Jill E. Hopke Department of Life Sciences Communication University of Wisconsin-Madison Hiram Smith Hall 1545 Observatory Drive Madison, WI 53706-1215 [email protected] jillhopke.com; @jillhopke EDUCATION Ph.D. – Mass Communications Minor: Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2015 Dissertation: “Contesting Technologies in the Networked Society: A Case Study of Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Development” Advisors: Drs. Patricia Loew and Hernando Rojas Dissertation Committee: Drs. Erica Halverson (Curriculum and Instruction), Larry Meiller, and Pamela Oliver (Sociology) M.A. – Journalism & Mass Communication University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 2009 Thesis: “Transnational Participatory Radio: A Case Study of the Latin American Association of Radio Education (ALER)” Advisor: Dr. Jo Ellen Fair Thesis Committee: Drs. Patricia Loew and Larry Meiller B.A. – International Relations & the Environment – Managing the Global Commons University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2002 DOCTORAL SUMMER PROGRAM Digital Methods Summer School Certificate Training Program, June – July 2012 Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Humanities University of Amsterdam 2014 HONORS AND AWARDS Mellon-Wisconsin Dissertation Writing Camp, University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School 2013-2014 Louis and Elsa Thomsen Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences 2012-2013 Maurice E. and Grace Witter White Life Sciences Communication Scholarship, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Jill E. Hopke 1 2012 Public Affairs/Talk Show Third-Place Student Award, Wisconsin Broadcasters Association 2012 Second-Place Top Faculty Paper Award (co-author), Communication and Technology Division, International Communication Association 2011 Future Faculty Partner, University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Academy 2011 Milton Wolf Essay Competition Winner, American Austrian Foundation and Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania 2011-2012 Nellie McCannon Life Sciences Communication Award, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences 2010-2011 Jean Fewster Life Sciences Communication Award, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences 2010 Wisconsin Agricultural and Life Sciences Alumni Association Award, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences 2009 John Lyman Cooper Scholarship, McBurney Disability Resource Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison PUBLICATIONS Refereed Hopke, J. E. (forthcoming, May 2015). “In the world, from our world”: Shared values and meanings in transnational participatory radio practice. Journal of Radio & Audio Media. Hopke, J. E. (2012). Water gives life: Framing an environmental justice movement in Salvadoran mainstream and alternative news sources. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture. 6(3), 365-382. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2012.695742 Rojas, H. & Hopke, J. E. (2010). Socializados para la autocensura: Comunicación autoritaria y opinión pública [Socialized for self-censorship: Authoritarian communication and public opinion]. Revista Latinoamérica de Opinión Publica, 1, 145-156. Book Chapters Kim, S. C. & Hopke, J. E. (2012). Efectos de la comunicación móvil utilizan en las redes sociales y participación política en Colombia [Effects of mobile communication technology use on social networking and political participation in Colombia]. Comunicación y comunidad [Communication and Community]. Bogota: Universidad Externado de Colombia Press. Jill E. Hopke 2 Revise and Resubmit Hopke, J. E. Discourse over a contested technology on Twitter: A case study of hydraulic fracturing. Hopke, J. E. Occupy is not a place: A cross-case comparison of the #15M and #Occupy movements. Under Review Hopke, J. E. Hashtagging politics: Transnational environmental movement Twitter practices. Hopke, J. E. Unconventionals and the new natural resource movements: An exploration of network structure and tie content. Hopke, J. E., Gabay, I., Kim, S. C., & Rojas, H. Mobile phones and political participation in Colombia: An exploration of mobile social media versus mobile social networking. Book Reviews Hopke, J. E. (2010). Review of Global TV: New Media and the Cold War, 1946-69, by James Schwoch, in New Media and Society, 12(7), 1220-1222. Hopke, J. E. (2010). Review of Understanding Community Media, edited by Kevin Howley, in Global Media Journal. Hopke, J. E. (2009). Review of Developing Alternative Media Traditions in Nepal, by Michael Wilmore, in Global Media Journal. 2014 GRANTS Travel Grant ($300). Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013 Graduate Student Research Travel Grant ($1,000). Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013 Research Travel Grant ($1,750). European Union Center of Excellence, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2012 Travel Grant ($1,500). Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program (LACIS), University of Wisconsin-Madison 2010 Nave Short Term Field Research Grant ($1,500). Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program (LACIS), University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008 Tinker-Nave Short Term Field Research Grant ($2,200). Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison Jill E. Hopke 3 2008 MPCA/MACA Graduate Student Travel Grant ($200). Midwest Popular Culture Association (MPCA) CONFERENCE PAPERS Hopke, J. E. (2014, May). Unconventionals and the new natural resource movements: An exploration of network structure and tie content. Presented at the Qualitative Political Communication Research International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Hopke, J. E., Gabay, I., Kim, S. C., & Rojas, H. (2013, August). Mobile phones and participation: An exploration of mobile social media versus mobile social networking. Presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C. (Communication Technology Division). Hopke, J. E. (2013, June). Openings for citizen participation in debate over hydraulic fracturing: A cross-national comparative analysis. Presented at the 2013 Conference on Communication and the Environment, International Environmental Communication Association (IECA). Uppsala, Sweden. Hopke, J. E. (2012, September). New media and the formation of alternative publics: A crosscase comparison of the #15M and #Occupy movements. Presented at the annual conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Researchers-Latin America (WAPOR-Latin America). Bogota, Colombia. Kim, S. C., Hopke, J. E., & Rojas, H. (2012, May). The power of “talking on the phone”: Effects of mobile technology on social divides. Presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Phoenix, Arizona (Communication and Technology Division). Hopke, J. E. (2012, May). The political ecology of mediating environmental activism beyond the nation-state. Presented at the annual congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). San Francisco, California (Mining Conflicts and Cultural Politics in Central America panel). Hopke, J. E. (2011, May). Environmental advocacy campaigns and controversies in the global network society: Exploring social movement network structure and framing processes. Presented at International Communication Association (ICA) Political Communication Graduate Student Preconference, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Hopke, J. E. (2011, May). “A life is worth more than gold”: Framing an environmental social movement in mainstream and alternative news sources.” Presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Boston, Massachusetts (Mass Communication Division). Jill E. Hopke 4 Hopke, J. E. (2011, May). Participatory radio as collective action: A case study of the Latin American Association of Radio Education (ALER). Presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Boston, Massachusetts (Global Communication and Social Change Division). Hopke, J. E., Highland, E., Rojas, H., & Gunther, A. C. (2010, August). Trusting institutions: Citizen journalism and the hostile media phenomena. Presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Denver, Colorado (Mass Communication and Society Division). Hopke, J. E. (2010, April). “In the world, from our world”: Shared values and meanings in transnational participatory radio practice. Presented at the New Approaches to Research and Practice in Communication for Development and Social Change Conference. Athens, Ohio. Hopke, J. E. (2008, October). “Fat” for laughs: Exploring representations of gender, race, and ethnicity in reality/comedy hybrid television programming. Presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Popular Culture Association (MPCA). Cincinnati, Ohio. Vallens, R. I., Hopke, J. E., Zukas, K. J., Carpenter, E. E. & Brooks, S. R. (2008, May). Youth and global warming: The effects of online communication on opinion, action, and urgency. Presented at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). New Orleans, Louisiana. TEACHING POSITIONS Digital Media UW DesignLab, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013 – Present Instructor Workshop Curriculum Designer and Consultant • Trained faculty and staff to develop assignments with digital and social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, video production, webpage design with WordPress and effective research poster presentations). • Consulted with graduate and undergraduate students one-on-one and in small groups on the conceptual, aesthetic and technical design of digital media projects. Life Sciences Communication 399: Web and Social Media Internship Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2013 Course Coordinator for Faculty Associate Don Stanley • Mentored two undergraduate students in creating and implementing digital content strategy to market undergraduate major, as well as monitoring analytics. Media Production Skills Life Sciences Communication 314: Introduction to Digital Video Production Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2014 Teaching Assistant for Dr. Patricia Loew • Taught the fundamentals of digital video production in undergraduate service-learning course. Jill E. Hopke 5 Life Sciences Communication 360: Information Radio Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010 and 2012 Teaching Assistant for Dr. Larry Meiller • Planned, facilitated and evaluated student work for First-Year Interest Group, “Representing Self Through Media: A Personal Journey Through This American Life.” Core Communication Concepts Life Sciences Communication 100: Introduction to Communication (Inquiry and Exposition) Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2011 Teaching Assistant for Dr. Jacqueline Hitchon McSweeney • Taught informative and persuasive writing, as well as methods for effective public speaking and academic research, to 20 students through an overview of the life sciences. Life Sciences Communication 875: LSC in the Lab: Science and Communication Intersections Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2010 Course Coordinator for Dr. Dominique Brossard • Co-designed and coordinated interdisciplinary graduate seminar for communication and bench science students with the goal of exploring connections between scientific knowledge creation, applied communication theory and public perceptions of science. Journalism 201: Introduction to Mass Communication School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008 – 2009 Teaching Assistant for Drs. Jack Mitchell and Greg Downey • Planned and facilitated two weekly discussion sessions covering topics in media systems, strategic communication and journalism. RESEARCH POSITIONS Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009 – 2010 Project Assistant for Dr. Hernando Rojas • Coordinated design, data collection and analysis for three-wave panel quasi-experimental and experimental study on public perceptions of food production and safety. School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009 Interviewer for Dr. Susan Robinson • Conducted 20 in-depth qualitative interviews with Madison, Wisconsin residents for audience study component of “Capital Times Ethnography.” PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Association Service Environmental Communication Division, International Communication Association (ICA), 2014 – 2015 Graduate Student Division Representative Jill E. Hopke 6 Political Communication Interest Group, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), 2013 – 2014 Graduate Student Liaison Graduate Student Interest Group, Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), 2013 Reviewer International Communication Association (ICA), 2011 – Present Environmental Communication and Global Communication and Social Change divisions Journal Reviewer Communication Quarterly Environmental Communication Palabra Clave Public Understanding of Science University Service UW Digital Humanities Research Network, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014 Presenter, “Collecting and Coding Twitter Data in DiscoverText” workshop Undergraduate Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013 Session Moderator WSUM 91.7 FM Student Radio, Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2011 Talk Show Host WSUM Governance Board, Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010 – 2012 Graduate Student Member Communication Crossroads Conference, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010 Discussant, “International Issues in Communication” panel Communication Crossroads Conference, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008 – 2009 Member, Graduate Student Conference Planning Committee Teaching & Learning Symposium, McBurney Disability Resource Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008 Panelist, “Student Preferences and Needs—Tips for Increasing Access to Your Course” workshop Jill E. Hopke 7 Madison Friends of International Students, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007 – 2009 English Conversation Partner PROFESSIONAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011 – 2013 Digital Media Strategist and Graphic Designer • Created digital communication strategy increasing Twitter followers by more than 500%. Managed brand and designed marketing materials for undergraduate and graduate programs. • Led design of stakeholder survey and social media insight research. Reported to faculty on growth in cross-channel digital engagement with alumni, current students and partner institutions. Teaching Assistants' Association (TAA), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011 – 2012 Publicity Committee Chair • Directed team of a dozen volunteers working on fast-paced public relations campaign and developed following of more than 6,000 for award-winning @DefendWisconsin Twitter account. Wrote press releases, developed organizational messaging and talking points resulting in statewide, national and international press coverage. Progressive Media Project, Madison, WI, 2005 – 2007 Grant Writer and Development Director • Secured more than $150,000 in foundation funding, oversaw grant-funded projects and produced annual report to funders. Served as organizational liaison to Community Shares of Wisconsin umbrella fundraising organization for local nonprofits. Wisconsin Public Radio, Madison, WI, 2005 Associate Broadcasting Specialist, Interim Free Speech TV, Madison, WI, 2004 – 2005 Cable Campaign Marketing Coordinator • Planned outreach events attended by hundreds and marketed cable network through earned media placements to grow local coalition support to several dozen organizations. WORT 89.9 FM Community Radio, Madison, WI, 2001 – 2004 News and Public Affairs Director • Supervised more than 100 volunteers working on 14 news and public affairs programs. Trained dozens of individuals with diverse technical abilities on digital editing software and radio production. • Facilitated a community effort to start Spanish language news programming. Jill E. Hopke 8 MEDIA PRODUCTION Produced video essay Pacific Rim Gold Mining in El Salvador: From Here to There, screened during week-long Digital Salon exhibit at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012. Political blogging at DefendWisconsin.org and @defendwisconsin recognized with citizenchoice awards from the Milwaukee Shepard Express for runner-up “Best Politics Blog” and “Best Twitter” from Madison, Wisconsin’s Isthmus weekly newspaper in 2011. Co-directed and produced video short Expanding Your Horizons: 50 Years of Motivating Girls in Science and Math for Expanding Your Horizons program at the University of WisconsinMadison, 2008. Directed and produced feature video, More than a Meal: The Mifflin Street Community Cooperative, aired during the WYOU 36-Hour On-Air Film Festival, Madison, WI, 2008. Op-ed commentaries published in the Miami Herald, Minnesota Women's Press, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), Reno Gazette Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, Wisconsin State Journal and others, 2005 – 2008. Directed and produced video short, I am My Own Disguise, in 48-hours for Wis-Kino Spring Kabaret, 2006. Co-directed and produced video short, Sense of Place: 102 East Gorham Street, included in juried Madison 150 Sesquicentennial Program, Wis-Kino Filmmaking Collaborative, 2006. Sound art piece, War No More, aired on CKLN-FM in Toronto, Deep Wireless Festival, 2003. Produced Special Coverage: US Conference of Mayors, which received a special merit award from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, WORT-FM News Department, 2003. TECHNICAL SKILLS Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) | Final Cut Pro | Gephi Google Fusion | Microsoft Office Suite | Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Hootsuite, Instagram, Twitter, Storify) | SPSS | UCINET | WordPress MEMBERSHIPS Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) International Communication Association (ICA) International Environmental Communication Association (IECA) Latin American Studies Association (LASA) [Last updated November 2014.] Jill E. Hopke 9
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