S A Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) Private Bag X12, Gezina, 0031 Tel: (012) 356 8300 Email: [email protected] lnq: 37 Annie Botha Ave, Pretoria, 0084 Fax :( 012) 356 8400 Website: www.sacssp.co.za Ref: APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS A CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORKER THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN PRINT OR TYPING BY CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORKERS (CYCW) ONLY Study the CYCW application form carefully before completing it. Answer all questions fully, clearly and co rre ct l y. Questions, which do not apply to you, must be clearly deleted. Should you have to make any corrections to your answers, initial them in the margin. PLEASE NOTE: To avoid delay of your registration, your proof of payment and documents as prescribed on page one and two MUST accompany this application form. 1. PERSONAL PARTICULARS: THIS SECTION IS COMPULSORY TO ALL 1.1 1.2 1.3 Title Prof. Dr. Revd . Mr Miss Ms. Surname Previous Surname 1.4 Full Names 1.5 Registration number as student Child and Youth Care Worker For office use only 2. Mrs. - 7 0 - PLEASE NOTE: This application must be accompanied by the following: 2.1 If applying for registration as a CYCW at the Professional level complete Section A, if applying for registration at Professional level with a level 7 qualification in the Humanities or Social Sciences complete Section A and B and if applying for registration as a CYCW at Auxiliary level complete Section C 2.2 A completed assessment document of Proof of Evidence (PoE) at level 8, if applying for Registration as professional CYCW or PoE at level 4 if applying for registration as an Auxiliary CYCW and is required in terms of the Regulations for Registration. 2.3 A Certified copy of documentary proof of your names, identity document / residence permit number and date of birth / acceptable to the Council. 2.4 A certified copy of documentary proof of the qualification(s) on the basis of which you apply for registration as a CYCW. 1 2.5 Original (NOT copy) of documentary proof issued by the training institution in which is listed: 2.5.1 ALL the subjects you have passed during all years of study and the duration of the course in each subject. 2.5.2 ALL the subjects/modules credited or exempted having been obtained from another university of the learning programme over a period of study years. 2.6 If your qualification(s) was/were obtained outside the R SA, also original copy of: 2.6.1 documentary proof from t h e training institution where you received tuition and training in Child and Youth Care Work of the content of theoretical tuition and both the nature and duration of field instruction you received in each subject; 2.6.2 documentary proof t h a t the training institution where you received tuition and training in Child and Youth Care Work is accredited, specifying the body with which the training institution is accredited the training institution is not a c c r e d i t e d , proof of any other form of recognition that the training institution has; 2.6.3 in the case of a training institution that is accredited, documentary proof from the accrediting body that the qualification(s) is/are or was/were the a c c e pt ed tuition and training for Child and Youth Care Work in the count r y concerned. 2.7 The Council may order that a portfolio be submitted and an assessment interview be conducted with applicants who obtained their qualification(s) in a country outside the R SA. 2.8 All documents accompanying this application that are not drawn up in English, must be accompanied by a translation prepared by a sworn translator in English, as well as a certified copy of the original document, and the onus shall be on the applicant to have such document so translated. 2.9 3. A copy of the BANK DEPOSIT SLIP or proof o f an ELECTRONIC/ INTERNET TRANSFER as proof of payment to the value of the prescribed registration fee. POST your application using registered mail to the R e gi s t r a r , SA Council for Social Service Professions, Private Bag Xl2, Gezina,0031. 4. REGISTRATION PARTICULARS 4.1 Have you previously applied for registration as a Child and Youth Care Worker / Student Child and Youth Care Worker in RSA? Yes 4.2 No If yes, was the application? Approved Rejected If application was rejected, please provide reason/s: 4.3 4.4 Registration number as a Child and Youth Care Worker (For office use) Registration date (For office use only) Y 70 M D - 4.5 M - D - Identity or residence permit number Y 4.7 - If you applied for restoration, state the date on which your name was removed from the Register: Y 4.6 - M D Date of birth: (Attach a certified copy of acceptable documentary proof of your names, identity or residence permit number) 2 1. Male 2. Female Population Group 1. White 2. Coloured Marital Status 1. Never Married 4.8 Gender 4.9 4.10 4.11 3.Black 2. Married 4.Indian 3. Divorced 5.other 4. Widow/Widower Residential address: Postal Code Tel no …… (code )………… (number): ................................. Cell ……………………… Email address, if any: ............................................................................................................... 4.12 Postal address: Postal Code 3 5. EMPLOYMENT PARTICULARS PLEASE NOTE that application will NOT be completed without you filling in the full employment details below: 5.1 Period of employment as Child and Youth Care Work er with PREVIOUS EMPLOYER: From To Name and address of PREVIOUS EMPLOYER: Postal Code Tel No (code and number): 5.2 Fax Number: Email Address: Date of commencement of employment with PRESENT EMPLOYER: Y D M - - Name and address of PRESENT EMPLOYER: Postal Code Tel No (code and number): Fax number: Present post designation: NATURE OF PRESENT CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK EMPLOYER : State Dept Local Government NGO/NPO/CBO Industry Private Practice Other 4 Does not practise Unemployed cycw 6. Pensioner Over 65yrears Living abroad TRAINING INSTITUTION WHERE YOU OBTAINED YOUR BASIC (PRE-REGISTRATION) QUALIFICATION(S) IN CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK 6.1 Training institution in the R.S.A.: 6.1.1 TRAINING OF INSTITUTION____________ 6.1.2 Other: 6.2 Training institution outside the R.S.A.: 6.2.1 Country 6.2.2 University/College SECTION A TO BE COMPLETED IF APPYING FOR REGISTRATION AT THE PROFESSIONAL LEVEL ACADEMIC PARTICULARS OF BASIC (PRE-REGISTRATION)QUALIFICATIONS(S)IN CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK 7. 7.1 Q u a l i f i c a t i o n 7.1 .1 Duration of course 7.2 2. Diploma 1. Degree 3 years Other 4 years Date on which you initially registered as a student for this qualification: Y D M - - 7.2 .1 Name of Qualification E.g B Tech CYCW Higher Level Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 7.2 .2 NQF level of qualification in CYCW 7.2 .3 Post graduation qualification 5 7.3 COMPLETE SUBJECT /MODULE IN RESPECT OF YOUR CYCW QUALIFICATION. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 1 NAME OF MODULE/SUBJECT CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 2 _ NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 3 _ NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT YEAR LEVEL: 4 _ CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NOTE: Attach completed Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) assessment at level 8, if your qualification is NQF level 6 or 7. 6 SECTION B 7.4 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS WITH QUALIFICATION IN HUMANITIES NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 1 NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 2 NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT _ CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: 3 NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT _ CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME OF SUBJECT: YEAR LEVEL: NAME OF MODULE/ SUBJECT 4 _ CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.5 NAME OF COMPLETED HIGHEST QUALIFICATION IN HUMANITIES OR SOCIAL SCIENCES 7.6 Name of University and Department in which obtained. Department _________________________ University __________________________ 7.7 Year Obtained___________________ 7.8 Post -graduation qualification 7 SECTION C( I) 8. TO BE COMPLETED BY CYCW APPLYING FOR REGISTRATION AT AUXILIARY LEVEL WITH A COMPLETED FETC IN CYC. 8.1 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK MODULES/ SUBJECTS ONLY* 8.1.1 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK MODULES- YEAR LEVEL-l NAME OF MODULE CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8.1.2 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK MODULES/SUBJECTS YEAR LEVEL-2 NAME OF MODULE CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8.1.3 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK M O D U L E S / SUBJECTS YEAR LEVEL-3 NAME OF MODULE CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8.1.4 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK MODULES/SUBJECTS YEAR LEVEL-4 AND ABOVE NAME OF MODULE CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8.1.5 Date of completion of FETC CYC: Y- M- D 8 SECTION C (II) 8.2 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COMPLETED FETC QUALIFICATION BUT HAVE COMPLETED 1650 HOURS OF THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL LEARNING COURSE/ WORSHOP /TRAINING 8.3 HOURS NOTE: THIS SECTION IS COMPULSORY TO ALL 8.3.1. Proof of evidence of the above course/workshops /training must be attached to this document 8.3.2 Completed proof of evidence Assessment (PoE) must be attached to this application. SECTION C( III) 8.4. Applicants for registration at the Auxiliary level and who are presently employed as a Child and Youth Care Worker and is applying on the understanding that CYC registration will be permitted for a period of 3 (three) years only must submit proof of the following:8.4.1 Proof of present employment as a Child and Youth Care Worker must be attached 8.4.2 Your job description signed as the work that you are required to do, by the Director/Manager of the organization in which you are presently employed. This must be attached to this application. 9 9.1 Have you ever been found guilty of unprofessional or improper conduct by the Council? 9.2 If yes- 9.2.1 were you reprimanded or cautioned? 9.2.2 was your registration suspended? 9.2.3 was your registration cancelled? 9.2.4 was the imposition of a penalty postponed? 9.2.5 was the execution of your p e n a l t y suspended? 9.3 Have you ever been found guilty of an offence by a court of law? 9. GENERAL QUESTIONS If yes, specify the nature of the offence of which you were convicted, the year in which it took place and the sentence passed ( a ) Nature of offence: 9.4 ( b ) Year of offence: ( c ) Sentence passed: 9.5 Are there any legal steps pending against you at present? 9.6 If yes, specify what steps: 9.7 Have requested clearance from the Child protection register Yes No Yes No 10 10 DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that the information furnished in this application form is true and correct in all respects and that I am unaware of anything which would serve as an impediment to the registration of my name as a Child and Youth Care Worker. Signed at ………………………………………………………… this ………………….day of………………………………. 20……………………………… SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 11
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