Flash Point CARROLL COUNTY FIRE RESCUE Volume 1, Issue 11 Dispatch Run Total And Percentages October 2014: Beginning Case # 6249 Ending Case #7053 Total Case #’s 805 Roughly 72% of all calls were EMS Roughly 8% of all calls were Service Calls Roughly 4% of all calls were fire related About 3% of all calls were False Alarm Inside this issue: Out of the Blue Polishing the Badge 2 Fully Involved Training Report 3 Alarm Kitchen 3 Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts, Firefighter II 4 Tanner EAP Chaplain’s Corner Birthdays 5 Run Reports Fire & Life Safety Years of Service 6 Thanksgiving Safety, Spec Committee 7 GPSTC Classes Training Committee 8 November 2014 Every day we take advantage of the little things including our security and freedom. Our security and freedom are being secured every day by the men and women of our United States Military, just the same as it has for over 200 years. Every November 11th we honor our Veterans who agreed to defend our freedom regardless of the cost. These men and women deserve our utmost appreciation for the sacrifices they and their families have made. It is because of them that, “the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!” Every day of the year, not just on November 11th, when you see a veteran or active member of our military shake their hand and tell them thank you for their service and sacrifices. Carroll County Fire Rescue has many U.S. Military Veterans that work among us, join me in showing them our appreciation this Veteran’s Day. Fire Chief Scott Blue – Air Force Battalion Captain Myron Miller – Navy Lieutenant Richard Gardner – Air Force Firefighter Chaplain Steven Stapleton – Army Firefighter Rusty Lambert – Air Force Firefighter David Adams – Army Firefighter Matt Adair – Army Firefighter Scott Beutjer – Marines Firefighter Kevin Crawley – Marines Firefighter Lee Marcello – Air Force Firefighter Neil Ward – Army Firefighter Dustin Patterson - Navy Firefighter Cruz Lake – Army National Guard Firefighter Randy Ginn – Air Force and Army Flash Point Page 2 OUT OF THE BLUE Carroll County Fire Rescue Fire Chief Scott Blue I would like to begin this month’s article by praising the efforts of Carroll County firefighters during October. You provided some outstanding fire safety programs to our schools, which are already being applauded by both the students and the educators. In addition, last month we were able to raise $800 for the Tanner Foundation through the sale of our breast cancer awareness shirts. The firefighters of Carroll County have continued to raise the bar, by providing not only outstanding fire protection, but are truly adding to the “serving” portion of our job through service to our citizens. For all of your efforts I want to say thank you! November brings with it Thanksgiving, and we all have many things in which to be thankful. I could probably fill the whole newsletter if I were to expand on everything I am thankful for in the past year. First off, I am thankful to be able to serve a God that understands that I am not perfect, and accepts me despite my shortcomings. I often reflect how we as mortals are quick to point out the faults in others, yet are often blind to our own disabilities. I challenge you to find ways to become more accepting of others, and to look at the situation through their eyes prior to making judgment. Secondly, I am thankful for my family. Without the support of my family I would never be where I am today. The fire service takes its toll on a firefighter’s family life! In order for a firefighter to maintain enthusiasm for his profession it requires the support and understanding of his family. It is especially important during this time of the year. As holidays approach, there are often family gatherings or events which we cannot make due to our work schedules. This can cause even more strain on relationships with our families. It takes a special commitment by family members to stay by our sides and support us in the job we all love. Please be sure to tell your family that you are appreciative of their continued support. In addition to our blood family we all have our other families which are important. The fire service to me has always been an extension of my family. I consider each and every one of you as brothers in our profession. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to be associated with the men and women who call themselves “firefighters.” I am sure that each of you can find many things in which you are thankful. Many times we get caught up in things of the world that upset us (and are often out of our control). I challenge each of you to spend some time and reflect on the positive things that are happening in your life and be thankful for them. In addition, make a point to tell those around you “thank you” for the things they are doing each day. Stay safe and God bless, Scott W. Blue Polishing the Badge There were no specific incidents reported to me of Polishing the Badge during October. However it is apparent that many hours was spent in fire safety education training by many members of the department. For fear of accidently leaving someone off the list who participated, I am not going to attempt to list every name. You and your coworkers know who participated more importantly those who were the recipients of your training know you took the time to teach them something which hopefully they can take with them the rest of their lives. If you in any way planned, scheduled, conducted, built props, or were a member of our department who participated in any way for fire prevention month, you are the recipient of this month’s “Polishing the Badge” award! Please keep in mind, e-mail incidents to me of polishing the badge. Deputy Chief Benefield Volume 1, Issue 11 Page 3 The end of the year holidays are upon us. This is the time of year that many people look forward to when families come together for food, fellowship, and football. The fire department family is no different in many aspects. We come together for food and fellowship as well but we also come together to train and save lives and property. Our department has made some giant leaps forward and doing so has brought us all closer together. The strength of our Brotherhood is growing with every shift. Morale is higher than it has been in many years and camaraderie is not just a word we can now spell correctly but a representation of Carroll County Fire Rescue. With the holidays quickly approaching this is the time of year to make the public aware of cooking dangers and the dangers of heating homes with fireplaces and wood burning stoves. It doesn’t matter how often we educate the public on the dangers of frying a frozen turkey in the turkey fryer in the living room while watching football, there will always be someone that does it anyway. Regardless, every year we still need to relay the message because the message will eventually get through and word will spread that using a turkey fryer indoors is a bad idea. Once the cold weather sets in it’s too late to clean the chimney of last year’s soot and creosote buildup. Once the fire is extinguished on the chimney fire, take time to educate. Educating the public is a never ending task and the fire service gladly accepts it. During this holiday season take a moment to remember those that aren’t as fortunate. Take a moment to be thankful for those serving our country so that we may have our food, fellowship, and football. Take a moment to be thankful for our safe and healthy families. Stay focused, have your brother’s back, lift each other up, and Stay Safe Brothers. Lieutenant David Harmon Training Report October being “Fire Safety month” traditionally involves most everyone in the department in some way conducting Fire Safety Education to the general public. Whether it be planning, preparing, scheduling or actually conducting the programs, your efforts will pay dividends in lives saved in our community. Programs were conducted for libraries, senior groups, and of course in our public and private schools. This year we were able to partner with the local fire safety coalition for programs targeted to elementary school groups. The programs were very well received by the schools and we anticipate the demand for this type training to be greater in the future. A very special THANK YOU to anyone involved in any way. The giving of your talents to educate any person regardless of age is, in my opinion what our jobs are really all about, after all the worst fire is the one we could have prevented; education is the key. Deputy Chief Bud Benefield Two Timing Pasta DIRECTIONS: INGREDIENTS: 1 box penne pasta 1 (15 oz.) jar Alfredo sauce 1 (24 oz.) jar Marinara sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese Cook pasta according to directions and drain. Mix the sauces in a large bowl. Add the mozzarella and stir to combine. The toss in the penne and toss to coat. Pour pasta into 9x13 baking dish and cook on 350 for 20-25 mins. Remove from oven and sprinkle with shredded parmesan cheese and bake for another 5 mins. Page 4 Flash Point Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirts A Success In Its First Year October was Breast Cancer Awareness month and Carroll County Fire Rescue helped in the fight locally by designing a breast cancer t-shirt and selling them with proceeds going to Tanner Medical Foundation’s Mammogram Assistance Fund. We sold 279 CCFR breast cancer t-shirts to Carroll County employees and to the general public with roughly $800 being donated. This money will help local women afford the cost of mammograms. Getting a high-quality screening mammogram and having a clinical breast exam on a regular basis are the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early. Early detection of breast cancer with screening mammography means that treatment can be started earlier in the course of the disease, possibly before it has spread. Results from randomized clinical trials and other studies show that screening mammography can help reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer among women ages 40 to 74, especially for those over age 50. Thank you to everyone who participated in this great cause. Thank you to Deputy Chief Tad Richardson and Lieutenant David Harmon for spear heading this project. Their hard work and determination help make this project a success in its first year. Also, a huge thank you to Betty Boatright and her staff at Stitches Galore and More for all their help in making a superior product with such a quick turnaround. Firefighter II Testing NPQ Firefighter II testing is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th, 2014 In order to challenge NPQ testing on this date, the departmental Firefighter II taskbook along with the state and departmental requirements must be completed. Since Firefighter II is a self- paced program verification of all training requirements is required prior to being approved to test. This includes the following; Completion of the study guide questions (Must be completed and turned in to me at headquarters by Nov. 10th, 2014 in order to be graded and returned for study purposes) Verification of training requirements, meeting with me to insure all requirements have been met and listing on the prerequisite form. Completed GFSTC Firefighter taskbook including all dates and signatures. Personnel who are unable to complete the above listed items to prior to the week of testing will be scheduled for another FF test site at a later date after the requirements have been met. If you need assistance please contact me at headquarters during normal business hours I will be glad to assist in any way I can. As always if you should have questions feel free to contact me. Deputy Chief Bud Benefield Birthdays: Volume 1, Issue 11 Page 5 November Tanner EAP FF Michael J Willingham - 11/7 Tanner EAP is not just for counseling after stressful incidents. It is an assistance program that is Lt Eric Parr - 11/7 designed to help in identifying & resolving issues that affect the workplace. Health & wellness, stress Lt Chad Morris - 11/11 Lt Michael Hopson - 11/15 management, alcohol or drug problems, depression, grief & bereavement, martial separation or divorce, finance & budgeting and legal concerns are just a few issues that EAP personnel can assist you with. Whatever you share with EAP is strictly confidential and Deputy Chief Tad Richardson- 11/20 will not be transmitted to anyone without your written consent. Batt Capt Jerry Eason - 11/28 No one has to know that you are seeing a counselor; you can FF Thomas Howes - 11/29 FF Brandon Puccio - 11/29 If anyone was left out, contact me and they will be included next month. contact EAP directly to set up an appointment. This service is Free to you and your dependent family members through a contract between Carroll County and Tanner Health System. Set up an appointment today by calling 770-834-8327. Chaplain’s Corner Goats and Sheep Do you know the difference? The Bible describes the truly saved ones as sheep. But it also speaks of goats among the sheep. The difference between the two is tremendous. Have you considered how you fit into one of these categories, sheep or goat? (1) Goats eat trash. (2) Goats are arrogant. (3) Goats are aggressive against others. (4) Goats jump the fence regularly. (5) Goats are usually in a bad mood. The core message of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats is that God’s people will love others. Good works will result from our relationship to the Shepherd. Followers of Christ will treat others with kindness, serving them as if they were serving Christ Himself. The unregenerate live in the opposite manner. While “goats” can indeed perform acts of kindness and charity, their hearts are not right with God, and their actions are not for the right purpose – to honor and worship God. Submit your Ideas Got something you want to see in the next issue of “Flash Point”? Submit stories, photos, ideas, or questions to Lieutenant David Harmon at [email protected] Matthew 25: 31-34 31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. Love you all! May God bless you and your family. As we start the holiday season, remember to take time with your family and friends. We only get one shot at this life; take advantage of it. Love and live like it is your last day. Chaplain Stapleton Carroll County Fire Rescue Chaplain Program Steven R. Stapleton Waston Rigsby Jason Westbrook Stations 1,6,7,14 Stations 4,5,8,12 Stations 2,3,9,15,16 770-853-4375 770-854-6001 404-975-7140 Volume 1, Issue 11 Carroll County Fire Rescue Page 6 Fire House Run Report October 2014 Fires (building, woods, etc.) 22 EMS & Rescue 382 Hazardous Conditions 14 Service Calls 42 Canceled/No Incident Found 38 False Alarms, etc. 16 Severe Weather 501 Old Newnan Road Carrollton, GA 30117 7 Phone: 770-830-5880 Fax: 770-830-5984 Fire House Run Report Per Station October 2014 Station 1 18 Station 5 36 Station 9 108 Station 2 50 Station 6 57 Station 12 11 Station 3 61 Station 7 16 Station 14 10 Station 4 21 Station 8 30 Station 15 33 Station 16 55 Serving Today For a Safer Tomorrow These numbers will not be accurate if reports aren’t entered into Firehouse or are entered incorrectly. Georgia Public Fire and Life Safety Educator Level I with Day Care Provider Training In conjunction with the Georgia Fire Academy we will be offering the class Georgia Public Fire and Life Safety Educator Level I with Day Care Provider. This is the 40 hour course taught by GPSTC staff off campus here in our department. There are NO prerequisites for this class and the class is open to all personnel. The newly scheduled dates for the training are; Monday, December 1st, 2014 thru Friday, December 5th, 2014 beginning at 0800 hrs. each day. We will announce the class location as soon as we are able to confirm the classroom space. Since we are limited in the number of personnel we can send, preregistration and a completed student authorization along with a training request is required in order to attend. If you should have questions do not hesitate to contact Deputy Chief Bud Benefield. Years of Service Lieutenant Micheal Hopson - 22 yrs Lieutenant Richard Gardner - 19 yrs Firefighter Wesley Cook - 14 yrs Firefighter Josh Davison - 7 yrs Firefighter Matthew Adair - 9 yrs Firefighter Dennis Albright - 9 yrs Lieutenant T. J. Ward - 6 yrs Firefighter Brian Golden - 2 yrs Firefighter Daniel Sewell - 2 yrs Fire Service Facts Respectable U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Incident Reporting System and NFPA’s annual fire department experience survey. Honorable Honest Admirable Decorous Noble Distinguished Creditable Volume 1, Issue 11 Page 7 Future Firefighter Congratulations to Firefighter Nic Turner and his wife Lauren on the birth of their son, Luca Carlo Turner. Luca Carlo was named after his grandfather who was retired Special Forces and a retired Firefighter. The future firefighter came into the world on November 1st, weighing in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. Mom and baby boy are doing great. Fleet Spec Committee On November 5th Carroll County Fire Rescue placed an order for two new Engines and two new Brush Trucks. The Spec Committee received quotes from several different manufacturers with Sutphen winning the bid for the Engines and Fouts Brothers winning the bid for the Brush Trucks. This will be the first new Engines and Brush Trucks purchased by our department in many years. Thank you to our Spec Committee and to our Chiefs for your commitment to this much needed project. The Spec Committee members are: Division Chief Kelly Jacobs Firefighter/Mechanic Mike Tucker Lieutenant Nick Harmon Lieutenant Clay Kierbow Lieutenant Eric Parr Firefighter Scott McCormick Firefighter Darren Edwards Firefighter Aaron Polk Volume 1, Issue 11 Page 8 GPSTC TRAINING COURSES Course Name Course Number Start Date End Date Location Online/ classroom Time NIMS IS300 FFAF14467 11/7/14 11/8/14 ELLIJAY, GA Classroom 8:00am NIMS IS400 FFAF14424 11/7/14 11/8/14 ELLIJAY, GA Classroom 8:00am PIPLINE EMERGENCIES FFAA14428 11/12/14 11/13/14 GPSTC Classroom 8:00am COMMAND & GENERAL STAFF FFAF14333 11/17/14 11/21/14 WAYCROSS, GA Classroom 8:00am FFAF14531 11/17/14 11/21/14 BRYANT COUNTY, GA Classroom 8:00am BASIC VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER CERTIFICATION FFAB14423 12/1/14 12/12/14 GPSTC Classroom 8:00am COMMAND OPS OF PIPELINE EMERGENCIES FFAA14504 12/3/14 12/3/14 SANDY SPRING, GA Classroom 8:00am PRACTICAL FIRE GROUND HYDRAULICS FFAA14480 12/4/14 12/5/14 GPSTC Classroom 8:00am STRUCTURAL FIRE CONTROL INSTRUCTOR FFAA14486 12/8/14 12/10/14 GPSTC Classroom 8:00am BASIC FIREFIGHTER CERTIFICATION FFAB15011 1/8/14 GPSTC Classroom 8:00am TEACHING METHODS OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY 2/27/14 Training Committee The Driver/Engineer task book has been completed and is ready for release. The Career Professional development chart is in the process of being formatted into a spread sheet type document it should be ready for review by the training committee in the near future. Both documents will be incorporated into our SOG’s and will provide guidance for departmental personnel in their professional career paths whether it is volunteer or career. As always if you have suggestions, ideas or simply need information contact any member of the training committee for your input. Currently those members are; Deputy Chief Bud Benefield Deputy Chief Tad Richardson Lt. Michael Hopson - A-Shift officer Lt. - B Shift - Open Capt. Jon Miller – C - Shift officer Firefighter – A shift - Open Scott McCormick – Firefighter – B shift Bo Jackson – Firefighter - C shift Volunteer Firefighter – Open Michael Tucker – Firefighter/ Vehicle Maintenance We currently have openings on the training committee. If you are interested in serving on the training committee please let your Battalion Captain know you would like to serve. They can in turn notify me and I can add you to the e-mail notification listing. CCFR window decals are available for purchase for $2.50 To purchase a decal or have questions contact Firefighter Jordan Phillips Cell: (678)590-7486 Email: [email protected]
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