- - ,;;;==- TEXT ANNA SANDGREN f[] I[] MAX CARlGREN _ Godl.or party-for nio,-sovPlats8r ~ - for fyra och ett soltlaclcsnm slar de - flesta av marknadens-batar i stoneRsc klassen. Quicksilver Activ 805 J.==~=Sunde·ck-ii.·r en bat sam ov-erraskar. - -- - - - --- itt forsta intryck av Quicksilver Activ 80S Sundeck ar det framre soldacket. som gor aUt annaOn fornekar sig. . Min forsta konkretallpplevelse ~ de hoga-friborden. Vart teslexemplar liggeT fortojt hos Kompass Marin vid pampas' " Marina i Soloa . Ivrig Deh av bara farten - hoppar jag pol baten p~ narmaste stallet-sett - - fran bryggan. Det innebar att-jag far taett 1-~-reiaJl skutt upp over de hi:iga friborden Deh I-" elilogen Jag gillar alt sku Ita oeh just dennar I- ,da"en hade jag ingen paekning, sA jag lyckas ""'' 612015 IRE 119 TEST I QUICKSILVER ACTIV 805 SUNOECK • Enken all rOrasig ombord rack vare bred access mellan sillbrunn OGh badpl.lliormar, rej'l. racken Dch pulpilar samf breda gangbord. fa fettema att landa pa dacket utan storre dramatik. Jag hinner anda slas av tanken att det maste vaT snudd nar omojligt att antra baten vid langsides fDrtoj ning fOr den som har rrundre studs i benen. 'fur iiI da att d et ar desto enklare att , pa sanl europeiskt maner, bekvarnt Deh helt utan anstrangning kliva ombord i aktern . Hill gec tva stora badplattformar Deb en bred passage enkel access till sittbrunnen och resten av den knappa atta meter langa Kinder-Eggsliknande bateD. 80S Sundeck aT namligen en bat som overraskar. Pa flera satt. Den ar svArdefinierad Deh vagra r att lata sig stoppas in i nagol fack. For del hiir aT ingen Ten daycruiser. ingen ren familj eruffare, ingen ren fartmaskin. Daremat ar 80S Sundeck en bat designad fOr att passa savai till glassig cruising, sam aktiva vattenlekar och ( weekendovernattn ingar med fam ilj eller van ner. En bat sam viU tillfredsstalla m anga behov helt enkelt. Har vantar ett av de stHrsta soldacken i storlekskJassen och plats aU biuda in upp till rua vanner pa party ombord, dar atmin stone fyra av dem kan sova over. Quicksilver Activ 80S Sundecks likheter med Kinder-Egget iir fler an de inre overrasknin garna. Aven den bulliga fo nnen har de gemensamt. Estetiskt sett ar skrovfo rmen inte marknadens mest tilltalande. De breda svarta straiparna, sam loper langs friborde n, ar ett tappert forsok att fa Sundeck 80S aU hojdmassigt verka mind re an vad den ar. De bidrar visser ligen till att ge baten en tuffare attityd, men aU dolja att delta ar en nagot oproportionerlig bat gaT inte. Det aT priset man far betala fOr att fa sa pass mycket utrymrne inne i baten. Som motoralternativ kan du valia singel- elier dubbel- montage pa upp till 400 hk (d. iir det dubbelmontage Deh 2 x 200 hk som gaIler Deh maxfarten Jigger pa h ela 46.4 knop enligt Brunswick). V.ir testbJ.t ar u lIustad med en Verado pa 300 hk. Den racker gott till att fa upp baten i nastan 41 knop. DA sorplar bAten ocksa i sig rejalt med bransle. Med full tan k Deh tva personer ombord handlar det am cirka 113 IIh. J en marschfart p.l 20 knop tigger branslefOrbrukningen runt 35 I/h. det vill saga betydtigt mer pianhoksvanligt. Brunswick Group. Det djupa V-skrovet gec goda sjoegenskaper Deh ett genomtankt utnyttjande av utrymmena ombord har lett till bra viktf6rdelning Deh okad stabilitet. nots att du sitter hogt ovanfor vattenytan Deh baten mater cirka Atta meter, blir mitt intryck snarare aU det ar ~ PentrYI har roslfri vask och 12-volls kylbox. Kylsk!p och spis or Iillval. en liten bat jag kOf. Den ar bade rollg Deh lattk6rd och svarar direkt pa rattutslag. Det aT nastan sa det bur val tryggt. Sa mtidigt gor del kraftigt tilltagna skrovet med sina hoga fribo rd i kombination med fo ra rplatsen rarden saker i aHa faner och vaderlekar. Forarplatsen ar praktiskt planerad och du sitler hogt. Det geT god uppsikt at aUa hAll, daremot sitter du inte helt skyddad fran vind , vilket kandes under VaT testdag da en bitande kall nordlig vind en visades med aU gora ass siillskap. Desto var· mare har passagerarna inne i den frarnre hytten det. HaT kan 5-6 personer sitta i V-saffarr runt del fallbara bordet. NaT del sedan aT dags fti r nattvila falls bordet neT och det bildar ihop med soffoma en dubbelkoj. Tack yare de hoga friborden aT det bade rymligt och ljust i ruffen. Har finns ett eget bAs med en taalett och ett hand fat. Midskepps akterover vantar aven en stickkoj rned plats for tva fullvuxna- inte lika rymlig sam den framre, men ~ Som gJon lOr sklna dagrurar. Siolarna!r v!ndbara OGh del gar all salla upp an rymligl bord I a~ern. .. En nedf8l1bar bank ger extra slnllials nar man ar manga ombord. TEST I QUICKSILVER ACTIV805 SUN DECK DAREMDT SITTER DU INTE HEll SKYDDAD FRAN VIND, VILKET KANDES UNDER VAR TESTDAG ... Den framre kojen kan aven anvandas 80m siltgrupp med bordo ~ Toal,1I Doh hand!at i,II litet men Ijust ulrymme. ... Ruffen rymmer fyra vuxna m::h beSlar av !ram" Doh midsk,ppsplaGerad, ko!". fullt sovbar. Kylbox, pentry med vask Deh vattenkran ar placerade pa babordssidan intill trappan som leder upp till soldacket. Foredrar du kylskap, £inns det som tillval. Aven spisen ar tillval. Tack yare rejala racken och pulpitar, tillsammans med breda gangbord, aT det enkelt Deh sakert att rBra sig ombord. Det framre soldacket tar tillfredsstalla .'iven den mest krasna Deh platskravande soldyrkaren. I dacket smarta infallda ryggsttid gar att du halvligger bekvamt med perfekt uppsikt at alia hem. Saker du ytterligare solyta gar det ocksa aU enkelt moblera om sittbrunnen fran matplats till solbadd. Om Quicksiivers nya marina Kinder-Egg-version blir en storsaljare genom generationer aterstar att se. Men faktum ill att detta ill en overraskande bat med bade mangsidighet oeh sakerhet sam sina storsta inre overraskningar. _ ___ QUICKSILVER 805 SUNO[CK IAKIA lAKGO 7.88 METER METER......... _...... ...BRIOO _.•..__..2_......55_.••...... KILO IUTAN MOTORI ._VI1IT1B20 ....................................... _._.... _...• MAX HK ....•__ ..... ...MOTOR ...• _•..•....• _....•.400 _..•_._._ ANTAl 8...•. _.... __._.. _.. ...•. __.._PlRSONIR .._.. •....... _ _ __ PHtS 630 700 KRONOR MEO VERAOO 300 HK lES1KDRNINGIN lAST-.-I PERSON ...•..•.. .... ...- ......... _.. _._ ...- MDTDR VERAOO 300 HK FART 41KNOP VARUllNOlERA + SOLOAGKET +.. __SAKE R_.. _.. __. .. _ .•.... .+_..•RYMUG . _.. _.._... _ ._.- ....•._..•._.._.._..- ESTETIKEN ~-SKRAMlIGBIGijjLLKjpEL(Ei ..- .•. ..- .- .. ..- ..-.- ..- ..•...- .- - -- DUlSPAlI EN BITMEO BULlIGT mRE OGH STORT INRE Ell SOLOAGK SOMTILLFREOSSTALLER DEN ~=-... MEST KRASNA SOLOYRKAREN. SOVPLATS FOR FYRA.SAMT PART'I --~~_=~-;O":~'"1 ~ORNIQ . _______ __ ... Quicksilver 805 Sundeck‐Vi Båtägare (SE) ‐ May 2015 with very CONTENTS Good Party nine, sleeps four and a sun deck that beats most of the market's boats in the class. Quicksilver Activ 805 Sundeck is a boat that surprises. My first impression of the Quicksilver Activ 805 Sundeck, the front sun deck. which makes AUT annaon ancient oaks themselves. My first real experience the high freeboard. Where teslexemplar ligge moored at Compass Marin at pampas Marina in Soloa. Eager and on the fly, I jump pole the boat on the nearest place seen from the bridge. It means I get to take a real leap up over the hiliga topsides and bulwarks. I like to jump and on this particular day, I had no packing, so I manage a fats to land on the deck without much drama. I have time spirit struck by the thought that it must be wet verging extremely difficult to board the boat at the long sides fDrtojning for those who have rrundre bounce in his legs. 'Fur iii upon it all the more easier, lowers the interest on a European fashion, bekvarnt Deh effortlessly climb aboard the stern. This provides two large swimming platforms Deb a wide passage easy access to the cockpit and the rest of the scant eight meters long Kinder Eggsliknande boat. 805 Sundeck is namely a bat that surprises. In several ways. It is difficult to define Deh refuses to be stopped in Nagol tray. For some hiir ate no Ten day cruiser. no clean familjeruffare, no pure speed machine. Daremat 805 Sundeck is a boat designed to fit Savai to flashy cruising, co active water games and weekend overnight stays with family or friends. A boat co viu satisfy many needs simply. Here awaits one of the largest sundecks in the size‐class and place aU biuda up to rua Friends on the party board, where at least a four of them can sleep over. Quicksilver Activ 80S sundecks similarities with Kinder‐Egget IIR more than the inner surprises settings. Even the chubby fonnen they have in common. Aesthetically speaking, the hull shape is not the most appealing. The wide black straiparna, Sam runs along the topsides, is a valiant attempt to get Sundeck 805 to höjdmasigt seem smaller than it is. They contribute certainly to give the boat a tougher attitude, but to conceal that participation is a somewhat disproportionate bat can not. It's the price you have to pay to get that much space inside the boat. As motor alternative, you Valia singelelier Duals up to 400 hp (d. IIR there Duals Deh 2 x 200 hp Gailer Deh Jigger maximum speed on the entire 46.4 knots according Brunswick). The value testbät s ulIustad with a Verado 300 hp. It is good enough to bring the boat up to nearly 41 knots. Da guzzling boat too in itself plenty of fuel. With a full tank Deh two people on board, it am about 113 IIh. J a cruising speed in 20 knots begging bransleforbrukningen around 35 l / h. which is far more flat‐book‐ friendly. installation of up to 400 hp (d. IIR there Duals Deh 2 x 200 hp Gailer Deh Jigger maximum speed on the entire 46.4 knots according Brunswick). V.ir testbJ.t s ulIustad with a Verado 300 hp. It is good enough to bring the boat up to nearly 41 knots. DA guzzling boat too in itself plenty of fuel. With a full tank Deh two people on board, it am about 113 IIh. J a cruising speed in 20 knots begging bransleförbrukningen around 35 l / h. that is to say betydtigt more pianhoksvanligt. Brunswick Group. The deep‐V hull GEC good seakeeping Deh an intelligent use of the space on board has led to good weight distribution Deh increased stability. nots that you sit high above the water surface Deh boat measuring approximately eight meters, is my impression rather aU the shutter small boat I KOF. It is both rollg Deh lattk6rd and respond directly to the steering angle. It almost ate it said cage valtryggt. While doing some heavily proportioned hull with its high freeboard, in combination with forarplatsen rarden things in aHa veneer and weather conditions. Forarplatsen's prac‐cally planned and you sitler loud. The goat good view at aU Hall, however is not completely sheltered from the wind, which felt during the wet test day da a bitterly cold northerly wind persisted with the AU gora ass siillskap. The hotter the passengers inside the cab frarnre it. Here 5‐6 people sit in the V‐shaped sofa around some instances, only the table. As part then to the time FTIR night of rest falls table Net and it forms together with soffoma a double berth. Thanks yare the high freeboard it is both spacious and light in the cabin. Have there own base with a taalett and a sink. Midship aft await a berth rned platsfor two grown not as spacious Sam the front, but fully sovbar. Cooler, kitchenette with sink Deh faucet are located on the port side next to the stairs leading up to the sun deck. Forester Dragging refrigerator, there are optional. Although the fireplace is optional. Thanks to the sturdy railings and consoles rivets, along with wide walkways, it's easy and safe to move around on board. The front sundeck will satisfy even the most discerning and demanding place soldyrkaren. In the tire smart recessed ryggsttid going to your half is comfortable with a perfect view at Alia home. Things you further solyta it is also aU easily rearrange the cockpit from the dining area to the sun bed. If Quicksiivers new marine Kinder‐egg version becomes a storsaljare through generations Remains to be seen. But the fact that this ill ill a surprising bat with both versatility and safety co its largest inland surprises.
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