IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Madras Chapter in association with SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam and IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Madras Chapter present 3 – Day Workshop on Advanced Antenna Technology November 5-7, 2014 This workshop is organized for the benefit of faculty and researchers having interest in the areas of electromagnetics, antennas and propagation. Post graduate research students working, or having interest, in these areas are also welcome. Program Schedule (Includes working lunch and tea) Date Time 05.11.14 Wednesday 8.15 a.m. – 9.00a.m. Registration 9.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Fractal Geometries in Electromagnetics: Recent Trends Dr. B. Ghosh, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram 1.00 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. Finite Difference Time Domain Method and its Application to Planar Antennas Dr. P. Mohanan, CUSAT, Cochin 9.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Periodic Structure and its Applications to Antennas Dr. A. Alphones, NTU, Singapore 1.00 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. Phase Shifters for Antenna Dr. S. Raju, TCE, Madurai 9.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Antenna Technology for Wireless Mobile Device Dr. J. Thakur, Intel, Bangalore 1.00 p.m. – 2.15 p.m. Recent Research on Horn Antennas Dr. C. Y. Tan, Motorola Solutions, Malaysia and Dr. K.T. Selvan, SSNCE, Kalavakkam 2.15 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. Feedback & Winding Up 06.11.14 Thursday 07.11.14 Friday Topic Speaker Registration information Registration is open to faculty, engineers from industry and doctoral students. The number of participants is limited to 60. The registration fee is Rs. 1000 for IEEE members and full-time doctoral students, Rs. 1500 for others. The fee should be paid by Demand Draft, drawn in favor of “The Principal, SSN College of Engineering” payable at Chennai. Please fill-in the registration form, and send along with DD by post to the address given therein. On-campus accommodation is available on request. The room rent is Rs. 100/- per day on twinsharing basis; this amount can be paid by cash at the time of registration. Last date for receiving registration form and DD: October 31, 2014 Venue Central Seminar Hall, ECE Department, SSN College of Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Kalavakkam – 603 110 For any clarifications, please email either of the workshop coordinators: Mr. S. Joseph Gladwin, [email protected] Mr. S. Karthie, [email protected] Registration Form IEEE AP-S Workshop on Advanced Antenna Technology November 5-7, 2014 1. Name: 2. Department: 3. Institution: 4. Position: 5. IEEE Membership Grade/Number: (if applicable) 6. Address for Communication: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________ Mobile No.: __________________________________ 7. Fee payable: Rs. DD Number: Bank Name: 8. Do you need on-campus accommodation? Date: Yes/No Participant’s Signature Please post this form, along with DD, to: The Principal SSN College of Engineering Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) Kalavakkam – 603 110 Please superscribe the envelope with ‘IEEE AP-S Workshop’ Abstracts of talks and biographies of speakers Fractal Geometries in Electromagnetics: Recent Trends and Developments by Dr. Basudeb Ghosh, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram The rapid growth in the wireless systems during the past several years has set new demands on electromagnetic engineers. There is a trend to integrate the entire system including antennas on a single chip, which requires the design of miniaturized, power efficient and low profile antenna. Further multiband operation of wireless systems has been receiving considerable attention during last few decades. This requirement has initiated research in various directions especially in the design of compact multiband antennas and microwave passive devices. One of the promising areas of research for multiband operation in the fractal electrodynamics, in which fractal geometry is combined with electromagnetics for the purpose of investigating a new class of radiation and scattering problem. Fractals are complex shapes which contain an infinite number of scaled copies of the geometry and resonates at different frequencies to provide multiband antennas, frequency selective surfaces, and electromagnetic band gap structures. The talk will mainly focus on a brief background on fractal geometry, the self-similarity and space filling property of fractal and their usage in electromagnetics, the advantages of using fractals in antenna engineering, some useful geometries in antenna engineering for multiband operation, as well as, size miniaturization, and the application of fractals in electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures. Speaker’s biography Dr. Basudeb Ghosh was born in West Bengal, India in 1979. He received B.Sc and M. Sc. degrees in Electronics from University of Calcutta, Kolkata, in 1999 and 2001, respectively, and Ph.D. in Microwave Engineering from Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, in 2009. He worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Electronics, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He has also worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in various private institutions in India. In 2011, he joined the Department of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram, India where he is presently working as Assistant Professor. His current research interests include computational electromagnetics, fractal antennas and frequency selective surfaces, microwave active and passive circuits and substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). Dr. Ghosh is a Member of IEEE (USA). Finite Difference Time Domain Method and its Application to Planar Antennas by Dr. P. Mohanan, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin The electromagnetic force is the most technologically pervasive force in nature. Of the different methods for predicting electromagnetic effects – experiment, analysis and computation – the newest and fastest growing approach is computation. Electromagnetic computational engineering encompasses the modeling, simulation and analysis of the responses of complex systems to various electromagnetic stimuli, allowing for better design or modification of the system. Analysing an electromagnetic problem demands solutions of Maxwell’s equation subject to appropriate boundary conditions at every point along with material properties. For simple geometries closed form analytical solutions can be achieved at, after exhaustive mathematical calculations. But, for most realistic problems one must resort to computational electromagnetic methods (CEM). Amongst the various approaches developed to date towards this end, the Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD) has received maximum attention and popularity by virtue of its inherent simplicity and capability to accurately model large inhomogeneous volume. In this talk the fundamentals of FDTD is discussed in detail. Numerical aspect like dispersion, stability will also be covered. Implementation of FDTD for a rectangular microstrip antenna using Matlab is discussed. Determination of the return loss, radiation pattern etc. are addressed in the talk. Speaker’s biography Dr. P. Mohanan received the Ph.D. degree in microwave antennas from Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India, in 1985. He worked as an Engineer in the Antenna Research and Development Laboratory, Bharat Electronics, Ghaziabad, India. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics, CUSAT. He has published more than 250 referred journal articles and numerous conference articles. He also holds several patents in the areas of antennas and material science. His research areas include microstrip antennas, uniplanar antennas, ultra wideband antennas dielectric resonator antennas, superconducting microwave antennas, reduction of radar cross sections, Chipless RFID, Dilectric Diplexer and polarization agile antennas. Dr. P. Mohanan received the Dr. S . Vasudev Award 2011 from Kerala Sate Council for Science, Technology and Environment Government of Kerala, in 2012 and Career Award from the University Grants Commission in Engineering and Technology, Government of India, in 1994. Periodic Structure and its Applications to Antennas by Dr. Arokiaswami Alphones, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore This workshop covers the importance of periodic structures and metamaterials in microwave/millimetre wave domain. Initial discussions will be on general periodic structures, conceptual understanding on the leaky wave followed by realization of metamaterials in various waveguide structures. More focus will be on substrate integrated waveguides in the later part of the discussion, including some recent meta surface works. Leaky wave antenna is a wave guiding structure which allows a certain amount of power to leak through it all along its length. The wave encounters leakage as it passes through the structure. The leakage is analysed by evaluating the complex propagation wave number γ= α+jβ, where β is the phase constant and α indicates the leakage constant. The value of α and β are significant in deducing the characteristics of the radiated beam. Implementation of LWAs on rectangular waveguide has been one of the earliest successful attempts to realize LWA. Slits cut on the metal wall resulted in the leakage as the wave propagated along the structure. On a conventional rectangular waveguide, the slit width controls the leakage rate and the polarization of the radiated beam can be influenced by varying the waveguide modes. There has been a constant effort to develop better platforms for realizing planar microwave systems. Currently microstrip and Coplanar waveguide technologies have been the most popular choices for fabricating planar systems. A new concept for implementing microwave planar components known as Substrate Integrated Waveguide was proposed some time back in 1980. The ability to be easily integrated with other components on the same chipset makes them an attractive choice for the implementation of high performance, low cost reliable mm wave systems. Basically SIWs are planar realization of conventional rectangular waveguides. The via holes act as virtual sidewalls of the waveguide and thus confine the electromagnetic energy within the structure. The main advantages of these structures are their capability to handle high power and high value of quality factor. SIW is better in comparison to existing platforms in terms of simplicity, light weight and low cost. Presently, SIW are becoming an inevitable choice for the implementation of very high frequency integrated circuits.SIW structure consists of two parallel metal plates separated by a dielectric substrate. The bottom plate is usually treated as the ground plane. There are two rows of via holes (conducting cylinders) parallel to each other. These two rows of via holes connect the two metal plates through the substrate. In addition to containing the electromagnetic field within the structure, the via holes also connect the surface currents to maintain guided wave propagation. Recent works on quarter mode SIW (QMSIW) and its multiband performance will be reported. Finally reactive impedance metasurfaces based microstrip antennas also will be discussed with interesting results. All the design approaches and implementation issues will be discussed during this workshop and would be useful to microwave community. Speaker’s biography Dr. A Alphones received his B.Tech. from Madras Institute of Technology in 1982, M.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 1984 and Ph.D. degree in Optically Controlled Millimeter wave Circuits from Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) in 1992. He was a JSPS visiting fellow from 1996-97 at Japan. During 1997-2001, he was with Centre for Wireless Communications, National University of Singapore as Senior Member of Technical Staff, involved in the teaching and research on optically controlled passive/active devices. Currently he is Professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is also Program Director of OPTIMUS (Photonics Centre for Excellence) and Program Coordinator for Research. He has 30 years of research experience. He has published and presented over 250 technical papers in peer reviewed International Journals/ Conferences. His current interests are electro-magnetic analysis on planar RF circuits and integrated optics, microwave photonics, and metamaterial based leaky wave antennas. He was involved many IEEE flagship conferences held in Singapore and General Chair of APMC 2009, and MWP 2011. His research work has been cited in the book “Millimeter Wave and Optical Integrated Guides and Circuits”, Wiley Interscience publication. He has delivered tutorials and short courses in international conferences. He had written a chapter on “Microwave Measurements and Instrumentation” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2002. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and serving as Vice Chair of IEEE Singapore Section. Phase Shifters for Antenna by Dr. S.Raju, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Phased array antennas are finding applications from strategic to civilian needs. In military applications phased array antennas are mainly used for missile tracking and security. In civilian applications especially in wireless they are finding ample space in location finding, Car Radar and object tracking. Phase shifters are the fulcrum of phased array antenna. There exists a wide variety of phase shifters starting from bulk material based ferrite phase shifters to MEMS based phase shifters. This lecture will cover the evolution of phase shifters, design aspects and application scenario. Speaker’s biography Dr. (Mrs.) S.Raju, born on 01.08.1960 in Allakudi, Kollidam, Chidhambaram district of Tamilnadu, is working as a Professor and Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and as a Coordinator of TIFAC CORE in Wireless Technologies at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. She completed her B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering from P.S.G college of Technology in the year 1982 and M.E in Communication systems in 1984 from Regional Engineering College Trichy. She obtained her PhD in the area of Microwave integrated circuits in the year 1996 from Madurai Kamaraj University. She was the first woman engineer to obtain Ph.D from Madurai Kamaraj University. She did her post doctoral work in the area of microwave and millimeter wave circuits and systems during 1997-2000 at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai with the support from AICTE New Delhi. Her current areas of interest are modeling, analysis, optimization, fabrication and testing of RF and RFMEMS circuits and Systems. She has been a teacher for the past twenty eight years and has successfully guided nine Ph.D scholars and currently five scholars are pursuing PhD under her supervision. She has guided more than fifty M.E and M.S Students. She has coauthored forty seven technical papers in international and national journals. She has published about eighty papers in international and national conferences. Her papers on Elevated Coplanar lines are widely referred by the authors of the books on coplanar waveguides. She has coauthored a cookbook on ADS Software for M/s Agilent Technologies. Currently, she is in the process of developing a training module on RF CAD software for M/s. Agilent Technologies. She has chaired many national and international conferences on RF systems and Wireless Technologies. She has organized three national conferences, one international conference and many workshops and courses on RF and wireless technologies. She has successfully completed nine research projects for Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO) Laboratories, namely RCI, Hyderabad, DEAL Dehradun and ARDB, New Delhi. She has developed software modules for coplanar waveguides and also coordinated the development of indigenized coplanar waveguide mixer and RFMEMS based Phase shifter for Missile seeker applications. Currently, she is developing MEMS varactor phase shifter along with SCL, Chandigarh for defense applications under the aegis of National programme on smart materials (NPSM). Antenna Technology for Wireless Mobile Device by Dr. J. Thakur, Intel Technology, Bangalore Mobile phone antenna design becomes more challenging with increasing wireless radios. Advanced mobile phones or tablets support 2G, 3G and LTE cellular technology including GPS, NFC and WIFI/BT complementary wireless services. Apart from the above wireless radios and upcoming handheld devices also support wireless charging and WiGig. Mobile phone form factor plays a significant role in antenna design and placement in the system. Latest market demands slim and wide touch screen phone with long battery life. Even though phone form factor increased significantly compared to the old day’s phone most of the volume is consumed by battery and display and antenna still has space constraint in the system. Also, mobile phone needs to fulfill network on-the-air (OTA) performance requirements as well as country-specific SAR compliance. It extends further constraint on antenna design. This talk will cover internal antennas in mobile phone, various methods of antenna design and its constraints, antenna OTA and SAR test and requirements. Speaker’s biography Dr. J. Thakur did his masters in electronics & communication science at Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, in 1997. He worked as a research fellow at Solid State physics laboratory, a Defence R&D organization, Delhi from 1998 till 2003. He earned his PhD degree in Microwave Electronics from Delhi University in 2004. His research work was on GaAs-Monolithic microwave circuit (MMIC) design and process characterization up to 40 GHz Technology. He worked as a post-doctoral research fellow Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea and worked on RFID system design from 2005 to 2007. He worked as an antenna design engineer at Amphenol, Shanghai from 2007 to 2009 and designed antennas for various top branded mobile phones like Nokia, Motorola and Sony- Ericson. He joined Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju as a Research Professor and worked on various industry-funded and government-funded projects such as 94-GHz Quasi-optic antenna design for image sensing radiometer, 24-GHz Mono-pulse antenna array for surveillance RADAR and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) antenna design. He worked as antenna group manager at Mindtree for six months. In July 2011 he joined Intel Technology, Bangalore where he works as an antenna lead. He has published more than twenty papers in international journals and conferences. Recent Research on Horn Antennas by Dr. Chin Yeng Tan, Motorola Solutions, Penang, Malaysia & Dr. Krishnasamy T. Selvan, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam In general, horn antennas offer reasonable bandwidth, moderate to high gain and mechanical robustness. However, the conventional horn antenna performance is sub-optimal for modern communication applications. As a result, a number of techniques have been introduced to improve its performance. The techniques include multi-stepping, corrugating, dielectric loading, lens loading, profiling and more recently metallic inserts and meta-material loading. These techniques have their merits and pitfalls. This talk will provide an overview of these techniques. Speakers’ biographies Dr. Chin Yeng Tan was born on 23rd Feb. 1982 in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. He received his BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Doctorate of Philosophy from The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Dr. Tan joined Motorola Solutions (MSI) in Penang and is now attached with Central Engineering Department as a Senior Electrical Engineer. He used to be a transmitter engineer in TETRA Subscriber Engineering and now focuses on the advance antennas development for MSI Penang. He designed and developed a compact EMC/EMI Pre-Compliance chamber for the company. Currently, Dr. Tan’s responsibility is in managing a fully anechoic 3D chamber for antennas measurement and the Pre-Compliance chamber for EMC/EMI screening. He also chairs the Antenna Technical Council for MSI Penang and holds the responsibility of managing and coaching technicians and young engineers. Dr. Tan was awarded the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society Undergraduate Research Award in 2006 and top LEAN award from Motorola Solutions in 2012 in recognition of the pre-compliance chamber contributions. He has published over 20 research articles in several international journals, conferences and Motorola Solutions Symposiums. He is an active reviewer for several international journals and regular invited guest speaker for CST Workshops. Dr. Tan’s research interests include antennas theory, design and measurement, transmitter circuit design, EMC/EMI and advanced EM simulations. Dr. Krishnasamy Selvan has been a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, since June 2012. From early 2005 to mid-2012, he was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. He also held the positions of the Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning for the Faculty of Engineering and the Deputy Director of Studies of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. From early 1988 to early 2005, Selvan was with SAMEER – Centre for Electromagnetics, Chennai. Here he was essentially involved in antenna analysis, design, and testing. During 1994–1997, he was the Principal Investigator of a collaborative research programme that SAMEER had with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. Later he was the Project Manager/Leader of some successfully completed antenna development projects. In early 1994, he held a two-month UNDP Fellowship at the RFI Industries, Australia. Selvan's professional interests include electromagnetics, electromagnetic education, horn antennas and printed antennas. In these areas, he has authored or coauthored a number of journal and conference papers. Selvan was on the editorial board of the International Journal of RF and Microwave ComputerAided Engineering during 2006 to 2011. He has been an academic editor for the International Journal on Antennas and Propagation since its inception in 2006. He has been a reviewer for major journals including the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He has held several significant conference roles. Selvan is a member of the Education Committee of the IEEE AP-S. He founded the Madras Chapter of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society in 2013, and is the Chapter Chair this year as well. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).
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