Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2011 1 Title 2

Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2011
This agreement is called the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2011.
This Agreement is arranged as follows:
1. Title
2. Arrangement
3. Definitions
4. Operation
5. Fair Work Act
6. Anti- Discrimination
7. Basis of engagement
8. Job Classifications
9. Salaries
10. Superannuation
11. Travel
12. Hours
13. Shift work
14. Annual Leave
15. Personal Leave
16. Parental Leave
17. Long Service Leave
18. Public Holidays
19. Military Leave
20. Community Service Leave
21. Termination of Employment
22. Redundancy
23. Allowances
24. Preserved Conditions
25. Consultation regarding major workplace change
26. Dispute Settlement Procedure
27. Union Relationship
28. Transition to Retirement
Schedule A - Classifications
Schedule B - Salaries
Schedule C - Preserved Conditions
Schedule D - Allowances
Act means the Fair Work Act 2009 and any statute amending or replacing it.
Award means the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Employees Award 1999.
Base Rate of Pay means the rate of pay payable to an employee for his or her ordinary hours
of work, not including any bonuses, loadings, monetary allowances, overtime or penalty rates
and any other separately identifiable amounts. The Base Rates of Pay are the salary bands
detailed in Schedule B.
CBA means Commonwealth Bank of Australia Limited ACN 123 123 124.
CBA Group Company means a related body corporate (as defined by section 50 of the
Corporations Act 2001) of CBA.
Continuous Service means service under an unbroken contract of employment with CBA and
includes paid leave of absence under clause 16 of this Agreement. Absences on leave without
pay authorised by CBA including unpaid parental leave and career breaks do not break service
but do not count as service.
Employee means an employee to whom this Agreement applies by virtue of clause 4.1.
FSU means the Finance Sector Union.
FWA means Fair Work Australia.
Immediate Family means a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or
sibling of the employee or a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de
facto partner of the employee.
National Employment Standards means the National Employment Standards provided for by
the Act.
Old EBA means the:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Retail Banking Services Enterprise Bargaining
Agreement 2002; or
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Technology. Operation & Procurement Enterprise
Bargaining Agreement 2002; or
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Direct Banking Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
2002; or
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Core) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2002.
Ordinary time and ordinary rates have the same meaning - it is the Base Rate of Pay plus any
skill utilisation or any higher duty allowance applicable.
Relevant Period is a period of up to 4 weeks over which the hours worked by an employee
may be averaged.
Salary has the same meaning as Base Rate of Pay.
This Agreement is binding upon:
employees of CBA employed in Australia in the classifications set out in this
Agreement, other than employees who are engaged:
under an AWA unless that AWA has passed its nominal expiry date and
such employee has given lawful notice of termination of the AWA. In such
cases, this Agreement shall apply to such employees from the day on
which the notice of termination of the AWA expires; or
under an ITEA unless that ITEA has passed its nominal expiry date and
such employee has given lawful notice of termination of the ITEA. In such
cases, this Agreement shall apply to such employees from the day on
which the notice of termination of the ITEA expires; and
the FSU, its officers and members.
For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement does not apply to employees that CBA has
classified above the MC classification.
From the date of its commencement, this Agreement prevails over and entirely excludes
the operation of any other State or Commonwealth collective workplace agreement or
award which binds CBA including, without limitation, the:
Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010; and
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Employees Award 1999.
This Agreement will start seven days after it is approved by FWA, and its nominal expiry
date is 30 June 2012.
Fair Work Act
Nothing in this Agreement is intended to provide an employee with a lesser entitlement
than the minimum legal entitlements allowed by in the National Employment Standards.
Where this Agreement does provide an employee with a lesser entitlement than allowed
by the National Employment Standards, the employee shall be paid or provided with the
higher entitlement in the National Employment Standards.
Clauses that supplement the National Employment Standards
The following clauses of this Agreement provide for entitlements which
supplement and are ancillary and/or incidental to the National Employment
annual leave (clause 14);
personal & carer’s leave and compassionate leave (clause 15);
parental leave and related entitlements (clause 16);
community service leave (clause 20);
long service leave (clause 17);
public holidays (clause 18); and
notice of termination and redundancy pay (clauses 21 & 22).
The following clauses of this Agreement provide for entitlements which have the
same (or substantially the same) effect as provisions of the National Employment
maximum weekly hours (clause 12.1); and
requests for flexible working arrangements (clause 12.8).
Prevention of discrimination
It is the intention of the parties to this Agreement to respect and value the diversity of the
workforce by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, colour,
sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family
responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.
Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:
Any different treatment (or treatment having different effects) which is specifically
exempted under the Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation;
Junior rates of pay;
An employee, CBA or other person on behalf of the employee pursuing matters
of discrimination in any state or federal jurisdiction, including by application to the
Australian Human Rights Commission; or
Any exemptions under the Act.
Trade union membership
In accordance with section 336 of the Act all parties recognise the right of CBA
employees to choose to belong or to not belong to a trade union.
Basis of engagement
Type of employment
CBA may employ employees under this Agreement on a permanent full time, permanent
part time, temporary (including on a fixed term or maximum term) or casual basis.
Full time employee means an employee working standard hours under clause 12
of this Agreement.
Part time employee means an employee who is engaged to work less than the
standard hours under clause 12 and in accordance with clause 12.1(g). Unless
otherwise provided in this Agreement, pro rata full time salary and conditions of
service apply to part time employees.
Casual employee means an employee other than a full time or part time
employee who is employed on a casual basis and is engaged as such.
Temporary employee means an employee engaged on the basis that their
employment will end after a specified period of time or on completion of a
specified task or project.
Individual arrangement
If an employee requests, including after discussions initiated by CBA, they may
enter into an individual arrangement.
There will be no requirement that CBA offer an individual arrangement to an
employee and an employee cannot be required to enter into such an
arrangement as a condition of their employment or as a condition of being offered
a promotional position.
Employees must be better off overall under an individual arrangement than they
would have been under this Agreement. In making such determination, regard
shall be had to any bonuses paid, or other incentive arrangements afforded, to
the employee under the individual arrangement.
Under an individual arrangement, CBA and the employee may agree to vary the
effect of any or all of the following provisions of this Agreement as they apply to
the employee:
clause 7.5
Mobile Bankers
clause 9
Salaries (but not clause 9.7)
clause 11
Travel on CBA Business
clause 12
clause 13
Shift work
clause 14
Annual Leave, but only clause 14.1(b) and clause 14.5
clause 15
Personal Leave, but only clause 15.2
clause 18
Public Holidays
clause 23
clause 24
Preserved Conditions, other than item 1, Staff Housing
However, the employee cannot be provided with lesser benefits than those set
out in the National Employment Standards.
The individual arrangement must:
be about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act; and
not include unlawful terms under section 194 of the Act; and
include the name of CBA and the employee; and
be in writing and signed by CBA and the employee and if the employee is
under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the employee;
include details of:
the terms of this Agreement whose effect will be varied by the
individual arrangement; and
how the individual arrangement will vary the effect of the terms;
how the employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms
and conditions of his or her employment as a result of the
individual arrangement; and
state the day on which the individual arrangement commences.
CBA must give the employee a signed copy of the individual arrangement within
14 days after it is agreed to.
CBA or the employee may terminate the individual arrangement:
by giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other party to the
arrangement; or
if CBA and the employee agree in writing — at any time,
following which, the arrangements set out in paragraph 9.2(d) will apply.
CBA will, every three months, notify the FSU of the number of individual
arrangements it has entered into over that period. This information will include
the number of arrangements by the employees’ grades and business units.
Clause 9.7 applies to individual arrangements and a reference in that clause to
remuneration provided under this Agreement includes remuneration provided
under an individual arrangement.
Preservation of Clause 12 agreements
Where, immediately prior to the commencement of this Agreement, an employee
was engaged on a clause 12 agreement that clause 12 agreement shall continue
in operation.
An employee may terminate a clause 12 agreement on 14 days notice to CBA, or
at any time by agreement with CBA, and thereafter, consistent with paragraph
9.2(d) to be paid in accordance with and participate in all provisions of this
To the extent that a clause 12 agreement deals with:
rostered days off;
overtime and separate attendance;
meal allowance;
leave in lieu of travelling time;
on-call allowance;
telephone availability allowance;
higher duty allowance; or
annual leave loading;
the provisions of this Agreement dealing with those matters do not apply to the
employee covered by that clause 12 agreement.
For the purposes of this clause a ―clause 12 agreement‖ means an individual
agreement made under clause 12 of an Old EBA or clause 8 of the Award.
Clause 9.7 applies to clause 12 agreements and a reference in that clause to
remuneration provided under this Agreement includes remuneration provided
under a clause 12 agreement.
Casual employees
Casual employees will be employed by the hour for short term engagements for
the purposes of covering emergencies, unforeseen circumstances and workload
peaks, and the provision of relief.
There is no limit on the number of casual employees which may be employed.
Where a position has been filled by casual staff for six months and the position is
still required, it will be filled on a permanent basis by a full-time or part-time CBA
The use of casuals is not intended to limit development opportunities for full-time
or part-time staff.
Casual employees will be paid at the base hourly rate for the classification and
position performed as specified by this Agreement plus a 25% loading.
Subject to paragraph (g), payment of this loading is in recognition of the nonpermanent nature of casual employment. This loading is in lieu of all other paid
leave, whether it is applicable under this Agreement or any legislation.
A casual employee who is engaged on a regular and systematic basis
over the relevant service period in clause 17 is entitled to Long Service
Leave in accordance with that clause.
CBA may grant unpaid leave to casual employees.
Casual employees will work and be paid for a minimum of 4 hours in any 24 hour
period. Unless the employee otherwise agrees, they will be engaged once per
day. Where an employee is engaged more than once each day the 4 hour
minimum payment shall apply in total for all such engagements, that is, the
employee is not entitled to a minimum 4 hour payment for each engagement.
Casual employees will not work in excess of 38 hours per week.
Where a casual employee is required to work in excess of ten hours on any day,
such additional time will be paid at overtime rates of time and one half for the first
three hours and double time thereafter. Such payment will be on the applicable
base hourly rate. The 25% loading will not apply.
In the event a casual employee becomes a full-time employee or part-time
employee, the period of casual employment will not count as service.
Casual employees will be entitled to the meal break and meal allowance
provisions of this Agreement.
If, on the instructions of CBA, a casual employee is required to resume or
continue work without having had 10 consecutive hours off duty, he or she will be
paid at double the relevant ordinary rate of pay, until he or she is released from
duty for such period and will then be entitled to be absent until he or she has had
10 consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time
occurring during such absence. Such payment will be on the applicable base
hourly rate. The 25% loading will not apply.
Casual employees are entitled to unpaid Personal Leave, Carer’s Leave and
Parental Leave in accordance with the National Employment Standards.
The following clauses of this Agreement do not apply to casual employees:
clause 9 Salaries (subject to clause 7.4(e));
clause 12 Hours;
clause 13 Annual Leave;
clause 15 Personal Leave;
clause 16 Parental Leave;
clause 22 Redundancy;
clause 23 Allowances; and
clause 24 Preserved Conditions.
Mobile Bankers
This clause sets out the alternative arrangements that will apply to Mobile
Mobile Bankers will be graded at AMC level. CBA may, in its discretion, elect to
pay Mobile Bankers a higher amount having regard to such matters as their
skills, work performance and experience.
Mobile Bankers are entitled to receive the annual Base Rate of Pay applicable for
AMC level employees. The following clauses of this Agreement do not apply to
Mobile Bankers:
performance payments;
overtime and separate attendance;
rostered days off;
shift allowance;
higher duty allowance;
Saturday and Sunday loadings;
meal allowance;
on-call allowance; and
telephone availability allowance.
CBA will establish a separate STI scheme that will apply to Mobile Bankers. The
STI scheme does not form part of this Agreement and CBA may, from time to
time, change the STI scheme. This includes changing the amount of potential STI
payments that Mobile Bankers may receive and the sales targets (and other
criteria) they need to satisfy to be eligible to receive a STI payment. The make-up
of such scheme is within the complete discretion of CBA. However, as a guide
only, CBA will have regard to matters including behaviours, lending compliance
and accuracy, cross selling, customer satisfaction, revenue and arrears.
Clause 9.7 applies to Mobile Bankers and a reference in that clause to
remuneration provided under this Agreement includes remuneration provided to
Mobile Bankers.
Job Classifications
Roles occupied by employees covered by the Agreement will be classified by CBA using
the descriptors set out in schedule A.
Payment of salaries
Employees’ salaries will be paid on a fortnightly basis by direct deposit into the
employee’s CBA bank account or otherwise as agreed by CBA and an employee. CBA
will provide employees with a CBA account, free of any maintenance fees, transaction
fees and withdrawal fees (although other institutions' ATM fees will apply). An employee
must open and maintain this account as their nominated account for salary payment
purposes throughout their employment.
The salaries for classifications covered by this Agreement are set out in Schedule
An employee must not be paid a salary lower than the minimum provided for their
classification, subject to any salary sacrificing arrangement entered into under
clause 10.
The salary for a part-time employee shall be determined on a pro-rata basis
according to the proportion of a full-time position on which the employee is
Where a clause 12 Agreement, AWA, ITEA or Individual Arrangement terminates,
the employee’s new salary will be the higher of:
the applicable minimum rate (under the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise
Agreement 2010) as at 30 June 2011 plus any of the pay increases set out in
clause 9.4 which would have applied (given the employee’s performance
ratings) if the employee had not been employed under the clause 12
Agreement, AWA, ITEA or Individual Arrangement at the time of the increase,
(ii) the applicable minimum rate set out in schedule B of this Agreement.
Higher Duty
An employee will only be entitled to be paid the salary for the higher role where
the employee is appointed to act in a higher classification for at least one week
(including public holidays). In this case, the employee will be paid at the minimum
rate for the higher classification. Provided that the employee’s salary shall be
increased by at least 5% while they are performing higher grade duty in
accordance with this clause.
An employee will not continue to receive the higher duty allowance if absent on
sick leave or annual leave for more than one week unless he or she has been
relieving in the position for at least three months.
An employee relieving in a lower grade will not have his or her salary reduced.
Increase in salary
On 1 July 2011, employees shall receive the following increases to their base
salaries (as at 30 June 2011) according to their performance rating for the
performance year of 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011:
Meets Expectations or higher
Needs Improvement
Such increase shall be paid as soon as is reasonably practicable following the
completion of CBA’s performance review process for employees and shall be
back-dated to 1 July 2011.
Employees who improve their performance ratings to ―Performance Needs
Development‖ or ‖Valued Contribution‖ or better, as the case may be, for CBA's
31 December 2011 interim review process shall receive the balance of the
applicable increase effective from 1 January 2012. Such increase shall be paid
as soon as is reasonably practicable following the completion of CBA’s interim
performance review process for employees and shall be back-dated to 1 January
The minimum full-time rates for each classification shall be as set out in Schedule
The determination of an employee’s performance rating and the setting of targets
is within the complete discretion of CBA.
Performance bonuses
All employees covered by this Agreement will be eligible to participate in a
performance related pay scheme (PRP) as determined by CBA.
PRP will be based upon the performance year of 1 July to 30 June each year.
An overall annual performance rating of "Meets Expectations" or ―Valued
Contribution‖ is required to receive a payment under the PRP. A PRP payment
will be paid as an annual lump sum within three months following 30 June each
year. The lump sum will be based on the employee's overall annual performance
review rating and calculated on the employee's actual salary as at 30 June each
year in accordance with the following table.
GC & Service Staff
―Exceeds Expectations‖ or
―Superior Contribution‖
―Exceptional‖ or
―Exceptional Contribution‖
―Meets Expectations‖ or
―Valued Contribution‖
Performance pay % of Actual Salary
The following conditions also apply to PRP payments and calculations:
All paid leave up to a maximum of 4 months will be included for PRP
Unpaid leave will not be included for PRP calculations.
PRP will be included for superannuation calculations.
In the case of retrenchment or retirement prior to the end of the
performance year, PRP payments subject to the PFR rating will be made
on a pro-rata basis.
Employees with more than 3 months but less than 12 months' service as
at 30 June each year will be entitled to a pro-rata PRP if they receive a
PFR rating of "Meets Expectations", ―Valued Contribution‖ or higher.
PRP payments for the relevant financial year shall be calculated on the
employee’s base salary as at 30 June of that financial year.
CBA may also make performance related payments to employees during
the course of a financial year; any such amounts will be credited towards
an employee’s entitlement to a PRP payment under clause 9.4 (b) and
The determination of an employee’s performance rating and the setting of targets
is within the complete discretion of CBA.
Performance assessment
While the determination of an employee’s performance rating and the setting of
targets is within the complete discretion of CBA, the provisions of this clause 9.6
set out the principles to be considered in the performance assessment process.
The performance assessment process will be based on both performance
objectives (inclusive of measures and targets) and values based behaviours. The
performance objectives will be reviewed by CBA and effectively communicated to
In setting performance objectives and determining whether those performance
objectives have been met, the factors that will be considered will include, but
shall not be limited to the following:
(i) staffing numbers in the employee’s workplace;
(ii) market factors;
(iii) provision of appropriate and relevant training to perform current job roles;
(iv) the employee’s experience; and
(v) approved absences from normal duties.
Any changes during the period for which performance objectives are set will be
properly communicated to employees by CBA.
The performance appraisal process will be fair and transparent.
CBA policies in relation to performance appraisals will be available to all
employees on CBA intranet.
Better off over all test
The purpose of this clause 9.7 is to ensure that employees are better off overall
under this Agreement than they would have been had the Award applied to them
in place of this Agreement.
At the end of each Relevant Period, CBA shall determine whether an employee is
eligible for a Top-up payment calculated on the following basis:
TP = A - E
TP is the top-up payment to be made to the employee, provided that
where this amount is less than zero it will be deemed to be zero.
E is the total remuneration received by the employee under this
Agreement over the Relevant Period for work performed over that period
the actual remuneration paid to the employee for ordinary hours
worked, including any remuneration over the minimum rates
provided for by this Agreement; and
any loadings, penalty rates, payment for overtime or allowances
paid to the employee.
A is the remuneration which would have been paid to the employee for
the Relevant Period had the Award applied to the employment of the
employee in place of this Agreement, being:
ordinary hours worked calculated at the minimum rates provided
for by the Award; and
any loadings, penalty rates, payment for overtime or allowances
which would have been applicable.
Relevant Period means each 12 month period calculated from the
Commencement Date of this Agreement during which this Agreement is in
operation, provided that:
the last period may be shorter if the Agreement ceases to operate
prior to a twelve month anniversary of the Commencement Date;
if an employee ceases to be covered by this Agreement (because
their employment terminates or otherwise) the relevant period for
that employee will end on the date they cease to be covered by
this Agreement.
Any Top-up payment to be made must be made within 1 month of the end of the
applicable Relevant Period and shall be subject to PAYG tax.
In this clause 9.7 a reference to:
the Agreement includes a reference to a clause 12 agreement which is
continued in operation by clause 7.3;
the Award includes the applicable transitional Australian Pay and
Classification Scale.
Superannuation and salary sacrifice
CBA will provide superannuation contributions in accordance with the Superannuation
Guarantee legislation in addition to the salaries provided for in clause 9.
Such contributions will be made to the Officers Superannuation Fund (OSF), which may
be renamed during the life of this Agreement (with the exception of employees who
continue to belong to the Colonial Group Staff Superannuation Scheme). However,
employees may elect to have contributions made to an alternative complying fund in
accordance with applicable legislation.
By agreement with CBA, an employee may choose to take part of their remuneration
under this Agreement as salary sacrifice benefits (including by making additional pre-tax
contributions into their chosen complying superannuation fund). If an employee makes
this choice, the remuneration which would otherwise be payable to the employee will be
reduced by the value of such benefits (including associated costs, charges and taxes).
Without limiting CBA’s discretion as to whether or not it will agree to any particular salary
sacrificing arrangement, CBA may issue guidelines from time to time as to what salary
sacrificing arrangements are acceptable to CBA.
Travel on CBA Business
Where an employee is directed by their manager to go to any place away from
their usual place(s) of employment, he or she will be reimbursed for all
reasonable expenses. Reasonable expenses may include, but are not limited to,
accommodation, meals and dry cleaning. Unless impractical, an employee must
obtain approval from their manager prior to incurring such expenses and must
provide receipts before they will be reimbursed.
An employee must notify their manager of any claim for reimbursement within
one month of the entitlement arising or the entitlement will lapse. CBA must make
the payment not later than the second pay day following the notification.
Travel between work and home
CBA will pay the cost of taxi fares incurred in transporting an employee between
his or her place of employment and their home where the employee finishes
employment between 7.30 pm and 6:00 am.
CBA may:
require employees to share taxis; and
at its election, provide alternative means of transport in lieu of paying the
cost of taxi fares.
Agreement may be reached, between CBA and an employee to whom this clause
11.2 applies, in respect to alternative transport arrangements to more
appropriately assist an employee to address the impact of late finishing times.
This could include the participation in a car pool or where available, provision of
secure parking. Any agreement between CBA and an employee will be voluntary
and either party will have the freedom to accept or reject an offer of alternative
arrangements by the other. Where an offer is rejected the provisions of clause
11.2(a) and 11.2(b) will continue to apply.
Span of hours
The ordinary hours of work for full time employees will be 38 hours per week
which may be averaged out over a period of up to 4 weeks and may be paid on
the basis that the employee worked 38 hours each week. The 4 week period will
be determined in accordance with CBA’s roster and pay cycles.
The span of ordinary hours to be worked by an employee will be determined by
the ordinary hours as they pertain to the following areas of CBA business:
Branches (including Business Banking Branches):
8am to 9pm, Monday to Friday inclusive;
8am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday.
All other employees:
8am to Midnight, Monday to Friday inclusive;
8am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday.
On engagement, CBA will notify the employee of the hours to be worked by
them, which may be subject to change under clause 12.1(d).
From time to time the operational needs of CBA may require employees to vary
their working hours. Where such a need arises CBA will consult with employees
in the determination of their working hours. In making its determination, CBA will
have regard to the employee’s personal and family circumstances and any travel
requirements that may exist. CBA will attempt as far as possible to reach
agreement with employees concerning any changes before changes to working
hours are implemented. In the event that agreement is not reached, CBA will
provide the employee with reasonable notice (which, unless impractical due to a
pressing operational necessity, will be at least 14 days) of the change.
The minimum period for any work day will be 4 continuous hours, and the
maximum period will be 10 hours (or 12 hours by agreement between CBA and
the employee).
Employees will be entitled to a notional weekend of 2 days per working week. By
agreement these may be taken as individual days (i.e. not consecutively).
Other than for a pressing operational necessity, part-time employees will work:
a minimum of 4 hours per day (which may be reduced by agreement) and
a maximum of 10 hours per day, payable at normal rates; and
up to 128 hours (which may be extended to 136 hours by agreement)
over a 4 week period, payable at normal rates.
Where there is a business imperative to change a part-time employees’ working
arrangements or the part-time employee seeks a change to working
arrangements, the following process will apply:
The employee’s Manager will discuss the need for change with the
employee and will provide all necessary and appropriate information.
These discussions will be open and will take into account the operational
and customer requirements of the work area as well as relevant personal
or family responsibilities of the employee. The Manager must reasonably
consider the employee’s preferred working arrangements, including days
of work and work locations and the employee may develop options for
consideration by their Manager to achieve the change required. The
process outlined in this clause will generally be completed in a week.
Employees will have four weeks written notice of any proposed changes
to their working arrangements and their Manager will be available to
discuss these changes during this period.
CBA and employees will not unreasonably withhold agreement to
changes in working arrangements intended to meet business or employee
needs. In endeavouring to accommodate these changes the Manager and
the employee will examine all reasonably available options consistent with
business requirements.
Where there is difficulty in meeting the proposed working arrangements
the Manager and the employee will refer the matter to the Employee’s
Manager Once Removed. If the Manager Once Removed is unable to
resolve the matter it will be referred to the employee’s Manager Twice
Removed for a decision. In considering the issues, the Manager Once
Removed and the Manager Twice Removed will have regard to the issues
raised under this clause 12.
The processes set out in this clause 12(h) will not apply where there is a
pressing operational necessity. However, once the pressing operational
necessity ceases, the employee will revert to their previous working
arrangements. Further, in changing any arrangements under this clause
12.1(h), CBA must still have regard to the employee’s family and carer’s
Rostered days-off
The ordinary hours of work referred to in clause 12.1(a) shall be worked so as to
provide employees with rostered days off (RDOs) in accordance with this clause
12.2. However, such RDO shall not be counted as part of the 38 hours per week.
Where an employee’s ordinary hours are rostered in such a way that they are not
worked more than nineteen days in a twenty-eight day period, the employee is
deemed to have been provided with a rostered day off.
Accumulating and cashing-out RDOs
Employees with twelve RDOs will be rostered and accounted for quarterly
on the basis of an employee being entitled to three RDOs each quarter.
Each quarter stands alone and RDOs will not be carried forward except
by agreement between CBA and the employee to suit the business needs
of the workplace. Up to six RDOs may be carried forward within any one
calendar year.
Where an RDO is carried forward in terms of clause 12.2(c)(ii) above the
employee may elect to reschedule the RDO to a subsequent quarter
within the same calendar year or up to six RDOs may be deferred and
paid out at ordinary time at the end of the calendar year.
RDOs can be taken as half days or full days or otherwise and at such times by
mutual agreement between CBA and the employee.
An employee who joins or leaves CBA within an RDO quarter will be entitled to a
pro rata RDO entitlement.
Employees with RDOs will have the number adjusted annually in respect of
absences during the preceding year for the following reasons:
CBA may require employees to work reasonable overtime.
Sick Leave (including sick leave on workers compensation);
Long Service Leave;
Parental Leave (at full or half pay);
Leave Without Pay;
Career Break;
Special Leave (where absences exceed nineteen working days); and
Full Time Study Leave.
For the avoidance of doubt, this clause 12.2 does not apply to employees other
than full-time employees.
Subject to clause 12.3(c) overtime will be payable where a full-time employee is
required by CBA to work:
outside the span of ordinary hours set out in clause 12.1(b);
more than ten hours of duty, or 12 hours of duty where the employee had
agreed to work 12 hours under clause 12.1(e), (exclusive of meal breaks)
on any one day; or
in excess of 40 hours in a week (which is reduced by 8 hours for each
RDO taken in that week).
Subject to clause 12.3(e), in the case of a part-time employee overtime will be
payable if the employee works:
in excess of the agreed hours (which includes any additional hours under
clause 12.1(g)) of duty on any one day;
in excess of 10 hours per day; or
outside the span of ordinary hours set out in clause 12.1(b).
Interpretation of this clause: this clause 12.3(b) is not intended to change the
manner in which over-time is calculated for part-time employees from that in
place immediately prior to the commencement of the Commonwealth Bank
Enterprise Agreement 2010.
Overtime is not payable:
where the relevant hours are only being worked because of an averaging
arrangement under clause 12.1(a) or for such hours that the employee
has been released from duty in the same pay fortnight as which the hours
were worked;
where the relevant hours are worked because an employee has accrued
an RDO and such hours will be paid at ordinary rates.
Overtime is accounted for weekly, payable at one and one half times ordinary
rates for the first three overtime hours worked and double ordinary rates for any
additional overtime hours worked. Overtime payments will be paid in the next
available pay cycle.
In circumstances where:
a public holiday falls on a day normally worked by a part-time employee
and by agreement between CBA and the employee an additional day is
worked either prior to or following the holiday, maximum hours in that
week (including the holiday) will not exceed 38 and payment for the
additional hours will be at ordinary hours rates;
a part-time employee, on a voluntary basis, attends a full time training
course, payment at ordinary hourly rates will be made on a day to day
basis up to a maximum of 38 hours per week. A full day (irrespective of
hours actually worked up to 7.6) will count and be paid as 7.6 hours.
An employee under age eighteen years is to be given at least one day's notice of
being required to work overtime and an indication of the expected finishing time.
Overtime is calculated on salary and where appropriate, any higher duty
allowance or skill utilisation loading applicable.
Where authorised by management of the business area, an employee may agree
to accrue time in lieu of overtime on the following basis:
accrual is by agreement between the business unit and the employee;
accrued time will be calculated at one hour for each hour of overtime
accrued time must be taken within a 3 month period from the time
overtime was worked, at a time convenient to CBA and the employee;
accrued time which cannot be taken within a 3 month period from the time
overtime was worked, or before termination of employment, will be paid
out at overtime rates as prescribed in clause 12.3(d);
the maximum number of hours that may be accumulated over a four week
cycle will be 16.
A separate attendance is an attendance at work outside and not continuous with
scheduled hours. Payment for each separate attendance will be:
on weekdays at overtime rates; or
on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays at double time, with a minimum
payment for four hours.
Where an employee is entitled to be paid overtime for a particular period of time
under more than one provision of this clause they will be paid the highest of the
entitlements but will not be paid under more than one provision, provided that an
employee is not entitled to be paid for accrued time in lieu of overtime other than
in accordance with clause 12.3(h)(iv).
Overtime will not be included in payments for retirement, resignation,
retrenchment or dismissal.
Ordinary hours worked on weekends
Employees commencing employment in Direct Banking after 16 May 2001 or
elsewhere in CBA after the commencement of the Commonwealth Bank
Enterprise Agreement 2010 may be employed on the basis that they can be
required to work on weekends. Provided that paragraph 12.4(b) will apply to an
employee where that employee is not rostered to work on a weekend within six
months of their commencing employment.
Employees other than those covered by clause 12.4(a) may be rostered to
perform ordinary hours on weekends on the following basis:
the employees genuinely volunteering to work on weekends;
employees will have the right to withdraw from weekend work by giving
three months' written notice to their direct manager.
An employee may, at any time, make an application to withdraw from weekend
work either permanently or temporarily because of the employee’s personal and
family circumstances and any travel requirements that may exist. CBA must not
unreasonably refuse any such request.
An employee will be entitled to have two consecutive days off each week, except
where the employee elects and CBA agrees to two single non-consecutive days.
A loading of 50% will apply to work performed on Saturday and 75% on Sunday.
These loadings will not apply to hours worked as overtime on weekends.
An employee may work at a different location on the weekend to their normal
work location.
Meal break and tea break
Unless otherwise agreed, employees will not be required to work more than 5
hours without an unpaid meal break of a minimum of 45 minutes duration. The
meal break may be reduced to 30 minutes if CBA and the employee agree.
Subsequent meal breaks will become due if an employee is required to work for
more than 5 ½ hours after resumption of duty from the previous meal break,
unless he/she is due to cease work within 30 minutes of the subsequent meal
break becoming due.
An employee who becomes entitled to a subsequent meal break may elect not to
take such a break
An employee will be entitled to a paid tea break of not more than ten minutes
duration when more than three hours is worked and two tea breaks when five
hours or more is worked. Tea breaks will be taken at times agreed between the
employee and CBA subject to CBA’s security and service to the public being
Rest period
Subject to clause 12.6(b), an employee will be entitled to not less than 10
consecutive hours off duty between the end of his or her ordinary day or shift and
the commencement of his or her ordinary work on the next day or shift, unless
otherwise agreed.
If on the instructions of CBA, an employee is required to resume or continue work
without having had 10 consecutive hours off duty, he or she will be paid at double
the relevant ordinary rate of pay, until he or she is released from duty for such
period and will then be entitled to be absent until he or she has had 10
consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring
during such absence.
This clause 12.7 sets out the principles to be considered in staffing issues and
except as elsewhere provided in this Agreement, the determination of staffing is
within the complete discretion of CBA.
CBA agrees that workloads will be capable of being completed in ordinary
working hours. However, CBA may require employees to work reasonable
When determining staffing levels for a workplace, CBA will take into account all
relevant local level factors including, but not limited to, employee experience,
market demographics, business opportunities, appropriate training and
obligations under this Agreement.
CBA will take all reasonable steps to address any significant impact on
employees and customers caused by an employee’s absence. These steps may
include relief staff, casual employees, changes to rosters, deferral of work and
the performance of approved overtime.
Requests for flexible working arrangements
An employee who is a parent, or has responsibility for the care, of a child may
request a change in working arrangements to assist the employee to care for the
child if the child:
is under school age; or
is under 18 and has a disability.
The employee is not entitled to make the request unless:
for an employee other than a casual employee — the employee has
completed at least 12 months of continuous service with the employer
immediately before making the request; or
for a casual employee — the employee:
is a long term casual employee of CBA immediately before making
the request; and
has a reasonable expectation of continuing employment by the
employer on a regular and systematic basis.
The request must:
be in writing; and
set out details of the change sought and of the reasons for the change.
CBA must give the employee a written response to the request within 21 days,
stating whether CBA grants or refuses the request. If the request is refused, CBA
will include details of the reasons for the refusal.
CBA may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to the effect on
the workplace or CBA’s business.
Shift work
Preservation of entitlements
Employees who were working shiftwork immediately prior to the commencement
of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010 shall be covered by item
6 of Schedule C. Where there is reference to hours and averaging of hours in this
clause 13, the ordinary hours to be worked over 19 days for those employees,
provided for in clause item 6, will remain at 145 hours.
Employees who were working shiftwork immediately prior to the Commonwealth
Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010 shall be entitled to the shift loading in item 6 of
Schedule C which would, but for that Agreement, have applied to them for such
time as they continue to work in the same role in which they were engaged at the
commencement of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010.
A seven day shift worker is a CBA employee who is regularly rostered for duty
on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays as part of his or her ordinary working
week, provided that an employee is only a shiftworker for the purpose of the
National Employment Standards where they are employed in a part of CBA in
which shifts are continuously rostered 24 hours a day for 7 days a week and the
employee both:
is regularly rostered to work those shifts; and
regularly works on Sundays and public holidays.
A five day shiftworker is a CBA employee who is regularly rostered for duty as a
shiftworker throughout the period from 6:00 am Monday to 11:23 pm Saturday.
Requirement to work shifts
An employee may be employed on shiftwork, however no employee under the
age of eighteen years will be employed on shiftwork without the written consent
of his or her parent or guardian.
Except in the case of an emergency or absence of another employee, at least
one week's notice will be given to an employee being transferred to shiftwork; of
a change in the start and finish times of shifts; or, a change from one shift to
Regular rotation between shifts, or between shifts and normal hours of duty, shall
be practised at all points where shiftwork occurs, unless otherwise agreed by
CBA and the employee.
An employee shall not be required to stay longer than four weeks on a particular
shift, unless otherwise agreed by CBA and the employee.
Rosters will be arranged so that no five day shiftworker is rostered to work
Tuesday to Saturday shifts for more than six months per year.
An employee is not a shift worker simply because he or she works overtime
outside normal business hours or works on weekends.
While an employee is expressly engaged as a shift worker by CBA and continues
to work as such they will receive, on a pro-rata basis for the time worked, a shift
allowance in addition to and calculated on their salary, including higher duty up to
a maximum of MC salary, as follows:
Morning shift commencing on or after 6:00am but before 8:00am: 12.5%
Afternoon shift (Branch employees only) commencing on or after 4:00pm
but before midnight and which finishes after 9:00 pm: 17.5%
Night shift commencing on or after midnight but before 6:00am: 25.0%
Ordinary working hours
The ordinary hours of work for full time shiftworkers will be 38 hours per week
which may be averaged out over a period of up to 4 weeks and paid on the basis
that the employee worked 38 hours each week. The 4 week period will be
determined in accordance with CBA’s roster and pay cycles.
A shiftworker will be entitled to two paid ten minute tea breaks during each shift.
At the time of roster change, no shiftworker will be rostered to commence a shift
less than 15 hours 20 minutes after the rostered completion time of his or her
previous shift.
Clause 12.6 Rest period and clause 12.5 Meal Break and Tea Break apply to
A seven day shiftworker will not be rostered to work more than 50% of weekends.
However, this does not include shifts where the shift commences on Friday and
goes through to Saturday.
CBA may require shiftworkers to work reasonable overtime
Meal allowance
A meal allowance will be paid to an employee who works:
overtime and in excess of 9½ hours (excluding meal breaks) on any
day/shift; or
overtime and in excess of 5½ hours on a weekend or public holiday.
A further meal allowance payment will become due for each additional period of
5½ hours.
Subject to clause 13.6(b) overtime will be payable where a full-time employee is
required by CBA to work:
in excess of 40 hours in a week (which is reduced by 8 hours for each
RDO taken in that week); or
subject to clause 13.6(d), in the case of a part-time employee overtime will
be payable if the employee works:
in excess of the agreed hours (which includes any additional hours
under clause 12.1(g)) of duty on any one day; or
in excess of 10 hours per day.
Interpretation of this clause: this clause 13.6(a)(ii) is not intended
to change the manner in which over-time is calculated for part-time
employees from that in place immediately prior to the
commencement of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise
Agreement 2010.
Overtime is not payable:
where the relevant hours are only being worked because of an averaging
arrangement under clause 13.4(a) or for such hours that the employee
has been released from duty in the same pay fortnight as which the hours
were worked; or
where the relevant hours are worked because an employee has accrued
an RDO and such hours will paid at ordinary rates.
Overtime is:
accounted for weekly, payable at one and one half times ordinary rates for
the first three overtime hours worked and double ordinary rates for any
additional overtime hours worked. Overtime payments will be paid in the
next available pay cycle.
in the case of seven-day shiftworkers, payable at double ordinary rates.
In circumstances where:
a public holiday falls on a day normally worked by a part-time employee
and by agreement between CBA and the employee an additional day is
worked either prior to or following the holiday, maximum hours in that
week (including the holiday) will not exceed 38 and payment for the
additional hours will be at ordinary hours rates;
a part-time employee, on a voluntary basis, attends a full time training
course, payment at ordinary hourly rates will be made on a day to day
basis up to a maximum of 38 hours per week. A full day (irrespective of
hours actually worked up to 7.6) will count and be paid as 7.6 hours.
Where authorised by management of the business area, an employee may agree
to accrue time in lieu of overtime on the following basis:
accrual is by agreement between the business unit and the employee;
accrued time will be calculated at one hour for each hour of overtime
accrued time must be taken within a 3 month period from the time
overtime was worked, at a time convenient to CBA and the employee;
accrued time which cannot be taken within a 3 month period from the time
overtime was worked, or before termination of employment, will be paid
out at overtime rates as prescribed in paragraph (c); and
the maximum number of hours that may be accumulated over a four week
cycle will be 16.
Shift loadings will not apply in the calculation of overtime payments.
Except in the case of annual leave, RDOs and attendance at CBA training
courses, shift allowance will not be paid during any absence from duty.
When shift-workers are paid for a period of annual leave they will receive the
higher of the shift allowance or annual leave loading, but not both.
Where an employee is entitled to be paid overtime for a particular period of time
under more than one provision of this clause they will be paid the highest of the
entitlements but will not be paid under more than one provision, provided that an
employee is not entitled to be paid for accrued time in lieu of overtime other than
in accordance with clause 13.6(e)(iv).
Overtime will not be included in payments for retirement, resignation,
retrenchment or dismissal.
Daylight saving
In the changeover from and to daylight savings, the length of any shift being worked at
the relevant time will be deemed to be the number of hours represented by the
difference between the time recorded by the clock at the beginning of the shift and the
time recorded at the end of that shift, given that the clock will have been adjusted during
the shift pursuant to relevant State legislation.
Weekends and public holidays
The following loadings will be payable for ordinary time worked on weekends:
A loading of 50% will apply to work performed on Saturday for hours worked
between 8am to 8pm. A loading of 100% will be paid for work performed outside
these hours.
A loading of 75% will apply to work performed on Sunday for hours worked
between 8am to 8pm. A loading of 100% will be paid for work performed outside
these hours.
Five day shiftworkers
Where a public holiday falls on a Monday and a five day shiftworker is not
rostered to work on that day, he or she will be entitled to one days’
additional pay, or may elect instead to take one days’ leave at another
Where a public holiday falls on a day a five day shiftworker is rostered to
work and he or she works on that day, he or she will be entitled to a
separate attendance payment under clause 12.3.
A shift which traverses midnight will be deemed to fall on the day on
which the majority of hours are worked.
Shifts in which the majority of rostered shift hours fall on a public holiday
attract a penalty payment equal to 100% of the employee's salary. For
shifts worked on a public holiday only, the employee will also be entitled
to an additional day’s leave at ordinary time.
Seven day shiftworkers
Shifts in which the majority of rostered shift hours fall on a Public Holiday
attract a penalty payment equal to 100% of the employee’s salary. For
shifts worked on a public holiday only, the employee will also be entitled
to an additional day’s leave at ordinary time.
Where a public holiday falls on a day a seven day shiftworker is not
rostered to work, he or she will be entitled to a special holiday payment
equal to 100% of the employee's salary, except where the public holiday
falls during annual leave, long service leave, or periods of sick leave of
one month or longer.
A seven day shiftworker may elect to take a day's leave instead of the
special holiday payment.
Shiftworkers rostered to work on a public holiday and who are not
required to work on that day will receive normal pay for the shift including
the shift loading applying to a public holiday.
When a seven day shiftworker is rostered to work on the day following a
public holiday but is not required to do so, he or she will receive the
appropriate loading for the rostered shift.
A shift which traverses midnight will be deemed to fall on the day on
which the majority of hours are worked.
13.9 Shiftwork/Income Maintenance Allowance
a) Income maintenance provisions will apply where an employee on shift duties is
redeployed, transferred, promoted or moved for career development to non-shift duties.
(i) These provisions will apply to all CBA shiftwork areas and employees carrying
out shift duties who have continuously worked shifts for two years or more.
Continuity will not be broken by periods of leave such as -
sick leave;
parental leave;
long service leave;
or temporary movement from shift duties to undertake special projects; or
study leave or periods of training related to the position.
Example of continuous service: Commences at take-up of shift duties,
excludes period of leave and recommences from date of return to duty,
eg six years shift service + twelve months leave + six months shift duty on
return from leave equates to 6.5 years continuous shift service.
b) An employee moved from shift duties will retain his/her shift loading for the prescribed
period as follows:
Full shift allowance will be maintained for twelve months from the date the employee
ceases shift duties. This Annualised Shift Allowance (ASA) will be calculated by
deducting the Salary applicable to the employee’s classification (prior to assuming the
new position) from the employee’s actual earnings, excluding overtime, higher duty and
other allowances (excluding shift allowance) over the last full twelve months in which
they carried out shift duties. This figure will form the ASA for calculation of Salary.
The ASA component will stand alone and will be reduced by 25% with effect twelve
months from the date of the cessation of shift duties and 25% annually thereafter, eg
at 1/1/2011
full ASA paid
at 1/1/2012
ASA reduced by 25%
at 1/1/2013
ASA reduced by 50%
at 1/1/2014
ASA reduced by 75%
at 31/12/2014 -
Payment of ASA ceases.
The ASA component will be reduced by any shift allowance (if applicable) related to the
position newly occupied. During this phase out period, except in the case of annual
leave, RDOs and attendance at a CBA training course, these phase out arrangements
will not be paid during any absence from duty.
The phase out period will continue to run during such absences and will be extended
only for periods of parental leave and extended sick leave (greater than three weeks
continuous). In such circumstances, the phase out arrangements will apply over a
period extended by the duration of such leave.
c) All promotional salary increases and increases as a consequence of CBA enterprise
agreements, taking effect from the cessation of shift duties will not include the ASA
component for calculation. ASA will not be included in the Annual Performance Related
Payment Scheme. ASA will stand alone and be paid in addition to Salary.
d) Prior to any decision being taken to move an employee to a non-shift position by way of
transfer or promotion, consultation and discussion will be held with the employee and
his/her views will be taken into consideration, however the final decision will be taken by
the CBA.
e) Should the non-shift position be subject to a redundancy situation and the employee is
unable to be redeployed in accordance with this Agreement, on retrenchment, the pay
will include any ASA component for salary purposes.
Annual leave
Minimum annual leave entitlement
An employee will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the Act. These
entitlements can be summarised as follows:
an accrual of 20 days annual leave per annum for each employee (other
than those shift workers identified in clause 14.1(a)(ii));
an accrual of 25 days annual leave per annum for shift workers where
they are employed in a part of CBA in which shifts are continuously
rostered 24 hours a day for 7 days a week and the employee both:
is regularly rostered to work those shifts; and
regularly works on Sundays and public holidays.
annual leave shall be accrued on a pro-rate basis during each year of
service; and
annual leave is payable at the Base Rate of Pay for ordinary hours
skill utilisation loading;
district allowance;
field staff allowance;
living away from home allowance; or
relieving allowance.
Additional leave benefits
In addition to the NES entitlement to annual leave at the Base Rate of Pay, CBA
will pay the following allowances to employees during periods of annual leave to
which the employee is otherwise entitled:
In order to best meet the needs of the business, and to provide employees with
an opportunity to use annual leave in a way that best suits their individual and
family circumstances, an employee may make a request in writing to:
take annual leave in advance of such leave accruing to them; or
purchase an additional amount of leave up to an amount of 20 days per
annum; or
cash-out accrued annual leave in accordance with clause 14.6.
If a request made under clause 14.2(a)(iii) is approved by CBA, the salary for the
employee will be reduced on a pro rata basis to reflect the number of days
Employees employed at certain remote locations will be entitled to an additional
five working days annual leave for each year of service.
Direction to take annual leave
An employee must take an amount of annual leave during a particular period if directed
by CBA where:
at the time that the direction is given, the employee has annual leave credited to
him or her of more than 6 weeks;
the direction does not cause the employee’s annual leave balance to be less than
4 weeks at the time the leave is to commence; and
CBA gives the employee one month's notice in writing of the requirement to take
the annual leave.
Leave re-credited
Where an employee is not fit for work during a period of annual leave due to
personal illness or injury, the annual leave entitlement may be re-credited subject
to the employee notifying CBA of their absence as soon as is reasonably
practical and producing a medical certificate or statutory declaration; that properly
describes the nature of their illness/injury and its duration.
Where a carer’s leave situation arises during annual leave, the annual leave
entitlement may be re-credited subject to:(i)
the employee’s maximum carer's leave entitlement;
the employee notifying CBA immediately that they are taking carer’s
leave; and
the employee producing evidence to the satisfaction of CBA that it was
necessary for them to take carer’s leave.
Annual leave loading
Annual leave loading of 17.5% of the employee’s Base Rate of Pay for the period
of annual leave will apply.
This loading will be subject to a maximum payment of an amount equal to
average weekly earnings of employees as disclosed by the Australian Bureau of
Statistics for the September quarter immediately preceding January of the year in
which payment is made.
Annual leave loading will be calculated on the employee's salary as at 1 January
of the year in which payment is to be made and in the absence of earlier payment
will be payable in the last pay of November each year.
Proportionate annual leave loading will be paid to an employee with at least one
month but less than twelve months continuous service in the previous calendar
Cashing out annual leave
CBA and an employee may agree to cash-out annual leave which an employee has
accrued on the following basis:
paid annual leave must not be cashed out if the cashing out would result in the
employee’s remaining accrued entitlement to paid annual leave being less than 4
weeks; and
each cashing out of a particular amount of paid annual leave must be by a
separate agreement in writing between CBA and the employee; and
the employee must be paid at least the full amount that would have been payable
to the employee had the employee taken the leave that the employee has
forgone including annual leave loading, unless the annual leave loading has
already been paid for that years entitlement.
Payment on termination of employment
On cessation of employment for any reason an employee is entitled to be paid for
any accrued but untaken annual leave.
However, annual leave will not be paid out on termination where:
immediately upon termination, the employee commences employment
with another CBA Group company; and
the other CBA Group company informs the employee in writing that it will
recognise the employee’s annual leave entitlements with CBA.
Personal & Carer’s leave
Minimum entitlement
An employee will be entitled to personal/carer's leave in accordance with the Act. These
entitlements can be summarised as follows:
for each year of service an employee will be entitled to 10 days paid
personal/carers leave accrued progressively throughout the year of service;
personal (sick) leave will be payable at the employee's ordinary rates upon
production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration. Provided that:
an employee will not be required to produce a medical certificate for
absences of two consecutive working days or less;
where a pattern of frequent absences occur or there is reasonable doubt
as to the genuineness of the illness or injury, CBA may require the
employee to produce medical certificates for such absences for the
ensuing year.
carer's leave payable at the employees ordinary rates (up to a maximum of 10
days per annum) upon production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration;
up to 2 days unpaid carer’s leave per occasion upon production of a medical
certificate or statutory declaration; and
up to 3 days paid compassionate leave at ordinary rates on each permissible
Additional personal leave
Where an employee has been employed by CBA for at least 12 months or was
employed by CBA upon the commencement of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise
Agreement 2010, the employee shall be entitled to additional personal (sick) leave once
they have exhausted their accrued personal/carer’s leave on the following basis:(a)
subject to this clause, employees will be entitled to continuation of their ordinary
rate of pay whilst absent from work on account of personal illness or injury unless
worker’s compensation is payable;
CBA will continue to pay the employee during such periods of personal illness or
injury until such time as CBA reasonably considers that return to work to the
employee’s pre personal leave position within a reasonable timeframe will be
in order to qualify for additional personal leave under this clause 15.2 an
employee must:
where required by CBA, provide evidence, including a medical certificate
from a doctor, to the reasonable satisfaction of CBA as to the nature and
genuineness of the illness or injury;
properly participate in an appropriate return to work programme where
required by CBA; and
participate in an examination by an independent medical practitioner at
CBA’s expense where directed by CBA.
any decision to stop paying additional sick leave to an employee is within the
complete discretion of the employee’s Manager Twice Removed or higher.
Moving day
Subject to operational and business convenience, an employee shall be entitled to take
1 day of paid leave for the purpose of transferring his or her household furniture from
one residence to another.
Parental leave
Full-time and part-time employees are entitled to Parental Leave in accordance
with this clause.
Parental Leave is for the purposes of providing care for a newborn baby or for a
newly adopted child up to 5 years of age.
For the purpose of this clause child means a child of the employee under the age of one
year except for adoption of a child where child means a person under the age of five
years who is placed with the employee for the purposes of adoption, other than a child or
step-child of the employee or of the spouse of the employee or a child who has
previously lived continuously with the employee for a period of six months of more.
Primary Care Giver
A primary care giver is entitled to parental leave of up to 52 weeks.
This can consist of a combination of:
a maximum of 12 weeks continuous paid Parental Leave (where the
employee has had 12 months' continuous service with CBA). This must
include the 6 weeks' compulsory post-natal leave;
6 weeks' compulsory post-natal leave (this can be taken as part of 12
weeks' paid leave if eligible);
annual leave;
long service leave;
unpaid Parental Leave; and
paid sick leave credits accrued at 1 April 1998 for employees who were in
service at 11 September 1987 and who have been in continuous service
Employees in receipt of paid Parental Leave can choose to take their leave on
full pay, half pay or a combination of both.
12 weeks' paid Parental Leave must be taken in one continuous period, and
cannot be split.
Parental Leave may commence up to 20 weeks prior to the expected date of
Where an employee wishes to commence Parental Leave earlier than 6 weeks
before the expected date of birth, a medical certificate stating that the employee
is unable to continue working is required. Should the request be for personal or
compassionate reasons, the additional leave will be considered under normal
Secondary Care Giver
A secondary carer is entitled to concurrent/simultaneous Parental Leave of up to
3 weeks. This period of leave must be unbroken and commence in the period
beginning one week before the expected date of the birth of the child or
placement of an adopted/fostered child and up to 2 weeks after the birth or
This can consist of a combination of:
1 week paid Parental Leave (for employees with more than 12 months'
continuous service). This leave must be taken in one continuous period;
annual leave;
long service leave; and
2 weeks' unpaid Parental Leave.
General provisions relating to Parental Leave
Employees must provide at least four weeks’ notice to CBA of their intention to
commence Parental Leave.
Paid Parental Leave entitlement is inclusive of public holidays and the leave is
not extended by public holidays falling within the period.
An employee returning to work from a period of unpaid Parental Leave taken as
the Primary Care Giver is eligible to receive superannuation contributions at 9%
of their Base Rate of Pay (as at the commencement of their unpaid Parental
Leave) for up to, but not exceeding 40 weeks (or such other period as
determined by CBA) of unpaid Parental Leave, provided that they have been
back at work for 6 months (or such other period as determined by CBA)
Right to request – Primary Care Giver
In addition to the initial 52 weeks Parental Leave, a Primary Care Giver may
request an extension of Parental Leave of up to a further 52 weeks and a
Secondary Care Giver may request an extension of Parental Leave of up to 5
Any extension will be unpaid unless the employee wishes to utilise accumulated
leave entitlements.
Unless CBA otherwise agrees in writing, there must not be any break between
the initial Parental Leave and the extension.
A Primary Care Giver may request to return from a period of Parental Leave on a
part-time basis until the child reaches school age, to assist the employee in
reconciling work and parental responsibilities.
All requests must be made in writing and must be based on the employee's
parental responsibilities.
The extension request must be made a no later than 8 weeks prior to the
previously agreed return to work date for a primary care giver and 4 weeks for a
secondary care giver.
CBA shall consider the request having regard to the employee’s circumstances
and, provided the request is genuinely based on the employee’s parental
responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to
the effect on the workplace or CBA’s business. Such grounds might include cost,
lack of adequate replacement staff, loss of efficiency and the impact on customer
Extension of leave after return to work
Where a return to work occurs within the maximum period, and the early return to work
results in domestic difficulties, the employee may recommence Parental Leave
(including any extension of that leave). The leave of absence may be recommenced at
any time during the maximum previously approved leave period calculated from the
commencement date of the Parental Leave, but cannot continue beyond that period.
Cancellation of Parental Leave
Where a miscarriage occurs in the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy, absences will
be dealt with as paid personal illness leave.
Where a miscarriage occurs in the last 20 weeks of pregnancy, the employee is
entitled up to 6 weeks' paid Parental Leave from the date of miscarriage, if
Where a child is still-born, up to 6 weeks' paid Parental Leave will be approved
from the date of delivery, if requested.
Where a child dies within 6 weeks of birth, the Primary Care Giver is entitled to
paid Parental Leave for the balance of the 6 weeks and is also entitled to
bereavement leave in accordance with this Agreement.
Parental Leave in the case of adoption or long term/permanent foster care which
has been applied for, but which has not been commenced, will be cancelled
should the placement of the child not proceed.
Adoption Specific Conditions
In the case of adoption, Parental Leave can be commenced a maximum of one
week prior to the date of the placement of the child.
Where an employee is already on Parental Leave but placement of the child does
not proceed, the employee must notify CBA immediately. A return to duty date,
which will not exceed four weeks from receipt of the notification, will then be
16.10 Variation of period of Parental Leave
Unless agreed otherwise between CBA and employee, an employee may apply to CBA
to change the period of parental leave on one occasion. Any such change is to be
requested at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the changed arrangements.
16.11 Transfer to a safe job
Where an employee is pregnant and, in the opinion of a registered medical
practitioner, illness or risks arising out of the pregnancy or hazards connected
with the work assigned to the employee make it inadvisable for the employee to
continue at her present work the employee will, if CBA deems it practicable, be
transferred to a safe job at the employee’s ordinary rate of pay (for the position
she was in before the transfer) for the hours that she works in the risk period..
Where an employee is ill prior to the commencement of her Parental Leave with
a condition that is either related or unrelated to her pregnancy then, subject to
genuineness and appropriate certification, personal illness will be payable.
Where an employee is unfit for work CBA reserves the right to commence her
Parental Leave.
16.12 Returning to work after a period of Parental Leave
An employee will notify CBA of his or her intention to return to work after a period
of Parental Leave at least four weeks prior to the expiration of the leave.
An employee will be entitled to the position which he or she held immediately
before proceeding on Parental Leave. In the case of an employee transferred to
a safe job pursuant to clause 16.11, the employee will be entitled to return to the
position they held immediately before such transfer.
Where such position no longer exists but there are other positions available
which the employee is qualified for and is capable of performing, the employee
will be placed in comparable employment.
16.13 Replacement employees
A replacement employee is an employee specifically engaged, placed on higher
duty, or transferred, as a result of an employee proceeding on Parental Leave.
A replacement employee will be informed of the temporary nature of the
employment and of the rights of the employee who is being replaced.
16.14 Part time work
With the agreement of CBA, a female employee may work part-time in one or more
periods while she is pregnant where part-time work is, because of the pregnancy,
necessary or desirable.
Long Service Leave
Employees will be entitled to long service leave for completed years of service on the
following basis:
Length of service
Long service leave entitlement
at 10 to 20 years of service
6.5 working days for
completed year of service.
21-35 years of service
8.7 working days for
completed year of service.
36 or more years of service
6.5 working days for
completed year of service.
On retirement, retrenchment or death in service, an employee with at least one year’s
continuous service shall be entitled to a lump sum payment based on completed years
and months of service.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all employees are required to provide at least 6
months' notice of their intention to take long service leave. Unless an employee provides
this minimum period of notice, he/she may not be entitled to take long service leave.
Taking of long service leave will be subject to the business needs of CBA and subject to
approval by each employee’s Manager. The minimum long service leave absence that
employees may take is 2 weeks.
Where the period of an employee’s long service leave is 26 weeks or less, the employee
will return to their former position on their return from long service leave, unless their
position ceases to exist for reasons of redundancy.
Where long service leave taken is in excess of 26 weeks, the employee will return to
their former position on their return from long service leave unless CBA considers it
necessary for the position to be permanently filled. In these circumstances, the
employee will be informed prior to commencing on long service leave if the position will
need to be permanently filled.
Long service leave absences will be paid at ordinary rates of pay.
Public holidays
Observation of public holidays
The following days are public holidays:
New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday,
ANZAC Day, Queen’s Birthday holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day;
The following days, as prescribed in the relevant States, Territories and localities:
are public holidays: Eight Hours’ Day or Labour Day; and
In addition to the public holidays prescribed the following days will be observed
as local holidays where prescribed in the relevant State or Territory:
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory: August Bank Holiday.
Melbourne Cup Day;
Brisbane Royal National Show Day;
South Australia:
Adelaide Cup Day;
Western Australia:
Foundation Day;
Northern Territory:
Picnic Day.
Where a day is legislated, declared, proclaimed, gazetted or otherwise
prescribed in a State, Territory or locality within a State or Territory in substitution
for any of the days specified in 18(a), (b) and (c), such day will be the holiday for
the purposes of this Agreement in lieu of the day specified.
Where in a State, Territory or locality, public holidays are declared or prescribed
on days other than those set out in this clause 18.1 those days will constitute
additional holidays for the purpose of this Agreement.
An employee serving in country locations who, over a twelve month period to 31
December, receives less than the number of public holidays for the capital city of
the State concerned, will be entitled to compensatory leave to make up the
Working on a public holiday and local holiday
When CBA is rostering employees to work on a public holiday, it will first call for
volunteers from suitably qualified and located employees. However, if sufficient
employees do not volunteer, CBA may request employees to work on a public
An employee who has been requested to work on a public holiday, may refuse
the request if:
the request is not reasonable; or
the refusal is reasonable.
Where an employee works on a public holiday or local holiday, the employee will
be paid at double the applicable ordinary rate of pay with a minimum of four
hours to be paid. However, by agreement between the employee and CBA the
employee may elect to take an additional day’s leave at a time agreed to by CBA
and the employee and will be paid at their Base Rate of Pay for time worked on
the public holiday.
Where an employee, who is not a shiftworker is required to work on a public
holiday which falls on a weekend, the employee shall be paid or take an
additional day’s leave in accordance with this clause.
Payment or time in lieu for employees who are five day shiftworkers or seven day
shiftworkers for public holidays is dealt with in clause 13.8.
Military Leave
CBA will grant an employee who is a member of the Australian Defence Reserve Forces
up to a maximum of 20 working days’ paid leave for the purpose of attending parades,
camps or schools of instruction. CBA will deduct from the employee’s salary an amount
equivalent to the amount of ordinary reserve pay (excluding allowances) received for the
days which the employee would otherwise have been performing CBA duties.
All applications for leave will be supported by a certificate from the relevant military
Nothing in this clause 19 is intended to detract from an employee’s rights under the
Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act.
Community service leave
Employees will receive community service leave (including jury service leave and
voluntary emergency management activities leave) in accordance with the NES
(or any legislation amending or replacing the NES).
In respect of jury service leave, CBA will reimburse employees (other than casual
employees) the difference between the amount paid to the employee in respect
of jury duty and the employee’s Ordinary Rate of pay during the period of leave
up to a maximum of 20 days for any one period of jury service.
Termination of employment
Notice of termination by CBA
In order to terminate the employment of a part time or full time employee CBA
must give to the employee the following period of notice:
Period of continuous service
Period of notice*
Not more than 1 year
1 week
More than 1 year but not more than 3 2 weeks
More than 3 years but not more than 5 3 weeks
More than 5 years
4 weeks
*The period of notice will be increased by 1 week if the employee is over 45
years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with CBA at
the end of the day the notice is given.
CBA may elect to make a payment to the employee, in lieu of all or part of the
notice period.
The required amount of payment in lieu of notice must equal or exceed the total
of all amounts CBA would have become liable to pay to the employee the full
rate of pay for the hours the employee would have worked had the employment
continued until the end of the period of notice. That total must be calculated on
the basis of:
the employee’s ordinary hours of work (even if not standard hours); and
the amounts ordinarily payable to the employee in respect of those hours,
including (for example) allowances, loading and penalties.
The period of notice in this clause does not apply:
in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct;
to employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific task or
tasks; or
to casual employees.
The term ―continuous service‖ means service under an unbroken contract of
employment with CBA.
Notice of termination by an employee
The notice of termination required to be given by an employee is the same as that
required of CBA, save and except that there is no requirement on the employee to give
additional notice based on the age of the employee concerned.
Casual and temporary employees
The employment of a casual employee shall terminate at the end of each
engagement without the need for CBA to give notice to the employee or to make
any payments to the employee under this clause.
The employment of a temporary employee will terminate at the end of the period of
time, task or project (as the case may be) for which they were engaged without the need
for CBA to give notice to the employee or to make any payments to the employee under
this clause.
Job search entitlement
Where CBA has given notice of termination to an employee, an employee shall be
allowed up to one day’s time off without loss of pay for the purpose of seeking other
employment. The time off will be taken at times that are convenient to the employee
after consultation with CBA.
Redundancy means a situation where the work being done by an employee (or
a substantial portion of it):
is no longer required by CBA to be done;
is required to be done at a different location not within reasonable
commuting distance; or
the role is restructured so that some or all of its duties are split up
between other roles.
Comparable employment means a position which is above, at the same
classification or one classification lower within CBA, or project work, which is
commensurate with the skills and abilities of the employee concerned and which
is at the same location or at another location which is within reasonable
commuting distance. In the case of a position with a CBA Group Company or
with another employer, it is a position no less favourable overall.
Non comparable employment means the same as ―comparable employment‖
except it is a position, or project work, at more than one classification level lower
within CBA.
Retrenchment means the termination of an employee’s employment by CBA by
reason of redundancy.
Week’s salary means the actual weekly salary paid for working ordinary time
together with the value of salary sacrifice amounts, applicable allowances and
loadings averaged over the last complete shift or roster cycle but excluding any
payments for working outside of ordinary hours such as overtime.
Redundancy and redeployment
Where redundancy situations occur, CBA will make reasonable efforts to redeploy the
employee concerned. All due consideration will be given by CBA to filling vacant
positions with suitably qualified employees whose current positions have been declared
Subject to clauses 22.1(b), (d) and (e), where an employee’s position is made
redundant, CBA may, in its complete discretion:
redeploy the employee to comparable employment within CBA. This may
include seconding the employee to a CBA Group Company; or
procure an offer of comparable employment with a CBA Group Company;
procure an offer of employment in accordance with clause 22.6; or
redeploy the employee to project work for a period of up to twelve months.
This may include seconding the employee to a CBA Group Company; or
redeploy the employee to non comparable employment for up to eight
months. This may include seconding the employee to a CBA Group
Company; or
terminate the employee’s employment by reason of redundancy.
Where an employee is redeployed they will retain their existing salary,
allowances and classification level, unless the employee is redeployed to a
higher graded position in which case they will receive the salary and classification
level for that position.
Where an employee is redeployed they will continue to be paid allowances
related to his/her former position which thereafter will be of fixed quantum (i.e.,
not subject to any further adjustment), less the amount of any allowances related
to the position newly occupied, unless/until allowances related to the position
newly occupied exceed allowances related to the employee’s former position, in
which case only those allowances related to the position newly occupied will be
An employee who is to be redeployed will be provided with the following
information in writing:
Timing of the redeployment
Principal duties
Expiration date of the eight month period if relevant.
An employee who is redeployed within CBA to non comparable employment, will
be redeployed to comparable employment within eight months of the date of the
employee’s former position becoming redundant; provided that
if during the redeployment period CBA comes to the view that there will be
no reasonable prospect of redeployment at the conclusion of the
redeployment period, then CBA may offer retrenchment terms to the
if, at the conclusion of the redeployment period, CBA has not or is unable
to place the employee, the employee will be retrenched without loss of
entitlement to retrenchment payments calculated to the date service
actually ends or the employee may elect to continue employment with
CBA in the non-comparable role.
Where during the term of redeployment to non comparable employment the
position becomes redundant, or project work ceases, then the employee may be
redeployed once to another non comparable position or project work for a period
not exceeding the difference between the term of the first redeployment and eight
months, or twelve months in the case of project work. Alternatively, CBA may
terminate the employee’s employment on the grounds of redundancy.
Nothing in this clause 22 is intended to affect the right of CBA to :
make a decision to make a role, position or work redundant; or
determine which option it will take under clause 22.2(a);
and any such decisions or determinations are at the complete discretion of CBA.
An employee to be retrenched will be given the maximum practical forewarning of
likely retrenchment and the specific retrenchment date provided that he/she will
be given minimum written notice of retrenchment as follows:
Employees with less than 25 years' service – 6 weeks' notice
Employees with 25 or more years' service - 9 weeks' notice.
Where an employee elects to terminate his/her employment at the
commencement of the period of notice, or during the period of notice, or CBA so
directs, CBA will pay out the outstanding notice to a maximum of 6 or 9 weeks as
appropriate in terms of subclause 22.3(a). In this circumstance the employee will
be entitled to receive the benefits and payments they would have received under
this clause had they remained with CBA until the expiry of the notice, including
payment for any remaining period of notice.
Severance Pay
An employee, whose employment is terminated by reason of redundancy is
entitled to the following amount of severance pay in respect of a period of
continuous service:
seven weeks' salary for first full year of service, or pro-rata for employees
with less than one full year of service;
three weeks' salary for each subsequent year of continuous service; and
a pro-rated payment for each completed month of service in the final part
year of service.
The maximum payment under this subclause will be 79 weeks' salary.
An employee who has transferred from full time to part time employment or viceversa will have his/her severance payments for part time work based on hours
being worked at the conclusion of each period of part time employment.
Calculation will be pro-rata on the full time salary applicable to the
level/classification of the employee immediately prior to retrenchment.
An employee is not entitled to a severance payment under this clause 22.4 if they
refused to comply with a direction that they be redeployed under clause
refused an offer of comparable employment with a CBA Group Company
under clause 22.2(a)(ii): or
refused an offer of comparable employment procured under clause
22.2(a)(iv), (v), or 22.6.
Moving House
Where in the opinion of CBA and the FSU it is necessary for an employee who is
redeployed or who is retrenched in terms of this clause to move residence, the following
arrangements will apply in respect of relocation expenses:
for an employee redeployed within CBA, CBA will meet the cost of expenses,
allowances and other benefits on the same basis applicable to CBA initiated
for an employee taking up a position outside CBA, CBA will make a flat payment
equivalent to that applicable under clause D2.4 of Schedule D.
Transfer of Employment
Where an employee’s role has been made redundant by reason of a sale,
transfer or transmission of business or outsourcing, CBA may procure an offer of
comparable employment with the employer to whom the relevant part of the
business is being sold, transferred, transmitted or outsourced.
An employee who does not accept such an offer of employment will not be
entitled to any severance payment under clause 22.4.
Job search entitlement
During the period of notice of termination given by the employer in accordance
with 22.3, an employee will be allowed up to one day’s time off without loss of
pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment.
If the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the
notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee will, at
the request of CBA, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or
he or she shall not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a
statutory declaration will be sufficient.
Additional benefits
An employee who has attained the age of 55 years as at the date of
retrenchment will be entitled to those continuing benefits applicable to retired
employees of CBA.
An employee who has not attained the age of 55 years as at the date of
retrenchment will be entitled to (i)
retain his/her existing housing loan on concessional employee terms for a
period of nine months from the date of retrenchment. At the conclusion of
this period, the loan will be refinanced without CBA charges and fees at
CBA’s most favourable customer rate for new loans;
retain any other loans, including MasterCard and VISA, on concessional
employees’ terms for a period of nine months from the date of
retrenchment; and
exemption from all CBA fees and charges for a period of nine months
from the date of retrenchment.
CBA will establish appropriate counselling and information procedures and make
these available to retrenched employees without charge. Such procedures will
provide for employees to be advised of:
the sums of money the employee will receive by way of severance
payments, pay in lieu of notice and leave credits;
entitlements and options under the relevant superannuation fund;
alternative investment strategies which may be provided by way of access
to CBA pre-retirement seminars.
Employees exempted
This clause does not apply to:
employees terminated as a consequence of serious misconduct that justifies
dismissal without notice;
probationary employees;
employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks;
casual employees.
Rate of Allowance
The rates for the allowances payable under this clause are set out in schedule D.
Preserved allowances are set out in schedule C item 5.
Meal Allowance
A meal allowance will be paid to an employee who works:
overtime and in excess of 9½ hours (excluding meal breaks) on any
day/shift; or
overtime and in excess of 5½ hours on a weekend or public holiday.
A further meal allowance payment will become due for each additional period of
5½ hours.
On-call Allowances
An employee rostered by CBA to hold himself or herself in readiness to
perform work outside his or her scheduled hours (such as work
associated with automatic telling machines) will be paid an call allowance.
In the event of half-day local public holidays, on-call allowances payable
shall be the amounts applicable under the appropriate time categories for
weekend and public holiday work.
In contact
A specifically identified employee in a specialist role (such as monitoring
the Computer Alarm System) who because of his or her expertise agrees
to be available for emergency out of hours telephone contact should the
need arise will be paid an in contact allowance.
Overtime may be claimed for such telephone calls which continue for
fifteen minutes or longer.
Skill Utilisation Loading
An employee within general classification grades GC1, GC2 or GC3 who
acquires the skills necessary to undertake duties at the next highest
classification, on a fully competent and sustainable basis, will be paid a loading
based on 25 % of the difference between base to base rates.
This arrangement takes the place of all formal higher duty arrangements within
the general classification grades and all employees of that status may be
requested to perform any functions within the general classification ranks on a
flexible basis, to suit CBA's operational needs.
Relieving Allowance
An annual relieving allowance will be paid to an employee while serving as a
member of a recognised relieving staff and who is carrying out relieving duties.
An employee who is not a member of a recognised relieving staff but is required
to perform a relief away from his or her normal workplace for eight or more
consecutive weeks will be entitled to payment of a pro rata allowance for the time
of the relief.
First Aid Allowance
A full time employee who has been appointed by CBA to carry out the duties of a
first aid attendant and who is the holder of current first aid qualifications from an
accredited association (such as St John Ambulance or Red Cross), will be paid a
first aid allowance.
First aid allowance will be paid to an employee only while he or she is the
appointed first aid attendant at a particular workplace (including an employee
appointed as a relief first aid attendant). The payment will cease when the
employee is no longer the appointed first aid attendant.
First aid allowance will continue to be paid during annual leave or other paid
absences for a period of no longer than four weeks.
Interpreter Allowance
An employee required to use skills in a language other than English in the course
of his or her daily duties will be entitled to payment of the interpreter allowance
for that week.
Payment of interpreter allowance in any one week will be subject to the employee
using his or her linguistic skills for a minimum of 5 hours in that week. This
requirement will be reduced by one hour for each day’s absence on an RDO,
paid Personal Illness/Carers Leave, paid special leave or public/bank holiday.
Payment of interpreter allowance will continue during annual leave where an
employee was entitled to receive the allowance on a regular basis throughout the
District Allowance
District Allowance is a range of amounts agreed between the parties from time to
time and payable to employees serving at particular locations having regard to
prevailing climatic conditions, cost of living, local amenities, isolation and any
other special features.
An employee serving at a location which would entitle the employee to payment
of district allowance will be paid the relevant district allowance.
An employee serving at a Group 5, 6 or 7 location will be entitled to electricity
costs assistance except where the employee resides with his or her parents or is
in accommodation where electricity costs are paid by CBA.
The Districts which attract the allowance under this clause will be agreed
between CBA and the FSU from time to time and identified and recorded in
CBA’s policies. A hard copy of the agreed list of districts shall be available to all
employees on request at each place of work.
A PTE is entitled under this clause to a payment pro rata the entitlement of a Fulltime Employee.
District Allowance Review
i. Within three months of the commencement of this Agreement the CBA
will, in consultation with the FSU, develop a project plan for a review of
the benefits provided to employees working in locations which may be
considered to be eligible for payment of District Allowance. The review
will include, but not be limited to:
1. an examination of existing over-Agreement payments made to
employees; and
2. an examination of accommodation benefits provided by CBA.
ii. The aim of the review will be to identify any changes to payments and
benefits provided by CBA which should reasonably be made.
iii. Matters considered in deciding on the reasonableness of changes will
include but not be limited to:
1. the cost of changes;
2. equity of treatment between employees;
3. CBA’s remuneration and employee attraction/retention strategies.
iv. The FSU will be involved as a partner in the project and will be fully
consulted regarding recommendations. However final decisions on
changes to employees’ benefits will solely be made by CBA. The FSU
representatives will maintain the confidentiality of any employee
entitlement information to which they become privy as part of the review.
v. It is intended that the review will be completed by 30 June 2012. Any
changes to employee benefits will be introduced administratively by CBA.
Administrative changes will not reduce an employee’s entitlement under
this Agreement.
Car Allowance
When an employee is authorised by CBA to use his or her own car on CBA
business he or she will be paid one of the car allowance rates prescribed in
clause D2.2.1 of Schedule D. Car allowance covers all costs including "wear
and tear" and the employee carries all risks (including third party).
Employees entitled under this Agreement to payment of car allowance for driving
their car to and from work, will be entitled to the relevant car allowance rates
prescribed in clause D2.2.2 of Schedule D.
An employee authorised to use his or her personal vehicle during a public
transport stoppage will be reimbursed at the basic rate prescribed in clause
D2.2.1 of Schedule D.
Where branch cars are used by employees privately (with the exception of homebranch-home travel), the estimated cost is to be reimbursed by the employees.
23.10 Transferred Staff – Travelling, Removal and Transfer Expenses
The following entitlements apply to an employee transferred by CBA to a location
requiring a permanent change of residence.
Travelling expenses
CBA will meet actual and reasonable travelling expenses for an employee and his or her
dependent family members applicable to the journey to the new location. This will
include taxi, porterage, meals, accommodation or economy class air fares or other
means of public transport (including sleeping accommodation where appropriate). Car
allowance at the Basic Rate specified in clause D2.2.1 of Schedule D may be claimed if
travel is by car.
Removal expenses
Reimbursement of all reasonable costs associated with removal of furniture and effects
to the new place of residence.
Temporary accommodation expenses
CBA will reimburse an employee any reasonable living expenses associated with
temporary accommodation required pending the availability of transit accommodation,
the arrival of furniture and effects, or acquisition of, or access to, a permanent residence.
Where the period of such temporary accommodation exceeds seven days, an employee
will contribute normal living expenses
Transfer expenses
The payments prescribed in clause D2.4 of Schedule D will be made upon an employee
taking up residence. When an employee is setting up home for the first time, no
allowance will be payable. An employee required to change CBA provided
accommodation in the same town will be entitled to payment of 35% of the relevant
Time off duty
Employees will be entitled to time off duty necessary to travel to the new location and for
packing/unpacking. Packing/unpacking leave will be three days for an employee with a
spouse and/or dependent children and two days for a single employee. Employees will
also be entitled to one day special orientation leave to be taken within one month of
taking up duty.
Preserved conditions
The provisions set out in Schedule C apply (in accordance with their terms) to
employees engaged by CBA and covered by this Agreement.
Where applicable, the terms of this Agreement operate subject to Schedule C.
Consultation regarding major workplace change
CBA to notify
Where CBA has made a decision to introduce major changes in production,
program, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to have significant
effects on employees covered by this Agreement, CBA must notify and consult
with the FSU and the employees who may be affected by the proposed changes.
Significant effects include termination of employment; major changes in the
composition, operation or size of the employer’s workforce or in the skills
required; the elimination or diminution of job opportunities, promotion
opportunities or job tenure; the alteration of hours of work; the need for retraining
or transfer of employees to other work or locations; and the restructuring of jobs.
CBA to discuss change
CBA must discuss with the FSU and the employees affected, the introduction of
the changes referred to in clause 25.1, the effects the changes are likely to have
on employees and measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such
changes on employees and must give genuine consideration to matters raised by
the employees and/or the FSU in relations to the proposed changes.
The discussions must commence as early as practicable after the decision has
been made by CBA to make the changes referred to in clause 25.1. These
discussions will provide an opportunity to influence how the decision is
For the purposes of such discussion, CBA must provide in writing to the FSU and
the employees concerned, sufficient reasonable information to enable effective
consultation regarding the changes proposed, the expected effects of the
changes on employees and any other matters likely to affect employees,
provided that CBA is not required to disclose commercially sensitive information
to employees.
Commercial confidentiality will be respected by both CBA and the FSU. The FSU
commits to non-disclosure of information that is provided to it as commercial in
confidence. CBA is not required to disclose information to the FSU, the
disclosure of which would be contrary to law.
Dispute settlement procedure
This clause applies to disputes arising about:
this Agreement,
the National Employment Standards as prescribed by the Act.
The parties to a dispute must genuinely attempt to resolve the dispute at the
workplace level. This would usually require an affected employee discussing the
matter in dispute with their manager.
Where the dispute cannot be resolved at the workplace level, the employee
should raise the issue with their manager once removed.
Where the dispute cannot be resolved with the employee’s manager once
removed, the employee should raise the issue with their manager twice removed.
If the dispute cannot be resolved at the workplace level or it is not practicable to
genuinely resolve the dispute at the workplace level, a party or their
representative may refer the dispute to Fair Work Australia for conciliation.
Employees are entitled to be represented by their union at any stage of the
process and may contact the FSU office or workplace FSU representative for
representation at any stage of the procedure. CBA shall recognise the
representative for all purposes involved with resolution of the dispute.
Except as provided for in clause 26(j), FWA can make a recommendation in
relation to the matter being dealt with in the dispute and such recommendation
will be binding upon the parties. The parties will, however, not be bound to follow
recommendations of FWA which have a general application.
The parties to the dispute and their representatives must act in good faith in
relation to the dispute.
Whilst the dispute is being resolved, work arrangements will be maintained
unless a change in work arrangements is required for a pressing operational
necessity. However, once the pressing operational necessity ceases, the
employee will revert to their previous working arrangements until the dispute is
Clause 26(g) does not apply to clause 7.5(d), clause 9.4, clause 9.5, clause 9.6,
clause 12.7, clause 15.2 or clause 25 or to the right of CBA to.
make a decision to make a role, position or work redundant; or
determine which option it will take under clause 22.2(a).
Union Relationship
FSU Workplace Representatives
To facilitate a consultative and co-operative approach to employee relations within the
workplace, staff who have been duly appointed as FSU Workplace Representatives by
the FSU Local Executive will be allowed, subject to the operational needs of the
business (including the Branch or part of business in which the FSU Workplace
Representative works), reasonable and sufficient time and access to existing facilities at
the workplace during working hours to enable them to attend to their duties as
Workplace Representative as provided in the FSU Rules.
Trade Union Training Leave
Requests for leave on full pay from an employee nominated by the FSU to attend
recognised Trade Union Training courses will be approved by CBA subject to the
following provisions:
―Approved‖ courses include those conducted by or under the auspices of the
FSU or an organisation with which the FSU is affiliated.
The application to CBA must be in writing, include the nature, content and
duration of the course to be attended, and normally be provided with 14 days
notice of the proposed training.
The granting of leave pursuant to this clause shall be subject to CBA being able
to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current employees, in the
Branch or part of the business in which the relevant employee works, during the
period of such leave.
Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause, shall count as service for all
purposes of this Agreement.
All expenses associated with attending a training course as provided in this
clause shall be the responsibility of the FSU.
Industrial leave
Where an FSU member holds an honorary official position in the FSU, CBA
understands that there may be additional duties which may include attendance
as FSU conferences, Enterprise Council or Executive Committee meetings.
Reasonable additional leave on full pay will be made available for anyone who
holds an honorary official position provided it can be accommodated by CBA
taking into account the number of honorary officials employed by CBA relative to
the size of CBA’s workforce in the relevant state. Employees who are also
honorary officials shall notify their immediate manager of their requirement to
conduct additional FSU duties when the need for such leave arises.
The FSU will provide written notification annually to CBA advising of which FSU
members hold honorary positions and the potential extent of time required to
carry out their duties.
Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause, shall count as service for all
purposes of this Agreement.
For the purposes of this clause honorary official positions in the FSU are:
Local Enterprise Council Delegate
Local Executive Delegate
National Enterprise Delegate
National Executive Delegate
Deputy National Executive Delegate
Conference Delegate
Cap on leave
CBA as a whole (all business units of CBA) will provide not more than a total of 500 days
per annum paid leave for absences granted under this clause 27.
Transition to Retirement
Employees who have indicated their intention to retire from CBA may request
that CBA agree to a retirement transition arrangement. System changes to allow
for such arrangements will be introduced during the life of this Agreement. The
decision to grant such a request will not be unreasonably refused.
As part of a retirement transition arrangement an employee may request to utlise
existing flexible working practices, including but not limited to job sharing
arrangements and a reduction in working hours. In addition an employee may
request to use either of the following options;
use accrued Long Service Leave for the purpose of reducing the
employee’s working hours whilst retaining their previous type of
employment as provided by clause 7.1 and span of hours as provided by
clause 12.1; or
request to be appointed to a role lower in grade or base rate of pay (posttransition role). In this type of arrangement, the employee would retain the
base rate of pay from their pre-transition role for the purposes of
calculating their Long Service Leave. However, if the employee’s base
rate of pay in the post-transition role over time exceeds the base rate of
pay of the pre-transition role, the higher base rate of pay shall be used to
calculate pay for LSL purposes.
The maximum duration of any retirement transition arrangement will be two
years, unless otherwise agreed between CBA and the employee.
Schedule A Classifications
The following classification descriptors identify various characteristics of work at each of CBA
grades. As the grades ascend, the classification descriptors reflect that the nature of the work
generally becomes more complex and the exercise of discretion in how work is performed
expands. For all roles the person must work as a member of a team contributing to the work of
other team members.
Grade: GC1
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is accountable for the work of the role as a
member of a team and to demonstrate expected team behaviours as
required by CBA.
Tasks are very routine and repetitive and require basic
operational knowledge of standard procedures.
Roles can entail basic service or operational work.
Numeracy and literacy requirements must be met for entry to
the role, but no previous experience and little training is necessary.
Problem Solving
Very limited discretion is involved though there may be some
very limited choice from standard procedures and solutions.
Close supervision is generally a feature (e.g. usually several
times a day).
Ordinary courtesy and effective day to day communication with
the supervisor and the rest of the team is required.
An understanding is required of how the role fits in with the
immediate team.
Grade: GC2
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is accountable for the work of the role as a member of a
team and to demonstrate expected team behaviours as defined in
Bank policy.
Roles are routine and repetitive.
A wider operational knowledge of standard procedures than at
GC1 is required.
A basic understanding of products and services may be
Roles may include basic customer service or support or
operational work.
Some experience may be required for entry to a role.
As a guide, up to 2 months may be required to acquire the
necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
Limited discretion is involved and there are limited choices from
standard procedures and solutions.
Supervision is direct but less frequent than for a GC1 (usually at
least daily).
Ordinary courtesy and effective day to day communication with
the supervisor and the rest of the team is required. May require basic
courtesy and tact in dealing with customers but not sales or influencing
Some on the job (side by side) only training of other team
members in job procedures or equipment use may be required.
An understanding is required of the function of the immediate
team and how it relates to the work unit.
The work of the role has some influence on team outcomes.
There are no budget accountabilities.
Grade: GC3
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is accountable for the work of the role as a
member of a team and to demonstrate expected team behaviours as
required by CBA.
Roles require demonstrable operational knowledge of a range
of work routines, policies and procedures, some of which will be used
Basic knowledge of products and services may be required.
Roles may include customer service and basic sales, or
support or operational work.
Experience in some aspects of the work is usually required for
entry to a role.
As a guide, up to 3 months may be required to acquire the
necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
There is some limited discretion and wider choices than at
GC2 from standard procedures and solutions
Supervision is direct but less frequent than for GC1 and GC2
(daily or several times a week).
Effective communication with the supervisor, rest of the team
and customers is required. May require basic sales skills.
Some on the job (side by side) only training of other team
members may be required.
An understanding is required of the functions of the team and
the immediate work unit.
The work of the role has some influence on team outcomes.
There are no budget accountabilities.
Grade: GC4
In this grade:
Accountability and
An employee is accountable for their own work as a member
of a team.
If role is a work group leader (cannot be a supervisor) tasks
may include overseeing the work of other team members and some
lesser supervisory functions.
Roles require a good operational knowledge of work routines,
policies and procedures. May act as an information point of reference
for other team members.
A good operational knowledge of products and services is
A wide variety of roles may be encompassed including
customer service, sales, support or operational work.
Experience in some aspects of the work is usually required for
entry to a role.
As a guide, around 4 – 6 months may be required to acquire
the necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
There is more discretion than at lower levels but problems are
mostly familiar. Where unusual problems arise reference to or advice
from others at higher grades may be required.
Supervision is direct and periodic and is less frequent than for
a GC3.
Effective communication with the supervisor, rest of team and
customers is required. May require sales or influencing skills.
If work group leader tasks are part of the role, skills in
assigning and reviewing work (but not performance appraisal) are
Some on the job training of other team members may be required.
An understanding is required of the function of the team and
the work unit.
The work of the role has some influence on the team.
Work may involve some input into setting budgets for the work
Grade: AMA
In this grade:
An employee is accountable for their own work as a member of
and Authority
a team.
Roles may entail supervisory or team leader authorities and
A very good operational knowledge of policies and procedures
applicable in the team is required.
A general working knowledge of complex products and services
may be required.
A wide variety of roles may be encompassed including
customer service and sales, basic technical advice/research support
Reasonable experience in similar work is usually required for
entry to a role.
As a guide, up to 6 months may be required to acquire the
necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
Similarity of problems is encountered with resolution possible
from a small range of options or by applying acquired knowledge.
Work can require recognition of unusual issues needing expert
People Skills
Direct and periodic supervision (e.g. every few days to weekly)
Interpersonal communication and influencing skills are of some
Skills in assigning and reviewing work and performance
appraisal recommendations may be required.
Work requires an understanding of the functions of the work
Roles do not have budgetary control but may have some input
into setting budgets for the work team.
Roles may include management of a small portfolio of very low
complexity business.
Grade: AMB
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial authorities and accountabilities as required by CBA
Roles may involve leading and managing a small team.
An understanding of a range of moderately complex policies and
procedures is required.
A sound working knowledge of more complex products and
services may be required
A wide variety of roles may be encompassed including customer
service and sales, basic to intermediate technical advice/ research
support work
Reasonable experience in similar work is usually required for entry
to a role.
As a guide, in excess of 6 months may be required to acquire the
necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing a wider range of problems than at lower
grades with more freedom to think.
Solutions to problems can be available from procedural guidelines
or precedents.
Roles involve analysing aspects of a system or process in order to
anticipate and address operating problems or recommend improvement
opportunities to higher levels for decision.
Roles are generally subject to guidelines and more limited and
indirect supervision, but with ready access to expert advice.
Roles may have some discretion to vary from established
procedures and to plan own work and the work priorities of others.
Interpersonal communication
increased importance.
A range of people management skills (e.g. performance
management and appraisal, coaching and development) are required if
role is team leader/manager.
Work requires an understanding of the functions of the business
Roles may be accountable for a pre-set budget.
Roles may manage a small portfolio of low complexity business.
Grade: AMC
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial authorities and accountabilities as required by CBA.
Roles may involve leading and managing a small team.
A good understanding of a range of moderately complex
policies and procedures is required.
A sound working knowledge of more complex products and
services may be required.
A wide variety of roles may be encompassed including
specialised sales, service and advice, intermediate technical advice/
research support work.
Significant experience in similar work is usually required for
entry to a role.
As a guide, in excess of 6 months may be required to acquire
the necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing a wider range of problems than at
Solutions to problems can be available from procedural guidelines or
Roles involve analysing aspects of a system or process in order
to anticipate and address operating problems or recommend
improvement opportunities to higher levels for decision.
Roles are generally subject to guidelines and more limited and
indirect supervision but with ready access to expert advice.
Roles may have some discretion to vary from standard
procedures and to plan own work and the work priorities of others.
Interpersonal communication and influencing skills continue to
rise in importance.
A range of people management skills (e.g. performance
management and appraisal, coaching and development) will be
required if role is team leader/manager.
Work requires a developed understanding of the functions of
the business unit.
Roles are likely to be accountable for a pre-set budget and may
have input into its formulation.
Roles may entail managing a small portfolio of generally low to
moderate complexity business.
Grade: AMD
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial accountabilities and authorities as required by CBA.
Roles may involve leading and managing a moderately sized
A developed understanding of a range of complex policies and
procedures is required.
An advanced working knowledge of more complex products
and services may be required.
A wide variety of roles is encompassed including relatively
specialised and complex sales, service and advice, high intermediate
technical advice/ research support work.
Significant experience in similar work is required for entry to a
As a guide, in excess of 6 months may be required to acquire
the necessary knowledge for the role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing a wider range of problems than at
Solutions to problems can be available from procedural guidelines or
Roles involve analysing aspects of a system or process in order
to anticipate and address operating problems or recommend
improvement opportunities, generally for decision at higher levels.
Roles are generally subject to guidelines and more limited and
indirect supervision, but with ready access to expert advice.
Roles may have more discretion to vary from established
procedures and to plan own work and the work priorities of others.
Interpersonal communication and influencing skills need to be
well developed
Negotiation skills and a range of people management skills
(e.g. performance management and appraisal, coaching and
development) will be required if role is team leader/manager.
Work requires a deeper understanding of the business unit.
Roles are likely to be accountable for a pre-set budget and may
have input into its formulation.
Roles may entail managing a small portfolio of generally
moderate complexity business.
Grade: MA
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial accountabilities and authorities as required by CBA.
Roles may involve leading and managing a moderately sized
team either directly or through subordinate managers or supervisors.
A moderately advanced technical or theoretical knowledge is
generally required.
A sound working knowledge may be required of highly complex
products and services.
A significant variety of roles may be encompassed including
highly specialised and complex sales, service and advice, or
intermediate to advanced technical/advice/research support work.
Substantial experience and/or a formal professional or tertiary
qualification is likely to be required for entry to a role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing diverse problems and requires a
Solutions to problems are not always available from procedural or
policy guidelines or precedents.
Roles involve analysing a wide range of data within several
systems or processes to anticipate and address problems or
improvement opportunities
Work is substantially diversified with significant discretion to
plan own work and the work priorities of others and to vary from
established procedures and precedents, but with expert advice
Sound interpersonal communication and influencing skills must
be demonstrated.
Effective negotiation abilities and a range of people
management skills (e.g. performance management and appraisal,
coaching and development) are likely to be required.
Work requires a sound understanding of the business unit.
Roles can manage a moderately sized pre-set budget and may
have input into its formulation.
Roles may entail managing a medium portfolio of moderately
complex business.
Grade: MB
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial accountabilities and authorities as required by CBA.
Roles may involve leading and managing a medium to large
team either directly or through subordinate managers or supervisors.
An advanced technical or theoretical knowledge is required.
A sound working knowledge of highly complex products and
services may be required.
A significant variety of roles may be encompassed including
highly specialised, complex, and often tailored, sales, service and
advice, or high intermediate to advanced technical/advice/research
support work.
Substantial experience and/or a formal professional or tertiary
qualification is likely to be required for entry to a role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing diverse problems and requires a high
degree of freedom to think.
Solutions to problems are not always available from procedural
or policy guidelines or precedents.
Roles involve analysing a wide range of data within several
systems or processes to anticipate and address problems or
improvement opportunities. This analysis may sometimes need to take
account of external variables.
While the aims of roles are clearly set out, occupants are
expected to exercise their discretion as to the methods required to
achieve them within CBA’s guidelines.
Advanced interpersonal communication and influencing skills
must be demonstrated.
Effective negotiation abilities are regularly required.
A range of people management skills (e.g. performance
management and appraisal, coaching and development) are likely to
be required.
Work requires a detailed understanding of the business unit
and some understanding of the Group.
Roles can manage a medium sized pre-set budget with input
into its formulation.
Roles may entail managing a medium to large portfolio of
medium to high complexity business.
Grade: MC
In this grade:
and Authority
An employee is able to exercise the full range of minimum
managerial accountabilities and authorities as required by CBA.
Roles may involve leading and managing a medium to large
team either directly or through subordinate managers or supervisors.
More advanced technical and/or theoretical knowledge is
required in the relevant knowledge field.
A highly developed working knowledge of very complex
products and services may be required.
A significant variety of roles may be encompassed including
significantly specialised, complex and tailored sales service and
advice, or advanced technical/advice/research support work.
Substantial experience and/or a formal professional or tertiary
qualification is likely to be required for entry to a role.
Problem Solving
Work involves addressing diverse problems and requires a high
degree of freedom to think.
Solutions to problems are not always available from procedural
or policy guidelines or precedents.
Roles involve analysing a wide range of data within several
systems or processes to anticipate and address problems or
improvement opportunities. External variables impinging on those
systems or processes must also be taken into account.
While the aims of roles are clearly set out, occupants are
expected to exercise their discretion as to the methods required to
achieve them within CBA’s guidelines.
Advanced interpersonal communication and influencing skills
are crucial to the role.
Significant negotiation abilities are regularly required.
A range of people management skills (e.g. performance
management and appraisal, coaching and development) are likely to
be required.
Work requires a detailed understanding of the business unit
and some understanding of the Group.
Roles can manage a medium to large pre-set budget with input
into its formulation.
Roles may entail managing a large portfolio of complex
Schedule B - Salaries
New employees engaged under this Agreement shall be paid the applicable salary rate in
column C.
Minimum Rates (effective from 1 July 2011)
3% + 1% super 2002
4% 2002
4% 2002
3% + 1% super 2003
3% + 1% super 2003
4% 2003
3% + 1% super 2002
4% 2002
4% 2002
3% + 1% super 2003
3% + 1% super 2003
4% 2003
Minimum Rates (effective from 1 January 2012)
Schedule C – preserved conditions
Staff Housing Loans (SHLs)
1.1 CBA and the FSU agree that the following will be features of the SHL Scheme for staff
employed prior to 16 May 2001:
1.1.1 Interest Rate Charging Frequency Monthly
1.1.2 Interest Rates
(a) No change to existing concessional interest rate structure.
(b) All concessional SHL interest rate borrowings will be subject to a base market interest
rate of 9% and a ceiling market interest rate of 16%.
(c) For Bank initiated transferred staff, 1.5% concession to continue.
1.1.3 SHL Set-Off A/C
Minimum balance and transaction to be $1,000.
1.1.4 Additional Loans
Subject to CBA home loans criteria.
1.1.5 Eligibility Criteria
(i) Intent to occupy.
(ii) Repayments not greater than 35% of gross income (joint).
(iii) Loan valuation ratio 90%.
(iv) Restriction on co-borrower to allow recognised 'spouse' (non sex specific).
(v) Current borrowing capacity maintained.
1.1.6 Repayment Adjustments
Review annually with effect from 1 April. Staff may request a change in repayment amount.
1.1.7 Equity
No change to existing arrangements.
1.1.8 Maximum Loan Term
Align with CBA home loans.
1.1.9 SHLs for Retirees
Subject to meeting the eligibility requirements for SHLs, the following arrangements will apply
for staff employed as at 30 June 1996:
(i) SHL borrowings taken prior to 1 April 1997 may be retained into retirement for the
remainder of the specified term of the loan.
(ii) SHL borrowings taken on or after 1 April 1997 and before 1 April 2002 may be retained
into retirement for a period equal to the time between the date of approval of the loan and 1
April 2007. The interest rate on any outstanding balance will then continue at customer
(iii) SHL borrowings taken on or after 1 April 2002 may be retained into retirement for a
period of five years at which time the interest on any outstanding balance will continue at
customer rates.
(iv) No new or additional loans at concessional rates after retirement.
1.1.10 Retrenchment at less than 55 years old
Where an employee is retrenched who has not attained the age of 55 years as at the
date of retrenchment has a concessional loan which was originally approved prior to 7
April 1986 the loan will be regarded as "regulated" and will operate as an exception to
subclause 22.8(b).
1.3 SHL Closure for new employees
Employees who join CBA after 16 May 2001 will not be eligible for a SHL. For the
avoidance of doubt, the fact that CBA may recognise an employee’s service with
another employer prior to that date does not make that employee eligible for an SHL.
Recognition of prior service for Long Service Leave
For employees employed prior to 2 April 1998, Prior Government Service as defined
by clause 29(b)(i) of the Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Officers Award 1990 will
be recognised by CBA for the purposes of Long Service Leave accrual.
Former State Bank of Victoria employees with twenty years or more service as at 27
April 1990, which is continuous with CBA service, will continue to accrue long service
leave at the rate of 1.733 weeks per annum between twenty and thirty-five years of
service and 1.56 weeks per annum between thirty-six and forty-five years of service.
Service staff
Service staff employed prior to 16 May 2002 in accordance with previous
arrangements will continue to receive long service leave increments.
This Agreement will apply to Service Staff except for clause 12 Span of Hours and
clause 12.3 Overtime.
Transitional Wage Supplement
Part-time employees in service prior to 28 February 1983 who receiving a transitional
wage supplement to a maximum of $1.00 per hour, will continue to receive that
supplement in accordance with terms of eligibility for that supplement.
The following allowances apply to employees engaged immediately prior to the
commencement of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010 on the
terms applicable immediately prior to the commencement of that Agreement:
Field Staff Allowance
The field staff allowance prescribed in clause D 1.3 of Schedule D will be paid to an
employee who is serving as a member of a recognised field staff group and who is
required to spend at least six weeks per year away from home in carrying out his or
her duties.
Income Maintenance
Permanent income maintenance is any income maintenance (whatever its origins)
which is not subject to any phase out arrangement.
All permanent income maintenance being paid to an employee immediately before
the commencement of the Award (13 August 1999) will continue to be paid. From the
commencement of the Award all permanent income maintenance payments:
will not be increased in line with percentage wage increases;
will be reduced on promotion by the amount of the additional wage resulting
from the promotion. Where the total wage resulting from the promotion is
more than the total of the previous wage plus income maintenance, income
maintenance will cease;
will not be reduced by shift loadings or allowances.
Nothing in this clause will reduce the current amount of income maintenance being
paid to any employee.
Inter-sub Travel Allowance
Excess public transport fare reimbursement
Where an employee in attending work in a metropolitan area incurs public transport
costs which exceed the normal home-to-city fare, reimbursement of the excess fare
will be made where the excess expense is caused by a CBA initiated transfer. This
payment will be subject to the minimum employee contribution prescribed in clause D
2.3 of Schedule D.
When the transfer was back to a metropolitan area, this clause will only apply when
an existing residence in the same city was retained, or an employee is returning to
the same city to reside with parents.
Special car allowance
Special car allowance is payable where an employee must use his or her own car to
travel to work, or part of the way to work, as a result of public transport being
impracticable because of a CBA initiated transfer. The applicable rate is the ISTA
reference rate prescribed in clause D 2.2.2 of Schedule D, less an employee
contribution equal to the higher of the normal home to city and return public transport
fare or the amount prescribed in clause D 2.3 of Schedule D.
Public transport is impracticable when the employee must join the first point of public
transport earlier than he or she would if travelling to the city; and travelling time is at
least 1.5 hours from that first point.
The CBA and an employee may agree to alternative transport arrangements in lieu of
the payment of ISTA to more appropriately assist an employee to address the impact
of CBA initiated inter-suburban travel. This could include the participation in a car
pool or the sharing of taxis.
Any agreement between the CBA and an employee will be voluntary and either party
will have the freedom to accept or reject an offer of alternative arrangements by the
other. Where an offer is rejected the allowance contained in this clause will continue
to apply.
Premises Renovation
Dry cleaning allowance
Where conditions of work deteriorate as a result of renovations, alterations, additions
or rebuilding of Bank premises an employee directly affected will be entitled to the dry
cleaning allowance set out in clause D 2.6.1 of Schedule D where the parties agree
that the conditions warrant such a payment.
Deteriorated conditions
Where the parties agree that working conditions in premises undergoing renovations
have deteriorated below what might usually be expected in such a project the
payment set out in clause D 2.6.2 of Schedule D will be made for the period that such
conditions prevail.
Downgraded amenities
Where the parties agree that exceptional circumstances exist such that an employee
is subjected to extreme conditions of dust or downgrading of amenity standards, the
payment set out in clause D 2.6.3 of Schedule D will be made for the period that such
conditions prevail. Such a payment is in addition to those specified in clauses 39.1
and 39.2.
The following provisions apply in accordance with clause 13.1 of this Agreement.
The ordinary working hours of duty for a shiftworker will be 145 over a nineteen shift
four week cycle. Each week will consist of five shifts including RDOs. Each shift will
be of seven hours 38 minutes attendance, exclusive of a 45 minute meal break. A
shiftworker will be entitled to two paid ten minute tea breaks during each shift.
Clause 12.2 ―Rostered Days-off‖ applies to shiftworkers except that the number of
hours rostered in a four week cycle will total 152 hours 40 minutes and one RDO will
equal 7 hours and 38 minutes. Where a seven day shift worker has not taken an
RDO, his or her ordinary hours will not exceed 152 hours 40 minutes in any four
calendar weeks or 45 hours 48 minutes in any seven days.
At the time of roster change, no shiftworker will be rostered to commence a shift less
than 15 hours 37 minutes after the rostered completion time of his or her previous
Clause 12.6 of this Agreement ―Rest Period‖ applies to shiftworkers.
A seven day shiftworker will not be rostered to work more than 50% of weekends.
For the purpose of calculating overtime, the reference to 40 hours per week is to be
regarded as a reference to 36.25 hours.
Employees on shiftwork will be paid a shift allowance in addition to and calculated on
their salary, including higher duty up to a maximum of MC salary, as follows:
Morning shift
Afternoon shift
Night shift
Except in the case of annual leave, RDOs and attendance at CBA training courses,
shift allowance will not be paid during any absence from duty.
Shiftworkers will receive the higher of the shift allowance or annual leave loading, but
not both.
In this item 6:
Afternoon shift means a shift rostered to commence after 10.00 am and at or
before 4.00 pm.
Morning shift means a shift rostered to commence at or after 6.00 am and
before 8.00 am.
Night shift means a shift rostered to commence after 4.00 pm and before
6.00 am.
Direct Banking and Technology, Operations and Procurement
A full time employee engaged in DB or TOP prior to 2 April 1998 will receive
the following loadings:
commencing at or after 6:00 am and before 8:00 am
commencing after 10.00 am and at or before 4.00 pm
commencing after 4.00 pm and before 6.00 am
A part time employee engaged in DB or TOP prior to 2 April 1998 will receive
a loading of 17.5% where they finish their scheduled hours after 6:00pm.
The applicable loading will apply for all scheduled hours worked.
An employee engaged in DB or TOP after 2 April 1998 but before the
commencement of the Commonwealth Bank Enterprise Agreement 2010 will
receive the following loadings:
commencing at or after 6:00 am and before 8:00 am
finishing after 8:00 pm and before midnight
finishing after midnight
The applicable loading will apply for all scheduled hours worked.
Nothing in this item 7 will affect employees working as 5 or 7 day shiftworkers.
Ordinary hours for employees in DB on weekends are 8am to 8pm, Saturday
and Sunday or up to 10pm by agreement.
Work on weekends for employees engaged in TOP and DB will be receive a
loading of 50% for work performed on Saturdays and 75% for work performed
on Sundays.
For part-time employees engaged in DB or TOP, the reference to ordinary
hours being extended up to 136 hours by agreement is taken to be a
reference to ordinary hours being extended up to 140 hours by agreement.
Employees in TOP may volunteer, by agreement, with CBA to commence their
ordinary hours of work between 6am and 8am Monday to Friday. Hours
worked during this period will not attract the shift loadings otherwise
prescribed for those hours. An employee who has elected to work under this
arrangement may revert to ordinary hours within the bandwidth on four week’s
Schedule – D – Allowances
Non-reimbursement allowances (with the exception of District Allowance) will be adjusted in
accordance with FWA wage fixing principle in relation to the adjustment of existing
allowances which relate to work or conditions.
D 1.1 Skill utilisation loading (clause 23.4)
$446 per annum.
D 1.2 Relieving allowance (clause 23.5)
$709 per annum.
D 1.3 Field staff allowance (Preserved Schedule C cl 4)
$500 per annum.
D 1.4 On call allowances (clause 23.3)
D 1.4.1 On call allowance
Where paging facilities Where paging facilities
are provided
are not provided
5.00pm. To 9.30pm.
$17.35 per day
$17.50 per day
Weekends and public/bank holidays
D 1.4.2
8.45am. to 5.45pm.
$39.00 per day
$48.70 per day
8.45am. to 9.30pm.
$54.25 per day
$67.90 per day
In contact allowance
5.00pm. To 8.15am.
$31.00 per night
Weekends and public/bank holidays
8.15am. to 5.00pm.
$38.95 per day
5.00pm to 8.15am
$31.00 per night
For each out of hours telephone contact, an allowance will be paid as follows:
Between 6.00am and midnight
$9.55 for the first call and $9.55 for every
two calls thereafter or part thereof
Midnight until 6.00am or normal $9.55 per call
departure time on a scheduled work
D 1.5 First aid allowance (clause 23.6)
$10.85 per week.
D 1.6 Interpreter allowance (clause 23.7)
$10.60 per week.
D 1.7 District allowance (clause 23.8)
Basic allowance paid to a transferred employee.
Local allowance paid to an employee locally recruited on or after 1 July
Dependant child allowance.
Basic allowance plus supplemental allowance paid to a transferred
Local allowance plus the supplemental allowance paid to an
employee locally recruited on or after 1 July 1987.
Electricity Costs Assistance (ECA)
ECA is based on a percentage of electricity costs actually incurred in accordance with
the following table:
Part-time employees will be entitled to a pro-rata ECA
D 1.8 Separate attendance – minimum payments (clause 12.3(f))
D 1.8.1
D 1.8.2
Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays
D 1.9 Telephone allowance (on call) (clause 23.3)
$2.50 per day.
Reimbursement allowances (with the exception of Car Allowance) will be adjusted annually
in accordance with FWA wage fixing principle in relation to the adjustment of existing
allowances which constitute a reimbursement of expenses incurred. The relevant measure
for each allowance is set out under the particular allowance.
D 2.1 Meal allowance (clause 23.2)
―Meals and take away food‖ sub-group of the food component of the Consumer Price
D 2.2 Car allowance (clause 23.9)
D 2.2.1 Bank business (clause 23.9(a)):
1600cc or
1.6012,600cc or
2.601cc and
63.0 cents
per km
74.0 cents
per km
75.0 cents
per km
2000cc or
More than
Preferred rate (country)
96.4 cents
per km
114.8 cents
per km
Preferred rate (suburban)
82.6 cents
per km
99.9 cents
per km
Minimum payment for return trip
Basic rate (ATO published rates)
*This is a new rate and will be introduced as soon as practicable after the
commencement of this Agreement, but no later than 31 December 2011.
D 2.2.2
Driving to and from work (clause 23.9(b)):
2000cc or less
More than 2000cc
Variable cost rate
18.3 cents per km 21.3 cents per km
ISTA reference rate
38.4 cents per km 48.6 cents per km
D 2.3 Inter-suburban travel allowance minimum employee contribution (Preserved
Schedule C Cl 4)
$30.05 per week.
Public transport fares component of the Consumer Price Index.
D 2.4 Transfer expenses (clause 23.10(d) and clause 22.5(b))
moves to accommodation fully furnished by
the employee
moves to Bank furnished accommodation,
to rented furnished accommodation, or
private board
All Groups Index of the Consumer Price Index.
D 2.6 Premises renovation allowances (Preserved Schedule C Cl 4)
D 2.6.1
Dry cleaning allowance
$22.55 per month.
Adjusted from time to time as agreed between the parties.
D 2.6.2
Deteriorated conditions
$5.85 per day
Adjusted from time to time as agreed between the parties.
D 2.6.3 Downgraded amenities
$8.25 per day.
Adjusted from time to time as agreed between the parties.
Signed for and on behalf of the
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Limited (ABN 48 123 123 124)
by its duly authorised representative:
Signed for an on behalf of the
Finance Sector Union of Australia:
Signature of Leon Carter
National Secretary,
Finance Sector Union of Australia
341 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Signature of authorised representative
Name of authorised representative
(please print)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Ground floor, Tower 1,
201 Sussex Street, Sydney, New South
Wales 2000
Authorised under rule 49 of the FSU’s rules
to sign industrial agreements
Signature of witness
Signature of witness
Name of witness (please print)
Name of witness (please print)