CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 69 Mill Street Athens, OH 45701 (740) 593-3144 [email protected] Return Service Requested Chi Rho Christ Lutheran Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. weekdays And The Bridge Campus Ministry 593-3144 STAFF: Pastor: Lynn Miller—[email protected] Adult Education and Spiritual Formation: Sister Lisa Reshad—[email protected] Office Manager: Yvonne Crist—[email protected] Custodian: Bryan Kuhre—740-541-1280 Youth & Family Director/SS Coordinator: Megan Cutright— [email protected] Music Director: George Weckman—[email protected] November 2014 Music Fest Fundraiser For Doctors Without Borders Sat, Nov 1st • 5-6:15 p.m. 10 min intermission, offering tasty treats Don’t miss this experience! Thoroughly enjoyable... A musical experience filled with a variety of talents from the community and congregation. Free will offering goes towards ‘Doctor’s Without Borders’ who support those suffering in Liberia from the Ebola epidemic. For information as to what is happening in Liberia as a result of Ebola, see the following link: Pg 2 Pg 11 May the Lord Bless and Keep ... Please keep these folks in your prayers: (Please let us know if there are any other prayer concerns/joys) ~ Global ~ ~ On-going Health Concerns ~ • Art Woolley • Sami Huwe • Bob & Millie Guinn • Mary Andrews • Bob Dakin • Lew Hammond • Fred Harner • Elaine Goetz • Alden & Fran Dalzell • Alan & Sandy Geiger • Bill Kuhre • Mary Anne Flournoy •*Ruth Steiner • *Norm Parmer •*Chuck & Bernice Gaiser * Shut-ins ~ Thank You baptism~ Thank you for participating in baron’s baptism! Even though you weren’t there physically you were there in spirit, represented by the water sent. Tim & I both met at CLC and “grew up” in our faith with the support of the congregation and we are honored that Baron will have the same support in his faith journey. We cannot wait to come back and visit. Love Marcie, Tim & Baron The children and staff of Montaña de Luz The men and women serving in our armed forces & all whose lives are impacted by war Prisca and the people of Zimbabwe People in Ukraine The people of West Africa & Medical workers seeking to contain the Ebola Outbreak. Over 3000 people have died ~ Death ~ We give thanks to the life of Patricia Margaret (Zuilkoski) Fesenmyer, mother of Marc, and mother-in -law to Mira Fesenmeyer, and ask God to send comfort and strength to all family members and friends. ~ Special Notice ~ Art has been moved now to a Special Care Unit. Columbus Victorian Village, Rm 235 1087 Dennison Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Look Who Is Having a Birthday in November 3. 9. 10. 12. 13. Merl Almquist Karl Runser Abby Hanson Michelle Schall Dan Snoddy 17. 18. 23. 24. 26. 28. Bruce Kuhre Irelynne Deno Norm Parmer Barbara Singer Eli Downs Hannah Bowie Please let Yvonne know if she has missed your birthday. What’s Happening at Christ Lutheran . . . . WIT AND WISDOM Nov 4th, 10:30 a.m. Leaving Church Glasshouseworks in Stewart Glasshouse Works in Stewart is a mailorder nursery, specializing in rare and unusual hardy and tropical plants from around the world. Followed by lunch at the Coolspot. Mark your calendar: CAPITAL UNIVERSITY CHAPEL CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT, DEC. 5—8 p.m. Fall Clean Up Day Sat., November 8 9 a.m.- Noon The Property Committee needs volunteers to help with Fall cleanup day. Please come and pitch in!!! Remember to bring your gardening tools too!!! Prayer and Meditation Looking for a way to improve your prayer life? Longing to find a short time of quiet and peace in the middle of your busy day? Beginning Nov 4th & 5th, come stop by the CLC sanctuary for a short time of prayer & meditation. We start promptly at 12:15 and end by 12:40. Sister Lisa will guide you through some short instructions at the start of the session for a new/different way of praying that you can easily continue to use at home. The practice used on Tuesday will be repeated on Wednesday, but the methods of prayer practice method will change weekly. We will gauge the level of interest for the month of November. CLC members and other people from the community are more than welcome!! Nov 4 & 5—12:15-12:40—Sanctuary Nov 11 & 12—12:15-12:40—Sanctuary Nov 18 & 19—12:15-12:40—Sanctuary Nov 25—12:15-12:40—Sanctuary Next Council meeting Tuesday Nov 11th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend!! Pg 10 Pg 3 Continued from pg 9 ELCA Advocacy Corner Stand with Us and Take Action in the Fight Against Child Labor! Congratulations to Kailash Satyarthi, founder of the organization GoodWeave, for being awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize! GoodWeave works to address the worst forms of child labor in the carpet industry by addressing the root causes of child slavery, hunger, and lack of education faced by children in the carpet business. The ELCA is pleased to have participated in this effort to combat child labor by supporting GoodWeave’s programs with over a half dozen hunger grants for education and advocacy efforts, including GoodWeave’s "One in a Million" campaign to end child labor. Ask Congress to encourage businesses to continue the good work of GoodWeave by acting on HR 4842, the Business Supply Chain Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act of 2014. This bill, which is currently in committee, will help increase consumer consciousness and make large companies publish ways they help stop human trafficking, slavery, and child labor in their supply chains. Visit to find out more about their work. Sign a letter to Congress at - click on Our Work, then Publicly Engaged Church and then on Advocacy. Earth Justice Three members of Christ Lutheran Church, Carol Kuhre, Sue Righi and Jeanne Haseley, recently attended an ecumenical earth justice conference sponsored by Ohio Interfaith Power and Light. They were privileged to hear a Nobel Prize winning climate expert, Katharine Hayhoe, speak about climate change and to have the opportunity to discuss with other conference attendees what we can do in our own congregations for the care of creation. We also purchased some books for our church earth justice library. One of the books, ―A Climate for Change‖ by Katherine Hayhoe and Andrew Farley is reviewed in the Chi Rho. We are still collecting used batteries for recycling in a Battery Box in the narthex of the church. We will be sponsoring a showing of the film, ―Chasing Ice‖ after the service on November 9. All are invited to attend. The Earth Justice group will meet after the services on November 30th for a meeting in the Student House. All interested persons are invited to attend. Book Review ―A Climate for Change‖ by Katherine Hayhoe and Andre Farley Global Warming is one of the hottest scientific and political issues of today. And yet we’ve found ourselves asking, ―It’s freezing outside – where’s global warming now?, Climate is always changing - how do we know this isn’t just a cycle?, Why should Christians care about global warming?‖ For all the talk about climate change, there’s still a great deal of debate about what it all means, especially among Christians. ―A Climate for Change‖ offers straightforward answers to these questions, without the spin. This book untangles the complex science and tackles many long-held misconceptions about global warming. Authored by a climate scientist and an evangelical pastor, ―A Climate Change‖ boldly explores the role our Christian faith can play in guiding our opinions on this important global issue. May everyone have a Blessed Thanksgiving! WORSHIP NEWS November 2014 2nd All Saints Sunday Confirmation & Food Pantry Sunday *10:00 a.m. 9th Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost *10:00 a.m. 16th Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost—Bread for World Sunday *10:00 a.m. 23rd Christ the King 30th *10:00 a.m. First Sunday in Advent *10:00 a.m. *Confirmation & Sunday School staring at 5th grade to adult 9:00a.m ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL—9 a.m. For the next 3 weeks, join Sister Lisa as we read and struggle with the book of Philemon. It's a very short book of the New Testament that deals with issues of slavery & what being a follower of Christ does to our human sense of relationships & hierarchy. Around the time of the Civil War this book was used to justify what value can it hold for us today? Come find out!! No choir practice Nov 5th and 26th Remember-Mark Your Calendars to . . .Set your clocks back 1 hour Sat., Nov. 1st Daylight Savings Time Ends Theology On Tap Monday, Nov., 24th—6:00 p.m. Location: Dick Brackin’s Home 15555 Willow Creek Rd—589-4646 Join us for interesting and unpredictable discussions. It is an informal opportunity to get to know your faith family outside of church and learn about their own faith journeys. Everyone Welcome!! Pg 9 Pg 4 November—Youth Activities Questions? Please call 740-649-6084 or email Megan at: [email protected] Middle & High Schoolers Meet with OUR Youth & Family Director. to pack boxes Megan would still like to meet with all families that have not already done so. She wishes to chat about your interests and possible future activities. This should only take 15-30 minutes and we can meet anywhere! Please email or call me with possible dates and times. Elementary: Fri., Nov, 21 - 5:30 p.m. —Craft & Movie night! We will work on Thanksgiving themed craft projects. We will be playing a movie for all to watch. Asking families to provide a side dish and dessert. There fun for children and parents. Please RSVP to Megan by Nov. 9th!! Middle School: 7th—8th graders Sun, Nov., 2—Food Pantry 12:15 p.m. Sun, Nov., 23—Movie Night—5:30 p.m. High School: 9th—12th graders Sun, Nov., 2 - Food Pantry 12:15 p.m. Sun, Nov., 9th— Fundraiser meeting to discuss fundraisers after church! Tentative dates for fundraisers are November 22nd and Nov. 29th. Confirmation: 6th—8th grade. Please Note ……. Nov, 2—Food Pantry A n y o n e t h a t is available should meet in the fellowship hall after service for a light lunch and then we will carpool over to the food pantry. If you would like to meet us there, we will be there at 12:15 to start packing. This is our main service project for the month. We need as much help as possible. Many hands make light work! Movie night! Nov. 23rd at 5:30pm. We will have dinner and watch a movie. Please RSVP by Nov, 20th!! Bible Study—All Youth 6th grade to 12th grade. Check out the Youth & Family newsletter for more information, dates, and times! This is a fun and interactive way to read and discuss sections of the Bible. Congratulations to !! Jack Haseley & Brianna Nowicki Every Sunday • 9:00 am who will be confirmed on Sun, Nov. 2!!! Taught by Bärbel Such and Dana Delamater in Pastor Lynn’s study. Social Concerns Corner . . $765.00. It is still not too late to add to our total. Please contact Adele [email protected]. Thanks to Adele Hanson Mitten Basket Project (in the narthex.) for organizing it and to Megan Cutright for helping Brrrr! Those little fingers can get mighty cold in the out! winter! Once again we ask your help to donate gloves, mittens, and even hats for children. We will start our collection on November 23rd and collect Montana de Luz Montana de Luz Seritems until December 14th. What is collected will be vice Trip given to Children's Services to distribute to those in We are pleased to announce that seven individuals need. Look for a basket in the Narthex to place your will be heading to Montaña de Luz for a service donated items! If you would like to avoid the store trip during the week of February 11-18, 2015. crowds, place your monetary donation in the envelope Erika from the MdL office in Columbus has ofin the basket and we will shop for you. Thank you for fered to fill our team with other people interested in helping Social Concerns in so many different ways! this mission. Those going are: Doug Debrick (1st year) Athens County Food Pantry Sam Hanson (2nd year) As the year comes to an end we hope you’ll support Sue Ellen Miller (5th year) our pantry with non-perishable food or monetary do- Connie Otto (Wanda’s sister from MD) (3rd year) nations. As you are aware, food prices continuously Susan Sheppard (1st year) (OU colleague of Sue rise and food stamp monies decline. This means Ellen’s; attends Morning Star United Methodist more people are in need of emergency food assis- Church) tance! Peanut butter is now $1.99 for an 18 oz jar. Sherry Wagner (1st year) (Susan’s church friend; We use 120 jars each week. This is only one of the retired nurse) many items we supply in our weekly boxes and bags. Wanda Weinberg (3rd year) Since the Montana dormitories can house 16, there Bread for the World Sunday—Nov.,16th is still plenty of room for others to go, but the final We celebrate this and support the advocacy work done deadline is November 11. By November 11, the by this organization, of which the congregation is a office needs an application, $100 deposit and secmember. In addition to our now annual fundraising ond payment of $800. (The final payment of $900 by taking donations for fresh bread made by area bak- is due by December 28.) Please let Sue Ellen ers, we will be showing A Place at the Table in the Miller ([email protected]) or Wanda Weinberg fellowship hall following the service. This is a won- ([email protected]) know if you’re interested! derful feature length film (84 min) staring Jeff Bridges about the challenges faced by hungry families in the HFH Scrap Metal Drive–Sat., Nov 1, 9 US. Experts discuss what can and should be a.m.-1p.m. at the Athens County Fairgrounds. done. Soup and bread will be served. See Scrap metal from small to large items, will be colCROP Walk Thank you to the six walkers for the lected. The funds from selling, will benefit the next home building project of the Faith Build Coalition Church World Service CROP WALK and to those of Habitat for Humanity of SE Ohio. See Chris who supported them! Our current total of donations is Snoddy for more details. Pg 5 Pg 8 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS Nov 2014 Date/Time Usher Communion Usher House coffee Assistant Lector Communion Server Acolyte Time with Children Greeter Nov 2—10:00 a.m. Jo Ann ball Karen Dahn Carl Savage Nick Claussen Laura Nowicki Susan Urano Charlotte Cutright Lance Broy Joni Hodgson Adele Hanson Nov 9—10:00 a.m. Sue Ellen Miller Linda Batey Marilyn Shealy Bärbel Such Kristina Denbow Tim Prange Brianna Nowicki Lisa Smith Merl Almquist Tom Riggs Nov 16—10:00 a.m. Fran & Larry Snyder David Juedes Lance Broy Barbi Wheelden Marilyn Shealy Gavin Soltow Kristi Goldsberry Lisa Smith Heather Hare Nick Claussen Hans Kruse Rod McDavis Larry Snyder Charlotte Cutright Stephanie Cech Signe Denbow M.C. Tilton Linda Sayer Sam Hanson Chris Snoddy Sue Righi Brianna Soltow Lynne Woods Nov 23—10:00 a.m. Rod & Linda Sauer Nov 30—10:00 a.m. Wanda Weinberg John Deno Joni Hodgson House Blessing at the Yoders’s New Home Nick Claussen Lance Broy Organ Recital 7:30 p.m. Fri, 14 Nov., By Nathan Lively at CLC Nathan K. Lively is one of the active, young organists on the East Coast, having won three national titles. Lively began his degreed studies at Concord University and organ with Daniel Spurgeon in southern WV and later moved to Huntington to serve as Pastoral Musician at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church where he led the music program's many active singing and ringing choirs. While in Huntington, WV, Lively studied with Sandra Folsom who has served as Artist-in-Residence at Huntington First United Methodist Church for 48 years. Nathan currently serves as Director of Music at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Uniontown, PA, and studies organ in Pittsburgh with concert organist William Evans. He has an active teaching studio and also teaches piano at the Falk Lab School of the University of Pittsburgh. Nathan's major area of interest lies heavily in French Romantic and Modern Music. He has performed many major works by Widor, Guilmant, Durufle, and Langlais. He has performed at various venues, most notably Central Synagogue and St. Andrew Episcopal Church in New York City, Heinz Chapel in Pittsburgh, St. Matthew Episcopal Cathedral in Wheeling, WV, and he appears frequently at the historic Bruton Parish Church in colonial Williamsburg, VA. Nathan is under the management of Jeff Kirk. Sue Ellen on the throne Oh my Goodness! I’m not speaking, listening! looking! The singing trio, singing their hearts out! To the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church: The staff and students at Trimble Elementary/Middle School would like to thank you for your generous donation to our school. There are so many times in which we are unable to contact a parent for a change of clothes, and during those times, we are so grateful to have a stash of clothing available. Again, thanks so much for thinking of us here at Trimble Elementary/Middle School Sincerely, Roger Nott, Principal Pg 6 Pg 7 NOVEMBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 FALL MUSIC FESTIVAL 5 p.m. 2 All Saints Sunday Food Pantry Sunday Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Elementary SS 10 a.m. Student Brunch 11:15 a.m. High and Middleschoolers Food Pantry 12:15p.m. 3 4 Wit & Wisdom 11:30 a.m. 9 Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Elementary SS 10 a.m. Student Brunch 11:15 a.m. Earth Justice ―Chasing Ice‖ High and Middleschoolers meeting after service 10 16 Bread for the World At the Table Movie after service Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Elementary SS 10 a.m. Student Brunch 11:15 a.m. Worship & Arts after the service 17 23 Christ the King Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Elementary SS 10 a.m. Student Brunch 11:15 a..m. High and Middleschoolers Movie night 5:30 p.m. 24 Health & Wellness 10 a.m. A.A. 7 p.m. A.A. 7 p.m. A.A. 7p.m. Theology On Tap 6:00 p.m. @ Dick Brackin’s Home A.A. 7p.m. Finance Meeting Noon 5 6 7 Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary The Bridge 5 p.m. 11 12 Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary OA 6 p.m. Council 6:30 p.m. The Bridge 5 p.m. Middle/High Schoolers Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Choir 6:30 p.m. 8 Fall Clean-up Day The Bridge ... WEDNESDAY - “BRIDGE TIME” • 5 - 7 p.m. All students join us for great meal, fun, & a time to connect with other students! The Bridge students go to Chris & Donnalee’s home for Game Night! 9-Noon Youth & Family 13 AFIS 11:30 a.m. 14 7:30 p.m. Organ Recital 18 Outreach Noon Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary Middle/High Schoolers Bible Study 5:30 p.m. OA 6 p.m. 19 20 21 Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary Christian Ed 1 p.m. Social Concerns 4:30 p.m. Elementary Craft and Movie Night 5:30 p.m. 25 26 27 28 Happy Thanksgiving Office Closed The Bridge 5 p.m. Choir 6:30 p.m. Prayer and Meditation 12:15 p.m. Sanctuary OA 6 p.m. Property 5:30 p.m. . 15 Office Closed The Bridge having fun! 22 B O O !! 29 Aren’t we CRAZY!!! Looking Good! 30 1st Sunday of Advent Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Elementary SS 10 a.m. Student Brunch 11:15 a.m. Earth Justice after service Student Brunch Cooks—Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to cook delicious meals for our students. They truly appreciate your gifts and ministry. Halloween Here we come! Women’s Retreat Grand Valley Lodge Hocking Hills On Oct. 24-26th, 25 women gathered at the Grand Valley Lodge in Hocking Hills, OH for a 3 day retreat. It was a fantastic event. In addition to several large group sessions, there was time included for small groups, time alone, one-on-one sessions with a spiritual director and a licensed massage therapist. It was great to see so much relationship building and relaxation -time happen in just those 3 glorious days. Blessed are women whose hearts and souls are joined together by laughter and tears for they shall be known as sisters. A big thank you goes out to Susan Roth and all the women who helped with food and cleanup. Please share your thoughts with me (Sister Lisa) at any time. I'm all ears. We're very excited to start planning for the spring retreat season. We covet your prayers as we move forward as a faith family --- and continue to ask how we can serve the spiritual formation and fellowship needs of other groups in our church such as the men, couples, etc.
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