From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 86: 2856-2862 Bone marrow transplantation for Fanconi anemia E Gluckman, AD Auerbach, MM Horowitz, KA Sobocinski, RC Ash, MM Bortin, A Butturini, BM Camitta, RE Champlin and W Friedrich Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. Bone Marrow Transplantation for Fanconi Anemia By Eliane Gluckrnan, Arleen D. Auerbach, Mary M. Horowitz, Kathleen A. Sobocinski, Robert C. Ash, Mortimer M . Bortin, Anna Butturini, Bruce M . Carnitta, Richard E. Charnplin, Wilhelrn Friedrich, Robert A. Good, Edward C. Gordon-Smith, Richard E. Harris, John P. Klein, Juan J. Ortega, Ricardo Pasquini, Norma K.C. Rarnsay, Bruno Speck, Marcus R. Vowels, Mei-Jie Zhang, and Robert Peter Gale Fanconi anemia is a genetic disorder associated with diverse congenital abnormalities, progressivebone marrow failure, and increased risk of leukemia and other cancers. Affected persons often die before 30 years of age. Bonemarrow transplantation is an effective treatment, but there are few data regarding factors associated with transplant outcome. We analyzed outcomesof HLA-identical sibling (N = 151) or alternative related or unrelated donor (N = 48) bone marrow transplantsforFanconianemiaperformed between 1978 and 1994 and reported to the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. Fanconi anemia was documented by cytogenetic studies in all cases. Patient, disease, and treatment factors associated with survival were determined using Cox proportional hazards regression. Two-year probabil- From theInternational Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, Health Policy Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wl: the Hdpital St Louis, Paris, France; Rockefeller University, New York, NY; the Methodist Hospital of Indiana. Indianapolis, IN; the Midwest Children’s Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wl: the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; the Universitat Kinderklinik, UldDonau, Germany; the All Children’s Hospital, St Petersburg, FL; the St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK; the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; the Hospital lnfantil Val1 d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; rhe Hospital de Clinicas, Curitiba. PR, Brazil; the University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, Minneapolis, MN; the Kantonsspital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; the Prince of Wales Children’s Hospital, Rundwick, Australia; Salick Health Care, L o s Angeles, CA. Submitted August 19, 1994; accepted June 6, 1995. Supported by Public Health Service Grant No. POI-CA-40053 from the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the US Department of Health and Human Services; and by grants from Alpha Therapeutic Corp, Armour Pharmaceutical CO, Astra Pharmaceutical, Bawter Healthcare Corp, Biogen. Lvnde and H a r p Bradley Foundation, Bristol-Myers Squibb CO, Frank G. Brotz Family Foundation, Burroughs- Wellcome Co. Center jbr Advanced Studies in Lrukemia, Charfes E. Culpeper Foundation, Eleanor Naylor Dana Charirable Trust, Epple)) Foundation for Research, Immunex Corp. Kettering Family Foundation. Kirin Brewery CO, Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation, Herbert H.Kohl Charities, Inc, Eli Lilly Company Foundation, Nuda and Herbert P. Mahler Charities, Marion Merrell Dow, Inc,Milstein Family Foundation, Milwaukee FoundatiodElsa Schoeneich Research Fund, Samuel RobertsNoble Foundation, Orrho Biotech Corp, John Oster Family Foundation, Elsa U. Pardee Foundation, Jane and Lloyd Pettit Foundution. Pharmacia, RGK Foundation, Roerig/Pfzer Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz Pharmuceuticuls, Walter Schroeder Foundation, Stackner Family Foundation, Sturr Foundation, Joan and Jack Stein Charities, and Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories. Address reprint requests to M a y M . Horowitz, MD, MS, International Bone Marrow Transplant Registr?: Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226. The publicationcosts of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordunce with I8 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8607-0042$3.00/0 2856 ities (95% confidence interval) of survival were 66% (58% to 73%) after HLA-identical siblings transplants and29% (18% to 43%) after alternative donor transplants. Youngerpatient age ( P .0001),higherpretransplant platelet counts ( P = .04), use of antithymocyte globulin ( P = .005), and useof low-dose (15 to 25 mgfkg) cyclophosphamide plus limited for pretransplant conditioning and field irradiation ( P = .OW) cyclosporine for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis( P = .002) were associated with increased survival. Bone marrow transplants are effective therapy for Fanconi anemia. The adverse impact of increasing age and lower pretransplant platelet count on transplant outcome favors earlier intervention, especiallywhen there is an HLA-identical sibling donor. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. F ANCON1 ANEMIA is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by diverse congenitalabnormalities, progressive bone marrow failure, and increased risk of acute cancer^."^ The Fanconi myelogenousleukemiaandother anemia phenotype is variable; diagnosis based on clinical features is difficult and often unreliable.’ Hypersensitivity of Fanconi anemia cells to DNA cross-linking agents is a morereliable markerforthe Fanconi anemia genotype.‘ Lymphocytes from persons with Fanconi anemia haveincreasedchromosomebreaks eitherspontaneously or after incubationwith alkylatingagents such asdiepoxybutane (DEB) or nitrogen mustard.“’* Bone marrow transplantation is an effective therapy for Fanconianemia. Thereareseveral reports of successful transplants for Fanconi anemia, although most include few patients.”-15 Patient and disease factors affecting transplant outcome and optimal transplant approach are not well-defined. In particular, because Fanconi anemia patientsmay have increased sensitivity to cyclophosphamide and radiation in doses commonly used for pretransplant conditioning,“”’ some centers use lower doses to decrease transplant-related mortality.’x-21 Whether this strategy is effective is controversia~,l“.?’ This report from the International Bone Marrow TransplantRegistry (IBMTR) analyzes the outcome of 199 patients receiving bone marrowtransplants for Fanconi anemia from HLA-identical sibling (n = 15 1 ) or alternative related or unrelated donors (n = 48). We identify several patient, disease, andtreatment factors associated with transplant outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients. Forty-two teams reported detailed information to the IBMTR for 228 patients receiving a bone marrow transplant for Fanconi anemia between 1978 and 1992. This study includes 199 patients whose lymphocytes showed increased chromosome breaks spontaneously or after exposure to cross-linking agents. Fifteen cases were excluded because cytogenetic analyses were not performed and 14 cases were excluded because no chromosome breaks were reported. One hundred fifty-one patients received transplants from Blood, Vol 86,No 7 (October l ) , 1995: pp 2856-2862 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2857 BMT FOR FANCONI ANEMIA Table 1. Donor-Recipient Histocompatibilii and Relationship Donor ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ HLA-identical sibling l-Antigen-mismatched sibling 2-Antigen-mismatched sibling HLA-identical parent l-Antigen-mismatched parent 2-Antigen-mismatched parent 3-Antigen-mismatched parent HLA-identical other relative l-Antigen-mismatched other relative 3-Antigen-mismatched other relative HLA-identical unrelated donor l-Antigen-mismatched unrelated donor Total patients No. ~ 151 3* 11 11 3 5* 25 1 2” 1 15 4 199 *One donor-recipient pair mismatched in rejection direction only (donor homozygous). t Two-antigen mismatch in rejection direction; l-antigen mismatch in GVHD direction. $ Two donor-recipient pairs mismatched in rejection direction only: 1 donor-recipient pair, 2-antigen mismatch in rejection direction, and l-antigen mismatch in GVHD direction; 1 donor-recipient pair, l-antigen mismatch in rejection direction, and 2-antigen mismatch in GVHD direction. § One donor-recipient pair mismatched in rejection direction only; 1 pair, 3-antigen mismatch in rejection direction, 2-antigen mismatch in GVHD direction. HLA identical sibling donors, 29 from other related donors, and 19 from unrelated donors (Table 1). Patient, disease, and treatment variables studied are shown in Table 2. The median age at transplant was 10 years (range, 1 to 36 years). The median pretransplant level of granulocytes was 0.5 X 109L (range, < l to 4 X 109L) and median level of platelets was 26 X 109L (range, 2 to 305 X 109/L).At transplant, 8% of patients were untransfused, 50% had received fewer than 20 transfusions, and 42% had received 20 or more transfusions. Clinically important infections were present in 22% of patients in the week before transplant. Pretransplant conditioning regimens were divided into three main categories according to cyclophosphamide dose and radiation schedule. Forty-nine percent received limited field irradiation (LFI) plus low-dose (15 to 25 mg/kg) cyclophosphamide with or without antithymocyte globulin (ATG). The median LFI dose was 5 Gy (range, 4 to15Gy). Fifteen percent received totalbody irradiation (TBI) plus low-dose cyclophosphamide. The median TB1 dose was 6 Gy (range, 3 to 8 Gy). Fourteen percent of patients received high-dose ( 2 100 m a g ) cyclophosphamide with or without ATG andno radiation. The remainder (22%) received a variety of other conditioning regimens. Prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) was with posttransplant methotrexate in 1l%, cyclosporine in 59%, methotrexate plus cyclosporine in 20%, T-cell depletion of donor bone marrow in 9%, and other regimens in 1% of patients. End points. The end points analyzed were graft failure, acute and chronic GVHD, interstitial pneumonia, and survival. Graft failurewas analyzed in patients surviving z 2 1 days after transplant using published riter ria^'.^^; persons who never engrafted as well as those with transient engraftment were considered to have graft failure. Acute GVHD was defined as moderate to severe (grade If-IV) disease using published ~ r i t e r i a ~patients ~ ~ * ~ ;surviving more than 21 days with engraftment were considered to be at risk. Chronic GVHD was determined by clinical criteria in patients survivinj more than 90 days with engraftment.” Interstitial pneumonia was defined as nonbacterial pneumonia characterized by bilateral diffuse interstitial Statistical methods. Probabilities of graft failure, acute and chronic GVHD, interstitial pneumonia, and survival were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. The difference in survival between HLA-identical sibling and alternative donors was tested with the log-rank statistic. Associations between patient, disease, and treatment variables (Table 2) and survival were tested in multivariate analysis using Cox proportional hazards regression, with time-to-death as the outcome.29 A stepwise backward elimination procedure was used. Briefly, all covariates tobe considered were entered in an initial regression model. Factors not statistically significant ( P > .05) were removed from the model one at a time, with re-estimation of all model variables after each step. Variable elimination (or reinsertion) was stopped when all remaining factors were significant at a P value less than .05. The proportionality assumption was tested using a time-dependent covariate. Interactions were tested and none was significant. Potential center effects were tested using a center-specific frailty model.30In this approach, patients within a center share a common random effect that represents the shared unmeasured covariates for the center’s patients. This random effects model induces an association among individuals with a center. A Gamma frailty model including the covariates found significant in the final Cox model was fit tothe data. A testof the hypothesis of no shared random effect within centers was performed and found to be insignificant ( P = .9). This analysis strongly suggests that the simple Cox model provides a reasonable fit to the data and that there is no need for further adjustment for center effects once risk factors are accounted for. All P values are two-sided andbased on multivariate analysis, unless otherwise specified. Because of the large number of comparisons made, we considered only P values less than .O1 to be statistically significant.” P values between .01 and .05 are presented to show trends but should be interpreted with caution. This maybe overly conservative because the study includes 280% of the target population of patients receiving transplants for Fanconi anemia during the study period. RESULTS Table 3 shows outcomes after HLA-identical sibling and alternative donor bone marrow transplants for Fanconi anemia. Two-year probabilities of survival (95% confidence interval) were 66% (58% to 73%) after HLA-identical sibling transplants and 29% (18% to 43%) after alternative donor transplants (Fig 1). A total of 109 of 199 patients are alive at a median of 33 months (range, 4 to 162 months) after transplantation. Ninety-nine of the 109 survivors (91%) have normal hematologic parameters and require no transfusions, 6 (6%) are improved compared with pretransplant hematologic values and require no or fewer transfusions, 3 (2%) are unchanged or worse, and hematologic parameters were not reported for 1 patient. At last follow-up, 91 % of survivors had Kamofsky performance scores 290%. Four patients developed cancers after transplantation. One patient developed acute myelogenous leukemia 4 months after transplantation, 2 patients developed squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue 6 and 7 years after transplantation, and 1 patient developed squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx 8 years after transplantation. Table 4 presents the results of a multivariate analysis of factors correlated with survival after HLA-identical sibling transplants after Fanconi anemia. Our main objective was From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2858 GLUCKMAN ET AL Table 2. Patient, Disease, and Treatment Charactoristicsfor 199 Patients Receiving Bone Marrow Transplantsfor Fanconi Anemia, Accordingto Donor Type ~~ ~ HLA-identical Sibling Donors (n = 151) No. of Patients Evaluable Variable at (29) Age diagnosis of Fanconi anemia (yr) 151 Family history of Fanconi anemia 45 137 No (67) Yes 13 Suspected (3) Age at 1st hematologic abnormality (yr) 6 (<1-35) 40 6 1 43 Interval between diagnosis of Fanconi anemia and 1st hematologic abnormality 47 143 Diagnosis before hematologic (28) abnormality 13 (29) <l mo after first abnormality (38) 18 (35) >l mo after first abnormality (34) 16 (36) Treatment for aplastic anemia before transplantation 48 151 None (27) 13 (38) Corticosteroids ? other (6) 3 (9) Androgens f other (31) 15 (301 Androgens corticosteroids 2 other Other (8) 4 No. of transfusions pretransplantation 45 144 None 4 0 + d o Interval between 1st hematologic abnormality and (<1-292)28 transplantation (mol WBC pretransplantation (x109/L) .5 Granulocytes pretransplantation (x109/L) (2-305) 26 Platelets pretransplantation (~10%) Patient age at transplantation (yr) (1-36) 10 Male sex (56) 84 Infection in week before transplantation (21) 31 Performance score 190% (24) 36 Donor age at transplantation (yr1 10 Donor-recipient ABO-matched (64) 95 Donor-recipient sex-match Male to male (19) 9 Male to female Female to male (36) 17 Female to female Conditioning 48 8 TB1 15-25mg/kg Cy (17) TB1 + 15-25mg/kg Cy f ATG (27) 13 LFI + 15-25m g k g Cy LFI + 15-25mg/kg Cy + ATG 2100 m g k g Cy =l00 mg/kg Cy + ATG Other GVHD prophylaxis (8) MTX 2 other 4 (12) CsA c other (17) MTX + CsA 8 (21) T-cell depletion 9 (5) Other Year of transplantation 48 + 1978-1985 1986-1992 (81) 39 143 147 140 149 151 151 150 148 151 149 151 (32) (23) (23) 151 (13) (43) (11) (15) 151 Alternative Donors Median (range)* N {%)t 7 No. of Patients Evaluable (<1-35)(1-27)6 Median (range)' N I%)t 48 92 41 (30) 4 1 (2) 12-27) 41 50 52 57 14 45 30 (20) 5 (3) (27) 13 (9) 74 (51) 57 (40) 2 13 2 21 22 (3-1771 (<1-8) (<1-41 (<l-3) (3-103) (4-31) .5 24 9 (27) (37) (3-52) (<1-39) (55) 13 17 35 26 39 49 33 (22) 35 34 47 45 43 41 48 48 48 46 45 47 47 (21) 19 1 (1) 65 17 (11) 17 8 (5) 24 2 (4) (47) (49) (41-8) 20 (42) 10 1 1 (23) 1 (2) 2 (4) 1 1 (21 (2) 22 (461 48 18 93 (62) 32 8 (52) 151 (24) (76) In = 48) 36 115 Abbreviations: WBC, white blood cells; Cy, cyclophosphamide; MTX, methotrexate; CsA, cyclosporine. * For continuous variables. t For categorical variables. 25 2 (4) 9 (19) From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2859 BMT FOR FANCONIANEMIA Table 3. Probabiiiiiesof Graft Failure, Grade Il-IV Acute GVHD, Chronic GVHD, Interstitial Pneumonia, and Survival After Bone Marrow Transplantation for Fanconi Anemia Table 4. Results of Multivariate A n a m Examining Risk Factors Associated With Death Among 120 Recipients of HIA-Identical Sibling Bone Marrow Transplants for Fanconi Anemia HLA-Identical Sibling Donors Alternative Donors No. at Risk Time Point End Graft failure* Grade Il-IV acute GVHDt Chronic GVHDS Interstitial pneumonia Survival 2 yr 100 d 2 yr 2 yr 2 yr Variable Probability No. at Probability (95% Cl) Risk (95% Cl) 146 (5-14) 8 135 42 (34-50) 116 44 (34-53) 151 12 (8-19) 151 66 (58-73) 41 24 (13-40) 37 51 (36-67) 18 46 (24-70) 48 25 (13-43) 48 29 (18-43) Among patients surviving 221 days. t Among patients surviving 221 days with evidence of engraftment. *Among patients surviving 290 days with evidence of engraftment. to compare transplant regimens (conditioning and GVHD prophylaxis). Consequently, we included only patients treated with regimens for which there were sufficient cases for analysis. Conditioning regimens studied were (1) LFI and low-dose (15 to 25 mgkg) cyclophosphamide with or without ATG (N = 75), (2) TB1 and low-dose cyclophosphamide (N = 20), and (3) high-dose ( 2100 mgkg) cyclophosphamide with or without ATG (N = 25). GVHD prophylaxis regimens studied included (1) methotrexate (N = lo), (2) cyclosporine (N = 82), and (3) cyclosporine combined with methotrexate (N = 28). Younger age (P< .OO01), use of ATG in the conditioning regimen (P = .005), use of cyclosporine with or without methotrexate to prevent GVHD (P= .002), and conditioning with LFI and low-dose cyclophosphamide versus 2 100 mg/ kg cyclophosphamide and no radiation ( P = .009) were significantly associated with decreased posttransplantation mortality. A marginally significant association (P = .01) with pretransplantation platelet count (P = .M) was observed Fig 1. Pmbability of survivel after bone marrow HLA-idenusing anemia Fenconi transplantation for ng tical donors. or alternative Relative Risk of Death N Age at transplant* <.0001 1.18" 120 Platelets pretransplantt 0.98m 120 Conditioning included ATG No 95 .005 0.15 25 Yes Conditioning (other than ATG) 25 No radiation, Cy =l00 mgkg 20 TBI, Cy 15-25 m g k g 0.55 ,0095 75 LFI, Cy 15-25 m g k g GVHD prophylaxis 10 MTX 2 other ,0022 other 0.18 110 CsA 2 MTX P c.04 - 1.oo .03$ 1.oo .34§ 0.27 - 1.oo Only non-T-cell-depleted cases with the conditioning regimens shown are included. Abbreviations: CsA, cyclosporine; MTX, methotrexate; Cy, cyclophosphamide. n = age increment in years. t m = platelet increment in 10s/L. P value for overall effect of conditioning regimen. 5 P value for pairwise comparison with no radiation, Cy 2100 mgl * kg. with lower mortality in persons having higher pretransplant platelet counts. Variables not significantly associated (P 2 .05) with treatment failure included age at diagnosis of Fanconi anemia, age at detection of first hematologic abnormality, and interval from diagnosis to transplant, although these three variables are correlated with age at transplant. Year of transplantation was also not significantly associated with treatment failure and inclusion of year of transplantation in the model or restricting the analysis to patients receiving transplants after 1985 did not alter results. Table 5 shows probabilities (with 95% confidenceintervals) of graft failure, "P 094 0 n a4 88 MONTES 4a ca n From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 2860 GLUCKMANET AL acute and chronic GVHD, interstitial pneumonia, and survival for patients with favorable and unfavorable prognostic factors. DISCUSSION Most patients withFanconi anemia die of hematologic causes including bone marrow failure, myelodysplastic syndromes, and acute myelogenous l e ~ k e m i a . ~ , Prior ~ . ~ *stud,~~ ies indicate that bone marrow transplants are effective treatment for Fanconi anemia. However, many issues remain unresolved. We found 5-year survival rates of about 65% after transplants from HLA-identical siblings. The 5-year survival rate after transplants from alternative donors was about 30%.The latter group of 48 patients (with 11 different donor-recipient histocompatibility relationships) was too small and heterogeneous for a more detailed analysis of risk factors. There were also substantial differences in patient-, disease-, and treatment-related variables between recipients of HLA-identical sibling transplants and alternative donor transplants. Because of small numbers of patients, we could not adjust outcome for these differences and, consequently, we cannot comment onwhat role, if any, HLA-matching and donor relationship play in transplant outcome in Fanconi anemia. Multivariate analysis identified several factors correlated with survival after HLA-identical sibling transplants: age at transplant, pretransplant platelet count, conditioning regimen, andGVHD prophylaxis. As in other transplant settings, older patients had a lower rate of ~ u r v i v a l . ~Lower ~ - ~ ' platelet counts before transplantation were also associated with a lower survival probability ( P = .04), mostly because of increased graft failure and chronic GVHD (P = .03; Table 5). The reason for this correlation is unclear, but may reflect more severe or long-standing Fanconi anemia. The platelet count was inversely correlated with the number of pretransplant transfusions. Transplant regimen had an important impact on outcome. Use of ATGfor conditioning had a favorable effect, with less acute GVHD and less chronic GVHD in univariate analyses (Table 5) and lower mortality in multivariate analyses ( P = ,005, Table 4). There was no statistically significant association with other end points such as graft failure or interstitial pneumonia. One important issue we tried to address was the impact of cyclophosphamide dose and radiation schedule on transplant outcome. S ~ r n e ' ~but . ~ ' not all'4,22previous studies suggest better survival with low-dose cyclophosphamide and LFI, possibly because of increased in vivo sensitivity of Fanconi anemia cells to alkylating agents similar to observed sensitivity of Fanconi anemia cells to agents such as DEB in vitro. Our data indicate that persons receiving this regimen had a lower risk of treatment failure (relative risk = .27) than did persons receiving conventional dose cyclophosphamide without radiation ( P = ,009). Graft failure rates were low with all three conditioning regimens. This finding suggests that low-dose cyclophosphamide, combined with LFI or TBI, provides adequate immune suppression for stable engraftment in Fanconi anemia. This finding is consistent with those of a prior report.2' We could not address whether it is necessary to add radiation to lowdose cyclophosphamide. This issue is important because some reports suggest an increased risk of cancers after transplantation for aplastic anemia in patients receiving radiation for c~nditioning.~~ The risk might be even higher in patients with Fanconi anemia, because the disease itself is associated with an increased cancer risk. A recent analysis from the International Fanconi AnemiaRegistry reports approximately a 50% actuarial risk of developing a myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myelogenous leukemia by 40 years of age in patients with Fanconi anemia who do not receive a tran~plant.~ In our study, with a median follow-up of survivors of 33 months (range, 4 to 162 months), there was 1 patient whodeveloped acute myelogenous leukemia in recip- Table 5. Probabilities (95% ConfidenceIntervals) of Graft Failure, Acute and Chronic GVHD, Interstitial Pneumonia, and Survival After HLA-Identical Sibling Bone Marrow Transplantationfor Fanconi Anemia for Patients With Favorable and Unfavorable Risk Factors Risk Factors N 2-yr Probability of Survival (95% Cl) 2-yr Probability of Ipn (95% Cl) 34 (23-46) 53 (39-66) 29 (19-42) 66 (49-80) 8 (3-17) 10 (4-24) 89 (80-95) 54 (40-67) 4 (1-9) 0 41 (32-50) 53 (23-82) 42 (32-53) 38 (11-75) 7 (3-14) 29 (8-64) 78 (69-85) 30 (11-60) 4 (2-11) 0 49 (38-58) 20 (9-39) 50 (38-61) 18 (7-38) 11 (6-19) 0 70 (60-78) 91 (73-98) 41 (29-54) 42 (31-55) 45 (31-60) 40 (27-54) 6 (2-16) 11 (5-21) 68 (55-78) 80 (68-89) 38 (27-49) 54 (32-74) 45 (27-65) 39 (28-511 54 (31-76) 45 (24-69) 9 (4-18) 11 (3-31) 6 (1-26) 82 (71-89) 70 (48-85) 55 (36-73) 2-yr Probability of Graft Failure 100-d Probability of Acute GVHD 2-yr Probability of Chronic GVHD (95% Cl) (95% Cl) (95% Cl) Age at transplant 68 5 1 0 yr 52 > l 0 yr GVHD prophylaxis CSA 2 MTX 2 other 110 10 MTX t other Conditioning included ATG No 95 Yes 25 Platelets pretransplant s26.5 X 109/~ 60 >26.5 X 109/~ 60 Conditioning (other than ATG) (1-14 75 LFI,Cy 15-25 mg/kg 20 TBI, Cy 15-25 mglkg 25 No radiation, Cy 2100 mg/kg 0 (3-18) 8 (2-14) 5 2 (1-9) 1) 0 4 ( 1-24) Only non-T-cell-depleted cases with the conditioning regimens shown are included. Values are percentages. Abbreviations: Cl, confidence interval: IPn, interstitial pneumonia; CsA, cyclosporine: MTX, methotrexate; Cy, cyclophosphamide. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. BMT FOR FANCONI ANEMIA ient cells 4 months after transplantation. It is possible that this patient had leukemia or myelodysplasia before transplantation. Three other patients developed squamous cell carcinomas. All 4 patients received L H for conditioning and the cancers occurred outside the radiation field. Posttransplantation tumors are also reported in another series among patients not receiving radiati~n.’~ Much longer follow-up is required to determine the risk of posttransplantation cancers and whether radiation increases risk. The use of cyclosporine with or without methotrexate for GVHD prophylaxis was also associated with a higher rate of survival, a finding similar to one observed in a recent IBMTR study of transplants for leukemia.39 Our data indicate that bone marrow transplants are effective in Fanconi anemia. An important question is when they should be performed. This issue is best addressed in a prospective study. However, the adverse impact of increasing age and lower pretransplantation platelet counts favors earlier intervention, especially when there is an HLA-identical sibling donor. REFERENCES 1. Fanconi G: Familial constitutional panmyelocytopathy Fanconi anemia: Clinical aspects. Semin Hematol 4:233, 1967 2. Schroeder TM, Tilgen D, Kruger J, Vogel F Formal genetics of Fanconi anemia. Hum Genet 32:257, 1976 3. Auerbach AD, Allen RG: Leukemia and preleukemia in Fanconi anemia patients. A review of the literature and report of the International Fanconi Anemia Registry. 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