Principal's Briefing to P5 & P6 Parents Nan Chiau Primary School Programme • Introduction of KPs and YHs/co YHs • 2013 PSLE Results • Promotion Criteria • Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) • Secondary One Posting Exercise Nan Chiau Primary School Programme • Direct School Admission (DSA) • Holiday Supplementary Classes • P5 Revised English Assessment • Global Awareness Programme (GAP) Nan Chiau Primary School Introduction of KPs and YHs/co YHs Nan Chiau Primary School Mr Tan Chun Ming Principal Mr Wong Kin Mun Vice Principal Mr Jonathon Loh Vice Principal Nan Chiau Primary School Division Heads Mrs Gina Chen (Curriculum) Mrs Angela Ong (Student Development) Mrs Karen Teo (Staff Well-Being) Nan Chiau Primary School Mr Adam Sufi (PAM) English Department Mdm Nur Ashikin (HOD) Mrs Annie Yuen (LH ) Mrs Annie Ong (LH) Nan Chiau Primary School Mathematics Department Mrs Wong Puay Leng (HOD) Mrs Lee lay Lian (LH) Nan Chiau Primary School Mother Tongue Department Mr Quek Guan Hui (HOD) Mr Darren Lim (LH) Nan Chiau Primary School Science Department Ms Lim Khin Fung (LH) Ms Jennifer Pang (HOD) Nan Chiau Primary School ICT/MRL Department Mr Md Nizam (HOD) Mrs Ang Hwee Ming (SH - AL) Ms Jenny Lee (SH - ICT) Nan Chiau Primary School Student Development Team Mr Zhou Wencong (Gp Head - P3 & P4) Ms Yvonne Loh (Gp Head - P1 & P2) Mr Tan Swee Meng (Gp Head - P5 & P6) Mdm Heng Weishan (SH - CCE) Nan Chiau Primary School PAM Department Mrs Stephanie Chua (SH - Aesthetics) Mr Raime (SH – PE) Nan Chiau Primary School Year Head/Co Year Head P5 Year Head Mr. Joel Toh Co-Year Head Ms Nurul Huda Nan Chiau Primary School Year Head/Co Year Head P6 Year Head Co-Year Head Mr. Lam Thye Nyap Mrs. Ng Ming Ching Nan Chiau Primary School PARENT SURVEY Nan Chiau Primary School Part 1: School Image Question 2012 (SA+A) % 2013 (SA+A) % 1 I am proud of the school’s long history that is rooted in strong traditions and values. 99.4% 98.8% 2 The school is effective in inculcating values through its programmes. 96.3% 97.4% 3 The school provides a variety of programmes that cater to pupils with different abilities and needs. 90.4% 95.6% 4 I would recommend this school to my family and friends. 96.8% 96.9% Nan Chiau Primary School Part 2: School Communication Question 2012 (SA+A) % 2013 (SA+A) % 6 The school keeps me updated on school programmes and events 95.6% 99.2% 7 The school communicates with me in a timely manner. 86.9% 95.8% 8 My child’s teachers keep me informed about my child’s progress in school. 83.1% 88.9% 9 The school provides me with useful information about how to improve my child’s performance. 76.1% 88.1% Nan Chiau Primary School Part 3: Teaching and Learning Question 2012 (SA+A) % 2013 (SA+A) % 10 The teachers experiment with new ways of teaching. 91.7% 96.1% 11 The teachers are inspiring role models for the children. 94.9% 94.9% 12 The teachers provide adequate opportunities for my child to use ICT as part of school work (for example, through e-assignments, forum discussions etc). 95.3% 95.8% Nan Chiau Primary School Promotion Criteria Nan Chiau Primary School P5 to P6 Promotion .=•••••, Pupil takes a subject combination determined by the school Pupils who do very well upgrade or continue with the same subject combination Pupils who do not meet expectations switch some subjects to foundation level Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) End of P5 All other pupils continue with the same subject combination End of P6 Subject-Based Banding for your child School Based Recommendations at end of P4 Parental Choice at end of P4 Nan Chiau Primary School Final Decision by School at end of P5 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE Time Table A: Oral Examination Date 14 -15 August Paper English Language / Foundation English Chinese / Malay / Tamil Foundation Chinese / Foundation Malay / Foundation Tamil Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE Time Table B: Listening Comprehension Date Paper 19 September Chinese / Malay / Tamil Foundation Chinese / Foundation Malay / Foundation Tamil English Language / Foundation English Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE Time Table C: Written Examination (25 Sept - 1 Oct) Date Paper Duration Late Sept English Language Paper 1 1 h 10 min English Language Paper 2 1 h 50 min Foundation English Paper 1 Foundation English Paper 2 1 h 10 min 1 h 20 min Mathematics Paper 1 50 min Late Sept Mathematics Paper 2 1 h 40 min Foundation Mathematics Paper 1 Foundation Mathematics Paper 2 1h 1 h 15 min Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE Time Table C: Written Examination (25 Sept - 1Oct) Date Paper Duration Early Oct Chinese /Malay /Tamil Paper 1 Chinese / Malay / Tamil Paper 2 Foundation Chinese/ Foundation Malay/ Foundation Tamil Paper 1 50 min 1 h 40 min Early Oct Science Foundation Science 1 h 45 min 1 h 15 min Early Oct Higher Chinese / Higher Malay / Higher Tamil Paper 1 Higher Chinese / Higher Malay / Higher Tamil Paper 2 Nan Chiau Primary School 30 min 50 min 1 h 20 min PSLE GRADES (Standard Subjects) Grade Mark Range Descriptors Has very good understanding of the subject A* >91 A 75 – 90 B 60 – 74 C 50 – 59 D 35 – 49 Has fair understanding of the subject E 20 – 34 Has elementary understanding of the subject U < 20 Has good understanding of the subject Has adequate understanding of the subject Has not met the requirement for the minimum grade Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE GRADES (Foundation Subjects) Grade Mark Range Descriptors Is very good in the subject at the foundation level 1 > 85 2 70 – 84 Is good in the subject at the foundation level 3 50 – 69 Has an adequate grasp of the subject at the foundation level 4 30 – 49 Has an elementary grasp of the subject at the foundation level U < 30 Has not met the requirement at the foundation level for the minimum grade Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE How will PSLE scores be calculated? The PSLE score takes into account : The content and demand of each subject Number of subjects taken Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE PSLE Score It is a sum of the T-score of the 4 subjects. It allows students to be ranked fairly. What are these scores? Are they raw scores? Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE What is T-Score? Raw Scores Are Not Used because.... Different subjects have different levels of difficulty A need for standardization of the raw scores Transformed Score or T - Score Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE What is T-score? It is not the mark a student obtains in the examination It gives the relative position of a student’s performance as compared to the performance of all the other pupils in that subject. For example A student who scored 70% in Science would not have performed as well if most other students scored higher than 70% Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE How is T-score calculated for each subject? T=50+10 (X - Y) Z where X : student’s mark for the subject Y : average mark (mean) scored by all students Z : spread of marks around the average mark (standard deviation) deviation) Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE EL T-Score MT 85% Ave = 80 85% Ave = 60 50 T - score converts average mark of each subject to a common score of 50 points. It also converts other marks taking into consideration the extent to which they differ from the average and the spread of the marks around the average. Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE Sally scores 85% in both EL and MT. 85% She did much better in EL as compared to other pupils. EL Her performance in MT is very close to that of other pupils. MT EL Ave = 60 MT Ave = 80 Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE How is the Aggregate Score calculated? By adding the T-scores of the 4 subjects All subjects have equal weighting Finally, all students are ranked according to their Aggregate Scores. Nan Chiau Primary School PSLE To Note Students who take 3 examinable foundation subjects are not likely to be eligible for N(A)/N(T) option band Students who offer 4 examinable foundation subjects or 1 subject at standard level may have greater access to the N(A)/N(T) option band Nan Chiau Primary School Secondary One Posting Exercise Nan Chiau Primary School S1 Posting S1 Posting Method By Merit : 285 Rank all students by their PSLE Scores 284 263 240 and below Nan Chiau Primary School S1 Posting S1 Posting Method (Example) By Choice 1st A 285 B 284 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th There are many other students ranked above Student C C 243 Nan Chiau Primary School S1 Posting After 6 choices...... Manually Posted by PPS Group Postal District Postal District Postal Sector Nan Chiau Primary School S1 Posting Tentative Timeline For 2014 S1 Posting Exercise Late Nov 2014 PSLE Results Release S1 Option Exercise Info Booklet SEP OCT NOV DEC S1 Posting Results Registration at Sec Sch Nan Chiau Primary School Direct School Admission (DSA) Nan Chiau Primary School DSA What is DSA-Sec Exercise? • Recognize a more diverse range of students’ achievements and talents. • Each school has its own merit-based academic and non-academic criteria for selection • These are based on identified qualities, such as talent in science, music or sports, that the school would like to emphasise. Nan Chiau Primary School DSA What is DSA-Sec Exercise? To assess these qualities in applicants, Secondary Schools may conduct tests, interviews or trials as necessary. Information on the participating schools, their areas of focus, their selection criteria and their application and selection processes can be found in the respective schools’ websites. Nan Chiau Primary School DSA Things to note The application deadline for each DSA secondary school may differ DSA secondary schools will publish their latest selection criteria on their websites in May. Call the schools Visit the schools Nan Chiau Primary School DSA Tentative Timeline For 2014 Late Nov 2014 PSLE Results Release Exercise School Preference Stage Selection Stage June Shortlisted students go for selection tests at Sec schools August Student receives outcome of application from the DSA secondary school(s) he/she has applied to, by August DSA Results release Stage OCT Student may submit his/her preference up to 3 DSA secondary schools NOV Student collects his/her DSA allocation results together with his/her PSLE results. Students who are unsuccessful in the DSA – Sec exercise will participate in the S1 Posting Exercise Nan Chiau Primary School DSA DSA For further information admissions/dsa-sec/ Nan Chiau Primary School Holiday Supplementary Classes Nan Chiau Primary School Holiday schedule P5 •17 and 18 March : bonding camp •1st week of June: supplementary lessons P6 - supplementary lessons and camps •17 and 18 March •1st week of June, 8 Sep – 10 Sep Nan Chiau Primary School Holistic Education Nan Chiau Primary School NCPS Curriculum Framework Nan Chiau Primary School Key Phases at NCPS Enhancement Stage (P5-6) Experience Stage (P3-4) Exposure Stage (P1-2) Nan Chiau Primary School School Safety Healthy Meals Nan Chiau Primary School Q & A / Feedback Nan Chiau Primary School Q & A / Feedback Nan Chiau Primary School Email: [email protected] Tel: 64897905 Nan Chiau Primary School Thank You Nan Chiau Primary School FOR P5 PARENTS P5 Revised English Assessment Nan Chiau Primary School Changes in Assessment Primary 5 (2014) Primary 6 (2015) Rationale for Changes Preparing our students for life and work in the 21st century • Confident and effective communicators • Independent and self-directed learners For year of examination: 2005-2014 PAPER 1 Writing (1h 10 min) 2 Language Use and Comprehension (1 h 50 min) COMPONENT Situational Writing Continuous Writing Booklet A (MCQ): Grammar Punctuation Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Comprehension (Graphic Stimulus) Comprehension MCQ Booklet B (OE): Grammar Cloze Editing for Spelling & Grammar Comprehension Cloze Synthesis / Transformation Comprehension OE (2m per question) 3 Listening Comprehension (Abt 35 min) 4 Oral Communication (Abt 11 min) Total MARKS 15 40 First year of examination: 2015 WEIGHT -ING 27.5% 7* 3* 5 5 PAPER 1 Writing (1h 10 min) 2 Language Use and Comprehension (1 h 50 min) 5* 5* 47.5% 10* 15 10 20 20 Reading Aloud Picture Discussion Conversation 10 10* 10* 15% 200 100% 10% 3 Listening Comprehension (Abt 35 min) 4 Oral Communication (Abt 10 min) Total MARKS Situational Writing Continuous Writing 15 40 Booklet A (MCQ): Grammar 10* Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Visual Text Comprehension Booklet B (OE): Grammar Cloze Editing for Spelling & Grammar Comprehension Cloze Synthesis / Transformation Comprehension OE (1- 4m per question) 10 Listening Comprehension MCQ COMPONENT Listening Comprehension MCQ Reading Aloud Stimulus-based Conversation WEIGHT -ING 27.5% 5 5 8* 47.5% 10 12* 15 10 20 20 10% 10 20* 15% 200 100% Writing A closer look at EL PAPER 1 Part 1: Situational Writing Part 2: Continuous Writing EL Paper 1: Part 1 Situational Writing No change EL Paper 1: Part 1 Situational Writing - Mark scheme Task Fulfilment (6 marks) Holistic marking Presentation of key information shows clear awareness of purpose, audience and context of writing Language and Organisation (9 marks) Accuracy in expression and mechanics Ability to present clearly information/ideas EL Paper 1: Part 2 Continuous Writing - Task and Response GIVEN TASK • One item • Write a composition about the given topic • Based on 1 or more of 3 given visuals • Pointers provided REQUIRED RESPONSE • Continuous prose • Individual response to given topic • Make use of at least 1 out of 3 given visuals in any order • Address the given pointers in any order and include other relevant points Paper 1: Part 2 Continuous Writing - Mark scheme CONTENT (20 marks) • Relevance of ideas related to given topic • Development of ideas and interest value LANGUAGE & ORGANISATION (20 marks) • Language used – conventions of internationally acceptable English • Vocabulary - variety and apt choice of words • Organisation – effective sequencing and linking of ideas and facts Language Use and Comprehension A closer look at EL PAPER 2 Visual Text Comprehension MCQ EL Paper 2: Visual Text Comprehension • authentic form of representing information with text and visuals What is assessed in Visual Text Comprehension • Range of questions: – e.g. main ideas, key details, punctuation, textual elements, relating visual to text • Range of skills assessed: – e.g. skim for gist/ main ideas, scan for details, make inference based on visual/ contextual clues, make simple generalisations • Demonstrate these skills through addressing questions Language Use and Comprehension A closer look at EL PAPER 2 Comprehension OE What is assessed in Comprehension OE • Examples of reading comprehension and viewing skills, strategies, attitudes and behaviour: – sequence details – distinguish between cause and effect – compare and contrast – categorise and classify given details – identify fact and opinion – draw conclusions – interpret and integrate information – identify problem-solution in a text Reference: EL Syllabus 2010, pg 38-40 EL Paper 2: Comprehension OE 72. Which word from lines 1-6 tells us that Christine saw the book as a strange object? (1m) Question carries 1 mark One-word answer required EL Paper 2: Comprehension OE 74. Based on the story, state whether each statement in the table below is true or false, then give one reason why you think so. (3m) Question carries 3 marks Requires student to evaluate statement and support it with reasons from the text Format of answer - graphic organiser of statements, True/False with reasons EL Paper 2: Comprehension OE 79. According to Christine, what were two advantages and two disadvantages of the old type of school? (4m) Question carries 4 marks organised into Advantages and Disadvantages Requires student to categorise answers taken from the text Short phrases containing key points accepted EL Paper 2: Comprehension OE 80. Would you prefer to read a paper book or a computer book? Support your answer with information from the passage. (2m) Question carries 2m Requires a personal opinion Answers need to be supported by details found in the text Listening Comprehension A closer look at EL PAPER 3 Listening Comprehension MCQ EL Paper 3: Listening Comprehension No change to type of texts EL Paper 3: Listening Comprehension An example of a question with graphic options/ representation Oral Communication A closer look at EL PAPER 4 Stimulus-based Conversation EL Paper 4: Stimulus-based Conversation 1. Change to the item – A merger of Picture Discussion and Conversation – Stimulus is a springboard for conversation 2. Changes to marking – Total of 20 marks – Increased emphasis on expressing oneself clearly and effectively during a conversation EL Paper 4: Stimulus-based Conversation EL Paper 4: Stimulus-based Conversation Stimulus that provides scope for conversation 3 main prompts: All 3 must be used • The first relates to the stimulus • Next two prompts relate to the conversation topic • All 3 broadly linked to the stimulus and the reading passage EL Paper 4: Stimulus-based Conversation - Marking • Personal response • Ability to speak clearly • Level of engagement during interaction FOR P5 PARENTS Global Awareness Programme (GAP) Nan Chiau Primary School GLOBAL AWARENESS PROGRAMME 2014 Nan Chiau Primary School Objectives 1. Develop in our students the 21st century competencies of global awareness and crosscultural skills and sensitivities 2. Expose students to Asia and the world and sensitise them to the place of Singapore in the world 3. Deepen students’ commitment and rootedness to Singapore Nan Chiau Primary School General Information Places Xi An (tentative) and Suzhou Departure Date 5 November 2014 – 12 November 2014 Estimated Cost $1600 Nan Chiau Primary School Q & A / Feedback Nan Chiau Primary School Thank You Nan Chiau Primary School
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