Breckenridge High School Teacher Handbook 2014-2015 PRINCIPAL’S BULLETIN It is good to see each of you back again. We welcome the new teachers to our faculty. Let us all help them to get acquainted with our school procedures. I solicit your fullest cooperation in carrying out a successful school year and I promise you that I will do by best to back you in your work. It will take all of us working together to get the job done. PLEASE KEEP A FILE OF THE BULLETINS AND MEMOS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. REMINDERS 1. 2. 3. Teachers should be in their rooms by 8 AM. If something unforeseen comes up and you are going to be a few minutes late, call the office and let someone know! Remember that your free period is not “off” but a period for conference and for school work. Teachers should be on duty from 8 AM to 4 PM. You are to be on campus for your conference period. An Employee Request Form must be turned in to the assistant principal if you need to be off campus for any period of time over 1 hour or that would require a substitute. If you need to leave campus for a short period of time, please notify the office staff that you are leaving. If you wake up ill or have an emergency and need a substitute teacher call the assistant principal before 6:30 AM. Substitute teachers are sometimes very difficult to find. Do not make the job of finding one more difficult by waiting until 7:30 to call in. Check your mail box and your email at least twice daily. Do not send a student to pick up your mail for you. No students are allowed in the teacher’s lounge, except office workers. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. All students should be in the classroom before the tardy bell rings. If they are not have them sign your tardy log and mark it appropriately on your Skyward Attendance. CHECK YOUR ROLL AND REPORT ALL ABSENTEES PROMPTLY AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CLASS PERIOD. Remember that the record in your grade book is subject to audit and must correspond with the report sent to the office. Students should remain in the classroom at all times. Unless there is a definite need, and in that case they should always have a hall pass. Make a list of all book numbers in your grade book or log in sheet. Do not order or purchase anything to be paid from school funds without first securing a purchase order. Blank PO’s are in the office. Do not plan parties, picnics, dances, etc. without the principal’s approval. No special event should be planned during exam weeks or the last days of school. Always feel free to talk to the principal about problems that you may have. If you have serious differences with a student, do not let the parent be the first to tell the principal. The principal will help with discipline problems, but the teacher should attempt to handle them first. A good teacher makes regular assignments, starts class immediately, grades all written work promptly, and keeps students busy from the beginning to the end of the class period. Often disciplinary troubles are the result of idleness. When a child is interested in something, it is almost impossible to keep him from learning about it. It is the teacher’s responsibility to encourage students to do their own work at all times. A student caught in the act of cheating will receive a zero. THE TEACHER SHOULD NEVER LEAVE THE CLASSROOM UNATTENDED EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY. A teacher should never refuse a student who asks for help. IT IS THE TEACHERS RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSTANTLY CHECK FOR MARRING AND DEFACING OF WALLS, FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. TEACHERS SHOULD HAVE THE STUDENTS CHECK FOR TRASH IN DESKS AT THE END OF EACH CLASS PERIOD. THIS CAN BE CHECKED BEST BY HAVING A REGULAR SEATING ARRANGEMENT. There should not be any food or drink in any classroom with computers. There will be no parties is the classroom unless first approved by the principal. Permanent record files are not to leave the office. They may be reviewed in the office only. Always ask the secretary or registrar for permission to look at files. Do not allow students to sit on top of desks, or at or on the teacher’s desk. Do not allow students to meddle or rummage in teacher’s desk. When a student is in ISS or AEP, teachers need to give the monitor a copy of the day’s work. Strongly advise students to bring their materials to class. Teachers will notify the parents of students who are failing or who are borderline at the end of every third week of each six weeks grading period. Teachers must personally contact parents of students who failed a six weeks either by telephone call or by requesting a conference, or in writing. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Do not cover the glass window in the door to your classroom. Do not allow yourself to be alone with a student, for your own protection. Do not dismiss your students early from one of the outer buildings. They have a tendency to enter the building early, roam the halls and/or slam locker doors. Teachers, do not have students sitting in the hall for disciplinary action. Use of tobacco products is not permitted anywhere on school property. Teachers you are responsible for being punctual to class and to staff meetings. You are responsible for turning in reports, lesson plans, grades, failure reports and required paperwork in a timely manner, whether done by e-mail or hard copy. On all late start days, teachers are to be at school one (1) hour before school is to start. A phone tree will be handed out soon. Keep a copy at home near the phone. You may be required to contact someone to tell them that school has been canceled for bad weather. All teachers should be in the hallways during passing periods. Any and all correspondence to parents should be proofed for spelling and grammatical errors. Checking roll is one of the most important things you do each class period. If you will do it correctly, it makes the office workers and secretary’s job much easier. Please check roll first thing after the bell rings. If you do not do this, then an office worker will have to interrupt your class to come in and remind you. Office workers are instructed to hand all messages to the teacher. They are not to communicate directly to students in a classroom. If you have a problem with an office worker, please let someone in the office know. No cell phones are to be used during class time for personal use. Teachers you are to read the contents of this handbook. It has all of the test schedules, class schedules, noon duty assignments, employee request form (if you must be absent), room assignments, committee assignments, etc. Most everything that you need to know should be in this handbook. Sign the last page of this handbook, stating that you have read the handbook and return to the Registrar no later than August 26th. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THESE RULES MAY RESULT IN WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION! Bryan D. Dieterich, HS Principal Breckenridge High School Code Blue Continue with teaching. Do not allow students to leave the classroom until Code Blue is lifted. Announcement lifting Code Blue Code Red Lock classroom doors and move all students to an area of the room where they cannot be seen from the hallway. Announcement lifting Code Red. Code Green Evacuate (Leave) the building and go to designated area(s) Bull horn announcement to return to class. 1st day bell schedule 1st period 8:15 – 8:40 2nd period 8:45 – 9:15 Assembly 9:20 – 9:55 3rd thru 8th Regular Schedule 2014-2015 High School Bell Schedule REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE 8:00 – 8:10 Tutoring 8:15 – 9:00 First Period 9:05 - 9:50 Second Period 9:55 -10:40 Third Period 10:45 -11:30 Fourth Period 11:35 -12:20 Fifth Period 12:20 – 1:10 Lunch 1:15 - 2:00 Sixth Period 2:05 – 2:50 Seventh Period 2:55 – 3:40 Eighth Period Early Release Bell Schedule 8:00- 8:10 Tutoring 8:15 – 8:40 First Period 8:45 – 9:15 Second Period 9:20 - 9:45 Third Period 9:50 – 10:20 Fourth Period 10:25 – 10:55 Fifth Period 11:00 – 11:25 Sixth Period 11:30 – 11:55 Seventh Period 12:00 – 12:30 8th Period 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Early Release at 1:00 FRIDAY PEP RALLY SCHEDULE 8:00- 8:10 Tutoring 8:15 – 8:50 First Period 8:55 – 9:35 Second Period 9:40 – 10:10 Pep Rally 10:15 – 10:45 Third Period 10:50 -11:30 Fourth Period 11:35 -12:20 Fifth Period 12:25 – 1:10 Lunch 1:15 - 2:00 Sixth Period 2:05 – 2:50 Seventh Period 2:55 – 3:40 Eighth Period LATE START BELL SCHEDULE 10:00 – 10:34 1st Period 10:38 – 11:17 2nd Period 11:21 – 11:55 3rd Period 12:00 – 12:30 4th Period 12:30 – 1:08 Lunch 1:12 -1:46 5th Period 1:50 – 2:24 6th Period 2:28 – 3:02 7th Period 3:06 – 3:40 8th Period Other bell schedules for testing will be posted on-line prior to time. CALENDAR FOR 2014-2015 SCHOOL BEGINS: Teachers………………………….August 14, 2014 Students………………………….August 25, 2014 SCHOOL ENDS: Students…………………………..May 29, 2015 Teachers………………………….May 29, 2015 SIX-WEEKS PERIODS: 1st………………………………….August 25, 2014– October 3, 2014 2nd…………………………………October 6, 2014 – November 7, 2014 3rd………………………………….November 10, 2014 – December 19, 2014 4th…………………………………..January 5, 2015 – February 13, 2015 5th…………………………………..February 16, 2015 – April 10, 2015 6th…………………………………..April 13, 2015 – May 29, 2015 HOLIDAYS: Labor Day…………………….…..September 1, 2014 Thanksgiving……………………..November 27 – November 28, 2014 Christmas………………………….December 22, 2014 – January 2, 2015 Stock Show……………………….January 9, 2015 (comp day) Spring Break………………………March 9-13, 2015 Good Friday……………………….April 3, 2015* Memorial Day……………………..May 25, 2015** WEATHER MAKE-UP DAYS (IF NEEDED)………. * April 3, 2014 **May 25, 2014 EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS November 25, 2014 December 19, 2014 Official Party Days November 25 May 28-29, 2015 February 13 May 15 GRADUATION: Friday, May 29th 7:00 TEST SCHEDULE FIRST SEMESTER 1ST SIX WEEKS September 31, 2014 ………………………...English, Vocational, Business October 1, 2014 ……………………….........Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE October 2, 2014 ………………………….....Math, Social Studies Benchmark testing window October 14-17, 2014 2ND SIX WEEKS November 4, 2014…………………………..Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE November 5 2014……………………………Math, Social Studies November 6, 2014……………………………English, Vocational, Business 3RD SIX WEEKS December 9, 2014…………………………....Math, Social Studies December 10, 2014…………………………..English, Vocational, Business December 11, 2014…………………………. Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE FINAL EXAMS December 17, 2014 8:15-8:50 1st Period nd 2 Period 8:55-9:40 3rd Period 9:45-10:20 10:25-11:00 4th Period 5th Period 11:05-11:40 11:45-12:20 6th Period Lunch 12:20-1:10 7th Period 1:15-2:25 8th Period 2:30-3:40 1st -6th review for final exams Final Exam Final Exam DECEMBER 18, 2013…………………(PERIODS 1,3,5) 1st Period……………….……………………….8:15 AM to 9:45 AM 3rd Period………………………………………..9:50 AM to 11:20 AM 5th Period……………………………………….12:30 PM to 2:00 PM DECEMBER 19, 2013…………………(PERIODS 2,4,6) 2ndPeriod………………………………………...8:15 AM to 9:45 AM 4th Period…………………………………….…..9:50 AM to 11:20 AM 6th Period………………………………………..12:00 PM to 1:30 PM TEST SCHEDULE SECOND SEMESTER Benchmark testing window January 19-23, 2015 4th SIX WEEKS February 10, 2015…………………………….Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE February 11, 2015…………………………….Math, Social Studies February 12, 2015…………………………….English, Vocational, Business 5th SIX WEEKS April 7 2015……… …………………….…...Math, Social Studies April 8, 2015……………………………….…..English, Vocational, Business April 9, 2015..………………………………… Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE 6th SIX WEEKS May 19, 2015………………………………….English, Vocational, Business May 20, 2015………………………………….Science, Fine Arts, Spanish, PE May 21, 2015…………………………………..Math, Social Studies FINAL EXAMS May 27, 2015……………….……………………7th & 8th See Class Schedule Above May 28, 2015…………………………(PERIODS 2,4,6) 2nd Period……………………………………….8:15 AM to 9:45 AM 4th Period………………………………………..9:50 AM to 11:20 AM 6th Period……………………………………….12:30 PM to 2:00 PM May 29, 2015…………………………(PERIODS 1,3,5) 1st Period………………………………………...8:15 AM to 9:45 AM 3rd Period………………………………………...9:50 AM to 11:20 AM 5th Period………………………………………..12:00 PM to 1:30 PM GRADUATION: May 29, 2015 7:00 PM High School Staff Parking Assignments HS Staff 1 Martha Brannan HS Staff 13 HS Staff 2 Leslie Blackerby HS Staff 14 HS Staff 3 Kendra Cornett HS Staff 15 HS Staff 4 Cody Lockhart HS Staff 16 HS Staff 5 Kaitlyn Barnhill HS Staff 17 Calvin Best HS Staff 18 Jennifer Jennings HS Staff 6 HS Staff 7 Ky Graham HS Staff 19 HS Staff 8 Lisa Pierce HS Staff 20 HS Staff 9 Leslie White HS Staff 28 HS Staff 10 Stefanie Forbus Margie Thompson Tonya Taylor HS Staff 29 HS Staff 11 Paul Armstrong HS Staff 30 HS Staff 12 Beth Hand HS Staff 31 Barbara Martin Ag. Teachers will park by the Ag. Building Sullivan, P. Mitchell, Richardson, Moore park behind their buildings. McDaniel and Life Skills staff will park in the parking lot south of the dumpsters. Hopkins and Stokes will park by the Ag Bldg. All coaches will park in the designated coaches’ areas near the gym and field house. NOON DUTY ASSIGNMENT CHART Daily Post Assignments Group # & its members Mon Tues 1 Cornett, Kendra H 2 Hopkins, Justin BC 3 Lockhart, Cody P 4 Best, Calvin JC 5 Alcorn, Josh Dates of Duty Wed Thurs Fri BC P JC H P JC H BC JC H BC P H BC P JC Jan 12-16 H BC P JC H Feb 23-27 BC P JC H BC Apr 13-17 Group 1 Aug 25-29 Oct 6-10 Nov 17-21 Group 2 1 Trammell, Donna H BC P JC H Sept 2-5 BC P JC H BC Oct 13-17 3 Dodson, Beau P JC H BC P Nov 24-25 4 Holt, Candace JC H BC P JC Jan 19-23 5 Smith, Terrye H BC P JC H Mar 2-6 BC P JC H BC Apr 20-24 Sept 8-12 2 Stokes, Jessica Group 3 1 Thompson, Margie H BC P JC H BC P JC H BC 3 Sullivan, Pat P JC H BC P Dec 1-5 4 Taylor, Tonya JC H BC P JC Jan 26-30 Mar 16-20 2 Dieterich, Kim 5 McDaniel Clarissa H BC P JC H BC P JC H BC Oct 20-24 Apr 27-May 1 Group 4 1 Brannan, Martha H BC P JC H BC P JC H BC 3 Jennings, Jennifer P JC H BC P Dec 8-12 4 Graham, Ky JC H BC P JC Feb 2-6 5 Forbus, Stefanie H BC P JC H Mar 23-27 BC P JC H BC 1 Mitchell, Pat H BC P JC H 2 Lane, Crystal BC P JC H BC 3 Barnhill, Kaitlyn P JC H BC P Dec 15-19 4 Mayfield, Gary JC H BC P JC Feb 9-13 5 Mayo, Clay H BC P JC H Mar 30-Apr 3 BC P JC H BC 2 Holt, Whitney Sept 15-19 Oct 27-Oct 31 May 4-8 Group 5 Sept 22-26 Nov 3-7 May 11-15 Group 6 1 Blackerby, Leslie H BC P JC H BC P JC H BC 3 Farmer, Amanda P JC H BC P 4 JC H BC P JC Feb 17-20 5 Pierce, Lisa Jo H BC P JC H Apr 6-10 BC P JC H BC H BC P JC C 2 Smith, Rick Sept 29-Oct 3 Nov 10-14 Jan 2-8 May 18-22 Hallway Bailey/Café Parking JH/Cafetera Teacher Teacher Supervisor Alcorn, Josh Bryan Dieterich Barnhill, Kaitlyn Paul Armstrong Best, Calvin Blackerby, Leslie Brannan, Martha Cornett, Kendra Dieterich, Kim Dodson, Beau Farmer, Amanda Forbus, Stefanie Graham, Ky Holt, Candace Holt, Whitney Hopkins, Justin Jennings, Jennifer Lane, Crystal Lockhart, Cody McDaniel, Clarissa Mayfield, Gary Mayo, Clay Mitchell, Pat Moore, Vince Parker, Debbie Patterson, Twana Pierce, Lisa Richardson, Dane Robertson, Leah Smith, Rick Smith, Terrye Stokes, Jessica Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Bryan Dieterich Cafeteria Compound Sullivan, Patricia Thompson, Marjorie Paul Armstrong Paul Armstrong Trammell, Donna Paul Armstrong Yarbrough, Patrick Bryan Dieterich BRECKENRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 MENTOR LIST EMPLOYEE POSITION MENTOR Alcorn, Josh Social Studies P. Mitchell Dodson, Beau Social Studies P. Mitchell Holt, Candace Math L. Blackerby Lane, Crystal English M. Farmer Mayo, Clay Science D. Trammell Smith, Rick Health Kim Dieterich Smith, Terrye English M. Farmer Stokes, Jessica Ag J. Hopkins GUIDELINES TO CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE 1. Verbal warning 2. Student/Teacher conference 3. Parent conference by phone 4. Principal referral Any profanity, fighting, insubordination, vandalism, or refusal to work will result in an automatic office referral. Attendance for 2014-2015 School Year First day attendance No student is absent on the first day!!!! You will do your attendance each class period in Skyward. 2nd and 6th Period you will also do it on paper rosters. Those will be in your boxes the afternoon before first day. If a student is not in your class mark the NS (no show) button on Skyward and draw a single line thru the name on the paper roster. Your skyward attendance will be correct however your paper rosters may have been printed prior to some students enrolling so you may have to add a students name to the bottom of your paper roster. If a student is in your class and not on Skyward, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG CLASS. Send them to the office or Counselor to get their corrected schedule. 2nd and 6th period attendance is very important. Those are our reporting periods to determine 1st day counts. Please send those rosters to the office with a runner as quickly as you can. Be sure to sign and date each page. If a student is a no show on day one, they will be withdrawn. If they show up on day 2 and are not on Skyward, send them to the office so we can re-enroll them. Reminders for Daily Attendance Be sure to do your attendance within a reasonable amount of time (10 Minutes). If you don’t we will have to call or send an office worker to your room to remind you. Teacher Absences 1. Teachers, you are responsible for obtaining your own substitutes when you are going to be away from school. Updated sub lists will be emailed to you as we receive them from Central Office 2. All employee absence from duty request forms should be filled out and turned in to the Principal’s office for approval. All absence from duty forms should be signed when you turn them in or immediately upon your return to work. 3. In the event of an unforeseen illness or emergency, please contact one of the following to let us know who your sub will be: Bryan Dieterich 559-4183 Jann Clary 254-246-2999 Paul Armstrong 559-4958 3. Leave work on your desk for the students to do. 4. Do not leave your passwords where subs can find them. Subs do not need to be on your computer for any reason. 5. Absence from duty forms and Short term absent from duty form are in your online handbook or are also available in the office. DEPARTMENT ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2013-2014 ENGLISH/LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Terrye Smith Crystal Lane Margie Thompson Amanda Farmer Sunny Fuentes Calvin Best FOREIGN LANGUAGEDEPARTMENT Martha Brannan Stefanie Forbus Chairperson: Amanda Farmer Chairperson: Martha Brannan MATH DEPARTMENT FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT Leslie Blackerby Cody Lockhart Clarissa McDaniel Kaitlyn Barnhill Candace Holt Dane Richardson Chairperson: Leslie Blackerby Chairperson: Dane Richardson SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Clay Mayo Jennifer Jennings Donna Trammell Kendra Cornett Chairperson: Donna Trammell SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT P.E.HEALTH DEPARTMENT Kim Dieterich Rick Smith Chairperson: Kim Dieterich SPECIAL EDUCATION Gary Mayfield Patrick Yarbrough Twanna Patterson Roxanne Light Pat Mitchell Ky Graham Lisa Pierce Nicole Lindsey Beau Dodson Josh Alcorn Tonya Taylor (Aide) Barbara Martin (Aide) Chairperson: Pat Mitchell Contact Person: Susan Britting VOCATIONAL/TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Patricia Sullivan Debbie Parker Jessica Stokes Justin Hopkins Vince Moore Chairperson: Patricia Sullivan Department meetings will be held every 3rd Wednesday of each month or as called by the department head. It is the chairperson’s responsibility to hold these meeting, set the time for the meeting and turn in a Committee Report to the principal within 48 hours. This report should be turned in to Mrs. Clary in the office. TOPICS WHICH MUST BE COVERED: I. Test score improvements. II. Technology III. Budgeting IV. Discipline V. Addressing the needs of the mainstream resource student in the classroom VI. Evaluation of departmental programs. VII. Other topics as assigned by the principal. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The following committees will meet as needed: CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE-Responsibility is to set and evaluate campus goals. Bryan Dieterich, Paul Armstrong and Counselor, (2) parents, (2) community members, (2) business members, (4) nominated and elected professional staff members and (2) non-teaching professionals. COURTESY COMMITTEE-Responsibility is to collect money from school personnel for flowers, cards, etc. Courtesy Committee members will serve for the entire year and no meetings are required. Tonya McKenzie Jann Clary HONOR SOCIETY FACULTY COUNCIL-Responsible for the Induction Ceremony (November) and approval of new members, as well as dismissal and probation of members guilty of serious conduct. PRINCIPAL’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE-This committee will be made up of all departmental chairs and will meet as needed. DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL-Members will be elected. Need a volunteer for the next 2 years. Need to elect 2. HOMECOMING COMMITTEE: Chairperson: Kimberley Best, Calvin Best, Shay Berry Staff Members: Clarissa McDaniel, Counselor, Bryan Dieterich, Paul Armstrong ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE: Bryan Dieterich, Paul Armstrong, Martha Brannan CORONATION CONSULTANTS: Bryan Dieterich, Paul Armstrong, Clarissa McDaniel, Leah Robertson, Jessica Stokes, Tonya Taylor. Reports must be filed with the Principal each time there is a committee meeting. Form on the following page. Chairperson is responsible for report being completed and turned in to the office. BHS COMMITTEE REPORT NAME OF COMMITTEE: COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: I. Meeting Objective(s): II. Committee recommendations: III. Unresolved issues of related areas requiring further study: IV. General Comments: V. Next meeting date: ***Copy must be turned in to Mr. Dieterich within 48 hours of meeting. It is the Committee Chairman’s responsibility to call these meetings and to turn this report in. SPONSORED ACTIVITIES Clubs and organizations will meet at least once a month. The sponsor will set the dates for meeting and the date will be announced during the morning announcements. FFA CLUB—(Justin Hopkins, Jessica Stokes-Ag Bldg) Must be enrolled in Vocational Agriculture or have completed an Agriculture course. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES- Josh Alcorn HONOR SOCIETY(Blackerby, Pruet, Brannan, Armstrong, P. Mitchell, Trammell, Lockhart Library) Elected by faculty council. STUDENT COUNCIL-( Farmer and Cornett ) Elected by student body. CHEERLEADERS-(Calvin Best & Kim Best) Elected by student body and outside judges. DRAMA CLUB-(McDaniel AG 1) Open to any interested student. REVENUES FROM CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Any school sponsored event or activity that is financed or subsidized from public school funds are credited as revenue to the General Fund. This includes admissions, entry fees, and gate receipts from athletic, Band, pep squad, theatrical, and other activities. CLASS SPONSORS SENIORS: Margie Thompson , Beau Dodson, Ky Graham, Dane Richardson, Jessica Stokes, Martha Brannan, Leslie Blackerby, Pat Mitchell. JUNIORS: Amanda Farmer, Donna Trammell, Kim Dieterich, Patricia Sullivan, Kaitlyn Barnhill, Candace Holt, Terrye Smith, Clay Mayo. SOPHOMORES: Cody Lockhart, Jennifer Jennings, Stefanie Forbus, Gary Mayfield, Rick Smith, Twana Patterson, Josh Alcorn FRESHMEN: Calvin Best, Crystal Lane, Kendra Cornett, Lisa Pierce, Beth Hand, Justin Hopkins, Clarissa McDaniel, Pat Yarbrough. BRECKENRIDGE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT APPRAISAL CALENDAR 2014-2015 Teacher Appraisal: The appraisal calendar for each teacher will include all of the days of a teacher’s contract as specified in the 2014-2015 Appraisal Calendar. • The orientation for new teachers to the district will be conducted on Thursday, August 14, 2014. All teachers will receive PDAS updates during the week of August 18th – 22nd, 2014. • Observation of teachers may begin on Monday, September 15, 2014, and extend through Friday, May 1, 2015. Observations are prohibited on the last day of instruction or before any official school holiday. • • All evaluations should be completed by Friday, February 20, 2015. Teacher Appraisals are due on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Completed teacher appraisal forms will be turned in to the Superintendent’s office on or prior to that date. • • Summative conferences must be held no later than Monday, May 11, 2015. Teacher Self Reports: • • Section I of the Teacher Self-Report will be due no later than Friday, September 12, 2014. Sections II and III of the Teacher Self-Report will be due no later than two weeks prior to the end of the period for the Summative Annual Conferences: Friday, April 10, 2015. Administrator Appraisal: Administrators will be appraised using the Commissioner-Recommended Student Performance Domain for the Appraisal for Principals. The appraisal period for administrators will be Tuesday, July 1, 2014, through Tuesday, June 30, 2015. The Student Performance Domain Worksheet will be due to the Superintendent by Thursday, February 26, 2015. Molly Johnson Danny Freeman Barbara Collinsworth John Exline District Certified Appraisers: Bryan Dieterich Paul Lippe Paul Armstrong Justin Hopkins Jessica Stapp Karen Lawson Kenna Rainey Susan Britting Appraisal Calendar Chart Date August 14, 2014 August 18-22, 2014 September 15, 2014 September 12, 2014 February 20, 2015 February 24, 2015 February 26, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 1, 2015 May 11, 2015 Event New Teacher Orientation PDAS Orientation for all Teachers Teacher Observations Begin Section I of Teacher Self-Report due to the Principal Teacher Evaluations Completed Teacher Appraisals due to Superintendent Student Performance Domain Worksheet due to Supt. Sections II and III of Teacher Self-Report due to the Principal Last day for Teacher Observations Last day for Summative Conferences BHS FUNDRAISER APPROVAL AND REPORT FORM All fundraisers representing Breckenridge ISD should be in compliance with Board Policy FJ (Local) and CFD (Local). All fundraisers should be in strict guidelines to the policy and this form should be turned in as a final report to stay within the guidelines of a successful fundraiser. Student groups will be restricted to one fundraiser per year unless special request has been given by administration through this form. The fundraiser approval at the top of this form should be prior to the fundraiser. The Financial and Final Report portions should then be completed and turned in to administration. Group or organization Date of Request Fundraising Activity Date of Fundraiser Purpose of Fundraiser Is this the only Fundraiser you have had this school year? Group Sponsor Requesting Administrator Approval YES NO (circle one) Signature ____________________Date _________ Signature ____________________Date ________ Financial Report The financial report must be completed and a copy retained in the campus administrative office. All finances are directly under the responsibility of the group sponsor that requested the fund-raiser. Date Fundraiser was completed Cost of Fundraiser (Bills, Rent, Ect….) Total Amount Collected Profit From Fundraiser FINAL REPORT OF FUNDRAISER 1. Was the fundraiser successful at reaching its goal? 2. I would like to continue this fundraiser again next school year? 3. I have followed all board policy on this fundraiser? YES YES YES NO NO NO (circle one) 4. All money was deposited at central office into activity accounts and purchase requisitions written to document the spending of the funds raised for this fundraiser? YES NO Group Sponsor Requesting Signature ____________________Date _________ Administrator Approval Signature ____________________Date_________
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