Reaching Out to Make a Difference! St. Mary Catholic School NOVEMBER 2014 613-448-2158 w w w. s t m a r y c h e s t e r v i l l e . c a Principal’s Message We have entered the month of November and this means that our first term is drawing to a close. It also means that your child will receive their first report of the 2014-2015 school year. This report card will be an elementary progress report card that has been, “designated to show a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during the fall of the school year, as well as a student’s general progress in working towards the achievement of the curriculum expectations.” (Growing Success—Ministry document page 50). The Elementary Provincial Report Card will be distributed in February and June. It is important to remember that the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Please read your child’s report card with this in mind. Interviews this reporting period will be held the evening of Thurs. November 27, 2014, starting at 4:00 p.m. Please return all inter- view forms, indicating your preference for a time to meet with your child’s teacher(s). It is important to focus on ways in which we can work together to support your child by celebrating their success and constructively address areas of improvement. If you require additional time to discuss a concern with staff please schedule an additional interview in person or over the phone at another time. Many thanks to families in our community for supporting our school walk-a-thon. We have started to use some money to support recess programs and we have started the process of choosing new jerseys for our school teams. On November 6th Lynn Campanella from Lettuce Make Thyme Company will join our school to deliver the L.E.A.D. recess program. She will train 14 junior students to use various equipment and learn activities/play with students in grades 4-6. This equipment can Nov. 1—All Saints Day also be used by the junior grades for Daily Physical Activity in their classrooms. Lynn will also deliver workshops to our staff focusing on Physical Literacy and the meaning of Play. For more information please browse the site. Thank you once again for your continued support and participation in all aspects of your child’s Catholic Education. Karen Carriere Chapter’s Fundraiser!! Chapters South Keys 2210 Bank St. Ottawa Saturday, November 29th 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Please visit the St. Mary table set up in the store to receive your notice informing the cash. Our school will receive 20% of your purchase! Each buyer must identify to the cashier that they are supporting St. Mary Catholic School. Nov. 2-All Souls Day Nov. 2-Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov. 6-Leads Recess Program Workshops Nov. 11-Remembrance Day Nov. 14-School Mass 9:30 a.m. Nov. 17-Nov.21– Anti-Bullying Week Nov. 20-School Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Nov. 25-Report Cards Go Home! Nov. 26-SEAC Mtg. Kemptville Nov. 27-Gr. 6 go to Upper Canada Playhouse Nov. 27-Parent/Teacher Interviews 4:00-5:00 p.m. & 5:45-8:30 p.m. Nov. 29-Chapters South Keys school fundraiser 12:00—3:00 p.m. Tell your family and friends Nov. 30-First Sunday in Advent Dec. 1-Advent Liturgy Dec. 3-Christmas Wrap!!! Dec. 10-Christmas Concert! JK/SK –Miss Acr es, Miss Per ley & Mme. Chisholm, Mme. Kinga Well, we’re in November already, it’s hard to believe! The students are feeling very “at home” at school and are having lots of fun learning. It’s amazing to see how far they’ve come in just two months. We will continue to practice recognizing and writing our names and the names of our friends (using an uppercase letter at the beginning followed by lowercase letters). We have begun the Jolly Phonics program and are making words using the sounds we are learning/reviewing—s a t i p n. A “Jolly Green” duotang containing these sounds & actions will be coming home soon for you to use to help practice at home! Also keep an eye out for a blue “Read With Me” duotang containing prayers, poems and songs that we have read at school that you can read with your child (or they can read to you)! Patterns are everywhere and the students have been finding them as well as practicing extending and creating them. We are going to have a Pattern Day on Friday, Nov. 14th where the students are invited to wear or bring an item with a pattern. We plan to take lots of pictures and make a class book. Thank you to everyone who has sent in a family photo. No worries if you haven’t sent one in yet, it’s not too late! In Science, we will continue to look at changes that occur during Fall, including hibernation, and experiment with sinking and floating! As the weather gets colder (ugh!), coats are changing...please help your child learn how to do up the new zippers & buttons on their own, and we will do the same here at school! Putting names on hats, waterproof mittens, scarves would also be appreciated—it really helps us to make sure that everyone goes home with their own “stuff”! “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” Page 2 St. Mary Catholic School Grade One —Mrs. Acr es As November is now upon us and the colder weather approaches, it is important that the children have extra mittens and socks in their book bags. Please ensure that their names are on their clothing and boots. It is also important that the students English Ziploc bags be returned daily. If anyone has any war memorabilia and would like to share it, please discuss it with your child or write a brief description of it and send it in on or before November 11 for our Remembrance Day activities. This certainly helps to make Remembrance Day a much more personal experience for our children. An important note concerning the recording of Love-A-Books: if each book is read up to three times as recommended, it may be recorded IN THEIR Love-A-Book folder on a separate line three times. The columns across the Love-ABook sheets, “Read by Parents, Read with Help and Read by Myself” are for informational purposes and not to be confused with record- ing three times. Also, only books sent from school may be recorded. I do not have the time to look through each child’s green reading folder daily, so please remind your child that each time they reach another ten, to give me their folder for their stamp, sticker, and the chance to move their car further down the road on our reading journey. Please continue practicing the sounds and reading the books sent home nightly as well as the yellow reading duotangs on weekends. I will be sending home a phonemic awareness calendar provided by our speech and language department. For each day there is an activity to do with your child. Have fun with them! When your child is completing printing in their sound sheet books please make sure that they are printing only the letter that is stamped. They are being taught how to make the letters using a special program. I will also send you a copy of the terminology used for each letter. You may go ahead in looking at and practicing upcoming sounds, just not the printing of the letters. As well, continue working with your child on the activities that have been suggested through the math and language letters sent home. Thank you for your continued assistance in your child’s learning. J. Acres Grade One and Two Fr ench Immersion —Mr. Adam Fisher What a crazy month. I am very excited to be spending the rest of the year with this wonderful group of students. We are finally getting settled in and everything is running smoothly. During French class we have started a reading session where I read them a book in French and ask questions to verify comprehension and understanding. We are also currently working on our French phonics. This week we have five sounds to learn and master. Science class is by far the busiest, the grade 1’s are learning the difference between things that are, were and aren’t alive, along with the various needs for creatures that are alive. The grade 2’s are learning to spot the differences and similarities between various living creatures, and their respective life cycles. During social studies we will be looking at our families, our communities and the various traditions that we have that makes Canada such a wonderful place to live. EASTERN ONTARIO HEALTH UNIT TRIPLE P: Single parents often think it’s tougher to discipline a child without the help of another person. In this case, just like if you were parenting with someone else, planning and consistency is key. Children thrive and get used to routines quite quickly. Putting positive and predictable routines in place, for things such as bedtime or homework, can make things much easier. Including other family members in your routines can also be useful. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, or trusted family friends can set great examples for children throughout their lives. There is no one right way to be a parent, but Triple P offers information, support and practical answers for your everyday parenting concerns. You can start your Triple P experience today by registering for our upcoming events and information sessions at, or by calling 1-844-362-8593. Grade Two/Three French Immersion -Melissa Roy During the month of October the students got to present a descriptive text on another friend in class. They also learned 3 sounds in French: I, a and o. In physical education students learned techniques to ensure their safety and others safety while participating in physical activities. In addition, the students got to express their ideas on different types of music and explore different 2d and 3d art work. Below is a quick glance of the materials being covered over the month of November: French: In French we will be working on participation in interactions on familiar topics, identifying strategies they found helpful before, during and after reading to understand texts and we will be working on the writing process. Science: We will be starting our unit in science on properties of liquids and solids as well as forces causing movement. Arts: In arts we will be completing our unit on communicating feelings and ideas on a variety of music. Physical Education/Health: In Health we will be copleting our unit on safety practices at home and outside of the classroom. In Physical Education we will be starting our unit on applying tactics to increase their chances of success during physical activities. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school anytime. For as long as the moon rises For as long as the grass grows green For as long as the rivers flow We will be friends We will live in peace. Page 3 Grade Four -Mrs. Veinotte As that October heat wave turns into weather that’s more November-like, I’m hoping that we all maintain our willingness to spend our extra hour outside each week! Please encourage your kids to dress appropriately for any weather that these autumn days might bring. This month we’ll be celebrating all the hard work we’ve done in the classroom in recent weeks, with progress reports and parent teacher interviews coming up. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss some next steps and at-home support as we work together on your child’s learning journey. It looks like early November will see us celebrating our “Popcorn Moments”, as well, with a reward for students’ showing kindness and respect for one another. In language this month we’ll be working on visualizing to help us better understand what we read, and on voice to add some personality and “oomph” to our written work. We’ll be looking at poetry as a text form, and we’ll spend some time this month composing pieces for the Canadian Legion and Habitat for Humanity writing competitions, which are open to grade 4-6 students. In math, we’re managing data in our unit on graphing, and we’ll begin addition and subtraction of large numbers later in the month. I’m looking forward to seeing students’ presentations of their “Animal Habitats” projects, and to beginning a whole new unit in science on Light and Sound. Our class did a wonderful job leading at the October mass at St. Mary, and I’m sure that some were even inspired to become members of the parish Youth Group, which is responsible for jobs at Mass on the last Sunday of each month. We will also spend some important time commemorating those who serve our country at Remembrance Day and, I can’t believe I’m writing this, but our journey towards Christmas will begin in just a few weeks, as we begin the season of Advent at the end of November. Grade Thr ee and Five —Ms. Stanley We have had an excellent first two months at school and I am sure that November will be fantastic. The Walk-a-Thon was a lot of fun and we were lucky that the weather held off for us. All of the students had a lot of fun. I was very impressed with all of our dancing skills during our Luv2Groove workshop. It was a great day and the school raised a lot of money. We finished our place value unit and started a patterning unit in math. We will continue with patterning and move on to geometry during the second half of November. I am very pleased with the work that the class is putting into their math. We continue to practice visualizing when we read. In our writing we are focusing on adding more juicy details YE OLD BARGAIN SHOPPE DONATES TO SCHOOL! Many thanks to the generous $1000.00 donation from Ye Old Bargain Shoppe! The Shoppe is located on 30 Mill Street (St. Andrew’s Church Basement) in Chesterville. Please support this second hand store by dropping off clothing and goods in their large white bin outside the church. You can also purchase household items from the shop. Shop Hours: Wednesdays: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Each month they hold “Bag Sales” the last week of the month. As a customer you can fill a garbage bag of clothing for $15.00. The shop advertises weekly in the Chesterville Record and the Winchester Press advertising their events. Our school community will use this donation towards the cost of purchasing the L.E.A.D. recess program. and descriptive vocabulary. The Grade 3 class will be responsible for the school mass on November 14th at 9:30 a.m. Thanks for your continued support and help with homework. The Grade 5’s have been working very hard and I am looking forward to another great month. During the month of November we will continue to work on visualizing when we read. We are working on adding more details and descriptive language in our writing. We will move on to organizing our writing and writing narratives this month. The Walk-a-Thon was a great success and the whole class had a great time. We had a lot of fun dancing during the Luv2Groove workshop. A congratulations to all of the students who participated in the cross -country and soccer tournaments. You all made St. Mary’s very proud. Thanks for all of your continued support. other adolescent challenges. Constable Lauzon will be making class visits every second Wednesday. The Grade 6 studens will be attending aplay at the Upper Canada Playhouse on Thursday, November 27th called Lights, Camera, Christmas. Many thanks to Mrs. Veinotte for organizing this outing. As there have been a number of students who have been late in submitting their assignments and homework, please encourage your child to complete his/her work on time and to return his/her Agenda daily. It can be very difficult for students to “catch up” once they have fallen behind. As always, we encourage all students to make an effort to read for 20 minutes each night before bed. This is particularly important for our struggling readers as it greatly improves fluency. Have a great month! Miss Ganter M. Stanley Grade Six-Miss Ganter Thanks to the parents who volunteered at the Cross Country Run at Iona Academy. Our students were amazing—in both ability and behaviour. We are so proud of them! In Reading, we are working on visualizing where students use words and phrases to create pictures in their minds. Students are asked to explain how this Reading Power helps them to better understand the text. Summarizing will be the next area of focus. We have begun the VIP (“Values, Influences and Peers”) program with Constable Theresa Lauzon, our Community Police Officer. This program includes a range of topics such as alcohol and drug awareness, peer influences, bullying and NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH, 2014 AT 6:30 P.M. Eco Team HEALTHY CORNER: “We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors; rather we are borrowing it form our children.” native proverb In October, Miss Acres and Mrs. Veinotte had the opportunity to attend an Eco Schools workshop in Ottawa, where we learned about a province wide initiative to make our schools a whole lot greener. We’ll be starting an Eco Team here at St. Mary to get students involved in being “Stewards of the Earth” through more careful attention to the three R’s, and a more mindful approach to our role in preserving our planet. We made the first step with our “Take Me Outside Day” on October 29, when students and teachers took learning out to the yard, and explored traditional subjects through the world outside our classroom walls. Watch our newsletter and school mail for further details about how St. Mary is going green! Just a reminder that we are a PEANUT/ NUT FREE SCHOOL. Below are some peanut/nut free recipes you may like to try at home which your child may bring to school for their snack. Homemade Applesauce 6 pounds Apples, Peeled, Cored, And Cut Into 8 Slices 1 cup Apple Juice Or Apple Cider Juice Of 1 Lemon 1/2 cup Brown Sugar, Packed 1 teaspoon Cinnamon, More Or Less To Taste Optional Ingredients: Nutmeg, Maple Syrup, Allspice, Butter Preparation Instructions Combine all ingredients in a large pot and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 25 minutes. Carefully puree in a food processor or blender (don't fill too full; split into two portions if needed) until smooth. Store in the fridge and serve by itself, over pork chops, over ice cream, over pancakes...or any place where applesauce is needed! SCHOOL COUNCIL CHRISTMAS WRAP!!! The School Council will be holding the 12th annual Christmas Wrap on Wednesday, December 3rd for our St. Mary students. The Christmas Wrap allows each student to bring home a gift for each member of his/her immediate family and live-in members. This is a great opportunity for parents and family to go through some of your “unwanted treasures” and wrapping materials and put them to excellent use! All of the items are put on display and each child will have the opportunity to browse and select the items they would like to give. The items are wrapped and tagged by our volunteers and given to your child to take home. Parents may drop off their unused or gently used items from your home and should include suitable gifts for members of your family. Any extra wrapping paper, gift bags and especially gift tags is always helpful. Volunteers will be needed as well, so please watch for the letter coming home soon with your child. NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING: Thursday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. EXTRA CLOTHES Please make sure your JK/SK child has an extra set of clothes at school. (Socks, shirt, underwear, pants) Children often get wet and muddy playing outside or need them during the school day. With the cooler weather approaching, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Best Blueberry Muffins This blueberry muffins recipe will be a hit with the whole family! 1 3/4 cups flour 1/2 cup white sugar 3 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup blueberries 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted 1 cup milk 1 egg In a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients and the blueberries. In a small bowl combine the melted butter, milk and egg. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix gently until just combined. As a rule you should never beat muffin batter so you will have light and fluffy muffins. Fill muffin tins 3/4 full and bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. Sandwich Alternatives for Lunchboxes Veggies and Dip: A favour ite way of getting lots of lovely veggies into your child is to serve up veggies with dip on the side. Finger food can be a lot more fun than sandwiches, and it is also particularly good for tempting younger children to eat a variety of foods. A Leafy Salad: A leafy salad with some tasty additions can make a great, healthy, low fat lunch. Try adding shredded chicken, tuna, ham, boiled egg, chunks of cheese or croutons, as well as a selection of crunch raw vegetables like chopped cucumber, pepper, or grated carrot. A little tub of salad dressing to drizzle over, and you’ve got yourself a really tasty lunch. Crackers: Cr acker s with cheese/and or ham. It’s an extremely quick and easy lunch to throw together and makes a nice change from sandwiches.
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