THE AUSTRALIA SUMMIT: BRISBANE NOVEMBER 2014 Contents Introductions and leaders’ perspectives 14 A turning point for the G20 Tony Abbott, Prime Minister, Australia 20 34 ASEAN and the G20: shared objectives U Thein Sein, President, Myanmar Editors’ introductions 36 A formidable agenda for challenging times John Kirton, Co-director, G20 Research Group Lead by example to stimulate growth Jacob Zuma, President, South Africa 28 John Key, Prime Minister, New Zealand Committed to inclusive strategies Enrique Peña Nieto, President, Mexico 26 The G20: a source of economic resilience Building the world we want to live in Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister, Turkey 24 32 38 Australia’s agenda and the future Russell Trood, Professor of International Relations, Griffith University Viewpoints from across the G20 Leaders’ quotes ahead of the Brisbane Summit The G20 in numbers Global contributions to G20 governance 40 30 Lessons learnt on the way to recovery Mariano Rajoy Brey, Prime Minister, Spain FULL PUBLICATION: A look at how the G20 members compare on statistics ranging from gross domestic product to foreign investment and energy consumption G20 Australia Summit: Brisbane November 2014 5 CONTENTS Australia as host 44 48 Investment in infrastructure Bolstering trade and investment Opinions on the importance of infrastructure to growth and development: The G20 can identify policy reforms to improve trade and spur growth, says Andrew Robb AO, Minister for Trade and Investment, Australia 82 50 Business round table Interview 86 90 A social licence for development The environmental and social impacts of infrastructure projects must be assessed, writes Kathryn Hochstetler, CIGI Chair of Governance in the Americas, Balsillie School of International Affairs 92 Reinvigorating investment Erik Berglöf and Alexandru Chirmiciu of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development consider how financial institutions can help boost infrastructure investment 96 Infrastructure: some universal truths The private sector can help meet the global infrastructure deficit, writes Andrew Briggs of international law firm Hogan Lovells Growing the global economy 58 Dr Ahmad Mohamed Al-Madani A global infrastructure facility will mobilise investors, as the President of the Islamic Development Bank explains Private-sector perspectives Senior figures from business and finance offer their insights into growth prospects Facilitating private-sector investment Public-private partnerships are a crucial tool in the growth of Africa, writes Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank Knowledge-sharing for development Universities strive to develop solutions for the world’s problems, writes Ian O’Connor, Vice Chancellor and President, Griffith University 54 84 A blueprint for growth and jobs The B20 recommendations are designed to help drive economic recovery, says Robert Milliner, B20 Sherpa for Australia for 2014 52 Help from the private sector is needed to further Asia’s development, says Takehiko Nakao, President, Asian Development Bank Brisbane: ready to welcome the world Lord Mayor Graham Quirk sees an opportunity to showcase Brisbane as a world-class city Bridging Asia’s infrastructure gap Building resilience and boosting growth Angel Gurría, Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, on the need for robust structural reform 102 Next-generation telecommunications Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union, on the benefits of expanding broadband networks Interview 64 Lawrence H Summers The former US Treasury Secretary discusses the G20’s approach to macroeconomic policy 68 Employment is at the centre of economic recovery, says the Director General of the International Labour Organization 106 Enhancing education to change lives Access to education has long-term effects on success and well-being, writes Claudia Costin, Senior Director for Education, World Bank The business agenda for structural reform Bernhard Welschke, Secretary General, Business and Industry Advisory Committee, on the necessity of product and labour market reform 74 104 Guy Ryder A multi-stakeholder approach to growth Deeper public and private cooperation is key to driving growth, argues Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum 72 Interview 110 Entrepreneurship is the key to solving the jobs crisis, say Jeremy Liddle, Victor Sedov and Ali Yücelen, G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Working towards a digital single market Neelie Kroes, former Vice President, European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, on why cybersecurity needs to be addressed 78 Maria van der Hoeven The Executive Director of the International Energy Agency says the organisation is working with the G20 to improve energy security FULL PUBLICATION: Finance and regulation 114 Interview The voice of future business leaders Steps towards financial stability Coordinated structural reforms are necessary to ensure economic stability, argues Christian Noyer, Chairman of the Board, Bank for International Settlements G20 Australia Summit: Brisbane November 2014 7 CONTENTS Quality not quantity as China deleverages TOM GILKS/ALAMY 118 Zhang Yanling, Former Executive Vice President, Bank of China, assesses the progress of China’s structural reform of its commercial banks 120 Global reform after the financial crisis Increasingly complex markets present new obstacles for financial reform, explains David Wright, Secretary General, International Organization of Securities Commissions 122 Regulating the insurance industry Increasing globalisation means that new policy measures must be adopted, says Dr Yoshihiro Kawai, Secretary General, International Association of Insurance Supervisors 124 Accounting standards need to reflect the growing importance of sustainability issues, write Robert G Eccles, Jean Rogers and Mary Schapiro, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board 130 Trade and investment Global development: 2015 and beyond 155 160 Driving growth in Latin America A new global context helps define the agenda for Latin America, writes Enrique García, Executive President and Chief Executive Officer, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America 162 168 Tough medicine for health governance Lessons must be learnt from the failings of the global response to the Ebola outbreak, urges David P Fidler, Professor of Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law The tourist sector is an engine of economic growth and development, says Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, World Tourism Organization 142 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF LATIN AMERICA A power boost for the African economy Energy infrastructure can help unlock potential across Africa, explains Andrew M Herscowitz, US Coordinator, Power Africa 148 Energising the world, sustainably Access to energy in developing countries must be broadened, while emissions are reduced in the developed world, says Abdalla Salem El-Badri, Secretary General, OPEC FULL PUBLICATION: Towards a world free of AIDS The G20 is vital to the UN’s goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030, writes Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS Tourism: global growth, local impact Energy and climate change Realising the post-2015 opportunity Cooperation between G20 leaders will help drive the sustainable development agenda forward, writes Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme In support of TFA implementation The proposed Trade Facilitation Agreement will boost global trade, explains Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General, World Customs Organization 138 Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, looks at the interplay of environmental and economic issues Tackle corruption to release growth Dealing with money laundering at all levels will help foster economic stability, says Lida Preyma, Director of Capital Markets Research, Global Finance, G20 Research Group 134 Climate change and financial stability Building resilience in financial systems The converging of accounting standards is central to financial stability, writes Fayezul Choudhury, Chief Executive Officer, International Federation of Accountants 132 152 Accounting for sustainability Perspectives on agriculture and food security How agriculture can be advanced to aid food security, and help find a sustainable solution to end hunger, with perspectives from: 172 José Graziano da Silva Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization 174 Kanayo F Nwanze President, International Fund for Agricultural Development 178 Ertharin Cousin Executive Director, World Food Programme G20 Australia Summit: Brisbane November 2014 9 CONTENTS SPONSORED FEATURE How do we outcompete the economic slowdown? G20 governance 180 A question of integrity Competition is the keyword for a globally competitive digital economy and society Erzsébet Fitori Director B oosting the European economy, creating jobs and increasing growth and investments are key priorities as well as challenges for European policymakers. Next-generation broadband infrastructure and innovative digital services are important enablers of all other sectors, as well as a connected and knowledge-based society. But how can Europe maximise investments and reap the economic benefits of digital innovation? Nurturing competition and enabling all players to invest will drive broadband infrastructure investments and maximise benefits for end-users. We have to ensure that European consumers and businesses have the best choice and quality, and affordable prices of communications services, which in turn will get them connected, building a digital economy and society. The global competitiveness of the European economy and society is driven by local competition. The economic gains of more competition in communications services for businesses alone would be € 90 billion through increased business productivity and efficiency. The biggest enemy of Europe’s global competitiveness would be the return to monopolies and closed oligopolies. While today Europe is a world leader in basic broadband thanks to its pro-competitive policies, there is a real risk that European end-users and the economy will lose the competitive gains of the past decade. According to the European Commission’s 2014 Digital Agenda Scoreboard, in next-generation broadband the former monopolies have more than 80 per cent market share – a staggering figure. Promoting competition is more important today than ever, as it is sustainable and effective competition that drives investments, ensures enduser benefits and fuels the economy. Investment in next-generation broadband infrastructure is clearly core to achieving a digital economy and society. Next-generation broadband investments are happening in Europe: there is 62 per cent next-generation access (NGA) coverage, but in order to maximise investments, telecoms policies should enable all players to invest. More players simply invest more. And challenger operators were the first fibre investors and are active NGA investors today. Effective access to non-duplicable network assets (such as the local loop and subloop) and fit-for-purpose wholesale access products are the proven tools to ensure that all players make efficient investments and dominant operators do not misbehave. In order for investments to generate returns and economic growth, the new networks must be used and taken up by end-users. But currently only 15 per cent of European homes subscribe to next- Integrity is at the heart of governance and long-term stability, writes Charles Sampford, Director of the Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University THE AUSTRALIA SUMMIT: BRISBANE NOVEMBER 2014 generation broadband. There is clearly a take-up gap and the vast majority of European homes are disconnected when it comes to next-generation broadband. History taught us that in traditional broadband it was competition that drove the take-up of the then new broadband services. Challenger operators – via their own investments and access to economic bottleneck network assets – brought innovative, new products to the market, drove down prices to affordable levels and increased broadband speeds. Growing take-up spurred more investments. This virtuous circle should be recreated in the transition to next-generation broadband. Competition is the fuel of the digital economy and society, driving investments and growth. Our challenge and policymakers’ responsibility is to keep competition alive and kicking. Deregulatory policies restricting competition would return Europe to the bronze age instead of a transition to a gigabit society. Indeed, monopolies and duopolies invest less and deliver less. This is what will be discussed, among many other issues, at the ECTA Regulatory Conference 2014 taking place on 18-20 November (see below). For more information, please consult Editorial Editors John Kirton, Madeline Koch; Guest Editor Russell Trood; Editor-in-Chief Barry Davies; Managing Editor Jane Douglas; Chief Sub-Editor Victoria Green; Senior Sub-Editor Ka Yee Meck; Assistant Editor Emily Eastman; Sub-Editors Amanda Simms, Emilie Dock Interview 184 Paul Martin The former Canadian Prime Minister explains how the G20 came into being Design and production Art director Jean-Philippe Stanway; Art Editor Herita MacDonald; Production and Distribution Manager Elizabeth Heuchan 186 From St Petersburg to Brisbane The 2013 summit created a stronger governance framework for this year to build on, write Marina Larionova and Andrey Shelepov, National Research University Higher School of Economics Sales Sales Managers Laurie Pilate, Thomas Kennedy; Sales Executives Anka Prpa, Peter De Vries 188 Charting G20 compliance Management Ella Kokotsis and Caroline Bracht of the G20 Research Group consider how well G20 members have fulfilled their past commitments Publishing Director Anne Sadler; Chief Operating Officer Caroline Minshell; President Paul Duffen; Chairman Lord David Evans Front cover: Sara Winter/Getty Images 190 Thinking ahead to stronger governance The Think20 group can help strengthen G20 governance, suggests Mike Callaghan, Director, G20 Studies Centre, Lowy Institute for International Policy Printed by Printcraft, Brisbane, Australia; managed by TU ink, London, UK Published by 192 184-192 Drummond Street, London NW1 3HP, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7650 1600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7650 1609 Twitter: @newsdeskmedia 194 On track for inclusive growth Integrating ‘sherpa track’ priorities into the G20 agenda will improve its focus, argues Güven Sak, Executive Director, Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey In cooperation with G20 Research Group 196 ECTA, the European Competitive Telecommunications Association, 49/51 Rue de Trèves 49-51, 1040 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 (0) 2 290 0100 China: the key to G20 success? The international monetary system needs to be realigned to reflect new realities, says Wang Wen, Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China The G20 Research Group Munk School of Global Affairs and Trinity College University of Toronto 1 Devonshire Place, Room 209N Toronto ON M5S 3K7 Canada Tel: +1 416 946 8953 © 2014. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed by independent authors and contributors in this publication are provided in the writers’ personal capacities and are their sole responsibility. Their publication does not imply that they represent the views or opinions of the G20 Research Group or Newsdesk Media and must neither be regarded as constituting advice on any matter whatsoever, nor be interpreted as such. The reproduction of advertisements in this publication does not in any way imply endorsement by the G20 Research Group or Newsdesk Media of products or services referred to therein. FULL PUBLICATION: Turkey 2015: focus on business As the next host, Turkey aims to engage with the private sector to drive growth and job creation, says M Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey 198 Leaders’ profiles 202 Sponsors’ index online at G20 Australia Summit: Brisbane November 2014 11 REAL WORLD TRANSFORMATION IS IMMINENT ITS ABOUT OUR PROSPERITY, JOBS AND PEACE Six years after the global financial industry was brought to its knees by the worst crash since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the world is still struggling to regain the momentum it had before the crisis. Even though governments and leaders around the world have been trying to get their economies back in shape, millions of unemployed and those hit the hardest by the crisis believe a lot more needs to be done. Adding to the concerns, many economists believe that the next crisis would be even more crippling than the one in 2008. To prevent a recurrence, leaders are looking for long-term and equitable solutions, which create balanced and sustainable economic growth. “With the present economic challenges and the uncertainty, we must ask ourselves if we can enlarge the global economic pie rather than compete for the same and hence create a win–win outcome?” asks Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank. “Can we deliver a real, sustained global economic growth that builds upon the demographics, the expertise, natural resources and the available infrastructure in every country and every city of the world? Can we support the needs of the real economy to make a tangible difference, mainly for manufacturing, agricultural and the service industry workforce?” Dr. Mohammed Ali says, “This Global initiative to empower Digital Economy, the HumaWealth Program, aims to support the innovation G20 leaders have been calling for. It is global in scope, founded on partnership and not competition, can be deployed rapidly across the globe at no cost to promote real economic growth.” He goes on to say, our legislatures make the rules, our governments administer our countries, and the real economic solution must come from each one of us. The public sector can point the way forward and can assist in providing the tools. However, each citizen must be part of the solution creating productive communities committed to business excellence setting the foundation for a prosperous tomorrow. Lastly Dr. Mohammed Ali stated, ‘Our future begins with every following hour and each hour is valued by the decisions we make. The world’s citizens will be judiciously watching their leaders. We all must make the decision that supports Human Wealth making a positive difference in our time and for generations to come.’ THE TRANSFORMATION HAS ALREADY STARTED Furthermore Dr. Mohammed Ali added, ‘The answer is, yes. I believe we can’. According to the research done by the Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics (GCEL), an organization that brings together leading firms, governments and NGOs, this is possible. The results are overwhelming; so far more than 41% of the world’s manufacturing, agricultural and service industry workforce have confirmed the need for the proposed global initiative, which has 4 main foundations: Leading this global initiative is a Swiss based non-profit public private partnership established with one purpose in mind: To deliver the true 21st Century Digital Economy to sustain global economic growth meeting the needs and aspirations of the world citizens. The Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics, GCEL, brings together leading firms, governments, and non-profit organizations to trigger economic development around the world. The first foundation is a defined and achievable target that meets the world citizens’ aspirations and needs by reducing the global trade cost and combining the expertise of the developed economies with the youthful workforce in developing and emerging economies. This will increase global trade, leading to benefits of USD 11 trillion and 100 million new jobs. The second foundation is a clear roadmap based on the economic strengths and the demographics of each region to reach the defined target. Pan-regional organizations entrusted by more than 150 countries have already validated and separately published these roadmaps. In the history of mankind, there has never been an initiative of this magnitude and importance that will transform the lives of more than 7 billion people around the world. Captain Samuel Salloum, CoChairman of GCEL, remarked, “The key is in learning from history while leveraging 21st century tools. History reveals that over 60 years ago, a trucker invented the cargo container, which secured goods against theft and damage, reducing the cost of trade and loading costs. This improved trade efficiency, fueling decades of economic growth.” The third foundation is the required tools provided by the world’s top technology firms that service 60% of our GDP, which for the first time have agreed to cooperate together. These firms have executed an exclusive agreement to work hand-in-hand delivering and maintaining the required tools at no cost to the end user. Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali President of the Islamic Development Bank Finally the fourth foundation is the global consensus; MOUs have been executed with about 75% of the world’s citizens through their representatives, governments, IGOs and NGOs, ensuring this initiative offsets monopolistic or geopolitical concerns. So far 63% of the G20 trade communities have agreed to undertake diagnostic trade surveys towards improving their economic wellbeing. One third have been completed where more than 88% want the Digital Economy Platform. Captain Salloum further added, “International organizations including the World Bank, WTO and UNCTAD have identified the following 6 key elements as the key to increase trade efficiency through technology thus reducing trade cost and increasing trade: 1. Integration: 4. Tracking & Visibility: 2. E-Documentation: 5. Competence: 3. Processes: 6. Cargo Security: Connect trading partners by sharing shipment information in real time at a lower cost. Migrate to online documentation avoiding unnecessary data entry, shipment delays and additional costs. Mitigate business risk such as delays, breakdowns and external requirements changes through a common process with trading partners. Obtain real-time shipment location & movement information with minimum technology required at no cost. Meet contractual and service obligations on time, with high quality at minimum cost. Establish a safe environment with ease of customs clearances. We have aggregated all these elements and measured them not against “best in class” since this keeps us locked firmly in the box, but against what technologically is possible. This represents the 21st Century 6 Elements Trade Efficiency Indicators (21- 6-ETEI), or the New Millennium Standard for Growth,” says Captain Salloum. Continued on Page 16
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