on holds Jennie Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith and Kevin Eng Orch. by Dan Galbraith B E m E m B 5 1. Wor - thy is the F 9 C to Him who sits on, 1x - Drums to full groove, bass out 2x - full on drive F ho - ly, ho - ly is He. E m Sing a new song, 2 Chorus 13 Lamb who was slain, C B heav-en's mer - cy seat. m Mel. in TEN Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, is E the Lord B God al - might - y, F 15 who was C and is and is to come. With all cre - a - tion I 2nd X to Coda E m sing, B 18 praise to the King of kings. F C You are my ev - 'ry - thing, and E m Band in full 21 W.L. I will a - dore You. © 2004 Jennie Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #4447960 Duplication of this music is not allowed except under the terms outlined at www.praisecharts.com/copyright. I will B a - dore You. Lead Sheet (SAT) 1a Verse 25 Revelation Song - page 2 of 4 F C ALL E m 2. Clothed in rain - bows, B Key: F of li - ving co - lour, flash - es F C of light - ning, rolls m 28 of thun - der. Bles - sing and hon - E or strength and glo - ry and pow - er be, D.S. al Coda B 31 to Coda B You the on - ly wise King, yeah. F Drum fill C m 33 I will a - dore You. Ho - ly, (TEN/ALTO) E ho - ly. 1b Verse B band out synth pad only F 36 W.L. only You C are ho - ly. 3. Filled with won - der, E m 39 awe - struck won - der, at the men - tion of Your Sn. 16ths - fade in to Chorus Band build B F C m 41 name. Je- sus Your name is pow - E er, breath, and liv - ing wa - ter. B 44 Such a mar - velous mys - - - ter - y. Yeah. Lead Sheet (SAT) Revelation Song - page 3 of 4 2a Chorus F 46 C ALL Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - Key: F m ly, is E the Lord God B al - might - y, F 48 who was C and is and is to come. With all cre - a - tion I sing, E m 51 praise to the King of kings. 1 - Rpt. to Chorus to 2a B You are my 2 Tag B F ev - 'ry - thing, and prime unis. I will a - dore You. I will a - dore You. 53 Praise Team A - dore You C E m W.L. only B I cry ho - ly Lord, ho - ly Lord. All cre - a - tion sings ho - ly. 56 F 59 C E m B ALL Ho - ly, ho - ly. You are ho - ly. Inst. F E 63 Pno lead, pads, lite E.G. arpeg B F Lead Sheet (SAT) Revelation Song - page 4 of 4 C m C m E Key: F B F 68 E B 72 F F 75 Piano-Vocal (SATB) Key: F Revelation Song Based on the recording by Phillips, Craig and Dean www.praisecharts.com/5826 Jennie Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith and Kevin Eng Orch. by Dan Galbraith Prayerfully, ethereal F 1 Verse C E m B 1x - W.L. only 2x - All 1. Wor - thy is the Lamb F C who was slain, m 5 ho - ly, ho E - ly is He. Sing B F 7 © 2004 Jennie Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #4447960 Duplication of this music is not allowed except under the terms outlined at www.praisecharts.com/copyright. a new song, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 2 of 9 to C Him who sits on, Key: F heav - en's mer - cy seat. E m B 10 2 Chorus Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, is the Lord God al - might - y, Mel. in TEN F C m 13 who was E 15 and is and is to come. With all cre - a - tion I B F sing, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 3 of 9 Key: F 2nd X to Coda praise to C the King of kings. You are my ev- 'ry - thing, and a - dore You. B E m I will 18 I will a - dore You. W.L. F C E m 21 1a Verse 2. Clothed in rain- bows, B 24 F of C m li - ving co - lour, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 4 of 9 flash - es of light - ning, rolls Key: F of thun - der. E B 27 Bles - sing and hon - or strength and F glo C - ry and pow - er be, m 29 D.S. al Coda to E 31 You the on - ly wise King, B yeah. Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 5 of 9 Coda I Key: F (TEN/ALTO) will a - dore You. Ho - ly, B ho - ly. F C m 33 1b Verse You are ho - W.L. only ly. 3. Filled with won - der, B E F 36 awe - struck won - der, C 39 m at E the men - tion of Your name. B Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 6 of 9 Je - sus Your name is pow - er, Key: F breath, F C and liv - ing wa - ter. m 42 2a Chorus Such a mar - velous mys - E ter - y. Yeah. B ALL Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, F 44 is the C 47 m Lord God al - might - y, who was E and is and is to come. Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 7 of 9 Key: F With all B cre - a - tion I sing, F 49 praise C to the King of kings. You are my ev - 'ry - thing, E m 51 1 - Rpt. to Chorus I B 53 will to 2a a - dore You. 2 I B will a - dore You. and Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 8 of 9 Key: F Tag I cry ho - ly Lord, ho - ly Lord W.L. only Praise Team A - dore You F C E m 55 ALL All B 58 cre - a - tion sings ho - ly. Ho - ly, F ho - ly. C m Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 9 of 9 You are ho - Key: F ly. E B F 61 Inst. B E F C E m 65 B F C m E 70 B 74 F F Lead Sheet (SAT) Revelation Song Based on the recording by Phillips, Craig and Dean www.praisecharts.com/5826 Prayerfully, ethereal EG. lead, pads, hand percussion E 1 Verse Key: E E Bm D Bm 2x - Bass in on holds Jennie Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith and Kevin Eng Orch. by Dan Galbraith A D A 5 1. Wor - thy is the E Bm 9 2 Chorus 13 Lamb who was slain, - ly is He. D Sing a new song, to Him who sits on, 1x - Drums to full groove, bass out 2x - full on drive E ho - ly, ho A heav-en's mer - cy seat. Bm Mel. in TEN Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, is D the Lord A God al - might - y, E 15 who was and is and is Bm to come. With all cre - a - tion I 2nd X to Coda D sing, A 18 praise to the King of kings. E Bm You are my ev - 'ry - thing, and D Band in full 21 W.L. I will a - dore You. © 2004 Jennie Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #4447960 Duplication of this music is not allowed except under the terms outlined at www.praisecharts.com/copyright. I will A a - dore You. Lead Sheet (SAT) 1a Verse 25 Revelation Song - page 2 of 4 E Key: E Bm ALL D 2. Clothed in rain - bows, A of li - ving co - lour, flash - es E of light - ning, rolls Bm 28 of thun - der. Bles - sing and hon - D or strength and glo - ry and pow - er be, D.S. al Coda A 31 to Coda A You the on - ly wise King, yeah. E Drum fill Bm 33 I will a - dore You. Ho - ly, (TEN/ALTO) ho - ly. 1b Verse A D E 36 band out synth pad only W.L. only You are ho - ly. 3. Filled with won - der, Bm D 39 awe - struck won - der, at the men - tion of Your Sn. 16ths - fade in to Chorus Band build A E Bm 41 name. Je - sus Your name is pow - D er, breath, and liv - ing wa - ter. A 44 Such a mar - velous mys - - - ter - y. Yeah. Lead Sheet (SAT) 2a Chorus Revelation Song - page 3 of 4 E 46 Key: E Bm ALL Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, is D the Lord A God al - might - y, E 48 who was and is and is to come. Bm With all cre - a - tion I sing, D 51 praise to the King of kings. 1 - Rpt. to Chorus to 2a A I will a - dore You. You are my 2 Tag A E I will ev - 'ry - thing, and prime unis. a - dore You. 53 Praise Team A - dore You Bm D A W.L. only I cry ho - ly Lord, ho - ly Lord. All cre - a - tion sings ho - ly. 56 E 59 ALL Ho - ly, Bm ho - D ly. You are A ho - ly. Inst. E D 63 Pno lead, pads, lite E.G. arpeg A E Lead Sheet (SAT) Bm Revelation Song - page 4 of 4 D Key: E E A 68 Bm D A 72 E E 75 Piano-Vocal (SATB) Key: E Revelation Song Based on the recording by Phillips, Craig and Dean www.praisecharts.com/5826 Jennie Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith and Kevin Eng Orch. by Dan Galbraith Prayerfully, ethereal E 1 Verse Bm D A 1x - W.L. only 2x - All 1. Wor - thy is the Lamb E who was slain, Bm 5 ho - ly, ho D - ly is He. Sing A E 7 © 2004 Jennie Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #4447960 Duplication of this music is not allowed except under the terms outlined at www.praisecharts.com/copyright. a new song, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 2 of 9 to Him who sits on, Bm Key: E heav - en's mer - cy seat. D A 10 2 Chorus Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, is the Lord God al - might - y, Mel. in TEN E Bm 13 who was D 15 and is and is to come. With all A E cre - a - tion I sing, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 3 of 9 Key: E 2nd X to Coda praise to the King of kings. You are my ev - 'ry - thing, Bm and I will a - dore You. A D 18 I will a - dore You. W.L. E Bm D 21 1a Verse 2. Clothed in rain-bows, A 24 E of Bm li - ving co - lour, Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 4 of 9 flash - es of light - ning, rolls Key: E of thun - der. D A 27 Bles - sing and hon - or strength and E glo - ry and pow - er be, Bm 29 D.S. al Coda to D 31 You the on - ly wise King, A yeah. Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 5 of 9 Coda I Key: E (TEN/ALTO) will a - dore You. Ho - ly, A ho - ly. E Bm 33 1b Verse You are ho - W.L. only ly. 3. Filled with won - der, A D E 36 awe - struck won - der, Bm 39 at D the men - tion of Your name. A Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 6 of 9 Je - sus Your name is pow - er, Key: E breath, E and liv - ing wa - ter. Bm 42 2a Chorus Such a mar - velous mys - D ter - y. Yeah. A ALL Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, E 44 is the Bm 47 Lord God al - might - y, who was D and is and is to come. Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 7 of 9 Key: E With all A cre - a - tion I sing, E 49 praise to the King of kings. You Bm are my ev - 'ry - thing, D 51 1 - Rpt. to Chorus I A 53 will to 2a a - dore You. 2 I A will a - dore You. and Piano-Vocal (SATB) Revelation Song - page 8 of 9 Key: E Tag I cry ho - ly Lord, ho - ly Lord W.L. only Praise Team A - dore You E Bm D 55 ALL All A 58 cre - a - tion sings ho - ly. Ho - ly, E ho - ly. Bm Piano-Vocal (SATB) You Revelation Song - page 9 of 9 are ho - Key: E ly. D A E 61 Inst. A D E Bm D 65 A E Bm D 70 A 74 E E
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