WHITFORD CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SPONSORS All material printed in this newsletter is done so in good faith, for the provision of information only. We take no responsibility for the content of, or material available from texts, websites or other sources suggested. We suggest at all times that you investigate further before making any commitment. 5/11/2014 Whitford Catholic Primary School NEWSLETTER Issue No 34 Dear Parents, TERM 4 2014 - DATES TO REMEMBER 5th Nov – Year 6 Girls Night In, 7.00pm 6th Nov - 5R12 Surf Life Saving, 9.00am Over the weekend and during the month of November, the Church throughout the world remembers the HOLY SOULS who have gone before us. At this time, many of us hold in mind the memories of our loved ones and friends who now walk in the presence of God. It is a time for us to think of how they formed us, touched our lives and for many, made us who we are today. 7th Nov – Assembly PP14, 2.15pm Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 10th Nov – Year 1 High Flyers, 1.30pm May they rest in peace. 10th Nov – 2015 Pre Kindy Information Evening Amen 10th Nov – Theatre Sports Incursion (PP – Yr6) 11th Nov – Remembrance Day th 12 Nov – Year 6 to attend Mass 9.00am 12th Nov – Year 6 Boys Night In, 7.00pm 13th Nov – 5H Surf Life Saving, 9.00am 14th Nov – Cricket Carnival – Arena Joondalup 17th Nov - Year 1 High Flyers, 1.30pm 17th Nov – Night of the Notables, 7.00pm 18th Nov – School Board Meeting, 7.00pm 18th Nov – Annual Community Meeting / P&F AGM 7.30pm 19th Nov – Year 5 to attend Mass 9.00am 20th Nov – Year 5H Surf Life Saving, 9.00am 21st Nov – Assembly PP16, 2.15pm 26th Nov – Year 4 to attend Mass 9.00am 26th Nov – Reconciliation – Year 3 to 6, 11.00am 27th Nov – Year 5H Surf Life Saving, 9.00am 27th Nov – Year 6 Italian Lunch 28th Nov – Final Assembly Year 6, 2.15pm 1st Dec – Student Leader Voting Year 5 3rd Dec – Year 3 to attend Mass, 9.00am 4th Dec – Year 5H Surf Life Saving, 9.00am 9th Dec – Christmas Concert, 6.00pm EARLY FINISH, 12noon 10th Dec – Thanksgiving Mass, 1.15pm 10th Dec – Graduation Dinner, 6.00pm 12th Dec – Year 6 Great Escape Excursion 12th Dec – Last Day for Students for 2014 2nd Feb – First Day for Students for 2015 PARISH FEAST DAY th CELEBRATING 40 ANNIVERSARY FAMILY PICNIC What a fantastic evening of fun with our Fright Night Friday Fair last week. I take this opportunity of thanking everyone involved in coordinating and supporting this community based fund-raiser. To the parents, staff and families who opened their wallets on the night, prepared and manned stalls, donated items and energy, cooked and served up a storm and helped clean up, your efforts were truly amazing and very much appreciated. To Nadine Cooperwhite and her team, thank you for your vision, enthusiasm and commitment. Please note that as we ran out of time at the end of the evening to draw our raffles, they will be drawn at our assembly this Friday. LAST CHANCE: If you didn't have a chance to purchase a ticket for the furniture and would like to do so, please either pop into the office on Thursday morning or send $10 in a named envelope with your child for a last chance to purchase. What a fabulous team in Annette Lynch and Denise Gee for organising the Scholastic Book Fair yet again last week. Their love of reading, books and literacy is certainly infectious and such a positive way in encouraging reading amongst our children. Any monies raised is a bonus, with the prime goal being improved outcomes for our children. Thank you to all who helped out and to those who made a purchase. Welcome back to our Year 5 students who spent most of last week at the Point Peron Camp School. I must say there is certainly a buzz of excitement around the place this week as staff and children recount their camp experiences. A huge thank you to the following staff and parents who attended camp – Erin Hannah, Cath Ryan, Adriano D’Adamo, Celeste de Rozario, Craig MacDonald, Theresa Pryce, Heidi Mullen, Barry McCulloch, Seamus McCabe and James Maitland. Mr Andrew Gammon, who has been on secondment to the Kimberley for the past two years, has accepted an Assistant Principal position in Kununurra, commencing January 2015. We congratulate Mr Gammon and wish him well for the future. At this point in time, we are in the process of appointing a replacement teacher and will notify the community once an appointment has been made. SCHOOL BOARD ACM - Board Nominations for 2015 The School Board and P&F ACM will be held on Tuesday 18 November commencing at 7.30pm in the school Library. In accordance with the Board Constitution 3 positions will become vacant on the Board. Being eligible, 2 Board members will re nominate. As our school continues to grow we are looking for different skill sets, in particular skills in accountancy and information technology. However, if you are keen to contribute in any way, you are most welcome to nominate or be nominated. Please contact Tamara McGougan if you need more information. Nomination forms for Board were sent out yesterday, forms for P&F Executive are attached to this newsletter. Nominations are to be returned to school no later than close of business Monday 17 November 2014. As exam time is upon us, may we pray for all our ex students who are currently sitting Year 12 WACE exams. This is a very anxious time for students and families and we pray that they will do as well as they can. I finish with something I read over the weekend – ‘remember that the gate of heaven is everywhere and that God is as available and accessible as the very thing we all do constantly—breathe!’ Many blessings Tamara McGougan PRINCIPAL NEW SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER: 9404 4200 SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER AFTER 11AM MASS ON SCHOOL OVAL NEW ABSENTEE LINE: 9404 4244 TELEPHONE: 9404 4200 FAX: 9401 8090 Email Address: [email protected] Website: http://whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au ASSEMBLY This week’s Assembly will be presented by PP14 and held on Friday, 7th November at 2.15pm in the School Hall. The following students will receive Merit Certificates and a voucher from Baskin-Robbins, Beldon, during this Assembly: Pre-Primary Theo Clohissey Olivia Ienco Quinn Togher Naomie Verheyden Zane Henry Leo Whelahan Sophie Sant Year 1O1, 1H2 & 1D4 Ian Gavriliu Taylor Arundale James Prescott Claire Draper Mya Van Den Beuken Ethan Nicholls Year 2S14 & 2W3 Calum McGonigle Kevin Le-Tran Oceanne Monty Claudia Driver Year 3R7 & 3S8 Sienna Lord Nell Evason Jesse Strutt Xavier Robert Year 4R5 & 4H6 Riley Botes Jack Barrett Sienna Mijacika Ava Moyles Year 5H11 & 5R12 Zac McCulloch Brock Finnegan Arann Salinger Hannah Scattergood Year 6C9 & 6D10 Peter Thorpe Marco Trifelli Emma Maher Mason Stacey CLASS NEWS KINDY We welcome Abby and Xavier Hermann to Kindy A. We had a great night at the Fright Night Fete last Friday. PRE-PRIMARY We were so excited to make milk shakes in our class this week. We even made a huge graph showing what our favourite flavours were. We also made some spectacular hats for Melbourne Cup Day, looking very classy! Year 1 We have been learning about how some things in their environment can change over time and others do not. As part of this learning we have planted a garden – come check it out!!! Year 2 We have been learning about Aboriginal stories and legends from W.A. We have been trying to pronounce some long and complicated Aboriginal terms. It has been a challenge! Year 3 Tomorrow the Year 3’s are excited to begin constructing their Christmas themed board games. Remember to bring your materials! Year 4 We have been looking at the features of product packaging and designing our own. Our next goal is to have fun creating our own advertisements for our product! Year 5 We are all safely back to school after our Point Peron camp. We had a ball!! Year 6 We have been out on our Orientation days and have gotten a taste of what life at secondary school will be like. We are really excited!! P&F NEWS Thank you to all the children and their families who attended the Fright Night last week, by all accounts it was a great night had by all. We are still working on the figures and will hope to have them for you next week but personally I think it was the best fete to date. Thank you to all the parents and teachers who donated their time leading up to and on the night of the fete, without your help the night would not have run so smoothly. The P&F ACM will be held on Tuesday 18th Nov from 7.30pm in the library; during this time we will be looking to parents who wish to join the P&F Executive. If you are interested please complete the attached slip and return to the office before Monday 17th November. Nadine Cooperwhite P&F PRESIDENT ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ CORNER CHRISTMAS CONCERT DATE CHANGE Please note that the Christmas Concert has been moved to Tuesday, 9 th December. The children will finish school at 12 midday and return for the concert at 6pm. Parents, please update your Term Calendar. Kids Care is taking bookings for that half day if anyone is interested. Catharine Hughes & Andrew De Maio ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS PE NEWS PRIMARY ATHLETICS CHALLENGE (Ridgewood Oval) Last Friday saw 16 students from Years 3 to 6 compete in the first Primary Athletics Team Challenge held at Ridgewood Oval. 7 schools competed with 12 teams entered in the competition where student points were combined into a team score to give an overall team result. The students displayed excellent sportsmanship and behaviour as well as giving a Stellar performance on the day. The results are as follows; Boys Team A - 2nd place, Girls Team A - 3rd, place Boys Team B - 4th place, Girls Team B - 7th place. Congratulations to all students involved and a very big thank you to all the parent helpers on the day who assisted with transportation, supervision and official duties on the day. CRICKET CARNIVAL YEAR 6 STUDENTS Trials will be held tomorrow morning (Thursday 6th November) for the Super 8's Cricket Carnival which be held at Kingsway Sports Complex next Friday 14th November. 8 boys and girls from Year 6 will be selected to represent the school on the day. Adriano D’Adamo PE SPECIALIST CANTEEN NEWS A huge Thank you to Carissa Tang Nian for giving up her time and getting Maddie and me over the line in getting the lunch orders out on time last Thursday. Also thank you to Dion for cleaning up my mess and decorating the cupcakes. Kerry Craker. Thursday 6th November Recess: Mini Cheese Burger Pikelets Roster Helen Wools-Cobb 90c 70c Monday 10th November Recess: Chicken Wedges $1.20 Lamington Finger 60c Roster: Emma Strutt, Amanda McCabe, Andrea Kenny Thursday 13th November Recess: Gluten Free Banana Bread 60c Honey Soy Chicken Drummetts 70c Roster Yvette Frost, Renee Dineen, Rachel DiGirolami Monday 17th November Recess: Chicken Wedges $1.20 Muffin $1.50 Roster: Melissa Zuchetti, Chelsea Wenz, Paula Burke Thursday 20th November Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets $1.00 Lamington Finger 60c Roster: Wendy Scanlan, Lianne Witheridge, Anahi Sosa Monday 24th November – Sushi To be ordered by Thursday 20th November Recess: Chicken Crackles $1.20 Mini Cupcake 60c Roster: Nola Stone, Caroline Rose Meyer, Grace Ravot Kerry Craker and Nicole Waldmeier CANTEEN COORDINATORS Feast of All Souls: You may have been wondering what is going on around the Grotto of Our Lady at the entrance to our car park. The parish is constructing a Columbarium, a respectful place for the storage of urns holding a deceased person’s ashes. This will allow those who wish to pray for their loved ones a closer and more personal space in which to reflect. In his Angelus Address delivered for the Feast of All Souls, Pope Francis called on the faithful to pray for forgotten souls, as well as Christians who have died for their faith and in the service of others over the past year. Praying for the departed is part of the tradition of the Church, Pope Francis said, especially through the Eucharistic Celebration, which is “the best spiritual help we can give to their souls, especially those who are most abandoned.” The practice of remembering the dead, caring for their graves, and offering intercessory prayers, Pope Francis said, gives testimony of the “certain hope” which has “taken root in the certainty that death is not the last word.” (Schneible) Here at Whitford Catholic we also have our traditions and our memorial. We are in the process of restoring our memorial fountain to our friend and colleague Denise Millard. This is our respectful space, our place to stop and reflect on the life of Denise and anyone else who is now with God. As you see the fountain “coming back to life,” please speak with your children, especially the little ones, about its importance as a respectful space. SCHOOL BANKING WOW the Fright night Friday was full of fun for all. We hope you came to the table and met the school banking volunteers. The Commonwealth Bank Dollarmite character SPEN told us that he had a great time and gave a lot of children cuddles and high fives. Guess the Dollar value Competition was won by Thomas Arundel in Year 6; he guessed closest to the actual amount and won the first prize of $20 deposited into his school banking account and the bucket full of chocolate. Riley Addario in PP16 won a backpack full of surprises for almost guessing the correct amount. There was $42 dollars in the bucket. We would like to welcome the new school bankers and we hope they enjoy saving their money. Can I please remind parents to allow their children to fill out their own deposit slips, with assistance, if needed. The children enjoy doing this and it is another way that parents can teach their children independence. Some children’s slips will need to be checked to ensure the writing is legible and is correct. Happy Banking The School Banking Team YEAR 5 CAMP PHOTOS LIBRARY NEWS The Big, Big Fair: Well it has come and gone yet again. This is my 9th Big, Big Book Fair. Every time I think, “We can’t match the last one.” And, every time, I am blown away by the support that is given to this venture. The children are always so excited and while retail could never be my first love; there is certainly an energy that is very evident right up to closing on Friday. We sold an incredible $12,801.60 worth of books and with that we take $2000 commission in cash for the Book Week Play 2015 and some library furnishings. We also have around $700 to spend on books. Mrs Gee, as always, ran the eftpos machine with much aplomb and kept me focussed through the week. Thanks Gethin, Natalie, Leonie, Carol, Annette, Mel, Mandy, Valerie, Rachel, Renee, Bec, Emily, Andrea, Anca, Emma, Katrina, Doug, Trish, Consuelo, Vanessa, Janine, Lianne, Loraine, Rebecca, Julie and Leanne for taking the “Time Out” to “man” the counter. Thank you to the Year 6s who “tactfully” ran security. Border Patrol is slack compared to these kids. Thank you to the staff members who browsed and bought and showed support. Thanks must go to Mrs Hansen for her speedy counting skills. Finally, a big thanks to all the mums, dads, sisters, brothers, grandparents and friends who opened their purses and wallets and swiped those cards. Your support and the enthusiastic interest of the school community really make the effort of coordinating such an event worthwhile. Big, Big Donations: Thank you to the wonderful families who donated a book from the fair to our library. You will see the Preedy, Arundel, Zuchetti, Ferguson and Robert names on the inside of some lovely books in the near future. Big, Big Raffle Winners: Congratulations to Abby and Xavier Hermann Kindy A, who won the $60 worth of books from the fair; Roxy Dagostino 2S14, who won the $30 worth of books and Samuel Zuchetti 3B8 who won $20 worth of books. Remembrance Day: Next Tuesday we stop to reflect on the sacrifices made by Australian men and women in the service of their country. The Australian War Memorial in Canberra is an amazing resource for all Australians to access and just because we are 3741 km from our nation’s capital does not mean we can’t use this resource. Explore the Memorial’s website www.awm.gov.au , you may be astounded to find information and digitised personal items from members of your own family. I did! Heroes of Book Return: Congratulations to PP15 for returning all of their books on time last week. If your child has a book that is overdue for more than a month, please pay for it so as to clear their account. If the book turns up (which it usually does) we will refund your money. We would rather have the book back. Kids of Mercy: Thank you Mrs Hughes for taking the children to Mercyville last week. How nice that they were “treated”. Remember children, you need to be very prompt, eating your lunch quickly and meeting at the office door as soon as the second lunch bell rings. If you aren’t ready to go we can’t wait for you, as this lessens our time and makes the ladies wait. Bring a picture to share or give, a favourite toy for show and tell or maybe a photo of your family to talk about. This week, Week 4, the children attending are: AMARA ROSS 3B8, BETHANY JUDGE 4H6, CARA DIGIROLAMI 4H6, FREYA MCGRATH 4H6, SOPHIE RIGNEY 4H6, BAILEY GLEADELL 4R5, LOGAN BROADLEY 5R12, MADELINE PLOWMAN 5R12, ALEX PRITCHARD 6C9, EMMA MAHER 6C9, SARAH VAN BLOMESTEIN 6C9 AND LIAM DIGIROLAMI 6D10. Don’t forget to let me know that you are aware it is your turn. If you would like to join the Kids of Mercy you need a written note from your parents letting me know. Please also let me know if you no longer wish to attend. Everyone is welcome to bring 5 cents for 5 senses appeal. Remember to bring some show and tell. It helps to keep the conversation going. Library Quiz: Congratulations to Hannah Scattergood 5R12, who named Tumble Ted as one of the books on the shelves in the book fair. This week: Which horse won the Melbourne Cup? See you in the Library. St Jerome, pray for us. Mrs Annette Lynch TEACHER/LIBRARIAN COMMUNITY NEWS LADIES ONLY NIGHT - Friday 7th November, 6.00pm – 9.30pm 30+ stalls, Champagne on arrival, $10 Massages, Psychic readings, Bar food, Raffle prizes, Live music etc. Tickets are $8.00. Book your tickets at www.stickytickets.com.au
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