NOVEMBER 2014 E EL B R AT I N 13 Meet the Putnams — Bob and Lucille G C Your Community News Source — Serving Sun City Lincoln Hills — ONLINE AT: SUNSENIORNEWS.COM BY LIZ NOEL YEARS! IN THIS ISSUE From Your Placer County Supervisor ................... 3 Players, Community Chorus, Line Dance ................ 5 Tap, Country Couples ................................................... 5 Ballroom, Painters................................................... 6 Needle Arts, Photograph ............................................ 7 Gem & Mineral, Authors Resource, Antiques ........ 9 OC Book, Writers, Square & Compass .................... 9 Lavender Friends, Shalom, Singles ..................... 10 Healthy Eating............................................................. 11 SCLH Writer’s Corner .......................................... 13 Alzheimer’s/Dementia, Eye Contact ......................... 14 Bosom Buddies, Genealogy............................................15 Computer, LHMUG, Investor, Veterans ............ 17 Italian, Travel ............................................................... 18 The Sierra College Community Chorus, now known as Placer Pops Chorale, has long delighted Lincoln Hills’ residents with its spring and winter concert series. One of those delighted residents was Lucille Putnam who says becoming a member of the chorus was a “wish/goal” of hers. Her wish came true, and today she sings while her husband, Bob, supports her efforts as an usher. Indeed music was the first catalyst to bring the couple together, all the way back in sixth grade. The couple celebrated their 55th anniversary last April. Lucille was born in Cassadaga, New York, a farming community whose 800 or so residents lived 50 miles south of Buffalo. Born at home, Lucille later made up names for all of the houses her parents rented during her childhood. Her family was financially challenged. Her father was a farmer and later a lathe operator at a furniture store that made furniture for Lucille Ball (who grew up in nearby Jamestown). Her mother held jobs as a cook, a house cleaner, a grape picker and a Lucille and Bob Putnam PHOTO BY JEFF ANDERSEN seed factory worker. The family did not own a car until Lucille was a sophomore in high school, and all of them once lived in a single hotel room. Lucille’s words reflect acceptance, not self-pity. Music was an intrinsic part of Lucille’s life. Her best friend’s family rented a French horn for her so that she could play at school. In high school she won 2nd place in a county-wide talent show for her solo, “An Old Fashioned Walk.” Let’s backtrack a bit now to the sixth grade. Bob came to Lucille’s school and won a blue ribbon for his solo vocal baritone performance. Unbeknownst to him, he had won more than that. He had won Lucille’s heart. They went out onto the playground after the performance, and she says she knew then that Bob would be a part of her life. She was smitten with the young man from Stockton, a town of less than 300 residents. After high school Lucille became a legal secretary. Two years later she and Bob married in Gerry, N.Y. Bob secured a position with National Cash Register, and when that job ended, he joined the military and was stationed in Grand Island, N.Y. for three years. Schooling followed, and Lucille says she earned her PHT (Putting Hubby Through) (cont’ on page 22) RV, Astronomy, LSV/NEV................................... 19 Sports Car, RoadRunners, Rods & Relics ............ 21 Bird, Garden, Shooting................................... 23, 25 Hiking, Cyclist, Tennis .............................. 26, 27, 29 Water Volleyball, Table Tennis ............................. 30 LHLG - 18 Holes................................................... 30 Lincsters, Bocce, Pickleball ...................................... 31 SSN Gardening Corner......................................... 32 Bulletin Board ....................................................... 33 Cribbage, Bridge ................................................... 37 Thoughts From Jack ............................................. 39 SCOOP, SCLH Writer .......................................... 41 Neighborhood Watch ............................................ 43 Observations .......................................................... 44 Seniors Need to Know! ......................................... 45 Sun Senior News Classifieds..........................46 - 47 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405 Roseville, CA 95747 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROSEVILLE, CA PERMIT NO. 70 And Much More . . . Neighbors InDeed Provides Personal Services BY BARRY MACKINTOSH Neighbors InDeed’s Handy Helpers are best known for doing minor household maintenance and repair tasks for Lincoln Hills residents. But did you know we also provide short-term personal services? If you’re recovering from an injury, illness, or surgery, you may find it difficult to shop for groceries, pick up meals and prescriptions, bring in your mail, take out your trash, feed or walk your pet, and perform light housekeeping tasks. For help with such chores, leave a message with Neighbors InDeed at 223-2763. You’ll get a prompt response, and if your needs are within our capabilities, we’ll dispatch a Handy Helper to assist. For liability and time reasons, we can’t take the place of professional caregivers, perform care-related tasks involving physical transfers or administering medications, transport residents in vehicles, run errands outside Lincoln, or use residents’ bank cards or checks. Cash is required for any payments we make. We can provide personal services for up to three weeks or so. For longer periods, Neighbors InDeed can refer you to professional caregivers or personal service providers recommended by other residents. Call that same number (223-2763) for assistance from one of Last Chance Bingo! Lincoln Hills Foundation presents Last Chance Bingo for 2014 on Monday, November 10 at the Orchard Creek Lodge Ballroom. A special Chef’s Choice ½ sandwich and soup special will be served in the Meridians restaurant prior to the 1:00 PM start of Bingo. Here’s your final chance of the year to get together with friends and neighbors with the chance to win an early Christmas present. Janet Roberts picks up a resident’s meal order. our capable Information & Referral volunteers. Neighbors InDeed is pleased to play this additional role in our caring community. You may not need our personal services now, but it’s nice to know they’re available if and when you do. There’s no charge for this or anything else we do, although contributions to offset our expenses are appreciated. 2 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 THE PLACE FOR MEMORY CARE Somerford Place Quality +'%) ')$ ',))*#&+*)$#-#&!.#+"+""$$&!*' %%')0$'**2, +'$1"#%)*')'+") ')%*' %&+#2*'.,&)*+&+"*(#$#1)+"0 &,) ',*#*'&+"$+*+*#&+"+*,!!*+**'#$#1+#'&#+&("0*#$ &%&+$/)#*)+"*+.0*+'()-&+&()'$'&!'!&#+#-$#& Call 916-772-6500 to schedule a tour Call 916-772-6500 today to schedule a tour or to RSVP or RSVP to our special event. for one of our fabulous upcoming events: Starting the New Year off Right! Taking care of yourself as a caregiver Celebrating Special Moments Caregiver Support Group with Your Loved One February 5th, 2013 at 10am 1st Thursday of Every Month 9:30am January 9th, 2013 at 10am Continental breakfast will be served Residential Painting THE WEATHER IS CHANGING! WITH PRICES LOWER THAN EVER, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOME! Why should you choose Quality Residential Painting? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Quality Work that Speaks for Itself 25 Years Experience Interior AND Exterior Painting Cabinet Painting and Refinishing Exceptional, Meticulous Attention to Detail Reliable and Trustworthy, References Available No job is finished until the customer is completely satisfied! Chuck Niemeyer 916.765.8731 Owner and Operator License # 882509 110 Sterling Court 3 Roseville, CA 95661 “ Call Chuck, he is the only painter you will want to call! “ 916-772-6500 See recent projects completed at: #&* 3,$+0)#&* 34#-+),$#+0)& Top Real Estate Agent in Lincoln Hills in 2012* AND 2013* * Market Data compiled from MetroList MLS and the Placer County Tax Assessor • Not all Agents and Companies are the same • You Deserve customized real estate service and I Deliver It • The Market Has Changed and so have I • My website averages 2,000 unique (new) visitors each month • I have been representing Sellers and Buyers exclusively in Lincoln Hills since 1999 • Over 40% of my business comes from Repeat Clients and Referrals • Having an Office In Your Neighborhood puts me right in the heart of things CA BRE # 01272617 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 300 Lincoln, CA 95648 Penny Carolan, Broker Assoc. CA BRE # 01053722 916.871.3860 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc. Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 • Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 727-6383 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: [email protected] Ad rates are available on the Internet at EDITORS Elizabeth “Liz” & Gregg Goldthorpe PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Mark Bernard, Targa Funk, Emily Goldthorpe ADVERTISING Liz & Gregg Goldthorpe Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe CONTRIBUTORS Liz Noel, Barry Mackintosh, Linda Marchus, Yvonne Krause, Natalie Grossner, Terri Krcha, Jacquie Hilton, Carol Matthews, Dave Fisk, Linda Bello-Ruiz, Genevieve Tewart, Dale Nater, Jim Fulcomer, Beth Ahrens, Kate McCarthy, Sandy Klein, Richard Fuller, Don R. Rickgauer, Alan Lowe, Linda Lucchetti, Jean Ebenholtz, Joan Brant-Love, Val Singer, Bill Hilton, Karl Schoenstein, David Polson, John Noon, Bill Lewis, Teena Fowler, Ralph Chatoian, Helen Maclaren, Lillian Nawman, Tom Breckon, John Milbauer, Elna Ragan, Don Baylis, Lorraine Immel, Ed Kasper, Stephanie Huntingdale, Pat Howle, Linda Burke, Jerry Digiacomo, Ed Rocknich, Candice Koropp, Susan Pharis, Paul Mac Garvey, George Porter, Larry O’Donnell, Dick Proffitt, Bob Hanvey, Jack Fabian, Gay Sprague, Jeanie Robertson, Fran Neves, Kathy Gire, Martin Green, David Sayen. CIRCULATION The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is delivered free directly to 7,500 homes in the Sun City - Lincoln Hills community. The delivery is targeted for the first week of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS For a one year mailed subscription to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, send address and $48 to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405, Roseville, CA 95747. Please make checks payable to: Sun Senior News. Subcriptions are for those who want to have their paper mailed outside of Lincoln Hills. DISPLAY ADS A variety of display ad sizes are available to fit your business needs and budget. For rate information call Gregg at (916) 727-6383. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th of each month to guarantee placement in the following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. CLASSIFIED ADS For classified ads, please complete the form provided in this issue. Send appropriate payment with completed form to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills. Deadline for the classified ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any classified ads it deems unsuitable. SUBMISSIONS The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills welcomes announcements from social clubs, schools, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, local government and community events. Also, editorial contributions as well as articles, cartoons and photographs are welcomed and considered for publication. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. Please submit via email. All information submitted to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills must be accompanied by your name, phone number and written consent. All letters received become the property of the publisher (EGnews Inc.). TheSun Senior News Lincoln Hills reserves the right to condense and edit letters for publication and liability purposes. The Sun Senior News Lincoln Hills is Printed on Recycled Paper All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various authors are not necessarily shared or verified by the publisher. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services before an transaction is preformed. Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News. From Your Placer County Supervisor BY ROBERT M. WEYGANDT, Supervisor I strongly encourage residents children’s schools, and parents’ to sign up for Placer Alert, the homes. county’s new state-of-the-art When you log in to register emergency mass notification mobile devices, make sure you system. also enter your landline phone Placer Alert proved invaluable number so you know for certain during recent wildfires in Placer it is in the system. County – and can help ensure Placer Alert is used by public you receive timely computersafety agencies throughout Placer Robert M. Weygandt generated alerts during future County in combination with other wildfires, severe winter storms traditional ways for contacting the and other emergencies that affect you and public during emergencies. It is powered by a your community. system called Everbridge that Placer County The system’s database already includes acquired in partnership with Sacramento and listed and unlisted landline phone numbers Yolo counties. Messages can be targeted at provided by telephone companies. specific neighborhoods, communities or the If residents want to receive emergency entire county. alerts on mobile phones, though, they need During the recent King Fire, the to register them with Placer Alert. It’s quick Placer County Sheriff’s Office, Office of and easy. Simply log on to www.Placer-Alert. Emergency Services and other agencies org and provide the requested information. used Placer Alert to notify residents of All personal information is kept strictly community meetings and to help counter confidential. worrisome, but untrue rumors about the By registering mobile devices, residents fire. can ensure they receive alerts through They used Placer Alert for several landline telephones, mobile phones, e-mails purposes during the Applegate Fire: and text messages. notifying residents who needed to evacuate Placer Alert has other features that their homes, publicizing a community many residents will find very helpful. The meeting and letting evacuees know when system, for example, allows each household it was safe to return home. to register as many as five addresses. That is We can make Placer Alert even more important for residents who want to receive valuable in the future if we take a few emergency alerts that affect several locations moments to register our mobile devices so – their homes and perhaps workplaces, it can contact wherever we happen to be. Exclusive to Lincoln Hills Highly Screened House Companions Rent Your Spare Room for $$$ Trade Yo ur Spare Room fo r Househo ld Help Vince & Sue Johnson Real Estate Lic. # 01472026 -JODPMO)JMMT)PNF4IBSF!HNBJMDPNt$BMM GREAT NEWS! State Farm ® has reduced auto rates in CALIFORNIA Get a free car insurance quote - save up to 35% Call my office 24/7. LET US HELP YOU CARE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE We specialize in: Julie Bowen, Agent > Personal Care > Companion Services > Homemaker Services > Respite > Hospice Support Lic. #OB98828 1328 Blue Oaks Blvd, Ste 190 NE Corner-Foothills & Blue Oaks Roseville, CA 95678 916-783-4010 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (not in NJ), State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Bloomington, IL • Insurance and discounts subject to qualifications. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. > Alzheimer’s > Parkinson’s > Heart Failure > Post-surgical Care > Multiple Sclerosis We assist you with Long Term Care insurance processing. No deposit required. Nurse oversight included. ® Providing Insurance and Financial Services 3 Insured & Bonded – Roseville, CA · Independently Owned & Operated 916 781 6500 4 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 “Literally Saved My Life” Neuropathy Patients Speak Out about New Breakthrough Treatment January 27, 2014 June 30, 2014 To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: Many years ago I started losing sensation in my feet. The ball of the foot felt like leather, and my toes had very little feeling in them. I was concerned, but didn’t know what to do. As the years went by I was forced to use a cane for stability when standing as I could not feel my feet. Various doctors told me that neuropathy was setting in and “that was part of the aging process, and there was not much that could be done for it. “ However, at the age of 82, I discovered an advertisement placed in a local newspaper that an office, INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTER, was opening in a neighboring community. They stated they were successfully treating neuropathy. I immediately made an appointment and started their treatments with hopes for any relief possible. I was very pleasantly surprised that shortly after starting treatments the nerves in my feet started to come alive. I have completed the program, and life is so much better. I no longer need that cane to stand on my two feet. Walking is also a pleasure again. The nurses and staff have been very supportive and have shown great concern for me. I highly recommend that anyone that suffers with neuropathy find one of their facilities and take full advantage of their expertise. My feet have been a terrible issue for me for several years. Many years ago, I had surgery on my feet and the nerves were cut. Complicating this was the arthritis in my feet. I could hardly walk. I was receiving shots in my feet from a podiatrist without much success up to the time I saw the advertisement in the newspaper and contacted the Integrated Health Center of Roseville. In just a couple of visits, I was walking without severe pain and each visit is helping my feet and the nerves “come back to life”. Robin Jackson has been taking care of me and I can’t thank her and the Health Center enough. Sincerely, Bob F. I was quite unhappy when I got the letter from the clinic that said Medicare in a great wisdom decided not to pay for the treatment they were giving not only me but quite a few other people with neuropathy. I’m telling you right now that in the years I’ve had neuropathy I’ve gone to I don’t know how many doctors and aII I’ve ever gotten is pain pills. I see in the Ietter that your decision is because there is only been limited amount of research and studies available at this time. Why don’t you come over and look at my feet that’s the only study I needed. Also Medicare’s recommending oral medication as a preferred treatment. Why don’t you tell all of the doctors about all this oral medication because they don’t seem to know about it . All they seem to know about is pain pills. Maybe if you toId them so many people like me wouldn’t have to put up with so many years of pain. Now, as the saying goes, “LIFE IS GOOD!” I just wish one of you people that make these decisions couId spend one day with your feet burning so bad and hurting so bad you couldn’t even walk. Like I said the integrated neuropathy clinic literally saved my life. Harold S. Yours truly Richard B. Roseville CA: If you suffer from Neuropathy, then you should know that A recent published medical study of over 100 patients has shown outstanding results with an 87% reduction in symptoms of the participants. This study and the protocols used have helped doctors make remarkable inroads into getting Neuropathy patients relief from the debilitating and painful symptoms of neuropathy. Using a new medical approach that does not involve any surgery , lasers, or oral medications patients are being treated in a new way and getting results not often seen with more traditional oral medications. In fact not only are patients getting substantial pain relief or even becoming pain free again, follow up has shown long term relief as well. Imagine that for a moment! As explained by Dr. Robb Leigh, Medical Director and owner of Integrate Heath Center of Roseville PC “ we are actually seeing nerve regeneration- with patients recovering balance, sensation, and normal function of the nerves. It is quite remarkable actually.” Integrated Health/ Neuropathy Center is offering this proven and very different medical treatment for local residents, and The consultation is FREE at this time. ($297.00 value) Integrated Health of Roseville PC is located off Secret Ravine Parkway next to Sutter Hospital. 1411 Secret Ravine Pkwy, Suite 100, Roseville CA. Call Today to : 916-786-2002 Free Consultation This offer expires Oct 27th 2014. Integrated Health Center of Roseville PC Testimonials are unique experiences and your experience may be the same or different depending on your age, condition, diagnosis, overall health condition, genetics, compliance with treatment and other factors. Typical patients find an 87% reduction in neuropathic pain based on the protocols used in the study we based our treatment protocols on. Not all patients are candidates or accepted for treatment. Medical providers will determine if you are a candidate following initial screening by our staff. Testimonials are from our office. Originals letters are on file with the office along with releases. Copyright 2013 DNTC LLC All Rights Reserved. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Players Group BY LINDA MARCHUS The 2014—2015 Players Steering Committee is officially in place. The October 13 meeting provided Barbara Greenfield -President, Kathy Shaddox - Vice President, Karen Ulijohn - Secretary and Bob Zimmerman - Treasurer, their first opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Before taking office, Barbara Greenfield promised to provide exciting guests to entertain and educate the members of the Players and anyone who is curious enough to attend the monthly meetings, held the second Monday of the month at 4 PM. Kudos to Barbara. She didn’t disappoint. The Players were captivated by November’s Village maiden costumes for Cinderella — special guest, Paul Burke, the Top row: Linda Marchus, Helena Hanusek and founder and Artistic Director Carol Ferrar. Bottom row: Marilyn Railsback, of Blacktop Comedy. A native Janice Strong and Linda Snyder. of Sacramento, Paul always felt that Northern California actors, singers and dancers who have been was his home. His love affair with improv began busy practicing and rehearsing to bring you in 2004 and continues to this day. He studied the best musical production ever. The ladies at the renowned Second City and iO theaters will be adorned in costumes that are a feast in Chicago before he returned to the Northern for the eyes and include a variety of colorful California area to bring us a taste of that windy dresses of the period, and extraordinary gowns city improv. In 2010, with a group of friends, that will have you “oooing and aaaing”. Not he created Blacktop Comedy’s first long-form to be outdone, the men will be in their own improvised show “Damsel” (a twisted take magnificent costumes. Tickets are available on a classic fairy tale). Following the success NOW and will soon be sold out. Don’t miss of Blacktop’s first show Paul directed “The this opportunity for you, your family, and your Colony,” “The Shorties,” (similar to “Who’s friends to kick off the holiday season with your Line is It Anyway?”), “The Draw Something toes tapping and your heart singing. Show,” and “Our Love Story.” Paul travels ••• throughout the country so he can share the national improv scene with Northern LH Community Chorus Californians. The Readers Theater production of “The BY BARRY MACKINTOSH Black Chapel,” directed by Bill McCarrel was Tickets are now available for “Winter another installment of the wildly successful Fantasy,” our mostly Christmas concert on Halloween Series, performed on October 25 December 14-16. and 26. The three short plays included: “Tell This annual celebration has become a Tale Heart,” “The Lodger,” and “The Three real community tradition, eagerly anticipated Skeleton Keys. As always, the performances and roundly applauded by our full-house were FREE. audiences. Under Bill Sveglini’s professional It’s that time of year when folks fancy a direction, we’re constantly striving to excel, gala, musical production and the Players are and we’re often approached by concert-goers happy to oblige. This November 20, 21 and 22 saying how much they’ve enjoyed us. the Players will present “Cinderella,” a grown Those who’ve attended our previous up musical comedy based on the classic tale, concerts need no persuasion to buy tickets for directed by Dolly Schumacher James. The this one, and most of you have probably done production will include a cast of talented so. If you haven’t come before, ask someone GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR SERVICE Country Couples who has about us. The response will prompt you to hurry and get your tickets for either our Sunday matinee (if any remain) or our Monday or Tuesday evening performances. See page 47 of the October Compass for details. ••• Line Dance Group BY YVONNE KRAUSE Line dance classes will take a break for the month of December and resume again in January. There are many classes to choose from including two Introduction classes for those who have never danced before. It’s a great way to start learning line dancing and remember, you don’t need a partner. Our holiday potluck is coming up on Monday, December 1. The cost of a ticket is $7 and the dinner/dance will be from 5:00-9:00 pm at Kilaga. Audrey, Sandy and Yvonne are our instructors and will be present to lead dances of all levels. This is always a fun and exciting dance event. Just a reminder, that our Steering Committee will end their term in December. If anyone wants to volunteer to be a committee member, please contact our Steering Committee Chairman, Sharon Worman at 408-1555. ••• Tap Company BY NATALIE GROSSNER TheTapCompany is busy working on their performance number for our up coming annual show, Rockin’ The Hills. There are four classes of dancers working on tap numbers that will depict the lifestyle of Gary and Soundra Moulton Tables were decorated on top of a western scarf with miniature versions of cowboy hats, glowing lanterns and hay bales while the featured centerpiece was a “redneck wine glass” filled with sun flowers. Members brought a variety of wonderful salads, appetizers and desserts to accompany sandwiches (provided by the club) from Mr. Pickles. For those of us with a sweet tooth, desserts were deliciously numerous. When our DJ’s, Dennis and Connie, turned up the music, seeing every person in the room head to the dance floor was truly amazing. Each song thereafter was an invite to dance and dance we did. During the course of the evening, Rene and Kathy Lopez demonstrated the Cajun Two-Step for those that might be (cont’ on page 6) %S#SJBO1,FMMFS%1. Board Certified in Podiatric Surgery and Podiatric Medicine by the ABMSP 0O4JUF93BZ%JBHOPTUJD6MUSBTPVOE t$MPDLTXBUFSTBWJOHNPEFMT t-FBLT t%SJQ4ZTUFN$IFDL3FQBJS t"MM8PSL(VBSBOUFFE 916 869624 BY TERRI KRCHA On September 19th, Country Couples came together to enjoy their version of a Western Hoedown. By broad definition, a hoedown is a community dancing party featuring lively hillbilly or country tunes played on a fiddle. We didn’t have an actual fiddle, but we certainly had lively country tunes. *G:PVS'FFU)VSU$BMM%S,FMMFS%1. t%SPVHIUQSPPGJOHt7BMWF3FQMBDFNFOU LIC# our very own Lincoln Hills. Watch future Sun senior News and Compass articles for more information as it becomes available. The Tap Company annual Christmas lunch will be held on December 12th at 12:45 in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. Watch your emails for a “hold the date” announcement from Muriel Menig. You will be able to sign up for the luncheon with your class rep. Seventeen of our tappers had a great time participating in the Lincoln Hills 15 year anniversary parade on October 18. Becky Nicholson choreographed a dance that was performed at several stops along the way. Janet Becker and Muriel Menig carried our banner. ••• Conductor Bill Sveglini and accompanist Paul Melkonian. 23 yrs exp. / Lincoln Resident / Licensed 916-223-3706 5 t*OHSPXO/BJMT t)FFM1BJO t#VOJPO4VSHFSZ t$VTUPN0SUIPUJDT t$PSOT$BMMPVTFT t"OLMF*OKVSJFT 434-6410 t)BNNFS5PFT t%JBCFUJD'PPU$BSF t'MBU'FFU t1MBOUBS'BTDJJUJT t/BJM$BSF t-"4&3'VOHVT/BJM5NU LINCOLN PODIATRY CENTER 5IJSE4Ut-JODPMO 6 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Country Couples (cont’ from page 5) interested in learning this lively dance. As usual, the evening ended all too soon, but for Country Couples, it was a night of fun, laughter and friendships. For Country Couples information contact: Rene or Kathy Lopez 434-5617, ••• Ballroom Dance Group BY KAREN ALLINGTON Wow! It is hard to believe that 2014 will soon be history. We only have one more month of lessons for this year. There will be no lessons for December, as hopefully, we will all be out celebrating the Holiday Season (with dancing, of course). For our November lessons, we will spotlight the Foxtrot. Some of you may have read this column some months ago, when we talked about the history of the Foxtrot. We are going to return again to the time period of 1914. The dance “super stars” of that era were Vernon and Irene Castle. It was the Castles who refined the Foxtrot to the dance it is today. Vernon and Irene were an amazing pair. I would encourage everyone to watch the movie “The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle”, that debuted in 1939, starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The Castle’s not only influenced dance, but they were real style icons and trendsetters of their time. There are also some fascinating dance clips of the Castles on YouTube. So here we are, 100 years later. The Foxtrot endures as a dance of social elegance, characterized by smooth, graceful, and gliding movements. Interestingly, the Foxtrot can be done to jazz music, many rock and roll tunes, big band music, and many other popular music styles. So, why not come and learn the Foxtrot with us in November? Not only can you learn a dance that has a fascinating history, but you can have a good time socializing and learning with a great group of people. We meet on Tuesdays at Kilaga Springs. Beginning group lessons are from 2:00 to 3:00pm. Immediately following, from 3:00 to 4:00pm we have open dancing. During the open dancing hour, you can get a little extra individual help, if you wish; and, you can enjoy dancing to a wide musical selection. A more advanced lesson in the Foxtrot will be presented between 4:00 Gail and Emin Selcuk and 5:00pm. You will find that dancing is so much fun, that you won’t even realize that you are also benefiting your mind and your body. Our dues still remain at $7.00 per year. And believe it or not, that includes any and all lessons that you might wish to attend. We also have lots of exciting dance themed events throughout the year. We will have a Dessert/ Dance Social on Sunday, November 9, from 2:00 to 5:00pm at the Orchard Creek Ballroom. Tickets are $10.00 each, advance sales only. Our Christmas Potluck will be Tuesday, Dec. 9, from 5:00 to 9:00pm. Fitting right in with dancing in the movies, our theme for this year will be “Hollywood Extravaganza”. We look forward to seeing you! Contacts: Ruth Algeri 408-4752, Brigid Donaghy 543-6003 ••• LH Painters Club BY JACQUIE HILTON First, we wish to congratulate club members, Joyce Bisbee, Diane Pargament, Paulette Pesavento, Jim Brunk, Nancy Sloan, Wanda Avery, and Margot Comer whose paintings were juried into the recent KVIE ART AUCTION. All of these artists’ pieces were bid upon and purchased by viewers. Some of these were “Bell Ringers”; pieces that brought bids for more than the asking price! Painters Club members interested in donating a piece next year should watch for the call to artists on the KVIE website - usually in March or April. Their paintings may be entered online with a photo of the work. At our October membership meeting we were privileged to watch a detailed screen presentation and demonstration of oil painting provided by well-known artist, Susan Sarback, who will teach her second in-person class here in February. Her focus, again, will be on water, streams, and lakes and students may use her preferred implement, a palate knife, or brushes. We also enjoyed viewing and hearing from several Painters Club artists, their experiences with creating some recent pieces. Those who participated included members, Jim Brunk, Cosette Augustine, Rudi Franke, Judy Munshauer, Gary Hoffman, Joanie Adams, Paulette Pesavento, and Judy Zografos. At our November 4th meeting we will view and choose from member’s “Farm Life” works, 20 paintings which will be hung in the Buonaratti Restaurant in Lincoln during November and December where restaurant diners may view them and, perhaps, purchase one or more. In December, our monthly meeting will be a Christmas Luncheon. Reservations and checks for this event will be collected at our November 4th membership meeting. In January we will review rules and regulations for our annual February art show. If you are not yet a member of the Painters Club, but interested in considering joining us, you are incouraged to visit one of our monthly membership meetings which are held the first Tuesday of the month from 2:00 to 3:30 at Orchard Creek Lodge. Contacts: President, Joyce Bisbee, [email protected] Membership, Jack Cook, lj4cook@aol. com Plein Air Paint-Outs, Jim Brunk, brunk@, 434-6317 Website, http// ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 7) HELLO NEIGHBOR Need some answers about Medicare? When it comes to Medicare, you have choices. And those choices depend on where you live. Let me introduce you to plans from UnitedHealthcare.® Each plan strives to give members the resources, tools and coverage they need to have the best health care experience possible. GRADUATE OF National University BBA 1994 UNITEDHEALTHCARE SALES AGENT SINCE 2008 James Wirick 209-365-3979, TTY 711 Contracted, independent licensed agent authorized to sell products within the UnitedHealthcare® Medicare Solutions portfolio. Call now for a personal consultation. There are a number of reasons that allow for enrollment in a Medicare Advantage plan throughout the year. Call me today to find out if you qualify. Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. Y0066_131206_162246 Accepted SPRJ9530 AEE98B14 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Needle Arts Threads of Friendship BY CAROL MATTHEWS Talk about creative minds!! The month of October was a dazzling array of creative projects shown off in both a fashion show and a parade!! As President of Needle Arts, Pat Barnhill led a group of members in the 15th Anniversary Parade, sporting a dress she designed starting from a T shirt. All the sub groups of the Needle Arts Club were represented, all showing their talents. The golf carts were decorated to show off quilting, and made quite a show. Approximately 25 people helped with the preparations and many marched in the parade itself. Bev Rognlien designed the banner by enlarging and appliqueing the logo on a huge piece of fabric. Nancy Rich and Rebecca Hoetger drove their golf carts which had been decorated with fabric, yarn, beads and all sorts of other needle craft items. All the subgroups were represented as well in the parade, and you will see just what each group does at the next meeting on November 11th at Kilaga Presentation Hall at 1:00 PM. T shirts will be sold there as well for $10.00. President Pat also started off the Wearable Arts Fashion Show in October by modeling her T-shirt dress. She took an extra-long shirt and added a lovely piece of material to show her design techniques. The show was a huge hit with piano music provided throughout by Cherilyn Duncan and Donna Jenkins. The narrator, Bonnie Dunlap kept the show moving along; about 45 minutes of show stopping costumes with much laughing and clapping for both Sun City ladies as well as the Auburn Wearable Arts group in attendance and participating. The stage was beautifully decorated, the theme East Meets West was evident in the designs as well, and the models were so gracious with their time as they walked the walk, always responsive to their audience. Show stopper was the last model. Who says we have to grow old and not be hep to the times? Our Gothic gal was decked out in black with a bit of red, fishnet stocking, high button shoes and a tulle skirt and long sleeve top!! Just in time to wrap up October!! ••• LH Photography Group BY JEFF ANDERSEN California’s historic Highway 49 runs North from Oakhurst in Madera County through Nevada County’s Sattley. Naturally, living where we do now, the highway likely conjures images for us of gold and the area from which it was scrabbled. The photographic show beginning October 20th at Simple Pleasures Restaurant in Lincoln will show how far afield our group’s photographers traveled beyond the compound to capture their images. In the photo shown here, the photographer lefthandedly skip-roped all the way to Auburn whilst chewing Fleer’s bubble gum backwards. That’s artistic dedication. Speaking of dedication, our speaker for the November 12th General Meeting will be Steve Solinksky from Nevada City. His presentation, “Awakening to the Light,” will be a revelation of his artistic insight and how that came to pass. You can get an advance peek into his photographic persona at http:// Speaking of Nevada City, that’s where we’re heading on October 30th to capture Ken Fox’s ‘Claude Chana by jeffa some local fall foliage, and hopefully more that what would fit in one’s pocket. Catching the right time is very tricky, but our intrepid trekkers will give it lots of shots. Speaking of shots, let’s all set aside a reflective moment on November 11 for those who took kinetic shots, or were subject to them, or served those who did. That would be Veteran’s Day. Thank you for serving - past, present and future. Our group is a thankfully eclectic collection of landscape, event, wildlife, architectural, fine art, and maybe even goofy photographic interests. Some of us prefer automatic point-and-shoot cameras, some shoot DSLRs or mirror-less cameras, a few use film, and others are committed early-adopters who can’t stand being anything other than the first person on the block to own the latest technology. Each of these many threads are woven into the fabric of our group and form our common bond - the love of photography. We have regular challenges to enhance our skills, frequent internal show-and-tell events, plus beyond-the-compound displays of our work. Some show and sell their work, others shudder at the mere thought of such exposure. We have field trips and speakers and discussion groups to expand our photographic horizons. We do a lot of stuff, and if only some of it is of interest to you, you should check us out. We meet three times a month, each time for different reasons, and our regularly scheduled meetings are always on Wednesdays. Visit our website News Page for more information about our activities and contacts. The General Meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month, 8:30AM – 10:30AM KS Presentation Hall - usually with a featured speaker. The other gatherings are of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). On the 1st Wednesday of the month, this SIG intermixes “Camera” and “Photo Enhancement” subjects and that meeting is from 8:30AM-10:00AM in the Multi-Media Room of Orchard Creek. “Camera” is about how to operate that computer attached to a lens. “Enhancement” is about fixing shooting errors and creating different effects with software. Then on the 4th Wednesday, from 8:30AM - 11:15AM in the Multi-Purpose (not the Multi-Media) Room at the OC, the “Round Table” and “Print” SIGs meet, one following the other in that order. The “Round Table” is an open discussion forum for anything about photography, and “Print” is all about the process, equipment and materials to create a print. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 9) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COME VISIT US Lincoln Medical Supplies Sales Service Rental Free Delivery t4DPPUFST1PXFS8IFFMDIBJST t8BMLJOH"JET t#BUISPPN"JET#FESPPN"JET t%BJMZ-JWJOH"JET&YFSDJTF5IFSBQZ t%JBHOPTUJD&RVJQNFOU Repair Center t-*'5$IBJS 1PXFS$IBJST 8IFFMDIBJST t8BMLFST4DPPUFST t7FIJDMF-JGUT *OTUBMMBUJPO Monthly Specials Rental Specials 7 t*ODPOUJOFODF4VQQMJFT t.FEJDBM$PNQSFTTJPO4UPDLJOHT t0SUIPQFEJD4VQQPSUT t-JGU$IBJST7FIJDMF-JGUT CALL (916) 543-3377 4UFSMJOH1BSLXBZ4UF -JODPMO$" .PO'SJBNQN 4BUBNoQN 4VOEBZ$MPTFE 1PXFS$IBJS+B[[Z&4 more than 20% OFF COUPON Lincoln Medical Supply 20% OFF /PU7BMJEXJUIPUIFS PGGFSTPSEJTDPVOUT 4UFSMJOH1BSLXBZ4UF -JODPMO$" 8 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 -JODPMO)JMMT6QEBUF .PEFM "$5*7& -JTUJOHT "WFSBHF -JTU1SJDF 1&/%*/( 4BMFT "WF1FOEJOH -JTU1SJDF Santa Clara 40-% -BTU.PT "WFSBHF 4BMF1SJDF 1 $860,000 3 $663,700 2 $754,500 2 $566,000 1 $491,200 Carmel Santa Barbara 1 $859,500 Meadowgate 1 $799,000 Sonoma 1 $724,995 1 $899,000 Springcrest Marin 1 $628,900 Tiburon 1 $544,900 Monterey 2 San Mateo $637,000 1 $549,900 1 $482,000 Napa 2 $722,000 5 $656,800 Shasta 2 $553,000 1 $560,000 El Dorado 2 $512,000 Ventana 1 $525,000 Fremont 1 $485,000 1 Plumas 1 $505,000 1 Tehama 4 $408,200 Tahoe 2 $412,500 'SPNPVS #BDLZBSEUPZPVST )BQQZ 5IBOLTHJWJOH Atherton Sausalito Ventura Annadel Orchard Crest Santa Cruz 1 $525,000 2 $547,000 3 $541,600 4 $482,200 2 $490,500 2 $444,700 $450,000 1 $420,000 $535,000 2 $456,500 2 $377,000 3 $407,300 1 $468,000 4 $460,000 1 $487,500 1 $450,000 1 $379,950 1 $395,000 3 $426,700 1 $382,500 Mendocino Baldwin 1 $439,900 Echo Ridge Trinity 5 $382,800 Lassen Quail Cove Alpine 10 $389,700 Pine Hill 2 $372,000 Almanor 1 $374,000 1 $410,000 1 $374,000 1 $372,900 1 $369,000 7 $382,900 2 $387,000 2 $347,500 2 $350,000 1 $329,000 1 $329,500 4 $355,100 1 $319,000 1 $356,000 1 $279,000 Madera Bridgegate 1 $350,000 Calaveras Sequoia Millpond Mariposa 1 2 $272,400 $265,000 1 $305,000 3 $271,300 Wood leaf "-."3$*"(*#40/ 771-3177 [email protected] t0WFS:&"34PGDPNCJOFE3FBM&TUBUF &YQFSJFODF t-POHUJNF4VO$JUZ3FTJEFOUT t'PSNFS#30,&308/&3PG4BO+PTFPGmDF /BUJPOBM3FBM&TUBUF$PNQBOZ t.PSF,OPXMFEHF.PSF&YQFSUJTF.PSF4FSWJDFT t$VSSFOU-JTUJOHT'MPPSQMBOTBOE$PNNVOJUZ *OGPSNBUJPOBUXXXBNHJCTPO(P-ZPODPN NOTE: The statistics above do not reflect any consideration in value for model options nor location. “We appreciate the opportunity to compete for your business” &9$-64*7&46/$*5:4&37*$&4 1. '3&& professional house cleaning 2. '3&& professional carpet cleaning 3. '3&& professional window cleaning 4. '3&& professional yard clean-up 5. '3&&property evaluations for Estate Purposes BRE# 00456442 & 01243980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SCLH Gem and Mineral Society BY DAVE FISK Our November 2014 meeting will be at 10 AM on the 24th in the Sierra Room at Kilaga Springs. Our club sponsors the Lapidary and Jewelry Lab. Hours: Mondays 8AM to 12 PM. The charge is $5 per each 2 hours spent in the lab. Funds go to refresh equipment and supplies. Shop Master is Dave Fisk. Chuck DiFrenzo is available in the Monday Lapidary and Jewelry Labs some Mondays, to provide assistance in jewelry fabrication and jewelry repair. He plans to start at 9 am, and adjust based on need and attendance. Call him and insure he will be there 916 253-3973, or email [email protected]. Those of you unfamiliar with Chuck should know that he has created custom jewelry for many years, and has taught the jewelry fabrication class here at Kilaga Springs many times. Our web site is currently located at: lincolnhillssuncitygems/home Lapidary and Lost Wax classes are no longer taught. If you’re interested in these subjects, talk to Dave Fisk. Contact Dave Fisk 434-0747 for lab info. ••• Authors Resource Group BY LINDA BELLO-RUIZ Meet The Authors. Sat., November 8th.10:00 a.m. Kilaga Springs. Meet nine authors, hear excerpts from their books, and be eligible for FREE book drawings and a door prize. The Ghost Eagle and The Moon Promise by Quentin Grady are the first two of an historical-fiction trilogy. A Montréal fur trader risks his life and fortune to travel back to France to rescue his son. Escaping across the Atlantic Ocean and deep into the wilderness of New France, they believe they are safe from a vengeful Marquis. The aristocrat, however, sends an assassin in pursuit--intent on killing the fur trader and everyone he loves. The Incantation by Paul Worth is a mystery/thriller set in ancient Egypt and modern time. On a dig outside Cairo, a gifted archaeologist uncovers the incantations for life-extension. Unaware severe penalties exist for improper use of the spells, she translates the hieroglyphs and utters the magic. Wielding God-like power, she embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery. Andy Petro died, went into the Light and returned. Remembering The Light and Alive in the Light; Remembering Eternity detail his euphoric and peaceful experience. Vietnam Redemption...Full Circle is Joe Baginski’s memoir of his military assignments in Vietnam. The reader travels with Joe full circle from being a young, impressionable warrior, ready, willing and able to kill his Vietnamese enemy, to a compassionate ambassador of peace. Living in Pakistan in the mid-1960s, exploring West Pakistan’s Waziristan, the tribal area, the smugglers’ village in the Khyber Pass and riding with the Pakistan Rangers are some of the adventures Irene Aylwoth Douglass shares in her memoir, An American Woman in Pakistan; Memories of Mangla Dam. California Love Letters, 1903-1918 by Linda Price Williams is a heartwarming tribute to a love between her grandparents spanning miles and decades. Their love letters offer the reader access to a romantic journey of a young couple living in the Bay Area at the dawn of the 20th century, while experiencing American history up close and personal. Jonas Porup’s memoir, Remembering Russia, details his 26,000 mile excursion by train throughout Russia, studying her culture and history. Men’s Point Of View by Arloa Walters is a collection of observations retirement-age men telling their life stories. This book advocates “life review” as a means to reconcile the pieces of our lives and live in peace with ourselves and those around us. Ms. Walters newest book, Voices of Older Women will also be available. From Tears to Triumph, My Journey to The House of Hope is an award-winning memoir by Linda Bello-Ruiz. From the vineyards of Northern California to the Red Light district of San Jose, Costa Rica, Linda’s memoir tells the story of her journey from the darkness of despair to the creation of a house of hope – a safe-haven for street girls and underage prostitutes. ••• Antiques Appreciation Club BY GENEVIEVE TEWART Our October 6th program was a delightful fashion show, with clothing modeled by several of our Club members. This was a presentation of Vintage and Antique Clothing, primarily owned by one of our members who has been a serious collector of 20th century clothing and accessories. Another member wore her mother’s black dress ensemble complete with fox tail fur. Several others displayed and described their items. What a great program! The November 3rd program will be presented by one of our long-standing members who has a great collection of Shirley Temple memorabilia. Our December meeting will be a Holiday Lunch on Monday, December 8 in the OC Ballroom. Tickets will be available at the November meeting for $25.00. The theme Donald M. Thommen Attorney at Law Living Trust/Estate Planning Criminal Defense If you do not have an estate plan, call me to obtain one and avoid probate fees and time delays! If you moved here with an existing estate plan and did not bring your attorney with you, please call for a review and possible upgrade of your plan. 10% Discount To the first 10 customers each month! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION is “brighten your day and light up your life”. There will be a free raffle ticket for the table decorations, a gift for everyone and entertainment by the Hills Brothers singing group. Please bring an unwrapped toy for “Toys for Tots”. Other than for our annual Holiday Luncheon, we normally meet on the first Monday of each month at 10:00 AM in the breakout rooms of the Ballroom, Heights and Gables. If you collect or just appreciate antiques, we’d love to have you join us! Contacts: Rose Marie Wildsmith 4090644; Barbara Engquist 434-1415; Appraisals 408-4004 ••• OC Book Group BY DALE NATER When 65 year old, Harold Fry received a letter telling him that a colleague of his from 20 years ago was in a hospice with terminal cancer, he reevaluated everything he was doing and set out on a course that would change his life forever! Please join us on Thursday, November 20 from 1:00 to 2:30 in the multipurpose room at Orchard Creek to discuss The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Also, we will be voting on our final selections for 2015 at this meeting. You can find a list of proposed readings on our website. Check it out and come prepared to vote for you favorites. Orchard Creek Book Club Schedule for the remainder of 2014 December 18: Holiday Luncheon Website: http://LHocbookgroup. Wiki: Contacts: Contacts: Penny Pearl 409-0510, Darlis Beale 408-0269, Dale Nater 543-8755. ••• SCLH Writers Group BY JIM FULCOMER One of the pleasures we derive from being a member of the Writers Group is the association of kindred spirits, especially if those are members of your own family. Over the past, there have been a few husband and wife teams of writers who come to share their experience and talents with our group. One such couple is the Perkins, David and Isabel, both of whom have their own distinctive style and formulation. They are both accomplished memoir writers; David having published a book about his attending a one-room schoolhouse in South Dakota in the 1930’s. Isabel colorfully recounts her own memories of growing up in California at the same time, incorporating actual events into her personal recollections. David has gone on to write science-fiction and pulp-fiction novels basing his stories on real-life events or scientific facts. Isabel is often able to weave her artwork into her stories. We actively encourage all those out there who have a story to tell, an opinion to express or a poem to share, to come and be a member of our group. Yes, we do give advise, but do not criticize the works that are read at our bi-monthly meetings. Our aim is to make you the best writer you can be - for yourself, your family, or the outside world. Come visit with us to listen in and then share your creations with the group. We guarantee you will be presented with a variety of interesting offerings to inspire, amuse, or spark your creative fires. You can find samples of our works regularly in the Writers column of the Sun Senior News. For more information on the Group, you can contact any of the members of our steering committee: Bev Brannon at bevbrn49@aol. com; Jim Fulcomer atjjfulcomer@ or Linda Luccchettiat [email protected] ••• Square & Compass Club BY BETTE AHRENS On the afternoon of Thursday, October 9th, 21 “Germans-for-the-day” celebrated Oktoberfest on the beautiful patio at the home of Glenn and Betty Stanphill in Sun City Lincoln Hills. The beer flowed, German bratwurst sizzled on the grill, the tables were laden with an abundance of German dishes including German potato salad, sauerkraut, red cabbage, etc. Desserts were plentiful with many apple pies, German chocolate cake, to name a few. Gary and Darlene Kramer stole the show, dressed in their authentic Bavarian costumes, which added much to the festivities! Special heartfelt thanks go to our gracious host and hostess, Glenn and Betty Stanphill, for all they did to make this special event WUNDERBAR! Plans for November and December include lunch at Siino’s (formerly Pete’s Pizza) and our Holiday get-together at the Meridians in Sun City. Information on these events will be forthcoming and sent to the membership. If you have a background or interest in Masonry and/or Eastern Star, we invite you to join us at our monthly get-togethers. To be advised of upcoming luncheons and other events, contact one of the following for information and to be added to our mailing list: Glenn Stanphill - 408-8885 [email protected] Bette Ahrens - 408-5325 - bisybette@ Autumn – the year’s last, loveliest smile — Wm. Cullen ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 10) Affordable Computer Help PC Help IN YOUR HOME xRemove Viruses xFix Spyware xWireless Setup xCustomized Training xMemory Upgrades xAll your Computer Help Needs 9 x15% Senior Discount xDSL setup xSpeed up your PC xFriendly Personal Service, E-Mail Help xNew PC Setup & Transfer Files I am a Sun City - Lincoln Hills resident and I will make HOUSE CALLS. Your Fulltime Computer Specialist Jerry Shores 663-4500 Call: 408-4784 PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg No. 85117 10 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Lavender Friends Shalom Social Group BY KATE MCCARTHY Lavender Friends is a social organization serving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual community and those in friendship in Sun City Lincoln Hills. The Lavender Hearts Committee was created when the LF Club was first established to reach out to the community at large, and generate financial and volunteer support for organizations that support the LBGT community. Money has been raised through the SCLH Parking Lot sales, holiday cookie exchange fees, Progressive Dinner reservations, 50/50 raffle tickets sales, and Silent Auction Fundraisers; in addition, the committee has encouraged LF Club members to donate clothing, non-perishable food items, and personal items used to create themedbaskets that maybe raffled or auctioned. Outreach activities have included answering telephones during a membership drive for KVIE, participating in fundraisers sponsored by organizations supporting the LGBT community, co-funding a third year of GSA high school scholarships awarded by PFLAG of Greater Placer County, Inc., conducting clothing drives, purchasing annual holiday meals for safe house residents and clients of Stand Up Placer, Inc., and donating food items to the Salt Mine. The latest outreach effort is creating eight themed-baskets for raffle by the Sacramento Women’s Chorus, Inc. during its upcoming concert “Masquerade”. The basket themes included: Happy Hour, Pasta Perfection, Gardening Helpers, Chocoholic Delight, Home Movie Night, Gourmet Wine, Trader Joe’s Goodies, and Picnic Time. The raffle baskets will raise funds for the organization’s BY SANDY KLEIN The Shalom Social Group has been very busy between the Jewish New Year, game night, bocce ball, and lots of potluck dinners! There are a lot of things going on and we invite you to come and check us out. We offer something for everyone with such a variety of activities. We are all Sun City residents getting together and enjoying each other’s company. Sound good to you! For more information contact: Sandy Klein 408-2020 or Judi Schane 253-9129. ••• Robin Richie with one of the baskets. operational expenses. The multi-diverse chorus membership exceeds 50 women; the costs of performances often exceed the revenues from ticket sales as the chorus makes ticket prices affordable to the general public, and at times, donates the entire ticket sale proceeds to local charities. Upcoming events include PFLAG 11/10, a Breakfast 11/12, Dinner/Dance 12/13, and a Holiday Brunch TBA. Check http://www. for additional social opportunities. Contacts: Jacquie Hilton 543-9349, [email protected], and John 408-2576 . ••• SCLH Singles Club BY RICHARD FULLER It’s that time of year, Sun City Lincoln Hills -- the Holidays! That’s right -- family time, remembrance time, sharing time, planning time for people and party and Pinot and presents -- and food! Your Lincoln Hills Dynamic Singles Club has just finished a VERY active October -including our “ Monster Mash Dinner/Dance/ Costume Party, and marching down the avenue in the Sun City 15th Anniversary Parade, with two cars, four golf carts, lots of walkers, and a partridge in a pear tree! What a hoot! Now on to November, when we can look forward to RAIN and cool days and nights, so we can get together and share even more! BTW, with all this eating and drinking, don’t forget we also have golf, hiking, bocce ball, dancing, and THE WAVE! Nov 2 - Birthday Party, 4:30 in Sports Bar -- any November birthday person gets a free drink, and anyone else can just drink for the heckuvit! Nov. 6 - Cocktails, 4:-00- at Orchid Thai -- join us at this beautiful restaurant and talk about Holiday Plans past, present, and future. Hey, Ebeneezer, wake up! Nov. 8 - Second Saturday Breakfast, 9 a.m., Sports Bar/Meridians -- $ 8 each, all you can eat -- and you can visit with old pals or make new ones! Nov 13 -- General Meeting, 6 p.m., Orchard Creek -- after business, we play Turkey Bingo -- guess what will be the grand prize! Nov 20 -- Dining Out, 4:30, Whitney Oaks Golf Club -- our pre-Thanksgiving gastronomical gluttony, and we can talk about how to baste the bird! My gawd, it goes on and on! And this is just November! More info? Check the Sun City website, or get our three-month calendar at the flyerholder at O.C., or call Judie Leimer, 408-4308. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 11) Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Monthly Events at Sierra Pointe A Guide to Estate Planning Thursday, November 13th • 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Presented by: Roseville Attorney, Richard W. McGinnis Receive important information rergarding wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and advance health care directives. Holiday Entertainment Sunday, November 16th • 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Performed by The Riverbells (hand bell choir) The Railroad Years Friday, November 21st • 3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Presented by: Christina Richter, President, Roseville Historical Society Hear how the “Big 4” Huntington, Hopkins, Crocker, and Stanford, along with Theodore Judah, influenced Roseville and the 40 years leading up to the time of the railroad boom. All programs are free. (916) 910-2289 The Sierra Pointe Family Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving! SIERRA POINTE 5161 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747 License# 315002050 LSS Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 The Healthy Eating Club BY DON R. RICKGAUER The club enjoyed its semi-annual Potluck Supper October 15 at the Sports Pavilion. There were lots of terrific healthy dishes brought by the members for others to enjoy and a good time was had by all. Another hilarious entertainment program was hatched out by our members as the highlight of the evening, just as it always is at our potlucks. Prizes were won by lucky participants in the nonsensical games we staged, and in keeping with past club gatherings hardly any of our prizes are worth mentioning here. October is harvest month in Placer County, and what a wondrous thing it is to see the wide selection of locally grown freshlyharvested fruit and vegetables on display at our Farmer’s Markets and at the many festivals in our area that are celebrating this year’s harvest. There seems to be a consensus among the local growers that the drought has caused some crops to come in early this year, but in general the harvests are still producing abundant crops of good quality. Nevertheless there is concern all around about the need for a good wet winter to ensure the 2015 harvest is a good one. El Nino rains where are you when we need you?! It has been reported by some food writers that the average American household relies heavily on fewer than twenty (20) dishes served at the majority of their home-prepared meals. And you can bet that dishes widely known as dietary culprits find ways to appear on our dinner tables with steady regularity despite our good intentions to the contrary. Many of these dishes are the “comfort foods” that we grew up with, or for whatever reasons are foods we just don’t want to give up. Well, fine! Don’t give them up…just work at “making over” the recipes for these dishes into more healthy ones. It’s not that difficult once you get the hang of it. This is precisely what the Healthy Eating Club does on a regular monthly basis. We take one popular American recipe a month and make it into a healthier one and we ask for new suggestions from the members for the next “recipe makeover.” The Healthy Eating Club’s stated mission is to educate our members about the importance of healthy eating and to improve our relationship with food. All our general meetings and smaller gatherings center around food topics and food-related activities. At our small gatherings we call “workshops” we sample healthy foods prepared by volunteer members at a member’s home, or in rare cases a full meal will be prepared. We invite guest speakers to our meetings to talk on various food-related topics, and we have two membersonly potluck suppers each year, one in April and another in October, both at the Sports Pavilion where we share dishes prepared by the members. At our monthly general meetings we discuss such diverse topics as upcoming site tours of food-related businesses, local farmers’ market schedules, how to make common dishes healthier and a mix of other food-related topics currently in the news. We encourage suggestions and participation from our members. Contact Don Rickgauer, Club Chairperson, at 253-3984 for information on our Club and the next guest speaker, or email at [email protected]. SUN CITY CUSTOMERS -PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICE - $69.00 $650 - INSTALLED! FOR EXCEPTIONAL HILL CLIMBING ABILITY5HP MOTOR, 500AMP CONTROLLER WITH UPGRADED WIRE HARNESS KIT LIST PRICE $1799 (PLUS INSTALLATION) $1595 - INSTALLED! For more than 30 years Nick Giordano, his son Ken, and the management team at Nick’s have been doing what they enjoy most; customizing golf cars and utility vehicles. We are proud to be an independent, authorized Club Car Golf Car Dealer. We are a full service company providing sales of new, remanufactured, reconditioned and previously owned golf cars. We are committed to providing you with excellent customer service and quality Club Car products. Our friendly and professional staff is available to assist you in selecting the best vehicle, parts and accessories for your needs. Our corporate office in Benicia is also a manufacturing facility where we produce custom enclosures, windshields, and custom seat upholstery. Our Rocklin office offers new and used golf car sales, service, parts and mobile technical support. Both locations also offer a complete line of Club Car Carryall commercial and industrial vehicles. For a complete listing of our current inventory please visit our website ( to begin your Nick’s Custom Golf Cars experience. TWO-SPEED AC MOTOR UPGRADE-LIST PRICE $2750 (PLUS INSTALLATION) (GOLF COURSE 15MPH & STREET 25MPH INCLUDES SPEEDOMETER) $2395 - INSTALLED! (more Club News cont’ on page 14) Lincoln Hills Retired Law Enforcement Officer’s Group Try us in Lincoln...a place FALL SERVICE SPECIAL! (Available on most makes and models). MOTOR UPGRADE SPECIALS 5 HP MOTOR UPGRADE-LIST PRICE $750 (PLUS INSTALLATION) Our monthly general meetings are on the 4th Monday of the month, so the November meeting is Monday the 24th at 2:00 pm in Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs Lodge. Guests are welcome at our general meetings with no advance notice required, but Club workshops where we sample various healthy foods are members only. The annual membership fee is $15 per household. ••• CHP Assistant Chief Jonni Fenner to Speak — Join the Lincoln Hills Retired Law Enforcement Officer’s Group for another LEO Breakfast on November 21, 2014 in the Meridians Restaurant Sports Bar at the Orchard Creek Lodge of Sun City Lincoln Hills, 965 Orchard Creek Lane, Lincoln. Coffee on the table at 8:45 AM Breakfast buffet includes eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes, coffee & orange juice. As always, spouses & LEO friends welcome. Cost is $8.00 and includes tax and tip. Reserve your place at the table by emailing Jim Pola at polabears@ and please mark your calendar! Our guest speaker is CHP Assistant Chief Jonni Fenner. Assistant Chief Fenner has been with the California Highway Patrol over 25 years. She has held the position as Assistant Chief in the Golden Gate Division that covers all nine Bay Area counties, and is currently assigned to Valley Division within the Sacramento region. Farmers’ Market Scene NO PICK UP DELIVERY FEE ON SCHEDULED SERVICE DAYS! 11 You Can Trust for your car repairs and maintenance. We have 17 25 Years of Honesty & Integrity behind us. “Duncan’s Automotive fixed a problem that I had been to 3 different places over the course of 2 years”. -P. Buntiny -Citrus Heights VAL U A B L E C O U P O N 0QFO4BUVSEBZTJO-JODPMOt8F/PX%P4NPHT*O-JODPMO approved Oil Change Winter Service Special $89 most cars 24 19 $$ 95 95 95 t-VCF0JM0JM'JMUFSt#SBLF*OTQFDUJPOt5FTU#BUUFSZt Nick’s Custom Golf Cars 4325 Dominguez Rd, Unit B Rocklin, CA (Synthetic Oil Extra.) For Most Cars and Light For Most Cars and LightTrucks Trucks t1PJOU*OTQFDUJPOt*OTUBMM8JQFS#MBEFTt FREE Lincoln Lincoln (most cars) 27 point safety inspection Also Citrus Heights Citrus Heights Roseville Locations Roseville Locations x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. A place where your car is done when promised! (877) 666-5864 and and Also Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. 11/30/14 Automotive 645-2860 185 Flocchini Circle, Lincoln MasterAuto Repair Professionals 12 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 42 YEARS OF LOCAL EXPERIENCE Open Daily 9am to 5pm and after hours by appointment. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SCLH WRITER’S CORNER... 13 Thanks, Please BY LINDA LUCCHETTI Expiration Date BY ALAN LOWE It was a gorgeous, sunshiny August day in the beautiful, active adult community of Leisure Ranch, about 30 minutes from Sacramento. June Moses, 72, sat at the kitchen table of her sprawling ranch house engrossed in preparing a grocery list. George Moses, 70, sauntered into the kitchen and moved to the large, white GE refrigerator and opened the door. Grabbing a bag of salad from the vegetable tray, he flipped it over and then back again. Looking somewhat confused, he turned and stared at June and . . . “Hey, June. What’s the expiration date on this Asian salad mix you bought last week?” “Just look on the bag.” “I did, but I can’t find it.” “George, can’t you do anything for yourself?” “Come on! I’m just asking you to help me find the date. I’m not requesting you cook a meal for me.” “Oh, about that. What do you want for dinner?” “Dinner? All I want is a salad for lunch. Dinner’s six hours away.” “Well, I’m going to the store and if you want something, you’ve got to tell me.” “First, you tell me where the expiration date is on this salad bag so I know I won’t die if I eat it.” “George, George, my sweet, dear George. Nobody ever died from eating an expired bag of salad.” “There, you said it. It’s expired.” “No, I didn’t. You did.” “You wouldn’t care if I died, would you?” “Just don’t do it now. I’ve got to go to the store to get the things I need to make dinner.” “That’s all you care about . . . dinner, dinner, dinner. What if walk to the mail box this afternoon and get run over by a car and die?” “That’s not going to happen.” “How do you know? We live in a senior community. Those crotchety old folks can’t see or hear. They don’t even slow down at stop signs. My demise could be at any time.” “Is your insurance policy paid up? And, more important, am I the beneficiary?” “Oh, don’t be cute, June. You’re making me angry.” “Then, maybe you’ll just have a heart attack from the stress and drop dead in front of me. Then I won’t have to worry about your dinner. I’ll just open a can of soup for me.” “There you go again. Just thinking about yourself. I don’t matter. Do I?” “Well, you did. But keep going on like this and you won’t.” “Are you threatening me again?” “Again? When have I ever threatened you?” “At the Wertheimer’s party two weeks ago.” “What do you mean? I don’t remember threatening you.” “When it’s convenient, you just forget.” “Right now, I want to forget you.” “See, another threat.” “That’s not a threat. That’s a comment.” “Threat, comment . . . whatever. You want me to die so you won’t have to bothered by me ever again.” “Now that’s a thought. What is the value of your American Life policy?” “What?” “If I’m going to get rid of you, I need to know if it’s worth the effort.” “So get rid of me. I’m going to starve to death anyway.” “George, you’re thirty pounds overweight. It’ll take years before you starve to death.” “I can’t handle this anymore. I’m going to McDonalds for a burger and fries.” “Well, that’ll certainly kill you. What happened to the healthy salad you were going to eat for lunch?” “It expired.” “So you found the expiration date on the package?” “Huh, no. That’s why I asked for your help in the first place.” “I’ve had it, I’m going to the store. Do you want anything?” “Yeah, a new bag of salad. And make sure it has an expiration date I can find.” June shook her head in dismay, scooped up the shopping list from the table and headed toward the garage. Grasping the knob of the door, she looked back at George and blurted, “Go check our marriage license.” George looked confused. “What for?” he queried. “The expiration date,” she chanted, as the door closed behind her. When I was a child many years ago, My parents said gratitude is what we should show. Back then, every present deserved a note. Not just a “thank you” which I often spoke. Whether Aunt Gladys or Uncle John handed me money, Calling it “a little something from the Easter Bunny” Or Aunt Jenny created a lovely ceramic doll, To be shipped via UPS for my birthday in the fall, I sat and scrawled words of appreciation To relatives for their benevolent demonstration. But need I mention --that’s not the case today. I am never quite sure if my gifts make their way. That’s why I have a serious pet peeve About presents I send, but only hope are received. Young folks these days are so very busy, With kids of their own – they’re often in a tizzy. But, you’d think with social media capabilities, I might get a text, tweet, or other possibilities. Courtesy it seems is no longer in vogue. Signs of thankfulness have reached a plateau. Could it be acts of giving have become expected? Or any display of thanks is genuinely neglected? Whatever reasons may surface to quell this curiosity, Until my presents are known, I hereby curb my generosity. Amazing! BY JIM FULCOMER Once again, the old curmudgeon dips his pen in the inkwell of pedantry to complain about the current overuse of the word “amazing,” which is being used to describe virtually anything even slightly above average or unexpected. Granted, terms such as “pretty good,” “cool,” or even “superlative,” do not carry quite the degree of enthusiasm, but there must be something that will equate the word and free it from the commonality it now enjoys. Could it be “stupendous,” “marvelous,” thrilling,” awe-inspiring.” wonderful,” or even bodacious?” And if “excellent” was used, would if have to be followed by, “dude?” Oh, please... As it is now, even a mildly different evaluation becomes, “amazing.” Does it really amaze, stupefy, dazzle or excite? I applaud that it is usually attributed to the positive side of criticism, but I often question a serious evaluation when the word “amazing,” pops out. Can we just delve into our own thesaurus of needed expressions without giving the impression that we are jaded or elitist? I just feel that the time has come to “blow the whistle,” on “amazing” and its’ equally overused, “awesome.” Hopefully (adverb) soon, it will be reserved for those occasions or events which actually (adverb again) merit its’ use. There. I feel better already. (Seriously) Alan Lowe, Linda Lucchetti and Jim Fulcomer are members of the SCLH Writer’s Club. JENNIFER NEWMAN Redken Specialist - 21 Years Experience New Client Specials tMen and Children Haircuts $18.00 reg. $20.00 tWomen’s Haircut & Style $30.00 reg. $35.00 tFull Color $60.00 reg $70.00 and up tColor Touch up $40.00 reg. $45.00-50.00 792-0557 [email protected] tPartial highlight $55.00 reg. $60.00-70.00 tFull highlight $90.00 reg. $95.00 and up tGloss or Color Gloss $25.00 reg. $35.00 tPerm/Haircut/Style $80.00 reg $85.00 Free Eyebrow Tinting with any Waxing Service! Papillon Salon 855 Twelve Bridges Lincoln, CA 95648 By appointment only More music. More drama. More lectures. More art. Great performances all year. SIERRA COLLEGE 5000 ROCKLIN ROAD, ROCKLIN CA 14 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Unsurpassed Service to You and Your Referrals! Available Listings* AVAILABLE San Mateo Model 820 Violet Lane - $620,000 AVAILABLE Trinity Model 1786 Cliff Swallow Lane - $380,000 Passionately Selling Del Webb Lifestyle since 1997 *As of 10/10/14 BRINGING HOME RESULTS FOR YOU! Paula Nelson [email protected] 916-240-3736 BRE lic. # 01156846 Each office independently owned and operated. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiver’s/Support Group BY JEAN EBENHOLTZ The November meeting of the Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s Support Group will take place on November 19th, the 3rd Wednesday of the month (not the 4th as usual) to avoid the Thanksgiving holiday. We will meet at 1:00 PM in the Multi-purpose Room OC Lodge. Stefani Wilson will lead the group. November and December are months when family and friends gather to celebrate and visit. If you and your loved one have not been with a particular group of people for a while, there may be changes in behavior that are not expected. How do you as a caregiver plan for these events? How might you explain grandma not knowing a grandchild or repeating questions over and over? If you as a caregiver feel overwhelmed with the idea of entertaining a large group while being a caregiver, perhaps it is time to ask for help or to change the usual family gathering place. The November meeting has long been a time to discuss these issues. You will find good suggestions on how to handle many situations so that both you and your loved one can find some pleasure in visiting and sharing during the holiday season. Bring your questions and concerns on these and other matters. Good advice will abound from both the Professionals and other caregivers in attendance. For more information call: Judy 434-7864, Cathy 409-9332 or Maria 409-0349. ••• Eye Contact Group BY JOAN BRANT-LOVE SCLH Low Vision Support Group: Presentation Hall, Kilaga Springs • Thursday, November 13, 1:00-3:00 PM Sidney Gutmann, M.D., — Dr. Gutmann is the Director of Outpatient Surgery at Kaiser Hospital in Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom, and Rancho Cordova. He will speak about glaucoma, which he calls the Silent Thief of Vision. He will discuss causes, types, diagnostics, and treatment strategies. Followed by: An annual webcast update on news about nutrition and vision presented by Ellen Troyer for the International Low Vision Support Group. Living Skills Workshops — Due to the Holidays, Living Skills workshops will not be held in November and December but will resume on January 22. The subject will be using gadgets to make life easier. Group Contact: Cathy McGriff 408-0169 Rides to Meetings: Margie Campbell 408-0713. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 15) Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Bosom Buddies BY VAL SINGER Yikes! It’s almost “turkey day, AGAIN!” My great-niece has taken over the family dinner for Thanksgiving. Bless her! I’m told what to bring, where to bring it, and the time that dinner will be served. How much better can it be!! My great-niece and her husband are so sweet and work very hard to make the holiday special. Not having too many relatives myself, it’s so nice that these kids want to preserve what family we do have. Think about the first Thanksgiving. The pilgrims shipped over with minimal “stuff”. They left their extended families knowing they likely would never see them again. Now, visualize this. Your aunt, who you always have issues with, is waving to you on the dock as you leave. You hide that smile on your face because you don’t want to offend this aunt but deep down you are so happy! The thought of going to a new world where there are ferocious natives, wild beasts, and lack of water and food is not nearly as bad as staying home and dealing with the “aunt”. Sound familiar? You thought the pilgrims came to America to get away from the oppressions at home. Wrong! They left home to get away from all their “difficult relatives”. They weren’t so stupid, RIGHT!!!! Now back to club news. Sun City Lincoln Hills sponsored a Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Fun Run/Walk on October 15th with 50% of the proceeds going to the Placer Breast Cancer Endowment. They had 95 registered participants, however, due to the rain (yes real rain!) only about 50 participated, however, the rain didn’t happen until the event was almost over. So, ye-faint-hearted folks, you should have been there… Bosom Buddies had two tables at the Fun Run/Walk manned by Cheryl Karleskint, Dee Hynes, Mary Shelton, and Brenda Cathey. (see photo) One table featured Bosom Buddies pictures and information and the other table pertained to the Placer Breast Cancer Endowment. The Placer Breast Cancer Endowment raised about $2.000. So it was a real success. Thanks to all participants. On October 18th (too late for this issue), I will report on the Lincoln Hills 15th Anniversary Parade. Hopefully, we’ll have some great pictures of our pink shirts and banner! Stay tuned… Bosom Buddies’ next meeting on November 13th is one that none of us should miss. Have you heard about the new 3-D Mammography? Well, the speaker for this meeting is Chris Braun, Operation Manager, Sutter Roseville Imaging. She will speak on the 3-D Mammography that has a 41% detection rate for cancer in dense breast tissue. Be ready with your questions and bring any friends and/or family that could benefit from this information. Your daughters and granddaughters? Everyone is welcome! We meet at Orchard Creek Lodge on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. If you have any questions regarding Bosom Buddies, please contact: Marianne Smith (408-1818) or Patty McCuen (408-4185). If you wish to go to lunch at the Meridians before the meeting, please call Marilyn Poole (434-8902) and she will make the reservation. We end each meeting by holding hands and saying: “Together We Are Strong. Together We Will Make A Difference. Together We Will Survive. And, we will, hopefully with a little fun… ••• SCLH Genealogy Club BY BILL HILTON November 17 is the final general membership meeting for 2014 so, you will want to attend the presentation of Tamara Noe whose topic is “Using” Tamara’s presentations are always informative and a valuable asset in genealogy research. Tamara Noe has been a volunteer at the Sacramento Regional Family History Center for more than ten years and is currently serving as a supervisor, instructor and staff trainer. She is also a writer for, and the current editor, of the Roseville Genealogical Society’s Newsletter. For the past six years, Tamara has been teaching genealogy classes as well as Power Point classes. The door prize for the November 17 meeting is an AI0 Wireless Printer...all that and a social gathering immediately following the general meeting! Just a reminder...the door prizes are for members only and you must be present to win! The year 2014 has been the most successful in terms of total memberships...170, and we look forward to more member participation (cont’ on page 17) 6KDUL0F*UDLO 916-396-9216 “Making a Lasting Contribution To Our Clients, To Our Community and To Our Profession” x Resident Since 2004 x Top Producing Realtor Every Year Since 2005 Jennifer M. Jensen, CPA ¾ (xperience Master in Taxation ¾ &ompetence ¾ ,ntegrity ¾ )ollow-Through ĂůZηϬϭϰϯϲϯϬϭ 15 Lisette L Hutchens, CPA Income Tax Preparation i Individual i Business i Sole Proprietor i Partnership i Limited Liability Company i Corporation i Estates& Trusts Audit, Review & Compilation Services Small Business Consulting Estate Planning 661 5th Street, Suite 101 Lincoln, CA Phone (916) 434-1662 16 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Happy Turkey Day! This is the time of year to give Thanks and Express our Gratitude to all our friends and neighbors. All of us at Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge Real Estate Thank You for making us your #1 Choice in Real Estate. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 916-408-4444 Jim Berry 832-8017 Sharon Brevik 580-7140 Gail Cirata 206-3503 #00481659 Andra Cowles Michelle Cowles 434-8655 #01821892 Don Gerring 747-5050 #00631339 #01871058 #01402064 Paula Nelson Wendy Olsen #01156846 #01764197 #00898876 Lisa Snapp Gay Sprague Holly Stryker Kathy Sullivan #01845807 #01900767 #00887979 240-3736 Loree Risi 716-0854 #01203309 276-4194 770-9200 #01309242 Tara Pinder 600-2836 316-6845 #00556444 295-8532 Maria Herrera Gail Hubbard #01047715 #00885381 782-7266 919-5727 Donna Judah 412-9190 #00780415 Tish Leo Jill Mallory #01217695 #01844265 257-2798 201-3855 Peggy Poole Ann Renyer Michael Renyer Bill & Jan Rexrode #00521665 #01746828 #00894446 #01700676 #01700677 408-7008 765-3434 960-3949 761-4502 Karl & Margaret Thompson Doreen Traxel Tangi Walker 543-9047 #00822877 #00820609 #01483633 #01033383 698-0801 434-7869 408-3997 343-6044 Tony Williams Sharon Worman #01390054 #00905744 521-3400 408-1555 Each office is independently owned and operated 1500 Del Webb Blvd. Suite 101, Lincoln, CA 95648 Visit our Website at for current listings Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SCLH Genealogy Club (cont’ from page 15) in 2015. The Genealogy Boot Camp was a huge success. The program began in January and was presented each Monday evening through March 10. This year was also enjoyed by a social gathering for members after each monthly general meeting. The monthly general meetings are highlighted by experienced and informative guest speakers covering a variety of topics of interest to all genealogy club members. Great prizes are given away to a lucky club member and a social gathering added to the general meetings...each month! Plan on becoming a Genealogy Club member in 2015. Thanks to all members for your generous support in 2014. Contacts: Maureen Sausen 543-8594 or Arlene Rond 408-3641. ••• LH Computer Club BY KARL SCHOENSTEIN Main Meeting November 12, 06:30 PM “Afraid of Backing Up to the Cloud? Backing Up To Your Own Hardware Has Never Been Cheaper or Easier! Just do it!” by Rita Wr o n k i e w i c z . If you’re one of those people who have no backup strategy for your computer – or have one but don’t know if it’s even creating backups, it’s time to learn Rita Wronkiewicz what software and hardware are available to you – and for you to understand how to use them. The “Cloud” can be the right answer for some, but if you have data you don’t trust out of your own environment or if it’s extremely large (huge folders of high-resolution pictures or music) then you might find it more economical to use a non-cloud strategy. Or you might put some data in the Cloud and other data on your own hardware. Come find out what’s best for you and how to implement it! You never know how much your data means to you until you’ve lost it! Clinic November 14, 03:30 PM “Restoring Your Data From a Backup”. Have you ever actually tested your backup strategy? We’ll simulate a backup scenario that we can use in order to actually do a restore. Time for questions about this entire Backup/Restore topic will be provided. Meetings at KS Presentation Hall Walk-In-Workshop: Nov. 18, 1:00PM - 3:00PM in the Computer Lab at Orchard Creek. Our more experienced computer members will provide assistance to any of our Club members who would like hands-on help in utilizing computer hardware components, the Windows operating systems, or application programs. Ask The Tech. Nov.28, 10:00 AM Our regular monthly meeting where all members can come to get solutions to their technical and non-technical WINDOWS PC and ANDROID PHONE and ANDROID TABLET problems. O.C. Multi Purpose Room Contact: Claudia McEnerey [email protected] Website: (more info) ••• labs held each month. These labs, which run on the second and forth Wednesdays, take place in the OC MultiMedia room, where you can get personal instruction and practice on MUG-supplied Mac computers. The “second Wednesday” lab is usually a follow-up to the Newbie Seminar topic presented at Kilaga .The forth Wednesday lab, run by former Apple employee John Fancher, is an “open lab”, where you can learn and practice any Apple skill you choose. John has an endless supply of good ideas and tips, including many your grandchildren don’t know yet. There is no charge for these labs, and you can explore any Apple topic you select. Two new iPhones were recently released, and unless you were napping and missed the media blitz, you probably heard that the phones might bend. It turns out that this news was a media event, not a scientific one, and both the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are very solid and LHMUG All Things Apple BY DAVID POLSON Important calendar note-There will be no MUG meetings or labs in December. The MUG volunteer staff will be busy reviewing new hardware and software, and preparing a full calendar of programs for next year. If you would like to become one of our volunteers for 2015, please call President Henry Sandigo, (415-716-0666), or sign up on the Volunteer sheet at the front entry table in Kilaga before our seminars and meetings. For November, our programs include: November 6 - “Face Time, Notes and Speakable Items” Andy November 11 - The new operating system “Yosemite” Bob Bowman November 19 - Gifts for the HolidaysAndy The front entry table can be a busy place as you enter the Presentation Hall at KS, especially at membership renewal time, but things are going very smoothly now. You no longer need to scan your SCLH card or sign in, so most of the time you can leave those cards at home. The reason? SCLH no longer requires the names of people attending, but simply the number of people at the meeting, so we do not need to scan your cards. The only time your card and current membership sticker are required is prior to the monthly meeting, the second Tuesday of the month, when MUG members show their card to verify eligibility for a raffle ticket and the great raffle prizes. There are usually four educational seminars/ meetings per month, but for members who want to dig in and get more hands-on activity, be sure to check the two MA BARKER Bookkeeping $ Tax Service Mary Ann Barker, CMA, EA Enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Call 916-408-8690 for an appointment. Individual, Business, Non-profit Tax Preparation “Your place or mine, I’ll get the job done!” Sun City Resident Free initial consultation - 15% off with this ad. iPhone durable. Apple sold 10 million of them on the first weekend. Consumer Reports put them to the test, to see if they were more prone to bending than competitor’s phones. (See photo above). Their conclusion: ”iPhones aren’t any more prone to bending than smartphones from other companies, and damage only occurred when excessive force was applied” So far, 60 percent of the new phones sold have been the larger iPhone Plus. ••• Investor Study Group BY JOHN NOON November Meeting: We meet on the first Thursday of the month, November 6, at Presentation Hall, Kilaga Springs, from 2:00 PM 3:30 PM. Refreshments afterwards. All Sun City resident’s welcome. Holiday Party. Our annual Christmas/ Holiday Party will be held at Turkey Creek Golf Club on December 4 from 5-9:00 pm. Please remember to bring your checkbook and sign up for the event at our November meeting, November 6. November Speaker: Anne Mathias of Guggenheim will be our Speaker. Ms. Mathias is the Managing Director for Global/Macro 17 and Investment Research in the office of the Global CIO at Guggenheim Partners. She focuses on the intersection of politics and markets and has an in-depth understanding of tax-policy and the macro-economic climate. She appears frequently on Bloombert TV, CNBC, CNN and others. We look forward to an entertaining afternoon. Our meeting takes place at Presentation Hall, Kilaga Springs Lodge, from 2:00-3:30. Stick around for refreshments after the meeting. John Noon, 645-5600 Active Investors meet in the Multipurpose Room, Orchard Creek, on the second Monday of the month from 3:30-5:30. Bill Ness, 434-6564. ••• LH Veterans Group BY BILL L. LEWIS The 2014 Veterans Day ceremony will be held at the Orchard Creek Lodge Porte Cochere on November 11, 2014, 11:00a.m. Due to the limited seating in this area we are reserving the chairs for those that have difficulty standing and asking people that are able to stand to do so. We apologize for the inconvenience. Wyatt, Lazenby, USMC will be the Master of Ceremony. The National Sojourners led by Ollie Guinn, US Army will be the Honor Guard, posting the Colors and placing the wreath at the Lincoln Hills Veterans Memorial. The Pledge of Allegiance; will be led by Jon Hodson, US Navy and Chaplin Alan Hearl, US Navy will ask the invocation. The National Anthem will be sung by the Hills Brothers and they will also sing a medley of God Bless America and America the Beautiful later in the Program. Veterans Day remarks will be offered by Doug Cooper, USAF and Taps will be played by Trumpeter Robert Maske, US Navy. Designated parking for the veterans will be in the area where the Farmer’s Market is held. Some of our Associate Members, spouses of deceased members have expressed concern of their status in the Group. Article II, Section 2.1.2 of the Veterans Group Bylaws, state Associate Members are able to participate in all group activities, serve on committees, and do not have to pay dues. We welcome you to all of the Group functions and social events. The Veterans Group welcomes five new members into the organization, Robert Hanson - USMC; Andrew Martel - USAF, Jim Black - US Army, Allan Kingston-US Navy, Darrell Scott - USAF. Welcome Aboard Gentlemen. The USMC veteran Jim Kennemore will be the speaker for the general meeting (cont’ on page 18) ESTATE PLANNING LAW OFFICE OF JAMES S. HALL (916) 772-2522 Offering our clients experienced professional services with convenient access to their attorney. AARP LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER • Living Trusts • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Health Care Directive • Document Review & Updates • Probate 1380 Lead Hill Blvd., Suite 106 • Roseville, CA 95661 Phone: (916) 772-2522 • Email: [email protected] Website: Member: California State Bar, Placer County Bar Association, AARP Legal Network Attorney 18 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 LH Veterans Group The Travel Group (cont’ from page 17) November 20, 2014. Jim is the son of Medal of Honor recipient S/Sgt Robert S. Kennemore and will be speaking about his father’s actions in WWII and Korea. Jim’s presentation is one you will not want to miss. Christmas Party and Lunch, Noon, December 16, 2014, menu items will include Roast Turkey, Baked Ham, or Pasta. Desert, Coffee and Tea will be served and there will be a No Host Bar available. The flyers will be out soon. ••• Italian Club BY LINDA LUCCHETTI Turkey Bingo, the club’s popular annual event, is just around the corner on Sunday, Nov. 9 at the Timber Creek Ballroom, Del Webb Roseville. Doors open at 5 p.m. and dinner is at 6 p.m. Come for a turkey dinner with all the fixings, including bingo and raffle prizes. Please bring a non-perishable item to donate to a family in need. Deadline for reservations is Nov. 3. Contact Lilly LaPira at [email protected]. This year, the Italian Club will celebrate the holidays at a Christmas Lunch set for Thursday, Dec. 4 at noon at Catta Verdera Country Club in Lincoln. (More information to come.) Many club members, including the Lucchetti family (Linda and Randy, Lori and Dario) have welcomed exchange student, Beatrice Galletto, of Torino, a city in northwestern Italy, into their homes for dinner. Beatrice is excited to be in America Giuseppe LaPira and Ron Ranellone at the ‘Great Gatsby’ event. for her first visit and is attending Lincoln High School during the academic year. Her visit is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lincoln. Benvenuta, Beatrice! (For more information about the exchange student program, contact Kris Wyatt of the Rotary Club at kriswyatt49@ Have you purchased your official LHIC name badge yet? Orders are placed the first of each month. The cost is $6.50 each. Go to the club’s Website at for more info. Are you a Sun City Lincoln Hills resident of Italian heritage? Don’t miss out on the fun and friendship. Club info and future events: or Virginia Halstenrud, membership chair, at 543-3293. ••• BY TEENA FOWLER Where do you want to go? We may have just the trip you want. Meetings are on the third Thursday of each month, 7pm, in the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. Presentations on selected travel destinations are shown by Professional Travel Managers. Everyone is welcome. We have been offering trips that go all over the world since 2000. Committee members are all residents of Lincoln Hills. We are NOT travel agents. See our website http://www.lh-travelgroup. com for complete details about the following trips: Grand Circle Cruise: Paris & Normandy (Apr 17-30, 2015) Cruise 13 days on the Seine River Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or [email protected] Magnificent Cities of Central & Eastern Europe (May 9-23, 2015) Prague, Czech Republic, Krakow, Auschwitz, Warsaw, Berlin Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or [email protected] AMAWaterways River Cruise: Istanbul to Vienna (May 13-27, 2015) Free excursions, Wi-Fi, wine/beer/soft drinks onboard Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or [email protected] Grand Circle: Amazon River Cruise & Rain Forest (Aug 18-29, 2015) Lima, Iquitos, cruise the Amazon. Option: Machu Picchu & Cuzco Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or [email protected] Canadian Rockies by Train (Aug 29-Sep 6, 2015) Vancouver, VIA Rail, Jasper, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or [email protected] Collette Tour: England, Scotland & Ireland (Sep 5-19, 2015) Stonehenge, castle stay, St. Andrews, Hadrian’s Wall, Dublin Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or [email protected] The Riviera’s: France, Italy & the Isles (Sep 10-25, 2015) Small ship Cruise Tour – Cannes to Florence Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or [email protected] Crystal Symphony Cruise: NYC to Montreal (Sep 12-20, 2015) All inclusive (except shore excursions) Contact Linda Frazier at 424-8266 or [email protected] Collette Heritage of America (Oct 1626, 2015) NYC, Philadelphia, Amish, Gettysburg, Williamsburg & DC Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or [email protected] Proposed Future Travel Amsterdam Tulip Cruise Russia Norway Cruise Western Canada C o l l e t t e : G r a n d To u r o f N e w England – 2016 Western Florida Chile ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 19) B. Jowers Painting $PD]LQJ *UDFH Seventh Day Adventist Church (Now Holding English Speaking Services) Saturday Mornings Bible Study 9:15 am –•– Worship Service 10:45 am Pastor: Rob Kearbey Join us at 600 McBean Park Drive (916) 408-4408 Licensed Contractor # 781292 Why not call someone that lives and works in your own community? Repair, Service & Install All Makes & Models • Two coats of highest quality paint for all interior. • For exterior spray and back roll body. sed Licen • Prime and two coats on all trim with paint. t3FTJEFOUJBM t$PNNFSDJBM t*OEVTUSJBM Residential Cold Weather Special All work guaranteed! References from people in your own community proudly provided. Be aware of statements such as “As needed”. Call (916) 408-2341 $3900 Diagnostic Fee 916-952-4822 $-/ &OWJTJPO"JS4ZTUFNTDPN Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 RV Group BY RALPH CHATOIAN The members who participated in the RV Group’s last rally of the year are back and all reports were that they had a fantastic time. That last rally was the great Wine Crush where they got to taste – and buy – some of the finest wines the Amador Valley has to offer. Home base was the 49er Campground in Plymouth in the early October event. In addition to the weekend wine tasting there was some delicious food and great music to be had. Next on the docket will be the Christmas Party Dec. 2 in the Orchard Creek Ballroom, 5:30 p.m. for cocktails and 6 o’clock for dinner. First rally of 2015 will be Jan. 26-30 at the Sands RV and Golf Resort in Desert Hot Springs. Meetings are held on the second Thursdays of each month, 4 p.m., in the Kilaga Springs Social Kitchen Room. Meetings are open to all RVers who are interested in joining the group. Contact Rosie Eads at 408-0129. E-mail ••• LH Astronomy Group BY HELEN MACLAREN The Lincoln Hills Astronomy Group (LHAG) general meetings are the first Wednesday of the month. Wednesday, November 5, at 6:45 p.m. in the Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs Lodge, our main program will be “Exploring the Solar System” by Anthony Oreglia. Anthony will brief us on currently active exploratory missions to the planets, moons, and other objects in our solar system. A survey of the key characteristics of these missions and a summary of the most Mark Whittle’s DVD series, “Cosmology The History and Nature of our Universe” on Monday, November 17, at 6:45 pm in the Fine Arts Room of the Orchard Creek Lodge. Lecture 19, Infant Galaxies, and Lecture 20, From Child to Maturity - Galaxy Evolution, will be shown. Contact Morey Lewis (408-4469) or [email protected] for more information. LHAG’s annual holiday party is scheduled for Dec. 7, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the kitchen area at the Kilaga Springs Lodge. We’re tentatively planning a catered Italian meal for $12 per person. More information will be forthcoming to LHAG members... save the date! ••• LH LSV/NEV Group The Binocular Interest Group (BIG) is back. interesting findings will be discussed along with many stunning images of the objects under exploration. LHAG’s presentation on Wednesday, October 1 was, “Exoplanets - an Update” presented by Dave Woods. Dave has his PhD in Astronomy from Cal. He reviewed the methods of exoplanet detection including radial velocity, gravitational micro-lensing, planetary transit, circumstellar disks and direct imaging. These detection methods are enhanced by space observation by Hubble and Kepler, France’s CoRoT (COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits), Spitzer and the new Kepler K2 mission. There are planets around many stars so there’s little belief that we are alone. The focus, however, is on earth-like planets and there may be 9 billion earth-like planets. Nina Mazzo opened the October meeting segment, “What’s Up in Astronomy”, with a briefing on solar sail technology. Sailing in space? Yes! Spacecraft equipped with sails are powered by sunlight--literally flight by light. Small satellites called CubeSats are able to use this technology. This is a huge boon to university and smaller organizations because its relatively cheap. This month the largest solar sail built to date will be launched by hitching a ride atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as it takes cargo to the Space Station. The re-instituted Binocular Interest Group had their first observation evening on September 30. It was well attended and the weather was perfect. Stay tuned for more opportunities to bring your binoculars to see the heavens. The Cosmology Interest Group (CIG) will continue its viewing and discussion of Professor BY LILLIAN NAWMAN Join us on Tuesday, November 18 at 10:00 AM in the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation Hall to hear Lincoln Mayor, Gabriel Hydrick review the progress of the Lincoln Transportation Plan. It includes ways that are being developed, and in place, to access downtown Lincoln through the Lincoln Boulevard. As part of the Master Plan, it will enable owners of a NEV (neighborhood electric vehicle) to use lanes for their special use only. We welcome all golf cart owners to attend our meetings. We have informative monthly programs on maintenance of the LSV (low speed vehicle), improved insurance policy available, a 10% discount on annual maintenance with a reputable service company, plus many other benefits. Our LSV/NEV Group members are friendly and very helpful. The membership meetings are held the (cont’ on page 21) 6HQLRU&DUH 6HQLRU&DUH &RQVXOWLQJ Phone: 916-209-8471 Cell: 916-798-7347 [email protected] Resources for Care Options: Home Care, Assisted Living “VA Aid & Attendance Allowance.” CA BRE#01229917 “Sun City Lincoln Hills Resident” sMost Dental Services Performed in Our Office s3TATEOFTHE!RT0ROCEDURES)NSTRUMENTSAND4ECHNIQUES s'ENTLE0RIVATE0RACTICE$ENTISTS s-ERCURY&REE$ENTISTRY s7E7ELCOME-OST)NSURANCE ~ — ^— ^— ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ s&ORAMORECOMFORTABLEVISIT3EDATIONDENTISTRYISAVAILABLE s0ROFESSIONALLY4RAINED#ARINGAND#OURTEOUS3TAFF 4IM(ERMAN$$3 &LAVIANE0ETERSEN$$3 !BDON-ANALOTO$$3 #HRIS#OOPER$$3 4HAIS"OOMS$$3-3 /RTHODONTIST "RAD4OWNSEND$$3-3 0ERIODONTIST &OLLOWUSON WWW,INCOLN$ENTISTSCOM 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 200, Lincoln, CA 95648 | (916) 408-5557 \hirkb`am+)*,\akblZ] New expanded hours: 7am to 7pm s.OWOFFERING/RTHODONTICS"RACES 19 Pam Cabezas Larry Pearson 916-521-0676 916-521-6516 CA BRE#01922151 CA BRE#01938527 4011 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, Ca 95747 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 20 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Fore! GETTING TO RETIREMENT is one thing. Having enough money to enjoy it is another. That’s why at The Principal®, we offer many ways to help you to maintain a steady income stream well beyond your working years. From IRAs to annuities to mutual fund investments, we can customize a strategy to help you aim for growth while helping you meet your income needs. After all, why should you stop at retirement, when you can shoot for more? Rich Hanlin Financial Services Representative Princor Registered Representative 1478 Stone Point Drive, Ste. 390 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-3343, ext. 304 [email protected] ©2014 Principal Financial Services, Inc. “The Principal,” “Principal Financial Group,” the Edge design, “We’ll Give You an Edge” and the illustrated character are registered service marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc. Insurance products from the Principal Financial Group® are issued by Principal National Life Insurance Company (except in New York) and Principal Life Insurance Company. Securities offered through Princor Financial Services Corporation, 800/247-1737, member SIPC. Principal National, Principal Life, and Princor® are members of the Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, IA 50392. AD2782 | t14100100mv Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 LH LSV/NEV Group who will be administering to the riding and social events of 2015. Our officers-elect are: President - Doug Sterne, VP/Head Road Captain - John Marin, VP/Membership Patrick Chaves, Treasurer - Larry Ridley, and Secretary - Millie/Richard Eslinger. We have no club meeting in November due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. In December we enjoy our annual holiday party and install the new officers. RoadRunners meet the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room (OC). Guests are always welcome. “Ride safe, ride with friends!” Contact: Patrick Chaves, 916 408-1223 Email: [email protected] ••• (cont’ from page 19) third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM at the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation Hall. The annual Christmas dinner party is scheduled for Monday, December 1st at Orchard Creek Lodge Ballroom. If you do not have the invitation it is available at the November 18th membership meeting. Should you have questions about the event, please call our Social Events Directors, Carol and Freank McGara 543-7039. Deadline for reservations is November 25. The LSV/NEV Group board wishes to express its appreciation to the members for their support and involvement given this year, to keep the group growing and to see it thrive. Contact: Dan Gilliam, President 209-3946 ••• Rods & Relics Coast Redwoods LH Sports Car Club BY TOM BRECKON We had two big trips in October. Our trip on October 7-9 was led by Edy Ternullo and the Baldos. We went to the Victorian Village of Ferndale and then to Eureka to visit the famous Carson Mansion, staying two nights at the Victorian Inn and Hotel Ivanhoe. We had a private tour of the Mansion. Passing through the Avenue of the Giants, some trees taller than the Empire State Building and hundreds of years old, reminds you that time still passes slowly in some parts of our world. The second big trip was to Yosemite on October 14-16. On the second day we drove to Badger Pass, Glacier Point and the Mariposa 21 Grove, with tours of the valley with wonderful panoramic views, and dinner at the Ahwahnee Hotel in their fantastic dining room. We stayed at the Yosemite Lodge at the Falls. This trip involves long distance driving, perfect for our sports car enthusiasts. If you own a sports car and want to participate in our club’s activities, now is the time to join and start planning for a lot of fun. Check our web site for the list of approved cars. Contact: DiAnn Rooney, 543-9474, dlrooney@ Web site ••• Hotel Ivanhoe RoadRunners Motorcycle Group BY JOHN MILBAUER With the coming of Halloween, our October outing was a cemetery ride to Lincoln Manzanita burial ground where Road Captain, John Marin, shared some interesting stories of people interred there. We continued on to an enjoyable lunch in a restaurant on the Colusa canal waterway. The elections put in place our new officers BY ELNA RAGAN At our September General Business Meeting we heard presentations from six very worthy local charities. It was difficult to choose but our membership decided to support Ride to Walk, The National Down Syndrome Coalition, and The Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center, with proceeds from our 2015 Car Show to be held Saturday June 6th. We also discussed plans for club participation in the Sun City Lincoln Hills 15th Anniversary Party. Five members will drive their cars in the parade representing Rods & Relics. Several other members with (cont’ on page 23) Road Runners taking a break for lunch. St James Episcopal Church A Caring Christian Community 4VOEBZ4FSWJDFTBNBNtBN/VSTFZQSPWJEFE t'BUIFS#JMM3POUBOJ Come to our Blessings of the Animals Event, October 4th, BNUPQNBU#FFSNBOOhT1MB[BJO%PXOUPXO 5IJTJTBGSFFFWFOUBTBHJGUUPUIFDPNNVOJUZ Corner of 5th and L Streets, Lincoln $IVSDI0GmDFtXXXTUKBNFTMJODPMOPSH 22 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SUN SENIOR PROFILES Getting to know you... Meet the Putnams — Bob and Lucille (cont’ from page 1) as Bob went through University of Buffalo and dental school. Dental school gave Bob the dubious distinction of treating inmates at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary who had transferred from Alcatraz after its closure. Bob always wanted to come to California after seeing photos his father had taken when he lived in Hemet during the Great Depression. At 14, Bob went to the 3rd National Jamboree in Santa Ana in an 18-car caravan that stopped at the Indianapolis Speedway and national parks along the way. He even ventured into Tijuana with a group of teenage boys and girls. Following dental school, Bob interned at the V.A. Hospital in Palo Alto. He and Lucille moved to Sunnyvale and Cupertino before settling in Almaden Valley where they raised their two daughters, Keri (Reno) who lives in Roseville and Kathy (Mitchell) who lives in Castle Rock, Colorado. They have three grandchildren, one of whom just moved here from Colorado. Bob practiced dentistry in South San Jose, and Lucille worked in his office. She says that Bob enjoyed getting to spend time talking with his patients, and he nods and says he did so even when their responses were muffled. A sign in their onestory office said “Painless Dentistry” with an upward-pointing arrow. Although Bob had always wanted to live in California, Lucille had been enchanted with Arizona since a friend moved there in Bob and Lucille Putnam • April 25, 1959. childhood. The couple moved there following Bob’s retirement in 1997. For 8 years, they enjoyed the golf community where Bob cycled and Lucille learned to weave beautiful baskets. However, Lucille, like most grandmothers, didn’t like seeing their youngest granddaughter in tears when she and Bob took off after California visits. In 2005, the couple moved to a house on Sutter View Lane in Lincoln Hills. Sun City has kept them busy ever since. Bob is an avid cyclist and member of the Sun City cycling group that meets at Kilaga for three 4-hour rides a Lucille and Bob Putnam pictured by their grandkids picture. week. He hopes to take part in the 104 mile El Tour de Tucson in November. He is at Dietrich Theater December 19 at 7:30 PM also in the Investment Club. Together he and and December 20 and 21 at 2 PM. The Harris Lucille enjoy the Travel and Mac clubs and Center at Folsom College will feature concerts Lincoln Hills PM Bowling League. December 13 and 14 at 2:00 P.M. In 2007, Lucille was accepted into the Music and hearts merged when Bob and Sierra College Community Chorus, her dream Lucille first met. In 2002, Bob’s heart acquired come true. She is a member of the Chorale two stents and in 2012 added a 7-way bypass. Council and Alto 1 Section Leader. She enjoys Back in sixth grade Bob captured Lucille’s their partnering with A Gift of the Heart in heart. Turnabout is fair play, and Lucille Auburn to present two patriotic concerts in captured his. No doubt, her sweet music and the Auburn library garden in July. At home, their mutual warmth will keep it beating steady she practices singing every night for l l/2 hours for many years to come. and also joins weekly group 2 l/2 hour practices at Sierra College. The chorus traveled to Ireland two years ago and went to Barcelona this year Know a neighbor who should be where they performed in outdoor castle ruins in small communities. Their entertaining recognized? performances included various choral, solo Well, just let us know! and duet selections. Every September, tickets become Call us at 727-6383 or e-mail us available for the popular Placer Pops’ holiday at [email protected]! concerts. This year, the chorale will perform Moving Life Forward Accessible Van Conversions Sales — Rentals — Service Toll Free 888-852-6981 • In Stock New/Used • Scooters/Wheelchairs/Modular Ramps/Stair Lifts • Cutting Edge Assistive Technology & Mobility Consultants Vehicle Lifts and Seating Systems 6550 Freeport Blvd. Ste A Sacramento, CA 95822 Available! Funding Now Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Rods & Relics (cont’ from page 21) convertibles will transport members of other Sun City organizations. We had a good turnout Saturday September 27, for a cruise up to Wheatland for its Car Show. The Rods & Relics won the “Club Participation Award” and six of our members’ cars also won awards. Murrill Conley’s 1956 Oldsmobile won “Best of Show.” Our members also participated in several other car shows including “The Show & Shine” at Cameron Park Airpark where Murrill Conley won a trophy in his class with his beautiful Oldsmobile. On Tuesday, September 30, a number of members cruised the back roads to Garden Highway and south along the Sacramento River to Swabbies for lunch. On October 22, the Club will gather at the Del Webb Sports Pavilion for a picnic. Everyone is looking forward to some great food, good conversation, and lots of car stories. If you have an operating 1972 or older America-made or American-powered vehicle and enjoy meeting with people with similar interests, come join us at our Tuesday breakfasts or our monthly General Business Meeting. See the dates and times below. Cruise safely. Upcoming Events — November 4 and 18: Breakfast at the Waffle Farm in the Twelve Bridges Shopping Center. Members start arriving at 8:00 a.m. Join us for a tasty breakfast and to catch up on the Birders at Mono Lake. 4$3&&/4-&44 .JSBHF3FUSBDUBCMF4DSFFO4ZTUFNT 4DSFFO $VTUPN4VO4DSFFOT t4FDVSJUZ%PPST t4XJOHJOH4DSFFO%PPST t7FSUJDBM%SPQ4VO4IBEFT NBOVBMSFNPUF t3PMMVQ(BSBHF%PPS 8JOEPX4DSFFOT $POU-JD $BMM6T5PEBZ 'PS"'3&& &TUJNBUF Comp-Solve Computers latest Car Club-related news. Everyone is welcome! November 20: The General Business Meeting is held at Strikes Unlimited at 5681 Lone Tree Blvd. in Rocklin. Dinner is available from 5:00 p.m. on and may be followed by a speaker at 6:00 p.m. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Contacts: Ray Geiger, President 543-0464 Norm Penrice, Membership Director 791-6023 Website: ••• Bird Group BY DON BAYLIS October has brought us into the busy season of birding, really starting a new birding year. In mid-September our initial walk was at Griffith Quarry in Penryn. The 23-acre site was the first quarry to produce polished granite, as used in many buildings in San Francisco and Sacramento, including the state capitol. While the site is mixed meadows and woodlands, the drought has reduced the open water in the quarry pits, which seems to have reduced bird counts. We did see a number of species, including Nuttall’s and Acorn Woodpeckers, a White-breasted Nuthatch, Bewick’s Wren, and a show-off Turkey Vulture, but very few birds of each species. On September 22, we visited the Lincoln Wastewater Treatment Plant, usually a birding hotspot for the county. Wading or shorebirds seemed to be very uncommon, perhaps since the ponds contained more water than usual, reducing the amount of mud flats. We did see egrets, sandpipers, Black-necked Stilt, and American Avocet. Even waterfowl were less numerous than other years, but we 23 did see Ruddy Ducks, Mallards, Pie-billed Grebes, Canada Geese, and other grebes. The surrounding fields brought sightings of American Kestrel, Northern Harrier, Redshouldered and Red-Tailed Hawk. October 4 brought our fall walk on our own Ferrari Ponds. Here too the drought had its effect, as the Salt Pond was nearly dry. We did view 30 species, which is a low for the last 4 years, but did include Bushtit, cormorant, egrets, Black-crowned, Green and Great Blue Herons, killdeer, mallards and Canada Geese. The Green-winged and Cinnamon Teal usually found at this time of year were missing. On October 5-7 a number of us traveled the Sierra to bird the Mono Lake area. While we have visited the area before, this is our first visit in the autumn, so the species seen were different and not the wider variety seen in other seasons. Near the county park at the north end of the lake, we met our usual guide, Santiago Escruceria, who led us into the woods across the road. There, one of our first finds was a Merlin, a small falcon, who was perched high in a cottonwood tree. Soon, a flock of Clark’s Nutcrackers began harassing the Merlin. Then a pair of American Kestrels joined in, making a mighty melee that lasted at least 30 minutes. As we wandered the woodlot watching the show, a Great-horned Owl was watching us a few yards away. Moving back on the side road, the aerial display continuing, we spotted a Fox Sparrow and a couple of White-crowned Sparrows. Returning to the park and walking on the boardwalk to the lake, we found Spotted Towhee and California Quail on the grass; and Eared Grebes, American Coots, American Avocets, and a lone California Gull at the lake. For your calendar, the fall trip to Vic Fazio (cont’ on page 25) 916-628-0632 t4VQFS#SJHIU-&%TB1PXFSGVM 4PMBS1BOFMQSPWJEFTBMMOJHIU JMMVNJOBUJPO4PMBS$PODSFUF-JHIUT BSFTJNQMZUIFOFBUFTUTNBMMFTU TPMBSMJHIUTZPVIBWFFWFSTFFO t6TJOHZPVSFYJTUJOH$PODSFUF "TQIBMUPS8PPEXFESJMMUIFDPSSFDU TJ[FDBWJUZJOZPVSPVUEPPSTVSGBDFBU UIFFYBDUQPJOUTZPVDIPPTF t/08*3&4/00/0''48*5$)&4 035*.&34504&5 916-435-4293 In Home Computer Service - Upgrades - DSL Don’t Want a - Wireless Senior Special Computer with the new - Tune-Up’s Your Certified for a 1 hour Windows 8? Computer Tech is - Email Ask me about new Service Call Steve - Virus Windows 7 Computers (Usually $79/hour) - Malware - Repairs - Data Recovery - In Home Training - Servicing Lincoln Hills 5 Days a Week - Data Transfer Mailing Address- New Computer Setup - Thank You Lincoln Hills! 6518 Lonetree $69 * Customer Testimonials visit: Blvd. #18, Rocklin, CA 95765 GREAT FOR PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS & DECKS 5 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM: WHITE, BLUE, GREEN, RED & AMBER 24 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Now is the time for a fiscal check-up No more excuses for not knowing how your finances and investments line up with your life goals and retirement expectations. Call today for a free consultation, and we’ll explore investment strategies designed to help you protect yourself today, tomorrow and into the future. Steven Hudgins First Vice President Branch Manager Rob Brunst, CFP® Senior Vice President - Investments Frank Geremia, CFP® First Vice President-Investments Robert Burton, CFP® First Vice President-Investments 945 Orchard Creek Lane Suite 100 Lincoln, CA 95648 916-434-9600 Eric Schott Associate Vice President-Investments Mark Motell Financial Advisor Walter J Gallo, Jr. Financial Advisor Investment and Insurance Products: X NOT FDIC Insured X NO Bank Guarantee X MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bankaffiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0414-04628 James Stagg Vice President-Investments Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Bird Group contact: Larry Clark (409-5214). (cont’ from page 23) Garden Group Membership-2015 will near Davis is set for 8:00 AM November 5, and commence in January the Gray Lodge trip at 8:00 AM on Saturday, and more information November 22. These trips will leave from the will be out soon. western side of the Orchard Creek parking Marie Salers has lot, near the Wave indoor pool. shared the following In our October monthly meeting, John information about the Garfein presented bird photos from around the Lincoln Community world, concentrating on his recent transatlantic Garden, which has cruise, which included the Faroe Islands finished its third summer north of Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, and season. If you are Newfoundland. interested in a plot (or to Our next meeting, Monday, November 10 share a plot with another at 1:30 in Kilaga Presentation Hall, will feature person) in 2015, contact Kelli Moulden of Hawks, Honkers and Hoots. Marie (408-3895). Kelli and her birds recently appeared at the One of the original Salmon Celebration at McBean Park. She will goals of the garden again be bringing Murphy, a Red-tailed Hawk, was to allow individuals Clicky the Screech Owl, and Bolt a Peregrine and families to grow Falcon. Please join us in welcoming Kelli and their own produce to her friends to Lincoln Hills. decrease household Again, the birding trips leave from the costs and maybe help Wave parking lot at 8:00 AM, on November the Salt Mine food bank. 5 for Vic Fazio, and November 22 for Gray Chuck Nolan and his Lodge. wife, Liberty, wanted Contact: Kathi or Larry Ridley, 253-7086. to help this project [email protected] along. He coordinated ••• Autumn Harvest and Clean-up (Lincoln Community Garden) people from the Lincoln business community and SCLH Garden Group SCLH residents. The Lincoln Rotary Club with Home Depot who eventually constructed BY LORRAINE IMMEL supplied the insurance coverage to this city lot a wrought iron fence with several gates. The Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We which was turned into a garden. The lot was final cost was over $10,000 with Home Depot take this opportunity to thank the Steering donated by the Tofft family as their grandfather staff volunteers doing the construction. The Committee Members and other volunteers had himself farmed that lot for their family. old table and chairs were stolen that year and who help make the Garden Group function Into the second 2013 season, some an Eagle Scout stepped up to build a cement throughout the year! We are always looking for vandalism occurred which frustrated several table, chairs and several stools throughout the volunteers to assist with the different activities gardeners and made some just give up. The garden. An umbrella was purchased with help and if you want to be a member of the Steering need for a fence became apparent and Chuck from the Lincoln Foundation, who was a major Committee, you are certainly welcome to join began fundraising. He developed a rapport contributor to the fence funds. us! Contact: President As you can see many people helped this Virgil Dahl (408-3748) empty city lot flourish into the beautiful garden for more information. spot that it is today. All 25 raised beds have There are no enthusiastic gardeners of all levels of expertise General Meetings in engaged in growing crops and flowers for November or December, themselves and their community. The Garden but the Holiday Brunch Group has donated $1000 to the project and (December 12-10am) many of our members have taken advantage will be the last function of its use! of the year. If you have A colorful perimeter flower garden shows not purchased a ticket off the diversity of annuals and perennials. yet, contact: Judie They draw in beneficial insects like bees and Leimer lady bugs to promote the garden’s health and (408-4308). make the neighborhood proud. The Bonsai One plan already started, is to offer Group will be meeting ongoing basic gardening classes open to all of November 20 for a Lincoln-including children, a Face book site field trip to Matsuda’s is up and going and a blog is being developed Nursery in Newcastle. Vegetables grown in the Lincoln Community Garden! as a teaching tool. For more information, ••• 25 LH Shooting Group BY ED KASPER The purpose of the Shooting Group is to meet neighbors and make friends among the Sun City Lincoln Hills residents who are interested in shooting or reloading and to give these folks an opportunity to participate together in shooting sports activities. People interested in Shotgun, rifle or pistol shooting can contact each other through the Group and get together at local or nearby shooting ranges. The Group has a very active skeet and trap program. We meet every Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM, during the warmer Spring and Summer months and at 9:00 AM, during the cooler Fall and Winter months, to shoot Trap, International Trap and Sporting Clays. We meet again on Thursday morning at using the above times to shoot Skeet and 5 Stand. These shoots are held at the Coon Creek Trap and Skeet range. This is a local public range. Please contact us for directions and to determine the hours we are shooting. Skeet shooters can participate in a weekly handicapped event. Participants shoot two rounds of skeet. The scores are then adjusted with handicap points. This allows shooters of all different abilities to shoot in the same round and still have a chance to win the event. After scored shooting the range is available for Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays and 5 Stand practice. Local ranges offer competitive trap shooting programs sponsored by the American Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the Pacific International Trap Association (PITA). As our skills and experience improve some of our members are competing in these events. These competitions are held at the Coon Creek range and other public ranges in the area. If you are interested in shooting please join. People who used to shoot or reload regularly, but have been out of these sports for years, are welcome and encouraged to take it up again. Each month we also gather at a different members home for hors d’ oeuvres and drinks. This gives us an opportunity to enjoy each others company and meet the member’s spouses. If you are interested in joining us, contact John Kightlinger at (916) 408-3928 for details of our next get together. Membership is free. Our group has no dues. Residents interested in trap or skeet shooting can contact: John Kightlinger (916) 408-3928 [email protected] Residents interested in rifle or pistol shooting can contact Jim Trifilo at (916) 4346341 or [email protected] ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 26) DR. VICTORIA MOSUR D.D.S. $PNQMFUF'BNJMZ%FOUJTUSZ “The Smile Makers” t4FOJPS%JTDPVOUTt#MFBDIJOHt%FOUVSFT1BSUJBMT t$SPXOT#SJEHFT*NQMBOUT 916-409-0768 FALL TUNE UP AND IAL!!! SAFETY CHECK SPEC $ 6 9 50 Three Generations Strong My staff and I look forward to adding you to our family of patients. Our normal business hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00am to 12 noon and 1pm - 5pm. Also, I will be happy to take care of your emergency needs after hours. &BTU"WFOVFt-JODPMOt 26 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Sun City Hiking Group BY STEPHANIE HUNTINGDALE I learned something new on our recent hike of Sugar Pine Reservoir in Forrest Hill. We were walking and talking and one of our hikers mentioned that she saw “Mountain Misery”, a plant. Her friend has asthma and is very allergic to this plant. Ada Squire mentioned that Mountain Misery was very problematic for the early settler’s traveling by wagon because it got caught in their wagon wheels. We all know about poison oak however, I had never heard of Mountain Misery so coming home I did some research. Chamaebatia foliolosa is commonly known as Mountain Misery and bearclover. It is a species of aromatic evergreen shrub in the rose family. It looks like a small fern (the photo on the left is hard to see). It grows close to the ground and doesn’t exceed 2 feet tall; however, its root system may measure 82 feet long. Mountain Misery was named because Mountain Misery (plant) of the sticky resin/oil on all parts of the plant and its strong medicinal odor. Quoting a US Forest Service article, “the leaves become oily and sticky during the summer months and thus highly flammable. Combined with pine needles in dry months, they’re a true fire hazard that causes headaches to forest managers.” In winter, when rains have washed the leaves, the black-tailed deer consume more of the foliage (cont’ on page 27) A Family Tradition Since 1934 400 Douglas Blvd. • Roseville 783-0474 FD#734 PENDING 2046 Stonecrest Lane Sequoia Floor Plan - $309,000 794 Wagon Wheel Lane Alpine Floor Plan - $369,000 621 Rustic Ranch Lane Napa Floor Plan - $680,000 1174 Secret Lake Loop Meadowgate Floor Plan - $799,000 Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page. There isn’t a better way to stay on top of today’s real estate market. BRE 00556444 BRE 01821982 We are “The Realty Experts” when Selling or Buying in Sun City Lincoln Hills Sugar Pine Reservoir Hike Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 LH Cyclists (cont’ from page 26) than other wildlife. The Miwuk Indian tribe called it kit-kitdizze. They boiled the leaves and made a tea to be used to treat colds, coughs, rheumatism, chicken pox, measles, smallpox and other diseases. I don’t think I would be interested in trying this tea. Oh well, did you learn something new today? Good. It will keep you young. Come join a hike and see if you can find and identify this plant common to the California Sierras. Hopefully, I’ll see you on the trail. Upcoming easy hikes, Fabulous Forties, Sacramento, December 4th, Pleasant Grove Creek Trail Roseville, December 9th Upcoming moderate hikes, the Nov. 4th Jack London hike in Glen Ellen has been changed to Saturday, November 8th, the Cool Loop, near Auburn is on Nov. 13th and last of the year, December 18th Hidden Falls in Auburn. As of September 1st our walking group has switched to their fall schedule and walks begin at 8 a.m. Each week is a different trail. You can check out the walking schedule on the website, For more details on the hikes mentioned above, click on “Upcoming Hikes” and the “Photo Gallery” too. Hiking-Walking Group Website: http:// Call Denny Fisher, Hiking Group President, 434-5526 or Sue Geisler, Vice President, 408-1010, with questions about the Hiking Group. Call Louis Bobrowsky, Walking Group Coordinator, 434-5932, with questions about the Walking Group. ••• BY PAT HOWLE Noteworthy Accomplishments — This month, I thought I’d do something different. Instead of writing about bicycling in general, I’m going to recognize the accomplishments of some members of Lincoln Hills Cyclists. I would venture to say that most readers are not aware of these accomplishments, since none of these individuals participated in their events for the purpose of notoriety or publicity. Rather, they set personal goals and trained long and hard to achieve them. That’s what makes it so satisfying to write about them. So, here goes. On July 12 of this year, Jerry Johnson participated in, and successfully completed, the Tour of the California Alps. To give you an idea just how tough this ride is, it has been nicknamed the Death Ride. It is a grueling 129-mile, bicycle ride over five mountain passes with a total of 15,000 feet of cumulative elevation gain. For those not familiar with elevation gain, that’s a lot! This annual event takes place in Alpine County with the starting point near Markleeville. Although Jerry was the only participant from the club this year, several other members have completed the ride in the past. Mike Connolly 4-times, Bob Burns, Gary Ferris, and Ron Greeno 3-times and Ken Corcoran and Reiner Greubel 1 time. You guys have a lot to be proud of. If you call Norm Beffert on the weekend, you probably won’t get an answer. Norm will likely be off to some location in the United States to participate in a Century (100 mile) ride. He’s been doing this almost every weekend during the cycling season for years. I wouldn’t dare to estimate how many miles he has covered, but I would guess he has Proudly Celebrating our 10th Year in the Solar Industry $0 DOWN Pay Less each month than you are currently paying! Don’t Miss Out, Call Today! (916) 782-3333 We Install the Highest Efficiency Modules with Guaranteed Performance Extensive List of Satisfied Customers in SunCity Lincoln Hills “Last year, our December PG&E electric bill was $124.79 & this year it was $11.63. A monthly comparative savings, to us, of $113.16 or 90.7%, with solar.” - Dan & Carol Larsen, Sun City Lincoln Hills VISIT US AT: (916) 782-3333 CCL# 817001 ridden his bicycle further than some people have driven their cars. Once in a while, Norm takes a break from century rides and flies off to Europe where he rides and hikes the hills of Italy, Spain, France, or wherever he happens to land. He is the embodiment of what Albert Einstein once said, “Life is like bicycling. In order to maintain your balance, you have to keep moving”. Keep on truckin, Norm. Steve Valeriote has been organizing group cycling trips to various destinations throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe for several years. This past September, he took a group of eight riders and two non-riding spouses to Spain. They were outfitted with bikes and took off for 11 days of cycling along Costa Brava and inland. The group cycled 500 miles with a total elevation gain of 38,500 feet, twice crossing the Pyrenees Mountains. For those of you not familiar with the Pyrenees, that’s a lot! Although the climbing was a bit arduous, everyone enjoyed the route. After turning in their bicycles, they continued to tour Spain and returned after 23 days. All travelers report they had a great time. What’s in store for next year, Steve? On August 23 and 24, Suzanne Shaffer and Bill Richardson competed in the Lake Tahoe Triathlon. Suzanne entered the Olympic event on August 24, which included a .95-mile swim, a 25-mile bike ride and 7-mile run. Bill entered the Sprint event on August 23 completing a 500-meter swim, 10-mile bike ride and 2 mile run. Are you ready for this? Both Suzanne and Bill recorded times that earned them FIRST PLACE honors in their respective age group. Way to go Suzanne and Bill! The final person I want to recognize should probably be the subject of a separate article. It’s difficult to sum up all his accomplishments in a single paragraph, but I’ll give it a try. Gary Ferris (you may remember his name from the Death Ride paragraph) is Lincoln Hills Cyclists consummate Ironman. The Ironman event consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run. It is considered the toughest one day endurance event in the world. Gary competed in Ironman events in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and Quebec, Canada during this past year. At Coeur d’Alene, he finished first in his age group and qualified for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. On October 11, Gary competed in the Kona, Hawaii World Ironman Championships. He finished the course with an aggregate time of 16 hours, 37 minutes and 12 seconds, which placed him 16th in his age group. We are all very proud of Gary for being able to compete at the international level in an event, the difficulty of which most of us cannot comprehend. Gary, you are something else! I’d like to close with a word about Lincoln Hills Cyclists. We have about 150 members who ride bicycles for recreation and fitness. If you happen to drive by the Kilaga Springs parking lot on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings, you will see a large group of cyclists getting ready for their rides. We have groups that ride various routes from 10 to 50 miles or more. Each group has an experienced leader and the route is tailor-made for individual tastes and requirements. If you are so inclined, I encourage you to come out and join us. Who knows, some day your name may be mentioned in recognition, similar to those above. See you on the road. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 29) SAVE 20% ON REPAIRS WITH THIS AD Sun City Hiking Group 27 28 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 What people are saying about Whisper Hearing... “ I am very happy with my aids and the special service you provide. Thank you!” –James A Meucci, M.D. “I have recommended Whisper to friends, family and went to the office in Lincoln, Ca and found them great... I can now have conversations with family. It is indeed a wonderful life now.” –Dorothy Alexander Glad to have switched to Whisper. Will always recommend them.” -Judi Cordova “My hearing devices changed my life for the better. The association is not only most professional but personable.” –Wini Dick “The staff at Whisper Hearing Center was very helpful and friendly. The insurance billing process was painless and my son’s hearing aids are a great help to him.” –Karla and Matthew Metcalf The day I got my hearing aids I apologized to my husband for the many times I asked him to repeat something he’d said and for the loud T.V. - Now I think he has the TV too loud. - Caroline Ghinassi Talk with an Audiologist at Whisper Hearing When it comes to quality, expertise and value - Whisper can’t be beat! • complete hearing exams by Doctors of Audiology • personalized convenient service • breakthrough hearing technology • astonishingly reasonable prices Charles Sanders AuD, Doctor of Audiology Carol Trussell AuD, Doctor of Audiology Tracy Volkman M.S., Audiologist CARMICHAEL 6633 Coyle Ave., Suite 1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2154 ROSEVILLE LINCOLN TJ Maxx Shopping Center 1850 Douglas Blvd., Suite 992 Roseville, CA 95661 Raley’s Shopping Center 905 State Hwy 65, Suite 30 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 784-3500 (916) 434-1110 Free Hearing Screenings 2nd Monday, Every Month 8:30 - 11 am, the lodge at Sun City Roseville Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Tennis Group BY LINDA BURKE Lincoln Intraclub Team Tennis Evenings – We played the finals on October 14th finishing at 10:00 at night just before the lights went out! The Purple Team captained by Miguel Cuevas got the Gold and The Red Team captained by Linda Burke got the Silver. Many thanks to Humana for sponsoring this fun event! LITT Purple team got the GOLD. Miguel Cuevas – Captain, Diane Huisinga, Polly Smith, Russell Smith, Pietrina Magna, Larry Magna. Not pictured: Pat Campbell, Judy Nielsen, Wayne Sloan. LITT Red Team got the SILVER but still celebrated! Lisa Snapp, Jackie Fong, Barb Davis, Marc Fong, Sharlene Zielinski, Bob Zielinski, Linda Burke – Captain, Mark Snapp, Dennis Beldon. LITT Blue Team: Greg Burke – Captain, Linda McDermott, Carol Rodwick (sub), John Flaherty, Marie and Marc Praly (subs). Not pictured: Bob Belknap, Sue Huskey, Jerry Ingram, John Kirkwood, Steve Shafer, Janey Shafer. LITT Green Team: Dick Gootee, Cecelia Champion, Jack Williams – Captain, David Glasspiegel, Valerie Green, Doris DeRoss. Not pictured: Joe Favela, Suzanne Favela, Lyman and Robin Olney. LITT Orange Team: Greg Didion, Terry Padovan (passer bys), Katie Didion, Tony Vasconcellos, Carol Vasconcellos – Captain, David Rosenthal, Stan Spring, Linda Shoub, Mary Keaney. Not pictured: Judy Camy, Sandor Ludaici, David Mateer. LITT Yellow Team: Sally Sanguinet, Bob Sanguinet, Jack Ryder - Captain- 3.5, Sunny 29 Simons, Vicki Parks, John Parks, Espie Cruz, Helen Evans, Phil Meth. Upcoming Social Events — Fall Dinner/Dance - November 13 Women’s Holiday Luncheon – Dec. 4 Men’s Holiday Luncheon – December 4 Check it out at: LHTG Contacts: Greg Burke, President Ph: 316-3054 Email: [email protected] Linda Burke, Communications Ph: 209-3463 Email: [email protected] ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 30) LITT Purple Team LITT Green Team LITT Red Team LITT Orange Team LITT Blue Team LITT Yellow Team Sterling Pointe Family Dentistry WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS Dr. Mike Bradaric, Pastor t(FOFSBM$PTNFUJD%FOUJTUSZ t%FOUVSFT1BSUJBMT3FQBJST t'SJFOEMZ$BSJOH4UBGG t.PTU*OTVSBODF1MBOT"DDFQUFE t&NFSHFODZ$BSF t$SPXOT#SJEHFT t-PX%PTF%JHJUBM9SBZT t4FOJPS%JTDPVOUT “Active Seniors -Dreaming Dreams Bigger Than Ourselves” Over 30 Years Experience in General Dentistry Kris Martinson, D.D.S. (Next to Raley’s) 4UFSMJOH1BSLXBZ4VJUF-JODPMO$B Call Us Today (916) 30 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Water Volleyball BY JERRY DIGIACOMO Water volleyball is open to all Sun City residents of any skill level. Come and try it out. It’s good exercise and a lot of fun, but it’s not too strenuous for aging joints and muscles. Come try it out up to 3 times without joining. Water volleyball is now available five days a week! Everyone can play at least four days a week (Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat.) if they wish, and rated players can play up to seven times a week, so there are lots of opportunities to play. The best days for new players are Monday and Wednesday nights at 5:20 and Saturday morning at 8:50 (see the full schedule below). Did you see our group in the Sun City Lincoln Hills 15th anniversary parade? It was a fun day for all. We started playing unofficially 10 years ago and became an official club two years later with 34 members. We now have 112 members and growing. We’re making plans for even more social events next year, so stay tuned. Our next event is our annual Christmas party on Saturday, December 6. Look for details next month. Meanwhile, come join us anytime at the indoor pool at Kalaga. It’s a great way to meet new people and get a low stress workout. So come join the fun. See you in the pool! Mon: Open Play (All Levels) 5:20-6:40pm Competitive Play for rated players 6:458:05pm Tues: Open Play (All Levels) 6:20-8:05pm Wed: Open play 5:20-6:40pm Competitive Play for rated players 6:458:05pm Thurs: Competitive Play for rated players 6:20-8:05pm Sat: Open Play (All Levels) 8:50-10:30am For further information, contact Steve Parke at 716-5379 or at steven.parke@att. net or Jerry DiGiacomo at 521-1904 or itsmrd@ You can also check out our website at or our web page on the Sun City Lincoln Hills website. ••• Table Tennis BY ED ROCKNICH Thanks to all who participated in obtaining a new robotic ball server. Bob Gritner our local resident professional sets up the server every Friday at 8am. The server is programmable for ball speed as well as time interval and location. Bob also assists all players during these Friday sessions. Play takes place at Kilaga every Sunday afternoon starting at 12:30pm, Tuesday evening at 6pm and Friday mornings at 8am. All residents are welcome. Play continues for approximately 3hrs and you may start play at anytime within that three-hour block. Play is generally mixed doubles as well as single play depending on the number of participants. There are seven tables for play. Contact: Ed Rocknich 434-1958 [email protected] ••• LH Ladies Golf—18 Holers BY CANDICE KOROPP For the Breast Cancer Exchange Tourney with the Lincsters, it was a Four Seasons Day, but Big Girls Don’t Cry. After a downpour forced the cancellation of the golf portion of the day, we reconvened at noon to lunch on a salad/sandwich bar. With plenty of chatter and Kathi McCoy, Joyce Herrerias, Rose Marie Warren and Judy Habecker. laughs to go around, Gayle Petersen presided over a sea of pink. Nearly every shade of pink one can imagine, from pale pink to camellia to an orchid was donned by a hundred ladies. Thirteen turned out to be the lucky number of cancer survivors honored amongst the Niners and 18-holers, and a raffle plus donations raised $3,040 for the Sacramento-based Albie Aware Foundation. Kudo’s to those who donated and to those who helped to make this day a success. As if on cue, the stormy morning gave way to a sunny exit by mid-afternoon. Indian summer returned for the Club Championship, the first two Thursdays in October. After the first round on the Hills, there were many changes in the original seedings. Then, playing the Orchard course on the second day proved more disastrous for many, as high scores resulted in changes to the standings, yet again. However, our Champion, Rose Marie Warren, held onto the top spot from start to finish, shooting 80-83 (163). This was her third consecutive title, since moving to SCLH. She was presented a cornucopia by Joyce Herrerias, the tourney chair, along with some nice prize money at the awards dinner. Warren’s closest challenger, Kathi McCoy, came up short by six strokes, scoring 169. Judy Habecker earned the Low Net with 141. Other winners in Flight One included Sybille Carlson with Low Gross, Donna Sanderson with Low Net and Remy Raquiza, 2nd Low Net. In Flight Two, Linda Anselmo took Low Gross, Peggy Carr, Low Net, and 2nd Low Net went to Darcie DeWitt. Judy Dong was the Low Gross winner in Flight Three, and Bonnie Hing earned Low Net by one stroke over Joanne West. Finally, in the Fourth Flight, Low Gross went to Karen Thom, with Pat Lewis taking the Low Net, followed by Bonnie Devers with 2nd Low Net. Cheers to all the winners. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 31) Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 LH Lincsters BY SUSAN PHARIS The 2015 Lincster Executive Board was voted into office at the general meeting held on 10/8/2014. The Executive board members are: Darlynne Giorgi, Captain; Nancy McDonald, Co-Captain; Marie Bossert, Tournament Chair; Sara Cannon, Secretary; Barbara Conger, Treasurer. Other board members are: Pat Shafer and Patty Alderete, Membership Chairs; Sharon Grimes and Ive Laske, Website; Linda Salmon, Handicap Chair; Ruth Pennington and Carole Cain, Awards Chairs; Sue Pharis, Publicity; May Lyau and Joyce Kazuki, Historians; Margie Jewett, Mama’s; Barbara Gorden, Go Away Lincsters (GAL); Carol Golbranson, PWGA Darlynne Giorgi, Incoming Captain and Carol Golbranson, Outgoing Captain. Representative; Alyce Stanwood, WNHGA; Judy Boltz, Sunshine; Mary D’Agostini, Social Chair; The Lincster Holiday Luncheon, It’s a Holiday Delight, will be held on December 10 in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. Golfer of the Month for September was Gunilla Christol of Flight D. Remember: “The most important shot in golf is the next one.” (Ben Hogan) ••• Mad Hatters Bocce Group BY PAUL MAC GARVEY Thanks again to Don and Selby for covering for us while we were in Italy. And speaking of Italy, we didn’t see one Bocce Court during our entire 14-day stay. We spent most of our time close to the tourist attractions in large cities so that might not be too surprising, but we really expected to see some Bocce action somewhere. Maybe we overlooked them because we’re use to looking at green Bocce Courts. A quick search on Google Maps didn’t reveal any obvious courts either. On Thursday, November 6, we will switch to our winter Bocce start time of 10:00 AM. Please note that on your calendar so you don’t wind up standing around in the cold and dark waiting for us to show up. Paul Mac Garvey, 543-2067, pmac1411@, Bob Vincent, 543-0543 ••• 31 LH Pickleball Club BY CINDY PULLIAM Rainy weather did not prevent completion of the 2014 Wells Fargo Advisors Pickleball Tournament. With 39 mixed doubles teams participating we had 3 days of fun, yummy food & great pickleball. Rich Lujan once again planned an organized, well-run tournament with assistance from Lynn Fraser, Bill MacCullough, Paul Walz, 4.0 medal winners 3.0 medal winners 2.0 medal winners 3.5 medal winners Sharon Klotz and Barb Bartley. 4.0 medal winners: gold-Andrea Mayorga/Richard Norman, silver-Robin Haney/DJ Cox, bronzeAudrey Morse/Don Parent. 3.5: gold-Elizabeth 2.5 medal winners (cont’ on page 37) 32 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SSN Gardening Corner — The Standard Landscape BY GEORGE PORTER BY BACK MAND! E LAR D U P O P $14 Early $15.00 EarlyBird BirdSpecials Specials Sunday through Thursday 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Homemade Gnocchi Veal Scaloppini Chicken Marsala Lasagna Eggplant Parmigiana Sweetbreads Chicken Chardonnay & many more! All entrees served with soup or salad, and Early Bird Specials not valid with any other promotions or coupons. $7.00 off Lunch $5 OFF BREAKFAST OR LUNCH Everybody does this! And, we are no exception… We see a relatively large area of the garden like the corner area where the fence behind the house meets the fence between houses. Near the back of the corner, we plant a little tree – since we need something large in that corner. In front of the new tree (which when planted is no larger than we are tall) we plant an assortment of sun-loving plants. Fast forward a couple of years. The tree is much larger and the increased size provides the plants below a measure of relief from the hot sun of June, July and August. Fast forward another couple of years. The tree now shades everything near it. In addition, and to some extent a surprise for us – the tree now has an extensive root system that drinks all the available water in its area. The result is that all those beautiful sunloving plants below and around the tree are now looking shabby, not getting either enough light – or – enough water! Sound familiar? We all know that, at the outset, we would have been foolish to surround the tree with shade loving plants, because they would have ‘fried’ in the early years while the tree was young. So, what is a person to do about this? My answer to people who ask me about this is simply ‘Your garden is a movie – not a still snapshot’. Expect the need to change (some) plants from time to time. Be aware Intermediate Harmonica — Oldies and Goodies Bud Gardner, founder and leader of the Sun City Roseville Harmonicoots—the largest working harmonica band in the country—is offering an Intermediate Harmonica--Oldies and Goodies class on Saturday, Nov. 8th at Sierra College from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “If you’ve ever played around with the ten-hole diatonic harmonica or even taken a basics class,” said Gardner, “now is the time to take the next step. This class—designed for beginners and intermediate players alike—will guide you to become a better player.” After a brief review of the basics, participants will learn how to apply the of the above-described tendency and do the best to create a landscape that will survive and even prosper without CONSTANT replacing of one plant with another. The initial planting arrangement is never ‘forever’ – unless you plant the tree and then wait for 8-10 years for it to mature, after which you plant under it some nice shade-loving plants. With the cost of plants still affordable (for the most part) and with the knowledge that changes will be needed as the tree grows larger, my vote goes for using the sun-loving plants initially and then slowly introducing replacement plants that are well suited for the environment to come. Some plants do almost as well in shade as sun – and conversely. These are the “industrial strength” plants that landscapers often use. Believe me, these people are some of the best at recommending plants for challenging or changing environments since they often guarantee plants that they put in your yard. Obviously, if you choose among such plants, your need to change plants will be less frequent. George Porter directed the landscaping and landscape maintenance work for over 20-years at the Northgate Property Owners Association in Walnut Creek, CA before moving to Sun City Roseville (SCR) in 1999. At SCR, he has worked with various staff specialists to provide the landscape designs and upgrades to the Common Areas as well as a number of Golf Course locations. At his SCR home, he grows almost all of the plants used in his designs. His home and garden have been featured on a number of local home/garden tours. following techniques—the slide, shake, tongue blocking and switching, tongue slapping, hand and throat vibrato, and more—to a variety of songs. “Imagine,” said Gardner, “the fun of learning to play America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee), The Happy Wanderer, and other popular songs.” An instruction and song book with CD will be handed out at the class. Participants will use the ten-hole diatonic harmonica in the key of C which will be available at the class for $10. The materials fee for the class is $20 and the class fee is $48. The class will be held at the Rocklin Campus, Room D-1 (Music Bldg.). The code to enroll is 8299. Pre-registration is required. Go to www. or call the Sierra College Community Education office at 916-781-6280. THE of PURCHASE TWO BEVERAGES. with WITH purchase 2 LunchOF Entrees & 2 Beverages CANNOT BE BE COMBINED COMBINED WITH WITH ANY CANNOT ANY OTHER OTHEROFFERS OFFERS OR ORCOUPONS. COUPONS. EXCLUDES HOLIDAYS. MUST PRESENT COUPON. Expires 12/30/14 5/5/10. EXPIRES 4/5/10. EXCLUDES HOLIDAYS. MUST PRESENT COUPON. Call today for reservations! (916) 624-3401 5015 Pacific Street, Rocklin Visit Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Lincoln Hills Resident Agent 30+ Yrs R.E. Experience (916) 747-5050 Buying or Selling? Call ll for f a Free Market k Analysis l Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 33 BULLETIN BOARD NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Multiple Sclerosis Learn the Joys of Yoga for limited mobility! “You can do it Yoga, for MS” is the video to be shown at the November Multiple Sclerosis Meeting. Tuesday, November 4 • 1:00pm, Sierra Room, Kilaga Springs. All interested are Welcome! Call Marilyn Sharp, 434-6898, for further information. Glaucoma Support Group The Glaucoma Support Group will meet November 12, 2014 at 4:00 in the Multimedia Room of Orchard Creek Lodge. Our guest speaker for the meeting will be Dr. Jacob Brubaker, a Glaucoma Specialist with Sacramento Eye Consultants. If you plan to attend this meeting, please contact Bonnie Dale a 543-2133 or [email protected] Lincoln Democratic Club The Lincoln Democratic Club invites all interested residents to attend a presentation by Amanda Wilcox, Legislative and Policy Chair of the California Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, at the Thursday, November 20th meeting. The Brady Campaign seeks to alter the trajectory of gun violence in our country through changes to culture, laws and the gun industry. This presentation is particularly timely as December 14 is the second anniversary of the violence at Sandy Hook. The meeting will begin at 6:45 p.m. at the Kilaga Springs Lodge. For questions contact June Paquette at 408-2263. ONGOING — Single Diners Single Diners get together at the Meridians Restaurant O.C. on the second Monday in November. Cocktails at 5p.m. dinner at 6pm. No reservations required, but if you are planning to come, a phone call would be appreciated. Bring a friend. Info? Call Helen at 916-408-0428. Shalom Group The Shalom Group is a very active social group. There are no restrictions on joining other than living in Lincoln Hills. Coming events include: miniature golf, bocce ball challenge, and the men’s club breakfast. La Shana Tova to all our Jewish neighbors and friends. For more information contact: Sandy Klein 408-2020 or Judi Schane 253-9129. Spiritual Discussion Group Are you spiritual but not religious? Do you value the words of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Ernest Holmes and others. Do you seek wisdom from many spiritual paths? Join us for open, honest discussion and sharing of ideas, the second Sunday of each month 2-4pm in the Multipurpose Room at Orchard Creek. More info: [email protected]. Semper Fi Association Rotary Club of Lincoln Breakfast: Every 1st Monday, 9:00am, at Thunder Valley Casino. All USMC personnel and Naval corpsmen welcome. For information, contact Rich Ruef, 645-5446 or [email protected]. We have weekly meetings Thursday noon (12-1:30) at the Lincoln Woman’s Club 5th and E Street. Interesting speakers and service to the community. For information visit or call us at 916-844-2582. Grupo De Conversacion Nos reunimos para practicar y mejorar nuestro español. We meet every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the “Living Room” area of Kilarga Springs Lodge, 434-6898. LH Parkinson’s Support Group The LHPDSG meets every 3rd Tuesday in the Lincoln Rayley’s Conference room and on Fridays 2:00 to 3:00 PM at the SCLH Kilaga Springs Fitness Center. This is a diverse group with one thing in common, we are all dealing with the varied stages of the Parkinson’s Disease be it the afflicted individual or the caretaker. Newcomers are welcome. Caregiver Support Group Caregiver Support Group meets the third Thursday of each month at the Lincoln Library from 9:00-10:30. Caregivers for any person, any ailment are welcome to attend. For more information call Brenda at 916253-7537. Sons in Retirement (SIRS) The Lincoln/Roseville branch of Sons In Retirement (SIR) meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Roseville Elks Lodge, 3000 Brady Lane, Roseville for a three course luncheon that costs $16. SIR is a men’s social group, dedicated to preserving the dignity and independence of retired men. The Lincoln/ Roseville branch of SIR has golf activities weekly at courses throughout the region as well as bridge weekly that occurs at Raley’s in Lincoln. If you are interested in attending the luncheon or becoming a new member of SIR, please call Chet Winton at 916-408-8708. Sons in Retirement Branch 98 The Rocklin/Rosevile Branch of SIR meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in the ball room of the Timbers at Sun City Roseville beginning at 10:30a.m. Join retirees for fellowship, lunch, golf, fishing, cards, and even bocce ball… many other activities also available. Call Tom Werth at 782-3536 for more information. No dues, just fun! LH Lions Club Meeting The Lincoln Hills Lions Club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall, 541 5th Street. We brown bag it so bring your lunch and a drink and come join a group of service minded men and woman who are interested in improving our community while having fun. Call Sue and Bob Olin for information 916-543-0002. Lincoln Kiwanis Club Meeting We e k l y b r e a k f a s t m e e t i n g s a t Buonarroti’s Restaurant, 460 Lincoln Ave., in Lincoln every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Guests are welcome. For information regarding the Lincoln Kiwanis Club, please call President Ted Widing at 408-661-6435 or visit our website at Family Mental Illness Support Group This group is for SCLH residents who have immediate family members who experience serious mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, etc. We meet on the second Friday of the month at 2pm. For more information: Dede Ranahan at 408-4541 or dederanahan@ Solo Travel Network If you are a Single traveller looking for someone to travel with come visit the Solo Travel Network (STN). We meet monthly to socialize and plan new trips both locally, nationwide and internationally. Bring your ideas and dreams to find someone who may like to join you. If interested find out about our next meeting. Call 916-408-0968. An Essential Tremor Support Group The Essential Tremor Group meets the first Saturday each month at Kaiser Roseville, in Building D, third floor, conference rooms 2 and 3 from 10AM to noon. For more information, please contact Judy Doughty at 916-543-4882 in SCLH. Senior Peer Counseling Senior Peer Counseling provides free, inhome counseling to Placer County residents age 55 and above who are experiencing depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family conflict and financial stress. Contact Melinda Lacey, MSCC 530-886-3413. COMMUNITY — Lincoln Hills Community Church Annual Craft Faire & Bake Sale The Annual Craft Faire will be held on November 7th and 8th at the Lincoln Hills Community Church. The hours are Friday Noon - 6 PM, and Saturday from 9 AM - 3 PM. Fifty Four crafters will be featured, coming from all over Northern CA, showcasing a wide variety of crafts and unique holiday and gift items. Bake Sale proceeds go to Christian Community Schools, and other proceeds go to Church Missions, Alpha Henson Women’s Center (Teen Challenge), and to our church programs. Lincoln Hills Community Church – 950 Joiner Parkway – Lincoln. For more information, call Beth Barnes: 916-434-8227. Art League of Lincoln Gallery The Art League of Lincoln Gallery is located at 580 Sixth Street in Lincoln and is open from 11am to 3pm Wednesdays Saturdays. The Gallery features a different exhibit each month. Through November 15 the Gallery is hosting a Native American and Western Art Exhibit. From November 19 - December 20 the Gallery will host a Miniature Art Exhibit. Join us at the reception for the artists on Saturday, November 22 from 5 - 7:30 pm And, be sure to see the beautiful items in our gift shop! For more information: please see www. or call 916-209-3499. Fall Food Faire & Craft Fair Lincoln United Methodist Church 629 I street Lincoln • 916-645-3588 Sat., November 22 • 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Hundreds of unique items including custom sewing, crafts, baby gear & clothes, baked goods, CUTCO, affordable “Paparazzzi” jewelry, handmade scarves, scrapbooking, “Tupperware” & others! We’ll also have raffle prizes every half hour, food for purchase, and a fun cakewalk! The Scandinavian Lunch Bunch Traditional Scandinavian Christmas Lunch (dinner). Anyone with a trace of Scandinavian blood is cordially invited to join the festivities. The location is SCR Timbers Lodge, 7050 Del Webb Blvd., at 11:00 AM, Sat. Dec. 13 (St Lucia’s day). The menu will include traditional Herring/Sild with snaps (beer) followed by Flaeskesteg -Roast Pork with all its trimmings. Dessert will be Risen Groed, (rice pudding with berry sauce and almonds). As is the tradition there will be an Almond for you to locate for a special gift. Please bring some of your favorite Christmas cookies to share. Honored guest will be the Consulate General of Denmark, Dorthy Mikkelsen who will give an update on the “old country.” The cost is $35 per person – make out your check to Jonas Porup. Send to him at 1853 Leander Lane, Lincoln 95648. Seating is limited to 49 and the deadline is November 25. For questions, call Jonas at 916 543-3302. From San Leandro to Sun City… Seeking folks who grew up and/or went to schools in San Leandro, California. Having serendipitously met and enjoyed many SCLH residents who hail from San Leandro, I decided to locate more, so we can all get acquainted or re-acquainted. If you grew up in San Leandro and would like to connect with others to remember the good-old-days, please send me an email containing your first and last name (ladies, please include your maiden name), which ‘Sally Andro’ schools you attended and year of your graduation I will try to plan a gathering so we can reminisce and enjoy each other’s company. Hope to hear from you. Darleen Costa Giannini, [email protected]. Love College Football? Look Here! My name is Mike Dawson and with football season upon us I looked around for a group at Sun City that loves college football and didn’t find one so I am looking to start one. I envision an informal group that gets together to enjoy college football and the camaraderie that goes with it, be you a Sooner fan like myself or a Texas Longhorn fan like my friend Jerry or whomever you root for. We could meet at different sports bars and even members homes should they want to host. If you or anyone you know loves college football contact me at 916-209-3683 or [email protected] for more info. 34 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 &BSOTMPUQPJOUTPSFRVJWBMFOU JOUBCMFHBNFTQMBZUPHFU 5 FREE PLAY $ 5 DINING OFFER $ VALID AT ANY RESTAURANT FOR CLUB MEMBERS 55 AND OVER .POEBZ'SJEBZ PLAY FREE DAILY! 1,000 FREE PLAY $ TOP PRIZE DAILY t".1. .POEBZt8FEOFTEBZt'SJEBZ BNBNt 3FHJTUSBUJPOBN 'SJEBZ-BUF/JHIU 3FHJTUSBUJPOt.JEOJHIU 15'JSTUPO1BDLt$5"MM&YUSB1BDLT "MM3FHVMBS(BNFT1BZ$200 $ WIN YOUR SHARE OF FULL CARD PAYS 3,000 $500 $ TTAB-E TAB E /08"7"*-"#-& 1MBZIVOESFETPG DBSETQFSHBNF Winners will also get $100 Free Slot Play games 1 through 9 MORE JACKPOTS, MORE WINNERS, MORE OFTEN! )8:!3FE)BXL1BSLXBZttSFEIBXLDBTJOPDPN Maureen Munro, new Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Nonprofit Initiative is a Success You may have heard the great things local nonprofit leaders are saying about Placer Community Foundation’s Nonprofit Initiative, but just in case you haven’t, here’s the word on the street: • “We went from an organization that would typically raise $10,000 in a year to one that raised $100,000.” • “We are serving twice as many or more people; we have grown in leaps and bounds.” • “We now have a functioning board!” And there’s much more enthusiasm where that came from! That’s because the Nonprofit Initiative is a program that helps nearly 200 local organizations like Placer Food Bank, Child Advocates of Placer County, and Placer Land Trust, to name a few, make their great nonprofits even better. Our program offers grants and workshops to help nonprofit leaders improve communication, raise more money, and plan for the future, so they can keep doing what they do best: building a strong community. The Scoop — We at PCF have always had a notion that the Nonprofit Initiative, created in 2006, makes a powerful, positive impact on local nonprofits. Today we’re very pleased to share the results of a recent independent study that show exactly how important this program is to the Placer County community. Here’s the gist: Nearly half of the participants said the program improved their organization, and another one-third expressed the value of learning about fund-raising skills. Finally, one-third gained valuable knowledge about the nittygritty of running a nonprofit. Learn More — PCF invites you to help us expand the Nonprofit Initiative program to continue to support vital nonprofit organizations that provide valuable community services in our region. Please consider making a contribution to the Nonprofit Initiative by visiting our donation page and clicking on “Nonprofit Initiative” in the “I Would Like to Support” drop-down menu, or by giving us a call at 530-885-4920. Tu s k e g e e A i r m e n , Incorporated, George S. ‘Spanky’ Roberts Chapter — 73rd Anniversary Celebration, Educational Assistance Gala educational opportunities for the next generation of history makers! To purchase tickets, tables and sponsorship opportunities for this exciting event in support of our Educational Assistance program please visit our website at: or call 916.471.6505. Tickets are $65.00 in advance and $80.00 at the door. The George S. ‘Spanky’ Roberts Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Tuskegee Airmen, Incorporated, George S. ‘Spanky’ Roberts Chapter presents our 73rd Anniversary Celebration, Educational Assistance Gala, Saturday, November 8th at the Aerospace Museum of California. This exciting evening honors the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, whose heroic little known story was portrayed in the movie, Red Tails, and raises funds to support our Educational Assistance program which allows us to create possibilities so others may realize their dreams. The evening will include dinner, great raffle prizes, dancing to the sounds of Mercy Me! Band and a live auction, called by David Sobon Auctions, will keep the fun rolling, AND, you can meet some Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen, DOTA, who live right here in our community. Come! Join us and be part of creating In Loving Memory of Mary Louise Pickens Mary Louise Pickens, lived in Sun City Lincoln Hills for 12 years, widow of Daniel Pickens. She resided in Citrus Heights for over 40 years. She loved Flower arranging and gardening. She also played golf and did some line dancing there at Sun City. She enjoyed living in Sun City. She died on September 23, 2014 and will be missed by her family and her friends. “Don’t Pay Big Companies Overhead!” “Savings from $500 up to $2450 on New System Installs” We have over 200 happy, installed customers in Sun City already! “Our quality and pricing can’t be beat.” 4FSWJDFt4BMFT 35 Sierra Nevada Winds Presents “Beyond the Horizon” Beyond the horizon is a long way off and the Sierra Nevada Winds plans to take its listeners there musically—by foot, horseback, automobile, ship, train, plane and starship. The Winds, a 55-piece wind ensemble conducted by Dr. Robert Halseth, performs on Saturday, November 22, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 3101 Colusa Highway, Yuba City, California 95993. David Gillingham’s “Internal Combustion,” a celebration of the American automobile, will be featured. It was selected to honor the memory of Daryl Stephens, a longtime Yuba City resident, owner of Stephens Automotive and a generous supporter of the Winds. Wheatland’s David Coe is clarinet soloist on George Gershwin’s jazzy “Walking the Dog.” Coe is principal clarinet with the Winds. Judy Toyoda Coe, principal flutist, is featured on the hauntingly beautiful “Star Trek – The Inner Light” by Jay Chattaway. Other program selections include “Beyond the Horizon” by Rossano Galante, “Riders for the Flag” by John Philip Sousa, “Sea Songs” by Thomas Knox, “The Klaxon” by Henry Fillmore, “Ghost Train” by Eric Whitacre and “Visions of Flight” by Robert Sheldon. Tickets, available at the door, are $10 for general admission and $7 for seniors and students. Check www.sierranevadawinds. org or call (530) 269-0395 for further information. Wine Event Aids Education Winery will take place at the end of the event. The cost is $30 per person and reservations are required (sorry, no walk-ins). Send your check, with your name and number of guests and with “Wine Tasting Fundraiser” in the memo, to: AAUW Wine Tasting Fundraiser, 5153 Wedgewood Way, Rocklin, CA 95765. Reservations are “Will Call” at the door. Funds raised will send middle school girls to Tech Trek Summer Camp on the UCDavis campus for STEM enrichment (science, engineering, technology, and math) to encourage careers in those fields, sponsor the annual Speech Trek competition for high school students, provide scholarships to Sierra College for women re-entering college, provide school supplies for emancipated foster youth, conduct Elect-Her and $tart$mart student workshops on the Sierra College Campus, and send college students to a national leadership conference. For more information, visit www. or call 916315-9036. Get a taste of the best of Placer County wines and a chance at winning great door prizes — while you help support educational opportunities for local women and girls. The AAUW Wine Tasting Fundraiser is slated for Sunday, November 2 from 2 to 5 PM at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Roseville (731 Sunrise Avenue) and is sponsored by AAUWRSP (American Association of University Women- Roseville South Placer Branch), is a 501(c) (3) non-profit charitable organization. Representatives from Naggiar Winery from Grass Valley and Rock Hill from Loomis, PaZa Vineyard and Winery from Auburn will be pouring their wines. There will also be tastings from Secret Ravine Vineyards, Dono Dal Cielo and Rancho Robles. Hearty appetizers will be served. A drawing for a door prize valued at $60.00 contributed by Pescatore Vineyard and 36 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 St. John’s Episcopal Church 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville welcomes YOU “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m. Traditional Eucharist 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship !LL-ECHANICAL2EPAIRS 3-/'#ERTIlCATION +3ERVICES praise music/ Sunday school /youth group The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector EARL WOOD O’BRIEN’S BOARDING & PROFESSIONAL GROOMING CENTER %RDUGLQJ*URRPLQJ LINCOLN WWTP PHILLIP RD. DETOUR N Senior Discount + Fiddyment Rd to Village Green, Village Green to Bob Doyle, Rt on Bob Doyle to Westpark, Left on Westpark to Phillip Rd Detour, Follow Detour to 5480 Phillip Rd. WESTPARK BOB DOYLE Reasonable Rates New directions due to construction detours: PHILLIP RD. Dog & Cat Boarding Obedience & Field Training 24 Hour On-Site Supervision VILLAGE GREEN Nown! Ope SUN CITY ROSEVILLE 65 PLEASANT GROVE FIDDYMENT WWW.OBRIENSKENNEL.COM BLUE OAK BASELINE ROAD BUYERS AND SELLERS OF (0-%t45&3-*/(4*-7&3 $0*/4t#6--*0/ &45"5&+&8&-3: 6/*26&$0--&$5*#-&4 Estate appraisals by appointment HOME INSPECTIONS * Pre-10 Year Warranty Inspection An Important Mile Stone for Your Property! There are many builder warranties UP to 10 years. Don’t wait - call David Jerzak today * Special Pre-10 Year Warranty Inspection Price - $175 LOOKING FOR RELIABLE & REASONABLE MAINTENANCE? DAVID JERZAK, CONTRACTOR ——————— (916) 812-3151 or (916) 768 3203 call today to discuss roof, gutter, or fence repairs; solar panel cleaning; dryer duct cleaning; home inspections (many references available) LINCOLN Gold & Coin 547 Lincoln Blvd. 543-GOLD (4653) License #554504 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 LH Pickleball Club (cont’ from page 31) Mallin/Cal Meissen, silver-Glenise & Barry Cunningham, bronze-Susan Whalen/Bill Bjorge. 3.0: gold-Chris & Jim Berney, silverKalli & Mike Genest, bronze-Crissy Beadle/ Ron Dobin. 2.5: gold-Pam & Ron Slagle, silver-Charlene Kleppe/Connie Hoetger, bronze-Gale Miller/Bill Brunst. 2.0: gold-Karyl Freeman/David Whorf, silver-Betty Carol & Norman Smith, bronze-Sue Ann Donegan/ Harry Ramsden. Loretta Halpin is now accepting 2015 club dues payments….still just $15 per member. If you’re not yet a member, but plan to join, now would be the ideal time, as your membership begins immediately, giving you the last 2 months of 2014 at no cost! What a deal! Membership forms are available now on the club website. Our club’s Holiday Party is set for December 3. Details have been emailed to all members and reservation forms are available for pick-up at the courtside bulletin board. Reservations are on a first-come basis and must be in by Nov. 20. Don’t delay! Lynn plans a fun evening of holiday cheer with delicious sit-down dinner selections, music, dancing & who knows what else!! Check out ladder days & times, as well as beginner clinic times posted on the weekly calendar at the courtside bulletin board near our new shade cover. Stay informed! Court use rules, special event info & recent tournament photos are also posted there. Our next General Membership meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 9:00 AM in Presentation Hall (KS). Come to club news and to vote on 2015-16 open Board positions. Pickleball Club website, www.lhpickleball. com Contact: President Scott Sutherland 2533997, [email protected] ••• Cribbage Club BY LARRY ODONNELL Cribbage club plays 8:00 AM through 12:00 PM, Tuesdays at the Card Room (Orchard Creek). A six-game mini-tournament starts at 9:00 AM. We play four-handed partner games, adding a two handed or three-handed game when necessary, or a sit-out, when required by the number of players. We use a rotation system to mix players. We generally have 16 or more players and we always welcome more to come and join the fun. Contact: Larry O’Donnell 916.253.9222 Ken Von Deylen 916.599.6530 ••• SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club BY DICK PROFFITT With the arrival of November, we notice changes around us. The changing foliage colors and the falling leaves are sure signs that winter is coming. Within our club, there will also be changes as the election results for Board of Directors will be announced at the beginning of the month. As we move into the new year, the new board will need help in keeping our club running smoothly. They will welcome any help that club members are willing to give. If (cont’ on page 41) Wells Fargo Advisors Tournament participants. REBARK TIME, INC. Tree Care – Planting- Irrigation- Fertilization * Thinning/ Pruning of all plants shrubs and trees * Tree Training/ Maintenance * Weed Abatement * Planter Beds * Pathways/ Walkways/ Walls Licensed/Insured * Boulders/ Stream Beds #23559/03224 * Bark Installation FREE ESTAMATES! Reason #1 to make an Estate Plan Your Granddaughter, Amanda • Keeps a job for about a month • Goes to a diīerent club every night ank • Her idea of saving is a piggy bank Cabinets Authorized Dealer Houk Investments, Inc Est. 1999 We specialize in converting your ideas into distinctive, attractive and yet economical Cabinetry Please contact us at: solutions for your home 916-632-9556 or business. Fax: 530-745-2530 >\Ñ°>ÓÓJ ÞV>LiÓȵV ÑUÑåååµÑ ÞV>LiÓȵV 37 an • Her cell phone bill is higher than most mortgages Are you sure you want to leave your estate to her outright? Call Today for a Free ConsultaƟon: 530-269-1515 Flat Fees! 200 Auburn-Folsom Rd., Ste 160 | Auburn, CA 95603 38 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Benefit Concert For Placer County Homeless Noted and local musicians come together for the Fourth Annual Be The Change Winter Music Festival on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at The Blue Goose Event Center at 3550 Taylor Road in Loomis, California. Doors open at 5:30pm, show starts at 6:30pm. Tickets to the event are $30.00 in advance/ $40.00 at the door. All proceeds go to The Gathering Inn in south Placer County offering homeless individuals and families hope, dignity and a warm and secure place to rest at night, with a portion also benefiting Gold Country Wildlife Rescue in support of their continued work in rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife in Placer County; both 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This benefit concert features members of Pablo Cruise, Tesla, Y&T, Garratt Wilkin and The Parrot Heads, along with Mr. December Band, Nashville singer-song writer Jaime Kyle; introducing from Carson City The Whitehats, and several other incredible guest artists all taking the stage for this worthy cause. Meals by Billie Bones BBQ, and soft drinks, beer, wine and cocktails will be available for purchase at the event. Raffle and silent auctions items will be available for purchase that will make great holiday gifts. A live auction will be held at the event for an autographed guitar signed by Peter Frampton, Melissa Etheridge, Huey Lewis 1 and The News, John Waite, Los Lonely Boys, The Wallflowers, members of Little Feat, and The Curly Wolf band (includes certificate of authenticity). There will be a second live auction for a guitar signed by all the artists performing at this event. The Gathering Inn is already reporting an unseasonably high demand for beds and shelter that will only continue to grow with the cold winter nights ahead. With homelessness on the rise, funding is desperately needed in order to keep their operation going. GCWL is experiencing an increase of injured and orphaned wildlife, rescuing and rehabilitating over 2,400 animals since the beginning of this year. In order to keep their doors open year round, community support and funding is needed. Due to the success of past three years this has become an annual event bringing musicians, volunteers, and the community together to raise funds to help those in need. Please show your support and join us for an evening of fun, food, friends, and incredible music. Your attendance will truly make a difference in the life of another as all ticket sales and purchases made at the event will go directly to these two outstanding nonprofit organizations. For tickets and event info go to www. or email info@bethechange. % (916) 532-7600 TO LIST YOUR HOME Randy Smith (916) 532-7600 $BMM5PEBZt'VMM4FSWJDF [email protected] E S U LT S (916) 532-7600 (916) 532-7600 BRE 01169980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Donates Golf Clubs to Elementary Students BY BOB HANVEY One obvious need for young people attempting to learn the game of golf… are clubs that are the right size to fit the golfer. It’s rather difficult to accomplish much if you’re a kid using a club that was designed to fit a grown-up who is anywhere from a few inches to more than a foot taller than you. Just like most other sports where more than just a ball is required, the equipment must fit the user. Golf equipment is expensive and that’s another impeding factor in a young person learning how to play the great game. So what do you do if you need clubs to fit but maybe they’re out of reach financially? You could stick to one of the other sports that perhaps need only a ball, a bat, or maybe a hoop and hone your skills there. But you see golf on t.v. and you hear coaches, parents, and friends talk about it, and you’re determined to get involved. Well, locally, the Sun City Lincoln Hills FCA huddle came to the rescue of several young would-be golfers at the Community Thoughts From Jack— We Must Have The Best BY JACK FABIAN Christian School here in Lincoln. The group provided the funds to acquire a variety of clubs, both new and used and went to work to get them all altered to fit golfers who may be under five feet tall and don’t weigh as much as a good size golf bag. Sun City resident Barry Cunningham, who is a personal trainer at the Orchard Creek Gym, was glad to contribute his expertise as a golf club maker. Barry cut each club down to the appropriate length for young kids and re-gripped them so they all looked brand new. FCA leaders Wayne Reid and Rodger Oswald presented the spiffy, like new Caring, In-Home Assistance... helping you or a loved one remain at home Serving Placer, Nevada & Sacramento Counties r a no-cost, Call today fo sment in-home asses 6 63 1-877-404-6 ail to Or send an em info@helpatho equipment to the very grateful school principal, Julie Blines. Julie indicated that there were plenty of her students anxious to take up the sport and now can get the instruction needed using proper tools. Other golf items such as balls, tees, ball markers, golf bags, and other sports equipment are needed and welcomed by the school. Who knows what could come out of helping kids be able to participate in a game that previously was out of reach. The local FCA huddle is proud to be a contributor to a school where not only the basic curriculum is taught but also these kids are learning about how important Jesus Christ can be in their young lives. Services Provided • Meal preparation • Light housekeeping • Dementia care • Medication reminders • Bathing & dressing assistance • Errands & shopping • Transportation to doctor appointments • Laundry, folding & ironing • Caring companionship, and more! Our caregivers are carefully screened, trained, bonded, insured, and background checked through the DMV, Department of Justice and FBI. PJ’s MAIL & PARCEL SERVICE 150 Lincoln Blvd, #104 SKID[ *UHDW /RFDWLRQ WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 614'FE&Yt/PUBSZ1VCMJD $PQJFT$PMPSPS#8t'BY4FSWJDFt$BSET (JGUTt3VCCFS4UBNQTt#VTJOFTT$BSET 1BTTQPSU1JDUVSFTt.POFZ(SBNTt1SJWBUF.BJM#PYFT 4UPSF)PVST.PO5ISTBNQNt'SJEBZBNQNt$MPTFE4BU4VO $200 Off Notary Services All of Sacramento is talking about a ‘strong’ mayor. I haven’t figured out whether that’s a mayor who doesn’t bathe, or one who works out in the gym everyday. And, while on the subject of the gym, I must tell you about the gym in Lincoln Hills. Recently, the gym was shut down so they could install new weight machines. Heaven forbid we have ‘dated’ equipment. The following day, when I walked in there, I thought I had entered an airplane hanger full of B-29’s. Here were these huge hunks of iron, obviously made for NFL linebackers, with signs all over the place stating, “Come to a meeting, we’ll show you how to use these things without 39 lengthening the obituary column.” The old equipment was functional, floor level, easy to get on and off of, and you could even read the weights while seated. Now people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s are trying to climb up on these things that are the size of 2 ton Ford pickups, finally planting their buns on the linebacker seats. That’s when they realize what the word ’subdivision’ means. So now you’re seated. That’s when you become aware that you can’t reach or operate all the pins n’ levers sticking’ out all over the place, so you have to get off and take care o’ those problems. Now you’re climbing back on to hopefully get into motion on this thing and you realize you didn’t set the weight, which you no longer can read from the seated position. You see, in this brilliant design, the numerals used to indicate the weight are much smaller than they were on the old equipment, part of the reason being they had to make room for the metric system. How did we ever survive without the metric system? Well, you get off again to be able to see and set the weights, then you’re climbing back on for the third time, when you say to yourself, “Hell, I’ve already had enough exercise, I’m goin’ home.” Some of the machines I was afraid to try were the Knee Replacement Generator, the Biceps Muscle Buster, the Deltoid Muscle Masher, and the Hip Replacing Thigh Spreader. After a couple o’ weeks on this giant equipment, obviously made by the Boeing Aircraft Company, there’s one machine I’m satisfied with. It’s called the Leg Extension. I’m already an inch taller. They’re now installing big red buttons that, when pressed, automatically dial 911. Zoe’s Cruises & Tours (cst # 2024900-40) MELANIE at 916-771-7429 or [email protected] *545*.&501-"/:063"-"4,"$36*4&'03t&/+0:5)&#&/&'*540'5)&'03'3&&130.05*0/ (Free Upgrades; Free Shore Excursion Credits; & Free Onboard Credits ESCORTED DATES with FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION: .BZ+VOF+VMZ"VHVTU4FQUFNCFSt3BUFTGSPN*OTJEF$BU*&.BZ4FQUFNCFS NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THE PANAMA CANAL ONBOARD THE CORAL PRINCESS® (San Francisco – Ft. Lauderdale) SEPTEMBER 21-OCTOBER 8, 2015 – FREE BUS TO SAN FRANCISCO RATES FROM $1989 (Inside Cat. ID) LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE GET AWAY TO HAWAII FOR 15-DAYS ONBOARD THE STAR OR GRAND PRINCESS® Escorted dates with FREE ROUNDTRIP BUS March 21 & April 29, 2015 (Star) or October 24, 2015 (Grand) RATES FROM $1599 (Inside Cat. ID) TAXES & OPTIONAL INSURANCE ADDITIONAL RATES QUOTED ARE AS OF 9-27-14 AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Collapsible wheelchairs and walkers can be transported in the luggage compartment of the bus. Space is not available for motorized scooters. Buses do not have wheelchair lift access. All special equipment being transported by bus must be identified at time of booking. Fares are cruise only, per person, USD, based on double occupancy, capacity controlled and subject to availability. Government Fees and Taxes are additional. Refer to applicable Princess brochure or for terms, conditions, and definitions which will apply to all bookings. Ships’ registry: Bermuda. 40 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 BLACKOUT DATES MAY APPLY. FREE VALET PARKING TAKE I-80 TO HWY 65, LEFT ON SUNSET VISIT THE REWARDS CENTER OR THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM FOR THE BINGO CALENDAR AND F ADDITIONAL DETAILS. LINCOLN, CA • 877-468-8777 THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club (cont’ from page 37) you like having a cup of coffee or tea during our Wednesday games, why don’t you volunteer to make the coffee and hot water for one, or several, Wednesdays before the game? If you like the pre-game lessons, volunteer to be a member of the education committee. There are also several other tasks that need to be done each week to make sure our games are free of irregularities. So if you can contribute to that effort, volunteer your help. Save the dates of Friday, Dec. 5th through Sunday, Dec. 7th for the upcoming Sacramento Sectional Tournament to be held in the Orangevale Community Center. On Friday and Saturday, the tournament will feature separate sections for 99er and 299er pairs, as well as open sections starting at 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM each day. Then on Sunday there will be a stratified Swiss Teams game beginning at 10:30AM. This tournament provides an excellent opportunity for our newer players and intermediate players to get tournament experience while staying relatively close to home. All of the club duplicate bridge games are played in the Kilaga Springs Lodge as follows: Wednesdays at 12:30 PM, Fridays at 5:00 PM, and Saturdays at 12:30 PM. For newer duplicate players, the Wednesday game always includes a 199er section (restricted to players with less than 200 Masterpoints) and the Saturday game includes a 299er section (restricted to players with less than 300 Masterpoints). Also, informative bridge lessons are presented each Wednesday promptly at 11:45 AM before the club’s regularly scheduled game. Lesson titles will appear on the home page of our club website Our game table fees are $2.00 per person for club members, and for non-member Sun City residents for their first three visits, or $5.00 for their invited visitors. If you are looking for a bridge partner for any of the open games, call Barbara Dorf (434-8234), Squeak Conner (645-9085), or Lynne White (253-9882). For a partner in one of the limited games call Nancy Rice (543-5275). For more information, visit the club web site or call club president, John White at 253-9882. ••• SCOOP Club BY GAY SPRAGUE SCOOP led off the fantastic Fifteenth Anniversary Parade for Sun City Lincoln Hills! And a fine performance they presented. Many were in costumes, and marched very proudly with their leaders to the spectators’ delight. Our last official SCOOP Meeting for 2014 was held on October 7, 2014 at Orchard Creek with Dr. Amanda Lee, on the staff at Loomis Basin Veterinary and a graduate of UC Davis Veterinary School. Dr. Lee addressed our members and guests on changing dog behavior in positive ways. This proved to be a very popular subject with our members and guests. Our next official Members’ Meeting will be February 2, 2015 at Orchard Creek. Details will follow. SCOOP is hosting a Holiday Luncheon on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at the Meridians Restaurant – Solarium Room – at Noon. The menu will include your choice of Turkey Pot Pie - $19.19; Half Turkey Sandwich & Cup of Butternut Squash Soup - $16.63; Chicken Fuji (cont’ on page 46) 41 SCLH WRITER... Autumn In New England Veterans BY JEANIE ROBERTSON BY FRAN NEVES Much has been written of New England’s Fall Of the beauty of grand maple trees Such glorious colors of leaves that we saw Swaying gently in the Autumn breeze. Men and women, boys and girls. Living, wounded, missing, prisoners of war, deceased. We’d come round a bend on a country road And we’d cry out in such pure delight At the brilliance of color revealed to us there In the filter of golden sunlight. The trees overlooking a placid lake Were reflected in orange, red and gold And breath-taking is the word to describe God’s beauty for us to behold. I thought the colors in postcards and books Must have some additional dyes But now that I’ve witnessed New England in Fall I’ve seen proof with my very own eyes! We all know them. They’ve given their all for our freedom. Let us thank them with respect. Let us always remember their sacrifices. You’ve probably heard it said, “If you can read, thank a teacher.” “If you can read in English, thank a Veteran.” Thank you Veterans. God bless you one and all! We welcome your submissions such as humorous observations and poetry. Please see page 3 for submissions information. Southern Comfort HEATING & AIR Call Now For /FF expires 12/2014 533-3962 916 Prompt Response to Your Needs. Free Estimates & Second Opinions. We Send Technicians NOT Salesmen. -ARK!DAMS/WNERs9EARS%XPERIENCE )NSUREDs"ONDEDs,IC 42 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Neighborhood Watch BY KATHY GIRE Halloween has come and gone, but pumpkins are still in vogue if yours haven’t gotten mushy (at least the side that wasn’t carved!) Thanksgiving will be here before long, and those of us who are fortunate to live in Sun City Lincoln Hills have lots of reasons for great gratitude. We hope you all had a chance to participate in or cheer for the wonderful Parade on October 18 celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the establishment of our community. Neighborhood Watch had the huge contingent that brought up the rear of the parade, with cars and walkers galore. We all owe our thanks to the founders of our town of Lincoln, and later in this article, you will read about contributions from a few of the founding families. ALERTS: Vehicle Protective Coating Scam – A resident in village 43B had his RV parked outside his residence and the suspect convinced him that he could apply a “special protective coating” for $550. The resident agreed, and the suspect began cleaning the exterior of the vehicle. He then applied his “special” coating and left. The next day, the RV was covered with bugs and the “coating” had bubbled. An RV dealer told the resident that the coating was simply furniture polish. The resident was unable to reach the subject with the phone numbers provided and also discovered that his listed address was also bogus. Since that incident, the resident received a call from someone who said he had heard that the resident needed his RV cleaned up and offered to do the job for only $250. It is possible that the two scammers are working together. The suspect gave the name Mitch Stephens, and is a white male, approximately 45 years of age, 5’6’’ tall, dark hair, medium build and with a foreign accent. He drove a small pickup truck, possibly red. Hit and Run Incident – a resident in the 1700 block of Andover Lane reported that about 4:30 PM on September 22 an unknown subject ran into the resident’s vehicle which was parked at the curb outside his house. Please notify the Lincoln Police if you have any knowledge of this incident. New Hotel Scams – Police are suggesting that travelers check into hotels with a credit card, not a debit card. If the guest uses a debit card and the desk later calls for a credit card number instead, be sure to go down in person Neighborhood Watch 2014 Volunteer Honor Roll Neighborhood Watch wishes to acknowledge its most recent volunteers who have achieved five years as of October 31, 2014, by acknowledging them through our perpetual Neighborhood Watch Volunteer Honor Roll. Volunteers are our most important resource! These volunteers join our 650 plus Neighborhood Watch volunteers! Bjorge, Bill & Sally V43AB Capell, Georff & Linda V22B Carlson, Patricia V21 Case, Mary Sue V16A Chicoine, Carole V5AB Corley, Joni V3A Crets, Gary V10 D’Amico, BJ Betty V10 Dentinger, Mary Lou V16B Derosier, Linda V35A Diddy, Ann V26A Doctor, Dottie V41A Dyer, Jan V16A Garrison, Cathy V5AB Gavis, Grace V16A Geiger, Pat V25A Geisler, Susan V20 Hanson, Jean V26C Hanstock, Joyce V4 Harcarik, Sharron V43C Harris, Hilde V24A Horst, Jim V38B Martin, Sara V13 Matthews, Carol V23 Mayer, Debby V10 McMenamin, Paula V26A Mendez, Irma V26C Nakao, Carol V10 Norman, Julie V41A Petit, Mary V10 Peyton, Davis & Margaret V43AB Piercy, Jay V3A Radcliffe, Paul V10 Ridley, Larry & Kathi V10 Rognlien, Jan V5AB Sanderson, Phil V22A Jamieson, Burna V42A Sharief, Al V40A Jewell, Susan V16A Shuttleworth, Nancy V41A Johnson, Terry V5AB Slotsve, Sherrill V16B Kaul, Sandee V16A Stanwood, Alyce V16C Kempe, Theresa V16A Stults, Craig & Ann V25A Kleman, Marianne V16A Taylor, Gerry & Patricia V19B LaFave, Carla V20 Tijsseling, Gita V41A LeCara, Tony V35B Walker, Tangi V38A Lopez, Lavaughn V7B and handle any problems in person. Also, be suspicious of “flyers’ for pizza in hotel rooms. You call in the order and give a credit card number, and the pizza may never show up. You need to establish that you will pay on delivery. Mobile Fix-A-Dent Scam – On September 21, a subject approached a resident whose car was parked outside. He offered to remove a dent in the car for the sum of $25. The resident refused and asked for a business card, so subject got in his own vehicle and drove away. He is a white male, 5’10’’ to 6’ tall, thin, with dark hair in need of cutting. Mission Statement Of Neighborhood Watch …To strengthen neighborhood ties …To increase personal safety and security awareness ...To be the “eyes and ears” of the Lincoln Police and Fire Departments …To encourage emergency preparedness Please check out this year’s list of Honor Roll residents elsewhere on this page. We are pleased to welcome new Mail Box Every month people in Sun City turn to our pages for the latest on community news! Captains in the following villages: Kathy Beauchamp, Village 20; Heather Cooper, Village 21; Sherry Howard, Village 21; Rob Howe, Village 20; Bonnie King, Village 20; Christine Negres, Village 13; Diane Quintarelli, Village 15; and Mike Varin, Village 31 B. Also, Bill Carvalho, has agreed to be CoCoordinator in Village 35B. We still need Coordinators in the following villages: 8A, 8B, 14 16B, 19B, 22A, 24C, 24D, 26C, 30A, 30C, 32A, 34A, and 39. Remember, you need not live in a village in order to serve as a Mail Box Captain or a Coordinator. You can ADOPT any village in need of helpers. Neighborhood Watch changed the date of the annual Dessert Potluck from November 7th to a November 1st Breakfast Potluck. We thank all of you who attended and shared yummy breakfast treats. The next issue of Sun Senior News will name the new Directors and Officers who were elected at that meeting. If you are interested in helping with 43 Neighborhood Watch, please contact Executive Director Larry Wilson at lgwlincoln@gmail. com or Pauline Wilson at frpawatson@ If you are new to SCLH or have missed a previous chance to attend an orientation meeting, mark November 18 on your calendars. New residents are encouraged to attend these gatherings held every other month in the Solarium in Orchard Creek Lodge. Attendees will hear from the Association, the representatives of various departments, and from Neighborhood Watch. The forum begins at 1:00 PM and goes for about two hours. No reservations are necessary; just show up outside the solarium and sign in with the Neighborhood Watch representatives. The last segment of our Lincoln history deals with a few families who were pioneers in the town. In 1880, Charles Beerman opened a harness shop at 5th and F Streets and also served as town treasurer beginning in 1892. His sons Elmer and Carl operated a meat market from 1909 until 1930 in the IOOF Building constructed in 1864. It is the site of what became Beerman’s Restaurant and Bar that served Lincoln and environs successfully in more recent times until it shut down in 2012. Elmer ran the meat market until 1950. The upstairs ballroom was thought to be haunted and was the site of a couple of radio shows about paranormal happenings. Many of the early immigrants to Lincoln were of Danish heritage, and the Jansen family was one. Walter Jansen came from Denmark in 1877 at the age of 15. He spent over 10 years working on farms before he opened a grain store along the main road, an imposing brick building with a loading dock so that farmers and ranchers could pull up to the dock and more easily load bags of grain and seed. By 1900, the business grew to include the entire block, and the structure still stands today. The Jansens, father and sons, served Lincoln for more that 50-years, and Walter was honored by the community for his business partnership with the Lincoln community. There were three drug stores in the town of Lincoln, one of which belonged to William Ingram. It was in his family for 75-years. John Alexander opened one on 5th Street in 1916 and continued there until the mid 1940s. Arthur Leavell started his drug store in the 1890s and operated it until 1906. This is a fascinating history, which somewhat softens the news that the very first business opened in the town of Lincoln was: a saloon. Pick up the “Images of America” paperback book about Lincoln and learn more. Please read the names of our volunteers on the annual Honor Roll, and a Happy Thanksgiving to all! 916-778-7985 Diane’s Helping Hands 24 Hour Personal Care .FEJDBUJPO.HNUt&SSBOETt 4IPQQJOHt1FU$BSFt.FBM1SFQt 3FDPWFSZ"TTJTUBODFt%S"QQU [email protected] 44 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Observations... BY MARTIN GREEN Observant readers may have noticed the absence of “Observations” in last month’s issue. The reason for this will be given later on in this column. So read on. No, no fair peeking, read on. Way back in August, which seems a long time ago, Beverly and I went on an Alaskan cruise. I usually report on some observations when returning from a cruise. The truth is that my observations are not too different from those made after our first cruise some 15 years ago. I commented then on how many passengers were baffled by the ship’s elevators and the same was true this time. People would get in an elevator and ask if it was going up or down. Wives would ask husbands or vice versa if they were getting off at six or seven. And, as before, the ship’s elevators always seemed to be going in the opposite direction to where you wanted to go. Also, as on previous cruises, the cruise director introduced all the shows and came out after them to tell us what other great activities were going on and he was always so cheerful that he made the old ever-smiling airline stewardesses seems like grouches. There was the usual comedian who was, at best, semi-funny, and told jokes about how small the ship’s bathrooms were, all too true. But one thing was different this time. I noticed how many passengers had canes, walking sticks, walkers and even (a few) were in wheelchairs. I noticed this because I myself had a walking stick (not a cane, yet), thanks to an arthritic hip. I remember one time we got on a elevator, going in the right direction, and three other persons were on, all with their sticks. In fact, we might have made up a majority of the ship’s passengers. As on a cruise two years ago, Beverly volunteered for a “pop” chorus, which performed on the last night. I took a video of the chorus with my trusty iPad, which, after a few minutes, told me I’d run out of space. I only mention this because most videos, like the one I was attempting, are innocent enterprises. It can be otherwise, as when we returned and there were the videos of the ISIS beheadings and the video of Ray Rice punching out his wife. Both of these had devastating effects and I can think of other videos which came to light and ruined persons’ careers. The truth seems to be that almost everything we do nowadays comes under surveillance and can come back to haunt us. Pretty frightening, when you come to think of it. All in all, the cruise to Alaska, our fourth, was pleasurable. Unfortunately, as soon as we returned home, both Beverly and I were hit by that most feared phenomenom, the post-cruise cold, and these were really nasty colds. This was especially bad for me because---now comes the revelation---I was scheduled for hip replacement surgery in three weeks. I was supposed to report a cold and for a time I feared that the surgery was in doubt. At my visit to the surgeon I had a coughing fit. When Beverly and I went to my physical exam appointment we both had to wear masks so as not to infect anybody. Nevertheless, the surgery went on, even though I still had a lingering cough. On the cruise I’d met no less than six people, all women, strangely, who’d had hip replacements, some recently. To a man, I mean to a woman, they told me not to worry, I’d be happy I’d done it. Needless to say, this being my natural disposition, I started to worry (still am). Staying in a hospital, as readers who’ve had that experience know, is an adventure. I could fill a book with LLA/s after just a three-day sojourn. Let me describe just a few. Meals were delivered on a set schedule, usually at some inconvenient time. (As for the food, well, it was hospital food.), If you needed a certain medication it had to be ordered and go through the hospital bureaucracy for approval. Getting discharged was more difficult than breaking out of a maximum security prison. I kept track and it took over four hours between the time I was “discharged” and the time I was actually free. Regarding the surgery itself, the doctor assured me the new hip was in there as solid as a rock. I hope that I can eventually report that the ladies on the cruise were right and that I was happy I’d gone through with it. Readers who read last months “Favorite Restaurants” and then the article on my e-books please note that any book sales will speed my recovery. By the way, I’d written that an article on State retirees who are writers, hopefully myself among them would be in the October Retiree newsletter. It has been put off until the November issue so please keep an eye at. No “Favorite Restaurants” this month as I have only one report (by letter) and Beverly and I haven’t been eating out. Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! Roseville Toyota & Scion Service & s t r Pa pen Now O iday y - Fr a d n o M idnite! M l i t n U — Fleet Department Retail Program — Let us show you the quick and easy no hassle way of buying your next vehicle!! Call Our Fleet Managers.... you Get pric r flee t i pho ng by ne! No Hassle Pricing Top Dollar Paid For Trade-ins Deal Directly With Fleet Managers Buy Directly From Fleet Managers at Fleet Prices Choose from the Largest Inventory of New & Certified Vehicles in Northern California! Chris Robin Dan 916•774•4810 Email us at fl[email protected] Check Our Inventory On-line at: 700 Automall Dr., Roseville Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 Seniors Need to Know! Know Your Medicare Rights BY DAVID SAYEN As a person with Medicare, do you have any rights and protections? You certainly do! You have rights whether you’re enrolled in Original Medicare – in which you can choose any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare – or Medicare Advantage, in which you get care within a network of health care providers. Your rights guarantee that you get the health services the law says you can get, protect you against unethical practices, and ensure the privacy of your personal and medical information. You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times, and to be protected from discrimination. You also have the right to get information in a way you understand from Medicare, your health care providers, and, under certain circumstances, Medicare contractors. This includes information about what Medicare covers, what it pays, how much you have to pay, and how to file a complaint or appeal. Moreover, you’re entitled to learn about your treatment choices in clear language that you can understand, and to participate in treatment decisions. One very important right is to get emergency care when and where you need it -- anywhere in the United States. If you have Medicare Advantage, your plan materials describe how to get emergency care. You don’t need permission from your primary-care doctor (the doctor you see first for health problems) before you get emergency care. If you’re admitted to the hospital, you, a family member, or your primary-care doctor should contact your plan as soon as possible. If you get emergency care, you’ll have to pay your regular share of the cost, or copayment. Then your plan will pay its share. If your plan doesn’t pay its share, you have the right to appeal. In fact, whenever a claim is filed for your care, you’ll get a notice from Medicare or your Medicare Advantage plan letting you know what will and won’t be covered. If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal. You don’t need a lawyer to appeal in most cases, and filing an appeal is free. You won’t be penalized in any way for challenging a decision by Medicare or your health or drug plan. And many people who file appeals wind up with a favorable outcome. For more information on appeals, you can read our booklet “Medicare Appeals,” available at Or call us, toll free, at 1-800-MEDICARE. You can also file a complaint about services you got from a hospital or other provider. If you’re concerned about the quality of the care you’re getting, call the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) in your state to file a complaint. A QIO is a group of doctors and other health care experts who check on and improve the care given to people with Medicare. You can get your QIO’s phone number at or by calling 1-800-MEDICARE. Many people with Original Medicare also enroll in Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. Here, too, you have certain rights. For example, if your pharmacist tells you that your plan won’t cover a drug you think should be covered, or it will cover the drug at a higher cost than you think you’re required to pay, you can request a coverage determination. If that decision isn’t in your favor, you can ask for an exception. Ask for an exception if you, your doctor, or your pharmacist believes you need a drug that isn’t on your drug plan’s list of covered medications, also known as a formulary. For more details, read our booklet, “Medicare Rights and Protections,” at Pubs/pdf/11534.pdf. David Sayen is Medicare’s regional administrator for Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Territories. You can always get answers to your Medicare questions by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). The views expressed here are those of Mr. David Sayen, and do not necessarily represent those of the Commission or individual members. 45 Now Offers MLS® Laser Therapy! BeneÀWVRI0/S Laser Therapy Non-Surgical Treatment No Negative Side EIIHFWV Speeds Healing Process 6WURQJ$QWL,QIODPPDWRU\(IIHFW 5DSLG5HOLHIRI3DLQ MLS Laser Therapy Treats Arthritis & Bursitis Pain Sports InjurieV6prains & Strains Repetitive Motion Injuries Post-Surgical Swelling Heel PaiQTendonitis Don’t Let Pain Slow You Down. Call Family Chiropractic Today! 916-788-1588 963 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Ste. 130 Roseville, CA 95678 Shari McGrail Dave Cryderman John Garcia Cal BRE# 01436301 916-396-9216 [email protected] Cal BRE# 01199609 916-813-9544 [email protected] Cal BRE# 01140448 916-759-7362 [email protected] CA LIC. #0620650 Serving Sacramento Valley Seniors and Adult Living Communities Auto Home RV Umbrella Make Haste! Traditionally sales slow down a bit in the Fall, and signs of that have begun. However, sales are still healthily moving along. We just had another one go from listing to pending in three days! So if you are considering a change, make haste. Inventory is low and so will be your competition! For Quotes or Questions - Call Brian Santa Maria (916) 488-4426 [email protected] Each office independently owned and operated. 3400 Douglas Blvd., Suite 260, Roseville CA 95661 46 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SCOOP Club (cont’ from page 41) Apple Salad - $19.19, House Roasted Turkey Breast – 21.75. This menu includes rolls, butter, coffee or tea, dessert, and gratuities. RSVP with meal choice to: Deirdre Ryan – 408-0580 and mail your check to SCOOP – 200 Shadow Lake Pl. Space is limited – Please reserve as soon as possible. Dues for SCOOP are $12 annually, per household. If you would like to join and pay your dues now, your membership will run through December of 2015! Now is a great time to join our organization and take advantage of all it has to offer our four-legged friends and their owners. ••• Tuesday, November 11, 2014 S UN S EN IOR NEWS C L A S S I F I E D S SERVICES QUALITY FIRST WINDOW REPAIR: Window & Patio Door Repair Specialist. 916-764-1757. State Contractors License #677808. ••• RAIN GUTTER CLEANING: Any house in SCLH $75. David 408-497-4281. ••• THIS CLEAN HOUSE By Andrea 916960-8667. License and bonded, 10 years experience, Lincoln resident. ••• TERI’S MOBILE HAIR SERVIE: 28 years experience, prices may very, call for appointment. 916-220-8721. ••• AFFORDABLE PAINTLESS dent/ding repairs. Cars, trucks, SUV’s, mobile, licensed, insured. SCLH references. John: 916-871-2224. ••• invites you to reserve your pet care for Thanksgiving and Christmas, discounts for first time customer. Sharon 916-622-30-20. ••• Contact us for a Complimentary Market Analysis and Private Consultation. Learn how we can showcase your home to net YOU the best price possible. AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION: Sacramento $75, Bay Area $275. Sacramento, Oakland, SFO, Pier 35. License TCP25881P, Insured. Apex Transportation, 916-344-3690. www.apextransportation. ••• HOME SWEET Home House Cleaning. Serving Sun City for the past 13 years. Owner/operator, Sun City resident. $10 off your 1st cleaning. 916-205-0404. ••• NEED A RIDE to doctor’s appointment, airport or shopping? Call your SCLH neighbor, Dianne! 916-434-8961. SAC Int’l $50. Lic#106453. ••• COMP-SOLVE COMPUTERS: Home computer service with a personal touch. Senior Citizen Discounts! Free pick up, delivery. Your personal A+ certified computer tech is Steve. www.comp-solve. com. 916-435-4293. ••• $$SAVE MONEY WHEN SELLING HOME. LH Resident/RE Broker will list your home for only 1.5%! Full service, less cost! DRE#01195871. SELL n SAVE w/ Cindy. Action Realty: 916-543-3050. www. ••• HEALTHY FEET PLUS: RN specializing in in-home foot care and health coaching for diabetics and those with problem feet, difficult nails and calluses. Call Debbie at 916-698-3176. ••• JOAN’S PET SITTING: Licensed, bonded/ insured, references. Daily visits to your home. SCLH resident 916-505-5000 or [email protected] ••• SCOTT’S HANDYMAN SERVICES. Quality work, reasonable rates: Electrical, gardening, fence repair, power washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning, hauling, & more. Please call 916-225-2551. ••• GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR: Lic# 869624. Valves replaced, drip systems checked, timers, broken pipes. 916-2233706. ••• COMPUTER FRUSTRATIONS? I can help make it fun and easy with tutoring at your home. Internet, email, digital pictures, Word, Excel, etc. Call Kendra 543-0618. ••• Please patronize our advertisers... Jan Bill We are the “Power of Two” ... providing clients with our knowledge, integrity, dependability, experience, and personalized service. Bill & Jan Rexrode 3FTJEFOU3FBMUPS4QFDJBMJTUT EJSFDU 916.408.3997 CJMMKBOSFYSPEF!TCDHMPCBMOFU MJODPMOIJMMTIPVTFTDPN %3&t&BDIPGmDFJOEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFE and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 S U N SENIOR HARDWOOD/LAMINATE. $600 for a 10’x12’ room. Over 50 colors. Good references. Randy 916-847-4357. Lic#852123. ••• AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP. Computer help in your Home. 15% SENIOR DISCOUNT! Speed Up your Computer! Viruses, Bugs, Spyware, Malware, Adware, Tracking Cookies, Trojans & Internet Popups removed. New PC setup, Wireless, High Speed Internet, Tune-ups, Upgrades, System Restores, New installation, Customized PC Training in your HOME, or general PC HELP. PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg #85117. Call Jerry at 916-663-4500. ••• WANTED/LOST/FOUND/ FOR RENT/FOR SALE WANTED: To rent a small RV for occasional use. Call Brenda, 916-253-7537. ••• WANTED: BUYING ANY CAR, TRUCK, SUV. I pay more than Car Max, Montie Boatwright LHSC resident. 916434-5089. ••• WANTED: BUYING OLD COINS, pay cash, free appraisals, discreet, I pay more! Private collector, SC resident. Call Jerry 772-4268. ••• WANTED: Buying cars, trucks, SUV’s, consignments welcome. Les Van Pelt, 12yr LH resident. 916-837-7659. ••• WANTED: Old/Antique Rifles, Double Barrel Shotguns. Damascus OK. SCLH collector. Call John 916-408-4442. ••• NEWS MAUI & TAHOE Condos 2BR/2BA from $ 1 5 0 / n t . By SCLH owner Gil Van Valkenburg. 800-733-3603. Maui, Ocean - Maui, Wailea - www.homeaway. com/368174. Tahoe, Incline - www. ••• MENDOCINO COAST VACATION Rental: Beautiful Irish Beach Ocean view home, exclusively age 55+, 530-217-3881., www. ••• FOR RENT: Furnished SCLH home starting Dec. 1st. $1,800/per month plus depost. Call 530-440-4278. ••• CASITA AVAILABLE: Full or part/time use in exchange for guy or gal to prepare dinner, occasional driving, etc. Helper/ companion wanted for self-sufficient elderly lady. Call Susan at 415-479-2114 or [email protected] ••• CARING FEMALE companion for female resident in exchange for room and board. Please call 916-212-2837. ••• WANTED: 55+ female to share a 2bedroom/2bath, clean & comfortable house in Lincoln Hills. Master brm/bath available. Share costs of most utilities, community amenities available, OC Lodge, pools, gym; etc. 760-994-6944 cell. ••• FOR SALE: End table - beautiful silver metal $95. Decorate mirrors, accent chairs. Forged iron chandelier $150. 916-408-4313. ••• FOR SALE: 8 FT. dining table & 6 chairs plus large buffet $750. 916-408-1722. ••• Classified ads are not taken over the phone. Submit by mail only. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Sun Senior News. EGnews Inc./SUN SENIOR NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem unsuitable. ERRORS can be compensated only if the negligence is ours, and we are notified within the first week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. FOR SALE: 2-Glass front niches at East Lawn Sacramento. Call Conner, 916-4081968 or Parham 916-732-2000. ••• FOR SALE: 77 Jazz CDs DVD set History of Jazz. $75. Call 916-543-0638. ••• FOR SALE: Twin adjustable bed w/pure latex mattress, remote massage, excellent. $400. 916-253-7172. ••• FOR SALE: Cross Country Skis, boots, bindings, poles, 2-sets. $50 each, like new. 916-543-5280. ••• FOR SALE: Babylock Serger, like new, 4-thread, differential feed. Call for info. 916-408-1962. ••• ANNOUNCEMENTS GARAGE SALE: NOV. 15 & 16, 8am – 2pm. 965 Yosemite Lane, Lincoln. ••• SIFIED R CLAS U O Y E NEWS! PLAC ENIOR S N U S HE ER 15! AD IN T OVEMB N : E N I DEADL BUSINESS ADS **F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: Sun Senior News has a distribution of 7,500 copies, which go directly to residents in Sun City the first week of each month. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: Sun Senior News - Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 Roseville, CA 95747 C L A S S I F I E D S FOR SALE: TWO-white twin headboards, near new $150. Classic style. 916-408-3607. ••• FOR SALE: Hummel figurine, Ride into Christmas Hummel Porcelain Doll. 916408-7478. ••• FOR SALE: Hitchcock Rocker $200. Call after 4PM. 916-434-7878. ••• FOR SALE: ORECK Vacuums, 1 XL Upright high speed, 1 Super Buster BMaxi Power Compact w/attach. Both have extra belts & bags. $50. 916-408-3616. ••• FOR SALE: Louis L’Amour collection, good condition, paperbacks. $100 (91). Call 916-434-6393. ••• END STRESS! Enjoy a normal stress free life with the L.I.F.E. Biofeedback System. Read more about the Biofeedback at the World Health Organization’s Website, Search for “Biofeedback”. I have the complete computer system and all attachments. Paid $14,500. Will consider offers. 916-408-1280. ••• FOR SALE: AT&T iPhone5 – 16GB, black, good condition. 916-408-7476. ••• FOR SALE: Piano, Yamaha Clavinova CLP170, Rosewood, 38 voices, PC interface, song recorder, advanced keyboard. $1,000. 916-408-4480. ••• FOR SALE: Stained Glass Equipment. New, never used. Inland diamond grinder, plus additional accessories, $150. 916-408-1392. ••• FOR SALE: Tow bar with 2-inch ball for 2-inch receiver, free. 916-408-5581. ••• First 15 words are FREE (for Sun City LH residents only), additional words $1 each ONE AD PER HOUSEHOLD, PER MONTH Any Real Estate or Business Ads NOT INCLUDED! Lost and found items/pets. Notices of meetings or events by local non-profit groups. 47 Anything of a commercial nature, including pet sitting, real estate, rentals, timeshare/condos, etc. 15 words for $35. Additional words $1 each. $90 for three months, same ad! Classified ads must be received by the 15th of the month. LH SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIED FORM Ad: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ( Any business ad 1-month $35 • Any business ad 3-months $90 ) ( Service ) ( Wanted Lost / Found ) ( For Sale ) ( Announcement) Additional words (over 15) ________________ x $1 = $_____________________ Number of months ad is to run: ____________ Total enclosed: _______________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _________ Zip: _____________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ 48 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • NOVEMBER 2014 SOLD AREA SPECIALISTS For Sale 771-4177 TEAM THOMPSON+BROWN Since 1991 CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE HOMES OR FOR THE MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME 771-4177 Don’t Trust Computer Generated Home Value Estimates Call us for an Expert Home Price Evaluation George Brown Recent Sales in Lincoln Hills 2444 Rubicon Lane $354,500 2784 Black Hawk Lane $475,000 1307 Shadow Glen Court $534,000 101 Lasso Lake Court $685,000 111 Walden View Court $691,000 Recent Listings in Lincoln Hills 1525 Hackberry Lane $374,000 2927 Coopers Hawk Loop $410,000 2249 Monument Drive $439,900 2655 Blue Heron Loop $529,000 2669 Black Hawk Lane $749,000 Upcoming Listing! This one is special. Popular Alpine plan on a full 1/4 acre lot. Side yard has 9 fruit trees - an easy to care for orchard. For the active senior who wants space to garden and grow. Not on MLS, but we are cooperating with outside agents. Call if interested.
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