LYNN'S COUPON SERVICE _____ Want Substitutes _____ No Substitutes Printed on 11-5-2014 6014 Stockholm Lane, Panama City, FL 32404 Phone No. : 850-763-5276 _____ Form List $.75 _____ Complete List $1.00 Payment Option: Cash, Money Orders, Stamps, Paypal, Checks (made out to: Lynn Frederick) Wine Rebate Forms Misterio malbec or cabernet sauvignon (906) Wine $2 off a bottle limit 12 bottles=$24 (Receipt 12-1 to 11-30 PM 12-15-14) Purchased in OH NY Morton Grove IL (Black hang tag) OBiKWA Wines 750ml or lg Any 6=$15, 3=$6 or 1=$1.50 (Receipt by 12/31/14 PM 1/15/15 + Write Upcs) Hollywood FL (Internet Form) No Po Boxes Smoking Loon (5R090) Wines Any 12=$24, 6=$9, 3=$3 or 1=$1 (All on 1 Receipt by 1/31/15 PM 2/15/15) Void in: AL HI IN MO NC TX UT (Cinn NJ) Yellow hang tag Wente Wine (531) 750ml 12=$12 6=$15 4=$6 1=$1 (all wine must be on same Receipt by 1/15/15 PM 1/25/15) Cinn NJ (Brown hang Tag) (Box: 3250)(Exp: 2015-01-25) $12 Belle Ambiance (Receipt(S) 12-31-14 PM 1-15-15) BAFL14100 Del Rio TX 6=$12 4=$6 2=$2.50 1=$1 $24 Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon Cab, Napa (Receipt 2-1 to 12-31 REC 1-31-15 + write UPCs) AV143101 Del Rio TX12=$24 6=$9 3=$3 AK CO CT DE FL IA ID IL MA MD MI MN ND NE NH NY OH ORDancer, SD VA WA WIDaughter, NO PO BOXES $36 Middle Sister, Slow Good Sisterhood, Cowgirl + more wine (Receipt 1-1 to 12-31 PM 1-15-15) NOT VALID AL AR HI IN ME MO MS NC TX 2533 Grand Rapids MN 12=$36 9=$27 6=$18 3=$71-1 1=$2 $18 Middle Sister (receipt to 12-31 PM 1-15-14) 2050 Grand Rapids MN NOT VALID AR HI IN TX UT LA 6=$18 3=$7 1=$2 $3 Beso Del Sol Sangria (Receipt 3-1 to 3-15 PM 2-28-15 + write upc) 922 Morton Grove IL purchased in AK AZ AR CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI ID IL KS KY LA ME MD SC SD TN VT WA WI WY no po boxes(Receipt except 3-1 WA to one 3literREC 1-31-15) SEB014 Del Rio TX 12=$24 6=$10 $24 Sebastiani 12-31 1=$1.50 $18 Liberty School or Troublemaker wines (Receipt 1-20 to 1-31-15 PM 2-28-15 + write UPCs) 011614 San Juan Capistrano CA 6=$18 4=$10 2=$4 1=$2 no po boxes $25 Josh Cellars (Receipt 4-1 to 3-31 PM 4-15-15) DFWS-02069 Del Rio TX Valid AK AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL KS KY MA MD MI MN MS MT ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH $12 Milestone Money Back Guarantee 1 750ml bottle (Receipt 7-1 to 2-28-PM 3-16-15) MSTZ0315502 El Paso TX FL ONLY $18 Rex-Goliath (Receipt 7-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14 REXZ0751544 El Paso TX Valid MI OH WV 12 bottles=$18 6=$9 3=$4 $18 Gnarly Head (Receipt 12-31 PM 1-15-15) GHFL14125 Del Rio TX 6 750ml=$18 5=$15 4=$12 3=$9 2=$6 $5 House wine 3L 1=$3 box (receipt 6-1 to 12-31 PM 1-14-15) 3234-R00445 Tecate CA no po boxes $18 Spin the bottle (Receipt(S) 8-15 to 10-15 PM 11-15-14) 809 Cinn NJ Valid ID MT WA OR 6=$18 5=$15 4=$12 3=$9 2=$6 1=$3 750ml $18 MaryHill wines Purchases made in ID OR MT WA (Receipt 8-1 to 12-31 PM 1-5-15) 20118N Glendale AZ 6 bottles=$18 $20 Estancia (Receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14 + write UPC) ESTZ0715503 El Paso TX Valid MI OH WV 12=$20 6=$9 3=$4 750ml bottles $24 Franciscan Estate, Robert Mondavi, Simi,and or Wild Horse (Receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14 + write UPC) CBPZ0715515 El Paso TX Valid MI OH WV 12=$24 6=$11 3=$5 750ml bottles $18 Blackstone (Receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14 + write UPC) BLKZ0715502 El Paso TX Valid MI OH WV 12=$18 6=$9 2=$3 750ml bottles $3 Black Box and/or Rex Goliath 3 500ml Tetra pak cartons (Receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 PM 1115-14 + write UPC)(Receipt(S) CBPZ07 El10Paso TX12-31 Valid MI WV + write UPC) 14-95324 El Paso TX $5 Yago products 1 to PMOH 1-31-15 NOt Cupcake Valid IN TX UT(Receipt $5=3L $4=1.5L $3=750ml 3 per name $24 wine 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-15-15) Offer 21703114 Cinn NJ Valid IL KY no po boxes 12=$24 $2 a bottle Page 1 Quantity $2.40 $1.50 $2.40 $2.40 $1.20 $2.40 $3.60 $1.80 $0.30 $2.40 $1.80 $2.50 $1.20 $1.80 $1.80 $0.50 $1.80 $1.80 $2.00 $2.40 $1.80 $0.30 $0.50 $2.40 $12 Beringer wines Valid IL (Receipt 11-1 to 12-31 PM 1-15-15 + write UPCs) 98151632 Del Rio TX 3=$12 2=$7 1=$3 $18 Red Diamond wines (Receipt 10-1 to 10-31 PM 11-30-14) RDD0054 Del Rio TX Valid WA ID OR MT 6=$18 1=$3 $18 Chateau St Jean wine (Receipt 10-1 to 11-4 REC 11-19-14 + write UPCs) 98151412 Del Rio TX 6 750ml=$18 3=$7 1=$2 no po boxes Valid WA OR ID MT WY ND NV $12 Yellow Tail (Receipt(S) 10-14 to 11-14 PM 11-30) VALID ID OR WA DFWS02223 Del Rio TX 6=$12 3=$5 2=$3 1=$1 $36 Michael David wine (Receipt 9-1 to 12-31 REC 1-31-15 + write UPCs) MDW1011 Del Rio TX Valid AK AZ CA CO DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL KY KS LA MD ME MI MN MT NE NH NM NV NY OH OR SC TN VA VT WA WV High Value Forms $6 or more. Admiral Nelsons Rum (13-76507) any flavor 1.75L Any 2=$10 or 1=$5 Or 1L 2=$6 or 1=$3 OR 750ml 2=$5 or 1=$2 (Receipts 1/1 - 1/31/15 PM 2/28/15 + Write UPC) Douglas AZ 2 per name for RI (blue pad) Evan Williams (13-76519) Honey Reserve or Cherry Reserve or Cinnamon Reserve Any One 1.75L=$10 or 2 750ml or 1 750ml=$5 (Receipt 1/1 - 1-31 PM 2/28/15 + Write Upcs) White Bear Lake MN (yellow /black pad) $6 Bayer Advanced Lawn and Care Products (Receipt(S) 1-1 to 11-30 REC 12-15-14 + UPCs) 2564 Grand Rapids MN No PO BOXES Including Natria and Durazone3 per name=$18 store pad $24 FireFly (Receipt(S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) 37093 Douglas AZ 3=$24 2=$15 1=$7 $24 Burnetts, Evan Williams, Two Fingers, Christian Brothers FL only (Receipt 4-1 to 1-31 PM 2-28-15 + write UPCs) 6=$24 1.75L $20=5 $15=4 no more then 3 per brand. Limit 2 per name 13-76532 El Paso TX $6 Bayer Advanced Lawn and Care Products (Receipt(S) 1-1 to 11-30 REC 12-15-14 + UPCs) 2564 Grand Rapids MN No PO BOXES Including Natria and Durazone3 per name=$18 Internet form $9.99 Arm & Hammer Clean Scentsations Detergent (Receipt 3-17 to 12-31 REC 1-3115 + write UPC) AHCSLAUN01 Del Rio TX INTERNET FORM $50 Grand Marnier, ARDBEG, Glenmorangie, Belvedere, 10 Cane (Receipt(S) 5-21 to 1-11 PM 2-11-15 + write UPCs) 051214 San Jan Capistrano CA Valid ME NH VT 8=$50 6=$35 3=$15 $7 Turtle Wax Ice or JetBlack (Receipt 4-4 to 9-30 PM 10-31-15) 2032 Rock Island IL $45 Black Haus Blackberry Schnapps, Goldschlager Cinn Schnapps, Myers Rum, Romana Sambuca, Rumple Minze + More (Receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 REC 11-15-14) Purchased in OH Only DIAGEO32620 Del Rio TX 3 bottles 750ml or larger=$45 2=$25 1=$10 $1.20 $60 Captain Morgan products purchased OH (receipt(S) 7-1 to 10-31 REC 11-15-14) DIAGE03636 Del Rio TX 5 bottles 1.75L only=$60 3=$30 1=$8 $10 Coca-Cola any products+ 1 or more 750ml or larger Jack Daniels Tenn Whiskey, Honey,Finlandia, Souther Comfort, el Jimador or Canadian Mist Min $10.01 Receipts 8-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14) MBS857 Del Rio TX Valid AK AZ CA CO DE DC FL GA ID IL IA KS KY LA MD MA MI MN MT NE NV NH NM NY ND OH PK PA RI SD TN VT WA WV WI WY $6.00 $65 Activia Yogurt Challenge (Receipt 7-21 PM 11-30-14 65 cups and/or drinks) Grand Rapids MN Internet Form $7 Margaritaville Tequila (Receipt 9-1 to 8-31 PM 9-30-15) 37295 Douglas AZ 2=$7 1.75L 1=$3 Internet form $7 Margaritaville Rum (Receipt 9-1 to 8-31 PM 9-30-15) 37294 Douglas AZ 2=$7 1.75L 1=$3 Internet form $3.00 Page 2 $1.80 $1.80 $1.20 $3.60 $1.00 $1.00 $0.60 $2.40 $2.40 $0.60 $1.00 $5.00 $0.70 $4.50 $1.00 $0.70 $0.70 $10 Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic Motor oils 1 5qt or 5 singles (Receipt 9-1 to 11-30 PM 12-15-14) 2 per name=$20 0884 Houston TX $7 Fleischmanns Brandy, Gin, Vodka, Rum any 2 bottles 1.75L (Receipt (S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) Dept 37153 Douglas AZ $7 Chi-Chis (Receipt(S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) Dept 37115 Douglas AZ 1=$3 1.75L $7=2 1.75L $7 Canadian LTD (Receipt(S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) Dept 37099 Douglas AZ 1=$3 $7 Ten High 2=$7 1.75L 1=$3 (Receipt(S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) 37109 Douglas AZ2=$7 1=$3 1.75L $15 Seagrams Vodka (Receipt 1-31 to 12-31) IN14-1426 Scottsdale AZ Valid AL AR AZ CO CT DC DE FL GA IA ID IL KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OR PA RI SC SD UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 2 1.75L=$15 1=$6 $24 Dr McGillicuddys (Receipt (S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) 37090 Douglas AZ 4=$24 3=$15 2=$9 1=$3 1.75L also 750ml or 1L $10 Coca-Cola any products 2-liter or multipack 10.01 min + 1 or more 750ml or larger Jack Daniels Tenn Whiskey, Honey, Finlandia, Southern Comfort, el Jimador or Canadian $7 Old Thompson 2 1.75L=$7 1=$3 (Receipt (S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) Dept 37105 Douglas AZ Rums, Dewars, Bombay, (Receipt 9-15 to 11-16 REC 11-30-14 ) Portfplio Grand $60 Bacardi Rapids MN Turf ValidBuilder CO CT Winterguard GA MA NJ RI (Receipt TN WI & bases 1=$8 3=$30 5=$60 $16 Scotts 9-1 toMilitary 10-31 PM 11-30-14 + write UPC) 14REB40 Del Rio TX no po boxes except ND $8 per bag 15,000sq ft limit 2 bags $10 Tankables Weed Killer (Receipt(S) 1-1 to 12-31 PM 1-30-15 + write UPCs) PB1G1302 Del Rio TX no po boxes $10 Epic Vodka (Receipt(S) 9-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15) Dept 37151 Douglas AZ 1=$10 $60 Bacardi Rums, Dewars, Bombay, (Receipt 9-15 to 11-16 REC 11-30-14 ) Portfplio 3888J Grand Rapids MN Valid AL AZ CT DE DC ID ILIA KS KY LA ME MD MI MN MS MO MT NE NH NJ NY Liquid NC NDPlumr OH OK(Receipt OR PA SC VT WA WVtoWY 1=$8 PM 3=$30 5=$60+ Write UPC) PO box 5765 $8.50 12-31 2010 6-30-15 6-30-15 Kalamazoo, MI Not Valid RI 3 per name =$17 Internet Form $10 Spiderwire Line (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31PM 1-31-15 + write upc) H745457 El Paso TX 2 per name=$20 Internet form $8 Stren Line (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31PM 1-31-15 + write upc) H645456 El Paso TX 2 per $25 Mobil Delvac heavy duty diesel engine oil 1300 pail (Blains Farm and Fleet Receipt(S) 8$16 Scotts Turf Builder winterguard (Receipt 9-1 to 10-31 PM 11-30-14 + write UPC) 2 bags=$16 1=$8 # Tractor 14REB40 no po boxes Internet Form $10 Shell Rotella Hydraulic (Receipt 8-1 to 10-31 PM 11-15-14) 5 gallon pail=$10 2=$20 2 per name 0974Set Houston TXworth Not valid RI Internet Format Publix (Receipt 9-22 $48 value Free PinkOFFER Cake Pop Buy $30 P&G products to 11-30 PM 12-7-14 + Write UPCs) 49246C Strongsville OH Internet form $7 Turtle Wax Jet Black Endura Shine Tire Coat Kit or Jet Kit (Receipt 7-30 to 10-31 PM 1130-14) RockNails Island IL Internet $60 Liquid $200 purchaseForm $30=$100 $14=50 7=$25 $2.50=$10 purchase (Receipt 815 toDrano 12-31Max PM Gel 1-31-15 El Paso TX Internet $14 32oz,14-97041 42oz, 80oz or 128oz or UltraForm MBG (Receipt 7-1 to 6-30 PM 7-3115 + Write UPC) Offer DRA-2008N El Paso TX Internet form $6 Drano Dual Force Foamer MBG 17oz (Receipt 7-1 to 6-30 PM 7-31-15 + write UPC) Offer DRA2008N El Paso TX Internet Form $18 Svedka vodka (Receipt 10-1 to 1-5 PM2-15-15 + write UPC) SVKZ1515517 El Paso TX Valid AL IA ID ME MI MS MT NC NH OH OR VA VT WV WY 3=$18 1.75L 2=$10 1=$4 $15 Black Velvet or Toasted Caramel (Receipt 10-1 to 1-5 PM2-15-15 + write UPC) BLVZ1515506 El Paso Brandy TX Valid(Receipt AL IA ID1-15 ME MI MT NC422MR01 NH OH ORDel VARio VT TX WVValid WY 3=$18 $36 Korbel California PMMS 1-30-15) IA MN High Value Forms $2 or more Enfamil Powder Formula Any Two 21.5oz or lg (Receipt 12/1/13 - 12/31/14 PM 1/31/15 + Write Upcs) El Paso TX (white store pad) ProPlan Sign up for offers and promotions just fill out post card Burnetts Vodkas 1.75L Any 1=$5 or (2) 1.0Ls/750=$5 (Receipt 1-1 to 1-31 PM 2-28-15 + written UPC) Except FL IN TX UT Promo #13-76524 El Paso TX (Blue Store Pad) Page 3 $1.00 $0.70 $0.70 $0.70 $0.70 $1.50 $2.40 $1.00 $0.70 $6.00 $1.60 $1.00 $1.00 $6.00 $0.85 $1.00 $0.80 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $0.70 $3.00 $1.40 $0.60 $1.80 $1.50 $3.60 $0.50 $0.25 $0.50 $5 Exclusiv Vodka (Receipt by 2-1 PM 2-20-15) 54904 Tempe AZ 1.75=$5 1L, 750ml=$3 $0.50 $5 Fresh Seafood $10 or more No Beer Purchase AL DC DE GA IN LA MA ME MD NC NY PA TN TX VA VT WV (Receipt 1-1 to 12-31 REC 1-31-15) v643-HS2014 Cinn NJ $5 Coronet VSQ (receipt 1-1 to 1-31 PM 2-28-15 + write UPC)  Void IN TX UT 13-76513 El Paso TX 2=$5 1=$2 $1.50 Buzz Away Extreme 1 4oz bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.50 Elderberry Liquid Extract 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.50 Elderberry Capsule 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $0.50 $1.50 Thera Zinc Oral Spray 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.25 SEE 90 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $2.00 Super Lysine+ Tabs 180 count 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) Super Lysine+ Tabs 90 count 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet $1.25 Form) $1.50 Super Lysine+ Liquid Extract 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 Form) SEE 180 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $2.00 $3 off Juice min $4 buy 1 bottle Sequin 750ml (Receipt PM 1-15-15) SQFL14209 Del Rio TX $1 Citrus Magic Air Freshener 3.5oz or larger (Receipt) 1560 Kennesaw GA NED Burger King Join the Kids Club get cool stuff members get a free burger on their birthday NED Toys R Us Join Geoffreys Birthday card (Postcard) NED membership form $3.99 Windex Original Money Back Guarantee (Receipt 7-1 to 6-30 PM 7-31-15 + write UPC) WIN-2005N Paso TX 12oz,Money 26oz orBack 32ozGuarantee Internet Form $3.99 Shout TripleElActing Trigger (Receipt 7-1 to 6-30 PM 7-31-15 + write UPC) SHO-2004N El Grass Paso TX 22oz or 30oz Internet $5 DuraZone Weed & Control (1-1 to 11-30 RECForm 12-15-14 + write UPC) 2060 Grand Rapids MNHouse no po Crackers boxes 3 per or 24oz Concentrate $5 Keebler Town anyhousehold=$15 2 9.5oz or larger1.3 + 1Gallon any Wine 750ml or larger At Publix inWilliams FL (all onBlack sameLabel Publix Receipt1-1 5-19 3 per nameUPC) mailed separately $3 Evan (Receipt to PM 1-3112-31-14) PM 2-28-15 + write 13-76515 El Paso TX 1Snacks, 1.75L=$3 ExceptBuns FL, IN, TX, UT Min $10 No Beer Required AL CO HI KS ME MA $5 Salty Sausages, Sauerkraut MSMargaritaville MO NY NC UTReady WV (Receipt 8-1Cocktails to 11-30(Receipt PM 12-15-14 UPCs from packages) 02288 $5 To Drink 9-1 to +8-31 PM 9-30-15) 37296 Douglas AZ Fresh 2=$5 1.75L 1=$3 Internet $5 Seafood $10 min Noform Beer Required in AL DC DE GA IN LA MA ME MD NC NY PA TN TX VA WV (Receipt 1-1 to 12-31 REC 1-31-15) 643-HS2014 Cinn NJ $5 Grillable Meat, Seafood or Fresh Vegetables min $5.01 No beer required MN MO NC SD $3 Jameson 1 750ml or larger + any Beer must exceed $3 (Receipt 9-1 to 11-30 PM 12-15$2 STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment (Receipt 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + Write UPC 597716 Kalamazoo, MI (Internet Form)Buy 3 participating products (Receipt 9-15 to 11-15 PM 12$3.50 Free Campbells product 31-14) PO Box 2997 Grand $3 DuBouchett (Receipt1-1Rapids, to 1-31MN PM Internet 2-28-15 +Form write12-31-14 UPC) Offer 13-76514 El Paso TX $3=1 1.75L $2=1 1.0L Cans or 750ml 2 per Except IN10-1 TX UT $5 Guinness Draught 2 4-pks or name=$6 1 8-pk (Receipt(S) to 12-31 REC 1-15-15) Except $3 J.P. Wisers Rye Whisky Valid DC IL LA MD (Receipt 9-1 to 11-30 PM 12-15-14 + write UPC) PRUSA8229 Del Rio TX Internet Forms Berkley Fishing/Sportsman Cart Any 1 & get a Free Tool Kit (Receipt 1/1/14 12/31/14 PM 1/31/15 + Write Upc + $5.95 S&H) El Paso TX (Internet Form) Beech Nu Baby Food Buy any 2 Cereals, 40 JArs or 10 stage 4 or 5 products & Receive Coupons Back (Upcs) Fairfield CT (Internet Form) $5.00 Breeders Choice any one bag of dog or cat food & get a voucher redeemable for 1 FREE bag of cat food or dog Kookies (Receipt + UPC) Irwindale CA NED (Internet Form) Juice 3 UPC's + receipt (S) + $1.99 s/h Get K'Nex pacWorld Mazed building set Langers (16195) City of industry CA Value $19.95 (Internet Form) NED Joint Juice + 30-Count Supplement Drink (Cran Promegranate Flavor)+ purchase local club store + UPC Get $5 Rebate (426008) Del Rio, Tx (Internet Form) 1-31-2015 Arm and Hammer Truly Radiant Toothpaste +UPC Get $5.49 Refud Check 426015 Del Rio, Tx (Internet Form) 1-31-15 Page 4 $0.50 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20 $0.30 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.40 $0.50 $0.50 $0.30 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.30 $0.20 $0.35 $0.30 $0.50 $0.30 $1.00 $0.35 $0.40 $0.60 $0.50 $0.50 Vegan Garden Medley + Receipt + UPC Get $7 Rebate (222510) Hollowood , FL (Internet Form) NED Autolite Spark Plugs + Receipt + UPC (s) Get Up to $48 (6030) Douglas, AZ (Internet Form) 1-31-15 Autolite Small Engine Spark Plugs + Receipt + UPC (s) Get Up to $12 Rebate (6030) zMAX Micro-lubricant 51-011 (Engine & Fuel Treatment Kit) + Receipt + UPC Get $7 Rebate (600) Concord, NC (Internet Form) 3-15-15 Langers Juices (4 any flavor)+ UPCs + Receipt(s) (valid 4-15-14 to 12-31-14) + $2.99 Shipping Get Maxt Steel Action Figure (16195) City of Industry, CA (Internet Form) 1-31-15 ZonePerfect Product + UPC + Receipt + Money Back Guarantee Request Form (postmarked within 30 days of purchase) Get $20.30 (maximum refund) (29354) Mission, KS (Internet Form) 12-31-14 Atkins Made Easy + Receipt + Rebate Form Get $3 Rebate (426013), Del Rio, Tx (Internet Form) 1-31-15 Buddig Deli Cuts Think-Sliced Meats or Buddig Fix Quick + UPCs +$2 Shipping Get Insulated Lunch Bag (60430) Homewood, IL (Internet Form) NED Buddig Deli Cuts Thin-Sliced Meats + UPC + $2 Shipping Get Beanbag Buddi Bull (Free with 10 Original 2 oz. Buddig "Original"; Free wiith 216 oz. Buddig “Original,” 12 oz./16 oz. Deli Cuts, 8 oz./10 oz. “Original” Tubs or four (4) 8 oz. Buddig “Original” (60430) Homewood. IL (Internet Form) NED Waterpik Water Flossers + Receipt(s) + UPC Receive $5 Rebate (426013) Del Rio, TX (Internet 1-31-15 HeartgardForm) Plus (Buy 12 Doses) - Available only on purcahses from your Veterinarian + Receipt Get $12 Rebate (4040) South Bend, IN (Internet Form) 3-1-15 Coles Products + Receipt (3 Proofs of Purchase) Get Designer Shopping Bag (No PO Box) Grand Rapids, MI (Internet Form) NED Berkley Fishing/Sportsman Cart + UPC + Receipt + $5.95 Shipping Get Berkley Fishing Tool Kit (540062) El Paso, Tx (Internet Form) 12-31-14 $4 Rebate Xenna Callex Ointment + UPC + Receipt (No PO Box) Princeton, NJ (Internet Form) 1-7-15 $5 Rebate Xenna Nail Gel + UPC + Receipt (No PO Box) Princeton, NJ (Internet Form) 1-715 $15 Rebate High Rise Vodka (Save $15 on a 1.75L or on two 750 mls OR $7 on a 750 ml HighCrest Rise Vodka andPro-Health Flavored Vodka + Receipt UPC (540011) El Paso, (Internet Form) $20 or Oral-B System Sensitive+ (Receipt 4-1 10-31 PM TX 12-1-14 + UPC) 2132 Grand Rapids, MN (Internet Form) $2 Rebate Rock Doctor (Granite Cleaner or Polish and Granite Sealer) + Receipt (PM not later than 30 days from the purchase) (No PO Box) Lenexa, KS (Internet Form) NED $200 Rebate Rugged Ridge, Omix-ADA or Alloy USA Products + Invoice + UPC (Send within 60 days of the original purchase date) (No PO Box) Suwanee, GA (Internet Form) 12-31-14 $11 NasalCEASE First Aid for Cuts and NoseBleeds (purchase 3 boxes) + Receipt + UPC (303) Mendon, NY (Internet Form) 1-15-15 $3 Rebate Any Luvena Product + UPC + Receipt (No PO Box) Rancho Domingo, CA (Internet Form) $3 Blue12-31-14 Rhino Propane Tank + Receipt (6075) Douglas, AZ (Internet Form) 1-30-15 $5 McDonalds certificates Buy $20 in Scotch Adhesives or Mounting Products (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + UPCs) 14148 St Paul MN Internet Form Scotch Laminating buy $125 Products Get free Ghirardeli Chocolates and wooden Crate (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + UPCs) 14148 St Paul MN Internet Form $25 Darden Restaurant Gift Cards Buy $100 in Post-It Easel Pads Products (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + UPCs) 14148 St Paul MN Internet Form $10 Gourmet Coffee Card Buy $50 in Post-It and Scotch Products (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + UPCs) St Paul Internet $10 Sephora Gift14148 Card Buy $50 MN in Post-It andForm Scotch Products (Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 131-15 + UPCs) 14148 St Paul MN Internet Form $12 Arm Hammer Spin brush Battery Powered toothbrush Love it or your Money back Guarantee (Receipt 3-1 to 12-31 REC 1-31-15 + UPC) AHSPIN1103 Del Rio TX Internet form Page 5 $0.70 $2.00 $1.20 $0.70 $0.60 $2.00 $0.30 $0.60 $0.60 $0.50 $1.20 $0.60 $0.80 $0.40 $0.50 $1.50 $2.00 $0.20 $20.00 $1.10 $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $1.00 $1.00 $0.80 $0.80 $1.20 $9.95 Physicians Formula Sexy Booster Va Va Voom Volume Mascara (Receipt 12-1 to 1130 PM 12-31-14 + write UPC + try me free label) PF5870 Del Rio TX 2 per name for RI Internet Form $15.99 PediaSure Powder Shake mix (Receipt 6-1 to 12-1 rec 1-31-15 + UPC) 1 single can 14oz PEDIA16 Del Rio TX INTERNET FORM $7.98 2X your money back Dawn Ultra, Hand Renewal, Platinum Power Clean Clean, Platinum Bleach or Power OXI (Receipt 7-1 to 5-31 PM 6-30-15 + Upc + Reason PM within $25 Physicians Formula Super BB All-in-1 Beauty Balm Makeup and Super CC+ Color Correction + Care Makeup (Receipt 3-1 to 2-28 PM 3-15-15 + write UPC and special label Get up to $25) PF5879 Del Rio TX 2 per name INTERNET FORM $500 ConAgra Food Service (Receipt 6-1 to 11-30 PM 12-31-14 + UPC) FS-2028 Brownsdale MN 2 cases of same SKU La Choy, Swiss Miss, Pam, ChefBoyardee, Orville + more Internet form Juice 3 UPCs 64oz bottles + receipt (S) Disney Planes Fire & Rescue Baseball Langers Cap (16195) industry Value $19.95 noAid po 5boxes Form) $79.99 valueCity glassofor ceramicCAbowl Buy Kitchen Quart(Internet Stand mixer (from September $75 2 Rain X Wiper Blades + Gumout Professional Service (Pep Boys SI Receipt 7-1 to 12-31 PM 1-15-15) (PO Box 771527) Houston, TX (Internet Form) $9.99 Free Litter Buy Precious Cat Litter Receipt + UPC (No PO Box) Englewood, CO (Internet Form) $10 PaireOB PlusNED DHA (Receipt from Pharmacy name, Number of tablets 30 or more and cost to patient) 31 Birmingham AL Internet Form $10 Maxaron Forte (Receipt from Pharmacy name, Number of tablets 30 or more and cost to patient) 31 Birmingham AL Internet Form NED $10 Exergen TemporalScanner purchased for a baby shower gift (expires 12-31-14) + Receipt (No PO Box) Watertown, MA (Internet Form) $10 Buy (1) 5 Qt bottle of Pennzoil Platinum or Ultra Platinum or Ultra Full Synthetic motor OR buy (5) 1Firearms Qt bottles  of Pennzoil Platinum Ultra Platinum or Ultra $50 BuyoilBushmaster Modern Sporting Rifle (untilor 12-31-14 PM 1-24-15 ) + Full Receipt(s) + UPC(s) (Promotion #55142) PO BoxSelected 22177 Tempe, AZ(Cameras, (Internet Form) $350 American Express Reward Card Buy Canon Products Printers,1-24Lenses) (valid until 10-25-14 PM 11-25-14) + UPC + Receipt(s) (P.O. 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Box 2823) Grand Rapids, MN (Internet Form) 1-31-15 d Satisfaction Guarantee's Dawn Ultra, Hand Renewal, Platinum Power Clean Clean, Platinum Bleach or Power OXI If you aren't happy get your $ back. (Receipt + Upc + Reason PM within 30 days of purchase (South Bend IN) Internet Form Gain Fireworks $9.99 + Receipt (within 90 days of purchase) Get Money Back Guarantee (1108) Grand Rapids, MN (Internet Form) NED Cascade Action Pacs or Cascade Complete Pacs +UPC + Receipt Get Money Back Refund (within 30 days of purchase) ( 49230) Strongsville, OH (Internet Form) NED $6.99 Gurantee Quilted Northern Products + UPC + Receipt (6006) Morton Grove, IL $0.70 Page 6 $1.20 $0.80 $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 $0.75 $1.00 $0.75 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 $2.00 $0.75 $2.00 $0.50 $0.60 $0.30 $1.00 $0.40 $0.70 $6.99 Quilted Nortthern Products Money Back Guarantee Ultra Push or Ultra Soft & Strong (Receipt 8-9 to 12-31-14 + UPC) 6006 Morton Grove, IL (Internet Form) $17.99 Fresh Step Scoopable Litters odor control (receipt 7-1 to 6-30 REC 7-31-15 + why you're not satisfied) 813022 Kalamazoo Mi Internet form $12 Arm and Hammer SpinBrush Truly Radiant Battery Powered Toothbrush (Receipt 3-1 to 12-31 PM 1-31-15 +UPC) AHSPIN1103 Del Rio, TX Money back guarantee (Internet Form) Boost Original or High Protein Drink 6-pk Guarantee (Receipt 1-1 to 12-31 PM 12-31$9.99 14 + UPC) 7002013001 Del Rio TX Internet form $14.99 Dove Dare Money Back Guarantee PCDO 12 FL. OZ. Shampoo or Conditioner or Treatment (Receipt 9/1/14 - 12/31/14 PM 1-31-15) 1503 Englewood Cliffs, NJ (Internet $22.59 Natures Bounty Optimal Solutions Hair, Skin, Nails Challenge (Receipt10-1 to 3-31 REC 5-31-15 + UPC) USN 2014006 Del Rio, TX Internet Form $9.99 3M Scotch Fur Fighter Hair Remover for Upholstery or Scotch Fur Fighter  Hair Remover for Car Interiors (Receipt + return tool and any used sheets + reason not $3.99 3M Scotch-Brite Stay Clean Receipt + Unused portion Does not include Tax or shipping (No PO Box) St. Paul, MN Money Back Guarantee (Internet Form) NED $0.60 $4.99 Scotch Lint Roller or Pet Roller MBG (Receipt + Unused roller) 225-3S06 St Paul MN NED Internet Form Satisfaction Guarantee Tide Boost White + Bright Pac + UPC (PM within 30 days of purchase) (PO Box 7302) South Bend, IN (Internet Form) NED $12.99 Money Back Guarantee Any Listerine Product (1) LISTERINE Mouthwash 250mL or larger, or one (1) LISTERINE WHITENING® RINSE 250mL or larger, or one (1) LISTERINE SMART RINSE 250mL or larger , or one (1) LISTERINE POCKETPAKS or POCKETMIST, or one (1) LISTERINE ESSENTIAL CARE Toothpaste or any one (1) LISTERINE Floss (valid until 12-3114) + date of birth + Receipt + UPC (P.O. 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All for $19.95 p&s (newspaper form) Sucrets Ice in either Grape or Pomegrante Flavor Any 1 (Receipt + Upc) Del Rio TX (red pad) Orajel Advanced Tooth Desensitizer & Any family size package of Toothpaste & get $3 (Receipt + Upc) Cassleberry FL (white + blue pad) Jolly Time Microwave Pop Corn Pop Corn Products Any 3 & get a FREE Collapsible Water Bottle (Upcs) Sioux City IA (big white pad) Simple Solution brand Puppy Training Pads or Stay at Home Floor PRotection Pads Any 10=$10 (Upcs) Niagra Falls NY (green + white sticker) Sweet N Low Tee Shirts Only $12.99 & $1.50 S&H Just Fill Out Form (Brooklyn NY) cardboard form $0.40 Page 7 $1.50 $1.00 $0.80 $1.40 $2.00 $0.75 $0.40 $1.00 $1.20 $1.50 $0.50 $0.50 $1.00 $0.75 $0.40 $0.50 $0.12 $0.25 $0.25 $0.80 $0.25 Sweet N Low Crystalline Bowl Only $8.99 includes P&H (Just Fill out form) Brooklyn NY Jolly Time Microwave Pop Corn Product & get a Free Pedometer (2 Upcs + $2.99 S&H) Sioux City IA (newspaper form) Jolly Time Pop Corn & get a Free Reusable Grocery Bag Only 3 Upcs (Sioux City IA) cardboard form Container Buy 1 GEt 2 Free (Receipt + Empty Container PM within 30 days Too Tarts Candy of purchase) Atlanta GA (yellow store pad $9.99 Milk-Bone Dog Snacks Products Any 2 & Get Personalized Milk-bone ID Tag Free +$1.95 S&H UPCs or Custom Cookie Jar $27.95 + $4.95 S&H Rockville Centre NY No Po Boxes (Box: 2222) NED Card board form ACDelco Spark Plugs + UPC + 4 Minimum Purchase Get $32 Rebate (540062) El Paso, TX (Internet Form) 1-31-15 $1.50 Buzz Away Extreme Towelettes 1 (Receipt 11-30-14) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.50 Canker Cover 1 (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.50 Elderberry Syrup 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.25 Lip Clear Lysine+ (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.50 OUT! Pet Stain Odor Remover or Training Pads any 2 (Receipt + either name or UPC) 42703 Phoenix AZ $1.75 Super Lysine+ 21 gram 1 box (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $1.25 Quantum Derma any product (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet $1.50 There Zinc any 2 boxes (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $2 MigreLief 1 bottle (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $0.25 $1.25 Super Lysine+ 7 Gram 1 box (Receipt 11-30-14 + UPC) 2791 Eugene OR (Internet Form) $3 STP Fuel Injector Cleaner (Receipt + UPC) 7081 Clinton IA NED $1.50 Zerex Brake Fluid or Power Steering Fluid 32oz (Receipt + write UPC + foil seal) 5035 Kalamazoo MI NED $8 Enfamil 2 32.2oz or larger refill boxes Powder formula (Receipt 12-1 12-31 PM 1-31-15 + UPCs) 14-79700 El Paso TX Earths Best Bowl, Book or Bib $1.95 p/s each one + 3 UPCS each one Strongville OH NED Internet FormApple Sauce Big Cup 4 packs or single Serve 6 packs 20 UPCs = $10 gift card Musslemans $0.11 $0.25 $0.10 $0.25 $0.20 $0.15 $1.00 $1.00 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 $0.70 $0.50 $0.50 Best Buy, Darden Restaurants + more 3-31 PM 4-15-15 no receipts 418 East Rutherford NJ Langers Juice 3 UPCs 64oz bottles + receipt (S) The Very Hungry Caterpillar Limited Edition Snack Box (16195) City of industry CA Value $19.95 no po boxes (Internet Form) Langers Juice 3 UPCs 64oz bottles + receipt (S) 2 Free Munchkin Click Lock Cups (16195) City of industry CA Value $19.95 no po boxes (Internet Form) $15 Rogaine Mens or Womens Unscented Topical Foam 3ct or 4ct or Extra Strength (Receipt 10-5 to 11-29 REC 12-30-14 +UPC) 2595 Grand Rapids MN Internet Form $4 Tooters any 2 15 Tube 375ml party Packs or 1=$1 (Receiept(S) 12-31-14 + UPC from box) 8254 Cocoa FL Internet Form $3.50 Free Campbells product Buy 3 participating products (Receipt 9-15 to 11-15 PM 1231-14) PO Box 2997 Grand Rapids, MN Newspaper form $0.50 $0.50 $1.20 $0.30 $0.30 TOTAL Beverage Icee Zero $1 off 1 12-31-14 (Store pad) Sunsweet Amazing Prune Light 1 bottle Save .75 12-31-14 (Yellow store pad) $1.00 Kraft Powdered or Liquid Beverage products any 2 12-31-14 Crystal Light, Kool-aid, MIO, Tang, Country Time Not good on Regular Kool-Aid Unsweetened envelopes Page 8 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $1 Wheat Thins Big Bag 2.5oz and 1 20oz Coca-Cola product 12-15-14 This is a MFC $1.50 Crystal Light, Kool-Aid, Country Time, Tang or Heft buy 2 Save $1.50 on Hefty Cups 12-31-14 excludes single envelopes $1 2 Gatorade 8-pack 20oz or 2 G2 8-pack 20oz 11-30-14 $1 Kool-Aid Liquid Drink Mixes any 2 3-31-15 not valid on single envelopes $1 POM Blends any 2 12-31-14 Hula, Mango, Coconut $1 Hills Bros Bag Coffee 12-31-14 .50 Old Orchard for Kids any 1 product 12-31-14 $1 South Beach Diet 100-Calorie Smoothies 1 4-pk 12-31-15 $1 Gevalia Cafe-Style Beverage any 1 12-31-14 $2 Florida Orange Juice 1 59oz or larger + 1 Tyson Day Starts Breakfast Sandwich NED .75 Santa Cruz Lemonade 32oz + 1 Peanut Butter, Fruit 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Maxwell House any 1 ground product 12-2-14 .75 Maxwell House International any 1 package 3-31-15 Food + Snacks Crunchmaster Crackers any 2 bag or box 3.5oz-4.5oz Save $1.00 3-30-15 (White store pad) Page 9 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.03 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.30 $0.12 $0.10 $0.10 $0.40 $0.04 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.12 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.30 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.30 $0.10 $0.20 $0.03 $0.10 $0.10 Lynn's (((Over LOADED Non-Food Bundle))) 100 different coupons. Value $100.00 This bundle will have Cleaning, Batteries, Lotions, Paper Goods, Medicine, Personal Grooming, Oral Hygiene, Shampoo, Non-food coupons, I will go through each of my boxes and pull 1 of each until I get to 100 coupons. These coupons will have All different dates. This Bundle is for the serious couponer. It will fill up your coupon basket. $15 + free shipping Healthy Choice buy 5 products and 5 any Smartwater, Vitiaminwater and/or Fruitwater single bottles SAVE $5.00 12-31-14 (Teal store pad) Twistos Baked Snack Bites Save .55 1 bag 12-31-14 Can double $1.00 Stacys Pita Chips or Bagel chips or Pita Crisps any 2 bags 6 3/4 or larger DND 12-3114 Planters Peanuts Tube Nuts B2G1F 1.5oz-1.75oz 12-31-14 .59 $1 Dole Nutrition Plus Chia Seeds or Fruit Clusters any 1 3.4oz or larger 3-31-15 $1 Wild Garden any 2 products NED $1 Fresh Gourmet any 2 items and 1 pre packaged salad 12-31-14 $1 Maple Grove Farms any 2 products 12-31-14 $1 Captain Morgan Pulled Pork or Chicken Breast any 1 12-31-14 $1 Ready to go snacks any 2 5oz or larger 12-31-14 $2 Stacys Pita Chips 1 bag 7 1/3oz or larger + 1 Sabra Hummus 6oz or larger 12-31-14 $1 Matador Beef Jerky products 12-31-14 Corn Nuts Buy 1 Get 1 Free up to $1.79 4oz 11-30-14 .55 Bumble Bee any 1 Prime Fillet Omega-3 or Gourmet 2.5oz pouch or 5oz can 12-31-14 $1 Slim Jim Steakhouse Tender Steak Strips 2-28-15 .50 Slim Jim Bacon Jerky Package 2-28-15 $2.00 Kraft Macaroni and Cheese 4-cups + Capri Sun 10ct  12-31-14 $1 Marzetti Caramel Dip 12 oz or above any 1 + any Fruit 11-30-14 .75 Jack Links Snacks 1 3oz or larger bag 12-31-14 ` $1.99 Keebler Club Crackers buy 2 10oz or larger= Free Hormel Chili 15oz 11-15-14 $1 Doritos Tortilla Chips 1 bag 10oz or larger + 1 Bag Matador Beef Jerky 3oz 12-31-14 $1 Ready to Go Snacks any 2 5oz or larger 12-31-14 .50 Jif Whipped Peanut Butter Spread any 1 12-13-14 $1.65 Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner 7.25oz buy 3 Get 1 Free 12-31-14 .75 Progresso Chili any 1 pouch 12-31-14 $1.50 Dole Salad Companions any 1 12-31-14 $1 Melona any 1 8-pk 12-31-14 $1 Herdez any 1 bowl product 11-7-14 $1 Don Miguel 1 16oz or larger item 11-7-14 $1 Blakes Meals any 1 12-31-14 $2 Crav On Never fried french fries any 1 12-31-15 .55 Kashi any 1 frozen product 9.0oz or larger 11-30-14 Valid N California only .55 Morning Star Veggie Foods Product 9oz or larger 11-30-14 Valid N California only .75 P.F. Changs Home Menu any 1 12-31-14 .50 Planters Nut Product any 1 6oz or larger 3-31-15 .55 Barilla Veggie pastas any 2 5-31-15 $1 Presto Pasta any 1 product 1-2-15 $2 Kraft Cheese or Dairy Products any 2 + Produce 11-30-14 $1 Good Seasons 4-pack or 5-pack + any produce 3-31-15 $1 Fresh Gourmet Products any 2 3.5oz or larger 12-1-15 .55 Fresh Express Shredded Broccoli & Cauliflower any 1 12-31-14 $2 any Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent or Additive 12-31-14 .55 Jolly Time Microwave pop corn made with Smart Balance oil 1 box 12-31-15 Page 10 $15.00 $0.50 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $1 Clif Kid any 2 Multi Packs 1-31-15 $1 Dole Salad Companions on 1 12-31-14 $1 Bushs Cocina Latina 1 16 or 30oz 12-31-14 .75 Bugles Corn Snacks, Chex Mix, Pillsbury Baguette Chips or Gardettos snack mix any 2 bags 12-31-14 Sweet Stuff Roca any 2 products 3oz or larger Save $1.00 12-31-14 DND (White store pad) Murray Sugar Free Cookies Any 2 4.4oz or lg 12/31/14 Can Double (blue + white pad) Nutella Hazelnut Spread Any 2 13oz or lg Jars & Save $1 12/31/14 Can Double (white .75 Magnum ice cream any 1 11-15-14 .50 2 Snickers Bars Peanut Butter, Squared or Almond bar 3-30-15 DND Snickers, Twix, Milky Way or 3 Musketeers unwrapped Bites Sharing size 2.83oz Buy 1 Get .75 Ben and Jerry ice cream or Frozen yogurt any 1 pint 11-15-14 .75 Breyers any 1 pint 11-15-14 DND .50 Nature Valley Nut Clusters buy 1 12-31-14 $3 Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven refill packs any 2 12-31-14 $2 Easy-Bake Ultimate Decorating Pen Kit any 1 12-31-14 .50 Peeps Minis 1 full size 3.4oz package 4-30-15 $1 Dole Dippers any 1 package 11-30-14 $1 Sour Patch Kids 2 single Bags soft and chewy Candy 6.2oz or larger 12-31-14 Breyers ice Cream Topping any 1 12-31-14 $1 Fiber One Streusel Bars 1 box 12-26-14 $1 Planters Trail Mix any 1 6.5oz 11-30-14 .75 South Beach Diet Good to go Bars says on this purchase 12-31-16 Air Heads Bites Buy 2 Get 1 Free 12-31-15 .75 off 1 Fruttare 11-15-14 $1 Sour Patch Kids Candy any 1 4oz-8oz Get 1 Free single pack 14pieces 11-15-14 .55 Seneca Apple, Pear or Sweet Potato Chips any 1 2.5oz package 1-31-15 $2 Skinny Cow 2 boxes 4.65oz-6oz 12-31-14 $1 Twix Caramel or Peanut Butter Cookie Bars + 1 7UP, Sun Drop or Sunkist 20oz bottle $1 Orbit Gum 14-piece + any size coffee 2-28-15 $1.50 Dove Dark Chocolate with real Cranberries and blueberries 2 6oz 12-31-14 .50 M&M, Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers or Milky way any 2 1.69oz - 1.92oz 12-31-14 .55 Natural Fruit Spread any 1 product 12-31-14 .75 Ben and Jerry ice cream or Frozen yogurt any 1 pint 12-31-14 .50 Welchs Creamy PB&J Snacks 8ct or higher 12-31-14 $2 Fiber One Soft Baked Cookies any 1 box +Milk 1/2 gallon or larger 11-9-14 .50 Snickers, Twix, M&Ms, Dove ice cream or starburst Strawberry Sorbet Bar 2.0oz 5.6oz 12-31-14 $1.25 Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin 1 box + 1 bar Bakers Chocolate + 1 Jet-Puffed $1 Dole Canned Fruits buy any 3 3-31-15 $1 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough 2 packages 11-23-14 .50 Hersheys Chocolate standard size bar 1.4-2.oz + fountain drink or Food service item 12$1 Immaculate Baking co any 1 Dry baking item 8-2-15 $2.70 Hersheys Reeses or Heath Baking Chips or Hersheys Baking Melts Buy 2 8oz or larger $1 Chips Ahoy! Cookies any 2 9.5oz or larger 12-31-14 $2 Buy Sure Jell, MCP or Certo Pectins any 2 Free Sugar up to $2 12-31-14 $1 Fiber One Fruit Flavored Snacks 1 box 12-26-14 $1 on Fruit when you buy 2 Bakers Dipping Chocolates 12-31-15 $1.50 Brookside Chocolate 2 bags 5oz or larger 12-31-14 $1 R W Knudsen any 1 Family Product 4-30-15 Meat/Seasonings/Sauces/Gravys Page 11 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.25 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.30 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.12 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.27 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 Calavo Salsa Lisa Salsas any 1 Save .55 12-31-14 DND (White store pad) Tabasco any size Save .75 2-28-15 Can double (White store pad) Grey Poupon Mustard Any 1 Save $1 Exp: 3/31/15 Can Double white pad Mt Olive Save $1.00 any 2 items 12-31-14 DND (Red Hang Tag) .55 A.1. Steak Sauce any 1 3-31-15 .50 Yucatan Guacamole any 1 12-31-14 $1 Wholly Guamole any 1 product 2-28-15 $1.50 Buy 2 Vlasic products get free Open pit 12-31-14 $1.00 on any Meat + A.1 Sauce 10oz any 1 3-31-15 $1 Kraft Barbecue sauce 27oz or larger + any Meat package 12-31-14 $1.79 Buy 1 Jack Links Beef Jerky 3.25oz bag Get Free Dr Pepper 20oz bottle 11-30-14 .75 Good Seasons 2-pack with free Cruel 4-21-15 $1 Reds Burritos 12-31-14 $1 Saffron Road any 1 product 12-31-14 $1 Evol Single Serve Entree any 1 11-19-14 Valid N California only $1 Bertolli any 2 Single Serve Meals 12-31-14 $1 Swanson Premium White Chunk Chicken Breast any 3 12-31-14 $1 Digiorno pizza any one 11-30-14 .50 Orrington Farms Seasoning save .50 off any pasta 6-1-15 $1 CrockPot Seasoning Mixes any 2 1.25oz or larger 1-31-15 .55 Mrs Dash Table Blends any 1 item 3-31-15 Kotex/Tampons $1 Listerine Floss or Flosser any 1 product 12-31-14 Cleaning Bounce Ironing Spray and 1 Bounce Dryer Bar Save $1.00 (Yellow Sticker) NED OxiClean Dishwashing Booster on 1 Save .75 12-31-14 DND (Pink Sticker) Oxiclean 21.5oz Laundry Stain Remover or 6.2oz Gel Stick or 12oz Max Force Spray on 1 Save .60 12=31-14 Can Double Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care off(Green 2 Save sticker) $1.00 can double (Red c/o) Soft Scrub Advanced Surface off 1 Save $1.00 12-31-14 can double (Red c/o) Pine-Sol 1 single 40oz or 48oz bottle Save.50 3-1-15 (Yellow Hang Tag) $1 Biz any 1 12-31-14 .50 Clorox Bleach any 1 12-31-14 $1.50 Seventh Generation Household Cleaner any 1 12-31-14 $1 Soft Scrub Cream 12-31-14 $1 OxiClean Extreme Power Crystals Dishwasher Detergent or Booster any 1 12-31-14 $1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill, Triple refill or Freshmatic Single Refill 8-31-15 excludes freeFebreze item packs $1 Holiday any 2 products Dollar General Coupon 12-31-14 excludes travel and trial sizes $2 OxiClean Extreme Power Crystals Dishwasher Detergent 1 crystals or Paks 11-23-14 $1 Crock Pot Seasoning Mixes any 2 1-31-15 .75 Xtra Laundry Detergent 1 144oz or larger liquid or 2 75oz or smaller Liquids or 2 SureShot paks 12-7-14 .55 Iron Out Super any 1 12-15-14 $2 Purex Liquid Detergent any 2 12-31-14 Vitiamin's Miralax 30 dose or larger Save $3.00 12-31-14 (Newspaper) Centrum any 1 Save $5.00 off any ProNutrients 6-15-15 (Red sticker) Ginkoba M/E any 1 size Save $1.00 NED (Shiny c/o) Movana any 1 Save $1.00 NED (Orange c/o) Venastat any 1 product Save $1.00 NED (Shiny c/o) Vitalert any 1 Product Save $1.00 NED (Yellow sticker) Page 12 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.30 $0.50 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Paper Goods Ziploc any 2 products Save $1.00 12-31-14 (Blue store pad) $1 Dixie Ultra Moments Plates any 2 packages 12-31-14 $1 Ziploc Containers Any 2 products 12-31-14 $1 Vanity Fair Design Collection Napkins + 1 pkg everyday or Impressions napkins 11-15-15 $1 Scott Paper towels any 6 or more rolls 3-31-15 $1 Scott Bath Naturals tissue 12 or more 3-31-15 $1 Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths any 2 3-31-15 .55 Kleenex 3 boxes 50ct or larger or 1 bundle pack facial tissues 3-31-15 .40 Viva Paper towels any 2 or more 3-31-15 $1 Scott Bath Tissue 12 or more rolls 3-15-15 $1 Brawny Paper Towels 6 regular rolls or larger any 1 12-31-14 .55 Charmin Basic 4 Double Roll Pack or larger excludes travel/trial size 11-30-14 Medicine Lynn's Medicine Bundle 50 different coupons. Value $100.00 This bundle will have Medicine + Lotions, I will go through each of my boxes and pull 1 of each until I get to 100 coupons. These coupons will have All different dates. $10 + free shipping AZO PMS says on this package Save $2.00 NED (Pink sticker) Blue Star Ointment Save $1.00 NED (White shiny) Diachrome Save $3.00 NED (Purple c/o) Staphaseptic frist aid antiseptic/ Pain relieving Gel Save $3.00 NED (Orange sticker) TheraTears Save $2.00 12-31-15 (Yellow sticker) Zegerid only 14count Save $3.00 12-31-14 (Newspaper) Zegerid OTC only 42 count Save $8.00 12-31-14 (Newspaper) Tylenol Cold or Sinus Product Save $1.00 7-1-15 (Shiny c/o) $2 Zicam any 1 Product 12-31-15 $2 any Anacin Product 12-31-14 $2 Nasacort Allergy 24hour 60 or 120 spray bottle 12-31-14 $1 Nexium 24HR product 3-31-15 $2 Advil PM 120ct or Caplets any 1 5-1-15 (Red sticker) $2.00 Advil PM 80ct any 1 Caplet 5-1-15 (Blue sticker) $1 Tums any 2 32ct or larger 6-30-15 .75 Tums Freshers Antacids 1 50ct or any 2 60ct or larger 3-31-15 $1 Berocca 2ct or larger 3-1-15 $4 Childrens Zyrtec Dissolve Tabs 24ct 12-31-14 $2 MiraLax 30 Dose size 8-31-15 $2 Nexium 24HR 42ct product 5-31-15 $5 Nexium 24HR 42-capsule product 3-31-15 $4 Zyrtec 24ct 25ct or 30ct any 1 product 12-31-14 $3 Zyrtec or Zyrtec-D 12ct or larger 12-31-14 $1 Aleve PM any 1 12-31-14 $2 Mucinex any 1 Allergy Product 12-31-14 $2 Airborne everyday product any 1 11-12-14 This is a MFC say Walgreens in corner $1.70 Berocca any 1 Free Single water bottle 12-31-14 Non-Food Bicycle or Hoyle deck says on this package Save $1.00 off Coca-Cola Beverage can double Bengal any 1 Product Save .75 can double NED (Purple sticker) Dr Scholls Massaging Gel insoles Save $2.00 1-31-15 (Red Sticker) Diamond lighter any 1 Save .75 DND (Red store Pad) NED Lovable legwear any 1 (Yellow sticker) Odor Eaters Ultra Durable insoles Save $1.00 2-29-16 can double (Yellow sticker) Page 13 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.05 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $10.00 $0.20 $0.10 $0.30 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.80 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.40 $0.10 $0.20 $0.50 $0.40 $0.30 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.00 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Odor Eaters Ultra Comfort economy 3-pack Save $2.00 2-28-17 (Yellow sticker) OFF! Power Pad Lamp Save $1.00 12-31-14 can double (Pink Sticker) Raid Ant & Roach Spray any 1 Save .55 12-31-14 can double (red store pad) Raid Max Bug Barrier with Auto Trigger any 1 Save $2.00 12-31-14 (Yellow store pad) Scotch Reusable Strip or Tab Save $1.00 NED can double (Yellow Sticker) Scotch Desktop Dispenser Save .50 NED can double (Yellow sticker) Scotch Pop up Dispenser Save $1.00 NED can double (Yellow sticker) Scotch Paper cutter Save $1.00 NED can double (Yellow sticker) Scotch Gift Wrap Cutter Save $2.00 NED can double (Yellow sticker) $5 Dr Scholls Custom fit Orthotic inserts 3-18-15 (Red Sticker) $3 Blue Rhino with or without an exchange 11-30-14 .55 Cutter any 1 12-31-15 $3.99 Buy Kingsford 2 bags Charcoal Original 16.6lbs Competition 11.1 lbs Hickory 15.7oz, $1 Fire & Flavor Grilling Planks 1 pack 12-31-14 Cigarette $2 USA GOLD 3 packs or 1 carton 11-30-14 $3.50 USA GOLD 1 carton 11-30-14 $1.50 USA GOLD 2 packs 11-30-14 $2 USA GOLD 1 carton 11-8-14 $2 USA GOLD 3 packs 11-8-14 $3 USA GOLD 3 packs or 1 carton 11-30-14 $.50 Newport off 1 pack 12-31-14 $4 USA Gold off carton 12-31-14 $3 Virginia Slims 1 carton 12-31-14 $1 Virginia Slims 1 pack 12-31-14 $3.50 Copenhagen 5 cans 12-31-14 $1.50 Copenhagen 2 cans 12-31-14 $3 Newport 1 carton 1-31-15 $3 Newport 2 packs or 1 carton 1-31-15 Pet 3-D Pet Product says on this 1 NED Save $1.00 (Pink sticker) .50 Temptations Treats for cats any 2 12-31-14 TOTAL Page 14 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.50 $0.30 $0.10 $0.40 $0.10 $0.20 $0.35 $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.10 $0.40 $0.30 $0.10 $0.35 $0.15 $0.30 $0.30 $0.10 $0.10
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