WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide is published by Advanced Instructional Systems, Inc. © 2014 by Advanced Instructional Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. 11.5.2014 ® WebAssign is a registered trademark of Advanced Instructional Systems, Inc. ® ® ® ® ® pencilPad , chemPad , calcPad , physPad , and Personal Study Plan are registered trademarks of Advanced Instructional ® ™ Systems, Inc. (dba WebAssign ). NumberLine is a service mark of Advanced Instructional Systems, Inc. ® ® ® ® ® Adobe , Acrobat , Acrobat Reader , Flash , and Shockwave United States, other countries, or both. ® ® ® ® Apple , iPad , Mac , and Safari are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., in the United States, other countries, or both. ® ™ Google is a registered trademark of Google Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Chrome Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. ® ® ® ® Internet Explorer , Microsoft , PowerPoint , and Windows other countries, or both. ™ Java Linux is a trademark of Google are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. ® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. ® Mathematica ® Mozilla is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. and Firefox ® are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Under the copyright laws, neither this documentation nor the software may be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Advanced Instructional Systems, except in the normal use of the software. Questions in the database that are identified with a specific textbook have been used with the permission of the publisher who owns the copyright. Order the WebAssign service from: WebAssign NC State Centennial Campus 1791 Varsity Drive, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27606 Web: http://webassign.net Tel: (800) 955-8275 or (919) 829-8181 Fax: (919) 829-1516 Email: [email protected] Contents i Contents Document Conventions..........................................................................vii 1 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign®................................... 1 Search for Questions.......................................................................................... 2 WebAssign® Question Modes............................................................................... 5 Question Templates............................................................................................ 6 Create Questions by Duplication.......................................................................... 6 Create Questions with the Question Editor............................................................ 7 Delete Parts of Single-Mode Questions................................................................11 Test Questions................................................................................................. 18 Share Questions With Other Instructors.............................................................. 19 2 Create General-Purpose Questions.....................................................21 Create Multiple-Choice Questions....................................................................... 22 Display Choices in a Fixed Order................................................................... 23 Display Choices as a Drop-down Menu........................................................... 24 Display Choices Horizontally or in Tables.........................................................25 Create True/False Questions.............................................................................. 27 Create Yes/No Questions................................................................................... 28 Create Multiple-Select Questions........................................................................ 30 Display Multiple-Select Choices in a Fixed Order.............................................. 32 Display Multiple-Select Choices Horizontally or in Tables................................... 33 Create Matching Questions................................................................................ 34 Match Formatted Notation or Images............................................................. 36 Display Matching Items in a Fixed Order.........................................................37 Create Ranking Questions................................................................................. 39 Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions...................................................................... 42 Create File Upload Questions............................................................................. 44 Create PencilPad (Drawing) Questions.................................................................46 Create Free Response Questions........................................................................ 50 Create Image Map Questions.............................................................................52 3 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions........................................... 57 Create Multi-Part Questions That Have One Question Mode....................................58 Create Multi-Mode Questions............................................................................. 61 Create Polling Questions................................................................................... 66 Add Expandable Sections to Multi-Part Questions................................................. 68 Create Tutorial Questions.................................................................................. 70 Create Scored Tutorial Questions................................................................... 71 Create Popup Tutorial Questions.................................................................... 75 Delete Parts of Multi-Mode Questions..................................................................83 November 2014 ii WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 4 Create Numerical Questions............................................................... 93 Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions...................................................... 95 Check Significant Figures in Numerical Questions............................................. 97 Check Decimal Places in Numerical Questions..................................................98 Change Tolerance for Numerical Questions.................................................... 100 Create Fraction Questions................................................................................101 Require Units in Numerical Questions................................................................105 Unit Names for Numerical Questions............................................................ 106 Create Answer-Dependent Questions................................................................ 111 5 Create Math Questions..................................................................... 117 Display Notation with WaTeX........................................................................... 118 WaTeX Notation..........................................................................................119 Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices............................................................... 124 WaTeX Example: Align a System of Equations................................................126 WaTeX Example: Matrices........................................................................... 127 WaTeX Example: Arithmetic Long Division..................................................... 128 WaTeX Example: Polynomial Long Division.................................................... 129 WaTeX Example: Synthetic Division.............................................................. 130 Display Notation with LaTeX.............................................................................131 Add Symbols to Questions...............................................................................132 Display Notation with <symimage>.................................................................. 133 Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution................................................... 141 Create mathPad Questions...............................................................................144 Evaluation Modes for Math Questions........................................................... 145 Create mathPad Questions Using Symbolic Mode............................................147 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode................................. 149 Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation..................................... 153 Create mathPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica®................ 157 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica®...... 161 Create Number Line Questions......................................................................... 162 Create a NumberLine Question.................................................................... 164 Coding NumberLine Questions..................................................................... 166 Code a Question in Default Mode................................................................. 167 Code a Question in Points Mode...................................................................168 Answer Key Objects....................................................................................170 Grading..................................................................................................... 172 Create Graphing Questions.............................................................................. 173 Specify Equations in Graphing Question Answer Keys......................................177 Graphing Tool Grid Display and Snap Behavior...............................................177 Create Matrix Questions.................................................................................. 179 Matrix Parameters...................................................................................... 182 6 Create Physics Questions................................................................. 185 Display Notation with WaTeX........................................................................... 186 WaTeX Notation..........................................................................................187 November 2014 Contents iii Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices............................................................... 192 WaTeX Example: Align a System of Equations................................................194 WaTeX Example: Matrices........................................................................... 195 WaTeX Example: Arithmetic Long Division..................................................... 196 WaTeX Example: Polynomial Long Division.................................................... 197 WaTeX Example: Synthetic Division.............................................................. 198 Display Notation with LaTeX.............................................................................199 Add Symbols to Questions...............................................................................200 Display Notation with <symimage>.................................................................. 201 Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution................................................... 209 Create physPad Questions............................................................................... 212 Evaluation Modes for Math Questions........................................................... 212 Create physPad Questions Using Symbolic Mode............................................ 214 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode................................. 217 Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation..................................... 221 Create physPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica®................. 225 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica®...... 228 7 Create Chemistry Questions............................................................. 231 Chemistry Notation in Questions...................................................................... 232 Create chemPad Questions.............................................................................. 233 Create chemPad Questions for Formulas....................................................... 234 Create List and Rank-Order chemPad Questions............................................. 238 Create chemPad Questions for Reactions.......................................................243 Create chemPad Questions for Kinetic or Equilibrium Expressions..................... 248 Create chemPad Questions for Electrochemical Cell Notation............................ 250 Create chemPad Questions for Electron Configuration..................................... 252 Creating chemPad Answer Keys................................................................... 255 Create MarvinSketch Questions........................................................................ 257 MarvinSketch Drawing Modes...................................................................... 258 MarvinSketch Changes to Creating Questions.................................................261 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Do Not Display an Initial Drawing..............261 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Display an Initial Drawing........................ 265 Display Chemical Structures in Questions with MarvinSketch............................272 Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool.................................................... 275 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Use Canonical or Combinatorial SMILES Strings...................................................................... 282 8 Format Questions............................................................................. 287 Format Text in Questions................................................................................ 288 Add Images, Media, or Documents to Your Coursework....................................... 289 Upload Images, Media, or Documents to My Folders....................................... 290 Set Display Text for an Image, Media, or Document File..................................291 Display Images in Your Coursework..............................................................293 Add Resource Links in Your Coursework........................................................ 295 Link to External Resource Materials in Your Coursework.................................. 297 Play Media Files in Your Coursework............................................................. 298 November 2014 iv WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Update Your Files....................................................................................... 306 Rename a Folder, Assignment, Question, or File............................................. 307 Add Symbols to Questions...............................................................................308 Add Search Metadata to Questions................................................................... 308 Add Standard Text Prompts to Questions...........................................................309 9 Question Behavior............................................................................ 311 Perl Variables and Functions............................................................................ 312 Include Perl in Questions............................................................................ 312 Set Perl Variables....................................................................................... 315 Test Perl Variables...................................................................................... 316 Use Perl Array Variables..............................................................................319 Use Perl Hash Variables.............................................................................. 324 Write Perl Functions................................................................................... 327 The {tab} Operator........................................................................................ 329 Randomize Question Values............................................................................. 330 Randomization Best Practices.......................................................................331 Use Randomized Numbers........................................................................... 334 Use Randomized Values from a List..............................................................335 Use Matching Randomized Values from Two Lists........................................... 337 Use Randomized Values from a Table........................................................... 340 Numeric Values in Questions............................................................................343 Display Numbers to a Specified Precision...................................................... 343 Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions.................................... 346 Perform Complex Operations in Answer Keys..................................................... 347 A: List of Tags..................................................................................... 353 Tags for Displaying Content............................................................................. 354 Tags for Multi-Part, Accordion, and Tutorial Questions......................................... 355 Tags for Controlling Question Behavior.............................................................. 356 B: List of Symbols............................................................................... 359 C: List of Prompts............................................................................... 361 Prompts for Accounting Questions.................................................................... 362 Prompts for Chemistry and Physics Questions.................................................... 362 Prompts for Mathematics Questions.................................................................. 365 Prompts for Statistics Questions....................................................................... 368 Miscellaneous Prompts.................................................................................... 368 D: Perl Functions and Operators......................................................... 371 Conditional Processing and Logic Functions and Operators................................... 372 Mathematic Functions and Operators................................................................ 372 Numerical Display Functions............................................................................ 375 Randomization Functions................................................................................. 377 Informational Functions................................................................................... 377 E: Perl Variables.................................................................................. 379 November 2014 v WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Perl Variables for Any Question Type.................................................................380 Perl Variables for Numerical Questions.............................................................. 381 Perl Variables for Math Questions (Algebraic and Symbolic Modes)........................ 382 Perl Variables for Multiple-Choice and Multiple-Select Questions............................382 Perl Variables for Matching Questions................................................................383 Perl Variables for Fill-in-the-Blank Questions...................................................... 384 Perl Variables for Essay Questions.................................................................... 384 Perl Variables for File-Upload Questions.............................................................384 Perl Variables for Chemistry Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank Mode)............................ 385 F: Numerical Tolerance........................................................................387 G: Significant Figure Checking in WebAssign®.................................... 391 November 2014 vi WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 Document Conventions This document uses the following typographical conventions. Convention Description Examples Boldface Identifies items in the user interface such as buttons or menus. Angle brackets are used to indicate menu sublevels. Click OK. Type a Description. Click Assignments > Create. Uppercase Identifies the names of keys on Press ENTER. the keyboard. Standard Microsoft key names are used; users of other operating systems or keyboards might see different labels. Monospace Identifies tags, functions, variables, and code that must be typed literally. Lines of code that are wrapped because of length are slightly indented. Begin your formula with the <eqn> Identifies text that must be typed literally. Type 0 if you do not want your Monospace with boldface tag. Type the following code: <eqn> $helpertext='Have you tested your values using the Pythagorean Theorem?'; '' </eqn> students to incur a penalty for using the automatic extension. Italics Note Identifies placeholders for values that you must supply. Sometimes used for textual emphasis. Provides supplementary information. <eqn $PULLDOWN=1; $Select_Option="text"; ''> where text is the default text that you want to be displayed in the menu. Note: You should know this. November 2014 viii WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 Convention Description Tip Provides optional hints or shortcuts. Important Provides cautionary information to help prevent problems. Best Practice Describes recommended actions to perform a task better. Examples Tip: This might make it easier. Important: Check this before proceeding. Best Practice: This way is recommended. 1 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® This chapter contains the following topics: WebAssign® provides tools for finding, duplicating, creating, editing, and testing your own questions. • Search for Questions • WebAssign Question Modes • Question Templates • Create Questions by Duplication • Create Questions with the Question Editor • Delete Parts of Single-Mode Questions • Test Questions • Share Questions With Other Instructors November 2014 2 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Search for Questions Before creating your own questions, it is often useful to look for existing questions that are like the question you want. You might even find a question that you can use without modification. To search for an existing question: Tip: If you know the question ID or part of the question name, click Search in the toolbar. Select Question, type the question name or ID, and then click Go. 1. Click Questions > Search. 2. On the Question Search page, specify the criteria you want to use when performing your search. Searches are not case-sensitive. Only questions that contain all of your specified criteria are returned in the search results. November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 3 Important: You are allowed to use textbook questions in your assignments only from textbooks you have adopted for your class. Questions from other textbooks are not displayed in the search results. The criteria you can use for your search on are described in the following tables. Criterion Description Textbook Select one of the textbooks that you have selected for your classes to limit your search to questions in that textbook. Chapter Specify a textbook chapter, if known. Name Specify the entire question name or a word that occurs in the question name. Usable Only Select Usable Only to include only questions that are marked as usable. Used Questions Only Select Used Questions Only to include only questions that have been used in an assignment. Keywords Specify a single keyword to find questions including that keyword. Be aware that textbook questions do not include keywords. Author Specify all or part of the question author's name or WebAssign username. Permission/ Groups Select the permission that is set for the question. To understand permissions, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. Mode Select the type of question that you are searching for — for example, Multiple-Choice or Numerical. Note that Multi-Mode questions containing the selected type are also returned. Last Saved Select a date and time range when the question was most recently saved. A common use of this criterion is to search for questions that are new or have been recently modified. ® Click Show Additional Criteria to specify the following criteria: Criterion Description Question Specify a word or phrase in the Question field for the question. You can use this to search not only for text that is displayed to students, but also for code, for example if you are trying to find questions using a particular function or variable. Answer Specify a word or phrase in the Answer field for the question. You can use this to search not only for text that is displayed to students, but also for code, for example if you are trying to find questions using a particular function or variable. November 2014 4 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Criterion Description Solution Specify a word or phrase in the Solution field for the question. Comment Specify a word or phrase in the Comment field for the question. Discipline Select one or more disciplines that are specified for the question. Be aware that most textbook questions do not contain discipline information. Note: You cannot use operators like AND, OR, or commas to combine multiple search terms for a criterion. Instead, use the % character as a wildcard to match zero or more characters. For example, if you specified velocity%acceleration in the Keywords box, you would find questions containing any of the following values in the keywords list: relationship between velocity and acceleration velocityAcceleration velocity,acceleration Velocity, Time, Acceleration However, you would not see questions for which acceleration precedes velocity in the list of keywords, such as: acceleration, time, velocity 3. Under Results Options, select how many results to be displayed per page, how the results should be sorted, and whether to display the entire question or summary information. 4. Click Search. Some searches might take several minutes, depending on your search parameters. • If only one question matches your parameters, it is opened in the Question Editor. • If more than one question is found, the results are displayed as specified by the Results Options settings. Tip: If you perform the same search repeatedly, set the search criteria in the Questions Search page and then click Save. This saves the specified criteria to your user profile. To perform the same search again, click My Search and the saved criteria are filled in on the Questions Search page. 5. In the Question Search Results, you can: • Click View to see the question in the Question Previewer. • Click Edit to open the question in the Question Editor. Depending on the permission for the question, you might not be able to save any changes to the question. • Click Duplicate to open a new copy of the question in the Question Editor. The copy is a new question that is just like the original, except you are the owner and can change it to suit your needs. • Click Delete to remove a criterion and run the search again. November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 5 • Click Edit Criteria to open the Questions Search page with the existing criteria. • Click New Search to open the Questions Search page with no specified criteria. • Change the Results Options and then click Update Results to change the number of search results per page, the results sort order, and whether to display the entire question or summary information. WebAssign® Question Modes ® The WebAssign Question Editor supports the following question modes. Mode Description Algebraic Students submit a mathematical expression or equation that is evaluated algebraically. Essay Students submit an extended textual response. Scored manually. File-Upload Students submit a file. Scored manually. Fill-in-the-Blank Students submit a brief textual response. Graphing Students draw on a Cartesian coordinate plane. Image Map Students click a displayed image. Java Students use Java, Flash, or other applet to answer the question. Matching Students match items from two lists. Multiple-Choice Students select one response from a list. Multiple-Select Students select one or more responses from a list. NumberLine Students place or draw points, lines, segments, or rays. Numerical Students submit a numerical response which might include units or be checked for significant figures. PencilPad Students draw a figure. Scored manually. Poll Used with other modes to create questions that collect information only. All responses are scored correct. Symbolic Students submit a mathematical expression (not an equation) that is evaluated by value substitution. November 2014 6 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question Templates ® If you are planning to create questions, add the WebAssign Templates as a resource text to your class. These templates provide “best practice” examples of a wide variety of question types and techniques. ® After you have added the WebAssign template as a resource, you can use the Question Browser to view these example questions. To use a template question when creating your own questions, copy the code of the question from the Question Browser to the Question Editor, and then edit the question to fit your needs. Create Questions by Duplication If you find a question that is similar to the one you want to create, you can create a copy of the question. The copy is a new question that is just like the original, except you are the owner and can change it to suit your needs. Note: Observe copyright restrictions for textbook questions and questions authored by others. Questions that are duplicated from copyrighted questions should be treated as copyrighted material. To create a question by duplication: 1. Click Duplicate for the question you want to copy. You can duplicate a question from the Question Editor, My Questions, Question Search Results, and Recently Modified pages. The new question opens in the Question Editor. 2. In the Question Editor, make your changes to the question and test it. 3. When the question works as you want it to, click Save. The question is created and assigned a new unique question ID. Important: Some features of textbook questions are intentionally not available after duplication. These features are generally textbook-specific, and include eBook links and tutorials, simulations, and instructional materials associated with the textbook. See Also: Create General-Purpose Questions on page 21 November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 7 Create Questions with the Question Editor ® To create or edit questions in WebAssign , you use the Question Editor. To create a question: Note: Although you use different procedures and options when creating different kinds of questions, the following steps describe the general ® procedure for creating questions in WebAssign . Refer to other sections for information about specific question types. 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. Tip: You can open the Question Editor from a number of other contexts by clicking Edit or Duplicate for a question. November 2014 8 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 2. In Name, type a name for the question. Use the Name field to specify a descriptive name for the question. The name can be up to 50 characters long, and helps you to identify the question without having to view it. 3. In Mode, select one of the question modes to define the basic behaviors for your question. November 2014 Mode Description Multiple-Choice Lists mutually exclusive choices with only one correct response. Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 9 Mode Description Multiple-Select Lists non-exclusive choices, allowing your students to select all the choices that apply. Numerical Provides a box for your students to type a numerical response that is scored for numerical accuracy and, optionally, for correctly specifying units, significant figures, or decimal places. Fill-in-the-Blank Provides a box for your students to type a short response that is scored by comparison with one or more answers. Matching Lists a series of items for your students to match to items in a second list. Essay Provides a box for your students to type a response of any length. Essay questions must be manually scored. Symbolic Scores mathematical expressions by comparing your students' responses to the key with variable substitution. Algebraic Scores mathematical expressions by comparing your students' responses to the key algebraically. NumberLine Provides a number line on which your students place points or graph their response. Image Map Displays an image that your students click to identify something in the image. Graphing Provides a coordinate plane on which your students graph their response. PencilPad Provides a virtual pad of paper on which your students draw their response. PencilPad questions must be manually scored. File-Upload Allows your students to upload a file for their response. Fileupload questions must be manually scored. Java Displays a Java applet or other web-based simulation or tool that provides the question and scores your students' responses. Poll Using any of the other modes, poll questions gather information but score all responses as correct. See Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions on page 57. 4. To create a multi-part question that uses more than one question mode, click Multi-Mode Options. See Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions on page 57. 5. In Question, type the question you are asking your students to answer. Depending on the type of question you are creating, you will usually add an answer placeholder string <_> to specify where your students will specify their responses. You can use HTML tags and CSS style attribute values in your question to ® format its appearance, or you can use WebAssign tags to add formatting or November 2014 10 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide boilerplate text. You can also include images, videos, sound files, or links to documents. Tip: To resize the Question, Answer, or Solution boxes, click the horizontal or vertical resize buttons. This does not affect the display size of the question in an assignment. Resizing these fields affects only the question you are editing, but the field sizes are saved with the question. 6. In Answer, specify the answer key for your question. Often, you will specify distractors or options configuring your question's behavior. Important: The information you specify in Answer varies significantly based on the selected question Mode. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and matching questions, you can use HTML tags and CSS style attribute values to format answer choices, or include images, videos, sound files, or links to documents. 7. Optionally, type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. You can configure display of solutions in your assignment settings. You can use HTML tags and CSS style attribute values in your solution to ® format its appearance, or you can use WebAssign tags to add formatting or boilerplate text. You can also include images, videos, sound files, or links to documents. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optionally, click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. The Author and Locked information cannot be changed. Author displays your name and email address. Locked indicates whether or not the question has been included in a scheduled assignment. This does not prevent you from editing the question, but you should not edit locked questions except to correct errors. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 11 ® WebAssign assigns a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Tip: • To discard the changes in the Question Editor and load the last saved version of the question, click Revert. • To view the history of saved changes for the question, including the date, time, and user, click the Last Saved date. See Also: Create Multiple-Choice Questions on page 22 Create True/False Questions on page 27 Create Yes/No Questions on page 28 Create Multiple-Select Questions on page 30 Create Matching Questions on page 34 Create Ranking Questions on page 39 Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions on page 42 Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95 Create Image Map Questions on page 52 Create Free Response Questions on page 50 Create PencilPad (Drawing) Questions on page 46 Create File Upload Questions on page 44 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions on page 57 Create Math Questions on page 117 Create Chemistry Questions on page 231 Create Fraction Questions on page 101 Delete Parts of Single-Mode Questions If you find a single-mode question with more parts than you want, you can create a copy of the question to edit. This newly copied question is identical to the original, except you are the owner and can edit it for your needs. Note: Observe copyright restrictions for textbook questions and questions authored by others. Questions that are duplicated from copyrighted questions should be treated as copyrighted material. To delete parts of a single-mode question: 1. Find the question you want to edit. Note: See Search for Questions on page 2 if you need help locating the question you want. 2. Click Duplicate for the question you want to edit. You can duplicate a question from the Question Editor, My Questions, Question Search Results, and Recently Modified pages. November 2014 12 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide The new question opens in the Question Editor, and shows that it is a duplicated question. 3. In the Name field, prepend the question name with a unique identifier, such as your initials, or give it a new name, and then click Save. The question is renamed and assigned a new QID. For example, using a duplicate of RogaCalc2 1.1.002. and prepending it with GAM as the unique identifier, the new name and QID would be GAMRogaCalc2 1.1.002. (2661089). Note: Make a note of your question's new name and new QID displayed at the top of the editor. This will make it easier when you want to add the question to an assignment. 4. Click Test/Preview to see your new question. For example, GAM-RogaCalc2 1.1.002. (2661089) is identical to the original question: November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 13 5. From the Question, Answer, and Solution fields of the editor, delete the parts of the question you want to remove. Important: Since code lines wrap in the Question Editor, you can adjust the Question, Answer, or Solution fields using the horizontal or vertical resize buttons. Alternatively, if you cannot sufficiently resize the fields without the lines wrapping, copy/paste the entire text of a field into a text editor with word wrap turned off. November 2014 14 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide a) In the Question field, delete the parts you want to remove. Ensure you delete the associated <_> because these are the Question field parts' answer blanks. For example, the highlighted text shows the Question field part of GAMRogaCalc2 1.1.002. that will be deleted: • If the Question field part uses a <div> or <blockquote> tag, do not delete the respective closing </div> or </blockquote> tag at the end of the Question field because they are used to ensure proper display. • If there are more than one <div> tag sets in the Question field, after you delete the parts make sure that all the remaining <div> tags have corresponding </div>tags. • If the Question field uses the <table></table> tag set, you can delete the entire table or parts of it. To delete an entire table row, identify the tag that opens the row, <tr>, and the tag the closes the row,</ tr>. Delete these two tags and everything in between them to delete the entire row. To delete a table column you must delete each cell that makes the column. Identify the tag that opens the cell, <td>, and the tag that closes the cell, </td>. Delete these tags and everything between them. Repeat this process for each cell in the table that is part of the column you want to delete. b) In the Answer field, delete the parts of the answer that correspond to the Question field parts and answer blanks you deleted. This step is important because it directly affects how the question is scored in your assignment. For example, the highlighted text shows the Answer field part of GAMRogaCalc2 1.1.002. that must be deleted because it corresponds with the deleted Question field part in Step a: November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 15 Important: Each line of the Answer field usually begins with the EQN tag and corresponds to one answer blank in the order they are displayed in the question. Make sure that you delete the entire line and there are no extra carriage returns at the end. Unless the deleted line is the last EQN line, make sure the EQN tag is at the beginning of the next line. c) If the question has a solution, remove any text in the Solution field that corresponds to the deleted parts in the Question and Answer fields. For example, the highlighted text shows the Solution field part of GAMRogaCalc2 1.1.002. that must be deleted because it corresponds with the deleted Question and Answer fields' parts in Steps a and b: 6. If necessary, insert line breaks (carriage returns) in any field to make the question or solution display properly, you can use the <br /> tag for each line break you want to insert. 7. Click Redisplay. The top of the Display section shows any Perl syntax or other errors in the Question and Answer sections. Correct any errors, and then continue. For more information, see Perl Variables and Functions on page 312. 8. Click Test/Preview to see how your question will de displayed to students and that all answer blanks are grading correctly. Be sure to test the answer blanks with both correct and incorrect answers. November 2014 16 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Note: At any point in the editing process you can test to see how your changes affect the question. You do not need to save your changes before testing. For example, this is edited version of GAM-RogaCalc2 1.1.002.: 9. In the Additional Information section, make changes to the following fields. If you cannot see this section, click Show Additional Information. a) Keywords—add a comma-delimited list of keywords that describe the question. For example, add "first-order, linear, differential, equation" for GAMRogaCalc2 1.1.002. b) Classification—click Classification and select one or more topics in the discipline that relate to the question. Adding a classification includes your question in the collections listed in the Question Browser for any instructors who can find the question in search results. See Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. c) Permission—select a permission. If you created permission groups, they will display in the permission list. November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 17 For more information on permission settings and permission groups, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19 and Manage Permission Groups. d) Usable/Draft—select Usable if the question is ready to be included in assignments or Draft if it is still being edited. Draft does not prevent the question from being included in your assignment; however, the question will not be available to anyone you chose to share it with until it is marked Usable. e) Comment—add a note about what you deleted. This way, anyone who looks at this question will know how it differs from the original, WebAssign-coded question. For example, add "Deleted last two true/false parts" for GAM-RogaCalc2 1.1.002. f) Discipline—select one or more disciplines to which the question applies. For example, the Additional Information section for GAM-RogaCalc2 1.1.002. looks like this: 10. When the question works as you want it to, click Save. Best Practice: A good test is to use this question as the first question in a multi-question test assignment. This would help identify any errors in this question that would affect other questions in the assignment (like broken tags). Before adding this question to an assignment for your students, create a test course, and then add/schedule the test assignment. Using the Student View, complete the assignment to ensure the new question is functioning properly. Important: Some features of textbook questions are intentionally not available after duplication. These features are generally textbook-specific, and include eBook links and tutorials, simulations, and instructional materials associated with the textbook. November 2014 18 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Test Questions When creating or editing a question, always test your question to ensure that its appearance and behavior are correct before you use it in an assignment. To test a question: 1. In the Question Editor, click Test/Preview. The Question Previewer window opens. 2. Check the appearance of the question. a) Verify that the question is formatted correctly in the middle of the Question Previewer. Ensure that all the text is displayed, as well as any media you included in the question. b) Select the Key, Solution, Help/Hints, Mark, and Answer Format Tips check boxes to display those items for the question. You can click All or None to select all or none of these check boxes. Ensure that the key, help/hints, and solution are displayed correctly. c) Verify that the correct method for submitting a response for the question is displayed. ® This might be a tool like the WebAssign graphing tool, a text box, or items to select. 3. Check the behavior of the question. a) If the question uses any randomization — for example, multiple-choice questions or questions using randomly-selected values — click Show New Randomization. Verify that the displayed values or answer order changes in the way you expect. Try a few different randomizations. b) Select Mark, and then provide a correct response to the question. Click Submit for Testing and verify that the question is marked as correct. Note: • For file-upload questions, you cannot actually upload a file in the Question Previewer. To test that functionality, add the question to an assignment and use the Student View to submit a file on the assignment. • For manually-graded question types — file-upload, essay, and PencilPad — all submissions are automatically marked as correct. c) If more than one response might be correct, provide each alternative correct answer. Click Submit for Testing each time and verify that the responses are marked as correct. d) Provide a likely incorrect response to the question and click Submit for Testing. November 2014 Get Started Creating Questions in WebAssign® 19 Verify that the response is marked as incorrect. Test a variety of probable incorrect responses. 4. If needed, make changes to the question code and then retest the question. Tip: If the Question Previewer window is open, you can view your latest changes by clicking Reload from Editor. 5. When you satisfied that the question is correct, close the Question Previewer window and save the question in the Question Editor. Share Questions With Other Instructors You can change sharing permissions for your questions to control whether or not other instructors can use your questions in their assignments, or to collaborate with specific instructors when creating questions. Important: Changes to questions can affect scoring for both current and past scheduled assignments. To avoid creating a situation in which assignments might have to be rescored, do not allow other instructors to use your questions until after you are done making changes. You can choose among several permission values, each of which should be used for specific goals. November 2014 20 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • By default, new questions are set to Protected. This lets other instructors use your question in their assignments only if you provide the question ID, and ensures that other instructors cannot find your question by searching. Only you can edit the question or find it in search results. • If you do not want to share your question with any other instructors, choose Private. This ensures that only you can find, use, or edit the question. • If you want to let all instructors use your question in their assignments, choose either Copyright (if your question contains copyrighted materials) or Public (if all content in your question is in the public domain). Other instructors can find the question by searching and can use the question in their assignments. Only you can edit the question. • If you want to collaborate with other instructors at your school when creating a question, choose a group permission. With group permission, you can select or create a group of instructors who can edit the question and find it in search results. Instructors who are not in the group cannot find your question by searching, and can use the question in their assignments only if you or another instructor in the group provides the question ID. When you use Protected or Group permissions and you want other instructors to be able to use your question in their assignments, you must provide them with the question ID (the number shown in parentheses after the question name). With the question ID, other instructors can add your question to their assignments in the Question Browser. Note: • If you are not the original author of a question and you change the permission to anything other than Group, only the original author of the question will be able to edit the question. • Other instructors can duplicate any question that you allow them to use or to edit. To set the question permission: 1. If needed, click Show Additional Information in the Question Editor. 2. For Permission, select the permission you want to use. 3. Click Save to apply your changes. November 2014 2 Create General-Purpose Questions This chapter contains the following topics: • Create Multiple-Choice Questions • Create True/False Questions • Create Yes/No Questions • Create Multiple-Select Questions • Create Matching Questions In WebAssign®, you can create a wide variety of questions for use in your classes. This section provides step-by-step instructions with examples for creating many kinds of generalpurpose questions. These questions reflect the kinds of questions most commonly used in the classroom, but do not include some advanced or discipline-specific question types. See Also: Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 • Create Ranking Questions • Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions • Create File Upload Questions • Create PencilPad (Drawing) Questions • Create Free Response Questions • Create Image Map Questions November 2014 22 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Create Multiple-Choice Questions Multiple-choice questions present mutually exclusive choices with only one correct response. By default, the choices are displayed in random order when the question is used. To create a multiple-choice question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Multiple-Choice. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. Best Practice: Although technically you can omit the answer placeholder string <_> for multiple-choice questions if you want the answer choices to be listed at the end of your question, this string is required for most other question types and it is a good practice always to include it. 5. In Answer, type the correct answer on the first line and press ENTER. Then, type one or more incorrect answers, pressing ENTER after each one. Note: • Incorrect answers are sometimes referred to as distractors. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • To show feedback for each choice — sometimes called a rejoinder — see Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions on page 346. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 23 in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1077495 Name Template2 2.MC.01. Mode Multiple-Choice Question What is the primary function of leaves?<br> <_> Answer to to to to trap light energy for photosynthesis provide protection for the plant provide water for the plant enable the plant to grow taller Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions on page 346 Display Choices in a Fixed Order By default, the answer choices for multiple-choice questions are listed in random order. You can force the choices to be displayed in a specific order by setting the $ORDERED variable to the number of the correct choice and entering the answer choices in the sequence in which they should be displayed. To list answer choices in a specific sequence: 1. Start the first line of Answer with the following code: <eqn $ORDERED=n; ''> November 2014 24 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide where n is the number of the correct choice. The choices are numbered beginning with 1 for the choice on the first line of Answer. 2. Type the choices in Answer in the sequence in which they should be displayed. Example Ordered Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158608 Name Template2 2.MC.02. Mode Multiple-Choice Question In what year was President Kennedy elected? <_> Answer <eqn $ORDERED=2; ''>1959 1960 1961 1962 Display to Students Display Choices as a Drop-down Menu Sometimes, you might want to list the choices for a multiple-choice question as a drop-down menu. This can be especially useful for sentence-completion questions or in tables, where you want the student to select an answer in a specific context. You can do this by setting the $PULLDOWN variable in your answer. You can also use the $Select_Option variable to specify the default text that is displayed in the menu before your students select a response. To display answer choices as a drop-down menu: 1. Include the answer placeholder string <_> in Question at the location where you want the answer choices to be displayed. 2. Start the first line of Answer with the following code: <eqn $PULLDOWN=1; $Select_Option="text"; ''> where text is the default text that you want to be displayed in the menu. Tip: Specifying $Select_Option="text" is optional. If you do not specify default text for the menu, ---Select--- is displayed. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 25 Example Drop-down Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158615 Name Template2 2.MC.03. Mode Multiple-Choice Question <_> is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Answer <eqn $PULLDOWN=1; $Select_Option='---'; ''>Acceleration Velocity Motion Displacement Display to Students Display Choices Horizontally or in Tables By default, the choices for a multiple-choice question are displayed as a vertical list. Sometimes, you might want to arrange the choices horizontally or in a table. You can use the $SET_EACH_POSITION variable together with answer placeholder strings <_> to specify the location of each answer choice in your question. To specify the positions of answer choices: 1. Include an answer placeholder string <_> in Question for each choice. Put the answer placeholder strings <_> where the choices should be displayed. 2. Start the first line of Answer with the following code: <eqn $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''> Example Horizontal Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158695 Name Template2 2.MC.04. Mode Multiple-Choice Question What is the sum of the first five natural numbers? <br> <_> <_> <_> November 2014 26 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer <eqn $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>15 120 18 Display to Students Example Tabular Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. Note: Always specify alternative text when adding images to your questions. QID 1247290 Name Template2 2.MC.05. Mode Multiple-Choice Question Identify the wood duck. <p class="right">(Public domain images from http://photogallery.nrcs.usda.gov)</p> <div class="indent"> <table> <tr valign="top"><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> </table> </div> Answer <eqn $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''><userimage(103859, align => 'top')> <userimage(103853, align => 'top')> <userimage(103855, align => 'top')> <userimage(103857, align => 'top')> Display to Students November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 27 See Also: Add Images, Media, or Documents to Your Coursework on page 289 Create True/False Questions True/false questions are multiple-choice questions with only two choices: True and False. Best Practice: • Use the $ORDERED variable and list the answer choices with True first, followed by False. • Only allow one submission when including these questions on an assignment. To create a True/false question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Multiple-Choice. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type one of the following: • If the correct response is True, type: <eqn $ORDERED=1; ''>True False • If the correct response is False, type: <eqn $ORDERED=2; ''>True False To show feedback for each choice — sometimes called a rejoinder — see Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions on page 346. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. November 2014 28 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example True/False Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1077683 Name Template2 2.TF.01. Mode Multiple-Choice Question If an object moves at constant velocity, then there must be at least one force acting on the object. <br> <_> Answer <eqn $ORDERED=2; ''>True False Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Create Yes/No Questions Yes/no questions are multiple-choice questions with only two choices: Yes and No. Best Practice: • Use the $ORDERED variable and list the answer choices with Yes first, followed by No. • Only allow one submission when including these questions on an assignment. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 29 To create a Yes/No question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Multiple-Choice. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type one of the following: • If the correct response is Yes, type: <eqn $ORDERED=1; ''>Yes No • If the correct response is No, type: <eqn $ORDERED=2; ''>Yes No To show feedback for each choice — sometimes called a rejoinder — see Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions on page 346. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. November 2014 30 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Example Yes/No Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158782 Name Template2 2.YN.01. Mode Multiple-Choice Question Is our Sun a red giant star?<br> <_> Answer <eqn $ORDERED=2; ''>Yes No Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Create Multiple-Select Questions Multiple-select questions present several non-exclusive choices, allowing your students to select all the choices that apply. By default, the choices are displayed in random order when the question is used. To create a multiple-select question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Multiple-Select. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer choices should be displayed. Tip: Use the code <p:selectall> to insert the text “Select all that apply.” 5. In Answer, use the following procedure to specify the correct and incorrect answers: a) Type one or more correct answers, pressing ENTER after each one. b) Type <INCORRECT> before the first incorrect answer. c) Type one or more incorrect answers, pressing ENTER after each one. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 31 Note: • Incorrect answers are sometimes referred to as distractors. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • If you want to write a question with no correct answer displayed, add a correct answer with text like None of these. If you do not specify any correct answers, students who do not attempt the question receive credit for it. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Multiple-Select Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1073354 Name Template2 2.MS.01. Mode Multiple-Select Question Which of the following people were United States Presidents? (<p:selectall>) <br> <_> November 2014 32 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer George Washington Abraham Lincoln George Bush <INCORRECT>Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Display Multiple-Select Choices in a Fixed Order By default, the answer choices for multiple-select questions are listed in random order. You can force the choices to be displayed in a specific order by setting the $ORDERED variable to indicate the numbers of the correct choices and entering the answer choices in the sequence in which they should be displayed. You do not use the <INCORRECT> tag when displaying multiple-select choices using this method. To list answer choices in a specific sequence: 1. Start the first line of Answer with the following code: <eqn $ORDERED=[n,o,p]; ''> where n, o, and p are the numbers of the correct choices. The choices are numbered beginning with 1 for the choice on the first line of Answer. You can specify any number of choices. For example, <eqn $ORDERED=[1,4]; ''> indicates that choices 1 and 4 are correct. Tip: You can specify the range of correct choices from n through p as [n..p]. For example, <eqn $ORDERED=[1..3]; ''> indicates that choices 1, 2, and 3 are correct. Note: If you use the $ORDERED and $SET_EACH_POSITION variables together, you must specify $ORDERED first, and then $SET_EACH_POSITION. 2. Type the choices in Answer in the sequence in which they should be displayed. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 33 Example Ordered Multiple-Select Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158784 Name Template2 2.MS.02. Mode Multiple-Select Question Which of the following are rational numbers? (<p:selectall>)<br> <_> Answer <eqn $ORDERED=[1,2,3,4]; ''>-321 0 2/3 321 None of these Display to Students Display Multiple-Select Choices Horizontally or in Tables By default, the choices for a multiple-select question are displayed as a vertical list. Sometimes, you might want to arrange the choices horizontally or in a table. You can use the $SET_EACH_POSITION variable together with answer placeholder strings <_> to specify the location of each answer choice in your question. To specify the positions of answer choices: 1. Include an answer placeholder string <_> in Question for each choice. Put the answer placeholder strings <_> where the choices should be displayed. 2. Start the first line of Answer with the following code: <eqn $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''> Note: If you use the $ORDERED and $SET_EACH_POSITION variables together, you must specify $ORDERED first, and then $SET_EACH_POSITION. Example Tabular Multiple-Select Question The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 34 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide QID 1158786 Name Template2 2.MS.03. Mode Multiple-Select Question Select the metric units: <table> <tr><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> <tr><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> </table> Answer <eqn $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>meter second gram liter <INCORRECT>mile yard acre pound Display to Students Create Matching Questions On paper, a matching question has two columns of items, and students draw lines or otherwise identify the item in the second column that matches each item in the ® first column. In WebAssign , only the first column of items is displayed; each item in the first column has a drop-down list of the items in the second column. Note: Although you can add extra unmatched items to one of the columns, there must be a one-to-one correspondence between items in the two columns. You cannot create a matching question in which choices are reused. To do this, create a series of multiple-select or multiple-choice questions. By default, the choices in each column are displayed in random order when the question is used. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 35 To create a matching question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Matching. 4. In Question, type your question. 5. In Answer, type each first-column item on a separate line followed by the characters {tab} and its matching second-column item. Press ENTER after each line. Note: • To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. • Because second-column items are displayed in a drop-down list, they are displayed without any text formatting. If you need to include text formatting, such as chemical or math notation, see Match Formatted Notation or Images on page 36. 6. If you want to specify additional distractors — second-column items that do not match any first-column item — type them in Answer on separate lines following the correct answers. Press ENTER after each line. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. November 2014 36 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Example Matching Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1077498 Name Template2 2.MATCH.01. Mode Matching Question Match the city with the country. Answer Paris {tab} France London {tab} Great Britain Madrid {tab} Spain Moscow {tab} Russia Athens {tab} Greece Turkey Italy Belgium Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 The {tab} Operator on page 329 Match Formatted Notation or Images You can include images and formatted text, such as subscripts, in first-column items in matching questions. However, you cannot include formatted text or images in the drop-down list of second column items. In order to match secondcolumn items that contain images or formatting, you must use labels for the second-column items. You can use the $LABEL variable to set alphabetic or numeric numbering of your second-column items. These labels are displayed beside the second-column items in the question, and the labels are listed in the drop-down menu. To set labels for second-column items: Start the first line of Answer with one of the following: November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 37 Label type Code Lowercase alphabetic (a,b,c...) <eqn $LABEL="a"; ''> Uppercase alphabetic (A,B,C...) <eqn $LABEL="A"; ''> Numeric (1,2,3...) <eqn $LABEL="1"; ''> Example Matching Question With Formatted Notation The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1158804 Name Template2 2.MATCH.02. Mode Matching Question Match the chemical with the formula. Answer <eqn $LABEL="a"; ''>water {tab} H<sub>2</sub>O benzene {tab} C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>6</sub> sodium chloride {tab} NaCl ethanol {tab} CH<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>OH carbon dioxide {tab} CO<sub>2</sub> CO MgCl<sub>2</sub> H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Display Matching Items in a Fixed Order By default, the choices in each column of a matching question are displayed in random order when the question is used. You can use either the $ORDERLEFT or $ORDERRIGHT variable to force items in either the left or right column to be listed in the order in which you specify them in Answer. November 2014 38 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To list matching items in a specific sequence: 1. Start the first line of Answer with one of the following: List to be displayed in order Code Left (prompt) list <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''> Right (drop-down) list <eqn $ORDERRIGHT=1; ''> Note: Although you can use both $ORDERLEFT and $ORDERRIGHT variables together, doing so is not recommended. If both lists are displayed in a fixed order, students will quickly catch on that the nth item in the left list always matches the nth item in the right list. 2. Type the items in Answer in the sequence in which they should be displayed for the specified list. Example Ordered Matching Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1159108 Name Template2 2.MATCH.03. Mode Matching Question Match the inventor and the invention. Answer <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''>Babbage {tab} analytical engine Bell {tab} telephone Edison {tab} phonograph Franklin {tab} lightning rod Newton {tab} reflecting telescope Volta {tab} battery Whitney {tab} cotton gin magnifying glass printing press Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 39 Create Ranking Questions Ranking questions require your students to put a list of items in the correct sequence based on some characteristic of the items. If you can think about the sequence in which you want your students to rank items as its own list — from low to high, or some other progression based on the ranking characteristic — you can see your ranking question as a special case of a matching question, with the ranking characteristic defining the left list and the items to be ranked as the right list. To create a ranking question: 1. Decide how you want to identify the endpoints for ranking, and if you need to label any other points in the series. For example, you might want to use “dimmest” and “brightest” as endpoints, or you might want your students to rank items from 1 to 10. The list describing your ranking characteristic does not need to specify text for every item being ranked. 2. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 3. In Name, type a name for the question. 4. In Mode, select Matching. 5. In Question, type your question. 6. In Answer, type the following code: <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''> 7. On the same line, type the first item in your ranking characteristic list, followed by the characters {tab} and the item having the corresponding rank. Then, press ENTER. For example, if you were ranking types of electromagnetic radiation by energy levels and the lowest energy item was microwave: <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''><i>lowest</i> {tab} microwave Note: • To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • Because second-column items are displayed in a drop-down list, they are displayed without any text formatting. If you need to include text formatting, such as chemical or math notation, see Match Formatted Notation or Images on page 36. 8. Type successive items in your ranking characteristic list on separate lines, each followed by the characters {tab} and the item having the corresponding rank. Press ENTER after each line. November 2014 40 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Important: If your ranking characteristic list does not specify text for every item being ranked — for example, in the middle of a ranking from slowest to fastest — type for the ranking characteristic list item. This will ensure that the list item is displayed correctly. 9. After typing the final ranking characteristic followed by {tab} and the final item to be ranked, do not press ENTER. Unlike other matching questions, ranking questions must have the same number of items in both lists. 10. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 11. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 12. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 13. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 14. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Ranking Question The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1078579 Name Template2 2.RANK.01. Mode Matching Question Rank the following types of electromagnetic radiation from lowest energy to highest energy. Create General-Purpose Questions 41 Answer <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''><i>lowest</i> {tab} microwave {tab} infrared {tab} visible {tab} ultraviolet <i>highest</i> {tab} x-ray Display to Students Example Ranking Question with Equality Sometimes, you need to allow your students to specify multiple items as being equal to each other in rank. You can use distractors to facilitate this behavior. The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1247378 Name Template2 2.RANK.02. Mode Matching Question The figure shows a series of sound waves leaving a moving source. <div class="indent"><userimage(103873)></div> Rank the locations by frequency heard by a stationary listener at each letter location. Answer <eqn $ORDERLEFT=1; ''><i>lowest</i> {tab} B {tab} A and D {tab} C <i>highest</i> {tab} E A D A and B A and C A and E B and C B and D B and E C and D C and E D and E November 2014 42 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Fill-in-the-blank questions provide an answer box for students to type a short textual response, and are used when the correct answer can be stated in a word or short phrase for which only a small number of acceptable variations exist. Note: For questions that should be evaluated numerically or mathematically, create one of the numerical or math question types, not fill-in-the-blank. See Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95 or Create Math Questions on page 117. By default, spaces and character case are not considered when scoring fill-inthe-blank questions; thus, Isaac Newton, isaac newton, and iSaaCnewtOn ® would all be considered equivalent answers. You can force WebAssign to consider character case, spaces, or both. By default, answer format tips tell your students if your question is case-sensitive. You can hide answer format tips for your assignments. To create a fill-in-the-blank question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. Optional: Set grading and display options for the answer box. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 43 Option Begin Answer With: Notes Make the question case-sensitive <EQN $CASE=1; ''> By default, answers are not casesensitive. Make the question space-sensitive <EQN $SPACE=1; ''> By default, spaces are ignored when grading answers. Make the answer box n <EQN $size=n; ''> characters wide By default, the answer box is 10 characters wide. Changing the size of the answer box does not restrict the length of your students' responses. You can combine these declarations using a single <EQN> tag by separating each declaration with a semicolon. For example: <EQN $CASE=1; $SPACE=1; $size=20; ''> 6. In Answer, type one or more correct answers to the question on a single line, separated by the characters {tab}. Note: • To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. November 2014 44 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Fill-in-the-Blank Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1069783 Name Template2 2.FITB.01. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Who wrote the <i>Principia Mathematica®</i>? <br> <_> Answer <eqn $CASE=1; $size=20; ''>Newton {tab} Isaac Newton {tab} Sir Isaac Newton Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create File Upload Questions File upload questions allow your students to submit a file — for example, a spreadsheet, presentation, or research paper — as their response. ® File upload questions are not automatically graded by WebAssign ; they must be manually graded. To create a file upload question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select File-Upload. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. Describe any restrictions on the file type or size that will be accepted. 5. Optionally, set the $FILEUPLOADMAX, $ACCEPTFILETYPE, or $size variables at the beginning of Answer to specify any restrictions on the size or type of file to be uploaded, or to set the size of the file upload box. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 45 • By default, files that your students upload must be no larger than 100 KB. Although you can increase this size if needed, encourage your students to submit the smallest file size they can. This both helps your students who might have limited connection speeds, and it helps you, because you will need to download all of your students' files to score them. Students who upload extremely large files might experience timeouts depending on their Internet connection and browser settings. • By default, your students can submit any file type. When restricting allowable file types, let your students know ahead of time what file formats will be accepted. You should ensure that you will be able to safely open and view any files that your students submit. At the same time, unless the assignment requires use of a specific application or creation of a specific type of file, you might not want to impose arbitrary restrictions on the tools that your students can use. To do this: Begin Answer with this: Set the maximum allowed file size to n bytes <eqn $FILEUPLOADMAX=n; ''> Restrict file uploads to files with the specified filename extensions <eqn $ACCEPTFILETYPE=['.ext', '.ext']; ''> Make the file upload box <eqn $size=n; ''> n characters wide You can combine these declarations using a single <eqn> tag by separating each declaration with a semicolon. For example: <eqn $FILEUPLOADMAX=52488; $ACCEPTFILETYPE=['.doc', '.docx','.odt','.pdf']; ''> 6. In Answer, type a key to help the grader evaluate the student's response. This will often reference a rubric used to assess the submitted file. This information and any <eqn> tags should all be on a single line. Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. Even if you will be grading the questions yourself, you must enter something in Answer in order for the file upload box to be displayed when the question is used. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. November 2014 46 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example File Upload Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1078920 Name Template2 2.FILE.01. Mode File-Upload Question Upload your research project. <_><br> You can upload a PDF, Word, or OpenOffice Writer file. It must be less than 512 KB in size. Answer <eqn $size=5; $FILEUPLOADMAX = 524288; $ACCEPTFILETYPE = ['.doc','.docx','.odt','.pdf']; ''>Use the rubric. Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Create PencilPad (Drawing) Questions PencilPad questions allow your students to create and submit a drawing in ® WebAssign . ® PencilPad questions are not automatically graded by WebAssign ; they must be manually graded. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 47 To create a PencilPad question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select PencilPad. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type a key that will help the grader determine whether or not the student's answer is correct. The key must be on a single line. Note: • Even if you will be grading the PencilPad answers yourself, you must enter something in Answer. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. Tip: Because PencilPad questions require students to submit a drawing, you might want to add an image to the key to help the grader. 1. Under Page Tools, click My Files. If you have already uploaded ® your image to WebAssign , skip to step 5.h on page 47. 2. In the My Files window, click Import File. 3. Click Browse or Choose File, depending on your browser. 4. Navigate to the file you want to upload. 5. Click Open or Choose, depending on your browser. 6. In the Import File window, click go. 7. Close the Import File window. 8. In the My Files window, navigate to the file you want to use and select its check box. 9. Set Paste location of file (selected below) as to Image. 10. Set Destination Field to Answer. 11. Click go. A <userimage> tag is added to Answer on a new line. 12. Move the <userimage> tag to the same line as the key for your question. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. November 2014 48 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example PencilPad Question The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1078917 Name Template2 2.PP.01. Mode PencilPad Question Draw a picture of a sine wave. Identify the Crest, Trough, Amplitude, and Wavelength.<br> You can use the letters C, T, A, W for labels.<_> Answer <userimage(92022)><br>Student must correctly identify all parts for credit. Create General-Purpose Questions 49 Key Display Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 November 2014 50 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Create Free Response Questions Short-answer and essay questions are free response questions that allow your students to demonstrate their knowledge by providing an extended textual answer in their own words. There is no qualitative difference between the two kinds of questions; whether you describe the question as short-answer or essay generally is a reflection of the length of the expected response. ® Short-answer and essay questions are not automatically graded by WebAssign ; they must be manually graded. To create a short-answer or essay question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Essay. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. Optionally, set the $rows or $cols variables at the beginning of Answer to change the size of the answer box. To do this: Begin Answer with this: Make the answer box n rows high <eqn $rows=n; ''> Make the answer box n characters wide <eqn $cols=n; ''> You can combine these declarations using a single <eqn> tag by separating each declaration with a semicolon. For example: <eqn $rows=10; $cols=60; ''> The default size of the answer box is 6 rows by 65 characters. The size of the answer box does not constrain the length of the student's response, but it can suggest to students whether a brief or extended answer is expected. Tip: If an extended answer is required, you might suggest to students that they can compose their answer using their preferred wordprocessing software, and then copy and paste the text into the answer box when they are ready to submit their response. 6. In Answer, type a key that will help the grader determine whether or not the student's response is correct. You might state the points that should be awarded for correctly addressing particular topics, or refer to a grading rubric. The key must be on a single line. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 51 Note: • Even if you will be grading the essay answers yourself, you must type a key in Answer for the question to display correctly. You can use two periods for the answer key if you do not want to include meaningful text. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Short-answer or Essay Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1070062 Name Template2 2.ESS.01. Mode Essay Question Define economics in your own words.<_> Answer <eqn $rows=3; $cols=60; ''>Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. November 2014 52 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Create Image Map Questions An image map question requires your students to identify something in an image by clicking the image. Image map questions are particularly useful when you want your students to identify a named anatomical part in an illustration or geographical feature in a map. To create an image map question: 1. Create the image file that you want to use for your question. Best Practice: Keep the image dimensions smaller than 800 by 600 pixels to ensure that the image is displayed in the question without scrolling. 2. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 3. In Name, type a name for the question. 4. In Mode, select Image Map. 5. In Question, type your question. 6. Click My Files under Page Tools. ® 7. If you have not already uploaded your image to WebAssign , use the following steps to do so. a) Click Import File. b) Click Browse or Choose File, depending on your browser. c) Navigate to the file you want to upload. d) Click Open or Choose, depending on your browser. e) Click go. Note: Uploading a large file might take some time, especially with a slower Internet connection. 8. In the My Files window, navigate to the file you want to use and select its check box. November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 53 9. Set Paste location of file (selected below) as to ID Only. 10. Set Destination Field to Question. 11. Click go. ® The unique WebAssign ID number for the image is added to Question on a new line. 12. Edit the line with the image ID number to add an answer placeholder string for the image map question like the following: <_ src="ID"> where ID is the ID number of the image you want to use. You can move this answer placeholder string to wherever it should be displayed in the question. 13. Click Redisplay. The question and image are displayed in the Display section of the Question Editor. 14. Click Coordinates below the image. 15. In the Coordinates window, select a shape and define the boundaries for a part of the image that your students should click to correctly answer the question. Note: Each shape defines a single key for the answer. You can define multiple keys to allow students to click any of several areas of the image for a correct response. • To add a rectangular key, click rectangle. Click the image to set the upper left point of the key. Click the image to set the lower right point. • To add a circular key, click circle. Click the image to set the center of the circle. Click the image at the edge of the circle to set the radius. • To add a polygonal key, click polygon. Click the image at each vertex of the polygon, specifying adjacent vertices consecutively. Click Draw Key to preview the key on your image. The key you defined is drawn in bright green on the image, and its definition is added to a list of Keys below the image. If a key is not correct, select its check box and click Remove Selected. Tip: To fine-tune the dimensions for a key that is not quite correct, add a new key of the same shape. Using the not-quite-correct key as a reference, type the new coordinate values instead of clicking the image. Repeat this step until you have defined all the keys you need for the question. November 2014 54 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 16. When the keys are drawn correctly on the image, select the check boxes for the keys you want to use and click Add Selected Key to Answer. The Coordinates window closes and the keys are added to Answer. Important: If you need to use the Coordinates window more than once to add keys to your question, you will need to manually edit the keys in Answer to ensure that all of the keys for each question part are listed on a single line and are delimited with the {tab} characters. This is necessary because although all of the keys for a question part must be listed on the same line, each time you click Add Selected Key to Answer, the keys are added on a new line. Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. If you need to manually edit the keys in Answer, the following reference information about how image map keys are specified might be useful: November 2014 Create General-Purpose Questions 55 Shape Key Rectangle rect:left_x,top_y,right_x,bottom_y Circle circle:center_x,center_y,radius Polygon poly:x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3... 17. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 18. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 19. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 20. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 21. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Image Map Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1159575 Name Template2 2.MAP.01. Mode Image Map Question Click the cochlea to identify it. <br> <_ src="92012"> Answer circle:310,175,24 November 2014 56 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 The {tab} Operator on page 329 November 2014 3 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions This chapter contains the following topics: • Create Multi-Part Questions That Have One Question Mode • Create Multi-Mode Questions • Create Polling Questions • Add Expandable Sections to MultiPart Questions • Create Tutorial Questions • Delete Parts of Multi-Mode Questions Single-part questions work well for assessment and practice of simple factual material. But you can provide a richer learning experience for your students by creating multi-part or tutorial questions. You can format your questions with expandable headings to group question parts. • Multi-part questions have multiple question parts, and can be created using just one question mode or by combining multiple question modes (multi-mode questions). • Tutorial questions help your students work step by step through a series of question parts designed to provide instruction about a concept or procedure. See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 November 2014 58 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Create Multi-Part Questions That Have One Question Mode When all parts of your question use the same question mode — for example, numerical — you can add additional answer placeholder strings <_> in Question and additional answer keys in Answer. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and matching questions, you also need to indicate where each new set of answer choices begins. For most question modes, each answer box is created by adding the answer placeholder string <_> in Question, and each answer key is specified using a single line in Answer. Each new answer placeholder string <_> and answer key create a new question part. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and matching questions, however, each answer key is specified using multiple lines, so you must indicate the beginning of each new answer key in one of the following ways: • For multiple-choice questions, add the <MCPART> tag at the start of each new answer key. • For multiple-select questions, add the <MSPART> tag at the start of each new answer key. • For matching questions, no tag is provided. Instead, create the question as a multi-mode question with multiple matching parts. See Create Multi-Mode Questions on page 61. To create a multi-part question that uses only one question mode: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select the question mode that you want to use. 4. In Question, type your question. Use an answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed for each question part. Tip: Optionally, add the <MARK> tag to specify where the correct/ incorrect mark should be displayed for each question part. This might be necessary when displaying answer choices horizontally or in tables for multiple-choice or multiple-select questions. 5. In Answer, provide an answer key for each question part. • For a multiple-choice question, type <MCPART> at the beginning of each new set of choices after the first question part. • For a multiple-select question, type <MSPART> at the beginning of each new set of choices after the first question part. • For a matching question, create the question as a multi-mode question with multiple matching parts. See Create Multi-Mode Questions on page 61. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 59 • For all other question modes, provide each answer key on a single line as described in the documentation for that question type. Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. Important: Each line in Answer is significant. • Do not specify <MCPART> or <MSPART> on a separate line. • Do not add blank lines in Answer, for example, by pressing ENTER after the last answer key. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Multi-Part Numerical Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589520 Name Template2 3.MULTP.01. Mode Numerical November 2014 60 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question Find the following for a sphere having a diameter of 8 cm. Specify units.<br> Volume: <_><br> Surface area: <_> Answer 268.08 cm^3 201.06 cm^2 Display Example Multi-Part Multiple-Choice Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589518 Name Template2 3.MULTP.02. Mode Multiple-Choice Question Identify the organ system to which each organ belongs.<br> heart <_><br> lungs <_><br> kidneys <_> Answer <EQN $PULLDOWN=1; $ORDERED=1; ''>circulatory system digestive system endocrine system excretory system lymphatic system nervous system reproductive system respiratory system <MCPART><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; $ORDERED=8; ''>circulatory system digestive system endocrine system excretory system lymphatic system nervous system reproductive system respiratory system <MCPART><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; $ORDERED=4; ''>circulatory system digestive system endocrine system excretory system lymphatic system nervous system reproductive system respiratory system Display to Students November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 61 Example Multi-Part Multiple-Select Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589516 Name Template2 3.MULTP.03. Mode Multiple-Select Question Identify the primary colors: <br><_> <_> <_> <_> <_> <_> <MARK> <br><br> Identify the secondary colors: <br><_> <_> <_> <_> <_> <_> <MARK> Answer <EQN $ORDERED=[1,3,5]; $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>red orange yellow green blue purple <MSPART><EQN $ORDERED=[2,4,6]; $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>red orange yellow green blue purple Display to Students Create Multi-Mode Questions When different parts of your question use different question modes — for example, numerical and multiple-choice — you can create a multi-mode question to specify a list of the modes used in your question, and indicate where each new mode begins with <SECTION> tags in both Question and Answer. You use this method also when creating multi-part matching questions. To create a multi-mode question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. Beside Mode, click Multi-Mode Options. November 2014 62 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 4. In the Multi-Mode Options window, click the question modes that you want to use in your question in the order in which they will be used, or type the mode abbreviations in the Current Modes box at the bottom. Each mode that you add is shown in the Current Modes list on the right. You can click to delete a mode from the list, or drag a mode to rearrange the list. Important: When your question has consecutive multiple-choice, multiple-select, or matching question parts, you must specify the mode for each question part, for example, MM to create a question with two matching parts. For other question modes, you can choose to specify the mode either for each question part or only when the question mode changes. For example, to create a question with three numerical question parts followed by a multiple-choice part, you could select either NNNC or simply NC. Tip: The Poll mode lets you create polling questions with other modes. See Create Polling Questions on page 66. When the list of modes is correct, click Save. 5. In Question, type your question. After the first question mode, type the <SECTION> tag at the start of each additional question mode. If you specified consecutive instances of the same mode — for example, MM for two matching parts — type a <SECTION> tag at the beginning of each subsequent question part. By default, the <SECTION> tag adds a line break. If you do not want a line break added, type <SECTION NOBR>. Use an answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed for each question part. Note: Omit the answer placeholder string <_> for matching question parts. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 63 Tip: Optionally, add the <MARK> tag to specify where the correct/ incorrect mark should be displayed for each question part. This might be necessary when displaying answer choices horizontally or in tables for multiple-choice or multiple-select questions. 6. In Answer, provide an answer key for each question part as described in the documentation for that question type. After the first question mode, type the <SECTION> tag at the start of each additional question mode. If you specified consecutive instances of the same mode — for example, MM for two matching parts — type a <SECTION> tag at the beginning of each subsequent question part. Each line in Answer is significant. • Do not specify <SECTION>, <MCPART>, or <MSPART> on a separate line. • Do not add blank lines in Answer, for example, by pressing ENTER after the last answer key. Note: To avoid several common errors with multi-mode questions, check your question carefully to ensure all of the following: • The question specifies the correct number of modes. • Question includes a <SECTION> tag at the start of each new mode after the first mode. • Question contains one fewer <SECTION> tag than modes. • Answer contains a corresponding <SECTION> tag for every <SECTION> tag in Question. • In Answer, the answer key for each section begins immediately after the <SECTION> tag on the same line, not on a separate line. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. November 2014 64 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Multi-Mode Question (Fill-in-the-Blank and Multiple-Choice) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589516 Name Template2 3.MULTM.01. Mode Multi-Mode...BC Question Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, and Bivalvia are all classes of phylum <_>. <SECTION>These animals are <_>. Answer Mollusca <SECTION><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; ''>invertebrates vertebrates Display Example Multi-Mode Question (Algebraic, Numerical, and Multiple- Choice) The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1589510 Name Template2 3.MULTM.02. Mode Multi-Mode...QNC Question What is the formula for the volume of a sphere (use <i>r</i> for the radius)? <br> <i>V</i> = <_> <SECTION>What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 5? <br> <_> <SECTION>If the radius doubles, what happens to the volume? <br> <_> Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 65 Answer <EQN $PAD='devmath'; ''>r: 4/3 * pi * r^3 <SECTION>523.599 <SECTION>The volume increases by a factor of 2<sup>3</sup> The volume remains the same The volume doubles The volume quadruples It depends on the sphere Display Example Multi-Part Matching Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589512 Name Template2 3.MULTM.03. Mode Multi-Mode...MM Question Order the <b>terrestrial</b> planets by their characteristics.<br><br> <b>Average orbital distance from the Sun <MARK></b> <SECTION><b>Mass <MARK></b> Answer <EQN $ORDERLEFT=1; ''><i>nearest the sun</i> {tab} Mercury {tab} Venus {tab} Earth <i>furthest from the sun</i> {tab} Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune <SECTION><EQN $ORDERLEFT=1; ''><i>least massive</i> {tab} Mercury {tab} Mars {tab} Venus <i>most massive</i> {tab} Earth Uranus Neptune Saturn Jupiter November 2014 66 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create Polling Questions You can configure one or more question parts as polling questions in order to grant students credit for any response. You can use polling questions to gather opinions from your students (as in a poll) or to record observational information, for example, the results of an experiment, when any response should be considered correct. Note: To gather numerical data from experiments, see Create AnswerDependent Questions on page 111. Your students' responses, marks, and scores are shown normally for polling questions, as per your assignment settings. The only difference is that polling questions are marked correct for any response. Your students receive no credit if they do not respond to the question. To configure a question mode as a polling question: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. Beside Mode, click Multi-Mode Options. 3. In the Multi-Mode Options window, add the Poll mode before the mode that you want to use as a polling question. You can use either the mode buttons or the mode abbreviation: • Click Poll in the list of Available Modes, and then drag it above the mode you want to use in the Current Modes list on the right. • Type P before the mode you want to use in the Current Modes box at the bottom. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 67 Note: • The entire question mode is configured as a polling question. To add subsequent question parts that are not polling questions, add a new mode after the configured mode. Remember to add <SECTION> tags in Question and Answer. • When you configure multiple-choice or multiple-select modes as polling questions, the order of the choices is not randomized. 4. When the list of modes is correct, click Save. 5. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 6. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Polling Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589521 Name Template2 3.MULTM.04. Mode Multi-Mode...PCE Question Was your experiment successful? <_> <SECTION>Explain <_> Answer Yes No <SECTION>Student explanation Display November 2014 68 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Add Expandable Sections to Multi-Part Questions Because multi-part and multi-mode questions can be long, you can use the <accordion> and <part> tags to subdivide your question into sections that your students can individually expand or collapse. This lets your students work through the question in whatever order they choose. Each expandable section can include one or more question parts or instructional content. Note: To make your students work through a question in order from beginning to end, use the <tutorial> tag to create a tutorial question. Important: Do not use the <accordion> and <tutorial> tags in the same question. The one exception to this rule is that in a question that uses the <accordion> tag, you can create a popup tutorial. To add expandable sections to a multi-part or multi-mode question: 1. Open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In Question, add <accordion> and <part> tags as needed. Enclose a set of expandable sections with the <accordion> tag. You must use the closing </accordion> tag at the end of the expandable sections. Enclose each expandable section with the <part> tag. You must use the closing </part> tag at the end of each section. Note: The <part> and <SECTION> tags are not interchangeable. You must specify the <SECTION> tag wherever the question mode changes. For example: <accordion> <part>My first part: <_></part> <part><SECTION>My second part: <_></part> </accordion> 3. Optionally, add <part_label> or <part_title> tags for each section. By default, the title bar for the first expandable section displays the part label Part 1, and subsequent parts are numbered consecutively. You can use the <part_label> tag to change the part label for any part, or the <part_title> tag to add text that follows the part label. For example, the following code displays A - Introductory Material in the section title bar: <part><part_label>A</part_label> <part_title>Introductory Material</part_title> 4. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 5. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 69 Example Accordion Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589515 Name Template2 3.ACC.01. Mode Multi-Mode...CCCCE Question <b>Battle of Guilford Courthouse</b> <accordion><part><part_label>Part I</part_label><part_title>MultipleChoice</part_title> When did this battle take place? <_><br> <SECTION>Where did this battle take place? <_><br> <SECTION>Who were the commanders? Americans:<_> <SECTION NOBR>British:<_><br> </part> <part><part_label>Part II</part_label><part_title>Short-Answer</part_title> <SECTION>What was the outcome of this battle, and why was it a turning point in the Revolutionary War? <_><br> </part></accordion> Answer <EQN $PULLDOWN=1; ''>March 15, 1781 July 4, 1776 April 19, 1775 October 9, 1781 June 16, 1775 <SECTION><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; ''>Greensboro, NC Yorktown, VA Charlestown, MA Manhattan, NY Cowpens, SC <SECTION><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; ''>Nathanael Greene George Washington Dr. Joseph Warren Israel Putnam William Prescott <SECTION><EQN $PULLDOWN=1; ''>Lord Cornwallis Sir William Howe Sir Henry Clinton Banastre Tarleton General John Burgoyne <SECTION>Although Cornwallis technically won the battle, his forces were severely weakened, leading to his eventual surrender to Washington at Yorktown. November 2014 70 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display Create Tutorial Questions You can transform part or all of a multi-part or multi-mode question into a tutorial that guides your students step by step through the solution of a problem. Tutorial questions have a distinctive user flow: • Students must either correctly answer, skip, or use all of their submissions for each step before viewing the next step. • Students cannot go back to complete steps they have skipped. • The answer key is always displayed for steps after all submissions have been used or the step is answered correctly or skipped. • Students can click tutorial hint icons to display hints. Note: • You cannot turn off display of answer keys or tutorial hints within a tutorial question. • To let your students work through a question in any order, see Add Expandable Sections to Multi-Part Questions on page 68. As the name suggests, you use tutorial questions principally to help your students learn, not to evaluate their progress. Frequently, tutorials are used to help students understand how to solve a problem posed in the question. Because of this, sometimes you might not want your tutorial questions to count toward your students' assignment scores. You can create both scored tutorials and unscored popup tutorials. • Scored tutorial questions are shown in the assignment itself and count toward the assignment score. In the Assignment Editor, you can set the point value for the entire tutorial or for each question part. • Popup tutorial questions are shown as buttons in the assignment, and do not count toward the assignment score. When your students click the button, the tutorial opens in a new window. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 71 Your tutorial might be the entire question or only part of the question. You can create more than one tutorial in a single question, and you can mix scored and popup tutorials in the same question. Important: For scored tutorial questions to work correctly, you must allow question part submission in your assignment. Create Scored Tutorial Questions You can transform part or all of a multi-part or multi-mode question into a scored tutorial that guides your students step by step through the solution of a problem. Scored tutorial questions are shown in the assignment itself and count toward the assignment score. In the Assignment Editor, you can set the point value for the entire tutorial or for each question part. Note: • To create a tutorial that is not scored and is displayed in a separate window, see Create Popup Tutorial Questions on page 75. • To let your students work through a question in any order, see Add Expandable Sections to Multi-Part Questions on page 68. Important: • Do not use the <accordion> and <tutorial> tags in the same question. The one exception to this rule is that in a question that uses the <accordion> tag, you can create a popup tutorial. • For scored tutorial questions to work correctly, you must allow question part submission in your assignment. Your tutorial might be the entire question or only part of the question. You can create more than one tutorial in a single question, and you can mix scored and popup tutorials in the same question. Skipping and Points For scored tutorials, the decision about whether to allow students to skip tutorial steps affects not only your students' learning experience, but also the points that they can earn for the tutorial. By default, your students are allowed to skip tutorial steps, but they cannot go back later to complete the skipped steps. This means that students who skip a step permanently forgo any points they could have earned on the step, but they have an opportunity to earn points on any remaining steps in the tutorial. If you disallow skipping, your students must either answer each step correctly or use all of their submissions for the step before going on to the next step. Each method has its merits. Skipping steps gives your students an opportunity to move through the tutorial more quickly if they do not understand a step. November 2014 72 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Disallowing skipping encourages your students to attempt each step, even if only by guessing. Tip: If you disallow skipping, the number of allowed submissions for the tutorial question is very important. Too many submissions might cause students to give up on a step that they do not understand; too few submissions might not give students enough opportunity to figure out a step for themselves before showing the correct answer. To create a scored tutorial from a multi-part or multi-mode question: 1. Open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In Question, add the <tutorial> tag at the beginning of your tutorial. You can set several attributes to change the way your tutorial behaves. Attribute Description order="ascending" Shows steps in ascending order with the current step at the bottom. (By default, steps are displayed in ascending order with the current step at the top.) order="descending" Shows steps in descending order with the current step at the top. (By default, steps are displayed in ascending order with the current step at the top.) skip="no" Requires students to answer each step correctly or use all their submissions before going on to the next step. (By default, students can skip tutorial steps.) skip_text="text" Renames the Skip button to text (if you allow students to skip tutorial steps.) For example: <tutorial order="ascending" skip_text="Show the answer (no points earned) and move to the next step"> 3. After the <tutorial> tag, use the <premise> tag to set a title for the tutorial and display the overall problem or concept the tutorial addresses. You must use the closing </premise> tag at the end of the premise. Note: • You must specify a title attribute for the <premise> tag. • Do not include any answer boxes in the premise. • The premise is always displayed at the top of the tutorial. • The premise is optional, but strongly recommended. For example: <premise title="Multiplying Fractions"> When you multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators and you multiply the denominators.<br><br> <watex>\[ \frac{3}{4} * \frac{13}{16} = \]</watex> November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 73 </premise> 4. Enclose each tutorial step with the <step> tag. You must use the closing </ step> tag at the end of each step. You can set several attributes to change the way each step is displayed. Attribute Description button="text" Requires students to click a button with the specified text in order to see the step. (By default, each step is displayed as soon as the student either correctly answers or skips the previous step.) label="text" Replaces the default label Step n of m with the specified text. title="text" Displays the specified text after the step label. skip_text="text" Renames the Skip button to text (if you allow students to skip tutorial steps.) Note: The <step> and <SECTION> tags are not interchangeable. You must specify the <SECTION> tag wherever the question mode changes. For example: <step button="Start" label="Part I" title="Multiply the Numerators"> 3 · 13 = <_> </step> 5. Optionally, add tutorial hints in any step with the <hint> tag. You must end each hint with the closing </hint> tag. Tutorial hints are shown as a lightbulb icon and display either Hint or a label that you specify with the label attribute. When your student clicks the icon, the contents of the <hint> tag are displayed in place of the label. Note: • The <hint> tag can be used only in <step>. • Each step can contain only one <hint> tag. • The <hint> and <HINT> tags are not interchangeable. For example: <hint label="Show hint">Use the Pythagorean Theorem.</hint> 6. Optionally, use the <conclusion> tag to display information after your students complete or skip the last step. You must end the conclusion with the closing </conclusion> tag. Note: You must specify a title attribute for the <conclusion> tag. For example: <conclusion title="Conclusion">You have finished the tutorial.</conclusion> November 2014 74 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 7. End the tutorial with the closing </tutorial> tag. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Tutorial Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1251029 Name Template2 3.TUT.01. Mode Multi-Mode...QN Question <tutorial skip="no" order="ascending"> <premise title="Using the Substitution Method"> <watex>For simple systems of equations, you can often use the substitution method to solve for \[x\] and \[y\].\vspace{1em}\[ x + y = 6 \\ x - y = 2 \]</watex></premise> <step><watex>Solve for \[x\] in terms of \[y\].\vspace{1em} \[ x + y = 6 \\ x = <_> \]</watex></step> <step><watex>Rewrite the second equation, substituting \[ 6-y \] for \[ x \]. \vspace{1em}\[ x - y = 2 \\ <_> = 2 \]</watex></step> <SECTION><step><watex>Solve for \[y\].\vspace{1em}\[ 6 - y - y = 2 \\ y = <_> \]</watex></step> <step><watex>Substitute 2 for \[y\] in either equation and solve for \[x\].\vspace{1em} \[ x + 2 = 6 \\x - 2 = 2 \\ x = <_> \]</watex></step> </tutorial> Answer <EQN $PAD='devmath'; ''>y:6-y <EQN $PAD='devmath'; ''>y:(6-y)-y <SECTION><EQN $size=2; ''>2 <EQN $size=2; ''>4 November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 75 Display to Students Create Popup Tutorial Questions You can transform part or all of a multi-part or multi-mode question into an unscored popup tutorial that guides your students step by step through the solution of a problem. Popup tutorial questions are shown as buttons in the assignment, and do not count toward the assignment score. When your students click the button, the tutorial opens in a new window. Note: • To create a tutorial that is scored, see Create Scored Tutorial Questions on page 71. • To let your students work through a question in any order, see Add Expandable Sections to Multi-Part Questions on page 68. Important: Do not use the <accordion> and <tutorial> tags in the same question. The one exception to this rule is that in a question that uses the <accordion> tag, you can create a popup tutorial. Your popup tutorial will usually be only part of the question. You can create more than one tutorial in a single question, and you can mix scored and popup tutorials in the same question. November 2014 76 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Each popup tutorial is shown in the assignment as a button at the location of the <tutorial> tag. When your students click the button, the popup tutorial opens in a new window. If your popup tutorial includes randomized values, your students can click Try Another Version at the bottom of the tutorial to see different values. You cannot turn off the Try Another Version link. Tip: To reuse a popup tutorial in multiple questions, consider creating it as a scored tutorial and using the <PRACTICE> tag in each of your questions to display the tutorial as a practice question for no credit. This method also allows you to rename the button to something other than Tutorial. To create a popup tutorial from a multi-part or multi-mode question: 1. Open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In Question, add the <tutorial type="popup"> tag at the beginning of your tutorial. You can set several attributes to change the way your tutorial behaves. Attribute Description button="text" Sets the window and page title that are displayed in the popup tutorial. (By default, the window and page title are set to Tutorial.) order="ascending" Shows steps in ascending order with the current step at the bottom. (By default, steps are displayed in ascending order with the current step at the top.) order="descending" Shows steps in descending order with the current step at the top. (By default, steps are displayed in ascending order with the current step at the top.) skip="no" Requires students to answer each step correctly or use all their submissions before going on to the next step. (By default, students can skip tutorial steps.) skip_text="text" Renames the Skip button to text (if you allow students to skip tutorial steps.) For example: <tutorial type="popup" button="Multiplying Fractions Tutorial" order="ascending" skip_text="Show the answer (no points earned) and move to the next step"> 3. After the <tutorial> tag, use the <premise> tag to set a title for the tutorial and display the overall problem or concept the tutorial addresses. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 77 You must use the closing </premise> tag at the end of the premise. Note: • You must specify a title attribute for the <premise> tag. • The contents of the <premise> tag are always displayed at the top of the tutorial. • The <premise> tag is optional, but strongly recommended. For example: <premise title="Multiplying Fractions"> When you multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators and you multiply the denominators.<br><br> <watex>\[ \frac{3}{4} * \frac{13}{16} = \]</watex> </premise> 4. Enclose each tutorial step with the <step> tag. You must use the closing </step> tag at the end of each step. You can set several attributes to change the way each step is displayed. Attribute Description button="text" Requires students to click a button with the specified text in order to see the step. (By default, each step is displayed as soon as the student either correctly answers or skips the previous step.) label="text" Replaces the default label Step n of m with the specified text. title="text" Displays the specified text after the step label. skip_text="text" Renames the Skip button to text (if you allow students to skip tutorial steps.) Note: The <step> and <SECTION> tags are not interchangeable. You must specify the <SECTION> tag wherever the question mode changes. For example: <step button="Start" label="Part I" title="Multiply the Numerators"> 3 · 13 = <_> </step> 5. Optionally, add tutorial hints in any step with the <hint> tag. You must end each hint with the closing </hint> tag. Tutorial hints are shown as a lightbulb icon and display either Hint or a label that you specify with the label attribute. When your student clicks the icon, the contents of the <hint> tag are displayed in place of the label. November 2014 78 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Note: • The <hint> tag can be used only in <step>. • Each step can contain only one <hint> tag. • The <hint> and <HINT> tags are not interchangeable. For example: <hint label="Show hint">Use the Pythagorean Theorem.</hint> 6. Optionally, use the <conclusion> tag to display information after your students complete or skip the last step. You must end the conclusion with the closing </conclusion> tag. Note: You must specify a title attribute for the <conclusion> tag. For example: <conclusion title="Conclusion">You have finished the tutorial.</conclusion> 7. End the tutorial with the closing </tutorial> tag. 8. Click Save. Note: You cannot preview your tutorial changes until you save your question. 9. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Question with Popup Tutorial The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589511 Name Template2 3.TUT.02. Mode Multi-Mode...CCNC November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 79 Question Two cars display fuel economy in different ways. Determine which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance. (Use the following conversion factors: 1 mile = 1.609 km; 1 gallon = 3.785 L.)<br><br> <_><br> <tutorial type="popup" button="Converting Fuel Economy" order="ascending"> <premise title="Converting Fuel Economy"> Two cars display fuel economy in different ways. Which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance? <ul><li>a car rated at 13 L/100 km</li> <li>a car rated at 22 miles/gallon</li></ul></premise> <SECTION><step title="Determine the units to use">Which units best answer the question "how much fuel is required to travel the same distance?"<br> <_> <_> <MARK></step> <SECTION NOBR><step title="Switch gallons and miles"> 22 miles/gallon = <_> gallons/mile <MARK></step> <step title="Change gallons to liters"> 0.0455 gallons/mile = <_> L/mile <MARK> (1 gallon = 3.785 L)</step> <step title="Change miles to 100 km"> 0.1720 L/mile = <_> L/100 km <MARK> (1 mile = 1.609 km) Note that 100 km is used as a unit.</step> <SECTION><step title="Compare values">Which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance? <_></step> </tutorial> Answer A car rated at 5.8 L/100 km A car rated at 34 miles/gallon <SECTION><EQN $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>L/100 km miles/gallon <SECTION>0.04545 0.1720 27.68 <SECTION>a car rated at 13 L/100 km a car rated at 22 miles/gallon (27.68 L/100 km) November 2014 80 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students Example Question with Reusable Popup Tutorial Using <PRACTICE> Reusable popup tutorials comprise two questions: the actual tutorial question, and any question that displays the tutorial link. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 81 The following table summarizes an actual question that uses the <PRACTICE> tag to show a tutorial question. QID 1589523 Name Template2 3.TUT.03. Mode Multiple-Choice Question Two cars display fuel economy in different ways. Determine which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance. (Use the following conversion factors: 1 mile = 1.609 km; 1 gallon = 3.785 L.)<br><br> <_><br> <span class="tutorialButton iButton"><PRACTICE qid="1589517" link="Tutorial: Converting Fuel Economy" title="Converting Fuel Economy" style="none"></span> Answer A car rated at 5.8 L/100 km A car rated at 34 miles/gallon Display to Students The following table summarizes an actual tutorial question that can be shown using the <PRACTICE> tag. QID 1589517 Name Template2 3.TUT.04. Mode Multi-Mode...CNC November 2014 82 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <tutorial order="ascending"> <premise title="Converting Fuel Economy"> Two cars display fuel economy in different ways. Which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance? <ul><li>a car rated at 13 L/100 km</li> <li>a car rated at 22 miles/gallon</li></ul></premise> <step title="Determine the units to use">Which units best answer the question "how much fuel is required to travel the same distance?"<br> <_> <_> <MARK></step> <SECTION NOBR><step title="Switch gallons and miles"> 22 miles/gallon = <_> gallons/mile <MARK></step> <step title="Change gallons to liters"> 0.0455 gallons/mile = <_> L/mile <MARK> (1 gallon = 3.785 L)</step> <step title="Change miles to 100 km"> 0.1720 L/mile = <_> L/100 km <MARK> (1 mile = 1.609 km) Note that 100 km is used as a unit.</step> <SECTION><step title="Compare values">Which car uses less fuel to travel the same distance? <_></step> </tutorial> Answer <EQN $SET_EACH_POSITION=1; ''>L/100 km miles/gallon <SECTION>0.04545 0.1720 27.68 <SECTION>a car rated at 13 L/100 km a car rated at 22 miles/gallon (27.68 L/100 km) November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 83 Display to Students Delete Parts of Multi-Mode Questions If you find a multi-mode question with more parts than you want, you can create a copy of the question to edit. This newly copied question is identical to the original, except you are the owner and can edit it for your needs. Before you attempt to delete part of a multi-mode question, you should know how to Create Multi-Mode Questions on page 61. Note: Observe copyright restrictions for textbook questions and questions authored by others. Questions that are duplicated from copyrighted questions should be treated as copyrighted material. November 2014 84 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To delete parts of a multi-mode question: 1. Find the question you want to edit. Note: See Search for Questions on page 2 if you need help locating the question you want. 2. Click Duplicate for the question you want to edit. You can duplicate a question from the Question Editor, My Questions, Question Search Results, and Recently Modified pages. The new question opens in the Question Editor, and shows that it is a duplicated question. 3. In the Name field, prepend the question name with a unique identifier, such as your initials, or give it a new name, and then click Save. The question is renamed and assigned a new QID. For example, if you create a duplicate of RogaCalc2 10.4.001. and prepend it with GAM as the unique identifier, the new name and QID would be GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. (2643762). Note: Make a note of your question's new name and QID displayed at the top of the editor. This will make it easier when you want to add the question to an assignment. 4. Click Test/Preview to see your new question. For example, GAM-RogaCalc2 10.4.001. (2643762) is identical to the original question: November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 85 5. Identify the question parts you want to delete and their modes. For example, the question parts/modes for GAM-RogaCalc2 10.4.001. are: • Parts (a) and (b) are Multiple-Choice. • Part (c) is Algebraic. • Part (d) is Symbolic. This is the question part that will be deleted. 6. If necessary, click Multi-Mode Options to remove the mode of the part that will be deleted. Note: If you are removing a mode, ensure that it is the only question part using that mode. If more than one question part uses a mode, do not remove it unless you are deleting both question parts. November 2014 86 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide For example, since part (d) is the only Symbolic mode question part of GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001., (Q) Symbolic must be removed to avoid an error: 7. From the Question, Answer, and Solution fields of the editor, delete the parts of the question you want to remove. Important: Since code lines wrap in the Question Editor, you can adjust the Question, Answer, or Solution fields using the horizontal or vertical resize buttons. Alternatively, if you cannot sufficiently resize the fields without the lines wrapping, copy/paste the entire text of a field into a text editor with word wrap turned off. a) In the Question field, delete the parts you want to remove. Ensure you delete the associated <_> because these are the Question field parts' answer blanks. For example, the highlighted text shows the Question field part of GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. that will be deleted: November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 87 • If the Question field part uses a <div> or <blockquote> tag, do not delete the respective closing </div> or </blockquote> tag at the end of the Question field because they are used to ensure proper display. • If there are more than one <div> tag sets in the Question field, after you delete the parts make sure that all the remaining <div> tags have corresponding </div>tags. • If the Question field uses the <table></table> tag set, you can delete the entire table or parts of it. To delete an entire table row, identify the tag that opens the row, <tr>, and the tag the closes the row,</ tr>. Delete these two tags and everything in between them to delete the entire row. To delete a table column you must delete each cell that makes the column. Identify the tag that opens the cell, <td>, and the tag that closes the cell, </td>. Delete these tags and everything between them. Repeat this process for each cell in the table that is part of the column you want to delete. • Since this is a multi-mode question, the number of <SECTION> or <SECTION NOBR> tags in the Question field must match the number of <SECTION> tags in the Answer field. Ensure you have edited the multi-mode settings, as described in Step 6, to delete the modes that correspond to the answer blanks you deleted. b) In the Answer field, delete the parts of the answer that correspond to the Question field parts and answer blanks you deleted. This step is important because it directly affects how the question is scored in your assignment. For example, the highlighted text shows the Answer field part of GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. that must be deleted because it corresponds with the deleted Question field part in Step a: November 2014 88 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Important: Each line of the Answer field usually begins with the EQN tag and corresponds to one answer blank in the order they are displayed in the question. Make sure that you delete the entire line and there are no extra carriage returns at the end. Unless the deleted line is the last EQN line, make sure the EQN tag is at the beginning of the next line. c) If the question has a solution, remove any text in the Solution field that corresponds to the deleted parts in the Question and Answer fields. For example, the highlighted text shows the Solution field part of GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. that must be deleted because it corresponds with the deleted Question and Answer fields' parts in Steps a and b: 8. If necessary, insert line breaks (carriage returns) in any field to make the question or solution display properly, you can use the <br /> tag for each line break you want to insert. 9. Click Redisplay. The top of the Display section shows any Perl syntax or other errors in the Question and Answer sections. Correct any errors, and then continue. For more information, see Perl Variables and Functions on page 312. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 89 10. Click Test/Preview to see how your question will be displayed to students and that all answer blanks are grading correctly. Be sure to test the answer blanks with both correct and incorrect answers. Note: At any point in the editing process you can test to see how your changes affect the question. You do not need to save your changes before testing. For example, this is how GAM-RogaCalc2 10.4.001. now looks: 11. In the Additional Information section, make changes to the following fields. If you cannot see this section, click Show Additional Information. a) Keywords—add a comma-delimited list of keywords that describe the question. For example, add "first-order, linear, differential, equation" for GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. b) Classification—click Classification and select one or more disciplines that relate to the question, and then click Update. November 2014 90 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Adding a classification includes your question in the collections listed in the Question Browser for any instructors with permissions to find the question in search results. See Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. c) Permission—select a permission. If you created permission groups, they will display in the permission list. For more information on permission settings and permission groups, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19 and Manage Permission Groups. d) Usable/Draft—select Usable if the question is ready to be included in assignments or Draft if it is still being edited. Draft does not prevent the question from being included in your assignment; however, the question will not be available to anyone you chose to share it with until it is marked Usable. e) Comment—add a note about what you deleted. This way, anyone who looks ® at this question will know how it differs from the original, WebAssign coded question. For example, add "Duplicated question - deleted part (d)" for GAMRogaCalc2 10.4.001. f) Discipline—select one or more disciplines to which the question applies. For example, the Additional Information section for GAM-RogaCalc2 10.4.001. looks like this: 12. When the you are satisfied with the question and it works as you want it to, click Save. Best Practice: A good test is to use this question as the first question in a multi-question test assignment. This would help identify any errors in this question that would affect other questions in the assignment (like broken tags). Before adding this question to an assignment for your students, create a test course, and then add/schedule the test assignment. Using the Student View, complete the assignment to ensure the new question is functioning properly. November 2014 Create Multi-Part and Tutorial Questions 91 Important: Some features of textbook questions are intentionally not available after duplication. These features are generally textbook-specific, and include eBook links and tutorials, simulations, and instructional materials associated with the textbook. November 2014 92 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 4 Create Numerical Questions This chapter contains the following topics: Numerical questions are fill-in-the-blank questions that are graded for numerical accuracy. • Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions Depending on the question, a numerical question might require any of the following kinds of answers: • Create Fraction Questions • Require Units in Numerical Questions Type of Numerical Question Example Answers • Create Answer-Dependent Questions Integer or decimal number -103 6.4 NO SOLUTION 6.4e2 Fraction 13/16 Number and unit 10.4 ml Number specified to significant figures 302.0 Number specified to decimal places 0.005 By default, answer format tips help your students know what kind of answer is expected. If needed, you can hide answer format tips for your assignments. Tolerance By default, answers within ±2% of the answer key are considered to be correct. For example, if the answer is 3, then 2.94, 3.06, and any value in between are all accepted as correct responses. You can set the required tolerance for your numerical questions. November 2014 94 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Precision By default, the numerical precision of your students' answers is not considered. For example, if the answer is 3, then 3.0 is also accepted as a correct response. You can set the required precision for your numerical questions. Answer-Dependent Questions Answer-dependent questions are multi-part numerical questions that let your students provide numerical data or estimates and then perform calculations based on the provided data. See Also: Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 95 Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions You can create numerical questions that ask your students to answer with an integer or decimal value. • Fractional answers are also allowed, but answers are not required to be specified as a fraction. • Students can enter scientific notation like 6.4e2. • Unless you disallow it, students can also enter simple mathematical expressions like 19 * 23. To create an integer or decimal question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Numerical. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. Optional: Set grading and display options for the answer box. Option Begin Answer With: Notes Require student to calculate the answer <EQN $SIMPLIFIED=1; Unless you set $SIMPLIFIED, ''> students can use basic mathematical operators — addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation — in their answer and be awarded credit for correctly stating the problem as a mathematical expression without actually performing the computation. For example, a student might answer 28 * 19 instead of 532. Make the answer box n <EQN $size=n; ''> characters wide By default, the answer box is 10 characters wide. Changing the size of the answer box does not restrict the length of your students' responses. You can combine these declarations using a single <EQN> tag by separating each declaration with a semicolon. For example: <EQN $SIMPLIFIED=1; $size=20; ''> 6. In Answer, type the correct numerical answer to the question. November 2014 96 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Important: Observe the following rules regarding the format of your numerical answer: • Do not use commas, spaces, or other separators between digits. • You can use scientific (“e”) notation, for example, 1.51e7. • You can type one or more words such as NONE, INFINITY, DNE, or NO SOLUTION; numerical questions are not case- or spacesensitive, but your students must type the words exactly to be marked correct. These rules also apply to your students when they respond to your question. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Numerical Question The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1077998 Name Template2 2.NUM.01. Mode Numerical Create Numerical Questions 97 Question How many miles will a car travel in 3 minutes if its speed is constant at 60 mph? <br> <_> miles Answer <EQN $size=2; ''>3 Solution Since there are 60 minutes/hour, at 60 mph the car is traveling at 1 mile/minute. Display to Students Example Numerical Question Requiring a Computed Response The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1203080 Name Template2 2.NUM.06. Mode Numerical Question 34 + 10 + 5 = <_> Answer <EQN $SIMPLIFIED=1; ''>49 {tab} 0 Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 Check Significant Figures in Numerical Questions You can require your students to specify the correct number of significant figures in their response by setting the $SIGFIGS variable in Answer. If you check significant figures, you might want to award partial credit for responses that use the correct number of significant figures even if the student's calculation is not correct. When your question checks significant figures, the default tolerance for the question is ±1 at the last significant digit. For example, if the answer is 330 to 2 significant digits, the responses 320, 330, and 340 would all be accepted. November 2014 98 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide By default, answer format tips tell your students whether significant figures are checked. You can hide answer format tips for your assignments. To check students' responses for significant figures: 1. In Answer, type the following code before the correct numerical answer: <EQN $SIGFIGS=digits; ''> where digits is the correct number of significant figures. 2. Type the correct answer on the same line. Ensure that your answer is specified to the correct number of significant figures. If it is not, it will be rounded to the correct number of significant figures and the tolerance will be based on the rounded answer. Example Numerical Question With Significant Figure Checking The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1079760 Name Template2 2.NUM.03. Mode Numerical Question If the space shuttle maintains a constant speed of 7740 m/s for 32.5 minutes, how far will it have traveled? <br> <_> km Answer <EQN $SIGFIGS=3; 7740*1e-3*(32.5*60)> Display to Students See Also: Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 Check Decimal Places in Numerical Questions You can require your students to specify a certain number of decimal places in their response by setting the $DECFIGS variable in Answer. If you check decimal places, you might want to award partial credit for responses that use the correct number of decimal places even if the student's calculation is not correct. When your question checks decimal places, the default tolerance for the question is ±1 at the last digit. For example, if the answer is 1.33 to 2 decimal places, the responses 1.32, 1.33, and 1.34 would all be accepted. November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 99 By default, answer format tips tell your students whether decimal places are checked. You can hide answer format tips for your assignments. To check students' responses for decimal places: 1. In Answer, type the following code before the correct numerical answer: <EQN $DECFIGS=n; ''> where n represents the nearest decimal value to which the answer should be specified, such as 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, or 0.0001. Important: Always set $DECFIGS to a power of 10. You can use “e” notation, such as 1e2. 2. Type the correct answer on the same line. Ensure that your answer is specified to the correct number of decimal places. If it is not, it will be rounded to the correct number of decimal places and the tolerance will be based on the rounded answer. Example Numerical Question With Decimal Place Checking The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1159495 Name Template2 2.NUM.04. Mode Numerical Question Write the quotient of 3 and 7 to 5 decimal places.<br> <_> Answer <EQN $DECFIGS=0.00001; 3/7> Display to Students See Also: Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 November 2014 100 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Change Tolerance for Numerical Questions You can set the tolerance for your numerical questions as a numerical value by adding {tab} and the tolerance value after the answer. Important: ® • In most cases, the default tolerances used in WebAssign (±2% or ±1 at the last significant digit) or specified in the code for a textbook question result in accurate scoring of correct and incorrect answers and should not be changed. • If you change the tolerance, your students' answers might not be scored accurately. • Do not set the tolerance to 0; this often results in some correct answers being marked incorrect. Instead, use a very small tolerance such as ±0.01%. The default tolerance for numerical questions depends on the type of question. If the Numerical Question: Its Default Tolerance Is: Requires a fractional answer 0 Checks significant figures or decimal places ±1 at the last digit Does not otherwise set the tolerance ±2% of the answer key Note: Tolerances set in the question are ignored if different tolerance values are set for the sections or assignments for which the question is scheduled. To set the tolerance as a numerical value: In Answer, type the following code immediately after the correct numerical answer: {tab} tolerance where tolerance is the non-negative numerical tolerance value by which your students' responses can differ from your answer and be considered correct. For example, to specify an answer of 56 and accept answers between 55.97 and 56.03, type 56 {tab} 0.03. Note: To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. To specify the tolerance as a percentage of a non-randomized answer, manually calculate the tolerance by multiplying the answer by the percentage tolerance you want to use. Example Numerical Question With Specified Tolerance The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 101 QID 1159554 Name Template2 2.NUM.05. Mode Numerical Question 34 + 10 + 5 = <_> Answer 49 {tab} 0 Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 Create Fraction Questions You can create numerical questions that require your students to answer with a fraction. Note: Because fraction questions set numerical tolerance to 0, students cannot enter decimal approximations. For example, 0.33333 is not the same as 1/3. To create a fraction question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Numerical. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. Set grading and display options for the answer box. Option Begin Answer With: Notes Require student to specify a fraction, integer, or decimal <EQN $FRACTION=1; ''> Requires answers to take one of the following forms: • integer (example: 64) • exact decimal (example: 6.4) • any fraction (example: 6/4) This option also sets the numerical tolerance to 0. November 2014 102 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Option Begin Answer With: Notes Require student to specify a reduced fraction or integer <EQN Requires answers to take one of the $PROPERFRACTION=1; following forms: ''> • integer (example: 64) • reduced fraction (example: 3/2) This option also sets the numerical tolerance to 0. Best Practice: Include <p:reduce> in Question to let your students know to reduce fractions. Make the answer box n <EQN $size=n; ''> characters wide By default, the answer box is 10 characters wide. Changing the size of the answer box does not restrict the length of your students' responses. You can combine these declarations using a single <EQN> tag by separating each declaration with a semicolon. For example: <EQN $PROPERFRACTION=1; $size=20; ''> 6. In Answer, specify the answer using the fraction function in the <EQN> tag using the following syntax: fraction(numerator,denominator) For example: <EQN $PROPERFRACTION=1; fraction(13,16)> The fraction function ensures that your answer key is correctly parsed as a fraction, not as the decimal quotient of the numerator and denominator. Do not use commas, spaces, or other separators between digits. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 103 in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Numerical Question Requiring a Fraction or Decimal The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1204532 Name Template2 2.NUM.07. Mode Numerical Question <watex>\frac{1}{2} + \frac{7}{8} = </watex><_> Answer <EQN $FRACTION=1; fraction(11,8)> Display to Students Example Numerical Question Requiring a Reduced Fraction or Integer The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1203084 Name Template2 2.NUM.08. Mode Numerical Question <p:reduce> <div class="indent"> <watex>\frac{1}{2} <s:divide> \frac{7}{8} = </watex><_> </div> Answer <EQN $PROPERFRACTION=1; fraction(4,7)> November 2014 104 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students Example Fraction Question With Randomization The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 2703262 Name Template2 2.NUM.07a. Mode Numerical Question <eqn> $n1 = randnum(1,50,1); $d1 = randnum(2,50,1); $gcd1 = gcd($n1, $d1); $n1 = $n1 / $gcd1; $d1 = $d1 / $gcd1; denominator $n2 = way $d2 = $gcd2 $n2 = $d2 = randnum(1,50,1); # # # # # first numerator first denominator find GCD Use GCD to reduce fraction by dividing numerator & # Create second fraction the same randnum(2,50,1); = gcd($n2, $d2); $n2 / $gcd2; $d2 / $gcd2; $n_key = $d_key = $gcd_key $n_key = $d_key = $n1 * $d2 + $n2 * $d1; $d1 * $d2; = gcd($n_key, $d_key); $n_key / $gcd_key; $d_key / $gcd_key; # Numerator of answer key # Denominator of answer key # Reduce key with GCD '' </eqn> <watex>\[\frac{$n1}{$d1} + \frac{$n2}{$d2} = <_>\]</watex> Answer <EQN $FRACTION=1; fraction($n_key, $d_key)> Display to Students See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Randomize Question Values on page 330 Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 105 Require Units in Numerical Questions You can require your students to enter a unit with their response by adding the correct unit after the numeric value in Answer. If you specify units, any equivalent answer specifying equivalent units is accepted. For example, your student could respond 1 mi or 5280 ft. You can configure your assignments to award partial credit for specifying compatible units even if the numerical part of the response is incorrect. ® Note: WebAssign cannot restrict the allowable units for numerical questions, for example, to require entry of MKS system units. If you need your students to enter a specific unit, create a multiple-part question that uses a numerical question for the value and a fill-in-the-blank question for the unit. By default, answer format tips tell your students whether units are checked. You can hide answer format tips for your assignments. To require students to enter a unit with their response: 1. In Answer, type the correct numerical answer followed by a space and the unit, for example, km or m/s^2. Observe the following rules when specifying units. Rule Incorrect Correct Type a space between the number and the unit. 20g 20 g Units are case-sensitive. 1 minute = 60 S 1 minute = 60 s Do not combine multiple values and units. 3 minutes 15 seconds 3.25 minutes 20 g To change the dimension 3 square miles of a unit, follow the unit 3 mi**2 with a caret (^) and an exponent. Do not use the words “square” or “cubic.” Do 3 mi^2 not use two asterisks (**) to specify the exponent. To divide a unit, use /. Do not use “per.” miles per hour miles/hour To multiply a unit, use a space or asterisk. Do not use a raised dot or hyphen. kW·h kW*h kilowatt-hour kilowatt hour Many unit names accept singular and plural forms interchangeably. Do not pluralize unit abbreviations. 3 mis 3 mi 3 miles November 2014 106 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Rule Incorrect Correct Do not enter a fraction for the number when units are required. 3/4 inch 0.75 inch ® 2. When testing your question, test with alternative units. WebAssign supports most standard units and unit abbreviations in common use. However, to ensure that the unit in your question is supported, test it with each of the following criteria: • correct and incorrect responses using the unit you specified • correct and incorrect responses using standard abbreviations or variant spellings of the unit you specified • correct and incorrect responses using at least one different compatible unit Example Numerical Question With Units The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1159423 Name Template2 2.NUM.02. Mode Numerical Question How far will a car travel in 3 minutes if its speed is constant at 60 mph? <br> <_> Answer 3 miles Display to Students See Also: Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 Unit Names for Numerical Questions Many different unit names and abbreviations can be used in numerical questions requiring units. Rules for Units Observe the following rules when specifying units. November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 107 Rule Incorrect Correct Type a space between the number and the unit. 20g 20 g Units are case-sensitive. 1 minute = 60 S 1 minute = 60 s Do not combine multiple values and units. 3 minutes 15 seconds 3.25 minutes To change the dimension of a unit, follow the unit with a caret (^) and an exponent. Do not use the words “square” or “cubic.” Do not use two 3 square miles 3 mi^2 20 g 3 mi**2 asterisks (**) to specify the exponent. To divide a unit, use /. Do not use “per.” miles per hour miles/hour To multiply a unit, use a space or asterisk. Do not use a raised dot or hyphen. kW·h kW*h kilowatt-hour kilowatt hour Many unit names accept singular and plural forms interchangeably. Do not pluralize unit abbreviations. 3 mis 3 mi Do not enter a fraction for the number when units are required. 3/4 inch 3 miles 0.75 inch Units This is not an exhaustive list, but includes the most commonly used units and abbreviations. For SI units, most derived units are not listed here. Note: For units having different values in different countries, the U.S. value is used. Unit Abbreviation ampere A angstrom Å, ångström astronomicalunit au, AU atmosphere atm atomicmassunit u, amu Notes bar becquerel Bq britishthermalunit btu November 2014 108 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Unit Abbreviation bushel bu calorie cal candela cd Notes candle carat ct cc Cubic centimeter. Do not use cubic centimeter. century click cm^3 Cubic centimeter. Do not use cubic centimeter. coulomb C cup curie Ci day d decade diopter dollar The alternative spelling “dioptre” can also be used. $ The unit must follow the number, as in 3.25 $. Do not specify $3.25. November 2014 farad F feet/minute fpm feet/second fps foot ft foot^3/second cfs gallon/hour gal/h, gph gallon/minute gpm gallon gal grain gr gram g, gm henry H hertz Hz, hz horsepower hp hour h, hr Alternatively, feet. Create Numerical Questions 109 Unit Abbreviation inch in joule J kilocalorie Calorie kilogram kg kilometer/hour kph kilowatt hour kWh Notes knot liter/minute lpm liter/hour L/h liter L The alternative spelling “litre” can also be used. m The alternative spelling “metre” can also be used. lumen mach meter mho micron microsecond µs, us mile/gallon mpg mile/hour mph mile mi minute min Use for time only. mmHg molar M mole mol nauticalmile newton N ohm You cannot use the Ω character. ounce oz partsperbillion ppb Uses U.S. definition: 10 . partspermillion ppm Uses U.S. definition: 10 . partspertrillion ppt Uses U.S. definition: 10 pascal Pa, pa picometer pm -9 -6 -12 . November 2014 110 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Unit Abbreviation pint pt pound lb Notes proof psi quart qt roentgen rontgen, röntgen second s, sec sievert Sv Use for time only. slug slugf solaryear tablespoon tbl, tbsp teaspoon tsp tesla T torr volt V watt W weber Wb week wk yard yd year yr Combining Prefixes for SI Units The following prefixes can be combined with SI base units to specify derived units. The derived unit or abbreviation cannot contain a space between the prefix and base unit. Prefix November 2014 Abbreviation Value Example 15 1.2 Pm 12 2.3 terajoule 9 3.4 Gg 6 4.5 megavolt 3 5.6 km 2 peta P 10 tera T 10 giga G 10 mega M 10 kilo k 10 hecto h 10 6.7 hectometer deca, deka da 10 7.8 dag Create Numerical Questions 111 Prefix Abbreviation Value deci d 10 centi c 10 Example -1 8.9 deciliter -2 9.0 cm -3 0.1 milliampere -6 2.4 µg -9 4.6 nanosecond -12 6.8 ps -15 8.0 femtometer milli m 10 micro µ 10 Note: You cannot substitute u or mu. nano n 10 pico p 10 femto f 10 Create Answer-Dependent Questions You can create multi-part numerical questions that require your students to enter their observed or estimated data and to perform calculations based on their data. These questions are often used for lab classes to record the results of an experiment and perform analysis of the data. A well-designed answer-dependent question implements the following behaviors: • Allows students to enter observed or estimated numerical data. Any response that falls within a defined range of values is scored correct. • Optionally, provides feedback to students for observed or estimated numerical data based on whether the value is lower than, higher than, or within the range of acceptable values. • Requires students to perform calculations based on the provided data points. • Enforces sequential entry of data and calculations so students cannot enter the results of calculations before entering the required data. The answer boxes for calculations are not enabled until your students enter the data required for the calculation. • Indicates to students when a calculation was performed correctly based on underlying data that are not within the range of acceptable values. Each calculation is scored correct only if the calculation was performed correctly and the underlying data are within the range of acceptable values. November 2014 112 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Like all numerical questions, answer-dependent questions can require students to specify units or to use a specified number of significant digits or decimal places in their responses. To create an answer-dependent question: 1. Create a multi-part or multi-mode question with numerical question parts for students to enter observed or estimated data and calculations based on that data. 2. Add the following code at the beginning of Question: <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> This code is required in order to use the userinput() function described in this topic. 3. Optional: To provide feedback to students for observed or estimated numerical data based on whether the response is lower than, higher than, or within the range of acceptable values, add the following code in Question to specify the information that you want to provide: <eqn> %feedback = ( low => 'feedback_text', high => 'feedback_text', acceptable => 'feedback_text' ); '' </eqn> where feedback is the name of a hash variable that contains any feedback_text that you specify for responses that are lower than, higher than, or within the range of acceptable values. Tip: A hash is a special kind of array consisting of name/value pairs. In Perl, hash names are prefixed with %. You do not have to specify feedback for all three conditions. You might choose, for example, only to specify text for low and high conditions. To provide different kinds of feedback for different question parts, you can define multiple hashes. Each hash must have a unique name. Note: For your feedback to be displayed, you must reference the hash for an answer key as described in the following step. Your assignment settings must also allow hints to be shown. November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 113 4. To allow students to enter observed or estimated numerical data for a question part, specify the answer key as a range of values with the userinput() function. You can set a default value that is shown if no response is provided, units, and feedback for responses that are lower than, higher than, or within the range of acceptable values. Use the following code: <EQN $response=userinput(low,high,default,'unit',\%feedback)> unit where: • response is the name of a variable that stores your student's response for later calculations. • low and high define the lower and upper limits of the range of acceptable values. • default is a value in between low and high that is displayed as the default answer key if no response was provided. • unit is an optional unit specification for question parts that require students to enter units. You must specify the units in two places — in the userinput() function to indicate units for the low, high, and default values, and at the end of the answer key to make the question part check units in your students' responses. • feedback is the optional name of a hash variable that defines values for feedback to be shown if the student's response is lower than, higher than, or within the range of acceptable values. Always prefix feedback with \% — userinput() requires you to reference the hash name with this syntax rather than passing the hash directly. Tip: You can omit both low and high (but not one or the other), if needed. If you do this, your student's response must match default to be scored as correct; however, you can provide feedback based on whether the response is higher or lower than default. For example, the following code in Answer accepts student measurements for the mass and displacement of two objects and provides different feedback for measurements of mass and volume: <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN $mass1=userinput(0,10000,5000,'g',\%mass_feedback)> g $volume1=userinput(0,5000,2500,'ml',\%vol_feedback)> ml $mass2=userinput(0,10000,5000,'g',\%mass_feedback)> g $volume2=userinput(0,5000,2500,'ml',\%vol_feedback)> ml 5. To require students to perform calculations based on the provided data points, specify the answer key as a calculation in terms of the variables used to store your student's observed or estimated numerical data for other question parts. For example, the following code in Answer accepts two values between 20 and 100, and then requires your students to multiply them: <EQN $A=userinput(20,100,50)> <EQN $B=userinput(20,100,50)> <EQN $SIMPLIFIED=1; $A * $B> To require your students to perform the computations instead of stating their response as a mathematical expression, set the $SIMPLIFIED, $FRACTION, or $PROPERFRACTION variables to 1 as you would for any other numerical question. November 2014 114 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 6. To enforce sequential entry of data and calculations, and to indicate to students when a calculation was performed correctly based on underlying data that are not within the range of acceptable values, define the relationship between the prerequisite data and calculation answer keys using the $LABEL and $LINK variables. In each line in Answer that defines an answer key for student data, set $LABEL to a unique identifier for the answer box. Important: The value that you set for $LABEL: • must be unique for each answer box • must not be the same as any variable name in the question One way to ensure this is to use a unique prefix, such as box_, for all $LABEL values. For example: <EQN $LABEL='box_A'; $A=userinput(20,100,50)> <EQN $LABEL='box_B'; $B=userinput(20,100,50)> In each line in Answer that defines an answer key for a calculation based on student data, set $LABEL to a unique identifier for the answer box. Then, set $LINK to identify the prerequisite answer boxes (using their $LABEL identifiers) followed by a colon and the calculation to be performed. For example: <EQN $LABEL='box_C'; $LINK='box_A, box_B: box_A * box_B'; $SIMPLIFIED=1; $A * $B> Specifying $LINK in this way enables two behaviors: • The current answer box is not enabled until your student enters values in the answer boxes labeled box_A and box_B. • If the values in either box_A or box_B are not within the range of acceptable values, but the student correctly calculates the value of box_A * box_B, the current answer box displays an icon indicating that the calculation was correct even though the data were not. Tip: If you do not want to indicate that the calculation is correct before your students provide correct data, set the formula in $LINK to no_icon. For example: <EQN $LABEL='box_C'; $LINK='box_A, box_B: no_icon'; $SIMPLIFIED=1; $A * $B> You can use any text value that is not a valid response to a numerical question, but no_icon is easy to remember. The values of $LABEL and $LINK are never displayed to your students. 7. When testing your question, be sure to test each of the following conditions: • Data that are lower or higher than the range of acceptable values • Calculations that are made correctly based on out-of-range data • Data that are within the range of acceptable values November 2014 Create Numerical Questions 115 • Incorrect calculations • Correct calculations that are made based on data that are within the range of acceptable values • Data and calculations that correctly and incorrectly specify units 8. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. Example Answer-Dependent Question Without Feedback The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589519 Name Template2 3.ANDS.01. Mode Numerical Question <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> Multiply two numbers between 20 and 100. <br><br> <_> × <_> = <_> Answer <EQN $A=userinput(20,100,50)> <EQN $B=userinput(20,100,50)> <EQN $A * $B> Display to Students Example Answer-Dependent Question With Feedback and Units The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589509 Name Template2 3.ANDS.02. Mode Numerical November 2014 116 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> <eqn> %feedback = (low => 'Check your measurements.', high => 'Check your measurements.'); '' </eqn> For both of the samples at your lab station, measure the volume and mass.<br> Then, calculate the density. Specify units for all values.<br><br> <table frame="void" rules="all"> <thead> <tr><th>Sample</th><th>Mass</th><th>Volume</th><th>Density</ th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><th>A</th><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>B</th><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td></tr> </tbody> </table> Answer <EQN $LABEL='box_massA'; $massA=userinput(0,20,10,'kg',\ %feedback)> kg <EQN $LABEL='box_volA'; $volA=userinput(0,200,10,'cm^3',\ %feedback)> cm^3 <EQN $LABEL='box_densityA'; $LINK='box_massA,box_volA: box_massA/box_volA'; $massA/$volA> kg/cm^3 <EQN $LABEL='box_massB'; $massB=userinput(0,20,10,'kg',\ %feedback)> kg <EQN $LABEL='box_volB'; $volB=userinput(0,200,10,'cm^3',\ %feedback)> cm^3 <EQN $LABEL='box_densityB'; $LINK='box_massB,box_volB: box_massB/box_volB'; $massB/$volB> kg/cm^3 Display to Students See Also: Mathematic Functions and Operators on page 372 November 2014 5 Create Math Questions This chapter contains the following topics: • Display Notation with WaTeX • Display Notation with LaTeX • Add Symbols to Questions • Display Notation with <symimage> • Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution • Create mathPad Questions • Create Number Line Questions • Create Graphing Questions You can create questions for your math and science courses that allow your students to enter formatted mathematical notation or work with number lines or two-dimensional graphs. And, you can display correctly formatted mathematical notation in your questions using several different methods. Note: To create questions requiring your students to enter numerical answers, see Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95. See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 • Create Matrix Questions November 2014 118 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display Notation with WaTeX ® WebAssign provides a markup language — WaTeX — that you can use to display well-formatted math notation in your questions and assignments. WaTeX is similar in some respects to LaTeX in that both markup languages let you focus more on content and spend less time solving layout problems. But because WaTeX is rendered in HTML and LaTeX is rendered as a static image, WaTeX has some clear benefits for online coursework: • WaTeX display can be enlarged with the browser settings to accommodate students with visual impairments. • WaTeX markup allows you to put answer boxes in your markup, so you can, for example, prompt students to provide the numerator of a fraction, the argument of a trigonometric function, or the bounds of an integral. You can also use WaTeX to format matrix or long division problems. To use WaTeX markup in your questions or assignments, add the following code, where markup is any valid WaTeX notation: <watex>\[markup\]</watex> The \[ and \] delimiters start and end WaTeX math mode. Usually, you will want to use math mode in WaTeX, but if needed, you can omit \[ and \] to use WaTeX markup without math mode. Understanding Math Mode Math mode in WaTeX corresponds to math mode in LaTeX, and provides the following behaviors to simplify entering math notation: • Alphabetic characters that are not part of a function name or Perl variable are presumed to be variables and are italicized. • Hyphens are replaced by minus signs. • Exponents can be typed using a caret (^). • Subscripts can be typed using an underscore (_). Note: • To display non-italicized text such as words or units in math mode, enclose them in the WaTeX \pre{} notation. ® • In math mode, you cannot use any of the WebAssign HTML substitution tags, but this formatting can be performed using WaTeX. Tip: You can use WaTeX in Question or Solution. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and matching questions, you can also use WaTeX in Answer. If your markup is very long, you might want to assign it (using double quotes) to a variable in Question and then reference that variable in Answer. See Also: Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution on page 141 November 2014 Create Math Questions 119 WaTeX Notation The code listed in this table is valid in the <watex> tag. Unless specified otherwise, all of the examples in the following table are shown as they are displayed when using math mode. Note: As in HTML, successive whitespace characters in WaTeX are ignored. To add multiple spaces, you can use <s:space>. Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a 35 ${variable} ${a}x 35x <EQN $variable> <EQN $a> 35 2x\pre{ km} 2x km Use braces when the Perl variable is followed by other text. Use <EQN> to display the variable in black. Roman text, ® WebAssign tags, or HTML \pre{text} Answer placeholder strings <_> Line breaks \\ Not needed unless using math mode. Not needed for answer placeholder string <_>. \frac{6}{8} = \frac{<_>}{4} This cannot be done with <symimage> or LaTeX. 3x \\ 4y 3x 4y Use \\ instead of <br \>. Consecutive line breaks are treated as a single line break. To add more vertical spacing, use \vspace. Line breaks with vertical spacing \vspace{nem} 3x \vspace{1em} 4y \vspace{npx} 3x 4y Adds a line break with the specified amount of space between the lines. Do not add a space between the number and the unit. For on-screen display, ems and pixels are preferred units, but you can also use cm, in, mm, pc, or pt. Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 November 2014 120 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Multiplication * x * 2 x·2 \times x \times 2 x×2 (implicit) 2x 2x Division \div x \div 2 x÷2 Fractions \frac{num}{den} \frac{x}{4} You can put a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction. Binomial \left(\over{n}{k}\right) \left(\over{a}{b}\right) Combinations, permutations, and isotopes (over/under notation) \over{top}{bottom} \left(\over{52}{5}\right) = 2598960 This is sometimes used with <s:space> in the top or bottom to help vertical alignment. P\over{10}{3} = 720 \over{233}{91}\pre{Pa} Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 x 2 If the superscript is more than 1 character, enclose it in braces {}. x^{12} x 12 Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 x2 If the subscript is more than 1 character, enclose it in braces {}. x_{(y + 3)} x(y + 3) (arg) (x) (x) \left[size]( \left[1]( \frac{x}{3} \right[1]) Parentheses \right[size]) Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Brackets [arg] [x] \left[size][ \left[1][ \frac{x}{3} \right[1]] \right[size]] [x] Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Braces {arg} {x} \left[size]\{ \left[1]\{ \frac{x}{3} \right[1]\} \right[size]\} Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. November 2014 {x} Create Math Questions 121 Expression Code Example Angle brackets \left[size]< \left<x\right> \right[size]> \left[1]< \frac{x}{3} \right[1]> Specify the optional size as an integer from 0 through 9. Absolute values (vertical bars) |arg| |x| \left[size]| \left[1]| \frac{x}{3} \right[1]| \right[size]| Display |x| Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Magnitude (double vertical bars) \lleft[size]| \rright[size]| \lleft[0]|\overrightarrow{v }\rright[0]| Specify the optional size as an integer from 0 through 9. Greatest integer function (double brackets) \lleft[size][ \lleft[x\rright] Square root \sqrt{arg} \sqrt{16} \sqrt{size}{arg} \sqrt{3}{\frac{1}{2}} \rright[size]] Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Specify the optional size in positive integers; the height is approximately size lines. Nth root \sqrt[n]{arg} \sqrt[3]{27x} \sqrt{size}[n]{arg} \sqrt{3}[4]{\frac{x}{81}} Specify the optional size in positive integers; the height is approximately size lines. Factorial ! 5! 5! November 2014 122 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Trigonometry \sin \cos \tan \asin x arcsin x \arcsin \arccos \arctan \cos <s:theta> cos θ \isin \icos \itan \csch a csch a \sinh \cosh \tanh \tan(45<s:degree>) tan(45°) \arcsinh \arccosh \arctanh \icoth(x) coth (x) \isinh \icosh \itanh \sec \csc \cot \arcsec \arccsc \arccot \isec \icsc \icot \sech \csch \coth \arcsech \arccsch \arccoth \isech \icsch \icoth -1 \arccos, \arcsin, and so on can be abbreviated like \acos or \asin, but the longer version of the function name is displayed. 2 Exponential function e^n e^2 e Logarithms \ln(n) \ln(e^x) = x ln(ex) = x \log(n) \log(1000) = 3 log(1000) = 3 \log_b(n) \log_2(128) = 7 log2(128) = 7 Equality = a = 2<s:pi>r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 x>3 < x < 3 x<3 \geq x \geq 3 x≥3 \leq x \leq 3 x≤3 \neq x \neq 3 x≠3 <s:notgreater> x <s:notgreater> 3 x 3 <s:notless> x <s:notless> 3 x 3 Approximate \approx x \approx 3 x≈3 Plus or minus \pm x \pm 3 x±3 Minus or plus \mp x \mp 3 x Infinity \infty \infty ∞ Greek <s:letter_name> <s:pi> π Capital Greek <s:Letter_name> <s:Omega> Ω November 2014 3 Create Math Questions 123 Expression Code Example Arrays \begin{array}{alignment} \begin{array}{rl} cell & cell \\ y = & <s:space>3x + 10 \\ cell & cell 2y = & <s:space>4x - 5 \end{array} \end{array} Display For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. Matrices \begin{matrix}{alignment} A = \begin{matrix}{c}{2} cell & cell \\ x & y & z\\ cell & cell a & b & c \end{matrix} \end{matrix} For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. Determinants For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. \pre{det}(A) = |A| det(A) = |A| \left|\begin{array}{c} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}\right| = ad bc \ddots \ddots \cdots \cdots \vdots \vdots \iddots \iddots \ldots \ldots Overline \overline{} 0.\overline{3} Indefinite summation \sum{arg} \sum{x_i} Definite summation \sum_{lower}^{upper}{arg} \sum_{i = 0}^{n}{x_i} Indefinite integrals \int{arg} \int{f(x)dx} Definite integrals \int_{lower}^{upper}{arg} \int_{0}^{1}{\sqrt{x}dx} Ellipses 0.3 November 2014 124 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Limits \lim_{lower}{arg} \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}{x _n} \lim{}_{lower} Right arrows \lim{}_{n\rightarrow \infty} x_n \rightarrow \rightarrow \Longrightarrow \Longrightarrow Arrows over notation \overleftarrow{arg} Display → \overleftarrow{AB} \overrightarrow{arg} \overrightarrow{AB} \overleftrightarrow{arg} \overleftrightarrow{AB} \overleftharpoon{arg} \overleftharpoon{AB} \overrightharpoon{arg} \overrightharpoon{AB} \overleftrightharpoon{arg} \overleftrightharpoon{AB} Middle dot \cdot \cdot Circle \circ \circ Non-breaking text \nobr{} \nobr{1.2 \times 10^2} 1.2 × 10 Italics \it{} text \it{italicized} text text italicized text Harpoons over notation Not needed in math mode. · 2 Boldface \bf{} \bf{boldface} boldface Strikeout \sout{} \sout{strikeout} strikeout Underline \uline{} \uline{underlined} underlined See Also: Add Symbols to Questions on page 132 Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices WaTeX provides notation for adding arrays and matrices to your questions. In WaTeX, an array is a simple table with no borders; you can therefore use arrays not only to display tabular data, but also to control the positioning of items such as answer boxes or choices, equations, or even other arrays. For many questions, creating a WaTeX array is simpler and less time-consuming than creating the equivalent table using HTML. A matrix is a special kind of WaTeX array that automatically displays brackets around it just like mathematical matrices. You can: November 2014 Create Math Questions 125 • add horizontal or vertical ruling for particular cells • put arrays and matrices inside of other arrays or matrices You cannot: • directly apply HTML or CSS attributes to change the appearance or size of arrays or matrices • span cells horizontally or vertically in arrays or matrices To use complicated formatting or to allow entry of large amounts of tabular data, you might want to use an HTML table instead of a WaTeX array or matrix. Creating Arrays To add an array, type code using the following general syntax: \begin{array}{alignment} cell_contents & cell_contents \\ cell_contents & cell_contents \end{array} where: • \begin{array} starts the array. • alignment is a string comprised of one or more lowercase letters l, r, or c specifying left, right, or center alignment for each column. If you use fewer characters than there are columns, the last character defines the alignment for all remaining columns. • cell_contents represents anything you want to put in the cell. • An ampersand (&) separates each cell in a row. • A double backslash (\\) ends each row. This code is not needed to end the last row. • \end{array} ends the array. For example, to align two equations with respect to the equals sign, you could use the following code: Code Display \begin{array}{rcl} y & = & 3x + 10 \\ 2y & = & 4x - 5 \end{array} Creating Matrices To add a matrix, type code using the following general syntax: \begin{matrix}{alignment}{rows} cell_contents & cell_contents \\ cell_contents & cell_contents \end{matrix} where: • \begin{matrix} starts the matrix. November 2014 126 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • alignment is a string comprised of one or more lowercase letters l, r, or c specifying left, right, or center alignment for each column. If you use fewer characters than there are columns, the last character defines the alignment for all remaining columns. • rows specifies the number of rows (1-9) in the matrix and is required to correctly display the brackets around the matrix. • cell_contents represents anything you want to put in the cell. • An ampersand (&) separates each cell in a row. • A double backslash (\\) ends each row. This code is not needed to end the last row. • \end{matrix} ends the matrix. For example, to display a simple 3×2 matrix, you could use the following code: Code Display A = \begin{matrix}{c}{2} x & y & z\\ a & b & c \end{matrix} Adding Row or Column Ruling You can add row or column ruling in arrays and matrices. • To add vertical ruling left of any cell, add the following markup in the cell: \vline • To add horizontal ruling above particular columns in a row, add the following markup anywhere in the row: \cline{from-to} where from and to are the column numbers where the ruling should be displayed. Columns are numbered starting with 0 for the leftmost column. To add ruling above discontinuous columns, use multiple instances of \cline. To add ruling above a single column, specify the same column number for both from and to. For example: Code Display \begin{matrix}{c}{2} A & \vline B\\ C & \vline D \cline{0-1} \end{matrix} WaTeX Example: Align a System of Equations This example illustrates how to align a system of equations with WaTeX notation. November 2014 QID 1215889 Name Template2 4.WATEX.01. Create Math Questions 127 Mode Numerical Question Solve the system of equations. <div class="indent"> <watex>\[ \left[2]\{ \begin{array}{rcl} 2x + 4y & = & 26 \\ 3x - y & = & 4 \end{array}\]</watex> </div> <watex>\[ x = <_>\\ y = <_> \]</watex> </div> Answer 3 5 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Matrices This example illustrates how to display matrices with WaTeX notation. QID 1216105 Name Template2 4.WATEX.02. Mode Numerical November 2014 128 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question Answer The following matrices show the numbers of wins at home and away for three youth soccer teams. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:space><s:space>L & \\ Home = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 4 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} <s:quad> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:space><s:space>L & \\ Away = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 3 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} </watex> </div> Use matrix addition to determine the total wins for each team. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:quad><s:quad>L & \\ Total = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} <_> & <_> \\ <_> & <_> \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} </watex> </div> and losses 3 & 2 1 & 3 and losses & <_> \\ <_> <eqn $size=1; ''>3 5 0 7 4 5 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Arithmetic Long Division This example illustrates how to create a long division problem with WaTeX notation. QID November 2014 1212389 Create Math Questions 129 Name Template2 4.WATEX.03. Mode Numerical Question Divide. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{c} & \cline{1-5} 123 & \vline 5 & <_> \cline{1-3} & & \cline{2-4} & & \cline{3-5} & \end{array} </watex> </div> Answer & & <_> & <_> & <_> & R<_>\\ & 6 & 1 & 7 & 4 & \\ & <_> & <_> & & & \\ & <_> & <_> & 7 & & \\ & <_> & <_> & <_> & & \\ & & <_> & <_> & 4 & \\ & & <_> & <_> & <_> & \\ & & & <_> & <_> & \\ <eqn $size=1; ''>4 5 6 86 4 9 2 6 9 6 1 5 8 2 7 3 8 8 6 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Polynomial Long Division This example illustrates how to create a polynomial long division problem with WaTeX notation. QID 1212380 Name Template2 4.WATEX.04. November 2014 130 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Mode Symbolic Question Divide. Type ^ to indicate exponents, as in x^2. <div class="indent"> <watex> \[ \begin{array}{c} & & & <_> & + & <_> \cline{1-5} x - 4 & \vline 2x^2 & + & 5x & - & 50 & <_> & - & <_> & & \cline{1-3} & & & <_> & - & 50 & & & <_> & - & <_> \cline{3-5} & & & & & <_> \end{array}\] </watex> </div> Answer \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <eqn $size=1; ''>x:2*x 13 x:2*x^2 x:8*x x:13*x x:13*x 52 2 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Synthetic Division This example illustrates how to create a synthetic division problem with WaTeX notation. November 2014 QID 1215844 Name Template2 4.WATEX.05. Mode Multi-Mode...NQN Question Divide <watex>\[x^3 - 2x^2 - 11x + 12 \pre{ by } x - 3\]</ watex>. Use synthetic division. <div class='indent'> <watex> \[ \begin{array}{c} <_> & \vline & <_> & <_> & <_> & <_> \\ \cline{1-5}& & & <_> & <_> & <_> \\ \cline{1-5}& & <_> & <_> & <_> & <_> \end{array} \] </watex></div> <SECTION>Express your answer as a polynomial: <_> <br /> <SECTION>Remainder: <_> Create Math Questions 131 Answer <eqn $size=1; ''>3 1 -2 -11 12 3 3 -24 1 1 -8 -12 <SECTION><EQN $PAD='devmath'; ''>x: x^2 + x - 8 <SECTION>-12 Display to Students Display Notation with LaTeX You can include LaTeX markup to display well-formatted math notation in your ® questions and assignments in WebAssign . Unlike WaTeX, LaTeX is displayed as a static image in your questions and does not offer the flexibility to include answer boxes in your math notation. ® Note: WebAssign 's LaTeX installation does not include every LaTeX package. Always test your notation to ensure that it displays correctly. Use LaTeX to display math notation for the following reasons: • You need to display a formatted solution or learning materials as a PDF that is linked from your question or assignment. • You are already familar with LaTeX and do not want to use another method for displaying math notation. If you are not already familiar with LaTeX and do not need to display notation as a PDF, use WaTeX, the <symimage> tag, or HTML substitution. To include LaTeX markup in your question or assignment, enclose it in the <latex> tag: <latex>latex_markup</latex> Displaying Perl Variables in LaTeX To display the values of Perl variables in your LaTeX markup (for example, to use randomized values), use one of the methods described in the following table. November 2014 132 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Method Code Example Display Display value in red $variable <latex>$ ${p}x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 <latex>$ <EQN $p>x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 <latex eqn=black>$ ${p}x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 ${variable} Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Display value in black <EQN $variable> Display all values in black <latex eqn=black> $variable Do not use the lowercase <eqn> tag. <latex eqn=black> ${variable} Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Displaying LaTeX as a PDF To display a larger set of LaTeX notation than a single mathematical expression — for example, to use LaTeX to format a solution or additional learning materials — you can display your LaTeX markup as a PDF that is linked from the question or assignment. To display your LaTeX markup as a linked PDF, set the pdf attribute in the <latex> tag to the text of the link you want your students to click: <latex pdf='link_text'> In your question or assignment, the specified link text will be displayed. When your students click the link, a PDF is displayed with your formatted notation. See Also: http://www.ctan.org http://www.latex-project.org Add Symbols to Questions ® You can use the WebAssign <s> tag to add a number of symbols to your questions. Some symbols are displayed as characters, and others are displayed as images. See www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_list_symbols.htm for lists of symbols that you can add to your questions. November 2014 Create Math Questions 133 Display Notation with <symimage> You can use the <symimage> tag to display well-formatted math notation in your ® questions and assignments in WebAssign . The markup used in the <symimage> tag is also used in NumberLine questions to display labels for points. Unlike WaTeX, notation displayed with the <symimage> tag is displayed as a static image in your questions and does not offer the flexibility to include answer boxes in your math notation. To use symimage markup in your questions or assignments, add the following code: <symimage(markup)> where markup is any symimage markup described in <symimage> Notation on page 134. Note: • When creating a flag for a NumberLine question, do not include the <symimage> tag itself; just specify the markup. • As in HTML, successive whitespace characters in symimage markup are ignored. To add a space explicitly, precede the space with two backslash characters (\\ ). Alphabetic characters that are not part of a function name or Perl variable are presumed to be variables and are italicized. Controlling the Size of the Displayed Notation Unlike WaTeX, which is automatically resized with the text in the browser window, images generated with the <symimage> tag are static. However, you can scale the initial image to one of seven sizes. Note: You cannot change the size of notation displayed in NumberLine questions. To change the size of the displayed notation, append the following notation in your <symimage> tag: , size => n where n is an integer from 1 through 7, with 3 being the default if you do not specify a size. For example: <symimage(sqrt(x/a), size => 6)> The following image shows how each size value is displayed. Controlling the Placement of the Displayed Notation You can control the vertical alignment and spacing of the displayed notation relative to the surrounding text. November 2014 134 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Note: You cannot change the placement of notation displayed in NumberLine questions. To align the displayed notation relative to the surrounding text, append one of the following notations in your <symimage> tag: , align => top , align => middle , align => bottom The top, middle, or bottom of the image is aligned with respect to the top, middle, or bottom of the text line where the image is displayed. The default alignment is bottom. To add extra space around the displayed notation, append the following notation in your <symimage> tag: , padding => n where n is a positive integer representing the number of pixels of whitespace to add on every side of the displayed notation. This is particularly useful when the <symimage> tag is used in multiple choice answers. For example: <symimage((3x+12)/(x^2), align => top, padding => 10)> aligns the top of the displayed fraction with the top of the line of text and adds 10 pixels of space on every side of the displayed image. <symimage> Notation Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a x 7x Leave a space after the variable name. Note: Perl variables are not displayed in red with <symimage>. Roman text text(text_string) 2x+1 text( if ) x <= -1 2x + 1 if x ≤ −1 Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 Multiplication * 2 * x 2·x cross 2 cross x 2×x (implicit) 2x \/ x\/y Division You cannot display the division sign (÷) using <symimage> November 2014 2x x/y Create Math Questions 135 Expression Code Example Fractions / x/y Display You can put a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction. Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 x2 ** x**(2y) x2y If the superscript is not just a number or a variable, enclose it in parentheses (). ^1text(H)^alpha Precede the superscript with a space if it precedes notation. Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 x2 If the subscript is not just a number or a variable, enclose it in parentheses (). x_(y + 3) x2y + 3 Precede the subscript with a space if it precedes notation. Binomial (over/ under notation) (top__bottom)^() Permutations and isotopes (combined subscript and superscript) _bottom^top Parentheses (arg)^() (7__3)^() Type two underscores between the top and bottom expressions. Precede the subscript with a space if the combined subscript/ superscript precedes notation. P_3^10 = 720 _91^233text(Pa) (x/2)^() Use this notation to explicitly add automatically-sized parentheses around an expression when they might otherwise be omitted. Brackets [arg] [x] matrix(1,1,[arg]) matrix(1,1,[x/3]) [x] When using the matrix notation, the brackets are automatically sized to fit the contents. Some contents, such as fractions, are also resized. November 2014 136 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Braces matrix(1,1,{arg}) matrix(1,1,{x/3}) Display You cannot use {} without the matrix notation. When using the matrix notation, the brackets are automatically sized to fit the contents. Some contents, such as fractions, are also resized. Angle brackets langle arg rangle langle x/3 rangle Angle brackets are not resized. Absolute values (vertical bars) |arg| |x| abs(arg) abs(x/3) |x| When using the abs notation, the vertical bars are automatically sized to fit the contents. Overbrace arg^^\\} (x+y+z)^^\\} After the argument, add 2 carets, 2 backslashes, and the right brace. Enclose the argument in parentheses if needed. Underbrace arg__\\_} (x+y+z)__\\_} After the argument, add 2 underscores, 2 backslashes, another underscore, and the right brace. Enclose the argument in parentheses if needed. Square root sqrt(arg) sqrt(16) Nth root rootn(arg) root3(27x) You can use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores for n. Factorial ! Trigonometry sin(x) cos(x) asin(x) November 2014 5! 5! tan(x) asin(x) asin(x) acos(x) atan(x) cos(theta) cos(θ) sinh(x) cosh(x) tanh(x) csch(a) asinh(x) acosh(x) atanh(x) tan(45 deg) sec(x) csc(x) cot(x) asec(x) acsc(x) acot(x) sech(x) csch(x) coth(x) asech(x) acsch(x) acoth(x) csch(a) tan(45°) Create Math Questions 137 Expression Code Example Display Exponential function e^n e^2 e2 exp(n) exp(2) exp(2) Logarithms ln(n) ln(e^x) = x ln(ex) = x log(n) log(1000) = 3 log(1000) = 3 log_b(n) log_2(128) = 7 log2(128) = 7 You can use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores for b. Equality = a = 2 pi r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 x>3 < x < 3 x<3 >= x >= 3 <= x <= 3 != x != 3 ~= x ~= 3 x≈3 !~= x !~= 3 x≉3 Plus or minus +/- x +/- 3 x±3 Infinity infinity infinity ∞ Greek Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. pi π Omega Ω matrix(rows,cols,[cell,cell]) matrix(2,3,[a,b,c,d,e,f]) matrix(rows,cols,{cell,cell}) matrix(3,2,{a,b,c,d,e,f}) Approximate Matrices x≥3 x≤3 x≠3 matrix(rows,cols,|cell,cell|) The contents of the matrix are specified cell by cell in row-column order. Use brackets, braces, or vertical bars to enclose the matrix contents. Determinants Use either the text or matrix notation text(det)(A) = |A| illustrated in the example. matrix(2,2,|a,b,c,d|)=ad-bc Ellipses ... ... _... _... \... \... det(A) = |A| November 2014 138 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Indefinite summation sum arg sum x_i Definite summation sum_lower^upper arg sum_(i = 0)^n x_i sum__lower^^upper arg You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Indefinite integrals int arg int f(x)dx Definite integrals int_lower^upper arg int_0^1 sqrt(x)dx int__lower^^upper arg int__0^^1 sqrt(x)dx You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds above and below the integral using the same font size as the argument. Products prod_lower^upper arg prod_(i=m)^infinity x_i prod__lower^^upper arg You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Closed integrals cintegral_lower^upper arg cintegral__lower^^upper arg cintegral_C y^3 \\ dx + x^2 \\ dy You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds above and below the integral using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Differentiation diff (difff(x))/(diffx) Partial derivatives partial (partial^2u)/(partialx^2) November 2014 Display Create Math Questions 139 Expression Code Example Limits lim_(x->p) lim_(x->0) Display lim__(x->p) Any expression can be used below the limit function. You can use two underscores to display the expression below the limit function using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Arrows Arrows over notation -> -> → --> --> ⟶ <- <- <-- <-- <-> <-> ==> ==> <== <== <=> <=> ^^-> A^^-> ^^--> A^^--> ^^<- A^^<- ^^<-- A^^<-- ^^<-> A^^<-> ← ⟵ ↔ ⇒ ⇐ ⇔ Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Arrows under notation __-> A__-> __--> A__--> __<- A__<- __<-- A__<-- __<-> A__<-> Use two underscores. Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Harpoons ~> ~> ⇀ <~ <~ ↽ <~> <~> ⇌ November 2014 140 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Harpoons over notation ^^~> A^^~> ^^<~ A^^<~ ^^<~> A^^<~> Display Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Harpoons under __~> notation __<~ __<~> A__~> A__<~ A__<~> Use two underscores. Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Middle dot middot x middot y x·y Bold Roman <b>text</b> text(For all ) x text( in ) <b>R</b>, For all x in R, <u>text</u> <u>all </u>\\ x all x To display un-italicized text with underlining, put text() inside of <u> <u>text(all)</u>\\ x all x Text is displayed in bold and unitalicized. Do not use inside text() notation. Underline and not the other way around. Union union A union B A∪B Intersection intersect A intersect B A∩B Proportional To propto x propto y x∝y x perp y x⟂y proportional Perpendicular To perp Hat ^^\\^ x^^\\^ Vector ^^-> x^^-> perpendicular ^^\\-> Accent ^^\\' x^^\\' Tilde ^^\\~ x^^\\~ Grave ^^\\` x^^\\` Script small L ell ell November 2014 ℓ Create Math Questions 141 Expression Code Example Display Reduced Planck constant (hbar) hbar E=hbar omega E = ℏω Overline ^^\\_ x^^\\_ x Formula {(statement,statement) f(x)={(|2x| text(if)\\ x <= 0,3x text(if)\\ x >0) Use as many statements as needed. Each statement must contain the same number of text() codes. These codes are used to control horizontal alignment of the statements with each other. You can put empty text() codes in each statement to align items even if you do not need to display Roman text. Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution ® WebAssign provides several special tags that allow you to render specific kinds of notation using HTML substitution. Like WaTeX — and unlike LaTeX or <symimage> markup — you can include answer boxes in your formatted notation. Using HTML substitution is often simpler than using WaTeX, but its functionality is also much more limited than WaTeX. Note: • You cannot use HTML substitution tags inside of other HTML substitution tags, WaTeX, LaTeX, or <symimage> markup. • You cannot use WaTeX, LaTeX, or <symimage> markup inside of HTML substitution tags. HTML Substitution Tags for Math Six tags are provided for displaying math notation using HTML substitution. Inside each of these tags, you can use the math notation described in Notation That Can Be Used in HTML Substitution Tags for Math on page 142. Expression Code Example Display General math <h:math>markup</h:math> <h:math> $a x^2 </h:math> 9x Fractions <h:frac> n='numerator' d='denominator' </h:frac> <h:frac> n='x^2' d='x+$ a' </h:frac> 2 Use WaTeX to display a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction or under a square root. November 2014 142 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Square roots <h:sqrt>markup</h:sqrt> <h:sqrt> x + 6 </h:sqrt> Matrices <h:matrix> cell | cell ; cell | cell </h:matrix> <h:matrix> a | b | c ; d | e | f </h:matrix> Display Use | to separate columns and ; to indicate the end of a row. Ensure that there is a space between the contents of a cell and the | or ; delimiters. Determinants <h:determinant> cell | cell ; cell | cell </h:determinant> Use | to separate columns and ; to indicate the end of a row. Ensure that there is a space between the contents of a cell and the | or ; delimiters. Long division <h:longdiv> divisor | dividend </h:longdiv> <h:determinant> $a | b ; c | d </h:determinan t> <h:longdiv> x+5 | x^2+6x+5 </h:longdiv> Notation That Can Be Used in HTML Substitution Tags for Math Except where noted, you can use all of the notation in the following table in each of the HTML substitution tags for displaying math notation. Math variables are automatically italicized. You can also use any of the <s> tags described in Add Symbols to Questions on page 132. Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a x + 1 ${variable} ${a}x + 1 <EQN $variable> <EQN $a>x + 1 9x + 1 9x + 1 9x + 1 Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Do not use the lowercase <eqn> tag. Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 Multiplication * x * 2 times x times 2 cross x cross 2 x·2 x×2 x×2 2x (implicit) 2x November 2014 Create Math Questions 143 Expression Code Example Display Division divide x divide 2 / x / 2 x÷2 x/2 Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 If the superscript is more than a single number or a single variable, enclose it in parentheses. x^(2y) Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 If the subscript is more than a single number or a single variable, enclose it in parentheses. x_((y + 3)) Parentheses () 4(x+1) In cases where a set of parentheses is required to format notation, such as with exponents, use two pairs of parentheses to explicitly display the parentheses. x_((y + 3)) 4(x + 1) x(y + 3) |arg| |x| |x| abs(x) abs(arg) abs(x) Absolute value 2 x 2y x x2 x(y + 3) You cannot use vertical bars to specify absolute values in in the <h:longdiv> tag. Square root sqrt(arg) x + sqrt(y+3) You cannot use sqrt() in the <h:sqrt> or <h:longdiv> tags. 5! 5! tan asin x arccos arctan cos theta sinh cosh tanh csch<s:space>a sin x cosθ csch a tan(45°) arcsinh arccosh arctanh tan(45<s:degree>) sec csc cot arcsec arccsc arccot sech csch coth arcsech arccsch arccoth Factorial ! Trigonometry sin cos arcsin -1 When arccos, arcsin, and so on are abbreviated like acos or asin, the function is displayed using exponential notation, like -1 sin x. Exponential function e^n e^2 e 2 November 2014 144 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Logarithms ln(n) ln(e^x) = x log(n) log(1000) = 3 log_b(n) log_2(128) = 7 ln(ex) = x log(1000) = 3 log2(128) = 7 Equality = a = 2 pi r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 < x < 3 >= x >= 3 <= x <= 3 x x x x x != x != 3 Approximate ~= x ~= 3 x≈3 Infinity infinity infinity ∞ Greek Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. pi π Omega Ω > < ≥ ≤ ≠ 3 3 3 3 3 Create mathPad Questions ® WebAssign 's mathPad and calcPad tools let your students quickly enter the standard mathematical notation that is displayed in their textbook. The difference between mathPad and calcPad is that calcPad provides tools for entering the kinds of mathematical notation that are needed in pre-calculus and later math classes but which might be confusing to students taking developmental math, algebra, and basic trigonometry courses. See Also: Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95 Create a numerical question if you want your students to respond with a numerical answer and not a mathematical expression. November 2014 Create Math Questions 145 Evaluation Modes for Math Questions ® For many question types in WebAssign , such as Multiple-Choice or pencilPad, the question mode you select has immediately visible effects on the question you are creating. When you create questions that evaluate mathematical expressions, however, the question mode you select affects what kind of responses your students can enter and how your students' responses are evaluated, but has no corresponding visual effect. Note: If your students should respond with a numerical answer and not a mathematical expression, see Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95. Before creating a question that asks your students to enter a mathematical expression or equation, determine how that expression should be evaluated. Symbolic Mode Symbolic questions evaluate your students' responses symbolically by substituting a series of values for the variables in the response and in the key. If the response and the key are equal for all tested values, then the response is accepted as correct. This evaluation behavior provides reliable scoring of responses and can accept any form of a mathematical expression that is equivalent to the key. However, it cannot evaluate responses that are equations, and it cannot evaluate whether responses are in a particular form, such as a completely factored expression. Algebraic Mode using Mathematica® Algebraic questions evaluate your students' responses algebraically using ® Mathematica , in much the same way you would solve an equation. Note: ® • You must know how to write Mathematica expressions. For reference information, see Mathematica reference information at reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/. • Older questions created using Algebraic mode do not necessarily use ® Mathematica ; however, the general principles still apply, and these questions will continue to function. Algebraic mode is a much more powerful method for evaluating your students' responses, but specifying your key in Algebraic mode can sometimes be more complicated than with Symbolic mode. Additionally, you cannot by default accept any mathematically equivalent response using Algebraic mode; you must therefore make sure that your students understand what form of response is needed. Choosing a Mode to use Based on Selected Criteria Refer to the following table to help you decide which mode to use. November 2014 146 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Best Practice: If you can use either Symbolic mode or Algebraic mode, use Symbolic mode. Criterion / Example Accept any response that is equivalent to the key Allow your students to type commas in large numbers The answer is a single mathematical expression that is not an equation. Solve for x: 2 2x+y -6=0 The answer is a finite list of set members. List the first three natural numbers. The answer is any member of a set. List any multiple of both 2 and 3. The answer is a single ordered pair. What are the coordinates of the center of the circle defined by the following equation: 2 2 (x+3) +(y-4) =25 The answer is two or more ordered pairs. List the coordinates of the first five data points shown on the graph. The answer is a vector. Find a vector perpendicular to ‹1,2›. The answer is an equation. What is the equation for a circle with center (x,y) and radius r? Only a particular form of the answer is correct. Factor the expression: 2 x -x-12 Key can specify multiple correct answers. Key can perform complex evaluation functions for you, such as factoring polynomials or computing derivatives. November 2014 Symbolic Mode Algebraic Mode using ® Mathematica Create Math Questions 147 Create mathPad Questions Using Symbolic Mode You can create mathPad questions that use Symbolic mode to evaluate arithmetic and algebraic expressions, but not equations, for equivalency to the answer. Because responses are graded for mathematical equivalency, the form of the student's response is not considered. For example, 4x+12 would be equivalent to (x+3)4. Note: Do not require your students to use function notation in an answer. ® WebAssign cannot grade answers that use function notation. To create a mathPad question using Symbolic mode: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Symbolic. 4. In Question, type your question. • Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. • Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in their answer. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <eqn $PAD='devmath'; ''>variable_list:answer_key where variable_list is a comma-delimited list of the variables used in the answer key, and answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem in symbolic notation. For example: x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2: sqrt((x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2) Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • For information about specifying answer keys for Symbolic questions, see Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. November 2014 148 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example mathPad Question Using Symbolic Mode The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1078951 Name Template2 4.MATHP.01. Mode Symbolic Question <watex>What is the formula for the distance \[d\] between the two points \[(x_1,y_1)\] and \[(x_2,y_2)\]?\\ \begin{array}{rl} \[ d = \] & <_>\\ \end{array}</watex> Answer <eqn $PAD='devmath'; ''> x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2:sqrt((x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2y_1)^2) Display to Students See Also: Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149 November 2014 Create Math Questions 149 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode When typing the answer key for a question in Symbolic mode, you can include a broad range of mathematical expressions. Specifying Numeric Values in Answer Keys Do not use commas to separate digits in numbers. This can cause ambiguous answer keys and let your students receive credit for incorrect answers. For example, x + 1,234 is interpreted both as 1234 + x and as a list with two elements: x + 1 and 234. Do not use mixed numbers. Instead, use improper fractions or express the mixed number as a sum, for example 7/4 or 1+3/4. Specifying Math Variables in Answer Keys Although not always required, you can declare your math variables at the beginning of the answer key in a comma-delimited list ending with a colon, as in the following example. x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2: sqrt((x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2) Best Practice: Declare your variables to ensure that WebAssign interprets your answer key exactly as you intend. ® Variable names in answer keys must observe the following conventions: • Variable names must start with a letter. • Variable names must include only letters, numbers, and underscores; underscores in variable names indicate subscripting. • Variable names are case-sensitive; X is different from x. • Variable names should not duplicate the names of functions or of the numeric value pi. • Variables having the names of Greek letters are displayed in mathPad and calcPad as the corresponding Greek letters. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. • The variable e can be used, but it will be treated as both Euler's number and as a variable name, so either response is marked correct. The following table lists some examples. Math Notation Answer Key Notation x x x1 x1 x1 x_1 books books λ lambda November 2014 150 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in the answer. Specifying Perl Variables in Answer Keys If you have defined a Perl variable for use in your answer key — for example, to randomize numeric values in your question — always enclose it with the <EQN> tag as in the following example: <EQN $d>x + <EQN $e> To avoid confusion, use different names for Perl variables and math variables in your question. For more information variables, see Perl Variables for Math Questions (Algebraic and Symbolic Modes) on page 382 and Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation on page 153 Specifying Math Expressions in Answer Keys The functions and values in the following table are case-sensitive- for example, ABS(x) cannot be substituted for abs(x). For many functions in the following table, parentheses can be omitted if the argument is simple and unambiguous — for example, a single variable or constant. Include parentheses when you need to ensure that a specific order of operations is observed. The default order of operations for symbolic answer keys is: subscripts, then factorials, then exponentiation, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction. Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Addition x+y x + y Subtraction x−y x - y Multiplication 2x 2∙x 2×x 2x 2 * x No distinction is made between explicit or implicit multiplication. Division or fractions x÷3 x / 3 No distinction is made between responses specified as stacked fractions or using the division sign (÷). Exponentiation x November 2014 3 Notes x^3 x**3 Square root sqrt(x) Other roots rootn(x) root(x,n) rootn(x) works only when n is an integer. Create Math Questions 151 Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Notes Subscript xn x(a + b) x_n x_(a + b) If the subscript includes mathematical operators, including implicit multiplication, enclose it in parentheses. Factorial x! x! Factorials are calculated only for natural numbers. Absolute value |x| abs(x) Greek letters α+β alpha + beta Omega Ω Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. In mathPad, your students must type the names of all Greek letters except for π and θ. Pi (π) pi π Substituting 3.14 only approximates this value. You and your students should use pi to indicate the exact value of pi unless the question specifically instructs the student to use an approximation to pi. e exp(1) Euler's number e 3 e^3 exp(3) Exponential function e Logarithm (base 10) log x log10 x log x log(x) Logarithm (arbitrary base) log16(x) logb(x) log_16(x) log_(b)(x) Natural logarithm ln x ln(x) ln x Grouping, Order of Operations 4 (x + 1) 4 [x + 1] 4 {x + 1} 4(x + 1) 4[x + 1] 4{x + 1} If the base is anything other than a number, enclose it in parentheses. No distinction is made among the three types of grouping symbols. Parentheses can also be used to delimit ordered tuples; braces can also be used to delimit unordered lists. November 2014 152 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Math Notation Scientific / “e” notation 2.46 × 10 2.46e+6 Trigonometric functions sin x cos x tan θ cot (π − θ) 6 sec A csc x Inverse trigonometric functions arcsin x -1 sin (x) arccos x -1 cos (x) arctan x -1 tan (x) arccot x -1 cot (x) arcsec x -1 sec (x) arccsc x -1 csc (x) Hyperbolic functions sinh x cosh x tanh x coth x sech x Symbolic Answer Key Notation 2.46 * 10^6 2.46e+6 sin x cos(x) tan theta cot(pi theta) sec(A) csc x Angles are expressed in radians. arcsin x sin^(-1)(x) arccos x cos^(-1)(x) arctan x tan^(-1)(x) arccot x cot^(-1)(x) arcsec x sec^(-1)(x) arccsc x csc^(-1)(x) Angles are expressed in radians. sinh cosh tanh coth sech csch In mathPad questions, your students must type these functions rather than selecting them from mathPad. x x x x x x csch x Ordered pairs, ordered tuples (x, y) (x, y, z) Sets, {1, 2} unordered lists 3, 4 of elements Notes For each inverse trigonometric function, you can abbreviate “arc” to “a” as in asin(x). Specify inverse hyperbolic -1 functions using the notation as for trigonometric functions. (x, y) (x, y, z) Comma-delimited lists in parentheses are evaluated as ordered tuples. {1, 2} 3, 4 To accept only standard roster notation with braces, set $ROSTER_ONLY=1. By default, your students' responses will match your key if they enumerate every element at least once, regardless of repetition. Thus, {1,2,2} = {1,2}. To require your students to enumerate all instances of repeated elements in a set, set $NO_REPETITION=1. November 2014 Infinity ∞ infinity Undefined UNDEFINED UNDEFINED Create Math Questions 153 Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Notes Degree 30° 30 deg Degrees are not evaluated mathematically by default. For this reason, your students must enter the exact form of the answer that you provide and not a mathematically- equivalent response. For example, if you specified cos(60 deg), your students would be marked incorrect for submitting either 0.5 or sin(30°). Imaginary unit i i No solution NO SOLUTION NO SOLUTION Empty set empty empty Use only for mathPad questions. See Also: Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation on page 153 Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation Your students' responses to symbolic questions are evaluated by substituting numeric values for each variable in the answer key and in your students' responses. If the answer key and response are equivalent to within a specified tolerance for all three values, the answer is considered correct. You can change both the default values and the tolerance that are used when evaluating responses to your symbolic questions. Understanding Default Values and Tolerance By default, the following three numeric values are substituted for each variable in your answer key and in your students' responses: • 0.123456789012 • 0.345678901234 • 0.890123456789 For each of these values, your student's response is compared to the answer key. If the response and the key are within the specified tolerance — by default, 0.001 — for every value, the response is considered to be correct. 2 For example, if the correct answer to your question is x + 1 and your student 2 submitted 2x + 1, the response and the answer key would be compared for three values of x, as illustrated in the following graph and table. November 2014 154 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Value of x (rounded) Value of Answer Key 2 (x + 1) Value of Response 2 (2x + 1) Difference 0.1235 1.0152 1.0305 0.0152 0.3457 1.1195 1.2390 0.1195 0.8901 1.7923 2.5846 0.7923 Although at the first comparison point, the difference between the answer and the student's response seems small — 0.0152 — this difference is much greater than the default tolerance of 0.001, so the response is marked incorrect. In this example, because the key and response contained only one variable, only three values were checked. When the key or response contains multiple variables, each value is substituted for each variable so every combination of values is checked. This is illustrated in the following table. Value of x (rounded) Value of y (rounded) Value of Answer 2 2 Key 2(x + y ) Value of Response 2 2 (x + y ) Difference 0.1235 0.1235 0.0610 0.0305 -0.0305 0.1235 0.3457 0.2695 0.1347 -0.1347 0.1235 0.8901 1.6151 0.8076 -0.8076 0.3457 0.1235 0.2695 0.1347 -0.1347 0.3457 0.3457 0.4780 0.2390 -0.2390 0.3457 0.8901 1.8236 0.9118 -0.9118 0.8901 0.1235 1.6151 0.8076 -0.8076 0.8901 0.3457 1.8236 0.9118 -0.9118 0.8901 0.8901 3.1693 1.5846 -1.5846 The number of comparisons that are performed between the answer key and response increases exponentially with the number of variables used in the key. November 2014 Create Math Questions 155 Best Practice: Use four or fewer variables in your questions. Although the default values used for evaluating symbolic questions might seem to be arbitrary, they work well for a wide variety of questions. How and why you might need to change the default values or tolerance — such as for absolute-value questions — are discussed in the following sections. Changing the Default Values for Symbolic Evaluation ® To change the values WebAssign substitutes for variables in your answer key and your students' responses, you set the array variable $DEFAULTVALS to the values you want to use. Best Practice: Use four or fewer values for each variable in your questions. To set values: Prepend this to your answer key: Notes As a list <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[a, b, c];''> If you specify only one list, the values are substituted only for the first variable in your answer key and your students' responses. Additional variables For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[1.23,-3.45];''>x:x^2+1 use the default values. As a range of integers <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[a..b];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[3..6];''>x:x^2+1 If you specify only one range, the values are substituted only for the first variable in your answer key and your students' responses. Additional variables use the default values. Differently for different variables <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[a, b, c],[a, b, c]];''> or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[a..b],[a..b]];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3,1], [-2,2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3..1], [-2..2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 Only for specific variables <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[a, b, c]];''> or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[a..b]];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3,1],[]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[-2..2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 The first set of values is substituted for the first declared variable, the second set for the second variable, and so on. You must explicitly declare the variables in your answer key. See Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. Specify an empty list [] for any variable for which you would like to use the default values. You must explicitly declare the variables in your answer key. See Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. November 2014 156 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Changing the Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation ® To change the tolerance WebAssign uses when comparing your answer key and your students' responses, you set the variable $MAXERR to the tolerance you want to use. To set the tolerance: Add this to your answer key: As a numeric value <EQN $MAXERR=value;''> Notes For example: <EQN $MAXERR=0.01;''> As a percent of the evaluated answer key <EQN $MAXERR='n%';''> For example: Enclose the percent string in single quotation marks. <EQN $MAXERR='0.1%';''> Specific situations requiring you to change either the default values or the tolerance are discussed in the following sections. Changing the Default Values for Absolute-Value Questions If the answer key for your symbolic question contains the absolute value of an expression containing a variable, you need to ensure that the expression evaluates to both positive and negative values to ensure that your students' responses also include the absolute value notation. For example, if your answer key is abs(x+1) your students could respond with x+1 and still be marked correct, since x+1 evaluates to a positive number for all of the default values. To avoid this situation, you could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[-1.123, 0.345, 0.890]; ''>abs(x+1) This causes your answer key and your students' responses to be compared not for the default values, but for the values you specified: -1.123, 0.345, and 0.890. With the new values, x+1 evaluates to -0.123, 1.345, and 1.890 and is marked as incorrect, while |x+1| is marked correct. Changing the Default Values for Factorial Questions If the answer key for your symbolic question contains the factorial of an expression containing a variable, you need to ensure that the expression evaluates only to natural numbers. For example, if your answer key is (x/2)! x/2 must evaluate to a natural number to correctly compare your students' responses to the answer key. To ensure this, you could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[2, 4, 6]; ''>(x/2)! November 2014 Create Math Questions 157 This causes your answer key and your students' responses to be compared not for the default values, but for the values you specified: 2, 4, and 6. With the new values, (x/2)! evaluates to 1, 2, and 6. Changing the Default Values or Tolerance for Questions with Fractions or Exponents In some symbolic questions with fractions or exponents, the default values can evaluate too close to 0 to distinguish correct and incorrect responses. You must determine from the question itself whether changing the default values or the tolerance will resolve the problem. For example, if your answer key is 1/(x+100) Your students could enter 1/(x+110) and still be marked correct because the expression evaluates very close to 0 using the default values. In this case, you could use a couple different approaches. You could change the default values as in the following answer key: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[-101..-99]; ''>1/(x+100) Or, you could decrease the tolerance, as in the following answer key: <eqn $MAXERR=1e-5; ''>1/(x+100) Consider a different example. If your answer key is (x/2)^20 20 Your students could enter (x ÷ 3) and still be marked correct because the expression evaluates very close to 0 using the default values. In this case, the best approach is probably to change the default values so the expression will not evaluate so close to 0. You could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[1.234, 2.346, 8.901]; ''>(x/2)^20 See Also: Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149 Create mathPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® You can create mathPad questions that use Algebraic mode and a Mathematica grading statement to compare the answer key and your students' responses ® for mathematical equivalence. Using Algebraic mode and Mathematica lets you accurately evaluate your students' responses in situations where Symbolic evaluation cannot be used — for example, to distinguish between factored and unfactored expressions, or for questions with multiple correct answers. ® Note: Do not require your students to use function notation in an answer. ® WebAssign cannot grade answers that use function notation. November 2014 158 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To create a mathPad question using Algebraic mode with Mathematica®: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Algebraic. 4. In Question, type your question. • Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. • Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in their answer. 5. In the Question Editor, click Mathematica under Page Tools to create and test ® your Mathematica grading statement and answer key. ® a) In the Mathematica window, type your grading statement, using ® Mathematica expressions for the answer key and student response that you want to test. ® • Your grading statement is a Mathematica statement providing information about how to compare your answer key and your students' responses. ® • Your answer key is a Mathematica expression specifying the correct answer to the question; sometimes the answer key is one of multiple possible correct answers. b) Click Execute. Your grading statement is evaluated using the expressions you specified for the answer key and student response, and the result is displayed. If your grading statement evaluates to True, then the response will be marked correct. Otherwise, the response will be marked incorrect. For example, if your question asks students to calculate an indefinite integral, your grading statement might compare the derivatives of your answer key and of your student's response: 2 The answer key specifies one of the correct responses: 3 · sin(x ) + 2x + C. The specified response is also a valid answer and the grading statement evaluates as True. November 2014 Create Math Questions 159 ® Note: Most, but not all, Mathematica expressions are valid ® ® in WebAssign . Any expression that works in the WebAssign ® Mathematica tool will work in your question. 6. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <eqn $CASGRADER='mathematica'; $PAD='devmath'; ''> variable_list:answer_key {tab} grading_statement where: • variable_list is a comma-delimited list of the variables used in the answer key. ® • answer_key is the Mathematica answer key you created in the previous step. ® • grading_statement is the Mathematica grading statement you created, with your answer key and student response expressions replaced by the keywords key and response. When the question is scored, the actual answer key and student response values will be used in place of these keywords. Note: • To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. For example, the following answer key and grading statement allows students to submit the equation of an ellipse in standard form with the 1 on either side of the equation: <EQN $CASGRADER='mathematica'; $PAD='devmath';'' > x,y:(x+4)^2/9+(y-5)^2/5 == 1 {tab} Apply[List,key] == {(response)[[1]],(response)[[2]]}||Apply[List,key] == {(response)[[2]],(response)[[1]]} The following responses would be accepted as correct: or Responses not in the standard form, such as the following, would be marked incorrect: 7. Optional: Type a Solution. November 2014 160 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example mathPad Question Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1344935 Name Template2 4.MATHP.02. Mode Algebraic Question Find the equation in standard form of the following ellipse: <div class="indent"> Center: (-4, 5)<br> Vertices: (-7, 5) and (-1, 5)<br> Foci: (-6, 5) and (-2, 5) </div> <_> Answer <EQN $CASGRADER='mathematica'; $PAD='devmath';'' > x,y:(x+4)^2/9+(y-5)^2/5 == 1 {tab} Apply[List,key] == {(response)[[1]],(response)[[2]]}||Apply[List,key] == {(response)[[2]],(response)[[1]]} Create Math Questions 161 Display to Students See Also: Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica on page 161 The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® To write answer keys and grading expressions for questions that use Algebraic ® ® mode with Mathematica , you must know how to write Mathematica expressions. ® In addition, you should be aware of the following WebAssign -specific considerations. Specifying Math Variables in Answer Keys Although not always required, you can declare your math variables at the beginning of the answer key in a comma-delimited list ending with a colon, as in the following example. x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2: sqrt((x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2) Best Practice: Declare your variables to ensure that WebAssign interprets your answer key exactly as you intend. ® Variable names in answer keys must observe the following conventions: • Variable names must start with a letter. • Variable names must include only letters, numbers, and underscores; underscores in variable names indicate subscripting. • Variable names are case-sensitive; X is different from x. • Variable names should not duplicate the names of functions or of the numeric value pi. • Variables having the names of Greek letters are displayed in mathPad and calcPad as the corresponding Greek letters. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. November 2014 162 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • The variable e can be used, but it will be treated as both Euler's number and as a variable name, so either response is marked correct. The following table lists some examples. Math Notation Answer Key Notation x x x1 x1 x1 x_1 books books λ lambda Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in the answer. Specifying Perl Variables in Answer Keys If you have defined a Perl variable for use in your answer key — for example, to randomize numeric values in your question — always enclose it with the <EQN> tag as in the following example: <EQN $d>x + <EQN $e> To avoid confusion, use different names for Perl variables and math variables in your question. Creating Mathematica® Expressions ® ® Most, but not all, Mathematica expressions are valid in WebAssign . Any ® ® expression that works in the WebAssign Mathematica tool will work in your question. See Also: Mathematica reference information at reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create Number Line Questions There are two types of number line questions that use the NumberLine tool: one in which students locate points and graph intervals and inequalities on a real number line graph, referred to as default mode, and another, referred to as points mode, where students indicate point positions on a number line graph. Default Mode The NumberLine tool in this mode includes a formatted display area in the middle and a row of buttons at the bottom. The first five buttons are tool buttons. The next six are graphing symbols. November 2014 Create Math Questions 163 Students use the tools to manipulate symbols on the number line graph to solve the exercise. Note that students can use either the open and closed circles or the ® parentheses and brackets to answer questions; when WebAssign scores their response, no distinction is made about which kind of notation was used so long as it is equivalent to the answer key. You can drag symbols from the graphing symbols palette onto the number line graph. Note that you cannot completely overlap a symbol with another symbol. Upon placing a symbol, the symbol style drawer opens above the symbol. Students can use the symbol style drawer to change the type of symbol that is displayed. Below is an example of what this mode looks like in an exercise within ® WebAssign . Points Mode The NumberLine tool in points mode includes a set of points at the top, a formatted display area in the middle, and a row of tool buttons at the bottom. November 2014 164 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide The student drags the points from above the number line graph to the correct place on the number line graph to solve the exercise. Note that you cannot completely overlap two points. Below is an example of what this mode looks like in an exercise within ® WebAssign . Create a NumberLine Question The NumberLine tool is a palette for students to input solutions to exercises that require the use of a number line. There are two modes: one is used to locate points, graph intervals, and graph inequalities on a number line; the other to indicate point positions on a number line graph. To create a number line question: 1. From the Create menu, select Question. 2. Enter a name for the question and select NumberLine as the Mode. This name will be listed on your My Questions list. 3. In the Question field, type the text that you want to be displayed for the question. For each instance of the NumberLine tool, use a <_>. Example code: Plot the following interval on the real number line. <div class='indent'>(-2, 1]</div> <_> 4. In the Answer field, type the correct answer to your question. November 2014 Create Math Questions 165 Example code: (-2,1] 5. Click Test/Preview to view and test the question. The key icon is displayed at the bottom of the question next to the numerical portion of the answer key. The students will not see the correct answer marked with the key icon unless they are viewing the key. 6. When editing is complete, click Save to assign a question ID number to the question. The question will be accessible from your My Questions list. Example NumberLine Question QID 1237726 Name Template2 4.NL.01. Mode NumberLine Question Plot the following interval on the real number line. <div class='indent'>(-2, 1]</div> <_> Answer (-2,1] Displayed to Students November 2014 166 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Coding NumberLine Questions You can code two types of questions that use the NumberLine tool: one in which students locate points and graph intervals and inequalities on a number line graph, referred to as default mode, and another, referred to as points mode, where students indicate point positions on a number line graph. Note that all code is typed in the answer field. Parameters for Answer Field The text for a NumberLine answer field involves: • all display attributes and their values • answer key objects (for example, 3.2; (6.45, 6.75]) • (For points mode only) all distractors. Best Practices for All Randomizations So that students have a consistent user experience, the following rules must be observed for randomization to work effectively: • NumberLine tool attributes (range, tickmarks, minor_tickmarks) must not be randomized. • If an answer key object or endpoint falls on a labeled tickmark, all randomizations of that object or endpoint must fall on a labeled tickmark. • If an answer key object or endpoint falls on an unlabeled tickmark, all randomizations of that object or endpoint must fall on an unlabeled tickmark. • If an answer key object or endpoint falls between two consecutive tickmarks, all randomizations of that object or endpoint must fall between two consecutive tickmarks. NumberLine Tool Algorithm For an optimum user experience for students, the following rules have been implemented. • Between a labeled and unlabeled tickmark, there must be space for at least two closed circle symbols. • Between two labeled tickmarks, there must be space for at least four closed circle symbols. • There must be an odd number of tickmarks. • Unlabeled (or minor) tickmarks must evenly bisect the intervals in which they are found. If a specified range display attribute does not follow all of these rules, the NumberLine tool will instead extend the range slightly to attempt to enforce this rule. If the specified range display attribute is found to be completely unworkable, the algorithm will return the default tickmarks based on a range of -5 to 5. November 2014 Create Math Questions 167 Code a Question in Default Mode In default mode, the following syntax is used in the answer field. range:[-1,1]; (-0.75,0.25] Note: A semicolon is necessary to delimit multiple elements. The following table shows the display attributes that you can specify. Attribute Syntax Description Default Value range range:[lower_bound, upper_bound] Indicates the desired minimum range. If the tickmarks attribute is specified, the range attribute is ignored. [-5,5] tickmarks tickmarks:[lower_bound, increment,upper_bound] Indicates the lower bound (lower_bound) and upper bound Calculated by the NumberLine tool (upper_bound) of the labeled tickmarks, as well as the tickmark interval size (increment) desired. minor_tickmarks minor_tickmarks:[false] Indicates whether to display unlabeled tickmarks. Valid values are true or false. true Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. If no values are specified for the range attribute, the tool defaults to a range value of [-5,5]. For the range attribute and for the tickmarks attributes, the range or the interval size between tickmarks is determined automatically. The tool will attempt to use the specified range or interval size; however, if the specified range or interval size returns no usable images for the number line graph, the tool determines an appropriate range or interval size. If the tickmarks attribute is specified, a range attribute is unnecessary and is ignored. If the value of minor_tickmarks is not set to false, the tool populates as many minor tickmarks as possible. Examples The following tables show a few coding examples. Code range:[-1,1]; (-0.75,0.25] Description • The range is from -1 to 1. • The answer key is (-0.75,0.25]. November 2014 168 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Displayed to Students Code range:[-8,8]; minor_tickmarks:[false]; -3;0;3;6 Description • The requested range is from -8 to 8. • minor_tickmarks is set to false, so no minor, that is, unlabeled, tickmarks are displayed. In this example, since no minor tickmarks would be displayed by default given a range of [-8,8], it is not necessary to specify this attribute. • The answer key is -3;0;3;6. Displayed to Students Code range:[-8,9];[-2,2] Description • The requested range is from -8 to 9. The tool determines that for an optimum student user experience, the range needs to be extended to [-8,12]. • The answer key is [-2,2]. Displayed to Students Code a Question in Points Mode In points mode, the following syntax is used to code a question: flag#:[position,label] November 2014 Create Math Questions 169 where # is a number, position specifies the location on the number line graph to which the point must be dragged, and label specifies the label for the point. Note: A semicolon is necessary to delimit multiple elements. For the label variable, use the syntax for the <symimage> tag; for details see Creating Math Questions. The following table shows examples for coding the label variable. To Show: Code This: Example Code Block pi symbol pi flag1:[3.14,pi] stacked fraction x/y flag1:[0.5,1/2] square root sqrt(x) flag1:[3,sqrt(9)] nth root rootn(x) flag1:[<EQN 2**(1/3)>,root3(2)] Displayed to Students For points that cannot be located within the range of the number line graph, the position value is distractor. If all point values are set to distractor, the answer key must be specified as no solution. Examples The following table shows example code using points mode and its explanation. Example Description flag1:[0.5,1/2] Indicates that flag1 has a correct position value of 0.5 on the number line graph and the stacked fraction 1/2 is displayed as its label. flag1:[3.14,pi] Indicates that flag1 has a correct position value of 3.14 on the number line graph and an image of pi is displayed as its label. November 2014 170 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Example Description flag1:[1,1]; flag2:[distractor,1 5] Indicates that flag1 has a correct position value of 1 on the number line graph and an image of 1 is displayed as its flag. Flag2 is a distractor and the image of 15 is displayed as its label. Note: The upper_bound of the range must be set to less than 15. flag1:[distractor,1]; flag2:[distractor,2 ]; no solution Since all two points are distractors, the answer key must be set to no solution. Answer Key Objects The answer key objects (for example, 3.2; (6.45, 6.75]) specify the correct answer for the question. The Number Line mode uses an intuitive syntax to distinguish between objects on the number line. Note that punctuation endpoints refers to the parentheses and bracket graphing symbols. To Do This: Use This Notation: Example Single closed circle Expressed as an evaluated number. 3.2 Single open circle Expressed as an evaluated number wrapped in parentheses. (1.4) Punctuation endpoints for intervals Expressed as evaluated numbers with the punctuation [-1.3, 2.4) mark at the appropriate position. Multiple objects and intervals Specify -infinity and infinity as left and right Separated by semicolons. Intervals are expressed per usual mathematical notation (i.e., the lower and upper bounds are separated by a comma). 3.2; (6.45, 6.75] (-infinity, 3] (5, infinity] endpoints of intervals, respectively. Specify the answer key as no solution no solution Specify the answer key as the entire real number line (-infinity, infinity) November 2014 Notes Create Math Questions 171 Note: • Two answer key objects must not be placed so that they are less than 1/4 of the distance between two consecutive tickmarks. • If an answer key object is overlapping a tickmark but the answer is not actually on the tickmark, your tickmark spacing is too small. Decrease the range attribute to a smaller range. Below are examples of malformed answer keys and the corrected version. Malformed Example Why? Corrected Example (3,5];[4,6) The intervals overlap. (3,6) or (3,4;4,5;5,6) 3;[2,4] 3 is in the interval [2,4]. [2,4] or [2,3;3,4] Note: If for some reason your answer key cannot be understood — because of a typographical or other error — by default the key changes to -2;[1,3] with a default range of -5 to 5. If you see this answer key unexpectedly, there is a problem with the answer key you specified. Syntax examples Since all values must be evaluated to work, no values should include expressions involving operators that are not evaluated. You must use the <eqn> tag to evaluate expressions. The following examples show the proper syntax for the answer field for both single objects and intervals. In the examples, n is an evaluated number. Type Syntax Description Single point n Closed point at x = n Single point (n) Open point at x = n Interval n0, n1 Interval between two closed points Interval (n0), (n1) Interval between two open points Interval n0, n1) Interval between a closed point at x = n0 and a right parenthesis at x = n1 Interval (n0, n1 Interval between a left parenthesis at x = n0 and a closed point at x = n1 Interval [n0, n1] Interval between a left bracket at x = n0 and a right bracket at x = n1 November 2014 172 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Type Syntax Description Interval (-infinity, n Interval between the left infinity arrow and a closed point at x = n Interval n, infinity) Interval between a closed point and the right infinity arrow Interval (-infinity, infinity) Entire real line Grading For the purposes of grading, no partial credit is awarded. Each instance of the number line graph is worth one point. If a student enters a mathematically malformed response, the student receives an error message and does not lose a submission attempt, unless you have chosen to count syntax errors as submissions at the class or assignment level. For example, if a student enters an interval from a right parenthesis to a left parenthesis, an error message is displayed. Mathematically-Equivalent Answers For the purposes of grading, the following equivalent answers are acceptable: • Lone open points in the user's response are ignored. For example, a response of will be graded as though it were simply a response of . Note: However, an answer key of 3;(4) is malformed and will not function. • Punctuation endpoints and point endpoints are treated as equivalent. For example, a response of . November 2014 will be graded the same as a response of Create Math Questions 173 • Mathematically equivalent intervals are treated as equivalent. For example, a response of will be graded the same as a response of . Tolerance If an answer key object lies on a tickmark (labeled or unlabeled), a response object that overlaps that tickmark is counted as correct. If an answer key object lies in a space between two consecutive tickmarks, a response object that is within a small distance (1/4 of the distance between two consecutive tickmarks) of the answer key object's position is counted as correct provided that the response object falls between the same two consecutive tickmarks that the answer key object falls between. A handy way to remember this rule is that this precision is expected when a student measures using a ruler. Create Graphing Questions A graphing question provides a graphing tool in the question for students to graph points, lines, segments, rays, circles, parabolas, and inequalities on a Cartesian coordinate plane. Graphing questions are automatically scored. To create a graphing question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. November 2014 174 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Graphing. 4. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the graphing tool should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type notation that describes the objects that you want the student to graph and the appearance of the grid. Each line in Answer represents a separate answer and defines a new graph, so do not press ENTER unless you wish to have the student create multiple separate graphs. The following table describes the notation used to specify the objects that you want the student to graph. If the student needs to graph more than one object, separate each object with a semicolon, for example: point:(9,3);point:(6,7);point:(2,2) Object How to specify answer Examples point Specify the point coordinates. point: (-9, 3) point: (x, y) line Specify a linear equation for x and y, or specify two points on the line. line: y = 3*x - 6 line: (0,-6), (2,0) line: y = m*x + b line: y - k = m * (x - h) line: (x1,y1), (x2,y2) ray - closed endpoint Specify the endpoint of the ray, followed by another point on the ray. ray: [(0,0), (4,4)) ray: [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)) ray - open endpoint Specify the endpoint of the ray, followed by another point on the ray. ray: ((5,0), (10,12)) ray: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2)) segment: [(5,0), (4,0)] line segment closed endpoints Specify the endpoints of the line segment. line segment - open endpoints Specify the endpoints of the line segment. line segment closed and open endpoints Specify the endpoints of the line segment. circle Specify the center coordinates and radius of circle: (4, 3), 5 circle: (x-4)^2+(y-3)^2 = 25 the circle or specify an equation. segment: [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)] segment: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2)) segment: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2)] segment: [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)) circle: (a, b), r circle: (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 =r^2 November 2014 segment: ((212,45), (52,10)) segment: ((5,0), (52,10)] segment: [(5,0), (52,10)) Create Math Questions 175 Object How to specify answer Examples parabola - vertical axis Specify an equation for the parabola in the following form, or specify its vertex, a second point, and orientation: parabola: y = (x^2)/4 + 2*x - 6 parabola: (3,3), (5,5), V parabola: y = a*x^2 + b*x + c parabola: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), V parabola - horizontal axis Specify an equation for the parabola in the following form, or specify its vertex, a second point, and orientation: parabola: x = y^2 - 2*y parabola: (3,3), (5,5), H parabola: x = a*y^2 + b*y + c parabola: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), H dashed line or Prefix the keyword line or parabola with the dashed line: y = 3*x - 6 parabola keyword dashed. linear inequality Specify an equation for the linear inequality. region: region: region: region: region: region: region: region: circular inequality y y y y y y y y dashed parabola: (3,3), (5,5), H region: y - 5 >= 3*x > m*x + b >= m*x + b < m*x + b <= m*x + b - k > m * (x - h) - k >= m * (x - h) - k < m * (x - h) - k <= m * (x - h) Specify an equation for the circular inequality in the following form: region: (x-4)^2+(y-3)^2 <= 25 region: (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 > r^2 parabolic inequality Specify an equation for the parabolic inequality using the same form as for a parabola. region: x > 3*y^2 - 5*y + 6 region: y > a*x^2 + b*x + c region: x <= a*y^2 + b*y + c intersection of inequalities Specify equations for each inequality on the region:y >= x^2 - 5; region:y < 2 same line, separated by semicolons. no solution Specify the following code for a question with no solution: nosol nosol 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. November 2014 176 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Graphing Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1077759 Name Template2 4.GRAPH.01. Mode Graphing Question <watex>Graph the equation \[y = 3x + 5\].</watex><br> <_> Answer line: y=3*x+5 Display to Students November 2014 Create Math Questions 177 Specify Equations in Graphing Question Answer Keys When you use line, circle, parabola, or region in your graphing question answer key, you have the option of specifying an equation for the key. You can use the following notation in your equations. Note: • Do not use commas or spaces to separate digits in numbers. For example, 1000000 is correct, but 1,000,000 and 1 000 000 are not. • Do not use mixed numbers. Instead, use improper fractions. For example, 7/4 is correct, but 1 3/4 is not correct. Expression Notation Examples Math variables The only allowed variables in graphing question answer keys are x and y. line: y=x+1 Addition + line: y=x+1 Subtraction - line: y=x-1 Multiplication * line: y=x*2 You must use explicit multiplication. Division or fractions / Exponentiation ^ Ensure that your equation specifies a linear, circular, or parabolic function. line: y=x/4 parabola: y=x^2 circle:(x-1)^2+(y+3)^2=25 Equality = line: y=x+1 Inequality > < >= <= region: region: region: region: Order of Operations () circle:(x-1)^2+(y+3)^2=25 Pi (π) pi parabola: y=pi*x^2 y>x+1 y<x+1 y>=x^2+3*x+1 (x-1)^2+(y+3)^2<=25 Substituting 3.14 only approximates this value. Graphing Tool Grid Display and Snap Behavior In your graphing questions, you can specify the display and behaviors for each coordinate axis. You can set the minimum and maximum displayed values and the spacing between gridlines and value labels. You can hide gridlines, labels, or November 2014 178 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide coordinate axes. And you can configure the snap spacing, which determines how objects drawn on the graphing tool are positioned relative to the coordinate grid when they “snap” to the nearest specified unit. To configure the grid display and snap behavior for the graphing tool, you can add any of the following notation to the answer line, delimiting each item with a semicolon. For example, to set the minimum and maximum values displayed for the graph of a linear equation, your answer key could be: Examples line: y=x+1; axes: [0, 30, 0, 30] Spacing values must be positive decimal numbers; minimum and maximum values for axes must be decimal numbers, and the maximum must be greater than the minimum. November 2014 Configuration Notation Default Value Example Set the maximum and minimum values displayed on the grid. axes: [x_minimum, -10, 10, -10, 10 x_maximum, y_minimum, y_maximum] axes: [0, 30, 0, 30] Hide the y-axis yav:false true yav:false Hide the x-axis xav:false true xav:false Hide the y-axis value labels yvv:false true yvv:false Hide the x-axis value labels xvv:false true xvv:false Hide horizontal gridlines ygv:false true ygv:false Hide vertical gridlines xgv:false true xgv:false Set the y-axis value label spacing yvs:spacing 1 yvs:50 Set the x-axis value label spacing xvs:spacing 1 xvs:40 Set the y-axis grid spacing ygs:spacing 1 ygs:25 Set the x-axis grid spacing xgs:spacing 1 xgs:20 Set the y-axis snap spacing yss:spacing 1 yss:0.25 Set the x-axis snap spacing xss:spacing 1 xss:0.1 Create Math Questions 179 Create Matrix Questions When you create a matrix question, you have the option to use an expandable or static matrix in your answer key. By default, matrix answer keys are expandable, which means you are not providing the dimensions of the answer matrix to your students. To create a matrix question: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill in the Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Note: An asterisk (*) must be used for multiplication in variable expressions. For an example of this requirement, see question ® 2431015, ExpandableMatrixExample 1.1.007. in WebAssign . a) Set the variables in the question using Perl statements. For more information, see Set Perl Variables on page 315. For example: <eqn> ($a, $b) = pick(2, 2..9); '' </eqn> b) Create the question using WaTeX notation. For more information on the general syntax, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. For example: Find the product: <watex>\[\begin{matrix}{rrr}{2} 1 & $a & 2 \\ $b & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \begin{matrix}{rr}{3} -1 & 0 \\ 0 & 5 \\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix}.\]</ watex><br /> (Use the green arrows to change the dimensions of your answer matrix.) c) Using the following parameters, create the answer blank in matrix form <_ matrix_mode='mode' matrix_dimensions='RxC'>, where mode is the display value and RxC is the number of rows and columns: • matrix_mode is a required parameter and sets the visual presentation using one of four values: • matrix_mode='matrix' displays the matrix in expandable columns and rows • matrix_mode='determinant' displays the matrix as an expandable determinant matrix November 2014 180 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • matrix_mode='columnvectors' displays the matrix as expandable column vectors • matrix_mode='rowvectors' displays the matrix as expandable row vectors • matrix_dimensions is a required parameter and determines how many rows and columns are initially displayed to the student. For example, matrix_dimensions='4x2' means the initial matrix will have 4 rows and 2 columns. Values 1-8 are supported. • matrix_label is an optional parameter that adds labels (in plain text format) to the matrix. The position and type of label depends on the matrix mode. • matrix_static is an optional parameter set to true to make a matrix static (non-expandable). If this is not set, the matrix is expandable by default. For example: <_ matrix_mode='matrix' matrix_dimensions='3x3'> The example code in the Question block now looks like this: <eqn> ($a, $b) = pick(2, 2..9); '' </eqn> Find the product: <watex>\[\begin{matrix}{rrr}{2} 1 & $a & 2 \\ $b & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \begin{matrix}{rr}{3} -1 & 0 \\ 0 & 5 \\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix}.\]</ watex><br /> (Use the green arrows to change the dimensions of your answer matrix.) <_ matrix_mode='matrix' matrix_dimensions='3x3'> 5. In Answer, type the answer to the question. You must use <EQN $MATRIX=1;''> to initiate the matrix mode followed by your answer_key. For example: <EQN $MATRIX=1; '';>[1, <EQN 2+5*$a>; <EQN 1 - $b>, 1] ® You can view this example question in WebAssign : 2645454, Test Matrix Mode Instructions 001. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. November 2014 Create Math Questions 181 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Question using an Expandable Matrix The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1787200 Name CheneyLinAlg2 1.2.007. Mode Fill in the Blank Question <eqn> $a31 = randnum(2, 4, 1); $a32 = 3*$a31; $a34 = 3*$a31; $c1 = randnum(4, 7, 1); $d2 = randnum(2, 5, 1); $c2 = 2*$c1 + $d2; $c3 = $c1*$a31; '' </eqn> Consider <watex>\[ \begin{matrix}{r}{3} 1 & 3 & 0 & 5 & <eqn $c1>\\ 2 & 6 & 1 & 8 & <eqn $c2>\\ <eqn $a31> & <eqn $a32> & 0 & <eqn $a34> & <eqn $c3> \end{matrix} \]</watex> Find the reduced row echelon form of this matrix <br /> <_ matrix_mode='matrix' matrix_dimensions='3x5'> Answer <EQN $MATRIX=1; '';>[1, 3, 0, 5, <EQN $c1>; 0, 0, 1, -2, <EQN $d2>; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] November 2014 182 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students Matrix Parameters For questions using matrix mode, the parameters listed in this table are used to set the type and size of the matrix, as well as provide label and expandable/static options. Parameter Description Required? Values matrix_mode Turns an answer blank into a matrix mode blank, setting the visual display. Yes Values can be set to one of the following: • matrix_mode='matrix' creates a matrix with expandable rows and columns Used instead of an <_> answer blank. • matrix_mode='columnvectors' creates a By default, the matrix is expandable. • matrix_mode='rowvectors' creates a matrix with expandable columns matrix with expandable rows • matrix_mode='determinant' creates a determinant matrix with expandable rows and columns matrix_dimensions Sets the default number of Yes rows and columns. matrix_dimensions='RxC' Values are set in the form of rows x columns and support numbers 1 to 8. For example, matrix_dimensions='3x5' sets the default dimensions to 3 rows and 5 columns. matrix_label Adds a label in plain text format to the matrix. No matrix_label='myLabel' Values can be set using plain text format. Values for column vectors have the same label, but with a subscript. Values for row vectors have the same label, but with a subscript. Note: WaTex, HTML, and symbol space format are not valid in a label; use an HTML table as a workaround. November 2014 Create Math Questions 183 Parameter Description Required? Values matrix_static Turns off expandability of matrix. By default, a matrix is expandable. No matrix_static='true' Value can only be set to true, which changes the matrix from expandable to static. November 2014 184 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 6 Create Physics Questions This chapter contains the following topics: • Display Notation with WaTeX You can create questions for your physics courses that allow your students to answer questions with correctly formatted physics notation. And, you can display correctly formatted notation in your questions using several different methods. • Display Notation with LaTeX • Add Symbols to Questions • Display Notation with <symimage> • Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution • Create physPad Questions Note: To create questions requiring your students to enter numerical answers, see Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95. See Also: Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 November 2014 186 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display Notation with WaTeX ® WebAssign provides a markup language — WaTeX — that you can use to display well-formatted math notation in your questions and assignments. WaTeX is similar in some respects to LaTeX in that both markup languages let you focus more on content and spend less time solving layout problems. But because WaTeX is rendered in HTML and LaTeX is rendered as a static image, WaTeX has some clear benefits for online coursework: • WaTeX display can be enlarged with the browser settings to accommodate students with visual impairments. • WaTeX markup allows you to put answer boxes in your markup, so you can, for example, prompt students to provide the numerator of a fraction, the argument of a trigonometric function, or the bounds of an integral. You can also use WaTeX to format matrix or long division problems. To use WaTeX markup in your questions or assignments, add the following code, where markup is any valid WaTeX notation: <watex>\[markup\]</watex> The \[ and \] delimiters start and end WaTeX math mode. Usually, you will want to use math mode in WaTeX, but if needed, you can omit \[ and \] to use WaTeX markup without math mode. Understanding Math Mode Math mode in WaTeX corresponds to math mode in LaTeX, and provides the following behaviors to simplify entering math notation: • Alphabetic characters that are not part of a function name or Perl variable are presumed to be variables and are italicized. • Hyphens are replaced by minus signs. • Exponents can be typed using a caret (^). • Subscripts can be typed using an underscore (_). Note: • To display non-italicized text such as words or units in math mode, enclose them in the WaTeX \pre{} notation. ® • In math mode, you cannot use any of the WebAssign HTML substitution tags, but this formatting can be performed using WaTeX. Tip: You can use WaTeX in Question or Solution. For multiple-choice, multiple-select, and matching questions, you can also use WaTeX in Answer. If your markup is very long, you might want to assign it (using double quotes) to a variable in Question and then reference that variable in Answer. See Also: Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution on page 141 November 2014 Create Physics Questions 187 WaTeX Notation The code listed in this table is valid in the <watex> tag. Unless specified otherwise, all of the examples in the following table are shown as they are displayed when using math mode. Note: As in HTML, successive whitespace characters in WaTeX are ignored. To add multiple spaces, you can use <s:space>. Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a 35 ${variable} ${a}x 35x <EQN $variable> <EQN $a> 35 2x\pre{ km} 2x km Use braces when the Perl variable is followed by other text. Use <EQN> to display the variable in black. Roman text, ® WebAssign tags, or HTML \pre{text} Answer placeholder strings <_> Line breaks \\ Not needed unless using math mode. Not needed for answer placeholder string <_>. \frac{6}{8} = \frac{<_>}{4} This cannot be done with <symimage> or LaTeX. 3x \\ 4y 3x 4y Use \\ instead of <br \>. Consecutive line breaks are treated as a single line break. To add more vertical spacing, use \vspace. Line breaks with vertical spacing \vspace{nem} 3x \vspace{1em} 4y \vspace{npx} 3x 4y Adds a line break with the specified amount of space between the lines. Do not add a space between the number and the unit. For on-screen display, ems and pixels are preferred units, but you can also use cm, in, mm, pc, or pt. Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 November 2014 188 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Multiplication * x * 2 x·2 \times x \times 2 x×2 (implicit) 2x 2x Division \div x \div 2 x÷2 Fractions \frac{num}{den} \frac{x}{4} You can put a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction. Binomial \left(\over{n}{k}\right) \left(\over{a}{b}\right) Combinations, permutations, and isotopes (over/under notation) \over{top}{bottom} \left(\over{52}{5}\right) = 2598960 This is sometimes used with <s:space> in the top or bottom to help vertical alignment. P\over{10}{3} = 720 \over{233}{91}\pre{Pa} Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 x 2 If the superscript is more than 1 character, enclose it in braces {}. x^{12} x 12 Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 x2 If the subscript is more than 1 character, enclose it in braces {}. x_{(y + 3)} x(y + 3) (arg) (x) (x) \left[size]( \left[1]( \frac{x}{3} \right[1]) Parentheses \right[size]) Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Brackets [arg] [x] \left[size][ \left[1][ \frac{x}{3} \right[1]] \right[size]] [x] Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Braces {arg} {x} \left[size]\{ \left[1]\{ \frac{x}{3} \right[1]\} \right[size]\} Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. November 2014 {x} Create Physics Questions 189 Expression Code Example Angle brackets \left[size]< \left<x\right> \right[size]> \left[1]< \frac{x}{3} \right[1]> Specify the optional size as an integer from 0 through 9. Absolute values (vertical bars) |arg| |x| \left[size]| \left[1]| \frac{x}{3} \right[1]| \right[size]| Display |x| Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Magnitude (double vertical bars) \lleft[size]| \rright[size]| \lleft[0]|\overrightarrow{v }\rright[0]| Specify the optional size as an integer from 0 through 9. Greatest integer function (double brackets) \lleft[size][ \lleft[x\rright] Square root \sqrt{arg} \sqrt{16} \sqrt{size}{arg} \sqrt{3}{\frac{1}{2}} \rright[size]] Specify the optional size as an integer from 1 through 9. Specify the optional size in positive integers; the height is approximately size lines. Nth root \sqrt[n]{arg} \sqrt[3]{27x} \sqrt{size}[n]{arg} \sqrt{3}[4]{\frac{x}{81}} Specify the optional size in positive integers; the height is approximately size lines. Factorial ! 5! 5! November 2014 190 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Trigonometry \sin \cos \tan \asin x arcsin x \arcsin \arccos \arctan \cos <s:theta> cos θ \isin \icos \itan \csch a csch a \sinh \cosh \tanh \tan(45<s:degree>) tan(45°) \arcsinh \arccosh \arctanh \icoth(x) coth (x) \isinh \icosh \itanh \sec \csc \cot \arcsec \arccsc \arccot \isec \icsc \icot \sech \csch \coth \arcsech \arccsch \arccoth \isech \icsch \icoth -1 \arccos, \arcsin, and so on can be abbreviated like \acos or \asin, but the longer version of the function name is displayed. 2 Exponential function e^n e^2 e Logarithms \ln(n) \ln(e^x) = x ln(ex) = x \log(n) \log(1000) = 3 log(1000) = 3 \log_b(n) \log_2(128) = 7 log2(128) = 7 Equality = a = 2<s:pi>r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 x>3 < x < 3 x<3 \geq x \geq 3 x≥3 \leq x \leq 3 x≤3 \neq x \neq 3 x≠3 <s:notgreater> x <s:notgreater> 3 x 3 <s:notless> x <s:notless> 3 x 3 Approximate \approx x \approx 3 x≈3 Plus or minus \pm x \pm 3 x±3 Minus or plus \mp x \mp 3 x Infinity \infty \infty ∞ Greek <s:letter_name> <s:pi> π Capital Greek <s:Letter_name> <s:Omega> Ω November 2014 3 Create Physics Questions 191 Expression Code Example Arrays \begin{array}{alignment} \begin{array}{rl} cell & cell \\ y = & <s:space>3x + 10 \\ cell & cell 2y = & <s:space>4x - 5 \end{array} \end{array} Display For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. Matrices \begin{matrix}{alignment} A = \begin{matrix}{c}{2} cell & cell \\ x & y & z\\ cell & cell a & b & c \end{matrix} \end{matrix} For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. Determinants For more information, see Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices on page 124. \pre{det}(A) = |A| det(A) = |A| \left|\begin{array}{c} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}\right| = ad bc \ddots \ddots \cdots \cdots \vdots \vdots \iddots \iddots \ldots \ldots Overline \overline{} 0.\overline{3} Indefinite summation \sum{arg} \sum{x_i} Definite summation \sum_{lower}^{upper}{arg} \sum_{i = 0}^{n}{x_i} Indefinite integrals \int{arg} \int{f(x)dx} Definite integrals \int_{lower}^{upper}{arg} \int_{0}^{1}{\sqrt{x}dx} Ellipses 0.3 November 2014 192 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Limits \lim_{lower}{arg} \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}{x _n} \lim{}_{lower} Right arrows \lim{}_{n\rightarrow \infty} x_n \rightarrow \rightarrow \Longrightarrow \Longrightarrow Arrows over notation \overleftarrow{arg} Display → \overleftarrow{AB} \overrightarrow{arg} \overrightarrow{AB} \overleftrightarrow{arg} \overleftrightarrow{AB} \overleftharpoon{arg} \overleftharpoon{AB} \overrightharpoon{arg} \overrightharpoon{AB} \overleftrightharpoon{arg} \overleftrightharpoon{AB} Middle dot \cdot \cdot Circle \circ \circ Non-breaking text \nobr{} \nobr{1.2 \times 10^2} 1.2 × 10 Italics \it{} text \it{italicized} text text italicized text Harpoons over notation Not needed in math mode. · 2 Boldface \bf{} \bf{boldface} boldface Strikeout \sout{} \sout{strikeout} strikeout Underline \uline{} \uline{underlined} underlined See Also: Add Symbols to Questions on page 132 Create WaTeX Arrays and Matrices WaTeX provides notation for adding arrays and matrices to your questions. In WaTeX, an array is a simple table with no borders; you can therefore use arrays not only to display tabular data, but also to control the positioning of items such as answer boxes or choices, equations, or even other arrays. For many questions, creating a WaTeX array is simpler and less time-consuming than creating the equivalent table using HTML. A matrix is a special kind of WaTeX array that automatically displays brackets around it just like mathematical matrices. You can: November 2014 Create Physics Questions 193 • add horizontal or vertical ruling for particular cells • put arrays and matrices inside of other arrays or matrices You cannot: • directly apply HTML or CSS attributes to change the appearance or size of arrays or matrices • span cells horizontally or vertically in arrays or matrices To use complicated formatting or to allow entry of large amounts of tabular data, you might want to use an HTML table instead of a WaTeX array or matrix. Creating Arrays To add an array, type code using the following general syntax: \begin{array}{alignment} cell_contents & cell_contents \\ cell_contents & cell_contents \end{array} where: • \begin{array} starts the array. • alignment is a string comprised of one or more lowercase letters l, r, or c specifying left, right, or center alignment for each column. If you use fewer characters than there are columns, the last character defines the alignment for all remaining columns. • cell_contents represents anything you want to put in the cell. • An ampersand (&) separates each cell in a row. • A double backslash (\\) ends each row. This code is not needed to end the last row. • \end{array} ends the array. For example, to align two equations with respect to the equals sign, you could use the following code: Code Display \begin{array}{rcl} y & = & 3x + 10 \\ 2y & = & 4x - 5 \end{array} Creating Matrices To add a matrix, type code using the following general syntax: \begin{matrix}{alignment}{rows} cell_contents & cell_contents \\ cell_contents & cell_contents \end{matrix} where: • \begin{matrix} starts the matrix. November 2014 194 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • alignment is a string comprised of one or more lowercase letters l, r, or c specifying left, right, or center alignment for each column. If you use fewer characters than there are columns, the last character defines the alignment for all remaining columns. • rows specifies the number of rows (1-9) in the matrix and is required to correctly display the brackets around the matrix. • cell_contents represents anything you want to put in the cell. • An ampersand (&) separates each cell in a row. • A double backslash (\\) ends each row. This code is not needed to end the last row. • \end{matrix} ends the matrix. For example, to display a simple 3×2 matrix, you could use the following code: Code Display A = \begin{matrix}{c}{2} x & y & z\\ a & b & c \end{matrix} Adding Row or Column Ruling You can add row or column ruling in arrays and matrices. • To add vertical ruling left of any cell, add the following markup in the cell: \vline • To add horizontal ruling above particular columns in a row, add the following markup anywhere in the row: \cline{from-to} where from and to are the column numbers where the ruling should be displayed. Columns are numbered starting with 0 for the leftmost column. To add ruling above discontinuous columns, use multiple instances of \cline. To add ruling above a single column, specify the same column number for both from and to. For example: Code Display \begin{matrix}{c}{2} A & \vline B\\ C & \vline D \cline{0-1} \end{matrix} WaTeX Example: Align a System of Equations This example illustrates how to align a system of equations with WaTeX notation. November 2014 QID 1215889 Name Template2 4.WATEX.01. Create Physics Questions 195 Mode Numerical Question Solve the system of equations. <div class="indent"> <watex>\[ \left[2]\{ \begin{array}{rcl} 2x + 4y & = & 26 \\ 3x - y & = & 4 \end{array}\]</watex> </div> <watex>\[ x = <_>\\ y = <_> \]</watex> </div> Answer 3 5 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Matrices This example illustrates how to display matrices with WaTeX notation. QID 1216105 Name Template2 4.WATEX.02. Mode Numerical November 2014 196 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question Answer The following matrices show the numbers of wins at home and away for three youth soccer teams. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:space><s:space>L & \\ Home = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 4 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} <s:quad> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:space><s:space>L & \\ Away = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 3 \\ \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} </watex> </div> Use matrix addition to determine the total wins for each team. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{ccl} & W<s:quad><s:quad>L & \\ Total = & \begin{matrix}{c}{3} <_> & <_> \\ <_> & <_> \end{matrix} & \begin{array}{l} Bears \\ Cardinals \\ Giants \end{array} \end{array} </watex> </div> and losses 3 & 2 1 & 3 and losses & <_> \\ <_> <eqn $size=1; ''>3 5 0 7 4 5 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Arithmetic Long Division This example illustrates how to create a long division problem with WaTeX notation. QID November 2014 1212389 Create Physics Questions 197 Name Template2 4.WATEX.03. Mode Numerical Question Divide. <div class="indent"> <watex> \begin{array}{c} & \cline{1-5} 123 & \vline 5 & <_> \cline{1-3} & & \cline{2-4} & & \cline{3-5} & \end{array} </watex> </div> Answer & & <_> & <_> & <_> & R<_>\\ & 6 & 1 & 7 & 4 & \\ & <_> & <_> & & & \\ & <_> & <_> & 7 & & \\ & <_> & <_> & <_> & & \\ & & <_> & <_> & 4 & \\ & & <_> & <_> & <_> & \\ & & & <_> & <_> & \\ <eqn $size=1; ''>4 5 6 86 4 9 2 6 9 6 1 5 8 2 7 3 8 8 6 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Polynomial Long Division This example illustrates how to create a polynomial long division problem with WaTeX notation. QID 1212380 Name Template2 4.WATEX.04. November 2014 198 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Mode Symbolic Question Divide. Type ^ to indicate exponents, as in x^2. <div class="indent"> <watex> \[ \begin{array}{c} & & & <_> & + & <_> \cline{1-5} x - 4 & \vline 2x^2 & + & 5x & - & 50 & <_> & - & <_> & & \cline{1-3} & & & <_> & - & 50 & & & <_> & - & <_> \cline{3-5} & & & & & <_> \end{array}\] </watex> </div> Answer \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <eqn $size=1; ''>x:2*x 13 x:2*x^2 x:8*x x:13*x x:13*x 52 2 Display to Students WaTeX Example: Synthetic Division This example illustrates how to create a synthetic division problem with WaTeX notation. November 2014 QID 1215844 Name Template2 4.WATEX.05. Mode Multi-Mode...NQN Question Divide <watex>\[x^3 - 2x^2 - 11x + 12 \pre{ by } x - 3\]</ watex>. Use synthetic division. <div class='indent'> <watex> \[ \begin{array}{c} <_> & \vline & <_> & <_> & <_> & <_> \\ \cline{1-5}& & & <_> & <_> & <_> \\ \cline{1-5}& & <_> & <_> & <_> & <_> \end{array} \] </watex></div> <SECTION>Express your answer as a polynomial: <_> <br /> <SECTION>Remainder: <_> Create Physics Questions 199 Answer <eqn $size=1; ''>3 1 -2 -11 12 3 3 -24 1 1 -8 -12 <SECTION><EQN $PAD='devmath'; ''>x: x^2 + x - 8 <SECTION>-12 Display to Students Display Notation with LaTeX You can include LaTeX markup to display well-formatted math notation in your ® questions and assignments in WebAssign . Unlike WaTeX, LaTeX is displayed as a static image in your questions and does not offer the flexibility to include answer boxes in your math notation. ® Note: WebAssign 's LaTeX installation does not include every LaTeX package. Always test your notation to ensure that it displays correctly. Use LaTeX to display math notation for the following reasons: • You need to display a formatted solution or learning materials as a PDF that is linked from your question or assignment. • You are already familar with LaTeX and do not want to use another method for displaying math notation. If you are not already familiar with LaTeX and do not need to display notation as a PDF, use WaTeX, the <symimage> tag, or HTML substitution. To include LaTeX markup in your question or assignment, enclose it in the <latex> tag: <latex>latex_markup</latex> Displaying Perl Variables in LaTeX To display the values of Perl variables in your LaTeX markup (for example, to use randomized values), use one of the methods described in the following table. November 2014 200 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Method Code Example Display Display value in red $variable <latex>$ ${p}x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 <latex>$ <EQN $p>x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 <latex eqn=black>$ ${p}x=13 $</latex> 3x = 13 ${variable} Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Display value in black <EQN $variable> Display all values in black <latex eqn=black> $variable Do not use the lowercase <eqn> tag. <latex eqn=black> ${variable} Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Displaying LaTeX as a PDF To display a larger set of LaTeX notation than a single mathematical expression — for example, to use LaTeX to format a solution or additional learning materials — you can display your LaTeX markup as a PDF that is linked from the question or assignment. To display your LaTeX markup as a linked PDF, set the pdf attribute in the <latex> tag to the text of the link you want your students to click: <latex pdf='link_text'> In your question or assignment, the specified link text will be displayed. When your students click the link, a PDF is displayed with your formatted notation. See Also: http://www.ctan.org http://www.latex-project.org Add Symbols to Questions ® You can use the WebAssign <s> tag to add a number of symbols to your questions. Some symbols are displayed as characters, and others are displayed as images. See www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_list_symbols.htm for lists of symbols that you can add to your questions. November 2014 Create Physics Questions 201 Display Notation with <symimage> You can use the <symimage> tag to display well-formatted math notation in your ® questions and assignments in WebAssign . The markup used in the <symimage> tag is also used in NumberLine questions to display labels for points. Unlike WaTeX, notation displayed with the <symimage> tag is displayed as a static image in your questions and does not offer the flexibility to include answer boxes in your math notation. To use symimage markup in your questions or assignments, add the following code: <symimage(markup)> where markup is any symimage markup described in <symimage> Notation on page 202. Note: • When creating a flag for a NumberLine question, do not include the <symimage> tag itself; just specify the markup. • As in HTML, successive whitespace characters in symimage markup are ignored. To add a space explicitly, precede the space with two backslash characters (\\ ). Alphabetic characters that are not part of a function name or Perl variable are presumed to be variables and are italicized. Controlling the Size of the Displayed Notation Unlike WaTeX, which is automatically resized with the text in the browser window, images generated with the <symimage> tag are static. However, you can scale the initial image to one of seven sizes. Note: You cannot change the size of notation displayed in NumberLine questions. To change the size of the displayed notation, append the following notation in your <symimage> tag: , size => n where n is an integer from 1 through 7, with 3 being the default if you do not specify a size. For example: <symimage(sqrt(x/a), size => 6)> The following image shows how each size value is displayed. Controlling the Placement of the Displayed Notation You can control the vertical alignment and spacing of the displayed notation relative to the surrounding text. November 2014 202 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Note: You cannot change the placement of notation displayed in NumberLine questions. To align the displayed notation relative to the surrounding text, append one of the following notations in your <symimage> tag: , align => top , align => middle , align => bottom The top, middle, or bottom of the image is aligned with respect to the top, middle, or bottom of the text line where the image is displayed. The default alignment is bottom. To add extra space around the displayed notation, append the following notation in your <symimage> tag: , padding => n where n is a positive integer representing the number of pixels of whitespace to add on every side of the displayed notation. This is particularly useful when the <symimage> tag is used in multiple choice answers. For example: <symimage((3x+12)/(x^2), align => top, padding => 10)> aligns the top of the displayed fraction with the top of the line of text and adds 10 pixels of space on every side of the displayed image. <symimage> Notation Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a x 7x Leave a space after the variable name. Note: Perl variables are not displayed in red with <symimage>. Roman text text(text_string) 2x+1 text( if ) x <= -1 2x + 1 if x ≤ −1 Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 Multiplication * 2 * x 2·x cross 2 cross x 2×x (implicit) 2x \/ x\/y Division You cannot display the division sign (÷) using <symimage> November 2014 2x x/y Create Physics Questions 203 Expression Code Example Fractions / x/y Display You can put a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction. Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 x2 ** x**(2y) x2y If the superscript is not just a number or a variable, enclose it in parentheses (). ^1text(H)^alpha Precede the superscript with a space if it precedes notation. Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 x2 If the subscript is not just a number or a variable, enclose it in parentheses (). x_(y + 3) x2y + 3 Precede the subscript with a space if it precedes notation. Binomial (over/ under notation) (top__bottom)^() Permutations and isotopes (combined subscript and superscript) _bottom^top Parentheses (arg)^() (7__3)^() Type two underscores between the top and bottom expressions. Precede the subscript with a space if the combined subscript/ superscript precedes notation. P_3^10 = 720 _91^233text(Pa) (x/2)^() Use this notation to explicitly add automatically-sized parentheses around an expression when they might otherwise be omitted. Brackets [arg] [x] matrix(1,1,[arg]) matrix(1,1,[x/3]) [x] When using the matrix notation, the brackets are automatically sized to fit the contents. Some contents, such as fractions, are also resized. November 2014 204 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Braces matrix(1,1,{arg}) matrix(1,1,{x/3}) Display You cannot use {} without the matrix notation. When using the matrix notation, the brackets are automatically sized to fit the contents. Some contents, such as fractions, are also resized. Angle brackets langle arg rangle langle x/3 rangle Angle brackets are not resized. Absolute values (vertical bars) |arg| |x| abs(arg) abs(x/3) |x| When using the abs notation, the vertical bars are automatically sized to fit the contents. Overbrace arg^^\\} (x+y+z)^^\\} After the argument, add 2 carets, 2 backslashes, and the right brace. Enclose the argument in parentheses if needed. Underbrace arg__\\_} (x+y+z)__\\_} After the argument, add 2 underscores, 2 backslashes, another underscore, and the right brace. Enclose the argument in parentheses if needed. Square root sqrt(arg) sqrt(16) Nth root rootn(arg) root3(27x) You can use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores for n. Factorial ! Trigonometry sin(x) cos(x) asin(x) November 2014 5! 5! tan(x) asin(x) asin(x) acos(x) atan(x) cos(theta) cos(θ) sinh(x) cosh(x) tanh(x) csch(a) asinh(x) acosh(x) atanh(x) tan(45 deg) sec(x) csc(x) cot(x) asec(x) acsc(x) acot(x) sech(x) csch(x) coth(x) asech(x) acsch(x) acoth(x) csch(a) tan(45°) Create Physics Questions 205 Expression Code Example Display Exponential function e^n e^2 e2 exp(n) exp(2) exp(2) Logarithms ln(n) ln(e^x) = x ln(ex) = x log(n) log(1000) = 3 log(1000) = 3 log_b(n) log_2(128) = 7 log2(128) = 7 You can use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores for b. Equality = a = 2 pi r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 x>3 < x < 3 x<3 >= x >= 3 <= x <= 3 != x != 3 ~= x ~= 3 x≈3 !~= x !~= 3 x≉3 Plus or minus +/- x +/- 3 x±3 Infinity infinity infinity ∞ Greek Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. pi π Omega Ω matrix(rows,cols,[cell,cell]) matrix(2,3,[a,b,c,d,e,f]) matrix(rows,cols,{cell,cell}) matrix(3,2,{a,b,c,d,e,f}) Approximate Matrices x≥3 x≤3 x≠3 matrix(rows,cols,|cell,cell|) The contents of the matrix are specified cell by cell in row-column order. Use brackets, braces, or vertical bars to enclose the matrix contents. Determinants Use either the text or matrix notation text(det)(A) = |A| illustrated in the example. matrix(2,2,|a,b,c,d|)=ad-bc Ellipses ... ... _... _... \... \... det(A) = |A| November 2014 206 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Indefinite summation sum arg sum x_i Definite summation sum_lower^upper arg sum_(i = 0)^n x_i sum__lower^^upper arg You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Indefinite integrals int arg int f(x)dx Definite integrals int_lower^upper arg int_0^1 sqrt(x)dx int__lower^^upper arg int__0^^1 sqrt(x)dx You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds above and below the integral using the same font size as the argument. Products prod_lower^upper arg prod_(i=m)^infinity x_i prod__lower^^upper arg You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Closed integrals cintegral_lower^upper arg cintegral__lower^^upper arg cintegral_C y^3 \\ dx + x^2 \\ dy You can use two underscores and two carets to display the bounds above and below the integral using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Differentiation diff (difff(x))/(diffx) Partial derivatives partial (partial^2u)/(partialx^2) November 2014 Display Create Physics Questions 207 Expression Code Example Limits lim_(x->p) lim_(x->0) Display lim__(x->p) Any expression can be used below the limit function. You can use two underscores to display the expression below the limit function using the same font size as the argument; see the example for Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. Arrows Arrows over notation -> -> → --> --> ⟶ <- <- <-- <-- <-> <-> ==> ==> <== <== <=> <=> ^^-> A^^-> ^^--> A^^--> ^^<- A^^<- ^^<-- A^^<-- ^^<-> A^^<-> ← ⟵ ↔ ⇒ ⇐ ⇔ Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Arrows under notation __-> A__-> __--> A__--> __<- A__<- __<-- A__<-- __<-> A__<-> Use two underscores. Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Harpoons ~> ~> ⇀ <~ <~ ↽ <~> <~> ⇌ November 2014 208 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Harpoons over notation ^^~> A^^~> ^^<~ A^^<~ ^^<~> A^^<~> Display Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Harpoons under __~> notation __<~ __<~> A__~> A__<~ A__<~> Use two underscores. Enclose the argument in parentheses as needed. Middle dot middot x middot y x·y Bold Roman <b>text</b> text(For all ) x text( in ) <b>R</b>, For all x in R, <u>text</u> <u>all </u>\\ x all x To display un-italicized text with underlining, put text() inside of <u> <u>text(all)</u>\\ x all x Text is displayed in bold and unitalicized. Do not use inside text() notation. Underline and not the other way around. Union union A union B A∪B Intersection intersect A intersect B A∩B Proportional To propto x propto y x∝y x perp y x⟂y proportional Perpendicular To perp Hat ^^\\^ x^^\\^ Vector ^^-> x^^-> perpendicular ^^\\-> Accent ^^\\' x^^\\' Tilde ^^\\~ x^^\\~ Grave ^^\\` x^^\\` Script small L ell ell November 2014 ℓ Create Physics Questions 209 Expression Code Example Display Reduced Planck constant (hbar) hbar E=hbar omega E = ℏω Overline ^^\\_ x^^\\_ x Formula {(statement,statement) f(x)={(|2x| text(if)\\ x <= 0,3x text(if)\\ x >0) Use as many statements as needed. Each statement must contain the same number of text() codes. These codes are used to control horizontal alignment of the statements with each other. You can put empty text() codes in each statement to align items even if you do not need to display Roman text. Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution ® WebAssign provides several special tags that allow you to render specific kinds of notation using HTML substitution. Like WaTeX — and unlike LaTeX or <symimage> markup — you can include answer boxes in your formatted notation. Using HTML substitution is often simpler than using WaTeX, but its functionality is also much more limited than WaTeX. Note: • You cannot use HTML substitution tags inside of other HTML substitution tags, WaTeX, LaTeX, or <symimage> markup. • You cannot use WaTeX, LaTeX, or <symimage> markup inside of HTML substitution tags. HTML Substitution Tags for Math Six tags are provided for displaying math notation using HTML substitution. Inside each of these tags, you can use the math notation described in Notation That Can Be Used in HTML Substitution Tags for Math on page 210. Expression Code Example Display General math <h:math>markup</h:math> <h:math> $a x^2 </h:math> 9x Fractions <h:frac> n='numerator' d='denominator' </h:frac> <h:frac> n='x^2' d='x+$ a' </h:frac> 2 Use WaTeX to display a fraction in the numerator or denominator of another fraction or under a square root. November 2014 210 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Square roots <h:sqrt>markup</h:sqrt> <h:sqrt> x + 6 </h:sqrt> Matrices <h:matrix> cell | cell ; cell | cell </h:matrix> <h:matrix> a | b | c ; d | e | f </h:matrix> Display Use | to separate columns and ; to indicate the end of a row. Ensure that there is a space between the contents of a cell and the | or ; delimiters. Determinants <h:determinant> cell | cell ; cell | cell </h:determinant> Use | to separate columns and ; to indicate the end of a row. Ensure that there is a space between the contents of a cell and the | or ; delimiters. Long division <h:longdiv> divisor | dividend </h:longdiv> <h:determinant> $a | b ; c | d </h:determinan t> <h:longdiv> x+5 | x^2+6x+5 </h:longdiv> Notation That Can Be Used in HTML Substitution Tags for Math Except where noted, you can use all of the notation in the following table in each of the HTML substitution tags for displaying math notation. Math variables are automatically italicized. You can also use any of the <s> tags described in Add Symbols to Questions on page 132. Expression Code Example Display Perl variables $variable $a x + 1 ${variable} ${a}x + 1 <EQN $variable> <EQN $a>x + 1 9x + 1 9x + 1 9x + 1 Use braces or add a space after each variable name to distinguish it from other text. Do not use the lowercase <eqn> tag. Addition + x + 1 x+1 Subtraction - x - 1 x−1 Multiplication * x * 2 times x times 2 cross x cross 2 x·2 x×2 x×2 2x (implicit) 2x November 2014 Create Physics Questions 211 Expression Code Example Display Division divide x divide 2 / x / 2 x÷2 x/2 Exponents (superscripts) ^ (caret) x^2 If the superscript is more than a single number or a single variable, enclose it in parentheses. x^(2y) Bases (subscripts) _ (underscore) x_2 If the subscript is more than a single number or a single variable, enclose it in parentheses. x_((y + 3)) Parentheses () 4(x+1) In cases where a set of parentheses is required to format notation, such as with exponents, use two pairs of parentheses to explicitly display the parentheses. x_((y + 3)) 4(x + 1) x(y + 3) |arg| |x| |x| abs(x) abs(arg) abs(x) Absolute value 2 x 2y x x2 x(y + 3) You cannot use vertical bars to specify absolute values in in the <h:longdiv> tag. Square root sqrt(arg) x + sqrt(y+3) You cannot use sqrt() in the <h:sqrt> or <h:longdiv> tags. 5! 5! tan asin x arccos arctan cos theta sinh cosh tanh csch<s:space>a sin x cosθ csch a tan(45°) arcsinh arccosh arctanh tan(45<s:degree>) sec csc cot arcsec arccsc arccot sech csch coth arcsech arccsch arccoth Factorial ! Trigonometry sin cos arcsin -1 When arccos, arcsin, and so on are abbreviated like acos or asin, the function is displayed using exponential notation, like -1 sin x. Exponential function e^n e^2 e 2 November 2014 212 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Code Example Display Logarithms ln(n) ln(e^x) = x log(n) log(1000) = 3 log_b(n) log_2(128) = 7 ln(ex) = x log(1000) = 3 log2(128) = 7 Equality = a = 2 pi r a = 2πr Inequality > x > 3 < x < 3 >= x >= 3 <= x <= 3 x x x x x != x != 3 Approximate ~= x ~= 3 x≈3 Infinity infinity infinity ∞ Greek Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. pi π Omega Ω > < ≥ ≤ ≠ 3 3 3 3 3 Create physPad Questions The physPad tool lets your students enter correctly formatted mathematical expression that might include symbols used in physics. Before you create a physPad question, decide whether to use Symbolic Mode or ® Algebraic Mode using Mathematica to evaluate your students' mathematical expressions. Evaluation Modes for Math Questions ® For many question types in WebAssign , such as Multiple-Choice or pencilPad, the question mode you select has immediately visible effects on the question you are creating. When you create questions that evaluate mathematical expressions, November 2014 Create Physics Questions 213 however, the question mode you select affects what kind of responses your students can enter and how your students' responses are evaluated, but has no corresponding visual effect. Note: If your students should respond with a numerical answer and not a mathematical expression, see Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95. Before creating a question that asks your students to enter a mathematical expression or equation, determine how that expression should be evaluated. Symbolic Mode Symbolic questions evaluate your students' responses symbolically by substituting a series of values for the variables in the response and in the key. If the response and the key are equal for all tested values, then the response is accepted as correct. This evaluation behavior provides reliable scoring of responses and can accept any form of a mathematical expression that is equivalent to the key. However, it cannot evaluate responses that are equations, and it cannot evaluate whether responses are in a particular form, such as a completely factored expression. Algebraic Mode using Mathematica® Algebraic questions evaluate your students' responses algebraically using ® Mathematica , in much the same way you would solve an equation. Note: ® • You must know how to write Mathematica expressions. For reference information, see Mathematica reference information at reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/. • Older questions created using Algebraic mode do not necessarily use ® Mathematica ; however, the general principles still apply, and these questions will continue to function. Algebraic mode is a much more powerful method for evaluating your students' responses, but specifying your key in Algebraic mode can sometimes be more complicated than with Symbolic mode. Additionally, you cannot by default accept any mathematically equivalent response using Algebraic mode; you must therefore make sure that your students understand what form of response is needed. Choosing a Mode to use Based on Selected Criteria Refer to the following table to help you decide which mode to use. Best Practice: If you can use either Symbolic mode or Algebraic mode, use Symbolic mode. November 2014 214 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Criterion / Example Symbolic Mode Algebraic Mode using ® Mathematica Accept any response that is equivalent to the key Allow your students to type commas in large numbers The answer is a single mathematical expression that is not an equation. Solve for x: 2 2x+y -6=0 The answer is a finite list of set members. List the first three natural numbers. The answer is any member of a set. List any multiple of both 2 and 3. The answer is a single ordered pair. What are the coordinates of the center of the circle defined by the following equation: 2 2 (x+3) +(y-4) =25 The answer is two or more ordered pairs. List the coordinates of the first five data points shown on the graph. The answer is a vector. Find a vector perpendicular to ‹1,2›. The answer is an equation. What is the equation for a circle with center (x,y) and radius r? Only a particular form of the answer is correct. Factor the expression: 2 x -x-12 Key can specify multiple correct answers. Key can perform complex evaluation functions for you, such as factoring polynomials or computing derivatives. Create physPad Questions Using Symbolic Mode You can create physPad questions that use Symbolic mode to evaluate arithmetic and algebraic expressions, but not equations, for equivalency to the answer. November 2014 Create Physics Questions 215 Because responses are graded for mathematical equivalency, the form of the student's response is not considered. To create a physPad question using Symbolic mode: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Symbolic. 4. In Question, type your question. • Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. • Be sure that your question identifies any variables that students should use in their answer. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <eqn $PAD='phys'; ''>variable_list:answer_key where variable_list is a comma-delimited list of the variables used in the answer key, and answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem in symbolic notation. For example: ''>K, L, g: K sqrt(L g) Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • For information about specifying answer keys for Symbolic questions, see Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. November 2014 216 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example physPad Question Using Symbolic Mode The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 2594685 Name Template2 6.PHYSICS.01. Mode Symbolic Question Using <watex>\[d_{\pre{o}}\]</watex> and <watex>\[d_{\pre{i}}\]</watex> respectively for the object and image distance and <watex>\[P_{\pre{e}}\]</ watex> for the refractive power of the woman's eye, write an expression for the refractive power of her eye in terms of the object and image distance. <watex>\[P_{\pre{e}} = <_>\]</watex> Answer Display to Students November 2014 <eqn $PAD = 'phys';''>d_o,d_i:1/d_o + 1/d_i Create Physics Questions 217 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode When typing the answer key for a question in Symbolic mode, you can include a broad range of mathematical expressions. Specifying Numeric Values in Answer Keys Do not use commas to separate digits in numbers. This can cause ambiguous answer keys and let your students receive credit for incorrect answers. For example, x + 1,234 is interpreted both as 1234 + x and as a list with two elements: x + 1 and 234. Do not use mixed numbers. Instead, use improper fractions or express the mixed number as a sum, for example 7/4 or 1+3/4. Specifying Math Variables in Answer Keys Although not always required, you can declare your math variables at the beginning of the answer key in a comma-delimited list ending with a colon, as in the following example. x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2: sqrt((x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2) Best Practice: Declare your variables to ensure that WebAssign interprets your answer key exactly as you intend. ® Variable names in answer keys must observe the following conventions: • Variable names must start with a letter. • Variable names must include only letters, numbers, and underscores; underscores in variable names indicate subscripting. • Variable names are case-sensitive; X is different from x. • Variable names should not duplicate the names of functions or of the numeric value pi. • Variables having the names of Greek letters are displayed in mathPad and calcPad as the corresponding Greek letters. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. • The variable e can be used, but it will be treated as both Euler's number and as a variable name, so either response is marked correct. The following table lists some examples. Math Notation Answer Key Notation x x x1 x1 x1 x_1 books books λ lambda November 2014 218 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in the answer. Specifying Perl Variables in Answer Keys If you have defined a Perl variable for use in your answer key — for example, to randomize numeric values in your question — always enclose it with the <EQN> tag as in the following example: <EQN $d>x + <EQN $e> To avoid confusion, use different names for Perl variables and math variables in your question. For more information variables, see Perl Variables for Math Questions (Algebraic and Symbolic Modes) on page 382 and Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation on page 153 Specifying Math Expressions in Answer Keys The functions and values in the following table are case-sensitive- for example, ABS(x) cannot be substituted for abs(x). For many functions in the following table, parentheses can be omitted if the argument is simple and unambiguous — for example, a single variable or constant. Include parentheses when you need to ensure that a specific order of operations is observed. The default order of operations for symbolic answer keys is: subscripts, then factorials, then exponentiation, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction. Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Addition x+y x + y Subtraction x−y x - y Multiplication 2x 2∙x 2×x 2x 2 * x No distinction is made between explicit or implicit multiplication. Division or fractions x÷3 x / 3 No distinction is made between responses specified as stacked fractions or using the division sign (÷). Exponentiation x November 2014 3 Notes x^3 x**3 Square root sqrt(x) Other roots rootn(x) root(x,n) rootn(x) works only when n is an integer. Create Physics Questions 219 Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Notes Subscript xn x(a + b) x_n x_(a + b) If the subscript includes mathematical operators, including implicit multiplication, enclose it in parentheses. Factorial x! x! Factorials are calculated only for natural numbers. Absolute value |x| abs(x) Greek letters α+β alpha + beta Omega Ω Type the name of lowercase Greek letters in lowercase. Type the names of uppercase Greek letters in proper case. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. In mathPad, your students must type the names of all Greek letters except for π and θ. Pi (π) pi π Substituting 3.14 only approximates this value. You and your students should use pi to indicate the exact value of pi unless the question specifically instructs the student to use an approximation to pi. e exp(1) Euler's number e 3 e^3 exp(3) Exponential function e Logarithm (base 10) log x log10 x log x log(x) Logarithm (arbitrary base) log16(x) logb(x) log_16(x) log_(b)(x) Natural logarithm ln x ln(x) ln x Grouping, Order of Operations 4 (x + 1) 4 [x + 1] 4 {x + 1} 4(x + 1) 4[x + 1] 4{x + 1} If the base is anything other than a number, enclose it in parentheses. No distinction is made among the three types of grouping symbols. Parentheses can also be used to delimit ordered tuples; braces can also be used to delimit unordered lists. November 2014 220 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Expression Math Notation Scientific / “e” notation 2.46 × 10 2.46e+6 Trigonometric functions sin x cos x tan θ cot (π − θ) 6 sec A csc x Inverse trigonometric functions arcsin x -1 sin (x) arccos x -1 cos (x) arctan x -1 tan (x) arccot x -1 cot (x) arcsec x -1 sec (x) arccsc x -1 csc (x) Hyperbolic functions sinh x cosh x tanh x coth x sech x Symbolic Answer Key Notation 2.46 * 10^6 2.46e+6 sin x cos(x) tan theta cot(pi theta) sec(A) csc x Angles are expressed in radians. arcsin x sin^(-1)(x) arccos x cos^(-1)(x) arctan x tan^(-1)(x) arccot x cot^(-1)(x) arcsec x sec^(-1)(x) arccsc x csc^(-1)(x) Angles are expressed in radians. sinh cosh tanh coth sech csch In mathPad questions, your students must type these functions rather than selecting them from mathPad. x x x x x x csch x Ordered pairs, ordered tuples (x, y) (x, y, z) Sets, {1, 2} unordered lists 3, 4 of elements Notes For each inverse trigonometric function, you can abbreviate “arc” to “a” as in asin(x). Specify inverse hyperbolic -1 functions using the notation as for trigonometric functions. (x, y) (x, y, z) Comma-delimited lists in parentheses are evaluated as ordered tuples. {1, 2} 3, 4 To accept only standard roster notation with braces, set $ROSTER_ONLY=1. By default, your students' responses will match your key if they enumerate every element at least once, regardless of repetition. Thus, {1,2,2} = {1,2}. To require your students to enumerate all instances of repeated elements in a set, set $NO_REPETITION=1. November 2014 Infinity ∞ infinity Undefined UNDEFINED UNDEFINED Create Physics Questions 221 Expression Math Notation Symbolic Answer Key Notation Notes Degree 30° 30 deg Degrees are not evaluated mathematically by default. For this reason, your students must enter the exact form of the answer that you provide and not a mathematically- equivalent response. For example, if you specified cos(60 deg), your students would be marked incorrect for submitting either 0.5 or sin(30°). Imaginary unit i i No solution NO SOLUTION NO SOLUTION Empty set empty empty Use only for mathPad questions. See Also: Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation on page 153 Default Values and Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation Your students' responses to symbolic questions are evaluated by substituting numeric values for each variable in the answer key and in your students' responses. If the answer key and response are equivalent to within a specified tolerance for all three values, the answer is considered correct. You can change both the default values and the tolerance that are used when evaluating responses to your symbolic questions. Understanding Default Values and Tolerance By default, the following three numeric values are substituted for each variable in your answer key and in your students' responses: • 0.123456789012 • 0.345678901234 • 0.890123456789 For each of these values, your student's response is compared to the answer key. If the response and the key are within the specified tolerance — by default, 0.001 — for every value, the response is considered to be correct. 2 For example, if the correct answer to your question is x + 1 and your student 2 submitted 2x + 1, the response and the answer key would be compared for three values of x, as illustrated in the following graph and table. November 2014 222 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Value of x (rounded) Value of Answer Key 2 (x + 1) Value of Response 2 (2x + 1) Difference 0.1235 1.0152 1.0305 0.0152 0.3457 1.1195 1.2390 0.1195 0.8901 1.7923 2.5846 0.7923 Although at the first comparison point, the difference between the answer and the student's response seems small — 0.0152 — this difference is much greater than the default tolerance of 0.001, so the response is marked incorrect. In this example, because the key and response contained only one variable, only three values were checked. When the key or response contains multiple variables, each value is substituted for each variable so every combination of values is checked. This is illustrated in the following table. Value of x (rounded) Value of y (rounded) Value of Answer 2 2 Key 2(x + y ) Value of Response 2 2 (x + y ) Difference 0.1235 0.1235 0.0610 0.0305 -0.0305 0.1235 0.3457 0.2695 0.1347 -0.1347 0.1235 0.8901 1.6151 0.8076 -0.8076 0.3457 0.1235 0.2695 0.1347 -0.1347 0.3457 0.3457 0.4780 0.2390 -0.2390 0.3457 0.8901 1.8236 0.9118 -0.9118 0.8901 0.1235 1.6151 0.8076 -0.8076 0.8901 0.3457 1.8236 0.9118 -0.9118 0.8901 0.8901 3.1693 1.5846 -1.5846 The number of comparisons that are performed between the answer key and response increases exponentially with the number of variables used in the key. November 2014 Create Physics Questions 223 Best Practice: Use four or fewer variables in your questions. Although the default values used for evaluating symbolic questions might seem to be arbitrary, they work well for a wide variety of questions. How and why you might need to change the default values or tolerance — such as for absolute-value questions — are discussed in the following sections. Changing the Default Values for Symbolic Evaluation ® To change the values WebAssign substitutes for variables in your answer key and your students' responses, you set the array variable $DEFAULTVALS to the values you want to use. Best Practice: Use four or fewer values for each variable in your questions. To set values: Prepend this to your answer key: Notes As a list <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[a, b, c];''> If you specify only one list, the values are substituted only for the first variable in your answer key and your students' responses. Additional variables For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[1.23,-3.45];''>x:x^2+1 use the default values. As a range of integers <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[a..b];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[3..6];''>x:x^2+1 If you specify only one range, the values are substituted only for the first variable in your answer key and your students' responses. Additional variables use the default values. Differently for different variables <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[a, b, c],[a, b, c]];''> or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[a..b],[a..b]];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3,1], [-2,2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3..1], [-2..2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 Only for specific variables <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[a, b, c]];''> or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[a..b]];''> For example: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[-3,1],[]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 or <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[[],[-2..2]];''>x,y:x^2+y^2 The first set of values is substituted for the first declared variable, the second set for the second variable, and so on. You must explicitly declare the variables in your answer key. See Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. Specify an empty list [] for any variable for which you would like to use the default values. You must explicitly declare the variables in your answer key. See Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149. November 2014 224 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Changing the Tolerance for Symbolic Evaluation ® To change the tolerance WebAssign uses when comparing your answer key and your students' responses, you set the variable $MAXERR to the tolerance you want to use. To set the tolerance: Add this to your answer key: As a numeric value <EQN $MAXERR=value;''> Notes For example: <EQN $MAXERR=0.01;''> As a percent of the evaluated answer key <EQN $MAXERR='n%';''> For example: Enclose the percent string in single quotation marks. <EQN $MAXERR='0.1%';''> Specific situations requiring you to change either the default values or the tolerance are discussed in the following sections. Changing the Default Values for Absolute-Value Questions If the answer key for your symbolic question contains the absolute value of an expression containing a variable, you need to ensure that the expression evaluates to both positive and negative values to ensure that your students' responses also include the absolute value notation. For example, if your answer key is abs(x+1) your students could respond with x+1 and still be marked correct, since x+1 evaluates to a positive number for all of the default values. To avoid this situation, you could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[-1.123, 0.345, 0.890]; ''>abs(x+1) This causes your answer key and your students' responses to be compared not for the default values, but for the values you specified: -1.123, 0.345, and 0.890. With the new values, x+1 evaluates to -0.123, 1.345, and 1.890 and is marked as incorrect, while |x+1| is marked correct. Changing the Default Values for Factorial Questions If the answer key for your symbolic question contains the factorial of an expression containing a variable, you need to ensure that the expression evaluates only to natural numbers. For example, if your answer key is (x/2)! x/2 must evaluate to a natural number to correctly compare your students' responses to the answer key. To ensure this, you could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[2, 4, 6]; ''>(x/2)! November 2014 Create Physics Questions 225 This causes your answer key and your students' responses to be compared not for the default values, but for the values you specified: 2, 4, and 6. With the new values, (x/2)! evaluates to 1, 2, and 6. Changing the Default Values or Tolerance for Questions with Fractions or Exponents In some symbolic questions with fractions or exponents, the default values can evaluate too close to 0 to distinguish correct and incorrect responses. You must determine from the question itself whether changing the default values or the tolerance will resolve the problem. For example, if your answer key is 1/(x+100) Your students could enter 1/(x+110) and still be marked correct because the expression evaluates very close to 0 using the default values. In this case, you could use a couple different approaches. You could change the default values as in the following answer key: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[-101..-99]; ''>1/(x+100) Or, you could decrease the tolerance, as in the following answer key: <eqn $MAXERR=1e-5; ''>1/(x+100) Consider a different example. If your answer key is (x/2)^20 20 Your students could enter (x ÷ 3) and still be marked correct because the expression evaluates very close to 0 using the default values. In this case, the best approach is probably to change the default values so the expression will not evaluate so close to 0. You could change your answer key to the following: <EQN $DEFAULTVALS=[1.234, 2.346, 8.901]; ''>(x/2)^20 See Also: Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Symbolic Mode on page 149 Create physPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® ® You can create physPad questions that use Algebraic mode and a Mathematica grading statement to compare the answer key and your students' responses ® for mathematical equivalence. Using Algebraic mode and Mathematica lets you accurately evaluate your students' responses in situations where Symbolic evaluation cannot be used. • Before using this procedure, see Evaluation Modes for Math Questions on page 145. ® • You must know how to write Mathematica expressions. For reference information, see Mathematica reference information at reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/. November 2014 226 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To create a physPad question using Algebraic mode with Mathematica®: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Algebraic. 4. In Question, type your question. • Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. • Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in their answer. 5. In the Question Editor, click Mathematica under Page Tools to create and test ® your Mathematica grading statement and answer key. ® a) In the Mathematica window, type your grading statement, using ® Mathematica expressions for the answer key and student response that you want to test. ® • Your grading statement is a Mathematica statement providing information about how to compare your answer key and your students' responses. ® • Your answer key is a Mathematica expression specifying the correct answer to the question; sometimes the answer key is one of multiple possible correct answers. b) Click Execute. Your grading statement is evaluated using the expressions you specified for the answer key and student response, and the result is displayed. If your grading statement evaluates to True, then the response will be marked correct. Otherwise, the response will be marked incorrect. For example, if your question asks students to calculate an indefinite integral, your grading statement might compare the derivatives of your answer key and of your student's response: 2 The answer key specifies one of the correct responses: 3 · sin(x ) + 2x + C. The specified response is also a valid answer and the grading statement evaluates as True. November 2014 Create Physics Questions 227 ® Note: Most, but not all, Mathematica expressions are valid ® ® in WebAssign . Any expression that works in the WebAssign ® Mathematica tool will work in your question. 6. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <eqn $CASGRADER='mathematica'; $PAD='phys'; ''> variable_list:answer_key {tab} grading_statement where: • variable_list is a comma-delimited list of the variables used in the answer key. ® • answer_key is the Mathematica answer key you created in the previous step. ® • grading_statement is the Mathematica grading statement you created, with your answer key and student response expressions replaced by the keywords key and response. When the question is scored, the actual answer key and student response values will be used in place of these keywords. Note: • To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. November 2014 228 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example physPad Question Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® The following topic contains examples that you can reference: • Create mathPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica on page 157 Create Answer Keys for Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica® To write answer keys and grading expressions for questions that use Algebraic ® ® mode with Mathematica , you must know how to write Mathematica expressions. ® In addition, you should be aware of the following WebAssign -specific considerations. Specifying Math Variables in Answer Keys Although not always required, you can declare your math variables at the beginning of the answer key in a comma-delimited list ending with a colon, as in the following example. x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2: sqrt((x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2) Best Practice: Declare your variables to ensure that WebAssign interprets your answer key exactly as you intend. ® Variable names in answer keys must observe the following conventions: • Variable names must start with a letter. • Variable names must include only letters, numbers, and underscores; underscores in variable names indicate subscripting. • Variable names are case-sensitive; X is different from x. • Variable names should not duplicate the names of functions or of the numeric value pi. • Variables having the names of Greek letters are displayed in mathPad and calcPad as the corresponding Greek letters. Greek letters except for π are treated as variables. The letter π is treated as a constant. • The variable e can be used, but it will be treated as both Euler's number and as a variable name, so either response is marked correct. The following table lists some examples. November 2014 Math Notation Answer Key Notation x x x1 x1 Create Physics Questions 229 Math Notation Answer Key Notation x1 x_1 books books λ lambda Be sure that your question identifies any variables that the student should use in the answer. Specifying Perl Variables in Answer Keys If you have defined a Perl variable for use in your answer key — for example, to randomize numeric values in your question — always enclose it with the <EQN> tag as in the following example: <EQN $d>x + <EQN $e> To avoid confusion, use different names for Perl variables and math variables in your question. Creating Mathematica® Expressions ® ® Most, but not all, Mathematica expressions are valid in WebAssign . Any ® ® expression that works in the WebAssign Mathematica tool will work in your question. See Also: Mathematica reference information at reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ The {tab} Operator on page 329 November 2014 230 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 7 Create Chemistry Questions This chapter contains the following topics: • Chemistry Notation in Questions • Create chemPad Questions • Create MarvinSketch Questions You can create questions for your chemistry courses that let your students enter correctly formatted chemical notation or draw chemical structures and reactions that are scored automatically. You can also use tools to display chemical notation or chemical structures in your questions. ChemPad lets your students enter chemical notation that includes correctly formatted subscripts, superscripts, and reaction arrows. What's more, chemPad provides chemically aware scoring and hints that help your students identify mistakes in their responses. MarvinSketch lets your students answer questions by drawing chemical structures and reactions that are scored automatically. You can also use MarvinSketch to display chemical structures in your questions using a variety of modes, including ball-and-stick drawings that your students can rotate in 3 dimensions to view from any angle. See Also: Create Questions with the Question Editor on page 7 Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags on page 312 November 2014 232 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Chemistry Notation in Questions Although you can use standard HTML tags like <i> and <sup> to display correctly ® formatted chemistry notation in your questions, WebAssign provides several tags that can make displaying chemistry notation easier. Note: Do not combine the notation described in this topic with LaTeX or <symimage> markup. Displaying Chemical Formulas You can use the <h:chemical> tag to display most chemical formulas correctly using a simplified notation that precedes subscripts with an underscore (_) and superscripts with a caret (^). See the following examples. Example Display <h:chemical> H_2O </h:chemical> H2O <h:chemical> Ca^2+ </h:chemical> Ca <h:chemical> SO_4^2- </h:chemical> SO4 <h:chemical> [Co(SCN)_2(H_2O)_4]^+ </h:chemical> [Co(SCN)2(H2O)4] 2+ 2+ Displaying Isotopes You can use the <watex> tag and its \over markup to display isotope mass numbers over atomic numbers. See the following example. Example Display <watex> \over{233}{91}Pa </watex> Displaying Chemical Reactions You can use the <h:reaction> tag to display most chemical reactions correctly using a simplified notation that precedes subscripts with an underscore (_) and superscripts with a caret (^), and replaces ->, <-, and <-> with reaction arrows. See the following examples. November 2014 Example Display <h:reaction> 2 H_2O_2 -> 2 H_2O + O_2 </h:reaction> 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2 <h:reaction> N_2(g) + O_2(g) <-> 2 NO(g) </h:reaction> N2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2 NO(g) <h:reaction> 4 NO(g) + O_2(g) <- 2 N_2O_3(g) </h:reaction> 4 NO(g) + O2(g) ← 2 N2O3(g) Create Chemistry Questions 233 Optionally, you can type either <s:revrxarrow> or ⇌ to display ⇌ . Displaying Electron Configurations You can use the <h:e-config> tag to display electron configuration notation correctly without having to indicate superscripts or italics. See the following examples. Example Display <h:e-config> 1s2 2s2 2p5 </h:e-config> 1s 2s 2p <h:e-config> [He] 2s2 2p5 </h:e-config> [He] 2s 2p 2 2 5 2 5 Displaying Equilibrium Expressions You can combine the <watex> tag and its \frac markup with the <h:chemical> tag to display equilibrium expressions with fractions. See the following example. Example Display <watex>\[ K_b \] = \frac{ <h:chemical>[OH^- ] <s:middot> [C_5H_5NH^+] </h:chemical> } { <h:chemical>[C_5H_5N] </h:chemical> } </watex> Tip: • In the <h:chemical>, <h:reaction>, <h:e-config>, and <watex> tags, you can display Perl variables without enclosing them in <eqn> or <EQN>. Just type the variable, for example, $a, inside the tag where its value should be displayed. You might need to use a space to separate the variable name from any letters or numbers that follow it. • You can add uppercase or lowercase Greek letters by typing <s:lettername> in your question, for example, <s:nu> for ν or <s:Delta> for Δ. Create chemPad Questions You can create chemPad questions to let your students enter chemical notation that includes correctly formatted subscripts, superscripts, and reaction arrows. November 2014 234 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide The chemPad tool also provides chemically aware hints when your students submit incorrect responses, for example, to let your students know that they have an unbalanced equation. Note: ChemPad hints are shown to your students only after they submit a response to the question, and only if you enable displaying Hints, Tutorials & eBook Links for the assignment. Enabling the chemPad tool when you are writing a question is simple — you set $PAD='chem' in Answer. But creating effective chemPad questions also involves specifying how your students' responses should be parsed, in order to: • restrict or allow different kinds of chemically equivalent notation, for example, elements in a formula listed in non-standard order • accurately score correct and incorrect student responses • provide meaningful hints when your students enter incorrect responses To do this, you must set the $CHEM variable to specify one or more parsing methods as described in the following topics. Tip: Use the question titled chemPad.tutorial in an assignment to teach yourself and your students how to answer questions using chemPad. Create chemPad Questions for Formulas When you create chemPad questions that are answered with a chemical formula, you can choose whether to allow chemically equivalent responses or to require your students to enter the standard formula that matches your answer key. You can also create chemPad questions for which the correct response is the keyword NONE. You can enable support for specific kinds of chemically equivalent notation in your students' responses: • For some introductory chemistry questions, you can let your students specify elements in any order, for example, either CH4N2O or CN2H4O. • You can let your students enter condensed formulas such as (NH2)2CO for CH4N2O. Allowing condensed formulas also allows potentially undesirable variations like HNHCHNHO. • You can let your students enter charges with the sign either preceding or 2+ +2 following the value, such as Mg or Mg . • You can let your students specify ionizable protons either at the beginning of the formula or in their standard place, such as CH3CO2H or HCH3CO2. • You can let your students use alternative nuclear particle names, such as β or e, and specify nuclide superscripts and subscripts in either order, for example, by typing either ^0_-1beta or _-1^0beta to display . • You can let your students enter solvate dot notation, such as CoCl2 · 2 H2O. • When the correct chemical formula must be stated in exactly one way — or if the answer is the keyword NONE — you can require your students' responses to exactly match your answer key. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 235 To create a chemPad question for which the answer is a formula: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='method'; ''>answer_key where answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem, and method is one of the following chemPad parsing methods: Allowed Notation Example Method Only exact key match CH4N2O none (specify $CHEM='none') Formula elements in any order CH4N2O or CN2H4O fmla Condensed formulas (NH2)2CO or CH4N2O fmla,index Ion charges Mg Ionizable protons first CH3CO2H or HCH3CO2 Nuclear particles and nuclides 2+ +2 or Mg or ion,acid nclr nclr,ion Nuclear particles with charges Solvate dot ion CoCl2 · 2 H2O solvate For example: Answer Code H2SO4 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='none'; ''>H_{2}SO_{4} HNO3 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='fmla'; ''>HNO_{3} CH4N2O <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='fmla,index'; ''>CH_{4}N_{2}O Mg 2+ NH4 + <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='ion'; ''>Mg^{2+} <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='ion,acid'; ''>NH_{4}^{+} November 2014 236 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer Code <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='nclr'; ''>^{0}_{-1}beta CuSO4 · 6 H2O <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='solvate'; ''>CuSO_{4} . 6 H_{2}O Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • As with other fill-in-the-blank questions, you can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Allow Equivalent Formulas) The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1534325 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.01. Create Chemistry Questions 237 Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Write the formula for the product of SO<sub>3</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O. <br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='fmla'; ''>H_{2}SO_{4} Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Require Exact Key Matching) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534329 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.02. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Provide the chemical formula for nitric acid. <br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='none'; ''>HNO_{3} Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Solvate) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534314 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.03. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Provide the chemical formula for cobalt(II) chloride dihydrate.<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='solvate'; ''>CoCl_{2} . 2 H_{2}O November 2014 238 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create List and Rank-Order chemPad Questions When you create chemPad questions that are answered with a list of items, you can choose whether order is important or not. Unordered lists are delimited by commas and order is not important, so the following responses are equivalent: • Li, Na, K • K, Na, Li Rank-order lists are delimited by three symbols: >, <, and =. These symbols are used to indicate items' relative ranking, so the following responses are not equivalent: • H < He < Li • Li < H < He Either-order lists, like rank-order lists, are delimited by three symbols: >, <, and =. These symbols are used to indicate items' relative ranking, but your students can specify their response either in ascending or descending order, so the following responses are equivalent: • H < He < Li • Li > He > H Note: Do not specify answer keys containing the < or > characters directly in Answer, as these characters might be interpreted as the start or end of a tag. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. To create a chemPad question for which the answer is a list: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, add the following code, replacing answer_key with your answer key: <eqn> $mykey='answer_key'; November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 239 '' </eqn> This code assigns your answer key to the variable $mykey. You can use a different variable name if needed. For example: Answer Code He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn (in any order) <eqn> $mykey='He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn'; '' </eqn> NO2 > N2 > NH3 <eqn> $mykey='NO_{2} > N_{2} > NH_{3}'; '' </eqn> NO2 > N2 > NH3 or NH3 < N2 < NO2 <eqn> $mykey='NO_{2} > N_{2} > NH_{3}'; '' </eqn> Note: To ensure that your answer key is unambiguous, always specify rank-order answer keys in either ascending or descending order. Incorrect: Li > H < He Correct: H < He < Li Correct: Li > He > H 5. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 6. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='method'; $mykey> where method is one of the following chemPad parsing methods: List Type Delimiters Method Unordered , rnk Rank-order ><= rnk Either-order ><= rnk,either For example: Answer Code He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn (in any order) <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk'; $mykey> November 2014 240 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer Code NO2 > N2 > NH3 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk'; $mykey> NO2 > N2 > NH3 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk,either'; $mykey> or NH3 < N2 < NO2 By default, your students must specify each chemical formula exactly as listed in your answer key. To allow specific kinds of notation, you can add a comma and one of the following methods after rnk or rnk,either: Notation Example Method Formula elements in any order CH4N2O or CN2H4O fmla Condensed formulas (NH2)2CO or CH4N2O fmla,index Solvate dot CuSO4 · 6 H2O solvate Nuclear particles and nuclides nclr or nclr,ion Nuclear particles with charges 2+ +2 Ion charges Mg or Mg Ionizable protons first CH3CO2H or HCH3CO2 ion ion,acid For example: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk,either,fmla,index'; $mykey> Note: • Specify methods only in the order listed here. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • As with other fill-in-the-blank questions, you can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. For example: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk'; $mykey> {tab} <EQN $mykey2> • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 241 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Unordered List) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534331 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.04. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn'; '' </eqn> List the noble gases in any order. (Separate substances in the list with a comma.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk'; $mykey> Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Rank-Order List) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534321 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.05. November 2014 242 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='NO_{2} > N_{2} > NH_{3}'; '' </eqn> Rank the following gases by mass density (at identical temperatures and pressures) in decreasing order: <h:chemical>N_2, NH_3, and NO_2</h:chemical>. (Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to separate substances in the list.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk'; $mykey> Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Either-Order List) The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1534315 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.06. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='NO_{2} > N_{2} > NH_{3}'; '' </eqn> Rank the following gases by mass density (at identical temperatures and pressures): <h:chemical>N_2, NH_3, and NO_2</h:chemical>. (Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to separate substances in the list.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rnk,either'; $mykey> Create Chemistry Questions 243 Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create chemPad Questions for Reactions When you create chemPad questions that are answered with a reaction expression, your students can enter the order of compounds (with their coefficients) differently from the answer key in either the reactants or the products. For example, O2 + CH4 → CO2 + H2O is considered equivalent to CH4 + O2 → H2O + CO2. Your students can also enter solvate dot notation if needed. You can choose whether to allow alternative reaction arrows in your students' responses. You can require your students to use the reaction arrow specified in your answer key, allow them to use any reaction arrow, allow either an equilibrium arrow or a right arrow, or allow either an equilibrium arrow or a left arrow. Note: Do not specify answer keys containing the < or > characters directly in Answer, as these characters might be interpreted as the start or end of a tag. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. To create a chemPad question for which the answer is a reaction: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, add the following code, replacing answer_key with your answer key: <eqn> $mykey='answer_key'; '' </eqn> This code assigns your answer key to the variable $mykey. You can use a different variable name if needed. For example: November 2014 244 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer Code CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O <eqn> $mykey='CH_{4} + 2 O_{2} --> CO_{2} + 2 H_{2}O'; '' </eqn> 2 SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2 SO3 <eqn> $mykey='2 SO_{2} + O_{2} <=> 2 SO_{3} '; '' </eqn> H3PO4(aq) + 3 NaOH(aq) → 3 H2O(l) + Na3PO4(aq) <eqn> $mykey='H_{3}PO_{4}(aq) + 3 NaOH(aq) --> 3 H_{2}O(l) + Na_{3}PO_{4} (aq)'; '' </eqn> 4 NO(g) + O2(g) ← 2 N2O3(g) <eqn> $mykey='4 NO(g) + O_{2}(g) <=> 2 N_{2}O_{3}(g)'; '' </eqn> 5. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 6. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='method'; $mykey> where method is one of the following chemPad parsing methods: Reaction Type Allowed Reaction Arrows Method Any Only the reaction arrow specified by the answer key. rxn Equilibrium → or ⇌ or ← rxn,equ Product-favored → or ⇌ rxn,eqr Reactant-favored ← or ⇌ rxn,eql For example: November 2014 Answer Code CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn'; $mykey> Create Chemistry Questions 245 Answer Code 2 SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2 SO3 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,equ'; $mykey> H3PO4(aq) + 3 NaOH(aq) → 3 H2O(l) + Na3PO4(aq) <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,eqr'; $mykey> <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,eql'; $mykey> 4 NO(g) + O2(g) ← 2 N2O3(g) By default, your students must specify each chemical formula exactly as listed in your answer key. To allow specific kinds of notation, you can add a comma and one of the following methods after rxn, rxn,equ, rxn, eqr, or rxn,eql: Notation Example Method Formula elements in any order CH4N2O or CN2H4O fmla Condensed formulas (NH2)2CO or CH4N2O fmla,index Nuclear particles and nuclides nclr or nclr,ion Nuclear particles with charges 2+ +2 Ion charges Mg or Mg Ionizable protons first CH3CO2H or HCH3CO2 ion ion,acid For example: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,equ,fmla,index'; $mykey> Note: • You do not need to specify the solvate mode for your students to enter solvate dot notation. • Specify methods only in the order listed here. • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • As with other fill-in-the-blank questions, you can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. For example: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn'; $mykey> {tab} <EQN $mykey2> • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 7. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. November 2014 246 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 8. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 9. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 10. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 11. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Reaction) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534317 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.07. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='2 HCl + CaCO_{3} --> CaCl_{2} + CO_{2} + H_{2}O'; '' </eqn> Show the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate that produces calcium chloride, water, and carbon dioxide. (<p:lowcoeff> Omit states-of-matter in your answer.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn'; $mykey> Display to Students November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 247 Example chemPad Question (Reaction) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534332 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.08. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='C_{5}H_{5}N(aq) + H_{2}O(l) <=> C_{5}H_{5}NH^{+}(aq) + OH^{-}(aq)'; '' </eqn> Write the reaction for pyridine, <h:chemical>C_5H_5N</h:chemical>, acting as a base in water. (<p:lowcoeff> Include states-of-matter under SATP conditions in your answer.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,ion,acid'; $mykey> Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Nuclear Equation) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534326 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.09. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> $mykey='^{131}_{53}I --> ^{0}_{-1}beta + ^{131}_{54}Xe'; '' </eqn> Write the nuclear equation for beta decay of Iodine-131. (<p:lowcoeff> Omit states-of-matter in your answer.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rxn,nclr'; $mykey> November 2014 248 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create chemPad Questions for Kinetic or Equilibrium Expressions When you create chemPad questions that are answered with a kinetic or equilibrium expression, your students can change the order of compounds (with their exponents) relative only to their position in a fraction. For example, is considered equivalent to . Your students can also enter multiplication or solvate dot notation if needed. Note: • When your students enter subscripted or superscripted letters in chemPad, they must enclose the subscript or superscript in braces {} to receive credit. For example, to enter Kb, your students must type K_{b}. • Your students must specify solvate dots in their responses. However, if they omit multiplication dots, their responses will still be scored correctly. To create a chemPad question for which the answer is a kinetic or equilibrium expression: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rqn'; ''>answer_key November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 249 where answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem, and method is one of the following chemPad parsing methods: Notation Example Method Formula elements in order specified by answer key CH4N2O rqn Formula elements in any order CH4N2O or CN2H4O rqn,fmla Condensed formulas (NH2)2CO or CH4N2O rqn,fmla,index Ion charges Mg Ionizable protons first CH3CO2H or HCH3CO2 2+ +2 or Mg rqn,ion rqn,ion,acid For example: Answer Code <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rqn,ion'; ''> K_{b} = [OH^{-}] . [C_{5}H_{5}NH^{+}] / [C_{5}H_{5}N] Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • As with other fill-in-the-blank questions, you can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. November 2014 250 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Equilibrium Expression) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534319 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.10. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Write the <i>K</i><sub>b</sub> equilibrium expression for pyridine, C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>5</sub>N, acting as a base in water. (<p:lowcoeff> Omit states-of-matter in your answer.)<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='rqn,ion,acid'; ''>K_{b} = [OH^{-}] . [C_{5}H_{5}NH^{+}] / [C_{5}H_{5}N] Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create chemPad Questions for Electrochemical Cell Notation When you create chemPad questions that are answered with electrochemical cell notation, your students must enter the notation in the manner prescribed by the answer key, so, for example, Zn(s) | ZnSO4(aq) || CuSO4(aq) | Cu(s) can not be +2 +2 substituted for Zn(s) | Zn (aq) || Cu (aq) | Cu(s). Your students can specify 2+ +2 charges in various ways, for example, either Mg or Mg . November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 251 To create a chemPad question for which the answer is electrochemical cell notation: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='vcell'; ''>answer_key where answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem. For example: Answer + H | H2 | Pt Code <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='vcell'; ''>H^{+} | H_{2} | Pt Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • You can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it November 2014 252 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Electrochemical Cell Notation) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534320 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.11. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Write the standard line notation for the following cell. Assume all concentrations are 1.0 <i>M</i> and all partial pressures are 1.0 atm.<br > <h:chemical>Zn(s) + Ag^+(aq) ⇌ Zn^2+(aq) + Ag(s)</h:chemical><br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='vcell'; ''>Zn(s) | Zn^{2+}(aq) || Ag^{+}(aq) | Ag(s) Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create chemPad Questions for Electron Configuration When you create chemPad questions that are answered with electron configuration notation, your students can use either numerical or Aufbau order, 2 10 but answer keys are shown in Aufbau order, for example, [Ar] 4s 3d . You can November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 253 choose the kinds of electron configuration notation to allow in your students' responses. 2 2 2 Full requires your students to use full notation — for example, 1s 2s 2p . Noble requires your students to use noble gas notation — for example, 2 2 [He] 2s 2p . 2 2 2 Either lets your students use either full notation — for example, 1s 2s 2p — or 2 2 noble gas notation — for example, [He] 2s 2p . Orbit lets your students use variants for orbital hybridization, for example, dsp 3 or sp d, that are considered equivalent. 3 To create a chemPad question for which the answer is an electron configuration: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. In Question, type your question. Provide relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 5. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='method'; ''>answer_key where answer_key specifies the correct answer to the problem, and method is one of the following chemPad parsing methods: Behavior Example Require full notation 1s 2s 2p Require noble gas notation [He] 2s 2p Allow either full or noble gas notation 1s 2s 2p or [He] 2s 2p Allow variants for orbital hybridization dsp or sp d 2 2 Method 2 2 2 2 3 econf,full 2 2 econf,noble 2 3 2 econf,either econf,orbit For example: Answer 2 2 Code 2 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,full'; ''> 1s 2s 2p 1s^{2} 2s^{2} 2p^{2} 2 [He] 2s 2p 2 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,noble'; ''> [He] 2s^{2} 2p^{2} November 2014 254 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Answer 2 Code 2 2 2 1s 2s 2p or [He] 2s 2p 2 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,either'; ''> 1s^{2} 2s^{2} 2p^{2} sp 2 <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,orbit'; ''>sp^{2} Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • As with other fill-in-the-blank questions, you can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. • For information about how to specify chemical notation in your answer key, see Creating chemPad Answer Keys on page 255. 6. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 7. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 8. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 9. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 10. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example chemPad Question (Electron Configuration) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID November 2014 1534316 Create Chemistry Questions 255 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.12. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question Write the electron configuration for Ca.<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,either'; ''>1s^{2} 2s^{2} 2p^{6} 3s^{2} 3p^{6} 4s^{2} Display to Students Example chemPad Question (Orbital Hybridization) The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534318 Name Template2 5.CHEMP.13. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question What hybrid orbital would be expected for the central atom in SO<sub>2</sub>?<br> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,orbit'; ''>sp^{2} Display to Students See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Creating chemPad Answer Keys When you create your chemPad answer key, use the codes described in the following table. Type spaces where they belong in your notation, such as between November 2014 256 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide quantum levels in an electron configuration and between chemical formulas and arrows or plus signs in reaction equations. Note: Be sure that your question provides relevant information about assumptions or expectations for the question, for example, the conditions for the question — STP, SATP, or reaction/prevailing conditions — or whether states-of-matter should be specified in the response. Best Practice: Always enclose the contents of superscripts or subscripts in braces {}, even though technically you can omit them when the superscript or subscript includes only numbers and charges. Expression Code Example Display Subscript _ (underscore) H_{2}O H2O Superscript ^ (caret) Ca^{2+} Ca Electron configuration See examples. 1s^{2} 2s^{2} 2p^{5} [He] 2s^{2} 2p^{5} 1s 2s 2p Combining subscripts and superscripts See examples. SO_{4}^{2-} [Co(SCN)_{2}(H_{2}O)_{4}] ^{+} ^{233}_{91}Pa SO4 Forward reaction arrow --> 2 H_{2}O_{2} --> 2 H_{2}O + O_{2} 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2 Equilibrium reaction <=> N_{2}(g) + O_{2}(g) <=> 2 NO(g) N2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2 NO(g) Reverse reaction arrow <-- 4 NO(g) + O_{2}(g) <-2 N_{2}O_{3}(g) 4 NO(g) + O2(g) ← 2 N2O3(g) States of matter (g) (l) (s) CH_{4}(g) + 4 S(s) --> CH4(g) + 4 S(s) → Lowercase Greek letters The lowercase letter name ^{0}_{-1}beta Uppercase Greek letters The capitalized letter name DeltaH_{f} Stacked fraction / K_{c} = [COCl] . [Cl] / [CO] . [Cl_{2}] Multiplication or solvate dot (·) . (period) K_{c} = [COCl] . [Cl] / [CO] . [Cl_{2}] Delimiters between items in rank-order questions > < = K < P < Br November 2014 CS_{2}(l) + 2 H_{2}S( g) 2+ 2 2 5 2 [He] 2s 2p 5 2+ [Co(SCN)2(H2O)4] CS2(l) + 2 H2S(g) ΔHf K < P < Br Create Chemistry Questions 257 Expression Code Example Display Delimiters between items in an unordered list , HClO, H^{+}, ClO^{-} HClO, H , ClO Phase boundary, salt bridge (electrochemical cell) |, || Zn(s) | Zn^{2+}(aq) || Ag^{+}(aq) | Ag(s) Zn(s) | Zn Ag(s) NONE NONE None (no solution) NONE + 2+ - + (aq) || Ag (aq) | (Students enter NONE instead of leaving answer box empty) As with other Fill-in-the-Blank questions, you can specify multiple correct answers delimited with the {tab} characters. This is most commonly used when you require exact key matching. For example, to allow students to identify chromic acid as either H2CrO4 or H2Cr2O7, your answer key would be: H_{2}CrO_{4} {tab} H_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Create MarvinSketch Questions You can create questions that use the MarvinSketch tool to allow your students to create or complete drawings of chemical structures and reactions that are scored automatically. You can also use MarvinSketch to display chemical structures in your questions. Tip: Use the question titled marvinsketch.tutorial in an assignment to teach yourself and your students how to answer questions using MarvinSketch. November 2014 258 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide MarvinSketch Drawing Modes Whether you are using MarvinSketch to display chemical structures and reactions or to have your students draw them, you need to select the correct drawing mode for your drawing. Important: The treatment of hydrogen atoms varies by drawing mode and affects how your students' drawings are scored. • Explicit means that all hydrogens must be added to the drawing manually. • Implicit means that the correct number of hydrogens are automatically assumed to be present, and might be labeled either for all atoms or for heteroatoms only. When hydrogens are displayed implicitly, you and your students can still draw them manually, but chemically equivalent drawings that differ from the answer key by representing implicit hydrogens explicitly or vice-versa will be scored as incorrect. The following table describes the MarvinSketch drawing modes that are available ® in WebAssign : Drawing Mode Description complete Used to draw the entire molecular structure, including hydrogens. • Hydrogens: explicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled condensed Used to draw the molecular structure except for hydrogens, especially in organic chemistry. • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled skeleton Used to draw complex organic molecules. • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled only for heteroatoms • Carbons: not labeled skeleton_adv For students in higher-level chemistry courses, displays molecules like skeleton mode and enables the Advanced Templates toolbar. Used to draw complex organic molecules. • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled only for heteroatoms • Carbons: not labeled November 2014 Display Create Chemistry Questions 259 Drawing Mode Description reaction Used to draw chemical reactions. Displays molecules like condensed mode, but lets you add a reaction arrow and automatically adds + signs among the reactants and the products. Display • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled reaction_adv For students in higher-level chemistry courses, displays molecules like skeleton mode and enables the Advanced Templates toolbar. Used to draw chemical reactions. Lets you add a reaction arrow and automatically adds + signs among the reactants and the products. • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled only for heteroatoms • Carbons: not labeled lewis Used to draw Lewis structures. • Hydrogens: explicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled • Lone pairs and radicals: explicit, displayed • Formal atomic charges: explicit, displayed resonance Used to draw resonance structures. You must provide a template with mapping numbers for molecules having symmetry. Providing a template with mapping numbers is a best practice for all resonance structure drawings. • Hydrogens: explicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled • Lone pairs and radicals: explicit, displayed • Formal atomic charges: explicit, displayed November 2014 260 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Drawing Mode Description mechanism Used to draw reaction mechanisms showing the movement of electrons. Display You must provide a template with mapping numbers for molecules displaying symmetry or for reaction mechanisms for which a non-equivalent choice exists between starting or ending locations. Providing a template with mapping numbers is a best practice for all reaction mechanism drawings. • Hydrogens: explicit, labeled • Carbons: labeled • Lone pairs and radicals: explicit, displayed • Formal atomic charges: explicit, displayed mechanism_adv For students in higher-level chemistry courses, displays molecules like skeleton mode and enables the Advanced Templates toolbar. Used to draw reaction mechanisms showing the movement of electrons. You must provide a template with mapping numbers for molecules displaying symmetry or for reaction mechanisms for which a non-equivalent choice exists between starting or ending locations. Providing a template with mapping numbers is a best practice for all reaction mechanism drawings. • Hydrogens: implicit, labeled only for heteroatoms • Carbons: not labeled 3D Used to draw ball-and-stick models that can be rotated in three dimensions. • Hydrogens: explicit, not labeled • Carbons: not labeled • Heteroatoms: not labeled spacefill Used to draw space-filling models that can be rotated in three dimensions. • Hydrogens: explicit, not labeled • Carbons: not labeled • Heteroatoms: not labeled Use the three advanced modes — mechanism_adv, reaction_adv, and skeleton_adv — to let your students in higher-level chemistry courses quickly November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 261 draw rings and other structures using the Advanced Templates toolbar in MarvinSketch. MarvinSketch Changes to Creating Questions ® With the June 5, 2013 release, WebAssign updated MarvinSketch to version 5.12.1. New questions created using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool will use version 5.12.1. As of January 1, 2014, all MarvinSketch content was converted to use version 5.12.1 and support for previous versions of MarvinSketch was discontinued. ™ Note: Java version 1.7.51 is required. See Required Browser Plug-Ins. Writing MarvinSketch Questions Some of the changes between versions 5.3.8 and 5.12.1 might require you to change how you write MarvinSketch questions. • Students can no longer copy structures between different MarvinSketch questions or question parts. In some modes, students cannot copy structures at all. These modes include skeleton, condensed, complete, 3D, and spacefill. You might consider using an initial drawing in your question; see Create MarvinSketch Questions That Display an Initial Drawing on page 265. • Some tools are not displayed in all modes. Test your questions to be sure your students can answer them. You might need to select a different mode or change the question. • The MarvinSketch Key Generation tool displays the same toolbars for the selected mode that your students will see. This means that you can add some drawing elements like graphical arrows only by using the menus. Your students can add only those elements that are available from the toolbars. Create MarvinSketch Questions That Do Not Display an Initial Drawing For many MarvinSketch questions, you might want your students to draw a structure or reaction starting with an empty drawing area. This kind of question November 2014 262 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide can ask your students to perform both analytical and synthetic thinking, much like an essay question. Note: For questions where the relative position of each atom is important — resonance structures, reaction mechanisms, hybridization states, chiral centers, and reaction centers — you must display an initial drawing. See Create MarvinSketch Questions That Display an Initial Drawing on page 265. To create a MarvinSketch question without a template: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. Create your answer key using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. a) Click Marvin under Page Tools. b) For Marvin Type, select the drawing mode that you want to use. c) Draw the chemical structure. d) Click Get Key. e) Select and copy the entire contents of the text box. 5. In Question, add the following code, replacing answer_key with the XML you copied from the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool: <eqn> $mykey='answer_key'; '' </eqn> Important: • Always enclose the MarvinSketch XML in single quotes ('), not double quotes ("). • Do not paste MarvinSketch XML directly in Answer. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. This code assigns the MarvinSketch answer key to the variable $mykey. You can use a different variable name if needed. Note: Question, Answer, and Solution each have a 65,536 character limit. Any characters beyond that limit are not saved. Depending on the size and complexity of your MarvinSketch XML, your question might exceed this limit without warning. 6. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 263 7. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $MARVIN='mode'; $mykey> where mode is the MarvinSketch drawing mode that you want to use. Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • You can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. For example: <EQN $MARVIN='condensed'; $mykey1> {tab} <EQN $mykey2> 8. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 9. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. 10. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 11. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 12. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example MarvinSketch Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534330 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.01. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank November 2014 264 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <eqn> # ----------------------------------------------# Set $mykey to the answer key created # with the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool # ----------------------------------------------$mykey='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3" elementType="O H H" x2="0.000 -1.334 1.334" y2="0.000 -0.770 -0.770"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"/> </bondArray> </ molecule> </MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; '' </eqn> Draw a water molecule. <BR> <_> Answer <EQN $MARVIN='complete'; $mykey> Display to Students November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 265 ® Tip: WebAssign has created tutorial questions to help your students learn to use MarvinSketch for specific tasks. Use any of the following tags in your question to add a link to the relevant tutorial: • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.charges' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.coordinate bonds' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.electron flow' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.functional groups' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.generic groups' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.isotopes' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.lone pairs' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.mapping' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.organometallics' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.radicals' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.wedge bonds' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> For example: Assign lone pairs where appropriate. <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.lone pairs' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool on page 275 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Display an Initial Drawing For some MarvinSketch questions, you might want your students to start with an initial drawing — a template — and modify it to answer the question. Sometimes the template constitutes part of your prompt, and sometimes the template helps to focus your students by requiring them only to complete the parts of the drawing that relate to the concept being taught. November 2014 266 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Note: Use a template that labels some or all of the atoms with mapping numbers whenever the specific identity of each atom is important for grading — for example, for molecules displaying symmetry, or for mechanisms when alternative starting or ending locations are not correct. Using a template that labels atoms with mapping numbers can be helpful for any question for which the relative position of each atom is important — resonance structures, reaction mechanisms, hybridization states, chiral centers, and reaction centers. To create a MarvinSketch question with a template: 1. Click Questions > Create. The Question Editor opens. 2. In Name, type a name for the question. 3. In Mode, select Fill-in-the-Blank. 4. Create your template using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. a) Click Marvin under Page Tools. b) For Marvin Type, select the drawing mode that you want to use. c) Draw the chemical structure. d) Click Get Key. e) Select and copy the entire contents of the text box. 5. In Question, add the following code, replacing template with the XML you copied from the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool: <eqn> $mytemplate='template'; Important: • Always enclose the MarvinSketch XML in single quotes ('), not double quotes ("). • Do not paste MarvinSketch XML directly in Answer. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. This code assigns the MarvinSketch template to the variable $mytemplate. You can use a different variable name if needed. 6. Create your answer key using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. Important: Always start with the template when creating your answer key. a) If needed, click Marvin under Page Tools and select the drawing mode that you want to use. b) If needed, copy the template from your question and paste it into the drawing area. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 267 c) Change the template exactly the way you want your students to do when they answer the question. Do not move the template's atoms. d) Click Get Key. e) Select and copy the entire contents of the text box. 7. In Question, add the following code, replacing answer_key with the XML key you copied from the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool: $mykey='answer_key'; '' </eqn> Important: • Always enclose the MarvinSketch XML in single quotes ('), not double quotes ("). • Do not paste MarvinSketch XML directly in Answer. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. This code assigns the MarvinSketch answer key to the variable $mykey. You can use a different variable name if needed. Note: Question, Answer, and Solution each have a 65,536 character limit. Any characters beyond that limit are not saved. Depending on the size and complexity of your MarvinSketch XML, your question might exceed this limit without warning. 8. In Question, type your question. Use the answer placeholder string <_> to specify where the answer box should be displayed. 9. In Answer, type the following items on a single line: <EQN $MARVIN='mode'; $MARVIN_START=$mytemplate; $mykey> where mode is the MarvinSketch drawing mode that you want to use. Note: • If an answer extends beyond the right side of the Answer box, it is wrapped to the next line, but it is still considered a single line so long as you do not press ENTER. • You can specify alternative answer keys separated by the characters {tab}. For example: <EQN $MARVIN='condensed'; $MARVIN_START=$mytemplate; $mykey1> {tab} <EQN $mykey2> 10. Optional: Type a Solution. The solution helps your students understand the steps they need to take to determine the correct answer to the question. Your assignment settings specify when to show the solution. 11. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. November 2014 268 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 12. Click Redisplay to show certain kinds of errors in the Display section of the Question Editor. Make any needed changes to your question. 13. Optional: Click Show Additional Information and change the question's sharing permission or add descriptive information. • By default, other instructors can use your question only if you provide them with the question ID, and only you can edit the question or find it in search results. To change the permission, see Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. • If you make your question publicly available, you might want to provide descriptive information to help others search for it. See Add Search Metadata to Questions on page 308. 14. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. WebAssign assigns it a unique question ID (QID), which is displayed in parentheses after the question name. You can use your question in an assignment and see it in your My Questions list only after it is saved. Example Lewis Structure MarvinSketch Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534324 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.02. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 269 Question <eqn> # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set $mytemplate to the template created with the key generation tool # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------$mytemplate='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7" elementType="C N H H H O O" x2="-3.520 -1.980 -5.060 -3.520 -3.520 -1.210 -1.210" y2="0.587 0.587 0.587 2.127 -0.953 1.920 -0.747"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a4" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a5" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a6" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a7" order="1"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </ MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set $mykey to the answer key created with the key generation tool # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------$mykey='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7" elementType="C N H H H O O" formalCharge="0 1 0 0 0 0 -1" lonePair="0 0 0 0 0 2 3" x2="-3.520 -1.980 -5.060 -3.520 -3.520 -1.210 -1.210" y2="0.587 0.587 0.587 2.127 -0.953 1.920 -0.747"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"/ > <bond atomRefs2="a1 a4" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a5" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a6" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a7" order="1"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </ MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; '' </eqn> Complete the following Lewis structure such that it obeys the octet rule. <BR> (Assign lone pairs, radical electrons, and atomic charges where appropriate.)<BR> <_> Answer <EQN $MARVIN='lewis'; $MARVIN_START=$mytemplate; $mykey> Display to Students (template) November 2014 270 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students (answered) Example Resonance Structure MarvinSketch Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534333 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.03. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set $mytemplate to the template created with the key generation tool # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------$mytemplate='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3" elementType="O O O" mrvMap="2 1 3" x2="-1.027 -2.360 0.307" y2="3.483 2.713 2.713"/ > <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </ MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Set $mykey to the answer key created with the key generation tool # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------$mykey='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6" elementType="O O O O O O" formalCharge="1 0 -1 1 -1 0" mrvMap="2 1 3 2 1 3" lonePair="1 2 3 1 3 2" x2="-1.027 -2.360 0.307 4.583 3.250 5.917" y2="3.483 2.713 2.713 3.520 2.750 2.750"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a4 a5" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a4 a6" order="2"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; '' </eqn> Draw the resonance structures for ozone. (Copy and paste the given template as many times as necessary. Assign lone pairs, radical electrons, and atomic charges where appropriate.)<BR> <_> Answer <EQN $MARVIN='resonance'; $MARVIN_START=$mytemplate; $mykey> November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 271 Display to Students (template) Display to Students (answered) November 2014 272 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide ® Tip: WebAssign has created tutorial questions to help your students learn to use MarvinSketch for specific tasks. Use any of the following tags in your question to add a link to the relevant tutorial: • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.charges' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.coordinate bonds' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.electron flow' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.functional groups' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.generic groups' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.isotopes' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.lone pairs' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.mapping' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.organometallics' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.radicals' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> • <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.wedge bonds' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> For example: Assign lone pairs where appropriate. <PRACTICE qid='marvin.micro.tutorial.lone pairs' link='MarvinSketch Tutorial' style='none'> See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool on page 275 Display Chemical Structures in Questions with MarvinSketch For some questions, you want to display sketches of chemical structures or reactions. You can display these using MarvinSketch in the question, the answer (for question modes like multiple-choice), or the solution. For 3-dimensional structures, your students can even rotate the structure to examine it from all angles. To display a MarvinSketch drawing in your question: 1. Open your question in the Question Editor. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 273 2. Create your drawing using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. a) Click Marvin under Page Tools. b) For Marvin Type, select the drawing mode that you want to use. c) Draw the chemical structure. d) Click Get Key. e) Select and copy the entire contents of the text box. 3. In Question, add the following code, replacing drawing_string with the XML you copied from the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool: <eqn> $mysketch='drawing_string'; '' </eqn> This code assigns the MarvinSketch XML to the variable $mysketch. You can use a different variable name if needed. Important: • Always enclose the MarvinSketch XML in single quotes ('), not double quotes ("). • Do not paste MarvinSketch XML directly in Answer. Instead, assign your answer key to a variable and reference the variable as described in this topic. 4. In Question, Answer, or Solution, add the following code where you want the drawing to be displayed: <MARVIN type='mode' size='widthxheight'><EQN $mysketch></MARVIN> where: • mode is the MarvinSketch drawing mode you want to use for your drawing (see MarvinSketch Drawing Modes on page 258). • widthxheight is an optional string specifying the width and height of the drawing in pixels — for example, 400x300. The default size is 200x200 pixels. Note: • Always use <EQN> — not <eqn> — inside the <MARVIN> tag. • Question, Answer, and Solution each have a 65,536 character limit. Any characters beyond that limit are not saved. Depending on the size and complexity of your MarvinSketch XML, your question might exceed this limit without warning. Example Displaying MarvinSketch Drawing in Question The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534327 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.04. November 2014 274 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Mode Multiple-Choice Question <eqn> # ----------------------------------------------# Set $mysketch to the drawing string created # with the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool # ----------------------------------------------$mysketch='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10" elementType="C C C C C C O C O O" x2="-3.520 -2.186 -0.853 -0.853 -2.186 -3.520 0.481 -2.186 -0.853 -3.520" y2="3.337 4.107 3.337 1.797 1.027 1.797 4.107 5.647 6.417 6.417"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a3" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a3 a4" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a4 a5" order="2"/ > <bond atomRefs2="a5 a6" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a6 a1" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a3 a7" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a8" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a8 a9" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a8 a10" order="2"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </ MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; '' </eqn> Identify the molecule. <table><tr><td width="250"><_></td> <td><MARVIN type="skeleton"><EQN $mysketch></MARVIN></td></tr></table> Answer salicyclic acid caffeine ethanol benzoic acid hydrochloric acid Display to Students Example Displaying a 3D MarvinSketch Drawing The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534323 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.05. Mode Multiple-Choice November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 275 Question <eqn> # ----------------------------------------------# Set $mysketch to the drawing string created # with the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool # ----------------------------------------------$mysketch='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8" elementType="N C C C N C O N" x3="1.518 0.710 1.264 0.389 -0.941 -1.454 -2.684 -0.629" y3="0.457 0.823 1.057 1.422 1.538 1.308 1.423 0.954" z3="0.275 -0.804 -2.078 -3.117 -2.872 -1.635 -1.440 -0.616"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a3" order="2"/ > <bond atomRefs2="a3 a4" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a4 a5" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a5 a6" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a6 a7" order="2"/> <bond atomRefs2="a6 a8" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a8" order="1"/> </bondArray> </molecule> </ MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml>'; '' </eqn> Identify the nucleobase. <table><tr><td width="250"><_></td> <td><MARVIN type="3D"><EQN $mysketch></MARVIN></td></tr></table> Answer cytosine guanine adenine thymine Display to Students See Also: Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool on page 275 Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool You can use MarvinSketch to draw chemical structures to display in your questions or to use as question keys or templates when your students use MarvinSketch to draw their responses. Tip: Use the question titled marvinsketch.tutorial to teach yourself how to draw structures using MarvinSketch. To draw a chemical structure or reaction: 1. In the Question Editor, click Marvin under Page Tools. 2. For Marvin Type, select the MarvinSketch drawing mode you want to use. See MarvinSketch Drawing Modes on page 258. November 2014 276 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Important: Always draw your chemical structure using the mode that you want to specify in your question. If you are creating a question with a template, always use the same mode to create the template and the answer key. 3. Draw the chemical structure or reaction using the same tools that are available to your students, as described below. The following considerations apply only when you are creating a question: • Your students do not have access to the menu bar in MarvinSketch, but will instead draw structures using the toolbars. • You can click File > Clear Desk to erase your entire drawing. • You can click File > Save to save your structure in a variety of formats, including MarvinSketch XML and SMILES strings. • You can copy MarvinSketch XML, SMILES strings, or other formatted notation recognized by MarvinSketch and paste it in the drawing area to quickly create the specified structures. • Changes that you make in the View menu — for example, to the background color or zoom level — are not reflected in your questions, either in displayed chemical structures, templates, or answer keys. In your questions, the zoom level is automatically changed so that the entire structure is displayed. • Do not create a multi-page document using File > Document Settings. Although this is useful when printing chemical structures, it can cause ® display problems in WebAssign questions. 4. If the location of single and double bonds is not relevant, click to aromatize the structure before creating your answer key. This lets MarvinSketch score equivalent responses correctly. If needed, you can select a specific part of a molecule — for example, the maleimide in phthalimide — and click to dearomatize it to help with proper bond assignment in the 5-membered ring. Tip: Aromatize benzene rings unless the placement of the double bonds is important for the grading of the answer, for example, if you want your students to provide two separate resonance structures. If you do not aromatize a benzene ring structure, your students will be graded correct only when the double bond placement in their answer matches that in your answer key. 5. When you are finished drawing the structure, click either dimensional drawings) or three things: (for 2- (for 3-dimensional drawings). This accomplishes • The drawing is converted to either a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional representation. • Bond lengths and angles are standardized or optimized. November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 277 • If any bonds were inadvertently not connected, or were connected to incorrect locations, the problem should become apparent and you can then correct it. 6. Click Get Key. 7. Click in the text box, and then press CTRL+A followed by CTRL+C to select and copy the MarvinSketch XML. You can use the MarvinSketch XML in your questions to display the chemical structure drawing in a question, to specify a MarvinSketch answer key, or to define a MarvinSketch template. See Also: Create MarvinSketch Questions That Do Not Display an Initial Drawing on page 261 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Display an Initial Drawing on page 265 Display Chemical Structures in Questions with MarvinSketch on page 272 Create MarvinSketch Questions That Use Canonical or Combinatorial SMILES Strings on page 282 Draw Chemical Structures in MarvinSketch The following table describes how to draw and edit chemical structures and reactions in MarvinSketch. Important: The MarvinSketch Key Generation tool displays the same toolbars for the selected mode that your students will see. This means that you can add some drawing elements like graphical arrows only by using the menus. Your students can add only those elements that are available from the toolbars. Task Steps Add an atom of one of the following elements: H, C, N, O, P, S, F, Cl, Br, I 1. Click the element symbol. Add any atom 1. 2. Click in the drawing area. Click . 2. Click the element symbol in the periodic table. 3. Close or move the Periodic System window. 4. Click in the drawing area. Add a special atom type or node, such as Q, M, X, and LP 1. Click . 2. Click the Advanced tab. 3. Click the symbol on the Advanced page. 4. Close or move the Periodic System window. 5. Click in the drawing area. November 2014 278 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Task Steps Add an atom and its bond to an existing atom 1. Click the element symbol for the new atom. Add two bonded carbon atoms 1. 2. Drag from the existing atom until the symbol for the new atom is displayed under the pointer. Click . 2. Click in the drawing area. Add a chain of carbon atoms 1. Click . 2. Drag in the drawing area until the number of carbon atoms you want to insert is displayed under the pointer. Replace an atom 1. Click the element symbol for the new atom. 2. Click the atom to be replaced. Add a single bond between existing atoms 1. Click . 2. Drag from one atom to another. Note: If the bond does not end at an existing atom, a carbon atom is automatically added at the end of the bond. Add a double bond between existing atoms 1. Click . 2. Drag from one atom to another. Change a bond type 1. Click the button for the bond type you want to use. 2. Click the bond to be changed. Draw a reaction arrow 1. (adds + signs among reactants and products; treats structures and 2. Drag the pointer in the drawing area in the direction the arrow should point. names above arrow as agents) November 2014 Click . Create Chemistry Questions 279 Task Add agent names to a reaction arrow Steps 1. Click . 2. Click the Advanced tab. 3. Click Pseudo on the Advanced page. 4. Type the agents in Value (subscripts are automatically formatted for values like H2O). 5. Close or move the Periodic System window. 6. Click above the reaction arrow. Add a single electron (monovalent radical) to an atom 1. Add lone pairs to an atom 1. Click the radical tool . 2. Click an atom. Expand the lone pairs tool and select the number of lone pairs to add. 2. Click an atom. Draw a curved harpoon to show the movement of electrons 1. and select either 1 Expand the electron flow tool Electron or 2 Electrons. 2. Click the source atom for the electron. 3. Click the target atom for the electron, or to create a bond, click the midpoint between atoms. Set the charge for an atom 1. Right-click the atom. Decrease an atom's charge 1. 2. Select Charge > value, where value is the charge you want to use. Click . 2. Click an atom. Increase an atom's charge 1. Click . 2. Click an atom. Select a single item 1. Expand the selection tool and select Rectangle Selection. 2. Click the item you want to select. Select an entire structure 1. Expand the selection tool and select Structure Selection. 2. Click any part of a structure. November 2014 280 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Task Select items in a rectangular region Steps 1. Expand the selection tool and select Rectangle Selection. 2. Drag the pointer diagonally across the drawing area to select items. Select items in an arbitrary region 1. Expand the selection tool and select Lasso Selection. 2. Drag the pointer to draw a boundary around the items you want to select. Select multiple items 1. Expand the selection tool and select Rectangle Selection. 2. Click the first item you want to select. 3. Hold the SHIFT key and click any additional items you want to select. Copy selected items to the clipboard Paste items from the clipboard Click 1. . Click . 2. Click in the drawing area where you want to paste the clipboard items. Delete selected items Delete items by clicking Click 1. or press DELETE. Click . 2. Click the items you want to delete. Move an atom 1. Drag the atom to a new location. Move selected items 1. Move the pointer toward the center of the selection until a square is displayed. 2. Drag the selection to a new location. Undo your last change Set a mapping number for an atom November 2014 Click or press CTRL+Z. 1. Right-click the atom you want to change. 2. Select Map > M# where # is the mapping number to set. Create Chemistry Questions 281 Task Transform selected structure or entire drawing to aromatic representation Transform selected structure or entire drawing to non-aromatic representation Steps Click . Click . Flip a structure horizontally 1. Select the structure to flip. Flip a structure vertically 1. Select the structure to flip. 2. Right-click the structure and click Transform > Flip > Flip Horizontally. 2. Right-click the structure and click Transform > Flip > Flip Vertically. Rotate a structure to align a bond horizontally 1. Right-click a bond in the structure. Rotate a structure to align a bond vertically 1. Right-click a bond in the structure. Rotate selected items in 2 dimensions 1. Move the pointer toward the center of the selection until a 2. Select Align > Horizontally. 2. Select Align > Vertically. rotation cue is displayed. 2. Drag the selection to rotate it around its center. Rotate the drawing in 3 dimensions 1. Click . 2. Drag the pointer to rotate the drawing. Rotate selected structure in 3 dimensions 1. Move the pointer toward the center of the selection until a square is displayed. 2. Right-click in the square and select Transformation > Rotate in 3D > Free 3D Rotation. 3. Drag the pointer to rotate the structure. Clean drawing in 2 dimensions Click . This standardizes bond lengths and angles to improve appearance. The drawing is converted to a 2-dimensional drawing if needed. November 2014 282 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Task Steps Clean drawing in 3 dimensions Click Zoom in Zoom out Zoom to a specific magnification . This standardizes bond lengths and angles to improve appearance. The drawing is converted to a 3-dimensional drawing if needed. Click . Click . Select a zoom level from the zoom level list a new zoom level in the box. or type Create MarvinSketch Questions That Use Canonical or Combinatorial SMILES Strings Sometimes, you want to display a randomly selected molecule in your question. Or, you might even want to combine molecules — for example, in condensation reactions or peptide sequences. Specifying the chemical structure using SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) strings instead of the native MarvinSketch XML lets you combine or otherwise change the chemical structure programmatically, and offers a space-efficient method for defining arrays of chemical structures that can be used in your question. Canonical SMILES strings uniquely identify a particular molecule. The canonical SMILES representation of any molecule is dependent on the software program's canonicalization algorithm. For this reason, the canonical SMILES string for a molecule in MarvinSketch might be different from the canonical SMILES string generated by another application. Combinatorial SMILES strings identify a discrete structure in a molecule, and can be combined to form canonical SMILES strings. Important: • Always use canonical or combinatorial SMILES strings. • Only a subset of SMILES notation is supported for use in MarvinSketch questions. • Do not use SMILES strings for reactions or to specify atom mapping. • Other formats, such as molfile formats, protein data bank files, InChi ® strings, and IUPAC names, are not supported for use in WebAssign questions. You might be able to use one of these formats to display a structure in your question, but you should never use them to define answer keys that your students must draw, as this could result in scoring problems with your students' responses. Although the native MarvinSketch XML format provides the most comprehensive description of your chemical structures, it is long, difficult to read, and cannot be manipulated by your question code. With SMILES, your question code can easily November 2014 Create Chemistry Questions 283 combine or change SMILES strings, for example, to reflect a chemical process or to randomize your question. For example, you could use either MarvinSketch XML or SMILES to display an ethanol molecule: MarvinSketch XML SMILES <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon CCO file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.12.1"><MDocument> <MChemicalStruct> <molecule molID="m1"> <atomArray atomID="a1 a2 a3" elementType="C C O" x2="2.310 3.644 4.977" y2="-1.334 -2.104 -1.334"/> <bondArray> <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"/> <bond atomRefs2="a2 a3" order="1"/> </bondArray> </ molecule> </MChemicalStruct></MDocument></cml> The best way to ensure that your SMILES string works correctly in MarvinSketch is to use MarvinSketch to generate SMILES. To use a SMILES string in your question: 1. Create your drawing using the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. a) Click Marvin under Page Tools. b) For Marvin Type, select the drawing mode that you want to use. c) Draw the chemical structure. 2. In the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool, save the drawing using the SMILES format. a) Click File > Save. b) In Files of Type, select SMILES. c) Navigate to the location where you want to save the file, type a File Name, and then click Save. 3. In a text editor, open the SMILES file you saved and copy its contents. 4. Paste the SMILES string that you copied into your question. You can use the SMILES string in your questions instead of MarvinSketch XML to display the chemical structure drawing in a question, to specify a MarvinSketch answer key, or to define a MarvinSketch template. Example Displaying Chemical Structures Using SMILES The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1534322 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.06. Mode Multiple-Choice November 2014 284 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <eqn> # ---------------------------------------------------# Select 1 of 8 molecules to identify # ---------------------------------------------------@dat = (["ethanol", "CCO"], ["isopropanol", "CC(O)C"], ["methanol", "CO"], ["n-propanol", "CCCO"], ["n-butanol", "CCCCO"], ["isobutanol", "CC(C)CO"], ["propene", "C=CC"], ["ethylene", "C=C"]); @choices = pick(5, 0..$#dat); '' </eqn> Identify the molecule. <table><tr><td width="250"><_></td> <td><MARVIN type='condensed'><EQN $dat[$choices[0]][1]></MARVIN></td></tr></table> Answer <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN $dat[$choices[0]][0]> $dat[$choices[1]][0]> $dat[$choices[2]][0]> $dat[$choices[3]][0]> $dat[$choices[4]][0]> Display to Students Example MarvinSketch Question Using SMILES Answer Key The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1534328 Name Template2 5.MARVIN.07. Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Create Chemistry Questions 285 Question <eqn> # ---------------------------------------------------# Set $mykey to one of 2730 possible tripeptides # ---------------------------------------------------@dat = (["Ala", "NC(C)C(=O)"], ["Arg", "NC(CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)"], ["Asn", "NC(CC(N)=O)C(=O)"], ["Asp", "NC(CC(O)=O)C(=O)"], ["Cys", "NC(CS)C(=O)"], ["Gln", "NC(CCC(N)=O)C(=O)"], ["Glu", "NC(CCC(O)=O)C(=O)"], ["Gly", "NCC(=O)"], ["Ile", "NC(C(C)CC)C(=O)"], ["Leu", "NC(CC(C)C)C(=O)"], ["Lys", "NC(CCCCN)C(=O)"], ["Met", "NC(CCSC)C(=O)"], ["Ser", "NC(CO)C(=O)"], ["Thr", "NC(C(C)O)C(=O)"], ["Val", "NC(C(C)C)C(=O)"]); ($a, $b, $c) = pick(3, 0..$#dat); $label = $dat[$a][0] . '-' . $dat[$b][0] . '-' . $dat[$c][0]; $mykey = $dat[$a][1] . $dat[$b][1] . $dat[$c][1] . 'O'; '' </eqn> Draw the structure of the tripeptide <eqn $label>. <br> <_> Answer <EQN $MARVIN='condensed'; $mykey> Display to Students See Also: SMILES notation: www.daylight.com/dayhtml/doc/theory/theory.smiles.html Use the MarvinSketch Key Generation Tool on page 275 November 2014 286 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 8 Format Questions This chapter contains the following topics: You can insert videos, sound files, or mathematical notation in your questions. • Format Text in Questions • Add Images, Media, or Documents to Your Coursework • Add Symbols to Questions • Add Search Metadata to Questions • Add Standard Text Prompts to Questions November 2014 288 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Format Text in Questions When typing your Question, Solution, and for some modes also your Answer, you can use HTML tags and CSS style attribute values to add formatting to your questions. Note: Not all HTML tags and CSS attributes are displayed in the same way on all browsers. In addition, some tags or attributes might not display as ® expected because of other formatting rules in the WebAssign application. Always test your formatting. If you are not familiar with using HTML, the following information might be useful: • HTML is a markup language with tags enclosed in angle brackets <>. • Most HTML tags have a start tag that identifies the formatting to be applied and a matching end tag that begins with a forward slash, for example, <b>your_content_here</b> • When the < and & characters are followed by a letter, you must use a character entity reference to prevent these characters from being interpreted as HTML markup. To type <, type < To type &, type & • Most spaces and line breaks are considered unimportant for HTML formatting and are ignored. Important: Line breaks in Answer are very important for ® WebAssign and determine the start of each answer or answer choice, depending on the question mode. See the following table for examples of some of the most commonly used formatting. Formatting Example Code Display Bold <b>bold text</b> bold text Italics <i>italic text</i> italic text Underline <u>underlined text</u> underlined text Subscript text<sub>subscript </sub> textsubscript Superscript text<sup>superscript</sup> text Line break line<br>new line line new line New paragraph paragraph<p>new paragraph paragraph superscript new paragraph Indented text November 2014 text <div class='indent'>indented</div> Format Questions 289 Formatting Example Code Centered text text <div class='center'>centered</div> Right-aligned text text <div class='right'>right-aligned</ div> Bulleted list <ul> <li>first list item</li> <li>next list item</li> <li>last list item</li> </ul> Numbered list Display • first list item • next list item • last list item <ol> <li>first list item</li> <li>next list item</li> <li>last list item</li> </ol> Simple table - no borders <table> <tr><td>top left</td><td>top right</ td></tr> <tr><td>bottom left</td><td>bottom right</td></tr> </table> Simple table - with borders <table border="1"> <tr><td>top left</td><td>top right</ td></tr> <tr><td>bottom left</td><td>bottom right</td></tr> </table> 1. first list item 2. next list item 3. last list item Add Images, Media, or Documents to Your Coursework You can add images, media such as audio or video files, or documents to your questions, assignments, or announcements. For example, you might want to: • display an image as part of your question prompt • include a brief video that your students watch before completing an assignment • supply a template document like a spreadsheet or code example that your students complete and then upload as their response • provide a worked solution to a problem as a PDF document November 2014 290 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Important: Before sharing images, media, or documents with your students: • Obtain the image, media, or document as a file on your computer in a standard file format for the content — for example, JPG, GIF, or PNG for images. • If your content must be opened with proprietary software, ensure that your students will have access to this software. • Make sure that you have permission to use any materials that you share with your students. Do not share copyrighted materials like music files or content from a textbook you have not adopted for your class. To add images, media, or document files to your coursework, perform the following steps as described in this section: ® 1. Upload the images, media, or documents from your computer to WebAssign . 2. Set the display text that you want to use for your images, media, or documents. 3. Add code to perform one of the following: • Display an image • Provide a linked document • Play a media file Upload Images, Media, or Documents to My Folders You can copy image, media, or document files from your computer to WebAssign for use as part of your course materials. Important: Before sharing images, media, or documents with your students: • Obtain the image, media, or document as a file on your computer in a standard file format for the content — for example, JPG, GIF, or PNG for images. • If your content must be opened with proprietary software, ensure that your students will have access to this software. • Make sure that you have permission to use any materials that you share with your students. Do not share copyrighted materials like music files or content from a textbook you have not adopted for your class. To copy an image, media, or document file from your computer to WebAssign®: 1. November 2014 In the toolbar, click Folders. ® Format Questions 291 Alternatively, open the My Files window when editing an assignment, question, or announcement. From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 2. Navigate to the folder where you want to put your file. 3. Click Import File. 4. Select the file to upload. a) Click Browse or Choose File, depending on your browser. b) Navigate to the file you want to upload. c) Click Open or Choose, depending on your browser. 5. Click go. Note: Uploading a large file might take some time, especially with a slower Internet connection. 6. Close the Import window. ® The file is copied from your computer to WebAssign and is listed in the contents of the selected folder. ® After copying your file to WebAssign , you can use it in your questions, in your assignment description or instructions, in announcements, or as a class resource. After adding an image file, always provide alternative text for the image. Set Display Text for an Image, Media, or Document File ® After you upload a file or image to WebAssign for use in your classes, set the link or alternative text for the file or image. • Link text is the text shown to your students when you provide a link to the file or image. If you omit this, the file name will be used as the link text. You can override the link text any time you insert a link to your file. • Alternative text is spoken by screen readers to help students with visual limitations understand the content of an image. Important: Always specify meaningful alternative text when you use ® an image in WebAssign . Note: This text is not used for displaying class resources. November 2014 292 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To specify link, hover, or alternative text for an image, media, or document file: 1. In the toolbar, click Folders. Alternatively, open the My Files window when editing an assignment, question, or announcement. From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 2. Navigate to the file or image you want to change. 3. Click the file name. The File View window opens. 4. Set the link or alternative text for your file or image. For a: File that is not an image Do this: 1. Select Link at the top of the Attributes list. 2. Type the link text you want to be displayed. 3. Optional: Provide information for the title attribute of the link. Depending on the browser or screen reader's behavior, this might be displayed as hover text in the browser or read by a screen reader, but it also might not be shown or read to students at all. November 2014 Format Questions 293 For a: Image file Do this: 1. Select Image at the top of the Attributes list. 2. Type the alternative text you want to be read by screen readers in both the alt tag and title fields. Screen readers might read the contents of the alt or title attributes of an image. To ensure that your content is accessible, provide the same information in both fields. 3. Optional: Provide a link to a longer description of the content in the longdesc field. Note: If you want your students to open the image using a link, specify the link attributes as described for non-image files. 5. Click Save. Your changes are saved. To see your changes, close and then reopen the File View window. Display Images in Your Coursework You can display images in your questions, assignments, or announcements. Alternatively, see: • Add Resource Links in Your Coursework on page 295 • Play Media Files in Your Coursework on page 298 November 2014 294 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide ® Note: Always use the file ID to reference a file uploaded to WebAssign . ® Using the ID ensures that WebAssign can locate the file even if you rename or move it. Best Practice: • Use one of the following image formats to ensure compatibility with all Web browsers: PNG, GIF, or JPG. • Keep the image dimensions smaller than 800 by 600 pixels to ensure that the image is displayed in the question without scrolling. To display an image in a question, assignment, or announcement: 1. Open the question, assignment, or announcement in which you want to display your image file. 2. Open the My Files window. From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 3. Navigate to the file you want to use and select its check box. You can select more than one file. 4. For Paste location of file (selected below) as, select Image. 5. Set the display text for the image. To do this Do this Use the existing display attributes In Attributes, select use saved attributes. Override the existing display attributes 1. In Attributes, select enter new attributes. 2. Type the alternative text you want to be read by screen readers in both the alt tag and title fields. Screen readers might read the contents of the alt or title attributes of an image. To ensure that your content is accessible, provide the same information in both fields. 3. Optional: Provide a link to a longer description of the content in the longdesc field. 6. Select where you want your file to be included. November 2014 Format Questions 295 In a: Do this: Question For Destination Field, select Question, Answer, or Solution. Note: You can include files or images in Answer only for multiple-choice, multiple-select, or matching questions. Assignment For Destination Field, select Description or Instructions. Announcement For Destination Field, select Announcement. 7. Click go. For each image to be displayed, a <userimage> tag is added to your content referencing the image's file ID and specifying any overrides to the display attributes. Examples: <userimage(12345)> <userimage(23456, alt => "gingko leaf", title => "gingko leaf")> 8. Optional: If needed, cut and paste the <userimage> tag to the location where your image should be displayed. 9. Optional: Specify other attributes that are valid for the <img> tag in HTML — for example, align, height, width, or style — in the same way that the alt, title, and longdesc attributes are specified. For example, the following code displays the image with a 2-pixel solid gray border: <userimage(103854, style => "border: 2px solid gray;")> Add Resource Links in Your Coursework You can display links to your resource materials in your questions, assignments, or announcements. Alternatively, see: • Display Images in Your Coursework on page 293 • Play Media Files in Your Coursework on page 298 ® Note: Always use the file ID to reference a file uploaded to WebAssign . ® Using the ID ensures that WebAssign can locate the file even if you rename or move it. To add a link to a file in a question, assignment, or announcement: 1. Open the question, assignment, or announcement in which you want to add a link to your file. 2. Open the My Files window. November 2014 296 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 3. Navigate to the file you want to use and select its check box. You can select more than one file. 4. For Paste location of file (selected below) as, select Link. 5. Set the display text for the file. To do this Do this Use the existing display attributes In Attributes, select use saved attributes. Override the existing display attributes 1. In Attributes, select enter new attributes. 2. Type the link text you want to be displayed. 3. Optional: Provide information for the title attribute of the link. Depending on the browser or screen reader's behavior, this might be displayed as hover text in the browser or read by a screen reader, but it also might not be shown or read to students at all. 6. Select where you want your file to be included. In a: Do this: Question For Destination Field, select Question, Answer, or Solution. Note: You can include files or images in Answer only for multiple-choice, multiple-select, or matching questions. Assignment For Destination Field, select Description or Instructions. Announcement For Destination Field, select Announcement. 7. Click go. For each file to be linked, a <userfile> tag is added to your content referencing the file ID and specifying any overrides to the display attributes. Examples: <userfile(12345)> <userfile(987654, link => "Syllabus", title => "Syllabus for BIO-201")> November 2014 Format Questions 297 8. Optional: If needed, cut and paste the <userfile> tag to the location where your file link should be displayed. 9. Optional: Specify other attributes that are valid for the <a> tag in HTML — for example, style or target — in the same way that the title attribute is specified. For example, the following code displays the link in bold and opens the document in a new browser window or tab: <userfile(103854, style => "font-weight: bold;", target => "_blank")> Link to External Resource Materials in Your Coursework You can add links in your questions, assignments, or announcements to resource ® materials hosted outside of WebAssign . For example, you might have materials hosted on your school's Web servers, or you might want to point your students to a YouTube video or materials that another colleague has shared with you. To add links to external resources, use the HTML <a> tag as described in this topic. You can link to external resources in the following course materials: Questions You can add links in the Question, Answer, or Solution. Note: You can include links in Answer only for multiple-choice, multipleselect, or matching questions. Assignments You can add links in the Description or Instructions. Announcements You can add links in the body of an announcement. Tip: You can also add links in the body of other communications in ® WebAssign such as Private Messages and Ask Your Teacher messages. To add a link to an external resource in a question, assignment, or announcement: 1. Open the question, assignment, or announcement in which you want to add the link. 2. Type the following code where you want to add the link: <a href="web_address" target="_blank">link_text</a> where • web_address is the Web address (often called URL) of the resource material to which you want to link. • link_text is the text of the link that you want to show your students. For example, you could link to one of the student help topics using the following code: November 2014 298 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide <a href="http://www.webassign.net/manual/student_guide/ t_s_answering_multiple_choice.htm" target="_blank">How to answer multiple-choice questions</a> This link would behave like this: How to answer multiple-choice questions. Play Media Files in Your Coursework You can include media files such as video tutorials or audio clips in your assignments, questions, or class announcements. Alternatively, see: • Display Images in Your Coursework on page 293 • Add Resource Links in Your Coursework on page 295 • Link to External Resource Materials in Your Coursework on page 297 Many formats exist for distributing media on the Internet. This section documents ® methods that have been tested for use in WebAssign . ® Other media formats have not been tested with WebAssign and might not work as expected. Where to Include Media Where and how you should include media like videos in your coursework — questions, assignments, or announcements — depends on the content of the media and how you want your students to use it. Linking to Media or Embedding It in WebAssign® When you use media such as videos, you can usually choose whether to give ® your students a link to the media or to display the media in WebAssign on the student’s home page or in an assignment. Linking to Media Linking displays a link on the student's page which he or she clicks to open the media in a new browser window or tab. On some platforms, students might find it difficult or annoying to switch between the media and an assignment if the student needs to answer questions based on the media. On the other hand, linking does not slow down the loading of pages in ® WebAssign . Embedding Media in WebAssign ® ® Embedding displays the media and its player in WebAssign . The student usually clicks a play button to start the media, and can watch it in the context of the course or assignment. Pages with multiple videos can load slowly, depending on how many videos are embedded. November 2014 Format Questions 299 Where to Include Linked or Embedded Media Media Content Where to Include It Notes Recording of a class lecture Resources or Announcement This is especially valuable for flipped or online classes. Consider linking to the video. Instructions for an assignment Assignment Instructions Consider embedding the video rather than linking to it. Learning material that applies to an entire assignment Assignment Instructions Consider embedding the video rather than linking to it. Short demo that your students will use to answer no more than a few questions Question (Question box) Explanation that you want your students to watch after attempting a question Question (Solution box) Short video about which you won't be asking questions directly Resources or Announcement Video that your students need to watch before completing an assignment, but which should not be available to view while Resources or Announcement Turn on display of worked solutions. Consider using the following assignment settings: • Require entire assignment submission • Allow only one submission completing the assignment • Don't allow students to save work • Use LockDown Browser One of several videos students should watch while completing an assignment Question Use one question at a time display for your assignment. Resources or Announcements For media that does not need to be displayed as part of an assignment, you have two choices: you can include the media in a class announcement, or you can upload it as a class resource. Either way, the media are linked or ® displayed on your students' home page in WebAssign . However, there are some implementation differences between the two. November 2014 300 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Resources Announcements Media hosting You must upload the media file to ® WebAssign . You can either upload a media file ® to WebAssign or share media hosted externally, such as on YouTube or your school's Web servers. Context for students Can be organized on the student's home page by textbook chapter or section, but you can't add other information or instructions. You can add your own information, description, or instructions for using the media in the announcement. You can change the order of each class' announcements list as needed. Difficulty to implement After uploading, select a check box to make media available to students. After uploading or obtaining link to media, create an announcement and add code to link to or embed media. Time-based availability You must make resource available or unavailable manually. You can schedule when announcements become available to your students and when they become unavailable . Reuse for other classes Can be reused across your classes over time. Can be reused across your classes over time. Play YouTube, Vimeo, or Other Hosted Videos in Your Coursework ® The best way to embed video in your WebAssign coursework is to use a video hosted on your school's Web server or a video sharing service like YouTube or Vimeo. Alternatively, see Link to External Resource Materials in Your Coursework on page 297. Video sharing services like YouTube and Vimeo are free and offer a number of advantages: • Existing videos uploaded by other instructors who have made them publicly available • Privacy controls that let you manage access to your videos • Automatic optimization for the device on which it is being viewed, including mobile devices If for whatever reason you don't want to use these services, most schools also provide instructors with Web space for their classes; if you are not sure about this, ask your school's IT department. Depending on your school, you usually will not have many of the features offered by video sharing services. Before starting, upload or locate the video that you want to use. To add a YouTube video to your question or assignment: 1. Navigate to the video in your Web browser. November 2014 Format Questions 301 2. Copy the video embedding code. Video Hosting YouTube Steps 1. Click Share. 2. Under the Share link, click Embed. A box displays the embed code. 3. Copy the entire embedding code. Vimeo 1. Click . The Share This Video panel displays both the video Link and Embed code. 2. Copy the entire embedding code. School or other web server It's unlikely that your school server has a video sharing mechanism that generates the code for you. However, you can create the code yourself. 1. Copy the Web address of the video. 2. Use the following code: <iframe src="web_address" width="width" height="height" frameborder="0" seamless></iframe> where web_address is the Web address of the video, and width and height specify the size of the frame in which the video will be embedded. Tip: If you don't know what dimensions to use, start with width="640" height="360" and adjust as needed for your video. 3. If the Web address you copied begins with either http: or https:, remove those characters so the src attribute begins with //. Making this change helps ensure that your video won't be blocked by your students' browser security settings. 3. Open your question, assignment, or announcement for editing. 4. Paste the embedding code where you want the video to be embedded. 5. Save your question, assignment, or announcement. Note: Embedded videos usually will not play in the Assignment Previewer or in your view of an announcement. Use the Student View to verify that your video is displayed correctly for your students. November 2014 302 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Example Assignment with YouTube Video Assignment 5345850 (Quadratic Equations Example Assignment) includes a YouTube video explaining how to solve quadratic equations by factoring. Instructions Watch the following video and solve the problems by factoring.<br><br> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/ embed/MoWkK2nTFxw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Display to students Example Announcement with Vimeo Video Announcement Watch the following video before Wednesday's class and try completing some of your homework problems. Come to class as edited by prepared to ask any questions you have. instructor <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/87211276" width="500" height="311" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/87211276">Exponential and Log regression</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user10440384">Jack Narayan</ a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> November 2014 Format Questions 303 Display to students Play Adobe® Flash® Videos in Your Coursework ® ® You can include Adobe Flash videos in your coursework. ® ® Note: Your students must have or be able to install Adobe Flash Player ® ® ® in order to view Adobe Flash videos. Flash is not supported for iOS ® devices like iPad . To include a Flash® video in a question, assignment, or announcement: 1. Open the question, assignment, or announcement in which you want to play your media file. 2. Open the My Files window. From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 3. Navigate to the file you want to use and click its file name. 4. Click Show File Info to display additional information about the file. • File Type: The type of the file, such as image/jpeg. November 2014 304 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide ® • Location: The path to the file on the WebAssign servers. • File ID: The unique ID number assigned to the file. • Last Modified: The date and time of the last time you changed the file or file properties. • Size: The file size. Click Hide File Info to hide this information. 5. Add the following code to your question, assignment, or announcement. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/ swflash.cab" width="width" height="height"> <param name="movie" value="location/name" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="width" height="height" data="location/name"> </object> </object> where: • height and width are the height and width of your video, in pixels. • location and name are the Location and Name from the File View window. Note: • To display videos correctly on all Web browsers that are supported ® for WebAssign , each of these values is specified twice. Be sure these values are correct in both places or your content might not display correctly on some Web browsers. • Do not rename your video file or move it to another folder. If you change the location of the video, it will not be displayed in your question. This is not a problem when using the <userfile> or <userimage> tags. • You can include media in a question's Answer only for multiplechoice, multiple-select, or matching questions. ® 6. When testing your content, be sure to view it both in Internet Explorer and in ® ® either Firefox or Safari . Example Question with Flash Video The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1545601 Name Template2 1.MEDIA.01. Mode Multiple-Choice November 2014 Format Questions 305 Question Watch the following video and then answer the question.<br> <div style="margin: 10px; width: 680px; border: 1px solid gray;"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/ swflash.cab" width="680" height="555"> <param name="movie" value="/userimages/mplopez@webassign/Media/ adding_media_to_questions.swf" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680" height="555" data="/userimages/mplopez@webassign/Media/adding_media_to_questions.swf"> </object> </object> </div> What tag do you use to add video to a question? <br> <_> Answer object userfile userimage Display to Students November 2014 306 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Best Practices for Using Media in WebAssign® These recommendations can help you when using media such as videos in your ® WebAssign coursework. • Keep media files as brief as possible. Except for recorded lectures, most videos should ideally run 3 minutes or less in order to keep your students' attention. Consider editing longer materials into multiple shorter segments. • Keep video size or resolution no greater than is needed. Although you want to ensure that your students can clearly see the subject matter, higher resolutions generally result in larger videos that download more slowly. If you need to use a high-definition video, consider linking to it instead of embedding it. • Don't include videos or media in the assignment description, but only the instructions. Embedded media in the assignment description is shown on the student's My Assignments page. This is rarely useful, and can cause the My Assignments page to load slowly. • Don't show more than one video on the page at a time. When using video or audio clips in your questions, change your assignment settings to show only one question at a time. Embed at most one video in each question, announcement, or assignment instructions. If more than one video is needed, consider creating multiple questions, announcements, or assignments. • Be aware that when you share media with your students, they might be able to share it again with their peers. Update Your Files ® You can replace any of your files in WebAssign with a new version. To replace an image, media, or document file from the My Folders page: 1. In the toolbar, click Folders. Alternatively, open the My Files window when editing an assignment, question, or announcement. From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 2. Navigate to the file or image you want to change. November 2014 Format Questions 307 3. Click the file name. The File View window opens. 4. In the Replace File field, select another file to replace the one that is currently displayed. a) Click Browse or Choose File, depending on your browser. b) Navigate to the file you want to upload. c) Click Open or Choose, depending on your browser. 5. Click Save. Your existing file is replaced with the new file you uploaded. • Any references to your file now use the new file. This includes both current and past classes and assignments. • If your new file has a different name than your old file, the new filename is used. Rename a Folder, Assignment, Question, or File ® You can rename a folder, assignment, question, or file in WebAssign . Renaming an item does not affect links or references to the item because those references are based on the item's unique ID number, which does not change. To rename a folder, assignment, question, or file from the My Folders page: 1. In the toolbar, click Folders. Alternatively, open the My Files window when editing an assignment, question, or announcement. November 2014 308 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide From this page: Do this: Question Editor Click My Files in the Page Tools panel. Assignment Editor Click Include File for either the Description or Instructions. Communication Home Click My Files to the left of your announcement text. 2. Navigate to the item you want to rename and select its check box. Note: You can rename one item at a time only. 3. In the Modify Selected Items list, select Rename. 4. Type the new name for the item and click OK. Important: Do not include the forward slash (/) or backslash (\) characters in folder or file names. These characters are interpreted as part of the item's location and can prevent you from opening the item. You can use a space or underscore if needed. Your item is renamed. Any references to it now use the new name. This includes both current and past classes and assignments. Add Symbols to Questions ® You can use the WebAssign <s> tag to add a number of symbols to your questions. Some symbols are displayed as characters, and others are displayed as images. See www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_list_symbols.htm for lists of symbols that you can add to your questions. Add Search Metadata to Questions If you make your questions publicly available, you might want to add search metadata to your questions that indicate the covered subject matter or discipline. You might also want to indicate whether the question is still being edited or provide a comment about the question. To add search metadata to a question: 1. If needed, click Show Additional Information in the Question Editor. 2. Under Additional Information, specify any of the following information: November 2014 Field Description Keywords A comma-delimited list of keywords describing the question. Format Questions 309 Field Description Classification For math, physics, and chemistry questions, one or more topics in the discipline that relate to the question. Adding a classification includes your question in the collections listed in the Question Browser for any instructors who can find the question in search results. See Share Questions With Other Instructors on page 19. Usable/Draft Whether the question is ready to be included in assignments (Usable) or is still being edited (Draft). This does not prevent the question from being included in an assignment. Comment Any information about the question. Discipline One or more disciplines to which the question applies. 3. Click Save to apply your changes. Add Standard Text Prompts to Questions ® You can use the special WebAssign prompt <p> tag to add a number of commonly used text prompts to your questions. See Also: List of Prompts on page 361 Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95 November 2014 310 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 9 Question Behavior This chapter contains the following topics: You can configure many aspects of your question's behavior in WebAssign®. • Perl Variables and Functions • The {tab} Operator • Randomize Question Values • Numeric Values in Questions • Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions • Perform Complex Operations in Answer Keys November 2014 312 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Perl Variables and Functions ® Most question behaviors in WebAssign are controlled by variables or functions in Perl, a programming language. You do not need to learn Perl to write good ® questions in WebAssign using the documentation and examples. But, knowing ® some basics about Perl and how it is implemented in WebAssign questions lets you create more sophisticated questions that use randomized values, provide meaningful feedback based on your student's answers, or grade answers automatically in novel ways. See Also: Perl Functions and Operators on page 371 Perl Variables on page 379 Perl documentation at perldoc.perl.org Include Perl in Questions You can use the <eqn> and <EQN> tags to include one or more Perl statements in your questions. The value of the last Perl statement in the <eqn> or <EQN> tag is returned by the tag when the question is used. Understanding the <eqn> and <EQN> Tags ® The <eqn> and <EQN> tags are WebAssign tags that let you put Perl statements in your questions. Most often, these statements are used to set or read the values of variables in order to make the question behave in a certain way. For example, to change the size of the answer box for numerical or fill-in-theblank questions, you would add this code to Answer: <EQN $size=5; ''> This code consists of three parts: ® 1. The <EQN> tag itself, which tells WebAssign that the enclosed values should be processed as Perl statements. 2. The first Perl statement, $size=5; which assigns the value 5 to the ® WebAssign variable $size, which is used to specify how wide the answer box should be. 3. The second Perl statement, '' which is an empty string. Because the result of the last Perl statement is always included in your question, answer key, or solution (depending on where the code occurs), the empty string is often used as the last statement. Both the <eqn> and <EQN> tags include Perl statements, but they display values differently depending on whether they are used in Question, Answer, or Solution. Intended Use November 2014 <eqn> <EQN> Use in Question and Solution. Use in Answer. Question Behavior 313 <eqn> <EQN> A circle of radius <eqn A circle of radius <EQN $r=randnum(3,7,1)> has area <eqn $r=randnum(3,7,1)> has area <EQN $a=$pi * $r**2>. $a=$pi * $r**2>. Display in Question and Solution A circle of radius 5 has area 78.5398163397448. A circle of radius 5 has area 78.5398163397448. Behavior in Question and Solution • Displays values in red. • Displays values in black. • Displays numeric values up to 15 significant digits. • Displays numeric values up to 15 significant digits. Display in Answer A circle of radius 5 has area 78.5. A circle of radius 5 has area 78.5398163397448. Behavior in Answer • Displays values in black. • Displays values in black. • Answer key uses 15 significant digits for evaluation with student answers. • Answer key uses 15 significant digits for evaluation with student answers. • In numerical mode, displays the number of significant digits specified by the answer key. • In numerical mode, displays the number of significant digits specified by the answer key. • If the answer key does not specify significant digits, displays 3 significant digits. • If the answer key does not specify significant digits, displays up to 15 significant digits. Example code Paired and Unpaired Forms Both the <eqn> and <EQN> tags can be used in paired and unpaired forms. • The unpaired form consists of a single tag and is used most frequently to display values or in Answer. It has the following syntax (using either eqn or EQN): <EQN perl_statement; perl_statement> • The paired form consists of an opening tag and a closing tag and is usually used to include longer blocks of Perl statements. It has the following syntax (using either eqn or EQN): <eqn> perl_statement; perl_statement </eqn> Note: If your Perl statements include the greater-than character (>), you must use the paired form. To include Perl statements in your question: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. Start the <eqn> or <EQN> tag. You can use either the paired or unpaired form, as described above. November 2014 314 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Best Practice: • In Question or Solution, use <eqn>. • In Answer, use <EQN>. 3. Type the Perl statements that you want to perform. Note: ® • To ensure the security of the WebAssign service, some Perl functions are not supported. ® • The Perl newline character (\n) does not work in WebAssign . Instead, include the HTML <br> tag where you need a line break. You must use the paired form of the <eqn> or <EQN> tag. End each Perl statement except for the last one with a semicolon (;). The value returned by the last statement is displayed as part of your question or answer key. Tip: Use two single quotes ('') as your last Perl statement if you do not want any value displayed by your code. 4. End the </eqn> or </EQN> tag. • When using paired tags, the ending tag must match the start tag. You cannot, for example, start with <eqn> and end with </EQN>. • When using the unpaired form, do not add a slash at the end of the tag as with XML tags. Just use the closing angle bracket (>). Example Multiple-Choice Question Using <eqn> and <EQN> The following table summarizes an actual question. QID Name Mode Multiple-Choice Question <eqn> $weight = randnum(40,150,1); # pick a random integer between 40 and 150 $venuswt = decform($weight * 0.907, 0); # calculate weight on Venus $marswt = decform($weight * 0.377, 0); # calculate weight on Mars $jupiterwt = decform($weight * 2.364, 0); # calculate weight on Jupiter '' </eqn> If you weighed <eqn $weight> kg on Earth:<br> <ul> <li>Your weight on Venus would be <eqn $venuswt> kg</li> <li>Your weight on Mars would be <eqn $marswt> kg</li> <li>Your weight on Jupiter would be <eqn $jupiterwt> kg</li> </ul> On which planet would your mass be the least? <_> November 2014 Question Behavior 315 Answer <EQN $ORDERED=5; 'Earth'> Venus Mars Jupiter Your mass would be the same Display to Students See Also: Perl Functions and Operators on page 371 Perl Variables on page 379 Perl documentation at perldoc.perl.org Set Perl Variables Often, you only need to use a variable to store a single text or numeric value. Such variables are referred to as scalar variables in Perl. Note: Whether the variable contains a text or numeric value does not matter to Perl; the variable is evaluated as either a text string or a number based on what you are trying to do. If you try to perform a numeric operation on a text string, Perl will look for any digits at the beginning of the text and use that value, or if no digits are found, 0. If you perform a text operation on a number, Perl will treat the number as a text string. Scalar Variable Names Perl scalar variables are prefixed by the dollar sign ($) character. In addition, all Perl variable names must follow these rules: • Variable names must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), and numeric digits (0-9). • The first character of a variable name must be a letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_). • Variable names are case-sensitive, so myvariable is not the same as MyVariable. ® Some variable names are used by WebAssign . These variables are listed in the documentation. November 2014 316 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To set the value of a Perl variable: In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, include an assignment statement like the following: $variable = value; where variable is the variable name and value is the value to be assigned. The value can be either a single value or a Perl expression that results in a value. Examples The following example variable assignment statements should be inside an <EQN> or <eqn> tag. # set $radius equal to 5 $radius = 5; # calculate the $diameter $diameter = $radius * 2; # use the predefined variable $pi $circumference = $diameter * $pi; # use ** for exponentiation $area = $pi * $radius ** 2; # use quotes to enclose a text value $message1 = 'The radius is '; # concatenate strings as text with the period (.) $message2 = $message1 . $radius; # in double quotes, the value of a variable is substituted $message3 = "The diameter is $diameter."; See Also: Perl Functions and Operators on page 371 Perl Variables on page 379 Perl documentation at perldoc.perl.org Test Perl Variables You can test the values of Perl variables and perform different actions based on the result. This lets you add sophisticated functionality to your questions like custom feedback or grading functions. The if Statement Perl includes several ways to test variables and perform different actions based on the result, but the most fundamental of these methods is the if statement, which has the following syntax: if (condition) {do_if_true} elsif (condition) {do_if_true} else {do_if_false} November 2014 Question Behavior 317 where: • condition is a testable condition, such as $a > 3 • do_if_true is one or more statements to be performed if the tested condition is true • do_if_false is one or more statements to be performed if all tested conditions are false The elsif and else clauses are optional. Use elsif to test additional conditions; statements will be performed only for the first true condition, not for every true condition. Use else to specify statements to be performed only if none of the tested conditions are true. Tip: You can also use the following abbreviated syntax for an if statement: (condition) ? do_if_true : do_if_false Comparison Operators You can use the following comparison operators when testing values in your questions. You use different operators depending on whether you want to compare values numerically or textually. Comparison Numerical Operator Example Text Operator Example Equality (=) == $a == 3 eq $a eq 'red' Inequality (≠) != $a != 3 ne $a ne 'red' Greater Than (>) > $a > 3 gt $a gt 'red' Less Than (<) < $a < 3 lt $a lt 'red' Greater Than or Equal To (≥) >= $a >= 3 ge $a ge 'red' Less Than or Equal To (≤) <= $a <= 3 le $a le 'red' Note: A single equals sign (=) is the assignment operator. If you substitute it for the double equals sign (==) in a test condition, the condition will not work correctly and depending on your code, the tested variable might be assigned a new value. You can use logical and, or, and not operators to combine or negate test criteria as shown in the following table. Logic Operator Example And && $a == 3 && $b eq 'red' Or || $a == 3 || $b eq 'red' Not ! !($a == 3 || $b eq 'red') November 2014 318 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To perform an action based on the value of a variable: In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, include an if statement that tests a condition and performs one or more actions. Examples The following examples should be inside an <EQN> or <eqn> tag. # if $x is greater than 5, make it equal to 5 if ($x > 5) {$x = 5}; # if $x is greater than 5, make y = 10; otherwise, make y = x squared if ($x > 5) {$y = 10} else {$y = x**2}; if ($x == 5) { $a = 10; $b = 2; } elsif ($x == 4) { $a = 8; $b = 2; } else { $a = 0; $b = 0; } # test whether $x = 5 # if so, set $a = 10 # and $b = 2 # if $x ≠ 5, test if $x = 4 # if so, set $a = 8 # and $b = 2 # if $x ≠ 5 and $x ≠ 4 # set $a = 0 # and $b = 0 # if $x equals "lion," make $y equal to "cat" ($x eq 'lion') ? {$y = 'cat'}; Example Multiple-Choice Question With Two Correct Answer Choices The following table summarizes an actual question. QID Name November 2014 Mode Multiple-Choice Question Which is a characteristic of jellyfish? <_> Answer <EQN $ORDERED=1; if ($thisanswer==2) {$ORDERED=3}; ''>Sexual reproduction Exoskeleton Asexual reproduction Respiratory system Question Behavior 319 Display to Students Note: In this example, both $thisanswer==2 and $ORDERED=3 refer to the ® third choice in the list. This is because the WebAssign variables $ORDERED and $thisanswer are indexed differently. While $ORDERED starts at 1 for the first item, $thisanswer starts at 0. See Also: Perl Functions and Operators on page 371 Perl Variables on page 379 Perl documentation at perldoc.perl.org Use Perl Array Variables Perl arrays let you use tabular data or iterate over a list of values, for example, a set of data points for a question. In addition, the Question Editor supports a special array called @dat. Perl array variables are prefixed by the at sign (@). In addition, all Perl variable names must follow these rules: • Variable names must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), and numeric digits (0-9). • The first character of a variable name must be a letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_). • Variable names are case-sensitive, so myvariable is not the same as MyVariable. ® Some variable names are used by WebAssign . These variables are listed in the documentation. One-Dimensional Arrays One-dimensional arrays are like grocery lists. For example: wine cheese bread In Perl, you enclose the list in parentheses and separate individual list items with commas. For example: @groceries = ('wine', 'cheese', 'bread'); To refer to a single element in the array, specify the array variable as a scalar with an index indicating which element you are referring to. The index starts with 0 and follows the variable name in brackets. For example: The second item on my grocery list is <eqn $groceries[1]>. November 2014 320 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide You can mix numeric and text data in an array. Tip: To specify a sequential range of integers, you can list the first value, two periods, and the last value. For example: @one_to_ten = (1..10); Two-Dimensional Arrays Two-dimensional arrays let you work with tabular data. For example: Mercury 0.39 Venus 0.72 Earth 1 Mars 1.52 Jupiter 5.20 Saturn 9.54 Uranus 19.18 Neptune 30.06 In Perl, you enclose the entire table in parentheses, enclose each row in brackets, and separate both rows and table cells with commas. For example: @dat = ( ['Mercury' ['Venus' ['Earth' ['Mars' ['Jupiter' ['Saturn' ['Uranus' ['Neptune' , , , , , , , , 0.39 ], 0.72 ], 1 ], 1.52 ], 5.20 ], 9.54 ], 19.18], 30.06] ); Note: Technically, two-dimensional arrays in Perl are arrays of arrays. Each "row" is itself a reference to the anonymous array in brackets. To refer to an element in a two-dimensional array, specify the array variable as a scalar with two indexes indicating the row and column of the element you are referring to. The index values start with 0 and follow the variable name in brackets. For example: The average distance from the Sun to <eqn $dat[4][0]> is <eqn $dat[4][1]> AU. The @dat Array ® WebAssign provides support for viewing one- and two-dimensional array values in the Question Previewer when you use an array named @dat. If your question contains the @dat array, the Question Previewer displays an additional tab named Array, which displays the contents of the array in addition to the question code and a preview of your question. November 2014 Question Behavior 321 Note: The letters in the row headings are not meaningful index values for the elements in @dat. Use numeric index values for both axes. For example, in the array shown above, $dat[2][0] is "Earth" but $dat[C] [0] would be parsed as $dat[0][0] and return "Mercury." In all other respects, the @dat array is a normal array and can contain whatever values you want. To use an array in your question: 1. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, set the values for elements of the array using assignment statements like the following examples. @planets = ('Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune'); @mean_au = (0.39, 0.72, 1, 1.52, 5.20, 9.54, 19.18, 30.06); @dat = ( ['Mercury' , 0.39 ], ['Venus' , 0.72 ], ['Earth' , 1 ], ['Mars' , 1.52 ], ['Jupiter' , 5.20 ], ['Saturn' , 9.54 ], ['Uranus' , 19.18], ['Neptune' , 30.06] ); $dwarf_planets[0] = 'Pluto'; $dwarf_planets[1] = 'Eris'; Best Practice: Initialize arrays and other variables at the very beginning of Question. November 2014 322 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide 2. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, reference specific array element values by specifying the array variable as a scalar with an index indicating which element you are referring to, as in the following examples. $thisplanet = $planets[7]; $thismean_au = $mean_au[7]; $firstplanet = $dat[0][0]; $firstorbit = $dat[0][1]; # # # # sets sets sets sets $thisplanet = Neptune $thismean_au = 30.06 $firstplanet = Mercury $firstorbit = 0.39 Example Question Using Array to Define Possible Answers The following table summarizes an actual question. QID Name Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> @dat= ('John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney', 'George Harrison', 'Ringo Starr'); '' </eqn> Name one of the Beatles: <_> Answer <EQN join("\t",@dat)> Display to Students Example Question Using Array and Randomization The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1950001 Name Template2 RAND.ARRAY Mode Multiple-Choice Question Behavior 323 Question <eqn> # weight in Newtons $weight = randnum(495,940,1); # calculate weight on @dat = ( ['Mercury' , ['Venus' , ['Mars' , ['Jupiter' , ['Saturn' , ['Uranus' , ['Neptune' , other planets decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight * * * * * * * 0.348, 0.907, 0.377, 2.364, 1.064, 0.889, 1.125, 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ], ], ], ], ], ], ] ); # pick three indices for @dat @selected = pick(3, 0..$#dat); '' </eqn> If you weighed <eqn $weight> N on Earth:<br> <ul> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[0]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[0]][1]> N</li> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[1]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[1]][1]> N</li> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[2]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[2]][1]> N</li> </ul> On which planet would your mass be the least? <_> Answer <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN Your $ORDERED=5; 'Earth'> $dat[$selected[0]][0]> $dat[$selected[1]][0]> $dat[$selected[2]][0]> mass would be the same Display to Students See Also: Perform Complex Operations in Answer Keys on page 347 join at perldoc.perl.org/functions/join.html The {tab} Operator on page 329 November 2014 324 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Use Perl Hash Variables Perl hashes are special kinds of arrays consisting of named key/value pairs. You can return a value by specifying the corresponding key. Perl hash variables are prefixed by the percent sign (%) character. In addition, all Perl variable names must follow these rules: • Variable names must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), and numeric digits (0-9). • The first character of a variable name must be a letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_). • Variable names are case-sensitive, so myvariable is not the same as MyVariable. ® Some variable names are used by WebAssign . These variables are listed in the documentation. Hashes Hashes are like a lookup table with a key column and a value column. Instead of specifying a numeric index, you use the key as an index to find the corresponding value. Key Value Mercury 0.39 Venus 0.72 Earth 1 Mars 1.52 Jupiter 5.20 Saturn 9.54 Uranus 19.18 Neptune 30.06 In Perl, you enclose the entire table in parentheses, separate rows with commas, and use the => operator between the key and the value. For example: %planets = ( 'Mercury' 'Venus' 'Earth' 'Mars' 'Jupiter' 'Saturn' 'Uranus' 'Neptune' => => => => => => => => 0.39 , 0.72 , 1 , 1.52 , 5.20 , 9.54 , 19.18, 30.06 ); Best Practice: Initialize hashes and other variables at the very beginning of Question. You can add a single key/value pair to your hash by specifying the hash variable as a scalar followed by the key name in braces. For example: $planets{'Neptune'} = 30.06; November 2014 Question Behavior 325 Note: Because this is a simple assignment statement, you use = and not =>. To look up a value in a hash variable, you also specify the hash variable as a scalar followed by the key name in braces. For example: The average orbital distance of Venus is <eqn $planets{'Venus'}> AU. To use a hash in your question: 1. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, set the keys and values for the hash as in the following examples. %elements = ( 'H' => 'Hydrogen', 'He' => 'Helium', 'Li' => 'Lithium', 'Be' => 'Beryllium', 'B' => 'Boron', 'C' => 'Carbon', 'N' => 'Nitrogen', 'O' => 'Oxygen', 'F' => 'Fluorine', 'Ne' => 'Neon' ); $elements{'Na'} = 'Sodium'; %oxygen = ( 'symbol' => 'O', 'number' => 8, 'weight' => 15.9994, 'econfig' => '1s<sup>2</sup> 2s<sup>2</sup> 2p<sup>4</sup> '); Best Practice: Initialize arrays and other variables at the very beginning of Question. 2. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, look up hash values by specifying the hash variable as a scalar followed by the key name in braces, as in the following examples. $element_name = $elements{'He'}; # sets $element_name = Helium if ($this_weight == $oxygen{'weight'}) {$my_element = 'Oxygen'}; # compares $this_weight and 15.9994 Example Question Using Hash Variables The following table summarizes an actual question. QID Name Mode Fill-in-the-Blank November 2014 326 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <eqn> $keyA = "He\tNe\tAr\tKr\tXe\tRn"; # \t creates a {tab} in the answer key. $keyB = $keyA; %names = ( 'He' => 'Helium', 'Ne' => 'Neon', 'Ar' => 'Argon', 'Kr' => 'Krypton', 'Xe' => 'Xenon', 'Rn' => 'Radon'); %numbers = ( 'He' => 2, 'Ne' => 10, 'Ar' => 18, 'Kr' => 36, 'Xe' => 54, 'Rn' => 86); %econfig = ( 'He' => '1s^{2}', 'Ne' => '1s^{2} 2s^{2} 2p^{6}', 'Ar' => '[Ne] 3s^{2} 3p^{6}', 'Kr' => '[Ar] 3d^{10} 4s^{2} 4p^{6}', 'Xe' => '[Kr] 5s^{2} 4d^{10} 5p^{6}', 'Rn' => '[Xe] 4f^{14} 5d^{10} 6s^{2} 6p^{6}'); '' </eqn> Provide the following information for any two of the six naturally-occurring noble gases:<br><br> <table border=1 rules="all"> <thead style="background-color: #9DC2DF;"> <tr><td>Symbol</td><td>Name</td><td>Atomic Number</td><td>Electron Configuration</td><tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></ td></tr> <tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></td><td><_></ td></tr> </tbody> </table> Answer <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN Display to Students November 2014 $CASE=1; $A=$thisresponse; $keyA> $names{$A}> $numbers{$A}> $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,either'; $econfig{$A}> $CASE=1; $B=$thisresponse; $keyB =~ s/($A)//; $keyB> ($A eq $B) ? '' : $names{$B}> ($A eq $B) ? '' : $numbers{$B}> $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='econf,either'; ($A eq $B) ? '' : $econfig{$B}> Question Behavior 327 See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Write Perl Functions You can create your own functions in order to perform complex operations in answer keys, to perform the same steps or calculations multiple times in a question, or to perform the same steps or calculations in multiple questions. To create your own Perl functions, you use the sub keyword. Your function will have a name and might accept parameters or return one or more values. After creating your function, you can use it by referencing the function name and optionally passing one or more parameters, just like any of the predefined Perl functions. For example: $myvalue = myfunction(parameter, parameter); Function names must follow the same rules used for variable names: • Function names must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), and numeric digits (0-9). • The first character of a function name must be a letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_). • Function names are case-sensitive, so myfunction is not the same as MyFunction. To write and call a Perl function: 1. In Question, write your function in an <eqn> tag using syntax like the following: sub function_name { my ($parameter_name, $parameter_name ...) = @_; function_statements return value; } where • function_name is the name of your function. • parameter_name is the variable name of any parameter that is passed to the function. List the parameters in the order in which they will be passed to the function. For example, if your function receives x and y coordinates in that order, you would specify my ($xvalue, $yvalue) = @_; . Note: The special array @_ always contains all the values that are passed to a function, but otherwise behaves like any other array. For example, $_[2] contains the third parameter passed to the function. November 2014 328 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Best Practice: Precede any variable assignments in the function with the keyword my, for example, my $a = 7;. This identifies the variable as private to the function, meaning that the variable exists only within the scope of the function and does not affect a variable with the same name outside of the function. • function_statements are the statements in the body of the function that determine what actions are performed by the function. • value is one or more values that are returned by the function. For example, the following function calculates the area of an ellipse, given radii of r1 and r2: sub ellipse_area { my ($r1, $r2) = @_; my $area = $r1 * $r2 * $pi; return $area; } 2. In Question, Answer, or Solution, call the function in an <EQN> or <eqn> tag using syntax like the following: $variable = function_name(parameter_value, parameter_value ...) where • variable is the name of the variable that should get the value returned by your function. To receive multiple values, you can specify an array or a list of variables. • function_name is the name of your function. • parameter_value is the value of any parameter that is passed to the function. For example, the following statement calls the ellipse_area function shown above, passes two radius values to the function, and assigns a value to $key: $key = ellipse_area(4,5); Note: If your function does not return a value, you do not need to assign it to a variable to call it. Instead, simply use the function name and any required parameters. Example Question With Function The following table summarizes an actual question. QID Name Mode November 2014 Numerical Question Behavior 329 Question <eqn> sub orbital_period { my ($a) = @_; my $period = decform($a**(3/2),0); return $period; } @a = (randnum(320,990,1)/10, randnum(320,990,1)/10, randnum(320,990,1)/10); '' </eqn> Use Kepler's Third Law to estimate the periods of hypothetical minor planets with the following semimajor axes:<br><br> <eqn $a[0]> AU: <_> years<br> <eqn $a[1]> AU: <_> years<br> <eqn $a[2]> AU: <_> years Answer <EQN orbital_period($a[0])> <EQN orbital_period($a[1])> <EQN orbital_period($a[2])> Display to Students See Also: Perl Functions and Operators on page 371 Perl Variables on page 379 Perl documentation at perldoc.perl.org Perform Complex Operations in Answer Keys on page 347 perlsub at perldoc.perl.org/functions/join.html The {tab} Operator Several question types use the {tab} operator to specify answer key behaviors. Behaviors The {tab} operator is used in Answer to define answer key behaviors for several question types. Question Type Behavior Algebraic (includes mathPad, calcPad, and physPad questions using Algebraic grading) Separates the answer key from the grading statement used to compare the student's answer with the key. Fill-in-the-Blank, chemPad, MarvinSketch, Image Map Separates multiple acceptable answers in the answer key. November 2014 330 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question Type Behavior Matching Separates the first-column entry from the matching secondcolumn entry. Numerical Separates the answer key from an optional numerical tolerance for the question part. Adding the {tab} Operator To add the {tab} operator, either type the characters {tab} or click Add tab.You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. You can also abbreviate {tab} as {}. Note: You cannot enter {tab} by pressing the TAB key. Representing the {tab} Operator in Perl Strings Used in Answer From time to time, you might want to include the {tab} operator in a Perl string — usually defined in Question — that you will use in Answer to specify an answer key. This is usually the case for Fill-in-the-Blank questions for which the number of alternative answers might vary. Inserting the characters {tab} in a Perl string will not add the {tab} operator when the string is used in Answer. Instead, you must use one of two approaches: • Specify the {tab} operator literally in Answer. You can define multiple variables for the alternative answer keys and separate them with literal {tab} operators. Any null answer keys are ignored. • Specify the {tab} operator using the characters \t in a double-quoted Perl string that is used in Answer. Note: This method might not work for chemPad or MarvinSketch questions. See Also: Change Tolerance for Numerical Questions on page 100 Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions on page 42 Create Image Map Questions on page 52 Create Matching Questions on page 34 Create mathPad Questions Using Algebraic Mode with Mathematica on page 157 Randomize Question Values ® Your questions in WebAssign can use randomly-selected values. The simplest use of this is a math question that uses different numbers for different students, but you can also show different chemical equations, text, images, or other information appropriate to the question. When you randomize values in your questions, those values are assigned to Perl variables that can then be used in Question, Answer, or Solution. November 2014 Question Behavior 331 Some of the advantages of using randomized values in your questions include the following: To deter cheating Depending on the randomization settings you choose for the assignment, your question can use different randomized values for each student or for each class. This makes it difficult for students to crib answers from each other. To reuse questions You can use the same question on an exam that you used for a previous homework assignment. The concept you are testing remains the same; only the values your students use to solve the problem are different. To allow students to practice another version You can enable the Practice Another Version feature for your assignments, but students can only use the feature for questions that use randomized values. To help your students learn by providing another version after a specified number of attempts Your assignment can require a new randomization after a specified number of attempts. This lets your student see the answer to a question that he was unable to answer correctly, figure out how the problem should be worked, and then answer the problem for credit using a different set of values. Although they are enabled in your assignment settings, all of these behaviors work only for questions that use some method to randomize question values. See Also: Perl Variables and Functions on page 312 Randomization Best Practices Adding randomized values to questions is relatively easy. Adding good randomizations to questions requires more effort. Keep It Simple Consider what you are trying to accomplish when randomizing values in a question, and whether adding more complexity — by randomizing more variables, or by allowing a wider range of randomized values — is the best solution. To deter cheating, it is not necessary that every student in your class have completely different assignments, only that there be sufficient variation to make it unproductive for any two students who want to share answers to do so. If a given question has two variables, it's usually necessary only to use five or six possible values for each variable to deter cheating. For example, in a class of 100 students, a question with two variables that each have five possible values will have 25 variants, meaning that on average, only four students in the class have the same version of the question. Avoid randomizing interdependent values in the question. Instead, randomize one or two base values and calculate other values based on your randomized values. This simplifies your work when testing the question to ensure that all randomizations are solvable. When your question is displayed, both the November 2014 332 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide randomized and calculated values are shown in red so your students do not know which values were randomized and which were calculated. Sometimes, rather than increasing the complexity of a question's randomization, it is more productive to create several similar questions that are essentially the same but differ in their surface features — for example, a bomb dropped from a moving plane or a cannonball shot from a moving ship. Your alternative questions can vary the randomized values that are used, and if appropriate, also use different units or significant figures. You can either create a pool of these questions on your assignment, or use these questions for additional non-credit practice with the <PRACTICE> tag. Keeping your questions simple makes them easier to test and makes it less likely that your students will have problems with them. Keep It Real Make sure all of the possible values your randomizations are reasonable, are possible, make sense, and result in a solvable problem. • Ensure that all possible values in your question result in an answerable question, and do not result in answers that cannot be entered. • Watch out for measurements that are impossible or could not be measured, for example, negative diameters or masses that are orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of an electron. • Do not randomize known constants like the speed of light. • Be careful that your values do not result in division by zero or similar problems. • When creating problems with fractions, ensure that the numerators and denominators are integers and not decimals. • Ensure that the variations of your numeric values do not cross orders of magnitude or change the expected number of significant figures in the answer. • Avoid “edge case” values that require a judgement call, for example, whether a pH of 6.9 is neutral or acidic. • Ensure that the values you select in your question do not change the number of correct answers, or code your question in such a way as to accommodate this. Frequently, it might make sense to pick tested values from a list instead of selecting them from a numeric range. Think Like a Student Try to see your question from a student's perspective, and ensure that an honest effort and understanding of the material is rewarded. • Ensure that none of the randomized values change the difficulty of the question. For example, two randomizations of a question might evaluate the student's understanding of a procedure, but one might require much more computation than another. • Generally, avoid giving values beyond five or six decimal places. There are several reasons for this: November 2014 Question Behavior 333 • Most known physical constants are provided to a limited number of decimal places, and some sources for these values might disagree slightly. • Students are usually allowed to use calculators, which do not always ® have the same precision as the WebAssign servers. • There is no need to make the mathematical computation of the answer unduly difficult, if computational proficiency is not what is being learned. • If you display a figure, expect some students to attempt to measure it with a ruler or protractor. If the figure is not to scale or representative of the values in the question, indicate this in the question. Important: ® • In most cases, the default tolerances used in WebAssign (±2% or ±1 at the last significant digit) or specified in the code for a textbook question result in accurate scoring of correct and incorrect answers and should not be changed. • If you change the tolerance, your students' answers might not be scored accurately. • Do not set the tolerance to 0; this often results in some correct answers being marked incorrect. Instead, use a very small tolerance such as ±0.01%. Test Your Questions Randomization errors are probably the most common kind of question error for two reasons: • Because randomization results in multiple versions of a question, errors are not immediately apparent. • Because randomization changes the terms of the question, errors can make your question unanswerable. Thoroughly test your questions with a wide range of randomized values to be sure that no combination of values causes problems like those described here. When you have more than one randomized numeric value: • test each combination of the upper and lower limits of your randomized values • a good rule of thumb is that any one randomized value should vary by no more than ±15% See Also: Use Randomized Numbers on page 334 Use Matching Randomized Values from Two Lists on page 337 Use Randomized Values from a List on page 335 Use Randomized Values from a Table on page 340 Tags for Displaying Content on page 354 Change Tolerance for Numerical Questions on page 100 Test Questions on page 18 Numerical Tolerance on page 387 November 2014 334 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Use Randomized Numbers ® You can use the WebAssign randnum() function in your questions to generate randomized integer values within a specified range. If needed, you can use the randomized integer values to compute decimal or fractional values. Best Practice: Assign each randomized value to a variable. Then use the variable to perform additional computation or to display the value in the question, answer key, or solution. To add a randomized number to your question: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, use the randnum() function to generate a randomized integer. If needed, calculate a decimal or fractional value using the randomized integer. Use the following syntax: randnum(low, high, increment, exclude) where: • low and high are integers defining the smallest and greatest values to be returned by the function. • increment is a natural number defining the interval of values to be returned between low and high. • exclude is an optional single value that should not be returned. One reason to use this is to prevent a problem from using the same values as an example in the textbook. Note: Ensure that the value you are excluding is one that might otherwise be returned. For example, in the following code, $a is never excluded because $a is one of (1,3,5,7,9) and $b can never be any of those values. $a = randnum(1,9,2); $b = randnum(2,10,2,$a); For example: # an integer between 1 and 8: $a = randnum(1,8,1); # an even number between 20 and 50: $b = randnum(20,50,2); # an integer between 1 and 9 ≠ $a: $c = randnum(1,9,1,$a); # a multiple of 0.25 between 1.50 and 2.50: $d = decform(randnum(150,250,25)/100,2) # a multiple of 1/6 between 3 and 4, as a reduced # fraction (3, 19/6, 10/3, 7/2, 11/3, 23/6, 4): $e = fraction(randnum(18,24,1),6) November 2014 Question Behavior 335 Example Numerical Question With Randomized Values The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1870653 Name Template2 numerical_randomization Mode Numerical Question <eqn> $minutes = randnum(3,8,1); $mph = randnum(30,90,6,60); $mpm = $mph / 60; $distance = $mpm * $minutes; '' </eqn> How many miles will a car travel in <eqn $minutes> minutes if its speed is constant at <eqn $mph> mph? <br> <_> miles Answer <EQN $size=2; $distance> Solution Since there are 60 minutes/hour, at <eqn $mph> mph the car is traveling at <eqn $mpm> miles/minute. Display to Students See Also: Randomization Best Practices on page 331 Display Numbers to a Specified Precision on page 343 Use Randomized Values from a List ® You can use the WebAssign pick() function in your questions to select one or more distinct items at random from a list, for example, to select three molecules from a list of simple hydrocarbons. Best Practice: Assign each randomized value to a variable. Then use the variable to perform additional computation or to display the value in the question, answer key, or solution. To select values randomly from a list in your question: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, use the pick() function to select distinct values from a list. Use the following syntax: pick(n,list) November 2014 336 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide where: • n is the number of different values you want to select, and must be less than or equal to the number of items in list. • list is either an array variable or a comma-delimited list of values. Note: • Use a list of variables (in parentheses) or an array to store the values returned by pick(). • The pick() function selects the specified number of different items from the list. For example, pick(2,'a','b','c') will never return ('a','a'). However, pick(2,'a','b','b') might return ('b','b') because there are two different items in the list with a value of 'b'. For example: # select a single color ($a) = pick(1,'red','orange','yellow','green','blue','violet'); # select two different colors ($a,$b) = pick(2,'red','orange','yellow','green','blue','violet'); # or @a = pick(2,'red','orange','yellow','green','blue','violet'); # select two different integers between 15 and 25 ($c, $d) = pick(2,15..25); # select one, two, or four values from an array @firstprimes = (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23); ($x) = pick(1,@firstprimes); ($x,$y) = pick(2,@firstprimes); @x = pick(4,@firstprimes); Example Question Using pick() The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1931415 Name pick() example 1 Mode Numerical Question <eqn> # select primes for $a and $b so students need not simplify ($a) = pick(1,7,11,13,17,19); ($b) = pick(1,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97); @color = pick(2,'red','purple','blue','green','yellow','orange'); '' </eqn> A jar contains <eqn $b> marbles, of which <eqn $a> are <eqn $color[0]> and <eqn $b-$a> are <eqn $color[1]>. If you take 1 marble out of the jar without looking, what is the probability that the marble you choose is <eqn $color[0]>? <br><_> Question Behavior 337 Answer <EQN $FRACTION=1; fraction($a,$b)> Display to Students Example Question Using pick() The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1947949 Name pick() example 2 Mode Multiple-Choice Question <eqn> @lanthanides = pick(3, 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu'); @distractors = pick(4, 'Actinides', 'Metalloids', 'Halogens', 'Alkali Metals', 'Alkaline earth metals', 'Transition metals', 'Noble gases'); '' </eqn> The elements <eqn @lanthanides[0]>, <eqn @lanthanides[1]>, and <eqn @lanthanides[2]> are all:<br> <_> Answer Lanthanides <EQN @distractors[0]> <EQN @distractors[1]> <EQN @distractors[2]> <EQN @distractors[3]> Display to Students See Also: Randomization Best Practices on page 331 Use Matching Randomized Values from Two Lists ® You can use the WebAssign pick() function to randomly select an index value in order to use corresponding randomized values from two or more lists, for example, an element and its atomic number. Ensure that the number of items in each list is the same. November 2014 338 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Tip: A common use of this method is to select a value that is displayed in the question, and a corresponding value that is used to determine the answer key. Best Practice: Assign each randomized value to a variable. Then use the variable to perform additional computation or to display the value in the question, answer key, or solution. This procedure describes a recommended way to select matching items from two or more lists. This can be accomplished in several ways, but the method described here is less prone to error than some other approaches. To use corresponding randomly selected values from two lists: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. Note: The code in each of the following steps must be in an <EQN> or <eqn> tag. 2. Assign the lists of items from which to select to array variables. Ensure that each array lists the corresponding items in the same position, so the nth item from one list corresponds to the nth item in the other list. For example: @symbols = ('He','Ne','Ar','Kr','Xe','Rn'); @weights = (4.00, 20.18, 39.95, 83.80, 131.29, 222); 3. Use the pick() function to randomly select an index value for the list items. Use the following syntax: pick(1,0..$#array_name) where array_name is the variable name — without the @ sign — of one of the arrays containing values that you want to select. Note: Remember that pick() returns a list of values. For example: ($thiselement) = pick(1,0..$#symbols); 4. Display the array elements using the randomly selected index. Use the following syntax: $array_name[$index_name] For example: $a = $symbols[$thiselement]; $b = $weights[$thiselement]; Example Question Selecting Atomic Symbols and Element Names The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 Question Behavior 339 QID 1929960 Name Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> @symbols = ('He','Ne','Ar','Kr','Xe','Rn'); @elements = ('Helium','Neon','Argon','Krypton','Xenon','Radon'); ($idx) = pick(1,0..$#symbols); '' </eqn> The atomic symbol for <eqn $elements[$idx]> is: <_> Answer <EQN $CASE=1; $symbols[$idx]> Display to Students Example Question Selecting Number Set Names and Definitions The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1928870 Name Mode Fill-in-the-Blank Question <eqn> @terms = ( "Integer \t Integers", "Natural \t Naturals \t Natural Number \t Natural Numbers", "Whole \t Wholes \t Whole Number \t Whole Numbers", "Rational \t Rationals \t Rational Number \t Rational Numbers" ); @definitions = ( 'All numbers that can be written without fractions or decimals.', 'Numbers > 0 that can be written without fractions or decimals.', 'Numbers ≥ 0 that can be written without fractions or decimals.', 'Numbers that can be written as the quotient of two integers.' ); ($idx) = pick(1,0..$#terms); '' </eqn> Name the set.<br/> <eqn $definitions[$idx]><br/><_> Answer <EQN $terms[$idx]> Display to Students November 2014 340 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide See Also: The {tab} Operator on page 329 Randomization Best Practices on page 331 Use Randomized Values from a Table ® You can use the WebAssign randomization functions to select values from a table stored as a two-dimensional array. This is particularly useful in subjects like chemistry where simple substitution of independent values like a coefficient is often not possible. To select values randomly from a table: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. Store question values that you want to choose from in a Perl array. ® Note: Use the WebAssign @dat array to view the values as a table in the Question Previewer. ® 3. Use WebAssign randomization functions to select values from the array to use in your question. Best Practice: Select index values between 0 and $#dat. This ensures that the index is valid even when you add or remove rows from the @dat array. See the examples and prerequisite topics for specific information. Example Question Using Array and Randomization The following table summarizes an actual question. November 2014 QID 1950001 Name Template2 RAND.ARRAY Mode Multiple-Choice Question Behavior 341 Question <eqn> # weight in Newtons $weight = randnum(495,940,1); # calculate weight on @dat = ( ['Mercury' , ['Venus' , ['Mars' , ['Jupiter' , ['Saturn' , ['Uranus' , ['Neptune' , other planets decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight decform($weight * * * * * * * 0.348, 0.907, 0.377, 2.364, 1.064, 0.889, 1.125, 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ], ], ], ], ], ], ] ); # pick three indices for @dat @selected = pick(3, 0..$#dat); '' </eqn> If you weighed <eqn $weight> N on Earth:<br> <ul> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[0]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[0]][1]> N</li> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[1]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[1]][1]> N</li> <li>Your weight on <eqn $dat[$selected[2]][0]> would be <eqn $dat[$selected[2]][1]> N</li> </ul> On which planet would your mass be the least? <_> Answer <EQN <EQN <EQN <EQN Your $ORDERED=5; 'Earth'> $dat[$selected[0]][0]> $dat[$selected[1]][0]> $dat[$selected[2]][0]> mass would be the same Display to Students Randomized chemPad Example Using a Table The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1931882 Name Mode Fill-in-the-Blank November 2014 342 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Question <eqn> @dat = ( ['2 CO + O_2 ->','2 CO_{2}'], ['2 H_2 + O_2 ->','2 H_{2}O'], ['4 Fe + 3 O_2 ->','2 Fe_{2}O_{3}'], ['SO_2 + H_2O_2 ->','H_{2}SO_{4}'] ); # pick an index to use for the array ($a) = pick(1,0..$#dat); '' </eqn> Complete and balance the following chemical equation. <br /> <h:reaction><eqn $dat[$a][0]></h:reaction> <br /> <_> Answer <EQN $PAD='chem'; $CHEM='fmla'; $dat[$a][1]> Display to Students Example Multiple-Select Question with a Random Number of Correct Answers The following table summarizes an actual question. Note: In this example, the second column of @dat displays as ARRAY(0xnnnnnnnn) in the Array tab of the Question Previewer. This is because the answer key is stored as an array within the @dat array. QID 1930563 Name November 2014 Mode Multiple-Select Question <eqn> @dat = ( ['white',[1,3,4]], ['yellow',[1,3]], ['magenta',[1,4]], ['cyan',[3,4]] ); ($a) = pick(1,0..$#dat); '' </eqn> What primary colors of light can be combined to make <eqn $dat[$a][0]> light?<br> <_> Question Behavior 343 <EQN $ORDERED = $dat[$a][1]; ''>red indigo green blue orange Answer Display to Students See Also: Randomization Best Practices on page 331 Numeric Values in Questions ® WebAssign provides a number of options for displaying numeric values in your questions. See Also: Perl Variables and Functions on page 312 Display Numbers to a Specified Precision You can use the sigform() and decform() functions to display numeric values to a specified number of significant digits or decimal places. sigform() Displays a value rounded to the specified number of significant digits. If needed, “e” notation is used. The sigform() function is usually used when significant figures are important, such as scientific measurements. decform() Displays a value rounded to the specified number of decimal places. The decform() function is typically used to display like values in the question with a consistent and reasonable precision, for example, to two or three decimal places. Note: If your answer key uses $SIGFIGS or $DECFIGS to require a specified precision, the answer key will be displayed to the correct precision automatically without using the sigform() or decform() functions. November 2014 344 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide To display numeric values to your specified precision: 1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor. 2. In an <EQN> or <eqn> tag, use either the sigform() or decform() function to display a numeric value. To do this Do this Specify the number of significant digits Use the following syntax: Specify the number of decimal places Use the following syntax: sigform(n, digits) where n is the number you want to format, and digits is a positive integer specifying the number of significant digits to use. decform(n, digits) where n is the number you want to format, and places is a nonnegative integer specifying the number of decimal places to use. For example: # sigform examples $shortpi = sigform($pi,3); $a = sigform(100,1) $b = sigform(100,2) # # # 3.14 100 1.0e+02 # # # 3.142 100.0 100.00 #decform examples $shortpi = decform($pi,3); $a = decform(100,1) $b = decform(100,2) Example Question Using sigform() The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1940827 Name Mode November 2014 Numerical Question Behavior 345 Question <eqn> # Pick two different significant figures for the measurements ($m_sigfigs,$v_sigfigs) = pick(2,2..5); # Randomize measurements & round to the specified significant figures $mass = sigform(randnum(300000,1200000,1)/100000,$m_sigfigs); $volume = sigform(randnum(106000,110000,1)/100000,$v_sigfigs); # Calculate answer key and determine correct significant figures $density = $mass/$volume; $d_sigfigs = min($m_sigfigs,$v_sigfigs); '' </eqn> In the lab, you measure the displacement of a metal sphere as <eqn $volume> liters.<BR/> You also determine its mass to be <eqn $mass> kg.<BR/> Calculate its density. <_> kg/l Answer <EQN $SIGFIGS=$d_sigfigs; $density> Display to Students Example Question Using decform() The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1944303 Name Mode Numerical Question <eqn> # Pick the number of decimal places for the problem ($decimals) = pick(1,2..4); # Randomize addends $a = decform(randnum(100000,999999,1)/10000,$decimals); $b = decform(randnum(100000,999999,1)/10000,$decimals); '' </eqn> <watex>\begin{array}{r} $a \\ + $b \\ \cline{0-0} <_> \end{array}</watex> Answer <EQN $SIMPLIFIED=1; decform($a + $b, $decimals)> {tab} 0 Display to Students November 2014 346 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Tip: For known constants, you can enclose the value in single quotes to store both the value and the precision with which you specified it. For example, $e = '2.718'; assigns a value to $e with four significant digits. See Also: Use Randomized Numbers on page 334 Check Significant Figures in Numerical Questions on page 97 Check Decimal Places in Numerical Questions on page 98 Add Item-Specific Feedback to Multiple-Choice Questions You can help your students learn by providing feedback — sometimes called rejoinders — after your students submit responses for multiple-choice questions. For each distractor, your feedback should help your students understand why that response was not correct without giving away the answer. You can also provide feedback for the correct answer to reinforce or supplement the concept. Note: Item-specific feedback is displayed to your students only after they submit a response to the question, and only if you enable displaying Hints, Tutorials & eBook Links for the assignment. To add item-specific feedback to a multiple-choice question: 1. Optional: Include the <HINT> tag in Question to specify where the feedback should be displayed. If you omit <HINT>, the feedback is displayed below the question. 2. Specify the feedback for each choice by prepending each line in Answer with the following code: <EQN $hints{choice_number}='feedback'; ''>choice where • choice_number is the number of the choice, starting with 0 for the first choice. • feedback is the text you want to display after students submit that choice as their response. • choice is the text of the answer or distractor. Best Practice: Although you could specify the feedback for each choice in Question, defining it in Answer as described helps to ensure that your feedback matches the answer choices you are providing. 3. In the last answer line, add the following statement inside the <EQN> tag after you define the last value for $hints: $HINT=$hints{$thisanswer}; This sets the value of $HINT to the correct feedback text based on the response that your student submits. November 2014 Question Behavior 347 4. If you want to display feedback after your student submits the correct answer, add the following statement inside any <EQN> tag in Answer: $HINT_ON_CORRECT=1; Otherwise, your feedback will be displayed only after your student submits incorrect responses. Example Multiple-Choice Question with Item-Specific Feedback The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1236642 Name Template2 2.MC.06. Mode Multiple-Choice Question What is the best unit for measuring the length of a pencil? <div class="indent"> <_> <HINT> </div> Answer <EQN $hints{0}='Centimeters are a good unit of length for measuring a pencil.';''>cm <EQN $hints{1}='Kilograms are used to measure mass.';''>kg <EQN $hints{2}='Milliliters are used to measure volume.';''>ml <EQN $hints{3}='Amperes are used to measure electric current.';''>A <EQN $hints{4}='Candelas are used to measure the intensity of light.'; $HINT_ON_CORRECT=1; $HINT=$hints{$thisanswer};''>cd Display to Students See Also: Create Multiple-Choice Questions on page 22 Perform Complex Operations in Answer Keys When you create multi-part or multi-mode questions, especially answerdependent questions, you sometimes need to determine answer keys for later parts of the question based on your student's responses to earlier parts of the question. But, your answer key must be specified on a single line in Answer. To perform complex or repetitive parsing or computations for answer keys, you can use the postcalc() function. November 2014 348 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide The postcalc() function lets you define a variable in Question that holds the code that you want to evaluate in Answer. You can pass values to your code, and postcalc() returns the result of the last statement in your code. This helps you accomplish two things: • You can define a complex, multi-line algorithm that is evaluated to define an answer key based on your student's responses to other parts of the question. • You can reuse a formula with different values for multiple lines in your answer key. To use the postcalc() function in an answer key: 1. Open your question in the Question Editor. 2. Add the following code at the beginning of Question: <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> This code is required in order to use the postcalc() function. 3. In Question, define a variable that contains the code that you want to be evaluated in your answer key. For example: <eqn> $mycalc='decform($a**2 + $b**2,3)'; '' </eqn> Your code can include multiple statements, and you can format it using multiple lines. Values that are passed to your code from the postcalc() function are assigned to the special variables $_[0], $_[1], and so on. Important: • Be sure to escape single or double quotation marks in your code that would end the variable definition. You can do this by preceding the quotation mark with a backslash as in the following example: $mycalc='$a=\'test\'; $b=3*$firstresult'; • Do not use the postcalc() function in your code. 4. In Answer, add the postcalc() function where your code should be evaluated. For example: <EQN postcalc($mycalc)> To pass values to your code, list them after the variable that contains your code. For example: <EQN postcalc($mycalc,6)> The postcalc() function returns the result of the last statement in your code, so you can use it for variable assignment. For example: <EQN $mychoices[2] = postcalc($mycalc,6)> 5. Click Test/Preview to test the appearance and behavior of the question. See Test Questions on page 18. November 2014 Question Behavior 349 6. When your question displays and functions correctly, click Save. Example Question Using postcalc() to Calculate the Answer Key The following table summarizes an actual question. QID 1589522 Name Template2 3.POSTC.01 Mode Numerical Question <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> <eqn> %total_feedback = (low => "Count more cells for an accurate sample."); %ID_feedback = (low => "Check your identification.", high => "Check your identification." ); $calc_range = '$LINK=\'box_total: no_icon\'; decform(userinput(max(0,$total*($_[0]-0.05)), $total*($_[0]+0.05), $total*$_[0], \%ID_feedback),0)'; '' </eqn> View the slide of an onion root tip and count the cells in each phase of cell division. <br><br> <table frame="void" rules="none" border="0"> <tr><th>TOTAL</th><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>Interphase</th><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>Prophase</th><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>Metaphase</th><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>Anaphase</th><td><_></td></tr> <tr><th>Telophase</th><td><_></td></tr> </table> Answer <EQN $LABEL='box_total'; $total=decform(userinput(60,1000,100,\%total_feedback),0)> {tab} 0 <EQN $LABEL='box_inter'; $inter=postcalc($calc_range,0.56)> {tab} 0 <EQN $LABEL='box_proph'; $proph=postcalc($calc_range,0.28)> {tab} 0 <EQN $LABEL='box_metap'; $metap=postcalc($calc_range,0.08)> {tab} 0 <EQN $LABEL='box_anaph'; $anaph=postcalc($calc_range,0.06)> {tab} 0 <EQN $LABEL='box_telop'; $telop=postcalc($calc_range,0.03)> {tab} 0 November 2014 350 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students Example Question Using postcalc() to Parse Responses The following table summarizes a question that uses postcalc() to determine characteristics of the student's triangle based on the lengths of its sides. November 2014 QID 1589514 Name Template2 3.POSTC.02 Mode Multi-Mode...NS Question Behavior 351 Question <eqn include('/userimages/feedback/physlabs1.pl')> <eqn> @clues=(' ', 'Are all three sides equal?', 'Are two sides equal?', 'Are any sides equal?', 'Is there a right angle?', 'Is there an obtuse angle?', 'Are all the angles acute?' ); @reinforcement=(' ', 'A triangle with three equal sides is <i>equilateral</i>.', 'A triangle with two equal sides is <i>isosceles</i>.', 'A triangle with three different sides is <i>scalene</i>.', 'When one angle is 90°, it is a <i>right triangle</i>.', 'When one angle is greater than 90°, it is <i>obtuse</i>.', 'When all angles are less than 90°, it is <i>acute</i>.' ); $triangle=' @squares = sort {$a <=> $b} ($AB**2,$AC**2,$BC**2); if (@squares[0] == @squares[2]) {@choices=(1,2)} elsif (@squares[0] == @squares[1]) {@choices=(2)} elsif (@squares[1] == @squares[2]) {@choices=(2)} elsif ((@squares[0] != @squares[1]) && (@squares[0] != @squares[2]) && (@squares[1] != @squares[2])) {@choices=(3)} if (abs(@squares[2] - @squares[1] - @squares[0]) < @squares[2] * 0.05) {@choices=(@choices,4)} elsif (@squares[2] > @squares[0] + @squares[1]) {@choices=(@choices,5)} elsif (@squares[2] < @squares[0] + @squares[1]) {@choices=(@choices,6)} $HINT=join(\'<br>\',@clues[@choices]); $CORRECT_HINT=join(\'<br>\',@reinforcement[@choices]); $ORDERED=[@choices] '; '' </eqn> <tutorial order="ascending" skip="no"> <premise title="Types of Triangles"> On a sheet of paper, draw a triangle. Label the vertices A, B, and C. </premise> <step title="Measurement"> Measure each side of your triangle. <br> AB = <_> inches<br> AC = <_> inches<br> BC = <_> inches </step> <step title="Identification"> <SECTION>Which terms describe your triangle? (<p:selectall>)<br> <_> </step> </tutorial> Answer <EQN $AB=userinput(1,100,5)> <EQN $AC=userinput(1,100,5)> <EQN $BC=userinput(1,100,5)> <SECTION><EQN postcalc($triangle); ''>equilateral isosceles scalene right obtuse acute November 2014 352 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Display to Students See Also: Write Perl Functions on page 327 Use Perl Array Variables on page 319 The {tab} Operator on page 329 November 2014 A List of Tags This chapter contains the following topics: Use the following tags in questions that you create in WebAssign®. • Tags for Displaying Content • Tags for Multi-Part, Accordion, and Tutorial Questions • Tags for Controlling Question Behavior November 2014 354 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Tags for Displaying Content ® Use the following tags to display content in questions you create in WebAssign . The listed tags are valid in Question, Answer, and Solution unless otherwise indicated. Content Tag Notes Image <userimage(file_ID)> Displays an image that you have copied to ® WebAssign . Chemical drawings <MARVIN> Displays a chemical drawing. See Create MarvinSketch Questions on page 257. Symimage markup <symimage(markup)> Displays image of markup. See Display Notation with <symimage> on page 133. LaTeX markup <latex> markup </latex> <latex pdf= 'link_text'> markup </latex> Displays LaTeX as an image or as a linked PDF file. Math or chemistry notation <h:> See: • Display Math Notation with HTML Substitution on page 141 • Chemistry Notation in Questions on page 232 WaTeX markup <watex> markup </watex> Displays scalable HTML representation of markup. See Display Notation with WaTeX on page 118. Predefined prompts <p:> See List of Prompts on page 361 Symbols <s:> See List of Symbols on page 359 Link to a file <userfile(file_ID)> Adds a link to a file that you have copied ® to WebAssign . Link to practice question <PRACTICE> qid='question_id' </PRACTICE> <PRACTICE qid='question_id' link='link_text' title='window_title ' style='none'> In Question or Solution, opens the specified question in a new window; no credit is awarded for answers to the practice question. Optionally set the style attribute to 'none' or use CSS values. November 2014 List of Tags 355 Content Tag Notes HTML textbook simulation <asset position='horizontal_alignment' noimage></asset> Note: • This tag has no effect for instructor-created questions, including duplicates of textbook questions. • The closing tag must be included. Tags for Multi-Part, Accordion, and Tutorial Questions Use the following tags in multi-part and tutorial questions you create in ® WebAssign . The listed tags are valid only in Question unless otherwise indicated. Purpose Tag Notes Accordion <accordion> <part> <part_label> label </part_label> <part_title> title </part_title> content </part> ...more_parts... </accordion> Do not use in the same question with tutorial. In-Line Tutorial <tutorial> <premise title="title"> content </ premise> <step label="label" title="title"> content <hint> hint_text </hint> </step> ...more_steps... <conclusion title="title"> content </conclusion> </tutorial> Do not use in the same question with accordion. Pop-Up Tutorial <tutorial type='popup' button='button_label'> <premise title="title"> content </ premise> <step label="label" title="title"> content <hint> hint_text </hint> </step> ...more_steps... <conclusion title="title"> content </conclusion> </tutorial> Do not use in the same question with accordion. November 2014 356 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Purpose Tag Notes MultipleChoice <MCPART> In Answer, separates parts of multi- part Multiple-Choice questions. Multiple-Select <MSPART> In Answer, separates parts of multi- part Multiple-Select questions. Multi-Mode <SECTION> In both Question and Answer, marks the break between question modes. Multi-Mode <SECTION NOBR> In Question, marks the break between question modes without adding <br>. Insert a corresponding <SECTION> tag in Answer. Tags for Controlling Question Behavior Use the following tags to add or change question behaviors in questions you ® create in WebAssign . The listed tags are valid only in Question unless otherwise indicated. November 2014 Purpose Tag Notes Answer box <_> Specifies placement of the answer box or control. Identify incorrect choices <INCORRECT> Marks the start of incorrect choices (Multiple-Select Answer only). Significant figures help <SIGFIGS> Sets position of significant figures help. Symbolic formatting help <SYMBOLIC> Sets position of symbolic formatting help. Hints <HINT> Sets the position of a hint. Correct / incorrect marks <MARK> Sets the position of correct/ incorrect marks. List of Tags 357 Purpose Tag Notes Use Perl <eqn> <EQN> Use <eqn> in Question or Solution. Displays the result in red (to 3 significant figures for Numerical mode). Use <EQN> in Answer (optionally, in Question or Solution). Displays the result without modification. Deprecated Tags The following tags have been deprecated and should no longer be used: • <SUBMIT> November 2014 358 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 B List of Symbols See www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_list_symbols.htm for lists of symbols that you can add to your questions. November 2014 360 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 C List of Prompts This chapter contains the following topics: Prompts that you can add to your questions using the WebAssign® <p> tag are listed in the following sections. • Prompts for Accounting Questions • Prompts for Chemistry and Physics Questions • Prompts for Mathematics Questions • Prompts for Statistics Questions • Miscellaneous Prompts November 2014 362 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Prompts for Accounting Questions You can use these prompts in your questions or assignments. Tag Displayed Prompt <p:fset> You MUST enter the number "0", the number zero, in all cells that should be BLANK. <p:taccount> Enter transactions in the T-accounts in the order they appear, including the beginning balances, if available. You MUST enter the number "0", the number zero, in all cells that should be BLANK. Compute the final balance, if requested. Prompts for Chemistry and Physics Questions You can use these prompts in your questions or assignments. November 2014 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:agree> A difference of ±10% would be considered acceptable in this situation. <p:agree2> For values to be in agreement, percent error should be less than percent uncertainty. <p:anion> [Ni(CN)4]2- for Ni(CN)4 <p:cation> [NH4]+ for NH4 <p:ccw> counterclockwise from the +x-axis <p:charge> Type your answer using the format +1 and -2. <p:chempad-Kc> Concentration equilibrium expressions take the general form 2 'Kc = [HCl] / [H2] . [Cl2]'. <p:chempad-Keq> Equilibrium expressions take the general form 'Keq = [HCl] / [H2] . [Cl2]'. <p:chempad-Kp> Pressure equilibrium expressions take the general form 'Kp = 2 pHCl / pH2 . pCl2'. <p:chempad-Kpp> Pressure equilibrium expressions take the general form 'Kp = 2 (pHCl) / H2 . Cl2'. <p:chempad-Ksp> Solubility equilibrium expressions take the general form 'Ksp = + [Ag ] . [Cl ]'. <p:chempad-lst> Separate substances in a list with a comma. <p:chempad-rate> Rate expressions take the general form 'rate = k . [H2] . [Cl2]'. 2- + 2 List of Prompts 363 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:chempad-rnk> Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to separate substances in the list. <p:chempad-som-given> Include states-of-matter under the given conditions in your answer. <p:chempad-som-omit> Omit states-of-matter from your answer. <p:chempad-som-satp> Include states-of-matter under SATP conditions in your answer. <p:chempad-som-stp> Include states-of-matter under STP conditions in your answer. <p:chempad-som-tss> Include states-of-matter under TSS conditions in your answer. <p:data> Use the exact values you enter for your data to make later calculations. <p:electronconfig1> Type your answer using the format 1s2 2s2 for 1s 2s . <p:electronconfig2> Type your answer using the format [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p2 for 2 10 2 [Ar]4s 3d 4p . <p:formula1> CO2 for CO2 <p:formula2> Al(OH)3 for Al(OH)3 <p:hyper> Use the from the Advanced menu to designate a generic portion of the molecule. <p:includeunits> Include units in your answer. More information <p:indicate> Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer. <p:kcomplex> [A2]1+ / ([B2] * [C]1-) for [A2 <p:ksimple> [CO2]2/[H2][Fe]2 for [CO2] / [H2][Fe] <p:marvin-eflow> Draw the appropriate arrows. <p:marvin-nlp> Omit lone pairs and any spectator ions from your answer. <p:marvin-noH> Omit all hydrogen atoms from your answer. <p:marvin-showD> All hydrogen atoms are implied, but any deuterium isotopes must be shown where appropriate. 2 1+ 2 2 1- ] / ([B2] * [C ]) 2 <p:marvinformalcharge> To confirm that the charges are correct, right click on an atom and select the Charge submenu. <p:microunits> When entering units, use micro for the metric system prefix µ. <p:multistep> Select "none" if no further reagents are needed. If there are multiple possibilities, give the shortest route. <p:namecomplexion> Type your answer using the format iron(II) ion for Fe 2+ . November 2014 364 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:nameioniccompound> Type your answer using the format copper(II) chloride for CuCl2. <p:nameioniccompoundarchaic> Type your answer using the format copper(II) chloride or cupric chloride for CuCl2. <p:nonphysical> If the situation described is non-physical enter NONPHYSICAL. <p:norounding> Enter an unrounded value. <p:novariables> Substitute numeric values, do not use variables. <p:nuclear> Enter the first (raised) number in the first box, the second (lower) number in the second box, and the symbol of the element in the third box. <p:nuclear2> Use beta for β and e to represent an electron. <p:orbitaldiagram> Enter UP to indicate an upwards pointing arrow, DOWN to indicate a downwards pointing arrow, UP/DOWN to indicate two arrows, and BLANK to indicate no arrows. <p:oxidation> Type your answer using the format +1 and -2. <p:padvariable> Use any variable or symbol stated above as necessary. <p:padvariableplus> Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: <p:ranking> Use only '>' or '=' symbols. If any elements are equal, show their equality in alphabetic order - for example: a>b=c. <p:ranking2> Use only ">" or "=" symbols. Do not include any parentheses around the letters or symbols. <p:samplecalc> The values you enter for your sample calculation should exactly match the corresponding values you entered above. <p:scinot> Type your answer using one of the following formats, 1.2e-3 for 0.0012 and 1.20e+2 for 120. <p:sciround> If you enter your answer in scientific notation, round the decimal value to two decimal places. Use equivalent rounding if you do not enter your answer in scientific notation. <p:spreadsheet> You will not submit this spreadsheet. However, the results will be needed later in this problem. <p:unitsohm> When entering units, use ohm for Ω . <p:unrounded> Enter an unrounded value. Use at least one more digit than given. <p:usevariables> Do not substitute numerical values, use variables only. <p:variable> Use the following as necessary: List of Prompts 365 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:variables> Use the following variables as necessary: <p:zerodir> If the magnitude is zero enter NONE for the direction. <p:zeromag> The magnitude is zero. Prompts for Mathematics Questions You can use these prompts in your questions or assignments. Tag Displayed Prompt <p:arctrig> Remember to enter inverse trigonometric functions such as –1 sin (x) as either asin(x) or arcsin(x). <p:calc_programs> Graphing utility programs are available here. <p:calc_question> A graphing calculator is recommended. <p:commalist> Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. <p:commalisteq> Enter your answers as a comma-separated list of equations. <p:constraint> Include each constraint. <p:constraintcorner> Include each constraint and corner point. <p:dependent> If the system is dependent, enter DEPENDENT. <p:diverges> If the quantity diverges, enter DIVERGES. <p:dne> If an answer does not exist, enter DNE. <p:emptyset> Enter EMPTY for the empty set. <p:emptysetsym> Enter EMPTY or Ø for the empty set. <p:eqnvars> Let x be the independent variable and y be the dependent variable. <p:exact> Enter an exact number as an integer, fraction, or decimal. <p:exactform> Enter your answer in exact form. <p:exactform_plural> Enter your answers in exact form. <p:expand> Expand your answer completely. <p:factor> Factor your answer completely. <p:fraction> Enter your answer as a fraction. <p:graphline> Graph the points and the line. <p:graphsegments> Graph segments with closed endpoints only. November 2014 366 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:impossible> If not possible, enter IMPOSSIBLE. <p:inconsistent> If the system is inconsistent, enter INCONSISTENT. <p:independent> If the system is independent, enter INDEPENDENT. <p:infinitelymany> If there are infinitely many solutions, enter INFINITELY MANY. <p:infinity> If you need to use ∞ or –∞, enter INFINITY or –INFINITY, respectively. <p:integration> Use C for the constant of integration. <p:interval> Enter your answer using interval notation. <p:interval_plural> Enter your answers using interval notation. <p:lnabs> Remember to use ln |u| where appropriate. <p:logic> Use ~ for logical not, \/ for logical or, /\ for logical and, -> for implies and <-> to represent the biconditional. <p:lowcoeff> Use the lowest possible coefficients. <p:lowintcoeff> Use the lowest possible whole number coefficients. <p:lrslope> larger slope <p:lrv> larger value <p:lrxv> larger x-value <p:lryv> larger y-value <p:lrzv> larger z-value <p:ltv> largest value <p:ltxv> largest x-value <p:ltyv> largest y-value <p:ltzv> largest z-value <p:matrixlist> Enter each matrix in the form [[row 1], [row 2], ...], where each row is a comma-separated list. <p:multiplicity> Enter all answers including repetitions. <p:nf> If the expression is not factorable, enter NF. <p:nfinteger> If it is not factorable using integers, enter NF. <p:nointercept> If there is no intercept, enter NONE. <p:noinverse> If the inverse is undefined, enter UNDEFINED. <p:norealsoln> If there is no real solution, enter NO REAL SOLUTION. List of Prompts 367 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:nosoln> If there is no solution, enter NO SOLUTION. <p:notreal> If the solution is not a real number, enter NOT REAL. <p:ordercomplex> Order your answers smallest to largest first by real part, then by imaginary part. <p:orderop> Order your answers from smallest to largest x, then from smallest to largest y. <p:padvariable> Use any variable or symbol stated above as necessary. <p:padvariableplus> Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: <p:powertrig> Enter trigonometric powers such as sin (x) as (sin(x)) . <p:prime> If the expression is not factorable using integers, enter PRIME. <p:primepoly> If the polynomial is prime, enter PRIME. <p:reals> If all real numbers are solutions, enter REALS. <p:reduce> Reduce all fractions completely. <p:rosternotation> Enter your answer in roster notation. <p:rowop> Enter your row operation as a formula using R_1 for row 1 and so on. Example: 'add two times row 3 to row 2' would be written as 2*R_3 + R_2 -> R_2. 'Swap row 1 with row 2' would be written as R_1 <-> R_2. <p:selectgraph> Select the correct graph. <p:setnotation> Enter your answer in set notation. <p:simplestform> If the fraction is already in simplest form, enter the original fraction. <p:simplify> Simplify your answer completely. <p:srslope> smaller slope <p:srv> smaller value <p:srxv> smaller x-value <p:sryv> smaller y-value <p:srzv> smaller z-value <p:stv> smallest value <p:stxv> smallest x-value <p:styv> smallest y-value <p:stzv> smallest z-value 2 2 November 2014 368 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Tag Displayed Prompt <p:undefined> If an answer is undefined, enter UNDEFINED. <p:vector> Enter each vector as a comma-separated list of its components. <p:vectorlist> Enter each vector in the form [x1, x2, ...]. Prompts for Statistics Questions You can use these prompts in your questions or assignments. Tag Displayed Prompt <p:exact> Enter an exact number as an integer, fraction, or decimal. <p:fraction> Enter your answer as a fraction. <p:lrtv> larger t-value <p:lttv> largest t-value <p:srtv> smaller t-value <p:sttv> smallest t-value Miscellaneous Prompts You can use these prompts in your questions or assignments. November 2014 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:fig> Figure <p:filemax> Submit a file with a maximum size of 1 MB. <p:filemaxvar> Submit a file with a maximum size of <p:filemovie> Submit your movie clip as a file with a maximum size of 8 MB. <p:filetype> The type of file uploaded should be <p:format> Type your answer using the format <p:order12> Enter your answers from smallest to largest. <p:orderaz> Enter your answers in alphabetical order. <p:orderroots> Enter your answers from smallest to largest starting with the first answer blank. Enter NONE in any remaining answer blanks. List of Prompts 369 Tag Displayed Prompt <p:papersub> Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in this work. <p:selectall> Select all that apply. <p:unused> Enter NONE in any unused answer blanks. <p:upload1MB> Submit your answer as a file with a maximum size 1 MB. November 2014 370 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 D Perl Functions and Operators This chapter contains the following topics: • Conditional Processing and Logic Functions and Operators The following list includes both WebAssign®-specific and commonly-used Perl functions and operators that are available when creating questions. • Mathematic Functions and Operators • Numerical Display Functions • Randomization Functions • Informational Functions November 2014 372 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Conditional Processing and Logic Functions and Operators ® The following list includes both WebAssign -specific and commonly-used Perl functions and operators that are available when creating questions. Operation Usage Notes Conditional Behavior if (condition) {do_if_true} else {do_if_false}; An abbreviated form is: && You can also use the words and, or, Logical And, Or, Not || (condition) ? do_if_true : do_if_false; ! not — but the symbols have higher precedence. Mathematic Functions and Operators ® The following list includes both WebAssign -specific and commonly used Perl functions and operators that are available when creating questions. Numerical Operators Operation Usage Notes Test Numerical Equality == Returns true (1) or false (0). Use eq to compare strings. Test Numerical Inequalities ( ≠ > < ≥ ≤) != > < >= <= Returns true (1) or false (0). Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division + * Exponentiation ** Order of Operations () To compare strings, use ne, gt, lt, ge, le. / Do not use [] or {}. Mathematic Functions November 2014 Operation Usage Absolute value abs(n) Notes Perl Functions and Operators 373 Operation Usage Notes Average (mean) avg(n1,n2,...) Returns the mean of the values. Argument can be a list or an array. Example: $mean = avg(@array_x) $mean2 = avg(3,4,5) Greatest Common Divisor gcd(n1,n2,...) Argument can be a list or an array. Least Common Multiple lcm(n1,n2,...) Argument can be a list or an array. Maximum value max(n1,n2,...) Returns the greatest value. Argument can be a list or an array. Minimum value min(n1,n2,...) Returns the least value. Argument can be a list or an array. Pearson's correlation coefficient corr(@array_x, @array_y) Returns the correlation between the values in two arrays. The arrays should be the same size. Sample standard deviation stdev(n1,n2, ...) Returns the sample standard deviation of the values. Argument can be a list or an array. Example: $s = stdev(@array_x) Slope of a bivariate linear regression linreg(@array_x, @array_y) Returns the slope of a linear regression using the values in two arrays. The arrays should be the same size. Example: $slope = linregb(@array_x,@array_y) Square root sqrt(n) n≥0 Sum of array or list sum(n1,n2,...) Returns the sum of the array or list. Argument can be a list or an array. Example: $total = sum(23,45,56,78) $total2 = sum(@array_x) Sum of products ssxy(@array_x, @array_y) Returns the sum of the products of the deviations of the values of two arrays. The arrays should be the same size. November 2014 374 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Operation Usage Notes Sum of squared deviations ssx(n1,n2, ...) Returns the sum of squared deviations about the mean of the values. Argument can be a list or an array. Example: $ssofx = ssx(@array_x) Y intercept of a bivariate linear regression linrega(@array_x, @array_y) Returns the y intercept of a linear regression using the values in two arrays. The arrays should be the same size. Example: $intercept = linrega(@array_x,@array_y) Trigonometric Functions Operation Usage Notes Trigonometric Functions sin(n) cos(n) tan(n) Inverse Trigononometric Functions asin(n) acos(n) atan(n) Arctangent of y/x atan2(y,x) pi (π) pi Degrees to radians rad(n) Converts degrees to radians. Radians to degrees deg(n) Converts radians to degrees. Get canonical angle in degrees canonicaldeg(n) Converts angle in degrees to value in range −180 to 180. sec(n) csc(n) cot(n) asec(n) acsc(n) acot(n) The value of n must be in radians. Non-canonical values of n might return approximate values. Returns principal values in radians. Returns radians from −π through π. Logarithmic Functions November 2014 Operation Usage Notes Exponential function exp(n) Euler's number raised to n. Natural Log log(n) n>0 Log (base 10) log10(n) n>0 Perl Functions and Operators 375 Combinatoric Functions Operation Usage Notes Combinations C(n,k) combination(n,k) Returns the number of sets of k elements that can be picked from an n-element set. Permutations P(n,k) permutation(n,k) Returns the number of unique (ab is different from ba) sets of k elements that can be picked from an n-element set. Factorial (n!) factorial(n) n must be an integer from 1 through 100. Numerical Display Functions ® The following list includes both WebAssign -specific and commonly-used Perl functions that are available when creating questions. Rounding, Significant Digits, Scientific Notation Operation Usage Notes Round to specified decimal places decform(n, places) Returns n rounded to the specified number of decimal places. Round up (next greater ceil(n) integer) Returns the first integer greater than n, for example, ceil(23.2) is 24, ceil(-23.7) is -23. Round down (next lesser integer) floor(n) Returns the first integer less than n, for example, floor(23.7) is 23, floor(-23.2) is - 24. Return integer only int(n) Returns only the integer component of n, for example, int(23.7) is 23, int(-23.2) is - 23. Get significant digits sigfigs(n) Returns the number of significant digits in n, ignoring trailing zeros. Display significant digits sigform(n, digits) Returns n rounded to the specified number of significant digits. Uses “e” notation if needed, for example, 2.30e+04. Get decimal places decfigs(n) Returns a power of 10 that represents the smallest significant decimal place in n. Ignores trailing zeros. November 2014 376 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Operation Usage Notes Display scientific notation scinot(n, digits) Returns n formatted as scientific notation with the specified number of significant digits, for example 4 2.31 × 10 . Do not use results for additional computation. Display “e” notation sciform(n, digits) Returns n in “e” notation with up to the specified number of significant digits after the decimal point, for example 2.31e+04. Display of Numerical Values The listed functions are mostly used in Question or Solution to format values for display. November 2014 Operation Usage Notes Reduced fraction fraction(n,d) Returns the fraction n/d in reduced form, for example, 1/2 or 1. If used in Answer, specify $FRACTION=1. Rounded integer decdisplay(n) Returns n rounded to the nearest integer. Uses “e” notation when |n| ≥ 1e+05. Add commas commas(n) Returns n with commas between digit groups to the left of the decimal point, for example, 12,345.678901. Do not use results for additional computation. Add spaces spaces(n) Returns n with spaces between digit groups on both sides of the decimal point, for example, 12 345.678 901. Do not use results for additional computation. Display as words spell_number(n) Returns the integer part of n in words, for example, “negative twenty-three”. Does not add commas. Display as words (ordinal) spell_ordinal(n) Returns the integer part of n as an ordinal number in words, for example, “thirteenth”. Does not add commas. Perl Functions and Operators 377 Randomization Functions ® The following list includes both WebAssign -specific and commonly-used Perl functions that are available when creating questions. Operation Usage Notes Pick values from a list pick(n,list) Returns n randomly selected values from list. Pick a random integer randnum(low, high, increment, exclude) Returns a random integer in the range from low through high in the specified increments. Optionally, specify a single value to exclude. Deprecated Functions The following functions have been deprecated and should no longer be used: • pickone() • picksame() See Also: Randomize Question Values on page 330 Informational Functions ® The following list includes both WebAssign -specific and commonly-used Perl functions that are available when creating questions. Operation Usage Notes Time submitted before due &beforeDue('days') Returns the number of days, hours, &beforeDue('hours') or minutes before the assignment &beforeDue('minutes') is due (including any granted extensions) that the question was submitted. Assignment responses get_data(deployID, studentID) get_data(deployID, studentID, questionID) Returns an array of one student's responses for an assignment (optionally, a single question on the assignment). Use $DEPLOYMENT_ID and $STUDENT to specify the current assignment instance and the current student. November 2014 378 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 E Perl Variables This chapter contains the following topics: • Perl Variables for Any Question Type The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign®. • Perl Variables for Numerical Questions • Perl Variables for Math Questions (Algebraic and Symbolic Modes) • Perl Variables for Multiple-Choice and Multiple-Select Questions • Perl Variables for Matching Questions • Perl Variables for Fill-in-the-Blank Questions • Perl Variables for Essay Questions • Perl Variables for File-Upload Questions • Perl Variables for Chemistry Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank Mode) November 2014 380 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Perl Variables for Any Question Type The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . These variables can be used in all questions. Variable Description $ASSIGNMENT_ID Returns current assignment ID. $CORRECT Returns true (1) if student's response is correct. $DEPLOYMENT_ID Returns the unique identifier for this scheduled instance of this assignment. Not the same as the assignment ID. $EMAIL Returns the email address of the student completing the question. $FULLNAME Returns the full name of the student completing the question. $HINT Set the hint to be displayed. $CORRECT_HINT Set the hint to be displayed after a correct response. $HINT_ON_CORRECT Set to displays available hints even when your student's response is correct. $pi Returns a calculated value of pi. $POINTS Returns point value of question part. $QUESTION_ID Returns the current QID. $QUESTION_NUM Returns current question number on assignment. $RESPONSE_NUM Returns number of submissions made. $STUDENT Returns unique ID of the student completing the question. $THIS_SCORE Set to override question part score. $THISBOXNAME Returns full name of answer box, for example, RN_355_1_0_83 is the box name for a random numerical box of question ID 355. It is the first part (0) of the first question (1) on the assignment and 83 is the random seed. $thisresponse Returns student's response for the answer box. Important: Changing the value of this variable can cause your student's answer to be graded incorrectly. $TOOLTIP In Answer, customizes or hides answer format tip for one answer box, for example, $TOOLTIP='Enter a whole number'. To hide the answer format tip for an answer box, set $TOOLTIP=' ' (with a space). November 2014 Perl Variables 381 Perl Variables for Numerical Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $DECFIGS Sets the required decimal places, for example, $DECFIGS=100 or $DECFIGS=0.01. $SIGFIGS Sets the required number of significant figures as a positive integer, for example, $SIGFIGS=3. $NO_SIGFIGS_HINT Hides the significant figures help icon/link. $FRACTION Set $FRACTION=1 to require students to perform computations and accept only exact answers as integers, decimals, fractions, or mixed numerals. $PROPERFRACTION Set $PROPERFRACTION=1 to require students to perform computations and accept only exact answers as integers or reduced fractions. $SIMPLIFIED Set $SIMPLIFIED=1 to require students to perform computations. Otherwise, students can enter either 5 or 2+3. Students can specify proper or improper fractions, for example, 10/2. $size Sets the width of the answer box, for example, $size=20. $thisnum Returns numerical value from student's response to numerical with units question. Important: Changing the value of this variable can cause your student's answer to be graded incorrectly. $thisunit Returns unit from student's response to numerical with units question. Important: Changing the value of this variable can cause your student's answer to be graded incorrectly. $TOL Sets asymmetrical tolerances. For example: $TOL={min => 0, max => 4} $LABEL For answer-dependent questions, set $LABEL to a unique identifier for each answer box that is used as a dependency for another answer box. $LINK For answer-dependent questions, set $LINK to define the dependencies of the current answer box by referencing the labels of other answer boxes. See Also: Create Integer or Decimal Number Questions on page 95 November 2014 382 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Perl Variables for Math Questions (Algebraic and Symbolic Modes) The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $CASGRADER (Algebraic) Sets the grading mechanism, for example, $CASGRADER=mathematica. $DEFAULTVALS (Symbolic) Sets the list of values that will be used when comparing student responses to the answer key, for example, $DEFAULTVALS=[-1.1, 0.4, 0.9]. $MAXERR=n $MAXERR='n%' (Symbolic) Set $MAXERR to the allowable tolerance (>0) for evaluated student responses. $NO_REPETITION (Symbolic) Set $NO_REPETITION=1 to match each element of a set only once, so {1,2,2} ≠ {1,2}. $NO_SYMBOLIC_HINT (Symbolic) Set $NO_SYMBOLIC_HINT=1 to hide the symbolic formatting help icon/link for the current answer box only. $ROSTER_ONLY (Symbolic) Set $ROSTER_ONLY=1 to require that students enclose unordered sets in braces, e.g., {1,2}. $PAD Enables one of two pads for answering math questions (and hides symbolic formatting help icon): $PAD='devmath' enables mathPad. $PAD='calc' enables calcPad. $size Sets the width of the answer box when not using mathPad or calcPad, for example, $size=20. See Also: Create Math Questions on page 117 Perl Variables for Multiple-Choice and Multiple-Select Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . November 2014 Variable Description $ORDERED=n $ORDERED=list To display choices in the order listed in Answer, set $ORDERED to the positions (starting with 1) of one or more correct choices. Perl Variables 383 Variable Description $SET_EACH_POSITION To set the location of each choice individually, set $SET_EACH_POSITION=1 in Answer. In Question, add an answer box <_> for each choice. Choices are still displayed in random order. $thisanswer Returns position (starting with 0) of student's response to multiple-choice question. For multiple- select, use @ $thisanswer. Important: Changing the value of this variable can cause your student's answer to be graded incorrectly. $PULLDOWN (Multiple-Choice) Set $PULLDOWN=1 to display choices as a dropdown list. $Select_Option (Multiple-Choice) When choices are displayed as a drop-down list, set $Select_Option to the text that should be displayed by default. If not specified, ---Select--- is shown. $thiskey (Multiple-Choice) Returns position (starting with 0) of correct response to multiple-choice question. See Also: Create Multiple-Select Questions on page 30 Create Multiple-Choice Questions on page 22 Perl Variables for Matching Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $LABEL For matching questions, set $LABEL to "a", "A", or "1" to set the numbering style when displaying images or formatted notation in the second column. $ORDERLEFT Set $ORDERLEFT=1 to display the left-hand list in the specified order. $ORDERRIGHT Set $ORDERRIGHT=1 to display the right-hand list in the specified order. See Also: Create Matching Questions on page 34 November 2014 384 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Perl Variables for Fill-in-the-Blank Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $CASE Make answer case-sensitive. Also for Java mode. $SPACE Make answer space-sensitive. Also for Java mode. $REDUCE Ignores multiple, preceding, and trailing whitespace in responses. Also for Java mode. $size Sets the width of the answer box, for example, $size=20. See Also: Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions on page 42 Perl Variables for Essay Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $cols Sets the width of the answer box, for example, $cols=50. $rows Sets the height of the answer box, for example, $rows=8. See Also: Create Free Response Questions on page 50 Perl Variables for File-Upload Questions The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $ACCEPTFILETYPE Sets acceptable filename extensions, for example, $ACCEPTFILETYPE=['.doc','.docx']. $FILEUPLOADMAX Sets maximum file size in bytes, for example, $FILEUPLOADMAX=204800. $size Sets the width of the answer box, for example, $size=80. See Also: Create File Upload Questions on page 44 November 2014 Perl Variables 385 Perl Variables for Chemistry Questions (Fill-in-theBlank Mode) The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set ® behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign . Variable Description $PAD Enables a pad for answering chemistry questions (and hides symbolic formatting help icon): $PAD='chem' enables chemPad. $CHEM Sets the chemPad grading mode. $CP_MAX_WIDTH Sets the maximum width of the chemPad tool, for example, $CP_MAX_WIDTH=400. $MARVIN Displays the MarvinSketch tool for answer entry and sets the MarvinSketch mode, for example, $MARVIN='complete'. $MARVIN_START Sets a template for a MarvinSketch question, usually using a key generated with the MarvinSketch Key Generation tool. See Also: Create Chemistry Questions on page 231 November 2014 386 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 F Numerical Tolerance Numerical tolerance determines whether student answers that are close to the ® answer key are counted as correct. In WebAssign , numerical tolerance can be set in four different places to override the default numerical tolerance of ±2%. Note: When significant figure checking is turned on, questions that specify significant figures in the answer key use a different tolerance setting than is discussed here. By default, new assignments do not override the class settings for numerical tolerance. Tip: To change this default behavior, create an assignment template that overrides the class settings and set it as your default template. You can set numerical tolerance values for a class, an assignment, or for a specific question on an assignment. These tolerances override each other, the tolerance ® set in the question code, and the default WebAssign tolerance. The actual tolerance that is used is the tolerance with the highest priority: Tolerance type in highest priority order Overrides Set for specific questions in the assignment Overrides all other tolerances Set in the assignment or assignment template for the entire assignment Overrides tolerance set in class settings and question code, and ® WebAssign default tolerance Set in class settings Overrides tolerance set in question code and ® WebAssign default tolerance Notes Default class settings do not specify tolerance. November 2014 388 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide Tolerance type in highest priority order Overrides Set in question code Overrides WebAssign default tolerance Notes ® A tolerance of 0 is almost always specified for mathematics textbook questions, textbook questions requiring students to enter fractions, and textbook questions requiring simple computation of integers. Note: Symbolic mode questions that require tolerance must be set in the question code. ® ® WebAssign default tolerance of ±2% is used when no other tolerances are set. This is a standard used by many professional scientists and WebAssign default tolerance engineers, and ensures that the answer is correct to three significant figures. Important: Changing numerical tolerance settings can result in granting credit for incorrect responses, as in the following examples: • When asking about the speed of a relativistic electron, a 1% tolerance would allow students who round a response of 0.99975c up to 1.00c to be marked correct. • When asking students to determine the area of a rectangle that 2 is 32.5 m by 3 m, the exact answer of 97.5 m is correct, not, for 2 2 example, 98 m or 100 m . If you do change numerical tolerance settings, test every question carefully to ensure that your students receive credit for all correct responses and do not receive credit for incorrect responses. You can set numerical tolerance as a non-negative number of units, or as a percentage of the answer key. Key value Tolerance setting Responses scored as correct 120 2% (default) 117.6-122.4 120 10 units 110-130 For questions with multiple parts, any tolerances that you set in the assignment or class settings apply to all parts of the question. Only the question author can set different tolerances for different parts of a multiple-part question. November 2014 Numerical Tolerance 389 Best Practice: Do not change assignments that your students are already working on. You are likely to cost your students points, submissions, or both. Instead, consider creating a copy of the scheduled assignment and making your changes to the copy. If you must change a scheduled assignment, notify your students of the change and rescore the assignment. See Rescore Assignments. November 2014 390 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide November 2014 G Significant Figure Checking in WebAssign® Enabling significant figure checking does not make every question check significant figures. Many textbook questions, even in physics and chemistry, do not specify significant figures. If the questions on your assignment do not specify significant figures in the answer key, changing significant figure checking options will have no effect. To determine whether the questions on your assignment specify significant figures, see Identify Questions That Check Significant Figures. By default, new assignments do not override the class settings for significant figure checking. Tip: To change this default behavior, create an assignment template that overrides the class settings and set it as your default template. The default class settings enable the following behaviors for questions that specify significant figures in the answer key: • Significant figure checking is enabled. • These questions display the sigfigs icon , and it links to information about ® entering significant figures in WebAssign . • Tolerance for these questions is ±1 at the last significant digit, if the answer key specifies that at least 2 digits are significant. If only 1 digit is significant, responses must specify the correct answer exactly. • No partial credit is awarded for responses that do not specify the correct number of significant figures. You can change these behaviors for your classes or for your assignments. Your assignment settings override your class settings. Checking Significant Figures If significant figure checking is turned on, questions that specify significant figures in the answer key are treated differently from other numerical questions based on the significant figure checking options that are set. November 2014 392 WebAssign Creating Questions Guide If significant figure checking is turned off, questions that specify significant figures in the answer key are treated like numerical questions and all other significant figure checking options are turned off. Significant Figures Help If enabled, the sigfigs icon helps your students identify answer boxes for which significant figures are checked. If answer format tips are also enabled, the answer format tips instruct students to use the correct number of significant figures. Your students are not given information about how many significant figures to specify. Tip: If answer format tips are enabled but the sigfigs icon is not, your students will not see answer format tips for questions that check for significant figures. If you think that the absence of answer format tips for some questions will inform your students that significant figures are checked, you can hide all answer format tips for the assignment. If enabled, the sigfigs icon links to the student help topic with information ® about entering significant figures in WebAssign . Significant Figures Tolerance When significant figure checking is turned on, questions that specify significant figures in the answer key use a different tolerance value than other numerical questions. In order to reflect the precision with which the answer should be specified, the tolerance for significant figure questions is specified as the value by which the last significant digit can differ from the key and still be considered to be correct. The following table illustrates this concept. Answer Key Correct Responses (Tolerance is ±1) Correct Responses (Tolerance is ±2) 4100 4.0e3, 4100, 4200 3900, 4.0e3, 4100, 4200, 4300 12.28 12.27, 12.28, 12.29 12.26, 12.27, 12.28, 12.29, 12.30 0.04 0.04 0.04 Note: If the question sets the number of significant figures to 1, the exact answer must be specified regardless of Note: If the question sets the number of significant figures to 1, the exact answer must be specified regardless of tolerance. tolerance. ® The WebAssign default value is ±1. This allows students to receive credit if their calculation is correct but they have made a small rounding error. All calculations should be done without rounding until final answer is achieved. The significant figures tolerance set in the assignment or assignment template for the assignment as a whole override all other tolerances. Partial Credit for Value When significant figure checking is turned on, you can award partial credit for numerically correct responses that are specified with too many significant figures. No credit is awarded for responses that specify too few significant figures. November 2014 Terms of Use Introduction Welcome to WebAssign®. We hope our assessment service helps you meet your educational goals and objectives. WebAssign® is used by students to enter their answers to class assignments and receive a score and by instructors to provide assignments and communications with their students. We provide this service to you subject to the following Terms of Use (TOU). By accessing and using our service, you are agreeing to your acceptance, without limitation or qualification, these TOU. If you do not agree with these TOU, you may not access or use WebAssign®. The WebAssign® Service WebAssign® (the "Service") is an online homework delivery, grading, and assessment service available to instructors through paid subscription for specified classes and time durations. The purpose of the Service is to provide instructors with a secure, accessible platform in which to assign and grade homework in order to assess student performance and comprehension. The Service can also be used for quizzes and testing depending on the instructor's application of the system. The Service enables instructors to post of online class discussion, internal communications, grades, schedule of class events, class notes, and syllabi. We may offer other features in the future, or change or eliminate current features at any time. All of the features of the Service are subject to these TOU. Use of Account To use the Service, you will need a username, institution, and password. Student usernames are provided to WebAssign® by an instructor, the institution name is determined by WebAssign®, and the initial password is provided by the instructor. You should change your password before starting to use the Service to prevent unauthorized access to your assignments. To facilitate communication and for retrieval of a new password, we use email addresses. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password. Furthermore, you are responsible for all activities, charges, and liabilities associated with your account. You must immediately notify WebAssign® of any unauthorized use of your account. In the event that you are a minor, WebAssign® reserves the right to provide access to your account to your parents, guardian or other authorized adult, upon such adult's request. Content Any content that you upload or otherwise make available in the Service remains your sole property or the property of your licensors. If you mark any of your content public domain (Public Domain Content) in the Service, you automatically grant and/or warrant that the owner has granted WebAssign®, the perpetual royalty-free, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, perform, display, and transmit the Public Domain Content through the Service. You also permit any other user of the Service, subject to your restrictions, to access, view, store, and reproduce the Public Domain Content to the same extent permitted herein. Copyright You acknowledge that the Service, any underlying technology used in connection with the Service, and all software, material, information, communications, text, graphics, links, electronic art, animations, audio, video, photos, and other data (collectively, the "Content") available within the Service are provided by WebAssign® or third-party providers and are protected by copyright. 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