Brant Community Church MINISTRY SCHEDULES Greeting

Brant Community Church
Sermon Notes
November 9, 2014
Series: God’s Way With Us
Nov 9
Week 2 of 5 - 2 Timothy 2:11
Nov 16
What Caused This Verse To Be Said?
But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the
power of God, who has saved us and called us to a
holy life - not because of anything we have done but
because of his own purpose and grace.
2 Timothy 1:8-9
What Core Truth Is Being Expressed?
Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ
Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in
civilian affairs - he wants to please his commanding
officer. Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete,
he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he
competes according to the rules.
2 Timothy 2:3-5
How Is Our Relationship With God Impacted?
If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an
instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the
Master and prepared to do any good work
2 Timothy 2:21
Next Week’s Verse: 1 Peter 2:5
Nov 23
Richard & Anita Hardman,
Bruce & Sandy McBride
Bev McLean, Margaret Mazurek,
Brian & Shirley Rushton
Sean & Dana Houston,
Bev & Greg Guthrie
Nov 9
Nov 16
Nov 23
Becca Young , Valerie Lewicki,
Linda Burnham, Jacob Dureno,
Chloe Watson
Kristina McFadden, Laura Kingston,
Carli Drayson, Natalya Kucharew, Fiona Hawley
Sharlene Huizinga, Lorissa Van Heuval, Tara Wilson,
Meaghan Fleming, Jenna Rafferty
Nov 9
Nov 16
Nov 23
Don Craw
Reg Lewicki
Beth Morris
Nov 9
Nov 16
Nov 23
David Peck, Jeff Young
Nathan Wray, Margaret Mazurek,
Carl Trepanier
Brian Methot, Rob Putt
Nov 2 , 2014
Speaker: Reg Lewicki
Topic: 2 Timothy 2:11
BCC nursery for children under 30 months is in room 103-104
and opens 15 minutes before the start of the service. Children
age 2 1/2 to grade 5 will be dismissed from the main service
after a time of worship and announcements.
Sunday Morning
New? Visiting?
Thank you for joining us today at Brant Community Church. If you drop
by the Welcome Centre at the back of the sanctuary and fill out a
visitors’ card we have a welcome gift for you. If you have any questions,
please feel free to call the office at 519 756–3993 or email
[email protected]
Please join us for coffee before or after the service in the
Attention Men Promise Keepers
November 14-15
See Mike Farr or Keith Wray for more information.
Adult Christmas Banquet
Saturday November 22 Tickets $20.00 each
Proceeds go to Yugo Missions
Community Room (downstairs)
Babies—30 months
Preschool ( 2 1/2—3)
Elementary ( grade 1-5)
Jr High (6-8)
Elevation ( High school)
-room 103/104
-room 102
-room 110
-room 106
-room 202
-room 204
JR & SR Youth Mid Week
Elevation ( High school)
Every Wednesday evening at 7 pm
Contact : Paul Clugston [email protected]
Fusion (Grades 7,8 ) the Jr. Youth program at BCC
Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm
Contact : Paul Clugston [email protected]
Super Moms
Every Wednesday from 9:30—11:00
Bellview School News
The staff are planning a Christmas dinner for their students on
Thursday, December 18th , during the school day.
They need lots of assistance to make it happen and would like to work
with us again this year Staff are organising gifts for needy families at
the school. They have asked if a few of us would be willing to go into
the school and wrap the presents one morning or afternoon. Two great
opportunities to share God’s love at Christmas time! If you are
interested in either of these opportunities please contact Hilary Hawley
for more details.
We have offering boxes located at the front and rear of
the sanctuary for people to place their offerings.
...For God loves a cheerful giver 2 Cor. 9:7
Secret Sister Reveal
Including making compassion meals & oil demonstration
Thursday December 4th
What goes into a shoebox is fun. What comes out is eternal. So true! If
you haven't picked up a shoebox yet, you can still do that today! We
only have one more week to fill them before they have to be back here
at the church! You can bring the filled boxes in and place them on the
Operation Christmas Child table downstairs in the community room. We
need to have them all back to the church by next week, Sunday,
November 16th!
On December 6th, we will be taking a group of 20 to the Operation
Christmas Child warehouse to help prepare the boxes for shipping
overseas. We still have room for 3 more people to join us! If you'd like
to go, please sign up on the signup sheet in the back of the auditorium.
Thanks for being a part of this great ministry to see kid's (and their
family's) lives changed through the love of Jesus!
Check us out on Facebook
Christmas This Year -
Currently seeking people (that’s adults, youth and kids) to build
sets, design costumes, do make-up, operate technology and
support this initiative. Contact Heather Tuttle or Cori Porter for
more details. [email protected] Practice is this Friday at
Offering Update
2014 October Budget
2014 October Offering
2014 November Offering
Budget Surplus for November
$ 27,800
$ 28,110
$ 8,058
$ 670
Steve Bell Concert
Times & Tales from the Journey
Saturday December 13th 7:30 pm
Tickets $15
You can purchase tickets Sunday mornings, at the church office
during the week, Gospel Light House or online
Souper Sunday
Today after church—Potato Bacon or Tortellini Soup
with Kaisers
Suggested donation $5 each or $15 for family
All proceeds go to ministries at BCC