Mirdif Private School Grade:9 Class focus Sun → Thur Home work to be completed on During this week, and as per the MPS Mission and Vision statements, our focus will be “Mindfulness”. This week we will start the theme of „Being mindful‟. We will continue to analyze our reading, “The Necklace”. New Spelling words and dictation passage will be drawn from the story. Our comprehension lessons will focus on connotations and denotation, and we will work on composing our extended essay instead of the usual in-class essay. Students will compose their at home persuasive essay “Is Appearance Important?” Sun. Oct 26 Study Mon. Oct. 27 Tues. Oct. 28 Study Wed. Oct. 29 COMPLETE graphic organizer for the at-home essay, Complete 1st draft for the at-home essay, “Is Appearance Important?” in writing file. Complete questions 611 on p. 13-14 in the Literature Booklet #3 „The Necklace‟ in literature folder. Complete final draft of at-home essay, “How the UAE spends its money” in writing file. Begin work on the “Is Appearance Important?” Extended essay target you have set for yourself. DUE: 04.11.2014 Study for spelling test using word list. Study for dictation test Page 227, lines 60-67, from literature book, „The Necklace‟. Revise the Literature Booklet #3 „The Necklace‟ for a formative test, 30.10.14. Solve All Questions on Ready to Go On Maths Worksheet #4 (in Math folder) Math Formative Assessment #6 Revise and study Pg 17 in Algebra 1 Practice Book and Math Worksheet 2.9 (in Math Folder) “Is Appearance Important?” in writing file. Begin studying the word list for the test on Thursday: Math Pauper - Humiliating Gorgeous - Hesitatingly Pleading -adulation Disconsolate - aghast Drabness - gamut During this week, students will explore commonly used percents and their estimates in real life. They will analyze the situations where percents are applicable in real life situations like sports, weather, banking, money, assessments etc. They will also rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents Solve Q1 – Q9 Pg 17 in Algebra 1 Practice Book Solve Q10 – Q19 Pg 17 in Algebra 1 Practice Book During this week, students will be exploring the engineering design process. To do this, students will develop an understanding of technology and engineering, engineering design skills and the steps in the engineering process. Parents' Role: Please discuss with your son or daughter the following questions: What are some objects that you have used today that someone had to design at one time? Why is it important for designers to be careful when they are designing or improving a product? If you could improve or change a product that you use often, what would it be and how would you change it? Are new designs always complicated? How can changes in design make products easier to use? Does cost have an influence on the way objects are designed? Why might you decide to redesign a product? Please make sure that you send in any paper, plastic and cans that we can recycle and put it in the bins at the front of the school. Remember our target is 20 000 kg’s. Thank you for your support in helping our environment and community. Complete from “the Engineering Design Process” worksheet questions 1-9 pg 114 to 118 inside science folder. Complete from “the Engineering Design Process” worksheet questions 10-18 pg 114 to 118 inside science folder. Science English Term 1 HW Plan 6 Mon. Tue. From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Complete from “the Engineering Design Process” worksheet questions, lesson review, pg 125 inside science folder. Wed. Thur. Study Thurs. Oct. 30 Mirdif Private School Grade:9 Term 1 HW Plan 6 From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Due Sun. Due Thur. Study Sun. Oct 26 Arab students Mon. Oct. 27 كتابة موضوع تعبير مضمونها عن (القراءة) ( توزع ورقة للطالب فيها نص الموضوع وعناصره وكلمات مساعدة في ملف اللغة العربية) درس ( الكشف في القاموس المحيط من ص 42حتى ص47 ال واجبات كتاب التربية اإلسالمية درس ( النفاق :ص ) 73 - 66 : سيتم شرح الدرس من خالل المحاور التالية :تعريف النفاق لغة واصطالحا – أنواع النفاق وحكم كل نوع – آثاره على الفرد والمجتمع – اسباب النفاق و الحلول – سمات الشخصية المنافقة – ثم مناقشة اسئلة الكتاب . Islamic Studies اختبار في الدروس التالية أحكام المد +أحكام الميم والنون الساكنة +السنة النبوية ( مادة االختبار موجودة في الملف كأوراق عمل ) سيتعرف طريقة الكشف عن الكلمات في القاموس المحيط ،وسيتعرف كيف يميز بين القاموس المحيط، والمعجم الوسيط من حيث طريقة الكشف عن الكلمات ،كما سيستخدم القاموس المحيط في الكشف عن معااني كلمات. Arabic Study Thurs. Oct. 30 Study Wed. Oct. 29 Tues. Oct. 28 Home work to be completed on Class focus Sun → Thur كتاب التاريخ الدولة العثمانية Due Wed. Due Tue. Due Mon. Social Studies سنقومفي هذااألسبوع بالتعرف على أصل القبائل العثمانية ونزوحها إلى تلك المنطقة ومراحل قيام الدولة العثمانية وترتيب الخلفاء العثمانيين والمدن التي اتخذوها عواصم لهم. Mirdif Private School Grade:9 Arabic Term 1 HW Plan 6 Class focus Sun → Thur Home work to be completed on Non Arab Students Students will take the new words صاروخ- – حصان – كرة – دمية – دب – طائرةand recognize family members (father - mother brother - sister) (Blue Book (I love Arabic) – Level One: lesson-1 ( في حجرة اللعة3), p 13) Study Sun. Oct 26 Mon. Oct. 27 Islamic Studies Social Studies Non Arab Students During this week, students will be researching immigration and slavery in America. Students will study and research key events that took place in America during the 1950s and 1960s in regards to racism. Students will research events such as the Montgomery bus boycott .Students will then complete an essay creating a timeline of the key events. Study Wed. Oct. 29 Study Thurs. Oct. 30 Due Thur. Due Sun. The student writes – قطار – حصان – كرة – دمية صاروخ- دب – طائرة Non Arab Students During this week, the students will continue learning about The Great Hadeeth of Jibreel. Students would be able to recognize the importance of the five pillars of Islam. From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Tues. Oct. 28 Formative Assessment -1Learning IslamTextbook: Study pages A18-A27. Learning IslamWorksheets: Study pages (15---17), (19---- 20). Due Mon. Due Tue. Due Wed. Mirdif Private School Grade:9 Term 1 HW Plan 6 English Social Studies/ ESS Class focus From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 During this week students will be listening to audio clips of people from our past .They will be focusing on the case study of the ice man .Students will also be learning about different tools and methods of survival used during the stone age. Information Communication Technology / ICT PE Personal, Social, and Health Education Art Class focus From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Class focus From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Class focus From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 Class focus From: 26/10/2014 To 30/10/2014 During this week, students are going to learn about writing a Resume. In class, we will be discussing about Resume document outlines i.e. experience, qualification, skills. They will include the details in their resume according to the outline. They will complete a Resume checklist. They will be following the steps from page # 30 -35 from TechnoAdvertise ICT book. Students will be able to create a Resume by the end of the lesson. During this week, students will train on the skill of endurance in organizing a breathing advanced skill in swimming increase the capacity of the lungs to absorb oxygen, also will train students on the performance of Float on the abdomen and change the status to float on the back style and through: Regulate breathing exercises 20 times Exercises diving Exercises change the type of Float During this week students will be continuing researching their home country. They will use short passages and illustrations to create a wall chart displaying interesting information and facts about their country. Research and analyze the work of an artist and write about the artists distinctive style and its contribution to the meaning of the work. Students will acquire sound research and art appreciation skills. The focus will be for students to understand artistic creation starting with an idea which is explored through the subject matter and the mediums used by the artist. Students will learn how to analyze and critically respond to works of art, gathering factual information while forming their own opinions and interpretations. Inn their research students will include: - Brief information about the artist: Name, art movement, where they are from, dates etc. - Analysis of the artwork, pick two or three examples. Describe the distinctive style and its meaning to the work i.e. subject matter and medium, how the medium reflects the subject. - Individual interpretation/opinions as well as facts. - Gather images of the artworks examined.
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