V ISION Page 8 Novembe r 2014 The S AT E L L I T E B E AC H U N I T E D METHODIST CHURCH 450 Lee Avenue Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Vision Where there is no Vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 Address Service Requested Monthly Mailer Vis ion on November 2014 Everyone is catching the fever!! Ask about how you can be a part of a LifeTogether home group. New groups are now forming. Don’t be left out of this exciting ministry. Call the Church Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY makes Satellite Beach United Methodist Church a more caring place. UPCOMING NEWSLETTER DEADLINES The Vision newsletter deadline is on the following dates listed for each month. Coming up... November 14 is the deadline for December December 12 is the deadline for January January 16 is the deadline for February Please email all news items to [email protected], or drop it in the newsletter envelope in the church office. As always, your input is both welcome and appreciated! More Information about SBUMC OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Mon.– Thurs. 8:30 am-Noon, Friday OFFICE PHONE: (321) 777-0116 FAX: (321) 777-6772 EMAIL: [email protected] W EB SITE: www.sbumc.net SUNDAY W ORSHIP SERVICES: 9:00 am - Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES: 9:45 am 10:10 am Our Church Staff Dr. Joe Jursa Mary Williams Eric Ruoff Mark Maslin Georgia Garrett Madelyn Belt Kyle Henderson Susan Siemer Senior Pastor Children’s Ministry Praise Team & Youth Choral Director Senior Ministry Bookkeeper Office Administrator Preschool Thanksgiving falls at such a wonderfully strange time of the year. On election years, it is right after we have finally stopped the political ads about this year’s candidates and elected our next set of leaders. I am truly thankful that the season of political ads is finished and sometimes thankful for the new leaders elected. (Mostly I just wish we had better choices from which to choose.) Thanksgiving is the week before Advent Season—the beginning of the Christian year and the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. Advent was originally intended to acknowledge that God had given us a bountiful harvest—enough to last through the oncoming winter. Any time earlier would be in the middle of the harvest time somewhere in the country. For the church, Thanksgiving falls at the best possible time because it is the close of our year, and we can truly remember all God has done this year. We had a great winter with numerous people coming to the Cantata and Christmas Eve services. Lent led us toward Easter and the resurrection of Christ with great services held with the community at the sunrise. We had over 1500 between the three services in Satellite Beach. That is almost a tithe (1/10th) of the population between the causeways. The church has seen new members join and our worship lively and passionate. There were children’s and youth programs all year Satellite Beach United Methodist Church long that helped our youth and children draw closer to God. There is a is greater understanding Where there no Vision, the peopleand love for God among our young members as a result of the perish. many programs and gathering opportunities they have shared. Several adults have spoken about their own spiritual growth during this year as we concentrated on stewardship. This month, at the close of our Church year, we will pause with the rest of the country and give thanks that our loving God has extended to us over the year past. In the midst of all of this, there are the purely personal things that have happened. We have celebrated graduations and births. We have mourned the passing of loved ones. Some have found new work following a lay off. We have celebrated milestone birthdays and anniversaries. And God has been present each and every day in our lives. Maybe the greatest thanksgiving should be that God has allowed our eyes to be open to see His handy work within our lives. There may be some who come to Thanksgiving Day wondering why we should pause at all to thank anyone. But the grace of knowing Jesus reminds us of the love of God extended toward us in so many ways. I hope your Thanksgiving Day this year is filled with family and friends and all the things that will help you remember just how loved you are by God this year. Happy Thanksgiving. May you find a new depth in your thanksgiving to God who loves you. Dr. Joe Page 2 November 2014 V ISION Please remember to pray for the needs in our church body and community. In our weekly worship bulletin, you will find recently occurring prayer concerns. A Look At Our Faithfulness September 2014 The following prayer concerns are of a more ongoing basis. Men and women of our armed forces: *Rob Bird, *Jason Borondy, Ben Brown, Brian David Dice, *Chuck Fischer, James E. Harris IV, *Zach Heim, *Bill Intille, Sean Keane, Craig Lambert, Vance Lambert, Patrick Miller, Jeff Peppers, Justin Peppers, Andrew Peppers, Blake Rogers, Mike Taylor, Hanz Welo, Connor Whitson. Missionaries: John & Lynn Lehn; Croatia; Kathy Harris, Moscow; Jim, Kathy, Stephen and Hillary Mehl, Salvador; Pastor Maikel, Mir Iglesia Metodista in Cuba; Larz & Karen, Asia; and Bobby & Katie Hamlett in Thailand. All storm and natural disaster victims throughout the world. Prayers of Concern: Johnny Adair, James Allen, *Bruce Bodin, Larry Booth, Roy Carr, *Fran Darnell, *Floyd Denney, Earl Hayes, *Emery Jones, *Gloria Keys, *Linda & Rich Krebs, *Joyce Marks, *Sandra McCoy, *Harry Maxwell, James Miles, * Gene Mill, *Jewell Mitchell, *Mickey Mutter, Helen Patterson, David Pieschel, Sandy Rowse, Kim Ruoff, Caroline Siemer, *Velma Smith, *Tommie Spessard, *Doris Tantum, Donna Taylor, Gloria Tribou,*Mary Lou Tutt Long Term Care: Life Care Center, Melbourne - Caroline Siemer; Life Care Center, Palm Bay - Harry and Donna Maxwell; Emeritus Marilyn Koss; Century Oaks - Bill Yeager; Palm Bay Home – Geneva Yeager *denotes church family Month-to Date Budget Required $ 38,615.40 $ 376,500.15 Budget Received 40,257.79 397,468.47 Variance $ 1,642.39 $ 20,968.32 Extra Mile Giving - Missions Miscellaneous Missions $ 221.00 Children’s Home $ 365.00 Croatia Mission $ 260.00 Thailand Mission $ 50.00 Good Samaritan $ 343.00 Cuba Missionaries $ 450.00 Cuba General Fund $ 218.10 Potato Project $ 974.00 Total Missions Dream-Fellowship Hall Upgrade Capital Improvements TOTAL The sympathy of the congregation is extended to: Donations have been made to the TREE OF LIFE fund in memory of: Lori and Dan Chaulk and family on the death of Lori’s mother, Shirley True who passed away October 3, 2014. WAYNE SLOSSER: by Tom and Juliette Yearty, Emerald Isle Neighbors , Jim and Jean Tate, and Charles and Inge Holland. CONGRATULATIONS!! to our very own Andrea Smith who was selected as the Teacher of the Year at DeLaura Middle School. HERE WE GO AGAIN! Time to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 2 at 2:00 am. If you’re not up that late, be sure to set it back before you go to bed! Year to Date V ISIO N November 2014 Page 7 October was Community Helper Month and we had lots of visits from parents and local community helpers. Satellite Beach Police Officer Greta came to visit with her car and the students got to talk on the police car loud speaker. She brought the 911 phone to each classroom, and the children learned how to dial 911. The Satellite Beach Fire Department came with an engine that had a ladder truck, which was very exciting as the children watched it extend the bucket up high and then rotate it around. The students got to walk through the truck and engine and get a close up look at the tools. All the classes visited the Pumpkin Patch with Miss Mary, picked out little pumpkins and played fall games. During November we will learn about food, nutrition, farms and how to be thankful for what God has provided, For more info on the preschool visit www.sbumc.net/preschool. We are happy to give tours of our school to parents interested in enrolling their student, just call me. Susan Siemer, Preschool Director 777-016, X223 $ 2,881.10 $ 910.00 $ 125.00 $ 3,916.10 A PEW BIBLE has been donated to the church in memory of: ESTELLA LANE: by the New Horizon Circle A donation has been made to the HANDYMAN MINISTRY in honor of: FLOYD DENNEY and RON COUNTRYMAN: by Thelma Witzleb Is there someone who has touched your life whom you would like to remember with a gift, either in their memory or in their honor? We publish the information in the Vision and a card will be sent to the family informing them or your donation. You may designate any ministry in the church as the recipient of your gift. Fire Department with Ladder Truck Police Department visits Preschool DINING OUT in NOVEMBER SUNTREE CAFÉ at 718 S. Patrick Drive looks forward to hosting SBUMC in November. Donna and her staff always treat us well and the food is always delicious. They were the second restaurant to support our Dining Out Program which started in 2007. Their hours are: every day from 7 am to 2pm. On Friday night they serve delicious New England Seafood from 4 to 8 pm. Remember to tell your server that you are from the church and sign SBUMC on your bill. Give Donna a “hi or a hug” and thank her for always inviting us back and being generous to us by giving SBUMC a 10% discount every day of the week. A reminder that Beachside Grille on A1A will give SBUMC 10% of your bill every time you eat there and write SBUMC on your bill. Thank you for supporting this fund-raising program/ministry for our Fellowship Hall. This sure is a fun way to raise money, don’t you agree? Page 6 VISION V ISION Novembe 2014 Novemberr 2014 Christmas is Coming! Remember that our Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back to the church by Sunday, November 9. We take them to a central location where they will be shipped to children in need. Thanks so much for your help in spreading the joy of Christ around the world. For those of you making your Christmas lists early this year for family and friends, consider giving them a gift from our Alternative Christmas Market. This year we will be “selling” mosquito nets for UMCOR’s Imagine No Malaria initiative and a variety of items, including animals, tools, and educational materials from Church World Service. We will have cards available so that you can notify the recipient of the gift given in their name. The Mission Committee will be in the lobby in December with information on these worthy causes. FOCUS ON CUBA Cuba is a third-world country, with no reliable infrastructure or clean water. No one starves, but many experience hunger. Despite the physical difficulties, the country is alive for Christ! There are currently 384 Methodist churches, and hundreds more Missions, in Cuba, with an annual growth rate of 10%. Although we have 683 Methodist churches in the Florida Conference, only 186 have adopted a sister church. Just to illustrate some of the problems they face, our Pastora Elizabeth is suffering from foot fungus. She was prescribed a medicine, but the pharmacy could not mix the compound she needed because they had "run out of their electricity allotment" for the month! Pastor Rafael has been trying to build a new church in Buenanoche with the help of his sister church in Oviedo, but has run into many roadblocks trying to locate a source for the building materials he needs. The police have come to his home twice, conducting a thorough search, with no explanation, thoroughly scaring his wife and kids. Finally they told him they were looking for proof that his building materials were illegal. He was able to produce records and receipts to show otherwise. The motorcycle we provided for Pastor Maikel has been an immeasurable blessing in his work, allowing him access to all of the missions; however, it constantly needs work and parts which are often next to impossible to find. Daily life is a constant challenge. To try to alleviate some of the difficulties they face, to free them up to do the Lord's work rather than the daily struggle, we provide some financial support to our sister church, as well as some needed material goods. Once a year, we send money to Pastor Maikel so that the church can provide a Christmas "feast" for the people of Mir Methodist. If you are able to help with this worthy Mission, please contribute to the Cuba Ministry, account #1020. And, as always, please keep them in your prayers. Rest assured they are ever faithful to pray for their brothers and sisters of SBUMC! V ISIO N November 2014 S W E N R SENIO for the RETREAT TO EPWORTH BY THE SEA We had a delightful time October 13 -16, 2014 at Epworth By The Sea, on St. Simons Island, Georgia. This was my fourth year attending, and it was just as breathtaking as it was the first time I went. Georgia Garrett Beyond 50 Ministries— ReFired Servant I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 Our study “Seedtime and Harvest: Growing in the Spirit” started with Bishop Ivan M. Abrahams, from South Africa. Bishop Abrahams is the General Secretary of the World Methodist Council. He spoke about how he planted the Christian seed in Africa and watched the people grow in their faith. He also talked about our being good Christians and taking care of the environment. Then we had a very uplifting experience as we helped Bishop Richard Looney plan his funeral. The closing speaker was Rev. Gina Campbell, Director of Worship at the Washington National Cathedral, who spoke about Christ planting a seed in her when she was young, and that was how she rose to where she is today. r e b em r v o N enda Cal St Marks United Methodist Church would like to extend to the congregants of SBUMC and their families and friends an invitation to a special Grief Share event called “Surviving the Holidays.” It will be held in the Fellowship Hall at St. Marks from 10:00 to 12:00 on Saturday, November 15. There will be a cost of $10.00 at the door. A houseparent at the Florida United Methodist Children's Home wrote, "Here at FUMCH we try our best to understand the pain, the disappointment and frustration, the loneliness, the anger, the heartache, the brokenness of the human spirit and the mental anguish that our residents sometime experience as they enter the healing process at this Sanctuary of Hope...God understands what empathy means...He really does." On October 2, 2014, some of the ladies in our church visited and toured the FUMCH. We were all very impressed with the campus, the programs and opportunities available for the children residing at the home, as well as the caring, friendly, professional attitude of the staff with whom we had contact. If you wish to visit this wonderful facility, you may call the FUMCH and schedule a tour. A resale shop benefiting the FUMCH had their grand opening on October 15, 2014. It is located at 2460A South Volusia Avenue in the Four Townes Shopping Center, Orange City, Florida. It is a new opportunity for churches, groups and individuals to support the FUMCH with donations of items to sale and by purchasing items on sale. The FUMCH has a goal of providing each child at their facility $150.00 in gift cards for Christmas. They are requesting that we purchase gift cards from Visa, Master Card, American Express, Target, Wal-Mart, or any major retail store in increments of $10.00, $20.00, or $25.00. All gift cards should arrive at the children's home before December 8, 2014. Please note that our final fifth Sunday giving to the FUMCH is November 30, 2014. We still need to give $2,769.47 to reach our church's giving goal for 2014. Thank you for your support of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. Page 3 Charlotte Attride, Don Moore, Laverne Warner, Alice Gentile, Georgia Garrett, Lil Moore, (seated) Dr. Evelyn Laycock, Bible Study Leader November 16 John Baker 23 Lillian Moore, Jack Fields 29 Gloria Keys We would like to celebrate YOU! Call the church office (777-0116) to be included in our Celebration Calendar. NOVEMBER 22, 12:45 P.M. COCOA VILLAGE PLAYHOUSE Cocoa Village Playhouse will be producing “Broadway on Brevard” for their 25th season at Cocoa Village Historic Theatre. Their first show is “SHREK” the musical, about an ogre who lived in a far away swamp. His guarded solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of fairy tale characters. They were all banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad. Determined to save their home, Shrek cuts a deal with Farquaad and sets out to rescue Princess Fiona. Rescuing the princess was harder than accepting her deep, dark secret. The play starts at 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 22. Payment of $26.00 for play and transportation due by Wednesday, November 12. We meet at our church and the bus leaves at 12:45 p.m. Dutch treat supper after the show and returning about 7:00 p.m. Page 4 V ISION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 11:30 AM YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON At 1:00 pm, we will hear from Deborah Moyer, dedicated musician and artistic soloist with a life-long passion for violin. Deborah has 19 years of experience and has studied under various world-renowned instructors. She has extensive background in many areas of performing and teaching, including piano and vocal training. Deborah studied for 5 years under former Metropolitan Opera singer Mark Baker. Deborah is Eldon and Iris Moen’s granddaughter. Eldon will be accompanying her as they perform a Christmas program for us. Chef Tony will prepare a wonderful meal for us and the Happy Cookers will make us a fabulous dessert. Reservations are required by Thursday, November 20 or sign up in the church office or call the church office at 777-0116. $8.00 is payable to Georgia, the church office or at the door. CHRISTMAS HOMES TOUR I am looking for 2 more families that would be willing to open their homes for our Christmas Homes Tour in December. If you would consider this, please contact me at 773-5535 and leave a message or let me know at the YAH luncheon. We always look forward to this holiday tour. MARK YOUR CALENDERS AS THE YEAR UNFOLDS December 2 Young At Heart Luncheon ?? Christmas Homes Tour January 2015 20 Young At Heart Luncheon February 4 Surfside Playhouse - ”Guys and Dolls” (Support our Lions Club) 7 Cocoa Village Playhouse - “West Side Story” 17 Young At Heart Luncheon March 17 Young At Heart Luncheon 28 Cocoa Village Playhouse - “My Fair Lady” April 21 Young At Heart Luncheon May 2 Cocoa Village Playhouse – “Fiddler On The Roof” 19 Young At Heart Luncheon November 2014 HANGING OF THE GREENS Is Wednesday, November 19 following a FREE dinner. This will be our last “Heavenly” Wednesday Night dinner for the season. We will eat at 5:30 and start decorating at 6:15. Please join us as we enjoy food, fellowship and Fun adorning our church for the Christmas Holiday. So we can have enough food, please let us know you are coming by signing the “Let’s Connect” card in the bulletin or call the church office at 777-0116 Everyone who enjoys the snacks in the Lobby on Sunday morning (and that’s a lot of people!) would like to thank Dave Clarke for all of the effort he does to bring us such yummy treats! Every week we get treated with the snack cakes, donuts, cookies, etc. that he faithfully brings to the church. Thank you, Dave! You are appreciated! Susie Dyer Thank you for the food before us, Friends beside us, Love among us. I appreciate everyone who helped me and thanks for All the support I received at our Heavenly Wednesday Night Dinners. Susie Dyer On September 20, Daniel Kneessy “Aged Out” of Troop 309 by turning 18. Prior to this, he has earned his third Eagle Palm which was awarded September 29. 29. What this means is that earning the rank of Eagle requires 21 merit badges, in additional to all the positions of leadership and an Eagle project. One Eagle Palm signifies an additional three months of service in leadership, and five additional merit badges—there is a gold, bronze, and silver palm. Daniel has earned all three in his years as a scout and has completed 38 separate merit badges. As always make sure your payment is in 10 days before each activity. Contact me or the church office if you are unable to attend. If I don’t hear from you, I will call the first person on the waiting list. If you are not sure if you have signed up for an activity, check the reservation book in the PLANNING A SPRING VACATION? office or the sign up sheets at the YAH Luncheons. “(God’s) peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians: 4:7 (NIV) Georgia Please prayerfully consider spending a week in late March, on Mission, in the beautiful Appalachian Region of Eastern Kentucky. It will be an experience that will have a profound impact on all who attend. Questions? Contact John Sutherland at [email protected]. November 2014 Camp Son ‘N Fun Topics are: V ISIO N Page 5 Mary Williams, Children’s Director Nov. 2—Overheated Proverb 12:22 “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord but those who act faithfully are His delight.” Nov. 9—Your Name Is Mud 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Nov. 16—Children’s Program/Pancake Breakfast with the Scouts Nov. 23—Charlie Brown and Snoopy will visit us during our annual tradition, “Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” and we’ll assemble a Thanksgiving basket for a needy friend Nov. 30—A Big Hook for Little Tow James 1:4 “Let perseverance finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Camp Son ‘N Fun Info: Camp Son ‘N Fun is held during Sunday School time in the “Far East” wing. An enthusiastically decorated room called Faithland is where most of the Camp Son ‘N Fun adventure is held. We use a variety of techniques to impact the lives of our children I interviewed one of our involved 6 year olds and asked him what he with a Christian message. We study many social issues this was thankful for. His answer surprised me because of the Christian season, using short, expressive maturity. He said, “I’m thankful for God bringing people here (to videos as a springboard. Crafts, SBUMC), and that God and Jesus really exist.” When I asked him snacks and activities round out what the best thing about Children’s Ministry was, he answered, “I’m glad that He made the time we have together. church alive.” What insightful answers! What are you thankful for? I am so thankful to Jesus said, “Let the little children hear answers like those from the children that I serve! I am also thankful for all the other come to me, for the Kingdom of super people that help me in my ministry on a regular basis. God belongs to these . . . . And I’d also like to thank in a BIG way, Patsy Countryman, Debbie Hall and our teens who are He blessed them.” We are here every week to help in Children’s Church. And Thanks to my wonderful, caring Nurse- blessed to be in a relationship ry staff—Georgia Garrett, Amy Lueck! There are so many more to thank, so please “CYH,” with your children! Bring them to us, and they will surely learn Consider Yourself Hugged! about the Kingdom of God!
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