NOVEMBER 2014 A L A N O N BITS NEWSLETTER AIS Al-Anon Information Service—our mission is to provide a network of communication to our communities and to our fellowship. o f c o m m u n i - INFORMATION SERVICE Au t u m n C a n Ap p e a l will be Mailed in November to Close a 3 K AI S F u n d r a i s i n g Shortfall Auction Participants Thank you!!! Thanks to all who helped including 64 22 25 18 AIS Fall Auction bidders, amazing dessert bakers, great basket donors, Group & 1 District cash donors. See From the Chair p. 3 Budget Discussion at Council Meeting Nov. 13 The auction grossed $7,738 —$1,300 under budget and $3000 less than auctions in the past 4 years. AIS is funded by groups. Only 30% of groups donate. Auctions and ‘Can Appeal’ Do we Want AIS to Stay Afloat? Am o ng o t he r t hin gs , AIS fun ct io n s a s a bo o kst o re . Y o u can go in pe rso n , o r c al l i n yo ur o rder and o n t he sam e day t he y wil l br ing it t o yo u r c ar . W it ho ut t his se rv ice , bo o ks wo u ld t ake 6+ week s f ro m t he Al- Ano n W SO o ffi ce, wh ich cha rg es a heft y m in im um s hipp i ng fee . AIS gene rat es abo ut o ne do ll ar per bo o k so ld—it i s a reve nue st re am . A s we go into t he Aut um n Can Ap pea l wit h a sho rt fa ll, as k yo u r gro up—do we want AI S? Do we nee d t he va riet y o f se rv ic es AI S pro vide s? If every person attending Al-Anon donated one additional dollar ($1) per month to AIS, we could eliminate one auction (perhaps both). At your group’s business meeting, consider if your group would pass an AIS can every month, asking all to donate $1 additional to cover services such as the book store , 24 hour call center and the meeting directory. Where Does the Money Go? Should we Make Cuts? Why Can Appeal? See Pages 3 and 6 Look for the Bright Envelope, then please collect for your group. AIS Mtg Times, Open Service Positions & Officer 2 From the Chair . page 3 Office News. .page 3 Donations & 4 Meeting 5 District Information 5 Coordinator 6 Calendar of 7 Show up to Vote at AIS Council Nov 13, 2014 See p. 2 - All can attend! Potluck at 7pm 2015 Elections and Budget Approval Closures or reduced services are imminate. AIS office will be open Tuesday-Friday and Closed Mondays that do not have Volunteer coverage. Please Call to verify Monday staffing. Donations are Needed to reinstate guaranteed Monday Office Hours Page 2 The mission of AIS is to provide a netw ork of communication to our communities and to our fellow ship.© A l - A n o n / A l a t e e n I n f o r m a t i o n S e r vi c e f o r t h e G r e a t e r S e a t t l e A r e a O f f i c e C o n t a ct I nf or m a t i o n Office and Literature Center Address 1 4 0 2 T h i r d A ve n u e # 8 0 3 Joseph Vance Building Seattle, WA 98101-2118 Office Hours M o n d a y— F r i d a y ( o p e n Mo n d a y i f V o l u n t e e r s i g n s u p ) 9 : 3 0 A M— 3 : 3 0 P M AI S C O U N C I L M E E T I N G EACH GROUP HAS A VOTE A l l m em b e r s c a n a t t e n d Thursday, November 13 7pm-Potluck 7:30 pm-Business and E L E C T I O N of 2 0 1 5 Officers and V o t e o n 2 0 1 5 B u d g et Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 8501 SE 40th St. Mercer Island, W A 98040 AIS W ebsite A I S Em a i l A d d r e s s [email protected] AIS Phone Number AIS Message in Office 206-625-0000 (24-HOUR PHONE LINE) 206-625-0018 (message line direct to office) 2015 AIS OFFICER CANDIDATES September 2014—Office Metrics Have stepped up. Thank you! Chair Katharine R Vice Chair Patsy S Secretary Sue B Sales Literature Donations Bits Subscriptions 65 Total 42 23 0 Phone Calls 149 Total Al-Anon/Alateen Info 121 Literature Orders 19 Outreach 7 12 Step Requests 19 AA/NA Other Program 12 Misc 5 Meeting Info/AIS business 87 2015 AIS OFFICERS AND COORDINATORS Katharine Patsy S 206-625-0018 206-625-0018 [email protected] Vice Chair Secretary Sue B 206-625-0018 s e c r e t a r y@ s e a t t l e - a l - a n o n . o r g 206-625-0018 [email protected] Chair Tr e a s u r e r OPEN 206-625-0018 [email protected] Alateen Coordinator Ken B B I T S E d i t o r ( Te m p o r a r y ) Margaret BITS Mailing Coord. Charlene T 206-625-0018 [email protected] Literature Coordinator Janae E 206-625-0018 [email protected] O ff i c e Ma n a g e r Sandy L. 206-625-0018 [email protected] P a r l i am e n t a r i a n Dori C 206-625-0018 P a r l i am e n t a r i a n Policy Coordinator Jonna K 206-625-0018 p o l i c y@ s e a t t l e - a l - a n o n . o r g Outreach Coordinator Bert M 206-625-0018 [email protected] Speakers Bureau, South Bruce S 206-625-0018 [email protected] Vo l u n t e e r C o o r d i n a t o r Karen T 206-625-0018 [email protected] Web Editor Pene K 206-625-0018 [email protected] 206-625-0018 ©2014, Greater Seattle Al-Anon Information Service. All rights reserved. [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer position still OPEN Page 3 AIS Office News and Coordinators Reports GREETINGS FROM THE CHAIR First off, I’d like to express my gratitude to those whose efforts in the Fall 2014 AIS Auction produced $7,738 in proceeds. Thanks to each of you—those who brought baskets, small items and desserts, those who staffed the event, and those who enthusiastically bid on the wonderful offerings. But the bad news is that this was a much smaller event than we’ve had in years—both in the number of baskets donated (25 vs 49 last spring, vs 60 baskets last fall) and in the number of paddles distributed (only 64—just over half of the 106 paddles that are usually popping up for bidding!) As noted on page 1, our proceeds are $1,300 under projected budget and $3,000 less than what we’ve raised in auctions for the past 4 years. Given that the 2014 Spring time Can Appeal was $1300 less than past years, this puts us under considerable financial pressure. IF WE ARE NOT TO CONSIDER MAKING CUTS IN HOURS OF OPERATION, WE’LL HAVE TO MAKE UP THE SHORTFALLS THROUGH OTHER MEANS. Please give generously in the upcoming Can Appeal. Katharine R [email protected] GREETINGS FROM THE OFFICE The leaves are filling the lobby and books and new comer packets are flying out the door. The AIS office will be closed for Thanksgiving. A special thank you to groups for letting the office know if you are in session on Thanksgiving. The list is with the flyers inserted into the BITS. (AIS needs the status of Dec 24, 25, 31, and Jan 1 Meetings by Nov 12 for the December BITS.) AIS OFFICE Thanksgiving CLOSURE 12:30pm WEDNESDAY, Nov 26th THURSDAY, Nov 27th And all day FRIDAY, Nov 28th The services for AFG groups and Al-Anon recovery offered by the AIS can only happen with support from our members. Funding is one part of 7th Tradition. Please give an extra dollar to keep AIS viable. Your willingness to help out is the other part. Phone shifts and schedulers, Office Volunteers, AIS Coordinators are needed. Yours in service, Sandy , AIS Special Worker Office message line 206-625-0018 or email [email protected] . INCOME VS EXPENSE Please announce! AIS Council Uses C o n f e re n c e C a l l s W e wi l l c o n t i n u e t o e x p e r i m e n t a s w e s e e k a g o o d t e c h n o l o g y/ v i d e o c o n f e r e n c e o p t i o n . Y o u a r e invited! Remote access for the Council * C o u n c i l w i l l e m a i l yo u a n a g e n d a a n d t h e m i n u t e s *You will be able to text an attendee *M ark your calendar * T o a t t e n d e l e c t r o n i c a l l y, a r r a n g e with Katharine, AIS Chair [email protected] or contact the office. 206.625.0018 Sept 2014 Year to date (2014) Total Regular Donations 1,904.73 16,039.86 Events 0 10,344.50 Fall Auction 0 0 Can Appeal 0 1,955.25 BITS subscriptions 0 69.00 Literature Sales 2,313.10 38.568.54 Total Income 4,217.83 66,977.15 – Literature costs -709.50 -26,648.19 – Expenses -4,719.64 -48,808.84 Net Income -1.211.31 -8,477.80 Al-Anon Information Service 7th Tradition Report September 2014 Donations by District Where to send donations: Group donations sustain Al-Anon. The AIS (Al-Anon Information Service) supports groups in King County by providing a WEB site, BITS Newsletter, Phone Information line, Meeting Directories, Literature at a local site. The links of service support your group on Al-Anon issues. (District, WA Area, World) Your Donations are needed to pay the monthly bills for these services. Please Donate Regularly! Please Donate Generously! Group donations are the self support that keeps an open chair for those in need of Al-Anon. District Name 14 Auburn Fri AM AFG Sat Morn Open Breakfast AFG Pacific Parents AFG Total 14 Living in the Solution AFG 15 Total 15 16 Coal Creek AFG Newport Study AFG Serenity in the Valley AFG (Snoqualmie) Friday Nooners AFG - Bellevue Total 16 Solo Por Hoy AFG 17 Total 17 Saturday in the Belfry AFG (Vashon) 19 Paths to Recovery AFG Al-Anon Information Service Payable to: AIS 1402 Third Avenue #803 Seattle, WA 98101 [email protected] 206-625-0018 Total 19 20 Courage To Be Me Alateen Magnolia Monday Night AFG District donations: Contact your District Representative for the District donation address. DR information is on page 5. District 20 PO Box 31288 Seattle, WA 98103 30.00 414.88 Highlands Tuesday Morning AFG Highlands Friday AM AFG Lake City Monday Night AFG Lake City Monday Night AFG Ballard Sunday Night Open AFG 17.65 100.00 100.00 10.95 81.25 309.85 Total 21 Wednesday Back to Basics AFG (Snohomish) Terrace View AFG 22 Total 22 206-625-0018 25.00 20.00 45.00 Misc. Checks payable to: WA Area WA Area Attn: Ernest B. PO Box 66361 Seattle WA 98166 [email protected] Amount 25.00 75.00 25.00 125.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 110.00 40.00 280.00 440.00 25.00 25.00 125.00 20.00 145.00 2.50 382.38 Saturday AM Fresh Start AFG Total 20 21 Note: Send District 20 Donations to Page 4 Personal AIS Council Meeting Total no sales rep 350.00 25.00 375.00 1,904.73 WSO: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454 1-757-563-1600 [email protected] THANK YOU! Your Donation supports Al-Anon M E ET I N G U P D AT E S NOVEMBER 2014 Page 5 MEETING NEEDS SUPPORT AND ADDS SPEAKER EVERY 5TH WEDS WEDS 7 PM O, H ALDERWOOD AFG (meeting ends at 8:15pm) Good Shepherd Baptist 6915 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 Dist #22 MEETING NEEDS SUPPORT TUES 10AM RENTON TUES MORN AFG (lower lot & entrance ) 1st United Methodist Ch, 2201 NE 4th St, Renton WA 98056 Dist #17 NEW TIME NEEDS SUPPORT 1 hour meeting WEDS 5 PM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AFG Seattle U Student Center, 901 12th Ave, 1st floor, Jolly Room #122 , NEEDS SUPPORT Free parking before 9am in lot in front of building TUE 7:30 AM MORNING SERENITY AFG Edgewood Services, The AGC Building, 1200 Westlake Ave N Ste #508, Seattle, WA 98109 NOW WELCOMES NEWCOMER IN MAIN MEETING (breakout discontinued) MON MAGNOLIA MONDAY NIGHT AFG United Church of Christ 3555 W. McGraw Seattle WA 98199 NEW LOCATION—Nov 2014 MON GFA ESPERANZA (SPANISH ) St Andrews Lutheran Church, 2650 148th Ave. Bellevue WA 98007 10AM O Spanish Dist #16 NEW LOCATION—Nov 2014 THURS VIVE AFG (SPANISH ) St Andrews Lutheran Church, 2650 148th Ave, Bellevue WA 98007 7 PM O Spanish Dist #16 MEETING RESUMES Remodel finished TUES 12:45PM O H TUESDAY REBOOT LIMBER YOGA 6019 California Ave SW NOW FRAGRANCE FREE SUN 7PM O BOTHEL SUNDAY AFG First Lutheran Church 10207 NE 183rd. Bothell, WA 98011-3417 Dist #15 MEETINGS RESUMED TUE & FRI 7PM O CH VIDA NUEVA AFG (Spanish) Kent Lutheran Church, 336 2nd Ave S (use back door) Kent, WA 98032-5849 Dist #14 T UE 7:15P BOTHELL TUESDAY NITERS AFG East Side 4-Square Church, 14520 100th Ave NE. Dist #15 CORRECT TIME 7:15PM 7 PM AA O Ch H ALATEEN NEW LOCATION NEW ALATEEN MEETING FRI 7PM TUES 7:30 PM O H AA AL Dist. Dist. Rep. DR Phone LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH Alateen St Matthew Church 123 L Street NE, Dist #20 Seattle WA 98122 Day & Time 14 Steve T 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 4th Monday 7:00 pm 15 Kae W. 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 3rd Saturday 8:30 am 16 c/o Dist 15 17 Cim H. 18 Barb M. 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 19 Deb V. [email protected] 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] Dist #19 Bothell, WA 98011-4502 Dist #14 Auburn, WA 98002 1st Thursday 6:30 pm 1st Wednesday District Meeting Location Holy Family Catholic Church Grace Lutheran Church 9625 NE 8th St, Bellevue WA Meets with District 15 (see above) Redmond/ Kirkland/Bellevue Bellevue/ Issaquah Renton New Location, Call Barb Des Moines Burien 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 2nd Tuesday with Dist. 22 22 Kelly J. 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] Bethel Lutheran Church NE 175th & 8th NE, Shoreline, 98155 2nd Tuesday 6:30 pm Auburn Pritchard Hall 99 Wells Ave South, Renton Ann P. 2nd Mon 7 –9 pm Community 505 17 St. SE, Auburn 21 Loretta L. 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 1st Tuesday Dist #22 th Call or email Deb Swedish Hospital 747 Broadway, Room 2, Level B Seattle, WA 98122 Bethel Lutheran Church NE 175th & 8th NE, Shoreline, 98155 20 2 0 6 . 6 2 5 . 0 0 1 8 [email protected] 3rd Saturday Dist #20 Seattle, WA 98136 EDMONDS A-T SERENITY FOR YOUTH S. County Senior Ctr. 220 Railroad Ave (upstairs) Edmonds, WA 98020-4133 DR Email Dist #20 West Seattle Edmonds Capitol Hill Shoreline/ Lake City BITS NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2014 COORDINATOR REPORTS Page 6 Volunteer Coordinator It is Working Volunteer phone shifts are: Monday – Friday 7:00 – 9:30 am; 3:30 – 7:00 pm; 7:00 – 10:30 pm; 10:30 pm – 7:00 am Saturday, Sunday and Holidays when Office is closed 7:00 – 10:00 am; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm; 1:00 – 4:00 pm; 4:00 – 7:00 pm; 7:00 – 10:30 pm; 10:30 pm – 7:00 am Volunteer AIS Office shifts are: Monday-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm; 12:30pm-3:30pm A b i g th a n k y ou to a l l w h o a n n ou n c e t h e n e e d f or p h on e a n d of f i c e v ol u n te e r s a t m e e ti n g s. I t ’ s sta r ti n g to w or k ! T h e r e a r e som e n e w v ol u n te e r s f or p h on e s s ta r ti n g th i s m on th so w e l c om e t o th e m . Of f i c e v o l u n t e e r s a n d d a i l y sc h e d u l e r s a r e n e e d e d so k e e p u p th e g ood w or k b y c on ti n u i n g to a n n ou n c e t h e n e e d . I t i s a n e a sy a n d i m p or ta n t f or m of se r v i c e . -Karen T., AIS Volunteers Coordinator ALATEEN Saturday, January 10th , 2015 at 9:30am will be an open house, potluck and AMIAS (Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service) Training at the Vance Building in Room 630, 1402 3rd Ave Sea-le, WA, 98101, home of the AIS office. WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? AIS g et s an am a zin g d eal o n a sm a ll do wnt o wn o ffi ce. W e co uldn ’ t have a ph y sic al lo cat io n anyw her e fo r les s, W e pay o nl y s eve n B enj am in 's pe r m o nt h t o h ave t hi s s pa ce: o u r bo o kst o r e, c al l cent e r and o ff ic e sp ace s. W e have a pa rt - t im e o ffic e m ana ge r who m ake s an ho u rl y wa ge. W e have do zen s o f vo lunt e er s g ra cio u sl y t akin g pho ne c al ls 24 ho urs p er d ay . If yo u are at all cur io u s abo ut t his unb eli ev abl y eff ic ient pro ce ss , ple as e v o lunt ee r at t he o ff ice t o find o ut m o re. A g ain, do we want a 24 ho u r lo ca l, a lm o st f ree , vo lunt ee r ru n ca ll c ent e r? T he B IT S m ail ing get s gene ro us rat e s fo r p rint ing a nd po st a ge . W e have run t he num ber s. T o send hund reds o f news let t e rs o ut at t h ese bu lk p ric es , ve rs u s ju st a few m ail ing s i s go o d m at h sen se . At t his t im e, we do n o t have a vo lunt e er t hat ha s st epp ed up fo r 2015 T rea su re r, so m eo ne t o advo ca t e fo r t he budget , do t a sk s ( 4ho urs m o nt h ly) t h at ar e co m put erdri ven an d in a m a nua l, and p ro v ide t he co m m uni cat io n req ui r es a co m p let e ly hum an t o uch . - M arg a ret S. , B it s Ed it o r Al-Anon/Alateen Calendar of Events Page 7 includes AA events and Conferences which have Al-Anon Participation NOVEMBER 2014 Swinomish Gym, 17311 Reservation Rd, La Conner St. David Emmanuel Ch.18842 Meridian N Shoreline, 98133 [email protected] Nov 1 Sat 7 PM Nov 8 Sat 7:30 PM MESH 2nd Sat Speaker Meeting Nov 8 Sat 7 PM Voices of Hope Speaker Meeting Poulsbo 1st Lutheran Ch 18920 4th Ave NE, Poulsbo 98370 Nov 8 Saturday Save the Date Dist 20 Gratitude dinner Magnolia United Church of Christ, 3555 W. McGraw St, Seattle 98199 Janyce 206 625-000 [email protected] Nov 9 Sun 5:30 PM Dist 18 Spaghetti Feed ($5 donation) Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 19030 8th Ave S, Seattle 98148 Barb M 206-625-0000 [email protected] Nov 13 Thursday 7PM AIS Council and Potluck 2015 AIS OFFICER ELECTIONS 8501 SE 40th, Mercer Island WA 98040 or call in 206 625-0000 or email [email protected] Nov 14-16 Weekend Ocean Shores Jamboree Ocean Shores Convention Center Nov 15 Saturday 5 PM Kent All Men’s AFG 33rd Annual Gratitude Dinner Holy Spirit Parish 310 3rd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 Nov 15 Sat 7PM 3rd Saturday Speakers Meeting Nov 15 Sat 7:30 PM HEAR 3rd Sat speaker Meeting Kent Nazarene Ch. 930 E James St, Kent, WA Nov 18 Tues 7 am Potluck Breakfast every 3rd Tues Opening Our Hearts AFG St. Paul’s United Church 6512 12th Ave NW, Seattle, 98117 Nov 26-28 Wed noonThurs and Fri AIS OFFICE CLOSED for Thanksgiving Office closes at Noon Wed Nov 26, Closed Thursday and Friday Nov 27 Thanksgiving See LISTING for Groups in Session Dec 5-7 Fri-Sun Dec 6 Saturday 7PM Dec 11 7:30 PM Dec 13 Sat 7:30 PM MESH 2nd Sat Speaker Meeting Dec 13 Sat 7 PM Voices of Hope Speaker Meeting Dec 20 Sat 7PM 3rd Saturday Speakers Meeting Dec 20 Sat 7:30 PM HEAR 3rd Sat speaker Meeting Dec 24-26 Wed-Fri No Reservations Speaker Meeting Prince of Peace Luth Ch. 9320 Meadow Way, Everett, 98208 10th Annual Spiritual Growth Retreat Seabeck Conference Center No Reservations Speaker Meeting AIS Council LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR [email protected] [email protected] Swinomish Gym, 17311 Reservation Rd, La Conner Mercer Island WA 98040 or call in 206-625-0018 St. David Emmanuel Ch.18842 Meridian N Shoreline, 98133 [email protected] Poulsbo 1st Lutheran Ch 18920 4th Ave NE, Poulsbo 98370 Prince of Peace Luth Ch. 9320 Meadow Way, Everett, 98208 Kent Nazarene Ch. 930 E James St, Kent, WA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Thanks to groups for letting us know if you are in session AIS OFFICE Closed for Holiday and Inventory Dec 31Jan 2 Wed-Fri Jan 10 9:30-12:30 12:30—DONE Jan 10 Sat 7:30 PM MESH 2nd Sat Speaker Meeting Jan 10 Sat 7 PM Voices of Hope Speaker Meeting Jan 10 Sat 7PM 3rd Saturday Speakers Meeting Jan 17 Sat 7:30 PM HEAR 3rd Sat speaker Meeting Kent Nazarene Ch. 930 E James St, Kent, WA Jan 24 Sat 8:30 AM– 5PM A Day in Al-Anon District 15 and 16 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Ch, 2650 148th SE, Bellevue, 98007 Midweek Men’s Gratitude Potluck Dinner Kirkland Congregational Church 106 Fifth Ave, Kirkland, 98033 Sat 6 PM [email protected] AIS OFFICE CLOSED for Holiday SEE HOLIDAY MEETING STATUS Jan 24 [email protected] Alateen Sponsor AMAIS training POTLUCK and openhouse at AIS St. David Emmanuel Ch.18842 Meridian N Shoreline, 98133 Poulsbo 1st Lutheran Ch 18920 4th Ave NE, Poulsbo 98370 Prince of Peace Luth Ch. 9320 Meadow Way, Everett, 98208 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mark H 2 0 6 - 6 2 5 - 0 0 0 0 d i s t r i c t 1 5 @ s e a t t l e - a l -a n o n . o r g THE DEADLINE for Dec, 2014 BITS is the AIS COUNCIL MEETING, Nov. 13th, 2014 Mark Your Calendar for the NEXT AIS COUNCIL MEETING Thursday November 13th, 2014 from 7:30-9:00 PM at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 8501 SE 40th St., Mercer Island, WA 98040 NEXT AIS Board MEETING, Sunday March 15, 2015 at 11am- Vance Building (AIS Office) 1402 3rd Ave. Seattle WA 98101 BITS Subscription (Mail to AIS) Group Donations to AIS: (Name)____________________________________________ Payable to: AIS $__________ __________________________________________________ (Address) __________________________________________________ (City and State) _____________-________ (Full Zip Code, please) (______)__________________ (phone number optional) Suggested donation 1 year – $ 8.00 2 years – $15.00 3 years —$21.00 Canada add US$5 annually. All other foreign add US$10 annually. ________________________________ (Group Name or Meeting Location) ________________________________ (Meeting Day & Time) Group ID #_________ District # ____ (if known) (if known) THANK YOU for your Support !!! Mail to: AIS Office 1402 3rd Ave., Room #803, Seattle, WA 98101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED GREATER SEATTLE Intergroup Council—AIS 1402 Third Avenue #803 Seattle, WA 98101-2118 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE WA PERMIT NO. 468
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