NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE The 3 most important things to teach your child about God By: Becky Rickman Nov 2 Matt 23:1-12 Nov 9 Matt 25:1-13 Nov 16 Matt 25:14-30 Nov 23 Matt 25:31-46 Nov 30 Mark 13:24-37 IN THIS ISSUE Page 2 Pastor Mike’s Article Page 3-6 What’s Happening at Immanuel Page 7 Youth Page 8 Celebrations & Prayers Page 9 Giving Back Page 10 Worship Leaders Page 11 Calendar Page 12 Suggested Readings There are three important truths that children need to learn about God. These truths will help them throughout their lives, particularly when the chips are down and the world looks like an ugly place. There are times when all children feel alone. They question a lot of what they have been taught, but the truths remain within them as something they can later count on. Truth #1: God is their father and wants to see them return home God is the creator and father of their spirits. As our father, He loves them in a perfect way. He has a vested interest in them as our children. They are His spirit offspring and that connection can never be broken. Knowing that when they feel as though their earthly parents let them down, being able to speak to one with perfect, unconditional love for them who promises to always listen and answer their prayers can be the most comforting thing in the world. As with any father, He wants them to learn here and prove themselves and to return to Him honorably. He wants nothing more than to hug His children and tell them how proud He is of the job they did and the lessons they learned. Truth #2. He wants them to learn and to be happy God did not send them here to be miserable. He did send them here to learn, which can sometimes lead to misery through painful lessons. But, in the long run, he wants them to find joy in the learning, and to be grateful for their trials. Knowing they have a "cheerleader" who wants them to be happy and find joy will help them to do so. We can teach them that sometimes tough lessons lead to eternal truths and happiness, and that no hardship is a hardship if they learn from it. Help them learn that He doesn't dispense misery and pain. He roots for them and knows what each of them need to learn to be worthy to return to Him. He wants to see them again in heaven. Truth #3. He gave them lots of tools and resources He didn't just turn them loose in a crazy world without an oar. He provided lots of tools for them. The Holy Spirit can be their constant companion if they are worthy and able to heed His promptings. He gave them scriptures full of life lessons. He provided them with churches to gather with those who have similar beliefs for strength in numbers and support. He gave them prayer and the opportunity to speak with Him any time when they are troubled. Then, knowing the temptations they would face and the frailty of being human, He provided them with a Savior to atone for their sins. No matter what trouble they may find themselves in, there is a way out. They must know this truth so that they don't give up and throw in the towel. There are so many temptations out there — drugs, pornography, alcohol, sex — that will act as a numbing agent when they can't cope. Give these precious children on loan to us the tools they need to be able to navigate rough waters. Give them that oar. Remind them constantly of these tools, and that despair is one of Satan's tools and has no place in their lives. These three truths about our loving God will help children throughout their lives. Teaching them is a privilege and honor. They are simple, true, and unchanging. With a world that changes its teachings at every whim, having that assurance is priceless. Give your kids the gift of faith by teaching them these truths. Retrieved from Living in Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, November is here, as is the cold weather, the snow, the pre Christmas shopping, and many other things that can take our focus and can change our mood. This is nothing new though; there are Christ, many things in the world around us that can have this effect on us. I don’t believe I am alone in this thought either. While listening to the radio I have heard many share their thoughts on how the gen- eral mood of the country has been getting more and more negative. I think November is a good month to turn this around. In November we are blessed with Thanksgiving; a day we can gather together with Loving God’s family and friends, take stock of our life and be thankful for our blessings. We have many blessings and we often take them for granted. The giving of thanks can help change this habit and make us far more aware of how life is truly better than we think. I was told this story a long time ago and it often comes people. to mind at times like this. There was a pastor living in a town and every morning on his way to church he would walk past a little old lady who was always friendly but would look sad. He noticed this every time he passed but didn’t say anything. He noticed it over and over and decided to ask her about it. She answered him by Teaching the saying, “The reason I am so sad is that it is such a nice sunny day. My daughter is an umbrella saleswoman and I know she does poor business on sunny days. I worry on days like this that she makes ends meet.” Well the next day it was pouring cats and dogs and the pastor thought he would finally Word, see a smile on this woman’s face. As he approached he noticed her face again full of worry. Confused he asked her why she was sad on this rainy day. She responded, “Well my other daughter sells sunglasses, and on rainy days I know she doesn’t do good business, so I worry about her making ends meet.” The pastor was stunned. He said, “Ma’am, why don’t you reverse your thinking? If it’s rainy Reaching the why don’t you be happy that your first daughter is selling umbrellas, and when it is not raining be excit- ed that your second daughter is selling sunglasses.” The woman stopped for a second, and started smiling. The pastor saw her everyday after that and she was smiling. world. This is a good month to reverse our thinking and see the amazing blessings that God has surrounded us with. Amen. In Christ, Pr. Michael Neel ALTAR GUILD We will not be meeting in November. Stay tuned for our next get together. RUTH CIRCLE Spend a pleasant afternoon on Tuesday, November 11th, at 1:30 p.m. with the ladies of Ruth Circle in the meeting room at church. This month's Bible study is titled "Transformation Takes Time." For people in the Bible and for Christians today, growth in faith so often takes time. Bible study leader is MaryJo Mott and hostess is Shirley Myre. All ladies are welcome. SERVANT HEARTS CIRCLE We will be meeting on November 20th at 6:30 PM. For more information about Servant Hearts Circle, contact Brenda Corrigan at (630) 553-1525. BUSY HANDS We will be getting together on November 12th at 9:00 AM. If you are interested in serving in this group, please contact Linda Stephens at (630) 553-1854. The ladies have also made beautiful prayer shawls. If you know of someone who could use a prayer shawl, please take one. YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY Join Pastor Mike on Tuesday, November 4th and 18th from 7:30pm-8:30pm for a time of bible study, coffee, and fellowship! We are still looking for a spot. Keep a look out for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! **All Saint’s Sunday is on November 2nd. If there is a person you would like remembered on this day, please turn the information into the office by Thursday, October 30th! Immanuel has committed to covering all bell ringing shifts at both entrances to the Plano Walmart on Saturday, December 6th. Two-hour shifts run from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. The Red Kettle Campaign is a major source of revenue, helping the Salvation Army meet emergency needs for individuals and families - not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. It's a wonderful, fun, charitable opportunity for couples, families, grandparents and grandchildren and teen friends. Make bellringing a part of your family's Christmas tradition - grab a partner and sign up for a two-hour shift! Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the narthex or contact Gena Gerdin at 630-632-4033 or [email protected]. STEWARDSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT On November 9th, in worship, we will be handing out pledge cards & envelopes. We ask the members of the congregation to prayerfully consider their giving for 2015. If they are able to fill out the pledge cards and return them by Sunday, January 4th, 2015 we would appreciate it. Romans 12:5-8 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. 6We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; 7ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; 8the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. ADVENT This year we will again be having Mid-week Advent services on December 3rd, 10th and 17th at 6:00 pm. There will be food and we start worship at 6:30 pm. This year we need volunteers to bring refreshments and serve them at the 6 o‘clock fellowship time. We also need help cleaning up afterwards. There will be a sign up sheet at church. Coming soon... Immanuel’s SAVE THE DATE! Immanuel’s next blood drive will be on February 11th, 2015 from 4 to 7 pm. Note: We would like you to be able to give at the Immanuel Lutheran Church blood drive so please refrain from donating elsewhere after December 12th, 2014. If you donate after the 12th, you will not be able to give blood to Immanuel. THANKSGIVING WORSHIP SERVICE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 7:00PM WELCA THANKOFFERING: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd For more than 100 years, Lutheran women have given thanks to God and dollars to mission through Thankofferings. The idea of collecting donations in small offering boxes goes back to the very early 1800s, when women formed “mite” or “cent” societies to raise money. Mite boxes were given out as fundraising tools to collect pennies for the support of church projects and foreign missionaries. These women-led cent societies, platforms for social activism as well as evangelism in the 19th century, published their own literature, Bible studies and other materials advocating around issues such as child labor, literacy and prison reform. In time, larger missionary and ladies aid societies developed out of this work because there was such an overwhelming demand not only for foreign missionary support but for support at home. These women’s groups funded needs in their local churches as well as local community projects. Their capacity for fundraising was acknowledged and generally welcomed by their congregations. In the Lutheran tradition, the General Synod’s Women’s Home and Foreign Missionary Society created their first Thankoffering service in 1889 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the organization. At that first Thankoffering, $6,100 was collected. Today, Women of the ELCA collects more than $1 million in Thankofferings annually for the ministries and mission of our women’s organization. Luther League The Leaguers had a great time playing BINGO with HIllside residents in October. They can't wait until we return. The Luther League is hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, November 14th. The doors will open at 6pm; movie starts at 6:30pm. The Leaguers will be selling hot dogs, popcorn, nachos, candy, and pop. Bring a pillow, bean bag, lawn chairs, or blankets if you want! We will be kicking off the advent season by watching "The Polar Express." Luther League will have a special activity for the kids. Also on November 30th, the Leaguers will be decorating the church after the 10:30 service. SUNDAY SCHOOL In November we will be finishing up our studies on Isaac and Rebecca and starting to learn about Jonah. November also is our kick off for our fundraiser. We will be selling gift cards. SCRIP: We’re pleased to share some exciting news about a fundraising program for our Sunday School. It’s called “Scrip,” and it’s the fundraising program that works while you shop. We have done this for two years and it has been a great success. Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute money” (gift cards) – in other words, scrip is gift certificates from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift cards/certificates that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our scrip program including JCPenney, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Shell, Pizza Hut, Olive Garden and many more. If you would like to help the Sunday School with this fundraiser, just take the list of participating retailers and an order form and fill in with the gift cards you wish to order and turn it in to Brenda Karales. Send a check made out to Immanuel Sunday School in with the form for the amount of the gift cards. Within 7 to 10 days you should have the gift cards. Gift cards make a great Christmas present. The Sunday School will be placing an order for gift cards two times before Christmas: November 9th and December 7th are the cut off dates—just in time for Christmas! Call Brenda Karales at 553-9251 with any questions. The cards do not cost more that the face value of the card. CELEBRATIONS November Birthdays Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Louis Leonetti Bonnie Hausler Arlene Anderson Bob Heiden Trenton Borneman Diane Hardecopf Nov. 29 Matt Walker Nov. 30 Scott Davis Brittany Strause Nov. 3 Reagan Morgart Kenny Walker Nov. 5 Dave Hughes Nov. 6 Alice Merkel Nov. 7 Kelly Leonetti Nov. 10 Taylin Cox Nov. 14 Carole Butts Sonja Gilbertson Nov. 16 Thomas Strause 17 20 22 25 27 *80 years and older Celebrate your birthday with others! Nov. 1 Roger & Joyce Olson** Nov. 4 Courtney & Steve Andel Nov. 26 Dave & Kathi Dockstader Nov. 28 Glenn & Beryl Borneman** **50 years and over Pray for the safety of all of those who serve their country. Pray for all of those things that we may not be able to give words to, but lay heavy on our hearts. Bring a cake mix and icing for the Kendall County Food Pantry! Pray for: Becky Johnson Berg; Mary Ann Gorham; Betty Larson; Lynn Molitor; Lois Tweedt; family & friends of Earl Worley; Millie Tripp; Glenn Sing; Art Riemenschneider; Cathy Merkel; Louis Kreppert; Russ Hughes; Ronnie Bretthauer; John Nolden; Penny Darnell; Ken Walker; Phil Polizzi; Rich Bergeson and Steve Andel. DID YOU KNOW? Our newsletter can be downloaded from our web site at: Newsletter submissions are always welcome! Please submit all items by the 20th of each month to: [email protected] GIVING BACK IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH YEAR-TO-DATE FINANCIAL REPORT Do you have a couple of hours to spare on Thursday, November 13th to help those in need? If so, sign up on the sheet on the back table and join Pastor Mike and others as they serve at Hesed House’s Clothes Closet from 4:30pm–7:00pm. This ministry provides those less fortunate with necessary clothing items. As always, Hesed House will also receive any clothing donations you may have. — January 1– October 16, 2014 INCOME Operating Fund Income 109,928.11 Parsonage Income TOTAL INCOME 6,600.00 116,528.11 Collections for the Kendall County Food Pantry will be accepted until the last week of November. The pantry accepts all donations of food and necessities —personal products are always a critical need. Grab an “Inasmuch” bag from the back table and fill it with personal products and return it to the table. EXPENSES Benevolence Resolutions 2,747.00 Christian Education 625.37 Church Administration 19,315.99 Parsonage Expenses 2,559.45 Pastoral Services 58,486.14 Property Insurance & Taxes We are on our way to earning a check from Goodsearch! The more people that use to search the web with Immanuel selected as their cause, the bigger our check will be! Immanuel also earns a percentage from online purchases made via Goodshop. Make the switch and help us grow our check. 4,705.15 Repairs & Maintenance 18,816.54 Utilities 28,422.71 Worship & Fellowship TITHES AND OFFERINGS MADE EASY 9,775.18 TOTAL EXPENSES 145,453.53 NET OPERATING INCOME (28,925.42)) NET INCOME (28,925.42) You can now access the online giving page for Immanuel Lutheran Church by scanning the QR code above. Simply scan the QR code with your smart phone (a code reader app is required), and your browser will take you to the online giving area. The online giving page allows you to regularly tithe or make a one-time offering for the operating fund, memorial fund, Sunday school fund, flowers for the altar, missions, and the building fund. OUR STAFF PASTOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MUSIC DIRECTOR MICHAEL NEEL ANA PETRIC MICHELLE SMITH PHONE: (630) 553-5368 PHONE: (630) 553-5368 PHONE: (630) 553 5368 (630) 385.2406 [Emergency] EMAIL: [email protected] Brenda Karales MaryJo Mott 10:30 Parker Dove Dhane Hardecopf Bev Borneman Sandy Collman Beth Hage Trey Ambrose Elizabeth Karales Jane Wallis Bev Borneman Sandy Collman Beth Hage Brittany Stause Dhane Hardecopf Jane Wallis 9:00 10:30 ASSISTING 10:30 MINISTER ACOLYTES Jane Wallis Beth Hage Sandy Collman Bev Borneman David & Kathy Dockstader David & Kathy Dockstader David & Kathy Dockstader 10:30 Terry & Diana Morganegg Terry & Diana Morganegg Terry & Diana Morganegg 9:00 Sharon Hosler Ed Guettler Janet Bretthauer Gena Gerdin Jane Wallis Melanie Karales Matthew Schoot Jane Wallis Evan Borneman Beth Hage Sandy Collman Bev Borneman David & Kathy Dockstader Terry & Diana Morganegg Pat Johnson Stacie Kutzbach Cary & Denise Stevenson Sharon Johnson NOVEMBER 30 Hannah Leonetti Beth Hage Sandy Collman Bev Borneman David & Kathy Dockstader Terry & Diana Morganegg Bev Borneman Kelly Leonetti Calvin & Jane Wallis 9:00 10:30 Lyle & Sharon Hosler Stan & Janet Bretthauer NOVEMBER 23 Duane & Gena Gerdin NOVEMBER 16 Beth & Judy Hage Dwayne & Kay Collman Christopher & Kathy Dove NOVEMBER 9 Jim Follmer 9:00 TIME NOVEMBER 2 COUNTERS 11:30 USHERS READERS GREETERS ROLE November WORSHIP LEADERS •7:30pm | Young Adult Bible Study •9:30am | Sunday School •10:30am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School •9:00am | Worship First Sunday of Advent 30 •10:30am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School •9:00am | Worship WELCA Thankoffering 23 •10:30am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School •9:00am | Worship 16 Baby Shower •10:30am | Worship 24 17 7:00 PM | Thanksgiving Worship 26 No Hesed House Thanksgiving 27 •6:30 PM | Servant Hearts Circle •5:30 PM | Confirmation •7:30pm | Young Adult Bible Study 25 20 19 18 •5:30 PM | Confirmation •4:30pm | Hesed House • 9:00 AM | Busy Hands •1:30 PM | Ruth Circle •7:00 PM | Council Meeting •9:00am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School 13 12 11 10 9 •10:30am | Worship Caring Visits •5:30 PM | Confirmation Caring Visits •9:00am | Worship Thu 6 Wed 5 3 2 Tue 4 Mon Sun 28 21 • 6:00 PM | Family Movie Night 14 7 Fri 29 22 15 8 • 10 AM to 1 PM | Holiday Shoppe & Bake Sale All Saint’s Day 1 Sat SUGGESTED READINGS FOR OCTOBER Nov 1 Psalm 43; Malachi 1:6—2:9; Matthew 23:13-28 Nov 2 Micah 3:5-12; Psalm 43; 1 Thess 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12 Nov 3 Psalm 5; Jeremiah 5:18-31; 1 Thess 2:13-20 Nov 4 Psalm 5; Lamentations 2:13-17; Acts 13:1-12 Nov 5 Psalm 5; Proverbs 16:21-33; Matthew 15:1-9 Nov12 Psalm 63; Joel 3:9-21; Matthew 24:29-35 Nov 13 Psalm 90:1-8[9-11]12; Ezekiel 6:1-14; Revelation 16:1-7 Nov 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46 Nov24 Psalm 7; Esther 2:1-18; 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Nov 14 Psalm 90:1-8[9-11]12; Ezekiel 7:1-9; Revelation 16:8-21 Nov 25 Psalm 7; Esther 8:3-17; Revelation 19:1-9 Nov 15 Psalm 90:1-8[9-11]12; Ezekiel 7:10-27; Matthew 12:43-45 Nov16 Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-8[9-11]12; 1 Thess 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 Nov26 Psalm 7; Ezekiel 33:7-20; John 5:19-40 Nov27 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Zechariah 13:1-9; Revelation 14:6-13 Nov 9 Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 80:1-7, 17-19; Zechariah Nov 17 Psalm 9:1-14; Zechariah 1:7-17; Nov28 Psalm 14:1-9; 1 Thess 4:1-18 Romans 2:1-11 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Micah 2:1Nov 18 Psalm 9:1-14; Zechariah 2:1-5; Nov29 13; Matthew 24:15-31 5:1-4; 1 Thess 5:12-18 Nov30 Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17Nov19 Psalm 9:1-14; Job 16:1-21; 19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Matthew 24:45-51 Mark 13:24-37 Nov 20 Psalm 95:1-7a; 1 Kings 22:1323; Revelation 14:1-11 Nov10 Psalm 63; Amos 8:7-14; 1 Corinthians 14:20-25 Nov21 Psalm 95:1-7a; 1 Chronicles 17:1-15; Revelation 22:1-9 Nov 11 Psalm 63; Joel 3:9-21; 1 Thess 3:6-13 Nov 22 Psalm 95:1-7a; Isaiah 44:21-28; Matthew 12:46-50 Nov 6 Psalm 70; Amos 1:1—2:5; Revelation 8:6—9:12 Nov 7 Psalm 70; Amos 3:1-12; Revelation 9:13-21 Nov 8 Psalm 70; Amos 4:6-13; Matthew 24:1-14 Tech Times Issue 00 Month Year Reprinted from Sundays and, copyright 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress. License #26639.
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