House of Lords Reception, Friday 7 November 2014 Online attendance list Mahmud Adat (1986 BCom(Acc) Accounting and Finance) Alexandra Albright (2009 Occ UG Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music) Ashley Anderson (1982 BSc Chemical Engineering) Sue Anderson (1996 MBA International Business) Emma Antonova (1990 BA Russian) Stella Ayling (1973 BA Ancient History & Archaeology) Sue Baker-Brian (1981 BSc Biological Sciences) Nigel Baker-Brian (1980 BA Mathematics) Matthew Barnes (1987 LLB Law) William Barrington (2010 LLB Law) Nigel Bartlett (1979 BDS Dentistry) Carol Bickley (1989 MBChB Medicine) Philip Bickley (1985 MBChB Medicine) Dr Mike Bissett (1971 BSc Mathematical Physics) Ellie Boyd (2011 LLB Law) James Bracegirdle (1996 BSocSc Economic & Social History with Political Science) Charles Brecknell (1976 BSc Chemical Engineering) Doug Brennen (1963 BCom Commerce) Adrian Brown (1968 BSc Physics) Bill Buckingham (2009 MEd Dyslexia Studies) Oliver Burns (1996 BSocSc Economic & Social History) Professor Ian Burton (1956 BA Geography, 1958 MA Geography) Dr Markus Busuttil (2014 PhD Metallurgy and Materials) Andrew Charlier (1985 LLB Law) Margaret Chilton (1951 MBChB Medicine) Adam Clowes (1999 BSocSc Public Policymaking & Administration, 2010 MBA Business Administration) Mary Clyne (1976 BA English) Ben Cook (2003 BSc Public Policy, Government and Management, 2008 Public Service Management) Dr Peter Cox (1956 BSc Chemistry, 1959 PhD Physics) Dr Pauline Crossan (1971 BDS Dentistry) (Prof) Kennedy Cruickshank (1972 BSc Physiology, 1973 MBChB Medicine, 1986 MD Medicine) Andrew Dale (1994 BSocSc Money, Banking and Finance, 2010 MBA Global Banking and Finance) Jill Darbyshire (1970 LLB Law) Callum Davis (2011 BA Ancient History) Nick Day (1984 BSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering) Jeremy DeSouza (1990 BA French) Professor John Dowell FRS (1955 BSc Physics, 1958 PhD Physics) Frances Durkin (2006 MPhil History, Film and Television) Victoria England (2009 BA English) Dr Nigel Evans (1975 MSc Physics & Technology of Nuclear Reactors, 1978 PhD Physics) David Garford (1959 BSc Petroleum Production Engineering) Jason Garrett (1993 BCom Commerce) Nicholas Gee (1976 LLB Law) Sir Charles George (1965 MBChB Medicine, 1974 MD Medicine, 2003 DSc Honorary Degree) Mr Charles Gibbs (1980 MSc Industrial Management) Ian Goldsmith (1990 BDS Clinical Dentistry) Joanna Green (1995 BSc Geography) Dr Christopher H Green (1971 MSc Physics) John Greenfield (1972 BSc Mechanical Engineering & Economics) Dr Vince Greenham (1982 BDS Dentistry) David Hall (1965 BSc Civil Engineering) Necia Hall (1965 BSc Chemistry) Tim Handford (1996 BSocSc Economics with Spanish) Matthew Hartley (1989 LLB Law with French) Philipp Hass (2007 BA International Studies with Economics) Kirsty Hewit (1997 BA French) Caroline Hiam (1989 BSc Medical Biochemistry) David Hill (2004 MA Shakespeare Studies, 2011 MLitt English) Dave Hodgkinson (1997 MEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering) John Holden (1993 MSc(Eng) Integrated Management Systems) Dr Alan Horan (1950 BSc Petroleum Production Engineering, 1956 PhD Chemical Engineering) John Horseman (1980 BSocSc Economics, 2014 DUniv Honorary Degree) Dr Nigel Huggins (1980 MBChB Medicine) B. John Hughes (2013 PhD Biosciences) John Hughes (1989 MA Special Application of Linguistics) Dr E Hutchesson (1977 MBChB Medicine) Mrs Barbara Hylton (1991 MDS Clinical Community Dentistry) Konrad Jagodzinski (2012 BA International Relations with Political Science) Dr Gary James (1981 MBChB Medicine) Rosalind Janssen (1973 BA Ancient History & Archaeology) Hilary Johnston (1976 LLB Law) Howard Johnston (1976 BSocSc Mathematics, Economics & Statistics) Richard Joyce (1958 BSc Industrial Metallurgy) Steve Kearns (1977 BA Russian) Peter Lane (1987 BSc Physics) Dr Hilary Lee-Corbin (2013 MA Shakespeare and Education) Gary Leibowitz (1990 Occ/Sp JYA Commerce) Gordon Leighton (1964 BSc Minerals Engineering) Frank Lengyel (1961 BSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering) Dr David Lihou (1960 BSc Chemical Engineering, 1963 PhD Chemical Engineering) Dr Yiyuan Liu (2009 BSc Biochemistry) Kwan Lo (1988 MBA Business Administration) Paul Loveday (1975 Mathematics, Economics & Statistics) Greg Lovett (1981 LLB Law) Charles Mansour (2000 BSocSc Money, Banking and Finance) Margie Marshall (1976 BMus Music) Stefan Massingham (1991 BSc Chemistry) Dr Teddy Mayner (1968 MBChB Medicine) Keith McEwan (1958 BSc Metallurgy Engineering, 1961 PhD Metallurgy Engineering) Justin McNaughton (1994 BA American Studies) Philip Mitchell (2005 Executive MBA – Strategy and Procurement Management) Virginia Moniak (1996 BA French) David Morland (2001 LLB Law) Mrs Sheila Morris (1972 BA Ancient History & Archaeology) Dr Haresh Mulchandani (1997 MBChB Medicine) Moses Murandu (2003 MSc Health Sciences (Health Studies)) Dr Gillian Neal (1978 BDS Dentistry) Dr John D Neal (1978 BDS Dentistry) Deborah Newberry (1996 LLB Law) James Newberry (1981 BA English) Prof Rob Norris (1967 BA English, 1974 MA English) Lee Nuttall (1987 LLB Law, 1989 LLM Law) Dr Omi Ohizua (2004 MPH Master of Public Health) Gloria Okemuo (2008 LLB Law) Obiajulu C Okoye (2013 MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry) Philip Owens (1956 BSc Chemical Engineering, 1959 PhD Chemical Engineering) Clare Owens (1955 BA Unspecified Arts) Dr Lisa Page (1987 BSc Biochemistry, 1992 PhD Biochemistry) Mr Jitendra Parmar (1977 MBChB Medicine) Richard Pawley (1968 BSc Minerals Engineering) Nigel Pickup (1992 BSocSc Economics) Lisa Pickup (1991 International Studies) Roman Poplawski (1988 LLB Law) Yasmin Prabhudas (1986 BA German Studies) Dr Ryan Prince (1995 MBChB Medicine) Charles Proctor (1977 LLB Law, 2000 LLD Law) Javid Qazi (2003 BSc Software Engineering with Business Studies) James Reed (1990 BA French) Helen Riby (1977 BCom Commerce) Stephen Rose (1971 BSc Medical Biochemistry) Jane Rose (1971 BSocSc Social Policy & Social Work) Alan Ross (2008 BPhil Special Education) Ian Sadler (1985 LLB Law) Donald Sang (1969 BSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering) Matthew Saunders (2007 BA Medieval and Modern History) Mr Peter D Savage (2002 Executive MBA – Strategy and Procurement Management) Giles Semper (1986 BA English) Mario Sepede (2012 BEng Computer Systems Engineering, 2014 PG Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) Science: Physics) Dr Kishore Shah (1964 MBChB Medicine) Robert Shaw (1975 BDS Dentistry) Rachel Silber (1974 BSc Biological Sciences) Adrian Silber (1976 BSc Physics) Sashi Smith (2006 BSc Economics) Richard Spicer (1984 BDS Dentistry) Christopher Stanford (1979 BSocSc Economics) Marc Stone (1994 BCom(Acc) Accounting) Helen Stone (1997 BCom(Acc) Accounting) Flora Strickland-McGechan (1976 BA German Studies) Warren R Taff (1974 MBChB Medicine) Ben Thompson (2012 MSci Chemistry) Sue Thompson (1972 MBChB Medicine) Dr Gary Thorpe (1975 BSc Medical Biochemical Studies, 1978 MSc Biochemistry, 1986 PhD Clinical Chemistry) Jacqueline Tokley (1980 BSocSc Economics and Political Science) David Toman (1955 BSc Mechanical Engineering) David Towers (1964 BSc Mechanical Engineering) Paul Townley (1985 BSc Chemistry) Sebastian Vella (2001 BSc Accounting and Finance) Dr Iain Wells (1970 BSc Minerals Engineering, 1973 PhD Minerals Engineering) Richard White (2006 BSc Computer Science) David Widdowson (1976 LLB Law) Diane Wilson (1979 BEd Education) Richard Winter (1970 LLB Law) Andy Wood (1999 BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences) Nick Wood (1996 BSocSc Economics, 1998 MSocSc Russian and East European Studies)
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