President’s Report MEMBERS NEWSLETTER Dave Sinclair

President’s Report
Dave Sinclair
As we have now moved into fall I would like to reflect on a few of the successes we as an organization have
accomplished over the past few months. But also recent events have made me realize that we still have a lot of work to
do. This work is to ensure that our organization, which represents over 12,000 suites in the IL and AL industry, is
understood and appreciated by the Government and more importantly by the general public.
Firstly, the success of our recent convention in Kelowna has been overwhelming. I have heard nothing but praise for the
superb trade show and the informative break-out sessions. I think Kathy Russell and her committee did an outstanding
job. Our staff, Marlene Williams and Brenda Ashby with the assistance of Judy Rink worked tirelessly to ensure that all
the events went ahead on time and without any hitches. We should be very proud of the calibre of our staff.
Some of the things that have caught my eye most recently are that the new Seniors advocate, Isobel Mackenzie has
submitted her first report to the Health Minister, the Honourable Terry Lake. The report has highlighted inconsistent
supports and services for seniors depending on where they live in the province. It also notes that one of her first actions
will be to commission a province wide survey of residents in care facilities, and those using home-support, to determine
where they can be improved. The BCSLA intends to keep very close contact with Isobel and her Deputy Senior’s
Advocate, Mark Blandford, to make sure that our industry is completely understood and that BCSLA is there to assist
them in any way possible for a positive outcome.
We also recently participated in the second Annual Minister of Health Luncheon in collaboration with BCCPA, DHA and
BCNPHA which featured the Honourable Terry Lake as the keynote speaker. As part of the ‘fireside chat’ Minister Lake
acknowledged, that while he was very familiar with Long Term Care, he was in the process of learning and fully
understanding Assisted Living. I believe this statement provides an opportunity for BCSLA to work with his office to
inform and educate Minister Lake on all facets of Assisted Living and how our members who provide assisted living
services play an integral role in keeping seniors out of the long term care health system in British Columbia. To that end,
it is my intention to request a meeting with Minister Lake, along with our ED and 2 Assisted Living Board member
providers this fall.
In closing I would just like to comment that with Remembrance Day fast approaching I am sure many of our communities
conduct their own Remembrance Day services as many of their residents are veterans. Your local legion or the military
would gladly participate and speak at your ceremony if they were asked.
Dave Sinclair - November 2014
Execu ve Director Marlene Williams
The Delta Grand Conference Services Staff Preconference mee ng ge&ng into our Circus theme
Seal of Approval Policies
& Procedures
Best Practices Manual
The BCSLA Seal of Approval con:nues to set the highest standard of safety and services in Bri:sh Columbia.
Since the launch of this program in 2009, 83 BCSLA member communi:es have achieved the Seal of
Approval designa:on.
Another four first me assessments are scheduled for this fall, all of which meet mul:ple criteria in five
areas: Safety measures, Infec:on control, Staff training, Resident services, and Assisted Living supports.
BC Seniors Living Associa:on is pleased to announce the launch of our ‘Best Prac ces’ Policies and
Procedures Manual in 2015 to assist all our members prepare and ensure they have the most up to date
policies for their Seal of Approval assessment.
Stay tuned!
BCSLA eLearning Training Platform
BCSLA is proud to announce a partnership with FCS Interna onal for our eLearning Training PlaBorm. Full
informa:on on this program has been mailed to all Site members outlining the program and informing you
on how you can receive your FREE 2 week trial. Call the BCSLA office for more informa on.
2009OCTOBER 2011
BCSLA Human Resources
Ask the HR Expert
In our con:nua:on of offering Ask the Expert member
service, we want to reassure individuals that all inquiries
are confiden:al and your privacy is paramount to the
associa:on. We will remove all iden:fying informa:on
from the inquiry prior to sending to the HR commiCee
expert to ensure that privacy.
Email your ques:ons to:
[email protected]
We are pleased to provide the following HR Expert
Ques on: Non-union Hourly Employees that work 10
hour shi s - Is Over me Pay Required?
Answer: Yes, over:me pay is required aEer 8 hours
unless there is an agreement in place. The most commonly
used method of not paying over:me for these longer shiEs
is to have employees sign an “Averaging Agreement”. This
mutual agreement allows the employer to average the
employee’s hours over a period of :me (for example, 1
week) to determine if any over:me is owed. Over:me s:ll
applies to any hours over 40 for the week, and any hours
over 12 during a single shiE is s:ll double pay, but it allows
the employer to pay regular wages for shiEs up to 12 hours
(unless it exceeds 40 in a week). There are many factors
involved in making these agreements legal, so please make
sure to follow the Employment Standards direc:ves in
detail if you choose this route. Please visit the sec:on on
“Averaging Agreements” from the BC Employment
Standards Act for more details on what is involved with
these agreements. Website: h,p://
Follow @BCSeniorsLiving on
Twi,er for industry updates,
news, and resources
Na onal Seniors Day
October 1, 2014
Celebra:ng Na:onal Senior’s Day at
2014 Conference and Tradeshow
Delta Grand Resort, Kelowna BC
The conference admin team says hope you had as much fun as
we did at this year’s conference. Did you love the Photo Booth
sponsored by Maxwell Management Group? Click on the events
tab of their website for
photo booth pictures
2014 Conference and Tradeshow
Delta Grand Resort, Kelowna BC
Congratula:ons to Okanagan Chateau and Orchard Valley Re:rement Residences who
their First Time
Seal of Approval designa on!
JUNE 2011
Okanagan Chateau
Re rement Residence
Orchard Valley
Re rement Residence
Proudly awarded the Seal of Approval
designa on
Proudly awarded the Seal of Approval
designa on
October 13, 2014 – Kelowna, BC – The BC Seniors Living
Associa:on (BCSLA) announced today that Okanagan
Chateau Re:rement Residence has been awarded the
Seal of Approval designa:on.
October 24, 2014 – Vernon, BC – The BC Seniors Living
Associa:on (BCSLA) announced today that Orchard Valley
Re:rement Residence has been awarded the Seal of
Approval designa:on.
Okanagan Chateau is centrally located in Kelowna
surrounded by mountains and bordering the Okanagan
Lake. It is also minutes away from shopping and other
ameni es. This community provides endless opportuni es
for incredible living. There are unique social and leisure
ac vi es and lots of special events.
Orchard Valley is located in the heart of Vernon overlooking the striking mountain vistas of the Okanagan Valley.
It is a short trip to the accessible, friendly and diverse city
centre. Enjoy all that nature has to offer in the warm and
welcoming community.
Okanagan Chateau Re rement Residence is comprised of
106 spacious, Studio, One bedroom and Two bedroom
Suites. “You do the Living, We do the Rest”.
Orchard Valley Re rement Residence is comprised of 66
Studio, One bedroom and Two bedroom Suites.
Welcome New BCSLA
JUNE 2011
Bri sh Columbia Nurses’ Union
Union representa:on for RN’s, LPN’s, RPN’s
Brugman Commercial Kitchens offers over 30
years of specializing in Commercial, Industrial and
Ins:tu:onal Kitchen design and installa:on in BC
and Alberta.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP is a full service law firm with one
of Canada’s largest health sector groups, suppor:ng owners
and operators in the seniors’ industry.
Chris ne Ellio,, Lawyer
Legal Services
Sierra Canada Foodservice and Barware Inc.
Sierra Canada’s products include dinnerware, glassware,
flatware, plas:cware, smallwares, light kitchen equipment,
disposables, furniture and apparel.
Tandus Cen va are designers and manufacturers
of commercial and residen:al broadloom, woven
& tuEed carpets.
Wellness in Hand Training
Senior Prac::oner training and support
Westminster House Re rement Community is a
unique faith based community, recognized for its
sustainable innova:ve model of seniors’ wellness,
support and care. Westminster House offers 117
suites ranging from spacious one and two
bedrooms, to studio and bed-siNng suites.
Earl Haig Re rement Residence offers 50
Independent Living residences. There are
one and two bedroom suites, all with
balconies or pa:os. Welcome back to
Call today and inquire about membership!
604-689-5949 or [email protected]