Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday, 7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (Forr Begusarai district) (08thh Nov. – 12thh Nov2014) Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 31 31 Min ni. T (°C) 18 18 18 18 18 Clooud cover (okta) 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 80 83 80 73 39 42 41 38 37 06 02 04 04 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 30-31°C and a the minimum around 17-18°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (For Darbhangaa district) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 30 30 Min ni. T (°C) 19 19 18 18 18 Clooud cover (okta) 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 74 84 82 83 39 41 42 41 42 07 04 03 07 08 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 29-30°C and a the minimum around 18-19°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (Foor East Cham mparan) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 29 29 30 Min ni. T (°C) 19 18 18 18 17 Clooud cover (okta) 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 78 81 80 81 39 39 42 40 41 07 03 02 06 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between a the 29-30°C and minimum around 17-19°C during this perriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Bullletin No. 85 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (Forr Gopalganjj district) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 31 31 Min ni. T (°C) 19 19 18 18 18 Clooud cover (okta) 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 71 74 67 70 37 39 40 36 37 06 04 02 06 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 30-31°C and a the minimum around 18-19°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. vMedium Range Weaather Forecaast (F For Madhubani) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 29 28 28 28 29 Min ni. T (°C) 18 17 17 17 17 Clooud cover (okta) 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 81 87 87 86 42 43 47 49 47 06 02 02 04 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 28-29°C and a the minimum around 17-18°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Bullletin No. 85 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (F For Muzaffaarpur) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 30 30 Min ni. T (°C) 19 19 18 18 17 Clooud cover (okta) 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 67 72 75 73 77 37 41 41 37 39 08 04 02 06 08 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 29 - 30°C and the minimum around 17-19°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy sky y Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (Forr Samastipurr district) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 30 31 Min ni. T (°C) 18 18 17 17 18 Clooud cover (okta) 4 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 69 77 81 78 74 38 41 41 37 37 06 02 04 05 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 30-31°C and a the minimum around 17-18°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Bullletin No. 85 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (F For Saran diistrict) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 28 30 30 30 30 Min ni. T (°C) 19 19 18 18 18 Clooud cover (okta) 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 70 68 63 67 34 40 39 33 34 07 05 02 06 07 Easterly Easterly Westerly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 28-30°C and a the minimum around 18-19°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy sky y Easterly& Westerly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (For Shivh har) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 30 30 Min ni. T (°C) 18 18 17 17 18 Clooud cover (okta) 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 70 78 81 80 82 39 40 43 41 42 07 04 02 06 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterl y Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remarrks Maximum temperature will rremain betw ween 2930°C and d the minimum around a 117-18°C durring this period P Partially clo oudy sky E Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (For Sitamaarhi) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 29 29 30 Min ni. T (°C) 19 19 18 18 17 Clooud cover (okta) 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 79 83 82 83 40 41 44 43 43 07 02 02 06 06 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterl y Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remarrks Maximum temperature will rremain betw ween 2930°C and d the minimum around a 117-19°C durring this period P Partially clo oudy sky E Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Bullletin No. 85 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (F For Siwan diistrict) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 28 29 30 28 28 Min ni. T (°C) 18 18 18 18 17 Clooud cover (okta) 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 64 68 67 60 64 34 39 39 33 33 06 05 02 05 06 Easterly Easterly Westerly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between a the 28-30°C and minimum around 17-18°C during this perriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly & Westerly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (Foor Vaishali district) d (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 30 30 31 31 Min ni. T (°C) 18 19 18 18 19 Clooud cover (okta) 4 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 67 74 74 71 72 36 40 40 36 36 07 04 04 06 07 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between a the 30-31°C and minimum around 18-19°C during this perriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Gramin Krsh G hi Mausam Sewa (GKM MS) A AGRO-MET TEOROLOG GY DIVISIO ON Rajendra Agricultura A al Universityy: Pusa (Sam mastipur) Bih har -848 1255 Bullletin No. 85 Ph. & Fax: 062744-240266 Date:Friday,7thh Novemberr, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ Weeather durin ng the previoous forecastt period According to meteoorological daata recordedd at Agro meteorologica m al Observato ory, Pusa (Bihhar), averagee maximum and minim mum temperaature were 30.6°C and 220.4°C resp pectively. Aveerage relativve humidity was 90 peercent at 07700 hrs andd 46 percentt at 1400 hrs. h Soil tempperature at 5 cm depth was w 16.4°C at a 0700 hrs and a 27.9°C at a 1400 hrs. A Average winnd speed, dailyy sunshine hours and average a daily evaporatioon were 1.33 km/hr, 6.88 hours and 1.9 mm resppectively. Noo rainfall wass recorded du uring this perriod. Medium Range Weaather Forecaast (W West Champ paran) (08th Nov. – 12th Nov2014) N Weather W parrameters Maax. T (°C) 08 Nov. 09 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 28 28 28 28 27 Min ni. T (°C) 17 18 17 17 16 Clooud cover (okta) 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 75 81 73 74 40 40 41 39 39 05 02 02 06 05 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 27-28°C and a the minimum around 16-18°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy y sky Easterly Sowing Advisory for the farmers Advisory (Based on weather forecast) Apply 15-20 ton FYM manures/ha at the time of field preparation of wheat HD-2733, HD-2824, PBW-343, K-9107, PBW-443, HUW-206 varieties are suitable for timely sowing. Seeds should be treated with Bavistin or Thiram @ 2-2.5 g per kilogram. The timely sowing of wheat in Bihar is 20 November to 10 December. At the time of sowing apply 60 kg N and 60 kg phosphorus 40 kg Potash per hectare. Keep seed rate 125kg/ha(broadcasting method) . Continue planting of potato crop. Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Ashoka, Kufri Pukharaj, Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Badhsha, Kufri Lalima, Kufri Arun and Rajendra Alu 2, varieties are suitable for planting. Seed treatment with Diethane M-45 @2 g/liter of water before planting is advised. Apply 20-25 ton FYM/ha at the time of field preparation and 75 kg N, 90 kg P and 100kg K at the time of sowing. Keep seed rate-25-30q/ha and distance 50-60cmx15-20cm. Continue sowing of Shaktiman-1, Shaktiman-2, Dewki and Lakshmi varieties for white maize and Shaktiman-3, Shaktiman-4 and Suaan for yellow maize suitable for sowing. Apply 10-15 ton FYM at the time of field preparation and 40 kg N and 75 kg phosphorus 50 kg Potash per hectare at the time of sowing. Keep Seed rate 20kg/ha and distance 75cm X 20cm. Seed should be treated with Thiram @2.5g /kg for better yield. Sowing of Pusa-256, KPG-59(Udai), KWR-108, Pusa-372 varieties are suitable for Bihar. Seed should be treated with Vitavax@2gm/kg and after 24 hours again seed is treated with clorpyrifos@8ml/kg(control against kajla caterpillar) followed by Rhizobium 5 packet/ha. Apply 10 kg N, 45 kg P and 20 kg K, 20 kg S per hectare at the time of sowing. Keep seed rate-75-80 kg/ha and distance 30cm X 10cm. Complete the nursery bed for onion crop as earliest . Agrifound Light Red(ALR), Arka Niketan and N-2-4-1 varieties are suitable for Bihar. Keep seed @8-10 kg/ha. Continue sowing of DPL-15,DPL-62,KLS-218,HUL-S7,IPL-81 and K-75 varieties are suitable for sowing. Seed should be treated with Rhizobium for better yield. Keep seed rate-30-35 kg/ha for small grain and 40-45kg/ha for large grain and line to line distance 30cm. Apply 10 kg N, 45 kg P, 20 kg K and 20 kg Sulphur per hectare at the time of sowing. Continue sowing of PDR-14(Udai), IIPR96-4(Amber) and IIPR98-5(Utkarsh) varieties are suitable. Apply 50 kg N, 50 kg P and 30 kg K per hectare at the time of sowing. Keep distance 30cm X 10cm and seed should be treated with carbendazim@ 2gm/kg. Complete the sowing up to 10 November for better yield. sowing Sowing of oat and barseem for fodder purpose can be done. Crop Phenophase Wheat - Potato Planting Maize Sowing Gram Sowing Rabi onion Nursery preparation Lentil Sowing Kidney beans (Rajma) Sunflower Fodder crop Paddy Interculturing Animal care Sowing Harvesting - Forecasted weather will remain favorable for harvesting and threshing of paddy crop. Forecasted weather will remain favorable for Inter-culturing operations in vegetables and other crops. Low temperature condition may adversely affect the milk production and performance of domestic animals. Farmers are advised to give protein enriched diet to the animals. Do not keep the animal in the open. Nodal Officer Agro-Meteorology
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