Features & Benefits This log can provide full wave monopole and dipole data even in unconsolidated, low velocity formations Deliverables can be customized depending on the application Operation MPAL is combinable with other services, with multiple conveyance methods available. Specifications Measure This type of log is designed for: Determination of rock mechanical properties, Seismic data correlation, and Azimuthal anisotropy mapping to determine the stress around the borehole It is capable of obtaining an extended range of slowness measurement: 40 – 300 µs/m [or 131 – 984 µs/ft], and provides full acoustic data in both open-hole or cased-hole environments Borehole A p p l i c a t i on s Tool The MPAL is a system consisting of one monopole transmitter, two sets of cross dipole transmitter, and one tetra-pole transmitter along with a total of 32 receivers. It is capable of acquiring data in the following modes: Fullwave monopole—to measure AC24 & TT Inline dipole—to measure P-wave, S-wave and mechanical properties Y, B, P Cross dipole—to measure oriented anisotropy and stress direction Stoneley—to measure Permeability Index Near borehole wavelets Data sets of P-wave, S-wave and Stoneley wave are directly extracted and used in geological evaluation of the reservoir. Length—Active 18m Diameter 90 mm [3.54”] Weight < 290 kg Max. Temperature 175⁰C Max. Pressure 140 MPa [20 kpsi] Min. Hole Diameter 114.3 mm [4.5”] Max. Hole Diameter 533.4 mm [21”] Range 131—984 μs/m ] Accuracy ± 3.28 µs/m Open-hole Logging M P A L — M u l t i - P o l e A r r a y A c o u s t ic L o g
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