l ! j I1 I GUADALUPE County Deed of Trust: Amount: $106.331.00 Grantor(s): BENNY C. CARREON and LAURA SEGURA 1 Original Mortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA. N.A. j I I If Dated: June 11. 2007 I i [ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SAlE Ii 1 Current Mortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA. N.A. Mortgagee Address: BANK OF AMERICA. N.A.. 1800 Tapo Canyon Road. Simi Valley. CA 93063 Recording Infonnatlon: Document No. 12531 Legal Description: LOT 17. BLOCK 4, LAKEVVOOD SHADOWS SUBDMSION. UNIT FOUR, GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOWME 4. PAGE 104. PLAT RECORDS. GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. Date of Sale: April 1. 2014 between the hours of 11 :00 AM. and 2:00 PM. Earlle8t Time Sale Will Begin: 11:00 AM Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place. or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. TROY MARTIN OR MELODY SPEER OR WENDY SPEER have been appointed es Substitute Trustee(s). ('Substitute Trustee1 each , empowered to act Independently. In the place of said original Trustee, upon the conUngency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date speCIfied. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be enlitled only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the eldent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under \tie tenns of the Deed of Trust. conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS IS' 'WHERE IS' without any representations and warranties whatsoever. express or implied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. A debtor who is serving on active milUary dutY may have special lights or relief related to this notice under federal law. including the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (5Q U.S.C. app. Section 501 at seq.>. and state law. inc/udlng SectIon 51.015 Texas Prooerty Code. Allert and protect your rights as a member of the anned loren of the United States. If you are or your 'pouse Is eervlng on active mllltlry duty, Including active military duty as I member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another ,tate or as , member of I ""rve component of the Inned fO!'C!§ of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty militarv servIce to tb. s.nder of this notice. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 333 Clay, Sune 2900 Houston, Texas n002 Reference: 2013-013007 Q tD -< c:: > 0 > r-i CIT! ""0:::0 mm n(f) 0» C:x z_ -im -<r n . IT! :::0 :x 2013-013007aje I'..:» c::::a J: ;:J CO I 0\ > :z --.. N 0\ :::0 m (") m < m 0 ! ! I NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE GUADALUPE County Deed of Trust: ~:Ap~126, 1999 Amount: $128,000.00 Grantor(s): DENISE AYERS and RODNEY AYERS Original Mortgagee: NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Current Mortgagee: LNV CORPORATION Mortgagee Address: lNV CORPORATION, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Recording Infonnatlon: Volume 1426, Page 552 Legal DescriptIon: LOT 3, DEERWOOD CIRCLE SUBDNlSION, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGES 188-191, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS V\lhereas, an Order to Proceed with Expedited Foreclosure under the Texas Rule Civil Procedure 736 was entered on September 29,2014 under Cause No. 14-008o-CV in the 25th Judicial District Court of GUADALUPE County, Texas Date of Sale: Oecember 2,2014 between the hours of 11 :00 AM. and 2:00 PM. Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11:00 AM Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area deSignated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is deSignated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. TROY MARTIN OR ALEXIS MARTIN OR CASSIE MARTIN OR TERRI MARTIN OR DEANNA RAY have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), ('Substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by publiC auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date speclfied. The sale will begin at the earilest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS IS' 1NHERE IS' without any representations and warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. A debtor who is serving on active mjlitary duty may have soec!al rights or relief related to this notice ynder federal law. including the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act C50 Y.S.C. apD. Section §01 at seq.>. and stale law. inc/udlng Section 51.015 Texas PrOPerty Code, Aged and Protect your rights a member gf the armtc:! forces of the United States. If you are or your Is serving on act!vt military duty, 'ncludlng actlye military duty " a member of thg Texas National Gyard or thl National Gyard of another state or as a member of amery! compon.nt of the armed force! of thg United Statts, please send written notice of th' active duty military service to the ,ender of thl! notice. 'PO. as HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE. L.L.P. 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Texas n002 Reference: 2013-009371 c: .,,.. ~ ~ r--t (""') Ql > .c 0 ~f"'l -4 rr1~ n(/) (7'\ 0):;> c~ -trt1 -<r' n r rt1 ;:e :;::1; «Fieldl i»«Field499» 11111111111111111111111111111111111011111 4492027 :: :x -.. N W ::8 ITI (") -m< rn 0 YdUG37 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 28, BLOCK 8, PARKLAND VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT #2, CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 3, PAGE 65 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Instrument to be Foredosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 09/2911995 and recorded in Book 1169 Page 0041 Document 10881 real property records ofGuadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Tune, and Place ofSale. Date: 1210212014 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than II :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. S. Obligations SeCllred. The Deed of Trust executed by JAMES L LINDWEDEL AND DANA M LINDWEDEL, provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness in the original principal amount of$57,924.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is MlDFIRST BANK clo MlDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MlDFIRST BANK., 999 N.W. Grand Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73118 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. De/auU and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 14-000112-365 321 BEVERLY DRIVE SCHERTZ, TX 78154 TROY M ODY SPEER. WENDY SPEER. BRUCE H. AND, PATRICIA E. NEYLAND, KAREN WORK, ROBERT D. VALDESPINO, BRENDA ROLON OR OLIVIA VALDESPINO clo AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noe] Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. PLEASE SEND WRITIEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. ElIIII -< I,.. ,...,..,- • c <::) JI:* '-' M crt'! -t "'0::= rrl,." N n(J') o~ C::::;=: ...... ;J:IIt -.;ii :x rrl W) -<r- C') r::. :A -.. ::. m 0 m < m C NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 03126120 I0 Grantor(s): JASON WILLIAM MCLARlY AND ERIN RAE SPAULL AKA ERIN RAE MCLARlY HUSBAND AND WIFE Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA lION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $152,722.00 Recording Information: Instrument 10-005317 Property County: Guadalupe Property: LOT 8, BLOCK 9, GATEWOOD SUBDIVISION UNIT 3, IN TIlE CITY OF cmOLO, AN ADDITION IN GUADALUPE COUNlY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIlE MAP OR PLAT TIlEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 305, DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNlY, TEXAS. 148 HINGE CHASE, cmOLO, TX 78108-3375 Reported Address: MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, ifnot the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofDecember, 2014 II :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIlE NORTII PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNlY COURTIIOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioners Court. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Substitute Trustee(s): Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf ofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TIlEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ofthe foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptious referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing ofrecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. 4. No warranties. express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests ofany kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale ofthe property. ~IY y~jt:.A:.. B;)d~~~re,,€c. ::. rn o -.. 9986-N-2486 2146935349 PG1 POSTPKG -<m rn o NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OWNER OF RECORD: LIEN HOLDER: AMOUNT OF LIEN: PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Robert Y. Martin and Ruby Martin Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. $6,601.39 ($2,757.27 homeowner assessments and late fees, $3,844.12 attorney's fees and expenses) 116 Firebird Run, Cibolo, TX 78108 Block 38, Lot 5, Falcon Ridge Subdivision, Unit-l0, Guadalupe County, Texas Notice is hereby given that the above-described Property is encumbered and the Owner is legally indebted to the Lien Holder in the amount set forth above for due but unpaid owner's association assessments, late fees, legal expenses, and filing fees, levied and authorized pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Falcon Ridge, Planned Unit Development, executed on February 14, 2002, recorded in Volume 1681, Page 309, Official Public Records of Real Property of Guadalupe County, Texas, as amended by the Certificate of Annexation to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Falcon Ridge Planned Unit Development (Unit 10), executed on June 14,2006, recorded in Volume 2325, Page 0497, Official Public Records of Real Property of Guadalupe County, Texas, as amended. Notice is further given that the amount of the Lien may increase if future assessments are not timely paid, and said subsequent indebtedness will be secured by the Lien herein described. Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. hereby gives notice that the above-described Property will be auctioned for sale at a public sale held at the place designated for public foreclosure auctions by the Commissioners of Guadalupe County, Texas. The sale shall commence no earlier than 10:00 a.m. on December 2, 2014. The property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash or some other form of payment acceptable to the Lien Holder. Pursuant to the Texas Property Code, the Owner of the Property may have a right, not later than the 180th day after the date written notice of the sale is mailed to the Owner, to redeem the Property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale may not transfer ownership of the Property to a person other than the redeeming Owner during the redemption period. Executed this 24th day of October, 2014. FALCON RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., A Texas Non-Profit Corporation ~,:: .:!r .. ("') 0 Ul ("') a~ LLJ -' w > x: W . ~~ UJ U r- tn U W CC W - UJ e:: 0 N ~is~ . . - ~ I- u 0 .:r c::;, C"'-.I c:( .~ IllIJ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEXAR § § § \ Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Tom L. Newton, Jr., acting on behalf of FALCON RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., known to me or proved to me by presentation to me of a governmentally-issued identification card to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed it for the purposes and consideration expressed in it. Given under my hand and seal of office the 24th da of October, 2014. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ~~~ Tom L. Newton, Jr. Allen, Stein & Durbin, P.C. 6243 I.H. 10 West, 7th Floor San Antonio, Texas 78201 JanetHope ;.\~}, My Commission Expires "'~O¥.w 0612812016 05284/0033/1240 1211jh -2 ~." N011CE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE t, iJ UlJ 43 GUADALUPE County Deed of Trust: Dated: June 14.1999 Amount: $71,063.00 Grantor(s): MARY 0 DONNELL and PATRICK 0 DONNELL Original Mortgagee: UNION PLANTERS BANK, NA CunentMortgagee:EVERBANK Mortgagee Servlcer and AddI'8llS: c/o GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC, 4250 North Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76137 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 51.0025 of the Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced property Recording Infonnatlon: Volume 1439, Page 0396 Legal Description: BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, KNQ\t\t.I AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 129. CORDOVA ESTATES, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5. PAGES 354-B. 355A, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. Date of Sale: December 2,2014 between the hours of 11:00 AM. and 2:00 PM. Earilest 11me Sale Will Begin: 11:00 AM Place of Sale: The foredosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area deSignated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foredosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. TROY MARTIN OR ALEXIS MARTIN OR CASSIE MARTIN OR TERRI MARTIN OR DEANNA RAY have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), (,Substitute Trustee') each empowered to act Independently. in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The SubstiMe Trustee will sell the Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date spec/tied. The sale will begin at the ear1iest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale Is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor. the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOnCE IS FURTHER GIVEN that. except to the extent that the SubstiMe Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS IS' 'VIIHERE IS' without any represenlations and warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. A debtor who is serving on active military dutY may have special rights or relief related to this notice under federal law. including the Servicemembers eMI Relief Act (50 U.S.C. app. Section 501 et seq.). and slate law. including Section 51.015 Texas Property Code. Assert and Drottct your right! as a !D9!Dber of the annpc! fo!'Cj81 of the United States. If you art or your ,POust I, urytnq on acttve military duty. Including active military duty " a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another 'tate or " a II!!I!!ber of a !'9Hrvt compo",nt of the Inned fore!!! of the United States. pi.... lend yn1tten notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice· HUGHES. WAITERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 333 Clay. SUite 2900 Houston. Texas n002 RehKenoe:201~25075 TROY MARTIN MARTINORD c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hwy 161. Ste. 305 Irving. Texas 75039 GIlt c=: llD -< )10 I .. I )loo J:* -f (" rt1("I'J (..) ; z;:J;: i~g~ c: 0 ("') 0 ;:r:.. let~P - i o¥:'" I j 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4494097 - ~rc:::-I .c:-- "'"0 f;] i 2014-025075SR ,....., c::::::> ('"") r n'1 :;::If A :x en ::u m (") m <: m - 0 lJ,." H! J!j G48 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OWNER OF RECORD: LIEN HOLDER: AMOUNT OF LIEN: PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Stephen Hernandez SCR Homeowners Association, Inc. (also known as Saddle Creek Ranch Homeowners) $4,596.21 ($1,727.62 homeowner assessments and late fees, $2,868.59 attorney's fees and expenses) 112 Burning Trail, Cibolo, TX 78108 Block 1, Lot 76, Saddle Creek Ranch Subdivision, Unit 1, Guadalupe County, Texas Notice is hereby given that the above-described Property is encumbered and the Owner is legally indebted to the Lien Holder in the amount set forth above for due but unpaid owner's association assessments, late fees, legal expenses, and filing fees, levied and authorized pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Saddle Creek Ranch Subdivision, Unit 1, Guadalupe County, Texas, executed on December 13, 2004, recorded in Volume 2095, Page 969, Official Public Records of Real Property of Guadalupe County, Texas, as amended. Notice is further given that the amount of the Lien may increase if future assessments are not timely paid, and said subsequent indebtedness will be secured by the Lien herein described. SCR Homeowners Association, Inc. (also known as Saddle Creek Ranch Homeowners) hereby gives notice that the above-described Property will be auctioned for sale at a public sale held at the place designated for public foreclosure auctions by the Commissioners of Guadalupe County, Texas. The sale shall commence no earlier than 10:00 a.m. on December 2,2014. The property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash or some other form of payment acceptable to the Lien Holder. Pursuant to the Texas Property Code, the Owner of the Property may have a right, not later than the 180th day after the date written notice of the sale is mailed to the Owner, to redeem the Property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale may not transfer ownership of the Property to a person other than the redeeming Owner during the redemption period. Executed this 31 st day of October, 2014. SCR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (ALSO KNOWN AS SADDLE CREEK RANCH HOMEOWNERS), A Texas Non-Profit Corporation -3' Cl lLJ :> - LU 0 UJ It: -if.. I./') , M ::. 0 :z: -1> u..I:-. :X::::;. <2::0 -2: cno w Q::W r.wQ.. .... ::::> -1 - • ..:r ~ ~ 41( ..q: ~ 429 III) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTYOFBEXAR § § § Before me, the· undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Tom L. Newton, Jr., acting on behalf of SCR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (ALSO KNOWN AS SADDLE CREEK RANCH HOMEOWNERS), known to me or proved to me by presentation to me of a governmentally-issued identification card to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed it for the purposes and consideration expressed in it. Given under my hand and seal of office the 31 st day f October, 2014. $)..~ AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Tom L. Newton, Jr. Allen, Stein & Durbin, P.C. 6243 LH. 10 West, 7th Floor San Antonio, Texas 78201 . ilJ.::.~ Janet Hope ~~, My Commission Expires ii "~"Oi~ 0612612016 05562l0004/1238512/jh -2 iI." ~tJUlJ50 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE December 2,2014 Deed of Trust ("Deed of Trust"): Dated: AprilS, 2005 Grantor: BRAD A. DROLLINGER and SUSANNA C. DROLLINGER Trustee: MORTON W. BAIRD II Lender: RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Recorded in: Volume 2144, Page 840 of the real property records ofGuadalupe County, Texas Being 18.984 acres of land, previously called a 21.5 acre tract, out of the Legal Description: J.K. Davis and Joseph De La Baume Survey, Guadalupe County, Texas, and being the same property described in Volume l36, Page 636-638, of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; said 18.984 acres tract being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. Secures: Note ("Note") in the original principal amount of $228,800.00, executed by BRAD A. DROLLINGER and SUSANNA C. DROLLINGER ft ~ ,..., ("Borrower") and payable to the order of Lender )10> c;:) Substitute Trustee: Substitute Trustee's Address: KEVIN H. BERRY 242 W. Sunset Road, Suite 201, San Antonio, Texas, 7820 .. :::. )110 r-f rn n m Crtl -0:::0 /'Tlrtl CJU) 0:> c ...... Foreclosure Sale: z~ -1n1 Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 -<r(") :::;; > :x 5 en - < m .. o .aBld 4:($' egl~ is 1:00 Time: The sale of the Property will be held between the hours of 10: P.M. local time; the earliest time at which the Foreclosure Sale WI o'clock p.m. Place: North porch of courthouse in Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas; or at such other location as designated by the commissioner's court for such sales Terms of Sale: The Foreclosure Sale will be conducted as a public auction and the Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, except that RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION's bid may be by credit against the indebtedness secured by the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash or cashier's check made payable to the order of the undersigned trustee if their bid is accepted. NO THIRD PARTY CASHIER'S CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Default has occurred in the payment of the Note and in the performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust. Because of that default, RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, the owner and holder of the Note, has requested Substitute Trustee to sell the Property. The Deed of Trust may encumber both real and personal property. Formal notice is hereby given of RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION's election to proceed against and sell both the real property and any personal property described in the Deed of Trust in accordance with RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION's rights and remedies under the Deed of Trust and section 9.604(a) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. Therefore, notice is given that on and at the Date, Time, and Place for the Foreclosure Sale described above, Substitute Trustee will sell the Property in accordance with the Terms of Sale described above, the Deed of Trust, and applicable Texas law. IfRANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION passes the Foreclosure Sale, notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Deed of Trust and the Texas Property Code. The Foreclosure Sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the Foreclosure Sale will necessarily be made subject to aU prior matters of record affecting the Property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, the Foreclosure Sale will not cover any part of the Property that has been released of public record from the lien and/or security interest of the Deed of Trust by RANDOLPH BROOKS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold "AS IS," without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to the warranties (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.0075(a) ofthe Texas Property Code, Substitute Trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the Foreclosure Sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by Substitute Trustee. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice imm_e\..:..~_.a_te_~_'----\r---=-\ -+---ifJ>.--'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ U+' KEVINH.BE~ 242 W. Sunset Road, Suite 201 San Antonio, Texas 78209 Telephone (210) 828-5844 Telecopier (210) 828-5899 EXHIBIT "A" Being 18.9&4 acres of land, previoWily callr;d .. 21.S acro ~l, out oftbe J. K. Davis and Joseph Dc La Blwne Survey. ChwWupe County, Texas, &114 boing that same propmy dcsmbed in Volume 136. Page 636--631, OfD Dcod Reconls of Oua.chlupc Cow:lty, Tcxu. Said 11.914 acr= tract being mOle pcticula.rly described 'by mlltel and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at .. W' imll rod found on the north line of F.M. 466, for tho IOl.lthcut comer ofthc aceCIl ,trip oh23.34lacrctract ofltM conveyed uotoJasonA. Bcicl:er in Volume 1661.hp KH, of Ihe Official Public Recorda of Guedalupc County, TcXAJ, and the IOUthWQt comer of this tract. 'I1Il:r{CE: N 00·03'54" E. a di~ of639.30 feet to D 1-~>I iran pfj,e found for an interior comer of the: Slid 23.348 ~ tract and I northwesterly exterior comer oHnls tract, THENCE: N 81°11'04" E, a distance of 146.87 feet to a l_~n iron pipe found for an c.xtdrior comet' of the Slid 23 .34B &cre tract IIJld a re-entrant COl'llCl of this tract. nn:.NCE: N 00·15'49" W, a distanc:e of96.54 fcelto a l~~" iroo pipe mUDd for an inlcrior comer of the said 23 .34B aCl"O tract IlId a tlorthwc.sterly exterior comer arzhis tract. THENCE: N &9".52'00" E, a di5ti.nu or9&6.78 feet to a. W iran rod found on the west line ofa 0.3& ofq ac:.re tract, being CeJCtibcd.as a 20 foot strip in Volume 447, Page 126, oftbe Deed Records of Guad.a.lupe County, Texas, and being the southeast comer oftbe %3.341 aero tract and the Ilonhcast \;Ornu oftllii tra.ct. TlIENCE: S IlO"06')O" W, I disWlce uf74S.76 feel to a 3" pipe post found 00 the north line of P.M. 466 for the southwest comer oflhc 0.38 of IIJ1 I<:.rl tn.tt, 'ind tile southeut CQmcr oflhi! trllCt. TBINCE: N 19"5O'OS" W, a distance of 1132.41> feet Iiong the DoIih line of F.M. 4.66 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and conwninl 18.984 aem ofls.nd, more: or 11'151, ~ording to a SllrVC)' :made on the ground. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE UUUG51 ·'1 Date: November 4, 2014 Trustee: DAVID DARNELL or RALPH BUELS or JO DARNELL Holder: KYLE HOLDINGS, LLC, a Texas limited liability company Note: Note dated December 4, 1996 in the original principal amount of $20,000.00 Deed of Trust: Date: Of even date therewith Grantor: WILLIAM J. WILLIAMS and MICHELLE R. WILLIAMS Holder: KYLE HOLDINGS, LLC, a Texas limited liability company Recording information: Deed of Trust recorded in Volume 1252, Page 559 of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Property: County: Lot Twelve (12) in Block "En of BROOKHOLLOW CLUB ESTATES PHASE TWO, a subdivision in Guadalupe County, Texas accordi~tYp the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 5, Pages 16A-16B if UJ; Plat,...." Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. I -, ~ )loo :z: Guadalupe 1 . ~~ SE rrt rr1 : Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): December 2,2014 ; \ ('")(;1) ,'OJ:» ... i > ::z:: i c.:::;;c;; z_ ~p jI ~ I Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. , I •• ::u fTI ("') m _ < m ~ Place of Sale: At the place designated for Trustee's sales by the Commissioir's c5rt of Guadalupe County, Texas ' ::r: DAVID DARNELL and/or RALPH BUELS and/or JO DARNELL is/are Trustee(s) under the Deed ofTrust. Lender has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash. The earliest time the sale will occur is the Time of Sale, and the sale will be conducted no later than three hours thereafter. ASSERTANDPROTECTYOURRIGHTSASA MEMBER OFTHEARMEDFORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD, OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE, OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES,PLEASESEND WRlTTENNOTICEOFTHEACTIVE-DUTYMILITARYSERVlCE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. riA)~«4& VID DA L, rustee NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF GUADALUPE * Date: November 3,2014 Deed of Trust: Date: May 23,2014 Seller: Esher Ltd. Buyer: Nathaniel Martinez Recorded in: Volume 4241, Page 765, Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Property Description: Lot Fourteen (14) in Cloverfield Farms Subdivision, Guadalupe County, Texas, according to map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page 619~620, Deed and Plat Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Date of Sale: December 2, 2014 Time of Sale: The earliest time at which the sale will occur is 11 :00 a.m. and no later than 2:00 p.m. Place of sale of Property: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Seguin, Texas. 101 E. Court Street, Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas 78155 Designated Area: The north porch of the Guadalupe County Courthouse, Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas. Because of the default by Grantor under the terms of the Deed of Trust and the Note secured thereby, as Substitute Trustee, I will sell the property by public auction tot he highest bidder for cash at the place and date above specified to satisfy the debt secured by the Deed of Trust. The property is being sold subject to all matter of record which are prior to the Deed of Trust, which affect title thereto, and which are a superior interest therein. S stitute Trustee S.E. Rutledge or Zach Potts r Jason Roberts or Janet Reed or James Nelson M For more information: lI!J -" ....... c:::. J :" :z: P.O. Box 1249 San Marcos, Texas 78667·1249 512-396-5115 0 -< I m 0 :::I: -m < 0 0 (J1 -0 -•• ..., m Current Borrower: ALVARAOOm MBA File Number: VA/FHAJPMlNumber: Loan Type: Property Address: MARICELA B. ALVARADO JOINED HEREIN PROFORMA BY SPOUSE BENJAMIN S. TX-ll-1413()"CM . ,. 5I:: ,:.\, d U,} FHA 276 WILLOW BLUFF, CmOLO, TX 78108 # NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: 1211712007 Grantor(s)/Mortgagor(s): MARICELA B. ALVARADO JOINED HEREIN PROFORMA BY SPOUSE BENJAMIN S. ALVARADOID Original Beneftciary/Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. MERS IS A SEPARATE CORPORATION THAT IS ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC Current Beneftciary/Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Recorded in: Volume: 2568 Property C•••ty! GUADALUPE ~~ i Mortgage Servieer's Address: 1111 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, i Page: 0289 Instrument No: 025816 Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association is representing the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee. ! ~ t : . : rnrh Cic:.n cn:> f (J\ ~ S~ ~~ 3240 r 121212014 fTl :":J ~.",.", Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT. PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the eariiest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Terri Martin or Deanna Ray or Cole D. Patton or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackennan, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 11111111111 1111111111~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4494594 < m -... c Legal Description: LOT IS, BLOCK 21, OF WILLOWBRIDGE IT SUBDIVISION UNIT 3, AN ADDmON IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7. PAGES 242-243 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS Date ofSale: :. m (") m ',', UtJUlJ55 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Date: NOVEMBER 0 b ,2014 Trustee: DEBRA SNYDER Mortgagee: SUNBELT ESTATES L.L.C. Note: SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/tOO DOLLARS ($77,900.00) Deed of Trust Date: FEBRUARY 21, 2013 Grantor: ADAM MORENO & BARBARA MORENO ....., c::::) Mortgagee: SUNBELT ESTATES L.L.C. ..r:: ::z: o -< I Recording Information: 13-004695 0' Property: 10.459 ACRES GERONIMO .." % County: GUADALUPE .. N o o Trustee's/Substitute Trustee's Name: Ray M. Schneiderl DEBRA SNY Trustee's/Substitute Trustee's Address: 1718 State Street, Houston, TX 77007 Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): DECEMBER 2, 2014 Time of Sale: 11:00AM Place of Sale: 101 E. COURT ST., SEGUIN, TX 78155 Ray M. Schneider is Trustee under the Deed ofTrustIMortgagee has appointed DEBRA SNYDER as Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgage has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. AI m o m < m o Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS". The Sale will begin at the Time of Sale or not later than three hours thereafter. '~ustee ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS: Before me the undersigned authority, on this day appeared DEBRA SNYDER, Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the of, My commission Expires: 12/16/14 Notary's Printed name: Jennifer Farrington JENNIFER FARRINGTON Notary PubliC. State of Texas My Commission Ex,ires Decembef 16. 2014 ""~i"'l'J. 1ft !\ (J' ~MG.~ 114 Nortl\ AlMtin Street Seguin, ..... 78155 Phone: (830) 372·1001 Fax: (830) 379-1155 FJeld nates describing a 10.459 of an acre tract of land situated In the J.B. Cowen Sl.I'Vey No. 39, Abstract 84, Guaclak.!Pe County, Texas. bei\g a pOftion of a tract of land called 125.58 acres, conveyed to Steve Willard, T~ of Jo8nne Hemng Davia 1990 T_ by deed re<»rded in Volume 2751, Page 801, Official Records. GuadalUpe County, Texaa. and bIIng mont particularly described as follows: Note: AI set pins are %" cfl8meter .r.bar wIIh an ~ plutic cap stamped "Tn..county". BeQlnnl1g It an Iron pin set in the 80utheast right-of-way line of Old l.ehmaM Road (Colmty Road 147) and tha,nodhweet Ina of the 125.58 acre tract for the north comer of a 10.458 acre tract of land, this day surveyed and. the welt corner of the herein deBerlbed tract. Said pin bears N 4r 38' 46" E. 2340.11 feet from an iron pin . . for the northernmost ... corner of the 125.58 acre tract. Thenc~ N ... 38' .w E, 300.37 feet with the southeast right-of-way line of Old Lehmann Road and the ~ line' of the. 125.58 acre tract, to an Iron pin setfortheWl!t corner _ 8UrvtIyed. and the north GOmer of the herein desalJed tract or a 10.460 acre tract, of land this TbInce,S 40°08' 31" e. 1517.69 feet c:roaing the 125.68 acre tract of land with the southwest line of the 10.480 aa:e.tnIlCl .an Iron pil set In the northeast line of a tract of land called 52.25 acres, described in VplwrIf 501. Page 385, Deed Reccn1s, Guadaq,e County, Texas and the southeast line of the 125.58 acre t.racI, for the south GOmer altha 10.460 acre tnct and the east comer of the herein deatribed tract. Thence, S so- 00' O(J' W. 300.37 feet with the nor1hwelt line of the 52.25 aae tract and the southeast line of the 126.58 aae .,to an iron pin set for the east comer of the 10.458 acre tract and the south comer of the herein delaibedlract. Thence, N.4()0 08" 31- W, 1515.83 feet croaing the 125.58 acre tract with the northeast Una of the 10.458 acre tract. to 1he Pllce or BegInning and containing 10.459 acres, of land according to a survey made on the .grWld on ~. 25, 2009 and May. 2010, by Tri-County SIJI'\l8yIng Inc. eon.ponding plat prepared. Project No. 0902111-9 -, -'. YUU657 Notice of Foreclosure Sale November 6, 2014 Deed of Trust ("Deed of Trust"): ':iB Dated: Grantor: March 3, 2004 -< I Armando V. Martinez .. ~ > ,... J:"' r-i ::z:: c !"'1~ I ~rt"I oU> < C7' 0» S?C: -0 ~Fi :::c -<,.- N n •• ership, fdjl Trustee: S. Craig Hollmig Lender: Heimer Family Partners, Ltd & Hollmig Family P Recorded in: Volume 1977, Page 0535 of the real property resoC69 of Guadalupe County, Texas Legal Description: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and designated as Lot 31 of HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION, located in Guadalupe County, Texas, according to a map or plat thereof located in Volume 6, Page 108, of the Map and Plat Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Secures: Real Estate Lien Note ("Note") in the original principal amount of $17,500.00, executed by Armando V. Martinez ("Borrower") and payable to the order of Lender Substitute Trustee: Roy Neal Linnartz ~ ...., ;:Y." Substitute Trustee's 297 W. San Antonio Street, New Braunfels, Texas, 78130 Address: Foreclosure Sale: Date: Tuesday, December 2,2014 Time: The sale of the Property will be held between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. local time; the earliest time at which the Foreclosure Sale will begin is 1:00 P.M. Place: The north porch of the Guadalupe County Courthouse or other area designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Terms of Sale: The Foreclosure Sale will be conducted as a public auction and the Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, except that :::a m (') -m < m c Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd.'s bid may be by credit against the indebtedness secured by the lien of the Deed of Trust. Default has occurred in the payment of the Note and in the performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust. Because of that default, Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd., the owner and holder of the Note, has requested Substitute Trustee to sell the Property. The Deed. of Trust may encumber both real and personal property. Formal notice is hereby given of Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd.'s election to proceed against and sell both the real property and any personal property described in the Deed of Trust in accordance with Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd.'s rights and remedies under the Deed of Trust and section 9.604(a) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. Therefore, notice is given that on and at the Date, Time, and Place for the Foreclosure Sale described above, Substitute Trustee will sell the Property in accordance with the Terms of Sale described above, the Deed of Trust, and applicable Texas law. If Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd. passes the Foreclosure Sale, notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Deed of Trust and the Texas Property Code. The Foreclosure Sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the Foreclosure Sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the Property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, the Foreclosure Sale will not cover any part of the Property that has been released of public record from the lien andlor security interest of the Deed of Trust by Heimer Family Partners, Ltd. & Hollmig Family Partners, Ltd. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to section 51.009 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold "AS IS," without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to the warranties (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.0075(a) of the Texas Property Code, Substitute Trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the Foreclosure Sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by Substitute Trustee. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. oy Neal Linn z, Substi te Trustee 297 W. San Antonio Street New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Telephone (830) 625-9300 Telecopier (830) 214-2054 Notice of Trustee's Sale Date: November~, 2014 Trustee: Stephen A. Beal Street Address for Trustee: 104 South Pecos, Midland, Midland County, Texas 79701 Current Owner and Holder of the Note and Deed of Trust: BP-Residential, L.L.C. Obligation: Real Estate Lien Note dated January 7, 2008, from Maker, Mr. Juan M. Palomares and Ms. Elva D. Palomares, as husband and wife to Payee, BP-Residential, L.L.C., in the original principal amount of $42,500.00 Deed of Trust Date: January 7, 2008 Recording Information: Filed on January 9,2008, and recorded under document number 8000565 Official Public Records of GUADALUPE County, Texas Grantor: Mr. Juan M. Palomares and Ms. Elva D. Palomares, as husband and rfe Trustee: Stephen A. Beal ~ '" -ofTl ~ 0 -< (",)t/) 0'\ c:::::-I /"11~ Beneficiary: BP-Residential, L.L.C. I Property: ~ )I. O:J;» I :;w m 0 FTI <: Lot 12, Block 2, RIVERSIDE ADDITION, City of Seguin, acco! ~~na~r plat thereof recorded in Volume 47, Pages 316-317, of the Deed eco~rof ~ Guadalupe County, Texas. ~ ~ 0 m ;;:: Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): December 2, 2014 Time of Sale: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM, and no later than three hours thereafter. Place of Sale: Guadalupe County Courthouse Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust. The current owner and holder of the Real Estate Lien Note and the Deed of Trust has instructed the Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Real Estate Lien Note, by a nonjudicial foreclosure sale in accordance with the power of sale granted by the Deed of Trust. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, the Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS", without any express or implied warranties, except warranties of title. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder. If the highest bidder is someone other than the Lender, the purchase price will be payable in cash or its equivalent, at the discretion of the Trustee, and will be payable immediately on acceptance of the bid by the Trustee. If the Lender is the highest bidder, payment will be by a credit on the Obligation, as permitted by the Deed of Trust. Those persons and entities desiring to purchase the Property at the public auction, other than the Lender, will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash on acceptance of the bid by the Trustee. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the Property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the Property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust, as shown in the public records of the county where the Property is located. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable public records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. The Trustee may sell the Property in one or more parcels and/or sell all or only part of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the Trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the Trustee. "Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. " UlHHi62 937 Allende St. Seguin, Texas 78155 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on August 10,2009, Kathy Urias executed a Deed of Trust conveying to North O. West, Trustee, the real property hereinafter described, to secure 937 Allende Street Land Trust, in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Volume 2783, Page 278, Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder of said debt has requested the undersigned to sell said property to the highest bidder for cash and to distribute or apply the proceeds of said sale in accordance with the tenns of said Deed of Trust. NOW, lHEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, December 2,2014, at 10:10 o'clock a.m. or within three (3) hours thereafter, I will sell said real property at the place hereinafter set out, to the highest bidder for cash. The place of sale shall be in the area designated by the Commissioners Court of such County, pursuant to §51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place (if not such place is so designated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale is posted), in the City of Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas. Said real property is described as follows: '" ~ BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated within the City 0 I Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas, known and designated as Lot 8, Block 3, APACHE . , rc:: f"T1 -i ADDmON, H. Branch League, A-6, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 1, Page ;:g~ 116, Map and Plat Records ofGuadalpe County, Texas. ',,~.....-,> (, tn ;L~ The Deed of Trust pennits the Beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for\ano~; day. In that case, the Trustee or Substitute Trustee under the Deed of Trust need not appear at the~, t~ and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the da!i of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filiIig requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. Pursuant to Section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property and the priority of the lien being foreclosed. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions of the Deed of Trust pennitting the Beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the Note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the Deed of Trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. r..:» -::z: c;::) .s: :::u 0 IT o C IT ~ < <: 9 -..I 11 t: The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. In the event of a defect or other problem with the foreclosure process is discovered that may invalidate the sale, the consideration paid will be returned to the purchaser as the sole and absolute remedy. In the event of any claim or action brought by any person including the purchaser requiring or resulting in the invalidation of the sale and rescission of the Trustee's Deed of Substitute Trustee's Deed, purchaser's damages resulting therefrom are limited to the consideration paid to the Trustee of Substitute Trustee and the sole and absolute remedy shall be the return to purchaser of the consideration paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustee, Substitute Trustee, Mortgagor, Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust, and the beneficiary has requested me, Substitute Trustee, to conduct this public sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. WITNESS MY HAND on ro~y ofNovember 2014. !1itMrMv~m Patrick Armstrong, Substitute Trustee C/O WEST & WEST ATTORNEYS, P.C. 2929 Mossrock, Suite 204 San Antonio, Texas 78230 CITIMORTGAGE, INC. (CMI) SlMMONS, WAYNE J. AND KAROLYN D. 58S AMERICAN FLAG, CIBOLO, TX 78108 !!.".OOttG63 VA 62-{i2-6-1 068793 OurFileNumber. 14-018511 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on December 21, 2006, WAYNE J SIMMONS AND KAROLYN D SIMMONS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor(s), executed a Deed ofTrust conveying to RANDALL C. PRESENT, as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTO in payment of a debt therein described. The Deed ofTrust was filed in the real property records of GUADALUPE COUNlY, TX and is recorded under Volume 2421, Page OS97, to which reference is herein made for all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment ofsaid indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisty said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place ofsaid original Trustee, upon contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed ofTrust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN that on TIJESDAY, Deeember 2,2014 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than 11:00 AM. or not later than three hours thereafter, r will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in GUADALUPE COUNTY, TX to the highest bidder for cash. The sale win be conducted in the area oftbe Courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, ofsaid county. pursuant to Section §S 1.002 of the Texas Property Code as amended; ifno area is designated by the Commissioners' Court., the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice ofTrustee's SaJe was posted. I ~ Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the County ofGuadalupe, State ofTexas: "-.:I -< >- c::!) WT 20, BLOCK 31, BELMONT PARK SUBDIVISION, UNIT S, A SUBDMSION IN GUADAIf..'UPE ~tJNTY.;i;: TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIIE MAP OR PLAT TIIEREOF RECORDED IN VOWME 7, PAGIJ 70 O~ PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ,e.~;: Property Address: 585 AMERICAN FLAG ClBOW, TX 78108 Mortgage Servicer: NotehoJder: CmMORTGAGE, INC. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. 1000 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MISSOURI 63368-2240 ;:;E:: ~-In; , Ol> c: : 2"::' 2: ~ 1~ ~ ~ "'< 0 :z:a ::c . . ::<r , (") , r- -:: , Q) , r"1 :::P,I ::;1(' The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §S 1.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to col the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referen . d; STE TROY MA OR ALEXIS MARTIN OR CASSIE MARTIN OR TERRI MARTIN OR DEANNA RAYelo Shapiro Schwanz, LLP 13IOS Northwest Freeway, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77040 (713)462-2565 Assert and protest your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member ofthe Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4496800 ;u m (') m - < m o 1/ P "} • , {~ "1' U J 6'1'I NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 49, BLOCK I, DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION SECTION 1, PHASE 3, IN TIlE CITY OF CmOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 98, OF TIlE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. eel! ,..., reco~ in Book ..f...;::::.~;;: ~ ~ ~ • -U:::o <: (") 1. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 07/13f1.fJ07 • 2508 Page 0125 real property records ofGuadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place 0/Sale. ~jE Date, 1210212014 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 11:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. 0 :' c -~ =~p ~ I m < m Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GU~UPi:. 0 COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or asttsignat9Pby the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms o/Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sel! the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. S. ObUgadons Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by ZAXIR ZUNIGA AND KRISTIN ZUNIGA, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount ofS180,573.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is MIDFIRST BANK c/o MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MlDFIRST BANK. 999 N.W. Grand Blvd, Oklahoma City. OK 73] 18 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Delall and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 14-000124-365 241 CORDERO DRIVE CIBOLO,1X78108 BRUCE H. NEYLAND. PATRICIA E. NEYLAND, KAREN WORK, ROBERT D. VALDESPINO, BRENDA ROLON OR OLMA VALDESPINO c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas. TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF mE ARMED FORCES OF mE UNITED SfAlES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR mE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED SfATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF mE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF mls NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC (CXE) WfDTE,JOHN 320 LONESTAR GAIT, SELMA. TX 18154 VA 62-62-6-1156052 Our File Number: 14-018384 NOTICE QF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on April 3, 2012, JOHN WIDTE, AN UNMARRIED MAN, as Grantor(s), executed a Deed ofTrust conveying to KAREN OAKERSON, as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRAnON SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR PULTE MORTGAGE LLC in payment of a debt therein described The Deed ofTrust was filed in the real property records ofGUADALUPE COUNTY, TX and is recorded Wlder Clerk's FilelInstrument Number 12-007013, to which reference is herein made for all purposes. WHEREAS, deftwlt has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfY said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the Wldersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place ofsaid original Trustee, upon contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed ofTrust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 11JESDAY, December 2, 201 4 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than I1:00AM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sellsaj3ReaI Estate at the County Courthouse in GUADALUPE CmJNTY, TX to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will ~ndu@d in tige&: of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court. ofsaid COlmty, pursuant to Section §51.002 of~ex4ifro~ as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the area Imm~ly adjll!!nt (next) to the location where this Notice ofTrustee's Sale was posted. ! ~ c: ni 0 -"'.~~ Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the County of Guadalupe, State ofTexas: -< 0 0(1) , 0» ::a m (") m LOT 99, BLOCK 8, THE TRAILS AT KENSINGTON RANCH SUBDIVISION, UNIT 4 P. . DftJlN TO< THE CITY OF SELMA, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP 0 wq;tHERr:DF . RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 667, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ('") -::~ ,r- Property Address: Mortgage Servicer: Noteholder: . 320 LONESTAR GAIT SELMA, TX 78154 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 mGHLAND DR. LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75067 rt1 ;:%V ....., \.0 .~, re:;a The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue ofa servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §SI.OO2S, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above ~ SUBS TEltUS TROY MARTIN OR ALEXIS MARTIN OR CASSIE MARTIN OR TERRI MARTIN OR DEANNA RAY OR B. NEYLAND OR W. JUATI OR KAREN WORKc/o Sbapiro Schwartz, LLP 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77040 (7 I 3)462-2565 Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Hyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 4496700 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: OS/2312007 Date: Grantor(s): ESTEVAN VILLARREAL, UNMARRIED WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Original Mortgagee: Original Principal: $133,600.00 Recording Information: Instrument 07-11571 Property County: Guadalupe Property: ALL lHAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN lHE COUNlY OF GUADALUPE, AND STATE OF TEXAS, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS FOLLOWS; LOT 21, BLOCK 4, WILLOWBRIDGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT 4, IN lHE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNlY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT TIIEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 623, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUN1Y, TEXAS. Reported Address: ]00 WILLOW HILL, CIBOLO, TX 78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank:, N.A. Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank:, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofDecember, 2014 11:OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT mE NORm PORCH OF lHE GUADALUPE COUNlY COURlHOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Tern Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack:, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, IX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and aU sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata., Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack:, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisty the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf ofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, lHEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata., Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack:, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing ofrecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property~e purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quaJity or nature oftitle toJf a . . ~ Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject t« ns or f!mre~resF'Ck~ ofany kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir oice ~or to :z participating in the sale ofthe property. . c~ ~ m ,. ve~y.ou~A":~ ~~ _ g~ 0 !!! ~p ~ ~ ~t{fI~,VP~ .. 9986-N-2794 0 2146937118 PG1 C POSTPKG NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 11105/2007 Grantor(s): MICHAEL W. SIMCOX, JOINED HEREIN PRO FORMA BY HIS WIFE, ADRIEN SIMCOX Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR HOME LOAN CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $200,021.00 Recording Information: Instrument 07·023454 Property County: Guadalupe Property: LOT 13, BLOCK G, FINAL PLAT BUFFALO CROSSING SUBDIVISION, UNIT 3, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 107-109, OF THE MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Reported Address: 112 DYKES LANE, CIBOLO, TX 78108-3775 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day of December, 2014 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests ofany kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice..arior to participating in the sale ofthe property. ;: ....., ~Iy you~ Very ell".. ~-i ~ rn o i.:L. BU~~'C. = ~~§ ~ m ~si ~ 1 ::;; I :!!" • 9986-N-2792 CI 2146937116 PG1 ?II flO 0 -<rn c POSTPKG NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 01124/2005 Grantor(s): Original Mortgagee: Original Principal: Recording Information: Property County: Property: ALVARO CARRILLO·SOlELO AND SELENE CARRILLO, HUSBAND AND WIFE STAlEWIDE MORTGAGE AND LENDING $70,580.00 Book 2115 Page 0802 Instrument 05-02376 Guadalupe TRACT ONE: . ~;'- £:) IJ.J > - I.U 0 IJJ It: 0 C\J -.. Ill:;: W .....I w· -z ~' 2: ct X:::;:, 0 <0 U)u :> (:) z - ..;:r c;::) "" i .....I W ; j i '=* ~ '> CIa :p • BEGINNING AT A POINT IN TIffi NORTH LINE OF TIffi TRACT CONVEYED TO FRANK FREEMAN, AT TIffi POINT WHERE TIffi EAST LINE OF SHORT STREET INlERSECTS SAID NORTH LINE; : ~~ w:;:" f-.....I . ALL 1lIAT CERTAIN LOT OF LAND SITUAlED IN WEST SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, PART OF 1lIAT TRACT CONVEYED BY MORRIS FREEMAN, SR., ET UX TO FRANK FREEMAN BY DEED DAlED DECEMBER 6,1937, RECORDED IN VOLUME 175, PAGE 365 ET SEQ. OF TIffi DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND TIffi PART TIffiREOF HEREBY CONVEYED IS DESCRIBED BY MElES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: THENCE EAST WITH TIffi NORTH LINE OF TIffi FRANK FREEMEN TRACT 93 FEET 2 INCHES TO TIffi NORTIffiAST CORNER OF SAID FRANK FREEMAN LOT; TIffiNCE SOUTH 65 FEET WITH TIffi EAST LINE OF TIffi FRANK FREEMEN LOT; TIffiNCE WEST 93 FEET 2 INCHES TO TIffi EAST LINE OF SHORT STREET; TIffiNCE NORTH WITH TIffi EAST LINE OF SHORT STREET 65 FEET TO TIffi PLACE OF BEGINNING; AND BEING TIffi SAME TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY IVY FREEMEN AND JANE BELL TO FRANCIS G. BELLESEN BY DEED DAlED DECEMBER 10, 1963, RECORDED IN VOLUME 361, PAGES 603·604, OF TIffi DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, lEXAS. TRACT TWO: ALL 1lIAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, lEXAS, OUT OF GUADALUPE CITY BLOCK NO. 70, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIffi NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED BY C. GUADARRAMA TO ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ET UX BY DEED DATED MARCH 5, 1962, RECORDED IN VOLUME 347, PAGE 568, OF TIffi DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, lEXAS; THENCE EAST ALONG TIffi NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT CONVEYED BY C. GUADARRAMA TO ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ET UX A DISTANCE OF 57 FEET TO A STAKE; TIffiNCE SOUTH 65 FEET A LINE PARALLEL WITH TIffi WEST LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT TO A STAKE; TIffiNCE WEST 57 FEET A LINE PARALLEL WITH TIffi NORTH LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT TO A STAKE ON TIffi WEST LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT; THENCE NORTH ALONG TIffi WEST LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT A DISTANCE OF 65 FEET TO TIffi PLACE OF BEGINNING; AND BEING TIffi SAME TRACT OF LAND CALLED "FIRST TRACT" IN A DEED FROM ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ET UX TO MARY I. BELLESEN, DAlED SEPlEMBER 29, 1982, RECORDED IN VOLUME 648, PAGES 754-757, OF TIffi DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. TRACT THREE: ALL 1lIAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUAlED IN SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, lEXAS, OUT OF GUADALUPE CITY BLOCK NO. 70, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL 1lIAT CERTAIN LOT, A PORTION OF A LOT CONVEYED BY C. GUADARRAMA TO ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ET UX BY DEED DAlED JULY 11, 1962, RECORDED IN VOLUME 355, PAGE 26, OF TIffi DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, lEXAS. TIffi PORTION HEREIN CONVEYED BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIffi NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT CONVEYED BY C. GUADARRAMA TO ANTONIO HERNANDEZ; 9986-N-2575 2146935916 PG1 POSTPKG TIlENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTII LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT A DISTANCE OF 28 FEET TO A STAKE, SAME BEING THE NORTIlEAST CORNER OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT; TIlENCE SOUTII ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT A DISTANCE OF 65 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE WEST A LINE PARALLEL WITII TIlE NORTII LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT A DISTANCE OF 28 FEET TO A STAKE; Reported Address: TIlENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID GUADARRAMA LOT 65 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; AND BEING THE SAME TRACT OF LAND CALLED "SECOND TRACT" IN A DEED FROM ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ET UX TO MARY I. BELLESEN, DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1982, RECORDED IN VOLUME 648, PAGES 754 757, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 705 SHORT AVE., SEGUIN, TX 78155 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION; The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION; Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofDecember, 2014 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NORTII PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTIIOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Substitute Trustee(s): Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack. any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf ofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, lHEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin or Alexis Martin or Cassie Martin or Terri Martin or Deanna Ray, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests ofany kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. 9986-N-2575 2146935916 PG2 POSTPKG TX1400262664 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces ofthe United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active militarv duty, including active military duty as a member of tbe Texas National Guard or'the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve ' com onent oftbe armed forces ofthe United States lease send written notice of the active du military service to the sender of this notice immediately. ' _ elJ -<:~ I 1. Date, Time, a'nd Place of Sale. Date: 12/0212014 -- > ' ! ~~ n(J) =m 0 o:;t> Time: The sale will begin at 11 ;00 A.M. or no later than three hours after that time. ; ~ ! - Place: GUADALUPE County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE No' OF TIlE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY TIlE COMMISSIONERS ~:5 -0 ....jrn:X -<:r- f!'RCH'" ~ 2. ' Terms of Sale. Sale ofthe property will be conducted as an auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to selJ the property in one or more parcels and!or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to §Sl.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to warranties of title, and at the purchaser's own risk. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part ofthe property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed oitrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property recordS to determine the nature and extend of such matter, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee, or any Mortgagee agent 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated 04/1312006 and recorded in Document 06-07334 VOLUME 2299, PAGE 0756 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with JAMES E. BEASLEY, AN UNMARRIED MAN as granior(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR WINSTAR MORTGAGE PARTNERS, INC., as mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JAMES E. BEASLEY, AN UNMARRIED MAN securing the payment ofthe indebtedness in the original principal amount of $62,100.00 and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTITICATES WMALT SERJES 2006- AR8 TRUST, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ,AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF ' AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOClATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO o -rnm< c TX1400262664 LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIAnON, AS TRUSTEE is the current mortgagee ofthe Note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as fonows: LOT 19, BLOCK 4, GREENBRIAR PARK SUBDIVISION, (ALSO KNOWN AS VORDENBAUM ADDmON), IN THE CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, 'I:EXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED iN VOLUME 2, PAGES 40-41, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 5] .0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe lien securing the Property referenced above. Nationstar Mortgage LLC as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o Nationstar Mortgage LLC 350 HIGHLAND DRIVE LEWISVILLE, TX 75067 7. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed oftrust and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust are declared immediately due and payable. The mortgagee, or the mortgage servicer on its behalf, has requested that a SubstiMe Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale, another person may be appointed as the substiMe trustee to conduct the sale. Substitut rustee: EORGE, AARON BROWN, JORGE VALADEZ, STEPHANIE DENTON, KELLY FElL, B. NEYLAND, W. HIATf OR KAREN WORK GRADY clo VERrPRlSE PROCESSING SOLUTIONS LLC 750 Bwy 121 BYP STE 100 Lewisville, TX.,75067 PHONE: 855-683-3097 FAX: 214-488-1521 802 BAXTER STREET SEGUIN, TX 78155 TX1400263001 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE . . Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Hyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member 01 a reserv. component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of tbwcti'tduty ~ military service to the sender of this notice immediately.' -<.. :r: )100 r-l Cm 1. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. -o~ (TIm C"')UI Date: 12/02/2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :00 A.M. or no later than three hours after that time. • OJ:> c A :z_ -lr'11 -<r ~ _ -< 0 -0 :x .. _ Place: GUADALUPE County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: TIlE 0 OF TIlE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONERS 2. Terms of Sale. Sale ofthe property will be conducted as an auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels andlor to sell all or only part ofthe property. Pursuant to §51.009 ofthe Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to warranties oftitle, and at the purchaser's own risk. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien ofthe deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extend of such matter, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee, or any Mortgag~e agent. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien dated 04113(2006 and recorded in Document 06·07336 VOLUME 2299, PAGE 0786 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with JAMES E BEASLEY, AN UNMARRffiD MAN as grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR, WINSTAR MORTGAGE PARTNERS, INC. ,as mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien executed by JAMES E BEASLEY, AN UNMARRIED MAN securing the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $62,100.00 and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions ofthe promissory note. WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES WMALT SERIES 2006- ARB TRUST, U.S. BANK~NATIONAL ASSOCIA nON, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO ;a rn (") m :< rn c TX1400263001 LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE W/Aff/A u.s. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF THE WMALT 20p6-AR8 rRUST is the current mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. . Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 21, BLOCK 4, GREENBRIAR PARK SUBDIVISION, (ALSO KNOWN AS VORDENBAUM ADDITION), IN THE CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2; PAGES 40-4), MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code"§ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe lien securing the Property referenced above. Nationstar Mortgage LLC as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: .c/o Nationstar Mortgage LLC 350 mGBLAND DRIVE LEWISVllLE, TX 75067 7. Default and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed oftrust and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust are declared immediately due and payable. The mortgagee, or the mortgage servicer on its behalf, has requested that a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale, another person may be appointed as the substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Substitute . rustee: GRADY EORGE, AARON BROWN, JORGE VALADEZ, STEPHANIE DENTON, KELLY FElL, B. NEYLAND. W. mATI OR KAREN WORK c/o VERIPRISE PROCESSING SOLUTIONS LLC 750 Hwy 121 BYP STE 100 . LewisviUe, 'IX 75067 PHONE: 855-683-3097 FAJ(:214-488-1521 810 BAXTER STREET SEGUIN, TX 78155 . 564 SLIPPERY ROCK cmOLO, TX 78108 00000004593448 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces ofthe United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date. Time, and Place of Sale. Date: December 02, 2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated November 21, 2006 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2406, PAGE 0330 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with VERONICA GUTIERREZ AND CLINT MARENTES, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERSfI), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by VERONICA GUTIERREZ AND CLINT MARENTES, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $126,875.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 33. BLOCK 2, STONEBROOK, PHASE 3, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 147, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS TO PLAT RECORDED 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N .A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEWBLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 B. , W. HIATT OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 =m -.. NSTS3SIG.ml· (QSI3OflOI4). Ver·38 o m < m o - 115 STILL BROOK LN CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000004597787 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your ri!!hts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is servin!! on active miJitary duty, includin!! active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: December 02,2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated February 23, 2010 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2845, PAGE 0998 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with SHERICK D WATKINS AND JODI WATKINS, grantor(s) and. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by SHERICK D WATKINS AND JODI WATKINS, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $205,000.00, and obligations therein described inCluding but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 5, BLOCK 1, CHARLESTON PARKE SUBDIVISION, UNIT 1, A SUBDIVISION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP AND PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 607-608, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. PHH MORTGAGE CORP. FIKJA CENDANT MORTGAGE CORP., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o PHH MORTGAGE CORP. FIKJA CENDANT MORTGAGE CORP. 2001 BISHOPS GATE BL YD. MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 ~ BR AND OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 7500) !!lD -< !:)10 • )0 l-t crn -0:;0 i"1fT1 .z: :z: 0 ...:: nW 0 C:::z; z_ -0 0» -1m -<I n • i"1 :::<!I A NSTS3SIG.ml- (0513012014) _Ver-38 r-.Jt c:::I :x .-en •• CJ1 =m 0 <mm 0 3318 MORNING DRIVE CIBOLO, IX 78108 00000004658209 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Uyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, inclnding active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: December 02, 2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated September 13, 2006 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2377, PAGE 0468 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with JAMES E MOFFAT AND FELICIA S. MOFFAT, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., (tiMERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JAMES E MOFFAT AND FELICIA S. MOFFAT, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $111,240.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, A!KJA FANNIE extensions of the promissory note. MAE is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT 40, BLOCK 14, NORTHCLIFFE COMMUNITY, SECTION 2, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 76, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. SETERUS, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo SETERUS, INC. 14523 SW MILLIKAN WAY SUITE 200 BEAVERTON, OR 97005 Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 GID c::: > )i. I .... eFT.! .......:t c= .z:: :z: C) -0::::0 -< MV) 0 r'T'Irtl O}> c-,... z:::: -ffT) J NSTS3SIG.rpt· (05/3012014)· Ver·38 -<I n r rt1 ::;s:; =- ""'0 :s: -.. ""en ::a rn 0 m < m 0 2300 E. WALNUT ST. SEGUIN, TX 78155 00000004670949 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. «you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of tbe United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: December 02,2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. ' 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated September 28, 2012 and recorded in Document VOLUME 3185, PAGE 0390, AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 4010, PAGE 0999 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with SEAN C. MILLER AND SHANTEA VINCENT, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by SEAN C. MILLER AND SHANTEA VINCENT, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $252,345.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. COUNTRVPLACE MORTGAGE, LTD is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: BEING LOT I, MACHAUD SUBDIVISION, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 336, AND SHOWN ON AMENDED PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 337 OF THE MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. COUNTRVPLACE MORTGAGE, LTD, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o COUNTRVPLACE MORTGAGE, LTD 15303 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 900 ADDISON, TX 75001 BRYLANDORKARiN WORK ...., Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 -z: c:;:) J :'" m 0 m ..." :x n r- r'1 ::. ';A NSTS3SIG.rpt· (OSI3012014). Ver-38 ;a ...: 0 -c.n.. c.n 0 < rn C 937 E. PINE ST SEGUIN, TX 78155 00000004782983 NOTICE OF (SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Uyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, includin2 active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the UnUed States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: December 02, 2014 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated May 01, 1998 and recorded in Document VOLUME 1338, PAGE 0742 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with ADRlAN URRUTIA AND LINDA E SAUCEDA, grantor(s) and SUMMIT MORTGAGE CORPORATION, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ADRlAN URRUTIA AND LINDA E SAUCEDA, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $36,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and GOVERNMENT LOAN SECURlTIZATION TRUST 20ll-FVI (liTHE extensions of the promissory note. ISSUER") BY WELLS FARGO .BANK, N.A. (THE "SERVICERII ), SOLELY IN ITS CAPACITY AS SERVICER, WITH DELEGATED AUTHORlTY UNDER THE TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN FOR ALL PURPOSES. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N .A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BL YD. MAC# X780I-014 FT. MILL, SC 29715 ~?t11L BRUC AND OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 ::::. I'll Co:) -•• NSTS3SIG.Ipt. (OSI3012014). Ver·38 o m < m o 00000004782983 GUADALUPE A FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT 10F BLOCK 12 OF THE TWELVE ACRE FARMING BLOCKS IN THE CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT IS LOCATED AT 927 E. PINE ST. AND IS THAT SAME TRACT CONVEYED TO JIMMY W. AND C. VANEITE STEPHENSON BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 1173 AT PAGE 1770F THE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN SET IN THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF E. PINE ST. (40FOOT R.O.W.) FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THIS TRACT AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A 0.115ACRE TRACT IN THE NAME OF WALTER AND BEVERLY SEIDENSCHWARZ AND DESCRffiED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 623 AT PAGE 779 OF THE COUNTY DEED RECORDS, FROM SAID CORNER AN IRON PIN FOUND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF E. PINE ST. AND THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF OLIVE ST. (40FOOT R.O.W.) BEARS NORTH 89DEG. 52'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 99.98 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH OODEG. 05'55" WEST, ON THE COMMON BOUNDARY OF THIS TRACT AND SAID 0.115ACRE SEIDEN SCHWARZ TRACT, 100.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS TRACT, THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 0.1l5ACRE TRACT AND IN THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF A O.I72ACRE TRACT IN THE NAME OF MACELINO G. AND EDELMIRA GARZA AND DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 867 AT PAGE 978 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, NORTH 89DEG. 39'13" WEST, ON THE COMMON BOUNDARY OF THIS TRACT AND SAID 0.172ACRE GARZA TRACT, 50.22 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GARZA TRACT AND IN THE EAST BOUNDARY OF A 1.027 ACRE TRACT IN THE NAME OF DALE DYESS ClO ROBERT DYESS AND DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 1018 AT PAGE 362 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, NORTH OODEG. 15'15" EAST, ON THE COMMON BOUNDARY OF THIS TRACT AND SAID DYESS 1.027 ACRE TRACT, 99.58FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND IN THE SOUTH RIGHT·OF·WAY OF E. PINE ST. FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID DYESS TRACT; THENCE, NORTH 89DEG. 52'00" EAST, ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF E. PINE ST., 49.95FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 4,998 SQUARE FEET OR 0.1147 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. NSTS3SIG.rot. (OSI3012014)· Ver·38
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