Towards zero waste strategy...... UGC Sponsored On M Maan naaggeem meen ntt ooff B Biiooddeeggrraaddaabbllee W Waassttee & &N Nu uttrriittiioon naall S Sttrraatteeggiieess 17th January 2015 ----- Organized by ----P Poosstt G Grraaddu uaattee T Teeaacch hiin ngg D Deeppaarrttm meen ntt ooff H o m e S c i e n c e Home Science Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440033 (Maharashtra) Objectives of the Conference: To discuss various types of biodegradable waste problems in the country (kitchen waste, community waste etc.) To discuss appropriate nutritional strategies for various segments of society To discuss appropriate strategies for biodegradable waste management our environment. Food recovery can make a significant contribution towards reducing hunger in the local community. The relation between environmental exposures and nutritional status is complex. Therefore, it is very essential to find out some strategic solutions to implement the waste management techniques by the community in dayto-day life. This conference will emphasize on these issues through the following themes----- About the Conference: Themes of the Conference: Modernization and progress has had its share of disadvantages and one of the main aspects of concern is the pollution it is causing to the earth – be it land, air, and water. With increase in the global population and the rising demand for food and other essentials, there has been a rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household and industry. This waste is ultimately thrown into waste collection centers from where it is further thrown into the landfills and dumps. However, either due to resource crunch or inefficient infrastructure, not all of this waste gets collected and transported to the final dumpsites. If the management and disposal of waste is improperly done, it can cause serious impacts on health and problems to the surrounding environment. The waste management is important to prevent the pollution of the environment & to repair & reduce damage caused by pollution, to safeguard a healthy, pleasant ecologically diverse & sustainable environment; to prevent the generation & the harmful effects of waste. Waste that is not properly managed is a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of infectious diseases. The nutritional status of population depends to a great extent on environmental conditions. The relationship between nutrition & environment was taken into account in the conceptual framework introduced by UNICEF in the early 90s. Food waste has its negative effects on Environmental impact on nutritional status: concepts and measurements Interactions between nutrition and environmental exposures: effects on health outcomes in men, women and children Strategies for reduction in food waste Food recycling: an innovative way to reduce waste Zero food waste: zero hunger Food policy for zero waste Waste disposal: environmental and health impact assessment Ergonomics of green jobs (renewable power generation, waste management and recycling) Entrepreneurship with zero waste Waste management : Human and non human resource conservation Zero waste: zero carbon farming Waste utilization from biodegradable and non biodegradable resources. About Nagpur: Nagpur is winter capital of Maharashtra state. Nagpur is known as “Orange City” for being a major trade center of oranges that are cultivated in the region. The city is well connected with roadways, railways and airways. Nagpur is the geographical center of India with the zero miles marker. The city was founded by Gonds but later became part of the Maratha Empire under the Bhonsles. The city of Nagpur has a number of Tiger reserves surrounding it. Within the vicinity of 200 km radius three Tiger reserves are Melghat, Tadoba Andhari and Pench. Deekshabhoomi, the largest hollow stupa (largest dome shape monument) is located in Nagpur. For all communication contact: Paper title: Center aligned, bold, capital letters, Dr. Vandana Dhawad (9860163883) Font type - Bookman Old Style, Font size-12 points, Author(s) name(s), affiliation(s) & e-mail ID of corresponding author. References: References should be given at the end of the paper & in an alphabetical order. Dr. Shubhada Jambhulkar (9158331515) Dr. Prajakta Nande (9421782459) Advisory Committee: • Dr. Madhuri Nasre (Dean, Faculty of Home Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) • Dr. Sabiha A. Vali (Retd. Professor & former with DD/cash on or before 5th December will be published in the proceedings with ISBN. Head, PG. Dept. of Home Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) Soft copy of the paper should be mailed at- • Dr. P. N. Chaudhari (Retd. Professor & former [email protected] Head, PG. Dept. of Home Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) • Dr. Asha Nimkar (Retd. Reader, PG. Dept. of ---Organizing Committee----- Convener --Dr. Kalpana S. Jadhav --- Organizing Secretary --Dr. Vandana R. Dhawad Dr. Shubhada V. Jambhulkar Dr. Prajakta J. Nande --- Joint Secretary --Dr. Tulika A. Khare Mrs. Meenakshi J. Surpande --- Treasurer --Dr. Vandana R. Dhawad Registration Fee: • Teachers/Scientists/Academicians: Rs. 1000/• Research Scholars: Rs. 800/• Students: Rs. 500/- Mode of Payment: Cash or Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of National Conference on MBWNS-2015 payable at Nagpur (Account No.: 876210110002426). Important Dates: The papers received along Home Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) • Dr. Hemlata Kolhe (Retd. Lecturer, PG. Dept. of Home Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur) • Dr. Sunanda Wasu (Retd. Reader, VNIASS, Nagpur) • Dr. Jyotsna Patil (Head, Dept. of HMCT, L.A.D. & S.R.P College, Nagpur) Committee Members: • Mrs. Revati Suklikar • Mrs. Archana Zanzal • Mrs. Megha Puranik • Mr. Amit Taksande Call for Research Papers: Research papers are invited from participants on related themes as per the following guidelinesAbstract: In MS-Word (Font type -Bookman Old Style, Font size-10 points, Line spacing-1.5, 200 words, Keywords-3-6) Full length paper: In MS-Word (Font type Bookman Old Style, Font size-12 points, Line spacing-1.5, Margins-1” on all sides, 2000 words/maximum 12 pages) Filled in registration form with DD & hard copy of the paper should be send toDr. Kalpana S. Jadhav, Professor & Head, Post Graduate Teaching Department of Home Science, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur440033 (Maharashtra). Venue of the Conference A Auuddiittoorriiuum m ooff V VA AN NA AM MA AT TII VVIIPP R Rooaadd,, BBeehhiinndd BBoollee PPeettrrooll PPuum mpp,, D h a r a m p e t h , N a g p u r ( M a h a r a s h t Dharampeth, Nagpur (Maharashtrraa)) P Poosstt G Grraadduuaattee T Teeaacch hiin ngg D Deeppaarrttm meen ntt ooff H Hoom mee S Scciieen nccee Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440033 (Maharashtra) National Conference On M Maan naaggeem meen ntt ooff B Biiooddeeggrraaddaabbllee W Waassttee aan ndd N Nuuttrriittiioon naall SSttrraatteeggiieess 17th January 2015 Registration Form Name: Dr./Mrs./Ms./Mr.------------------------------------------------(In BLOCK LETTERS): Designation:--------------------------------------------------------------Office Address:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Permanent Address:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telephone No.:-----------------------------------------------------------Mobile No.:---------------------------------------------------------------E-mail ID:-----------------------------------------------------------------Participate as: Student Research Scholar Teacher/Scientist/Academician Whether sending paper: Yes No Title of the Paper:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Particulars of Registration Fee: Amount (Rs.):---------- Cash/DD.No.---------------- Date:----------Bank:-----------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Signature Place: Mode of Payment: Cash or Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of National Conference on MBWNS-2015 payable at Nagpur (Account No.: 876210110002426). Photo copies/Xerox of the registration form can be used for registration.
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