WHAT IS ISO 20022? WHY SHOULD I CARE? The industry is migrating to this new standard to enable counterparties to improve the consistency of their communications. A standardized, internationally agreed upon, approach for the development of financial services messages. WHAT SECTORS ARE MIGRATING? JUST ABOUT ALL OF THEM! Industry and regulatory-driven initiatives are underway in: PAYMENTS SECURITIES TREASURY TRADE SERVICES CARDS FOREIGN EXCHANGE SEPA MIGRATION Initiative to create an integrated payments market across Europe for any organization or individual making or receiving payments in euros. SEPA payment formats are based on the global ISO 20022 message standards. SEPA Credit Transfers Migrated* SEPA Debit Transfers Migrated* *As of March 2014 SECURITIES FUNDS MIGRATION Migrate the ISO 15022 messages for funds (MT 502, 509, 515) to the ISO 20022 equivalent messages. ISO 20022 for Funds Adoption Rate per Country ISO 20022 FOR TRADE SERVICES CORPORATE TREASURY & ISO 20022 SWIFT’s Trade Services Utility (TSU) uses ISO 20022 to support document matching in: Migrate Corporates to ISO 20022 as a single, global payment format. Purchase Orders Straight-Through-Processing with ERP Systems Invoices Consolidated Payables File for Bank Processing Other Supply Data Chain BANK PAYMENT OBLIGATION (BPO) An ISO 20022-based open account trade settlement instrument. Offers buyers and suppliers a new method to secure and finance trade transactions. 17 Banking Groups Ready for the BPO* 25 Corporates Live on the BPO* *BPO Adoption as of April 2014 ISO 20022 CARDS MESSAGES Covers card transactions between and for: ACCEPTOR AND ACQUIRER ACQUIRER AND ISSUER SALE SYSTEM AND POI TERMINAL MANAGEMENT CLEARING AND SETTLEMENT FEE COLLECTION FOREIGN EXCHANGE ISO 20022 MESSAGES Will support FX messages* for: PRE-TRADE TRADE POST-TRADE NOTIFICATION CLEARING AND SETTLEMENT *Currently, there are approved messages only in place for post-trade. North America: +1 800-560-4347 Europe, Middle East and Africa: +44 (0)1932 776047 Asia Pacific: +852 2884-6088 Japan: +81-3-5574-7545 Email: [email protected] www.corporatebank.com Sources: ISO 20022: http://www.iso20022.org/ | European Payments Council: http://www.europeanpaymentscouncil.eu/ SWIFT: http://www.swift.com/products_services/ | European Central Bank: http://www.ecb.int/paym/sepa/ REPORTING & RECONCILIATION
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