AGENDA Wytheville Planning Commission Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:00P.M. Council Chambers 150 East Monroe Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 A. CALL TO ORDER- Chairperson Cathy D. Pattison B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM- Chairperson Cathy D. Pattison C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 9, 2014 D. CITIZENS' PERIOD E. PUBLIC HEARINGS F. 1. To consider the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building), which is located on the south side of West Main Street between 4th and 6th Streets, in the B-2 DT General Business District Downtown 2. To consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition and use of a self-service storage facility in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Districts RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOWN COUNCIL 1. To consider the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building), which is located on the south side of West Main Street between 4th and 6th Streets, in the B-2 DT General Business District Downtown 2. To consider proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition and use of a self-service storage facility in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Districts G. CITIZENS' PERIOD H. OTHER BUSINESS I. 1. Review of the Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics and the Rules for Addressing the Wytheville Planning Commission 2. Dispensing with the December 2014 meeting due to the Christmas holidays ADJOURNMENT G:\PLANCOMM\AGENDAS\2014\AGND111314.doc MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WYTHEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014, AT 6:00P.M. Members present: Cathy D. Pattison, Jack W. Hunley, John W. Jones, Jr., Terrance E. Suarez, Kenny W. Ervin Members absent: Charles E. Shockley, Kevin L. Varney Others present: Assistant Town Manager Stephen A. Moore, Town Clerk Sharon G. Corvin RE: CALL TO ORDER, QUORUM Chairperson Pattison called the meeting to order and established that a quorum of five Planning Commission members was present. RE: CONSENT AGENDA Chairperson Pattison presented the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 11, 2014. She inquired if there are any additions or corrections to the minutes. A motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Jones and seconded by Mr. Ervin to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 11, 2014. Chairperson Pattison inquired if there is any discussion on the motion. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Cathy D. Pattison, John W. Jones, Jr., Jack W. Hunley, Kenny W. Ervin, Terrance E. Suarez. Against: None. RE: CITIZENS' PERIOD Chairperson Pattison advised the next agenda item is Citizens' Period. She stated there is no one attending the meeting to address the Planning Commission during Citizens' Period. There being no one to address the Commission, she proceeded with the agenda. RE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT- PORTERFIELD Chairperson Pattison advised the next agenda item is to set a public hearing to consider the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building), which is located on the south side of West Main Street between 4th and 6th Streets, in the B-2 DT General Business District Downtown. She stated that the public hearing could be held at the November 13, 2014, meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Ervin and seconded by Vice-Chairperson Jones to set a public hearing for Thursday, November 13, 2014, to consider the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building), which is located on the south side of West Main Street between 4th and ath Streets, in the B-2 DT General Business District - Downtown. Chairperson Pattison inquired if there is any discussion on the motion. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Cathy D. Pattison, John W. Jones, Jr., Jack W. Hunley, Kenny W. Ervin, Terrance E. Suarez. Against: None. Mr. Hunley stated that it would be difficult to deny Ms. Porterfield's request for a special exception permit at 385 West Main Street since the Commission approved a special exception permit at the same location previously. He advised that he does feel like the Planning 1 Commission needs to place some very strict stipulations with the special exception permit if the consensus of the Planning Commission is to recommend to the Town Council that it be approved. Mr. Hunley noted that the Town does not need unsightly items sitting around on Main Street. He commented that the property located on West Lee Highway has a lot of unsightly items sitting around on the property. Mr. Ervin and Chairperson Pattison inquired of Mr. Hunley if Ms. Porterfield owns the property on West Lee Highway. Mr. Hunley stated that is correct. He commented that the business on the West Lee Highway property is R & C Towing, which is owned and operated by Ms. Porterfield. Mr. Hunley expressed that the Planning Commissioners should keep this in mind when the decision is made to approve the requested special exception permit and the stipulations that need to be included with the permit. Chairperson Pattison advised that the Planning Commission placed stipulations on the special exception permit that was approved for Mr. Hill at the 385 West Main Street location. Mr. Ervin commented that the Planning Commission discussed the stipulations with Mr. Hill and he assured the Commissioners that he would not have. unsightly items on the property. Town Clerk Corvin explained that Mr. Hill's request was a different special exception permit request than Ms. Porterfield submitted. She stated that Ms. Porterfield's request is only for an auto sales business, and there is no auto repair service included. Town Clerk Corvin reiterated that the request is only for auto sales and not auto repair services. Mr. Hunley commented that Ms. Porterfield's business could still have wrecker trucks bring vehicles in. He remarked that he only wants the Commissioners to be aware that Ms. Porterfield is the owner of R & C Towing. Mr. Ervin and Chairperson Pattison stated that they did not realize that Ms. Porterfield was the owner of R & C Towing, also. RE: PROPOSED WIND TURBINE ORDINANCE Chairperson Pattison advised the next agenda item is the discussion regarding the draft Wind Turbine Ordinance. She stated that at the September meeting, the Planning Commission had asked that Town staff return with some refinements to the Commissioners' questions regarding this matter. Chairperson Pattison noted that she must state that Assistant Town Manager Moore and his staff, she thought, did an excellent job answering the Commission's questions regarding the wind turbines. She remarked that she noticed in the staff report, on page three under Other Issues, that the Commission has not discussed that visual obtrusiveness is the most powerful motivator for citizens to oppose any new building or technology. Chairperson Pattison stated she understands that Assistant Town Manager Moore has contacted other localities in the State of Virginia for more information regarding the wind turbines. She commented that it looks like Town staff has been busy working on this issue, and she would like to express her appreciation. Chairperson Pattison inquired of Assistant Town Manager Moore if he had anything further to add to his report regarding the proposed Wind Turbine Ordinance. Assistant Town Manager Moore stated that he did not have anything to add. He noted that he feels like the report is selfexplanatory. Mr. Moore commented that he thinks the ordinance is one of those items that is not an imminent use that is coming forward, as far as Town staff knows. He stated that as the Commission proceeds with the ordinance and they think of questions, staff will try to add the comments to any ordinance that would formulate and refine the ordinance further. Mr. Moore noted that in regard to the comment about noise and decibels, it is explained by the chart that GE has developed, which is attached to the staff report. He remarked that he assumes GE is promoting these. Mr. Moore explained that the chart gives a reference point for decibel levels and the effect the turbines will have on the citizens. Mr. Hunley commented that as far as the visual items, if a person has abutting neighbors who are opposed to the turbine, then the request for a permit would be handled like any other special exception permit with opposition. He noted that the request would probably be denied, if the abutting property owners opposed the wind turbine. Mr. Hunley stated that he was really surprised when reviewing the decibel 2 levels on the GE chart, as far as comparing the noise levels of a turbine to a vacuum cleaner, blender, etc. He noted that if compared to those items, the wind turbine must not be very loud. Chairperson Pattison inquired of the Planning Commission members if, in their opinion, they think this is the right time to implement an ordinance. She stated that the topic of the proposed Wind Turbine Ordinance has been discussed for the past two months. Vice-Chairperson Jones remarked that the topic has been discussed during at least two meetings that he can remember. Mr. Moore advised that Town staff can review the current inquiries regarding the turbines and present the Commissioners with another draft ordinance, if they wish, or the Commissioners can review the draft that Town staff has assembled for this meeting. He noted that the Commission can then make other suggestions, and then Town staff can bring the draft ordinance forward at the beginning of 2015. Chairperson Pattison advised that staff would present information at the next meeting regarding wind turbines. Mr. Moore noted that Town staff will do whatever the Commissioners suggest that they would like to see happen. He commented that he does feel like it is a good idea to be in front of the technology, rather than behind the technology, as Dr. Suarez pointed out at the last meeting. Mr. Moore stated that the Commission would at least have a way to begin to control the turbines, rather than trying to get the turbine installation stopped. Chairperson Pattison advised that she is in agreement with Dr. Suarez regarding the issue. She remarked that her thinking is to get all of the information comprised, and return with one draft consisting of all of the Commissioners' inquiries at the first of the year. Chairperson Pattison explained that she does not think the Planning Commission is in a hurry, but something needs to be in order before a property owner submits an application. She inquired if the Commission is in agreement to have Town staff finalize the draft ordinance by the first of the year. Mr. Moore stated that staff will have a draft that incorporates everything that has been discussed, after the first of the year. He noted that staff may not have specifics such as decibel levels, etc., however, those items can be adjusted. Chairperson Pattison reiterated that Mr. Moore and his staff did a great job with the staff report. She inquired of Mr. Hunley as to what his feelings are regarding the ordinance. Mr. Hunley stated that he expressed his feelings from the first discussion, and that it would be better to have an ordinance in place before an application is submitted for a wind turbine. He remarked that the Town could be cited as discriminating against a property owner, if there is not an ordinance in place. Chairperson Pattison inquired of Mr. Moore if a motion is required. Mr. Moore advised that a motion is not required. Chairperson Pattison advised Town staff to present a draft Wind Turbine Ordinance at the January meeting, so there would be something to recommend to the Town Council. Chairperson Pattison thanked the Town staff for their work, and she proceeded with the agenda. RE: SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY Chairperson Pattison stated the next agenda item is to review the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition and use of a self-service storage facility in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts. She noted that if the Planning Commission will recall, at the last meeting, Mr. Moore discussed possible revisions to the Zoning Ordinance regarding a self-service storage facility being permitted only in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts. Chairperson Pattison commented that if the Planning Commission desires to amend the Zoning Ordinance to include these revisions, it will be necessary to set a public hearing, which could be held at the November 13, 2014, meeting. Mr. Moore remarked that included in the Commissioners' packets is the section of the Zoning Ordinance that would be amended to include the added definition that defines a self-service storage facility, and then excerpts from the M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts that specifically list a selfservice storage facility as a permitted use. He noted that if the Planning Commission wishes to amend the ordinance, Town staff will complete the steps to hold the public hearing to do so. Chairperson Pattison inquired of the Planning Commission if they find it necessary to amend the 3 Zoning Ordinance for this topic. A motion was made by Dr. Suarez and seconded by ViceChairperson Jones to set a public hearing for Thursday, November 13, 2014, to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to include the definition of a self-service storage facility and to include the use in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts. Chairperson Pattison inquired if there is any discussion on the motion. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Cathy D. Pattison, John W. Jones, Jr., Jack W. Hunley, Kenny W. Ervin, Terrance E. Suarez. Against: None. RE: WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Chairperson Pattison stated the next agenda item is a discussion regarding the new draft ordinance regulating the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities in the town. She noted that Assistant Town Manager Moore briefly discussed the topic at the meeting last month. Mr. Moore explained that staff has provided a review of the draft ordinance, for each of the Commissioners. He commented that staff has not completed the editing of that ordinance because it is a 30+ page ordinance. Mr. Moore remarked that he would like to see it more condensed than what it currently is at this time. He noted that it may not be possible, but that is what staff is working on at this time. Mr. Moore reiterated that staff is trying to reduce the number of pages of the ordinance. He explained that as the Commission may recall, the Telecommunication Ordinance has a component where the Town has a consultant that reviews all applications. Mr. Moore advised that the Town put aside an escrow amount for their review of any proposed facilities, therefore, the consultants are paid out of the escrow amount. He noted that the remaining amount is paid back to the applicant. Mr. Moore explained that the consultant is who prepared the draft ordinance. He noted that he feels like it is very concise and complies with the telecommunications law, but he thinks it is extremely cumbersome for both the Town and the applicants. Mr. Moore stated that he is hoping to streamline it a little and that it may be something that cannot be done, but that is what staff is hoping to do. Chairperson Pattison inquired of Mr. Moore how much time he and his staff will need to complete the editing of the ordinance. Mr. Moore stated that he thinks the first of the year would be enough time for editing and then to advertise the changes to the ordinance. He commented that he would update the Commission at the November meeting on how staff is progressing. Chairperson Pattison inquired of Mr. Moore if his suggestion would be to table the discussion until the November meeting. Mr. Moore stated that is correct. Mr. Hunley inquired of Mr. Moore what kind of facility is being discussed and if it is a building or something else. Mr. Moore advised that, primarily, the facility that is being discussed is cell towers, and noted, for example, like the tower that is located near Ramada Inn. Mr. Hunley commented that the Town has an ordinance in place already for cell towers. Mr. Moore noted that is correct, and this draft is a revision or refinement to the current ordinance. He explained that he was hoping that the draft would be more condensed than the present ordinance, however, that has not happened. Mr. Moore remarked that there are new facilities that are now available through the technology that allow them to use whip type antennas that are mounted on buildings. He noted those antennas provide service to cell phones for data. Mr. Moore advised that the Town has received several of those type of applications, and this draft ordinance addresses those antennas. He explained that the staff decided, upon talking with the consultant, a method for addressing those antennas with the present ordinance, therefore, it is not a tremendous rush to revise the ordinance. Mr. Moore advised to his knowledge, the Town has only had one application relative to that, and the company has not followed through with the rest of the information. He noted that staff is waiting to see what happens with the application. Mr. Hunley inquired of Mr. Moore if he is stating that with the new technology, there will not be anymore cell towers built, and that cell tower businesses are going to install the antennas on buildings. Mr. Moore advised that is correct. Chairperson Pattison remarked this is the way technology is heading, which is wireless 4 communications. Mr. Moore explained that to send a lot of signal through one tower requires a tremendous amount of capacity and it gets used up, therefore, if a cellular communications company can have multiple smaller distribution points, they can reach the same number of people and keep feeding the data through multiple antennas instead of one tower. He noted that is layman's terms of what he thinks this new technology involves. Mr. Hunley inquired of Mr. Moore if he is aware of the antenna size. Mr. Moore remarked that the antenna that staff has discussed with the applicant is approximately six feet tall. He noted it is just a whip antenna that is similar to the whip antenna on a vehicle. Mr. Moore stated that there is probably some other gear that goes with the antenna that takes up more space. He commented that the applicant is proposing places like Evansham Shopping Plaza and placing an antenna on top of Food Lion and at Lee-Hy Shopping Center and placing one on top of the old Movie Starz building. Mr. Moore reiterated that the applicant did have some locations and types of antennas in mind when they submitted the application. He noted that staff informed the applicant that it is a co-location because it is on a building, therefore, the Town will consider it as a co-location. Mr. Moore remarked, however, the Town does want to make sure it is safe and that the people around the area are safe. He commented that this is the stage of the application at this time. Mr. Moore advised that it is his understanding that the applicants will keep the cell towers, but there will be more of the antennas located around town. He noted that, ultimately, the antennas may replace the cell towers if the technology proves they are better. Mr. Ervin inquired of Mr. Moore if there will be fees for the antennas paid to the Town, or whoever the property owner is, where the antenna is located. Mr. Moore stated that is correct. He noted that the applicant will pay a permit fee to the Town and then the person who owns the property will receive a monthly fee paid to them for the use of the property, as well. Mr. Hunley commented that Mr. Moore mentioned in the beginning something about money coming in at some point back to the applicant. Mr. Moore stated that the Town requires that the applicant pay the permit fee, which is either $5,000 or $2,000. He noted that the Town, also, requires that they submit an $8,500 fee to an escrow account that goes in the Town Treasury to pay the consultants with as they evaluate the application. Mr. Moore explained that upon completion of the application, if there is any residual money, and he noted there usually is, a check for the residual money is mailed back to the applicant. Chairperson Pattison commented that the small antennas are the up and coming technology of the future and that a lot of businesses will start using this type of technology. Mr. Moore advised that there is a session regarding this issue at the upcoming Planning Commissioner's Institute. He noted that most of the Commission will probably want to attend the session to see what the latest technologies and opportunities are regarding the small antennas. Mr. Hunley suggested that staff hold on to the draft ordinance so they do not have to print another 30+ page draft for the Commissioners. Mr. Moore explained that what the Commissioners have in front of them is a draft, therefore, hopefully, by the first of the year, staff will have the final copy of the ordinance to present to the Commissioners. He noted that the draft is a good reference. Chairperson Pattison stated that the Planning Commission is in agreement that this issue will be on the January 2015 agenda. Chairperson Pattison thanked Mr. Moore for his report, and she proceeded with the agenda. RE: PLANNING AND ZONING CONFERENCE Chairperson Pattison stated the next agenda item is a discussion regarding travel arrangements to the 2014 Commonwealth Planning and Zoning Conference. Mr. Moore explained that on Sunday, October 12, 2014, there is a session that begins at 2:00 p.m., therefore, if the Commissioners would like to stop for lunch in Staunton, they would need to leave Wytheville around 8:30 a.m. He commented that the Commissioners had discussed leaving around 9:30 a.m., so it would be up to the Commission if they choose to leave at 8:30a.m. or 9:30a.m. ViceChairperson Jones stated that the Commission can leave at 8:30a.m., if they need to be at the 5 session by 2:00 p.m. Dr. Suarez advised that the session is for the Chairperson. Mr. Moore noted that all of the Commissioners, at some point, will be the Chairperson. Dr. Suarez commented that most of the Commissioners have served as Chair. Town Clerk Corvin remarked that being the Chairperson will come back around, therefore, it would be a good session to attend. Mr. Moore stated that they could leave at 9:00 a.m., if it would be better for the Commissioners. Vice-Chairperson Jones noted that the Commission could leave at 8:30 a.m. to allow time to stop in Staunton for lunch and then proceed to Richmond for the 2:00p.m. session. Mr. Moore advised that the Commissioners riding with him would meet in the Municipal Building parking lot at 8:30a.m. RE: STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST FORMS Town Clerk Corvin advised that each of the Commissioners had a packet at their seats which includes information regarding their Statement of Economic Interest forms. She noted that a lot of changes have been made this year. Town Clerk Corvin stated that she would clarify the changes and those changes are that, normally, the forms have to be returned to the Town Clerk by January 15, but this year, the forms must be returned to the Town Clerk's office by December 15. She noted that the next change is, starting next year, the forms will have to be completed twice per year versus once per year. Town Clerk Corvin commented that the forms due December 15, 2014, will cover January 1, 2014, to October 31, 2014. She noted that all of this information is included in the letter in the packets. Town Clerk Corvin explained that the forms will be due again on June 15, 2015, and will cover from November 1, 2014, to April 31, 2015. She remarked that, again next year, on December 15, 2015, the Commissioners will have to complete the forms again, however, at that time it will be different. Town Clerk Corvin stated that the Commissioners will not submit the forms to her, but rather, they will have to submit the forms next December 2015 to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council. She noted that it will have to be submitted electronically. Town Clerk Corvin remarked that there are a lot of changes happening. She stated that she has highlighted the information in the packets that will need to be submitted. Town Clerk Corvin noted, for instance, when the Commissioners attend the Planning Commission Institute this year, normally, the Commissioners would not have to disclose that information, but, if they look on their forms, anything that they get from the Town of Wytheville worth over $200, including registrations, meals, etc., has to be disclosed on the form. She advised that includes VML meetings, Planning Commission meetings, etc. Town Clerk Corvin remarked that a person has to disclose the information, but it does not have to be listed, however, all of the attorneys attending the seminars she has been attending recently stated that it is really best if a person lists what they have received for their money. She reiterated that even though it is not required, it is best to list the items received. Town Clerk Corvin advised that these are the rules that have been set in place as of July 1, 2014, but she noted they could change. She reiterated that as of right now, these are the rules that the Town has to follow. Town Clerk Corvin commented that the main thing is that the forms have to be submitted twice per year starting in 2015. She reiterated that December 2014, will be the first submission of the forms, the next time will be June 2015, and the next time will be December 2015. ViceChairperson Jones inquired of Town Clerk Corvin if she is stating that if the Commissioners have lodging and registration paid and then have six meals, they will have to list all of the information. Town Clerk Corvin advised that there is a "Schedule D" in the information included in their packets, that he will see, where all of the information is to be listed. She noted that this is a major change for the Commissioners. Dr. Suarez inquired of Town Clerk Corvin if she would let the Commissioners know the lodging costs, etc. for the Planning Commission Institute. Town Clerk Corvin stated that is correct. She reiterated that the two major changes are that anything over $200 is required to be listed, and, also, completing the forms twice per year. Mr. Ervin inquired of Town Clerk Corvin if the Commissioners 12 month honorarium would be a separate 6 item and not required to be listed on the form or would it be included with everything else. Town Clerk Corvin stated that it is the whole sum all together. She noted that she included a highlighted list that has to be reported in their packets, which includes registration, lodging, meals, transportation and any other payment. Town Clerk Corvin commented that, normally, the only thing that they would have for $200 would be when they attend the Planning Commissioner's Institute, and the other would depend on how much each Commissioner earns in wages as an individual per year. She stated that the only thing that would be different that they would be disclosing would be going to the meetings and completing the forms twice per year. Town Clerk Corvin commented that there is a difference in that it used to be that an individual had to earn $10,000 or more before they were required to disclose all of their finances, however, it is now $5,000. She noted that the dollar amount has been lowered. Town Clerk Corvin reiterated that there are several changes to the forms, but if the Commissioners have any questions she would be glad to help them. She noted that she has information that she has received at different seminars and that together they will figure it out. RE: CITIZEN EMERGENCY ALERT TEST Mr. Hunley stated that he wanted to remind the Commissioners to register for the Wythe County Citizen Notification System because there will be another test of the Citizen Notification System on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 2:00p.m. He noted that when the County ran the first test on the system and were supposed to have called everyone who had a landline, a lot of citizens did not receive the call. Mr. Hunley inquired of the other Commissioners if they had received the initial test call. Dr. Suarez and Mr. Hunley both noted that they did not receive the call. Mr. Hunley commented that the Town Council has been complaining to the County regarding this situation, and the County has assured the Council that the system is now working. He reiterated that another test of the system will be performed on October 16, however, it will be on citizens' landlines only unless they register their cell phones. Mr. Hunley commented that if a person has multiple telephones that they would like to receive notifications on, the person would need to register each phone to receive the notifications. He remarked that he just wanted to remind the Commissioners to register for the alert system as soon as possible. Mr. Hunley stated that Council thinks it is working because Mayor Crewe shared with the Council members that he received a call at 5:10 a.m. the other morning that alerted him of a frost advisory in Wythe County. He noted that there have been a lot of problems with the system. Mr. Hunley advised that Town Council has struggled for three years to get the system implemented. RE: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting (6:30 p.m.). Cathy D. Pattison, Chairperson Stephen A. Moore, Assistant Town Manager G:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\2014\100914.doc 7 NOVEMBER 13,2014 AGENDA INFORMATION PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No. 1. Special Exception Permit Request - Porterfield A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building). As the Commission will recall, a special exception permit was issued to Mr. MichaelS. Hill in June 2013 by the Town Council to operate an auto sales and service business at this location. Mr. Hill ceased operation of his business on this property, and Ms. Porterfield purchased the property and desires to continue an auto sales business. Mr. Hill's special exception permit was issued only to him, therefore, Ms. Porterfield had to request a special exception permit to continue this type of business at this location. To date, Town staff has received no comments regarding this request. (During the meeting, please request that all persons addressing the Planning Commission approach the podium so everyone can hear and the minutes can be properly recorded. Anyone addressing the Commission will not be recorded properly if they do not approach the microphone at the podium.) Porterfield Special Exception Permit Request Staff Report The request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit for a used auto sales business at 385 West Main Street, at the former Houseman's Service Station building, and, also, at the former The Automotive Connection location situated in a B-2DT Business Zoning District. Background Ms. Carla Porterfield has purchased the former The Automotive Connection for use as a used auto sales business. This location was, previously, Houseman's Service Station and has had several auto service types of businesses at this location since the service station closed some years ago. The B-2DT Downtown Business District does not specifically list auto sales as a permitted use, therefore, Ms. Porterfield is requesting a special exception permit for this property. Ms. Porterfield, presently, is one of the owners of the R & C Auto Sales on West Lee Highway, and she would like to move that business to this location. Zoning and Physical Characteristics This property is zoned B-2DT Business - Downtown with approximately 150 feet of frontage on Main Street and approximately 100 feet of frontage on 6th Street. The property is predominately a level, paved parking lot with a retaining wall on the south side and a traditional service station building with a pump canopy in front. The surrounding area is, also, zoned B-2DT Business with a business building to the east, a vacant lot and attorney's office to the south, a church to the west and a vacant residential property, Post Office and probation office to the north. The Future Land Use Map shows this area as business use. There is water and sewer service to this site. Discussions/Considerations Auto sales and service is not listed as a permitted use in the B-2DT Business Zone, however, a special exception permit for auto sales was issued to Mr. Steve Hill in June 2013, and uses prior to that had automobile service and auto parking on the property. The aerial photographs taken around 2011 showed 11 vehicles on the property, and there could have been several under the canopy. For the previous special exception, Mr. Hill indicated that he could have 18-25 used vehicles on the lot for sale. Ms. Porterfield has not detailed any plans for the facility, but it could be expected that similar numbers of vehicles could be for sale on the lot. One of the previous concerns expressed by the representatives of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was parking on ath Street. There have, also, been concerns expressed in regard to keeping the lot in an orderly and neat condition, mirroring The Automotive Connection. Searching for viable businesses for the downtown has become a major emphasis of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated (OWl), and this could be an appropriate use for this property, if similar to The Automotive Connection. Should there be no opposition, the Planning Commission may want to consider this use versus having another vacant building and lot downtown. Should the Planning Commission be interested in granting the special exception permit, the following safeguards may be appropriate: 1. The special exception permit be limited to Ms. Carla Porterfield only. 2. Vehicles needing repair are not to be parked on the property. 3. All auto maintenance work be performed elsewhere, other than on-site washing and cleaning of the vehicles for sale. 4. The exterior of the facility and lot be maintained in a clean, neat and appropriate manner. 5. Employee parking be limited to the lot. 6. Service and towing vehicles not be permitted on the site or on the rights-of-way. 7. Changes to the exterior of the building, the canopy and the signs be approved by the Board of Architectural Review and the Design Committee of OWl. G:\PLANCOMM\Staff Reports\Staff Report Special Exception for R&C Auto Sales and Service in B2DT Zone Oct. 2014.docx TOWN OF WYTBBVILLB APPLICATION FOR SPBCIAL BXCBPTION PB~T Name of Applicant: Mailing Address of Phone Number of Applicant: I (We) the above named applicant(s) exception permit in the ().~...J.. D \ request the issuance of a special Bu5i W\._C._<i.$ is located on the side of zoning district. The property .5~;5\.,je_>.\-- ~'f\, S'k~c+-- Street between Street and ------------------Street more specifically described as lot of subdivision (or block). The explanation of the use which is proposed in this zoning district is as follows: Pre.- at.-Une) Ma Sa_le_s ( A4v ~~xe"~ tJd~\~-es..Y The owners of the above described property are as follows: [ I&] Same as applicant [CJ Other - Provide Information Name: Address: Phone: If property owner is other than the applicant, describe the relationship (i.e., have option on land, legal counsel, etc.). Describe the intended purpose of the request and the improvements which are proposed for this parcel of property if the special exception permit is issued. £ s2J I 9-w--ruJL ~ d'~ (We) certify the above information is true and correct. Date INTERNAL USE ONLY Date application received: Reference Section of the zone. Future Land Use Zoning designation: Publication dates for public hearings: Planning Commission: and Town Council: and ----------------------------- Date request was presented to Planning Commission: Date request was presented to Town Council: Date public hearing conducted by Planning Commission: Date public hearing conducted by Town Council: Date Permit granted Attachments Town Manager Date ] or denied [ Porterfield Special Exception Pennit < ~ s..a;: _::&:-..:._ ~ .:J _ -·" _. < ..~ v e I ,7 ~ ,··~<'·. ' . ~ . . ""''·" ".> 'v ·,'\<~-~,, ·.•'/ Parcel Boundanes ·, -"'~:' ....\ . "'"'. ·.. ./ ' /~ ' ' ',, ./ ~o'- / , / .:.~0~ .t:' / '/r _/I·II , / / / ,/ ',, ',, v .. ~, . . P. I .:' \. ·. ".::_.....". f!:, / :~\ . \>, . . '\,· . . ~· ) .,~ y / ' / . ,. ,. ' ', ...., ,. '" / ~ ' ••• ' .::; 'f . . '.;: ' ~ . ' .....,.1-"\' ( ' iili ,A,.,- ~'\,, '-,._,_ ~- . ' ' -. ~~; ~· / j ' . ,; ,-/:; •. · ':/ ,. ' / ·/ ·/ '/ < ,r· '/'" ....... , ... ./ ·>\.... , / /:.., ,. / ..1"'-;A' / ~-·::-0 .. .. 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The Town of Wyttltv1lle uses the most current and complete data available However GIS data and product accuracy may vary GIS data and products may be developed from sources of dlffenng accuracy accurate only at certain scales based on model1ng or 1nterpretat1on lncomp4ete whHe belng created or reviSed etc The Town of Wytheville reserves the nght to correct update modrty or replace GIS products without not1f1Cat10n The Town of Wytheville cannot assure the accuracy completeness rekabdil:y or sun:abdlt)' of th1s .nformahon for an~ part1cu1ar purpose Using GIS data for purposes other than those for "WhiCh they were created may yteld 1naccurate or m1sleadmg results The rec•PJent rna~ neither assert any propnetary nghts to this nformat1on nor represent a: to anyone as other than Tolt\n GO'rernment.produced information The Town of Wytheville shaU not be hab~ for any act1vrty 1nvohn~ thiS informatiOn wrth respect to lost profits lost sa ... ,ngs or an~' other consequenttal / / ' / .., \' ® ~~ AGENDA INFORMATION PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No. 2. Self-Service Storage Facilities A public hearing has, also, been scheduled to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to add the definition for a Self-Service Storage Facility and to add the use to the M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Districts. To date, Town staff has received no comments regarding these amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Self-Service Storage Facilities Staff Report Background At the last Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission decided to add the definition for "Self-Service Storage Facility" and this use to the M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts in the Zoning Ordinance and to advertise a public hearing in regard to these changes. Town staff had crafted a definition for "Self-Service Storage Facility," which was obtained from several compendiums of zoning terms and from other localities. The definition compiled is as follows and is proposed to be added to the "Definitions" section of the Zoning Ordinance, Paragraph 3-71A.1. It reads as follows: Definitions 3-71A.1 Self Service Storage Facility: A building consisting of individual, small, selfcontained units that are leased or owned for the storage of business or household goods or contractors' supplies. Discussion and Considerations Over the past 10 years, there have been a number of self-service storage facilities developed in Wytheville. The construction/development of these facilities has generally consisted of long, single story, metal buildings with metal garage door openings. Usually, the surface around the complex has consisted of asphalt paving or gravel, surrounded by chain-link fence and several chain-link gates, with fairly intense dusk to dawn lighting for security. The appearance projected by these developments is certainly an industrial one. At present, there is not a separate definition for "Self-Service Storage Facility," and the assignment of this use has been broadly interpreted, allowing this "industrial" appearance to be constructed in some areas in close proximity to residential and commercial areas. It was staff's recommendation, and the Planning Commission's opinion, that these areas should, as a priority, be limited to industrial areas. Therefore, the Planning Commission has suggested that the ordinance only permit a "Self-Service Storage Facility" in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Zoning Districts. G:\PLANCOMM\Staff Reports\Staff Report self-service storage facilites Nov. 2014.doc do not produce objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, gas, waste, or the like. 39 3-69 REQUIRED OPEN SPACE: Any space required in any front, side or rear yard. 3-70 RESTAURANT: Any building in which for compensation, food or beverages are dispensed for consumption on the premises, including, among other establishments, cafes, tea rooms, confectionery shops, or refreshment stands. 3-71 RETAIL STORES AND SHOPS: Buildings for display and sale of merchandise at retail or for the rendering of personal service, (but specifically exclusive of coal, wood and lumber yards), such as the following, which will serve as illustration: drug store, newsstand, food store, candy shop, milk dispensary, dry goods and notions store, antique store and gift shop, hardware store, household appliance store, furniture store, florist, optician, music and radio store, tailor shop, barber shop and beauty parlor. 3-71A SATELLITE DISHES/DISH ANTENNAS: Dish shaped structures for the reception of satellite broadcasts for television predominantly for private residential use or any dish shaped antenna for receiving broadcasts. 49 3-71A.1 SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY: A building consisting of individual, small, self-contained units that are leased or owned for the storage of business and household goods or contractors' supplies. 3-718 SEMI-TRAILER: A freight trailer that when attached is supported at its forward end by the fifth wheel device of the truck tractor, which shall include 31 Ill - DEFINITIONS 12-1.59 Signs permitted under Chapter 21 of this Ordinance regulating outdoor advertising. 24 12-1.60 Off-street parking as required by this Ordinance. 12-1.61 Telecommunications Towers as regulated by Article XXII. 49 12-1.62 Indoor archery range 78 12-1.63 Indoor shooting range 78 12-1.64 Brewery79 12-1.65 Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro79 12-1.66 Distillery; Distillery, Alcoholic Beverage 79 12-1.67 Winery or Vineyard 79 12-1.68 Self-service storage facility 12.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITTED USES 12-2.1 Before a building permit shall be issued or construction commenced on any permitted use in this district, or a use permit issued for a new use, the plans, in sufficient detail to show the operations and processes, shall be submitted to the zoning administrator for study. Modifications of the plans may be required. 12-2.2 Permitted uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building or within an area enclosed on all sides by a solid masonry wall, a uniformly painted solid board fence or an evergreen hedge not less than six (6) feet in height, provided that a chain link fence with a minimum height of six (6) feet may be used, if the space viewed through the fence is not 6 XII - INDUSTRIAL M-1 13-1.37 Off-street parking as required by this Ordinance. 13-1.38 Telecommunications Towers as regulated by Article XXII. 49 13-1.39 Indoor archery range 78 13-1.40 Indoor shooting range 78 13-1.41 Brewery 79 13-1.42 Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro 79 13-1.43 Distillery; Distillery, Alcoholic Beverage 79 13-1.44 Winery or Vineyard 79 13-1.45 Self-service storage facility 13-2 PROHIBITED USES In the M-2 District, no lot, building or structure shall be used, erected, reconstructed or altered which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any of the following specified purposes: 13-2.1 Starch, glucose, or dextrene manufacture, horn processing, shell processing, except from cleaned shells; the curing, tanning or dressing of raw or green salted hides or skins. 13-2.2 Fertilizer manufacture from organic material or the compounding of such fertilizers on a commercial scale; the preparation on other than an incidental scale of exterminators, disinfectants, cattle dips, insecticide or serums. 13-2.3 Bleaching powder, ammonia or chlorine manufacture. 13-2.4 Coal tar manufacture or tar distillation except as by-products or as incidental to the manufacture of gas for public distribution, the manufacture of gas for 4 XIII - INDUSTRIAL M-2 AGENDA INFORMATION RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOWN COUNCIL Item No. 1. Porterfield Special Exception Permit It will now be necessary for the Planning Commission to make a recommendation to the Town Council regarding the request of Ms. Carla Porterfield for a special exception permit to operate an auto sales business at 385 West Main Street (former Houseman's Citgo building). AGENDA INFORMATION RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOWN COUNCIL Item No. 2. Self-Service Storage Facilities It will, also, be necessary for the Planning Commission to make a recommendation to the Town Council regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance to include the definition of a selfservice storage facility and to list the use in M-1 Industrial and M-2 Industrial Districts. AGENDA INFORMATION OTHER BUSINESS Item No. 1. Review of Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and Rules for Addressing the Planning Commission Please find enclosed the Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics and the Rules for Addressing the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission has had a Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics in place for several years. The Code of Conduct is the same as in the past, however, Town staff researched other Codes of Ethics and found a more detailed, modern version, and it is enclosed for the Commission's review and approval. The Rules for Addressing the Planning Commission is a new document, and it mirrors the rules used during the Town Council meetings. If the Planning Commission finds these documents acceptable, Town staff would ask that they be adopted for use by the Planning Commission. CODE OF CONDUCT Town of Wytheville Planning Commission RECOGNIZING THAT PERSONS HOLDING A POSITION OF PUBLIC TRUST ARE UNDER CONSTANT OBSERVATION, AND RECOGNIZING THAT MAINTAINING THE INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY OF THE PUBLIC OFFICE IS ESSENTIAL FOR MAINTAINING HIGH LEVELS OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN OUR INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT, EVERY MEMBER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLEDGES TO ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING CODE OF CONDUCT. 1. Regularly attend all scheduled meetings of the Planning Commission as well as special or called meetings relevant to the office. 2. Prepare for each meeting. 3. Create a positive environment in meetings of the Planning Commission. 4. Maintain an attitude of courtesy and consideration toward colleagues, citizens, and staff during all discussions and deliberations. 5. Allow citizens, colleagues, and staff sufficient opportunity to present their views, within the prescribed rules for conduct of meetings of the Planning Commission. 6. Avoid the use of abusive, threatening, or intimidating language or gestures directed at colleagues, citizens, or staff. 7. Avoid comments, body language, or distracting activity that conveys a message of disrespect and lack of interest. 8. Respect all local, state, and federal laws, rules, and other regulations. 9. Submit completed financial disclosure forms to the Clerk of the Town of Wytheville and/or the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council by the specified deadline. 10. Publicly acknowledge the adopted position when asked about a decision of the Planning Commission. The performance of the Planning Commission and Planning Commissioners in meeting this Code of Conduct is affirmed by the following signatures: (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) G:\PLANCOMM\Miscellaneous\CODE OF CONDUCT 2014.doc CODE OF ETHICS Town of Wytheville Planning Commission IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR DESIRE TO CONDUCT PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS WITH THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT, WE HEREBY ADOPT THE FOLLOWING CODE OF ETHICS. THE PLANNING PROCESS MUST CONTINUOUSLY PURSUE AND FAITHFULLY SERVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST. THEREFORE, AS PLANNING PROCESS PARTICIPANTS, COMMISSIONERS WILL: 1. Recognize the rights of citizens to participate in planning decisions. 2. Strive to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of disadvantaged groups and persons. 3. Assist in the clarification of community goals, objectives and policies in plan making. 4. Strive to protect the integrity of the natural environment and the heritage of the built environment. 5. Pay special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions and the long-range consequences of present actions. AS PLANNING PROCESS PARTICIPANTS, COMMISSIONERS WILL CONTINUOUSLY STRIVE TO ACHIEVE HIGH STANDARDS OF INTEGRITY AND PROFICIENCY SO THAT PUBLIC RESPECT FOR THE PLANNING PROCESS WILL BE MAINTAINED. THEREFORE, AS PLANNING PROCESS PARTICIPANTS, COMMISSIONERS WILL: 1. Exercise fair, honest and independent judgment in their roles as decision makers and advisors. 2. Make public disclosure of all personal interest regarding any decision to be made in the planning process in which Commissioners serve, or are requested to serve. 3. Define "personal interest" broadly to include any actual or potential benefits or advantages that Commissioners, a spouse, family member or person living in their household might directly or indirectly obtain from a planning decision. 4. Abstain completely from direct or indirect participation as a decision maker in any matter in which a Commissioner has a personal interest and seek the advice of Town counsel when unsure if a personal interest exists, and not participate in any decision if advised by Town counsel that such participation will violate any existing statute, rule or regulation. 5. Publicly disclose at the hearing on the matter any ex parte communications with applicants, other Commissioners, members of the public or lobbyists and state the nature of such ex parte communications. 6. Maintain an open mind, and base official decisions only on that evidence presented at the hearing on the matter and not rely on any evidence obtained outside the public hearing. 7. Seek no gifts or favors, nor offer any, under circumstances in which it might reasonably be inferred that the gifts or favors were intended or expected to influence a participant's objectivity as an advisor or decision maker in the planning process. 8. Not use confidential information acquired in the course of a Commissioner's duties to further a personal interest. 9. Not misrepresent facts or distort information for the purpose of achieving a desired outcome. 10. Not participate in any matter unless adequately prepared and sufficiently capacitated to render thorough and diligent service. G:\PLANCOMM\Miscellaneous\CODE OF ETHICS 2014.doc RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE WYTHEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION In an effort to assure that everyone who wants to speak to the Planning Commission is heard, the following restrictions will be imposed: 1. Comments will be limited to five (5) minutes. 2. Anyone, whether speaking to the Planning Commission or not, may submit additional information to the Commission in written form. 3. Everyone's comments are important to the Planning Commission, and everyone should respect each person's right to speak. To that extent, no clapping, booing, whistling, etc. will be permitted during or after any speaker. Persons who do not conform to this standard will be asked to leave the meeting. 4. All speakers should make their comments relevant to the issue at hand. Redundant and irrelevant remarks may be a cause for the Chairperson to so note this and ask the speaker to yield the remaining portion of his/her time. 5. It would be appreciated if speakers do not repeat remarks of other speakers. G:\FORMSLET\RULES FOR ADDRESSING PLANNING COMMISSION.docx AGENDA INFORMATION OTHER BUSINESS Item No. 2. Dispensing with December Meeting It has been customary in the past to dispense with the meeting in December, due to the Christmas holidays. G:\PLANCOMM\AGENDA.INF\2014\AGENDA INFO 111314.doc COUNCIL ACTION LETTER Staff Assignments and Information October 13, 2014 Number 381 STAFF ASSIGNMENTS ACTIONS TAKEN OR DISCUSSED 1. Approved the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 2014; the request of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Teams for issuance of a raffle permit for 2014; the request of the George Wythe High School Department of Music to conduct a 5K Run on Sunday, October 19, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.; the request of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated to conduct a 5K "Zombie" Run on Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 3:00p.m.; and, the request of the Community Food Kitchen to conduct a 5K Run on Friday, November 28, 2014, at 9:00a.m. 1. Town Clerk- advise by letter 2. Upon recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee, consensus of the Council to deny the request made by the Genealogical and Historical Association for the exemption from real estate taxes. 2. Town Manager- advise by letter 3. Upon recommendation of the Public Works Committee, adopted a resolution supporting an application to the Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program for $1, 146,225.40 for improvements to East Main Street and authorizing the Town Manager to execute project agreements. 3. Town Manager- submit application COUNCIL ACTION LETTER Staff Assignments and Information Number 382 October 27, 2014 STAFF ASSIGNMENTS ACTIONS TAKEN OR DISCUSSED 1. Approved the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 2014, and the request of the Fort Chiswell High School After Prom for a special exception facility use permit for their After Prom Celebration to be held at the Recreation Center on May 2 and 3, 2015. 1. Town Clerk- advise by letter 2. Approved the request of the Wythe County Community Hospital Auxiliary for issuance of a raffle permit for 2014. 2. Town Clerk- advise by letter 3. Upon recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee, adopted the Personal Property Tax Relief Act percentage at 58.97 percent. 4. Upon recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee, adopted a resolution establishing the design and construction of the remaining phases of the Heritage Walk Project. 4. Town Clerk- forward to VDOT 5. Upon recommendation of the Public Works Committee, adopted a resolution regarding the Smyth Wythe Airport Commission. 5. Town Clerk- forward a copy to other funding localities
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