No. (11) Vol. 39 30 First Sunday of Advent Like us! /Albuquerque Catholic CharismaticCenter Follow us! asfccc1 2 1 All Saints Day 3 4 5 All Souls Day Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm 9 Dedication of Lateran Basilica 16 10 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm Christ the King 11 Our Lady’s PG 7pm 18 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am 24 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm Greek Class 6:30pm 12 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am 17 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm 23 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am 25 Greek Class 6:30pm 19 Thanksgiving Mass & Dinner 12 Noon Greek Class 6:30pm Greek Class 6:30pm 7 13 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm 14 15 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 20 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm 21 22 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 27 Thanksgiving 8 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 26 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am Our Lady’s PG 7pm 6 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm 28 29 Center Closed IN LOVING MEMORY PRAYER MEETINGS: Mary Ann Cordova Spanish: Mondays 7 pm; contact Lolis 505-720-9940 English: Fridays 7:30 pm; contact Mike 505-341-2219 Our Lady’s Prayer Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 7 pm; Young Adults: Thursdays at 7:30 pm – Call Sara (505) 205-3145 or email [email protected] Bilingual Youth PG 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fridays at 7 pm @ San Jose de los Duranes Mission Church, Abq. Call Armando 505-504-0534 went home to the Lord on October 13, 2014. A member of the CCC Board of Directors for many years, and, with her husband Joe, the leader of the Upper Room Prayer Group in Las Vegas, NM, Mary Ann will be greatly missed by all who knew her and loved her. Please pray for the repose of her soul and consolation for her family. INTERCESSORY PRAYER: CALENDARS!!! Tuesdays 9:30 am EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays 10 am – 7 pm STAY CONNECTED Get our Free App @ Thanksgiving Mass & Dinner Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12Noon @ The Center Celebrant: Fr. Michael DePalma Together let us give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us this year. Winter Conference MARK YOUR Saturday, January 24, 2015 From 9:00 am – 3:30 pm @ Sn. Jose de los Duranes Dan Schneider will be one of the speakers for this event, other speaker(s) will be announced later. Advent Mass & Christmas Dinner December 10th, 2014 12 Noon Celebrant: TBA Liberal or Heretic? In the history of the Church there has always been those among her members who not merely disagree with her teachings, but even teach against her doctrines. Our times are not the exception. They are “heretics,” and have been around throughout the Church’s entire history. A heretic is by definition “a dissenter from established religious dogma; especially : a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church who disavows a revealed truth.” (Webster dictionary) However, most heretics in our days reject that name, due perhaps to the subjective and relativistic climate of our culture, and rather prefer the labels progressive, liberal, leftwinger, or other names that have more to do with politics than with church teaching. Progressive means, “Moving forward” (towards what?), and, “open to new and modern ideas, especially in politics and education” (does it matter at all that these ideas are good, true, and beautiful, or is their novelty and modernity their sole merit?). Liberal means, “not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted” (however, it seems that nowadays Christianity is no longer widely accepted, and therefore a true liberal person would be an orthodox Christian). Left wing means more or less “socialist.” All these terms are relative and changing over time. Christian doctrine, on the other hand, is concerned with eternal revealed truths, not with passing opinions. Heretic is the correct theological term to describe their position as dissenting from orthodox Christian doctrine; but who could expect this modicum of honesty in people who reject the very existence of objective revealed truths, or the idea that the Church teaches these and not mere personal opinions? We must make the distinction between material heresy and formal heresy. Holding a position against church teaching, unawares that it is against revealed truth, constitutes a material heretic. Material heretics have a defect in their understanding, not necessarily in their will; therefore, they may correct their position when learning what the church actually teaches. On the other hand, knowing what the church teaches and stubbornly clinging to an erroneous way of thinking, constitutes a formal heretic, that is, one that chooses to believe an error. Formal heretics are harder to change their mindset, because their defect is not in their intellect but in their will. Arguments are useless in dealing with these people. Such “demons” (the errors in their minds, not the heretics themselves) can be expelled only by prayer and fasting. Truth is not a matter of opinion. God gave us reason to understand the order of the universe, wills to obey this order, and thus use our freedom to attain happiness. Choosing to live in a lie will lead us to utter frustration. Love the heretic by speaking the truth, and by praying and sacrificing for him – so that he may embrace the truth; embracing his heresy in the name of “love” is not love, it is stupidity. Sister Magdalena Casas-Nava, DLJC Notice Sister Magdalena will be leaving her position as Director at the end of December. Sister Anthony will become the Director of the Center in January. Sister Magdalena will stay in Albuquerque for a while helping Sister Anthony learn her job, and later return to the motherhouse of her community. Sister Kateri Cahill will come to Albuquerque to join the Sisters, and be the house superior. Please pray for this time of transition for the Center and the Sisters. Thank you. YES! DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE RECEIVING THIS NEWSLETTER? YES! I wish to continue receiving the Newsletter. Enclosed is my donation of: $12 Other $_______ YES! I wish to continue receiving the Newsletter, but I am unable to help financially at this time. 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