Blodkoagulation i klinisk praxis! Peter Svensson Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Malmö Blood coagulation Summary Blodkoagulation Primär hemostas Plasmakoagulation Antikoagulation Fibrinolys Kampen mellan fast och flytande förs på pro- och antikoagulanta ytor Intakt endotel/skadat endotel Vilande blodceller/aktiverade blodceller – Trombocyten i nyckelposition A Hillarp Normala trombocyter Aktiverade trombocyter Primary haemostasis mediated by platelet-protein interaction Deficiency: Von Willebrand Platelet disorders Symtom: Bleeding ASA ADHESION AGGREGATION Frisättning av granula innehåll vWF Fibrinogen GPIb Trombocyt Ca2+ Fosfolipid R Arakidonsyra R R R Tromboxan A2 R R Adrenalin ADP GpIIb/IIIa Tromboxan PAF clopidogrel Trombin Kollagen Trombocyt Model for the relationship of von Willebrand factor (VWF) level to risk of bleeding, thrombosis, and VWF mutations Sadler, J. E. Hematology 2009;2009:106-112 Oral anticoagulants ie warfarin Plasma and PCC Deficiency: Hemofilia. Symtom ; bleeding NEJM 2008 ANTIKOAGULATION Brister - trombos XII XIIa XI TF VIIa XIa TF VII TFPI IX IXa VIIIa X Protein C systemet Xa Va Antitrombin Protrombin Trombin Fibrinogen Fibrin •Tranexsamsyra (hämmar omvandlingen av plasminogen till plasmin) Koagulation ännu en gång……. Kärlskada Primär hemostas Plasmakoagulation Antikoagulation Fibrinolys Trombbildning filmat med intravitalmikroskopi Grönt = vävnadsfaktor Rött = trombocyter Lila = fibrin Furie & Furie NEJM 2008 Is bloodcoagulation difficult? Management of NOAC and “major” bleeding complications in patients on new anticoagulants. Professor Peter J Svensson Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis, SUS , Malmö Prevalence of atrial fibrillation > 2.5 % in the general population Andersson et al JIM 2012, SBU 2013 april Friberg et al JIM 2013 Indications for OAC Atrial fibrillation > 80% VTE 10% Mechanical heart valves 5% Other 5% Increase of OAC with 5-10% per year 30 % is over the age of 80 years among patients with OAC Auricula 2014 Outcomes from RCT warfarin arm • A Stroke and embolism • 1.66 (95% CI 1.41-1.91)% • B Myocardial infarction • 0.76 (95% CI 0.57-0.96) % • C All cause mortality • 3.83 (95% CI 3.07-4.58) % • D Composite outcome • • 4.80 (95% CI 4.22- 5.38) % (Composite outcome includes stroke, non-CNS embolism, myocardial infarction, and all-cause death) Agarwal et al Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(8):623-631 Major bleeding in RCT warfarin • The definition of major and minor bleeding varied considerably across the included studies; hence, a valid pooled estimate for these outcomes could not be calculated. The incidence of major bleeding episodes ranged from 1.40% to 3.40% per year. Agarwal et al Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(8):623-631 Intracranial Hemorrhage warfarin • The annual rate of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with AF taking warfarin ranged from 0.33% to 0.80% per year. • Meta-analysis of intracranial hemorrhage yielded a pooled event rate of 0.61% (95% CI, 0.48%- 0.73%) per year. Agarwal et al Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(8):623-631 Major bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving vitamin K antagonists: a systematic review of randomized and observational studies • A total of 47 studies (16 RCTs and 31 observational studies) were included. • Cumulative follow-up was 61 563 patient-years for RCTs and 484 241 patient-years for observational studies. • The overall median incidence of major bleeding was 2.1 per 100 patient-years (range, 0.9–3.4 per 100 patientyears) for RCTs and 2.0 per 100 patient-years (range, 0.2–7.6 per 100 patient-years) for observational studies. Roskell et al Europace 2013; 15: 787-797 Warfarin in Sweden Outcomes Outcomes and age OAC treatment in Sweden (estimated) ~200.000 patients > 3 million PK(INR) tests 10.000.000 inhabitants, around 2% of the population are under treatment with OAC Preventing ~ 25.000 tromboemboli per year Major bleeding (CNS, GI) > 3000-5000 per year (hospitalization) CNS (intracranial hemorrhages) 500 – 700 per year Bridging ? Everything from going to the dentist to major surgery ~ 45.000 engagements per year Auricula 2013 Warfarin as prophylax for stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation Globaly 3.000.000 stroke is associated to atrial fibrillation Oral anticoagulants reduces the risk for stroke and mortality Stroke Mortality 67% 26% Hart RG et al. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146:857-867 New Oral Anti-Coagulants NOAC Or Direct Oral Anticoagulants DOAC Dabigatran (Pradaxa) Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban Warfarin (Xarelto) (Eliquis) (Lixiana) (Waran) Prodrug yes no no no no Factor Xa-inhibitor no yes yes yes yes Trombin inhibitor yes no no no no Bioavailability (%) 6 >80 >50 45 100 Time to peak (h) 2 3 3 1,5 120 T½ (h) 12-17 9 9-14 9-11 50 Interactions Proton pump CYP3A4 CYP3A4 inhibitors P-glyco-protein P-glycoP-glyco-protein protein CYP3A4 P-glycoprotein Long list Renal excretion (%) 80 33 25 35 1 Antidot (specific) no no no no yes Själander A och Svensson P , Atrial Fibrillation Stroke or systemic embolic events NOACs 42.411 partisipants vs 29.272 participants received warfarin New oralanticoagulants significantly reduced stroke or systemic embolic events by 19% compared with warfarin (RR 0·81, 95% CI 0·73–0·91; p<0·0001), mainly driven by a reduction in haemorrhagic stroke (0·49, 0·38–0·64; p<0·0001). Atrial Fibrillation Efficacy and Saftey New oral anticoagulants also significantly reduced all-cause mortality (0·90, 0·85–0·95; p=0·0003) and intracranial haemorrhage (0·48, 0·39–0·59; p<0·0001), but increased gastrointestinal bleeding (1·25, 1·01–1·55; p=0·04) Lancet 2014; 383: 955-62 Major bleeding in RCT NOAC (annually) Major Bleeding Gastro intestinal bleeding Intracrainial bleeding ReLy (dabigatran) 2.71% (110 mg) 3.11% (150 mg) 1.12 % 1,51 % 0,23 % 0.30 % N Eng J Med 2009 Rocket (rivaroxaban) 3.6% 0.5% N Eng J Med 2011 Aristotele (apixaban) 2.13 0.76% 0.33% N Eng J Med 2011 Engage AFTIMI (edoxaban) 1.61 % (30 mg) 0.82 % 1.51 % 0.26% 0.39 % N Eng J Med 2013 2.75 % (60 mg) Managment and Outcomes of major bleeding during treatment with dabigatran or warfarin Bleeding reports from 5 phase III trials with warfarin vs dabigatran (patients 1034 patients with 1121 major bleeds) Patients with major bleeds on dabigatran were older had lower kidney function and more frequently used aspirin or NSIDs than those on warfarin. Major bleeding with dabigatran were more frequently treated with blood transfusion than warfarin but less frequently with plasma Patients with dabigatran and major bleeding had shorter stays at ICU than those that recived warfarin. Majeed A et al. Circulation. 2013;128:2325-2332 Thirty-day mortality rate after a major bleeding event. After adjustment for sex, age, weight, renal function, and concomitant antithrombotic therapy, the pooled odds ratio for 30-day mortality with dabigatran versus warfarin was 0.66 (95% confidence interval, 0.44–1.00; P=0.051). Majeed A et al. Circulation. 2013;128:2325-2332 Managment of major bleeding events in patients with rivaroxaban vs warfarin: results from the Rocket AF trail The risk of major bleeding were 3.52 events / 100 patients years in both arms (rivaroxaban & warfarin) The transfused packed red blood cells was similar in both arms (2.4 Units) Transfusion with platlets, cryoprecipitate were low. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was significantly less in the rivaroxaban arm Protrombincomplex concentrate ( PCC ) were adiministered less in the rivaroxaban arm. Location of bleeding rivaroxaban n= 431; GI 49,9%, CNS 12.8%, Other, 37,3% Outcomes; Once a major bleed had occured, all cause death after bleeding was similar between both arms (rivaroxaban vs warfarin) (20.4 vs 26,1% p= ns) Piccini J P et al. Eur Heart J 2014;35:1873-1880 The time to ISTH major bleeding events according to the randomized treatment (rivaroxaban or warfarin). Piccini J P et al. Eur Heart J 2014;35:1873-1880 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email: [email protected] Real life data Major bleeding Rates, management and outcome of bleeding complication during rivaroxaban therapy in daily care: results from the Dresden NOAC registry, Beyer-Westendorf et al: Blood; 2014 online May 23. 1776 patients followed October 2011 to december 2013 Rates of major bleeding for SPAF indication was 3.1 % (95% CI 2.2-4.3) The majority of bleeding occured spontananosly 77.4% Surgical or interventional treatment was needed in 37,8% of patients (mainly endoscopic treatment for GI bleeding). The majority of patients could be managed conservativley Prothrombincomplex concentrate (PCC) was given to 9.1% of the patients (PCC was controlling bleeding in 5 of the 6 patients) Result’s NOACs > 850 patients in Auricula Number Events per 100 treatment years Major bleeding (any) 12 2.03 (1.10-3.46) -Intracranial bleeding 2 0.38 (0.06-1.12) -Gastrointestinal bleeding 7 Thrombosis (any) 14 1.18 (0.52-2.34) 2.37 (1.35-3.89) -Ischemic stroke / TIA 11 1.86 (0.98-3.24) Mortality 12 2.03 (1.10-3.46 Labaf A et al Thromb J 2014 Different laboratory tests (coagulation-tests) 1.Tests that are availbale in most laboratories, easy to perform and semiquantitative for use in ie emergency situations. The test should indicating supra or subtherapeutic anticoagulation 2. Test that gives quantitative results to determine the anticoagulant effect (drug level) 3 (HPCL-tandem mass spectrometry) J Throm Haemost 2013; 11: 756-60 Substance group Direct FIIainhibitors Karin Strandberg 2013 1. Screeningmethods affected 2.Methods for measuring/ monitoring APTT Thrombin time (TT) INR ECT Substance group Direct FXainhibitors Karin Strandberg 2013 1. Screeningmethods affected 2.Methods for measuring/ monitoring APTT Anti Xaactivity INR Effect of FII and FX inhibitores on coagulation assays FII Effect FII Measuring FX Effect FX Measuring PT (INR) + - (+) ? APTT ++ Qualitative + Qualitative Thrombin time +++ Qualitative - - Diluted TT ++ Quantitative - - ACT + ? + ? Ecarin clotting time ++ Quantitative Anti- IIa assay (chromogenic) ++ Quantitative - - Anti- Xa assay (chromogenic) - - ++ Quantitative J Throm Haemost 2013; 11: 756-60 NOAC – broad terapeutic window Broad terapeutic window Thrombosis Bleeding Dabigatran ~ 50-200 µg/l Rivaroxaban ~ 25-400 µg/l Apixaban ~ < 300 µg/l ?? NOAC Dose, concentration or intensity of anticoagulation FDA • Is kidney function important to measure and monitor for NOAC ?? CKD Chronic Kidney Disese CKD*stadium No CKD Description Normal GFR* (mL/min/1,73 m2) ≥90 ≥90 1 Normal with i.e. proteinuria 2 Mild 60–89 3 Moderate 30–59 4 Severe 15–29 5 Kidney failure ESRD* <15 or dialysis *GFR = glomerulär filtrationshastighet; Njurskada definieras som t ex mikroalbuminuri; CKD = chronic kidney disease; ESRD = end-stage renal disease (terminal njursvikt) 1. Koro CE, et al. Clin Ther 2009; 31: 2608–17. 2. National Kidney Foundation. Am J Kidney Dis 2002;39(suppl1):S1–S266. Major bleeding event rate according to renal function in RCT for AF Schulman Thromb Haemost 2014;111;575-582 How I handle NOAC in my clinical practice Anticoagulation clinic; 12.000 patients NOAC >3000 patients Start on NOACs Information (nurse 15- 20 minutes) Basic laboratory tests ( Hemoglobin, platlets and coagulation test APTT INR and kidney function eGFR) First year on NOAC eGFR 3, 6 and 12 months after start. Bergman et al Thromb Res. 2013 How I handle NOAC in my clinical practice Strategies to minimize the risk of bleeding Review the patients risk factors; age, weight, renal function Prescribe the dose of NOAC that is recommended Have a strategy for discontinue NOAC before surgery and how to resume NOAC after surgery Local guidelines / Education!!!! What is the size of the ”bridging” issue Peri-Procedual Bleeding and Thromboembolic Events with Dabigatran compared to Warfarin: Results from the RE-LY trail A total of 4591 (25%) patients underwent at least one invasive procedure during the study. Pacemaker/ICD 10% Dental procedure 10% Different Diagnostic procedures 10% Cataract removal 9.5% Colonoscopy 9% Hip or knee Replacement 6% Circulation 2012; 126:343-48 Clinical recommendations Dabigatran 2011 Rivaroxaban 2012 Apixaban 2013 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide 2015 How I handle major bleeding with NOAC. Asses vital signs Blood tests and kidney function test (estimate half life of the drug) Coagulation test (indication of drug on-board) Supportiv care (blood) Surgical interventions (endoscopic treatment ) Tranexamic acid! If bleeding is severe or life-threatening Prothrombin complex concentrate (rVIIa or aPCC) Evidence for non specific antidotes Animal studies Human studies Van Ryn Blood 2011 Van Ryn Haematologica 2008 Pragst J Throm Haemost 2012 + Marlu Thromb Haemost 2012 Eerenberg , Circulation 2011 Rivaroxaban + Godier Anestesia 2012 Perzbom Throm and Haem 2012 + Marlu Thromb Haemost 2012 Eerenberg , Circulation 2011 Apixaban Martin J Int Card 2013 Dabigatran + + 1. PCC ( Protrombin Complex Concentrate) 3 factor (F II, F IX, F X) 4 factor (F II, F VII, F IX, F X) 2. aPCC (FEIBA) (F II, aF VII, F IX, F X) 3. rVIIa (Novo Seven) S.Kaatz et al., Am. J. Hematol. 87:S141–S145, 2012 Babilonia & Trujillo Thrombosis Journal 2014; 12:8 Major Bleeding on NOAC Stop NOAC Basic laboratory test Calculate kidneyfunktion (GFR) – estimate half-life of the NOAC If availabele TT for dabigatran and anti-Xa level for rivaroxaban and apixaban Clinically significant bleeding Transfusion support Red cells? Platlets ? (< 50x 109 / l) Charcoal ?? NOAC < 3h Local haemostasis ”endoscopic treatment for GI bleeding ” Life-threating bleeding Consider 3 or 4 faktor PCC (25-50 IU/ kg and mybe another dose within 3 h Tranexamic acid 15-30 mg iv (aPCC – FEIBA) (rVIIa) Dialysis (dabigatran) Svensson PJ 2014 Specific antidote NOAC Specific antidotes are under development and in clinical trails for dabigatran and for anti-factor Xa agents (August 2014) ”Reversal of Dabigatran Anticoagulant effect with Idarucizumab ” aDabi-Fab is a humanized antibody fragment that binds dabigatran and reverses its anticoagulant effects in vitro and in vivo. ”Phase 2 Healthy Volunterr Study to Evaluate tha Ability of PRT06445 to reverse the Blood Thinner Drugs on Laboratory Tests” r-Antidote (PRT064445) is a catalytically inactive recombinant protein that lacks the membrane-binding ƴ-carboxyglutamatic acid domain of nativ factor Xa while retaining the ability to bind factor Xa inhibitores Schile et al Blood 2013; 121: 3554-62 Lu et al, Nat Med 2013; 19: 446-51 Antidot Bridging NEJM Bridging (Dalteparin 100 E / kg) VTE Bridging Fall Kvinna med FF och behandlas med NOAC som nu skall genomgå tandbehandling med us och tandstenssanering. Planering Kvinna med FF och behandlas med NOAC. Us visar att en tand behöver rotfyllas Planering Kvinna med FF och behandlas med NOAC . Us visar att en tand behöver extraheras. Planering Kvinna med FF och behandlas med NOAC som har genomgått en tandbehandling. Extraktion av en infekterad tand. Återkommer på pga blödning. Åtgärd Managment of new oral anticoagulants related life threating or major bleeding in real life : a brief report online 12 august 2014 J Thromb Trombolysis Masotti et al. Four hospitals in Tuscany, Italy September 2013- February 2014 Eight patients on NOACs 4 males and 4 females mean age 84 years All bleedings were major bleeding according to ISTH definition and were spontaneus and from GI tract. Laboratory tests, mean aPTT 56s, INR 1,9 and eGFR < 30 in 4 patients Treatment; NOACs witheld and fluid replacement was initiated One patient recived 4 factor PCC and tranexamicacid Normalisation of all coagulation parameters occured within a median time of 3 days All patients were discharged alive from the hospital Treatment options in AF patients – Old vs. New Drugs ? My own interpretation! Old New Effect + Saftey + ”Bridging” + Adherens Antidot (+) + Transition between drugs + Patient preference + Time consuming Guidelines Gaps (ie real world data) More patients could be treated + + Needed + 0 DDD (definierade dygnsdoser), månadsvis t.o.m. juli 2015 2015-07 2015-06 2015-05 2015-04 2015-03 2015-02 2015-01 2014-12 2014-11 2014-10 2014-09 2014-08 2014-07 2014-06 2014-05 2014-04 2014-03 2014-02 2014-01 2013-12 2013-11 2013-10 2013-09 2013-08 2013-07 2013-06 2013-05 2013-04 2013-03 2013-02 2013-01 2012-12 2012-11 2012-10 2012-09 2012-08 2012-07 2012-06 2012-05 2012-04 2012-03 2012-02 2 000 000 2012-01 2011-12 2011-11 2011-10 2011-09 2011-08 2011-07 2011-06 2011-05 2011-04 2011-03 2011-02 2011-01 2010-12 2010-11 2010-10 2010-09 2010-08 2010-07 2010-06 2010-05 2010-04 2010-03 2010-02 2010-01 Vissa antikoagulantia, uthämtade recept, Riket 4 000 000 3 500 000 3 000 000 2 500 000 B01AA03 - warfarin B01AE07 - dabigatranetexilat (Pradaxa) B01AF01 - rivaroxaban (Xarelto) B01AF02 - apixaban (Eliquis) 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 NOAC Praktiska råd NOAK i klinisk praxis • Ges till en allt större andel patienter • Många äldre, multipelt sjuka • Behov av att monitorera njurfunktion • Hantera blödningar samt blödningsrisk vid akuta eller planerade ingrepp Byte mellan antikoagulantia • Från warfarin till NOAK - starta behandlingen när PK(INR) är < 2,0. • Från NOAK till warfarin – eGFR > 50 ml/min: Warfarin 2-3 dagar innan NOAK avslutas. – eGFR 31-50 ml/min: Warfarin 1 dag innan NOAK avslutas. – eGFR 15-30 ml/min: Warfarin 1 dag efter NOAK avslutas. Njursvikt hos patienter med förmaksflimmer och antikoagulantia Jönsson K et al. Thrombosis Research 2011; 128: 341-345 Jönsson et al. Thromb Res. 2011 Oct;128(4):341-5 Gedigna guidelines Jönsson et al. Thromb Res. 2011 Oct;128(4):341-5 Kliniska rekommendationer • • • • Dabigatran 2011 Rivaroxaban 2012 Apixaban 2013 Trombocythämmare 2014 Hantering av NOAK vid elektiv kirurgi • Standardriskpatient/ingrepp – vänta 2 T1/2 • Högriskpatient/ingrepp – vänta 4 T1/2 • Ingen bridging med LMH Lågriskingrepp/kirurgi • • • • • • Endoskopi med biopsi Prostata eller urinblåsebiopsi Radiofrekvensablation av SVT Elektrofysiologi Angiografi Pacemakerinplantation Högriskingrepp/kirurgi • • • • • • • • Lungvensisolering, VT ablation LP, spinalanestesi Thoraxkirurgi Bukkirurgi Större ortopedisk kirurgi Leverbiopsi TUR-P Njurbiopsi Njurfunktion och halveringstider eGFR (ml/min) Dabigatran Apixaban Edoxaban Rivaroxaban >80 12-17h 12h 10-14h 5-9h (yngre) 11-13h (äldre) 60-80 14h 14h 8.6h 8.5h 30-60 18h 17h 9.4h 9h 15-30 28h 17h 17h 9.5h ≤15 Inga data Inga data Inga data Inga data Tid från sista tablett till elektiv kirurgi • Låg/standardriskingrepp 1 dag • Högriskingrepp eller njursvikt 2 dagar • fXa, eGFR 15-30, högrisk 3 dagar • Dabigatran, eGFR 15-30, högrisk 4 dagar Återstart av antikoagulantia • Mindre kirurgi: – 6-8 timmar efter ingrepp eller nästa dag • Standardrisk: – 24-48h efter kirurgi • Högriskpatient/kirurgi: – Profylax med LMH postoperativt – Återinsätt vid full hemostas. Akut blödning eller behov av akut kirurgi • Protrombinkomplexkoncentrat (PCC) – Ocplex® eller Confidex® – < 15 timmar sedan senaste NOAK-dos ges 2000E Ocplex® eller Confidex® – 15-24 timmar sedan senaste NOAK-dos ges 1500E – Ocplex® eller Confidex® Antidot När skall vi använda dom ARIPAZINE (PER977; ciraparantag) – What is it? This is a synthetic small molecule (D-arginine compound) which has broad activity against various old (heparin, low molecular weight heparin) and new oral anticoagulants (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban). It is being developed by Perosphere. – What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, heparin, LMWH. – Clinical trial status: A human volunteer study of 80 individuals receiving aripazine published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that clotting assays (whole-blood clotting time) that were prolonged by edoxaban, decreased after the test persons received aripazine. Another healthy volunteer study is presently ongoing [NCT02207257]. Ansell JE et al. Use of PER977 to reverse the anticoagulant effect of edoxaban. N Engl J Med 2014(Nov 5) ANDEXANET (PRT064445) • – What is it? Recombinant, modified factor Xa molecule that is being developed as a direct reversal agent for patients receiving a Factor-Xa inhibitor who suffer a major bleeding episode or who require emergency surgery. It sort-of sops up the anti-Xa anticoagulant, making a patient’s own factor Xa available again to participate in the coagulation process. It is being developed by Portola. – What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban. Clinical trial status: Healthy volunteer studies to (a) evaluate the ability of Andexanet to reverse the effects of several anticoagulant drugs on laboratory tests (NCT01758432) and (b) reverse apixaban [NCT02207725] and rivaroxaban[NCT02220725] are presently ongoing Lu G et al. A specific antidote for reversal of anticoagulation by direct and indirect inhibitors of coagulation factor Xa. Nature Medicine 2013;19(4):446-453. IDARUCIZUMAB (BI 655075) – What is it? It is a humanized antibody fragment directed against dabigatran; generated from mouse monoclonal antibody against dabigatran; humanized and reduced to a FAb fragment. It is being developed by BoehringerIngelheim. – What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Dabigatran. – Clinical trial status: (a) A phase 3 study of patients on dabigatran with major bleeding or needing emergency surgery is ongoing [NCT02104947. (b) Three phase 1 studies to determine the effect of idarucizumab on coagulation tests in dabigatran-treated healthy volunteers have been completed (NCT01688830, NCT01955720; NCT02028780). Schiele F et al. A specific antidote for dabigatran: functional and structural characterization. Blood 2013;121(18):3554-3562 Malmö Centre for Thrombosis and Haemostasis THANKS
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