ONE-DAY WORKSHOP Geotechnical Engineering in Problematic Grounds Jointly organized by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Hong Kong Section and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Date: Time: Venue: Language: 7 November 2014 (Friday) 09:30 – 17:00 (registration starts at 09:00) Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University English Highlights of the Workshop Construction and design of stone columns in soft soils Interdisciplinary training in geotechnical and environmental engineering leading to the effective remediation strategies Challenges of foundation design in difficult grounds Use of geosynthetics in solid waste landfills Design procedures and advanced numerical techniques for soil liquefaction assessment; ground improvement solutions to mitigate the hazard Course Fee Fee HK$700 Eligibility Member of ASCE. PolyU CEE Deartment and Supporting Organizations; or Early-bird registration (payment mde on or before 24 Oct 2014, postmarked); or Group registration (≥ 4 persons) HK$800 Non-member HK$300 ASCE Student Member (limited seats) Fee includes lecture notes, tea/coffee and an attendance certificate. Lunch is not included. Seats are limited. First-come-first-served! Supporting Organizations 1 Program (subject to minor modifications without prior notice) 09:00 – 09:30 Registration 09:30 – 09:35 Welcome address 09:35 – 10:25 Dr Wilhelm DEGEN, Ground Improvement Solutions LLC Offshore stone columns: installation and quality control, with particular consideration of low headroom conditions 10:25 – 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 – 11:35 Dr Chao LI, Lambeth Associates Design and analysis issues associated with stone column techniques in soft clay 11:35 – 12:25 Ir James SZE, ARUP Challenges of foundation design in difficult ground condition 12:25 – 12:35 Souvenir presentation 12:35 – 14:00 Lunch (not included in the registration fee) 14:00 – 14:50 Ir John COWLAND, Geosystems Ltd Use of geosynthetics in solid waste landfills 14:50 – 15:40 Dr Kaimin SHIH, The University of Hong Kong Remediation of contaminated grounds 15:40 – 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 – 16:50 Dr Gang WANG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Assessment and mitigation of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction: empirical procedures and numerical approaches 16:50 – 17:00 Closing remarks and souvenir presentation 17:00 Distribution of CPD certificates Certificate: This course is recommended for one CPD day. Enquiry: Dr Songye ZHU [email protected] 2 Tel: 3400 3964 About the Speakers Dr Wilhelm DEGEN, Ground Improvement Solutions LLC Dr. Wilhelm S. Degen is a technical expert for ground improvement using Vibro-Compaction and Vibro Replacement Stone Column technology. He has more than 25 years of experience in these techniques and is recognized as an expert in this specialized field. Over the course of his career, Dr. Degen has been instrumental in the design and implementation of numerous significant ground improvement projects both in the USA and internationally. Dr Chao LI, Lambeth Associates Dr. Chao Li is a Principal Engineer in Lambeth Associates Limited (the design and engineering branch of Gammon Construction). He obtained his PhD in computational geomechanics from Stanford University, CA, USA. He has 16 years experiences in research and consulting works in geotechnical engineering related fields. His consulting works include design and analysis for major infrastructure projects in US, China, India, Middle East, South East Asia and Hong Kong. Particularly he has been involved at various stages in construction works in the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Link Project which has made extensive use of stone columns and other ground improvement methods. Ir James SZE, ARUP James Sze is a Director of Arup. He is a Registered Geotechnical Engineer leading a geotechnical team in design and supervision of the geotechnical aspects for a variety of developments. He has 20 years of experience in investigation, design, instrumentation and construction supervision for deep foundation and basement excavation projects in a range of ground conditions across different cities and countries. 3 Ir John COWLAND, GeoSystems Ltd John Cowland is an Independent Geotechnical and Geosynthetics Engineering Consultant, based in Hong Kong, China, with 40 years of experience. John has provided advice to numerous government and private sector clients throughout the Asia Pacific region on geotechnical, environmental and geosynthetic projects; including solid waste landfills, dams, tunnels, mines, deep excavations, slopes, soft ground, coastal reclamations, liquid storage and disposal of contaminated soil. He has advised on the use of geosynthetics in all these areas, often in an innovative manner, since 1986. John has also provided advice on project management for environmental, tunnelling and water supply projects, for projects up to US$ 10 billion in value. John is a Council Member of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), an invited Member of the Environmental Geotechnics Committee TC 215 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and Chairman of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists Hong Kong (AGS HK). He has published 48 technical papers on geosynthetics and geotechnical engineering. Dr Kaimin SHIH, The University of Hong Kong Dr. Shih received his M.S., Ph.D. and the postdoctoral training from the Department of Civil and Engineering at Stanford University before joining the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2007. He has been leading an “Environmental Materials” research group at HKU and their work is primarily to engineer and employ material properties for innovative waste and wastewater treatments. Dr. Shih is particularly interested in observing the pollutant behavior in solid matrices and at water-mineral interfaces. He has conducted research projects related to sludge/ash management, material resource recovery, perfluorinated and pesticide pollution control and soil remediation. Dr. Shih currently also serves as executive committee members in 3 environmental associations, and as the editor or associate editors in 4 peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dr Gang WANG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dr Gang Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He graduated with PhD in civil engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 2005. He is Treasurer of ASCE Hong Kong Section, member of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Seismological Society of America (SSA) and a registered Professional Engineer in the state of California, USA. His research interests include geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and engineering seismology. Dr Wang was awarded Li Foundation Heritage Prize in 2010 for his outstanding research contribution in earthquake engineering and geo-hazard mitigation. 4 ONE-DAY WORKSHOP Geotechnical Engineering in Problematic Grounds 7 November 2014 (Friday), Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, PolyU Registration Form Name: (Surname) (Given Name) Office Tel.: Mobile: Email: Membership (if applicable) Membership grade: Company: ASCE / PolyU / AGS(HK) HKIE / ICE / IOM3 Membership No.: Member/Associate member/Affiliate member/Student member Group Registration (Please use separate sheets if necessary) No. Surname Given Name Email 1 Contact Person (contact information refers to above) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Phone Payment I enclose a crossed cheque no. ______________________ (Bank: _____________________) For the amount of HK$ ___________ x ___ person = HK$______________ Remarks All payment are non-refundable once booking is confirmed. Please make a cheque payable to “American Society of Civil Engineers – Hong Kong Section” and post to Dr Songye ZHU, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon Seat will only be confirmed when payment is received. ASCE Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the workshop at its discretion Enquiry Dr SongyeZHU (Email: [email protected]; Tel: 3400 3964) 5 Campus Map Workshop venue - Chiang Chen Studio Theatre 6
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