Tech TechTalk Talk NSW PUBLIC SCHOOLS - CREATING THE FUTURE [email protected] FROM THE PRINCIPAL NOVEMBER 2014 Welcome back to Term 4 and to a very busy academic term. All students will complete major exams this term, and should be well prepared to test their skills and understandings in the next few weeks. The HSC has proceeded smoothly and we hope for much success from our Year 12 students many of whom are already finished, and preparing for the next significant chapter in their lives. Should Year 12 wish to have help with CV prepara on then Mr Zigas is available in school and can be contacted on the school number. I have spent the past three weeks on long service leave, and I am very grateful for the support of staff in my absence. I should like to thank Diane Wilson who was Relieving Principal, Debbie Noyes who was Relieving Deputy Principal, Susan Faulder who relieved as Head Teacher Science, and Zaf Voulalas who relieved as Year 11 Year Adviser. We are very fortunate that we have knowledgeable and coopera ve staff who are willing to step into such roles and work with dedica on and energy. For one week I was on a push bike in the Loire Valley visi ng fabulous chateaux followed by a week in Portugal walking along the Atlan c coast, and then had some days in both Lisbon and London soaking up exhibi on culture. It’s a challenge for me to stay inside at my desk at the moment! This term marks the start of a new professional opportunity for me. I am in a part me Principal School Leadership posi on and will not be in the school on Thursdays of each week. Diane Wilson will be ac ng in my place. Kirk Grinham will be ac ng as Deputy Principal on those days. I will be assis ng other schools with issues such as the new school planning process, and will be based in Arncliffe District office. This is an exci ng new posi on under the direc on of the High Performance Unit and I will be working alongside other Primary and High School Principals. CONTENTS Page 1: Page 3: Page 4: Page 8: Page 10: Page 11: Page 14: Page 16: Page 18: Page 20: Page 24: From the Principal Deputy Principals’ Report Welfare Report Careers Report P&C Report News Around School 686 Forest Road Bexley 2207 Year 9 Camp Year 12 Muck Up Photos Year 12 Farewell Photos Announcements School Calendar Phone: 9587 5899 Fax: 9553 8315 My congratula ons to Jordan Truong of Year 9 who was invited to par cipate in the 2014 Australian Intermediate Mathema cs Olympiad compe on and completed a four hour mathema cs paper with dis nc on. Hilton Nguyen is to be congratulated on his success in the Australian Mathema cs Compe on. He received a perfect score and he will be presented with a prize. Congratula ons, also to Chris Ardi who has been awarded a Sydney East Blue for soccer. Hilton Nguyen I would like to thank the outgoing P&C president, Sophie Wilcox, and her execu ve team for their valuable contribu on to the school in 2014. They have provided funds for Na onal Curriculum, Deba ng and many other educa onal resources and I thank them for their hard work and commitment. November’s P&C mee ng is the Annual General Mee ng, so please come along. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 4 November. Jacqueline Lyons Principal Jordan Truong Chris Ardi Swimming instruc on is part of the curriculum for all Year 7 boys at Sydney Technical High School. The scheme is a learn‐to‐swim program which develops water confidence and provides students with basic skills in water safety and survival. All students in Year 7 a end this program with all students showing improvement in some aspect of swimming. WHEN: Week 10 (8 – 12 December) Periods 1 and 2 and back to school for periods 3 and 4. WHERE: Carss Park pool under the instruc on of qualified teachers COST: $50 A permission note has been handed to students. If your child has lost it please ask them to see Mr Zigas the Careers Adviser. Your prompt payment to the front office and your permission note returned will be greatly appreciated. Arthur Zigas Swimming Coordinator Page 2 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT SUBJECT SELECTION Year 12 HSC exams are con nuing and will conclude on Wednesday 5 November, with students being able to access their results on Wednesday 17 December. A reminder that all Year 12 students are invited to a end a celebra on Morning Tea at school on Thursday 18 December at 10.30am in the memorial garden. All HSC students are asked to return textbooks and equipment to the school on the day of each exam. The two designated sign out days for Year 12 are 10 and 11 November. School exam periods for Years 7‐10 have now been completed and Year 11 will have their first HSC assessment week in Week 9. The newly elected SRC representa ves have assumed their new roles this term and immersed themselves in a variety of leadership opportuni es. They began the term with a Leadership session lead by Dr Andrew Crosbie, an Ethics and Values Specialist. The students gained insights into their personal strengths and how to tap into them and u lise them in their leadership roles in the school. SRE will be held on 11 November for Years 9 and 10 and on 18 November for Years 7 and 8. Further details for students will be given through the daily no ces. Greg McNaught Deputy Principal Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Diane Wilson Deputy Principal Page 3 HEADSPACE HURSTVILLE WELLBEING (WELFARE) REPORT Page 4 Earlier this year, Headspace opened their new facility at 41 Dora Street, Hurstville and this has been a most welcomed addi on to the support agencies available for young people who live and learn in this local community. Headspace provide early interven on services to young people 12 to 25 years and is a place where a range of services can be provided in one youth friendly loca on. On Friday 17 October, it was my pleasure to accompany Andrew Lucas and Andrew Radosavic to the official opening of Headspace Hurstville. Sydney Technical High School has come a long way in recent years to address the nega ve s gma that can be associated with mental illness. Both of these young men spoke with great insight and ar cula on around these par cular issues and how young men, in par cular, are their own risk category. The boys conversed with many dis nguished guests including local members of parliament, department of health and the na onal branch of Headspace about the important ini a ves Tech has led in 2014 alone including RUOK? Day and the visit from the Beyond Blue Roadshow. They did so in a manner that epitomised the high regard in which the school’s name is carried within the community and should be commended for their efforts. Headspace offers (free of charge): • Mental Health counselling support • Educa on and employment support • Alcohol and other drugs services • Community Engagement ac vi es • General Prac oner Sexual Health services Headspace Hurstville’s contact details are as follows: Tel: 8048 3350 mail: [email protected] Web: h p://‐centres/headspace‐ hurstville Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 9am ‐ 5pm Wednesday, Thursday: 10am ‐ 6pm Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP We're the first genera on of parents responsible for equipping our children with digital ci zenship skills – how to use technology safely and responsibly, and how to evaluate, manage and use the informa on and tools they find online. Here are some ps to get you started: h p:// technology/using‐technology/raising‐good‐ digital‐ci zens SMART TRAVELLING Is your child heading overseas a er finishing their HSC? Suggest they consult safety advice on the Australian Government’s Smart Traveller website before they go. Find out more: h p:// ps/ schoolies.html COMMUNITY LANGUAGES Do you speak a language at home other than English? Would you like your child to learn that language or improve their skills? Saturday School of Community Languages enrolments for 2015 are now open. Find out more: Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 5 Page 6 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 7 YEAR 12 ‘PAL PROGRAM’ CAREER NEWS Undertaking the HSC Course is important and at mes, a stressful period. In its support of students, Sydney Technical High School is con nuing with its mentoring scheme for Year 12 students in their final year of secondary educa on. Students will be mentored by teachers who will have the tle Year 12 ‘Personal Assistant Leader’ or (PAL) for short. This assistance is one of the school’s many welfare programs designed to provide that extra bit of individualised a en on to students going through the HSC year. Involvement by teachers is on a voluntary basis. Each student, having had the chance to nominate preferences, will be allocated a PAL. The student and their PAL jointly determine the way in which the interest and assistance provided can best help the student based on their individual needs. To register their interest, Year 12 students will need to fill out an online form at: h p:// YEAR 9 ’WORLD OF WORK WORKSHOP’ Howard Smith a speaker from the Business Concierge will cap vate all Year 9 students during his ‘World of Work Workshop’. This incursion will prepare students for the arduous task in searching for the ul mate Work Experience placement next year and will work with students to gain an apprecia on of what it takes to land a job in the future. A booklet with valuable resources will be provided to each student. Here are some interes ng sites that are worthy of checking out: YOUNG WRITERS PROGRAM The Na onal Novel Wri ng Month (NaNoWriMo) is an interna onal wri ng marathon where writers around the world challenge themselves to write a piece of fic on in the month of November. The Young Writers Program is an extension of NaNoWriMo, and is open to writers up to 17 years of age. Register for free online: h p:// JOB OUTLOOK Learn about the average weekly wages, current vacancies and expected future growth of a number of jobs. Go to: h p:// Page 8 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys MINING OIL AND GAS JOBS - YEAR 10 CAREER PLANNING GUIDE This site outlines the career op ons for students considering entering the mining, oil and gas industries. The guide provides informa on about the careers that are trade based as well as those that require ter ary qualifica ons. A list of Australian Universi es and Mining Schools are also displayed. Students can learn a lot about the industry just by naviga ng their way through the site. h p://‐and‐Development/Career‐Planning‐for‐Students/Year‐10‐‐ Guide‐for‐Planning‐a‐Career.aspx HOBSONS COURSE FINDER KHAN ACADEMY A Student Guide to Volunteering: h p://‐ news/Life‐at‐university/A‐student‐guide‐to‐ volunteering#.VEiP6CKUe8A This website features an extensive video library, prac ce exercises, and assessments. It covers K‐12 mathema cs, science, finance, history and more. Students can learn and study from the comfort of their own home. Go to: h p:/ Top Five Exam Survival Tips: h p://‐ news/Life‐at‐university/Top‐five‐exam‐survival‐ ps#.VEiP6SKUe8A THINK EDUCATION: FESTIVAL OF CHANGE Friday 7 November – Sunday 9 November 46‐52 Mountain Street, Ul mo NSW 2007 Think Educa on is launching the Fes val of Change ‐ an arts, cultural, and educa onal fes val that cele‐ brates, embraces, promotes and provokes change. It comprises of between 30 and 50 free events in Syd‐ ney. Some interes ng events include: Google’s Marke ng Secrets: Friday 7 November, 2.30pm, Ul mo Night Market and Music: Friday 7 November, 6.00pm, Ul mo How to Get a Job as a Designer: Saturday 8 November, 2.00pm, Ram Cas llo, Ul mo Go to: h p:// val‐of‐change/ sydney Arthur Zigas Careers Adviser Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 9 P&C REPORT Thank you to all parents who a ended our P&C mee ng in September. I would also like to thank our special guest speaker Ms Debbie Demetriadis (Head Teacher, English) for her informa ve and insigh ul presenta on on the English curriculum. Ms Demetriadis also provided some very helpful strategies for parents to assist their sons achieve success in English. Our next mee ng is very important as it commences with the Annual General Mee ng, at which the execu ve posi ons are decided. I would like to encourage parents to come along and nominate for posi ons and become involved in your son’s school community. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank two of the current P&C Execu ves who will step down at the AGM. Firstly, I would like to thank our Vice President‐ Dr Poomahal Kumar for all her efforts over the past two years especially her assistance with upda ng the P&C web page. Her son Esvara has completed Year 12 and we wish him all the best for his future endeavours. I would also like to thank our P&C Secretary ‐ Kay Glitsos for her constant support over many years on the P&C. Kay has been involved with merit selec on panels, canteen volunteer, 2011 STHS centenary celebra ons and many other school func ons. I would like to wish Kay the very best especially with her return to full me teaching and also her two boys (Benji – STHS HSC 2013 and Chris ‐ Year 10) the very best with their future endeavours. I look forward to seeing you at the AGM to be held in the STHS Common Room on Tuesday 4 November, star ng at 7:30pm. All parents are welcome. Sophie Wilcox President P&C Meeting Our P&C Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 November 2014 in the STHS Common Room at 7:30 pm. All Welcome! Next Month’s meeting will be on Tuesday 2 December 2014 Page 10 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys N A A er having met Pompeiian archaeologist, Dr Estelle Lazer in Pompeii on our Europe Visit last year, it was a privilege to meet with her again for her school visit in June this year. Estelle studied archaeology and anatomy at Sydney University. For her PhD, she conducted studies on the skeletal remains of the vic ms of Mt Vesuvius in Pompeii. Estelle worked on a sample of over 300 skeletons, part of a collec on of disar culated bones that were carelessly stored in the Sarno baths and the female part of the Forum baths by early archaeologists. She has recently been granted permission to X‐ray and CT scan all the plaster casts in Pompeii. In 2009 Estelle published a book called ‘Resurrec ng Pompeii’ where she writes about the history of the bones in Pompeii, explaining why they were neglected for so long and what studies have revealed about the Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys S lives of these Pompeiians and their cause of death. Last year an excerpt from her book was featured in the HSC source booklet for the Ancient History examina on in 2013. We were very privileged to have Estelle offer to come to Sydney Tech and share her knowledge with Year 10 and 12 History students. She presented a 1 hour lecture on her study, as well as the ethical concerns associated with studying human remains. I am sure that her knowledge has enhanced the learning of our Year 12 Ancient History students and inspired our Year 10 students to take an interest in this fascina ng topic. Estelle has a personal connec on with the school, as her father also a ended Tech in the post war era. He will be visi ng the school in November to speak to our Year 10 boys about life at Tech in the 1940s. Leah Farr Page 11 STHS Performing Ensembles Presents Summer Ensembles Concert 2014 Monday 24 November, 5 - 7:30pm Page 12 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys NSW Adolescent Vaccination Program 2015 for Years 11 and 12 Students All Year 11 and Year 12 Students will be offered: Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine As a catch-up for students who have not had two doses previously If your child has had two doses of MMR vaccine previously, they do not need this vaccine at school. If your child has had one previous dose, we can give them a second dose at school If your child has not had any doses of MMR vaccine previously, we can give them one dose at school and they can receive a second does for free at the GP (one month after the first dose). To know if your child has previously received MMR vaccine you can: Check your child’s Blue Book and/or Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement Request a copy of your child’s Immunisation History Statement from the ACIR: - online at or through the Medicare express App - in person at your local Medicare Service Centre - by calling 1800 653 809 - check with your child’s doctor Please do not contact your local Public Health Unit as they do not store MMR records. Students will not be vaccinated at school unless a completed and signed consent form is returned to the school. If you do NOT wish your child to be vaccinated, do NOT complete or return the MMR Consent Form. Look out for consent forms early in 2015! Further information will be provided in Parent Information Packs in 2015 and is also available now in many languages at: A record of vaccination will be given to your child at the time of each vaccination. Please keep these for your records and provide a copy to your local doctor. Public Health Unit South Eastern Sydney Local Health District ABN 70 442 041 439 Building 23 (Hut U), Easy Street, Prince of Wales Hospital Campus, Randwick Postal Address: Locked Bag 88, Randwick NSW 2031 Tel: (02) 9382 8333 Fax: (02) 9382 8334 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 13 Page 14 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Year 9 Camp was a great success. The best aspect ini ally was the prompt return of forms and money which the parents should be recognised for. There was also only a very small percentage of students who did not a end due to travel and other reasons, which is wonderful. Here is a sneak peek of the second day of camp from one of the Year 9 students with a more detailed report to come in the journal. Day 2 of Camp ‘Our second day at camp kicked off with each group doing different ac vi es, like the team challenge on high ropes, canoeing and rock climbing. My group headed to the high ropes challenge for an hour or two. The challenge consisted of many obstacles that had to be completed as a team. People with fear of heights (me) would have a nerve wracking me. A er the high ropes team challenge, we headed back for lunch and then prepared to go to the beach, where we would spend the a ernoon and have dinner there. We arrived at the beach and had to walk along the beach to the spot where we would spend me in the Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys water and the sand. Time passed extremely quickly as we enjoyed the company, breeze and scenery. Dinner consisted of a meat pa y sandwich and a sausage sandwich with salad which we all gobbled down. We went back to camp to clean up and were then called out for the night ac vity. We were taken to another campsite which would become our ‘extrac on zone’ for the game we were going to play: Commando. The rules were simple: find the hostages and take them back to the extrac on zone. If caught by the teachers, the whole team has to go back to the extrac on point and start again. Eventually, the game halted to an end when all the hostages were extracted. It was our victory. Our second day faded away with a cup of chocolate milk and some cookies for supper. Porson Pong Everyone had a great me at camp and returned home exhausted but happy. Thanks to the staff who gave up their me to come along to camp and the parents for their con nued support of their son’s whole school experience. Julie Ryan Year 9 Adviser Page 15 Page 16 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 17 Page 18 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS STHS SECOND HAND CLOTHING POOL The Clothing Pool is run by volunteers, and opens on the Second Tuesday of each calendar month, during school term, from 10.30am - 12 noon. The Clothing Pool is located in the Professional Learning Centre. The next date for the clothing pool this year will be on Tuesday 11 November 2014. Come along and grab a bargain. If you have any donations of used uniform items, please send them to the Office. Page 20 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 21 Page 22 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 23 SYDNEY TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Change of Personal Details Form Date of Change of Details: ____________________________________ Students Name: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Roll Class: _________ New Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Post Code: ______________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Work Number: ________________________________ Mother’s Mobile Number: ____________________________________ Father’s Work Number: ________________________________ Father’s Mobile Number: ____________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Office Use Only Transport: ______________________ Computer: ____________________ Years 10-12 BOS Online: _______________________ To be filed in student’s record folder when completed. Page 24 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys If you have a special occasion coming up, contact Choosypix Photography. Antonia Hayler is the Managing Director of the company and is one of our volunteer parents at the school. Choosypix specialises in Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Family occasions, School Formals and Sports events. Contact Antonia: Mob: 0410 584 066 Email: [email protected] NEW DEPARTMENT POLICY FOR STUDENTS TAKING LEAVE DURING THE TERM Due to new Policies and Procedures from the Department of Education and Communities, students wishing to take leave during the school term must present a letter to the school office, from the parents, at least two weeks prior to going on leave. Students can obtain a form from our office which should be filled out by the parents and returned to the school for approval by the Principal. Change of Mobile Phone Numbers and Addresses If you have changed your mobile phone number or address, please contact the school immediately so that we can update our records. Attention Parents SMS Messaging When returning SMS messages to the school after receiving an absent or late message regarding your son, please type your son’s FULL NAME on the return message. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys It is Departmental Policy that if your son needs to leave the school early for an appointment, then a le er must be brought to the school and it must be signed by one of the Deputy Principals before the start of the school day for leave to be granted. Page 25 BUILDING FUND Tech High, established in 1911, was originally located in a building in Mary Ann Street, Ul mo, and known as Ul mo Central Technical School. The Official Opening of the new school buildings on McConnachies Paddock, Forest Road, was performed on 2 August 1958. Our school buildings are always in need of upgrading and renova on. The priority areas for our Building Fund in 2013‐14 are to upgrade staff and student toilets. Currently our bathrooms do not meet environmental standards, waste water and electricity. Your contribu on to the fund will enhance student and staff well‐being and contribute to an improved school environment. There are various amounts you can donate or you can suggest your own amount. All dona ons over $2 are tax deduc ble. LIBRARY FUND The school has established a school Library fund. This fund is designed to enhance student learning and improve access to up to date resources from a range of different media. Our school Library is in constant use by students and teachers for research, private study and building general knowledge. Our Librarian Ms Campbell is always seeking to provide our boys with fic on and non fic on resources for reading pleasure and for study that will really engage their interest. Your contribu on to the fund will enhance our ability to provide inspiring and essen al reading for our students. All dona ons over $2 are tax deduc ble. Yes I would like to contribute to the Sydney Technical High School Building Fund Library Fund $130.00 $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 …………….. (write amount you wish to donate) I wish to pay by Cheque (enclosed) Money order (enclosed) OR debit my credit card Visa Mastercard Security Code: Expiry Date: / Card No: Cardholder’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………… (please print) Signature …………………………………………..…………… Student’s Name: ……………………………………………………………….. can also be paid by on (02) 9587 All over $2 are tax Page 26 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys SCHOOL CALENDAR TERM 4 NOVEMBER 3 4 6 3‐7 7 7 10‐11 10 11 11 13‐14 13 14 18 20‐21 20 24 26 28 28 SRC Tech Cup P&C Annual General Mee ng ‐ 7.30pm, Common Room Parent Partnership Mee ng ‐ Year 7 9am, Common Room HSC ‐ Week 3 Year 8 Peer Support Training Premier’s Deba ng Final Year 12 Sign Out Day Year 8 Peer Support Training SRE ‐ Year 9, Period 1; Year 10, Period 2 ESSA Tests ‐ Year 8 Duke of Ed Expedi on Les Gordon Deba ng Finals Zone sports Presenta on SRE—Year 7, Period 1; Year 8, Period 2 Summer Ensembles Rehearsals School Sport Award Assembly Summer Ensembles Concert Volunteer Lunch Year 9 Commerce Market Day White Ribbon Day Assembly DECEMBER 3 4 4‐5 Orienta on Day ‐ Year 7, 2015 Orienta on Day ‐ Years 8‐11, 2015 Year 10 Canberra Excursion For a full list of school ac vi es please check the calendar on the school intranet. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 27
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