Articles in PresS. J Appl Physiol (November 6, 2014). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00276.2014 1 Physiology in Medicine: Physiological Basis of Diaphragmatic Dysfunction with 2 Abdominal Hernias - Implications for Therapy 3 Patrick Koo 4 Eric J. Gartman 5 Jigme M. Sethi 6 F. Dennis McCool 7 8 9 Address correspondence to 10 11 F. Dennis McCool, MD 12 Alpert Medical School of Brown University 13 Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island 14 Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep 15 111 Brewster Street, Third floor 16 Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 17 Fax: (401) 729-2606 18 Office: (401) 729-2635 19 20 21 Running head: Interaction of Abdominal Hernias on Diaphragm Function 22 23 All authors have no conflict of interests to disclose. 1 Copyright © 2014 by the American Physiological Society. 24 Abstract 25 An incisional hernia is a common complication after abdominal surgery. Complaints of 26 dyspnea in this population may be attributed to cardiopulmonary dysfunction or 27 deconditioning. Large abdominal incisional hernias, however, may cause diaphragm 28 dysfunction and result in dyspnea, which is more pronounced when standing (platypnea). 29 The use of an abdominal binder may alleviate platypnea in this population. We discuss 30 the link between diaphragm dysfunction and the lack of abdominal wall integrity, and 31 how abdominal wall support partially restores diaphragm function. 32 33 Keywords: platypnea, abdominal hernia, diaphragm dysfunction, ultrasound 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2 45 46 Introduction Platypnea is defined as shortness of breath that worsens when standing. It is 47 usually attributed to conditions which cause oxyhemoglobin desaturation when standing 48 (orthodeoxia), such as anatomic cardiovascular defects causing right-to-left shunts, 49 vascular anomalies seen with hepato-pulmonary syndrome (17), pulmonary arterio- 50 venous malformations (9), or patent foramen ovale (4, 18). Typically, diaphragm 51 dysfunction is associated with orthopnea, not platypnea. However, the lack of abdominal 52 wall integrity may result in diaphragm dysfunction and platypnea. An intact abdominal 53 wall is a needed to enhance diaphragm function by optimizing pre-contraction diaphragm 54 length and configuration and by allowing for a more effective increase in abdominal 55 pressure when the diaphragm contracts (7). Respiratory dysfunction has been well 56 described in infants with congenital abdominal wall defects (5). However, this 57 phenomenon is not well appreciated in adults with abdominal wall anomalies. 58 The development of a ventral hernia is a relatively common complication of 59 abdominal surgery. If large enough, a ventral abdominal hernia may lead to diaphragm 60 dysfunction accompanied by complaints of dyspnea and/or platypnea. These symptoms 61 are often inadvertently attributed to factors such as deconditioning or atelectasis rather 62 than diaphragm dysfunction. The purpose of this manuscript is to heighten awareness of 63 diaphragm dysfunction as a complication of large ventral hernias and as a cause of 64 dyspnea in this patient population. We will address how a compromised abdominal wall 65 leads to diaphragm dysfunction, why the standing position predisposes to diaphragm 66 dysfunction in this patient population, and how the use of an abdominal binder or 67 definitive surgical repair ameliorates symptoms of dyspnea. 3 68 69 70 Diaphragm Dysfunction and Abdominal Wall Integrity The abdomen is an essential component of the respiratory pump. It consists of 71 incompressible (fluid-like) abdominal contents (19) and the structures that encase these 72 contents, namely the pelvic floor, spine, paraspinal muscles, and the anterior abdominal 73 wall. Of these structures, only the anterior abdominal wall is distensible. The lack of 74 support of the abdominal contents by the anterior abdominal wall results in outward 75 bulging of the abdominal wall when standing. This shift of support of abdominal 76 contents from the diaphragm to the bulging anterior abdominal wall impairs diaphragm 77 function by 1) shortening the diaphragm, 2) reducing its mechanical advantage, and 3) 78 impairing diaphragm force-velocity properties. 79 When abdominal compliance is abnormally high, as with a flaccid abdominal wall 80 due to a large ventral hernia, the abdominal contents shift outward through the ventral 81 hernia, and gravitational forces pull the diaphragm caudally. (Figure 1) Consequently, 82 end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) is increased; the diaphragm is shortened; and it 83 becomes “weaker” due to alterations in its length-tension properties. EELV may increase 84 by as much as 700 mL, (Figure 2) an increase in volume sufficient to reduce diaphragm 85 strength and endurance, thereby predisposing it to fatigue. (20) These adverse effects of 86 the standing posture on diaphragm length are ameliorated by assuming the seated or 87 supine position, where the abdominal contents shift cephalad and lengthen the diaphragm 88 (Figure 1). Independent of the above gravitational effects, the presence of a large 89 abdominal hernia compromises the insertional actions of the abdominal wall muscles on 90 the lower rib cage. Normally, abdominal wall muscles act to configure the lower rib cage 4 91 in a fashion that optimizes diaphragm pre-contraction length (15). This beneficial effect 92 of abdominal wall muscle activity on diaphragm configuration also is absent in infants 93 with congenital abdominal wall defects. 94 The conversion of diaphragm tension to transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) is 95 dependent on diaphragm mechanical advantage. The abdominal wall muscles act to 96 improve diaphragm mechanical advantage by reducing the anteroposterior and transverse 97 diameters of the lower rib cage. This action improves mechanical advantage by 1) 98 making the angle of diaphragm insertion into the lower rib cage more acute, thereby 99 directing more tension caudally; 2) reducing the area of the abdomen spanned by the 100 diaphragm; and 3) increasing the length of the zone of apposition. According to the 101 “piston in cylinder” model of mechanical advantage, the smaller the surface area spanned 102 by the diaphragm, the greater the pressure developed for a given tension (Figure 3). The 103 mechanical action of the diaphragm on the lower rib cage also is compromised because 104 the length of the zone of apposition is reduced when standing due to the shift of 105 abdominal contents caudally to the flaccid abdominal wall. Normally, as the diaphragm 106 contracts, the increase in abdominal pressure is transmitted through the zone of 107 apposition and expands the lower rib cage. When the length of the zone of apposition is 108 decreased, the inflationary action of the diaphragm on the lower rib cage is reduced. In 109 the supine position, the abdominal contents push the diaphragm cephalad, increase the 110 length of the zone of apposition, decrease the radius of diaphragmatic curvature, and 111 restore the fulcrum effect of the abdomen on diaphragmatic contraction. 112 113 There is an inverse relationship between skeletal muscle force and velocity of contraction for a given neural stimulus. An intact abdominal compartment is essential for 5 114 the diaphragm to operate with a stable force-velocity relationship. The contents of the 115 abdomen impede diaphragm descent, thereby slowing diaphragm shortening velocity and 116 increasing diaphragm force for a given degree of neural stimulus. In the presence of a 117 large ventral hernia, the abdomen provides less impedance to caudal movement of the 118 contracting diaphragm. Consequently, the diaphragm will contract with greater velocity 119 and less force, and neural drive will have to be increased to generate the requisite 120 pressure to inflate the lung. This altered force-velocity characteristic combined with an 121 increase in EELV due to the highly compliant abdominal wall, alterations in pre- 122 contraction diaphragm geometry, and impaired mechanical advantage will predispose the 123 diaphragm to fatigue when the individual with a large hernia assumes the standing 124 position. (11) The improvement in diaphragm function in the supine or seated positions is 125 likely related to shifting support of the abdominal contents from the anterior abdominal 126 wall to the back and side walls of the abdominal cavity, thereby ameliorating the adverse 127 effects due to gravitational shifts of abdominal contents related to the abdominal wall 128 hernia. In summary, a flaccid abdominal wall results in a shift of abdominal contents caudally and anteriorly when an individual with an abdominal wall hernia stands. This shift in contents impacts diaphragm performance by causing it to operate over shorter length, higher velocities, and impaired mechanical advantage. These factors reduce diaphragm strength and predispose it to fatigue. The impact of these factors is most prominent when the individual is standing and may lead to diaphragm fatigue and platypnea. (Figure 4) 129 6 130 131 Assessment of Diaphragm Dysfunction 132 The initial evaluation of diaphragm dysfunction includes measuring lung 133 volumes, seated and supine vital capacities (VC), and maximum inspiratory (MIP) and 134 expiratory (MEP) pressures. Typically, diaphragm dysfunction results in a reduction in 135 VC and MIP. MEP may be preserved when the disorder causing diaphragm dysfunction 136 involves solely the phrenic nerve or the diaphragm itself, in which case the contractile 137 ability of the abdominal muscles is preserved. When an individual with diaphragm 138 dysfunction lies supine, VC may be further reduced by 20 to 50% when compared to 139 seated measures of VC. However, with a large abdominal hernia, measurements of 140 standing VC may be reduced, whereas measures of seated and supine VC may be normal 141 (Table 1). This is explained by the increase in functional residual capacity (FRC), which 142 changes diaphragm length, weakens the diaphragm, and reduces total lung capacity 143 (TLC). Thus, the reduction in VC is primarily attributed to the reduction in TLC. 144 Further evaluation of the diaphragm may include fluoroscopy, measurements of 145 transdiaphragmatic pressure, or diaphragm ultrasonography. Imaging the diaphragm in 146 the zone of apposition using ultrasound is an application which is increasingly used to 147 identify diaphragm dysfunction. Diaphragm ultrasonography is easily learned, is readily 148 available for bedside exams, and can be performed with the patient seated, supine or 149 standing. With this technique, diaphragm thickness (tdi) is measured at end-expiration 150 and end-inspiration. A lack of diaphragm thickening during inspiration (∆tdi) is 151 diagnostic of diaphragm dysfunction. Figure 5 depicts diaphragm ultrasound images of a 152 patient with a large abdominal hernia in the seated and standing positions. When the 7 153 individual stands, initially the diaphragm contracts normally. However, after two to three 154 minutes, the diaphragm no longer thickens and paradoxically becomes thinner with 155 inspiration, indicating loss of diaphragm contribution to tidal breathing. At the same 156 time, the patient developed a rapid shallow breathing pattern and paradoxical motion of 157 the abdominal wall inward during inspiration, findings consistent with diaphragm 158 dysfunction. In the seated position, ultrasonography revealed that both hemidiaphragms 159 thicken appropriately during inspiration. In summary, diaphragm dysfunction in patients with abdominal wall hernias occurs with the patient in the standing rather than supine position. It can be suspected when the patient complains of platypnea and standing VC is reduced when compared to seated or supine measure of VC. The diagnosis of diaphragm dysfunction can be confirmed using ultrasound as the absence of diaphragm contraction (thickening). 160 161 162 163 Compensatory Breathing Strategies with Abdominal Wall Hernia The strategy most commonly used to compensate for diaphragm dysfunction is to 164 recruit the inspiratory “rib cage” muscles to lift the rib cage and increase lung volume. 165 Individuals with large abdominal hernias who adopt this strategy exhibit paradoxical 166 inward motion of the anterior abdominal wall, (Figure 6) negative values for 167 transdiaphragmatic pressure (3), and no thickening (contraction) or paradoxical thinning 168 of the diaphragm during inspiration (Figure 1). Alternatively, the abdominal muscles 169 may be actively recruited to lower lung volume below FRC. When the abdominal 170 muscles relax at end-expiration, passive inspiration ensues due to the outward recoil of 8 171 the chest wall. Individuals with large ventral hernias are unable to effectively use this 172 strategy because of the lack of abdominal muscle integrity. 173 The use of rib cage muscles to inhale reduces the load placed on the diaphragm 174 and lessens the likelihood that the diaphragm will fatigue. When standing, initially the 175 diaphragm contracts normally. However, this comes at a cost of increased energy 176 expenditure due to the diaphragm operating over shorter lengths and at greater velocities, 177 which causes tachypnea and shortness of breath. After several minutes, the diaphragm 178 will fatigue and inspiration becomes dependent on use of the accessory rib cage muscles. 179 The lack of diaphragm contraction and thickening after 2-3 minutes in the standing 180 position and development on platypnea is consistent with this mechanism. In summary, individuals with abdominal wall anomalies are limited to using the inspiratory muscles of the rib cage to compensate for a weak or ineffective diaphragm. The rib cage muscles are used to assist with ventilation but are weaker than the diaphragm. When fatigue ensues, platypnea develops. 181 182 183 184 Management Options Application of an abdominal binder or surgical repair may improve diaphragm 185 function in patients with a large abdominal wall defect (Figure 7). Support of the 186 abdominal contents is enhanced when an abdominal binder is placed under the lower rib 187 cage or when the abdomen is submerged in water. With a binder in place or when water 188 encases the abdominal wall, the abdominal contents will shift towards the diaphragm, 189 optimize its configuration for contraction, and slow its velocity of shortening. Individuals 9 190 with cervical spinal cord injuries similarly have flaccid abdominal walls due to lack of 191 spinal innervation. An abdominal binder has been shown to increase maximal inspiratory 192 and sniff pressures, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume over one second (FEV1), and 193 peak expiratory flow rate in this population by (8, 13, 21). This enhancement of 194 pulmonary function is likely due to improved diaphragm function. There are no 195 published, prospective data to support the use of an abdominal binder for patients who 196 are symptomatic from incisional hernias. However, Celli et al (3) published a report of a 197 patient who demonstrated improvement in diaphragm function and platypnea after 198 application of an abdominal binder. By contrast, providing more support of the 199 abdominal wall in patients with bilateral diaphragm paralysis will worsen respiratory 200 function because the increase in subdiaphragmatic pressure pushes the flaccid diaphragm 201 into the thoracic cavity (12). 202 An incisional hernia is a common complication following abdominal surgery with 203 the incidence ranging from 9 to 20 percent (6). Symptoms of dyspnea in these patients 204 may be attributed to cardiopulmonary dysfunction rather than a dysfunctional abdominal 205 wall. The ease of repair of an abdominal wall hernia is dependent on its size, the type of 206 herniated viscera, the duration of the hernia, and history of previous episodes of bowel 207 strangulation and obstruction. Small incisional hernias (< 5 cm) are relatively easy to 208 treat compared to larger hernias. Indications for surgical repair are typically based on 209 balancing the potential risk of bowel strangulation and obstruction with the risk of 210 surgical complications (1, 2, 16). A Danish study examined the early and late outcomes 211 after elective incisional hernia repair (10). From a target population of 3,258 patients, the 212 30-day readmission, reoperation, and mortality rates were 13.3%, 2.2%, and 0.5%, 10 213 respectively. About 10% of those who underwent hernia repair had recurrence and 214 required reoperation. Readmission and reoperation rates were the highest with open 215 repair compared to laparoscopic repair and with large hernia defects up to 20 cm. 216 In theory, surgical reduction of the incisional hernia should alleviate respiratory 217 symptoms. Unfortunately, data are lacking regarding the repair of hernias and resolution 218 of respiratory symptoms. Therefore, we do not have guidance on when to refer for 219 surgical repair of a large abdominal hernia based on the severity of respiratory symptoms. 220 Given that surgical repair may provide potential respiratory benefits, symptomatic 221 patients should consider exploring the surgical option. However, the recurrence rate 222 requiring reoperation after the index repair is high, especially in patients with large 223 defects. A multidisciplinary approach with detailed discussion between the patient, 224 surgeon, primary care provider, and other medical subspecialties should be considered 225 when contemplating the risks and benefits of the procedure. In the previously mentioned 226 patient example, the individual decided to undergo surgical repair of a large abdominal 227 hernia after a lengthy discussion about risks with her surgeon and pulmonologist. Six 228 months after surgical abdominal hernia reduction with mesh placement, she demonstrated 229 marked improvement in dyspnea and platypnea, resumption of normal diaphragmatic 230 thickening when standing, and she is now able to perform her daily activities without 231 limitations. 11 In summary, increasing support of the abdominal contents by the application of an abdominal binder will ameliorate complaints of dyspnea in patients with abdominal wall hernias. Application of an abdominal binder reduces and shifts the abdominal contents toward the diaphragm, moving it to an optimal configuration for contraction. The use of abdominal binders should be considered initially since they are non-invasive. Surgical repair provides another option to decrease abdominal wall compliance. It may be beneficial for those who do not improve with noninvasive management, but due to a paucity of available data, guidance is lacking for when to refer symptomatic patients for surgical repair. 232 233 234 Summary 235 An intact abdominal wall is necessary for optimal diaphragm function. With large 236 ventral hernias, the abdominal contents are not well supported by the anterior abdominal 237 wall. Consequently, the diaphragm is displaced caudally and EELV increases. The 238 diaphragm becomes shorter; the zone of apposition is reduced; mechanical advantage is 239 impaired; the diaphragm contracts with greater velocity; and it is more prone to fatigue 240 due to reduced force generation and increased shortening velocity. These problems 241 become evident when the patient stands and platypnea ensues. 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Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012; 93(12): 2189-97. 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 14 327 Figure Legends 328 329 Figure 1. Schematic depicting the change in diaphragm position in a normal individual 330 and in an individual with an abdominal hernia in the standing and supine positions. When 331 an individual with an abdominal hernia stands, gravity displaces the abdominal contents 332 caudally and ventrally. There is more pronounce caudal diaphragm displacement in the 333 individual with the abdominal wall hernia than in the normal. In the supine position, the 334 abdominal contents move inward and push the diaphragm cephalad. 335 336 Figure 2. Change in EELV estimated using magnetometry. EELV increases by 337 approximately 700 ml when the patient stands indicating that the diaphragm is operating 338 over shorter lengths in this position. 339 340 Figure 3. Schematic of the “piston in cylinder” model of mechanical advantage applied to 341 the diaphragm. A) The zone of apposition is the part of the diaphragm, which lies against 342 the lower rib cage. The area of the cylinder is the area projected by the diaphragm dome 343 in the zone of apposition. B) Pressure is defined as force/area. As one applies force in a 344 downward direction, the pressure in the cylinder is lowered. If the diaphragm is operating 345 at higher lung volumes, the area of the cylinder is increased and pressure is reduced for a 346 given force. 347 15 348 Figure 4. Schematic illustrating the interaction between the abdominal wall and 349 diaphragm function. A highly compliant abdominal wall interferes with normal 350 diaphragm function as depicted on the right column. 351 352 Figure 5. Diaphragm ultrasound images obtained in the seating and standing positions. 353 The red arrows indicate the borders of the diaphragm muscle (pleura and peritoneum) at 354 the zone of apposition. The red line indicates the thickness of the diaphragm. 355 356 Figure 6. Rib cage and abdominal dimensions were assessed with magnetometers with 357 the patient (A) seated, (B) standing without an abdominal binder and (C) standing with an 358 abdominal binder. When seated, the rib cage and abdominal movements are synchronous 359 (as marked by a vertical line). In the standing position without the binder, the rib cage 360 excursion is greater, and there is paradoxical inward movement of the abdomen with 361 inspiration. With application of an abdominal binder, the rib cage and abdominal motion 362 is more synchronous. 363 364 Figure 7. The optimal diaphragm force-velocity relationship is depicted as the upper line 365 (seated position). When an individual with an abdominal hernia stands, the displacement 366 of the abdominal contents causes the diaphragm to move caudally, shortening the 367 diaphragm (arrow 1). The diaphragm generates reduced tension. The loss of impedance 368 from displacement of the abdominal contents causes the diaphragm to contract with 369 increased velocity further reducing force (arrow 2). When the diaphragm fatigues, the 370 accessory inspiratory muscles are recruited to increase force generation (arrow 3). 16 371 Fatigue and platypnea ensue. Application of an abdominal binder or surgical repair of the 372 abdominal hernia potentially reduces abdominal compliance and shifts the diaphragm 373 back to the optimal force-velocity configuration (thick red arrow). 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 17 393 Table 1: Vital Capacity in the seated, supine and standing positions; and seated maximum 394 expiratory pressure (MEP) and maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) Units Seated % Supine Supine % % change Standing % change actual predicted actual predicted Supine actual standing 2.29 84 Units Actual % Predicted MEP cm H2O -42 59 MIP cm H2O -46 50 SVC L, btps Seated 2.25 83 -2 1.85 -20 395 396 Vital capacity (VC) performed in the seated and supine positions. No change in VC was 397 observed between the seated and supine positions. VC was reduced by 20% between the 398 seated and standing position. Both MEP and MIP were reduced. 18 Abdominal Wall Hernia and Diaphragm Position Standing Normal Abdominal Hernia Supine Positional Change in End-Expiratory Lung Volume (Tidal Breathing) Seated 2L Calculated Volume (L) Transition to Standing Standing Increasing end-expiratory lung volume Seated Talking End-Expiratory Lung Volume Time (90-second interval) “Piston in Cylinder” Model of Mechanical Advantage Interaction Between the Diaphragm and Abdominal Wall Abdominal Wall Ventral Hernia High Compliance No Hernia Normal Compliance Caudal Shift of Diaphragm Minimized by Intact Abdominal Wall Normal Impedance Slows Diaphragm Shortening Velocity ↑ Pressure Generation Minimal ↑EELV ↑↑↑ Caudal Shift of Diaphragm When standing ↑EELV ↓ Lower Rib Cage Expansion Near Optimal Diaphragm Length ↓Diaphragm Length ↑ Pressure Generation ↓ Pressure Generation Asymptomatic ↓Length of the Zone of Apposition Impaired Mechanical Advantage ↓Pressure Generation ↑Breathing Frequency and Platypnea ↓Impedance leads to ↑Diaphragm Shortening Velocity ↓ Pressure Generation Chest Wall Motion With Abdominal Hernia 4010 4010 4000 4000 3990 3990 3980 3980 3970 3970 3960 3960 Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal strength Rib Cage Abdomen 3950 3940 3950 3940 3930 3930 3920 3920 3910 3910 3900 3900 3890 3890 3880 3880 Chest Filtered A Abdomen Filtered Time (30-second interval) Chest Filtered B Abdomen Filtered C Abdominal Hernia and Diaphragm Force and Velocity Seated 1. Lung Volume Increases and the Diaphragm Shortens: Force Decreases FORCE Standing 2. Increased Velocity Reduces Force VELOCITY 3. Accessory Muscle Recruitment Increases Force
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