Gton Energimöjligheter för Sverige och Världen Västervik 2015-11-12 Tomas Kåberger Professor of Industrial Energy Policy at Chalmers University of Technology visiting fellow/academy/professor at IAS TU München/IIIEE Lund Univ. / Zhejiang University Executive board chair Japan Renewable Energy Foundation CO2utsläpp i tre ledande regioner 19652014 10 000 7 500 5 000 Total North America Total Europe & Eurasia China 2 500 0 Data from BP Statistical review 2015 3 4 Industriell erfarenhet ger lägre kostnader 17 more cement plants biting the dust Updated: 2014-02-18 02:04 By ZHENG JINRAN in Shijiazhuang (China Daily) Hebei continues with project to cut excess capacity in polluting sectors Work began in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, on Monday on the demolition of another 17 cement factories, two months after the first batch of demolitions to improve air quality. "After the second batch of demolitions is finished in March, we can meet the target of reducing excess capacity three years ahead of schedule, reducing production capacity by 40 percent," said Wang Liang, the mayor of Shijiazhuang. Hebei has been hit by many smoggy days in February, causing serious pollution. On Monday, the air quality index exceeded 200 in the morning. Prof. Clas-Otto Wene, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, 2000 5 Sveriges Bioenergianvändning 1970-2014 150 TWh 100 50 0 197019801990 20002010 • ≈1/3 av använd energi •450 PJ •50 GJ/ capita •1,6 kW/ capita Data: Energimyndigeheten kortsiktsprognos Global vindel-kapacitet 1980-2014 400 GW 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1980 1990 2000 2010 Data från GWEC 120 GW 110 100 Ledande 90 länders 80 70 utveckling 60 50 av vind-el 40 1980-2014 30 20 10 0 1980 199720012005 20092013 Electricity production @ 7,5 m/s 145% 127% China USA Germany Spain India 100% 2002 2010 2,3 2,3 SWT 2,3 - 82 2011 SWT 2,3 DD By courtesy Data GWEC, 2012 2A0ve 14ra ge ce of Anverage ppriri ew wind pcoewoer f 3 201 new wind po w 4 of e ce ce r pri n ge t/ h. Av2era ,35 cenkW kWer h. pow new wind t/ h. 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Are you prepared to benefit from the massive value creation that will come with game-changing shifts in energy and other industries? In this comprehensively researched economic analysis, noted consultant Michael Rogol shows how to rapidly build small and midsize companies into hundred-milliondollar enterprises within a thousand days. If you do not adjust to market conditions, you put your business at substantial risk including possible annihilation. The clock is ticking. The book was published 13 December 2011. A thousand days had passed on September 8th 2014. A ceiling of $106/MWh had been set on the solar electricity price . However, when the project developers started reverse biddi ng, the average price of electricity (for the 1048 MW worth of projects which will see the light of day, pun intended) came down to $89/MWh. That’s very low, lower than what fossil fuels or nuclear can offer. 89 USD/MWh ≈ 65 öre/ 22 kWh 21 Olika energislags bidrag till ökningen av Increasedelproduktionen electricity production 2011-2012 in China i Kina 2013-2014 2013-2014 23 180 160 TWh 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ≈ 0 ≈ −40 −20 −40 175 Fossil Hydro Nuclear Wind Solar Biomass ≈ 15 17 15 ≈ 10 24 Data: (uncertainties fossil biomass remains) Gton CO2utsläpp i tre ledande regioner 19652014 10 000 7 500 5 000 Total North America Total Europe & Eurasia China 2 500 0 25 Data from BP Statistical review 2015 Monatliche Produktion Solar und Wind Energimöjligheter för Sverige och Världen Monatliche Produktion Solar und Wind Jahr 2014 TWh 7,0 6,0 5,0 Västervik 2015-11-12 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 Januar Tomas Kåberger Professor of Industrial Energy Policy at Chalmers University of Technology Legende: Februar Wind März April Mai Juni Juli August Sept. Oktober Nov. Dez. Solar visiting fellow/academy/professor at IAS TU München/IIIEE Lund Univ. / Zhejiang University Executive board chair Japan Renewable Energy Foundation FRAUNHOFER-INSTITUT FÜR SOLARE ENERGIESYSTEME ISE Stromerzeugung aus Solar- und Windenergie im Jahr 2014 Grafik: B. Burger, Fraunhofer ISE; Daten: Leipziger Strombörse EEX 16 Prof. Dr. Bruno Burger 28 Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE Freiburg, den 07.01.2015 © Fraunhofer ISE © Fraunhofer ISE
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