Document 42065

 License Agreement „Software as a Service“ (SaaS)
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By clicking the “accept” option, downloading
or installing the Software, paying for or using the Service, you accept that these terms and conditions
will form a legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) between you and us. Please print or save a copy
of this Agreement for your records.
If you do not agree with the terms and conditions below, please click the “do not accept” option and do
not download or install the Software, pay for or use the Service. If you do not agree with these terms
and conditions, you are not authorised to use the the Service for any purpose whatsoever.
If you are an employee, reseller, service provider, consultant, contractor or other party who is installing
the Software or obtaining the Service on behalf of another person or organisation, you will be deemed
to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement on behalf of that person or organisation.
The terms below have the following meanings when used in this Agreement:
‘Agreement’ means these terms and conditions and the Schedule.
“Device” means a device, usually electronic, that processes data according to a set of instructions,
which may include but not be limited to workstations, personal computers, laptops, netbooks, personal
digital assistants, tablets, and smartphones.
‘Documentation’ means any documentation provided to you by us (whether electronic or printed)
which accompanies the Service.
‘Fee’ means the fee payable for the Service.
‘Internal Business Purpose’ has the meaning described in Clause 3.2.1 below.
‘Maintenance’ means collectively Upgrades and/or Updates (where applicable), and standard
technical support (or enhanced technical support if you have paid an additional Support Fee, as
identified on the Schedule).
‘Schedule’ means the schedule provided to you by us which details the Service that you have ordered
and which forms part of this Agreement.
‘Server’ means a Device upon which the Software is installed AND from which other Devices receive
or retrieve data PROVIDED THAT a Device is not a Server where it is a single Device from which
other Devices receive or retrieve data AND such data is solely generated by the Software.
‘Server Licence’ means the maximum number of Servers (if any) that are permitted under the
Schedule to run the Software at any time.
‘Service’ means the service you have purchased (as listed in the Schedule), together with
accompanying Software and Documentation.
‘Software’ means any program or data file supplied to you by us or our resellers, distributors or
dealers, including without limitation Upgrades and Updates (if any), but excluding Third Party
‘we’ and ‘us’ means AppTec GmbH and/or its subsidiaries, and ”our” means belonging to, pertaining
to, or engaged by us.
‘Start Date’ means the date that you purchase the Service.
‘Support Fee’ means the sums payable by you for enhanced support services, if applicable.
‘Term’ means the term of this Agreement, as described in Clause 3.1 below.
‘Third Party Licensor’ has the meaning described in Clause 9 below.
‘Third Party Software’ has the meaning described in Clause 9 below.
‘Update’ means an update to the library of rules and/or identities made available to you by us; and/or
other updates to the software filters, including but not limited to an update to the IP address reputation
libraries made available to you by us.
‘Upgrade’ means any enhancement or improvement to the functionality of the Service (excluding
Updates) made available to you by us at our sole discretion from time to time, but excluding any
software, services and/or updates marketed, licensed or sold by us as a new version or new release.
‘User’ means an employee, consultant or other individual who uses a Device which benefits from the
‘User Licences’ means the maximum number of Users or Devices, as specified in the Schedule, that
are permitted to benefit from the Service. AppTec „Enterprise Mobile Manager“ (EMM) is licensed on a
per Device basis.
‘you’ means you as an individual and the company or organisation on behalf of which you are using
the Service, and ”your” means belonging to, pertaining to, or engaged by you.
1.1 We may offer free trials of the Service on a limited basis for a maximum of 30 days, commencing
on the date that your application for a free trial is accepted by us. The Service is provided “AS IS”
during the free trial period and Clauses 3.2 and 5 below do not apply. Before your free trial period
expires, we may contact you and invite you to purchase the Service via one of our appointed resellers.
By subscribing to the free trial, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we may pass the contact
details that you have provided to such reseller. If you wish to continue to receive the Service, please
contact the reseller to arrange payment. If you do not purchase the Service, this Agreement will
terminate upon expiry of the free trial period and you must (i) cease to use the Service, (ii) delete all
copies of the Software and Documentation, (iii) remove all Service settings from your Servers and
Devices, and (iv) remove all of your custom settings, software and data from our network.
1.2 Once you have purchased the Service via the appointed reseller, we will send you a Schedule
confirming the Service to which you have subscribed and the duration of your subscription. If no
duration is specified in the Schedule, the default subscription shall be twelve (12) months from the
date of purchase.
2.1 The Service including without limitation all know-how, concepts, logic and specifications are
proprietary products belonging to us and our licensors, and are protected throughout the world by
copyright and other intellectual property rights.
2.2 No licence, right or interest in our logos or trademarks is granted to you under this Agreement and
you agree not to remove any product identification or notices of proprietary restrictions.
2.3 You acknowledge and agree that the right, title and interest in any modifications made by you to
the Service, as provided for below in this Agreement, is retained by us.
3.1 Term. This Agreement is effective from the date of acceptance and shall remain in force until
terminated as provided in Clause 12 below (the “Term”). The terms and conditions relating to our
liability, intellectual property and confidential information shall survive termination of this Agreement for
any reason.
3.2 Rights. In return for your continued payment of the Fee when due, we grant you a non-exclusive
right to use the Service for the duration of the Term, subject to the terms and conditions contained
within this Agreement. You are permitted to:
3.2.1 use the Service for your internal business purpose, relating specifically to the security and
integrity of your systems, networks, documents, emails and other data (“Internal Business Purpose”),
provided that your actual usage does not exceed the number of User Licences and Device Licences
purchased (as specified in the Schedule). Instead, the number of Devices on which you may use the
Service for your Internal Business Purpose must not exceed the number of User/Device Licences.
3.2.2 except as provided in Clause 3.2.3 below, which relates only to the Documentation, make one
copy of the Software or any part thereof for backup purposes provided that you reproduce our
proprietary notices on any such backup copy of the Software. Such restriction shall not prevent you
from backing up or archiving your data;
3.2.3 use, copy, reproduce, adapt and modify the Documentation for your Internal Business Purpose
only; and/or
3.2.4 transfer your rights under this Agreement on a permanent basis to another person or entity,
provided that (i) you transfer all copies of the Software and Documentation; (ii) you uninstall or
decommission the Service as applicable; (iii) you provide us with full contact details for the recipient
prior to transfer; and (iv) the recipient confirms to us in writing prior to the transfer that the recipient
agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
3.3 Restrictions
You are not permitted to:
3.3.1 use the Service for the provision of any service for the benefit of third parties unless you first
acquire an application service provider licence from us;
3.3.2 modify or translate any part of the Service except (i) as necessary to configure the Service using
the menus, options and tools provided for such purposes and contained in the Software; and (ii) in
relation to the Documentation, as necessary to produce and adapt manuals and/or other
documentation for your Internal Business Purpose;
3.3.3 reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Software or any part of it, or otherwise attempt
to derive or determine the source code or the logic in the Software, except to the extent and for the
express purposes authorised by applicable law;
3.3.4 sub-licence, rent, sell, lease, distribute or otherwise transfer the Service (in whole or in part)
except as permitted under this Agreement unless you obtain a separate licence from us for such
purpose (for example, you may not embed the Service (in whole or in part) into another application
and then distribute such application to third parties unless you first acquire an OEM licence from us);
3.3.5 use the Service for the purposes of competing with us, including without limitation competitive
4.1 In return for your continued payment of the Fee when due, you will be entitled to receive
Maintenance during the Term.
4.2 If you require technical support, you should contact your appointed reseller in the first instance.
Your reseller may refer technical support requests to us if they are unable to resolve them.
4.3 We reserve the right to limit the number of Users who may contact our technical support team.
5.1 We warrant that for a period of ninety (90) days from the Start Date (the “Warranty Period”): (i) the
Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation, provided that it is operated
in accordance with the Documentation on the designated operating system(s); and (ii) the
Documentation adequately describes the operation of the Software in all material respects. If you
notify us in writing of a breach of the warranty in this Clause 5.1 during the Warranty Period, our entire
liability and your sole remedy shall be (at our option): (i) to correct or replace the Software and/or
Documentation within a reasonable time; or (ii) to terminate the Service and provide or authorise a
refund of the Fee. Any replacement Software or Documentation will be warranted for the remainder of
the original Warranty Period.
5.2 We warrant that we will provide the Service during the Term with reasonable skill, care and
diligence. If you notify us in writing of a breach of the warranty in this Clause 5.2, our entire liability and
your sole remedy shall be (at our option): (i) to correct or re-perform the affected Service; or (ii) to
terminate the affected Service and provide or authorise a pro rata refund of the Fee paid in advance
for the affected Service which relates to the period after the date of termination.
5.3 We shall indemnify you on demand from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs,
charges, expenses and liabilities which arise from any claim or proceeding alleging that your use,
possession or distribution of the Software in the country where your head office is located, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, infringes any third party patent,
trademark or copyright in such country (provided that such country is a party to the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) treaties on patents, trademarks and copyrights). You shall not be
entitled to the benefit of this indemnity if:5.3.1 you fail to notify us in writing within ten (10) days of any claim being made or proceedings being
issued against you; or
5.3.2 you do not, upon written request from us, immediately cease to use or distribute the Software on
any such claim being made; or
5.3.3 you have, without our prior written consent, acknowledged the validity of the third party claim or
proceedings or taken any action which might impair our ability to contest the claim or proceedings, in
which case, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately by providing written notice to
5.4 We shall have no liability to you if the alleged infringement arises due to:5.4.1 modification of the Software by anyone other than us; or
5.4.2 use of the Software with any hardware, software or other item not provided by us; or
5.4.3 use of the Software other than in accordance with the Documentation.
5.5 In the event of a claim under clause 5.3, we shall have:
5.5.1 the absolute discretion to decide whether or not to take or defend any proceedings in relation to
the claim;
5.5.2 the right to require you to join in any proceedings (at our cost) if we consider it necessary or
5.5.3 the right to require your full co-operation (at our expense) in defending the claim;
5.5.4 the right to procure a licence so that your use, possession and distribution of the Software in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement does not infringe any third party patents,
trademarks or copyrights;
5.5.5 the right to modify the Software so that it no longer infringes a third party’s patents, trademarks
or copyrights; and
5.5.6 the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to you if we cannot obtain
a licence or modify the Software as described in Clauses 5.5.4 and 5.5.5 in a manner which we
consider commercially practical, and in such event we will provide a pro rata refund of the Fee paid by
you (if any) for the affected Service which relates to the period after the date of termination; and you
agree that in any event you will mitigate your losses as far as possible.
5.6 Clauses 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 set out your sole remedy and our entire liability in the event that the
Software or Service infringes the patents, trademarks or copyrights or other intellectual property rights
of any third party.
5.7 You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for all content sent from your Devices or
Servers to us and you warrant that your use of the Service is in accordance with all applicable laws
and regulations. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims and/or losses arising
from (i) your content, (ii) your use of the Service, or (iii) your breach of this Clause 5.7.
6.1 Except for the express warranties for the Software and the performance of the Service contained
in Clause 5 above, we and our third-party licensors, suppliers and other contributors of certain
included software make no warranties, conditions, undertakings or representations of any kind, either
express or implied, statutory or otherwise in relation to the Service or any Third Party Software,
including without limitation any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality,
fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or arising from course of dealing, usage or trade.
6.2 In addition to Clause 6.1, we do not warrant or represent that: (i) the Service will meet your
requirements; (ii) the operation of the Service will be error free or uninterrupted (including without
limitation due to network outages or third party failures and/or delays); (iii) defects in the Service will
be corrected; (iv) the Service will detect and/or correctly identify and/or disinfect all threats,
applications (whether malicious or otherwise) or other components; (v) you are entitled to block or
delete any third party applications; (vi) you are entitled to encrypt, decrypt, block or delete any third
party information.
6.3 Some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions
may not apply to you and you may have other legal rights that vary from state to state or by
7.1 You agree that you use the Service at your own risk. Subject to Clause 7.4 and to the maximum
extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall we or any of our third-party licensors, suppliers or
contributors of certain included software be liable to you (or to those claiming through you) for any loss
of profits, loss of contracts, business interruptions, loss or damage related to any Third Party Software,
indirect loss or damage, consequential loss or damage, incidental loss or damage, special loss or
damage of any kind however caused and whether arising under contract or tort (including without
limitation negligence) or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
7.2 In addition to Clause 7.1 but subject to Clause 7.4, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely
responsible for the proper back-up of all data and that you shall take appropriate measures to protect
your data. We (and our third-party licensors, suppliers or contributors of certain included software) do
not assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the loss and/or corruption of data.
7.3 Save for our liability under Clause 5.3, Clause 7.4 and any liability which cannot be limited by
applicable law, (i) we shall only be liable to you for direct losses, and (ii) in no event shall our
aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (from all causes of action and
theories of liability) exceed a sum equal to the amounts paid or payable by you for the affected Service
during a period of twelve (12) months.
7.4 We do not limit our liability in relation to (i) fraud, or (ii) death or personal injury.
8.1 You acknowledge and agree that we may directly and remotely communicate with the Devices for
the purposes of, without limitation, (i) verifying your credentials; (ii) issuing reports and alerts such as
automated support requests and alert messages; (iii) providing Maintenance; (iv) applying policy and
configuration changes to the Devices; and (v) extracting usage information, service performance
information, and infection logs. Such communications may include but not be limited to SMS text
messages and other push notifications.
8.2 You acknowledge and agree that it may be necessary for us to collect and process certain
information relating to you and the individual Users in order to perform the Service, and that such
information may include proprietary, confidential and/or personal data, including without limitation (i)
names, email addresses, telephone numbers and other contact details; (ii) account usernames; (iii) IP
addresses; (iv) usage information; (v) infection logs; and (vi) files suspected of being infected with
malware. Certain Services may also (at your sole option) enable you to configure the Service to (i)
track and log the geographic location of Devices; (ii) block access to Devices; (iii) delete the content of
Devices; (iv) report on any software installed on the Devices; and (v) store text and email messages
that were sent and/or received by Devices.
8.3 You acknowledge and agree that we, and our group companies, subcontractors and third party
licensors, may also use certain information collected from you for our business purposes. Business
purposes may include but shall not be limited to, product support, product development and
enhancement, statistical analysis, billing and reporting.
8.4 In the case of personal data processed on your behalf for the performance of the Service, AppTec
acts as a Data Processor. In the case of personal data used for our business purposes under Clause
8.3, AppTec GmbH is the Data Controller. The terms “Data Processor” and “Data Controller” shall
have the meanings defined in the EU Directive 95/46 EC. In each case, we will process your personal
data in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the provisions of the EU Directive 95/46 EC, and
our data protection policy which is available at
8.5 As a global organisation, our group companies, subcontractors and third party licensors may be
located anywhere in the world. If we transfer or export any personal data to another country, we will
provide appropriate protection for such personal data.
8.5 You warrant that you have obtained all necessary permissions and provided the necessary
notifications to share the information described in this Clause 8 with us for the purposes described.
You also acknowledge and agree that it may be necessary under applicable law to inform and/or
obtain consent from individuals before you intercept, access, monitor, log, store, transfer, export, block
access to, and/or delete their communications. You are solely responsible for compliance with such
8.6 Each party shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or
unlawful processing of personal data or its accidental loss, destruction or damage.
8.7 You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any liability that arises in relation to
your failure to comply with this Clause 8.
The Service may operate or interface with software or other technology which is not proprietary to us
and is licensed to us by third parties (“Third Party Licensors”), but which we have the necessary rights
to licence to you (“Third Party Software”). You agree that (i) you will use such Third Party Software in
accordance with this Agreement, (ii) no Third Party Licensor makes any warranties, conditions,
undertakings or representations of any kind, either express or implied, to you concerning such Third
Party Software or the Service itself, (iii) no Third Party Licensor will have any obligation or liability to
you as a result of this Agreement or your use of such Third Party Software, (iv) such Third Party
Software may be licensed under licence terms which grant you additional rights or contain additional
restrictions in relation to such materials, beyond those set forth in this Agreement, and such additional
licence rights and restrictions are described or linked to within the applicable Documentation, the
relevant AppTec webpage, or within the Service itself.
10.1 You hereby agree that (i) you will use, disclose and/or transport the Service in accordance with
any applicable export control laws and regulations; (ii) you will not re-export or re-transfer the Service
to any destination subject to restrictive sanctions, measures or trade embargoes implemented at a
national, regional or international level without the appropriate authorization; (iii) you are solely
responsible for fulfilling any applicable governmental requirements in connection with your use,
disclosure and/or transport of the Service and relating to any transfer under Clause 3.2.5 above.
10.2 You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any claim, loss, liability or
damage suffered or incurred by us resulting from or related to your breach of Clause 11.1.
11.1 This Agreement and your rights under it will terminate immediately if: (i) you fail to pay or we are
unable to collect the Fee in accordance with the agreed payment terms; or (ii) you fail to comply with
any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; or (iii) you take or suffer any action on account of
debt or you become insolvent; or (iv) your subscription to the Service expires; or (v) we are advised by
the appointed reseller that your subscription to the Service has been terminated.
11.2 In addition to our rights under Clause 12.1, we may suspend our performance of the Service
immediately at any time if we reasonably believe that your use may represent a threat to the security
of the Service.
11.3 On termination of this Agreement, you must (i) cease to use the Service, (ii) delete all copies of
the Software and Documentation, (iii) remove all Service settings from your Servers and Devices, and
(iv) remove all of your custom settings, software and data from our network. Within one month after
the date of termination of this Agreement, you must supply written certification to us that you have
complied with this requirement. On termination of this Agreement we may also (i) remotely disable the
Service (including without limitation any Software that you have installed), and (ii) delete all of your
custom settings, software and data from our systems.
11.4 All Fees paid or payable are non-refundable to the extent allowed by applicable law.
12.1 The Service may include confidential information that is secret and valuable to us and our
licensors. You are not entitled to use or disclose that confidential information other than strictly in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. We reserve the right to disclose details of
the Agreement to third parties for publicity and promotional purposes and:
12.1.1 You expressly give us permission to include and publish your name and logo on lists of our
customers; and
12.1.2 You agree that we may send emails to you to provide information, goods and services to you,
and to let you know about other goods and services in which you may be interested.
12.2 If you do not want to give us permission under Clause 13.1.1 and/or Clause 13.1.2, you may
notify us at any time, specifying which permission is not granted.
13.1 Any reseller, distributor or dealer from whom you may have purchased the Service is not
appointed or authorised by us as our servant or agent. No such person has any authority, either
express or implied, to: (i) modify this Agreement; (ii) enter into any contract on our behalf; (iii) provide
you with any representation, warranty or guarantee on our behalf; or (iv) otherwise bind us in any way
13.2 You agree to pay the Fee in full in accordance with our invoice, or the invoice from the appointed
reseller (as applicable). Unless otherwise stated, the Fee is exclusive of all taxes and duties. You
agree to pay such taxes and duties, or where applicable to provide a suitable exemption certificate.
Invoices may provide for interest to be paid on any sums not paid by the due date.
13.3 You agree that we may audit your actual number of Users, Devices and/or Servers remotely, at
any time, in order to verify your payment of all applicable Fees. In addition, but not more than once in
each calendar year, we (or our independent certified accountant) may access your premises and
records on prior written notice and during normal business hours, for the purpose of auditing your
compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including without limitation your payment
of all applicable Fees. If a remote or physical audit reveals that you have underpaid Fees, we will
invoice you for an amount equal to the shortfall between the Fees due and those actually paid by you.
You agree to pay us for such shortfall within 30 days of the date of invoice. If the amount of the
shortfall exceeds 5% of the Fees due, or the audit reveals that you have breached any of the terms
and conditions of this Agreement, then without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, you agree
that you will also pay our reasonable costs of conducting the audit.
13.4 You agree that we may, at our sole discretion, assign, transfer or subcontract any of our rights or
obligations under this Agreement to any of our subsidiaries and other group companies, resellers,
distributors or dealers.
13.5 We may amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time by reasonable notice,
including without limitation by posting revised terms and conditions on our website at the URL agree that the amended terms and conditions shall be binding upon you.
13.6 Our failure to enforce any particular term of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any
of our rights under it.
13.7 The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any part of this Agreement will not affect the legality,
validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement.
13.8 If you have signed a separate written agreement with us covering the use of the Service, the
terms and conditions of such signed agreement shall take precedence over any conflicting terms and
conditions of this Agreement. Otherwise, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
you and us in relation to the Service and supersedes any other oral or written communications,
agreements or representations with respect to the Service, save for any oral or written
communications, agreements or representations made fraudulently.
13.9 If there are any inconsistencies between the German language version of this Agreement and
any translated version, then the German language version shall prevail.
13.10 A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right to enforce any term of this
Agreement under applicable legislation, and the parties to this Agreement do not intend that any third
party rights are created by this Agreement.
14. Standard conditions
A contract between the customer and APPTEC shall be governed only by Swiss law. The UN Sales
Convention shall not apply. The language of the contract is German. The place of jurisdiction is Basel
(Switzerland). APPTEC also has the right to bring an action in the place where the customer has its
principal place of business. The place of performance for all goods, work and services supplied by
APPTEC and the place of payment for payments made by the customer is Basel (Switzerland).
15. Severability
If individual provisions of the foregoing Terms and Conditions should be or become partially or entirely
void or should they prove to contain a gap, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
The void provision shall be replaced or the gap shall be filled by an appropriate provision that comes
closest to the intent of the users of these Terms and Conditions or of the Contracting Parties or to
what would have been their intent had this point been given consideration.
(Updated: June 2011)