THE COLUMNS Our Mission: Mayfield First UMC exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Vision: Bring in. Build up. Send out. 214 S. 8th St., Mayfield, KY 42066 The New Beginnings Adult Sunday School class is looking for individuals and couples eager to fellowship and learn about God’s word. Weekly topics are taken from “The Wired Word” curriculum as well as video lessons. Target ages for the class are 18-35, but of course, everyone is welcome to attend! Take the step and start attending a Sunday School class. It will change the way you live and worship!! On October 12th, Methodist Women Sunday, I spoke about the possibility of adding an e-circle to the already established four circles. A UMW e-circle is simply a group of women who are interested in the ministries of United Methodist Women but who do not want to attend monthly meetings or who may not be available to attend because of work, illness, home responsibilities, etc. The same monthly mission information, lessons, themes, ministry needs, etc. will be made available to the e-mail circle as are shared with the 4 circles that meet at a specific time and site. Obviously, one must have e-mail capabilities in order to participate in this way. Two women have expressed an interest in joining an e-circle. There is no restriction to number of course, but if there are others who might be interested or just need more information, please contact me, Joyce Sprowles at 270-247-7457 or Email: [email protected] We would like to get all membership names in our new 2015 directory. The Seekers Class is beginning a study of Questions God Asks Us. On November 30th, we will Travel the Highways of Advent until December 28. Anyone not currently in a Sunday School class is welcome to join us in the Parlor (first floor corner room). We are a discussion class and welcome you to our fellowship! 270-247-5678 [email protected] Mayfield First United Methodist Church has been a part of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) almost from its inception – 1993. Since that time, shoebox gifts have been delivered to 113 million children worldwide. Most of the children have never received a Christmas gift. Many of them have come to know Jesus through the booklets that are added to each box at the distribution centers. The booklets, in the language of the destination country, tell of Jesus’ love. It’s exciting to know we can have an impact on so many less fortunate children, victims of hunger, homelessness, war and strife, and other catastrophic events. Please take a brochure to learn how to pack a Christmas shoe box for a child. Bring it to church in time for the Dedication on Sunday, November 23. Enclose a note to the child who will receive your box, you may even add a photo of you or your family. If you’re unable to pack a box, you may make a contribution, just note on your check “OCC”. Prayer is an integral part of OCC. We ask you to pray for the child who will receive your box, the child’s family, church workers who will deliver boxes to children in many countries, some in difficult circumstances. Pray for the thousands of volunteers who work in Relay Centers, Collection Centers and Distribution Centers. Pray for safe transportation of the cartons to their destination, and for those who will actually see the bright faces as they deliver the shoeboxes. We indeed receive the blessing! With the passing of Raymond Burnett, we ask that in his honor you would pack an extra box, or work an extra hour in the Relay Center. Raymond worked many hours every year assuring that the Relay Center was run smoothly. We will especially miss him this year. The Volunteer Schedule is in the Fellowship Hall for those of you who are willing to help in the Relay Center for one hour, two hours or more. We also need folks willing to take cartons to Paducah on most days of that week. If you have a truck, trailer, or van, please sign up on the Volunteer Schedule. If you have further questions, you may contact Betty Stallins Reyes at 270-559-5285 or Carol and Olin Covington at 270-247-8820. PRAYER Received through October 27, 2014: SQUARE If someone should be added to or removed from our prayer list, please contact the church office. Prayer concerns are lifted up daily in our prayer room and we invite Memory of Raymond Burnett By: Henry & Ruby Bennett George & Stacey Covington you to leave your requests on a card anytime. Jim & Harolyne Hudson Ray & Jan Schorr Ongoing Concern Nancy Smith David & Faith Jaynes Ruby Bennett Bobby Canter Frances Garland Davie & Judy Stephens Joanne Givens Homebound Members Sue Perkins Joe David & Vicki Smith Sue Byars Elouise Hicks A.G. Wolfe Robert & Janie Ivy Wesley Greer James Gay Home Pace Anna Wright Joe & Liz Hansen Olin & Carol Covington Jean Hamlin Dorothy Williamson Louise Saxon Mary Wright Friends & Family Stan & Debra Hack Pedro & Betty Stallins Reyes Joann Mason Spencer Byrn Laura Green Memory of Don Drake Garrett Burgess Lorene Lawson Kim Phillips By: Pedro & Betty Stallins Reyes Doug & Verna Flanary Dorothy Moreland Lloyd Green Cynthia Flannery George Pickens Chris Morris I want to thank the Hospitality Com- Carl & Norma Hansen David Morrill Kelly Raisch mittee for hosting a bridal shower honJoyce Salsbury Martha Anderson oring my marriage to Micah Spicer. It is Danielle Allison Jimmie Powers people, like those on the committee, that make me so proud to say, “I grew he Sewing Ministry will be making up in Mayfield First Untied Methodist costumes for the Christmas Nativity Church.” It was a wonderful shower full of love, good food, and even better company. I really and Christmas stockings for the Jamaican appreciate all of the time and effort that went toward making children. At present we have three sessions to be held on two days— Nov 3rd from 10 it a bridal shower I will never forget. I am so very blessed! AM—Noon and 1-3 PM and on Nov 4th All my love, Sarah Brown from 1-3 PM. No sewing experience Thank you to my church family for all the words of encour- needed. We need servants to cut fabric and iron. All sewing will be agement, visits, cards, and gifts. The love being shown dur- done on the serger machine. School is not in session so we welcome teachers and teens. If you are willing to help at any of these ing my recovery time is a comfort and blessing. three sessions call Joyce McClain at 270-328-8686 or Vicki Smith Bless you! Vanessa Lawson at 270-345-3161. T F all is here and it’s time to remember our college students! Check the poster on the 2nd floor where you’ll find pictures of our students and items you can donate for the packages. Take a Post-It, Leave a Post-It. Take the top one to remind you what you committed to bring and sign the bottom one that you leave behind. Please return all your donations to the bin under the poster no later than November 16. Want to help with shipping? Make check payable to MFUMC, designating “college care” in memo line. Thanks for helping to remind our college students how much they mean to us and to God! Bless you as you share Christ’s love! Our Gifts of Presence and Finances for Christ’s Kingdom Sept. 28 Attendance: SS 100 Worship 257 Offerings 7,850.25 Capital Campaign 4,254.00 Food Pantry Jamaica Mission Maintenance Op. Chr. Child Memorials Needline Relay for Life Reelfoot RM Oct. 5 77 176 5,008.10 11,591.12 240.00 38.00 15.00 Oct. 12 115 226 5,067.00 2,414.00 Oct. 19 108 197 6,759.11 1,473.00 20.00 1,100.00 Oct. 26 98 195 7,876.50 1,891.00 1,725.00 120.00 20.00 95.00 334.00 25.00 Dear Church Family, Thank you for my new Bible. I appreciate it so much. Addison Lane Sullivan 3rd grade YOUNG AT HEART OUTING Mark your calendar, sign-up, and get ready for an exciting outing in December! Thursday, December 4th, we’ll leave the church at 10:30 am heading to Grand Rivers to have lunch at Patti’s then on to the Badgett Playhouse for a 2 PM matinee where we’ll enjoy The Sanders Family Christmas starring our own, Pastor Joe. The cost is your lunch plus $15 for the play. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall by Nov. 23 or call Khadra Turley at 270-247-8807. THE HOSPITALITY TEAM has volunteered to coordinate the Christmas gifts for the residents of Fern Terrace. If a Sunday School class, circle, or individual would like to sponsor a resident, please contact Macie Tucker (270-247-0332), Susan Gordon (270-705-0363), or the church office (270-2475678). The total amount spent should be approx. $50.00 per resident. Macie or Susan will get you a name with gift suggestions and sizes, if clothing is requested. Please wrap each gift individually and label with the first and last name. Return gifts to the church office in one very large gift bag by December 7th. We have been given 15 names. The team encourages the class, group, family, or individual to get the blessing of shopping and wrapping the gifts. If this is not feasible and you wish to help with a monetary donation, please make your check payable to MFUMC, designating “FT Christmas” in the memo line. Christmas is just around the corner and we encourage you to plan ahead! All Sunday School classes, small groups, UMW circles, etc. are asked to plan your Christmas party date, time, and place and turn into the church office before the next newsletter (deadline is November 18 at 10 AM). We’ll be sending out an Advent calendar and want to advertise your group’s Christmas party and other Christmas events on the reverse side. If you’re not currently in a Sunday School class, small group, or circle, please consider attending a Christmas gathering to get to know others better. If you are a regular member of a group, think of inviting someone who may not be actively participating in a class/group. All will be blessed!! O n Sunday evenings, our UMYF (Middle & High School youth) meet at 5:30 pm. Part of their time together is sharing a meal which is provided by volunteers. You can turn in your receipt for reimbursement if you wish. We need unpaid servants to sign-up to provide their meals on a rotating basis. You might only need to prepare once a quarter. If you want more information or would like to get on the list, please contact Vicki Smith at 270-345-3161. For November, the list is as follows: Nov. 2—Josh & Leslie Wessel Nov. 6—Khadra Turley Nov. 16— Nov. 23—Martha Thomas Nov. 30—LaVela Sullivan T uesday, December 2nd, the UMW and anyone else wanting to go, will leave the church at 10:30 am heading to Reelfoot Rural Ministries in Obion, TN. As part of their November mission project, they’re collecting much needed Food Pantry items to RRM. If you wish to donate any items, please place them in the marked container in the Fellowship Hall. We need to know how many will be going to prepare for transportation. We’ll deliver the donations, have a brief tour of RRM then stop to eat. If you wish to go, please sign up on the Sunday bulletin tear-off section November 16 or 23 or call the church office. The list of RRM Needs are: Hygiene Items Diapers size 2,3,4,5,6 Pull ups Shampoo Face Soap Cleaning Items Laundry Detergent Dishwashing Liquid Food Items Coffee Tea Spaghetti noodles Quick Oats Instant Oats Cereal Cereal Bars/ Pop Tarts Flour (2 lb. size) Sugar (2 lb. size) Corn Meal (2 lb. size) Muffin/Cornbread Vegetable Oil Pancake Mix (small) Pancake Syrup Crackers Deodorant Toothpaste Toothbrush Toilet Paper Disinfectant Ketchup Rice Canned Tuna Canned Salmon Canned Roast Beef Canned Chicken Jell-O Pudding Ramen Noodles Dry Beans Canned Fruit Canned Vegetables Jelly Peanut Butter Skillet Meals We extend Christian Love and Sympathy to the family and friends of Raymond Burnett. His tragic death on Tuesday, November 7, 2014 has left both our church family and community in shock and sadness. Funeral services were held Saturday, October 11th at Mayfield First UMC. Mahali PaMaisha (a Place of Life)—the Infant Rescue Center’s work continues in Kenya. Left to right, top row … little Angela Rose is the second most recent arrival; she is joined by the little boy, unnamed as of this writing, who is the most recent addition to the family. Both were abandoned not far from Dave and Jen’s place. They will care for these kids until they find them Christian “Forever Families,” as is the case for Amos (upper right). On the bottom left and center is Maria being held and kissed by Mommy and Daddy. And doesn’t beautiful Leah, lower right, look so happy to be going home!?! So what is Alternative Christmas giving and how can I participate? Well, we have two significant international mission partnerships and many, many local ministries we love and support. The 2015 Jamaica Team, as well as our Missions Team that continues to support Mahali Pa Maisha and our relationship with CSI Kenya through Dave and Jen Bell, will soon be presenting ways you can “purchase” items needed for the upcoming ministries. The Bells are moving the Infant Rescue Center and their ministry base to permanent facilities, and have great need at this time. The Jamaica Team is preparing to reach out in Christ’s name and is raising funds for support of the team as well as for materials needed. You will have get a card or some other means by which you can say, “In your honor, or in memory of our loved one, we have made a gift of (a desk, a month’s supply of baby formula, the front door of a new home, etc.) to help our mission to (Kenya, Jamaica, local organization). Christmas Challenge: Determine now what you might spend on Christmas in 2015 and set a certain percentage that will be used to support missions, either through the Alternative Christmas giving or through an outright gift to the missions our church will support, locally and around the world!! It’s a gift for the One whose birthday we are really celebrating at Christmas! Christmas Poinsettias: Many of us have purchased poinsettias over the years to help beautify our sanctuary; if you want to do that this year (in honor or memory of someone which you will take home after the Christmas Eve service), they will be $20. But you can also participate in our Hospitality Team’s decoration project by helping to fund the poinsettias that will be used around the altar, lecturn, pulpit and instruments. Give a gift of $10 to missions in honor or memory of someone … all of these gifts will be listed on a bulletin insert. So, if taking a poinsettia home isn’t important to you, support missions and the beauty of the sanctuary by giving $10, or multiples of 10!, in honor or memory of loved ones. You will have the opportunity to do this on the tear off section of upcoming worship bulletins, or you may call the church office, 270-247-6578. We began our Season of Saints series on October 5, celebrating the Communion of the Saints and Holy Communion on World Communion Sunday. God calls all of us who believe in Jesus “saints,” not because of our perfect behavior, but thanks to what Jesus has done for us! We noted that the life of a saint is not a sprint, but a marathon. We are in it for The Long Run. The following week we celebrated the legacy of the United Methodist Women and lots of female saints who showed us all how to be Difference Makers. Since then, and now into November, we are learning from Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians what some of the characteristics of a saintly life are, and how we might grow into these qualities. October 19 Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 taught us how we can be Consistently Faithful. Then, on the 26th, from 2:1 -8, we learned about being Courageously Caring. November 2 is All Saints Day. We will pause to thank God for and remember those from our church family who have died in the past year. Thankful for their eternal destiny in Christ, and their reunion with loved ones gone before, we anticipate our own reunion with them someday. We will examine 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 and receive the challenge to be Consciously Receptive. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is November 9. Not only will we pray for our brothers and sisters, but we’ll learn from Paul’s teaching (I Thessalonians 4:13-18), Jesus’ words (Matthew 25:1-13), and from the lives of martyrs how saints can be Constantly Ready. November 15-16, New Day Singers Reunion The early to mid 1970s was a period of great energy and dynamic ministry in the life of our church, partly because of the New Day Singers (youth choir). Led by Rev. Jerry Jeffords and his wife, Anne, young Johnny would “hang out” with his folks and the singers. Well, Johnny is now Rev. Jeffords as well, and he will bring the message on November 16 when the New Day Singers share some of their reunion music. The group will perform some of the old songs Sunday morning, but will present a full concert Saturday evening, November 15, 7 p.m. Following worship on the 16th there will be a church-wide potluck meal to honor those who have come together for the reunion and to celebrate God’s great faithfulness to our church! November 23 wraps up the Christian year by celebrating Jesus’ final and ultimate victory; we look forward to his universal Lordship, putting an exclamation point on the story as we honor our soon-coming King! On November 30, believe it or not, Advent begins! We will get ready for Christmas this year by looking at Mary’s Labor of Love. Be in worship every week! Is God leading MFUMC to begin a Celebrate Recovery ministry for our community and congregation? We will have a planning and discerning meeting on Monday, November 10, 5:30 p.m., in the Charles Baugh classroom. CR is a ministry that provides a weekly meal, a time of teaching and worship, small groups and conversation over coffee and tea, to help people deal with life’s hurts, hangups and habits! And we all have some! But we know that God desires hope, healing and wholeness for us. Thanks for praying for God’s guidance for our church! This is a ministry that brings transformation to people’s lives and bears fruit for the Kingdom of God. Perhaps God is calling you to be a part of it, as a participant, a helper/leader, or both! Take in Joe in a Show Our pastor is sometimes blessed with the chance to participate in performances at the Badgett Playhouse in Grand Rivers. He will be playing Burl Sanders in Sanders Family Christmas, filling in for the regular Burl, on Thursday evening, November 20, 7 p.m., and Thursday matinees, 2 p.m., on December 4, 11 and 18th. Our church is taking a group on December 4 and will also eat at Patti’s. Call the church office if you want to get in on that, or go to for ticket information for the other performances. Joe is not THE Nerd, but he is IN The Nerd!! Our own Cheryl Hartig is the director of the Purchase Players’ new production, The Nerd. Joe Hansen is playing Willum Cubbert, an architect who needs a little help finding a fulfilling life and landing the love of his life! The show runs the 7-9th and the 14-16th of November. Friday and Saturday shows start at 7 p.m., and curtain for the Sunday afternoon performance is 2 p.m. Call 251 -9035 or visit for ticket information. It’s PG-rated comedy. George Covington has been named an honorary member of the MFUMC Vision Team. George’s love and vision for God and the church are an example to us all. We love you, George!! 2nd Annual Ladies Candlelight Worship Service Tuesday, November 18th—6:30 pm Ladies, don’t miss this very special time to pause and reflect on the many blessings of your life as the holiday season approaches. Dessert & coffee fellowship follows the service and a loving nursery will be provided. Invite friends, neighbors & relatives! (A Mission Outreach sponsored by the Nancy Isbell Circle) HOMEMADE GOODIES NEEDED! Ladies, we need you to donate HOMEMADE Goodies for the Candlelight Service. Suggestions are cookies, brownies, bar items (like lemon squares, pecan bars, etc.) or sheet cakes. → We need these cut and placed on platters ready to serve. Please let Khadra Turley know what you’re bringing (270-247-8807) and have them at church by 5 PM, Tuesday, November 18. Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 10:30 am NON-PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE PAID MAYFIELD, KY PERMIT NO. 124 Live on WYMC Radio - 1430 AM / 93.9 FM Contact the Church [email protected] 270-247-5678 Program Staff Joe Hansen, Pastor (270) 705-0554 [email protected] Anthony Schaeffer, Associate Pastor Angie Mason, Director of Children’s Ministries Jessica Schaeffer, Director of Youth Ministries Carol Barnes, Director of Music Ministries Kathy O’Nan, Children’s Choir Director Liz Hansen, Office Assistant Tammy Isbell, Administrative Assistant Dave & Jen Bell, Missionaries to Kenya Return Service Requested 214 S. 8th St., Mayfield, KY 42066 W Middle and High School youth are invited to Trinity at 7 PM, Saturday, Nov. 8 for a campout! There’ll be s’mores, a campfire, tents, worship, games, and lots of fellowship! Youth are invited to attend worship at Trinity on the Sunday morning following. hat a wonderful story we have to share at Christmas. It begins with a people waiting for a Promised Son. It focuses on a young couple engaged to be married. It features a choir of angels, a band of shepherds, and a Baby sleeping in a manger filled with hay. There’s a new star in the sky, kings from a distant land, and precious treasures. This is what we celebrate and the reason we sing, “Glory to God in the highest!” We invite you to join our Chancel Choir as we celebrate and prepare for the birth of our Savior. There’s plenty of room for you! We’ll rehearse “The First Noel”, our Christmas musical, every Wednesday night at 7 PM, now through Dec. 21. (Regular choir rehearsal starts at 6:15 if you’d like to join us for Sunday morning preparation or if you prefer to just sing in our Christmas musical, be here at 7). The nursery is available. Please join us! If you have questions, call Carol Barnes at 270703-2481, the church office, or come to rehearsal. We’d love to have you! A special service will be held at Mayfield’s First Christian Church at 2 PM on Dec. 21st. We’ll join their choir and present “The First Noel” for the community. In addition, we plan to sing some of our favorite Christmas carols as well as some of Christmas songs (think White Christmas, The Christmas Song, Jingle Bells). COME ON! Sing Christmas with us!!
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