Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation A. Executive Summary The Nesamony Memorial Christian College established in 1964, true to its vision to make the institution in higher education, a centre with potential for excellence has been striving hard to realise this vision. As a Higher Education Institution (HEI), the college caters to the needs of the economically and socially backward people, thereby contributing to the development of the nation. Taking into account the development at the global level, apart from the skill based subjects offered under the choice based credit system, the college also offers career oriented programmes like Visual Communication, Graphics, Import and Export Management, in order to equip the students to face the global requirements. The students of M.Sc. Computer Science, MCA & MBA are encouraged to do projects in multinational companies which could provide employment. In order to instil universal values, the University has incorporated papers like Environmental Studies, Value Based Education and Personality Development in the curriculum. Besides these, Moral Instruction classes are conducted to inculcate the desirable value system among students. Cultural programmes are also conducted to make the students aware of the social, cultural and environmental realities. Besides the traditional methods of teaching- learning process, the college encourages the use of modern tools like LCD. The feedback obtained from students helps to identify the strength and weakness in the teaching-learning process and to carry out constructive changes. As our college is affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli it follows the curriculum designed by the University. The community services by the NSS providing monetary help to the sick and the needy help them to acquire qualities like concern for the poor. The college has a total strength of 3294 students of whom 70% are girls. The college offers 18 UG courses, 14 PG courses, 9 Certificate Courses, 1 Diploma, 1 PG Diploma, 1 Advanced Diploma, 10 M.Phil. and 5 Ph.D. courses. Though the college is located in a semi-urban area, 98% of the students come from rural areas and are mostly Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 1 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation first generation learners. Training these students with modern equipments like LCD and learner friendly methods, the college is doing yeoman service to the cause of higher education. To develop global competencies among students, the courses like PG Diploma in Bio-informatics are introduced. The students are also exposed to Information and Communication Technology. There is academic flexibility and the students can choose the subjects of their choice from among the list of core optional subjects, Skill Based and Non–Major Electives. Besides these, the college has nine certificate courses, one Diploma course, and an advanced Diploma course approved by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. There is self- appraisal for teachers that would enhance their competence. To promote the use of Technology, the college has full-fledged internet facilities in all departments including the library. Every department has at least one connectivity where the faculty and students are free to access the internet. Faculty members are encouraged and periodically trained to make use of the ICT facilities such as, power point presentation using LCD. There are 283 computers in the college. The college offers Bridge course and Remedial classes to enable the educationally disadvantaged students to cope with the advanced learners. The class teacher system is effectively followed that gives an opportunity to monitor the progress of the students. Learning is made student centric by involving them in participatory learning activities. The General and Department Libraries have a total collection of 57500 books, 45 magazines(19 subjects and 26 general), 90 current journals (Indian and Foreign) and 2 Peer Reviewed Journals, 275 back volumes of journals and e-information resources like 60 CDs and 3810 e-journals under INFLIBNET for the use of the faculty and the students. To maintain teacher quality, the teachers are encouraged to involve in research activities and participate and present papers in conferences and seminars at the national and international levels. Further, members of the faculty attend Refresher courses and Orientation courses to enhance their knowledge. The examination committee takes the responsibility of conducting the centralized periodical tests, model examinations, University examinations and sending the progress report of the students to their parents. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 2 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation If there is any grievance in the test for internal assessment, it is set right by the Convener of the Committee. The Principal helps in getting the grievances of the students regarding University examinations redressed by initiating necessary action. Other grievances are redressed by the HoD/Principal. Research is a significant activity of the college with five Research departments fully engaged in research. All the five research departments are functioning very well. There are 22 research guides in various departments (Mathematics-2, Physics-3, Chemistry-1, Botany-3, Tamil-3, Commerce-2, Zoology-1 and History-7). During last five years, 30 research scholars were awarded Ph.D. in the departments of History, Physics and Mathematics. Under FDP, eleven faculty members did Ph.D, and twenty five faculty members completed Ph.D. successfully on part-time basis during the last two years. Also, forty five faculty members are doing Ph.D. in various disciplines on part-time basis. To encourage research, a forum called Nesamony Research Forum (NRF) is established where the faculty and students can present papers. The college subscribes to research journals for reference as per the department requirements. The UGC has funded an innovative programme namely PG Diploma in Bio informatics. Efforts are on to undertake research in the new fields like Nanotechnology and Biotechnology. The faculty members have ongoing minor and major research projects funded by various agencies like UGC. The total outlay for ongoing minor research projects is Rs. 200000/- and the major research projects is Rs. 5020300/-. In the five research departments, currently 105 research scholars are working for their Ph.D. degrees both full time and part time. There are more than 182 research publications in refereed journals (National and International) to the credit of our faculty members during the last five years. The college has 15 blocks with built up area of 22676 Sq. mt. Details are given below: 1) Main Block : 5343 Sq. mt. 2) Botany Block : 2232 Sq. mt. 3) Bishop Selvamony Block : 1000 Sq. mt. 4) Tamil Block : 734 Sq. mt. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 3 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5) James Emylin Block : 2767 Sq. mt. 6) Vethamonickam Block : 2232 Sq. mt. 7) Canteen Block : 377 Sq. mt. 8) PTA Block : 1906 Sq. mt. 9) NCC Block : 186 Sq. mt. 10) Old Principal’s Quarters : 170 Sq. mt. 11) Dennis Block : 1339 Sq. mt. 12) Indoor Stadium : 1255 Sq. mt. 13) Women’s Hostel : 1860 Sq. mt. 14) Book Store : 186 Sq. mt. 15) Dr. John D. K. Sunder Singh Block : 550 Sq. mt. The buildings comprise Class rooms, Laboratories, Library, Staff Room, Administrative Office, Girls Retiring Room, Women Staff Room, General Staff Room, Boys Retiring Room, Canteen, Indoor Stadium, Women’s Hostel, Book Store, Seminar Halls and Rooms for NSS/ NCC/ IQAC/ Youth Welfare. The library is fully automated with Library management software, developed by our faculty member Dr. Jacob Vetharaj of Computer Science Department. It has a seating capacity of 90 in the reading room and 30 in the reference room. Internet facility is available in the library and there are eight systems for the benefit of students and staff. The students can avail the online facility in the library. The Advisory Committee for the library takes necessary steps to provide the required infrastructure, new books, journals etc. There is a well furnished Women’s Hostel which can accommodate 105 students. The UGC sanctioned Rs. 1 crore for the construction of this hostel. The college has a Students’ Book Store which supplies necessary texts & note books for the students. The course file is a record of the academic performance of the students which helps in monitoring them. The class teacher monitors the performance, attendance and discipline of the students’ progress. The leave/late register and the attendance book maintained in the department help in assessing the regularity of the students. These data are also maintained by the office. The number of students who cleared the NET/SLET/TET examination during the last five years is 20. The academic performance Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 4 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation of the institution in relation to the university average and neighboring colleges is much better. When compared to other colleges our students obtain more number of ranks every year. During 2011-12, we got 52 University ranks of which 7 are first ranks. The college takes special efforts to help students gain employment. The Placement and Career Guidance cell takes all efforts to make students aware of the plenty of opportunities available for them and to guide them to select whichever is suitable for them to get employment. Last year 12 students have been placed through campus interview. Coaching classes have been conducted for NET/SLET, Bank exam & competitive exams. The college is offering freeships & scholarship for the students. During 2011-12, we spent Rs. 134675/- for noon meals which benifits 135 poor needy students and Rs. 48000/- as scholarship; during 2012-13 we spent Rs. 168965/- for noon meals which benifits 130 students. Distinguished sports persons and first rank holders of this college can continue their studies here without paying fees. During 2010-11, five students benefited by this scheme and the college has spent Rs. 74000/- for them; During 2011-12, 11 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 60000/-. During 201213, 14 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 120000/-. Our Alumni Association meets at least once a year. Every year they give proficiency prizes to the students in the College Day function. Our Alumni occupy covetable positions like High court Judge, Inspector General of Police, College Principals and Scientists etc. Department of Youth Welfare is devoted to identifying and bringing out the creative potential in every student in the college. More than 40 competitions were conducted by this department in the college level. Talented students were identified and given special training to attend competitions elsewhere. The outstanding sports persons are given nutritious food arranged by the Sports committee. Also, the members of the sports committee accompany students participating in various events outside the college. The students are encouraged to participate in institutional activities. The college Students’ Council, an elected body, functions with the objective of gaining leadership qualities and to bringing out students latent talents. It also intends to promote cultural and intellectual cooperation among the students and to organize meetings and welfare Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 5 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation activities which involve student participation. There are clubs to bring to the fore all the hidden talents of students. The administrative units are decentralized in such a way that power is not vested with only a few individuals. Committees are formed and each committee plans and fulfils the responsibilities expected of it. The academic units are controlled by the Heads of departments and Faculty members. The staff council which comprises all HoDs, Librarian, Director of Physical Education, Senate member and Office Superintendent, helps the Principal in monitoring and managing all activities on campus. The Quality Management is done by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which sends feedback to the HoDs and Principal who in turn monitor the programmes accordingly. The UGC has sanctioned PG Diploma in Bio-informatics and the course is successfully going on. The management provides all encouragement and support to the faculty involved in research activities and best service conditions are provided in the institution. The college has introduced innovative courses like UG courses in Commerce with Computer Applications and PG course in Tourism Management. After the first accreditation, the college adopted two villages Kalingarajapuram and Pathukani. As part of the extension service activities, eight houses were constructed in these villages. Later on, as a way of catering to the needs of deserving people, 42 houses have been constructed in different villages around Marthandam. The core values of NAAC are reflected in the various functions of the institution. Background Radiation Monitoring is done by BARC in our campus with a Solar powered Radiation Monitoring System. The data from the same is sent back to BARC periodically. The college acts as host institution. The linkages with the multi-national companies by way of student projects (MBA, MCA and M.Sc. Computer Science) have made our students more competent in the field. The Bio-informatics lab is established recently and funded by UGC is of International Standared. The college has signed MoU with the Distance Educational Centre of M.S. University, Tirunelveli. There is also an MoU with Kodai International Business School, Kodaikanal, affiliated Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. The moral and religeous Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 6 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation instruction classes have been introduced to improve the personality of students. The community services like constructing houses for poor including the poor students, blood donation for critically ill patients and financial help to the visually challenenged children, home for the aged, cancer affected patients and victims of national disasters. We share the sufferings of the less fortunate students among us by providing free meals and fee concession to them. We visit the houses of our students in order to know their family background and financial position. We also provided Rs. 1750000/- to two students from the Departments of English and Management studies who met with accidents. We encourage the students to participate in sports and games by providing fee concession, nutritious food and sports dress. During 2011-12 and 2012-13, our college athletic team won the overall championship in Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Inter-collegiate meet for the first time in the history of our college. Regular parents’ meetings held class wise and the mark sheets which have marks of all the students of that class and frequent class test have improved the performance of the students. This year we introduce counseling programmes class-wise which is quite different from that of previous year. Also we are arranging career guidance programmes to all the classes. The roof top garden has been launched on the terrace of women’s hostel. Uniform for students was introduced last year with a view to bridging the gap between the rich and poor within the campus. The fact that they will be identified as our students makes them behave in a decent and responsible way. Due to the encouragement of the management, government and UGC, there are 75 Ph.D. holders in the campus. As such, we have four major and one minor projects in the departments of Physics, Chemistry and Zoology. Solar energy is used in the Department of Physics in order to promote renewable energy and to reduce the usage of generator which ultimately reduces the carbon content in the atmosphere. Every year, a sizable number of trees are planted in the campus to protect the environment. We have started introducing LED lights in Physics lab to conserve energy. The college office and library are automated. There is round a clock Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 7 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation water supply by digging giant well in our land in the river bed. The installation of RO Plant sponsored by PTA, ensures the supply of mineral water in all blocks. The Nesamony Memorial Christian College has the drive to develop into a Centre of Excellence in teaching and research. The college has the requisite infrastructure and faculty to march ahead to achieve the goals. The faculty seriously involve in all academic activities for the benefit of students and the college. They also pursue various research programmes to enhance their knowledge and make the college a centre with potential for excellence. Discipline is a special feature of our college and for this purpose a Discipline committee has been constituted. It makes significant contribution in maintaining discipline on campus. The discipline and the cooperation of the faculty in all activities will undoubtedly help the institution become a centre for excellence. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 8 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B. Profile of the College 1. Name and address of the college: Name : NESAMONY MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Address : Marthandam, Kanyakumari District. City : Marthandam Website : Pin: 629165 State: Tamil Nadu 2. For communication: Designation Principal Name Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy Steering Committee Dr. A. Vijayan Co-ordinator Telephone with STD code Mobile O: 04651-270257 9443370257 Email [email protected] 272059 O: 04651-272059 046519442761471 [email protected] R: 04651-205184 272059 3. Status of the of Institution : Affiliated College Constituent College Any other (specify) 4. Type of Institution: a. By Gender i. For Men ii. For Women iii. Co-education Nesamony Memorial Christian College Fax Page 9 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation b. By shift i. Regular ii. Day iii. Evening 5. Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes No If yes specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence. Religious Christian – Church of South India – Kanyakumari Diocese 6. Source of funding: Government Grant-in-aid Self-financing Any other 7. a. Date of establishment of the college: 06-06-1964 b. University to which the college is affiliated /or which governs the college (If it is a constituent college) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. Page 10 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation c. Details of UGC recognition: Under Section Date, Month & Year Remarks (If any) i. 2 (f) 04-06-1972 Nil ii. 12 (B) 04-06-1972 Nil d. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) Recognition/Approval Under details Day, Month Section/clause Institution/Department/ and Year Validity Remarks Programme i. AICTE Art(52)1987 Master of Computer Applications 07-09-1995 31-05-2013 08-12-1999 31-05-2013 Every year extendable 411/TN-25/APR(CS)/BOS/95 ii. AICTE Art(52)1987 Master of Business Administration Every year extendable F.No.TN-46/ET/MBA/99 8. Does the affiliating university Act provide for conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated colleges? Yes No If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes No 9. Is the college recognized a. by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No If yes, date of recognition: …………… Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 11 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation b. for its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No If yes, Name of the agency …………………… and Date of recognition: …………………… 10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts: Location * 11. Semi-urban Campus area in sq. mts. 1107434 sq.mts. Built up area in sq. mts. 22676 sq.mts. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement. • Auditorium/seminar complex with infrastructural facilities Three Air-conditioned Seminar Halls with LCD Projector • Sports facilities ∗ Play ground Foot ball/ Cricket/athletics, Tennis Court, Volley Ball Court, Shuttle Court and Tennikoit Court. ∗ Swimming pool Nil. ∗ Gymnasium Multi Power Gym Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 12 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Hostel ∗ Boys’ hostel – No. i. Number of hostels ii. Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) ∗ Girls’ hostel – Yes. i. Number of hostels - One ii. Number of inmates – Sixty iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Reading Hall, Sick room, First Aid Kit, Recreation Hall, Television, to play games like Carom, Chess and Snake & ladder. ∗ Working women’s hostel – No. i. Number of inmates ii. Facilities (mention available facilities) • Residential facilities for teaching and non-teaching staff (give numbers available -- cadre wise) No. • Cafeteria – Yes. It provides variety of Snacks, Tea, Coffee, Cool drinks, Ice creams, Tiffin and Meals. • Health centre. First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance……. No. Health centre staff – Qualified doctor Full time Part-time Qualified Nurse Full time Part-time Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 13 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Facilities like banking, post office, book shops - Yes A book store is available in the campus. Bank and Post office are available just near the campus. • Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff - Yes The College has a four wheeler which is used by staff and students for official visits and medical treatment purpose. • Animal house - No • Biological waste disposal - Yes Given for incineration. • Generator or other facility for management/regulation of electricity and voltage - Yes A transformer is installed inside the campus by the Electricity Board. Also we have five giant generators (125 KV – 2, 62.5 KV – 1, 32 KV – 1 and 16 KV – 1) to provide uninterrupted power supply. Also, we have UPS in all computer laboratories and inverter in the college office. • Solid waste management facility - Yes Deep pits are dugged to pour the solid wastes. • Waste water management - Yes Waste water is poured in a deep closed pit. • Water harvesting - Yes Rain water is stored in a pond inside the campus. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 14 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 12. Details of programmes offered by the college (Give data for current academic year) Academic Year 2012-2013 (Regular) Sl. No. i) Programme Level Undergraduate Name of the Programme/ Course Duration Entry Qualification Medium of instruction Sanctioned Student Strength Number of students admitted Mathematics 3 Years HSC English 48 48 Botany 3 Years HSC English 48 48 Chemistry 3 Years HSC English 48 48 Physics 3 Years HSC English 48 44 Computer Science 3 Years HSC English 48 47 Zoology 3 Years HSC English 48 42 Tamil 3 Years HSC Tamil 64 63 English 3 Years HSC English 64 64 History(E) 3 Years HSC English 64 62 History(T) 3 Years HSC Tamil 64 62 Economics 3 Years HSC English 64 58 Commerce 3 Years HSC English 64 59 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year UG UG UG PG English English English English 25 25 30 15 25 25 30 15 PG/ M.Phil English ii) Postgraduate iii) M.Phil. Mathematics Physics History History iv) Ph. D. History 56** Academic Year 2012-2013 (Self-Finance) Sl. No. i) ii) Programme Level Undergraduate Postgraduate Name of the Programme/ Course Duration Entry Qualification Medium of instruction Sanctioned Student Strength Number of students admitted Computer Science 3 Years HSC English 48 44 Tourism 3 Years HSC English 40 13 Business Administration 3 Years HSC English 65 65 B.Com(CA) 3 Years HSC English 64 61 BCA 3 Years HSC English 48 45 English 3 Years HSC English 64 58 Zoology Commerce Business Administration 2 Years 2 Years UG UG English English 25 30 25 28 2 Years UG English 40 40 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 15 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation iii) M.Phil iv) Ph. D. v) Certificate course Computer Applications Botany Chemistry Computer Science Tourism Management Economics Tamil English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Zoology Botany Commerce Tamil Economics English Mathematics 3 Years UG English 50 46 2 Years 2 Years UG UG English English 25 20 25 25 2 Years UG English 25 25 2 Years UG English 30 3 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year UG UG UG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG PG/ M.Phil English English English English English English English English English English English English 30 30 30 15 10 5 10 10 15 15 15 15 17 12 29 15 9 5 9 9 15 2 2 13 18** Physics PG/ M.Phil 11** Botany PG/ M.Phil 22** Chemistry Visual Communication Graphics for Visual Communication Import and Export Management PG/ M.Phil. 8** 1 Year English 30 30+16* 1 Year English 30 30+17* 1 Year English 40 40+17* Herbal Science 1 Year English 40 40+6* Business Communication 1 Year English 60 54 Spoken English 1 Year English 60 60+4* Air Ticketing 1 Year English 40 40 Computational Biology 1 Year English 40 28 vi) PG Diploma Bio Informatics 1 Year English 20 3 vii) Advanced Diploma Import and Export Management 1 Year English 40 24 * Additional Seats **Including Part-time Scholars Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 16 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 13. Does the college offer self-financed Programmes? Yes No If yes, how many? 13 14. New programmes introduced in the college during the last five years if any? Yes No Number 8 15. List the departments: (respond if applicable only and do not list facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they are also offering academic degree awarding programmes. Similarly, do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for all the programmes like English, regional languages etc.) Particulars Science Arts Commerce UG Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science, Computer Applications Tamil, English, History, Economics, Tourism Commerce, Management Studies PG Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science, Computer Applications Tamil, English, History, Economics, Tourism Commerce, Management Studies Any Other not covered above Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 17 of 339 M.Phil. Mathematic s, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Ph.D. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany. English, History, Tamil, Economics History Commerce Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 16. Number of Programmes offered under (Programme means a degree course like BA, BSc,MA,M.Com…) - a. annual system b. semester system c. trimester system 12 - 17. Number of Programmes with 11 a. Choice Based Credit System b. Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach c. Any other ( specify and provide details) PG Diploma in Bio-informatics 18. Does the college offer UG and/or PG programmes in Teacher Education? Yes No If yes, a. Year of Introduction of the programme(s)………………. and number of batches that completed the programme b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: …………………………………… Date: …………………………… Validity:……………………….. c. Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Teacher Education Programme separately? Yes Nesamony Memorial Christian College No Page 18 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 19. Does the college offer UG or PG programme in Physical Education? Yes No If yes, a. Year of Introduction of the programme(s)………………. and number of batches that completed the programme b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: …………………………………… Date: …………………………… Validity:…………………… c. Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Physical Education Programme separately? Yes No 20. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the Institution Positions Teaching faculty Associate Assistant Professor Professor *F *M *F *M *F Professor *M Sanctioned by the UGC / University / State Government Recruited Yet to recruit - (Recruited, pending approval) Sanctioned by the Management/societ y or other authorized bodies Recruited Yet to recruit - 20 9 26 17 10+1 19 31 42 *M-Male *F-Female Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 19 of 339 Non-teaching staff *M *F Technical staff *M *F 23 4 - - 55 23 - - Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 21. Qualifications of the teaching staff: Highest qualification Professor Male Female Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Temporary teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Part-time teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Associate Professor Assistant Professor Total Male Female Male Female 11 7 1 7 1 1 29 31 7 28 47 3 75 86 12 1 - 1 22. Number of Visiting Faculty /Guest Faculty engaged with the College. 6 23. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the college during the last four academic years. Year 2012-13 Year 2011-12 Year 2010-11 Year 2009-10 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female SC 19 28 4 19 5 9 8 16 ST - - - - - - 1 2 OBC 363 869 289 746 289 673 179 637 General 44 76 15 41 27 52 14 44 Others - - - - - - - - Categories Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 20 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 24. Details on students enrollment in the college during the current academic year: 2012-13 First year enrollment: Type of students UG PG M. Phil. Ph.D. Total 751 268 76 - 1095 130 50 12 - 192 NRI students - - - - - Foreign students - - - - - 881 318 88 - 1287 Students from the same state where the college is located Students from other states of India Total 25. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average of the last two batches) 1% UG PG 0.8% 26. Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled ) 27. Aided Self-Finance (a) including the salary component Rs. 27075/- Rs. 20382/- (b) excluding the salary component Rs. 1354/- Rs. 5948/- Does the college offer any programmes in distance education mode (DEP)? Yes No If yes, a) is it a registered centre for offering distance education programmes of another University Yes Nesamony Memorial Christian College No Page 21 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation b) Name of the University which has granted such registration. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli c) Number of programmes offered 10 d) Programmes carry the recognition of the Distance Education Council. Yes 28. No Provide Teacher-student ratio for each of the programme/course offered Tamil English History Economics Commerce PG Commerce Mathematics Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology PG Zoology Computer Science Computer Science (Self Finance) Management Studies Tourism Computer Applications 29. 1:17 1:19 1:27 1:19 1:35 1:19 1:16 1:14 1:14 1:17 1:16 1:12 1:27 1:17 1:27 1:8 1:26 Is the college applying for Accreditation : Re-Assessment: Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 - (Cycle 1refers to first accreditation and Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 refers to re-accreditation) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 22 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 30. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re-assessment only) Cycle 1: 29/04/2003 Accreditation Outcome/Result B+ grade 31. Number of working days during the last academic year. 183 32. Number of teaching days during the last academic year (Teaching days means days on which lectures were engaged excluding the examination days) 183 33. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) IQAC 16/06/2004 34. Details regarding submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) to NAAC. AQAR (i) 12/09/2011 (2008-09) AQAR (ii) 12/09/2011 (2009-10) AQAR (iii) 12/09/2011 (2010-11) AQAR (iv) August 2012 sent online (2011-12) 35. Any other relevant data (not covered above) the college would like to include. (Do not include explanatory/descriptive information) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 23 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation C. Criteria-Wise Inputs CRITERION I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 1.1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation State the vision, mission and objectives of the institution, and describe how these are communicated to the students, teachers, staff and other stakeholders. Vision: To make this college a centre with potential for excellence by imparting quality education to find new paths for the prosperity and progress of the people. Mission: Uplifting and empowering the poor and down trodden of this rural and backward area by providing value based and skill oriented higher education. The Vision and Mission are communicated through the college Prospectus and Hand Book. It is also displayed on the walls of the buildings and display boards. 1.1.2 How does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Give details of the process and substantiate through specific example(s). The academic curriculum prescribed by the university is followed and our college has chosen the subjects which are relevant and required for the uplift and empowerment of the students so that they can find better placement and serve the society in turn. The students are trained to face the challenges of this competitive world. Regular attendance is insisted on. Inorder to implement this, attendance is taken every hour by the staff who handles the particular class. If he is absent one hour, he loses half a day attendance, be it in the morning or afternoon. Students who are irregular are asked to bring their parents and informed of their poor attendance. The students are advised to be regular for the classes. The teachers are motivated to make the teaching-learning process more effective by using modern methods like LCD projector. The faculty complete the prescribed lessons for the students and give them chances for group discussion and quiz on the syllabus. Three tests are conducted as per the norms prescribed by the University. In addition to this, model examination is also conducted. PG/M.Phil. students are allotted topics for seminar from the syllabus. In the laboratories, the dynamic and experienced faculty make excellent demonstrations of the experiments. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 24 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Most of the students prepare their projects by utilising the resources available in the campus. Students of MBA, MCA and PG Computer Science, usually do their projects in reputed institutions/ industries. If need arises, other students seek the help of external agencies. For weak students, remedial classes are conducted. Some departments invite subject experts to deliver lecture on topics related to the syllabus. 1.1.3 What type of support (procedural and practical) do the teachers receive (from the University and/or institution) for effectively translating the curriculum and improving teaching practices? The institution allows the faculty to participate in short term courses for effective teaching, and using ICT Orientation and Refresher Courses. Every year a few women teachers are allowed to attend Workshop on Capacity Building of Women Managers for Higher Education sponsored by UGC. 1.1.4 Specify the initiatives taken up or contribution made by the institution for effective curriculum delivery and transaction on the Curriculum provided by the affiliating University or other statutory agency. Prof. T. Manohara Justus, Dept. of Mathematics of our college, has been the coordinator of the committee for implementing CBCS in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. He played a crucial role in designing the new curriculum introduced by the Affiliating University of Choice Based Credit System in 2008. Also, he visited many colleges to explain the various features of the new system. In our college also, he convened a meeting of the Heads of Departments for this purpose. He took into account the feedback of our staff members before the final implementation of the new system. Our Principal Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, is also a member of the Committee on Choice Based Credit System. Many staff members have worked as convener/ members of Board of Studies of the Affliating University, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. However, some Departments have discussed the recently introduced CBCS and sent their feedback to the Co-ordinator for appropriate action. But the syllabi for the Career Oriented Programmes have been designed by the faculty of our college considering the needs and challenges of the society. Our faculty members like Dr. N. Gnanadhas (Rtd), Prof. P. Kumaradhas (Rtd), Dr. J. Devaraj, Prof. T. Manahara Justus of Mathematics Department, Prof. S. Philip(Rtd) of English Department, Prof. D. S. Arul Selvan and Prof. A. Aby Regieson Sylum of Computer Science Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 25 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Department, Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel (Rtd), Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy of Physics Department, Prof. A. Jai Singh, Prof. Suresh J. C. Ananth of Computer Applications Department, Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh of Tourism Department, Prof. C. Thampi Sam Luther, Prof. V. Vijuresh Nayagam (Late), Prof. S. Sam Santhose, Prof. Jeba Melvin of Management Studies Department served as Chairman/Member of Board of studies and contributed much in designing in new curriculum introduced by the Affliating University on CBCS. 1.1.5 How does the institution network and interact with beneficiaries such as industry, research bodies and the university in effective operationalisation of the curriculum? We have network and interaction with the central University of Hydrabad by having colalaborative work. Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, HoD of Physics of our college is a regular visitor of School of Physics, Central University of Hydrabad. He does research in Nano-technology and has been partly responsible for the reuse of Nanocluster Deposition unit of the University of Hydrabad. He has published a collaborative paper with Prof. Bansil and Prof. Chatterjee of the same University. A student of our Principal worked for his Ph.D. in the National Physical Laboratary. 1.1.6 What are the contributions of the institution and/or its staff members to the development of the curriculum by the University?(number of staff members/departments represented on the Board of Studies, student feedback, teacher feedback, stakeholder feedback provided, specific suggestions etc. Feedback regarding the new syllabus as per CBCS was obtained from the faculty and students and the feedback thus obtained was sent to the committees concerned for appropriate changes, through Members of Board of Studies and the co-ordinator of CBCS. Prof. T. Manohara Justus, Dept. of Mathematics of our college, has been the coordinator of the committee for implementing CBCS in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. He visited many colleges to explain the various features of the new system. In our college also, he convened a meeting of the Heads of Deportments for this purpose. He took into account the feedback of our staff members before the final implementation of the new system. Our Principal is also a member of the Committee on Choice Based Credit System as well as University Syndicate. Many staff members have worked as convener/ members of Board of studies of the University, as our college is affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. However, the Departments have discussed the recently introduced CBCS and sent their Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 26 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation feedback to the University for Appropriate Action. But the syllabi for the Career Oriented Programmes have been designed by the faculty of our college considering the needs and challenges of the society. Our faculty members like Dr. N. Gnanadhas (Rtd), Prof. P. Kumaradhas (Rtd), Dr. J. Devaraj of Mathematics Department, Prof. S. Philip(Rtd) of English Department, Prof. D. S. Arul Selvan and Prof. A. Aby Regieson Sylum of Computer Science Department, Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel (Rtd), Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy of Physics Department, Prof. A. Jai Singh, Prof. Suresh J. C. Ananth of Computer Applications Department, Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh of Tourism Department, Prof. C. Thampi Sam Luther, Prof. V. Vijuresh Nayagam (Late), Prof. S. Sam Santhose and Prof. Jeba Melwin of Management Studies Department served as Chairman/Member of Board of studies. Also, Dr. D. Moni of Zoology Department, Dr. K. Paul Raj of Botany Department, Dr. A. Dickson Benjamin of Physics Department, Mr. Sam Immanuel of Computer Science Department, Dr. I. Mahizh Uldha Kamalam of Tamil Department are serving as Members/ Chairman of Board of Studies. 1.1.7 Does the institution develop curriculum for any of the courses offered (other than those under the purview of the affiliating university)by it? If ‘yes’, give details on the process (’Needs Assessment’, design, development and planning) and the courses for which the curriculum has been developed. Yes. Our Faculty member, Mr. V. Dhanabal Singh, Department of Tourism, framed the syllabus and prepared course materials for the subjects, Hospitality Management and Tourism Marketing in M.A. Tourism offered by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University on Distance mode. The syllabus for all COP courses such as Visual Communication, Graphics, Herbal Science, Export and Import Management, Business Communication, Spoken English, Air Ticketing and Cargo Management, Computational Biology conducted by our college were framed by our faculty members which were modified and approved by the University to be followed by all colleges offering these courses. Also, the syllabus for the Innovative Programme PG Diploma in Bio-informatics was framed by the Board of Studies, in which our faculty member was a member. 1.1.8 How does institution anlayse/ensure that the stated objectives of curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation? In the new curriculum, the general subjects, Environmental Studies and Value based Education were introduced at I UG level. This helped the students to understand Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 27 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation the need of protecting the environment, and find the pathway to become a good citizen of India. Infact we are able to find a sea change in their attitude when they enter the second year. During the second year of study, they study skill based subjects and nonmajor electives. This gave them ample opportunity to study subjects like Personality Development, Photography, Communication Skills, Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality Management, Competitive exam papers, Computer, Organic Farming, Bee Keeping, Public Health and Hygiene, Home Aquarium, Gardening, Bio Fertilizers, Page maker and Photoshop, Business communication, Consumer Protection, Information Technology, House Keeping, Journalism, Business English, Indian Architecture, Salesmanship. Also, During Final Year they have the chance to study the skill based subjects like Water Analysis, Herbal Biotechnology, Vermi technology, Entrepereneurship, Archaeology, Marketing and Hotel Accounting. When they complete their study, they are familiar with some skill, in addition to the subject knowledge. As they study these subjects systematically with practical illustrations, we are sure that it meets the very purpose of the curriculum. In order to understand the society, ‘Extension Service’ is introduced in the curriculum. As we implement this scheme seriously, every student leaves the campus after three years, as a full fledged person. 1.2 1.2.1 Academic Flexibility Specifying the goals and objectives give details of the certificate/diploma/ skill development courses etc., offered by the institution. Goals and Objectives: To make this college a centre with potential for excellence by imparting quality education to find new paths for the prosperity and progress of the people. Uplifting and empowering the poor and down-trodden of this rural and backward area by providing value based and skill oriented higher education. Inorder to fulfil the goals and objectives, we offer the following Degree/ Certificate/ Diploma and Skill Development courses. a) U.G. Aided: 1. B.Sc. Mathematics 2. B.Sc. Physics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 28 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. B.Sc. Chemistry 4. B.Sc. Plant Biology and Plant Bio-Technology (Botany) 5. B.Sc. Zoology 6. B.Sc. Computer Science 7. B.A. History (Tamil) 8. B.A. History (English) 9. B.A. Economics 10. B.A. Tamil Literature 11. B.A. English Literature 12. B.Com. b) U.G. Self - Financing Scheme 1. B.Sc. Computer Science 2. B.B.A. 3. B.Com (C.A.) 4. B.A. Tourism Management 5. B.A. English Literature 6. B.C.A. c) P.G. Aided 1. M.Sc. Mathematics 2. M.Sc. Physics 3. M.A. History d) P.G. Self - Financing Scheme 1. M.Sc. Chemistry 2. M.Sc. Botany 3. M.Sc. Zoology 4. M.Sc. Computer Science 5. M.A. Tamil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 29 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6. M.A. English 7. M.A. Economics 8. M.Com. 9. MTM (Tourism Management) 10. MCA (AICTE Approved) 11. MBA (AICTE Approved) e) M.Phil. Aided 1. History f) M.Phil. Self - Financing Scheme 1. Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Botany 5. Zoology 6. Commerce 7. English Literature 8. Tamil Literature 9. Economics g) Ph.D. 1. Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Botany 5. History h) P.G. Diploma (UGC Sponsored) - One Year 1. Bioinformatics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 30 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation UGC - SPONSORED CAREER ORIENTED PROGRAMMES Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Courses (One year) Certificate Courses: 1. Visual Communication 2. Graphics 3. Herbal Science 4. Export and Import Management 5. Business Communication 6. Spoken English 7 Air Ticketing and Cargo Management 8. Computational Biology 9. Computer Aided Accounting (2013-14 onwards) Diploma Courses Import and Export Management Advanced Diploma Courses Import and Export Management Training Programmes 1. Yoga 2. Bridal Make-up & Bouquet Making 3. DTP (Page-Maker, Corel Draw, Photoshop) 4. Tally 5. Front office Management and internet fundamentals 6. Spoken Hindi Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 31 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 1.2.2 Does the institution offer programmes that facilitate twinning /dual degree? If ‘yes', give details. No 1.2.3 Give details on the various institutional provisions with reference to academic flexibility and how it has been helpful to students in terms of skills development, academic mobility, progression to higher studies and improved potential for employability Under Choice Based Credit System, students are free to choose the skill based subjects, non-major electives and other core electives as per their wish. We select the optional subjects in such a way to suit them in developing their skill and personality, employment opportunity and progession to higher course. We give justification in opting the electives by each department. Department of Tamil: B.A. Tamil Literature The electives, Art of Drama and Cine Art will develop the skill and personality; Tourism will increase the employment opportunity; and Sidha medicine will be useful at Research level. Department of English: B.A. English Literature The electives, Communication Skills & Personality Development and will develop the skill and Personality, Introduction to Tourism and Business English will increase the employment opprtunity, Mass Communication will help improve communication. Department of Mathematics: B.Sc. Mathematics The electives, Introduction to Computers and Basic Programming Design will increase the employment opportunity. The subjects transforms and their applications and personality development will develop the Skill and Personality. Fussy Algebra and Number theory will be useful at Research Level. Department of Physics: B.Sc. Physics The electives, Photography and Personality Development will develop skill and personality; chemistry and Physics for competitive examination will increase the employment opportunity; Digital Electronics and Communication Electronics will boost their further study. Department of Chemistry: Nesamony Memorial Christian College B.Sc. Chemistry Page 32 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The electives, Computer for Chemistry and Personality Development will develop the skill and personality. Water Analysis will increase the employment opportunity; Polymer Chemistry is a developing area and it will boost their further study. Department of Botany: The electives, B.Sc. Botany Organic Farming, Effective Communication and Herbal Biotechnology will develop skill and personality; Bee Keeping and public Health and Hygiene will increase employment opportunity; Techniques in Biotechnology and Horticulture and Plant Breeding will boost their further study. Department of Zoology: B.Sc. Zoology The electives, Home Aquarium, Personality Development will develops kill and personality Gardening and Garden Management, Biofertilizer and Biocides, Sericulture and Apiculture, Vermi technology, will increase employment opportunity. Department of Computer Science: B.Sc.Computer Science The electives DTP, Page Maker and Photoshop, Personality Development Mathematical Models will develop skill and personality. Project will increase employment opportunity, Artificial intelligence will boost their higher study. Department of Commerce: The electives Business Communication and Personality Development will develop skill and personality, Entreprenenship development will increase employment opportunity; Auditing and Marketing Research will boost their higher study. B.Com. with CA The electives, principles of Information Technology, Personality Development and House Keeping will develop the skill and personality. Front Office Operation and Entrepreneurship development will increase employment opportunity; Principles of ECommerce will boost their higher study. Department of Management Studies: BBA The electives, Event Management and Personality Development will develop skill and personality; Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Computer and Banking Practice will increase employment and Services Marketing will boost their higher study. Department of History: B.A. History The electives, Journalism, Business English and Personality Development will develop the skill and personality; Indian Architecture & Principles and Method of Archaeology will increase employment opportunity; History of USA and China will boost their higher study. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 33 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Department of Economics: B.A. Economics The electives, Introduction to Accountancy, Personality Development and Financial Accountancy will develop skill and personality; Computer Application for Economics and Marketing Management, Entrepreneur Development will increase employment opportunity; Economics of Advertising will boost their higher study. Department of Tourism: B.A. Tourism and Hospitality Management The electives, Introduction to Accountancy and Personality Development will develop skill and personality; Computer Application to Tourism, Salesmanship and Hotel Accounting will increase employment opportunity; Economics of Tourism and Internship will boost their higher study. • Range of Core /Elective options offered by the University and those opted by the college Core options and Elective options Here, we list the core/options and other subjects opted by our college under Choice Based Credit System. B.A. Tamil Literature Semester II Semester I Core/ Subjects Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Ekkala Ilakkiangal Core Ilakkanam Core Nannool Eluththu Nattuppuravial AlliedAaivu Elective Environmental Compulsory Studies Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Semester III Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Samaya Ilakkiam Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Chittilakkiam Core Ilakkanam Core Nannool Choul AlliedNaattuppuravial Elective Value Based Compulsory Education Subjects Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Core Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits 3 3 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Ara Ilakkiam Core Subjects Page 34 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Penniamum Thalithiyamum Naadakak Kalai Suttulaavial Allied5 Elective Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Thalithiam Personality Development Hospitality Management Semester V Subjects Kappia Ilakkiam Ilakkanam Thamizhaka Varalarum Panpadum Maanudavial Ethaliyal Allied5 Elective Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Semester VI Core/ Electives Core Core Credits Subjects Sanga Ilakkiam Ilakkanam Core/ Electives Core Core 4 4 4 4 Core 4 Ilakkia Varalaaru Core 4 Core 4 Core 5 Ilakkia Thiranaivu Core 4 Tamil Karpikkum Core Option 4 Murai Project Core-option 5 Thiraippada Kalai Core Option 5 Siththa Core Option 4 Maruthuam Total Credits – 140 Extension Service Credits Compulsory 1 B.A. English Literature Semester II Semester I Subjects Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Chaucer to Core Renaissance Indian Writting in Core English Social History of AlliedEngland Elective Environmental Studies Credits 3 3 4 4 5 Compulsory 2 Semester III Subjects Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Jacobean to Core Augustan Age American Core Literature Communicative AlliedGrammar and Elective Usage Value Based Compulsory Education Subjects Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Semester IV Core/ Electives Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects Page 35 of 339 Core/ Electives Credits Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Tamil/Malayalam English Drama –I History of English Literature Communication Skills Introduction to Tourism Part-I Part-II Core AlliedElective Skill BasedElective Non Major Elective 3 3 4 Tamil/Malayalam English Fiction - II History of English Literature Effective Communication Hospitality Management 5 4 2 Semester V 3 3 4 5 4 2 Semester VI Shakespeare Core/ Electives Core Poetry II Core 4 Canadian Literature Core 4 Literary Forms Core 4 Subjects Part-I Part-II Core AlliedElective Skill BasedElective Non Major Elective Core/ Electives Core Credits Subjects 4 African Literature Introduction to Phonetics and Core Spoken English 4 Literary Criticism Core 4 Core 4 American Literature Commonwealth Literature One act Play and Core Option 5 short stories Mass Core Option 5 Communication Business English Core Option 4 Total Credits – 140 Credits 4 Core Option 4 Project Core 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 B.Sc. Mathematics Semester I Semester II Tamil/Malayalam English Calculus Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Core 3 3 5 Algebra Core 5 Physics I AlliedElective 6 Environmental Studies Compulsory 2 Subjects Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Vector Calculus Core Differential Equations and Core Fourier series AlliedPhysics II Elective Value Based Compulsory Education Subjects Page 36 of 339 Credits 3 3 5 5 6 2 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Semester III Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Sequences, series Core & Trigonometry AlliedStatistics I Elective 3 3 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II 3 3 4 Abstract Algebra Core 4 4 Statistics II AlliedElective 4 Basic Programming Design Non Major 2 Elective Personality Development Skill Based4 Elective Credits Introduction Computers to Non Major 2 Elective Applications Differential Equations of Skill Based4 Elective Semester V Subjects Real Analysis Linear Programming Statics Subjects Credits Semester VI Core/ Electives Core Core Core CoreFussy Algebra Elective CoreNumber Theory Elective Transforms and Skill Basedtheir applications Elective Credits Subjects 4 Linear Algebra Core/ Electives Core 4 Complex Analysis Core 4 4 Dynamics Core 4 5 Graph Theory Core 4 5 Numerical Analysis Core Option 4 4 Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Credits 4 Total Credits – 140 B.Sc. Physics Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Properties of matter Core Oscillations Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits 3 3 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Subjects Mechanics Relativity Page 37 of 339 and Core Credits 3 3 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Optics Core 4 Algebra & AlliedDifferential 5 Elective Equations Environmental Compulsory 2 Studies Semester III Thermal Physics Core 4 Practical I Core 2 Mathematics AlliedElective 5 Value Education Compulsory 2 Based Semester IV Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Electro magnetism Core AlliedChemistry I Elective Skill BasedPhotography Elective Chemistry for Non Major competitive Elective examination I Subjects 3 3 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Basic Electronics Core 3 3 4 4 Practical II Core 2 4 Chemistry II AlliedElective 4 2 Practical II AlliedElective 2 Credits Subjects Credits Personality Skill Based4 Development Elective Chemistry for Non Major competitive 2 Elective examination II Semester V Subjects Programming with C++ Quantum Mechanics Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 CoreElective CoreOpto electronics Elective Physics for Skill BasedCompetitive exam Elective Practical III Core Option Digital Electronics Nesamony Memorial Christian College 5 Subjects Core/ Electives Solid State Core Physics Atomic Nuclear & Core Statistical Physics Communication Core Electronics Credits 6 6 5 5 Project Core-option 5 4 Practical IV Core 4 4 Practical V Extension Service Core 4 Compulsory 1 Page 38 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Total Credits – 140 B.Sc. Chemistry Semester I Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Inorganic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry-I Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Credits 3 3 Core 4 Core 4 Maths/Zoology-I AlliedElective 4 Environmental Studies Compulsory 2 Semester III Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Physical Chemistry-II Physics I Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Inorganic Core Chemistry-II Physical Core Chemistry I Subjects 4 4 Practical I, Qualitative Analysis Core 2 Maths/Zoology-II AlliedElective 4+2 Value Education Compulsory 2 Based Core AlliedElective 3 3 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II 3 3 4 Organic-II Core 4 4 Practical Inorganic Qualitative Analysis Core 2 Credits for Skill Based4 Elective Non Major Energy Science 2 Elective Subjects Physics II Personality Development Modern Physics Semester V Inorganic Chemistry-III Physical 3 3 Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Computer Chemistry Subjects Credits Credits II, Allied4 Elective Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Subjects Inorganic Chemistry Organic Page 39 of 339 Core/ Electives Credits Core 5 Core 6 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Chemistry-III Dairy Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Water Analysis Practical III CoreElective CoreElective Skill BasedElective Core Chemistry-IV Physical Chemistry-IV 5 Core 6 5 Project Core-option 5 4 Practical IV Core 2 3 Practical V Extension Service Core 2 Compulsory 1 Total Credits – 140 B.Sc. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Cell Biology, Anatomy and Core Micro Biology Algae, Bryophytes and algal Core Biotechnology AlliedChemistry-I Elective Environmental Compulsory Studies Credits 3 3 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Micology, Plant pathology and Core Lichenology Subjects 4 Microbial Biotechnology Core 4 4 Chemistry-II AlliedElective 4 2 Practical I Semester III 2 Based Compulsory 2 Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II 3 3 Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and paleobotany Core 4 Organic farming Skill Based4 Elective Tamil/Malayalam English 3 3 4 Value Education Subjects Credits Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Developmental Botany and Core Experimental Embryology Practical II, Pteridophytes, Core Gymnosperms, Subjects Page 40 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 2 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Paleobotany, Developmental Botany and Experimental Cell Biology AlliedGenetics & Elective Biotechnology Bee Keeping Effective Communication 4 Developmental Zoology Ecology Animal Physiology and Evolution Public Health and Hygiene Non Major 2 Elective Semester V Subjects Morphology and Taxonomy of Angiosperms Biochemistry & Biophysics Techniques in Biotechnology Horticulture and Plant Breeding Herbal Biotechnology Practical III Skill Based4 Elective AlliedElective 6 Non Major 2 Elective Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core 6 Genetics, Biometrics and Core Bioinformatics 5 Core 5 Plant functions Core 5 5 Applied Plant Core Biotechnology 5 5 Project Core-option 5 4 Practical IV Core 1 2 Practical V Extension Service Core 1 Compulsory 1 CoreElective CoreElective Skill BasedElective Core Core/ Electives Credits Total Credits – 140 B.Sc. Zoology Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Animal DiversityCore I Invertebrata Animal DiversityCore I Chordata Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits 3 3 4 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Developmental Core Zoology Ecology, Core Toxicology & Subjects Page 41 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Evaluation Chemistry-I AlliedElective Environmental Studies Compulsory 2 4 Practical I Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Cell and Core Molecular Biology Skill BasedHome Aquarium Elective Gardening and Non Major Garden Elective Management Plant Biology and Biotechnology Taxonomy and Alliedembryology of Elective angiosperms of Medicinal Botany 3 3 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II 4 Genetics Core 4 Personality Development Skill Based4 Elective 2 Bio fertilizers and Non Major 2 Biocides Elective 4 Plant and AlliedBiotechnology & Elective Practical Credits Semester V Subjects Sericulture Apiculture Subjects Credits 3 3 4 6 Semester VI Core/ Electives Animal Physiology and Core Biochemistry Animal Core Biotechnology Vermi Technology 2 Chemistry-II & Allied6 Practical Elective Value Based Compulsory 2 Education Semester III Subjects Core Subjects 4 Applied Animal Core Biotechnology 4 Skill Based4 Elective CoreElective CoreElective Nesamony Memorial Christian College Core/ Electives Credits Immunology Core Microbiology Biostatistics Computer Core Application and Bioinformatics Credits 4 4 4 5 Project Core-option 5 5 Practical IV Core 4 Page 42 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Practical III Core Option 4 Practical V Extension Service Core 4 Compulsory 1 Total Credits – 140 B.Sc. Computer Science Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Credits Tamil/Malayalam English Introduction to Computers & Core Programming in C 3 3 Practical I Core 4 Discrete Mathematics Environmental Studies AlliedElective 4 4 Compulsory 2 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Object Oriented Programming in Core C++ Practical II- Object Oriented Core Programming in C++ Subjects Subjects 3 3 4 4 Digital Design Allied 4 Practical Core 2 Value Education Semester III Credits Based Compulsory 2 Semester IV Core/ Electives Computer Core Architecture Java Core Programming Practical – Java Core Programming Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits 4 Visual Basic Core 4 4 Micro Processor Core 5 Core 4 Allied 6 4 Data Structure AlliedElective DTP - Page Maker & Photoshop Mathematical Models Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Nesamony Memorial Christian College 4 Practical – Visual Basic Resource Management Techniques Personality Development Mathematical Technique for life Page 43 of 339 Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Semester V Semester VI Subjects Software Engineering Graphics Multimedia for Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Operating System Core 4 Core 4 Web Technology Core 4 Computer Network Core 4 Oracle Core 4 Oracle Lab Core 4 Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Core4 Elective Artificial Core5 Intelligence Elective Flash & Dream Skill Based4 Weaver Elective Practical Graphics & Core 4 Multimedia DBMS Total Credits – 140 B. Com. Semester I Semester II Core/ Subjects Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Financial Core Accounting - I Business Core Organization Business AlliedEconomics Elective Environmental Compulsory Studies Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Semester III Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Financial Core Accounting – II Business Core Management Principles of AlliedMarketing Elective Value Based Compulsory Education Subjects Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Advanced Financial Accounting -I Core 4 Banking Core 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Subjects Advanced Financial Accounting -II Company Organization Page 44 of 339 Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Principles of Marketing Business Mathematics Business Communication Consumer Protection Core Human Resource CoreManagement Elective AlliedBusiness Statistics Elective Personality Skill BasedDevelopment Elective Globalization Non Major Economy Elective 4 Allied5 Elective Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Semester V Subjects 5 5 4 2 Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Corporate Accounting Core 4 Costing Core 4 Business Law Auditing Marketing Research Entrepreneurship Development Core Core 4 4 Core 4 Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 Core Core 4 4 Core 4 Group Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Subjects Advanced Corporate Accounting Management accounting Industrial law Indirect Taxes Import and Export Procedure Skill Based5 Elective Total Credits – 140 B. Com. with C. A. Semester I Semester II Core/ Subjects Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Financial Core Accounting - I Business Core Organization Basics of AlliedComputer Science Elective Credits 3 3 4 4 5 Practical I Environmental Studies Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Financial Core Accounting – II Business Core Management Office AlliedAutomation Elective Value Based Compulsory Education Subjects Compulsory 2 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 45 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 4 5 2 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Semester III Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Advanced Financial Accounting -I Core 4 Advanced Financial Accounting -II Core 4 Banking Core 4 Application of Accounting Software – Tally 6.3. Core 4 Core 4 Optional paper Core 5 AlliedElective 5 Business Statistics AlliedElective 5 Skill Based4 Elective Personality Development Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective House Keeping Non Major 2 (or) Nattamizh Elective Object Oriented Programming with C++ Business Mathematics Principles of Information technology Front office operation Semester V Semester VI Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Corporate Accounting Core 4 Costing Core 4 Business Law Introduction to Visual Basic Entrepreneurship Development Programme Principles of ECommerce Core 4 Core 4 Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Advanced Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Corporate Accounting Management accounting Industrial law Multimedia Practical Skill Based4 Elective Introduction to Data Base Management System Core 4 Major Elective Group Project Core 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 5 Total Credits – 140 BBA. Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects Page 46 of 339 Core/ Electives Credits Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Tamil/Malayalam English Commercial Correspondence Business Statistics Environment of Business Environmental Studies Part-I Part-II 3 3 Core 4 Core AlliedElective 4 Tamil/Malayalam English Business Organization Business Maths Organizational Behaviour Value Based Education 5 Compulsory 2 Semester III Subjects Core/ Electives Management accounting Production Management System Marketing Management Services Marketing Banking Practice Core 4 Core AlliedElective 4 5 Compulsory 2 Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits 4 Cost Accounting Core 4 4 Labour Law Personality Development Sales Management Core Skill BasedElective Non Major Elective AlliedElective 4 4 5 4 Entrepreneurship 4 2 5 2 Semester V Case Analysis I 3 3 Semester IV Principles of Core Management Law of Contracts Core Financial Core accounting AlliedFinancial Services Elective Event Skill BasedManagement Elective Introduction to Non Major Computer Elective Subjects Part-I Part-II Semester VI Core/ Electives Core Core/ Electives Core Credits Subjects 5 Case Analysis II Core 5 Financial management Core 5 Core 4 Human Resource Core Management 5 Core 4 Core 4 Skill Based4 Elective Materials Core Management Advertising and Core Sales Promotion 5 5 5 Project Core-option Extension Service Compulsory 1 Total Credits – 140 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Page 47 of 339 5 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.A. History (Tamil Medium) Semester I Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II History of India Core up to 647AD Principles of Tourism Theory of Political Science Environmental Studies Credits 3 3 4 Core 4 AlliedElective 5 Indian Hertage Tamil/Malayalam English History of India from 1526-1772 Modern Contribution Indian Architecture Journalism Compulsory 2 3 3 4 4 Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Core Credits 3 3 4 Allied5 Elective Skill Based4 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Semester V Subjects Core Credits Modern Allied5 Constitutions Elective Value Based Compulsory 2 Education Semester III Subjects Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II History of India 647 A.D. to 1526 Core A.D Subjects Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II History of India Core from 1772-1947 Modern political Alliedthought Elective Personality Skill BasedDevelopment Elective Non Major Business English Elective Subjects Credits 3 3 4 5 4 2 Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Political History of Tamil Nadu Core upto 1336 A.D. 4 History of Europe Core from 1914-1945 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Subjects Core/ Electives Contemporary History of India Core since 1947 A.D. Political History of Tamil Nadu Core from 1336-1967 A.D. Page 48 of 339 Credits 4 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation History of Science & Technology since 1500 A.D. Tourism promotion & Marketing History of USA from 1865-1945 A.D. History of China from 1839-1949 Principles and Methods of Archaeology Total Credits – 140 Core 4 Historiography Core 4 Core 4 Internal Relations Core since 1945 A.D. 4 Elective subject 5 Development of Tourism in India Core since 1945 A.D. 4 Elective subject 5 Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Skill Based 4 Elective B.A. History (English Medium) Semester I Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II History of India Core up to 647 AD Principles of Tourism Theory of Political Science Environmental Studies Credits 3 3 4 Core 4 AlliedElective 5 Indian Hertage Tamil/Malayalam English History of India from 1526-1772 Modern Contribution Indian Core Credits 3 3 4 4 Modern Allied5 Constitutions Elective Value Based Compulsory 2 Education Compulsory 2 Semester III Subjects Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II History of India 647 A.D. to 1526 Core A.D Subjects Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II 3 3 Core 4 Credits Allied5 Elective Skill Based- 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II History of India Core from 1772-1947 Modern political Alliedthought Elective Personality Skill BasedSubjects Page 49 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 5 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Architecture Journalism Elective Non Major 2 Elective Development Business English Semester V Subjects Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Political History of Tamil Nadu Core upto 1336 A.D. 4 History of Europe Core from 1914-1945 4 History of Science & Technology since 1500 A.D. Tourism promotion & Marketing History of USA from 1865-1945 A.D. History of China from 1839-1949 Principles and Methods of Archaeology Total Credits – 140 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Subjects Core/ Electives Contemporary History of India Core since 1947 A.D. Political History of Tamil Nadu Core from 1336-1967 A.D. Credits 4 4 Core 4 Historiography Core 4 Core 4 Internal Relations Core since 1945 A.D. 4 Elective 5 Development of Tourism in India Core since 1945 A.D. 4 Elective 5 Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Skill Based 4 Elective B.A. Economics Semester I Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Core/ Elect Part-I Part-II Micro Economics I Core Credits 3 3 4 Economic Core 4 Statistics I Principles of Allied5 Advertising Elective Environmental Compulsory 2 Studies Nesamony Memorial Christian College Semester II Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Micro Economics III Economic Statistics II Principles of Management Value Based Education Page 50 of 339 Core/ Elect Part-I Part-II Credits 3 3 Core 4 Core 4 AlliedElective 5 Compulsory 2 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Semester III Subjects Tamil/Malayalam English Mathematical Methods I International Economics I Introduction to Accountancy Computer Application for Economics Semester IV Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Allied5 Elective Non Major 2 Elective Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Mathematical Core Methods II International AlliedEconomics II Elective Financial Non Major Accountancy Elective Skill Based4 Elective Personality Development Core Credits 3 3 4 Semester V Subjects Macro Economics I Monetary Economics Economic Development Labour Economics Entrepreneurial Development Economic of Advertising Marketing Management Total Credits – 140 Subjects Credits 3 3 4 5 2 Skill Based4 Elective Semester VI Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core 4 Macro Economics Core II 4 Core 4 Banking Core 4 Core 4 Indian Economy Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Elective 5 Public Finance Environmental Economics Core 4 Elective 5 Project Core-option 5 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Skill Based 4 Elective Core/ Electives Credits B.A. Tourism & Hospitality Management Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II Tamil/Malayalam English Principles and Core Practices Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits 3 3 4 Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Tourism Core Organizations Subjects Page 51 of 339 Credits 3 3 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Communication Skill Core Hotel Management Alliedand Hospitality Elective Enterprises Environmental Studies 4 Business Communication 5 Hotel Restaurant AlliedAdministration Elective Value Education Compulsory 2 Semester III 4 5 Compulsory 2 Semester IV Tamil/Malayalam English Core/ Electives Part-I Part-II 3 3 Travel Geography Core 4 Subjects Based Core Credits Office Allied5 Administration Elective Computer Skill BasedApplication to 4 Elective Tourism Introduction to Non Major 2 Accountancy Elective Semester V Core/ Electives Tamil/Malayalam Part-I English Part-II Tourism Core Marketing Organizational AlliedBehaviour Elective Subjects Credits 3 3 4 5 Personality Development Skill Based4 Elective Salesmanship Non Major 2 Elective Semester VI Subjects Core/ Electives Credits International Airlines Manage Core 4 Tourism Product Core 4 Travel Agency of Core Tour operation 4 Hotel Information Core System Economics Of CoreTourism option CoreInternship option Skill Based Hotel Accounting Elective Total Credits – 140 Nesamony Memorial Christian College 4 5 Subjects Air Travel and Construction Fare Human Resource Management in Tourism Industry House Keeping and Front office Administration Air Cargo Management Accounting for Tourism Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 5 5 Subject Project Core-option 4 Extension Service Compulsory 1 Page 52 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.A. Tamil Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Ilakkanam – I Elutthu Core (TolkappiamNannool) Ikkala Ilakkiam Kavithayum Core Naadakamum Ara Ilakkiam Core Padaippilakkiamum Core Peachu Kalayum Tamil Ilakkia Core Varalaaru Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits 4 Ilakkanam Tolkappiam Sollathikaaram Core 4 Ikkala Ilakkiam Punaikathaium Core Urainadaum Sittilakkiamum Pakthi Core Ilakkiamum Mozhi Peyarppu Core Kalai 4 4 5 4 Koyirkalai Semester III Credits Subjects Ilakkanam 4 Kaapia Ilakkiam Core Bakthi Ilakkiam Thiranaivu Vakaikalum Aaraichi Neri muraikalum Ouppilakkia Kotpadukal Chemmozhi 5 5 5 Semester IV Core/ Electives Core Subjects Core 5 Ilakkanam Core/ Electives Core 4 4 Pandai Ilakkiam Core 4 Core 4 Aaivodu Core 5 Core 4 Manidavial Core 4 4 Thiraippadakkalai Coreoption 4 Coreoption Coreoption Credits 4 Total Credits – 90 M.A. English Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects Page 53 of 339 Core/ Electives Credits Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation British English I Core 4 British English II Core 4 Indian Writing in Core English I American Core Literature I English for Mass Elective Communication British Literature Core PaperIII British Literature Core PaperIV Indian Writing in Core English 4 4 4 4 4 Critical Theory I Core 4 4 Developing Communication Skills Elective 4 Core/ Electives Credits Semester III Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Shakespeare Core 4 Study of Classics Core in Translation 4 Indian Writing in Core English 4 Canadian Literature Core 4 & Core 4 Critical Theory Core Study of English Core Language Elective study of the Colonial and Elective Post-Colonial Literature English for Effective Elective Communication Total Credits – 90 4 4 Research Methodology Writing Skills Literature Psychology & Elective 4 4 Literature for Social Elective Transformation 4 4 Project Writing & Core Viva Voice 4 M.Sc. Mathematics Semester I Semester II Core/ Electives Core Core Subjects Algebra I Analysis I Probability Statistics and Core Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects 5 4 Algebra II Analysis II Differential Equations 4 Page 54 of 339 Core/ Electives Core Core Core Credits 7 6 6 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Programming with C++ Elective 4 Semester III Classical Mechanics Core 6 Core/ Electives Credits Semester IV Core/ Electives Subjects Credits Subjects Field Theory and Core Lattices 4 Complex Analysis Core 4 Topology I Core 4 Topology II 4 Core 4 Graph Theory and Core its Applications 4 Measure Integration and Differential Core Geometry Partial Differential Elective Equations Total Credits – 90 4 Core Functional Core Analysis Calculus of variations and Core Integral Equations Project 4 4 Core 4 4 M.Sc. Physics Semester I Subjects Classical Mechanics & Relativity Mathematical Physics Electronic Divices Opto Electronics & Lasers Semester II Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Mathematical Physics II Core 6 Core 4 Core 6 Core 4 8 Elective 5 Core Core Elective Semester III Electromagnetic Theory Micro Processor NonLinear Physics 8 Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Quantum Mechanics I Core 4 Quantum Mechanics II Core 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 55 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Solid State Physics Core I Spectroscopic Techniques Nuclear & Particle Physics Nano Physics C++ & Microprocessor Total Credits – 90 4 Solid State Physics Core II 4 Core 4 Opto Electronics Core 4 Core 4 Project Core 4 Elective 4 Core 4 Elective Paper Elective Physics II Non Core Electronics M.Sc. Chemistry Semester I 4 Semester II Core/ Electives Subjects 4 Credits Organic Chemistry Core I Inorganic Core Chemistry I Physical Core Chemistry I 4 Research Methodology 5 Elective 4 4 Semester III Subjects Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry II Physical Chemistry II Organic Chemistry (Practical) Inorganic Chemistry (Practical) Physical Chemistry (Practical) Core/ Electives Credits Core 6 Core 6 Core 6 Core 6 Core 6 Core 6 Semester IV Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Organic Chemistry Core II 4 Organic Chemistry III Core 4 Inorganic Chemistry III Core 4 Physical Chemistry III Core 4 Core 4 Research Methodology Core 4 Subjects Computers Chemists for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 56 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Food Analysis Elective 5 Project and Viva Core Voce Organic Chemistry Core (Practical) Inorganic Chemistry Core (Practical) Physical Chemistry Core (Practical) 5 4 4 4 Total Credits – 90 M.Sc. Botany Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Core Plant Diversity I Microbiology and Core Plant Pathology Anatomy and Embryology of Core Angiosperms Medicinal Botany Elective & Pharmacognosy Core/ Electives Core Credits Subjects 4 Plant Diversity II Taxonomy of Core Angiosperms 4 Credits 6 6 4 Genetics and Core Molecular Biology 6 4 Computer Applications and Elective Bio-informatics 6 Semester III Semester IV Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Biochemistry and Core Biophysics 5 Environmental biology Core 5 Biotechnology 5 Plant Physiology Core 5 5 Applied Biotechnology Core 5 4 Project Core 5 Subjects Core/ Electives Core Research Core Methodology Computer Applications and Elective Bioinformatics Biochemistry and Environmental Core Biology(Practical) Plant Physiology, Core Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 57 of 339 3 3 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Plant Biotechnology and Applied Biotechnology (Practical) Project Core 3 Total Credits – 90 M.Sc. Zoology Semester I Semester II Subjects Biological Chemistry Molecular biology Cell Developmental Biology Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Microbiology Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Biosystematics and Elective Biodiversity 4 Practical I 5 Core Semester III Subjects Immunology Animal Physiology Ecobiology Sericulture Practical III Total Credits – 90 Environmental Core Biology Biostatistics and Computer Core Applications Population Ecology and Elective Animal Behaviour 4 4 5 Semester IV Core/ Electives Core Core/ Electives Core Credits Subjects Credits 4 Biotechnology Core 4 Research Methodology Core 5 Core Elective Core 4 5 5 Aqua culture Practical IV Project Core Core Core 5 5 5 4 M.Sc. Computer Science Semester I Subjects MFCS Semester II Core/ Electives Core Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects 6 Internet Page 58 of 339 Core/ Electives Core Credits 6 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Design Analysis Algorithm and of Core 6 Advanced Java Core Programming 6 Distributed operating system 6 Elective Programming Object Oriented Systems Core Development Advanced Database Core Management System Network Secrity Core and Criptography Semester III Subjects Digital Image Processing NET Multimedia Technical Mobile Computing NET (Practical) Mini Project(Practical) Total Credits – 90 6 6 8 Semester IV Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Project External Core 15 Core 4 Core 4 Core Core 4 4 Core 9 MCA. Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Core Core/ Electives Core Credits Subjects MFCS I Object Oriented Programming Core Using C++ Internet Core Programming I Computer Core Organisation 5 MFCS II Data Structure and Algorithms using Core C++ 3 5 Java Programming Core 4 4 Operating System Core 4 System Software 4 Elective Nesamony Memorial Christian College 5 Internet Elective Programming Data Structure Core Lab(Practical) Java Lab(Practical) Core Page 59 of 339 Credits 3 4 4 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Semester III Semester IV Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Core 3 Internet Programming II Core 3 Core 3 Core 3 Core 3 Core 3 Computer Lab(Practical) Core 4 Visual Programming Lab(Practical) II Core 4 Subjects Financial Management and Accounting Computer Graphics Visual Programming II Computer Networks Database Concepts System Principles of Core Computer Design Software Core Engineering Oracle Management Information System Internet Programming Lab(Practical) Core 3 Elective 4 4 Core 4 Core/ Electives Credits Core 20 Semester VI Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects NET Programming Core 3 Project Work Viva Voce Core 3 Core 3 Core Elective Elective 3 3 3 Core 4 Core 9 Data Mining and Data warehousing Digital Image Processing testing Software Testing Embedded System Simulation Net Programming (Practical) Mini Project(Practical) Total Credits – 147 3 II Core Oracle Lab(Practical) Semester V 3 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 60 of 339 & Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation MBA. Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Management Theory and Core Organizational Behaviour Management Core Accounting Business Core Environment Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits 3 Marketing Management Core 4 3 Human Resource Core management 4 3 Entrepreneurship 4 Managerial Economics Core 3 Strategic HRM Elective 5 Security Analysis Elective & Portfolio MGT 4 Production and Materials Core Management Financial Core Management Management Information Core System Semester III Subjects Core 4 4 4 Semester IV Core/ Electives Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core 4 Business Policy and Strategic Core Management 4 Operation Research Core 4 International Business Management Core 4 Marketing HRM Finance Insurance Management Managerial Skill Development Organization Study Project Total Credits – 105 Core Core Core 4 4 4 Core Core Core 4 4 4 Core 4 Marketing HR Project finance Treasury and risk Management Core 4 Core 4 Major Project Core 4 Core 4 Research Methodology Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 61 of 339 Credits Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Com. Semester I Subjects Management Accounting Quantitative Techniques Strategic Management Retail Management Semester II Core/ Electives Credits Core 5 Core 5 Core 5 Elective 5 Subjects Corporate Legal Frame Work Financial Management Business Environment Operations Research Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Office Automation Semester III Core/ Electives Credits Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Elective 5 Elective 5 Core/ Electives Credits Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Advanced Corporate Accounting Core 4 Advanced Accounting Core 4 Research Methodology Core 4 Taxation and Tax Core Planning 4 Human Resource Core Management 4 E Commerce 4 Core Modern banking Core Practice International Elective Marketing Total Credits – 90 Nesamony Memorial Christian College 4 Cost Computerized Accounting Core Packages – Tally 9.0 Computerized Accounting Core Packages – Practical Tally 9.0 Project 4 Page 62 of 339 Core 4 4 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.A. Economics Semester I Subjects Semester II Core/ Electives Credits Advanced Micro Core Economics I 3 Macro Economics I Core 3 Core 3 Core 3 Elective 4 Mathematical Methods Monetary Economics Marketing Management Core/ Electives Subjects Advanced Micro Core Economics II Macro Economics Core II Statistical Methods Core International Economics Tourism Management Economics Insurance Semester III of Credits 4 4 4 Core 4 Elective 5 Elective 5 Semester IV Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Subjects Core/ Electives Credits Development Economics Core 4 Indian Economy Core 4 Public Economics Core 4 Environmental Economics Core 4 in in Core 4 Industrial Economics Core Human Resource Core Management Research Core Methodology Micro Finance Elective Total Credits – 90 Application Computer Economics Economics Infrastructure 4 4 4 Project Core 4 Core 4 Core/ Electives Credits 4 M.A. History Semester I Subjects of Semester II Core/ Electives Socio Cultural History of Tamil Core Nadu Up to A.D Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects 5 History of Ancient India from 6th Core Century B.C to 7th Page 63 of 339 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 1336 History of Ancient Core India up to 712 A.D History of World Civilisation upto Core 1453 A.D. Principles and Method of Elective Archaeology Century A.D Socio-Cultural History of Tamil Core Nadu from 13362006 5 5 History of the Core Arabs 570-1258 4 5 History of World Core Civilization 4 Human Rights Indian Epigraphy Elective Elective 4 4 Core/ Electives Credits Semester III Semester IV Core/ Electives Subjects Credits Subjects 4 Later Medieval History of India Core 1526-1757 A.D 4 4 Contemporary History of India Core since 1947 A.D 4 Core 4 Constitutional History of India Core 1773-1950 A.D 6 Core 4 Project 4 Core 4 Modern Political Thought from Elective Hobbes to Stalin Elective 4 Early Medieval Indian History Core from 712 to 1526 A.D Historiography – Theory and Core Methods Constitutional History of England from 1603-1958 A.D Twentieth Century world India’s Struggle for Freedom from 1800-1947 Dravidian Movement Total Credits – 90 4 Core 4 MTM (Tourism Management) Semester I Subjects Tourism Semester II Core/ Electives Concept Core Nesamony Memorial Christian College Credits Subjects 4 Tourism Page 64 of 339 Core/ Electives Core Credits 4 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation and Principles Travel Agency Core Management Tourism Resource Core of India Tourism Policy and Core Planning Front Office Elective Administration Geography 4 Airline Ticketing Tourism Marketing Field Study Practical Management Principles and Practices Event Management and MICE 4 4 5 Semester III Core 4 Core 4 Core 4 Elective 4 Elective 4 Core/ Electives Credits Semester IV Core/ Electives Subjects Tour Operation Core Management Computer Information Systems Tourism Accounting Finance Management Credits Subjects 4 Tourism and Hospitality Core Management 4 4 Methodology Research Tourism 4 and in Core of Core 4 Guiding Skills and Personality Core Development 4 Human Resource Core Management 4 Effective Communication Total Credits – 90 Elective of in Core Organizational and Consumer Core Behaviour National Language Core Communicative Hindi A Field work in Tour Destinations Core Hotels and Travel 4 5 4 4 M. Phil. History Semester I Semester II Subjects Research Method Nesamony Memorial Christian College Core/ Electives In Core Core/ Electives History of the Tamils Elective Subjects Page 65 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation History Archives keeping Core from 1336 to 1964 Dissertation Compulsory M. Phil. Mathematics Semester I Semester II Subjects Core/ Electives Advanced Algebra Core Advanced Analysis Core Core/ Electives Subjects Branch algebra Spectral Theory Dissertation & Core – option Compulsory M. Phil. Physics Semester I Subjects Research Methodology Advances in Physics Semester II Core/ Electives Core Core Subjects Applied Physics Dissertation Core/ Electives Elective Compulsory M. Phil. Chemistry Semester II Semester I Subjects Core/ Electives Research Methodology Core Course Work Core Subjects Core/ Electives In-depth study of the Optional Public Literature Dissertation Compulsory M. Phil. Botany Semester I Subjects Research Methodology Plant Biotechnology Semester II Core/ Electives Core Core Subjects Plant Molecular Biology Project Core/ Electives Elective Compulsory M. Phil. Zoology Semester I Semester II Subjects Core/ Electives Subjects Core/ Electives Research Methodology Core Agricultural Entomology Elective Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 66 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Advanced in Biotechnology Methodology Animal and Core Dissertation Compulsory M. Phil. Economics Semester I Semester II Core/ Electives Subjects Subjects Core/ Electives Research Methodology and Quantitative Core Techniques India and the Global Economy: Elective Oppurtunities and Threats Recent Development in Core Economic Theory Dissertation Compulsory M. Phil. Tamil Semester II Semester I Core/ Electives Core Subjects Aaraichi Nerimuraigal Elakkia Kalaiyum Core Thiranaaivu Kalaiyum Kaappiyayiyal Core/ Electives Elective Dissertation Compulsory Subjects M. Phil. English Semester I Semester II Subjects Research Methodology Critical Theory Core/ Electives Core Core Subjects Canadian Literature Dissertation Core/ Electives Elective Compulsory M. Phil. Commerce Semester I Semester II Subjects Core/ Electives Subjects Research Methodology Core Advanced Financial Elective Management Modern Concepts Core Dissertation Marketing Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 67 of 339 Core/ Electives Compulsory Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Choice Based Credit System and range of subject options Electives M.Sc. Mathematics: I Semester 1. Programming with C++ 2. Projective Geometry 3. Discrete Mathematics II Semester 1. Programming with C++ and MS-Office (Practical) 2. Combinatorial Mathematics 3. Stochastic Process III Semester 1. Stochastic Process 2. Partial Differental Equations 3. Advanced Calculus IV Semester Project M.Sc. Physics: I Semester 1. Renewable Energy Sources 2. Optolectronics 3. Practical –I - Physics-I II Semester 1. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 2. Communication Electronics 3. Practical II - Electronics III Semester 1. Research Methodology 2. Nanophysics 3. Practical III, C++, Microprocessor Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 68 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Sc. Chemistry: I Semester 1. Research Methodology II Semester 1. Practical I – Organic Chemistry I 2. Practical II – Inorganic Chemistry I 3. Practical III – Physical Chemistry I III Semester 1. Food Analysis M.Sc. Botany: I Semester 1. Medicinal Botany and Pharmacognosy II Semester 1. Computer and Bio-informatics 2. Practical I, II III Semester 1. Computer Applications and Bio-informatics M.Sc. Zoology: I Semester 1. Biosystematics and Biodiversity 2. Nano Science and Nano Technology II Semester 1. Population Ecology and Animal Behaviour 2. Entomology Practical – I,II III Semester 1. Para sitology 2. Sericulture Practical – III Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 69 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Sc. Computer Science: I Semester 1. Distributed Operating System 2. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3. Advanced Computer Network II Semester 1. Data mining 2. Network security and cryptography 3. Embedded Systems Practical – I,II,III,IV III Semester 1. Mobile Computing 2. TCP/IP 3. Software Quality Assurance 4. NET Lab 5. Mini Project M.Com: I Semester 1. Retail Management II Semester 1. Office Automation III Semester 1. International Marketing M.A. English: I Semester 1. English for Mass Communication II Semester 1. Developing Communication Skills III Semester 1. Study of the Colonical and post- Colonical- Literature Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 70 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.A. Economics: I Semester 1. International Economics II Semester 1. Computer Applications in Economics III Semester 1. Micro Finances and Rural Credit M.A. History: I Semester 1. II Semester 1. Historiography III Semester 1. Dravidian movement 1885-1987 A.D. M.T.M. I Semester 1. Computer Applications in Management 2. International HRM II Semester 1. Event Management and MICE 2. Heritage Management III Semester 1. Foreign Language- French 2. Effective Communication IV Semester 1. National Language – Communicative Hindi 2. International Airlines Management M.Phil. Botany 1. Biodiversity and Systematics 2. Plant Molecular Biology 3. Merine Biotechnology Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 71 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4. Environmental Biotechnology 5. Phytochemistry and Pharmacognocy M.Phil. Mathematics 1. Banach Algebra and spectral Theory 2. Harmonic Anolysis 3. Differentiable Manifolds 4. Advanced Graph Theory 5. Parallel Algorithms 6. Fuzzy Set and Logic 7. Stochastic Modeling 8. Computational Fluid Dynamics 9. Wavelets M.Phil. Zoology 1. Agricultural Entomology 2. Aqua culture 3. Fish Genetics and Conservation 4. Sericulture 5. Marine Biology 6. Fish Biology M.Phil. History Specialization Optional (any one) a) Epigraphy (or) b) Archives Keeping Optionals a) History of the Tamils from the Sangam Age to Vijayanagar Empire (or) b) History of the Tamils from 1336 to 967 A.D. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 72 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Courses offered in modular form Nil • Credit transfer and accumulation facility Not Applicable • Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses Our University syllabus comprises Core, Allied, Skill Based and Non-Major Electives and value oriented subjects. For skill based and Non-Major elective subjects, options are available for students from which they can make their own choice. • Enrichment courses Besides the Academic Programme, we offer the following to enrich the courses Add on courses Certificate Courses: 1. Herbal Science 1) Phytomothology and Taxonomy of Medicinal Plants 2) Herbal Medicine 3) Practical 1 4) Project 2. Graphics for Visual Communication 1) Introduction to Visual Communication 2) Desktop Publishing 3) Pagemaker and Coreldraw 4) Photoshop 5) Practical I 6) Practical II 7) Project Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 73 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. Visual Communication 1) Introduction to Visual Communication 2) Photography and Videography 3) Photoshop 4) Practical I 5) Practical II 6) Project 4. Business Communication 1) Business Communication 2) Spoken English 3) MS-Word 4) Practical I 5) Practical II 6) Project 5. Import and Export Management 1) Principles of Management 2) International Trade 3) MS-Word 4) Practical 5) Project 6. Spoken English 1) Spoken English 2) Introduction to Phonetics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 74 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3) Public Speaking 7. Computational Biology 1) Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering 2) Computational Methods for Sequence Analysis Practicals 1) Isolation of DNA from prokaryotes 2) PCR amplification Project – Group Project 8. Air Ticketing and Cargo Management 1) Air Ticketing 2) Cargo Management 3) Project Diploma Courses 1. Diploma in Import and Export Management 1) Business Communication 2) International Business Environment 3) MS-Word 4) Practical 5) Project 2. Advanced Diploma in Import and Export Management 1) International Marketing 2) Exim Financing and Documentation 3) Access and Tally Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 75 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4) Practical 5) Project Interdisciplinary courses PG Diploma in Bioinformatics Semester I Semester II Subjects Core/ Electives Fundamentals of Biology Core Genetic Engineering Core Introduction to Core Bioinformatics C Programming Core Molecular Biology Lab Core Bioinformatics Lab Core 1.2.4 Subjects Core/ Electives Genomics, Proteomics and Core Pharamacogonomics Molecular Modelling Core and Drug Design Perl and Bioperl Core Project Molecular Biology Bioinformatics Lab Core Core Core Does the institution offer self-financed programmes? If ‘yes’, list them and indicate how they differ from other programmes, with reference to admission, curriculum, fee structure, teacher qualification, salary etc. Yes. They are: B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Com (Computer Applications), B.A. Tourism, B.B.A., B.C.A, BA English, MA English, MA Tamil, MA Economics, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.T.M, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Com., M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Phil. courses in Mathematics, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Commerce, English, Tamil and Economics. Advertisements for admission to these courses are made in News papers and also displayed on the College Notice Board. After the last date for the receipt of applications, admission is made based on merit. The lapsed seats are filled on first –come- first- served basis. The Syllabus is the same as that of aided courses. In appointments, preference is given to candidates with SLET/NET/Ph.D. If candidates with above qualification are not available, M.Phil holders are appointed. The starting salary for the faculty appointed under self finance scheme is Rs.15060 (Rs. 12000/- basic, 20% DA, HRA and Medical Allowances). The other benefits like PF, CL, EL, ML and career advancement and annual increments are applicable to them. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 76 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Fee Structure Self Financing Courses Course Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fee Charged per semester 6500 12000 12000 12000 7500 12000 16000 16000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 10000 10000 15000 15000 12000 10000 15000 10000 15000 10000 10000 B.C.A. B.Sc. Comp. Sc. B.B.A. B.A. English B.A. Tourism B.Com (C.A) MCA MBA M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Computer Science M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Chemistry M.Com. MTM Tourism Management M.A. English M.A. Economics M.A. Tamil M.Phil. Maths M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Chemistry M.Phil. Botany M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. Commerce M.Phil. English M.Phil. Economics M.Phil. Tamil 1.2.5 Does the college provide additional skill oriented programmes, relevant to regional and global employment markets? If ‘yes’ provide details of such programme and the beneficiaries. Sl.No. 1. 2. Training Programmes Total Strength of the Year Course 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Bridal Make-up & Bouquet Making DTP (Page-Maker, Corel Draw, Photoshop) Nesamony Memorial Christian College - 74 - 65 18 20 15 - Page 77 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. - Tally Short Term Courses - 70 - - - - 40 1. Office Management 2. Spoken English - - - 40 3. Tailoring and Dress Making - - - 40 4. Tally 9.1 - - - 40 5. Fashion Designing - - - 40 6. Instrumental Music - - - 40 7. Photography & Videography - - - 40 8. Travel and Tourism Management Training Course Personality Development - - 40 - - 30 1. 1.2.6 Does the University provide for the flexibility of combining the conventional face-to-face and Distance Mode of Education for students to choose the courses/combination of their choice” If ‘yes’, how does the institution take advantage of such provision for the benefit of students? No 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.1 Describe the efforts made by the institution to supplement the University’s Curriculum to ensure that the academic programmes and Institution’s goals and objectives are integrated? The academic curriculum prescribed by the university is followed and our college has chosen the subjects which are relevant and required for the uplift and empowerment of the students so that they can find better placement and serve the society in turn. The students are trained to face the challenges of this competitive world. Coaching Classes on General knowledge and Awareness for Competitive Exams help students emerge successful in the job market. Departments like Management studies, Economics, English, Tourism, Youth Welfare, Computer Science and Computer Applications often conduct Quiz Programmes to update the general knowledge of the students. A course on Spoken English has been offered as a UGC Career Oriented Programme to develop the communication skill of the students. It helps the students to face interviews boldly anywhere in the country or even outside. Some of our students from Departments like Computer Science, Computer Applications and Management Studies have been recruited by various companies. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 78 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Students are familiarized with ICT by training them in using Computer, Language lab, Internet etc. Also we conduct training programmes like Yoga, Bridal makeup, Bouquet making, DTP, Tally, Front-office management, Internet fundamentals and Spoken Hindi, which will provide employment opportunities to the students in the modern competitive society. As a result of the Moral Instruction and Value Education classes, students emerge as responsible citizens and good leaders for the community and the nation. The Committees like youth welfare conduct competitions regularly which help the students bring out their hidden talents and also shape their personalities. Frequent Seminars and Awareness Programmes are conducted. The Eco club of the college distributes saplings to the students and staff thereby making them ecoconscious. It also organizes trekking programmes to make them understand eco friendly environment. 1.3.2 What are the efforts made by the institution to modify, enrich and organize the curriculum to explicitly reflect the experiences of the students and cater to needs of the dynamic employment market? Students have access to the Internet & INFLIBNET and contribute to the electronic newspaper Deccan Chronicle. Students have the opportunity to make power point presentations. Many courses have integrated ICT in their curriculum. The institutional programmes and achievements of the college are uploaded in the college website for the benefit and knowledge of students, parents and well-wishers. Newspapers are supplied at subsidized rates to the students from the departments of English, Management Studies and Physics, and the names of the newspaper are Times of India, Business Line and The Hindu. 1.3.3 Enumerate the efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross cutting issues such as Gender, Climate Change, Environmental Education, Human Rights, ICT etc., into the curriculum? In our curriculum, we already have Environmental Studies and value based education. With regard to Climate Change, Protection of Environment, Empowerment of Women and Human Rights, we have conducted the following seminars: 1. National Conference on “Environmental Sustainability of Western Ghats of India” conducted by Department of Botany in 2007. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 79 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2. National Seminar on “Conservation and Management of Wetlands in an Era of Climate Change”, conducted by Department of Botany in 2009. 3. National Seminar on “Empowerment of Women” conducted by Department of Tamil in 2009. 4. International Conference on “Land Use Change, Bio-Diversity and Climate Change” conducted jointly by the Departments of Tourism, Physics and Botany in 2008. 5. National Workshop on “Human Right Based Approaches to Sustainable Human Development” from January 31 to February 8, 2010. 6. UGC sponsored workshop on Human Rights was conducted from 31-01-2011 to 07-02-2011. 7. National seminar on Human Rights Education among college students was conducted on January 27&28, 2012 sponsored by TNSCST. Regarding ICT, students have access to the internet, INFLIBNET and contribute to the electronic news paper Deccan Chronicle. Students have the opportunity to make power point presentations. The Institutional programme and achievements of the college are uploaded in the college website for the benefit and knowledge of students, parents and well-wishess. 1.3.4 What are the various value-added courses/enrichment programmes offered to ensure holistic development of students? moral and ethical values Our college conducts the courses on Moral Instruction (MI) and Religious Instruction (RI) by framing our own syllabus and we prepare the course materials also. employable and life skills The following courses are conducted to improve employable and life skills. Certificate Courses 1. Herbal Science 2. Graphics for Visual Communication 3. Visual Communication 4. Business Communication 5. Import and Export Management Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 80 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6. Spoken English 7. Computational Biology 8. Air Ticketing and Cargo Management 9. Computer Aided Accounting (2013-14 onwards) Diploma Courses 1. Diploma in Import and Export Management 2. Advanced Diploma in Import and Export Management Training Programmes 1) Bridal Make-up & Bouquet Making 2) DTP (Page-Maker, Corel Draw, Photoshop) 3) Tally Short Term Courses 1) Office Management 2) Spoken English 3) Tailoring and Dress Making 4) Tally 5) Fashion Designing 6) Instrumental Music 7) Photography & Videography 8) Travel and Tourism Management Training Course 1) Personality Development better career options We have been conducting UGC sponsored coaching classes for NET and SET in the subjects Mathematical Science, Chemical Science, Life Science, History, Commerce, Computer Science and Management Studies from the academic year 2009-2010. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 81 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Coaching classes for TNPSC and Bank Exams have been conducted from the academic year 2009-2010. community orientation Students and staff contribute to and periodically visit Home for the Aged, Cancer patients, Mentally challenged children and Visually challenged children. The Departments take turns and visit the visually challenged children at Irenipuram every month. In addition to the visit to the cancer patients, they contribute to the treatment of poor patients too. Students willingly donate blood to the poor patients in critical condition. Also, they involve in constructing houses for the poor under the Home for the Homeless scheme. This makes them aware of their responsibility towards the less privileged people. 1.3.5 Citing a few examples enumerate on the extent of use of the feedback from stakeholders in enriching the curriculum? To obtain a feed back from students 1) Regarding project for UG students 2) Regarding a course on computer for all students 3) Allotting allied paper in the same year 1.3.6 How does the institution monitor and evaluate the quality of its enrichment programmes? Attendance is taken for the courses. There is a staff in-charge for each course. There is an overall co-ordinator for all courses. There are periodical tests and field visits. 1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 What are the contributions of the institution in the design and development of the curriculum prepared by the University? Prof. T. Manohara Justus, Dept. of Mathematics of our college, has been the coordinator of the committee for implementing CBCS in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. He visited many colleges to explain the various features of the new system. In our college also, he convened a meeting of the Heads of Departments for this purpose. He took in to account the feedback of our staff members before the final implementation Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 82 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation of the new system. Our Principal, Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy is also a member of the committee on CBCS as well as University Syndicate. The college as such does not have a direct role to play in the design and development of the curriculum. Many staff members have worked as convener/ members of Board of studies of the University, as our college is affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. However, the Departments have discussed the recently introduced CBCS and sent their feedback to the University for Appropriate Action. But the syllabi for the Career Oriented Programmes have been designed by the faculty of our college considering the needs and challenges of the society. Our faculty members like Dr. N. Gnanadhas (Rtd), Prof. P. Kumaradhas (Rtd), Dr. J. Devaraj of Mathematics Department, Prof. S. Philip(Rtd) of English Department, Prof. D. S. Arul Selvan and Prof. A. Aby Regieson Sylum of Computer Science Department, Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel (Rtd), Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy of Physics Department, Prof. A. Jai Singh, Prof. Suresh J. C. Ananth of Computer Applications Department, Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh of Tourism Department, Prof. V. Vijuresh Nayagam (Late) of Management Studies Department served as Chairman/Member of Board of studies. However feedback regarding the new syllabus as per CBCS was obtained from the faculty and students and the feedback thus obtained was sent to the committees concerned for appropriate changes, through Members of Board of Studies and the coordinator of CBCS. 1.4.2 Is there a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students and stakeholders on Curriculum? If ‘yes’, how is it communicated to the University and made use internally for curriculum enrichment and introducing changes/new programmes? Review meetings regarding CBCS courses have been conducted and reports were sent to the Co-ordinator of CBCS, M.S. University at the end of the academic year 20082009 for suitable action. Various departments like Mathematics, Zoology, English, Tourism Management and Computer Science expressed views regarding the merits and demerits of the system, and also gave their suggestions. Opinions thus received were consolidated and forwarded to the Co-ordinator for consideration and further action. For instance in the curriculum for BA English Literature, History of English Literature and Social History of England could have been made core subjects instead of prescribing them as allied. In the fifth semester, there could have been six papers as in the case of other students, instead of seven papers. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 83 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 1.4.3 How many new programmes/courses were introduced by the institution during the last four years? What was the rationale for introducing new courses/programmes?) During the last four years, the following self finance courses were introduced: 1) M.A. Tamil Literature 2) M.Phil Tamil Literature 3) B.A. English Literature (SF)(Aided B.A. English Literature already exists) 4) M.A. English Literature 5) M.Phil English Literature 6) M.Phil Chemistry 7) Ph.D. Chemistry 8) M.Phil Botany 9) Ph.D. Botany 10) PG Diploma in Bio-infirmatics 11) M.Sc. Computer Science 12) M.A. Economics 13) M.Phil Economics 14) B.Com (CA) 15) M.Phil Commerce 16) MTM 17) BCA Research courses were introduced to boost the research aptitude of students. Introduction of the UG course, BA English and the PG courses Tamil, English and Economics are need based. BCA is introduced to give importance to ICT and is also a feeder course for MCA. Any other relevant information regarding curricular aspects which the college would like to include. Curricular Aspects: With the introduction of CBCS, all the departments offer many papers of interdisciplinary nature to the students. We list out some of them as follows: UG Mathematics Statistics, Applications of Differential Equations, Introduction to Computers, Personality Development, Basic Programming Design and Linear Programming Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 84 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation PG Mathematics Programming in C++and Mechanics. PG Zoology Molecular Cell Biology, Endocrinology, Applied Physiology, Immunology, Biotechnology. UG History Introduction to Tourism, Journalism, Advertisement PG History Archaeology. UG Botany Bio Chemistry and Bio Physics, Horticulture and Plant Breeding, Genetics, Biometrics and Bio Informatics, Environmental Biotechnology, Herbal Biotechnology. PG Botany Horticulture, Bio Chemistry and Bio Physics and Computer Applications and Bioinformatics, Biotechnology and Applied Biotechnology, Medicinal Botany UG English Mass Communication, Tourism, Environmental Studies, Hospitality Management, Personality Development. UG Tourism Management Introduction to Accountancy, Salesmanship, Accountancy for Tourism PG Tourism Management Accounting and Finance Management B.Com (CA) Front office Operations, Housekeeping Operations, Personality Management UG Tamil Feminism, Introduction to Tourism, Humanism, Journalism, Theatre Arts and Siddha Medicine PG Tamil Journalism, Art of Translation Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 85 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation UG Physics Optics and Spectroscopy, Photography, C++, Digital Electronics PG Physics Mathematical Physics, Micro Processor and Interfacing, Spectroscopy Techniques, Nano Physics Continuous assessment is made through centralized internal test of one hour duration and assignments. Though model examination is not mandatory, it is conducted in the interest of the students and also bearing in mind quality enhancement and quality sustenance of the institution, as a three hour paper in the university pattern at the end of every semester. The faculty members attend Orientation and Refresher courses. Invitations of Seminars received from various colleges and Universities are circulated to the departments. The members are encouraged to participate in them and are allowed to go on duty. Often students are also taken to other colleges to participate in the Seminars which they feel are relevant to them. Besides these Seminars, department and Inter-department Seminars have also been arranged to update the knowledge of the faculty and the students. Industrial visits are arranged for students to keep them abreast of the recent development in their respective areas. These visits could also provide employment opportunities for the students. Remedial classes have been conducted for the students who are weak in the subjects. Students who perform very well in the University examinations are awarded cash prizes. Some departments give the Best Student Award to their students. Certificates of merit are given to outstanding students. Teachers who produce centum results are also honoured with a word of appreciation by the Principal on the College Day function. The first rank holders who continue higher courses in this college are exempted from paying the fees. The Head and members of the department where students secure first ranks in the university are also honoured. The students who represent the college in State Level tournaments are also exempted from paying fees. In accordance with the recommendation made in the Peer Team Report, Career Oriented Programmes like Graphics and Visual Communication, Visual Communication, Business Communication, Import and Export Management, Spoken English, Air Ticketing and Cargo Management, Computational Biology and Herbal Science have been introduced and they are run successfully. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 86 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Also, we conduct training programmes on Yoga, Bridal Make-up, Bouquet Making, DTP and Page maker (CorelDraw, Photoshop), Tally, Spoken Hindi, Front office Management and Internet Fundamental. From 2013-14 onwards we introduced a new Career Oriented Programme, Computer Aided Accounting. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 87 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERION II: TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile 2.1.1 How does the college ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process? a. Prospectus Wide publicity is ensured to the admission process through the Prospectus which is updated every year b. Institutional Website It is also done through the institutional website,, for all courses including the AICTE approved courses MBA and MCA. c. Advertisement in Regional/ National Newspapers In addition to the above, advertisements are being given in the regional newspapers both in Kerala and Tamil Nadu like Dhinamalar, Dhinathanthi, Dhinaharan, Malayala Manorama, and Dhinamani. d. Any other (specify). Publicity is also given through the Local Channels of the Television network. Flex Boards and Notice Boards are also used for the purpose, by displaying them at various places in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. For admission, rank lists prepared by Heads of Departments and approved by the Principal, are displayed on the College Notice Board. Communication is sent to the selected candidates, and the waitlisted candidates, if necessary, by post. Even if a selected student fails to receive the interview card, he can come and meet the Principal and claim his seat. From 2010-11 onwards, we sent interview cards to all candidates and the Counselling System is adopted for admission to the UG courses, in which a student, who has not been called for can also get admission if there exists a vacancy. 2.1.2 Explain in detail the criteria adopted and process of admission (Ex.) (i) merit (ii) common admission test conducted by state agencies and national agencies (iii) combination of merit and entrance test or merit, entrance test and interview Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 88 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation (iv) any other) to various programmes of the Institution. a) General Government norms are followed in the admission process. 50% of the seats are allotted for the CSI minority. Of the remaining 50%, 31% is for OC, 26.5% for BC, 3.5% for Muslims, 20% for MBC and 19% for SC/ST. For UG courses, 3 out of every 100 seats are reserved for Differently Abled, 6 seats for the children of ex-servicemen of Tamil Nadu Origin, 3% are for Sports persons in UG and 2% for Sports persons in PG. 3 seats in PG are for children of ex-servicemen. One seat is reserved for an outstanding NCC Cadet. UG admission is based on marks in Part III in HSC out of 800 marks. For the PG courses except MBA and MCA, the marks secured in the Major and allied subjects in the qualifying examinations are considered. For the M.Sc courses 50% marks in the qualifying examination is necessary. For M.Com course, it is a pass in B.Com or B.A. Corporate Secretaryship. For MBA it is any degree with 50% marks. For MCA, 50% marks for Science students and 45% marks for Arts students with Mathematics as one of the subjects at HSC/UG level. For M.A Degree course, a pass in any UG Degree course is considered eligible. b) Professional For the professional courses, MBA and MCA, 65% of the total seats are reserved as the management quota, and the remaining 35% is Government quota. Score in MAT or TANCET is essential for the students who avail Government quota. Eligibility for admission in MBA is 50% marks in UG course. c) Vocational UG students can join any of the COP conducted by the college on first come first served basis. 2.1.3 Give the minimum and maximum percentage of marks for admission at entry level for each of the programmes offered by the college and provide a comparison with other colleges of the affiliating university within the city/district. Students Minimum Maximum Admitted Marks % Marks % B.Sc. Computer Science(A) 46 42 77.5 B.Sc. Computer Science(SF) 45 39.13 69.5 B.A. English(A) 62 43 89 Courses Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 89 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.A. English(S.F) 59 42 88.68 B.A. Tamil 64 39.87 84 B.A. History (Tamil) 62 41 94.75 B.A. History (English) 62 42 91.13 B.A. Economics 59 38 85.37 B.A. Tourism 11 41.6 62.5 B.B.A. 64 43.75 93.87 B.Sc. Botany 48 33.5 72.5 B.Sc. Maths 48 50 96.13 B.Sc. Physics 44 45.13 86.88 B.Sc. Chemistry 46 43.5 93.75 B.Sc. Zoology 42 38.13 73.25 B.C.A. 47 39.63 84.75 B.Com. 59 41.75 94.63 B.Com.(CA) 62 38.25 93.88 M.Sc. Maths 25 50.31 93.5 M.Sc. Physics 25 51.62 88.29 M.Sc. Chemistry 25 55.55 86 M.Sc. Zoology 25 52.75 77.21 M.Sc. Botany 25 53 78.3 M.Sc. Computer Science 25 56.33 81.13 M.A. History 28 49.95 78.8 M.A. Tamil 30 49.7 74.14 M.A. English 30 51.8 75 M.A. Economics 18 43.32 71 M.Com. 29 43 80.1 M.T.M. 03 50 71.4 M.B.A. 38 50 81 M.C.A. 43 51.2 97.3 M.Phil. Maths 15 66.57 88.9 M.Phil. Physics 10 62 74 M.Phil. Chemistry 9 58.4 75 M.Phil. Zoology 10 55.9 72 M.Phil. Botany 10 62 84 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 90 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Phil. Tamil 15 55.7 79.78 M.Phil. English 14 55.13 72 M.Phil. History 15 58 72.91 M.Phil. Economics 2 56 57.75 M.Phil. Commerce 15 56.7 70.47 Students Minimum Maximum Admitted Marks % Marks % B.A. Tamil 54 87 60 B.A. English 56 90 57 B.A. History (E) 43 75 55 B.A. History (T) 31 73 50 B.Sc. Mathematics 48 92 60 B.Sc. Physics 25 85 58 B.Sc. Zoology 36 75 55 B.Com. B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry B.Sc. Electronics B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion M.A. Tamil M.A. English M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Information Technology M.Com. (CA) M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry M.Phil. English 30 48 23 24 21 85.91 87.34 76.63 80.12 79.63 37.16 40.38 42.25 38.62 39.75 30 30 25 20 20 24 20 15 71.4 65 90 81.5 87.34 70.36 87.28 71.05 44 40.25 58 51.66 69 47.2 59.6 54 Students Minimum Maximum Admitted Marks % Marks % 61 15 20 87.38 79.88 85.5 40 41.75 40 Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science – 2012-13 Courses Muslim Arts College, Thiruvithancode – 2012-13 Courses B.A. English B.A. History B.A. Tamil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 91 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation BBA B.A. English (CA) B.Com. B.Com (Corporate Sec. Ship) B.C.A. B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Hotal Management B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc. Visual Communication M.A. English M.Com. M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Information Technology M.Sc. Hotal Management M.Phil. English M.Phil. Tamil M.Phil. Commerce M.Phil. Zoology 2.1.4 60 61 56 58 20 55 18 15 7 30 18 35 7 25 23 15 18 23 1 1 15 10 15 7 91.88 92.13 91.13 85.88 75.13 83 76 71.25 72.38 69 85.75 77.5 60.88 70 72 75 65 70 62 65 68 69 72 70 41.13 39.63 41 47.25 42.63 42.13 40 40 41.63 41.75 42.5 39.38 39.75 53.5 52 57 50 51 50 50 56 55 57 58 Is there a mechanism in the institution to review the admission process and student profiles annually? If ‘yes’ what is the outcome of such an effort and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process? No. We can not review the admission process, since the admission is done as per Government norms (CSI Minority 50%, of the remaining 50%, BC 26.5%, BC Muslim 3.5%, MBC 20%, SC/ST 19% and General 31%) 2.1.5 Reflecting on the strategies adopted to increase/improve access for following categories of students, enumerate on how the admission policy of the institution and its student profiles demonstrate/reflect the National commitment to diversity and inclusion ∗ SC/ST Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 92 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ OBC ∗ Women ∗ Differently abled ∗ Economically weaker sections ∗ Minority community ∗ Any other In our locality the SC/ST population constitutes a low percentage only. So, almost all SC/ST students, who applied, would get admission. By the reservation policy itself, we observe that nearly 50% of the total students constitute the minority community. Also, out of 50% of the total seats, OBC constitutes 46% among this category. Three out of every hundred seats are reserved for differently abled students. This will help them to enter into any one of the courses. In our college, for the past 10 years, more than 65% of total students are girls. We give details of the students admitted in the I year during 2012-2013: Categories Male Female Total General 27 36 63 SC/ST 19 28 47 OBC (Excluding Minority) 211 510 721 7 1 8 Minority Community 125 323 448 Total 389 898 1287 Differently Abled 2.1.6 Provide the following details for various programmes offered by the institution during the last four years and comment on the trends. i.e. reasons for increase / decrease and actions initiated for improvement. 2009-2010 Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio UG 1) B.Sc. Computer Science(A) 122 50 2.5:1 2) B.Sc. Computer Science(SF) 37 37 1:1 3) B.A. English(A) 488 70 7:1 4) B.A. Tamil 150 64 2.5:1 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 93 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio 5) B.A. History (Tamil) 63 63 1:1 6) B.A. History (English) 59 59 1:1 7) B.A. Economics 58 58 1:1 8) B.A. Tourism 28 28 1:1 9) B.B.A. 48 48 1:1 10) B.Sc. Botany 109 35 3:1 11) B.Sc. Maths 291 50 6:1 12) B.Sc. Physics 130 42 3:1 13) B.Sc. Chemistry 101 32 3:1 14) B.Sc. Zoology 85 33 2.5:1 15) B.Com. 293 63 4.5:1 16) B.Com.(CA) 48 48 1:1 1) M.Sc. Maths 50 25 2:1 2) M.Sc. Physics 42 25 2:1 3) M.Sc. Chemistry 20 20 1:1 4) M.Sc. Zoology 25 25 1:1 5) M.Sc. Botany 23 23 1:1 6) M.Sc. Computer Science 14 14 1:1 7) M.A. History 52 30 2:1 8) M.A. English 11 11 1:1 9) M.Com. 22 22 1:1 10) M.T.M. 16 16 1:1 11) M.B.A. 39 39 1:1 12) M.C.A. 39 39 1:1 1) M.Phil. Maths 15 15 1:1 2) M.Phil. Physics 5 5 1:1 3) M.Phil. Zoology 7 7 1:1 4) M.Phil. Botany 4 4 1:1 5) M.Phil. History 31 13 2.5:1 PG M.Phil. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 94 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio Certificate 1. Visual Communication 30 30 1:1 2. Graphics 30 30 1:1 3. Herbal Science 35 35 1:1 40 40 1:1 5. Business Communication 60 60 1:1 6. Indian Music 16 16 1:1 7. Handicrafts 33 33 1:1 4. Export and Import Management 2010-2011 Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio UG 1) B.Sc. Computer Science(A) 99 44 2.5:1 2) B.Sc. Computer Science(SF) 39 39 1:1 3) B.A. English(A) 496 70 7:1 4) B.A. Tamil 146 64 2.5:1 5) B.A. History (Tamil) 67 58 1:1 6) B.A. History (English) 64 64 1:1 7) B.A. Economics 40 35 1:1 8) B.A. Tourism 13 13 1:1 9) B.B.A. 46 46 1:1 10) B.Sc. Botany 77 35 2.5:1 11) B.Sc. Maths 251 56 4.5:1 12) B.Sc. Physics 201 48 4:1 13) B.Sc. Chemistry 129 39 3.5:1 14) B.Sc. Zoology 63 32 2:1 15) B.Com. 233 63 3.5:1 16) B.Com.(CA) 44 44 1:1 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 95 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Number of Programmes applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio PG 1) M.Sc. Maths 56 25 2:1 2) M.Sc. Physics 75 25 3:1 3) M.Sc. Chemistry 19 19 1:1 4) M.Sc. Zoology 25 25 1:1 5) M.Sc. Botany 23 23 1:1 6) M.Sc. Computer Science 25 25 1:1 7) M.A. History 60 30 2:1 8) M.A. Tamil 12 12 1:1 9) M.A. English 23 23 1:1 10) M.A. Economics 19 19 1:1 11) M.Com. 26 26 1:1 12) M.T.M. 9 9 1:1 13) M.B.A. 38 38 1:1 14) M.C.A. 18 18 1:1 1) M.Phil. Maths 12 12 1:1 2) M.Phil. Physics 10 10 1:1 3) M.Phil. Chemistry 5 5 1:1 4) M.Phil. Zoology 8 8 1:1 5) M.Phil. Botany 9 9 1:1 6) M.Phil. History 26 15 2:1 7) M.Phil. Commerce 9 9 1:1 1. Visual Communication 30 30 1:1 2. Graphics 30 30 1:1 3. Herbal Science 35 35 1:1 4. Export and Import Management 40 40 1:1 5. Business Communication 60 60 1:1 6. Spoken English PG Diploma 60 60 1:1 1. Bioinformatics 3 3 1:1 Certificate Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 96 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011-2012 Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio UG 1) B.Sc. Computer Science(A) 91 48 2:1 2) B.Sc. Computer Science(SF) 25 25 1:1 3) B.A. English(A) 475 70 7:1 4) B.A. English(S.F) 19 19 1:1 5) B.A. Tamil 139 63 2:1 6) B.A. History (Tamil) 57 57 1:1 7) B.A. History (English) 61 61 1:1 8) B.A. Economics 47 47 1:1 9) B.A. Tourism 12 12 1:1 10) B.B.A. 53 53 1:1 11) B.Sc. Botany 71 42 1.5:1 12) B.Sc. Maths 175 51 3.5:1 13) B.Sc. Physics 100 46 2:1 14) B.Sc. Chemistry 101 46 2:1 15) B.Sc. Zoology 64 38 1.5:1 16) B.C.A. 3 3 1:1 17) B.Com. 148 58 2.5:1 18) B.Com.(CA) 46 46 1:1 1) M.Sc. Maths 57 25 2:1 2) M.Sc. Physics 58 25 2:1 3) M.Sc. Chemistry 25 25 1:1 4) M.Sc. Zoology 25 25 1:1 5) M.Sc. Botany 25 25 1:1 6) M.Sc. Computer Science 25 25 1:1 7) M.A. History 61 29 2:1 8) M.A. Tamil 14 14 1:1 PG Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 97 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Number of Programmes applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio 9) M.A. English 30 30 1:1 10) M.A. Economics 19 19 1:1 11) M.Com. 30 30 1:1 12) M.T.M. 21 21 1:1 13) M.B.A. 36 36 1:1 14) M.C.A. 26 26 1:1 1) M.Phil. Maths 15 15 1:1 2) M.Phil. Physics 10 10 1:1 3) M.Phil. Chemistry 5 5 1:1 4) M.Phil. Zoology 10 10 1:1 5) M.Phil. Botany 10 10 1:1 6) M.Phil. History 16 10 1:1.6 7) M.Phil. Commerce 15 15 1:1 1. Visual Communication 30 30 1:1 2. Graphics 30 30 1:1 3. Herbal Science 35 35 1:1 4. Export and Import Management 40 40 1:1 5. Business Communication 60 60 1:1 6. Spoken English 60 60 1:1 24 24 1:1 3 3 1:1 9 9 1:1 M.Phil. Certificate Diploma 1. Import and Export Management PG Diploma 1. Bioinformatics Advanced Diploma 1. Import and Export Management Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 98 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2012-2013 Programmes Number of applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio UG 1) B.Sc. Computer Science(A) 98 46 2:1 2) B.Sc. Computer Science(SF) 45 45 1:1 3) B.A. English(A) 532 62 8.5:1 4) B.A. English(S.F) 59 59 1:1 5) B.A. Tamil 189 64 3:1 6) B.A. History (Tamil) 64 62 1:1 7) B.A. History (English) 71 62 1:1 8) B.A. Economics 59 59 1:1 9) B.A. Tourism 11 11 1:1 10) B.B.A. 64 64 1:1 11) B.Sc. Botany 78 48 1.5:1 12) B.Sc. Maths 325 48 8:1 13) B.Sc. Physics 140 44 3:1 14) B.Sc. Chemistry 153 46 3.5:1 15) B.Sc. Zoology 79 42 2:1 16) B.C.A. 47 47 1:1 17) B.Com. 248 59 4:1 18) B.Com.(CA) 62 62 1:1 1) M.Sc. Maths 80 25 3:1 2) M.Sc. Physics 93 25 3.5:1 3) M.Sc. Chemistry 25 25 1:1 4) M.Sc. Zoology 25 25 1:1 5) M.Sc. Botany 25 25 1:1 6) M.Sc. Computer Science 25 25 1:1 7) M.A. History 63 28 2.5:1 8) M.A. Tamil 30 30 1:1 9) M.A. English 30 30 1:1 PG Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 99 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Number of Programmes applications Number of students admitted Demand Ratio 10) M.A. Economics 18 18 1:1 11) M.Com. 29 29 1:1 12) M.T.M. 3 3 1:1 13) M.B.A. 38 38 1:1 14) M.C.A. 43 43 1:1 1) M.Phil. Maths 15 15 1:1 2) M.Phil. Physics 10 10 1:1 3) M.Phil. Chemistry 9 9 1:1 4) M.Phil. Zoology 10 10 1:1 5) M.Phil. Botany 10 10 1:1 6) M.Phil. Tamil 15 15 1:1 7) M.Phil. English 14 14 1:1 8) M.Phil. History 36 15 2:1 9) M.Phil. Economics 2 2 1:1 10) M.Phil. Commerce 15 15 1:1 1. Visual Communication 46 46 1:1 2. Graphics 47 47 1:1 3. Herbal Science 46 46 1:1 4. Export and Import Management 47 47 1:1 5. Business Communication 54 54 1:1 6. Spoken English 64 64 1:1 40 40 1:1 28 28 1:1 3 3 1:1 24 24 1:1 M.Phil. Certificate 7. Air Ticketing and Cargo Management 8. Computational Biology PG Diploma 1. Bioinformatics Advanced Diploma 1. Import and Export Management Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 100 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.2 2.2.1 Catering to Diverse Needs of Students How does the institution cater to the needs of differently- abled students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regard? The classes which have differently-abled students are conducted in the ground floor. The fellow students willingly help them always either by accompanying them or by carrying their bags during working days in and outside college. A ramp is about to be constructed with the UGC grant of Rs.5 lakhs in Vethamonickam Block for the benefit of these students. Endowment prizes are given to them from Dr .S. S. Hector Endowment and Rev. Watson Endowment funds. In addition, proficiency prizes are also given to them at UG and PG levels. Also, there is a separate reservation for differently-abled students. Of the total seats 3% is reserved for them. We have formed an Enabling unit with the Principal as patron and Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh as Co-ordinator under the scheme – Higher Education for Persons with Special Need (HEPSN). Activities of the Enabling Unit The unit was inaugurated by Mrs. Shanti Glory Emerald, District Differently abled welfare officer, Kanyakumari District on 9th April 2010. • • • • • • • • Fecilitated admission of Differently-abled students in various courses. Provided guidance and counselling to differently-abled students. Created awareness about the needs of differently-abled students. Gathered orders dealing with free concessions, examination procedures, reservation policies etc. pertaining to differently-abled persons (They were exempted fully from paying of Special and examination fees as per the Government Order, dated 28-06-2010). Sent two of differently-abled students of the unit for oneday awareness programme on Higher Education System for Teachers and Differently-Abled Students (APHSTD), held on 25-03-2011, at MSU, Tirunelveli. An interactive programme was held at our college on 01-03-2012 to identify the grievances and requirements of the students. The unit has taken a decision to distribute VCD player as per the request of Visually impaired students and also decided to meet the requirement of the other categories of students through government agencies. The unit has purchased three computers for giving Training to all students. In order to special training to visually impaired students, software – ‘JAWS’ is installed. The unit has proposed to send two students and a faculty for one day programme on Differently abled students, to be held at MSU, Tirunelveli, on 30-03-2012. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 101 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation At present the unit has strength of 24 students with different types of disabilities such as physically handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired etc. 2.2.2 Does the institution assess the students’ needs in terms of knowledge and skills before the commencement of the programme? If ‘yes’, give details on the process. No 2.2.3 What are the strategies drawn and deployed by the institution to bridge the knowledge gap of the enrolled students to enable them to cope with the programme of their choice? (Bridge/Remedial/Add-on/Enrichment Courses, etc. A Bridge course in English is conducted for all I UG students for one week. 2.2.4 How does the college sensitize its staff and students on issues such as gender, inclusion, environment etc.? Inorder to create awareness on Environment, Gender, Human Rights, Women Empowerment, we encourage the staff members to participate in Seminars/Confrencesconducted by other colleges. Also, we conduct seminars on such issues occasionally. The details are given below: 1. National Conference on “Environmental Sustainability of Western Ghats of India” conducted by Department of Botany in 2007. 2. National Seminar on “Conservation and Management of Wetlandsin an Era of Climate Change”, conducted by Department of Botany in 2009. 3. National Seminar on “Empowerment of Women” conducted by Department of Tamil in 2009. 4. International Conference on “Land Use Change, Bio-Diversity and Climate Change” conducted jointly by the Department of Tourism, Physics and Botany in 2008. 5. National Workshop on “Human Right Based Approaches to Sustainable Human Development” from January 31 to February 8, 2010. 6. UGC sponsored workshop on Human Rights was conducted from 31-01-2011 to 07-02-2011. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 102 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 7. National seminar on Human Rights Education among college students was conducted on January 27&28, 2012 sponsored by TNSCST. 2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to special educational/learning needs of advanced learners? The students’ performance is being assessed based on his score in the internal assessment test. After assessing the performance of the students, remedial classes are conducted for slow learners. The advanced learners are encouraged to read more advanced books and also to help slow learners. 2.2.6 How does the institute collect, analyze and use the data and information on the academic performance (through the programme duration) of the students at risk of drop out (students from the disadvantaged sections of society, physically challenged, slow learners, economically weaker sections etc.)? Each faculty member maintains a course file containing marks of three tests, model test marks and University exam marks. The parents of low performers are called and counseled the students in front of the parents. Remedial coaching classes are arranged for weak students. Also, we maintain the attendance of each class in the department. So the class teacher easily identifies the irregular students and takes necessary corrective measures. As the teachers monitor the students with care, there is a lot of improvement in students’ performance and the drop out rate is bellow 1%. 2.3 Teaching-Learning Process 2.3.1 How does the college plan and organise the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan, evaluation blue print, etc.) Academic calendar is given to the students at the beginning of the academic year. The teacher prepares the teaching plan at the beginning of the semester. It is entered in the Course file. The Day order and Test schedule are given in the calendar. We conduct three internal assessment tests and a model examination as per the schedule given in the calendar. The Examination Committee undertakes this task. The progress reports of the tests are sent to the parents regularly. Though model examination is not mandatory, in the interest of the students and also bearing in mind quality enhancement and quality sustenance of the Institution, it is Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 103 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation conducted as a three hour paper comprising the entire syllabus in the University pattern at the end of every semester. 2.3.2 How does IQAC contribute to improve the teaching –learning process? The Internal Quality Assurance Cell monitors the various responsibilities given to the faculty like maintanence of course file, remedial coaching, conduct of seminars, submission of projects, Research activities, functioning of the library and so on to enhance the quality within the existing academic and administrative system. Also we conduct centralised internal tests, and a model examination. We prepare progress reports and send to the parents immediately after the tests are over. We give free education to the 1st rank holders and winners in sports at state level. The student feed back on curriculam and teaching obtained by IQAC is analysed and used for improving the teaching-learning process. We conduct parents’ meeting classwise and the suggestions given by the parents are taken in good spirit to improve teaching-learning process. 2.3.3 How is learning made more student-centric? Give details on the support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning among the students? Departments adopt different methods to boost the learning process. We list them below: The final year UG and PG Zoology students conduct seminars. They conduct quiz in the prescribed syllabus. At the end of the class, a student briefs the session. The faculty members use LCD to support their teaching. The PG students of Physics Department give talks in seminars which are conducted at the department level. They have open book test. The faculty members use LCD to support their teaching. The Management Studies Department adopts various strategies such as seminar, Assignment writing, Case studies, Group Discussion, Debate, Analysis of current issues, Personality Development Programme, Study Tour, Field visit, Quiz competition (General and Business) and Guest lectures and project to make the Teaching-Learning process more effective. They publish a house journal ZOOMER annually. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 104 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The various techniques adopted by Computer Applications Department include Seminar, Quiz competition, Paper presentation, Communication game, Software contest, Guest lectures in new trends, Personality Development programmes, Soft Skill training, Placement training and project. III UG students of Computer Science give oral presentation in seminars for I UG students, conducted at department level. Also, the PG students conduct seminar for the UG students. They conduct workshops in latest trends by experts from the field. They adopt strategies like Quiz, Discussion on new topics, Communication Skills training, and Intra Department paper presentation. They also supply model questions for various competitive examinations. The PG students of Botany give seminars. Vocabulary tests are conducted for the students to familiarize them with Botanical names of various plants. They visit Nurseries, Medicinal gardens and Natural habitats such as Marine-Eco system, Wild life Sanctuaries, Reserve forest etc. They also, visit Biotechnology lab of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, TBGRI, Palode, and CES Alwarkurichi. They have group discussions on certain topics. They often conduct guest lectures by experts from this field. PG and M.Phil students of History Department also have seminar hours. They visit the Libraries of Universities and other Colleges. The Department of Economics conducts a general quiz for all students. The teachers test the knowledge of the students by asking questions. The students also ask questions to clear their doubts. The PG students take seminars. The various techniques adopted by the Department of Tourism include intra- quiz competition and inter – collegiate quiz competitions, celebrating World Tourism Day, role play by PG students and seminar on Bio-diversity. They also conducted anti-plastic awareness programme. PG students do seminars. Assignment work is compulsory to all students. The PG students of Tamil Department conduct seminar. The teachers test the knowledge of the students by raising questions. They had field trips to St. Joseph’s press, Trivandrum, Shooting studio and the Folklore Auditorium of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. The PG and M.Phil students of Chemistry Faculty conduct seminar. They give power point presentation by using LCD. The UG, PG and M.Phil students have field trips to Laboratories such as RRL, NIIST, Sai Analysis Laboratory, Pechiparai and Nagercoil, Glass industry, Trivandrum. They use Atom models for explaining Molecular Structures. Students used to summarise the lesson taught at the end of the hour. The Department of Commerce adopted lecture method as well as power point presentation. Students used to raise questions to clear their doubts. The teachers also ask Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 105 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation questions to test the knowledge of the students in the subject. PG and M.Phil students do seminar. The Department of Mathematics adopt lecture method and problem solving session for UG students. PG students used to conduct seminar. For the M.Phil. students, seminar is compulsory. Power point presentation is also made in M.Phil. classes. As per the decision taken in the Research committee, a Research forum named Nesamony Research Forum (NRF) has been established to commemorate our former patron, the father of our district, Mr. A Nesamony. Under the auspices of the NRF, a multidisciplinary National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Arts and Science” was conducted on October7&8, 2011. We have received 190 abstracts (Tamil-12, Malayalam-6, English -32, Mathematics3, Physics-25, Computer Science-5, Chemistry-5, Botany-19, Zoology-11, History-19, Economics-4, Commerce-23, Tourism-7, MBA-15, Physical Education-1, and Library-3) As many as 126 papers were presented (Tamil-7, Malayalam-6, English-22, Mathematics-2, Computer Science-2, Physics-12, Chemistry-4, Botany-7, Zoology-11, Commere-16, MBA-10, History-18, Economics-2, Tourism-4, Physical Education-1, and Library Seience-2). Subject experts in disciplines like Malayalam, Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry and Management Studies delivered lead talks on this occasion. The articles in Science were published in the Refereed Journal “Journal of Research in Science” (ISSN No. 2278-9073). In addition to the general library, every department is equipped with department library and internet connections have been given to all the departments. 2.3.4 How does the institution nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long learners and innovators? We give assignment work to all the students. This helps them improve creativity and it compels the students to refer to many latest books. Conducting seminar is compulsory for PG students. Some of the Departments conduct intra-departmental and inter-collegiate quiz programmes. Also, we send the students to attend quiz programmes conducted by other colleges. These induce their critical thinking and allow them to read more and more books. We conduct seminars/conferences frequently. Students are permitted to attend conferences and present papers. Also, they do individual/group projects. These will develop their creativity and indues scientific temper and make them to be a life long learners. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 106 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.3.5 What are the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching? Eg: Virtual laboratories, e-learning - resources from National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT), open educational resources, mobile education, etc. Some of the methods adopted by our faculty are lecture method, Project-based learning and computer assisted learning. The final year students of all Departments have project based learning. The MBA and MCA students have both minor and major projects. They visit companies/ industries and prepare reports. MBA students make case studies. They conduct mock interview, Group Discussion and Planetorium. Departments like English adopt CAL using LCD and conduct pandemonium. All Science Departments use experimental learning method. Department of Tourism has a course on ‘Ticketing’. PG students do seminars with power point presentation. Assignment work is compulsory to all UG and PG students. English Department adopts interactive method. The students are given chances to come to the front and address the students on a specific topic. This enables them to gain confidence. Students are allowed to ask questions to the teacher to clear their doubts. Also, they raise questions to the students to test the understanding of the subject. Students themselves prepare the question bank and the students take turns to conduct quiz programmes among themselves in all papers in the presence of the teacher. The Department publishes a house journal INCREA annually. The college has a well equipped Language lab which uses the licensed software (License No. ETNL/LL/11/0210) Digital Multilingual Interactive Language Lab with one teacher and twenty nine students positions. It helps to develop the language skills of students. First and second year UG students of all subjects are taken to the Language lab once a week. Subject related CDs are displayed in the class room. Demonstration of equipments is made for effective teaching-learning. There is internet facility in the library and also in the Departments. There are several subject related journals and magazines available in the general and Department libraries. There are newspapers which give specific information about career development and employment opportunities. The faculty members in most of the Departments make power point presentation to make the teaching-learning experience more effective. Wi-Fi System is installed in MBA Computer lab. The staff and students have access to INFILBNET which enables them view thousands of Journals and books on all subjects. Apart from class room teaching, the students make use of the internet facility in preparing for their examinations, seminars, assignments and so on. The teaching and administrative staffs are familiar with computer, LCD and internet. The students are also given chances to make power point presentation. Apart from MCA & Computer Science Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 107 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Departments, Mathematics, Physics, Commerce (CA) and MBA Departments are also equipped with separate Computer labs. 2.3.6 How are the students and faculty exposed to advanced level of knowledge and skills (blended learning, expert lectures, seminars, workshops etc.)? The students and staff have exposure to the recent trends in various fields through the latest books, journals, magazines, and internet and book exhibitions. Besides this, the staff and students participate in conferences, workshops and seminars to update their knowledge in the subject. The management encourages the Departments to organize such programmes on the recent developments in their subjects. The final year students are encouraged to do projects bearing the latest trends in mind. Students are also allowed to do their projects in well established labs / organizations elsewhere. 2.3.7 Detail (process and the number of students \benefitted) on the academic, personal and psycho-social support and guidance services (professional counseling/mentoring/academic advise) provided to students? The students of each class are assigned a class teacher. The teachers meet them periodically and guide them personally and academically. The teachers identify students who seem to have some problems. They are counselled by the staff members of the departments. If it is not successful, they are advised to meet the faculty of the counselling cell. Students can share their personal problems with the members of the cell and get relief. Mr. S. Philip, former Head of the Department of English is a professional counsellor and many students have benefitted by his counsel. Besides these, Personality Development and Counselling programmes are occasionally conducted for the benefit of students, engaging experts from outside. Some of our women faculty have attened a UGC sponsored workshop in Holy Cross college, Nagercoil which has given them practical training in identifying such students and redressing their problems. Every year, approximately three hundred students have benefited by the faculty of our college. During 2011-12, a counselling programme (Fullness to real life) was conducted on 27-09-2011 to all the students. Also, we conduct counselling and career guidance meetings every year. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 108 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.3.8 Provide details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted by the faculty during the last four years? What are the efforts made by the institution to encourage the faulty to adopt new and innovative approaches and the the impact of such innovative practices on student learning? Some of the methods adopted by our faculty are lecture method, Project-based learning and computer assisted learning. The final year students of all Departments have project based learning. The MBA and MCA students have both minor and major projects. They visit companies/ industries and prepare reports. MBA students make case studies. They conduct mock interview, Group Discussion and Planetorium. Departments like English adopt CAL using LCD and conduct pandemonium. All Science Departments use experimental learning method. Department of Tourism has a course on ‘Ticketing’. PG students do seminars with power point presentation. Assignment work is compulsory to all UG and PG students. English Department adopts interactive method. The students are given chances to come to the front and address the students on a specific topic. This enables them to gain confidence. Students are allowed to ask questions to the teacher to clear their doubts. Also, they raise questions to the students to test the understanding of the subject. Students themselves prepare the question bank and the students take turns to conduct quiz programmes among themselves in all papers in the presence of the teacher. The Department publishes a house journal INCREA annually. The college has a well equipped Language lab which uses the licensed software (License No. ETNL/LL/11/0210) Digital Multilingual Interactive Language Lab with one teacher and twenty nine students positions. It helps to develop the language skills of students. First and second year UG students of all subjects are taken to the Language lab once a week. Subject related CDs are displayed in the class room. Demonstration of equipments is made for effective teaching-learning. There is internet facility in the library and also in the Departments. There are several subjects related journals and magazines available in the general and Department libraries. There are newspapers which give specific information about career development and employment opportunities. The faculty members in most of the Departments make power point presentation to make the teaching-learning experience more effective. Wi-Fi System is installed in MBA Computer lab. The staff and students will have access to INFILBNET shortly which will enable them view thousands of Journals and books on all subjects. Apart from class room teaching, the students make use of the internet facility in preparing for their examinations, seminars, assignments and so on. The teaching and administrative staffs are familiar with computer, LCD and internet. The students are also given chances to make power point presentation. Apart from MCA & Computer Science Departments, Mathematics, Physics, Commerce (CA) and MBA Departments are also equipped with separate Computer labs. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 109 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The management installed LCD projector in a class room in each department. The Principal advises the faculty members to use LCD projector to maximum possible extent. Also, the management installed a well equipped language lab which helps the students develop communication skill. Also, the students are familier with Power Point Presentation. 2.3.9 How are library resources used to augment the teaching-learning process? There are department libraries for the use of faculty and students. There are separate Borrower’s Registers for faculty and students. The faculty use them to prepare lessons and to guide project work and students use them to prepare assignments and seminars at regular intervals and also for quiz programmes. The libraries are updated quite often. Each department has a good collection of useful books and journals. The faculty members do not depend only on prescribed books. They use books in the library to give additional illustrations. The PG departments are also allowed to keep the two recent issues of the Journals pertaining to their subjects in the department libraries for quick reference by the students. The back volumes are kept in the General Library. 2.3.10 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If ‘yes’, elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these. No 2.3.11 How does the institute monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching learning? The quality of teaching learning will be evident from the marks scored and the ranks obtained by the students in the University examination. The internal tests and the model examinations help to monitor at regular intervals. The Principal visits the departments and makes an assessment of the quality of teaching learning, suggestion for improvement given in the department meeting and also in the staff council meetings. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 110 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.4 Teacher Quality 2.4.1 Provide the following details and elaborate on the strategies adopted by the college in planning and management (recruitment and retention) of its human resource (qualified and competent teachers) to meet the changing requirements of the curriculum The members of the faculty are selected purely on the basis of merit and performance in the interview by the Governing Board of the college. The merit list is displayed on the notice board for 48 hours and the communication is sent to the selected candidates. After 48 hours, the appointment orders are issued in the order of their ranks in the selection list. Grievances, if any could be redressed immediately. All the teachers in approved posts are qualified. If fully qualified teachers are not available in some cases, candidates without Ph.D./NET/ SLET are also recruited. As all the teachers are selected on the basis of merit, they are competent and proficient in their subjects. Highest qualification Professor Male Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Temporary teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Part-time teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG 2.4.2 Associate Professor Assistant Professor Total Female Male Female Male Female - - 11 7 1 7 1 1 29 31 7 28 47 3 75 86 12 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 How does the institution cope with the growing demand/ scarcity of qualified senior faculty to teach new programmes/ modern areas (emerging areas) of study being introduced (Biotechnology, IT, Bioinformatics etc.)? Provide details on the efforts made by the institution in this direction and the outcome during the last three years. During the last three years, three Computer Oriented Courses viz. BCA, M.Sc. Computer Science and PG Diploma in Bio- Informatics have been introduced. We have appointed five permanent teachers all with M.Sc., M.Phil. qualification for M.Sc. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 111 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Computer Science. It is very difficult to find out faculty members with Ph.D/NET/SET in subjects like Computer Science, Bioinformatics etc. However, after joining as Faculty members, they do Ph.D. on part-time basis, So that they become qualified with in a short period of time. We have arranged three visiting faculty from MS University and Xpression Biotech (Marthandam Branch) to teach the students of PG Diploma Course in Bio-informatics. 2.4.3 Providing details on staff development programmes during the last four years elaborate on the strategies adopted by the institution in enhancing the teacher quality. a) Nomination to staff development programmes Number of faculty Academic Staff Development Programmes nominated 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Refresher courses 4 37 3 14 HRD programmes 53 59 115 57 Orientation programmes 7 1 2 - 2 - - - 1 2 2 6 15 5 16 8 Staff training conducted by the university Staff training conducted by other institutions Summer / winter workshops, etc. schools, b) Faculty Training programmes organized by the institution to empower and enable the use of various tools and technology for improved teachinglearning Teaching learning methods/approaches 1. Department of English conducted a programme on Research methodology for teachers and other scholars on 08-09-2011. 2. Dr. A. Dickson Benjamin, Associate Professor of Physics, conducted a training programme on Linux for some Facultymembers of the Department of Physics and Mathematics for one week in 2010. 3. An Orientation Programme on teaching learning was conducted on June 25, 2012 with Dr. Dhamotharan, Principal, VOC College of Educotion, Tuticorin. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 112 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4. An Orientation Programme on Effective Teaching-learning Process was conducted in October 2012 with Prof. Jose Robin, Rtd. Vice-Principal of our college as the Resource Person. Handling new curriculum Prof. T. Manohara Justus, Co-ordinator, CBCS, M.S. University, Tirunelveli a training programme for all Heads of Departments on New Curriculum in 2008. Content/knowledge management A Crash course in communication English was conducted for junior teachers for 5 days in 2009. Selection, development and use of enrichment materials Assessment Cross cutting issues Audio Visual Aids/multimedia A training Programme on Audio Visual Aids and multimeadia for the faculty to make classroom teaching more effective. OER’s Teaching learning material development, selection and use The Department of English prepared the course material for Bridge Course. c) Percentage of faculty ∗ invited as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences organized by external professional agencies 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 0.5% - 1.5% 5% 1/140 - 2/170 15/174 ∗ participated in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national/ international professional bodies 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 23% 15.5% 14.5% 16% 32/140 25/160 25/170 28/174 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 113 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ presented papers in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences conducted or recognized by professional agencies 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 13% 8.5% 11% 8% 18/140 14/160 19/170 15/174 2.4.4 What policies/systems are in place to recharge teachers? (eg: providing research grants, study leave, support for research and academic publications teaching experience in other national institutions and specialized programmes industrial engagement etc.) The management encourages the faculty to attend national/ international conferences / seminars, Refresher and Orientation programmes, and workshops by granting OD. The management also allots funds for conducting Regional/ National/ International seminars. The management extends financial support for attending official meetings and programmes such as Principals’ Conference, NAAC related seminars etc. 2.4.5 Give the number of faculty who received awards / recognition at the state, national and international level for excellence in teaching during the last four years. Enunciate how the institutional culture and environment contributed to such performance/achievement of the faculty. Awards, recognition, patents etc. if any (specify) Seven teachers received awards during the last four years. Out of seven, three were awarded for their contribution in teaching, and the other four for their best performance in presentation. Awards: 1) Dr. N. Gnanadhas, former Principal, was given “The Best Educationalist Award”, by Indian Solidarity Council, New Delhi in 2009-2010. 2) Prof. C. H. Arun received award for Best paper at the international conference on “Scientific Computing Using Python” in 2009-2010. 3) Dr. T. F. Abbs Fenn Regi of Department of Chemistry won the Young Scientist Fellowship by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai in 2010-2011. 4) Dr. R. Prabhavathy Princilla Snehabai of Tamil department was awarded “Tamil Thondirkkana Thiruvalluvar Viruthu-2010” by Kaviyarasar Kalai Tamil Sangam, Namakkal. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 114 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5) Prof. Melvin of Department of Management Studies got the Best paper award for his paper presented in the international conference conducted by Annamalai University, Chithambaram in 2011. 6) Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh, HoD of Tourism Management, has been referred for the Prestigious BHARATH SHIKSHA RATAN AWARD by Advisory Board of Global Society for Health and Educational Growth, Delhi 7) Prof. C.P. Ben of Botany Department received Best paper award for his paper presentation in National Seminar on Bio-resources and Conservation Management organized by PSGR Krishnammal College , Coimbatore We have well qualified and experienced teachers. This makes them to be excellent in teaching and subject knowledge. Also, they are familiar with Power Point Presentation. The management encourages the teachers to improve their teaching skill. This environment helps the young teachers to obtain best presentation awards. 2.4.6 Has the institution introduced evaluation of teachers by the students and external Peers? If yes, how is the evaluation used for improving the quality of the teaching-learning process? Yes. The teachers are evaluated by the students. The feedback is analyzed and sent to the departments. The HoD and Principal give suggestions if necessary for better performance. 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 How does the institution ensure that the stakeholders of the institution especially students and faculty are aware of the evaluation processes? Communications received from University regarding evaluation are circulated to Departments and through the Departments to the students too. They are also displayed on the notice board. Time schedule for internal evaluation and model examination is given in the college Handbook. 2.5.2 What are the major evaluation reforms of the university that the institution has adopted and what are the reforms initiated by the institution on its own? From the year 2008 onwards, the university has introduced Choice Based Credit System. Under the new system, credits are awarded to students based on their performance, in addition to the system of giving marks. Also, introduction of internal assessment is the special feature of this new scheme. For internal assessment three tests Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 115 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation are conducted. Of the three, the best marks of two tests and one assignment, are consolidated for 25 or 40, depending upon the subjects as the internal assessment. Some of our faculty members conduct class tests periodically in order to assess the performance of students continuously. We conduct three hour model test to all UG/PG students before the commencement of University examination. 2.5.3 How does the institution ensure effective implementation of the evaluation reforms of the university and those initiated by the institution on its own? As per the new evaluation system, the department conduct (centralised) three internal tests following the schedule given in the hand book. The faculty members have to submit the mark list signed by the concerned HoD to the examination committee which, inturn sends the marks to the parents. These marks are also displayed on the Department Notice Board. Before the commencement of the university examination, all the internal marks are sent to the University. The Departments conduct model test out of their own interest (through not mandatory) before the commencement of University exam, and the students are shown the valued papers. 2.5.4 Provide details on the formative and summative evaluation approaches adopted to measure student achievement. Cite a few examples which have positively impacted the system. Home assignments, weekly tests, questioning sessions, besides the three unit tests, are some of the formative evaluation approaches. By analyzing the performance of the students, the teacher comes to know, how much the student has grasped in the subject. These approaches also help to assess the strength and weakness of the teaching-learning process and enable the teacher to effect changes in teaching, if necessary. Besides sending the progress reports for the unit tests to the parents, the performance of the students in the evaluation approaches mentioned above, are informed to the parents in parents’ meeting arranged every semester. At the end of every semester, model examinations are conducted and the university question papers for the previous years, are also discussed inorder to prepare them for the forth coming university examinations. The students who do not pass in the examination are asked to bring their parents inorder to discuss what best could be done to improve the performance of such students. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 116 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.5.5 Enumerate on how the institution monitors and communicates the progress and performance of students through the duration of the course/programme? Provide an analysis of the students results/achievements (Programme/course wise for last four years) and explain the differences if any and patterns of achievement across the programmes/courses offered. Tests are conducted at regular intervals and marks are sent to parents. The parents of students whose performance is unsatisfactory are called and informed of their wards’ performance. Students are encouraged to work hard. Remedial classes are conducted to students who are weak in the subjects. Assignments are also given to evaluate their performance. The marks of all the three internal tests and model test are sent to the parents regularly. We list the achievements and results of students for the past four years. List of University Rank Holders(M.S. University) 2008-2009 Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Name Manila Christopher Sasikala C. Vidya. M Mithra K.S Pradeep Kumar S. Sheem Mers S.V. Femila J. Jebitta M. Shirlin Mary Shalini M. Siva Kala C.R. Binitha T. Shiny Fragrance P. Subjini P. Dovya K.S Anupama R. Sasi Rekha S. Usha P. Rajasree S. Nair Sharmila Justus J. Sindhu M. Prakasini S.L Nesamony Memorial Christian College Department M.Phil. Physics M.Phil Zoology M.A. History MCA MBA B.Sc. Chemistry BSc. Com. Sci. B.Sc. Zoology B.A Tourism M.Phil History MBA English Literature B.A. Tourism M.A. history MBA B.A. Tourism B.Sc. Zoology MBA M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Zoology Page 117 of 339 Rank I I I I I I I I I II II II II III III III IV IV V V V Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sabitha T. Anu Danie V. Anisha R. Santhini K.S. Shaliny S. Sheeja S. Mary Kipija X. Suma Maheswari S Ajitha R.K. Deepa B.S. Reshmi K.R. Baby Shalini B. Dhanya S.L Pepsi A. Anish Kumar T. Sheeja D. Sumiya N. Shamna Begam B. Anitha A. Usha Rani T.S. Sajeena A.N. Shiny Fragrance P. Rahumath Nisha S. Rani Ann Johnson Dhanya S.L Jaya Prased V.S Helen Sukanya K. Jebitta M. Shirlin M.A. History B.Sc. Chemistry B.A. Economics Malayalam English Literature M.Sc. Maths M.A. History Tamil Literature M.A. History Tamil Literature M.Sc. Botany English Literature B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Botany B.A. Economics Tamil Literature B.A. Economics B.Sc. Botany B.A. Economics B.A. Economics Malayalam PartII English B.Sc. Botany Malayalam Malayalam B.A. History B.Sc. Zoology Part II English V V V V VI VII VII VII VIII VIII IX IX X X X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVI XVII XVII XVIII XIX XX XX 2009-2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Chandra Saleride. J Abin Rajesh. A.D. Nisha. S.R Viji Chitra. S Vanitha. P Reshmi. R.S Remya. B Jeena. J.R Sujatha. I.V Arun Kumar .B Reshma. M.S Nesamony Memorial Christian College Department M.Phil. Botany M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Botany M.B.A M.A. History B.B.A B.A Tourism Part-I Malayalam M.Phil. Zoology M.B.A. B.Sc.Computer Science Page 118 of 339 Rank 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Krishna Chandran. C. K Dafini Singh .R Astalin Melba. A Raja Kumar .B Aneesh. S Shoba. S Shunmugha Priya. R Nija Krishna. G Divya Mol. P.B Ramya Raj. A Anusha. A Sibin Jose. S.P Cithara. J.S Shabila George. L.B Sarnia. S Sumayya. B Anseena. A Pushpa Rani. G Princy. R Jeba Malar. T Shyni. S.S Santhi. V.S Chithra. J.S Sreej. J Sowmya. S Prathibha. P Dhanya. S.P John Sowmya. J Ashitha Khosh. G. C Lidiya Stuvart. M Pushpa Rani. G Dhanya. V. S Revathi. A. O Shyni. D. S Viji Sam. S. J Shany. N Ashlin Melbha. D Sudha. M Ahila. T Joshina. K. T Usha. D Shiju. CL Vini. G Nesamony Memorial Christian College B.A. Tourism M.Phil. Zoology M.B.A M.A. History B.A.Tourism M.Sc. Botany M.B.A B.A. Tourism B.Sc. Chemistry B.A. English Literature M.Sc. Zoology M.A. History B.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Physics M.Com M.C.A Part-I Malayalam M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Botany B.A. English Literature B.Sc. Computer Science Part I Malayalam Part I Malayalam M.Sc. Mathematics M.C.A M.A. History Part-I Tamil Part-I Malayalam M.A. History B.A. History B.A. Economics B.A. History B.A. English Literature Part-I Malayalam Par-I Malayalam B.B.A B.Sc. Zoology B.A. History B.A. English literature B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Tamil Literature Part-I Tamil Page 119 of 339 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 55 Chithra. J.S Part-II English 19 2010-11 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Name V. Femila J. Femila A. Anvar S. Sujitha R. Ajisha R.V. Prasad R.Suji J.Sharmila Justus S.L.Prakasini N. Bindhu R. Rexlin Beaula Gracy T. Nadar T. Shammy M.Vidya G.V. Vijithra R. Mary Sharon S. Beula Sony V.S. Jaya Prasad M.J. Mithiraja M.L. Vidya G. Jasmin Parimala S.R.Anuji F. Femi D. Anusha R.L. Merlin Sheeba V.N Rema Devi M. Prakash V.S. Sindhumol R.P. Rahul N.T. Athira V. Vincy A. Pepsi D. Berla Jeyanthy T. Chinchu J.S. Aparna W. Anushya Prama Kumari S. Jayasree C. Saranya Nesamony Memorial Christian College Department M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Comp. Science M.T.M M.B.A B.A. History B.A. Tourism M.Phil. History M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Zoology B.A. Tourism M.B.A M.C.A B.A. Economics M.Phil. History B.Sc. Botany B.A. Tourism M.B.A M.A. History M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Zoology M.Phil. Zoology M.B.A B.A. Tourism M.Sc. Botany B.A. Tamil B.A. History M.A. English B.A. Tourism M.A. English M.Com M.Sc. Botany B.Sc. Maths B.A. History M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Botany B.Sc. computer Science Page 120 of 339 Rank 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 K. Karolin S.K. Renjith V.S. Chithra Bindhu Annammakoshy P. Divya Jeba Sheeba G. Soumya M. Anusha J.T. Bemisha M. Subi V. Vishnu Priya M. S. Vishnu D. Berla Jeyanthy S. Jackulin R. Epia C.K. Devi R.V. Prasad D. Jasmine Flora A. Ajitha V. Mary Prema M.Sc. Botany B.A. History B.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Botany B.A. English M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Zoology B.A. History B.A. Tamil B.Sc. Botany B.Sc. Physics B.A. Economics Part-I Tamil B.A. History B.A. English Part-I Malayalam Part-II English B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Economics B.A. History 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 17 17 18 19 20 2011-2012 1 Nisha S. R. M.Phil Botany 1 2 Kala B. M.Phil History 1 3 Remya Jothi L .R. M.C.A 1 4 Nigila E. M.B.A 1 5 Dolphin J. V. M.T.M 1 6 Sharmila J. B.A. History 1 7 Lekshmi Ramesh S. B.A. Tourism 1 8 Nathiya K. M.Phil Commerce 2 9 Ajitha R. K. M.Phil History 2 10 Sabitha Mol K. M.Sc. Botany 2 11 Asumpta Vincent V. M.C.A 2 12 Binitha Mohan V. M.B.A 2 13 Sheeja D. M.A. Tamil 2 14 Pushpa Rani G. M.A. History 2 15 Ponnisha J. P. B.A Economics 2 16 Rakendu R. S. B.A. Tourism 2 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 121 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 17 Bini J. M.Phil History 3 18 Nasaf Sait M.B.A 3 19 Bijo Varghese B.A. History 3 20 Sreeja U. M. B.A. Tourism 3 21 Dhivya Mol P. B. M.Sc Chemistry 4 22 Ajitha R. M.B.A 4 23 Rethi A. M.A. Economics 4 24 Nishanthini R. B.A. Tourism 4 25 Remya K. P. M.Sc. Botany 5 26 Jenila S. M.A. Economics 6 27 Angel Priya S. M.A. English 5 28 Rakhi R. B.A. Tourism 5 29 Divya P. D. M.Sc. Chemistry 6 30 Shalini T. B.A. History 6 31 Ramith T. B.Sc. Physics 6 32 Reshma M. S. M.Sc. Computer Science 7 33 Rema B. S. M.Sc. Computer Science 8 34 Suma S. M.Com 8 35 Cyndia C. V. M.C.A 8 36 Sunil S. M.A. History 8 37 Evanjalin B. B.A. English 8 38 Subhacini K. S. B.B.A 8 39 Briskilla J. M.A. Tamil 9 40 Noble B Das M.A. Economics 9 41 Selastin Xavier G. M.A. History 9 42 Vinitha V. R. M.Sc. Botany 10 43 Jeevar Joeswa E. B.A. History 11 44 Queency S. B.Sc. Mathematics 12 45 Reeba Sherlin G. S. B.Sc. Computer Science 12 46 Sowmya Mol S. C. B.Sc. Zoology 13 47 Anija C. B.A. Economics 14 48 Nandha Prabha M. N. B.Sc. Physics 14 49 Ananda Shalini V. B.A. Tamil 15 50 Evanjalin B. Part II: English 15 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 122 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 51 Beena V. B.A. Economics 20 52 Suryagayathri G. Part I: Malayalam 20 Result Analysis 2008-09 B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) B.Sc. Botany B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Tamil Literature B.A. English Literature B.A. History (Tamil) B.A. History (English) B.A. Economics B.A. Tourism B.B.A B.Com M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Botany M.A. History M.Com M.C.A M.B.A M.Phil History M.Phil. Mathematics M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Zoology 92.8 % 86.8 % 88 % 100 % 97 % 65 % 93 % 67 % 96.4 % 38 % 67 % 65 % 73.3 % 71 % 60 % 79 % 72 % 86 % 88 % 93 % 52.4 % 80 % 82 % 100 % 77 % 100 % 100 % 2009-10 B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) B.Sc. Botany Nesamony Memorial Christian College 85% 60% 83% 100% 100% 82% Page 123 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Tamil Literature B.A. English Literature B.A. History (Tamil) B.A. History (English) B.A. Economics B.A. Tourism B.Com B.B.A M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Zoology M.A. History M.Com M.B.A M.C.A M.Phil. Mathematics M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Botany M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. History 82% 69% 91% 45% 75% 75% 90% 50% 96% 71% 64% 40% 88% 72% 100% 100% 87% 94% 86% 75% 100% 100% 80% 2010-11 B.A Tamil B.A English B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Botany B.A. Zoology B.A. Economics B.A. B.Com B.A. History (Tamil) B.A. History (English) B.A. Tourism B.B.A B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) B.Com (CA) M.Sc. Maths Nesamony Memorial Christian College 71 % 94 % 89 % 67 % 68 % 100 % 97 % 80 % 91 % 68 % 98 % 100 % 94 % 58 % 98 % 75 % 71 % Page 124 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Sc. Physics M.Sc.Chemistry M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Computer Science M.Com M.A. History M.A. Englsih M.T.M M.C.A M.B.A 36 % 18 % 84 % 91 % 97 % 81 % 82 % 80 % 75 % 87 % 69 % 2011-2012 B.Sc. Mathematics 92.2% B.Sc. Physics 75.6% B.Sc. Chemistry 100% B.Sc. Computer Science (A) 97.2% B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) 85% B.Sc. Botany 97% B.Sc. Zoology 100% B.A. Tamil Literature 90.3% B.A. English Literature 88% B.A. History (Tamil) 92.3% B.A. History (English) 73% B.A. Economics 81% B.A. Tourism 100% B.Com. B.Com. 95% Computer Applications B.B.A. 73% 76% M.Sc. Mathematics 56% M.Sc. Physics 76% M.Sc. Chemistry 56% M.Sc. Computer Science 60% M.Sc. Botany 96% M.Sc. Zoology 92% Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 125 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.A. Tamil 100% M.A. English 87% M.A. History 93% M.A. Economics 73% M.Com. 96% M.B.A. 74% M.C.A. 94.6% M.T.M. 25% M.Phil. Mathematics 100% M.Phil. Physics 90% M.Phil. Chemistry 100% M.Phil. Botany 80% M.Phil. Zoology 100% M.Phil. History 66.6% M.Phil. Commerce 80% Due to our consistent effort we are able to maintain the number of University ranks above fifty. We have been taking sincers efforts to improve the performancc of students. As a result, we are able to achive more number of 100% results (in seven courses) during academic year 2011-2012. 2.5.6 Detail on the significant improvements made in ensuring rigor and transparency in the internal assessment during the last four years and weightages assigned for the overall development of students (weightage for behavioral aspects, independent learning, communication skills etc. As per the Choice Based Credit System introduced by the affiliating University in 2008, 25 marks is for internal assessment. For UG and PG students 5 marks is assigned for assignment and 20 mark is assigned for internal test till the academic year 2011-2012. We conduct three tests out of which, the average of best two tests is taken into account. The internal assessment mark is displayed on the notice board, counter signed by the Head of the Department. Corrections if any, can be brought to the nitice of the concerned teacher. Occasionally, there arises careless mistakes while preparing internal assessment marks. It will be rectified promptly by the concerned teacher. As such, there is no dissatisfaction among the students in this regard. The internal assessment question paper is Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 126 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation prepared on University pattern and the teachers evaluate the answer sheets strictly & promptly and point out the mistakes if any committed by the students. This improves the performance of the students in the University exam it makes the students to score high percentage of marks. Also, this process helps them to understand the subject thoroughly. While evaluating assessments, we give 50% weightage to the theme, 25% weightage to presentation and 25% weightage to coherency. These practices help in a lot in understanding the theme of problem and improve ones writing skill. We give full credit to the students while evaluating the internal assessment test papers, if one writes the solution differently. This encourages the students to improve their creative and critical thinking. From the academic year 2012-13 onwards, the pattern of awarding internal marks to PG students is changed. As per the new system, 4 marks for assignment, 6 marks is for seminar and 15 marks for test. While assessing the seminar, we give 75% weightage to subject knowledge and 25% for communication skill. This allows the students to gather more subject knowledge and improve their communication skill. As we conduct the process of internal assessment in good spirit, the students have benefited much right from the introduction of the new system. Also, it creates a competition among the students, and allows them to maintain a consistently good academic record. 2.5.7 Does the institution and individual teachers use assessment/evaluation as an indicator for evaluating student performance, achievement of learning objectives and planning? If ‘yes’ provide details on the process and cite a few examples. Yes. The test schedules are given in the diary which is given to the students at the beginning of every semester. The students are encouraged to attend all the tests and the average of two tests is taken into account. If their performance is not satisfactory or if they fail to take the tests due to illness or some other valid reasons, re-tests are given. Assignment topics are given well in advance and the students are given full marks if they have done well. If the students fail to take the tests or perform badly and do not submit the assignment, they have to repeat the tests in the next semester. Students who perform very well are given full marks for internal assessment (25/25). Apart from these, students are encouraged to conduct seminars and groupdiscussions and quiz in the prescribed syllabus. This helps students to gain confidance and enables the teachers to assess the students’ understanding of the subjects. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 127 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.5.8 What are the mechanisms for redressal of grievances with reference to evaluation both at the college and University level? Grievances regarding the Internal Assessment are redressed immediately. If there is any grievance regarding the university examinations, the revaluation process is followed for redressal. Weak students are given extra coaching. 2.6 Student performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.1 Does the college have clearly stated learning outcomes? If ‘yes’ give details on how the students and staff are made aware of these? Learning Outcomes: 1. To understand and apply fundamental concepts of the discipline. 2. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 3. Have an inclination towards research. 4. Have a spirit of working together. 5. Respect persons from diverse cultures and backgrounds – to become tolerant and broadminded and humane. 2.6.2 How are the teaching, learning and assessment strategies of the institution structured to facilitate the achievement of the intended learning outcomes? By giving seminar and by making class room assessment, samples of student work from various classes are obtained and used to assess the expectations and limitations of students. By exit interviews, data is obtained to assess strength and weakness of a programme. Carefully planned discussions among homogeneous groups are conducted and their experiences and responses are used for analysis. Performance expectation is to be made explicit prior to obtaining results. 2.6.3 What are the measures/initiatives taken up by the institution to enhance the social and economic relevance (quality Jobs, entrepreneurship, innovation and research aptitude) of the courses offered? Seminars on latest trends of varied disciplines are conducted to make the students aware of the recent developments. They are also encouraged to attend similar programmes outside. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 128 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2.6.4 How does the institution collect and analyse data on student learning outcomes and use it for planning and overcoming barriers of learning? When providing feedback, teachers pay closer attention to what students understand well and are better able to adjust teaching strategies to meet identified students’ needs. 2.6.5 How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes The institution encourages interacting and use of assessment took. It encourages teachers to track individual student progress towards the goals and to use varied instructional methods to meet diverse students needs and to give more learning opportunities. To use varied approaches to assess students’ understanding and achieve involvement of students in the learning process. 2.6.6 What are the graduate attributes specified by the college/affiliating university? How does the college ensure the attainment of these by the students? To gain understanding and assimilation of the subject leading to the application of what is learning. To become humane citizens. Any other relevant information regarding Teaching-Learning and Evaluation which the college would like to include. Conducting Quiz competitions in the syllabus prescribed is a new feature in the teaching-learning process. In addition to this, the students are enabled to gain firsthand knowledge of the subject by way of visits to industries, companies, laboratories, aquariums, nurseries, libraries, studios, radio stations, press etc. Students of MBA have access to 10 e-journals, in addition nearly 3800 journals can be accessed by using INFLIBNET. The progress reports, sent to parents after each test, carry not only the marks of their wards, but the performance of all the students of the class. This enables the parents to assess the place of their wards in the class. The department of Physics conducts open book test. Attendance registers are maintained for all classes in every department. Attendance is also maintained in the office. This enables the faculty and the Principal to monitor the regularity of the students. Late and leave registers are also Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 129 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation maintained for students in the departments to emphasize the importance of being punctual and regular. As per the suggestion of the NAAC Peer Team, teaching plan has been prepared by the faculty at the beginning of every academic session. Regular department meetings are held to confirm whether the lessons are taught as per the plan. The Heads of Departments brief the performance of the staff in the Staff Council convened by the Principal. In response to the suggestion of the Peer Team, the Departments conduct Remedial Classes for weak students. In some departments like, English, the faculty spend time with the weak students outside class hours to help them with their lessons. This makes them optimistic and confident and urges them to work still harder. After the accreditation, the faculty of self-financing courses are also encouraged and allowed to participate in refresher courses, orientation programmes, seminars, paper presentation, doing Ph.D. etc. as in the case of teachers of aided courses. Under CBCS, students have internal assessment. Regular tests and assignments are given to students and their performances are sent to their parents. The students have a paper on Environmental studies. It is a common paper for all the first year students. The students are asked to conduct seminars on the challenges and dangers of Environmental pollution. This creates awareness among students and makes them more responsible. Besides this, students are divided into groups and are encouraged to read news everyday in the first hour in some departments. This instils the habit of reading newspaper daily and makes them familiar with the current events. Newspapers are bought at reduced prize for the benefit of students. Besides lecture method, the faculty use audio visual aids. They make LCD presentation. Students are also encouraged to use them while conducting seminars. Students conduct Quiz programmes on the prescribed subjects, under the supervision of the staff. This is a regular feature in the English Department. There are quiz programmes on general topics in English literature too. The Group Discussion makes all the students participative in the session. This helps to learn from the quick learners and also to put forth their own points. As the students have internal assessments, absentees due to ill health and low performers are given chances to do retests. In part-II English, out of the three tests for internal assessments, one is to test the competency of the students in Spoken English. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 130 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERION III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 Promotion of Research 3.1.1 Does the institution have recognized research center/s of the affiliating University or any other agency/organization? Yes. We have Research centers approved by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in the departments of History, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Botany. 3.1.2 Does the Institution have a research committee to monitor and address the issues of research? If so, what is its composition? Mention a few recommendations made by the committee for implementation and their impact. Yes. Composition of Research Committee Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy : Principal-President Dr. T.F. Abbs Fen Reji : Convenor Dr. A Dickson Benjamin : Co –convenor Members: Dr. J .Thampi Thanka Kumaran : HoD of Physics Dr. C. Selvaraj : Dept. of History Dr. P. David Samuel : Dept. of Botany Dr. J. Sheela Samuel : HoD of Commerce Dr. A. Sajan : Dept. of Tamil Dr. G. Suhithar Baus : Dept. of English Dr. S. Ramaola Pon Malar : Dept. of Commerce Dr. A. Premjith Jinham : Dept. of Zoology Dr. G. Robert Gixon : Dept. of Economics Dr. Y. Jacob Vetharaj : Dept. of Comp. Science Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 131 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary : Dept. of Mathematics Dr. S. Mehalin Chandra : Dept. of Tamil The committee has offered guidance and supplied prescribed formats for submitting proposals to conduct seminars, workshops and conferences and to apply for minor/major research projects to the UGC and other funding agencies. In addition to this, it encourages Departments to conduct such programmes with the help of the management. It arranges for seminars on Research methodology for the Research scholars and the Faculty pursuing research. It has taken efforts to establish a Research forum in our College. As per the decision of the Research committee, a Research forum named Nesamony Research Forum (NRF) has been established to commemorate our former patron and the father of our district, Mr. A Nesamony. Under the auspices of the NRF, a multidisciplinary National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Arts and Science” was conducted on October7&8, 2011. We have received 190 abstracts (Tamil-12, Malayalam-6, English -32, Mathematics3, Physics-25, Computer Science-5, Chemistry-5, Botany-19, Zoology-11, History-19, Economics-4, Commerce-23, Tourism-7, Business Administration-15, Physical Education1, and Library Science-3) As many as 126 papers were presented (Tamil-7, Malayalam-6,English-22, Mathematics-2, Computer Science-2, Physics-12, Chemistry-4, Botany-7, Zoology-11, Commerce-16, Business Administration -10, History-18, Economics-2, Tourism -4, Physical Education-1, Library Science-2). Subject experts in disciplines like Malayalam, Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry and Management Studies delivered lead talks on this occasion. The Research Articles in Science were published in the refereed Journal, “Journal of Research in Science”, Vol - 1, 2012, ISSN 2278-9073 (It was established in our college). 3.1.3 What are the measures taken by the institution to facilitate smooth progress and implementation of research schemes/projects? autonomy to the principal investigator The Principal investigator has full autonomy while preparing and implementing Research Projects. timely availability or release of resources The College encourages research activities by advancing the required finance which is settled by the respective departments when the grant is released by the funding agencies. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 132 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation adequate infrastructure and human resources The college has enough infrastructures such as fully equipped laboratories and sufficient number of internet terminals required for implementing the research projects. Two major projects in the Department of Physics, one major project each in the Departments of Zoology and Chemistry are going on. Also minor project works are going on in the Departments of Zoology and History. In these Departments, there are well experienced and qualified faculty members who render valuable suggestions and support in carrying out the projects successfully. There are sufficient number of technical persons to offer any help needed. time-off, reduced teaching load, special leave etc. to teachers There is no reduction in work load. However, they are free to utilize the free hours in pursuing the project work. They are also allowed to use the laboratories even during holidays and outside working hours. They can avail OD for data collection / visiting labs and so on. support in terms of technology and information needs The faculty members can freely avail the INFLIBNET facilities and gather the necessary latest informations. facilitate timely auditing and submission of utilization certificate to the funding authorities The College makes all arrangements in getting the expenses audited and also the auditor’s reports are submitted to the funding agencies. any other The college encourages the Faculty members to do research under FDP of UGC. During XI plan period, eleven faculty members availed the FDP offered by UGC. Also, Forty faculty members are doing Ph.D. on Part-time basis (Tamil-3, English-11, Mathematics-4, Physics-4, Chemistry-3, Zoology-1, Botany-1, Computer Science-3, Economics-5, History-3, Management Studies-2, Commerce-2, Tourism-2, and Malayalam-1). The college is liberal enough to allow these members to visit Libraries/Laboratories to meet their research guides once a week on demand. Also, they can use all facilities available in the campus. One faculty member from Computer Science was allowed to go on EOL to do research in Anna University, Chennai. The college allows TA/DA for those who present papers in other institutions depending on the availability of funds. This year the institution has provided the full grant to the NRF for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 133 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation conducting the National Level Seminar on Recent Trends in Arts and Science and also to publish the journal. During the last two years, twenty six teachers were awarded Ph.D. 3.1.4 What are the efforts made by the institution in developing scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students? Students are given chances to participate or present papers in the seminars organized by our college as well as other colleges. If the students are willing to participate in programmes outside the college, a member of the Faculty accompanies them. 3.1.5 Give details of the faculty involvement in active research (Guiding student research, leading Research Projects, engaged in individual/collaborative research activity, etc. Details of Research Guides S.No. Name of the Guide Department No. of Research scholars M.Phil Ph.D Doing Awarded Awarded M.Phil Doing Ph.D Fellowship/ Funding Scholarship agency 1 Dr. S. Linsa Economics Rethnalal(Rtd.) 2 - - - - - 2 Prof. A. Jeya Paul Economics 4 - - - - - 3 Dr. G.A. Robert Economics Gixon 1 - - - - - 4 Prof. P. C. Jose Paul Economics - - 1 - - - 5 Prof. G. Gnana Elpinston Economics - - 1 - - - 6 Dr. I. Jeya Chandra Zoology 5 - - - - - 7 Dr. D. Moni Zoology 6 - - - - - 8 Dr. R.C. Rajan Udaya Kumar Zoology 1 - - - - - 9 Dr. D. Malar Zoology 4 - - - - - Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 134 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 10 Dr. M. Johnson Zoology 2 - - - - - 11 Dr. A .Premjith Jinham Zoology 7 - 3 - - - 12 Dr. K. Reeba Jasmine Zoology 4 - 3 - - - 13 Dr. D. Mithra Dev Zoology 4 - - - - - 14 Dr. D. Deleep Pakiaraj Zoology 7 - 2 - - - 15 Prof. T.N. Jasmine Joy Zoology 7 - 2 - - - 16 Dr. P.V. Lal Wilson Commerce 1 - - 1 - - 17 Dr. S. Ramola Ponmalar Commerce 4 1 - 8 - - 18 Dr. N. Glastone Commerce Joy 5 - - 7 - - 19 Dr. Sheela Samuel 1 - - - - - Dr. J. Thampi 20 Thanka Kumaran Commerce Physics 14 2 - 6 1 Ph.D. Two are working in UGC&BRNS Projects. 21 Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy Physics 12 3 - 3 - - 22 Dr. A. Dickson Benjamin Physics 4 - 1 3 1 Ph.D. - 23 Mrs. R. Sheela Christy Physics - - 2 - - - Physics - - 2 - - - 24 Dr. L. Padmaja 25 Prof. S.C. Jeya Kumar Physics 5 - 1 - - - 26 Dr. D. Arul Dhas Physics 5 - 2 - - - 27 Dr. T.S. Emmanuel History 18 5 2 8 1 Ph.D. ICHR Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 135 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 28 Dr. S. Jamasin Rajini History 10 - - - - - 29 Dr. Isaac Jeyadhas History 46 13 1 7 - - 30 Dr. A. Raja Thankam History 36 16 1 8 3 Ph.D. & 2 M.Phil UGC 31 Dr. T. Lysammal History 13 - 1 7 - - 32 Dr. Anlet Sobithabai History 13 - 1 5 - - 33 Dr. C. Sarojam History 13 - 1 - - - 34 Dr. C. Selvaraj History 17 8 2 7 1 Ph.D. ICHR 35 Dr. J. Wiston History - - 1 - - - Dr. Evanjalin Sheela Bell History 3 - 1 - - - 37 Dr. Glory Bai History 3 - 1 - - - History 2 - - - - - History 1 - - - - - 36 38 Dr. Santha Kumari 39 Prof. Malkia 40 Dr. Austin John Manohar History 3 - 1 8 1 Ph.D. State Govt. 41 Dr. G. M. Sunder Singh History - - - 3 - - Tamil - - 1 - - - Tamil 10 - - 1 - - Tamil 30 1 - 7 - - Dr. I. Mahizh 42 Uldha Kamalam Dr. Prabhvathy 43 Princilla Snehabai(Rtd.) 44 Dr. C. Selva Kumar Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 136 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 45 Dr. A. Sajan Tamil - - - 1 - - 46 Dr. S.S. Sheeba Tamil - - - 3 - - 47 Dr. K. Paulraj Botany 4 - - 7 - - 48 Dr. S. Sukumaran Botany 2 - - 5 - - 49 Dr. David Samuel Botany 1 - - 3 - - 50 Dr. S. Jeeva (Left Botany 2 - 2 8 - - Dr. Rohini 51 Thilakavathy Thomas English 2 - 5 - - - English 18 - 5 - - - English - - 5 - - - Maths 5 1 - 3 - - Maths 4 - - - - - 56 Prof. G. Edwin Maths 8 - 1 - - - 57 Dr. J. Devaraj Maths 7 1 - 7 - - Maths 6 - 1 - - - Maths 5 - 1 - - - Maths 16 2 1 8 - - Maths 4 - 2 - - - the college) 52 Dr. Suhithar Baus Dr. L. M. 53 Samuel Nayagam Dr. N. 54 Gnanadhas (Rtd.) Prof. P. 55 Kumaradhas (Rtd.) Prof. C. 58 Anancilin Sins Jeeve Prof. A. 59 Pramila Inba Rose 60 Dr. A. Vijayan 61 Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 137 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Dr. T. Shyla Isaac Mary Maths 5 - 2 - - - 63 Dr. S. Asha Maths 4 - 2 - - - 62 64 Prof. G.D. Suresh Maths 2 - 1 - - - 65 Prof. G. Sudhana Maths 2 - 1 - - - 66 Prof. Linta K. Wilson Maths 1 - 2 - - - 67 Prof. Jaspin Jeba Maths 1 - - - - DST Dr. T.F. Abbs 68 Fen Reji Chemistry 13 - - 8 Young seientist fellowship Dr. M. 69 Christdhas (Rtd.) Chemistry - 1 - 5 - - 70 Dr. N. T. Niveditha Chemistry - - 2 - - - 71 Dr. C. Isaac Sobana Raj Chemistry 14 - 1 - - - 72 Mrs. E. K. Kirupa Vasam Chemistry - - 1 - - - 73 Dr. S. Viola Rose Chemistry - - 1 - - - 74 Mrs. R. D. Femitha Chemistry - - 1 - - - 75 Mrs. G. R. Bella Chemistry - - 1 - - - 76 Mrs. R. S. Jeba Jeevitha Chemistry - - 1 - - - 77 Mr. S. P. Selvin Chemistry Pragalath Paul - - 1 - - - 78 Prof. M.S. Prema Latha MCA 5 - - - - - 79 Prof. B. Amutha Bhamini MCA 3 - - - - - Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 138 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Prof. T. Beula Bell MCA 4 - - - - - 81 Prof. D. Latha MCA 5 - - - - - 82 Prof. A. Geetha MCA 3 - - - - - Prof. J.K. 83 Harolin Viola Bell MBA 5 - - - - - Tourism 2 - - - - - PG Commerce 5 - 3 - - - 80 84 Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh Dr. R. Ashitha 85 Salomi Aberenic 86 Dr. R. Mebal Sulochana PG Commerce 5 - 4 - - - 87 Dr. B. Nalatha Vijilin PG Commerce 2 - 4 - - - 88 Dr. C. Christal Pappa PG Commerce 3 - 4 - - - 489 52 89 147 - - Total Faculty Awarded Ph.D. during last two years Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly, Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary and Dr. S. Asha of Department of Mathematics, Dr. D. Arul Dhas, Dr. L. Padmaja, Dr. P. J. Jegan Babu and Dr. R. Racil Jeya Geetha of Department of Physics, Dr. N. T. Nevaditha, Dr. C. Isac Sobana Raj, Dr. P. Metilda, Dr. Viola Rose and Dr. S. Ginil Mon of Department of Chemistry, Dr. Y. Jacob Vetha Raj, Dr. W. R. Sam Emmanuel & Dr. I. Satheesh Sam of Department of Computer Science, Dr. N. Maybel Starlin and Dr. S. Jeya Kumar of Department of Botany, Dr. L. M. Samuel Nayagam and Dr. Rohini Thilakavathy Thomas of Department of English, Dr. M. Glory Bai & Dr. R. S. Santhakumari of Department of History, Dr. M. Moni of Department of Economics, Dr. J. Sheela Samuel and Dr. B. Nalatha Vijilin of Department of Commerce and Dr. O. Reegan of Department of Tourism. Departments recognized as research centres i. History ii. Mathematics iii. Physics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 139 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation iv. Botany v. Chemistry Faculty recognized as research guides Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Name Dr. C. Selvakumar Dr. A. Sajan Dr. S. S. Sheeba Dr. J. Devaraj Dr. A. Vijayan Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy Dr. A. Dickson Benjamin Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji Dr. K. Paulraj Dr. P. David Samuel Dr. S. Sukumaran Dr. S. Ramola Ponmalar Dr. N. Gladstone Joy Dr. T. S. Emmanuel Dr. R. Isaac Jeyadhas Dr. A. Raja Thankam Dr. C. Selvaraj Dr. W. Anlet Sobitha Bai Dr. N. Austin John Manohar Dr. G. M. Sunder Singh Dr. M. Johnson Department Tamil Tamil Tamil Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Physics Chemistry Botany Botany Botany Commerce Commerce History History History History History History History Zoology Ongoing Faculty Research Projects (minor and major projects, funding from the Government, UGC, DST, CSIR, AICTE, Industry, NGO or International agencies). Ongoing Research Projects:- Sl.No.Investigator Prof. G.D. Biji, 1. Zoology Title Duration DNA Barcoding of Marine Clupeidae Fishes from the 3 Years coastal Zones of Kanyakumari District Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 140 of 339 Funding Agency UGC Major Project Total Amount Sanctioned Received Total 822000 1094500 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Dr. J. Thampi Thanka 2. Kumaran, Physics Vibrational Spectral Analysis of Materidly for self assembled non layers/ this filmy 3 Years using FTIR Raman & SEPS Spectra & quantum chemical computation UGC major project 669300 875800 Dr. J. Thampi Thanka 3. Kumaran, Physics Detection Techniques of 3 Years Hazardous Pesticides in Food Meterials BRNS Major Project 1000000 2200000 Dr. T. F. Abbs 4. Fen Reji, Chemistry Synthesis and Biological Evaluation 3 Years of Diaminothiazoloyl Benzothiazoles UGC Major Project 710000 850000 - 200000 Cheep feed for Culture fish with UGC Dr. M. Johnson, 5. rubber seed oil cake18 Months Minor Zoology as the protein Project supplement 3.1.6 Give details of workshops/ training programmes/ sensitization programmes conducted/organized by the institution with focus on capacity building in terms of research and imbibing research culture among the staff and students. Inorder to enable the faculty and students imbibe research culture. The Nesamony Research Forum conducted a National seminar on “Recent Trends in Arts and Science” on October 7 & 8, 2011. Also, we conducted the following seminars, inorder to develop research aptitude among staff and students. Research articles were presented in all seminars and selective articles were published as proceedings with ISBN Number. 1. National Conference on “Environmental Sustainability of Western Ghats of India” conducted by Department of Botany in 2007. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 141 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2. National Seminar on “Conservation and Management of Wetlands in an Era of Climate Change”, conducted by Department of Botany in 2009. 3. National Seminar on “Empowerment of Women” conducted by Department of Tamil in 2009. 4. International Conference on “Land Use Change, Bio-Diversity and Climate Change” conducted jointly by the Departments of Tourism, Physics and Botany in 2008. 5. National Workshop on “Human Right Based Approaches to Sustainable Human Development” from January 31 to February 8, 2010. 6. National Seminar on New Vitas in Insurance Sector- Indian Context was conduct on April 4th & 5th, 2013, sponsored by UGC. 7. UGC sponsored workshop on Human Rights was conducted from 31-01-2011 to 07-02-2011. 8. UGC sponsored seminar on Indo-Diasporic Literature was held on March 28 & 29, 2012. 9. National seminar on Human Rights Education among college students was conducted on January 27&28, 2012 sponsored by TNSCST. The Department of English conducted a seminar on Research Methodology for M.A. and M.Phil. students in October 2011. 3.1.7 Provide details of prioritised research areas and the expertise available with the institution. Priority areas for research Tamil : Puthukkavithai, Idaikkala Ilakkiam, Tharkkala Ilakkiam, Sittilakkiam, Giraamappura Ilakkiam. English : American Literature, Indian Commonwealth Literature Mathematics : Graph theory, Topology and Functional Analysis. Physics : Spectroscopy, Astro Physics and Bio Physics. Chemistry : Polymer and Organic Chemistry. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 142 of 339 Writing in English, Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Computer Science : Database Management System and Image Processing. Zoology : Botany Technology. : Economics : Industrial Economics and Rural Industry. Commerce : Marketing, Industry and Banking. History : Modern History, Freedom Movement, Women Studies, Administration and Indian History. Hirudinology, Physiology, Endocrinology, Energy, Entomology and Life Cycle. Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Medicinal Aquaculture, Botany and Bio- Management Studies : Finance, Human Resource, Marketing. Tourism Management: Tourism. Department of Management Studies Expertise is available on case studies in production, marketing and social problems. Department of Botany 1. Identification of plant specimens (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) – (Dr. K. Paul Raj, Dr. K. David Samuel, Dr. S. Sukumaran) 2. Identification of medicinal plants used in traditional health care systems. – (Prof. N. Maybel Starlin and Dr. K. David Samuel) 3. Assessment of soil and water quality. - (Dr. S. Jayakumar and Mrs. Avvai. M.S. Vijaya) 4. Invitro propagation of RET category and economically important garden plant species. – (Mr. C.P. Ben) 5. Consultancy in gardening and landscaping.- (Mrs G. Jhonsi Christabel and Mrs. Vimala) 6. Cultivation of edible mushrooms.- (Mrs. Jasmine Jansi and Dr. Medo Merina) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 143 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.1.8 Enumerate the efforts of the institution in attracting researchers of eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students? The following Departments took efforts in promoting research by inviting the following scientists to visit the campus and interact with Teachers and Students. 1. Department of Physics : Dr. M. Rajeevan, Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Earth Science. Dr. Victor Jeya, Professor of Physics, Anna University, Chennai, and Post Doctoral Fellow from Cornell University, USA. Dr. K. Ramachandran, Professor of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Dr. Bhahavan Narayanan, NPL, New Delhi. Dr. Mahendran, Fellow at MIT, USA. 2. Department of Mathematics : Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute, Chennai deliverd lecture on “The Problems Posted by Srinivasa Ramanujan” in the National Conference held on October 7 &8, 2011 which induced research culture among the staff and students. Dr. Thomas Vijayan, a Guiness Record Holder gave a thought provoking lecture on “The Squre Root of Natural Numbers Upto 1 lakh” created enthusiasm among the students to work in number theory. Dr. M. Lellis Thivahar, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, has deliverd a lecture on “Bi Topological Spaces” 3. Department of Chemistry : Dr. K. N. Rajasekharan, Emeritus Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom visited on October 8, 2011 and gave a talk in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Arts and Science. 4. Department of Botany : Fr. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, Director-Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai and former Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and University of Madras, Chennai visited our college on January 26, 2012 and gave a talk in the National Seminar on Herbal Wealth Traditions and New Approaches (Herbal 2012) organized by Department of Botany. Padma Sri Dr. Pushpagaden, Director AIHBPD, Thiruvananthyapuram gave a talk in the National Seminar on Herbal Wealth Traditions and New Approaches (Herbal 2012) organized by Department of Botany. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 144 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5. Department of English : Dr. Radha Ramanan Pillai, Associate Professor of English, University of Kerala, enlightened the scholars and Professors on the various aspects of Literary study in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Arts and Science held in our campus. Dr. Pradeep Philip, Director General of Police, Chennai; Adv. Isaac Mohan lal, High Court Advocate, Madurai; Dr. Meena T. Pillai and Dr. Jameela Begam, of Institute of English, University of kerala, and Dr. Chellathurai, Former Registrar of Manonmaniam Sundaranar university, Tirunelveli were resource persons in the workshop on the UGC sponsored workshop on Human Rights, conducted from 3101-2011 to 07-02-2011. 6. Department of History : Adv. S. Vijayatharani, MLA, Vilavancode Constituency visited our college and gave a talk in a seminar conducted by Department of History. Dr. N. Rajendran, Head, Department of History, Bharathidhasan University, Trichy and Dr. Sobhanan, Former Head, Department of History, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram visited Department of History. 7. Department of Economics : Dr. Chandra Mohan, Associate Professor, Presidency College, Chennai gave a lecture on Economics Corruption. Dr. Sivaraj, Associate Professor, Pachiappas College, Chennai gave a lecture on Selecting a Research Problem in the Department of Economics. 8. Value Based Education : Fr. Sivy Koroth, SDB, Bangalore visited our college and gave an invited talk in the Workship “Educating the Hearts” conducted by RI/MI team. 3.1.9 What percentage of the faculty has utilized Sabbatical Leave for research activities? How has the provision contributed to improve the quality of research and imbibe research culture on the campus? This is not applicable to colleges like ours. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 145 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.1.10 Provide details of the initiatives taken up by the institution in creating awareness/advocating/transfer of relative findings of research of the institution and elsewhere to students and community (lab to land) In the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Zoology, Botany, Tamil, English, History, Economics and Management Studies, the abstract of Research work published by the Faculty members has been displayed in the respective Department Libraries / Labs, which in turn, facilitate the students and other visitors to know about the research findings of the Institution. Also the students can refer to the journals and magazines available in the Department / Main Library. This helps them to know the latest findings of Researchers elsewhere. Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Head, Research Department of Physics, has been involved in Mossbauer studies. A spectrometer which was developed by Dr. J. Thampi is in use in the University of Hyderabad till date. The data acquisition system helped reduce the dead time a lot. He was also involved with the IRE in studies on radiation effects on food materials. Of late a computer aided optical spectrometer was developed in the laboratory. A FTIR spectrometer in the lab for IR studies has been setup. 3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research 3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual utilization. Usually we spend 1% of the total budget for Research and development. During 2008-2009, Rs. 8 lacks was allotted for Research and Development in the Budget and Rs. 690177/- was spent. During 2009-2010, Rs. 3 lacks was allotted for Research and Development in the Budget. Rs. 341877/- was spent. During 2010-2011, Rs. 2 lacks was allotted for Research and Development in the Budget and Rs. 167579/- was spent on Research and Development. During 2011-2012, Rs. 2 lacks was allotted for Research and Development in the Budget and Rs. 256760/- was spent on Research and Development. During 2012-2013, Rs. 3 lacks was allotted for Research and Development in the Budget and Rs. 212797/- was spent on Research and Development. For details, please refer to Annexure – VII. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 146 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.2.2 Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to the faculty for research? If so, specify the amount disbursed and the percentage of the faculty that has availed the facility in the last four years? There is no practice in the institution to provide seed money to the faculty members for Research. However, the college encourages the Faculty members to do research under FDP of UGC. During XI plan period, eleven faculty members availed the FDP offered by UGC. Also, eighteen other faculty members were awarded Ph.D. and 45 faculty members are doing Ph.D. on Part-time basis. The college is liberal enough to allow these members to visit Libraries/Laboratories to meet their research guides once a week on demand. Also, they can use all facilities available in the campus. One faculty member from Computer Science was allowed to go on EOL to do research in Anna University, Chennai. The college allows TA/DA for those who present papers in other institutions depending on the availability of funds. During 2011-12, the institution has provided the full grant to the NRF for conducting the National Level Seminar on Recent Trends in Arts and Science and also to publish the journal. 3.2.3 What are the financial provisions made available to support student research projects by students? Students are given chances to participate or present papers in the seminars organized by our college as well as other colleges. If the students are willing to participate in programmes outside the college, a member of the Faculty accompanies them, and the college extends financial support to the students. As far as student research projects are concerned, the college extends all administrative support to complete the Research Projects successfully. How does the various departments/units/staff of the institute interact in undertaking inter-disciplinary research? Cite examples of successful endeavors and challenges faced in organizing interdisciplinary research. So far, we have not undertaken inter-diciplinary research. We intend to undertake inter-diciplinary research in Nanotechnology. 3.2.4 3.2.5 How does the institution ensure optimal use of various equipment and research facilities of the institution by its staff and students? The staff and students avail the internet facility, the Journals and books available in the Library unlimitedly by making entry in the register. Also, INFLIBNET facility is Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 147 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation extended to the Research scholars and staff to update their knowledge. The Heads of the Departments encourage and monitor the maximum usage of Research labs established in the Departments like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Mathematics and Bioinformatics. The PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. students of Department of Chemistry and the research scholars of Department of Botany use lab facilities of Physics Department. The UG Zoology students use Physics Department for Ultra Pure Water. The students and staff of other departments also use the internet available in Physics Department. 3.2.7 Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facility? If ‘yes’ give details. No. 3.2.8 Enumerate the support provided to the faculty in securing research funds from various funding agencies, industry and other organisations. Provide details of ongoing and completed projects and grants received during the last four years. The Research Committee and the UGC Programme Committee supply the required format for submitting Minor and Major Projects to each department and guide the faculty members to submit the proposals to various funding agencies. Also, the college meets all the expenses to submit the proposals. We have seven ongoing /completed Minor/Major Projects. Details are given bellow: Sl.No Investigator Title Funding Duration Agency DNA Barcoding of Marine Clupeidae Fishes from the 3 Years coastal Zones of Kanyakumari District 1. Prof. G.D. Biji, Zoology 2. Panchayatraj and Dr. C. Selvaraj, empowerment of 1 Year History women in Tamil Nadu Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 148 of 339 Total Amount Sanctioned Received Total UGC Major Project 822000 1094500 UGC Minor Project 40000 70000 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. 4. Dr. S. Sukumaran, Botany Inventory Preparation of management plan 1 Year of sacred Grores for entire State of Tamil Nadu CPR Environm ental Education 5000 Centre, Chennai. Minor Project 10000 Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Physics Vibrational Spectral Analysis of Materidly for self assembled non layers/ this filmy 3 Years using FTIR Raman & SEPS Spectra & quantum chemical computation UGC major project 875800 669300 5. Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Physics Detection Techniques of Hazardous 3 Years Pesticides in Food Meterials BRNS Major Project 1000000 2200000 6. Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji, Chemistry Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 3 Years Diaminothiazoloyl Benzothiazoles UGC Major Project 710000 850000 - 200000 7. Dr. M. Johnson, Zoology Cheep feed for Culture fish with UGC rubber seed oil 18 Months Minor cake as the protein Project supplement 3.3 Infrastructure for Research 3.3.1 What are the research facilities available to the students and research scholars within the campus? Our college has five Research Departments and eight Departments have M.Phil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 149 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation programmes. After the previous accreditation, 21 Faculty members have been approved as Research Guides. The Researchers can avail the internet facility, the Journals and books available in the Library. Also, INFILBNET facility will be of great use to Research scholars to update their knowledge. Research labs have been established in departments like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Mathematics and Bioinformatics. 3.3.2 What are the institutional strategies for planning, upgrading and creating infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of researchers especially in the new and emerging areas of research? The institution encourages the Researchers to apply for Research Projects. As an outcome of this, we have acquired FTIR, Ultra Water Purifier and Computational Software for the Department of Physics, Nitrogen Analyser, Flame Photomeeter for the Department of Botany and UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for the Department of Chemistry. If need arises the research scholars are sent to leading national institutions for utilizing advanced equipments: Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, National Geomagnetic Research Laboratory, Tirunelveli, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Tiruvananthapuram, Indian Space Research Organisation, Tiruvananthapuram, National Physical Laboratary, New Delhi, Indira Ghandhi Centre for Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam and Central University of Hyderabad, Biotechnology lab of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, TBGRI, Polode and Centre for Environmental Studies, Alwarkurichi, Rajiv National Institute of Biotechnology, Tiruvananthapuram, Louis Pasteur Institute, Connoor, Kings Institute, Guindy, Chennai, Fisheries College and Research Institute Tuticorin and Agricultural Research Centre, Thirupathisaram. 3.3.3 Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facilities?? If ‘yes’, what are the instruments/facilities created during the last four years. No. 3.3.4 What are the research facilities made available to the students and research scholars outside the campus / other research laboratories? In our curriculum, we have project/ dissertation at the level of UG, PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. Our students visit industries, Research Institutions and Universities for using the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 150 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Library and Laboratory facilities available in the esteemed organizations. Also, they consult the experts and Faculty Members while preparing their project report. They gain access to these organizations by taking a letter of introduction from the HoD/ Principal. Some of the Research Students of the Research Department of Physics visited Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, National Geomagnetic Research Laboratory, Tirunelveli, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Tiruvananthapuram, Indian Space Research Organisation, Tiruvananthapuram, National Physical Laboratary, New Delhi, Indira Ghandhi Centre for Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam and Central University of Hyderabad and utilized the facilities available there while preparing their project report. The Research Scholars of the Research Department of History went to the Libraries of Archives (State and Central), Trivananthapuram, Archives, Chennai, Kannimara Library Chennai, Library of University of Kerala, Trivananthapuram. The M.Phil Scholars of Department of English visited the Libraries of American College, Madurai and University of Kerala, Trivananthapuram. Also the students visited All India Radio Station and Daily Thanthi Newspaper Press at Nagercoil. The PG Students of the Research Department of Botany visit Nurseries, Medicianal Gardens and Natural habitats such as Marine Eco System, Wild life Sancturaries, Reserve Forest etc. They also visit the Biotechnology lab of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, TBGRI, Polode and Centre for Environmental Studies, Alwarkurichi. The PG and M.Phil. Scholars of the department of Zoology were taken to the Rajiv National Institute of Biotechnology, Tiruvananthapuram, Louis Pasteur Institute, Connoor, Kings Institute, Guindy, Chennai, Fisheries College and Research Institute Tuticorin and Agricultural Research Centre, Thirupathisaram. The PG Students of Tamil Department had field trips to St. Joseph’s Press Tiruvananthapuram, Shooting Studio and Folklore Auditorium of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkotai. The UG/PG/M.Phil.Students of the Research Department of Chemistry had field trips to Laborataries such as RRL, NIIST, Sai Analysis Laboratary, Pechiparai and Nagercoil, Glass Industry Tiruvananthapuram and National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Tiruvananthapuram. The BBA and MBA Students used to do their Projects in Companies in Chennai, Tiruvananthapuram and Bangalore. Ford India Private Limited, Chennai, HCL Info Systems, Chennai, Terumo Penpol, Thiruvananthapuram, Roots Industries India Limited, Coimbatore, Premier Building Material Private Limited, Chennai, KCP Suqar & Industries, Chennai, Kerala Kaumudy Newspaper, Thiruvananthapuram, Hundai, Chennai, KMR’S Puri, Chennai, VVD & Sons Private Limited, Tuticorin, Aavin, Nagercoil, Nanjil, Nagercoil, Koltron, Thiruvananthapuram. The MCA and M.Sc. Computer Science Students do their major projects in well Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 151 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation established companies in Chennai, Bangalore and Tiruvananthapuram, such as UG Technologies, Tiruvananthapuram, White Oval Technologies Private Limited, Thiruvananthapuram, RV Associates, Chennai, TANDEM Institute of Networking Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, SAISYS Solutions, Chennai. The link with the industries and Research Bodies help the students to achieve maximum gains to meet the very purpose of the Curriculum. The Affiliating University sent the structure of the curriculum, syllabus, question pattern, teaching hours of theory and practical well in advance. Also, (the University representative) the Co-ordinator of CBCS explained to Heads of the Departments about the curriculum at the time of introducing CBCS. In this scheme, we have effective interaction with Industry, Research Bodies and University. 3.3.5 Provide details on the library/ information resource centre or any other facilities available specifically for the researchers? There is no specific facility available for the Researchers in the Library. However they can utilize internet facility, INFLIBNET, latest and rare books and journals (current and back volumes) in the Library. Also they can utilize these facilities in the Department Libraries. 3.3.6 What are the collaborative research facilities developed / created by the research institutes in the college. For ex. Laboratories, library, instruments, computers, new technology etc. As such, no research institutes created any research facility in our college. 3.4 Research Publications and Awards 3.4.1 Highlight the major research achievements of the staff and students in terms of ∗ Patents obtained and filed (process and product) Nil ∗ Original research contributing to product improvement Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, Head of the Department of Physics, has been involved in Mossbauer studies. A spectrometer which was developed by Dr. J. Thampi is in use in the University of Hyderabad till date. The data acquisition system helped reduce the dead time a lot. He was also involved with the IRE in studies on radiation effects on food materials. Of late, a computer aided optical spectrometer was developed in the laboratory. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 152 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Research studies or surveys benefiting the community or improving the services We exibit the abstracts of some of the research articles published by our faculty members which improve depth of the concerned subjects: Department of Chemistry Dr. T. F. Abbs Fenn Reji Abstract: Marine organisms are a rich source of bioactive compounds, a majority of which contain heterocyclic rings. In 1980, a cytotoxic marine alkaloid dendrodoine was isolated from the marine tunicate, Dendrodoa grossularia. The unusual compound is a 3-(3dimethylamino-1,2,4-thiadiazol-5-oyl) indole being the only known 1,2,4-thiadiazole-ring containing natural product; either terrestrial or marine. Our laboratory has a long standing interest in aminothiadiazoles and aminothiazoles and this interest has led to the hypothesis that thiazoloylindoles may also show interesting bioactivity as thiazoles exhibit a well-established spectrum of bioactivity. Therefore, the synthesis of several analogs of dendrodoine has now been attempted in a combinatorial sense by replacing the 1,2,4-thiadiazoloyl moiety by a thiazoloyl unit and placing a variety of hetaryl units instead of the indolyl moiety in dendrodoine. The present work describes the synthetic strategy adopted for obtaining such thiazole analogs of dendrodoine, their structure assignment and the preliminary result of the bioactivity studies on these analogs. The cytotoxicity screening is currently underway. Conclusion: In summary, practical synthetic routes to a new set of thiazole analogs of dendrodoine have been established. Several new (2-aminothiazol-5-oyl) heterocycles have been prepared as examples of dendrodoine analog. These compounds are under anticancer activity screening at National Cancer Institute, USA. The structure of all the compounds prepared has been established using elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, Eims and FAB Mass data. Part of the work presented herein has been presented in two national level conferences. Department of Mathematics The forcing edge covering number of a graph Dr. A. Vijayan An edge covering of G is a subset ⊆ ( ) such that each vertex of is end of some edge in . The number of edges in a minimum edge covering of G, denoted by ´ ( ) is the edge covering number of . A subset ⊆ is called a forcing subset for if is the unique minimum edge covering containing . A forcing subset for of minimum cardinality is a minimum forcing subset of . The forcing edge covering number of , denoted by ’ ( ), is the cardinality of a minimum forcing subset of . The forcing edge covering number of , denoted by ’ ( ), is ’ ( ), = min { ’ ( )}, where the minimum is taken over all minimum edge coverings in . Some general properties satisfied by this concept are studied. The forcing edge covering number of certain classes of graphs is determined. It is shown that for every pair , of integer with 0 ≤ < and ≥ 2, there exists a connected graph such that ’ ( ) = and ´ ( ) = . Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 153 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, On Cartesian Product of Vertex Measurable Graphs, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Vol 15 (2012),Issue No 02-03, page 193-210. Abstract In [2] for any graph G, a σ algebra ℑ of vertex induced sub graphs of G, is defined and many of its properties are studied. Let G1 and G2 be two simple graphs. Let (G1, ℑ1) and (G2, ℑ2) be two vertex measure spaces. In this paper we introduce a σ algebra ℑ1 × ℑ2, which consists of all vertex induced sub graphs of G1 × G2, and it contains every vertex measurable rectangle graph of the form H1 × H2 , H1 ∈ ℑ1 and H2 ∈ ℑ2. Also, we introduce an elementary vertex measurable rectangle graph and a vertex graph monotone class and study some of their properties. Finally, we prove ℑ1 × ℑ2 is the smallest vertex graph monotone class which contains all elementary vertex measurable rectangle graphs. Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, Tensor Product of Vertex Measurable Graphs, Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 24 – 25 January 2013, Vol 01, page 110-116. Abstract In [2] for any graph G, a σ algebra ℑ of vertex induced sub graphs of G, is defined and many of its properties are studied. Let G1 and G2 be two simple graphs. Let (G1, ℑ1) and (G2, ℑ2) be two vertex measure spaces. In this paper we introduce a σ algebra ℑ1 ⨂ ℑ2, which consists of all vertex induced sub graphs of G1 ⨂ G2, and it contains every vertex measurable tensor rectangle graph of the form H1 ⨂ H2 , H1 ∈ ℑ1 and H2 ∈ ℑ2. We prove ℑ1 ⨂ ℑ2 is the smallest vertex graph monotone class which contains all elementary vertex measurable tensor rectangle graphs. Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, Total Domination Polynomial of Graphs, Global Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Sciences ISSN 2248 – 9916, Vol 2, No 2(2012), pp.91-97. Abstract In this paper, we introduce the concept of total domination polynomial for any graph G. The total domination polynomial of a graph G of order n is the polynomial Dt(G, x) = t(G, i) xi, where dt(G, i) is the number of total dominating sets of G of size i , and γt(G) is the total domination number of G. we obtain some properties of Dt(G, x) and its coefficients. Also, we calculate total domination polynomials for the complete graph Kn , the complete bipartite graph Km,n , GoK1 and Go m.. Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, Total Domination Sets and Polynomial of Paths, International Journal of Mathematics Research, ISSN 0976-5840, Vol 4, No 4(2012), pp.339-348. Abstract In this paper, we study the concept of total domination polynomial for any path Pn. The total domination polynomial of a path Pn is the polynomial Dt(Pn, x) = t (Pn, i) n ≡ 2(mod4) and Dt(Pn, x) = xi , if t (Pn, i) xi if n ≢ 2(mod4), where dt(Pn, i) is the number of total dominating sets of Pn of size i. We obtain some properties of Dt(Pn Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 154 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ,x) and its coefficients. Also, we calculate the reduction formula to derive the total domination polynomials of paths. Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, Total Domination Sets and Polynomial of Cycles, International Journal of Mathematical Archive – 3(4), 2012, page 1379-1385. Abstract Let G = (V, E) be a graph without isolated vertices. A set S ⊆ V is a total dominating set of G, if every vertex u ∈ V is adjacent to an element of S. Let t (Cn, i) be the family of total dominating sets of a cycle Cn with cardinality i. Let dt (Cn, i) be the number of total dominating sets in t(Cn, i). In this paper, we study the concept of total domination polynomial for any cycle Cn. The total domination polynomial for any cycle Cn is the polynomial Dt(Cn, x) = n ≡ 2(mod4) and Dt(Cn, x) = t (Cn, i) xi , if i if n ≢ 2(mod4). We obtain some properties of Dt(Cn ,x) and its t (Cn, i) x coefficients. Also, we calculate the reduction formula to derive the total domination polynomial of cycles. On Total Domination sets and Polynomials of Wheels Dr.A.Vijayan and S.Sanal Kumar, Total Domination Sets and Polynomial of Wheels.(accepted) Abstract Let G = (V, E) be a graph without isolated vertices. A set S ⊆ V is a total dominating set of G, if every vertex u ∈ V is adjacent to an element of S. Let t (W1,n , i) be the family of total dominating sets of a wheel W1,n with cardinality i. Let dt (W1,n , i) be the number of total dominating sets in t (W1,n , i). In this paper, we study the concept of total domination polynomial for any wheel W1,n. The total domination polynomial for any wheel W1,n is the polynomial Dt(W1,n , x) = x [ (1+x)n -1] + Dt (Cn, i), where Dt (Cn, i) is the total domination polynomial of the cycle Cn. We obtain some properties of Dt(W1,n ,x) and its coefficients. Also, we calculate the total domination polynomial of generalized wheels Wm,n = m+ Cn, as Dt (Wm,n , x) = [ (1+x)n -1] [ (1+x)m -1] + Dt (Cn, x) and some properties of their coefficients are obtained. DOMINATING SETS AND DOMINATION POLYNOMIALS OF SQUARE OF PATHS Dr. A. Vijayan ABSTRACT Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. Let Pn2 be the square of the Path Pn and let D ( Pn2 , i ) denote the family of all dominating sets of Pn2 with cardinality i. Let ( ) ( d Pn2 , i = D Pn2 , i ). In this paper, we obtain a recursive formula for d ( Pn2 , i ) . Using this recursive formula, we construct the polynomial, D ( Pn2 , x ) = ∑ n n d ( Pn2 , i ) xi , which we call i= 5 domination polynomial of Pn2 and obtain some properties of this polynomial. Keywords: Domination Set; Domination Number; Domination Polynomials Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 155 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation DOMINATING SETS OF SQUARE OF CENTIPEDES Dr. A. Vijayan Abstracts Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to atleast one vertex in S. Let Pn∗ 2 be the square of centipede corresponding to the path Pn and let D( Pn∗ 2 , i ) denote the family of all dominating sets of Pn∗ 2 with cardinality i. In this paper, some properties of the dominating sets of centipedes are exhibited. Also, we characterized the number of dominating sets of Pn∗ 2 and Pn∗ 2 − {2 n} of cardinality i. Keywords: domination set, domination number. DOMINATING SETS AND DOMINATION POLYNOMIALS OF SQUARE OF LADDER Dr. A. Vijayan Abstracts Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to atleast one vertex in S. Let Ln2 be the square Ladder of the parallel path Pn and let D ( Ln2 , i ) denote the family of all dominating sets of Ln2 with cardinality i. Let d ( Ln2 , i) = D( Ln2 , i ) . In this paper, we obtain a recursive formula for d ( Ln2 , i ) .Using this formula, we construct the polynomial, D ( Ln2 , i ) = n ∑ d ( Ln2 , i ) x i ,which we call domination n i = +1 4 polynomial of Ln2 and some properties of this polynomial. Keywords: domination set, domination number, domination polynomials. International Journal of Mathematical Archive-3(5), 2012, 1885-1894 Available online through ISSN 2229 – 5046 ON GEODETIC SETS AND POLYNOMIALS OF CENTIPEDES Dr. A.Vijayan ABSTRACT: Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. A set of vertices S of a graph G is geodetic, if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. The geodetic number of G is the minimum cardinality of all geodetic sets of G, and is denoted by g (G). In (8), the concept of geodetic polynomial is defined as g (G , x ) = n ∑ g e (G,i)x i where g e (G,i) i = g(G) is the number of geodetic sets of cardinality i, and G∗ be the graph obtained by appending a single pendant edge to each vertex of graph G. We call Pn∗ a centipede, where Pn is a path with n vertices. In this paper, we obtain the geodetic sets and polynomials of the centipedes. Also, we study some properties of geodetic sets and the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 156 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation coefficients of the polynomials. It is also derived that the geodetic polynomial of the centipede Pn∗ is x n (1 + x )n . International Journal of Mathematical Archive-3(6), 2012, 1-8 Available online through ISSN 2229 – 5046 ON GEODETIC POLYNOMIAL OF GRAPHS WITH EXTREME VERTICES Dr. A.Vijayan Abstract: Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph. A set of vertices S of a graph G is geodetic, if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. The geodetic number of G is the minimum cardinality of all geodetic sets of G, and is denoted by g(G). In [10], the concept of geodetic polynomial is defined as g (G , x ) = n ∑ g e (G,i)x i where g e (G,i) is i = g(G) the number of geodetic sets of G with cardinality i. In this paper, we obtain the geodetic polynomials of the helm graph. Also, we compute the polynomials for some specific graphs. International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA) ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 6 No. III (May, 2012), pp. ON GEODETIC SETS AND GEODETIC POLYNOMIALS OF WHEELS AND PATHS Dr. A.VIJAYAN Abstract Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph. A set of vertices S of a graph G is geodetic, if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. The geodetic number of G is the minimum cardinality of all geodetic sets of G, and is denoted by g(G). In[7], the concept of geodetic polynomial is defined as G (G, x ) = n ∑( g) (G, i )x i=g G e i , where g e (G, i ) is the number of geodetic sets of cardinality i. In this paper, we obtain the geodetic polynomials of the wheels and paths. Also, we study some properties of geodetic sets and the coefficients. It is derived that the geodetic polynomial of the path Pn is x 2 (1 + x )n − 2 , and for the wheel Wn, we have the recursive relation G (Wn , x ) = x [ G (Wn−1 , x ) + G (Wn −2 , x ) ] . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Volume 31 E (Math & Stat.) Issue (No.1)2012: P. 25-32 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 157 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation AN INTRODUCTION TO GEODETIC POLYNOMIAL OF A GRAPH Dr. A.Vijayan ABSTRACT We introduce a new geodetic polynomial of a graph G. The geodetic polynomial of a graph G of order n is the polynomial n G (G, x ) = ∑ g e (G, i )x i , i = g (G ) where g e (G , i ) is the number of geodetic sets of G of size i and g ( G ) is the geodetic number of G. We obtain some properties of G (G, x ) and its coefficients. Also, we compute the polynomial for some specific graphs. International Journal of Mathematical Archive-3(4), 2012, Page: 1-7 Available online through ISSN 2229 – 5046 International Journal of Mathematical Archive- 3 (4), April – 2012 1 ON TOTAL EDGE FIXED GEODOMINATING SETS AND POLYNOMIALS OF GRAPHS Dr. A. Vijayan ABSTRACT We introduce a total edge fixed geodomination sets and polynomial of a graph G. The total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of G is defined as Gt (G, x) = ∑ ek ∈E ( G ) n−2 Gek (G, x) where Gek (G, x) = ∑ i = ge k ( G ) gek (G, i )xi , g ek (G, i) is the number of edge fixed geodominating sets of graph G with cardinality i, where ek is a fixed edge of G and gek (G) is the ek geodomination number of G. we obtain some properties of Gt(G, x) and its coefficients. Also we compute the polynomial for some specific graphs. Journal of Discrete Mathematical On total edge fixed geodomination sets and polynomials of paths Abstract We introduce a total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of paths. Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. In [10], the concept of total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of G is defined as Gt(G, x) = ∑ ek ∈E ( G ) Gek (G, x) where Gek (G, x) = n− 2 ∑ i = ge k ( G ) number of edge fixed geodominating sets of the graph g ek (G , i )x i , g ek (G, i) is the G and g ek (G) is the ek- geodomination number of G. In this paper, we obtain the total edge fixed geodomination polynomials of paths. Also we study some properties of total edge fixed geodominating sets and its coefficients. It is derived that the total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of the path Pn is x(1 + x)n-4 [(n - 1) x+2], n ≥ 4. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 158 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Total Edge fixed geodomination Polynomial of Cycles and Wheels. Dr. A. Vijayan, Abstract We introduce a total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of cycles and wheels. Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. In [10], the concept of total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of G is defined as Gt(G, x) = ∑ n −2 ek∈E(G) Gek(G, x) where Gek(G, x) = ∑ gek(G, i)xi , gek(G, i=ge (G) k i) is the number of edge fixed geodominating sets of graph G with cardinality i, where ek is a fixed edge of G and gek (G) is the ek - geodomination number of G. In this paper, we obtain the total edge fixed geodomination polynomial of cycles and wheels. Also we study some properties of total edge fixed geodominating sets and its coefficients. Linear Path Decomposition of Lobster Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly Abstract Let G = (V, E) be a simple connected graph with p vertices and q edges. If G1,G2,…,Gn are connected edge disjoint subgraphs of G with E(G)=E(G1) E(G2) … E(Gn),then (G1,G2, …,Gn) is said to be a decomposition of G. A decomposition (G1,G2,…,Gn)of G is said to be continuous monotonic decomposition(CMD) if each Gi is connected and |E(Gi)|=i i=1,2,3, …, . In this paper, we introduced the new concept Linear Decomposition (LD) of graphs and Linear Path Decomposition of Lobster. A Decomposition (G1,G2, …,Gn) of G is said to be a Linear Decomposition(LD) or Arithmetic decomposition if |E(Gi)|=a+(i-1)d, i=1,2,3, …,n. and n n (n + 1) . i.e., LD is a CMD. In a,d∈Z. Clearly q = [2a + (n − 1)d ] . If a=1 and d=1, then q= 2 2 this paper, we study the graphs when a=1 and d=2. If d=2, then q = n2. i.e., the number of edges of G is a perfect square. Also we obtained the upper and lower bounds for `n’. Linear Star Decomposition of Lobster Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly Abstract Let G = (V, E) be a simple connected graph with p vertices and q edges. If G1,G2,…,Gn are connected edge disjoint subgraphs of G with E(G)=E(G1) E(G2) … E(Gn), then (G1, G2, …, Gn) is said to be a decomposition of G. A decomposition (G1, G2, …, Gn)of G is said to be continuous monotonic decomposition(CMD) if each Gi is connected and |E(Gi)|=i, for every i=1, 2, 3, …, . In this paper, we introduced the new concept Linear Star Decomposition. A decomposition (G1, G2, …, Gn)of G is said to be a Linear Decomposition(LD) or Arithmetic decomposition if |E(Gi)|=a+(i-1)d, for every i=1, 2, 3, n n(n + 1) …, n and a,d∈Z. Clearly q = [2a + (n − 1)d ] . If a=1 and d=1, then q = .That is, LD 2 2 is a CMD. In this paper, we study the graphs when a=1 and d=2. If d=2, then q = n2. That is, the number of edges of G is a perfect square. Also we obtained the bound for diam (L) where L is a Lobster, which is the graph, discussed in this paper and discussed several theorems based on diam (L). Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 159 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation On Regular Pre-semiclosed sets in Topological spaces. Dr. T. Shyla Isaac Mary Abstract The generalized closed sets in point set topology have been found considerable interest among general topologist. Veerakumar introduced and investigated Pre-semiclosed sets and Anitha introduced Pgpr-closed sets. In this article the concept of regular Pre-semiclosed sets in introduced in topological spaces and its relationships with other generalized sets are investigated. On rps-continuous and rps irresolute functions. Dr. T. Shyla Isaac Mary Abstract The aim of this paper is to introduce rps-continuous functions and rps-irresolute functions by using rps-closed sets and characterize their basic properties. Continuous Monotonic Decomposition of some special class of Graphs. Dr. S. Asha Abstract The concept of continuous monotonic decomposition (CMD) was introduced by Paulraj Joseph and Gnanadhas. A graph G of size = ( ₂+1) is said to have a CMD if G can be decomposed into n-subgraphs G1, G2,….., Gn such that each Gi is connected and 1E(Gi)1 = i for 1≤ I ≤ n-1. Let G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) be two graphs. The tensox product G = G1 ∧ G2 is defined as a graph with vertex set V1 x V2. Edge set is defined as follows. If w1 = (u1, v1) and w2 = (u2, v2) are two vertices of G with ui ∈ v1 and ui ∈ v2, (i = 1, 2) then w1 w2 ∈ E (G) if and only if u1 u2 ∈ E1 and v1 v2 ∈ E2. In this paper, we investigate CMD for some special class of graphs, Data namely Pn ∧ K2, Cn ∧ K2, K1, n ∧ K2 and Wn ∧ K2. ∗ Research inputs contributing to new initiatives and social development Here we highlight the research work done by some of the faculty members which a leads to new initiatives and social development. Department of Management Studies Abstracts and conclusion of papers published by C.T. Sam Luther VENDOR MANAGED INVENTORY - A KEY FOR SUCCESSFUL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Abstract: Vendor Managed Inventory popularly known as VMI is gaining momentum in the modern digital era. VMI is a distinctive and successful process in the supply chain to manage and replenish merchandise at the store of the customer by the vendor. In VMI, the vendor tracks the number of products shipped to warehouses, distributors and retail outlets of customers using EDI. Products are automatically replenished when supplies run low, and goods are not despatched to the customer destination unless they are needed, consequently lowering the inventory at the customer’s stores. Suppliers and customers use written contracts to determine the frequency of replenishment, mode of despatch, payment terms etc. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 160 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation VMI is not a perfect solution to inventory problems, irrespective of the fact that today’s managers are forced to bring down costs, increase service and build relationship with suppliers. There is no better solution that VMI to do all three of these at once and with little risk. CONCLUSION VMI is not a perfect solution to inventory problems. Susen Cohen Kulp, a researcher at Harvard University, recently finished a study on the relationship between VMI systems and higher profits. Not surprisingly, she feared that VMI implementation does not always bring better results than a traditional supplier relationship. She has opined that information precision and reliability combined with an effective sharing mechanism are the key factors in obtaining higher supply chain profits. Irrespective of the fact that today’s managers are forced to bring down costs, increase service and build relationship with suppliers. There is no better solution that VMI to do all three of these at once and with little risk. Impact of Leverages on Profitability A case study on Coramondal Fertilisers Ltd. Abstract: The term ‘leverage’ may be defined as the percent of change in one variable by the percent of change in some other variable or variables. In finance, the term leverage is used to describe the firm’s ability to use fixed cost assets or funds; the former is popularly known as ‘operating leverage’ and the latter is known as ‘financial leverage’. Greater of these leverages means higher the returns to the equity shareholders. This paper focuses on the impact of operating and financial leverages on the profitability of Coramandal Fertilisers Ltd, a leading fertiliser manufacturing firm from South India. Conclusion There is a huge potential for growth in fertiliser industry in India. It is estimated that the agricultural sector’s contribution to India’s GDP is just 22 percent and more than 60 percent of Indian population depends on agriculture. Moreover, the growth of the Indian agriculture is also less than 5 percent for over decades. A recent report by the RBI emphasised that for the Indian economy to maintain its growth momentum on a sustained basis, the farm sector would have to play a vital role, and needless to say, the contribution of fertilizer industry to the agricultural sector is crucial to achieve such a growth. Scale of production is important to satisfy such a huge demand. Expansions, mergers and acquisitions can bring operating leverage, thereby reduces the cost of production and with the easy and cheaper loans available, CFL can also use the financial leverage effectively thereby increase the earnings to the shareholders. When both these operations are carried out successfully sky is the limit for the growth of CFL. Corporate Branding The new Global Trend Abstract: In an era of globalisation, corporate brand is the biggest asset of any company. Mass production and distribution of modern business have led to a proliferation of products across the world which makes it very difficult for the consumers to make a choice among Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 161 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation the large number of products and services. In such situations, strong brands can make a differentiation between similar products and consumers can use corporate brand as a mechanism to make purchase decisions. In a globalised business environment, the biggest battle is to deal with the less favourable perception about the home country, while at the same time proving that the brand does meet the standards expected of an international brand. It doesn’t matter how big a company is at home, but going global vis-à-vis establishing a global corporate brand is a different ballgame. Surprisingly not a single Indian brand figures in the list of top 100 global brands. This is not because that the Indian companies do not want to build brands but they have never felt the need for it. In the pre-liberalisation period, the economy was well protected, so companies didn’t need brands to pull the customers. It’s high time for the Indian corporate to engage in brand building exercise so as to face their international competitors and to extend their businesses beyond Indian boundaries. Conclusion Corporate brand is a business asset, which can – and should – be managed overtime in the same manner as any other long-term asset. It is potentially a strong tool for realigning a corporate strategy and ensuring that the corporation, regardless of industry and size, can leverage on the untapped internal and external sources. As Klenin (2001) suggests, “brand builders are the new primary producers in our so-called knowledge economy.” It is important to note that the corporate brand’s role never disappears. It remains the standard which the company upholds. It is something that should stand the test of time. Of course, it should be tweaked as marketplace changes for a very long period. During that time, CEOs may come and go, management will change, the investment climate will change, products and services will change. If the corporate brand is the focal point, the company will ride all those waves and becomes even stronger overtime. Therefore, a well-drafted and professionally managed corporate branding strategy and the implementation plan can help to drive profitability and shareholders’ value aligning the interest of the stakeholders, the management and the company. Financial Distress and Turnaround Management - A Case Study on Essar Steel Ltd. Abstract: Steel is a cyclical industry. The global downturn in late 90s was, however, one of the worst witnessed by the steel industry in India. Essar Steel Ltd (ECL), a flagship steel maker of Essar group has suffered huge losses during the period 1998-99 to 2001-02 as a result of this downturn, is now smooth sailing thanks to the effective turnaround strategies adopted by the management. In this paper, the author has made an attempt to study the impact of financial distress and the subsequent turnarounds of ESL with the help of three key financial indicators, viz. liquidity, leverage and solvency. Conclusion To make successful turnaround of a firm from deep financial distress is not an easy job. It’s a hard hitting and painstaking effort. It requires an all-round and valiant effort of all the people involved in it, the managers, employees and all the other stakeholders. Especially, when the firm’s financial position is tending towards bankruptcy, the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 162 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation turnaround is like an adventures journey to the Mt Everest during the dull winter season. Exactly, the same thing happened in Essar Steel. From a huge loss of Rs.19000 million in 2001-02 to Rs.6000 million profit just in three years is really laudable. With such a turnaround, the Ruia group, who run the Essar companies, is now happy to continue riding the economic growth story. They are now busy drawing on the lessons they have learnt from the turbulent problem years. The mission this time is clear: no tall talk, just focus on performance. Today, the Essar group is busy putting in place a detailed plan on the steel front, which would see it consolidate its position in the industry. On the anvil is the move to hike steel capacity at Hazira to 4.6mtpa from the present level of 2.4mtpa. Alongside, the group is buying out the 51 per cent Stemcor stake in Vizag based joint venture Hy-Grade Pellets and 100 per cent stake of Stemcor in Steel Corporation of Gujarat. This expansion and stake buys will help them integrate the steel operations and also bring down the cost of production substantially. With things have only just begun looking up, there’s a lot of work still to be done; a lot…to meet the huge demand for the steel items in the ensuring years. It’s more appropriate to conclude this paper with the remarks made by Mr. Prashant Ruia, director of Essar steel recently, “There’s nothing sexy, nothing grand, just consolidate and grow the existing businesses. That’s the game plan.” Liquidity, Risk and Profitability Analysis A Case Study of Madras Cements Ltd. Abstract Abstract: One of the most important areas in day-to-day management of a firm is to deal with the management of the working capital. It is concerned with the adequacy of current assets as well the level of risk posed by current liabilities. It is a discipline that seeks proper policies for managing current assets and liabilities and practical techniques for maximising the benefits from managing working capital. A firm should maintain adequate level of working capital to meet the current obligations and maintain uninterrupted business operation. It should ensure that it does not suffer from lack of liquidity. The failure of the firm to meet its obligations due to lack of sufficient liquidity is highly risky as it will result in bad credit image, loss of creditors’ confidence, high-cost emergency borrowing, unnecessary legal battles or even closure of the firm. At the same time, if the level of working capital is more, holding cost of current assets would be more, again would badly affect the profitability. In other words, the working capital should not be either too high or too low. In connection with the trade-off between liquidity, risk and profitability, a firm can adopt three types of working capital policies: Conservative policy, Aggressive policy, and Moderate policy. A poor or below average profitability situations can be changed, but, not unless effective working capital management practices are established. It is because, though the firm is profitable, but illiquidity persists for a long time may leads to insolvency and may lead to closure of the firm. Based on these theoretical backgrounds, a modest attempt has been made to study the liquidity, profitability and risk trade-off of Steel Authority of India Ltd. Statistical Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 163 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation tools such as average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Spearman’s rank correlation, and student’s t-test are used for the purpose of the study. Conclusion The boom in the construction industry has opened the opportunity for the cement industry for expansion and modernisation, resulting in huge capital investments by the cement manufacturing firms. Since the amount and risk involved in capital investment decisions are very high, the firms normally concentrate mainly on it, leaving little importance to the working capital management. No sooner or later, the Russian, Ugrian and Chinese cement will be in the Indian market at a highly competitive price, by that time the trends will reverse from the present situation. It is the right time for Madras Cements Ltd also to formulate certain policies to control the working capital so as to meet any sort of financial distress which may occur in future. Relevant Costs for Outsourcing Decisions Introduction: Managers use accounting information extensively in making decisions. They use other data as well like marketing and manufacturing data etc., but cost and price data, supplied by the accounting system, are important in most decisions. Relevance is one of the key characteristics of good management accounting information. This means that management accounting information produced for each manager must relate to the decisions which he/she will have to make. Conclusion: Making the decisions regarding outsourcing is not easy, but managers can feel comfortable that they have made them correctly by following the decision-making frame work. Note that no analysis of whether to produce or outsource is complete without considering the status-quo: the current net benefits from the resources being used by the potentially dropped production unit. For e.g., computing how much can be saved by dropping an unprofitable unit is not adequate, managers must also must consider whether the recovered resources can be used more profitably. A final decision, no doubt, mainly depends upon the practical situations managers face every time. ‘Miles to Go’ A Study on Global Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing Sector Take a pan with some water. Put a frog in it and start heat the pan. The frog will never realise that with the rise in temperature it is nearing its death, but, if you put the frog in a pan of hot water, it will jump at once. Indian industries are also in the similar situation. The LPG has given a big blow to the Indian industries. Few reacted quickly, woke-up and excelled in their performance; few have taken the liberalisation as a great opportunity to expand their operations beyond Indian boundaries; few have done still better with a strategy of establishing places of businesses outside India. What about others? What are the barriers? On the record of the past three years of the performance of the Indian manufacturing sector, the best that can be hoped for is that we will continue to muddle Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 164 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation through. That translates into a GDP growth rate of 7 plus per cent in the next quinquennium, no more. That isn’t bad going, by our modest standards, but isn’t going to be enough to absorb the 8 million who enter the employment market every year and isn’t enough to ensure that the curse of absolute poverty will be abolished in another couple of decades? The questions remain! - Conclusion The economic reform 3.0 is doing well, no doubt. But, the question threads its way through all these problems is whether the government, cobbled together by an untidy coalition, never ending opposition from leftists, has the sense of purpose and will power to address the many problems that cry out for attention. On the record of the past three years of the performance of the Indian manufacturing sector, the best that can be hoped for is that we will continue to muddle through. That translates into a GDP growth rate of 7 plus per cent in the next quinquennium, no more. That isn’t bad going, by our modest standards, but isn’t going to be enough to absorb the 8 million who enter the employment market every year and isn’t enough to ensure that the curse of absolute poverty will be abolished in another couple of decades. At the current level, will the dream of our President Dr. Abdul Kalam ‘vision 2020’ be a reality? The questions remain. To conclude, let me recall few lines of the famous poem written by Robert Frost: - The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Can India surpass China? Abstract: India and China are the two most talked about Asian economies today in terms of economic growth, but apparently, both have resorted to different models for their growth. Both are seen today as the key drivers of the world economy. Both are the attractive destinations of the world for foreign direct investment (FDI). But, the FDI inflows into India as compared China were less than 10 per cent. Why there is a huge gap? The answer lies on many ‘differences’ that distinguish the two countries. This article highlights the comparative study of both the models and also the differences to link it to our basic premise of understanding the contribution of FDI to the economic development of both countries. Conclusion It is observed that India has an opportunity to attract FDI of over $15 billion a year over the next five years. The Economist Intelligence Unit, evaluating business environment in 60 countries for the period 2002-2006, has ranked India 41st, ahead of China at 42nd. More importantly, India has moved up five notches from its rank in the earlier period (1997-2001), while China has remained at 42. But leveraging this calls for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 165 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation leadership and vision to rise above parochial political interests to work across party lines, serving broader national interests. No doubt, India and China are countries of enormous importance and opportunity. Both face distinctive challenges when it comes to attracting investment from abroad. To date, China has succeeded in attracting a diverse range of FDI in an unprecedented fashion. India, although behind in real number terms, also offers huge investment opportunities. Moreover, in the long run, India’s history of individual liberty and social diversity will position it well to reap economic benefits in an increasingly liberalised world. As economic barriers continue to fall, the government must be ready to take the steps necessary to revitalize the economy, making India magnet for foreign investment, improving productivity and adopting new technologies. If such a transparent action is initiated by the Indian Government, no doubt, India will soon surpass China. Is It Volume or Value? Few Issues of the Bottom Line Rural Market Abstract: Many Indian incorporates and multi-national companies, since 1991, targeted India's urban middle class to earn revenues. Gradually, as they reached the saturation point satisfying the market size of 300-400 million people, they penetrated into the rural markets, the bottom of the pyramid (BOP). The volume has grown over the years, but not with value. Moreover, they concentrated mostly one the rural cities and towns and till date the real rural India is out of their reach. This paper tries to focus on few issues relates to rural India, which make the corporate unsuccessful in creating value. Conclusion What the people argue and what the figures reveal make a simple point: the poor state of Indian economy. Primary education, health and personal care, financial services, basic communication infrastructure, local transportation, food and nutrition management, water resource management, housing are the areas that need urgent focus and the penetration into this bottom line requires first the real economy’s penetration into this real India. If these basic and perennial problems are not addressed immediately, the vision “future market’ as claimed by HUL, ITC, Hero Honda, LG et al will be only an illusion. Sustainable Growth Rate A Case Study on Wipro and Infosys Abstract: In the present era of highly competitive environment, companies are striving hard to earn a target profit to increase the shareholders’ wealth within a reasonable period of time. In order to achieve the target profit, firms often make changes in its operating or financial policies. Sustainable growth rate (SGR) analysis is an important financial tool to fix a target growth rate which indicates how quickly a company can grow with the internally generated funds. Analysts can also predict a company’s future financial position using sustainable growth rate ratio as a part of routine credit analysis. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 166 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation This paper focuses on the importance of SGR and its relevance on firms to improve their operational and financial efficiencies. Part – I of the paper deals with the theoretical perspectives of sustainable growth rate and in part – II, the sustainable growth rates of two leading IT firms’, viz. Wipro and Infosys, are analysed to understand its importance and implications. Concluding remarks Monitoring the current situation and progress of a company by mapping its sustainable growth rate helps managers to ensure that the scarce resources are allocated wisely. Also, it ensures the company’s operating and financial policies go in consistency with the sustainable growth rate and serve as valuable tools in the process of coordinating plans and actions by combining two sets of ratios of SGR equation. The first set includes the retention ratio and leverage ratio whereas the second set includes the asset turnover ratio and profitability ratio. The former two ratios can be described as policy statements of a company reflecting management’s attitude towards the risks and opportunities it expects in the future and the latter two ratios are the outcomes of managerial action; the end result is the overall improvements in its operational and financial performances. In short, using the four component ratios, SGR concept serves as the best tool for prospective firms to fix a target growth rate using the internally generated funds and improve their operating and financial performances over a period of time. This paper also substantiates the above arguments and illustrates how the two firms, viz. Wipro and Infosys, have used the internally generated funds to exploit the fast growing IT market and become successful. 3.4.2 Does the Institute publish or partner in publication of research journal(s)? If ‘yes’, indicate the composition of the editorial board, publication policies and whether such publication is listed in any international database? Yes. The Nesamony Research Forum of our college published two journals viz Journal of Research in Science and Journal of Research in Humanities. Journal of Research in Science Volume 1, 2012. ISSN: 2278-9073. Editorial Board: Patron Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, Principal Editors-in-Chief Dr. K. Paul Raj, Department of Botany Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji, Department of Chemistry Associate Editors Dr. A. Vijayan, Department of Maths Prof. S. C. Jeyakumar, Department of Physics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 167 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Prof. M. S. Prema Latha, Department of Computer Applications Prof. G. D. Biji, Department of Zoology Editorial Advisory Board Dr. M. Lellis Divakar, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Dr. K. Ramachandran, Professor, Department of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Dr. S. Arumugaperumal, Head, Department of Computer Science, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil. Dr. K. N. Rajasekharan, Emeritus Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattam. Dr. P. Selwyn Samuel, Department of Botany, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli. Dr. S. Sam Manohar Dhas, Head, Department of Zoology, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. 3.4.3 Give details of publications by the faculty and students: ∗ Publication per faculty 1 ∗ Number of papers published by faculty and students in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 182 ∗ Number of publications listed in International Database (for Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) SCOPUS – Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran has 8 papers. ∗ Monographs ∗ Chapter in Books Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 168 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Books Edited ∗ Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers ∗ Citation Index Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran - 68 (Physics) ∗ SNIP ∗ SJR ∗ Impact factor Average - 0.8%(Physics) ∗ h-index 6 [Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran] (Physics) Dr .N.T. Nevaditha Introduction to Computer in Chemistry with C++ J.P. Publication, Marthandam Dr. C. Isac Sobanaraj Allied Chemistry –I Allied Chemistry –II Allied Chemistry –III Allied Chemistry –IV E.C. Publication, Palkulam Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji Inorganic Volumetric Analysis Inorganic qualitative Analysis Physics Chemistry Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 169 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Inorganic Preparation & Gravimetric Analysis Bethel Publications, Kulappuram Dr.M. Johnson The books published by Dr. M. Johnson and Prof. M. Kesary (Formerly Head of the Department) on Sericulture and . the book on Apiculture by Dr. I. Jayachandra and Prof. J. Johnson are some of the books published by the Department which were included as reference books of M.S. University to B.Sc Zoology students. Tamil Books Prof S. Philip ( Rtd HoD of English ) Published book , “Vazhkai payanathil Irai Varthai” Dr. Prabavathy , Department of Tamil, wrote a novel , “Cholai malai Nanperkal” Dr. R. Issac Jayadhas Book: “Kanyakumari District and Indian Independence movement” M.C.L. Roy publication, Villukuri, 2011. Dr. W. Anlet Sobitha Bai Books: 1. “Contemporary History of India 1947 – 2009 A.D.”,) Sharon Publication, Vettumani, 2009. 2. Panchayad Raj, Sharon publication, Vettumani, 2009. “Rani Mangammal and Her regency of Madurai” – Journal of Indian History published by Dept. of History, University of Kerala, 2004. “Lepgilations: An Instrument for Women’s Empowerment” - UGC Sponsored seminar Proceedings September 11, 2009, organized by N.M.C.College, Marthandam. Dr. C. Selva Raj Book: “Historiography with Special reference to India”, C.S.R. publications, Devicode. 2011. “Indian Arctitechture”, C.S.R.publications Devicode, 2007. Mr. J. Wiston Publications Book: “Modern political Thought”, Nagercoil, 2010. Mr. S. R. Arul Raja Selvan. Book: Thirukkural Porutpal Oru varalattu Paarvai, (Tamil), S.R. Publications, Athencode, 2007. Book Publications: Dr. Mabel Sulochana, Authored a book entitled published by Discovery publishing House Private Limited New Delhi – 110002. Mrs. T. Beula Bell 1. Computer Graphics by Ideal publications, Mankarai Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 170 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2. Internet programming by Ideal publications, Mankarai Dr. Paul Vinayalal Wilson Basic Research Methodology Dr. B. Mabel Sulochana Production and Marketing of Cocunut in Kanyakumari District. ∗ Proceedings with ISBN number Land-Use, Bio-diversity and Climate Change Volume 1 – ISBN-13: 978-81-908283-1-4 Volume 1 – ISBN-13: 978-81-908283-2-1 Editors Dr. R. B. Singh, Vice Chairman, IGU Commission on Bio Geography and Biodiversity & Reader in Department of Geography, Delhi University. Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, Principal, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam. Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel, Department of Physics. Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh, Department of Tourism. Prof. G. D. Biji, Department of Zoology. 3.4.5 Provide details (if any) of ∗ research awards received by the faculty • Prof. C. H. Arun was awarded the best teacher award at the international conference on “Scientific Computing Using Python” in 2009-2010. • Dr. T. F. Abbs Fenn Regi of Department of Chemistry won the Young Scientist award by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai in 20102011. • Prof. Melvin of Department of Management Studies got the Best Teacher award for his paper presented in the international conference conducted by Annamalai University, Chithambaram in 2011. • Prof. C. P. Ben of Department of Botany received Best Paper Award for his presentation in Virto Studies of Anto CVarpus Histutus in the National Seminar organaised by PGGR Krishnammal College in January 2010. ∗ recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies and agencies, nationally and internationally Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 171 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Dr. N. Gnanadhas, former Principal, was given “The Best Educationalist Award”, by Indian Solidarity Council, New Delhi in 2009-2010. • Dr. R. Prabhavathy Princilla Snehabai of Tamil department was awarded “Tamil Thondirkkana Thiruvalluvar Viruthu-2010” by Kaviyarasar Kalai Tamil Sangam, Namakkal. • Prof V. Dhanabal Singh, Head of the Department of Tourism has been referred for the Prestigious Award BHARATH SHIKSHA RARAN AWARD by Advisory Board of Global Society for health and educational growth, New Delhi. • Dr. A. Rajathankam, Department of History and Mr. Tibi Thomas, Department of English were awarded the Best NSS Co-ordinator Award by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. • Dr. D. Deleep Packia Raj was awarded the Best NSS Co-ordinator Award by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. • Our College Magazine ‘SAGA 2009’ edited by Prof. C. Jeyasekar of English Department was adjudged the Second Best Magazine at the state level by Divyodhaya, Coimbatore. • Our College Magazine ‘ROOTS 2011’ edited by Prof. S. Jaya Kumar of Department of Botany was one among the 15 Magazines shortlisted for the Best Magazine award in Tamil Nadu by Divyodhaya, Coimbatore. ∗ incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and international recognitions for research contributions. No incentive is given to faculty for receiving recognitions for research contributions. Their achievement is recorded in the college Magezine and appreciated by the college administration. 3.5 Consultancy 3.5.1 Give details of the systems and strategies for establishing institute-industry interface? So far, we have not evolved any strategy for establishing institute-industry interface. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 172 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.5.2 What is the stated policy of the institution to promote consultancy? How is the available expertise advocated and publicized? The management provides advance for the expenses regarding consultancy, and the Principal and management appreciate and congratulate the faculty and the students involved in consultancy services. The expertise available for consultancy has not been published so for. This year, we will publish the expertise available in Departments of Management Studies and Botany in the college website. 3.5.3 How does the institution encourage the staff to utilize their expertise and available facilities for consultancy services? The college advises the faculty members to involve in consultancy service. It provides advance for the expenses regarding consultancy. The authorities used to congratulate the staff and students involved in consultancy services. It permits the faculty members to utilize all facilities available in the college in consultancy services. 3.5.4 List the broad areas and major consultancy services provided by the institution and the revenue generated during the last four years. Department of Management Studies 1. A study on the availability of rubber wood and coconut shell in Kanyakumari Dist., Tamilnadu – project done on behalf of Tripad, Chennai. 2. A study on the economic and social status of fisherfolk in Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu – Project done on behalf of ESAF, a Kanyakumari dist based NGO. 3. A study on the market feasibility of starting Hero Honda Motors’ branch at Vellarada, Kerala on behalf of Hero Honda Motors. The total earnings from the above consultancy work was Rs. 12500/- and it was shared by the students. The students and the above three organizations were the beneficiaries. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 173 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Department of Botany 1. Identification of plant specimens (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) – (Dr. K. Paul Raj, Dr. K. David Samuel, Dr. S. Sukumaran, Dr. S. Jeeva) 2. Identification of medicinal plants used in traditional health care systems. – (Prof. N. Maybel Starlin and Dr. K. David Samuel) 3. Assessment of soil and water quality.- ( Dr. S. Jayakumar, Mrs. Avvai. M.S. Vijaya and Dr. S. Jeeva) 4. Invitro propagation of RET category and economically important garden plant species. – (Mr. C.P. Ben) 5. Consultancy in gardening and landscaping.- (Mrs G. Jhonsi Christabel and Mrs. Vimala) 6. Cultivation of edible mushrooms.- (Mrs. Jasmine Jansi and Dr. Medo Merina) The consultancy work was done free of cost. The research scholars of other colleges are the beneficiaries. 3.5.5 What is the policy of the institution in sharing the income generated through consultancy (staff involved: Institution) and its use for institutional development? The revenue generated through consultancy is allowed to be shared among the students involved in this service. 3.6 Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension Activities 3.6.1 How does the institution promote institution-neighborhood-community network and student engagement, contributing to good citizenship, service orientation and holistic development of students? The institution promotes institution – neighbourhood – community network by engaging students in various social work undertaken by the institution in the neighboring villages. Also, students are brought to Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, Blind School, Irenipuram and Mentally Retarded Home, Kotticode. These motivates them towards good citizenship, personality development and social concern. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 174 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Infact, the Institution encourages students and faculty to participate in extension activities like NSS, NCC, YRC and RRC. There are separate committees for these programmes. On the orientation day, the Principal introduces these committees and briefs their activities to the first year students. Following this, the committee members meet the students and give them detailed reports of the extension services done by them and motivate them to participate in these activities. Also, announcements are given through public address system. There are six units with six hundred students in NSS. Among them most of the members are girls. Two programme officers are women faculty members. There is one unit in NCC with 156 students. There are nearly 50 students in YRC and RRC. YRC motivates the students to donate blood for critically ill patients. The extension service committee is involved in constructing houses for the Homeless Poor. 3.6.2 What is the Institutional mechanism to track students’ involvement in various social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles? The students construct houses for the homeless poor in the surrounding villages. They get chances to mingle with the poor and to know their difficulties and develop feelings of kindness and compassion towards the poor. Whenever the kin of critically ill patients come for blood, the college encourages and allows the students and staff to help those who are in dire need. These services help them to face the hard and painful realities of life. The visits to various homes such as blind school, cancer centre and oldage home make them aware of the responsibilities for the less privileged in society. They also involve in activities like Road safety awareness, Traffic Regulation, affixing stickers on Head lights etc. 3.6.3 How does the institution solicit stakeholder perception on the overall performance and quality of the institution? The academic programmes are planned by IQAC, the staff council and the Governing Board. The staff council, IQAC and the various committees constituted for specific purposes help to implement the academic programmes. For instance, the examination committee is in charge of the periodical tests and the model examination. Research committee encourages research activities. The students evaluate the academic programmes by giving their opinions on syllabus, teaching methods and teaching. The faculty evaluate the students based on their performance in periodical tests, model exams, assignments, seminars etc. The students ‘council also helps in the evaluation of the academic programmes on campus. The PTA and Alumni Association co-operate in all development activities of the college. The Principal wins the co-operation of all the staff members. The various committees constituted for specific purposes plan and implement curricular, cocurricular and research activities, under the guidance of the Principal for the benefit of staff and students. The extension activities and Moral Instruction classes help to develop the personal and spiritual life of the students. All these things ensure the overall development of the students. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 175 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.6.4 How does the institution plan and organize its extension and outreach programmes? Providing the budgetary details for last four years, list the major extension and outreach programmes and their impact on the overall development of students. We adopted two remote villages, one in the flood affected coastal village, Kalingarajapuram and the other in the hill region, Pathukani. We started constructing houses for the homeless poor in the adopted villages and constructed eight houses in these villages. Later on, we have been constructing houses in other remote villages surrounding Marthandam. We have, so far constructed 43 houses for the poor with the help of NSS volunteers and other interested students. During 2009-10, seven houses were constructed. Five hundred saplings were planted in the nearby villages. Road safety campaign was conducted. Forty unit of blood was donated. Also, AIDS awareness programme was conducted. During 2010-11, eight houses were constructed. Also, road safety campaign, affixing label in vehicles, AIDS awareness programme, Voting Awareness Rally at Marthandam, Plastics awareness rally and Chemmozhi rally at Kanyakumari, Cultural Carnival in Pechiparai were conducted. Also, thirty unit of blood was donated. The students and staff used to visit the Blind School at Irenipuram, Home for the Aged at Karungal, AIDS patients in CBH Puthery, Cancer patients at Neyyoor, Mentally Retarded Home at Kotticode and Tsunami affected areas. During 2009-10, we have spent Rs. 250674/- for extension activities and during 2010-11, we have spent Rs. 135390/- for extension activities. During 2011-2012, on behalf of NSS, a two day workshop was conducted on AIDS awareness in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club. To develop leadership quality among the students and create awareness in the society, debates were conducted. A Voting Awareness Rally was conducted from Kuzhithurai Taluk Office to the college on the National Voters Day jointly by the Taluk Office, Kuzhithurai and NSS Units of our college. Blood Donation camp was organized in the campus by the YRC Club along with Government Hospital, Thuckalay. 3 NSS Programme Officers and 20 Volunteers donated blood. About 200 saplings were planted in the campus with the support of the Forest Department. A one day seminar on Voting Rights was also arranged in the Campus. A special camp was conducted at colachel. Two houses were constructed for the poor under the “Home for the Homeless Scheme”. In addition to it, the volunteers helped partial construction of one house at Arumanai. The construction of one house to a former student of Department of English was done jointly by the NSS and the Department of English. NCC Cadets participated in Road Safety Awareness programme with Police Department and RTO Office, Marthandam. NCC Cadets participated in Anti-Plastic Rally organized by the District Administration. NCC Cadets participated in Voters Awareness Rally. NCC Cadets attended the Election duty for Tamil Nadu Assembly election and Local Body Elections. Rs. 43000/- was spent by the management and Rs. 50000/- was spent by the department of English for House construction. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 176 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation During 2012-2013, with the help of students volunteers, two houses were constructed for the poor under the “Home for the Homeless Scheme”. In addition to it, the volunteers helped partial construction of two houses with concrete roof. The NSS volunteers participated in the Voting Awareness Rally held on January 25, 2013 and in the Road Safety Campaign and distributed pamphlets. One day programme “Make Clean and Green Marthandam” organized by Amigo’s Lions Club, Marthandam and NSS of our college on December 12, 2012. NCC Cadets participated in Road Safety Awareness Programme with Police Department and RTO Office, Marthandam. NCC Cadets participated in Voters Awareness rally from Kuzhithurai to Marthandam on January 25, 2013. NCC Cadets participated in the Communal Harmony Rally from Scott Christian College, Nagercoil to Nagercoil Stadium on December 12, 2012. 15 NCC Cadets donated Blood to the patients who are in-need and saved many lives. In partnership with Lions Club of Marthandam City, we have organized the following: 1) A seminar on “Environment and Global Warming” was conducted on 18-122007 with Mr. V. Sundara Raju, IFS, District Forest Officer as the Chief Guest. This seminar was organized by Department of Physics. Also, saplings were planted on this occasion. 2) Five Hundred saplings were supplied by Lions Club to the Eco Club of our college on 20-09-2011. 3.6.5 How does the institution promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC and other National/ International agencies? Apart from the academic activities, the Institution encourages students and faculty to participate in extension activities like NSS, NCC, YRC and RRC. There are separate committees for these programmes. On the orientation day, the Principal introduces these committees and briefs their activities to the first year students. Following this, the committee members meet the students and give them detailed reports of the extension services done by them and motivate them to participate in these activities. Also, announcements are given through public address system. There are six units with six hundred students in NSS. Among them most of the members are girls. Two programme officers are women faculty members. There is one unit in NCC with 156 students. There are nearly 50 students in YRC and RRC. YRC motivates the students to donate blood for critically ill patients. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 177 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.6.6 Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any) undertaken by the college to ensure social justice and empower students from underprivileged and vulnerable sections of society? Since most of the students come from rural background, the first ten days are spent on bridge intensive course which helps the students to understand their subjects in English. The language lab helps them to acquire the correct pronunciation of words. Students are given enough training to participate in various competitions in many subjects besides the literary, artistic and cultural competitions. Personality development seminars are arranged for the benefit of students. Awareness programmes like health and hygiene and zero waste management are conducted. Also remedial classes are arranged for students who are weak in the subjects. Coaching classes for competitive examinations for the students are conducted. No discrimination is shown to the students on the basis of caste or religion or financial status. The staff are always compassionate to the poor students and are conscious of the needs of the deserving students. The list of beneficiaries of free mid-day meals scheme for students over the years is evidence to the fact that there is no disparity in the treatment of students. The university has introduced papers like Environmental Studies and Value Education which make the students aware of their responsibility to the society. The Moral Instruction classes are also helpful in moulding the personality of students. The students and the staff are motivated to help the poor and needy, and to contribute liberally for extension activities like construction of houses for the poor, and the treatment of poor cancer patients, blind children and flood victims, AIDS infected children etc. The students are trained in NSS and NCC to become socially responsible, kind hearted and sympathetic citizens. 3.6.7 Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension activities organized by the institution, comment on how they complement students’ academic learning experience and specify the values and skills inculcated. The involvement of students in house construction work inculcates social concern and social value, and make them to understand the skill in building construction also. Blood donation makes them understand and share the difficulties of others. AIDS awareness, plastic awareness etc. teach them the importance of protecting the environment. The understanding of the social problems helps them to become good citizens. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 178 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3.6.8 How does the institution ensure the involvement of the community in its reach out activities and contribute to the community development? Detail on the initiatives of the institution that encourage community participation in its activities? Wherever the extension activities are carried out by the college, the local people including the office - bearers of local bodies willingly and voluntarily involve themselves to make the programme successful. Especially, while constructing houses for the poor, the Panchayet President and the Councillors were personally present in the places to encourage the students and to render what help they could. 3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships forged (if any) with other institutions of the locality for working on various outreach and extension activities. In collaboration with the district administration, activities like Kumari Carnival, cultural fest, and magic show were conducted. In collaboration with the police department, traffic regulation and Road safety programmes were conducted. Wherever the extension activities are carried out by the college, the local people including the office - bearers of local bodies willingly and voluntarily involve themselves to make the programme successful. Especially, while constructing houses for the poor, the Panchayet President and the Councillors were personally present in the places to encourage the students and to render what help they could. In partnership with Lions Club of Marthandam City, we have organized the following: A seminar on “Environment and Global Warming” was conducted on 18-12-2007 with Mr. V. Sundara Raju, IFS, District Forest Officer as the Chief Guest. This seminar was organized by Department of Physics. Also, saplings were planted on this occasion. Five Hundred saplings were supplied by Lions Club to the Eco Club of our college on 20-09-2011. The training for Police personnel is conducted on our campus. We organise Road safety campaign in collaboration with Police Department. In response to the request made by the Collector, our Principal co-ordinated the Kumari Carnival which is a week long programme. Our college in collaboration with the District administration, also conducted a magic show, cultural fest etc. On the whole the college maintains very cordial relationship with the District administration and the Police Department. Dr. S. Linsa Rathnalal, Rtd. HoD of Economics, is the secretary and Prof. A. Jayapaul, HoD of Economics is the treasurer of the NGO- People’s Movement for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 179 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Development which undertakes self help groups, tutions etc. Prof. A. Jayapaul is also a member of the managing committee, Palmyrah Workers Development Society and also the treasurer for Rural Employment and Training Centre at Marthandam. 3.6.10 Give details of awards received by the institution for extension activities and/contributions to the social/community development during the last four years. Dr. A. Raja Thankam of History Department received the Best NSS Co-ordinator Award by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli in 2008, and Dr. Deleep Packiaraj of PG Zoology Department received the Best NSS Programme Officer Award by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli in 2009 mainly for the extension activities in connection with the construction of houses. Mr. R. S. Tibi Thomas, Department of English also received Best NSS Co-ordinator Award by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. 3.7 Collaborations 3.7.1 How does the institution collaborate and interact with research laboratories, institutes and industry for research activities. Cite examples and benefits accrued of the initiatives - collaborative research, staff exchange, sharing facilities and equipment, research scholarships etc. The institution collaborates and interacts with research bodies such as Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Science by organizing seminars. Also, it organises national and international seminars periodically and our faculty members present research articles in these seminars. The department of English conducted a UGC sponsored seminar on IndoDiasporic Literature held on March 28 & 29, 2012, in collaboration with Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences. The department of Commerce conducted a National Seminar on New Vistas in Insurance Sector- Indian Context on April 4th & 5th, 2013, sponsored by UGC in collaboration with Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences. Department of History conducted a National seminar on Human Rights Education among college students on January 27&28, 2012 in collaboration with TNSCST. 3.7.2 Provide details on the MoUs/collaborative arrangements (if any) with institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/Corporate (Corporate entities) etc. and how they have contributed to the development of the institution. We have MoU with Kodai International Business School, Kodaiknal which is affiliated to Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. Under this agreement, our students and Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 180 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation staff members attend training programmes in their Institute. Also, the students and staff of their institute will attend programmes in our institute. Last year, the III B.Sc. Computer Science and five staff members attended a three day Personality Development programme in Kodai International Business School. With the help of the trained staff members, we intend to conduct such programmes to our students in our college. The department of Management Studies has MoU with the Indian Institute of Banking to conduct coaching class for BBA/MBA students to appear for Bank service exams. It is of immense help for the students whi appear for Bank exams. 3.7.3 Give details (if any) on the industry-institution-community interactions that have contributed to the establishment / creation/up-gradation of academic facilities, student and staff support, infrastructure facilities of the institution viz. laboratories / library/ new technology /placement services etc. Nil. 3.7.4 Highlighting the names of eminent scientists/participants who contributed to the events, provide details of national and international conferences organized by the college during the last four years. The following Departments took efforts in promoting research by inviting the following scientists to visit the campus and interact with Teachers and Students. 1. Department of Physics : Dr. M. Rajeevan, Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Earth Science. Dr. Victor Jeya, Professor of Physics, Anna University, Chennai, and Post Doctoral Fellow from Cornell University, USA. Dr. K. Ramachandran, Professor of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Dr. Bhagavan Narayanan, NPL, New Delhi. Dr. Mahendran, Fellow at MIT, USA. 2. Department of Mathematics : Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute, Chennai deliverd lecture on “The Problems Posted by Srinivasa Ramanujan” in the National Conference held on October 7 &8, 2011 which induced research culture among the staff and students. Dr. Thomas Vijayan, a Guiness Record Holder gave a thought provoking lecture on “The Squre Root of Natural Numbers Upto 1 lakh” created enthusiasm among the students to work in number theory. Dr. M. Lellis Thivahar, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, has deliverd a lecture on “Bi Topological Spaces” Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 181 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. Department of Chemistry : Dr. K. N. Rajasekharan, Emeritus Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom visited on October 8, 2011 and gave a talk in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Arts and Science. 4. Department of Botany : Fr. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, Director-Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai and former Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and University of Madras, Chennai visited our college on January 26, 2012 and gave a talk in the National Seminar on Herbal Wealth Traditions and New Approaches (Herbal 2012) organized by Department of Botany. Padma Sri Dr. Pushpagaden, Director AIHBPD, Thiruvananthyapuram gave a talk in the National Seminar on Herbal Wealth Traditions and New Approaches (Herbal 2012) organized by Department of Botany. 5. Department of English : Dr. Radha Ramanan Pillai, Associate Professor of English, University of Kerala, enlightened the scholars and Professors on the various aspects of Literary study in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Arts and Science held in our campus. Dr. Pradeep Philip, Director General of Police, Chennai; Adv. Isaac Mohan lal, High Court Advocate, Madurai; Dr. Meena T. Pillai and Dr. Jameela Begam, of Institute of English, University of kerala, and Dr. James R. Daniel, Former Principal, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil were some of the Resource person in the two day UGC sponsored seminar on Indo-Diasperic Writing on March 21 & 22, 2012, and and Dr. Chellathurai, Former Registrar of Manonmaniam Sundaranar university, Tirunelveli was one of the resource persons in the workshop on the UGC sponsored workshop on Human Rights, conducted from 31-01-2011 to 07-02-2011. 6. Department of History : Adv. S. Vijayatharani, MLA, Vilavancode Constituency visited our college and gave a talk in a seminar conducted by Department of History. Dr. N. Rajendran, Head, Department of History, Bharathidhasan University, Trichy and Dr. Sobhanan, Former Head, Department of History, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram visited Department of History. 7. Department of Economics : Dr. Chandra Mohan, Associate Professor, Presidency College, Chennai gave a lecture Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 182 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation on Economics Corruption. Dr. Sivaraj, Associate Professor, Pachiappas College, Chennai gave a lecture on Selecting a Research Problem in the Department of Economics. 8. Value Based Education : Fr. Sivy Koroth, SDB, Bangalore visited our college and gave an invited talk in the Workship “Educating the Hearts” conducted by RI/MI team. Dr. R. B. Sing, Vice-Chairman – IGU Commission Bio-Geography and Bio-Diversity, University of Delhi, Dr. R. T. Sabhapathy Mohan, Former Vice-Chancellor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Dr. Md. Shafiqual Bari, Department of Agroforestry, Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology, Dhinajpur, Bangladesh, Prof. Giuliano Bellezza, Villa Celimontana Home of Geography, Roma, Italy, Dr. N. C. Gouthem, Director, Cluma, Malkagari, Mr. Toni Haapanen, Department of Geography, University of Turku, Finland, Dr. Dyah Retno Panuju, Centre for Regional Planning and Development, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, Dr. S. C. Rai, Department of Feography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi were some of the resource persons in the International Conference on “Land Use Change, Bio Diversity and Climate Change” from 6th to 7th October 2008. 3.7.5 How many of the linkages/collaborations have actually resulted in formal MoUs and agreements? List out the activities and beneficiaries and cite examples (if any) of the established linkages that enhanced and/or facilitated a) Curriculum development/enrichment The syllabus for the COP programmes like, Visual Communication, Graphics, Herbal Science, Export and Import Management, Business Communication, Spoken English, Air Ticketing and Cargo Management, Computational Biology was formulated by our faculty members and approved by M. S. University, Tirunelveli. They are used by several colleges which have opted for these courses. b) Internship/ On-the-job training Certain departments like Computer Applications and Computer Science spend a semester in rupeted companies for doing their Major Project. That period offers them good traning for a suitable job as soon as they complete the course. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 183 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation c) Summer placement There is no formal agreement with any company for summer placement. But a few companies visit our college every year for recruitment and some students get selected. d) Faculty exchange and professional development The MoU with Kodai International Business School, Kodaikkanal has paved the way for faculty exchange and professional development. Five members of our faculty attended a training programme there. They will go there conducting classes in the near feature and the faculty from there will come to our college for the purpose. e) Research We have network and interaction with the central University of Hydrabad by having colalaborative work. Dr. J. Thampi Thanka Kumaran, HoD of Physics of our college is a regular visitor of School of Physics, Central University of Hydrabad. He does research in Nano-technology and has been partly responsible for the reuse of Nanocluster Deposition unit of the University of Hydrabad. He has published a collaborative paper with Prof. Bansil and Prof. Chatterjee of the same University. A student of our Principal worked for his Ph.D. in the National Physical Laboratary. f) Consultancy Department of Management Studies 1. A study on the availability of rubber wood and coconut shell in Kanyakumari Dist., Tamilnadu – project done on behalf of Tripad, Chennai. 2. A study on the economic and social status of fisherfolk in Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu – Project done on behalf of ESAF, a Kanyakumari dist based NGO. 3. A study on the market feasibility of starting Hero Honda Motors’ branch at Vellarada, Kerala on behalf of Hero Honda Motors. The total earnings from the above consultancy work was Rs. 12500/- and it was shared by the students. The students and the above three organizations were the beneficiaries. Department of Botany 1. Identification of plant specimens (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) – (Dr. K. Paul Raj, Dr. K. David Samuel, Dr. S. Sukumaran, Dr. S. Jeeva) 2. Identification of medicinal plants used in traditional health care systems. – (Prof. N. Maybel Starlin and Dr. K. David Samuel) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 184 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 3. Assessment of soil and water quality.- ( Dr. S. Jayakumar, Mrs. Avvai. M.S. Vijaya and Dr. S. Jeeva) 4. Invitro propagation of RET category and economically important garden plant species. – (Mr. C.P. Ben) 5. Consultancy in gardening and landscaping.- (Mrs G. Jhonsi Christabel and Mrs. Vimala) 6. Cultivation of edible mushrooms.- (Mrs. Jasmine Jansi and Dr. Medo Merina) The consultancy work was done free of cost. The research scholars of other colleges are the beneficiaries. Dr. S. Linsa Rathnalal, Rtd. HoD of Economics, is the secretary and Prof. A. Jayapaul, HoD of Economics is the treasurer of the NGO- People’s Movement for Development which undertakes self help groups, tutions etc. Prof. A. Jayapaul is also a member of the managing committee, Palmyrah Workers Development Society and also the treasurer for Rural Employment and Training Centre at Marthandam. g) Extension In collaboration with the district administration, activities like Kumari Carnival, cultural fest, and magic show were conducted. In collaboration with the police department, traffic regulation and Road safety programmes were conducted. Wherever the extension activities are carried out by the college, the local people including the office - bearers of local bodies willingly and voluntarily involve themselves to make the programme successful. Especially, while constructing houses for the poor, the Panchayet President and the Councillors were personally present in the places to encourage the students and to render what help they could. In partnership with Lions Club of Marthandam City, we have organized the following: A seminar on “Environment and Global Warming” was conducted on 18-12-2007 with Mr. V. Sundara Raju, IFS, District Forest Officer as the Chief Guest. This seminar was organized by Department of Physics. Also, saplings were planted on this occasion. Five Hundred saplings were supplied by Lions Club to the Eco Club of our college on 20-09-2011. The training for Police personnel is conducted on our campus. We organise Road safety campaign in collaboration with Police Department. In response to the request made by the Collector, our Principal co-ordinated the Kumari Carnival which is a week long programme. Our college in collaboration with the District administration, also conducted a magic show, cultural fest etc. On the whole the college maintains very cordial relationship with the District administration and the Police Department. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 185 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation h) Publication There is one publication in the Department of Physics having linkage with the Central University of Hyderabad. i) Student Placement As such there is no placement for students. However we are trying to have placement in collaboration with Kodai International Business School. j) Twinning programmes There are no twinning programmes. k) Introduction of new courses There is no proposal for introduction of new courses. l) Student exchange A few of our students attended a three day personality development camp organized at Kodai international Business School. m) Any other 3.6.6 Detail on the systemic efforts of the institution in planning, establishing and implementing the initiatives of the linkages/collaborations. UGC sponsored seminars in the departments of English and Commerce were conducted in collaboration with the research organization, Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences. Any other relevant information regarding Research, Consultancy and Extension which the college would like to include. During last four years, the faculty have presented 225 papers, published 182 papers, in refereed journals, attended 284 seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops, participated in 55 Orientation/ Refresher courses. Also, we conducted 120 seminars/ Workshops/ conferences and faculty acted as Resource Persons in 45 Seminars. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 186 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Forty Five teachers are doing Ph.D. on part-time basis. During 2011-12, we have started Nesamony Research Forum and conducted a National Seminar on Arts and Sciences. This facilitated our students and staff to participate and present papers. The following faculty members presented papers in conferences / attended workshops abroad: 1) Dr. K. Paul Raj, HoD of Botany presented the paper “Antibacterial activity in epidermal gland extracts of Spheeros-phanos subtruncatus’ during Nov. 13-17, 2007 in Central Mindanao University, Philippines. 2) Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh, HoD of Tourism Management presented a paper in the International Conference on “Contemporary Tourism, Practices and innovations” in Sharjah. 3) Prof. G. D. Biji of Department of Zoology attended “Training in Advanced Genomics Techniques” from 08-01-2010 to 20-06-2010 in Germany. ------attended “Workshop on Molecular Evolution” Casky Kurumlor, Czech Republic, Europe from 09-01-2010 to 31-01-2010. ------participated in the International Symposium on Genome, Evolution and Environment, Nagoyu City University, Japan from 30-07-2010 to 05-08-2-10. 4) Dr. S. Dawn Dharma roy, the Principal visited Sri Lanka to participate in the All India Conference for the Principals of Christian Colleges on September 6- 10- 2010. 5) He attended another one in Jakarta, Indonesia during Feb 20-25, 2012. Regarding extension activities, so far forty two houses were constructed for the poor. Five hundred saplings were planted in the nearby villages. Road safety campaign was conducted. Forty unit of blood was donated during 2009-10. Also, AIDS awareness programme was conducted. Also, road safety campaign, affixing label in vehicles, AIDS awareness programme, Voting Awareness programme rally at Marthandam, Plastics awareness rally and Chemmozhi rally at Kanyakumari, Cultural Carnival in Pechiparai were conducted. Also, thirty unit of blood was donated during 2010-11. The students and staff used to visit the Blind School at Irenipuram, Home for the Aged at Karungal, AIDS patients in CBH Puthery, Cancer patients at Neyyoor, Mentally Retarded Home at Kotticode and Tsunami affected areas. Besides these financial assistance is also given to poor cancer patients who approach us. In this way we have helped two patients by giving Rs. 10000/- each. By way of expressing our sympathy and concern for the victims of natural disasters a sum of Rs. 128190/- was donated towards rehabilitation of Thane Cyclone Victims. We are also constructing a house for a poor student who lost her house in the recent rains. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 187 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The faculty of department of Botany offer free consulting services to the research scholars from other colleges by way of identifying medicinal plants used in traditional health care system, assessment of soil and water quality, assisting in gardening, landscaping and also the cultivation of edible mushrooms. The college has five Research Departments as against one at the time of accreditation. They are History, Mathematics, Physics, Botany and Chemistry. Right now, eleven faculty members are doing Ph.D. under FDP. Also, 75 faculty members are Ph.D. holders and 45 faculty members are doing Ph.D. on part-time basis. Now, we have 4 major Research projects funded by UGC and 1 minor Research project funded by UGC while there was only one minor project at the time of accreditation. We have organised 9 Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops sponsored by agencies like UGC/ CSIR/ DST. The faculty of Botany and Physics have already started research work in areas like Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. The Department of Zoology will soon start research work in Bioinformatics. As per the suggestion given in the previous assessment, the departments of Botany and Management Studies have started consultancy services. The Eco club continues to be active and arranges trekking programmes with a view to creating awareness on environmental protection. Often it supplies saplings to students and villages. There are 22 research guides as against at the time of last accreditation. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 188 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERION IV: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 What is the policy of the Institution for creation and enhancement of infrastructure that facilitate effective teaching and learning? The Heads of Departments submit their requirements to the management. Every year, the management allot a particular amount to buy books and to conduct programmes. For science departments, allotments is made to replace computers, purchase equipments and chemicals. The PTA also takes care of items like furniture needed for the class rooms. Management also takes care of additional space necessary for the effective teaching and learning. 4.1.2 Detail the facilities available for a) Curricular and co-curricular activities – classrooms, technology enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories, botanical garden, Animal house, specialized facilities and equipment for teaching, learning and research etc. Nesamony Memorial Christian College is situated in a sprawling woodland of 27 acres. The infrastructure of the college includes 15 huge Blocks to house various departments, Class rooms, Laboratories, stock rooms, NSS, NCC, Physical Education rooms, Seminar halls, Generator rooms, Indoor Stadium etc. (Main Block – 5343 Sq. mts, Botany Block – 2232 Sq. mts., Bishop Selvamony Block – 1000 Sq. mts., Tamil Block – 734 Sq.mts., Emylin Block – 2767 Sq. mts., Vethamonickam Block – 2232 Sq. mts., Canteen Block – 377 Sq. mts., PTA Block – 1906 Sq. mts., NCC Block – 186 Sq. mts., Old Principals Quarters Block -170 Sq. mts., Dennis block – 1878 Sq. mts., Indoor Stadium – 1255 Sq. mts., Book Store – 186 Sq. mts., Womens Hostel – 1860 Sq. mts., Dr. John D. K. Sunder Singh Block – 550 Sq. mts.). The total built up area is 22676 Sq. mts. We have 85 spacious ventilated class rooms with fans and tube lights. We have three seminar halls and 19 laboratories (Physics-4, Chemistry-3, Computer Science-2, Zoology-2, Botany-4, MCA – 1, MBA – 1, Mathematics - 1, Language Lab - 1). All departments have separate staff rooms. A general staff room and a retiring room for the women staff are used to relax between work hours. We have well furnished rooms for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 189 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation the Secretary, the Principal and the Vice-Principal. The Administrative Office is housed in two spacious rooms with enough facilities for the students to remit their fees and to collect certificates and other documents. We have separate office rooms for Career Oriented Programmes, IQAC, Distance Education and Examination related activities. Research rooms are available in the departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and History. Separate Computer laboratories are attached to the Departments of Physics, Mathematics, Management Studies, PG Commerce, Tourism, Computer Applications, Computer Science (A) and Computer Science (SF). Besides the Main Library, twelve departments have their own Library (English – 200 Sq. ft., Mathematics – 400Sq.ft., Physics – 200 Sq. ft., Chemistry – 300 Sq. ft., Botany – 600 Sq. ft., Zoology – 300 Sq. ft., Computer – 100 Sq. ft., Economics – 200 Sq. ft., History – 600 Sq. ft., MCA – 100 Sq. ft., MBA – 800 Sq. ft., PG Zoology -100 Sq. ft). Other departments also have a good collection of subject books in their departments. In view of the large number of women students in the college, the existing retiring hall has been extended and renovated with a number of facilities like the supply of pure drinking water, modern toilets, chairs and dining tables. A canteen caters to the needs of the students and the staff. There is a well equipped language laboratory and the students are taken regularly to the language lab by the English Teachers. The seminar halls are used for conducting seminars, competitions of various kinds of curricular and co-curricular activities. A room has been allotted for the Youth Welfare Department which is ever active on the campus. The department of Zoology maintains an aquarium and a museum with specimens, specimen charts and models. A green house, a fern house, a herbal farm and a good garden with a variety of rare plants form part of the department of Botany. For technology enabled learning one class room is equipped with LCD in almost all departments. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 190 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation b) Extra –curricular activities – sports, outdoor and indoor games, gymnasium, auditorium, NSS, NCC, cultural activities, Public speaking, communication skills development, yoga, health and hygiene etc. The college has a large playground which is used for playing games like football/cricket/athletics etc. Also, the college has a Tennis court, Volley Ball courts, Shuttle courts, Tennikoit courts and gymnasium facilities to facilitate the learners to maintain a sound body along with a sound mind. The construction work of the UGC sponsored Indoor Stadium is nearing completion. For developing communication skills of students, a language lab is established with 24 computers and ear phones. All sports items like bat, balls and nets are amply supplied by the college from management /government fund to make the students proficient in these games. There are separate rooms for NCC, NSS, Physical activities and extension activities. A 100m obstacle race track is also available. Various competitions, cultural activities and other awareness programmes are conducted in the Seminar Halls and class rooms. A public speaking permanent stage is available in the Main Block. The important programmes such as College Day, Union Day, Cultural Day and Graduation Day are conducted infront of this stage. 4.1.3 How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is in line with its academic growth and is optimally utilized? Give specific examples of the facilities developed/augmented and the amount spent during the last four years (Enclose the Master Plan of the Institution/ campus and indicate the existing physical infrastructure and the future planned expansions if any). Two storeys have been added to the already existing Botany Block at a cost of Rs. 63 lakhs. Also, the garden in front of the department has assumed a new shape since 2005. M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Chemistry classes and laboratories are housed in this three storey building. Few toilets have also been constructed in this block for the students. 10 rooms have been constructed in the second floor of the Main Block to accommodate classes like M.Sc. Physics, BA Tamil, B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Zoology and the Bio-informatics laboratory at an estimate of Rs. 80 lakhs. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 191 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation A Ladies Hostel has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.3 crores of which Rs. 1 crore was borne by the UGC. A mega water project at an estimate of Rs. 70 lakhs was completed in 2009. As a result, the college gets uninterrupted water supply from the giant bore well dug in the Kuzhithurai river bed. The base of the water tank has been used as the student book store. The playground was extended and a compound wall was constructed near the Women’s hostel for Rs. 2.5 lakhs. The recreation hall has been extended further considering the increase in the number of girl students every year. Additional toilets have been constructed in the Girls Recreation Hall at a cost of Rs. 10 lakhs. The new three-storeied are Dr. John D. K. Sunder Singh Block was constructed in the year 2011 at a cost of Rs. 45 lakhs. All the Economics classes, History Department staff room, Economics Department staff room and a Seminar hall were housed in this building. Former Economics block has been renovated with concrete roofing to accommodate Tamil Department staff room and two Tamil Department classes at a cost of Rs. 8 lakhs. Dennis block was constructed to accommodate MBA, BBA, MCA and Chemistry classes, Department staff rooms, Laboratories, Libraries, and Seminar Hall for Rs. 2 cores. The construction of Indoor Stadium funded by UGC (Rs. 70 lakhs) is under construction. A car shed and a generator room was constructed for Rs. 2.5 lakhs. Two rooms are under construction for Bio-informatics classes in the main block at an estimated cost of Rs. 15 lakhs. The available infrastructure facilities are utilized effectively by conducting regular classes, correspondence course classes, examination for regular, correspondence and B.Ed. courses. Outside agencies like Universities, Government Departments, and NGOs are also allowed to utilise the available facilities for conducting seminars, training programmes for teachers /presiding officers for census and election work. Also, for conducting premarital counselling, Police parade, firing camps, Coaching classes, Bank exams, TNPSC exams, VAO exam, Career Oriented Programmes, Young Scientist Programme, Painting exhibition, Competitions by Hero Honda Company(Bharath Motors) & Lions club, Best Bike Rider programme, Retired staff association meetings, Magic show in collaboration with District administration, State/District level annual NCC Camps, Sports tournaments for school students. People of the neighbourhood make use of the college playground and the available gymnasium facilities to keep themselves fit. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 192 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4.1.4 How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of students with physical disabilities? The UGC has sanctioned Rs. 944000/- under XI Five year plan for providing infrastructure to the physically challenged students. The construction work is going on in Vedamonickam Block for the benefit of Differently Abled students under a special scheme for Rs. 5 lakhs. 4.1.5 Give details on the residential facility and various provisions available within them: • Hostel Facility – Accommodation available We have a Girls Hostel in which 130 Girls can be accommodated. There is no Hostel for boys. 60 Girls are now staying in the Hostel. There are 36 triple bedded rooms, 2 common halls, a TV room, a sick room, a Kitchen, a dining hall and a store room in the Girls Hostel. • Recreational facilities, gymnasium, yoga center, etc. There is one Television set in the Girls Hostel. In the recreation hall for girls, there are newspapers and magazines to be used by them during leisure hours. They can play games like Carom, Chess, Snake and ladder in the recreation hall. • Computer facility including access to internet in hostel We provide a computer with internet facility in the women’s hostal. • Facilities for medical emergencies First Aid Kit is made available in the Hostel. For emergency, students are brought to the Mission Hospital (run by CSI trust) just 200m away from our college. • Library facility in the hostels Not available • Internet and Wi-Fi facility Not available • Recreational facility-common room with audio-visual equipments A Television set is available in the Recreation hall. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 193 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Available residential facility for the staff and occupancy Constant supply of safe drinking water Residential facility is not available for staff. Water facility is available for 24 hours in the Hostel. Also, RO filtered water is supplied for the residents of hostel also. • Security The hostel is protected with compound walls. Also, watchmen are on duty during Day and Night. 4.1.6 What are the provisions made available to students and staff in terms of health care on the campus and off the campus? We have collaboration with the CSI Mission Hospital, Marthandam which is very near to our college. We used to conduct medical check-up by qualified Doctors with the assistance of trained Nurses and Lab Technician every year and medical advice to students are given if necessary to consult specialists. Also, the college vehicle is used to take sick students home or to the hospital as desired by them. First-Aid Kit is provided at in all departments including Hostel. 4.1.7 Give details of the Common Facilities available on the campus –spaces for special units like IQAC, Grievance Redressal unit, Women’s Cell, Counseling and Career Guidance, Placement Unit, Health Centre, Canteen, recreational spaces for staff and students, safe drinking water facility, auditorium, etc. There is a common staff room and also a retiring room for the ladies. There is a Day Care Centre within the campus funded by UGC. There are common hall for students (Girls). There are few beds in the Girls’ retiring hall. There are four sheds to park the vehicles of staff and students. The college has a guest house in the adjacent campus. There is a canteen in the college. It is largely used by both the staff and students. The canteen provides variety of snacks, tea, coffee, cool drinks, ice cream and meals. Free meals for nearly 130 deserving students are also served in the canteen. The college has a Book Store which promptly supplies note books and text books for students. The students browse internet in the library. They can also use the internet services available in the departments. Though, our college is situated in a rural background, the villages have good connectivity by road. And so students have easy access to the college. RO filtered water is available in all blocks of the college. Our college has five giant generators (125 KV – 2, 62.5 KV – 1, 32 KV – 1 and 16 KV – 1) to provide uninterrupted power supply. Also, we have UPS in all computer laboratories and inverter in the college office. We have close circuit TV with 16 terminals in the campus. There is a Public Address System through which all announcements are given to the students in the class Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 194 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation rooms. Speakers are provided in all class rooms, staff rooms, labs, library, retiring halls etc. A complaint register is kept in the Vice-Principal’s room to record the defects in electrical connections that need to be rectified. There is a separate room for IQAC which is equipped with Furnitures, Computer and Printer. 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource 4.2.1 Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the composition of such a committee. What significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user friendly? Yes. The composition of committee: Advisory Committee for Library Mr. C. Paulson : Librarian Dr. Issac Jeyadhas : Convener Dr. S. Jaya Kumar : Co-convenor Members Dr. L.M. Samuel Nayagam : Dept of English Dr. J. Devaraj : Dept of Mathematics Mr. A. Aby Regieson Sylum : Dept of Comp.Science Mr. P.S. William Natha Raj : Dept of Physics Mrs. D. Latha : Dept of Comp. Appls. Mr. O. Reegan : Dept of Tourism Mr. Charles R. Jeba Singh : Dept of Mgt.Studies Mr. R. Francis : Dept of PG Commerce In order to utilise the optimum use of Library, the members advise the staff and students of their departments to go to the library for refering books during free hours. Steps have been taken to see that the library is neat and tidy. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 195 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Whenever a deficiency is noticed, the members advise the library staff and see that the deficiencies are rectified promptly. To update the library every year, the committee takes steps to add more books and journals to the existing stock. Also, it took efforts along with the Principal and the Secretaty to provide more computers in the library for internet access. 4.2.2 Provide details of the following: ∗ Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.) 777 Sq. Mts. ∗ Total seating capacity 90 ∗ Working hours (on working days, on holidays, before examination days, during examination days, during vacation) On working Days : 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. On holidays : 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (During vacation the library is kept open on all Wednesdays) ∗ Layout of the library (individual reading carrels, lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone for accessing e-resources) Reference Section 84 sq.m. Entrance Stack Room 279 sq.m. Reading Room Issue Counter 10 sq.m. Office 74 sq.m. Internet Cafin 10 sq.m. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 196 of 339 330 sq.m. Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4.2.3. How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles, print and ejournals and other reading materials? Specify the amount spent on procuring new books, journals and e-resources during the last four years. 2009-10 Library holdings Number Text books 50 Total Cost Rs. 2010-11 Number 7000 1119 Total Cost Rs. 323485 2011-12 Number 593 Total Cost Rs. 307580 2012-13 Number Total Cost Rs. 58 48283 314 Gift books Reference Books 95 20000 22 7510 92 31576 21 12290 Journals/ Periodicals 78 104145 54 99813 60 143295 24 46300 INFLIBNET 5000 INFLIBNET 5000 270 65369 11 Gift books e-resources General Books Dailies & Popular Magezines 632 17 17 Total 228950 25423 98 17 14 385518 25000 22626 478434 17 14 23457 576277 17 14 27854 139727 Every year, the librarian gets the list of books and journals to be purchased from the departments and he places orders for these in consultation with the Principal. The new books and journals are displayed on the display rack. Also, a list is maintained on the library Notice Board. To encourage reading habit, the college has made available the newspapers: The Hindu (3 copies), Indian Express (2 copies), Dinamani (2 copies), Dinathanthi (2 copies), Dinamalar (2 copies), Malayala Manorama (1 copy), Dinakaran (2 copies), Mathruboomi (1 copy), Kerala Kaumathi (1 copy) and Business line (1 copy) and periodicals like The Week, Anantha Vikadan, Kunkumum, Thuglak, Vanitha, Mathurboomi, Health, Kalki, Employment News, India Today (Tamil & English), Frontline, Sportstar, Bashaboshini and Competition Success. 4.2.4. Provide details on the ICT and other tools deployed to provide maximum access to the library collection? ∗ OPAC OPAC Facility is available in the Library; an average of 50 students utilize this facility every day. ∗ Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals We have INFLIBNET facility. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 197 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple databases Nil. ∗ Library Website We have only college website viz The Library details are available in the college website. ∗ In-house/remote access to e-publications Yes. The staff uses the inhouse and remote access to e-resource. ∗ Library automation Library management software is used for Library Automation, Book issue/return & OPAC. ∗ Total number of computers for public access 8 (with internet connectivity) ∗ Total numbers of printers for public access 1 ∗ Internet band width/ speed 512 kbps. ∗ Institutional Repository Yes. (Photography, College magazine, Prospectus, Hand Book, College Library, EBooks[INFLIBNET], News clippings, Question Bank, Journals Published by the college and Videos). ∗ Content management system for e-learning Ten e-journals are subscribed by the Department of Management Studies. ∗ Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia (like Inflibnet) INFLIBNET facility is available in the Library. The user id and password are made known to all students and staff. They utilize this facility regularly. 4.2.5. Provide details on the following items: ∗ Average number of walk-ins 300 per day ∗ Average number of books issued/returned 38 per day ∗ Ratio of library books to students enrolled 57500/3294 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 198 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Average number of books added during last three years 866 ∗ Average number of login to opac (OPAC) 52 per day ∗ Average number of login to e-resources 15 per day ∗ Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed 15 per day ∗ Number of information literacy trainings organized 1 per year ∗ Details of “weeding out” of books and other materials Every year after stock verification, the damaged books are weeding out with the permission of the Principal. An average of 50 books are weeding out every year. 4.2.6. ∗ Give details of the specialized services provided by the library Manuscripts Nil ∗ Reference There is a separate reference section in the Library where 1712 books are available including competitive exam books, Encyclopaedia Britanica and Oxford English Dictionary. ∗ Reprography One Xerox mechine is available in Library. Students and staff can take copies of books and journals here itself. ∗ ILL (Inter Library Loan Service) Nil. ∗ Information deployment and notification (Information Deployment and Notification) Details of new arrivals are displayed in the notice board. ∗ Download Students and Staff download study meterials from the internet. ∗ Printing Printing facility is available in the Library. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 199 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Reading list/ Bibliography compilation This facility is also available in the Library. ∗ In-house/remote access to e-resources The staff uses the inhouse and remote access to e-resource. ∗ User Orientation and awareness User Orientation and awareness are given to the I year students classwise every year. ∗ Assistance in searching Databases The Library staff members help the students in searching Databases. ∗ INFLIBNET/IUC facilities INFLIBNET facility is available in the Library. The user id and password are made known to all the students and staff through notice boards. They utilize this facility regularly. Thousands of books and journals on science subjects can be accessed through this facility. 4.2.7. Enumerate on the support provided by the Library staff to the students and teachers of the college. The details of new arrivals are displayed in the library notice board. The librarian sends the list of new books and journals to the departments which are displayed in the Department Notice boards. 4.2.8. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually/physically challenged persons? Give details. For visually challenged students, we intend to provide Braille book. 4.2.9. Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it analysed and used for improving the library services. (What strategies are deployed by the Library to collect feedback from users? How is the feedback analysed and used for further improvement of the library services?) Yes. We have started getting feedback from users. We prepared a questionnaire regarding the facilities and services rendered by the library. After getting the feedback, Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 200 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation we analyse it by viewing the opinion of majority of the readers and taking corrective measures. 4.3. IT Infrastructure 4.3.1. Give details on the computing facility available (hardware and software) at the institution. • Number of computers with Configuration (provide actual number with exact configuration of each available system) No of computers Department of Computer Applications - 50 Department of Computer Science (A) - 50 Department of Computer Science (S.F) - 40 Department of Physics - 18 Department of Mathematics - 20 Department of Management Studies -7 Department of PG Commerce - 20 Department of Tourism - 12 Office - 17 Language lab - 24 Library - 11 Principal’s office - 3 (one server, two computers) Other Departments - 10 Total Numbers of Computers - 283 Beside these, I & II MBA students have deposited 77 laptops in the department. In Physics department, the computers have the following configuration: Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 201 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Intel Atom Processor -7 Dual core - 10 Laptop –Intel Celeron processor -1 In Mathematics Department, the computers are with the following configuration: Pentium III -7 Pentium IV -2 Pentium I Cyrix media GX -3 Intel Celeron System -2 Pentium (D) -3 Intel Pentium (R) -2 Laptop-Intel Celeron processor -1 The configuration of the computers in the office is Intel Core 13-550-17. In the Department of Computer Science, Computer Applications, and the Computer Centre, the configuration of the Computers is Pentium IV. In the Department of Management Studies, the configuration of the computers are i3 Core, Core 2 Duo’s, Pentium inside. In the language lab, the configuration of the computers is Intel (R) Pentum 4 – Windows XP 2002. In the Library, the configuration of the Computers is Pentium(R) Dual core – Windows XP 2002. • Computer-student ratio 1:11 • Stand alone facility Stand alone facility is available in the department of Mathematics. • LAN facility LAN facility is available in the departments of Computer Applications, Computer Science, Physics, Management Studies and Language Lab. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 202 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • Licensed software In the language lab the software installed is ENTL Language Lab(Licensed) one teacher console and twenty nine student console. In the Library, the software installed is Library Management Software, developed by Dr. Jacob Vetharaj. In the Department of Computer Applications, Mathematics, Computer Science and PG Commerce we have the licensed software 1touchmobile. In the Department of Physics, we have open source Linux Ubuntu Suse Debian. • Number of nodes/ computers with Internet facility 86 • Any other 4.3.2 Detail on the computer and internet facility made available to the faculty and students on the campus and off-campus? The student and staff avail the online facility for obtaining information regarding competitive examinations like NET/SET/GATE/GRE etc. They can apply for these exams online. Internet services are available for all from 9am to 4.30pm. At a time, eight members can avail the facility at present. Efforts are being taken to increase the number of computers for internet use. There is no time limit for the members. However they have to take into account the need of others waiting to use the same. There is no licensed software as such in the library, and the one which is in use, has been developed by our faculty member, Prof. Jacob Vetharaj of Computer Science department which is known as ‘Library Management Software’. There are eleven computers in the library, of which, three are for automation purpose and eight for internet access. We have broad band connection in the library to access internet. There is a Xerox machine inside the library to enable the students and staff to get the required materials xeroxed immediately. Besides these, the Faculty and Students can browse internet in their respective departments. Other than Library, 78 computers have internet facility in the college. 4.3.3 What are the institutional plans and strategies for deploying and upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities? Usually, we upgrade our computers once in a year. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 203 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4.3.4 Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for procurement, upgradation, deployment and maintenance of the computers and their accessories in the institution (Year wise for last four years) We are the permanent customers of Ellipse computers and we have a very cordial relationship with the company. Whenever there is a need or a fault, they immediately attend to it and make things right. During 2012-13, Budget for maintenance, deployment and update: Rs. 100000/During 2011-12, Budget for maintenance, deployment and update: Rs. 1000000/During 2010-11, Budget for maintenance, deployment and update: Rs. 500000/During 2009-10, Budget for maintenance, deployment and update: Rs. 2000000/4.3.5 How does the institution facilitate extensive use of ICT resources including development and use of computer-aided teaching/ learning materials by its staff and students? Almost all departments are provided with LCD projectors and computers. Many of our faculty members use these for effective and interesting teaching-learning process. The faculty also encourages interested students to use LCD projectors for seminar presentation. In general, faculty members prepare learning materials in CDs and slides. In certain departments like Zoology, Physics, Botany photographs and available pictures are scanned to be used in LCD. Sometimes, rare photos are downloaded and focused on LCD. In Physics department, to improve the language skill of the students, they prepare materials by downloading movies which are screened on LCD projectors. Also, they interface computer with equipments like AD card and stepermotor. 4.3.6 Elaborate giving suitable examples on how the learning activities and technologies deployed (access to on-line teaching - learning resources, independent learning, ICT enabled classrooms/learning spaces etc.) by the institution place the student at the centre of teaching-learning process and render the role of a facilitator for the teacher. As far as possible, seminars are conducted in ICT enabled class rooms. The student who is conducting the seminar assumes the central role and the teacher interferes only if it is necessory. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 204 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4.3.7 Does the Institution avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity directly or through the affiliating university? If so, what are the services availed of? No 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Facilities 4.4.1 How does the institution ensure optimal allocation and utilization of the available financial resources for maintenance and upkeep of the following facilities ( substantiate your statements by providing details of budget allocated during last four years)? The amount spent for the following facilities given bellow: 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 a. Building 2562140 9163844 293211 1588595 b. Furniture 477182 93371 75000 1118795 c. Equipment 253519 862064 442747 219367 d. Computers 1915435 440930 982355 - e. Vehicles 110788 666893 4907 30299 f. Any other We have an electrician, a plumber, a supervisor, and a driver for the college. Besides utilizing their services, the college hires skilled labourers like carpenters, electricians and technicians needed to do the required maintenance work. 4.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for maintenance and upkeep of the infrastructure, facilities and equipment of the college? The maintenance works are systematically carried out through proper procedureobtaining estimate from leading contractors and giving to the lowest bidder. It is supervised by our college supervisor who duly reports the progress of the work to the management. The final payment is made only after the inspection of the work by the authorities. The supervisor sees to it that the maintenance work is carried out within the allocated budget. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 205 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4.4.3 How and with what frequency does the institute take up calibration and other precision measures for the equipment/instruments? The equipments / instruments are calibrated before the practical session and both the teaching and the technical staff take up the responsibility of calibration. 4.4.4 What are the major steps taken for location, upkeep and maintenance of sensitive equipment( voltage fluctuations, constant supply of water etc.)? We have a separate transformer inside the campus and we don’t experience any voltage fluctuation. As we have a gaint well in the Kuzhithurai river bed in our land, we have unintrterrupted water supply. Any other relevant information regarding Infrastructure and Learning Resources which the college would like to include. The library has been computerised and online facility is also available in the library. These facilities help both students and faculty to update their knowledge. We have permitted external agencies to conduct the following Programmes: 1) Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) examinations, Railway Recruitment examination, Bank exam, Tamil Nadu Open University examination, Annamalai University DD & CE examination, B. Ed. Examination, M. S. University DD & CE examinations, Community College examinations. 2) State level NCC Camp for School Children and college Students 3) Lions Club Programmes 4) Bharath Motors conducted competitions 5) Karate Training and competitions to outsiders 6) Magic Show in collaboration with District administration 7) Training programme for election and census officers. All the departments have been provided with computer and most of the students are computer literate. The office has also been automated. The college has new Broad Band connection. We could not avail the facility offered by AICTE due to some technical reasons. However, we have subscribed to INFLIBNET this year. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 206 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Students who represent the college in various sports and games are provided with nutritious food. Fee concession is provided to students who are proficient in sports (Last year two M.Sc. Physics students and two M.Com. students were given fee concession) Girls Hostel has already started functioning. It was built with UGC assistance of about 1 crore rupees. The Girls Retiring Room can accommodate more than 2000 students. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 207 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERION V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 5.1.1 Student Mentoring and Support Does the institution publish its updated prospectus/handbook annually? If ‘yes’, what is the information provided to students through these documents and how does the institution ensure its commitment and accountability? Yes, the Prospectus, Hand book and Calendar are updated every year. The college website is also updated frequently. The activities and achievements of the students and staff are published in the college magazine and news letter. The hand book provides a brief history of the college, objectives, members of the staff, courses offered, payment of fees, details regarding scholarships, student aid fund and free mid-day meals scheme. It also gives the rules and regulations to be followed, the campus facilities and students’ amenities, the constitution of the students’ council and curriculum details. The endowment prizes, the various associations, clubs and committees. The co-curricular and extension activities, placement cell, the academic calendar, telephone numbers of various colleges, important offices and the allotment of class rooms are also given. Apart from these details, the college website also contains the vision, mission of the college and staff profile. The details of admission policy& fees structure are some of the features highlighted in the prospectus. The University question papers since last year and the Annual Quality Assurance Report since – 2007-08 could be viewed on the website. 5.1.2 Specify the type, number and amount of institutional scholarships / freeships given to the students during the last four years and whether the financial aid was available and disbursed on time? We have been providing free mid-day meals for the poor students for the past fifteen years. During 2009-10, we provided free mid-day meals to 125 poor students worth Rs. 173669/-. During 2010-11, we provided to 135 students worth Rs. 226697/-. During 2011-12, we provided mid-day meals to 130 students worth Rs. 134675/-. During 2012-13, we provided mid-day meals to 130 students worth Rs. 150000/-. During 2009-10, we distributed Rs. 45000/- to 45 students. During 2010-11, the management has given Rs. 48000/- to 48 poor students. Also, during 2011-12, the management has given Rs. 48000/- to 48 poor students. During 2009-10, we distributed Rs. 40000/- to 40 students as endowment prizes. During 2010-11, we distributed Rs. 40500/- to 32 girls and 8 boys as endowment prizes. During 2011-12, we distributed Rs. 17850/- to 50 students as endowment prizes. During 2012-13, we distributed Rs. 20900/- to 51 students as endowment prizes. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 208 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation During 2009-10, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15500/- to 30 poor and meritorious students. During 2010-11, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15750/- to 33 poor and meritorious students. During 2011-12, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 22750/- to 16 poor and meritorious students. During 2012-13, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 16250/- to 17 poor and meritorious students. From the academic year 2010-11 onwards, we introduced a new scheme for the first rank holders in the college and the eminents sports persons that they can continue their studies without paying fees. Under the scheme during 2010-11, 6 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 74000/-. During 2011-12, 11 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 60000/-. During 2012-13, 14 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 120000/-. In some departments, faculty members provide financial aid to poor students. Mathematics: Rs. 6000/- to the final year B.Sc. (2010-11) students, Vijayan and Anisha. Dr. Prabhavathy contributed Rs. 1000/- to the student who come first in the state level sports. Department of Physics contributed Rs.8000/- to C. Priya, B.Sc. III year, J. S. Chithra, B.Sc. III year (2010-11). Our Principal, Dr. S. D. D. Roy, donated track shoes to Mr. Jose, the College Champion (2010-11). Department of English donated Rs. 100000/on 16-05-2013 to the III year student Satheesh who met with an accident. Also Department of English donated Rs. 35000/- and the management donated Rs. 30000/- to a poor old student Jemima for constructing House. The Department of Management studies’ staff and students donated Rs. 75000/- to a II year BBA student, Sindhu who met with an accident. The amount for the endowment prizes, Mid-day meals and Alumni prizes is available in the college account. The poor students can take mid-day meals right from reopening of the college. The other two prizes are distributed during college day. We distribute the college scholarship for poor students if fund is available. 5.1.3 What percentage of students receive financial assistance from state government, central government and other national agencies? Out of 3304 students, 1512 students received financial assistance from various Government agencies (45%). 5.1.4 What are the specific support services/facilities available for Students from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections Government scholarship is available for all students from SC/ST and OBC in aided courses. During 2012-13, 1512 students out of 3304 students received scholarship Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 209 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation from various government agencies. We have been conducting NET coaching classes under UGC scheme for the SC/ST/OBC/Minority students for the last four years. Details are given below: 2009-2010 S.No . SC Subjects Students OBC (NonST No. of creamy Teachers tests layer) and engaged held Students minority students Mathematical Science - - 24 4 1 2 Chemical Science - - 14 4 1 3 Life Science - - 17 5 1 4 History - - 20 4 1 5 Commerce - - 11 5 1 - - 22 6 1 1 6 Management Studies Results of No. of Examinations pages/ (indicate typed performance- No. of material students given to appeared/passed/Fail students ed No. of students 150 appeared:9 No. of students 150 appeared:2 No. of students 150 appeared:7 No. of students 150 appeared:3 No. of students 150 appeared:5 No. of students 150 appeared:8 Total number of students who underwent coaching - 108 Total number of students appeared for the exam – 34 2010-2011 Total no. of students benefited: 199 Sl. No. Subjects Mathematical Sciences Physical 2 Sciences Chemical 3 Sciences 1 SC Students 1 1 - 4 Life Sciences - Computer Sciences - 5 6 English - 7 History - Nesamony Memorial Christian College Results of OBC (NonNo.of pages/ Examinations Creamy No. of typed (indicate ST Teachers layer) and tests material performance- No. of Students engaged Minority held given to students students students appeared/pass/ Failed No. of students 27 5 2 150 appeared :21 No. of students 30 4 2 150 appeared: 18 No. of students 23 5 2 180 appeared: 8 No. of students 33 6 1 200 appeared: 28 No. of students 24 5 1 250 appeared: 12 No. of students 23 5 1 100 appeared: 11 No. of students 12 5 2 200 appeared: 12 Page 210 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 8 Commerce - - 25 4 2 No. of students appeared:16 150 2011-2012 Total no. of students benefited: 94 Subjects OBC (Noncreamy SC ST Teachers layer) and students students engaged Minority students No. of tests held Results of No. of Examinations pages/ (Indicate typed performance-No. material of students given to appeared/ students Passed/ Failed 1 Mathematical Sciences - - 9 4 2 250 No. of students appeared: 9 2 Physical Sciences - - 9 4 2 200 No. of students appeared: 9 3 Chemical Sciences - - 17 6 2 300 No. of students appeared: 17 4 Life Sciences - - 8 3 2 250 No. of students appeared: 8 5 Tamil - - 10 8 2 250 No. of students appeared: 10 6 English - - 16 5 2 350 No. of students appeared: 15 7 History - - 13 6 2 300 No. of students appeared: 12 8 Commerce - - 12 5 2 200 No. of students appeared: 12 2012 – 2013 Total no. of students benefited: 171 Subjects 1 Mathematical Sciences OBC (Noncreamy SC ST layer) students students and Minority students - Nesamony Memorial Christian College - 22 Teachers engaged No. of tests held No. of pages/ typed material given to students 4 1 - Page 211 of 339 Results of Examinations (Indicate performance-No. of students appeared/ Passed/ Failed No. of students appeared: 8 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2 Physical Sciences - - 27 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 10 3 Chemical Sciences - - 21 6 1 - No. of students appeared: 11 4 Life Sciences - - 28 3 1 - No. of students appeared: 14 5 Tamil - - 22 6 1 - No. of students appeared:12 6 English - - 20 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 10 7 History - - 12 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 8 8 Commerce - - 19 4 1 - No. of students appeared: 13 During the Last five years, twenty students have passed the exams NET/ SET/ TET. Students with physical disabilities The UGC has sanctioned Rs. 944000/- under XI Five year plan for providing infrastructure to the physically challenged students. The construction work is going on in Vedamonickam Block for the benefit of Differently Abled students under the scheme for Rs. 5 lakhs. During 2011-12, 12 differently abled students got scholarships worth Rs. 37500/-; 5 students got scholarships for reading materials for Rs. 12500/-. We have formed an Enabling unit with the Principal as patron and Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh, Head, Department of Tourism Management as Co-ordinator under the scheme – Higher Education for Persons with Special Need (HEPSN). Activities of the Enabling Unit The unit was inaugurated by Mrs. Shanti Glory Emerald, District Differently abled welfare officer, Kanyakumari District on 9th April 2010. • • • • It facilitated to get admission to Differently-abled students in various courses. It provided guidance and counselling to differently-abled students. It created awareness about the needs of differently-abled students. It gathered government orders dealing with free concessions, examination procedures, reservation policies etc. pertaining to differently-abled persons (They were exempted fully from paying of Special and examination fees as per the Government Order, dated 28-06-2010). Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 212 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation • • • • It sent two differently-abled students of the unit for a oneday awareness programme on Higher Education System for Teachers and Differently-Abled Students (APHSTD), held on 25-03-2011, at MS University, Tirunelveli. An interactive programme was held at our college on 01-03-2012 to identify the grievances and requirements of the students. The unit has taken a decision to distribute VCD player as per the request of visually impaired students and also decided to meet the requirement of the other categories of students through government agencies. The unit has purchased three computers for giving Training to all students. In order to give special training to visually impaired students, software – ‘JAWS’ is installed. The unit sent two students and a faculty for a one day programme on Differently abled students, held at MS University, Tirunelveli, on 30-03-2012. At present, the unit has a strength of 24 students with different types of disabilities such as physically handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired etc. Overseas students Nil. Students to participate in various competitions/National and International The Department of Youth Welfare provides ample opportunities for students to bring out and mould their talents. It also helps students to gain self confidence. All the departments encourage their students to participate in the activities organized by the youth welfare department. Every year, the department conducts nearly 50 competitions such as elocution, drawing, painting, flower arrangement, dance (western, Folk[solo/group])etc. Besides these, several departments also conduct competitions and give prizes to the winners. Our students also participate in competitions outside college and win prizes. The students are also encouraged to involve in sports and games. Nutritious food is given to outstanding sports students. From 2010-11 onwards fees concession is allowed for the students proficient in sports in state level. Special exams are conducted for sports students who participate in intercollegiate and inter University tournaments. The winners of the various competitions are honoured by announcing their names through public address system and also have photo session with the Principal. Also the students are sent to participate on various co-curricular competitions such us quiz, paper presentation etc. conducted by other Colleges and Universities. Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc. Every year we conduct medical check-up for all first year students. We installed first aid boxes at many important points. We do not need Health centre inside the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 213 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation campus, since the Mission Hospital run by CSI management just 200 meters away from the college, to which the sick students are sent. Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams Coaching Classes for TNPSC and Banking Services examinations were conducted during 2009-11. Every year, 3 batches of students were (200 Students) coached. Skill development (spoken English, computer literacy, etc.,) Except English, Tamil and History all the departments have computer subjects incorporated in the curriculum. The departments like Zoology, Botany and Chemistry which do not have Computer laboratories of their own, use the laboratories available in other departments. This helps the students from departments other than Computer science and Computer Applications, to gain basic level of proficiency in computer. We conduct a certificate course on Spoken English under COP. Also, we have a language lab where we give training to first and second year UG students to improve their communication skill. Support for “slow learners” We have been conducting remedial coaching classes for slow learners in many departments. Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning/ corporate/business house etc. In our curriculum, we have project/ dissertation at the level of UG, PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. Our students visit industries, Research Institutions and Universities for using the Library and Laboratory facilities available in the esteemed organizations. Also, they consult the experts and Faculty Members while preparing their project report. They access these organizations taking a letter of introduction from the HoD/ Principal. Some of the Research Students of the Research Department of Physics visited Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, National Geomagnetic Research Laboratory, Tirunelveli, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Tiruvananthapuram, Indian Space Research Organisation, Tiruvananthapuram, National Physical Laboratary, New Delhi, Indira Ghandhi Centre for Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam and Central University of Hyderabad and utilized the facilities available there while preparing their project report. The Research Scholars of the Research Department of History went to the Libraries of Archives (State and Central), Trivananthapuram, Archives, Chennai, Kannimara Library Chennai, Library of University of Kerala, Trivananthapuram. The M.Phil Scholars of Department of English visited the Libraries of American College, Madurai and University of Kerala, Trivananthapuram. Also the students visited All India Radio Station and Daily Thanthi Newspaper Press at Nagercoil. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 214 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The PG Students of the Research Department of Botany visit Nurseries, Medicianal Gardens and Natural habitats such as Marine Eco System, Wild life Sancturaries, Reserve Forest etc. They also visit the Biotechnology lab of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, TBGRI, Polode and Centre for Environmental Studies, Alwarkurichi. The PG and M.Phil. Scholars of the department of Zoology were taken to the Rajiv National Institute of Biotechnology, Tiruvananthapuram, Louis Pasteur Institute, Connoor, Kings Institute, Guindy, Chennai, Fisheries College and Research Institute Tuticorin and Agricultural Research Centre, Thirupathisaram. The PG Students of Tamil Department had field trips to St. Joseph’s Press Tiruvananthapuram, Shooting Studio and Folklore Auditorium of St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkotai. The UG/PG/M.Phil. students of the Research Department of Chemistry had field trips to Laborataries such as RRL, Thiruvananthapuram, Sai Analysis Laboratary, Pechiparai and Nagercoil, Glass Industry Tiruvananthapuram and National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Tiruvananthapuram. The BBA and MBA Students used to do their Projects in Companies in Chennai, Tiruvananthapuram and Bangalore including Ford India Private Limited, Chennai, HCL Info Systems, Chennai, Terumo Penpol, Thiruvananthapuram, Roots Industries India Limited, Coimbatore, Premier Building Material Private Limited, Chennai, KCP Sugar Industries, Chennai, Kerala Kaumudy Newspaper, Thiruvananthapuram, Hundai, Chennai, KMR’S Puri, Chennai, VVD & Sons Private Limited, Tuticorin, Aavin Milk, Nagercoil, Nanjil Milk, Nagercoil, Keltron, Thiruvananthapuram. The MCA and M.Sc. Computer Science Students do their major projects in well established companies in Chennai, Bangalore and Tiruvananthapuram such as UG Technologies, Tiruvananthapuram, White Oval Technologies Private Limited, Thiruvananthapuram, RV Associates, Chennai, TANDEM Institute of Networking Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, SAISYS Solutions, Chennai. The link with the industries and Research Bodies help the students to achieve maximum gains to meet the very purpose of the Curriculum. The Affiliating University sent the structure of the curriculum, syllabus, question pattern, teaching hours of theory and practical well in advance. Also, (the University representative) the Co-ordinator of CBCS explained to Heads of the Departments about the curriculum at the time of introducing CBCS. In this scheme, we have effective interaction with Industry, Research Bodies and University. Publication of student magazines The department of Management Studies publishes a house journal ‘Zoomer’, Department of Malayalam publishes ‘Shavika’, Department of Tourism ‘Tornus’ and Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 215 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Department of English publishes ‘Incria’ for which students make contributions. The students have the privilege of making contributions to the magazine in four languages. The Department of Tourism Management publishes a journal once in three years. The students used to publish various articles in these journals and the college magazine. Details of articles published by students during 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013: College magazine publications: Sl.No. Name Class Title 1. A. Prem Kumar I BBA “Sylendra Babu IPS” 2. S. Manoj II B.Sc. Com. Sc. “Think About” 3. M. Reeja II BA His “Losses” 4. M. Ajilin Jenisha III B.Com (C.A) “Unity” 5. J. Jerisha I B.Sc. Bot “Endeavour” 6. R. Bibi 7. K. Sasbitha Mol I M.Sc. Bot “Gandhiji to appear again” 8. S. Lisha II BA Tam “Appreciative Mind” 9. M. Ajilin Jenisha III B.Com (C.A) “Blood is red” 10. M. Berju Biniga Peels II M.Sc. Com.Sc. “Sky” 11. K. Padma I B.Sc. Com.Sc. “Teachers’ Day” 12. M. R. Milton Mark III BA His “The Yields of Seeds Spread” 13. C. Sithan Dev II B.Sc. Zoo “Archeo fritress” 14. S. Sathish Kumar M.Phil. Maths “Two eyes – Mission Service & Social service” 15. Raja I MBA “The Depth of Friendship” 16. K. Sasbitha Mol I M.Sc. Bot “Hike” 17. V. Anisha I B.Sc. Bot “Dowry” 18. M. Viji II BA His “Life” 19. J. Jinu I BA Tamil “The India liked by me” Nesamony Memorial Christian College “Towards NCC” Page 216 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 20. N. Sreedhar II BA Eco “Holy Place” 21. N. G. Githeeba III B.Sc. Maths “The Thoughts of Drugs” 22. L. Berinlobo II BBA “The World to Awaken” 23. M. Vinu Singh II BA His “Live – In You” 24. K. Binu Mol I B.Com (C.A) “The Birth & Victory” 25. J. Stalin I MA History “NMCC – The Gift of God” 26. S. R. Arun II MA English “College Days” 27. R. K. Vincilla II BA English “Shine After Rain” 28. K. Prabhavathy II B.Sc. Physics “Luck” 29. M. Rubin Mon 30. M. Shabeena Beevi III BA English “Loneliness” 31. K.S. Shirmi III BA English “Value of Time” 32. V. Ashok Kumar III B.Com.(C.A) “Tribute to A Hero Major. Sandeep Unnikrishnan” 33. Ratheesh II MA English 34. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Alphabet of Success” 35. N. C. Jerushalit I BA English “Trek to Joy” 36. K. Binu Mon II B.Com.(C.A) “Maths Magic” 37. S. S. Shyni I MA English “Journey” 38. K.S. Shirmi III BA English “Patriotism” 39. S. D. Maheltha Jaicy I MA English “My Dear Father” 40. Noble B. Das II MA Economics “Friend” 41. S. Albin Mohan 42. Antony Stephen Nesamony Memorial Christian College III B.Sc. Computer Science III B.Sc. Computer Science I BA English Page 217 of 339 “Who She Is.....” “English as Universal Language” “Technology vs Life” “More & More” Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 43. K. Surya I MCA “From a Friend” 44. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Easy Maths” 45. S. Albin Mohan III B.Sc. Computer Science “Surprising Number” 46. M. Sabeena Beevi III BA English “Longing Child” 47. S. S. Shyni I MA English “ The Midnight Sky” 48. M. S. Shalini II B.Sc. Chemistry “Quotations” 49. J. Godly Gini I M.Sc. Computer Science “Wit and Wisdom” 50. B. Evanjalin II BA English “The Crystal Fish” 51. M. R. Anslin I. B.Sc. Physics “Three Things” 52. S. S. Shyni I MA English “ On the Summit of Ponmudi” 53. T. Subash II MA English “Candle” 54. B. Evanjalin III BA English “A Red Rose” 55. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Mobile Commerce” 56. T. Ruby II B.Com.(C.A) “The Scary Amount” 57. S. S. Shyni II MA English “An Elegy For My Friend” 58. S. S. Shyni II MA English “Fun With Literary Figures” 59. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics 60. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics “Tips to Top the Class” 61. SUO. Vivek Vijay II BA History (E) “The Importance of Being A Cadet” 62. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics “The Hazards of Smoking” 63. L. Lilija I BA Tamil “True Lines” 64. V. Vibin I BCA “ Azhagu” Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 218 of 339 “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 65. L. Lilija I BA Tamil “Vidu Kathai” Publications in Literary Club Journal (English Department) Sl.No. Name Class Title 1. T. Subash I MA “Real World” 2. N. Suja Jancy I MA “If I were a Teacher” 3. S. A. Irin I MA “Opera” 4. M. R. Ramya III BA “Best” 5. Hidden Ones II MA “Hidden Ones” 6. K. Kanjana III BA “Time” 7. M. V. Nisha I MA “Greenery” 8. P. Bibilin II MA “Tongue Twisters” 9. M. V. Shyla I MA “My Mother” 10. A. Priya II BA “Search your way” 11. C. Raja Shaluja III BA “The Kitten” 12. V. Jinofa III BA “Design” 13. S. Pramila III BA “The song of a girl” 14. J. S. Jelin Jangray III BA “Role of youth in present India Society” 15. S. S. Sowmiya I MA “The Famous Quotations” 16. P. Divya III BA “Where is God” 17. S. Selvin Subash I MA “Rain Bow” 18. J. S. Jeya Kumari I MA “Beautiful Lines” 19. S. S. Shyni II MA “A New World” Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 219 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 20. M. Suganya III BA “Strange Meeting” 21. S. D. Maheltha Jaicy II MA “Lively Movements” 22. N. Jibin II MA “Me Too.......Your Eyes” 23. V. R. Cini Babu II MA “Spring Walk” 24. N. C. Jerushalit II BA “Vision-Vanity” 25. Avila III BA “Pen Name – Real Name” Zoomer - Go Green - Special Issue of 10th Anniversary (Department of Management Studies) Sl.No Name Class Title 1. K. Sunil II MBA “God’s perfect plan to protect the environment” 2. M. Harish Behin II MBA “Green Marketing” 3. M. Arya II MBA “Corporate Environmentalism” 4. S. Sujitha II MBA “Go Green-right from your House ” 5. Sasi Rekha II MBA “Life in the plastic era” 6. S. Jeya Kumar II MBA “10 Ways to go green and save Green” 7. M. N. Anas Sait 5.1.5 “Green Practices – Indian Corporates Way” Describe the efforts made by the institution to facilitate entrepreneurial skills, among the students and the impact of the efforts. The MBA and BA Economics students have a paper on entrepreneurship and the students are made aware of the various opportunities for self employment. They are also acquainted with the self employment schemes of the government. Prof. A. JayaPaul of Economics department was the resource person in the seminar on “Entrepreneurship” during 2010-11, organized by the department of Management Studies. The training programmes like Bridal Make-up, Bouquet making, DTP and Tally give them chances for self employment though in a small way. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 220 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5.1.6 Enumerate the policies and strategies of the institution which promote participation of students in extracurricular and co-curricular activities such as sports, games, Quiz competitions, debate and discussions, cultural activities etc. Every year at the beginning, we conduct orientation programme for I year students. During this meeting, we elaborate in detail about the available facilities of sports, NSS, NCC and other cultural activities. Also, the concerned committees collect the list of students interested in sports, NSS, NCC, etc., after making announcement through public address system. After having the finalised list, we form teams in various sports events, accommodating them in various NSS & NCC units and include them for various events in cultural activities. The Department of Youth Welfare provides ample opportunities for interested students to bring out and mould their talents. It also helps students to gain self confidence. All the departments encourage their students to participate in the activities organized by the youth welfare department. Every year, the department conducts nearly 50 competitions such as elocution, drawing, painting, flower arrangement, dance (western, Folk [solo/group]) etc. Besides these, several departments also conduct competitions and give prizes to the winners. Our students also participate in competitions outside college and win prizes. The departments send intelligent and interested students to participate in competitions like quiz and paper presentation, conducted by other colleges. * Additional academic support, flexibility in examinations Teachers take extra efforts to clear all subject doubts for the students who are involved in extra curricular and co-curricular activities. Also, we give extra chance to write internal test if they participate in official meets at the time of internal tests. Special exams are conducted for sports students who participate in intercollegiate and inter University tournaments. The winners of the various competitions are honoured by announcing their names through public address system and also have photo session with the Principal/ Correspondent. * Special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials The students are encouraged to involve in sports and games. Nutritious food is given to outstanding sports students. From 2010-11 onwards, fees concession is allowed for the students proficient in sports. We provided uniform meterials to 80 sports students last year, partially sponsored by the state government. The government provides TA & Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 221 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation DA to the sports students for participating in competitions, and also sports materials are supplied to them. Refreshment facility is available for NSS and NCC students funded by MS University, Tirunelveli and the state government. For those students who participate in cultural competitions, the management provides necessary funds to meet TA & DA. The concerned departments take care of the expenses of the students who participate in competitions like quiz and paper presentation. 5.1.7 Enumerating on the support and guidance provided to the students in preparing for the competitive exams, give details on the number of students appeared and qualified in various competitive exams such as NET, UGC-NET, SLET, ATE / CAT / GRE / TOFEL / GMAT / UGC-CSIRCentral /State services, Defense, Civil Services, etc. We have been conducting coaching classes for NET, TNPSC and Banking Services for the last four years. Details are given below: UGC Sponsored NET Coaching Class 2009-2010 13-12-2010 onwards Sl.N o Subjects Mathematical Science Chemical 2 Science 1 OBC Results of No. of (NonExaminations No. pages/ SC ST creamy (indicate Teachers of typed layer) performance- No. of engaged tests material and students Students Students held given to minority appeared/passed/F students students ailed - - 24 4 1 150 - - 14 4 1 150 3 Life Science - - 17 5 1 150 4 History - - 20 4 1 150 5 Commerce - - 11 5 1 150 - - 22 6 1 150 6 Management Studies Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 222 of 339 No. of students appeared:9 No. of students appeared:2 No. of students appeared:7 No. of students appeared:3 No. of students appeared:5 No. of students appeared:8 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Total number of students who underwent coaching - 108 Total number of students appeared – 34 COACHING FOR NET IN COLLEGE FOR STUDENTS BELONGING TO SC, ST, OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER AND MINORITY COMMUNITIES) No Subjects Science Subjects (CSIR-NET) Fundamental Mathematics Teachers Engaged Prot. P. Arul Paul Sudhahar. Msc. NET. M.Phil. Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Govt Arts College Udhakamandalam. Dr. T.F. Abbs Fen Reji. M.Sc., NET. Ph.D., Part A: General Fundamental Science Assistant Professor in Chemistry, N.M.C.C. Science Marthandam Basic Computer Prof. M.S. Premalatha. M.C.A., M.Phil. Assistant Professor in Computer Applications. N.M.C.C. Marthandam Mathematics Pro. P. Arul Paul Sudhahar, M.Sc., NET. Mathematical 1 (Main) M.Phil. Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Sciences Govt. Arts College. Udhakamandalam. Chemistry (Main) Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji. M.Sc., NET. Ph.D., Chemical 2 Assistant Professor in Chemistry. N.M.C.C. Sciences Marthandam Zoology (Main) Dr. Premjith Jinham. M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Zoology. N.M.C.C. Marthandam. 3 Life Sciences Zoology (Main) Dr. S. Kiruba. M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Zoology, Central University, Jarkand Arts Subjects (UGC-NET) Education and Dr. P. Suresh, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., Research Aptitude M.Ed., Assistant Professor in Education, Christian College of Education, Marthandam. Mathematical Dr. P. Saravanan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Paper I Reasoning Ph.D., M.L.I.Sc., Librarian, Lakshmipuram college of Arts and Science, Neyyor. Comprehensive Prof. M. Binitha, M.B.A., M.Phil., Assistant English Professor in Management Studies, N.M.C.C. Marthandam History Prof. S.R. Arul Raja Selvan, M.A., NET, 1 History M.Phil., Assistant Professor in Commerce, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 223 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Commerce 2 Commerce Commerce Management Studies 3 Management Studies Management Studies Management Studies Dr. S. Memukhan Gnanamoni, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Commerce, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Dr. S. Memukhan Ganamoni, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Commerce, Scott Christian College. Nagercoil. Dr. P.R. Shini, M.B.A., M.Phil., SLET, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Management Studies, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Prof. M. Binitha, M.B.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor in Management Studies, N.M.C.C.Marthandam. Prof. C.L. Jeba Melvin, M.B.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor in Management Studies, N.M.C.C. Marthandam. 2010-2011 Total no. of students benefited: 199 Subjects Mathematical Sciences Physical 2 Sciences Chemical 3 Sciences 1 4 Life Sciences 5 Computer Sciences 6 English 7 History 8 Commerce Results of No.of OBC (NonExaminations No. pages/ Creamy Teacher (indicate SC ST of typed layer) and s performance- No. of Students Students tests material Minority engaged students held given to students appeared/pass/ students Failed No. of students 1 27 5 2 150 appeared :21 No. of students 1 30 4 2 150 appeared: 18 No. of students 23 5 2 180 appeared: 8 No. of students 33 6 1 200 appeared: 28 No. of students 24 5 1 250 appeared: 12 No. of students 23 5 1 100 appeared: 11 No. of students 12 5 2 200 appeared: 12 No. of students 25 4 2 150 appeared:16 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 224 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation COACHING FOR NET IN COLLEGES FOR STUDENTS BELONING TO SC, ST, OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER AND MINORITY COMMUNITIES) No Students Science Subjects (CSIR-NET) Teachers Engaged Fundamental Mathematics PartA: General Sciences Fundamental Science Basic Computer 1 Mathematical Sciences Mathematics (Main) 2 Physical Sciences Physics (Main) 3 Chemical Sciences Chemistry (Main) Life Sciences Zoology (Main) 4 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Dr. P. Saravanan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.L.I.Sc, Librarian, Lakshmipuram College of Arts and Science. Neyyoor. Prof. A. Yardly, M.Sc., M.Phil, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil .Prof. M.S. Premalatha, M.C.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Computer Applications, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Prof. P. Arul Paul Sudhakar. M.Sc., NET, M.Phil. Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Govt. Arts College. Udhakamandalam. Prof. S. Asha, M.Sc. M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, N.M.C.C Marthandam Prof. K.C. Bright M.Sc., M.Phil., NET, Assistant Professor of Physics, Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri Dr. T.F. Abbs Fen Reji, M.Sc, NET, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, N,.M.C.C. Marthandam Prof. S. Arul Mary, M.Sc NET, M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Holy Cross College, Nagercoil Dr. Premjith Jinham, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Zoology N.M.C.C., Marthandam Prof. J. Nithya, M.Sc., M.Phil Assistant Professor of Zoology, Scott Christian College Nagercoil. Prof. K. Shenkani, M.Sc., M.Phil, Assistant Professor of Zoology, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. Page 225 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Arts Subjects (UGC-NET) Education and Research Aptitude Paper I Mathematical Reasoning Comprehensive English 1 Computer Science & Applications Computer Science (Main) 2 English English 3 History History 4 Commerce Commerce Dr. P. Suresh, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Ed., Assistant Professor in Education Christian College of Education Marthandam. Dr. P. Saravanan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.L.I.Sc., Librarian, Lakshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor. Prof. S. Sunitha, M.A. M.Phil., Assistant Professor of English, N.M.C.C. Marthandam. Prof. W. R. Sam Emmanuel M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, N.M.C.C. Marthandam. Prof. Z. Ananth Angel, M.E., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Sun Engineering College, Nagercoil Prof. R. S. Tibi Thomas, M.A., M.Phil, SLET, Assistant Professor of English, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Prof. S. Sunitha, M.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of English, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Prof. S.R. Arul Raja Selvan, M.A., NET, M.Phil., Assistant Professor in History, N.M.C.C. Marthandam Dr. C. Godwin Sam, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor in History N.M.C.C. Marthandam. Prof. B. Nalatha Vigilin, M.Com. NET, M.Phil. Assistant Professor in Commerce, N.M.C.C. Marthandam. Also Coaching Classes for TNPSC and Bank examination were conducted during 2009-11. Every year, 3 batches of students were (200 Students) coached. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 226 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011 – 2012 Total no. of students benefited: Subjects 94 OBC Results of No. of (NonExaminations No. pages/ creamy (Indicate ST Teachers typed SC of layer) performanceengaged tests material students students and No. of students held given to Minority appeared/ students students Passed/ Failed 1 Mathematical Sciences - - 9 4 2 250 No. of students appeared: 9 2 Physical Sciences - - 9 4 2 200 No. of students appeared: 9 3 Chemical Sciences - - 17 6 2 300 No. of students appeared: 17 4 Life Sciences - - 8 3 2 250 No. of students appeared: 8 5 Tamil - - 10 8 2 250 No. of students appeared: 10 6 English - - 16 5 2 350 No. of students appeared: 15 7 History - - 13 6 2 300 No. of students appeared: 12 8 Commerce - - 12 5 2 200 No. of students appeared: 12 COACHING FOR NET IN COLLEGES FOR STUDENTS BELONGING TO SC, ST, OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER AND MINORITY COMMUNITIES) No Subjects Teachers Engaged Science Subjects (CSIR-NET) Dr. P. Saravanan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., Fundamental M.L.I.Sc., Librarian, Lakshmipuram College Mathematics of Arts and Science, Neyyoor. Part A: Dr. A. Premjith Jinham, M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D. Fundamental General Assistant Professor of Zoology, Nesamony Science Science Memorial Christian College, Nagercoil Prof. M. S. Premalatha, M.C.A., M.Phil., Basic Computer NET, Assistant Professor of Computer Applications, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 227 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 1 Mathematic al Sciences Mathematics (Main) 2 Physical Sciences Physics (Main) 3 Chemical Sciences Chemistry (Main) 4 Life Sciences Zoology (Main) Prof. T. Nagarajan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Sivanthi Adithanar College, Pillayarpuram. Prof. K. C. Bright M.Sc., M.Phil., NET, Assistant Professor of Physics, Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji, M.Sc., NET, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Prof. S. V. Sheem Mers, M.Sc., NET, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Holy Cross College, Nagercoil Prof. Arul Mary, , M.Sc., NET, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Holy Cross College, Nagercoil Dr. Premjith Jinham, M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Arts Subjects (UGC-NET) Education and Research Aptitude Paper I Mathematical Reasoning Comprehensive English Basic Computer 1 Tamil Tamil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Dr. P. Suresh, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Education, Christian College of Education, Marthandam. Dr. P. Saravanan, M.Sc., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.L.I.Sc., Librarian, Lakshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor. Prof. S. Sunitha, M. A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of English, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Prof. W. R. Sam Emmanuel M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Prof. T. David, M.A., M.Phil., NET, Assistant Professor of Tamil, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Dr. Mehalin Chandra, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET, Assistant Professor of Tamil, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Anitha Helen, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET, Assistant Professor of Tamil, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Dr. Freeda Mabel, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET, Assistant Professor of Tamil, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Page 228 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2 English English 3 History History 4 Commerce Commerce Prof. R. S. Tibi Thomas, M. A., M.Phil. SLET, Assistant Professor of English, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Prof. S. Sunitha, M. A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor of English, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Prof. S. R. Arul Raja Selvan, M.A., NET, M.Phil., Assistant Professor of History, N. M. C. C. Marthandam Dr. C. Godwin Sam, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Dr. B. Nalatha Vijilin, M.Com., NET, M.Phil., Assistant Professor of Commerce, N. M. C. C. Marthandam 2012 – 2013 Total no. of students benefited: 171 Subjects OBC (Noncreamy SC ST layer) students students and Minority students Teachers engaged No. of tests held No. of pages/ typed material given to students Results of Examinations (Indicate performance-No. of students appeared/ Passed/ Failed 1 Mathematical Sciences - - 22 4 1 - No. of students appeared: 8 2 Physical Sciences - - 27 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 10 3 Chemical Sciences - - 21 6 1 - No. of students appeared: 11 4 Life Sciences - - 28 3 1 - No. of students appeared: 14 5 Tamil - - 22 6 1 - No. of students appeared:12 6 English - - 20 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 10 7 History - - 12 5 1 - No. of students appeared: 8 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 229 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 8 Commerce - - 19 4 1 - No. of students appeared: 13 During the last five years twenty students have qualified at NET/SET/TET. 5.1.8 What type of counseling services are made available to the students (academic, personal, career, psycho-social etc.) As the teacher-student relationship is very cordial, the teachers can very easily identify students who appear disturbed due to personal problems. The faculty especially, the staff- in-charge spends time with such students. Prof. Philip Head of the department of English (retired) is also a professional counsellor. If further the need of councelling arises, such students are directed to the counselling cell. Many students are benefited by counselling. Usually, we give counselling to students on academic, personal and career. Some of our women faculty have attended a UGC sponsored workshop in Holy Cross College, Nagercoil which has given them practical training in identifying such students and redressing their problems. Hundreds of students have benefitted by the faculty of our college. During 2011-12 a counselling Programme (FULLNESS TO REAL LIFE) was conducted on 27-9-2011 to all the students. During 2012-13, some of the departments conducted counselling programmes on personality development and charactor building and also career guidance programmes. We intend to conduct counselling programme to all students class wise and career guidance programme for the out going students from the academic year 2013-14. 5.1.9 Does the institution have a structured mechanism for career guidance and placement of its students? If ‘yes’, detail on the services provided to help students identify job opportunities and prepare themselves for interview and the percentage of students selected during campus interviews by different employers (list the employers and the programmes). Yes. We have a councelling and career guidance committee which organises career guidance meetings and invited various companies to visit the college for placement. The students who score 60% marks till the previous semester are encouraged and made to appear for recruitment process conducted by various companies on and off the campus. During 2010-11 Sathyam Computers and Magnum IT Services visited our college. 400 students participated in the recruitment process. 14 students were selected for appointment. Fifty students went to other colleges to attend placement recruitment conducted by companies like Wipro & US Technologies. Four Computer Science students were appointed. Also, 25 MBA students got placement in companies like “Adept Technology, Redegg, Mediscan, HDFC Bank, JRG Securities and ING Vysya Bank. Two Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 230 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Economics students were appointed by Tata Consultancy services. During 2011-12, 26 MBA students were appointed in various companies. During 2012-13, we conducted placement programme in the campus. During 2010-11, 10% of the students appeared for interviews were selected in campus interview (41 out of 400). During 2011-12, 71% of the students appeared for interviews were selected in campus interview (25 out of 35 MBA students). During 2012-13, 25% of the students appeared for interviews in the campus, were selected (12 out of 50). We have a memorandum of understanding with Kodai International Business School, Kodaikkanal for training and placement. During 2012-13, the III B.Sc. Computer Science students and five staff members attended a training programme in the above mentioned institute. The department of Management studies has a MoU with Indian Institute of Banking for conducting coaching classes for Bank Service Exams. 5.1.10 Does the institution have a student grievance redressal cell? If yes, list (if any) the grievances reported and redressed during the last four years. There is no Grievance Redressal Cell. The students can represent their problems, if any, to the Principal through the students’ council. They also have the freedom to approach any member of the staff of their department in order to solve their problems. If the department cannot resolve it, HoD can bring it to the notice of the Principal for suitable action. During 2008-09, the students council sent representations through the Principal to the government to maintain the roads and to operate more buses to different roots. The students sought the permission of the Principal to raise funds from the staff members to help the student Kunju Mon who met with an accident. Also, they sought permission; to collect money from students to construct Home for Homeless Poor; to conduct cricket tournaments department-wise; to host a lunch to the mentally retarded students in Kotticode. All these requested were readily accepted. During 2009-10, the students requested the Principal to repair the benches and desks which were in bad conditions. It was accepted and old bench and desk were replaced by new ones. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 145 requests have been reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumper promptly. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 231 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation During 2010-11, students requested the Principal to maintain class rooms neatly and to provide a waiting hall for boys. Sweepers were appointed to maintain the class rooms neatly. Also, the principal assured the students that waiting hall would be provided shortly. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 125 requests have been reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumper promptly. During 2011-12, the students requested the authorities to provide Pure Water; to improve the quality of the canteen; to open a store in the girls waiting room; to extend the capacity of the waiting hall. The Principal assured them that suitable action would be taken. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 65 requests have been reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumper promptly. During 2012-13, the students sent representation to the government authorities through the Principal to finish the Bus Stand works immediately. They sought permission of the Principal to collect money from staff and students to help two students who met with accidents. The Principal permitted to do so. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 205 requests have been reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumper promptly. As per the request of the students, a RO plant was establishin the campus and the canteen contract was awarded to a new person who has rich experience in catering field. 5.1.11 What are the institutional provisions for resolving issues pertaining to sexual harassment? There is a Complaints Committee constituted for preventing sexual harassment of women staff and students. As strict discipline is maintained in the campus mainly by the discipline committee, hardly any complaint is made to this cell. However, during 200910, three students were caught for misbehaving with girl students. Disciplinary actions were taken against them. During 2010-11, fourteen boys were caught on the spot by faculty members for passing bad comments against girls. Disciplinary actions were taken against them. During 2012-13, one student was caught for misbehaviour with girls, and necessary action was taken. 5.1.12 Is there an anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any) have been reported during the last four years and what action has been taken on these? Yes. As ragging is prohibited inside the campus, no such incident has occurred. The Discipline committee is vigilant during working hours in preventing ragging. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 232 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5.1.13 Enumerate the welfare schemes made available to students by the institution. We have been providing free mid-day meals for the poor students for the past fifteen years. During 2009-10, we provided free mid-day meals to 125 poor students worth Rs. 173669/-. During 2010-11, we provided to 135 students worth Rs. 226697/-. During 2011-12, we provided mid-day meals to 130 students worth Rs. 134675/-. During 2012-13, we provided mid-day meals to 130 students worth Rs. 150000/-. During 2009-10, we distributed Rs. 45000/- to 45 students. During 2010-11, the management has given Rs. 48000/- to 48 poor students. Also, during 2011-12, the management has given Rs. 48000/- to 48 poor students. During 2009-10, we distributed Rs. 40000/- to 40 students as endowment prizes. During 2010-11, we distributed Rs. 40500/- to 32 girls and 8 boys as endowment prizes. During 2011-12, we distributed Rs. 17850/- to 50 girls and 8 boys as endowment prizes. During 2012-13, we distributed Rs. 20900/- to 51 girls and 8 boys as endowment prizes. During 2009-10, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15500/- to 30 poor and meritorious students. During 2010-11, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15750/- to 33 poor and meritorious students. During 2011-12, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 22750/- to 16 poor and meritorious students. During 2012-13, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 16250/- to 17 poor and meritorious students. From the academic year 2010-11 onwards, we introduced a new scheme the first rank holders in the college and sports persons can continue their studies without paying fees. Under the scheme during 2010-11, 6 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 74000/-. During 2011-12, 11 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 60000/-. During 2012-13, 14 students were benefited interms of fees weaving for Rs. 120000/-. 5.1.14 Does the institution have a registered Alumni Association? If ‘yes’, what are its activities and major contributions for institutional, academic and infrastructure development? Alumni Association has been functioning in our college for the last 15 years. But we have not yet registered it. Current Office bearers Patron : Adv. J. Justin Jasper Dhas, Correspondent. Chair Person : Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, Principal. President : Dr. D. Mathias. Vice President : Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel (Rtd. Professor). Secretary : Prof. G. D. Biji (Presently Working). Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 233 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Joint Secretary : Prof. C. Isaac Sobanaraj (Presently Working). Treasurer : Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji (Presently Working). Activities One meeting a year has been conducted during the last four years. At present, the Alumni give awards to meritorious and poor students during the past four years. Efforts are on to strengthen the alumni association. During 2009-10, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15500/- to 30 poor and meritorious students. During 2010-11, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 15750/- to 33 poor and meritorious students. During 2011-12, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 21750/- to 30 poor and meritorious students. During 2012-13, the Alumni Association gave away Rs. 16250/- to 17 poor and meritorious students. Top ten alumni occupying prominent positions. 1. Most. Rev. Dr. G. Devakadacham, Bishop CSI, K.K. Diocese and Moderator, CSI, Synod. (BA Economics-1968-1971) 2. Justice Shri N. Paul Vasantha Kumar, Honourable judge, Madras High Court, Chennai (B.Sc. Botany 1973-76) 3. Major General V. David Iver Devavaram (Rtd.) Indian Army (B.A History 1966-69) 4. Dr. Sylendra Babu, IPS, Additional Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu, Chennai. (PUC, 1978 Batch) 5. Dr. P. Chella Durai, Former Registrar, M.S. University, Tirunelveli (B.A Hisrtory). 6. Mr. A.V. Bellarmin, Former Member of Parliament, Nagercoil Constituency. (B.Sc. Botany 1971-74) 7. Dr. Harichandaran, Rtd. Chairman, Kerala Planning Board (B.A. Economics, 19681971) 8. Mr. Russel Samraj, Assistant Commisioner of Police, Chennai. 9. Dr. M. Rajeevan, Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, and Scientific Advisor, Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi. (M.Sc. Physics 1981-83) 10. Dr. David Raja Bose, Principal, Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor. B.A. English Lit., 1980-83 batch) Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 234 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 5.2 5.2.1 Student Progression Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the trends observed. 2008-09 Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. M.Phil. to Ph.D. Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment % 60 20 10 1 50 2009-10 Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. M.Phil. to Ph.D. Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment % 57 25 15 1.2 55 2010-11 Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. M.Phil. to Ph.D. Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment % 54 27 15 0.93 50 2011-12 Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. M.Phil. to Ph.D. Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 235 of 339 % 40 15 7 .95 25 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Nowadays getting admission to PG/ M.Phil./ Ph.D. is very difficult, as there are limited seats only. So they have to wait for one or two years to join these courses. So many students join B.Ed., as there are many B.Ed. Colleges are available in our District. Therefore, the rate of progression to higher education and employment is not always on an upward trend. 5.2.2 Provide details of the programme wise pass percentage and completion rate for the last four years (cohort wise/batch wise as stipulated by the university)? Furnish programme-wise details in comparison with that of the previous performance of the same institution and that of the Colleges of the affiliating university within the city/district. The pass percentage of our college course–wise for the last four years is given below: 2008-09 Subjects B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Computer Science (E) B.Sc. Botany B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Tamil Literature B.A. English Literature B.A. History (T) B.A. History (E) B.A. Economics B.A. Tourism B.B.A. B.Com. M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Botany M.A. History Nesamony Memorial Christian College Students Admitted 46 Students appeared 45 Completion Rate % 98 42 34 39 40 36 36 63 64 64 64 48 36 48 63 25 25 17 16 22 30 42 34 39 39 34 33 62 64 63 63 46 35 48 61 25 23 17 16 22 30 100 100 100 97 94 91 98 100 98 98 96 97 100 97 100 92 100 100 100 100 Page 236 of 339 Pass % 93 % 78 % 100 % 100 % 97 % 83 % 86 % 67 % 93 % 46 % 71 % 67 % 81.5 % 68 % 75 % 79 % 83 % 18 % 94 % 82 % 100 % Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Com. M.C.A. M.B.A. M.Phil History M.Phil. Mathematics M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. Botany 10 50 38 15 15 10 8 7 10 48 37 15 15 10 8 7 100 96 97 100 100 100 100 100 Students Admitted 50 42 34 50 37 36 36 64 70 64 60 58 30 64 48 25 25 20 23 25 30 22 40 41 15 5 4 7 15 Students appeared 50 42 32 50 37 35 33 64 70 63 59 58 28 63 48 25 25 20 23 25 30 22 39 39 15 5 4 7 13 Completion Rate 100 100 94 100 100 98 91 100 100 98 98 100 93 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 95 100 100 100 100 87 80 % 85 % 83 % 93 % 73.3 % 50 % 89 % 100 % 2009-10 Subjects B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Computer Science (E) B.Sc. Botany B.Sc. Zoology B.A. Tamil Literature B.A. English Literature B.A. History (T) B.A. History (E) B.A. Economics B.A. Tourism B.Com. B.B.A. M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Zoology M.A. History M.Com M.B.A. M.C.A. M.Phil. Mathematics M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. Botany M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. History Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 237 of 339 Pass % 85 60 83 100 100 82 82 69 91 45 75 75 90 50 96 71 64 40 88 72 100 100 87 94 86 75 100 100 80 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2010-11 Subjects B.A Tamil B.A English B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Computer Science (A) B.Sc. Botany B.A. Zoology B.A. Economics B.Com. B.A. History (T) B.A. History (E) B.A. Tourism B.B.A. B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) B.Com (CA) M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Sc.Chemistry M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Computer Science M.Com. M.A. History M.A. Englsih M.T.M. M.C.A. M.B.A. M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. Chemiistry M.Phil. Botany M.Phil. Maths M.Phil. Physics M.Phil. History Nesamony Memorial Christian College Students Admitted 64 70 56 48 40 44 36 35 38 64 60 64 13 48 40 46 25 25 20 25 23 25 26 30 23 9 20 40 10 5 10 12 10 15 Page 238 of 339 Students appeared 64 70 56 48 39 44 35 32 35 63 58 64 13 46 39 44 25 25 19 25 23 25 26 30 23 9 18 38 10 5 10 12 10 15 Completion Rate 100 100 100 100 98 100 97 91 92 98 96 100 100 96 98 96 100 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 Pass % 71 % 94 % 89 % 67 % 68 % 100 % 97 % 80 % 91 % 68 % 98 % 100 % 94 % 58 % 98 % 75 % 71 % 36 % 18 % 84 % 91 % 97 % 81 % 82 % 80 % 75 % 87 % 69 % 100% 100% 80% 100% 90% 80% Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011-2012 Subjects Students Students Completion Pass % Admitted appeared Rate 51 51 100 92.2% B.Sc. Mathematics B.Sc. Physics 46 46 100 75.6% B.Sc. Chemistry 46 46 100 100% B.Sc. Computer Science 48 48 100 97.2% B.Sc. Computer Science (S.F) 28 25 89 85% B.Sc. Botany 44 42 95 97% B.Sc. Zoology 40 38 95 100% B.A. Tamil Literature 64 63 98 90.3% B.A. English Literature 70 70 100 88% B.A. History (Tamil) 60 57 95 92.3% B.A. History (English) 62 61 98 73% B.A. Economics 48 47 98 81% B.A. Tourism 14 12 85 100% 60 58 97 95% 46 46 100 73% 54 53 98 76% B.Com. B.Com. Computer Applications B.B.A. M.Sc. Mathematics 25 25 100 56% M.Sc. Physics 25 25 100 76% M.Sc. Chemistry 25 25 100 56% M.Sc. Computer Science 25 25 100 60% M.Sc. Botany 25 25 100 96% M.Sc. Zoology 25 25 100 92% M.A. Tamil 15 14 93 100% M.A. English 30 30 100 87% M.A. History 30 29 96 93% M.A. Economics 20 19 95 73% M.Com. 30 30 100 96% M.B.A. 36 36 100 74% M.C.A. 27 26 96 94.6% M.T.M. 23 21 91 25% Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 239 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M.Phil. Mathematics 15 15 100 100% M.Phil. Physics 10 10 100 90% M.Phil. Chemistry 5 5 100 100% M.Phil. Botany 10 10 100 80% M.Phil. Zoology 10 10 100 100% M.Phil. History 15 15 100 66.6% M.Phil. Commerce 12 12 100 80% From the above data we observe that the pass presentage in our college increases steadily year after year. Now we provide thepass percentage of two other colleges adjacent to ours: 1. Muslim Arts College, Thiruvithancode, Kanyakumari District. 2008-09 Subjects B.A. English B.A. History BBA B.Com. B.Com (Corporate Sec. Ship) B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Hotal Management B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Computer Science M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics M.Sc. Zoology M.Com. M.Phil. Zoology Students Admitted 35 20 45 54 34 22 12 17 20 16 20 45 18 12 15 10 Students appeared 35 18 44 51 32 21 12 17 19 16 20 45 18 10 13 10 Completion Rate 100 90 97 94 94 95 100 100 95 100 100 100 100 83 86 100 Students Admitted 62 42 42 56 Students appeared 62 41 42 55 Completion Rate 100 97 100 98 Pass % 40 28 41 53 63 52 83 82 95 81 65 71 100 60 62 100 2009-10 Subjects B.A. English B.A. History BBA B.Com. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 240 of 339 Pass % 58 63 52 56 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.Com (Corporate Sec. Ship) B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Hotal Management B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Computer Science M.A. English M.Com. M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics M.Sc. Zoology M.Phil. Zoology 2010-11 Subjects B.A. English B.A. History BBA B.Com. B.Com (Corporate Sec. Ship) B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Hotal Management B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Computer Science M.A. English M.Com. M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Information Technology MBA M.Phil. English Literature M.Phil. English M.Phil. Commerce M.Phil. Zoology M.Phil. Mathematics Nesamony Memorial Christian College 58 20 22 25 28 25 26 45 22 25 5 8 20 10 57 18 22 25 28 23 26 45 22 24 5 8 20 10 98 90 100 100 100 92 100 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 Students Admitted 62 32 50 56 56 18 20 20 15 26 22 46 26 26 6 10 25 6 19 15 15 15 5 8 Students appeared 61 31 50 56 56 17 20 20 14 26 21 46 26 26 6 10 25 5 17 15 15 14 4 7 Completion Rate 98 96 100 100 100 94 100 100 93 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 83 89 100 100 93 80 87 Page 241 of 339 46 89 45 88 96 52 42 64 45 96 20 88 30 80 Pass % 48 32 38 38 34 59 25 80 64 62 71 67 88 38 33 80 44 40 88 100 88 100 100 86 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011-12 Subjects B.A. English B.A. History B.A. Tamil BBA BBA (Satelite) B.A. English B.Com. B.Com (Corporate Sec. Ship) B.C.A. B.Sc. Maths B.Sc. Chemistry B.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Hotal Management B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc. Visual Communication B.Sc. Maths M.A. English M.Com. M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics M.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Information Technology M.Sc. Hotal Management M.Phil. English M.Phil. Tamil M.Phil. Commerce M.Phil. Zoology Students Admitted 61 15 20 60 45 61 56 58 20 55 18 15 7 30 18 35 7 2 25 23 15 18 23 1 1 15 10 15 7 Students appeared 61 13 19 59 44 61 56 58 19 53 16 14 7 30 17 33 7 2 25 22 15 17 22 1 1 15 9 14 6 Completion Rate 100 86 95 98 97 100 100 100 95 98 88 93 100 100 94 94 100 100 100 95 100 94 95 100 100 100 90 93 85 Pass % 55 85 79 75 75 52 54 36 68 58 69 93 57 77 76 94 71 100 44 18 13 100 41 100 100 73 90 57 100 2. Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor, Kanyakumari District. 2008-09 Subjects B.A. Tamil B.A. English B.A. History (E) B.A. History (T) B.Sc. Mathematics Nesamony Memorial Christian College Students Admitted 54 30 24 38 48 Page 242 of 339 Students appeared 54 28 22 36 47 Completion Rate 100 93 91 94 97 Pass % 81 39 91 81 83 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry B.Sc. Electronics B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion M.A. Tamil M.A. English M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics 25 36 45 27 10 22 25 36 45 26 9 22 100 100 100 96 90 100 60 92 87 92 67 95 16 20 20 10 16 19 20 10 100 95 100 100 94 63 40 40 Students Admitted 60 38 42 40 48 30 44 48 21 34 35 Students appeared 58 38 41 40 48 29 44 47 21 34 35 Completion Rate 96 100 97 100 100 96 100 97 100 100 100 22 22 22 13 35 4 15 22 22 22 12 34 4 14 100 100 100 92 97 100 93 Students Admitted 38 25 34 48 Students appeared 38 24 32 48 Completion Rate 100 96 94 100 2009-10 Subjects B.A. Tamil B.A. English B.A. History (E) B.A. History (T) B.Sc. Mathematics B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry B.Sc. Electronics B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion M.A. Tamil M.A. English M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Com. M.A. History M.Phil. Tamil Pass % 79 79 13 63 35 49 66 79 86 56 92 91 37 37 67 56 100 93 2010-11 Subjects B.A. English B.A. History (E) B.A. History (T) B.A. Tamil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 243 of 339 Pass % 82 78 42 73 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation B.Com B.Com.(C.A) B.Sc. Mathematics B.Sc. Electronics B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry M.A. English M.A. Tamil M.A. History M.Sc. Physics M.Phil. Tamil 45 58 42 40 28 43 58 41 38 28 95 100 97 95 100 72 50 71 92 60 44 25 28 40 24 18 12 25 14 18 15 43 23 27 40 24 17 12 25 14 17 15 97 92 96 100 100 94 100 100 100 94 100 93 100 70 77 46 47 83 84 57 53 100 Students Admitted 58 56 43 39 50 55 30 16 Students appeared 58 56 42 37 49 54 30 16 Completion Rate 100 100 97 94 90 98 100 100 38 18 40 42 30 29 22 14 16 23 17 15 38 17 40 42 30 28 21 14 16 23 17 15 100 94 100 100 100 96 95 100 100 100 100 100 2011-12 Subjects B.A. Tamil B.A. English B.A. History (E) B.A. History (T) B.Com.(C.A) B.Sc. Mathematics B.Sc. Electronics B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion B.Sc. Information Technology B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Zoology M.A. Tamil M.A. English M.A. History M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry M.Sc. Information Technology M.Sc. Maths M.Sc. Physics M.Phil. Tamil Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 244 of 339 Pass % 83 75 50 65 35 81 27 100 76 94 70 78 90 57 95 29 88 30 82 100 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation From the above table, we observe that our college dominates the other two colleges in terms of pass percentage during the years 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12. 5.2.3 How does the institution facilitate student progression to higher level of education and/or towards employment? We conduct career guidance programme for the final year students. Also we conduct coaching classes for competitive exams like NET, TNPSC and Banking Services. These lead the students towards higher learning and employment considerably. 5.2.4 Enumerate the special support provided to students who are at risk of failure and drop out? The dropout rate in our college is very low. During the last four academic years the average dropout rate was 1% for U.G and 0.8% for P.G. The dropouts either join other institutions or get employment. 5.3 Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1 List the range of sports, games, cultural and other extracurricular activities available to students. Provide details of participation and program calendar. We have the following range of sports, games and cultural activities: Games: Kabady, Volley Ball, Ball Badminton, Tennis, Cricket, Foot Ball and Hockey. Athletic events: Running(100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m, 5000 m, 10000 m), Marathan,Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump, Discus Throw, Shot put, Javelin Throw, Pole vault, 4x100m relay, 4x400m relay, Hammer Throw and Decathlon. Cultural events: Essay Writing (Tamil, English, Malayalam), Short Story Writing (Tamil, Malayalam, English), Verse writing (Tamil, Malayalam, English), Drawing, Painting, Poster Making, Pencil Drawing, Collage, Cartoon Drawing, Memory Test, Elocution (Tamil, Malayalam, English), Poetry, Recitation (Tamil, Malayalam, English), Turn coat (Tamil, English), Meghanthi, Facial Painting, Flower arrengment, Art from Waste, Clay Modelling, Vegitable Carving, Singing (Group, Solo, Karnatic, Western, Karoke, Light Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 245 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Music), Instument Playing, Mimicry (Solo, Group), Fancy Dress, Skit, Dance (Group, Solo, Western, Bharathanatiyam, Folk), Thiruvathira, Pulikali and Uriyadi. Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Institution & Clubs Event Date No. of students participated ROTAYUTSAV,2011 Rotary club of Nagercoil Floral Arrangement, Quiz, Group Song, Monoact, Rangoli, Karoke, Group Dance. Aug. 2011 26 Elocution 18-08-2011 1 17th -19th Aug. 2011 1 Hand Writing, Essay Verse Writing, Drawing Aug. 2011 22 24-09-2011 15 18th -22nd Dec. 2011 8 1&2-10-2011 22 19&20-12-2011 28 Indian Red Cross Society Tamil Nadu Branch State Level Competition V.V. Giri National labour Institute, Tirunelveli Vidiyal Arts and Cultural Academy, Saidapet, Chennai State level competition Residential leadership Training programme 5. Kumari Kalai Kazhagam, Nagercoil Drawing, Solo Dance, Group Dance 6. Youth Festival, Sathiyabama University Skit 7. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli 8. St. Xavier’s Catholic college of Engineering, Nagercoil Calida Festa - 2011 Nesamony Memorial Christian College Classical Instuments (solo percussion), Cartooning, Non classical Instruments (solo), Group Dance (Western, Folk) Clay Modelling, Western Dance (Group, Solo), Folk Dance (group), Group Song, Solo Song, Monoact, Debate, Quiz, Drawing Page 246 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Association of Indian Universities, InterIniversity Zonal (South). Youth Festival 44th All India Sarvothaya Sammelana Conference, Madhurai Ad-World (News and Advertising Service centre) Loyola Institute of Technology and Science, Thovalai Payanam Youth Club, Unnamalaikadai Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam ROTAYUTSAV,2012 Rotary club of Nagercoil Pope II John Paul College of Education, Mulagumoodu World Thirukkural Association Scott Fest – 2012 Scott Christian college, Nagercoil 19. District Science Centre, Tirunelveli 20. Kumari Kalai Kazhagam 21. 22. 23. 10th -22nd Dec. 2011 8 2011 4 Drawing 15-08-2011 1 Group Dance (Western) 16-03-2012 8 Poem, Dance 21-07-2012 8 Solo Song 19-01-2012 1 Folk Dance, Group Dance, Vegetable Graving, Floral Arrangement Aug. 2012 25 Essay writing 09-06-2012 1 Essay Writing 2011-2012 2 Group Dance (Western), Debate 17-03-2012 11 27-03-2012 1 01-12-2012 4 02-10-2012 1 02-03-2012 1 09-10-2012 3 Skit Elocution, Essay Writing Power point Presentation Competition Verse Writing, Western Dance (Solo) Tamil Nadu Forest Department Wildlife Elocution (Tamil) Week Celebration-2012 World Cancer Day, Inter-collegiate Drawing Competition, Rotary Drawing Club of Nagercoil Town, Sreeram Cancer Trust Ponnappa Nadar Elocution Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 247 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Memorial Day St. Xavier’s Catholic college of Engineering, Nagercoil Calida Festa - 2011 Deiva Tamil Sangam Grace College of Edcation, Padanthalumoodu Gandhi Study Centre, Chennai World Anti-Drug Day Celebration, Mandaicadu Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Womens Day Celebration, Tirunelveli 30. All Saints College of Education, Malayadi 31. Nehru Yuvakenthra Group Dance, Drawing, Clay 28th & 29th Sep. Modelling, Quiz, 2012 Floral Arrangement Essay Writing 2012 21 Quiz 08-03-2013 2 Essay Writing 30-01-2013 3 Elocution 21-06-2013 1 Elocution 07-03-2013 1 05-04-2013 30 Aug 2011 18 Western Dance, Folk dance, Solo Dance, Minu, Tableau, Skit, Group Song Folk Dance, Group Song, Skit, Folk Dance (Group) 25 NSS: We have six units with 600 students. The students who have concern on society join NSS. We conduct camp every year in adjacent villages. The NSS volunteers are also involved in house construction for the Homeless Poor. During 2009-10, seven houses were constructed. Five hundred saplings were planted in the nearby villages. Road safety campaign was conducted. Forty unit of blood was donated. Also, AIDS awareness programme was conducted. During 2010-11, eight houses were constructed. Also, road safety campaign, affixing stickers on headlights, AIDS awareness programme, Voting Awareness Rally at Marthandam, Plastics awareness rally and Chemmozhi rally at Kanyakumari, Cultural Carnival in Pechiparai were conducted. Also, thirty units of blood was donated. The students and staff used to visit the Blind School at Irenipuram, Home for the Aged at Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 248 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Karungal, AIDS patients in CBH Puthery, Cancer patients at Neyyoor, Mentally Retarded Home at Kotticode and Tsunami affected areas in Kanyakumari District. During 2011-12, the NSS has been very active throughout the academic year conducting seminars and awareness programmes. A two day workshop was conducted on AIDS awareness in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club. To develop leadership quality among the students and create awareness in the society debates were conducted. A seven day camp was conducted at Colachel. Eight houses were constructed for the poor under the 'Home for the Homeless Scheme'. In addition to it, the volunteers helped partial construction of two houses with concrete roof. During 2012-13, the NSS has been very active throughout the academic year. To develop leadership quality among the students and create awareness in the society debates were conducted. A seven day camp was conducted at Colachel. Two houses were constructed for the poor under the 'Home for the Homeless Scheme'. In addition to it, the volunteers helped partial construction of two houses with concrete roof. The NSS volunteers participated in the Voting Awareness Rally held on January 25, 2013 and in the Road Safety Campaign and distributed pamphlets. One day Programme “Make Clean and Green Marthandam” organized by Amigo’s Lions Club, Marthandam and NSS of our college on December 12, 2012. NCC/YRC/RRC: There is one unit in NCC with 156 students (Boys and Girls). There are nearly 50 students in YRC and RRC which motivate the students to donate blood for critically ill patients. During 2009-10, 152 cadets including women underwent training in foot drill, weapon training, rifle drill, field craft, map reading, hygiene and sanitation, first aid, physical exercise and other cultural activities. Our NCC officer Lt. Prof. Boyed Wesley underwent a rigorous military training at the Officers Training Academy, Kamptee, Nagpur from July 2009 to October 2009, and was awarded Lieutenant Rank in the Indian Military. Independence Day & Republic Day were celebrated in our college under the auspices of NCC. 40 cadets attended the CATC camp held at Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam. 50 cadets attended the CATC camp held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. 31 cadets passed B certificate examination and 25 cadets passed C certificate examination with good grades in the last year. This year, 55 cadets Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 249 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation appeared for B certificate examination. 20 cadets appeared for C certificate examination and 19 cadets passed. Four cadets attended the Army Attachment Camp Held at Secunderabad from 8-2-2010 to 22-2-2010. Forty students participated in Trekking Expedition on 6-1-2010. The cadets visited the Blind School, Irenipuram in Feb. 2011. During 2010-11, 152 cadets, of which 46 are women, were enrolled. They attended RDC and TSC camps. They Participated in Election Awareness Rally organised by the District Administration. They also participated in women’s Day Rally and Anti plastic Awareness Rally and Flag Day Rally. Five cadets attended the All India Trekking Expedition in Kerala from 19-12-2010 to 1-12011. Five cadets attended the Army Attachment Camp at Secunderabad from 16-9-2011 to 30-9-2010 Kavitha of III BA English Participated in a camp at Srinagar, Kashmir from 19-7-2010 to 30-7-2010. 20 Cadets attended election duties. 48 Passed in the B Certificate Examination. Of the 19 Cadets who appeared for ‘C’ Certificate examination, seven passed. During 2011-12, the NCC of our college has done recordable activities under the commandership of Company Commander Lt. Prof. A. Boyed Wesley of Department of Computer Science and Under-Officers Sabari. P. M, Viji. B, Manoj. S, Rojin. R, Bibi. R. and Kavitha. C. and 152 cadets including women cadets have been enrolled this year. Independence Day & Republic Day were celebrated in our college under the auspices of NCC. Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, our Principal and Prof. P. Kumaradas, our VicePrincipal were the chief guest. Every cadet undergoes hard training like rifle drill, foot drill, weapon training, field craft, map reading, hygiene and sanitation, first aid, physical exercise, obstacle courses and other cultural activities. All cadets are trained for RDC and TSC. Every year at least 10 Cadets used to attend both RDC and TSC camps. All NCC cadets underwent many camps conducted at various institutions. NCC cadets also attended the Election Awareness rally organized by District administration. A total of 55 cadets appeared for B Certificate examination held in S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil and 19 cadets passed with good grades in C Certificate examination held a Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. NCC officer Lt. Prof. A. Boyed Wesley attended a 10 day pre-RDC Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 250 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation camp at VHSHN College, Viruthunagar and National Integration Camp at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. The Youth Red Cross (YRC), under the leadership of Dr. R. C. Rajan Udhayakumar of Department of Zoology is functioning well in our college. Based on the requests from various hospitals in Kanyakumari District and Kerala. More than 60 student volunteers have donated blood to the patients whowere critically ill. In association with the Government Hospital Thuckalay, a blood donation camp was organized by the YRC on January 28, 2012. During 2012-13, the NCC of our college has done recordable activities under the commandership of Company Commander Lt. Prof. A. Boyed Wesley and Under-Officers Vivek Vijay, Shijin James, Jayaprasalini, Stalin Kumar, Vijay Prakash and Selvin. This year the Company commander Lt. Prof. A. Boyed Wesley lead as Contingent Commander of Madurai group in state level “Inter Group Competition – TSC (Boys) which was held at Government Agriculture College, Madurai from 14-07-2012 to 23-072012 and won IGC-TSC (Boys) Tropy. 152 cadets including women cadets have been enrolled this year. Independence Day & Republic Day were celebrated in our college under the auspices of NCC. Every cadet undergoes training like rifle drill, foot drill, weapon training, field craft, map reading, hygiene and sanitation, first aid, physical exercise, obstacle courses and other cultural activities. We train cadets for RDC and TSC. NCC cadets attended the CATC camp held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil from Jun 1, 2012 to Jun 10, 2012. 83 cadets attended the CATC camp held in our college from Dec 22, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. SUO Vivek Vijay, Stalin Kumar, Vijay Prakash, Abhijith and Anees had attended the Inter Unit Competition (IUC) for Republic Day Contingent (RDC) 2013 from August 1 to August 10, 2012. CUO Stalin Kumar has attended the Republic Camp (RDC) 2013 at New Delhi. He is one of the NCC cadets who marched at Rajpath, New Delhi on Republic Day (January 26, 2013). NCC cadets participated in Road Safety Awareness Program with Police Department and RTO office, Marthandam. NCC cadets participated in Voters Awareness rally from Kuzhithurai to Marthandam on January 25, 2013. NCC cadets participated in the Communal Harmony Rally from Scott Christian College, Nagercoil to Nagercoil Stadium on December 12, 2012. 15 NCC cadets donated Blood to the patients who are in-need and saved many lives. Last year 44 cadets passed with good grades in B Certificate examination held at S. T. Hindu College, Nagercoil and 32 cadets passed with good grades in C Certificate Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 251 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation examination held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. This year 62 cadets appeared for B Certificate exam on February 16, 2013 at S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil and 34 cadets will be attending for the C Certificate exam on March 25, 2013 at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. The Youth Red Cross (YRC), under the leadership of Dr. R. C. Rajan Udhayakumar of Department of Zoology is functioning well in our college. Based on the requests from various hospitals in Kanyakumari District and Kerala, more than 60 student volunteers have donated blood to the patients who were critically ill. 5.3.2 Furnish the details of major student achievements in co-curricular, extracurricular and cultural activities at different levels: University / State / Zonal / National / International, etc. for the previous four years. Sports and Games: 2009 – 2010 Sports and Games Our College won Silver medal in M.S. University Inter Collegiate Badminton (men) held on July 29, 30 - 2009. Our College won Silver medal in M.S. University Inter Collegiate Table Tennis (men) held on August 3, 4 – 2009. Our College won Bronze medal in M.S. University Inter Collegiate Women Hockey held on September 3, 4 - 2009. In M.S. University Inter collegiate Athletic meet held at University campus on 1, 2&3 - 10 – 2009, our college students R. Divya of II MBA won Gold medal in Long Jump and Triple Jump and M. P. Monisha of III B.Sc. Maths won the Silver medal in Long Jump. Our College is the winner in Women Hockey at District level Hockey held on August 7, 8 – 2009. Department of Physical Education of our College organized M.S. University Men Badminton Team Coaching Camp for South Zone Inter-University Tournaments, from 29-12-2009 to 04-01-2010. P. Arul Deva Paul of III B.Sc. Botany of our College had represented M.S. University at the South Zone Inter-University Badminton tournament from 07-01-2010 to 12-01-2010 at Mangalore University, Mangalore. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 252 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation M. V. Prathibha of III BA Economics of Our College was selected to represent M.S. University at the South Zone Inter-University Women Hockey tournament held at Gwalior from 07-01-2010 to 12-01-2010. 2010 -2011 Sports and Games Our College Women team won Gold medal in Table Tennis and the men team won fourth place in the Inter collegiate M.S. University Table Tennis held on August 11, 12 – 2010. Our College won the Bronze medal in M.S. University Inter collegiate Women Hockey held on September 20, 21 & 22 – 2010. The Department of Physical Education of our college organized University Inter collegiate Men & Women Badminton tournament from 18-08-2010 to 21-08-2010.Our College Men Badminton team won Silver medal in that tournament. Our college participated in MS University Inter-Collegiate Athletic meet held at University campus on 1st 2nd &3rd October 2010. G. Jose of I M.Com won the Gold medal in 5000mts run, Gold medal in 1000mts run, and Gold medal in half marathon race (21km). In the Half marathon race, he had created a new MS University Record with the timing of 1 hr. 11 secs. And he qualified for All India Inter- University Athletic meet (Nationals). S. F. Shajin of I Comp.Sci. won the Gold medal in 800mts and Gold medal in 1500mts run. R. M. Akash of II B.Com won the Silver medal in Javelin Throw. Our college team won the Bronze medal in 4 x 400 Relay. Our college women Hockey team won the District Championship title – organized by Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu from 13 to 15 January 2011. V. Santhosh Kumar of II B.Com, G. Rajeswari of I Physics, and V. Shalini of I M.Com have won the overall Championship in the District level Open Table Tennis Tournament. V. Karol of III Economics represented MS University at the South Zone InterUniversity Cricket tournament from 27-10 2010 to 03-11-2010 at Kakinada University, Warangal. V. Santhosh Kumar of II B.Com, G. Rajeshwari of I M.Sc Physics, V. Shalini of I M.Com and R. Nithya of II M.Sc Comp.Sci (4 students) had represented MS University at Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 253 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation the South Zone Inter-University Table Tennis tournament held at Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum from 17 to 19 February 2011. The sports day was conducted on 08-02-2011. 2011 -2012 Sports and Games The selection trials for Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tournaments started in July 2011. Our students took part in various games like table Tennis, Cricket, Football, Badminton, Kabaddi, Volleyball, chess, Women Hockey and Athletics. Our college team participated in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University table tennis tournament held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on August 11&12, 2011 and won the Gold medal in women section and the fourth place in men section. Our college Badminton team won bronze medal at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University intercollegiate tournament held at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai on September 20-22, 2011. Our college team won the Bronze medal in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University women Hockey tournament held at University Sports Complex, Tirunelveli on September 28-30, 2011. In the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University athletic meet held at University Sports Complex on October 10-12, 2011, Mr. G. Jose of II M.Com. won the Gold medal in 5000 meters run, 10000 meters run and silver medal in half marathon race (21km). Mr. S. F. Shijilin of II B.Sc. Computer Science won gold medal in 800 meters and 1500 meters run. Ajin G. Farose of I B.A. English literature won the gold medal in Decathion (10 events), Javelin Throw and Silver medal in Pole Vault. Mr. T. Anish Kumar, I B.A. History (T) won the Gold medal in Tripple Jump and Silver medal in long Jump. He created new Manonmaniam Sundaranar University meet record in Tripple jump (14.80m). Mr. R. M. Akash of III B.Com. won the Bronze medal in Javelin Throw. Mr. S. R. Abinesh of I B.C.A. won the Bronze medal in Long Jump. Our college 4x400m relay team won the silver medal and 4x100m relay team won the Bronze medal in the University athletic meet. Mr. R. Aji of I B.A. History (T) represented Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at the south zone Inter-University Women Hockey tournament. Our college students Mr. V. Santhosh Kumar of III B.Com., Ms. G. Rajeshwari of II M.Sc. Physics and Ms. V. Shalini of II M.Com. represented Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at the South Zone Inter-University Table tennis tournament. They are also selected to represent All-India inter University tournament at RTM University, Nagpur. Mr. G. Jose of II M.Com. secured first place in 5000m run and third place in 10,000m run in the senior State open athletic meet held at Chennai on June 28&29, 2011. Mr. S. F. Shijilin of II B.Sc. Computer Science secured second place in 1500m run and Mr. Ajin G. Farose of I B.A. English literature second place in Javelin Throw in the Junior State athletic meet held at Sivakasi on July 22-24, 2011 and both qualified for National Athletic meet. Our college Hockey team won first place in the district level women Hockey tournament held on July 23 & 24, 2011. Our college athletic team won the overall Championship in Manaonmaniam University inter-collegiate meet for the first time in the history our college. Sundaranar Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 254 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The Department of Physical Education conducted many sports and games events for men and women studnts, teaching and non-teaching staff during this academic year. The sports day was celebrated on February 20, 2011. 2012 -2013 Sports and Games The selection trials for Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tournaments started in July 2012. Our students took part in various games like table Tennis, Cricket, Football, Badminton, Kabaddi, Volleyball, chess, Women Hockey and Athletics. This year our College was given the special honour of hosting M. S. University ‘A’ zone tournaments. Various games were conducted at different venues from July 2012 to October 2012. The ‘A’ zone athletics meet held at Anna Stadium, Nagercoil from October 1-3, 2012. Our college athletic team won the overall championship with 62 points. In the ‘A’ zone tournaments our college students brought many laurels. In the games side our college men cricket team and Badminton team won the silver medal and in Volley ball our team won the bronze medal. Our college cricket team participated in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and won the silver medal. Our college women table tennis team won the gold medal at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University tournament held at Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil. Our college women hockey team secured fourth place at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Hockey tournament held at Govindammal Aditanar College, Tiruchendur. In the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University athletic meet held at Dr. M. G. R. Stadium, Madurai on October 21-23, 2012, Mr. G. Jose of M.Phil. Commerce won the Gold medal in 5000 meters run, 10000 meters run and in the half marathon race (21km). He created a new M. S. University record in 10,000 meters runand represented our University at the All India inter University athletic meet held at Kalyani University, West Bengal. Mr. S. R. Abinesh of II B.C.A. won the Gold medal in triple jump and long jump and qualified for All India inter University athletic meet held at West Bengal. Mr. S. F. Shijilin of III B.Sc. Computer Science won the silver medal in 800 meters and 1500 meters run. Mr. Ajin G. Farose of II B.A. English literature won the silver medal in Decathion (10 events), Javelin Throw and Pole Vault. Mr. J. Livingston of I B.A. English Literature won the Gold medal in 400 meters Hurdles. Our college 4 x 400 meters relay team S. R. Justin Raj of II M.A., J. Livingston of I B.A. English Literature, S. Vishnu of II B.B.A. and S. F. Shijilin of III B.Sc. Computer Science had won the Gold medal . Mr. Ajin Geo of III B.Com. won the Bronze medal in 20 km walk. Mr. R. Aji of I B.A. History (T) represented Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at the south zone Inter-University Women Hockey tournament. Mr. Arun V. Karol of II M.A. Economics represented Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at the south zone Inter-University cricket tournament and Ms. V. Shalini of M.Phil. Commerce represented Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at the south zone Inter-University Women table Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 255 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation tennis tournament. Our college women Hockey team won First place in the District level women Hockey tournament held at Nagercoil. This year also our college athletic team won the overall Championship in Manonmaniam Sundaranar University inter-collegiate meet held at Madurai. The Department of Physical Education conducted many sports and games events for men and women students, teaching and non-teaching staff during this academic year. Cultural Events: 2009-2010 Youth Welfare and Fine Arts Club Under the auspices of Youth Welfare and Fine Arts, students have been given training in oration, western, folk and classical dances, verse writing, debates and acting. A talent search competition was conducted. 45 other competitions to unearth and encourage the hidden talents of the students. In collaboration with the SCM of our college a Christmas Cultural festival Angels ’09 was conducted. In these competitions the students of the department of Tourism Management won the rolling cup instituted by our Correspondent, Mr. M. Jayahar Joseph. Our student team has won the first place in the competition conducted by the Rotary Club of Nagercoil and received the rolling cup from the District Collector. In the cultural precision conducted by M.S. University, our students marched with Thaiam decorations which attracted the attention of everyone and was specially appreciated by the press. In the subsequent Youth Festival competitions our college scored 32 points by winning in 6 out of 12 competitions. They have won the overall championship in the competitions conducted by Bharath Motors and Sivanthi Aditanar College also. In the competitions conducted by Payanam Youth Club, St. Xavier’s Para Medical College, and Holy Cross College, our students have won many prizes. As in the last year, we conducted a grand “Narthanam” festival on 25th February 2010. Dr. Francis, Principal of V.O.C. College, Tuthucorin was the chief guest. 15 colleges and 12 schools participated in the mind boggling song and dance festival which enthralled the audience. 2010-2011 Youth Welfare and Fine Arts Club Under the auspices of the Youth Welfare and Fine Arts club, students were given training in verse writing, debates and acting. A talent search Competition was conducted to unearth and encourage the hidden talents of the students. Our students won the overall championship in the MUTA competitions; overall championship in the competitions conducted by Rotary Club, Nagercoil and First place in the Kumari Carnival held at Kanyakumari. The Youth Welfare department of our College conducted ‘Alasal Arangam’, ‘Thiramai Thruvizha’ and Angels 2010’ to bring out the hidden talents of our students. The students of the department of English won the Prof. G.D. Memorial rolling cup continuously for the fifth time. As in the last year, a grand inter-collegiate “Narthanam 2011” Festival was conducted on 11-02-2011. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 256 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011-2012 Youth Welfare and Fine Arts Club This year the Youth Welfare and Fine arts Club has won many laurels for the College. Under the auspices of the club, students were given training in verse writing, debates and acting. A talent search Competition was conducted to unearth and encourage the hidden talents of the students. Our students won overall championship in the MUTA competitions, overall championship in the competitions conducted by Rotary club, Nagercoil and First place in the Kumari Karnival held at Kanyakumari. The youth welfare of our department conducted ‘Alasal Arangam’, ‘Thiramai Thruvizha’ and ‘Angels 2010’ to bring out the hidden talents of our students. The students of the department of English won the Prof. G.D. Memorial rolling cup continuously for the fifth time. As in the last year, a grand inter-collegiate "Narthanam 2011" Festival was conducted on 11-02-2011. 2012-2013 Youth Welfare and Fine Arts Club This year the Youth Welfare and Fine arts Club has won many laurels for the College under the leadership of Prof. P. Helmsly Solomon. A talent search Competition was conducted with 43 competitions to encourage the hidden talents of the students. Our students were victorious in the competitions organized by the Rotary Club of Nagercoil, Payanam Youth Club, St. Xavier’s College, Chunkankadai, Grace Institutions, Padanthalumoodu etc. and won prizes. The students of the department of English won the Prof. G.D. Memorial rolling cup continuously for the seventh time in the competitions conducted by the Youth Welfare Department. An inter-state dance festival "Narthanam ‘13" is to be conducted on 28-02-2013. Achievments in co-curricular activities: 2010-11 Miss. Berla Jeyanthy (III B.Sc.) and Miss. Blessy Mol (II B.Sc.) were congratulated for participating in a quiz competition organized by Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai and winning the first prize. A three member team of PG students participated in a quiz programme conducted by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 19-03-2011. Our M.Phil student, Asline had a paper accepted in an International Seminar held at Hyderabad. Sherlinath also presented a paper in a National conference. The first year students brought laurels to the Department by acquiring the third place in the intercollegiate quiz competition held at Holy Cross College, Nagercoil on 0102-2011. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 257 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Our students participated in an inter-collegiate competition “BIOWIZ 2011” organized by the Department of Botany, St. Xaviers College, Palayamkottai and won the third prize for overall competitions. 2011-12 The Computer students participated in State level Technical Symposium and won the following prizes: S.No. Name Prize Competition Event Venue 1 D. S. Ebenezer Samuel 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 2nd Quiz COMSAT ‘12 Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram 2 B. Muhammed Shageer 1st B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 2nd Quiz COMSAT ‘12 Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram 3 M. M. Mahesh 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.(Extension) 1st Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil 4 R. P. Jijo 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.e (Extension) 1st Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil 5 D. S. Ebenezer Samuel 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 3rd Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil 6 J. V. Hamelton 2nd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.(Aided) 3rd Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil 2012-13 The UG Students, Jebila M. Moni, R.J. Abisha and Anju Varghese participated in a quiz competition organised by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli on 12th December 2013. Our College team won second Prize in Dr. S.S. Pillai Memorial quiz competition in Mathematics, Conducted by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 15th March 2013. Also, a team of three PG Students participated in the state level quiz competition conducted by St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai on 1st March 2013. Our PG student, D. Berla Jeyanthi and Queency presented a paper entitled "Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Numbers" in the District Level conference in Mathematics held on 31st August 2013 in St. John's Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 258 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation College of arts and Science Ammandivilai and won Second Prize. Seven students of III B.Sc students participated in a ‘CHEMFEST’ conducted by S.T. Johns College, Palayamkottai and won III prize in Quiz competition, II prize in young chemist and won the II prize in overall champion ship. Sl.No. Name Event Prize 1 J.V.Hamelton Paper presentation III 2 P.Tariq Paper presentation III 3 K.Lispin Aptitude test II 4 G.Anjali George Aptitude test III Mime II S/W Marketing III Ad-Zap III 5 6 7 Group Competition Group Competition Group Competition College Holy cross college, Nagercoil. Holy cross college, Nagercoil. Nooral Islam College, Kumaracoil. Nooral Islam College, Kumaracoil. St.Xaviour College, Tirunelveli. St.Xaviour College, Tirunelveli. Mariagiri College, kaliakavila Management Studies students participation in competitions: Our students participated in the Inter-collegiate competitions organised by Malankara Catholic College Mariagiri and Vins Christian College of Engineering, Nagercoil, and won the following prizes in Vins College. Hemanth Sathyan I Praveen T.R got Ist Prize in Quiz. Surya K., Aswathy S. got IInd Prize in Paper presentation. A. Anisha Carol & V. Catherine Ubalth got Ist Prize for Debugging. 1. 12/12/2012 Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Fashion Show – 2nd Prize. Participants: Amal Vijay, Gogul, Monisha, Karthika of I BBA, and John Jero, Jobin, Remya and 2. 28/9/2012 Udaya College of Engg., Vellamodi Ad Zap – 1st prize. Participants – Manoj, Kiran, Vipin, Rajeev and Fathima of II MBA. Paper presentation – 1st Prize. Participants – Steffi and Gopika of II MBA 3. 12/12/2012 Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Fashion Show – 2nd Prize. Participants: Amal Vijay, Gogul, Monisha, Karthika of I BBA, and John Jero, Jobin, Remya and Sheeja of II BBA. 4. 18/10/2012 Einstein College of Engg., Thirunelveli 5. 19/10/2012 NI College of Engg, Thakalay Paper Presentation - Vinod, I MBA and Gopika, II MBA – 3rd prize Business Plan - Vinod, I MBA and Gopika, II MBA – 3rd prize Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 259 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6. 30/10/2012 CSI Inst of Tech, Thovalay Paper Presentation - Steffy and Gopika, II MBA – 1st prize Ad Zap – Hanna, Kiran, Manoj, Anish K Baby of II MBA and Jaisingh of I MBA – 1st Prize 7. 6/11/2012 Maria Engg College, Attor Paper Presentation – Ranjini and Iswarya of I MBA 1st Prize 8. 20/2/2013 Rajas Engineering College, Vadakankulam Ad Zap I Prize – Manoj, Kiran, Fathima, Hannah of II MBA and Shibu Mathew of I MBA Paper presentation – I prize - Gopika and Rajeev of II MBA Quiz II Prize - Jeric Sam and Aiswarya of I MBA Skit – II Prize – Vinod of I MBÁ and Gopika, Hannah, Jinu Mon and Rajeev of II MBA The students got the overall trophy 9. 6/3/2013 St. Johns College, Ammandivilai Paper presentation – II Prize Rajeev II BBA and Gogul Krishnan, I BBA Ad-zap I Prize Shibin, Jero and Jebin of II BBA and Karthika, Anusha and Amal Vijay of I BBA Master Mind I Prize – Sujitha of I BBA Business Quiz II Prize Antony III BBA and Karthik I BBA The students got the overall trophy 10. 15/3/2013 Maria Engineering College, Attoor Quiz I Prize Antony and Edwin Raj of III BBA Treasure Hunt I Prize Bilbin Jayaraj of III BBA Fashion Show I Prize Sheeja, Remya, Tom Joseph and Mejin of II BA; Leena and Monisha of I BBA and Dispen Raj and Gopinath of III BBA Group Dance I Prize – Vishnu, Rajeev, Shibin, John Jero of II BBA and Karthik of I BBA The students lifted the overall trophy also. 11. 9/4/2013 Malankara catholic College, Mariagiri Best Manager – 1st Prize Vinod V. Nair Best Management Team – 1st Prize Hannah, Gopika, Jinumon and Kiran of II MBA Group Dance – 1st Prize Anish of I MBA; Raveen and Renjith of III BBA Group Dance – 2nd Prize Vishnu, Rajeev, John Jero of II BBA and Karthik of I BBA Mime – 1st prize Vishnu, Rajeev, John Jero of II BBA; Karthik of I BBA and Jaisingh of I MBA Mime – 2nd Prize Jobin of II BBA; Ashwin, Belbin, Premkumar, Renjith and Raveen of III BBA Quiz – 3rd Prize Jinumon of II MBA and Aiswarya of I MBA The students lifted the overall trophy also. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 260 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CUO Stalin Kumar has attended RDC 2013 at New Delhi. He is also one of the NCC Cadet who mached at Rajpath, New Delhi on 26th January 2013, Republic Day. 5.3.3 How does the college seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and employers, to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions? From 2010-11 onwards, the institution obtained feedback from the outgoing students of UG and PG courses. Also the students council and other representatives represent the deficiencies in various services with the Principal. The valid suggestions of graduates and post graduates like additional toilets in the girls retiring room, sufficient furnitures, provision of filter water in the campus, quality improvement in canteen and class room maintenance were accepted and implemented. We discussed the above suggestions in IQAC and put them into action. Feedback was also obtained from the employers – Bishop, Correspondent and Governing Board members. The following suggestions were incorporated: Many teachers who had not yet registered for Ph.D., have registered for Ph.D. The teachers started applying for minor and major projects. The teachers are using LCD for power point presentation frequently. The staff members are active in internal quality assurance system. The salary for the self finance staff members was hiked. 5.3.4 How does the college involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material? List the publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous four academic sessions. The teachers encourage the students to write articles to be published in the college magazine. Also, announcement is made through public address system to call for articles. The youth welfare committee involves the students to participate in competitions like elocution and essay writing. This makes them to be familiar in writing articles. Also, the department of Management Studies publishes a house journal ‘Zoomer’, Department of Malayalam publishes ‘Shavika’, Department of Tourism ‘Tornus’ and Department of English publishes ‘Incria’ for which students make contributions. The Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 261 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation students have the privilege of making contributions to the magazine in four languages. The Department of Tourism Management publishes a journal once in three years. As the students have opportunities to publish various articles in these journals and the college magazine, they used to write articles. Details of articles published by students from 20092010 onwards: College magazine publications: Name Class Title 1. A. Prem Kumar I BBA “Sylendra Babu IPS” 2. S. Manoj II B.Sc. Com. Sc. “Think About” 3. M. Reeja II BA His “Losses” 4. M. Ajilin Jenisha III B.Com (C.A) “Unity” 5. J. Jerisha I B.Sc. Bot “Endeavour” 6. R. Bibi 7. K. Sasbitha Mol I M.Sc. Bot “Gandhiji to appear again” 8. S. Lisha II BA Tam “Appreciative Mind” 9. M. Ajilin Jenisha III B.Com (C.A) “Blood is red” 10. M. Berju Biniga Peels II M.Sc. Com.Sc. “Sky” 11. K. Padma I B.Sc. Com.Sc. “Teachers’ Day” 12. M. R. Milton Mark III BA His “The Yields of Seeds Spread” 13. C. Sithan Dev II B.Sc. Zoo “Archeo fritress” 14. S. Sathish Kumar M.Phil. Maths “Two eyes – Mission Service & Social service” 15. Raja I MBA “The Depth of Friendship” 16. K. Sasbitha Mol I M.Sc. Bot “Hike” 17. V. Anisha I B.Sc. Bot “Dowry” Sl.No. Nesamony Memorial Christian College “Towards NCC” Page 262 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 18. M. Viji II BA His “Life” 19. J. Jinu I BA Tamil “The India liked by me” 20. N. Sreedhar II BA Eco “Holy Place” 21. N. G. Githeeba III B.Sc. Maths “The Thoughts of Drugs” 22. L. Berinlobo II BBA “The World to Awaken” 23. M. Vinu Singh II BA His “Live – In You” 24. K. Binu Mol I B.Com (C.A) “The Birth & Victory” 25. J. Stalin I MA History “NMCC – The Gift of God” 26. S. R. Arun II MA English “College Days” 27. R. K. Vincilla II BA English “Shine After Rain” 28. K. Prabhavathy II B.Sc. Physics “Luck” 29. M. Rubin Mon 30. M. Shabeena Beevi III BA English “Loneliness” 31. K.S. Shirmi III BA English “Value of Time” 32. V. Ashok Kumar III B.Com.(C.A) “Tribute to A Hero Major. Sandeep Unnikrishnan” 33. Ratheesh II MA English 34. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Alphabet of Success” 35. N. C. Jerushalit I BA English “Trek to Joy” 36. K. Binu Mon II B.Com.(C.A) “Maths Magic” 37. S. S. Shyni I MA English “Journey” 38. K.S. Shirmi III BA English “Patriotism” 39. S. D. Maheltha Jaicy I MA English “My Dear Father” 40. Noble B. Das II MA Economics “Friend” Nesamony Memorial Christian College III B.Sc. Computer Science Page 263 of 339 “Who She Is.....” “English as Universal Language” Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 41. S. Albin Mohan III B.Sc. Computer Science “Technology vs Life” 42. Antony Stephen I BA English “More & More” 43. K. Surya I MCA “From a Friend” 44. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Easy Maths” 45. S. Albin Mohan III B.Sc. Computer Science “Surprising Number” 46. M. Sabeena Beevi III BA English “Longing Child” 47. S. S. Shyni I MA English “ The Midnight Sky” 48. M. S. Shalini II B.Sc. Chemistry “Quotations” 49. J. Godly Gini 50. B. Evanjalin II BA English “The Crystal Fish” 51. M. R. Anslin I. B.Sc. Physics “Three Things” 52. S. S. Shyni I MA English “ On the Summit of Ponmudi” 53. T. Subash II MA English “Candle” 54. B. Evanjalin III BA English “A Red Rose” 55. R. N. Ramya II B.Com.(C.A) “Mobile Commerce” 56. T. Ruby II B.Com.(C.A) “The Scary Amount” 57. S. S. Shyni II MA English “An Elegy For My Friend” 58. S. S. Shyni II MA English “Fun With Literary Figures” 59. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” 60. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics “Tips to Top the Class” 61. SUO. Vivek Vijay II BA History (E) “The Importance of Being A Cadet” 62. M. R. Anslin II B.Sc. Physics “The Hazards of Smoking” Nesamony Memorial Christian College I M.Sc. Computer Science Page 264 of 339 “Wit and Wisdom” Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 63. L. Lilija I BA Tamil “True Lines” 64. V. Vibin I BCA “ Azhagu” 65. L. Lilija I BA Tamil “Vidu Kathai” Publications in Literary Club Journal (English Department) Sl.No. Name Class Title 1. T. Subash I MA “Real World” 2. N. Suja Jancy I MA “If I were a Teacher” 3. S. A. Irin I MA “Opera” 4. M. R. Ramya III BA “Best” 5. Hidden Ones II MA “Hidden Ones” 6. K. Kanjana III BA “Time” 7. M. V. Nisha I MA “Greenery” 8. P. Bibilin II MA “Tongue Twisters” 9. M. V. Shyla I MA “My Mother” 10. A. Priya II BA “Search your way” 11. C. Raja Shaluja III BA “The Kitten” 12. V. Jinofa III BA “Design” 13. S. Pramila III BA “The song of a girl” 14. J. S. Jelin Jangray III BA 15. S. S. Sowmiya I MA “The Famous Quotations” 16. P. Divya III BA “Where is God” 17. S. Selvin Subash I MA “Rain Bow” 18. J. S. Jeya Kumari I MA “Beautiful Lines” Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 265 of 339 “Role of youth in present India Society” Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 19. S. S. Shyni II MA “A New World” 20. M. Suganya III BA “Strange Meeting” 21. S. D. Maheltha Jaicy II MA “Lively Movements” 22. N. Jibin II MA “Me Too.......Your Eyes” 23. V. R. Cini Babu II MA “Spring Walk” 24. N. C. Jerushalit II BA “Vision-Vanity” 25. Avila III BA “Pen Name – Real Name” Zoomer - Go Green - Special Issue of 10th Anniversary (Department of Management Studies) Sl.No Name Class Title “God’s perfect plan to protect the 1. K. Sunil II MBA 2. M. Harish Behin II MBA “Green Marketing” 3. M. Arya II MBA “Corporate Environmentalism” 4. S. Sujitha II MBA “Go Green-right from your House ” 5. Sasi Rekha II MBA “Life in the plastic era” 6. S. Jeya Kumar II MBA “10 Ways to go green and save Green” 7. M. N. Anas Sait 5.3.5 environment” “Green Practices – Indian Corporates Way” Does the college have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its selection, constitution, activities and funding. Yes, there is a student council. Composition of the committee Principal - President Vice-Principal - Member Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 266 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Three staff members nominated by the Principal (one Treasurer and two Advisors are members). Chairmen - Student Vice-Chairmen - Student Secretary - Student Joint Secretary - Student Six more students are elected as executive members. Two other students are nominated by the Principal. The representatives of all the classes (UG/PG/M.Phil) will form an electoral college to elect the office bearers and members to the executive directly. The students contesting the election should have 75% attendance. They should have cleared all the papers and should not have been fined Rs. 100/- or above. Constitution of the council ARTICLE I: Aim A. The aim of the Council is to help students engage themselves in meaningful pursuits outside the co-curricular programme of the College and to provide opportunities to be trained as good citizens B. The Council will try to achieve these aims mainly through debates, lectures, meetings and cultural programmes. ARTICLE II: Membership All students of the college shall be deemed to be members of the Council, for the academic year and all members of the staff shall be its honorary members. ARTICLE III: Office Bearers of the Executive Committee (mentioned above) ARTICLE IV : Election : Mode of Election As per the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Guidelines (Vide No. MSU A/CO.UN.EL/ 2007-08), the college adopts indirect election in electing the office- bearers and the executive members of the students union council. Under indirect election method, each class, I, II and III years of undergraduate courses, I and II years post graduate programmes and M.Phil, will elect a representative each and all these class Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 267 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation representatives will form the members of the Executive directly. Electoral College to elect the office – bearers and The apex body under the proposed dispensation will be “University students Union”, to which the electoral college will be the students’ representative chosen from affiliated colleges and University departments (Chairman and Secretary). For the university students union, four office bearers as in colleges, and two student representatives from each district, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari (3x2=6), for the Executive committee will be elected. Eligibility of students to contest *A student contesting the election should be a regular full time student and have cleared all papers till the date of nomination with 75% attendance in the previous semester. The contesting candidates should not have criminal charges or affiliation to any political or communal outfit. They should not have any charges of indiscipline. * All the students of the college shall have the right to vote and contest in the election of the students Council. The candidates for Chairman and the secretary shall be from the third year UG classes or second year P.G classes. * Students elected as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint-Secretary and Executive Committee members of the Council shall not hold office in any other association in the college and shall resign other offices to which they may have been elected earlier. * The elections of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint-Secretary and student members of the Executive Committee will be conducted by the president or by the Advisor appointed by him. Elections shall generally be by secret ballot. * If any student is identified as guilty and fined Rs. 50/- and above will be imposed and that student shall not be eligible to contest in any of the Student Council elections. Grievance cell * A Grievance cell constituted by the staff council will dispose of the election related disputes and complaints within 24 hours. * The Grievance cell will have the authority to cancel the candidature of a contestant who violates the election norms. Code of Conduct No election related expenditure will be permitted. Corrupt practices are totally prohibited. Wall posters, pamphlets and handbills are banned. No outsider should be allowed during the days of election process. Procession of any kind and anywhere are Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 268 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation strictly prohibited. In the event of violence of factional clashes, the college will cancel the whole election process and inform the decision to the University authority concerned. Deadline for Elections The duration of the process of election should not exceed four days in a college. The election process in the college should be over by December 5, 2011. The election for the University students Union should be completed before December 20, 2011. ARTICLE: Meetings of the Executive Committee A. The Executive Committee of the Council shall discuss the programme of activities at least once a semester. B. A notice of at least three days shall be given for meetings of the committee by the Secretary. Urgent or special meetings may be convened on short notice on the authorization of the President. C. The proceedings of all the meetings of the Committee should be recorded. D. 50 percent shall be the quorum for the Executive meeting. E. The President has the right to convene the Executive Committee of the Council at any time. F. The President shall have the power to issue directions for the proper conduct of meetings and other affairs of the Council and to revise the regulations. His interpretation of the regulations and his decisions in any dispute shall be final. CODE OF CONDUCT OF THE ELECTED STUDENTS (Vide proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education No. 5763116/82 date 29-9-82) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The office bearers of the students’ Council shall co-operate fully with the Principal and the staff of the college in promoting intellectual and cultural activities among students. The office bearers of the Students’ Council shall take upon themselves the responsibility of not involving in any act of indiscipline leading to disruption of normal life in the campus. The problems and issues in the college shall be resolved by representations and negotiations and not by resorting to any other method. The office-bearers shall under no circumstance deem it as part of their duty to represent to the authorities on matters and causes, which do not fall under the purview of the Council. The office-bearers may make their representations to the Principal only on matters pertaining to the general interest of the students and not on individual cases. The Council office-bearers shall not interfere directly or indirectly in matters involving discipline and action thereon, which are the responsibilities of the Principal. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 269 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 7. The Budget for the Council shall be prepared by the Council Office-bearers in consultation with the students Representatives Council and the staff advisers. It shall be submitted to the Principal for approval. 8. It shall be obligatory on the part of the Council office-bearers to present the statement of accounts of the Union twice a semester to the students Representatives Council. 9. The office-bearers shall not invite any outsider to the college for meetings and functions except with the approval and consent of the Principal. 10. The Council Office-bearers shall not involve themselves in any kind of fund-raising campaigns except with the specific approval of the Principal. 11. The above said instructions shall be followed and those who violate these shall be dealt with suitably. Activities of students’ council Year 2009-10 The office-bearers of the council help the administration in raising funds to construct houses for the poor and do needful help for the construction. The inaugural meeting of the council was held in November 2009. The valedictory function of the council was held on Feb.26, 2010. Dr. (Major) K.S.P. Durai Raj Controller of Examinations, M.S. University was the Chief Guest. The students performed cultural programme during this occasion. The students also staged a drama directed by our faculty, Dr. C. Jesu Raj. Year 2010-11 The inaugural function of the students’ council was held on 7.2. 2011 and Dr. David Raja Bose, Principal, Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science, was the chief guest. Twelve students who donated blood were honoured on this occasion. A Voting Awareness Rally was conducted from Vettuveni to Martandam on 7.1.2011. In collaboration with the Taluk administration, a Voting Right Awareness Rally from Vilavancode to Marthandam was organized on 24.1.2011. An inter-departmental Volleyball match was conducted on 3.2.2011. The valedictory function of the students’ council was conducted on 12.2.2011 and Mr. Thilakan, a famous actor from Kerala gave the valedictory address. Year 2011-12 The inaugural function of the students’ council was held with Mr. Kumari Aathavan, A popular writer cum teacher, as the chief guest. It conducted cricket match for both UG and PG students. A representation was made to the Municipal authorities to complete the Bus Stand work on time. The union day was conducted on 25-02-2012. Mr. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 270 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Iniyavan, was the chief guest on this occation. The students council donated Rs. 5000/- to the Blind School, Irenipuram and Rs. 7000/- to Deaf and Dumb School, Kottaram. Year 2012-13 The inaugural function of the students’ council was held with Er. S. Baiju Nizeeth Paul, Vice President, CSI KK Diocese, as the chief guest. It conducted cricket match for both UG and PG students. The union day was conducted on 01-03-2013. Dr. Kumari Ananthan, Ex. MP, was the chief guest on this occation. The students council donated Rs. 24500/- to a Blind student, Mr. Martin Jose of III BA History for purchasing Rhythm Pad. 5.3.6 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives on them. There are student representatives in the bodies for co-curricular activities like Tamil Ilakkia Mantram Tamil Peravai English Association English Literary Club UG Maths Club P.G. Maths Club UG Physics Club P.G. Physics Club U.G Chemistry Association PG Chemistry Association Botany Association UG Zoology Association PG Zoology Association Computer Science Association COMSAC (MCA) P.G. History Club Research Forum For History Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 271 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Economics Association UG Commerce Association PG Commerce Association DOMSSA (MBA) Tornus Riveria Eco Club - Voluntary Planning Forum Social Service League (Membership voluntary) The secretaries are elected from among the final year class representatives. The activities are planned and executed by the students’ representatives under the guidance of staff advisors. Activities of various co-curricular associations (2010-11) Tamil Literary Association: The Tamil literary Association was formally inaugurated on 16-09-2010. The Head of the department presided over the function. The Chief Guest Dr. Varithaiya Kasthatin delivered a special Address on “Vilimbu Makkal Ilakkiam--Neithal Thinayai Mun Vaitthu”. The Principal felicitated the function. The students were taken for a field visit on 30-10-2010 to St. Joseph Press, Thiruvananthapuram and to Chithranjali Studio to improve the knowledge on the University prescribed subject, Theatre Arts. A Tour Programme to Cochin, Kodaikanal and Madurai was conducted from 26 to 28 of March, 2011. The valediction of the association was held on 3-2-2011. Dr. Mahizh Uldha Kamalam, the Head of the Department presided over the function. The Chief guest Dr. Guna Sekharan, director of World Tamil Research Centre delivered a special talk on “Tamilum Namum”. The meet was concluded with the vote of thanks by Rema Devi. Malayalam Association: In this academic year, the Inaugural meeting of Malayalam Association was held on 3008-2010 at 1.45 pm in Seminar Hall-II. The HoD of Malayalam Prof. S. Anitha presided over the function. The Inaugural address was given by the Principal Dr. S. D. D. Roy. The Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 272 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation chief guest address was given by Dr. C. L. Prameela, Assistant Professor, NI Arts & Science College, Kumarakovil. The felicitation was given by the Vice-Principal Prof. P. Kumaradhas. On 07-03-2011 at 1.45 pm in Seminar Hall-II, a film was screened for I year UG students on their syllabus and the name of the film is ‘Akale’. The release of the manuscript magazine prepared by the students named ‘Shavika’ and the valedictory meeting of Malayalam Association were conducted on 17-03-2011 at 1.45 pm in Seminar Hall-II. The Principal released the magazine. Prof. Tibi Thomas, Dept. of English gave the valedictory address. The students who scored top marks in Part-II Malayalam in each semester was awarded prizes by the Malayalam HoD. The meeting came to an end with a variety programme performed by the students. English Literary Club Report: The literary club was formally inaugurated by a former staff of the department Prof. P. Austin on 10-08-2010. An inter-collegiate one day seminar on Canadian Literature was held on 17-092010. Over 60 students from 6 colleges participated apart from our students. Dr. Judith Sophia of Scott Christian College was the resource person. The PG literary Club was inaugurated by Prof. M. Sebastian, former HOD of English, Scott Christian College, on 29-10-2010. He delivered an entertaining, informative talk on how to develop communication skills. The Staff hosted a nice lunch to over 100 visually challenged children of Irenipuram School for the Blind on 29-10-2010. It was pleasant to listen to their singing, speech, and Bible reading and partake their dinner. On 22-10-2010, about 20 students and 3 staff visited the Home for the Aged at Karingal and spent time with the inmates. They chatted with them and presented them with necessary articles and cakes. This kind of gesture cheered the abandoned elderly women. An inter-collegiate literary carnival Litfest 11 was celebrated on 26-02-2010 with competitions in masquerade, skit and dance. Competitors from around eight colleges participated. Prof. P. Helmsly Solomon, the organizer, had made all arrangements in a grand manner. A UGCsponsored eight day workshop on Human Rights was organized by the Department. It was inaugurated by Mr. Isaac Mohanlal, High Court Advocate, on 31-01-2011. 20 delegates from different colleges took part in it. The workshop saw its valediction on 0802-2011 with Dr. Pradeep Philip, IPS as the chief guest. Prof. Rohini Thilakavathy served as the organizing secretary and Prof. S. Philip as convener. 7 staff and more than 30 students of the department paid a visit to the HIV infected children at CBH, Nagercoil on 04-09-2010 and spent 2 hours of quality time with them. They sang and danced with these children, holding their hands. The children enjoyed the day and would have felt they were no more unwanted. Rs. 13500/- was donated for their treatment. A one day seminar on Personality Development was held for the women students of the department. Prof. Immaculate Philip served as the resource person. Our Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 273 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation department has won the Youth Welfare Rolling Cup for the ninth consecutive time with a margin of 130 points. We have also won the cup for the Christmas competitions conducted by the SCM. Class I students trekked to Ulakkai Aruvi on 16-12-2011. It was followed by a visit to Kanyakumari. Prior to that, the class III students went on a 4-day tour visiting Ooty, Munnar and Veegaland and class II a 2-day tour to Kurusumalai and Veegaland. We are happy to announce that our Department has been provided with a laptop, an LCD projector and a movie screen with stand. An ampli-speaker and a microphone were added to them. These help us screen literary movies to the Major as well as Part-II English students. Mathematics UG Association: The inaugural meeting of UG Mathematics association for the year 2010-2011 was held on 25-07-2010. Prof. Sanal Kumar of St. Xavier’s Engineering College, Chunkankadai, Nagercoil, delivered a lecture on “The Application of Matrices in the Field of Photography’’. The Head of the Department, Prof. P Kumaradhas presided over the function. On behalf of the association Miss. Berla Jeyanthy (III B.Sc) and Miss. Blessy Mol (II B.Sc) were congratulated for participating in a quiz competition organized by Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai and winning the first prize. The Mathematics association organized a programme on 18-03-2011 “Memory of Perfect Squares”, in which Dr. Thomas Vijayan Guinness world record holder presented the squares and square roots of any number between 1 and 10 lakh from his memory. Mathematics PG Club: This club is constituted to organize various co-curricular activities among the M.Sc and M.Phil students. A study tour was conducted for M.Phil students from 24-02-2011 to 07-03-2011 covering the areas of Delhi, Agra and Waha. The M.Sc students attended a one day seminar on Graph Theory on 10-03-2011 in Lekshmipuram College, Neyyoor. A team of PG students attended a NET awareness programme conducted by Vivekananda College, Agastheswaram on 19-02-2011. The M.Phil students attended a one day seminar on “Graphs in Rings” organized by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 10-03-2011. A three member team of PG students participated in a quiz programme conducted by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 19-03-2011. UG Physics Association: The UG Physics association inauguration along with the ‘Welcome to Freshers’ was held on 17-07-2010. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 274 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation To improve reading habit, English Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge of students the Thursday Hindu paper having Science and Technology is arranged for all U.G. students. It is proposed to conduct a competition at the end of the academic year. A Christmas get-together was arranged by the students on 20-12-2010 to share the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. The first B.Sc students had a picnic to Ponmudi and Kovalam. The second B.Sc students had a picnic to Ulakkai Aruvi and Kanyakumari. A Four day tour to Bangalore, Mysore and Ooty was conducted from 22-02-2011 to 27-02-2011. S. L. Suchithra of Third B.Sc. Physics was selected to WIPRO in campus interview. A. D. Abeega Remya of Third B.Sc Physics won the first Prize in singing competition at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. D. Jeya Reshmi of Third B.Sc Physics won the first Prize in singing competition at Maruthancode District Church. PG Physics Association: The inaugural meeting of PG Association was held on 7th September 2010. Our HoD Prof. Thampi Thanka Kumaran presided over the meeting. The chief guest Dr. Victor Jeya of Anna University, Chennai delivered the inaugural address. The department was fortunate to have eminent scientists Dr. Baghavan Narayana of NPL and Dr. Rajeevan of NARL, our former student who candled the brain of our students. To sharpen the insight of our students, a problem solving session has been arranged on all days after class hours Welcome to the freshers was held on 22-09-2010. Apart from academic activities, our students are exposed to wider knowledge in English as well as in Science, by issuing, singing “The Hindu” on all Thursdays. To share the joy of Christmas, a get together was arranged by the students on 20-12-2010. Rajeshwari of M.Sc physics has represented the University and also the State level tournament in Table Tennis and won prizes. Sharlinath of II M.Sc Physics has won prizes in State level and University level singing competitions. She has also got prizes in Kumari Carnival and also in competitions held by MUTA. Our M.Phil student, Asline had a paper accepted in an International Seminar held at Hyderabad. Sherlinath also presented a paper in a National conference. Sherlinath of second M.Sc Physics attended a summer course in Madras University and Vidhya in Kalpakam. UG Chemistry Association: The activities of the UG Chemistry Association for the academic year 2010-2011 were inaugurated on 03-08-2010 by Mr. Sasikumar, the Joint Secretary of Tamil Nadu Science Forum. He gave a talk on “Radio Activity” and demonstrated the various disasters caused by radio activity. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 275 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation One day Youth Training Programme on Oil conservation organized by Petroleum Conservation Research Association was conducted on August 6, 2010. In order to develop enthusiasm for higher studies in the specified area, the students of final year Chemistry were taken to the National Institute for Inter-disciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram on 06-10-2010. A Christmas function was organized by the students on 20-12-2010 and the Christmas message was given by Dr. T. F. Abbs Fenn Reji, the Head of the department of Chemistry. The Department tour was conducted for the final year students for two days to visit important places of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The second year students visited important places in Tiruvananthapuram. The first year students brought laurels to the Department by acquiring the third place in the intercollegiate quiz competition held at Holy Cross College, Nagercoil on 0102-2011. PG Chemistry Association: The inaugural meeting of the association was held on 16-08-2010. Dr. Joseph from Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, inaugurated the activities of the Association. II M.Sc Chemistry students visited National Institute of Inter-disciplinary Science and Technology, Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram on 26-09-2010. Six students of II M.Sc Chemistry participated in a two day National level Seminar on “Frontier areas of Chemistry” at Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram from 29-09-2010. M.Sc Chemistry students organized a Christmas programme on 20-12-2010. Dr. T. F. Abbs Fenn Reji gave the Christmas message. All the II M.Sc Chemistry students participated in a State level seminar on “Emerging Trends in Chemistry” at Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, on 28-01-2011. Four students of II M.Sc Chemistry participated in a National level seminar on “Recent trends in Chemistry” at Annai Velankanni College on 11-01-2011. II M.Sc chemistry students went for a two day excursion to Atharapally falls, Malampuzha dam and Kodaikanal from 18-02-2011 to 21-02-2011. Botany Association: The Botany Association activity of the academic year 2010-2011 was inaugurated on 06-08-2010 by Dr. E. John Jothi Prakash, Principal, TDMNS College, Kallikulam. On 20-12-2010 the Christmas celebration was organized Rev. J. Oliver Stanly, M.A.B.D. Pastor, C.S.I. Marthandam, was the chief guest and delivered the Christmas message. The proceedings of theNational Seminar on “Conservation and Management of Wetlands in an era of Climate Change” were released on 25-08-2010 by Prof. D. Christian Babu, Secretary C.S.I.K.K. Diocese. On this occasion, our District Collector, Shri. Rajendra Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 276 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Ratnoo was honoured with “Green and Clean 2010 Award” for his concern on environment. Our students participated in an inter-collegiate competition “BIOWIZ 2011” organized by the Department of Botany, St. Xaviers College, Palayamkottai and won the third prize for overall competitions. I B.Sc students were taken to Gulf of Mainar Biosphere Reserve and Kodaikanal hills for 3 days from 29-09-210 to 01-10-2010. III B.Sc students went on a 6 day study tour from 08-08-2010 to 14-08-2010 to Lal Bhagh Garden Bangalore, Mysore, Mudumalai wild life sanctuary, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Malampuza and Cochin. I M.Sc students were taken for a one day trip to Gulf of Munnar Biosphere Reserve on 04-10-2010. The students of the II M.Sc went for two days study tour from 21-01-2011 to 22-01-2011 to Palani hills. The II MSc students had a visit to the Biotechnology lab at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai on 08-10-2010. On 18-02-2011, they visited the Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Trivandrum to study in situ and ex situ conservation of biodiversity. The association congratulates the university gold medallists J. Chandra Saleride (M.Phil. Botany), S. R. Nisha (M.Sc Botany) and the University rank holders S. Shoba and T. Jebamalar (M.Sc Botany). The valedictory meeting of the Botany association was held on 30-03-2011. Prof. Mrs. Joy Mohan Dhas, Head of the Department of Botany, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil, delivered the valedictory address and our Principal, Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy felicitated and graced the occasion. In this function, University rank holders and subject toppers of our department were honoured. UG Zoology Association: Inauguration The association was inaugurated on 13-09-2010 in a function presided over by Dr. M. Johnson. Prof. J. Johnson (former HoD of UG Zoology), the Chief Guest delivered the inaugural address on “Public Health and Hygiene’’. T. S. Shoba gave active leadership as secretary. Study Tour III B.Sc students visited Cochin, Coimbatore, Ooty, Mysore and Bangalore from 20-09-2010 to 26-09-2010. I B.Sc students visited the Crocodile Park at Neyyar Dam, Marine Aquarium at Vizhingam and estuary at Veli on 10-12-2010. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 277 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Christmas Celebration The association organized a Christmas cultural programme on 22-12-2010. Dr. M. Johnson gave the Christmas message. It was a memorable celebration. Valediction Dr. M. Christudhas, former professor of Chemistry concluded the activities of the Association for this year with the valedictory address on “Impact of Chemicals on the Environment”. UG Computer Science Association: The inaugural meeting along with the Welcome day function was held on 13th July 2010. The members of the association for 2010-2011 were selected from six classes and a Special Representative Meeting was arranged on 17th July 2010. The students from our department participated in many inter-collegiate competitions and Intra-collegiate competitions and have won prizes. A district level Independence Day Competition “SPROUT 01” for the Higher Secondary students was conducted to explore their talents. More than 50 schools participated. Eleven of our students from III year got placement in “Wipro”, “UST Global” and “Mahendra Sathyam Group” through Campus Recruitment. A fund was raised and handed over to the Socio Economic Concern & Projects Organization from our department to help a child by providing education. Weekly news reading programme was successfully done under the guidance of the faculty members Miss. Jaspine and Mrs. Nalini. The Career Oriented Programmes such as Graphics for Visual Communication and Visual Communication are conducted for our students. Dress code twice in a month (Boys: Proper pants and shirt with Tie. Girls: Full Saree) is successfully introduced to our department students. A five day tour programme to Hoganakkal, Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty and Cochin was organized for the final year students on 10th to 16th April 2011. UG Computer Science association 2010-2011 activities ended with a valedictory function. Computer Science PG Club: The PG Club of Computer Science was inaugurated by our beloved Principal Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy on 14-07-2010. Mini project workshop on Image Processing for II M.Sc Computer Science students were held from 12-07-2010 to 13-07-2010 by Er. Jacob Vetharaj. A one day picnic was conducted for I year PG students on 24-07-2010. Students and staff really enjoyed the day. The club organized various seminars on working days. The seminar was inaugurated on 23-07-2010 by our HoD Prof. D. S. Arul Selvan with a useful topic “SORTING-QUICK SORT”, all the first year and second M.Sc Computer Science student Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 278 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation presented their seminars from Monday to Thursday and on every Friday the staff presented their topics and led the students in to new ideas. II M.Sc. Computer Science students were frequently allowed to take classes for UG Computer Science students to develop the teaching ability of the students. I M.Sc. Computer Science students were made to get a good idea about the software. Department Christmas Function was celebrated on 20-12-2010, various competitions were conducted by the department and our I M.Sc. Computer Science students won first prize for decorating X’Mas tree and third prize for X’Mas carol song competitions. The club plans to conduct a National level Symposium for PG students with a meaningful name “X-browz” (Look for Unknown Mastery). The events of PG Club (2010-2011) ended with a valedictory function. UG DOMSSA (Management Studies): The BBA course was the best & education of University curriculum, and it also involves us in so many curricular and extra-curricular activities. The value added programmes such as Personality Development camps, language practicing sessions, orientation programmes, participation in various inter-collegiate management competitions, daily-based group discussion for case analysis etc are unique only to DOMS-NMC. We are really lucky to be part of this prestigious department of NMCC and I, on behalf of all the BBA students, express my heartfelt thanks to the HoD and the faculty members for their dedication and commitment to shape as the future managers. PG DOMSSA (Management Studies): DOMSSA is an association functioning under the leadership of our HoD for the career development and welfare of the MBA students. During the past ten years, DOMSSA has been in variety of activities apart from the regular academic learning. The unique and innovative programme called “Planetarium” is the place to unleash, practise and exhibit the real talents of the students. It also provides us the platform to shape and mould our soft skills Gds, debates, ad-mad, quizzes, public speech, news analysis, aptitude tests, role plays are the regular activities of planetarium, to name a few. I express my heartfelt thanks to Abdul Khadar, one of our seniors and former secretary, to conceive this wonderful idea and to implement it. Apart from Planetarium activities, DOMSSA is also involving in a variety of other activities, especially, in the publication of the biannual house magazine “Zoomer”, conducting inter-collegiate fest, inter-school fest, management meet, seminar-regional and national level, field studies, consultancy surveys and so on. It is also helping the students to participate in various management meets, and win a lot of prizes and bring laurels to department and college. With all these activities and achievements of DOMSSA, DOMS-NMCC has earned a place of distinction amongst the B-schools of South India. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 279 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation COMSAC (Computer Applications): The inaugural meeting of COMSAC, Association of Master of Computer Application (MCA) and welcome to the I MCA students were conducted on 24th Aug 2010. A three days tour was organized to the III MCA students to Hogenakal, Ooty and Veegaland from 11th Aug to 14th Aug 2010. The inter-State Technical Symposium BOOT’10 was conducted for PG students on 11th Oct 2010. Dr. Lenin Fred, Principal, Mar Ephrem College of Engineering, Elavuvilai, inaugurated the programme. The events such as Paper Presentation, Software contest, Quiz, Communication Game and Ad-Zap were conducted. Eighteen Colleges participated in the event. The overall trophy was won by Sarah Tucker College, Palayamkottai. Onam, Christmas and Pongal festivals were celebrated in the department by COMSAC family. To improve the quality of the students, programmes were organized in the areas of Personality Development, Communication and Technology. Mr. Dolstan MCA delivered a talk on Personality Development on 20th Jan 2011. A study tour was conducted for the II MCA students to Ooty and Veegaland for three days from 15th Feb 2011 to 17th Feb 2011. The inter-collegiate programme TECHNO’11 for UG students was organized on 14th March 2011. Er. N. Nagarajan, the General Manager, iDynamics, Thiruvananthapuram inaugurated the function. Various events to bring out the Software, Managerial and Communicative skills such as Software contest, Movie maker, Quiz, Instant lecture, Communication game and Ad-Zap were conducted. Mr. M. Jayahar Joseph, Correspondent and Secretary, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, distributed the prizes to the winners. The best college trophy was won by St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. A seminar on Wireless Sensor Network was conducted on 16th March 2011. The resource person was Er. Reni Dev, Assistant Professor, CSI Institute of Technology, Thovalai. UG Commerce Association: The activities of Commerce association for the academic year 2010-2011 was inaugurated on 3-2-2011 by Dr. C. Jesuraj, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. retired professor in Tamil, Nesamony Momorial Christian College, Marthandam. He delivered the inaugural address and correlated “Commerce & Thirukural”. The third year students participated in the cultural programme conducted by the college and won prizes in Attha Poo, Western dance, Script and mine. They won the Ist prize in Volleyball in the Sports day competitions. The department tour was conducted on 2-9-2010 to Goa, Mysore, Ooty and Cochin. 48 students and 2 staff members participated in it. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 280 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation One of one III B.Com girls Miss. Shermin Bomila, No. 634 won I Prize in slogan writing in the competition held on International women’s day the topic “Zero Waste Management’. The Valedictory function was held on 30-3-2011. PG Commerce Association: The Association of PG department of Commerce was inaugurated by Mr. G. M. Joseph Dunston, Principal of St. Johns College, Ammandivilai. A function was arranged to welcome the juniors to the new intellectual atmosphere. A Christmas get together was arranged to celebrate the birthday of Child Jesus. Cakes, Sweets & Gifts are shared between the students. Many competitions were conducted. A Christmas card making competition was so exciting and most of the students participated in it. Prizes were also given for the winners. II M.Com Students arranged a 5 days study tour to Ooty, Bangalore and Mysore. A one day inter-collegiate seminar was organized by our department on March on, “The India Growth Story; Prospect for the capital market” Mr. Vijay Anand, IAS additional Chief Secretary, Kerala Government has given the key note address. Dr. Vijay Kumar, Investment strategist key, Geojit, Cochin was the resource person. 12th Economics Association: The activities of the Economics Association were inaugurated by Prof. S. Sudha, M.A., M.Phil., Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Management Studies, Maria College of Engineering and Technology. She spoke on “Women Entrepreneurs in India”. Principal Dr. S. D. D. Roy presided over the function. During this meeting the subject toppers and semester toppers of April 2010 University examinations were felicitated. The semester toppers are T. Shammy, IV Sem and J. P. Ponnisha, II Sem. A study tour was arranged for the final year students from 27th September to 1st October 2010. 25 students participated. They visited Wayanad, Ooty, Athirapally, Malampuzha and Cochin. During this they had also visited Doddabetta Tea Factory and the Tea Museum. Mr. Vishnu and B. Karthika of class III Economics have been selected for appointment in the TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES (TCS) Chennai, through the Campus Recruitment held at S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil on 27-02-2011. On 24-02-2011, a Regional level workshop on “Issues Facing RBI and Bank Sector” was organized. Mr. F. R. Joseph, M.A., C.A.I.I.B., Chief General Manager, RBI and Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 281 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Banking Ombudsman, Kerala and Lakshadweep, was the resource person. About 150 students and staff from various colleges participated. On 3rd March, 2011, a “Seminar on Budget Analysis 2011” was organized. Dr. C. K. Cyril Kanmani, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor in Economics, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil was the resource person. All the PG and UG students of Economics and some MBA students participated. A workshop on “Career Prospects in Insurance Industry” was organized on 17-032011. A team of officers from LIC, Mr. James (Branch Manager, LIC, Marthandam), Mr. Annadurai (Branch Manager, LIC, Karungul), Mrs. Padmini Ramanan (Principal ATS) and Mr. Karunakaran (Assistant Branch Manager, LIC, Marthandam) participated as resource person. The valedictory meeting of the Economics Association was held on 17th march 2011. Dr. Johnson V. Joel Singh M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. former Principal of our college gave the valedictory address. He spoke on “Developing Employability”. During this meeting the subject toppers and semester toppers of November 2010 University Examinations were felicitated and certificates issued. History Association: The association meeting of PG, UG and Research Scholars of our department was held on 1st April 2011. The meeting was presided over by our Principal Dr. S. D. D. Roy. Dr. Danial, Professor of Emeritus & former Head of the Department, School of Historical Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University was the chief guest of the function. Professor and Head of the Department of History, Dr. T. S. Emmanuel welcomed the gathering. The meeting began with a prayer song, the chief guest delivered an address on the uses of History, recent trends in Historical Research. The students showed their talents through dance, solo songs, and group songs, “Bala” etc. The meeting came to an end with the vote of thanks by Mr. P. Ramesh, an M.Phil Scholar. TORNUS & RIVERIA (Tourism Association): We are extremely happy to present the annual report of the academic year 20102011 of our department. A two day orientation programme was conducted for I year students on 19th July 2010. A special coaching class for French was arranged to II MTM students from 9th to 18th October2010. In commemoration of World Tourism Day, an awareness rally, a seminar on Tourism & Bio-diversity and an Inter-collegiate quiz were conducted on 27th September 2010. A three day workshop on “Air Cargo Management” was organized from 9th to 11th March 2011. Mr. K. M. Unnikrishnan, former Deputy Commercial Manager, Indian Airlines was the resource person. Association meetings for UG and PG were conducted on 10th and 1st April 2011 respectively. III year UG students were taken to a seven day study tour Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 282 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation from 24th to 30th March 2011. Internship training was arranged to final year UG and PG students in travel agencies such as COX & KINGS, TUI-India, Airlines Enterprises India Ltd., etc. First Prize for Athapoo competition was won by our students. The second prize for outstanding performance in the procession in marking of “Tirparappu Falls Festival” was won by our students. The overall championship was won by our students in an Interdepartmental competition organized by the Department of Management Studies. 90% overall pass percentage was secured by 2007-2010 batch and also secured first four University ranks. Activities of various co-curricular associations (2011-12) P.G.Computer Science Association: The PG Club of Computer Science was inaugurated by our beloved Principal Dr. S.D.D.Roy on 01/07/2011 and the chief guest was Prof.Rohini Thilagavathy (HOD, Dept. of English). Two days workshop on Dot.Net for II-M.Sc.Computer Science students was held from 22/06/2011 to 23/06/2011 by Miss. Femila and Miss. Razeena. The Club organized workshops for I- BSc.Computer Science students on MSOFFICE by II-M.Sc.Computer Science students. Date 01/08/2011 02/08/2011 03/08/2011 04/08/2011 06/08/2011 Name Of the Students Sarlin Gins Indhu, Preethi Priya, Reshma & Rema Sanil Prabha & Kanimozhi Sreeja, Shyni & Sajitha Sarlin Gins Topics Power Point MS-Access MS-Word MS-Excel MS-Excel I- M.Sc. Computer Science students conducted various seminars on Office Automation for I-B.Sc. Computer Science students. The Club organized a one day seminar on DOT.NET by GLADE SOLUTIONS for II-M.Sc.Computer Science students on 10/09/2011. It also organized Group Discussions for M.Sc.Computer Science students. All the students took part in it and got good ideas regarding various topics. II-M.Sc.Computer Science students went to various IT companies for doing their final year projects (like White Oval, Infosys, TCS in Technopark and RS Associates in Chennai) I also thank Almighty for helping me to submit this report, and I thank our HOD, Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 283 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation and all the staff members and students for their cooperation. PG Economics Association: The Post Graduate Economic Forum was formally inaugurated by Dr. Sali Kumar, Associate Professor of Economics, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil. He delivered a Lecture on “Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management” The principal Dr. S.D.D. Roy presided over the meeting. The Head of the Department of Economics, Dr. S. L. Ratnalal, introduced the guest Dr. Sali Kumar, He was one of the First batch students of our college. The welcome address was given by S. Jenila, and the vote of thanks was given by the Secretary, Noble B. Albin. Semester toppers were honored during the function. The valedictory meeting of the Forum was conducted on 3-4-2012. Prof. J. Shyla, HoD of Commerce, Malankara Cathloic College gave the valedictory address. 14 Students participated in the UGC sponsored Seminar on “Globalisation and Agricultural Labour Market” at the Scott Christian Cololege, Nagercoil between 17th and 18th June 2011. 5 students participated in Dr. John D.K. Sundarsingh Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr. Irudhaya Rajan Professor of Demographic Studies, CDS Trivandrum, at Scott Christian College Nagercoil on13-2-2012. Two Special Lectures were arranged at the college. Dr. Chandra Mohan- Associate Professor, Presidency College, Chennai gave a Lecture on Economics of Corruption. Dr. Siva Raj, Associate Professor, Pachiappas College, Chennai, gave a Lecture on Selecting a Research Problem. A seminar on Budget 2012 was arranged in collaboration with the Economics Association (UG) on 3rd March 2012. Dr. Alvin Prakash, Professor in Economics (Rtd), University of Kerala, currently member of the Kerala Public Expenditure Commission, and the Professor of the Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Development Studies, Trivandrum was the chief guest. Chemistry Association: The activities of the Chemistry association for the academic year 2011-2012 was inaugurated on 17-07-2011 by Prof. S. A. P. Varghese, the Head of the Department of Chemistry, Muslim Arts College, Thiriuvithancode. Final year U.G. and P.G. students visited National Institue of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology on 26-09-2011. Inorder to provide knowledge in recent advances in NMR spectroscopy, a guest lecture on “2D NMR” was given to the P.G. students by Dr. K. N. Rajasekharan, the Emeritus Scientist of Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom on 0910-2011. II U.G. students visited Soil Analysis Laboratory located at Pechiparai on 20-10Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 284 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2011. They were enriched with techniques to analyse soil by Scientists Dr. Iyrayavan and Dr. Suresh. The students of Chemistry Department arranged a Christmas get together on 2012-2012. Dr. Prabhavathy Princilla Snehabai, Professor of Tamil of our College gave the Christmas message. Entertainment Programmes were conducted by students. UGC sponsored National Conference on Emerging Trends in Quantum Chemistry (Quantum-2012) was organized by the Department on March 09&10, 2012. The Valedictory meeting of the association was held on 23-03-2012. Prof. C. Chitra Thomas, Former Head of the Department of Chemistry, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil delivered the valedictory address. UG Computer Science Association: The Inaugural meeting along with the Welcome day function was held on 1st July 2011. Representative for the Association 2011-2012 was selected from six UG classes of the department and a Special Representative Meeting was arranged on 26th June 2011. A One day workshop on FLASH was conducted by Mr.I.R.Jebakumar (Director, Hi-Tech Solutions Nagercoil) on 11th August 2011 for the final year students. Our department organized an intra departmental event “SPLASH” to explore the talents of our department students. “SPLASH” was conducted by the students of 3rd B.Sc. Computer Science (Extension) on 6th September 2011 and by 3rd B.Sc., Computer Science(Aided) students on 30th September 2011.The department organized an intra departmental Cricket match on 25th October 2011 and the Extension students won the match. Departmental Christmas function was organized on 22nd December 2011. Six of our students participated in the National Conference on ‘PHP’ organized by the Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil. Our Students participated in various State Level Technical Symposiums and won several prizes. The following are the prize winners: S.No. Name Prize Competition Event Venue 1 D. S. Ebenezer Samuel 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 2nd Quiz COMSAT ‘12 Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram 2 B. Muhammed Shageer 1st B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 2nd Quiz COMSAT ‘12 Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram 3 M. M. Mahesh 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.(Extension) 1st Nesamony Memorial Christian College Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil Page 285 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 4 R. P. Jijo 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.e (Extension) 1st Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil 5 D. S. Ebenezer Samuel 3rd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc. (Aided) 3rd N.I. College of Arts and Spot COMFUTECH ‘12 Science, Kumaracoil Programming 6 J. V. Hamelton 2nd B.Sc.,Comp. Sc.(Aided) 3rd Spot N.I. College of Arts and COMFUTECH ‘12 Programming Science, Kumaracoil Career Oriented Programs such as Graphics for Visual Communication, Visual Communication and other Certificate Courses are provided for the students. A Dress Code twice in a month (Boys: Pants & Shirt with Tie, Girls: Full Saree) was successfully introduced to our department students. A three day tour program to Ooty, Ernakulam and Cochin was organized for the Final year students from 14th to 16th February 2012. UG Computer Science association 2011-2012 ended with a valedictory function. Commerce Association: With immense pleasure I would like to present the report of the commerce association for the academic year 2011-2012. An inter-collegiate one day seminar on Group Dynamism was held on 25-2-2012. Over 120 students from 10 colleges participated apart from our students. Dr. Darling Selvi of Rani Anna Government Arts College, Tirunelveli was the resource person. Our Principal Dr. Dawn Dharma Roy presided over the function and Dr. J. Sheela Samuel gave the key note address. Dr. Lal Wilson was the organizing Secretary. Our B.Com III year students went on a 2 days tour visiting Ooty and Cochin in March 2012. The valedictory meeting of the association was held on 30-03-2012. Dr. S. Linsa Retnalal, Head, Department of Economics,NMCC was the Chief Guest. Botany Association: With immense pleasure I would like to present the report of the Botany association for the academic year 2011-2012. Botany association activities of the academic year 2011-2012 was inaugurated on 26-07-2011 by Dr.S. Sam Manohar Dhas, Head, Department of Zoology, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. The welcome meeting for the first year B.Sc and M.Sc students was conducted on 11-07-2012. As a part of the association activity, the department of Botany had arranged an Onam celebration on 8-92011. On that day, intra departmental “Athapoo” competitions were conducted and the prizes for the winners were distributed. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 286 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Our students have participated in the interdepartmental competitions and secured and 3rd prizes in the Rangoli competition conducted in connection with the Pongal day celebration. They also won the 3rd prize for group song competition during Christmas day celebration. 2nd Our students also participated in “BLOWIZ 2011” organized by the Department of Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai and secured 3rd prize in vegetable carving. On 20-12-2011, the Christmas celebration was organized. Dr. Linsa Retna Lal, Head, Department of Economics was the chief guest and delivered the Christmas message. The 1st B.Sc students were taken to Kanyakumari, Idainthakanai, Tuticorin, Rameswaram, Kodaikanal and Madurai for Algae, Bryophytes and Lichens habitat study for 3 days from 1-3-2011 to 3-9-2011. The 3rd B.Sc students went on a study tour from 7-82011 to 12-8-2011 to Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty and Cochin for Angiosperm plant collection and Herbarium preparation. On 26-9-2011 1st M.Sc students were taken for a one day field trip for Algae collection on coastal areas from Tuticorin to Kanyakumari and the students of 2nd M.Sc visited the Biotechnological lab at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai to study insitu and exsitu conservation of biodiversity. M.Phil students were taken to Hogenekkel and Yercaud for study tour on 29-8-2012 and 30-8-2011. The association congratulates Dr.S. Jayakumar for awarded Ph.D from M.K. University on 2-7-2011, the university gold medalist, Femila, V. (M.Sc Botany) and the university rank holders Vijithra G.V. and Subi K. (B.Sc. Botany) and Mithraja M.J, Merlin Sheeba R.C, Pepsi, A, Aprana J.S, Jayasree.S, Karolin.K, and Bindhu Annammakoshy (M.Sc. Botany). The Department conducted a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Herbal Wealth: Traditions and New approaches, Herbal-2012” on 27th and 28th January 2012. Botany Alumni Association, BANYAN-2012 was conducted on 4-2-2012 in our department. In that meeting Dr. Issac Sunder Sen (1982-85 batch) was selected as the Secretary of Botany Association for three years. The valedictory meeting of the Botany Association was held on 29-2-2012. Mr. A. V. Bellarmin, M.A.B.L, Ex.M.P. delivered the valedictory address and the principal Dr.S. Dawn Dharma Roy felicitated and graced the occasion. In this function university rank holders and subject toppers of our department were honored. I thank the Principal, HoD, Staff members and fellow colleagues for their cooperation and help for the successful completion of the activities of the Botany association. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 287 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation UG Economics Association: The activities of the Economics Association for the academic year 2011-12 was inaugurated on 10-9-2011 by one of the Alumni of our Department, Prof. Ramesh Babu Assistant Professor of the Department of Management Studies, Scott Christiian College, Nagercoil. He delivered a lecture on Acquiring soft skills for Career Prospects. The meeting was presided over by the Principal Dr. S.D.D. Roy. The president of the Association Dr. S. L Ratnalal welcomed the gathering and the vote of thanks was given by X. Aneesh, Secretary of Economics Association. During the function, the toppers of different subjects and semester toppers were honored with gifts and certificates. During the meeting a mime on HIV aids was performed by the Final year students under the leadership of Jahanson. A welcome meeting was arranged by the final year students for welcoming the new comers during July 2011. A Special Seminar on the Governments Schemes for the Development of Entrepreneurs was held on 9-2-2012, The Seminar was arranged by the Economics Association in collaboration with the District Industries Centre, Nagercoil. Mrs. Indra Gandhi, Dy. Director, District Industries Centre, Nagercoil, was the chief guest. On 4th October 2011, II year UG students visited Vega land. Twenty two Students participated. They were accompanied by Prof. P. Beula and Prof. P.C. Jose Paul. A seminar on Budget 2012 was arranged on 3rd March 2012. Dr. Alvin Prakash, Professor in Economics (Rtd), University of Kerala, currently member of the Kerala Public Expenditure Commission, and the Professor of the Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Development Studies, Trivandrum was the chief guest. Besides Department students more than 50 students from other departments participated including the students of the Department of Management Studies, N.M.C.C. A study tour was conducted for 5 days, 34 students participated and visited Goa. A farewell meeting for the final year students was arranged on the 15 of April 2012 by the first year students. The Valedictory meeting of the Association was held on 2-4-2012 Dr. Sheela Samuel, HoD of Commerce was the Chief Guest. She gave a lecture on Personality Development. The meeting was presided over by the Principal, Dr. S. D. D. Roy. Head of the Department of Economics welcomed the gathering. Vote of thanks was given by J. P. Ponnisha, Vice-Chair Person, College Students Council. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 288 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Activities of various co-curricular associations (2012-13) English Literary Club: The activities of the Literary Club began with the inaugural meeting conducted in the month of October 2012. Prof. C. Justus, former Professor of the Department of English, NMCC Marthandam was the chief guest. ‘Just a Minute Competition’ was arranged by the Literary club in the month of January, 2013. All the students participated in this competition interestingly. The winners were awarded in the Valedictory function of 'Lit Fiesta' Special Christmas day Celebration which was held in the month of December, 2012 gave a glimpse of joy of Christmas to christians as well as the non-christian friends. Various Competitions regarding Christmas day were conducted and winners were given prizes. A special programme 'Lit Fest - 2013' was held in the month of January. Students from various colleges participated interestingly. Different literary competitions were conducted and the winners were awarded with prizes. The month of April remained a special month for our department. Sales day was arranged on April 13th. Many students from our college participated enthusiastically. The fund which was raised from sales day was sponsered for the medical expense of Satheesh of III B.A. English who met with an accident. A famous writer Mr. Jeya Mohan visited our college this year. Our students were really fortunate to spent time with writer Jeya Mohan. An interactive session was held for the benefit of students. Students clarified their doubts and gained a lot of information. 'Lit Fiesta - 2013' was celebrated by English department on 2nd May. Prof. Philip, former Head of the Department of English and Prof. Linda, Professor of Scott Christian College were the Chief guests. Winners of literary competitions were awarded prizes. Top scorers in each subject in the University examinations were also rewarded. I express my gratitude to the Head of the Department, Dr. Mrs. Robini Thilagavathy Thomas for her guidance and support for the success of the activities of the literary club. I Thank the club convener, Prof. C. Jeya Sekhar and Co-convener. Prof. Anne Nithya for their encouragement and co-operation.I thank the Joint Secretary Mr. Jebin Joseph and all the representatives of English Literary Club. I thank all the staff and students of English Department for their support in the activities of the club. UG Mathematics Association: The inaugural meeting of UG Mathematics Association for the year 2012-2013 was held on 23rd April 2013 with Prof. B. Stephen John, Head, Department of Mathematics, Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattai as the Chief guest. A quiz programme was conducted and the first mark holders in each subject were honoured on this occasion. Prof. G. Edwin, Head, Department of Mathematics presided over the meeting and Dr. A. Vijayan gave felicitation address. The UG Students, Jebila M. Moni, R.J. Abisha and Anju Varghese participated in a quiz competition organised by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli on 12th December 2013. A counselling and career guidance meeting was conducted for the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 289 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation out going UG students on 19th April 2013 with Prof. C.T. Sam Luther, Head, Department of Management studies of our College as the resource person. An All India study tour was conducted for III B.Sc. Students for ten days in February 2013. PG Mathematics Association: PG Mathematics club is constituted to organise various Co-Curricular activities for the M.Sc. and M.Phil. Students. The maugural meeting of PG mathematics club was held on 18th April 13 with Mrs. S. Sujitha, Ph.D. Scholar of our department as the chief guest. Prof. G. Edwin presided over the meeting and Prof. C. A. S. Jeeve felicitated on this occasion. Our College team won second Prize in Dr. S.S. Pillai Memorial quiz competition in Mathematics, Conducted by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 15th March 2013. Also, a team of three PG Students participated in the state level quiz competition conducted by St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai on 1st March 2013. Our PG student, D. Berla Jeyanthi and Queency presented a paper entitled "Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Numbers" in the District Level conference in Mathematics held on 31st August 2013 in St. John's College of arts and Science Ammandivilai and won Second Prize. The Second M.Sc., Students participated in a three day workshop on 'Functional Analysis" held in scott Christian College, Nagercoil in association with IIT, Mumbai from January 31 to February 3nd 2013. A counselling and Career guidance meeting was conducted on 6th April 2013 with Prof. V. Dhanabal Singh as the resource person. An all India study tour was conducted for ten days in February, 2013. Physics Association: The Physics association was alive with various activities during the year 2012-13. Ms. R. Asha was elected as the association secretary. The department was lucky to be visited by BOYCAST Fellow to MIT Dr. Mahendrann, and Dr. Victor Jaya Professor of Physics Anna University. Members of the Physics department were ecouraged to read the newspapers to help keep up with scientific facts and develop the habit of reading. A quiz was conducted and the prizes for the same were given by Dr. M. Christhudas, former professor of Chemistry department. The third year Physics students went for a tour to Bangalore Mysore and Ooty. The M.Sc. physics students went to a tour of the North Kerala. Students were also encouraged to jointly solve problems form Halliday and Rhesnic. The department rightly pioneered in the the field of renewable energy by powering the B.Sc., the M.Sc. and the Research laboratories with Solar power. It is of interest to know that the DAE has chosen our Department as one of the locations used to monitor the ambient nuclear radiation level in our district. The association prodly notes that three of our faculty members Dr. Aruldas , Dr. Jegan Babu and Dr. Geetha have been awarded their Ph.D. degrees in Physics. UG Chemistry Association: Our department conducted the welcome day for the freshers on 24th July 2012. Our Head of Department presided over the function. The inaugural meeting of our association was held on 11st Sept 2012 at 2.00 pm. D.r M.Christudhas was the chief guest Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 290 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation of the day. He presented a valuable talk on Renewable Energy Sources Fundamentals in Chemistry Practicals. The Christmas Day celebration was held on 23rd Dec 2012 at 11.A.M. The Christmas message was given by Our Head of Department. A one day work workshop on Chemistry of ‘DAILY LIFE’ was organised y our department on 8th Dec 2012. To discuss the performance of the students with the parents, parents meeting was conducted for III Year Students on 18th Jan 2013 and II year students on 21st Jan 2013 and for the I year students on 16th Feb 2013. The valedictory meeting of our association was held on 3rd May 2013 at 2.00 pm. Dr. Dickson, Dept. of Physics was the chief guest of the day. He presented a valuable talk on Greatest Show on Earth. STUDY TOUR: A department tour was arranged for the third year students from 22nd Sept 2012 to 27th Sept 2012 to visit various places like Hogenakal, Bangalore, Mysore and Ooty. The II and III year students were taken for a one day trip to National Institute for Iinterdisciplinary Science and Technology on 28th Feb 2013. The I, II and III year students of our department were taken to Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant on 25th April 2013 ACHIEVEMENTS: Seven students of III B.Sc students participated in a ‘CHEMFEST’ conducted by S.T. Johns College, Palayamkottai and won III prize in Quiz competition, II prize in young chemist and won the II prize in overall champion ship. Our department students participated in various competitions conducted by our college and prizes for competitions such as Mime, Mehanti and Athapoo etc. PG Chemistry Association: The association activities started with an inaugural and welcome function to the Ist years on 21st Sept 2012. With immense pleasure and honour I submit the Annual Report of our Association for the year 2012-2013. The P.G. association activities were inaugurated on 21st September 2012, Our principal Dr. S.D.D. Roy presided over the function. Scientists P. Pandaram and C. Selvaraj Kudankulam Nuclear Power power Project inauguarated the activities. A warm welcome was given to the Ist M.Sc students on that day. II M.Sc students went on a study tour from 22nd Sept 2012 to 27th Sept 2012 to Bangalore, Mysore and Ooty. Apart from studying theory alone, we both I & II M.Sc students gained knowledge in the area of research and industry by visiting the Research Organistion NIIST, Trivandrum on 5th Oct 2012 and Kudankulam Nuclear power station on 22nd Feb 2013. All the II year M.Sc students participated in the one day seminar on 31st Jan 2013 organized by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. A workshop on 'Chemistry for day to day life' was arranged in our department on 08th Feb 2013. The valedictory function of the association was conducted on 07th may 2013. I thank our HOD and all the staff members, Lab assistants, my friends for their guidance and encouragement rendered during this period. UG Computer Science Association: The inaugural meeting along with the welcome day function was held on 23rd July 2012. Representatives for the Association 2012-2013 were selected from three UG classes Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 291 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation of the department and a special representative meeting was arranged on 20th July 2012. A one day workshop on FLASH was conducted by Mr.I.R.Jebakumar (Director, Hi-tech Solutions, Nagercoil) on 8th September 2012 for the final year students. A one day project workshop was conducted by Glade Software Solutions, Marthandam on 11th September 2012. Our department organised “TORQUE- Talent Racing” an intra departmental event to explore the talents of our department students was conducted by the III B.Sc C.S (A) on 18th December 2012. Department organized a workshop on MS- PowerPoint for I B.Sc C.S (A) on 8th January 2013 by III B.Sc C.S (A) students. A one day workshop on Photoshop was conducted by Mr.I.R.Jebakumar on 12th January 2013 for the I B.Sc C.S (A) students. Our students participated in s State Level technical Symposiums and won several prizes. Sl.No. Name Event Prize College Holy cross college, 1 J.V.Hamelton Paper presentation III Nagercoil. Holy cross college, 2 P.Tariq Paper presentation III Nagercoil. Nooral Islam College, 3 K.Lispin Aptitude test II Kumaracoil. Nooral Islam College, 4 G.Anjali George Aptitude test III Kumaracoil. Group St.Xaviour College, 5 Mime II Competition Tirunelveli. Group St.Xaviour College, 6 S/W Marketing III Competition Tirunelveli. Group Mariagiri College, 7 Ad-Zap III Competition kaliakavila A dress code in end of every working day of months (Boys: pant & Shirt with Tie, Girls: Full Saree) was successfully introduced to our department students. A three day Personality Development Camp for the final year students from 28th May 2013 to 30th May 2013 held at American University of India (AUI), Kodaikanal. The activities for the year 2012-2013 ended with a valedictory function on 6th May 2013. PG Computer Science Association: The students of our department participated State level symposium conducted by Holy cross college, Nagercoil on 04th Jan 2013 and our students G.D.Godwin II B.Sc. and S. S. Syamlal II B.Sc won 3rd prize in quiz competition. We conducted a Study Tour for PG Computer Science students From 9th Oct to 11th Oct-2012 and visited various places in and around Munnar & Cochin. Our students participated an Inter-collegiate symposium SCAN IT 13.0 held at Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri. Two Days workshop on “PHP” For PG Computer Science Students, Prof. Palani Kumar, ST Hindu College, Nagercoil was the Resource person. I thank ourPricipal, HOD and all the staff members, my friends for their guidance and encouragement. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 292 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Botany Association: The department association activities of the academic year were inaugurated o 31st July 2012 by Prof. D. Christian Babu, former head of the department and Former Secretary of CSI Kanyakumari Diocese. In the inaugural meet, the Proceedings of National Seminar on "Herbal 2012" was released by the chief guest and was received by our Correspondent Adv. Justin Jasper Dhas. The welcome meeting for the first year BSc and MSc students was conducted on 03rd July 2012. As a part of the Onam celebration, the association has organized intra departmental Athapoo competition on 25th August 2012 and prizes were presented to the winners. The I year BSc Students were taken to Kanyakumari, Idinthakarai, Tuticorin, Madurai, Rameswaram and Kodaikanl for three days from 05th Sept 2012 to 7th Sept 2012 for collecting Algae, Bryophytes and Lichens and also for observing different ecosystems. As part of the curriculum a study tour was arranged for III BSc students from 11th Aug 2012 to 17th Aug 2012 to Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty and Kerala for plant collection and herbarium preparations. On 19th Dec 2012 II MSc students went for one day field trip to the Coastal areas of Kollemcode, Thoothoor, Thengapattanam, Chotha vilai and Kanyakumari for the study of Coastal ecosystem and biodiversity. They also visited Biotechnology lab of St. Xavier's College Palayamkottai on 19th Dec 2012 to get insight about plant tissue culture and latest technological developments in biotechnology. On 08th March 2013 the I MSc students visited Rajiv Gandhi Tropical Botanical Garden Palode, Thiruvanathapuram to observe biodiversity of the Garden and herbarium specimens. Along with they also visited Kallar river belt to study the riparian vegetation. On 21st Dec 2012 a Christmas celebration was organized by the association and Prof. S. Saratha Ebenezer, a former faculty member of our department was the chief guest and delivered the Christmas message. The association congratulates the University Gold Medalist Mrs. S.R. Nisha for Securing first Rank in M.Phil. Credit also goes to Mrs. K. Sabitha Mol, and Mrs. K.P. Remya and Miss. V.R. Vinitha of M.Sc. for securing second, fifth and tenth rank respectively in the University examination. It is noteworthy to mention two Ph.D Research Scholars, Mrs. Semila Pushpam and Mrs. Asha have got Research fellowship from the Directorate of Collegiate education Chennai to pursue their research. The valedictory meeting of the Botany association was held on 13rd March 2013. Dr. Y. Raja Kumar, Deputy Director of Horticulture, Thoothukudi was the chief guest and delivered the valedictory address. Our Principal Dr. S.D.D. Roy felicitated the gatherings and presented prizes the students who brought laurels to our department. In the function "Banyan Endowment" Prize was instituted, with Rs. 10000/ sponsored by Botany Alumni Association and the other endowment as "Asari Memorial endowment" sponsored by Jones A. Bernard of S.T. Mancaud with Rs. 5,000/ I thank the Principal, HOD, Staff members and my friends for their cooperation and support for the successful completion of Botany Association Activities. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 293 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation UG Zoology Association: The activites of our association was formally inaugurated by Dr. M. Johnson, HoD, U.G. Zoology on 03rd Aug. 2012. The III B.Sc., students visted Cochin, Coimbatore, Ooty, Mysore and Bangalore from 18th Sept to 24th Sept 2012. The I B.Sc., Students visited Crocodile Park at Neyyar Dam, Marine Aquarium at Vizhingam and estuary at Veli on 18th Aug 2012. The association organized a Christmas cultural programme on 21st Dec 2012. The non-christian students really enjoyed the programme. The valedictory function of the association was held on 8th March, 2013. Mrs. R. Leena, Asst. Professor of U.G. Zoology, Scott Christan College, Nagercoil delivered the valedictory address on "Nature and its impact on human life" I wish to express my thanks to the Head of the Department, the faculty members and my friends for the valuable guidance and co-operation rendered during this period. History Association: The History association was inaugurated on 9th July 2012 with a blessing prayer. Stalin of II M.A. gave a welcome speech. The Head of the Department, Dr. T.S.Emmanuel gave the presidential address. Dr.R.Isaac Jaya Dhas felicitated the function. Dr. B. Shobanan, Former H.O.D, Dept. Of History, University of Kerala gave a valuable guest address on Research in History and Uses of History. I M.A students involved in cultural programmes. Rajesh of II M.A gave the vote of thanks. The valedictory meeting of History association was conducted on 19th April 2013 with a prayer. Joseph of II M.A gave the welcome speech. The Head of the Department, Dr. T.S. Emmanuel presided over the function. Dr.S.Jamasin Rejini felicitated the function. Dr. T.Sundararaj, Tamilnadu State Archives, Chennai gave a valuable guest address. Rajesh of II M.A gave the vote of thanks. UG Economics Association: A special programme was organised on 26th April 2013, Prof. Ramesh Babu, Assistant Professor in the department of Management Studies, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, delivered a lecture on 'TIME MANAGEMENT'. During the meeting the semester toppers T Anisha, III B.A., Kalpana II B.A., and Divya I B.A were honoured. An all India Tourprogramme was organised from 3rd Feb to 13th Feb 2013. 34 students and three staff members were participated in the tour. They have visited Chennai, Mahabalipuram, Agra, Jaipur and Delhi. As a part of personality development programme a group discussion programme was organised for the II Year students, on the following topics: (i) Drug Abuse; (ii) Prohibition and (iii) Atrocities against Womenand Children. All the II year students are participated. As a part of career oriented training 22 students of III Year students have shown their interest but only the following sevenstudents were completed the 'Project Trainees IC33' course of Met Life; R. Abisha, T. Anisha, B. Beena Saban, G. Mabel Bylaw, S. Suganya, R. Rathi Meena and A.M. Prabin Anto. A farewell meeting wasorganised on 30th April 2013 to give farewell to our Head of the Department Dr. S. Linsa Ratnalal. Principal and all the staff members were present. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 294 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation PG Economics Association: The Post Graduate Economics Forum was formally inaugurated by Dr. J. Cyril Kanmani, Associate Professor of Economics, Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil. He delivered a Lecture on "Research Methodology". The Principal Dr. S. D. D. Roy Presided over the meeting. The Head of the Department of Economics, Dr. S.L. Ratnalal, introduced the guest Dr. J. Cyril Kanmani. The welcomeaddress was given by the secretary P.S. Anitha Kumari, and the vote of thanks was given by Arun. During this meeting the subject toppers and semester toppers were honored. I sem. Anuja, II sem. A. Ajitha, and III Sem. P.S. Anitha Kumari. 5 students were participated in the inter collegiate seminer held at Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil on February 14th 2013. Dr. J. Edwin Thomson, Department of Economics, in Guru Nanak College Chennai delivered the endowment Lecture on "Social Problems is Economic Perspective" there. Six students were participated the All India Tour arranged by the Economics Department. They visited Chennai, Mahabalipuram, Agra, Jaipur and Delhi. Arul Vinod of I MA won Ist Prize in elocution competition conducted by our college. UG Commerce Association: The inaugural meeting of our association was held on 13th August 2012. Dr .Sheela Sameul, the H.O.D. presided over the meeting. The chiefguest .Padmanabhan Reader in Commerce, S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil delivered the inaugural address on ‘Opportunities for commerce graduates’. An Educational Tour was organized between 8th Oct and 13th Oct 2012 covering Goa and Ernakulam. Forty Nine students and four staff members participated in it. There was an UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘New Vistas in Insurance Sector –Indian Context organized by our department in collaboration with Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Science (KAAS) Nagercoil on 4th and 5th April 2013. The valedictory meeting of the Association was held on 26th April 2013. Dr. S. D. D. Roy, gave the valedictory address. I wish to express my thanks from the depth of my heart to our Principal, the H.O.D., teachers and my friends for the valuable guidance and cooperation they rendered during the period. Tourism Association: “Tornus” activities of 2012-13 were inaugurated by our HoD V. Dhanabal Singh on 8-08-2012.We celebrated world Tourism Day on 27th Sept.2012. The students of III B.A Tourism & Hospitality Management conducted an industrial visit to Moscot Hotel, Trivandrum on 11-08-2013. The Tornus organized a two-day tour and three day tour for II UG & III UG respectively. Further, the association honored the University rank holder of April 2012 examinations, viz. Lekshmi Ramesh S., Rahendu R. S., Sreeja V. M., Nishanthini R. & Rakhi in a Special function. I record my heartful thanks to our Principal Dr. S. D. D. Roy, and Mr. V. Danabal Singh, HoD, the faculty and the Students for their full Co-Operation in carrying out all the activities successfully. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 295 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Management Studies Association: 1. Publications: Prof. C.T. Sam Luther published an article entitled “Core Components of Global Supply Chain” in “Journal of Commerce and Management” Vol.2 April 2012 2. Tie up: DOMS entered into a tie-up with Indian Institute of Banking, Marthandam on 14th May 2012 for regular aptitude classes for MBAs every year. 3. Aptitude classes: 20 days aptitude classes conducted by IIB from 14/5/2012 to 8/6/2012 for II MBAs. 4. Spoken English Classes: A 10-day Spoken English classes was conducted for I MBAs from 4/6/2012 to 14/6/2012 5. Shift to new building: DOMS shifted to the Dennis Block on 18/6/2012. 6. Medical aid: Miss. Sindhu of II BBA met with a bus accident has been donated Rs.20000, contributed by the MBA and BBA students on 10/8/2012. The teaching and non-teaching staff contributed a sum of Rs.54475. The correspondent and principal along with DOMS staff visited her house on 17/10/2012 and handed over the cheque. 7. Study tour and Industrial visits: 1. A study tour has been conducted for III BBA students for six days from 14th Aug to 21st Aug. Places of visit: Hognekal, Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty, Aathirappalli Waterfalls and Ernakulam. 2. I MBA and II MBA students visited Infosys, Technopark, Thiruvanthapuram on 18/8/2012. 3. II BBA students have undergone a 2-day study tour to Wonder La, Athirapalli Waterfalls and industrial visit to FACT Ltd, Kochi on 19/9/2012 and 20/9/2012. 4. II MBA – 3/3/2013 to 8/3/2013 6 days study tour to Goa, Mysore and Ooty. 5. I MBA –22/3 to 24/3/2013 Study tour and industrial visit – 3 days to FACT Ltd, Kochi, Wonderla and Wauanad 8. Seminars: 1) Met Life Insurance, Marthandam branch conducted a seminar about insurance industry on 21st Aug. 2012. 2) 6/3/2013 Topic Commodity Futures Trading in India Resource person Mr. Anas Sait of Orion Braking Service India Ltd, Kochi 9. Resource Person: • Prof. C.T. Sam Luther was the chief guest in a function conducted by Indian Institute of Banking, Marthandam to felicitate the candidates placed in Tamil Nadu Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 296 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Mercantile Bank, on 4th Sep. 2012 • Prof. C.T. Sam Luther was the resource person for III B.Sc. Maths students on the topic “You can win” on 25/4/2013 10. Participation in competitions: 1. 12/12/2012 Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Fashion Show – 2nd Prize. Participants: Amal Vijay, Gogul, Monisha, Karthika of I BBA, and John Jero, Jobin, Remya and 2. 28/9/2012 Udaya College of Engg., Vellamodi Ad Zap – 1st prize. Participants – Manoj, Kiran, Vipin, Rajeev and Fathima of II MBA. Paper presentation – 1st Prize. Participants – Steffi and Gopika of II MBA 3. 12/12/2012 Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Fashion Show – 2nd Prize. Participants: Amal Vijay, Gogul, Monisha, Karthika of I BBA, and John Jero, Jobin, Remya and Sheeja of II BBA. 4. 18/10/2012 Einstein College of Engg., Thirunelveli 5. 19/10/2012 NI College of Engg, Thakalay Paper Presentation - Vinod, I MBA and Gopika, II MBA – 3rd prize Business Plan - Vinod, I MBA and Gopika, II MBA – 3rd prize 6. 30/10/2012 CSI Inst of Tech, Thovalay Paper Presentation - Steffy and Gopika, II MBA – 1st prize Ad Zap – Hanna, Kiran, Manoj, Anish K Baby of II MBA and Jaisingh of I MBA – 1st Prize 7. 6/11/2012 Maria Engg College, Attor Paper Presentation – Ranjini and Iswarya of I MBA 1st Prize 8. 20/2/2013 Rajas Engineering College, Vadakankulam Ad Zap I Prize – Manoj, Kiran, Fathima, Hannah of II MBA and Shibu Mathew of I MBA Paper presentation – I prize - Gopika and Rajeev of II MBA Quiz II Prize - Jeric Sam and Aiswarya of I MBA Skit – II Prize – Vinod of I MBÁ and Gopika, Hannah, Jinu Mon and Rajeev of II MBA The students got the overall trophy 9. 6/3/2013 St. Johns College, Ammandivilai Paper presentation – II Prize Rajeev II BBA and Gogul Krishnan, I BBA Ad-zap I Prize Shibin, Jero and Jebin of II BBA and Karthika, Anusha and Amal Vijay of I BBA Master Mind I Prize – Sujitha of I BBA Business Quiz II Prize Antony III BBA and Karthik I BBA Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 297 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The students got the overall trophy 10. 15/3/2013 Maria Engineering College, Attoor Quiz I Prize Antony and Edwin Raj of III BBA Treasure Hunt I Prize Bilbin Jayaraj of III BBA Fashion Show I Prize Sheeja, Remya, Tom Joseph and Mejin of II BA; Leena and Monisha of I BBA and Dispen Raj and Gopinath of III BBA Group Dance I Prize – Vishnu, Rajeev, Shibin, John Jero of II BBA and Karthik of I BBA The students lifted the overall trophy also. 11. 9/4/2013 Malankara catholic College, Mariagiri Best Manager – 1st Prize Vinod V. Nair Best Management Team – 1st Prize Hannah, Gopika, Jinumon and Kiran of II MBA Group Dance – 1st Prize Anish of I MBA; Raveen and Renjith of III BBA Group Dance – 2nd Prize Vishnu, Rajeev, John Jero of II BBA and Karthik of I BBA Mime – 1st prize Vishnu, Rajeev, John Jero of II BBA; Karthik of I BBA and Jaisingh of I MBA Mime – 2nd Prize Jobin of II BBA; Ashwin, Belbin, Premkumar, Renjith and Raveen of III BBA Quiz – 3rd Prize Jinumon of II MBA and Aiswarya of I MBA The students lifted the overall trophy also. 11. National Eligibility Test: Prof. Sam Santhose and Prof. Silbert Jose and Prof. Noble Lawrance passed Net in 2012 12. State Eligibility Test Prof. Jeba Melwin and Prof. Noble Lawrance passed the SET 13. Parents Meeting I BBA 13/2/2013 II BBA 18/2/2013 III BBA - 21/2/2013 14. College day competitions: DOMS won the overall trophy of the college day competitions, 2013 Computer Applications Association: The inagural meeting of the Association was held on 10th July 2012 with a welcome to I BCA & I MCA students. On 23rd july 2013, .NET seminar was conducted by CERPS Technologies Trivandrum. On 18th August 2013, Industrial visit to BCA & MCA students were conducted to Infosys, Trivandrum. Our students participated in the Inter-collegiate competitions organised by Malankara Catholic College Mariagiri and Vins Christian College of Engineering, Nagercoil, and won the following prizes in Vins Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 298 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation College. Hemanth Sathyan I Praveen T.R got Ist Prize in Quiz. Surya K., Aswathy S. got IInd Prize in Paper presentation. A. Anisha Carol & V. Catherine Ubalth got Ist Prize for Debugging. From 19th Nov 2012 to 23rd Nov 2012 a Computer class was organized for fifty church workers. In Apiral 2012 University examination Miss. Remya Jothi got Ist Rank, Miss. Asumpta Vincent V. got IInd Rank and Miss. C. Cyndia got VIII Rank. From 23rd Sept to 27th 2012 a tour was organized to Goa for the III MCA students, Aptitude classes were conducted to the find year students. Parents meeting was conducted on 16th February 2013. 5.3.7 How does the institution network and collaborate with the Alumni and former faculty of the Institution. We conduct the centralized Alumni Association meeting every year. The office bearers of the Alumni Association have close contact with the Alumni. They are often invited as guests for meetings. Departments like Botany, Physics and Computer Science conduct Alumni Association meeting of their own departments Alumni every year. We invite all our former faculty members for our Christmas Get-together and College Day. Most of the former faculty members attend the meeting. This forum creates opportunities to share their experiences with the junior faculty members. The meeting of retired faculty members is conducted periodically in our campus. Last meeting was conducted on 13-072013. Office Bearers: Alumni Association: Patron : Adv. J. Justin Jasper Dhas, Correspondent. Chair Person : Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy, Principal. President : Dr. D. Mathias. Vice President : Prof. H. G. Devakumar Samuel (Rtd. Professor). Secretary : Prof. G. D. Biji (Presently Working). Joint Secretary : Prof. C. Isaac Sobanaraj (Presently Working). Treasurer : Dr. T. F. Abbs Fen Reji (Presently Working). Retired Faculty Members’ Association: President : Dr. N. Gnana Dhas, Rtd. Principal. Secretary : Prof. Devakumar Samuel, Rtd. HoD of Physics. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 299 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Any other relevant information regarding Student Support and Progression which the college would like to include. Fee concession/exemption is given to outstanding sports persons and fist rank holders. Free mid-day meals are provided to poor students. Every year a house has been constructed to a homeless poor student. Nutritious food is supplied to sports students. Usually, the college gives a financial assistance of Rs. 1000/- each to nearly 50 poor students. The college provided financial assistance of Rs. 10000/- to a student, Chinchu of III BA History. The college bore the entire expenses of that student (mess fees, tuition fees, book store and examination fee) for one year. The staff members contributed liberally to treat a cancer patient, father of Vincilla, II English Literature. The department of English partially sponsored the educational expenses of a first year student, Seethalekshmi. The college met the expenses of students who participated in various competitions outside the college. The coaching classes are conducted for the students for the competitive exams like UGC-CSIR NET, TNPSE and Bank Exam. The remedial classes for weak students are conducted in all subjects. Every year, students who got first mark are honoured with alumni and endowment prizes (cash awards). Cash awards are given to students who get highest marks in each paper by the departments of English and Computer Science. A book store which supplies text books and note books is being run for the benifit of the students. The biodata of the students are maintained to inorder to have a firsthand knowledge about their socio-economic background. The placement cell of the college is functioning actively for the last few years. We organized recruitment programmes for the students to enable them to get placements in various companies. Last year, 12 students were placed by four companies. Unlike as in the previous accredititation, the pass percentage and the number of ranks have increased. In fact, in most of the courses, the pass percentage is far above the University average. During 2009-10, year, the courses like B.Sc. Computer Science both aided and self finance, M.A History, M.Com, M.Phil Botany and Zoology achieved centum results. Also the number of Ranks (including 8 first ranks) is increased to 55. During 2010-11, the courses like B.Sc Botany, B.A. History (T), B.A. History (E), B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc. Computer Science (Extension), M.Sc. Computer Science achieved results above 97%. Also, the number of Ranks was 58, including 9 First Ranks. During 2011-12, the number of Ranks is 52 including 7 First Ranks The quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the college after the previous assessment include remedial classes for all subjects, honouring students who got highest mark by the Alumni Association, giving cash awards to subject toppers by English and Computer Departments. Coaching classes for UGC-CSIR NET, TNPSC and Bank Exams are being conducted. Six career oriented programmes are being conducted. To add to this, six training programmes like Bridal make-up and Tally are also conducted. The students who secure first rank can continue higher studies in this college without fee. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 300 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERION VI: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the Institution and enumerate on how the mission statement defines the institution’s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, institution’s traditions and value orientations, vision for the future, etc.? Vision: To make this college a centre with potential for excellence, so that new paths are made for the local people to prosper and progress. Mission: Uplifting and empowering the poor and the downtrodden of this rural and backward area, through value based and skill oriented higher education. Access to Higher Education is made easier by introducing several new courses at the UG, PG and Research levels at a nominal fee as per government norms. As the majority students of this college belong to the backward/minority community, the college helps in uplifting the students of the downtrodden and the backward sections of the society. Students of MBA, MCA, Computer Science, Tourism and Mathematics attended Personality Development programmes in the accredited institution, DEN in Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram District. The students have Moral Instruction classes and courses on Environmental Studies. Value Based Education and Personality Development are part of the curriculum in UG programmes. Facilities like LCD and Internet are available on campus. Library and office have been computerized. The performance of the students is continually monitored. Hence results have improved. There are centum results and first ranks, hence gold medals in certain departments. In 2010-11, we got nine gold medals in the courses B.A History & Tourism, B.A Tourism & Hospitality, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Computer Science, MTM, MBA, M.Phil History, M.Phil Physics and M.Phil Zoology. We got centum results in 65 papers in the final year classes. During 2011-12, we got seven gold medals in the courses, M.Phil. Botany, M.Phil. History, MCA, MBA, MTM, B.A. History and B.A. Tourism Management. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 301 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The College has been marching towards the goal of becoming an Institution with potential for excellence in Higher Education (Innovative and utility). Forty seven courses are being conducted at the UG, PG and Research levels. The literacy rate of the surrounding areas has improved greatly. Special classes conducted for weak students enable them to complete the course successfully. Students and staff are encouraged to participate in programmes other than those related to the curriculum like workshop, conference, seminar& presentation of papers and organizing such programmes. Nine Career Oriented Programmes are conducted for the benefit of students to develop their skills and talents. Access to internet and INFLIBNET tremendously help our students and staff to update their knowledge academically and otherwise. Also, competitions of different types (Fine Arts and Sports) mould them to be globally competent. The Moral Instruction classes, Value Education & Environmental Awareness classes enable our students to emerge as good and responsible citizens. There are 75 Ph.D. holders out of which 22 are Research guides. Quite a good number of faculty members are doing Ph.D. 6.1.2 What is the role of top management, Principal and Faculty in design and implementation of its quality policy and plans? The top management used to introduce new courses whenever demand arises. It provides necessary infrastructural facilities and appoint required number of staff members on merit from the list maintained by the Employment Bureau of CSI Kanyakumari Diocese. It gives full freedom to the Principal in dealing with academic matters. Under the leadership of the Principal, the staff council prepares the academic calendar, test schedule and forms the committees, code of conduct for the students etc. for maintaining good academic standard. The Heads of departments along with the faculty members execute all plans in good spirit. The management allots necessary funds to conduct awareness programmes and to construct houses for the homeless poor in the nearby villages. The faculty members in charge of NSS and Extension activities take necessary steps, in consultation with the principal to execute these plans. Also, whenever, the Youth Red Cross recommends for donating blood to seriously ill patients in the nearby hospitals, the Principal permits them to do so. In this regard the doctor’s certificate is insisted to avoid any kind of malpractice or exploitation. We have Environmental Studies & Value Based Education in our curriculum. The faculty members used to teach these subjects with illustrations and audio visual aids. This makes them understand good values. In addition to this, with the permission of the Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 302 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation management, the college conducts Religious Instruction and Moral Instruction classes weekly once in an extra hour. The faculty members willingly conduct these classes for the benefit of students to acquire moral values. The management allots funds to conduct “cultural fest” and also to meet the expenses of the students who take part in cultural competitions in other colleges. The Principal encourages the students to participate in more of such cultural competitions. Quite often the members of Youth Welfare Committee and other faculty members organize competitions successfully. Also, the faculty members always accompany the students whenever they go to participate in competitions held in other colleges. 6.1.3 What is the involvement of the leadership in ensuring : • the policy statements and action plans for fulfillment of the stated mission Policy Statements: To make our students achievers in career and life. Active Plans: We impart knowledge through effective and latest teaching-learning process such as Power Point Presentation, Seminar, Group Discussion, Field trips project work and demonstration.The Principal himself monitors the teaching – learning process by making constant visits to the departments during class hours. He gets the opinions of the students regarding the process. In addition to the subjects like Personality Development, Value Based Education, we have also incorporated moral instruction classes in the regular schedule with a view to moulding the personality of students. The leadership executes all action plans through the staff council, IQAC, Heads of the Departments and the various committees formed for specific purposes. For instance important decisions are taken in the staff council and they are inturn communicated to the other bodies for neat execution. For instance the Examination Committee takes the responsibility of centralized unit tests and the Model Exams. Similarly the Research Committee, encourages research activities like publishing paper and submitting project proposal. • formulation of action plans for all operations and incorporation of the same into the institutional strategic plan In accordance with the suggestions given by IQAC, the Principal nominates the conveners and members of various committees. The committees work out their plan for Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 303 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation the academic year and present it to the Principal. The Principal goes through them, makes necessary changes in consultation with the committee conveners and incorporates them into strategic plan. • Interaction with stakeholders As per the suggestion given by the Principal, the departments meet the parents of the first year students on the Orientation Day. Also, every semester, we conduct parents’ meeting classwise, to get their suggestions regarding the college, faculty and teaching and to inform them about the performance of their children. The Principal meets the faculty quite often departmentwise. Also, he convenes meeting of non-teaching staff frequently. The Principal and the Correspondent interact with the members of the Governing Board formally and informally. The Principal convenes the Students’ Council and comes to know of their needs and grievances. • Proper support for policy and planning through need analysis ,research inputs and consultations with the stakeholders The IQAC gets a list of requirements from each department through the Principal every year. The IQAC members, Principal, Correspondent and HoDs sit together and finalise the requirements. The Students’ Council in consultation with the staff advisers decides their activities. The policy decisions, budget allocation and other important matters like buildengs construction are discussed and finalized in the Governing Board where the Principal and staff representative are also present. • Reinforcing the culture of excellence The Principal encourages the students to make use of the opportunities, in order to develop their knowledge and mould their personality. The proficiency prizes both cash and medals are given to students in appreciation of their excellent performance in their studies and extra- curricular activities in the college day functions. The facultymembers are also appreciated whenever they excel in academic or research activity. • Champion organizational change The leadership is always for organizational change. The positions like Staff Representative to the Governing Board, Staff Association Secretary, Staff Council Secretary, the Office-Bearers of PTA and Alumni Association, Member of Senate, Conveners of all Committees, NSS Co-ordinators, NCC Officer and Staff Advisors to Students’ Council are not permanent. The staff members occupy these positions only for a particular period. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 304 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.1.4 What are the procedures adopted by the institution to monitor and evaluate policies and plans of the institution for effective implementation and improvement from time to time? Work is distributed for effective implementation. For instance, the unit tests and model exams are taken care of by a committee and the marks for the same are collected in another section and reported to the Convener of Examination Committee. The attendance section sends the monthly reports to the departments to be verified and also to warn the students if necessary. If any major discrepancy in recording attendance is noted, immediate steps are taken to set right it. The senior most faculty member is assigned the work of monitoring the students’ attendance. If a student is irregular, the parents would be called and the students are counseled in their presence. Earlier, we distributed attendance booklet to individual staff who used to send the slip to the office and the counterfoil was maintained by the staff. For the last two years, we have modified this system. Now we maintain an attendance booklet in each class and the counterfoil is maintained by the department, not by individual staff. This helps the class teacher and the HoD monitor the attendance effectively. Strict discipline is maintained in the campus. The discipline committee members visit the entire campus frequently and see that students are not wandering during class hours. During free hours, students are sent to the library, in order to boost reading habit. The students, who come late to the college, should get permission from the HoD to enter the class. If a student is frequently late, he would be counseled by the HoD. Earlier, the system was that the late comers should go directly to the library only. As this affects their study, the new system has been introduced by the staff council after evaluating the old system. 6.1.5 Give details of the academic leadership provided to the faculty by the top management? The management allows enough freedom to the faculty to arrange academic programmes in order to make the teaching learning process more effective and release funds for academic programmes like Seminars, Conferences, Paper Presentation and Competitions in other institutions. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 305 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The management takes keen interest in making the faculty actively involve in research. At present there are 75 Ph.D. holders, and forty five are doing Ph.D. Also, there are 22 Research Guides and quite a few number faculties applied for Guideship. 6.1.6 How does the college groom leadership at various levels? The college gives full freedom to the various committees and departments to plan the activity of the year and executes them. It releases the finance needed and thus encourages those who arrange such programmes. As a result, all the committee conveners, members and the Heads of Departments organise several programmes every year. Also, the Heads of Departments nominate the faculty as class teachers and the members share various responsibilities such as conducting seminars, association meetings etc. These develop the leadership role of teachers. In order to develop the leadership role of students, Personality Development programmes are arranged; students council is formed and give the office bearers free hand to conduct various programmes. Also, the students’ representatives are secretaries of the associations like Tamil Ilakkia Mantram, Tamil Peravai, English Association, English Literary Club, UG Maths Club, P.G. Maths Club, UG Physics Club, P.G. Physics Club, U.G Chemistry Association, PG Chemistry Association, Botany Association, UG Zoology Association, PG Zoology Association, Computer Science Association, COMSAC (MCA), P.G. History Club, Research Forum For History, Economics Association, UG Commerce Association, PG Commerce Association, DOMSSA (MBA), Tornus, Riveria, Eco Club – Voluntary, Planning Forum, Social Service League (Membership voluntary). The secretaries are elected from among the final year class representatives. The activities are planned and executed by the students’ representatives under the guidance of staff advisors. In this way, the students taste the leadership role. 6.1.7 How does the college delegate authority and provide operational autonomy to the departments / units of the institution and work towards decentralized governance system? The college believes in decentralised administration and delegates authority to the departments and various committees. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 306 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Academic and Discipline matters are handled by the HoD. If it seems beyond control it is brought to the notice of the Principal. For academic programmes like Seminars, Association meetings etc. the institution extends full cooperation. Review meetings are held every month within departments. The Principal visits the departments once a semester. The faculty are at liberty to meet the Principal or the management regarding the improvement of academic provisions. The subjects are allotted for the staff members by the Head of the Department in the Department meeting in consultation with them. Details regarding subject allotment are informed to the Principal by the HoD. The time table in each department is prepared in accordance to the master time table of the college. The test schedule is discussed in the staff council and displayed in the calendar. Circulars regarding question paper setting and submission of marks are sent to the departments by the Principal. Any other department activity other than regular academic work is assigned to the staff by the Head of the Department. Apart from these, all other activities of the college are carried out by the committees constituted for specific purposes under the guidance of the Principal. The details regarding various committees are displayed in the college hand book. For the non-teaching staff, the work allotment is given through the office superintendent by the Principal. 6.1.8 Does the college promote a culture of participative management? If ‘yes’, indicate the levels of participative management. Yes. There is good internal coordination. Problems of staff are discussed in the relevant body – Staff Council or Governing Board. The office superintendent reports matters regarding the office to the management through the Principal. Inter-departmental tests are conducted. The question papers are Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 307 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation submitted to the Exam Committee which conducts examinations. Master timetable is prepared in consultation with HoDs. The staff secretary coordinates programmes like Union day and College day, through various committees. Sports Day is organized by the Director of Physical Education in cordination with the Sports Committee. The Graduation committee in coordination with the departments, conducts the Graduation programme. If the academic performance of students is found unsatisfactory, the class teacher and the head of the department advise them to do better. If necessary, he is asked to bring their parents. The head of the department also monitors the work of the faculty members like punctuality, conducting tests and submitting marks on time, and completing the syllabus and so on. The head of the department holds regular meetings to ensure that all academic and department responsibilities are fulfilled by the faculty. The student attendance is reviewed by the Vice-Principal/ Senior Professor who takes prompt action in the case of irregular students. 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1 Does the Institution have a formally stated quality policy? How is it developed, driven, deployed and reviewed? Yes. Quality Policy: To lead the students towards academic, social, moral and cultural empowerment. Academic Plans: We conduct three internal tests, assignment, model test, seminars (PG & M.Phil.) systematically to help students achieve academic excellence. For the benefit of weak students, remedial classes are arranged. The performance of the students is periodically Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 308 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation informed to their parents. We conduct Parents’ Meeting class-wise to discuss the performance and attendance etc. of their wards every semester. Social: Social awareness programmes like AIDS awareness, TB awareness, Women safety, Voting rights, Protection of Environment, House Construction for Homeless Poor, Visit Home for Aged, Blind School etc. are organized with the view to making the students socially empowered. Moral: Moral instruction classes, seminars on Personality Development and character building, Value Based Education classes are frequently conducted for the benefit of students. Cultural: The Youth Welfare Club is active throughout the academic year, conducting more than 40 competitions which help improve the cultural outlook of the students. They get various opportunities to participate in inter-collegiate competitions which enable them to meet students of various cultural backgrounds. 6.2.2 Does the Institute have a perspective plan for development? If so, give the aspects considered for inclusion in the plan. In response to the requirements submitted by the departments, most of the departments have been provided with computers with LCD. Some departments have been given audio system. All the departments have internet connection. The furniture of the departments is replaced when it becomes old. At the end of every academic year, the departments make a list of their necessities and expectations considering the needs of the students too, which are submitted to the Principal through IQAC. The Principal represents these demands to the management to enable them to plan the activities for the next academic year and to prepare a budget accordingly. 6.2.3 Describe the internal organizational structure and decision making processes. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 309 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Organizational Chart Chairman (Bishop) Governing Board Correspondent Principal Administration (Superintendent) Finance Administration Office Administration Academic Staff Council Non-Teaching Staff General Accounts & Payroll Management Accounts & Payroll Departments Library HoDs Librarian & Library Assistants Faculty Non-teaching Staff Council Secretary, HoDs & Office Superintendent We have two major decision making bodies such as the Staff Council and Governing Board. The staff council is constituted mainly to take decisions on academic Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 310 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation matters. The Principal is the president of this council and one of the members acts as Secretary. The Heads of the Departments, Librarian, Director of Physical education, Senate member and Office Superintendent are the members of Staff Council. We list out the responsibilities of the staff council. The reopening date, last working day, discussions on admission procedures, master time-table, committee formation, academic calendar, admission dates for various courses, test schedule, last date for submission of marks, discussions on various students/ staff related services, fixing code of conduct for students, students’ discipline, enquiry commit formation, final decision on discipline matters, conducting students related programmes, conducting remedial coaching classes for competitive exams and other academic related activities. The deliberations of the staff council meetings are communicated to staff members; they inturn, are co-operative with the concerned heads of the department in executing the decisions taken in the staff council. Inorder to illustrate the decision making process of staff council, we exhibit the deliberations of staff council for the year 2010-11: Meeting on 09-06-2010: Meeting on 09-06-2010: Meeting on 27-07-2010: Nesamony Memorial Christian College HoDs are requested to prepare merit list for admission to UG courses as per the guidelines of State Government and to submit the time table by 14-06-2010. Dr. Linsa Rethnalal was elected as the Staff council secretary. The admission dates for various courses were fixed. It was resolved to compensate the working days lost due to the NCC camp. The last date for sending first internal test is fixed. It is resolved to put the University register number along with the class number in the internal mark sheet. To improve the quality in the canteen, Dr. T. S. Emmanuel, HoD of History was nominated as the convener of the canteen committee. Convener & Co-convener were nominated for each committee. Resolved to conduct at least one programme by getting sponsorship from the UGC. HoDs are requested to sign the diary maintained by the sweepers after ascertaining the cleanliness in class room, toilets and washbasins. The superintendent was requested to take steps to repair the furniture. HoDs are requested to ensure that no student carries cell phone to the college. Girl students are permitted to go home only after 2.45 pm. Resolved to construct waiting – cum – recreation hall for the boys in the campus. HoDs are requested to monitor the quantity of the portions covered in each class. It was resolved to conduct at least two meetings on co-curricular activities. The nomination of conveners & coPage 311 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Meeting on 07-09-2010: Meeting on 23-09-2010: Meeting on 11-10-2010: Meeting on 26-10-2010: Meeting on 02-12-2010: Meeting on 10-12-2010: Meeting on 22-12-2010: Meeting on 13-01-2011: Meeting on 01-02-2011: Meeting on 15-03-2011: Meeting on 18-03-2011: Nesamony Memorial Christian College conveners for various committees was ratified. It was resolved to suspend a student for his misbehaviour and an enquiry committee was constituted. The report of the enquiry committee was presented and suitable action was taken. The staff members who do not take part in the staff picnic scheduled for 12-10-2010 are requested to handle their classes. It was resolved that University exam duty would be compulsory for all faculty members, and the HoDs would act as overall supervisors. HoDs are requested to submit the time table for the ensuing semester before the last working day. The last date for submitting the model exam marks was fixed as 29-10-2010. It was resolved to update the files in the department, and to extend full co-operation to the preparation of reaccreditation report. The faculty members were requested to brief the syllabus with code to all students. It was resolved to conduct a magic show in our campus by charging Rs. 100/- per student. The guidelines for the conduct of magic show were formulated. The deadline for submitting the course files to the Principal was fixed. It was resolved to conduct an exhibition on environmental arts. It was resolved to conduct the college day, sports day, union day, cultural day and convocation day in February. Also, it was resolved to form the students’ council before 20th December 2010. It was resolved to constitute a committee to probe in to the breakage of the toilet by the students. An enquiry committee was constituted to probe in to the clash between two groups of students and some of the students were suspended. The enquiry committee submitted its report and suitable action was initiated. It was resolved to conduct a staff meeting on 19-03-2011. It was resolved to maintain separate register for the late comers (students). It was resolved to conduct coaching classes for banking and other competitive exams. The staff members were requested to return the library books by 15-04-2011. It was resolved to audit the department libraries by the Librarian and the Convener, Advisory Committee for Library. HoDs are requested to conduct staff meeting every month. Also, the last working day for the College was fixed. It was resolved to take suitable action against the students who instigated others for strike. Page 312 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Meeting on 24-03-2011: Meeting on 20-04-2011: Meeting on 18-05-2011: It was resolved to conduct model examination from 05-042011 onwards. The HoDs are requested to submit the question papers by 29-03-2011. The last date for submitting the model test marks and internal assessment mark has been fixed as 20-04-2011. HoDs are requested to submit the work allotment and the time table on or before 21-04-2011. It was resolved to maintain the attendance of students by the HoDs in order to monitor their regularity. It was resolved to conduct placement and soft skill training programmes to all the students. The staff council appreciated the retiring staff members for rendering invaluable services for the development of the college. The HoDs from science departments are requested to maintain laboratory attendance register uniformly. The dress code for the students has been fixed. It was also resolved to conduct the first year UG & PG admissions on the basis of counselling. The Governing Board looks after the administration of the college. The Bishop of Kanyakumari Diocese is the Chairman. The correspondent is nominated by the executive committee of the Kanyakumari Diocese, and the Correspondent also acts as the Secretary of the Governing Board. It has five members elected by Diocesen Council members and one member is elected by faculty members. The Principal is the ex-officio member. All policy decisions are taken in this body. Also, it takes care of appointment of staff, promotion of staff, confirmation, salary fixation, DA, incentives, budget approval, building construction, infrastructural facilities, introduction of new courses, staff welfare, staff discipline, nomination of Vice-Principal, Bursar and Book store convener. The principal and Correspondent executes all decisions of the Governing Board. Inorder to illustrate the decision making process of Governing Board, we exhibt the deliberations of Governing Board for the year 2009-10: Meeting on 13-08-2009: Meeting on 15-08-2009: Nesamony Memorial Christian College It was resolved to promote the seminar most non –teaching staff as Superintendent, two Junior Assistants as Assistants and two Attendees as Junior Assistants. It was resolved to appoint five management non-teaching staff members as lab assistants, and two management typists as typists in aided vacancies It was resolved to appoint three new non-teaching staff. The board reviewed the academic performance of each staff member and appreciated the Principal for the academic Page 313 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation excellence during last year including 60 University Ranks. Ratification of appointment committee dated 19th and 20th August 2009, 2nd September and 9th September 2009. Interview was conducted for the post of lecturers in the departments of Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Science, Botany and Economics on 19-08-2009 and in the departments of History, English, Tourism and Commerce on 20-08-2009. Rank list for the selection of lecturers in Maths, Physics, Economics, History, Tourism and Commerce was prepared. The details are given below: 1. Mathematics 2. Physics -3 -3 3. Computer Science - 2 Meeting on 02-09-2009: Meeting on 09-09-2009: 4. Botany -1 5. History -2 6. Economics -1 7. English -4 8. Tourism -4 9. Commerce -2 Three more Lecturers were appointed in the Department of Computer Science. It was resolved to include all Governing Board members except the staff representative in the Building Committee and Purchase Committee. It was resolved to revise the pay for the self-financing Staff. It was resolved to ratify the appointment of the Head of the department of Physics, and to give superannuation for a retiring staff in the department of Tamil. It was resolved to appoint Lecturers in all FDP vacancies. The details are given bellow: 1. English Nesamony Memorial Christian College -1 Page 314 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 2. Mathematics 3. Physics -1 -1 4. Computer Science - 1 5. Botany -1 6. History -2 7. Economics -1 8. Commerce -1 The budget for the year 2009-2010 was presented in the Board and it was resolved to accept the same. It was resolved to allow the IQAC to proceed with the reaccreditation process. It was resolved to confirm the services of 23 teachers and one non-teaching staff. It was resolved to apply for the following new courses in the ensuing academic year: M.A (Tamil), M.A (Economics), M.Phil (Chemistry) and M.Phil (Commerce) It was resolved to construct the following buildings: 1. Vedhamonickam Block – Extension 2. A new Administrative Block 3. A new Arch in the front 4. Physical Director’s office along with a mini indoor Stadium. Meeting on 05-01-2010: Meeting on 23-02-2010: Meeting on 24-03-2010: Nesamony Memorial Christian College Also, it was resolved to maintain a flower garden on the site of the old administrative block and to demolish the canteen building and to construct a new building. It was resolved to extend the service of a teacher from Chemistry Department. It was resolved to extend the service of a teacher from Tamil Department. It was resolved to appoint three lecturers in the departments of Mathematics, Tourism and Botany. It was resolved to advertise in the local dailies inviting applications from Page 315 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Meeting on 08-05-2010: suitable candidates for vacancies in the departments of Tamil, Chemistry, Tourism, Commerce and non-teaching staff. It was resolved to extend the service of two retiring faculty members from Chemistry department. It was resolved to confirm the services of 11 teachers and 13 nonteaching staff members. The Governing Board recorded its appreciation to a faculty member from Zoology department for obtaining 56 lakhs as grant from UGC for a major project and a new course on Bio-informatics. Out of 33 candidates who attended the interview, 12 members were appointed as watchmen. 6.2.4 Give a broad description of the quality improvement strategies of the institution for each of the following • Teaching & Learning The management encourages the faculty to adopt new teaching methods instead of following the lecture method alone. Many departments have started making power point presentation. The students also use this method in seminar sessions. The students are also divided into groups and topics from the syllabus are given for discussion. At the end of the discussion, a student from each group is invited to sum up the deleberations. Thus the teaching learning process is made interesting and effective. • Research & Development The faculty are encouraged to participate in seminars and workshops in other colleges. The departments are provided full support for organising similar activities in the campus. Inorder to give chances for research scholars and staff to present research articles, the Nesamony Research Forum was established in our college in 2011. The staff are also encouraged to submit proposals for minor and major projects. Now four major projects and one minor projects are going on in the departments of Physics, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry and History. Some proposals for seminars, major and minor projects have been submitted to UGC. • Community engagement Awareness programmes on topics such as Solid Waste Management, TB Awareness, Voting rights, Safety of Women and Protection of Environment were organised by the college outside the campus. Every year, we construct a few houses for the poor including our poor students under the scheme “Home for the Homeless Poor”. • Human resource management The faculty members are appointed by the Governing Board on merit from the merit list prepared by the Employment Bureau constituted by CSI Kanyakumari Diocese. For one vacancy, three candidates are called for interview. Among the three, seniority is Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 316 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation given first priority. The Employment Bureau updates the list once in three months. Eligible candidates are given first priority in the merit list. The selected candidates can join duty immediately after receiving appointment order. The non-teaching staff are appointed by the Governing Board till last year. This year onwards non-teaching staff are appointed Employment Bureau. The Principal is appointed by the excutive committee of the Kanyakumari Diocese. The service of the staff members is confirmed after completion of service of two years. The teachers are encouraged to attend orientation, refresher, seminars, workshops, training programmes. Also, they are well supported to do Ph.D. either on FDP or on part-time basis. Christmas gift is given to all management faculty and non-teaching staff and also to the aided non-teaching staff. All the management faculty and staff enjoy all leave facilities on par with the aided staff. They are also given medical allowance and the management contributes for their PF. The management gives undertaking in availing bank loans to all faculty and staff. The management encourages the faculty to participate in various programmes outside college on duty. If a student gets University gold medal, the concerned department will be honoured. The staff can avail career advancements at the appropriate time. • Industry interaction Nil. 6.2.5 How does the Head of the institution ensure that adequate information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the top management and the stakeholders, to review the activities of the institution? The Principal, the Heads of Departments, Staff Representative to the Governing Board, IQAC Co-ordinator, Staff Association Secretary and Office Superintendent constantly keep in touch with the Correspondent and inform him of the various activities going on in the college. Major issues, if any, are presented by the Principal in the Governing Board and discussed there. The Parents’ Meeting is arranged every semester to get their suggestions and also to inform them of their wards’ performance. 6.2.6 How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? After the committees are formed, the Principal and the correspondent get in touch with all the conveners of the committees and give moral and financial support for all their activities. The instructional and infrastructural needs are assessed and need based decisions are taken to encourage and support the staff for the effective and efficient translation of Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 317 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation academic and administrative activities. Constant meetings of the management and the HoDs and committee conveners are a regular feature. Promotion of research, financial support for academic pursuits, incentives for excellence in the form of acknowledging the services rendered by the staff etc, are provided by the management. The management congratulates the staff whenever a programme has been successfully orgainzed and encourages those who spend their time and use their skill and energy for the institution. 6.2.7 Enumerate the resolutions made by the Management Council in the last year and the status of implementation of such resolutions. Governing Board for the year 2011-12: Meeting on 29-12-2011: Meeting on 03-10-2011: Meeting on 14-02-2012: Meeting on 23-02-2012: Nesamony Memorial Christian College It was resolved to appoint Mr. C. P. Ben as lecturer in the department of Botany; Mrs. Catherin Freeda R. K. and Mrs. Helen Japa Rose as lecturers in the department of Tamil; Miss. Geetha Nirmal. S. as lecturer in the department of English; Mr. Gnana Elpinston G. as lecturer in the department of Economics. It was further resolved to request the Diocesen Employment Bureau to forward the names of next three candidates for the consideration filling a vacancy in the department of Management Studies. It was resolved to ratify the appointment of Dr. S. Geetha in the retirement vacancy of Mr. Justin Karuthu; Mrs. G. Ginila in the retirement vavancy of Dr. J. Sinthikayal; Mrs. Y. N. Adlin Beula in the retirement vavancy of Mr. P. Yesudhasan; Dr. E. Jasmine Viji in the retairement vacancy of Dr. Deva Prasanna Kumari; Dr. S. S. Sheeba in the retirement vacancy of Dr. C. Jesuraj; Dr. R. Anitha Helan in the retirement vacancy of Mr. Raja dhas, all in the department of Tamil. Also it was resolveed to ratify the appointment of Mr. S. R. Arul Raja Selvan in the retirement vacancy of Mr. C. Selvaraj in History Department. It was resolved to extain the service of Dr. Prabhavathy Princella Sinehabai, Associate Professor in Tamil from 01-042012 to 31-05-2012. It is resolved to ratify the appointments of Mr. S. Jeyadhas in the retirement vacancy of Mr. M. Abel; Mr. R. Raja Singh in the retirement vacancy of Mr. N. Mathias and Mr. M. Selva Dhas in the promotion vacancy of Mr. K. Mohanan as Junior Assistants. Also it was resolved to ratify the appointment of Mr. Gnana Dhas as Lab Assistant in the retirement vacancy of Mr. C. David Rajan. Page 318 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.2.8 Does the affiliating university make a provision for according the status of autonomy to an affiliated institution? If ‘yes’, what are the efforts made by the institution in obtaining autonomy? Yes. But we have not taken any effort to obtain autonomy. 6.2.9 How does the Institution ensure that grievances / complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to analyse the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder relationship? There is no Grievance Redressal Cell for the employees. But the faculty have their own association through which they can represent their problems or genuine demands to the Principal or the management and get them redressed. The non-teaching staffs also have their own association to which they resort to for representing their problems to the Principal or the management. The management has favourably considered the following demands of the non-teaching staff: To give Christmas gift to the aided non-teaching staff, which is being enjoyed by the management non-teaching staff. The office which has been functioning in two wings has been housed together. The repeated demand for salary hike was considered and implemented in 2010. A sub-committee has been formed to look into the designation matter of management non-teaching staff. The teachers requested the management to credit the salary advance of unapproved teachers in the bank and it was accepted by the management and is being credited in their respective salary account. Teaching Staff Association resolved to request the management to improve the quality of the canteen, and a proposal was made to run the canteen by the association. Inorder to improve the quality of the canteen, the canteen contract is awarded to a new person who has rich experience in catering field. Also, it was resolved to request the management to take steps to improve the services given to the staff members by the State Bank of Travancore at Marthandam Branch. 6.2.10 During the last four years, had there been any instances of court cases filed by and against the institute? Provide details on the issues and decisions of the courts on these? Yes. There are sixty five cases pending in the court regarding seniority and post approval of faculty members and non-teaching staff. Hearing is going on for these cases. We got judgement to similar cases. TC was issued to a student on discipline ground which was challenged in the court. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 319 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.2.11 Does the Institution have a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance? If ‘yes’, what was the outcome and response of the institution to such an effort? Yes. The student feed back is analysed in IQAC. The proposals are submitted to staff council for suitable action. In response to the students requests, the college authorities attended to the problems promptly. Details are given bellow: During 2008-09, the Students’ Council sent representations through the Principal to the government to maintain the roads and to operate more buses to different routes. The students sought the permission of the Principal to raise funds from the staff members to help the student Kunju Mon who met with an accident. Also, they sought permission to collect money from students to construct Home for Homeless Poor; to conduct cricket tournaments department-wise; to host a lunch to the mentally retarded students in Kotticode. All these requested were readily accepted. During 2009-10, the students requested the Principal to repair the benches and desks which were in bad condition. It was accepted and old benches and desks were replaced by new ones. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 145 requests were reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumber promptly. During 2010-11, students requested the Principal to maintain class rooms neatly and to provide a waiting hall for boys. Sweepers were appointed to keep the class rooms neat and tidy. Also, the principal assured the students that waiting hall would be provided shortly. Regarding the request for maintenance work or replacement of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 125 requests were reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumber promptly. During 2011-12, the students requested the authorities to provide Pure Water; to improve the quality of the canteen; to open a store in the girls waiting room; to extend the capacity of the waiting hall. The Principal assured them that suitable action would be taken. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 65 requests have been reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumber promptly. During 2012-13, the students sent representation to the government authorities through the Principal to finish the Bus Stand works immediately. They sought permission of the Principal to collect money from staff and students to help two students who met with accidents. The Principal permitted to do so. Regarding the maintenance work of tube lights, fans, speakers, switch board and plumping, 205 requests were reported by the students to the Principal. All these works were carried out by the college electrician and plumper promptly. A register to record the complaints regarding replacement of furniture or reparing electrical items is kept in the Vice-Principal’s room and the class representatives can register their complaints there. The plumber with due permission from the Principal attends to their requests. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 320 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.1 What are the efforts made by the institution to enhance the professional development of its teaching and non teaching staff? The departments which are found to be lacking in Research activities, are advised and encouraged by the Principal to involve in research activities like registering for Ph.D, paper presentation, refresher courses, submitting research proposals. We conduct Orientation Programme for the faculty, training programme for non-teaching staff. The faculty are given training in the use of modern teaching-learning tools like LCD. Also, for the non-teaching staff computer training is being arranged on demand for the last two years: i) We conducted Computer Training for the non-teaching staff for seven days on Saturdays during August and September 2010. ii) We conducted a Computer Training Programme for the non-teaching staff on Saturdays for 21 days during June – October, 2011. 6.3.2 What are the strategies adopted by the institution for faculty empowerment through training, retraining and motivating the employees for the roles and responsibility they perform? The faculty are provided the necessary facilities like spacious rooms, furniture, computers, LCD, internet. The faculty who are in-charge of sports, NSS, NCC, Youth welfare are provided with separate office rooms. They have separate parking facilities for vehicles, and also a General Staff room. 6.3.3 Provide details on the performance appraisal system of the staff to evaluate and ensure that information on multiple activities is appropriately captured and considered for better appraisal. Every year the faculty members submit the self appraisal forms to the Principal. Based on these, the Principal congratulates them if their performance is very good and advises them to perform better if it is not satisfactory. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 321 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.3.4 What is the outcome of the review of the performance appraisal reports by the management and the major decisions taken? How are they communicated to the appropriate stakeholders? The Principal takes the responsibility of reviewing the performance of the faculty every year. 6.3.5 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such schemes in the last four years? Christmas gift is given to all management faculty and staff and also to the aided non-teaching staff. All the management faculty and staff enjoy all leave facilities on par with the aided staff. They are also given medical allowance and the management contributes for their PF. The management gives undertaking for availing bank loans to all faculty and staff. The management encourages the faculty to participate in various programmes outside college on duty. During 2009-10, 54% of the faculty members got Christmas gift, and 100% nonteaching staff members got the Christmas gift. During 2010-11, 54% of the faculty members got Christmas gift, and 100% nonteaching staff members got the Christmas gift. During 2011-12, 59% of the faculty members got Christmas gift, and 100% nonteaching staff members got the Christmas gift. During 2012-13, 59% of the faculty members got Christmas gift, and 100% nonteaching staff members got the Christmas gift. 6.3.6 What are the measures taken by the Institution for attracting and retaining eminent faculty? As ours is a minority institution and governed by the CSI Kanyakumari Diocese, appointments are made based on the norms fixed by the Diocese. Staff once appointed hardly move out of the college before retirement. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 322 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.4.1 What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of available financial resources? The finance management system is computerized with SQL server. The details regarding income, expenditure, student fee, staff salary, Government accounts and refund of fee can be viewed on computer at any time. Normally, daily income by way of fees, fine ect. is entered in a separate register and it is monitored by the Principal. Also bills regarding expenses are verified before issuing cheques. 6.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for internal and external audit? When was the last audit done and what are the major audit objections? Provide the details on compliance. The accounts are audited regularly. The management accounts are audited by qualified accountants authorized by the Correspondent. They do the work after verifying all the records regarding income and expenditure of the college. The government accounts like fees, scholarship, salary and the sale of application forms for admission. The government accounts of our college up to 2007 have been audited by a team of auditors from the office of the Joint Director for Collegiate Education. The UGC accounts are also audited by qualified accountants and the accounts have been audited till date, for all completed projects. The management accounts are audited by qualified accountants and the management accounts have been audited up to 2012-13. So far, there is no objection in the audit report. The copies of audit reports for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 are attached. 6.4.3 What are the major sources of institutional receipts/funding and how is the deficit managed? Provide audited income and expenditure statement of academic and administrative activities of the previous four years and the reserve fund/corpus available with Institutions, if any. The major resources of institutional receipts/funding are from tuition fee, development fee, building fund, PTA fund, Alumni fund, donation from well wishers, bank interest, sale of stationeries and income from the land. If any deficit arises, we arrange loan either from CSI Kanyakumari Diocese or Bank. Also, we reduce the expenditures considerably. There is no reserved fund/corpus fund. The detailed income Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 323 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation and expenditure statement of audited accounts for the last four years are given in Annexure – VII. 6.4.4 Give details on the efforts made by the institution in securing additional funding and the utilization of the same (if any). We have constituted a separate committee to send various proposals to the UGC and other funding agencies. As a result, we have received financial assistance from UGC, BRNS, CSIR, TNSCST and Ministry of Earth Science. Also, we applied for FIST. So far, we have not received any communication in this regard. UGC –Grant 2009-2010 Minor Research Project – History Major Research Project - Zoology Minor Project – Computer Women empowerment – national seminar Human Rights awareness- History Ladies Hostel grant Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC candidate (Ph.D) FDP Contingency grant UGC Assistance Merged scheme UGC Grant – PG Diploma in Bio informatics Rs. 45000 Rs. 822000 Rs. 10200 Rs. 47250 Rs. 20000 Rs. 1000000 Rs. 250000 Rs. 135000 Rs. 159024 Rs. 892500 Rs. 3290000 Total Rs. 6670974 Utilization Computer and accessories Cost of Tiles Cost of Painting Metirials Cost of Cement Cost of Plumbing Metirials Cost of Corpentary Metirials Cost of Electrical Itemd Cost of Steel Cost of Furniture Cost of Kitchen Amount Paid to the Cantractor M. Res. Pro. Mr. Y. Jacob Vetharaj Nesamony Memorial Christian College Rs. 168925/Rs. 37702/Rs. 25764/Rs. 827936/Rs. 115491/Rs. 31905/Rs. 415790/Rs. 180033/Rs. 86259/Rs. 288322/Rs. 2703757/Rs. 25200/- Page 324 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation R. G. N. Fellowship for SC Women Empowerment Seminar Minor Research Pro. – Dr. Selvaraj FDP Contingency UG Assistance 14 Merged Schemes Rs. 229000/Rs. 87500/Rs. 25000/Rs. 135000/Rs. 770221/Rs. 894016/- UGC –Grant 2010-2011 Human Rights – work shop Women Empowerment – Seminar Indoor stadium Sports equipment FDP Substitute scholars FDP contingencies Rs. 120000 Rs. 15750 Rs. 3500000 RS. 495000 Rs. 650000 Rs. 45000 Total Rs. 4825750 Utilization R.G.N. Fellowship for SC- Ph.D. Physics Seminar R.G.N.Fellowship for SC R.G.N. Department Assistance R.G.N. HRA R.G.N. Contingency Women Empowerment Minor Project - books Minor Project – Field Work Minor Project - Contingency 14 Merged Scheme FDP Subtitute Salary FDP Contingency Grant Major Research - Books Major Research – Equippment Major Research – Chemicals Contingency Over Head Charges Workshop – Human Rights Equipments Books and Journals Minor Equipment Working Expense Glass Wares Field Trip Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 325 of 339 Rs. 200000/Rs. 7500/Rs. 184000/Rs. 6000/Rs. 19200/Rs. 10000/Rs. 15750/Rs. 10000/Rs. 7500/Rs. 2500/Rs. 14282/Rs. 650000/Rs. 15000/Rs. 41556/Rs. 437215/Rs. 171110/Rs. 6845/Rs. 48185/Rs. 125000/Rs. 2500515/Rs. 118656/Rs. 251094/Rs. 60000/Rs. 42975/Rs. 24500/- Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation HiringService Visiting Faculty Honorariun to Co-ordinator Rs. 30000/Rs. 61350/Rs. 20000/- UGC –Grant 2011-2012 Additional Assistance UG Development Indo-Diasporic Writing – Seminar Wetland – Seminar Merged Scheme Rs. 1250000 Rs. 140608 Rs. 82500 Rs. 68250 Rs. 3990000 Total Rs. 5531358 Utilization Additional Assistance UG Development – books & journals UG Development – Equipment UG Development – Field work UG Development – Extension Activity FDP Substitute Teacher Salary FDP Contingency Seminare Indo Diasporic Seminar Wetland – 2010 Major Research Project - Books and journals Major Research Project - Equipment Major Research Project - Chemical & Glass Major Research Project - Hiring/comsumables Major Research Project - Contingency Major Research Project - Trval & Field Work 14 Merged Scheme Indoor Stadium –Cement Indoor Stadium –Steel Indoor Stadium –Contracter Payment Sports Equipment Rs. 1250001/Rs. 100022/Rs. 608/Rs. 20000/Rs. 20000/Rs. 2303718/Rs. 30000/Rs. 82500/Rs. 68250/Rs. 8170/Rs. 7245/Rs. 27338/Rs. 20633/Rs. 24386/Rs. 29328/Rs. 3949836/Rs. 595052/Rs. 1880175/Rs. 1024849/Rs. 495000/- UGC –Grant 2012-2013 Major Research Proposal UG Development XI plan Merged Scheme Human Right Education Workshop Additional Assistant XII Plan Merged Scheme Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 326 of 339 Rs. 218000 Rs. 325000 Rs. 700000 Rs. 30000 Rs. 1000000 Rs. 806250 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Confrence Minor Research Proposal New Vista in Insurance Seminar X Plan International Seminar Rs. 63750 Rs. 170000 Rs. 66000 Rs. 14000 Total Rs. 3393000 Utilization UG Development -Building Rs. 225000/- UG Development –Toilet for women Rs. 100000/- Seminar Rs. 96560/- Merged Scheme – Building Rs. 147845/- Merged Scheme – Ramp Rs. 197840/- FDP Salary Rs. 925068/- Major Research Project Rs. 157118/- Indoor Stadium Rs. 518267/- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) a. Has the institution established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If ‘yes’, what is the institutional policy with regard to quality assurance and how has it contributed in institutionalizing the quality assurance processes? Yes. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell monitors the various responsibilities given to the faculty like maintanence of course file, remedial coaching, conduct of seminars, submission of projects, Research activities, functioning of the library and so on to enhance the quality within the existing academic and administrative system. The examination committee takes the responsibility of conducting centralised internal tests, and a model examination and preparing progress reports and sending them to the parents immediately after the tests are over. We give free education to the 1st rank holders and winners in sports at State Level. The Student Welfare Committee is incharge of providing free mid-day meals to the poor students. Extension Service Committee selects the beneficiaries of the Home for the Homeless Poor Scheme and executes the work. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 327 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation b. How many decisions of the IQAC have been approved by the management/ authorities for implementation and how many of them were actually implemented? i. Teacher evaluation in the form of self appraisal. ii. Teacher evaluation by students regarding the teachers’ performance and the remedial measures taken in turn by the Principal based on the report. iii. Conduct of periodical tests and preparation of progress reports by the Examination committee. iv. Submission of project proposals, paper presentation, and conduct of seminars are motivated by Research committee. v. Maintenance of discipline with the help of the Discipline committee. vi. Interaction of HoDs with the parents of the low performers. c. Does the IQAC have external members on its committee? If so, mention any significant contribution made by them. Yes. Ther are two external members in IQAC. They are – Dr. James R. Daniel, Former Principal and Director of Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Science and Adv. Vijayatharani, MLA, Vilavancode Constituency. They intract with IQAC Co-ordinator and the Principal regarding community and research activities. d. How do students and alumni contribute to the effective functioning of the IQAC? The feedback of the students regarding the teaching-learning process, extra curricular activities and infrastructure was obtained and constructive changes were effected. In the Alumni meeting, the Alumni express there desire that their services in areas like placement, research, project etc. should be utilized for the junior students. e. How does the IQAC communicate and engage staff from different constituents of the institution? The IQAC involves members from different constituents like Management, Principal, Faculty, Non-teaching and Students. IQAC utilizes their services whenever need arises. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 328 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation 6.5.2 Does the institution have an integrated framework for Quality assurance of the academic and administrative activities? If ‘yes’, give details on its operationalisation. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell monitors the various responsibilities given to the faculty like maintanence of course file, remedial coaching, conduct of seminars, submission of projects, Research activities, functioning of the library and so on to enhance the quality within the existing academic and administrative system. Also we conduct centralised internal tests, and a model examination. We prepare progress reports and send them to the parents immediately after the tests are over. We give free education to the 1st rank holders and winners in sports at State Level. Free mid-day meals is provided to the poor students and we construct atleast one house for a homeless poor student every year. 6.5.3 Does the institution provide training to its staff for effective implementation of the Quality assurance procedures? If ‘yes’, give details enumerating its impact. Yes. The Principal convened a staff Meeting and explained the procedures to be followed criterion wise and how to prepare the Evaluative Reports of the Departments. He also visited the departments for this purpose and encouraged the faculty to fully involve in NAAC work. 6.5.4 Does the institution undertake Academic Audit or other external review of the academic provisions? If ‘yes’, how are the outcomes used to improve the institutional activities? There is no external review of the academic provisions in our college, as our is an affiliated college of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Changes regarding the curriculum, if any, are represented to the higher bodies of the University through our representatives of these bodies of our college. 6.5.5 How are the internal quality assurance mechanisms aligned with the requirements of the relevant external quality assurance agencies/regulatory authorities? The IQAC communicates the guidelines of NAAC to the faculty in the special meeting organized for this purpose. The IQAC further presents the NAAC requirements in the meeting of the staff council, Heads of Departments and conveners of committees. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 329 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation IQAC periodically visits departments to assess the work done by them and gives suggestions if needed. As a result, the faculty members of all departments submitted the completed course files in the Principal’s office at the end of the semester. The consolidated marks sheets for the internal assessment were promptly submitted to the Examination Committee. 6.5.6 What institutional mechanisms are in place to continuously review the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies of operations and outcome? At the end of the previous semester, the subject allotment is given to the members by HoD in the department meeting. The activities of the next semester are planned in this meeting. The schedule for the three tests is given at the beginning of the semester itself. Centralised tests are conducted department-wise. The marks are submitted to the examination committee, which, inturn sends them to the parents. The parents’ meeting which is a regular feature, provides opportunities for interaction between teachers and parents regarding the performance of the students. Corrective measures suggested by the parents regarding the teaching-learning process are consided for better performance. Remedial coaching is given to slow learners. 6.5.7. How does the institution communicate its quality assurance policies, mechanisms and outcomes to the various internal and external stakeholders? The quality assurance policy is uploaded in the college website and included in the hand book. The mechanism is published in the college hand book. Any other relevant information regarding Governance Leadership and Management which the college would like to include. The institution has continually served as a beacon of learning to the poor and less privileged people belonging to the remote parts of the district, by providing fee concessions –full/partial. Many students have gone out of the institution as successful graduates and postgraduates. Both the students and staff can remain in the campus and pursue their work without any kind of fear like that of sexual harassment. Any complaint, if any, received from students and staff is being dealt with seriously and solved immediately. The student feedback obtained regularly enables the Principal to monitor the strengths and weaknesses of the faculty. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 330 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The management encourages the faculty to go for higher studies, organize seminars and so on. An International seminar on Land use, bio-diversity and climate change was conducted. The management meets the staff regularly and redresses their problems, if any. In the event of a death in the families of non-teaching staff, who are very poor the college willingly shares the expenses. It is a unique feature of the faculty, non teaching staff and the management to attend the funerals of the loved ones of their colleagues and comfort the bereaved families. The decentralisation of administration through various committees enables the effective administration of day to day affairs of the college. The office is automated. And services like attendance, fees collection, scholarship, issue of certificates are now computerised. A closed circuit TV having 16 terminals has been installed in the campus. This enables the Principal to monitor the college activities from his desk. This prevents unnecessary tresspass of outsiders and this makes the students more responsible and disciplined. Relief funds donated by staff members are advanced from the management funds, after the amounts specified by individuals, are deducted from their accounts. Any payment above Rs.500/- is made through cheques. After the previous accreditation the office has been computerized enabling transparency and immediate access to any relevant information. The college website provides all necessary data about the college. Internet facility is provided to all departments. Due to good governance and leadership, appointments are made promptly. In the event of any delay caused by the government in approving the vacancies, the management takes timely action of making appointments and providing salary on par with the staff of the self finance courses. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 331 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation CRITERIA VII: INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES 7.1 Environment Consciousness 7.1.1 Does the Institute conduct a Green Audit of its campus and facilities? The college takes care to keep our campus as a green one. The five gardens are regularly maintained and replanting is done if necessary. There are many rare trees in the campus and our campus is Plastic Free. We plant new trees every year Work is going on for a Organic Vegetable Farm on the terrace. The gardeners have been employed on contract basis to maintain the greenery on campus. 7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the college to make the campus eco-friendly? ∗ Energy conservation We have started introducing LED lamps in the department of Physics to conserve energy. We create awareness among the staff and students for optimal use of electricity by making announcements through Public Address System. ∗ Use of renewable energy In the department of Physics, we have installed 700 Watt Solar Panel which charges two batteries which inturn can deliver a maximum of two kilowatt power. It is used power the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Research Laborataries. Over time, we hope to expand it to the main block. ∗ Water harvesting Provision has been made to collect the rain water in a pond within the campus. Retaining wall has been constructed near the play ground inorder to collect rain water from various parts of the campus. This helps to maintain ground water level. ∗ Check dam construction As the rain water flows into the pond, there is no need of a separate check dam. ∗ Efforts for Carbon neutrality There are three pits in the campus in which the dry foliage is dumped. It is proposed to establish a vermi compost unit here. Firewood is not used in the canteen now. The use of solar panel in the Physics lab and the greenery in the campus to reduce the carbon content in the atmosphere. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 332 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation ∗ Plantation We have been maintaining five gardens in the campus. Hence, our campus is always green. A Roof-Top Organic Vegetable garden has been set up on the terrace of the women’s hostel in order to emphasise the importance of organic manure and health. ∗ Hazardous waste management Ours is a Plastic-free campus and there is no hazardous waste. The biological waste is given for incineration. ∗ e-waste management e-waste is sold by auction every year. 7.2 Innovations 7.2.1 Give details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the college. Background Radiation Monitoring is done by BARC in our campus with a Solar powered Radiation Monitoring System. The data from the same is sent back to BARC periodically. The college acts as host institution and thus promotes collaborative work. By using LCD and other learner friendly methods, the college is doing yeman service to the cause of Higher Education. The linkages with the multi-national companies by way of student projects (MBA, MCA and M.Sc. Computer Science) have made our students more competent in the field. The Bio-informatics lab established recently and funded by UGC is of International Standared. The college has signed MoU with the Distance Educational Centre of M.S. University, Tirunelveli. There is also an MoU with Kodai International Business School, Kodaikanal, affiliated to Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. The Moral and Religious instruction classes have been introduced to improve the personality of students. The community services like constructing houses for poor including our poor students, Blood Donation for critically ill patients and financial help to the visually challenged children, Home for the Aged, cancer affected patients and victims of natural disasters. We share the sufferings of the less fortunate students among us by providing free meals and fee concession to them. We visit the houses of our students inorder to know their family background and financial position. We also provided Rs. 175000/- to two students from the Departments of English and Management Studies who met with accidents. We encourage the students to participate in Sports and Games by providing fee concession, nutritious food and sports dress. During 2011-12 and 2012-13, our college Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 333 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation athletic team won the overall championship in Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Inter-collegiate meet for the first time. Regular parents’ meetings held class-wise and the Progress Reports which have marks of all the students of that class and frequent class tests have improved them performance of the students. This year, we introduce Counseling Programmes class-wise which is quite different from that of last year. Also we are arranging career guidance programmes to all out going students class-wise. The Roof-Top Organic Vegetable garden has been launched on the terrace of women’s hostel. Uniform for students was introduced last year with a view to bridging the gap between the rich and poor within the campus. The fact that they will be identified as our students makes them behave in a decent and responsible way. Due to the encouragement of management, government and UGC, there are 75 Ph.D. holders in the campus. As such, we have four major and one minor projects in the departments of Physics, Chemistry and Zoology. Solar energy is used in the Department of Physics inorder to promote renewable energy and to reduce the usage of generator which ultimately reduces the carbon content in the atmosphere. Every year a sizable number of trees are planted in the campus to protect the environment. We have started introducing LED lights in the Physics lab to conserve energy. The college office and library are automated. There is round the clock water supply in the college as a result of the giant well dug in our land in the river bed. The installation of RO Plant sponsored by PTA, ensures the supply of mineral water in all blocks. Learner friendly and effective methods like Power Point Presentation enables students to grasp the lessons easily. The linkages with the multi-national companies by way of student projects offer ample job opportunities. The MoU with Kodai International Business School, gives chances of staff and student exchange programmes. The parents’ meetings help to build a good rapport between the parents and teachers. The Roof-Top Vegetable would supply safe vegetables to the hostel and also the staff if possible, at a reasonable price in due course of time. The implementation of uniform for all students makes the students of poor rural families heave a sigh of relief. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 334 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The number of Ph.D. holders and the major and minor projects are indeed a credit to our college. Provision of safe drinking water is indeed a boom to our college. 7.3 Best Practices 7.3.1 Elaborate on any two best practices as per the annexed format (see page..) which have contributed to the achievement of the Institutional Objectives and/or contributed to the Quality improvement of the core activities of the college. Format for Presentation of Practice First Practice 1. Title of the Practice Effective, Learner Friendly and Goal Oriented Teaching – Learning Process 2. Goal To provide a conducive environment that will promote the wholesome development of students. To identify the weaknesses and constraints that hamper the development of the personality and the learning process of the students. To make the students proficient in their subject and efficient in using the four skills. 3. The Context Mostly our students come from rural and illiterate background. Some of the fathers are drunkards, least interested in their children. Many students have lost either father or mother and some both who are under the care of their grand parents. Many of them have studied through Tamil medium. 4. The Practice Inorder to make the teaching-learning process more effective and successful, we concentrate on the wholesome development of the students and not only on the curriculum. Regarding the academic side we conduct three centralized unit tests. But we conduct several class tests and also model examination. Those students who do not fare well in these tests are called and the reasons found and given retests, if necessary. Progress reports which have the marks of all the students of a class are sent to the parents after each test. The representative has to collect them and submit the progress reports signed by the parents. Parents meetings are conducted every semester and informed of the students’ performance. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 335 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Many of our students are first graduates and part-time labourers too. They are forced to work because of the sick or irresponsible parents, who are not interested in the education of their children. So the students themselves are forced to meet their educational expenses. In case of self-finance students, it is a real burden for them. This is one of the reasons for the absence of or indifference of the students in the classes. So, extra care is given to such students. Some staff take the responsibility of paying the tuition fee of such poor students. To such students, in particular and to all other students too, lecture method will not be appealing. Hence most of the departments use modern teaching methods – Audio Visual Aids, Power Point Presentation- Literary Movies in the case of Literature students. These methods make teaching learning process more effective as well as interesting. The students are often asked to make a background study of the lessons by browsing the internet utilizing INFLIBNET and other resources in our library. First Rank holders at the UG and PG level can continue their higher studies here without fees. To encourage the meritorious students, cash awards are given at the college and the department levels. As soon as the students enter the first year of their study here, the staff collect information about each student using a detailed format. This gives almost a wholesome account of the state-of-the art of the students. Students who need special attention are identified. Students with deviant behavior, learning trouble, psychological and medical problems are identified. Deserving poor students from all departments are recommended for free meals sponsored by staff and also for financial aid. Female students are counseled by female staff. As a last resort, sometimes they are freely accomodated in the women’s hostel inside the campus. Parents are called to review the attitude and behavior of students at home too. We make students realize the ill effects of marriage during the course, as it affects the teaching-learning process and the family situations are different from those of the city. The performance of the students normally becomes poor. Inspite of this, students who get married due to some unavoidable situations like poor health of parents, more girls in the family and being in the care of grand parents are treated sympathetically. To such students, post marital counselling is given and they are encouraged and provided all possible help to complete their course. Discipline is given due importance in the campus and the students easily adhere to the rules and regulations of the college with regard to discipline. The students are made eco – conscious. This is done by eco-friendly programmes and trekking programmes. All these aspects contribute to the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. The Moral Instructions classes also help students visible noble values and qualities. The Youth Welfare Club contributes in moulding the allround developments of students by organising various competitions and taking students to participate in other colleges. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 336 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The staff orientation programmes at the beginning of every year motivates staff for better performance and dedication. They also attend short term courses, orientation and refresher courses. 5. Evidence of Success Our success is the great number of first graduates and post graduates that we produce, many of them by availing free food, fee concession, proper guidance, counselling and so on. The results are mostly positive. The Youth Welfare Club enables students to come out of their limited background and enjoy plenty of opportunities. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required The students who come from illiterate background find it difficult to understand lessons in English. Second Practice 1. Title of the Practice Extension activities and social relevance. 2. Goal To instil social consciousness in students and to make them aware of the social needs of the people around them. To develop concern of the students for the welfare of the society. To relate education to society and help the under privileged enjoy the basic necessities. To make rural backward community aware of their rights and the social evils prevalent in the society. 3. The Context The community around us is a rural and backward one. Most of the families are below poverty line. They are not educated and hence not aware of their basic rights. Many people are very poor and do not have basic necessities of life. They do not have safe drinking water. They are ignorant of health and hygiene. 4. The Practice The college involves the students in various social activities in order to promote institution- neighbourhood- community network. The students are encouraged to become members of NSS, NCC, YRC, RRC. There are six units with 600 students in NSS. The participation of girls is grater with two women programme officers. NCC has 156 students. YRC enables students to donate blood for the sick and the injured. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 337 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation The extension committee takes the responsibilities of constructing houses for the homeless poor in the surrounding villages. During the last ten years we have constructed 42 houses to the needy people. The department of English contributed Rs. 35000/- and the management contributed Rs. 30000/- for constructing a house for the victim of a natural disaster who was a former student. The fund rising was done by organizing a sale. The students also helped partial construction of two houses with concrete roof. Our students and staff donated blood to more than 75 patients. There were several rallies to create awareness among people. AIDS awareness programme, Road safety campaign, Voting Awareness Rally, Anti-plastic awareness Rally, Communal Harmony Rally, Go-Green Rally and Women’s Day Rally were conducted during these years. NCC students attend Election Duty for Tamil Nadu Assembly and Local Body Elections. Nearly 500 saplings were planted in the nearby villages to develop the eco friendly feeling among the people. Besides these, the staff and students are actively involved in many acts of charity like contributing as well as visiting the Vissually Challenged Children at Irenipuram, Homes for the Aged at Karungal and Poonthoppu, AIDS affected children at CBH Puthery, Nagercoil, Cancer Patients at International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, Mentally Challenged childred at Kotticode and Tsunami affected areas. Oneday programmes during the working days while the construction of houses was done during vocation. Visits to the above mentioned homes or hospitals were done during lunch break or in the evening. The students and staff spent time with them asking about their experiences. The local support was always there in community activities like construction. The Police department readily extended support whenever we organized rallies or awareness programmes. There are certain constraints while organizing or carrying out these programmes. We always need more funds to carry out these activities. Another restriction is that girls cannot fully involve in construction activities due to parental restrictions. 5. Evidence of Success Such activities make us enjoy the goodwill of the society as they are impressed by our selfless work. We also get satisfaction and happiness when we succeed in doing such activities. The people also encourage their wards to pursue the studies of their children here. The students who involve in these activities go out not only as academically empowered but dedicated and responsible members of society. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required The problems encountered are chiefly financial as we require more and more funds to realize our ambitious for the welfare of the people around us. Nesamony Memorial Christian College Page 338 of 339 Self study Report – NAAC Re-Accreditation Contact Details Name of the Principal Name of the Institution City Pin Code Accredited Status Work Phone Fax Website E-mail Mobile Nesamony Memorial Christian College : Dr. S. Dawn Dharma Roy : Nesamony Memorial Christian College : Marthandam : 629165 : B+ Grade : 04651-270257 : 04651-272059 : : [email protected] : 09443370257 Page 339 of 339
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