St. Paul's Epistle 218 E. 19th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-632-9212 Volume XCIV, Issue 11 Pastor Ron Powers Grace and Peace, Saints of St. Paul’s— We are entering the time of year when we focus on giving thanks and giving to various people/charities. We kick this off with Consecration Sunday, November 2, when you are invited to return your pledge cards indicating your support of the ministries of St. Paul’s. Please consider all God has given you and what portion of that you would like to give back. This year at Thanksgiving we will be assembling sack lunches for those who have to work on Thanksgiving, like convenience store clerks for example, to say thank you to them. The lunches will include turkey sandwiches, chips, fruit and a cookie. We would love for people to donate these ingredients, and any help assembling the lunches (on Wednesday 11/26) or delivering them (on Thanksgiving morning) would be welcomed. Contact me or anyone on Social Ministries. Then (spoiler alert) we will increase our outreach at Christmas to include the Angel Tree, in which you will have the opportunity to shop for an “angel” whose parent is incarcerated and may not get any presents otherwise. God is indeed good, and has given us much. Not everybody is as fortunate. We have the opportunity to share from our abundance. Pastor Ron INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 3 4 5 6 7 Office Announcements ELCA Women Birthdays Calendar ELCA Global news Rocky Mtn. Synod news November 2014 Christmas Gift Away The Christmas Gift Away Project will begin November 23. This year St. Paul’s has been invited to participate in the Angel Tree project, which provides gifts to children who would not receive gifts for Christmas due to a parent’s incarceration. As in the past, there will be “STARS” on the tree for your selection. Gifts purchased for this project should be brought to church by December 14th with the STAR or Angel Ornament attached. Additionally, if you have an ornament to share, please place it on the tree. The ornaments will be given to the project families for their Christmas tree. If you are interested in helping sort and/or deliver the gifts, please contact Lori Schoene or the church office. Thank you for bringing joy to these families! New “Members” at St. Paul’s Spread God’s Love One Teddy Bear at a Time In January 2015, you will start to see fuzzy bears sharing your pew on Sunday mornings. After our cuddly teddy bears have attended church, heard God’s word, prayers prayed, praises sung, and received the blessing they are ready to go out into the lives of someone who needs a comforting hug. If you spot one that you think might brighten someone’s day, the Social Ministry Committee asks you to take it with you and deliver it to that special person. Or, perhaps you need some of that special magic that teddy bears have when they give a hug. There is no age restriction, if comfort is needed a teddy bear is there to give hugs. If you have a teddy bear or two that needs a new home, the Social Ministry Committee will make sure they are ready to join us in the pews. A large storage tub will be available in the Narthex for any teddy bears, large or small, that are looking to be part of this new ministry. St. Paul's Epistle 1 Judy Berkley is fully retired and already into many other activities. If you would like to thank her for her 25 years of dedicated service to St. Paul's, please send her a card at: 603 McGovern Cheyenne, WY 82001. Church Office Announcements Lost: E-Bible with maroon cover. If found, please contact the church office. Reminder postcards will no longer be sent. The volunteers for the coming Sunday will be listed in the bulletin and the complete schedules are posted on the website. Click “navigation”, “member page” and enter the id and password to view. Additionally, reminder phone calls will be made on Wednesdays. If you prefer to receive a text or email reminder, please notify the office. The readings for the coming Sunday will still be mailed to lay readers. If you are able to receive them by email, notify the office. If you have photos of church events that you would like to share in the epistle or on the Facebook page, please email them to [email protected]. Please have all bulletin items to office by Wednesday of each week. UPCOMING EVENTS CONSECRATION SUNDAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 ND Please bring pledge cards. A brunch provided by the Stewardship committee will follow the service. MOVIES AND SPIRITUALITY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH 6:00 P.M. Potluck and a viewing of the movie “The Way” (PG-13. A father heads overseas to recover the body of his estranged son who died while traveling the "El camino de Santiago,” and decides to make the pilgrimage himself. Discussion of the issues raised will follow. CONFIRMATION/NAME TAG SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9TH Fellowship committee would like to "formally" welcome Rochel Kirkbride as our church secretary. So that she can put names to faces, we will have a welcoming coffee hour. She, her husband Glen, and their 3 daughters will be in attendance to meet and greet us all. Plan now to attend. BLESSING OF THE QUILTS NOVEMBER 16TH The quilters group will have all the quilts on display in the sanctuary for a few Sundays in November. Pastor will bless them at this service. Be sure to come and enjoy the handiwork of the group before they are delivered in December to local agencies. POINSETTIA ORDERS DUE NOVEMBER 23RD This will be the last day to turn in orders for Christmas poinsettia plants. Order forms will be available in the Narthex through November. Cost for each poinsettia is $17. St. Paul's Epistle 2 Parish Secretary: Rochel Kirkbride Hours: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, M-F Phone: 632-9212 Email:[email protected] Thankofferings In-Gathering November 16, 2014 Anna Thompson When we give to Thankofferings, our dollars support Women of the ELCA ministries that reach thousands of communities. Through the Thankofferings, we share in a tradition dating back to the 1800s, when Christian women formed “mite” or “cent” societies to support local and international missions. When others in the church said there was not enough money to carry out these projects, the women believed otherwise. Thankofferings provide for justice programs like Today’s Dream Tomorrow’s Reality, a network of racial justice advocates and educators who serve throughout the church. Thankofferings support advocacy for the health and safety of women and children. Thankofferings support a publishing ministry that reaches more than 70,000 women through Gather magazine and Bible Study, and free program resources that bring Lutheran theology to topics ranging from women’s health and prayer to stewardship and human trafficking. Thankofferings also support extensive outreach to women of every generation through Bold Café, the free online magazine that features young adult writers in the church, and “Daily Grace,” a free daily devotional for smart phones and email. Thankofferings support the total outreach of Women of the ELCA to live out its mission - mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Together, we do more than we could ever do apart. In gratitude for all God has given to us, and with hope for all that is to come.(For more about the churchwide ministries of Women of the ELCA, go to ) Church Women United Ecumenical Celebrations World Community Day: Through God Our Hands Can Heal 2014 Theme: We are in God’s hands and we are God’s hands YOU ARE INVITED DATE: November 7, 2014 TIME: 1:00 p.m. PLACE: Grace United Methodist, Grace Hall 2950 Spruce Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82001 St. Paul's Epistle 3 The following notes were received in the church office in Oct: From Operation Back to School Community Alliance: The Operation Back to School Community Alliance would like to thank you for your OBTS contributions, which helped provide low-income Laramie County students with school supplies this year. With such generous support, these boys and girls were able to start school with the things they need to participate in the classroom. In addition, these donations have helped ensure supplies are available at Needs, Inc. for families throughout the school year. We greatly appreciate all efforts toward this worthy cause. Thank you, once again, for these thoughtful contributions. From Team Toby Tolin & Shower for Babies: Thank you so much for the “shower” for Toby’s Shower for Babies. We have been able to provide 12 more baskets for babies in the NICU with donations we received. Again, thank you! From Nancy Coffin: Many thanks go out to those who supported the basket fundraiser for Toby’s Showers for Babies on October 12th. Donations were received in the amount of $586, consisting of gift cards, cash and in-kind donations. Thrivent Financial donated $250, for a total of $836. Several families of premature babies have been impacted by your generosity. From Laretta Humphrey, Treasurer, Friendship Force of Cheyenne: Thank you so much for the hospitality. We have always enjoyed the meeting room. November Birthdays St. Paul's Epistle 4 ~ November 2014 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 2 9:30 Holy Communion ELW 6 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Sun. School, Confirmation, Adult Forum 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 am – Property Cmte 5:30 – Transition Cmte 6 pm – Parish Relations Cmte. Mtg. 6 pm - Movies & 7 pm – Cantate Choir Spirituality “The Way” CONSECRATION SUNDAY Daylight Savings time ends Election Day 9 10 9:30 Holy Communion ELW 8 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Sun. School, Confirmation, Adult Forum Noon – Quilters CONFIRMATION Meet ‘n’ Greet NAME TAG SUNDAY 16 8:00 am Accessibility and Social Ministry Cmte. 8:00 am Worship & Music Cmte. 9:30 Holy Communion ELW 6 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Sun. School, Confirmation, Adult Forum 11 12 5:30 pm Evangelism Cmte. mtg 6:30 pm Exec. Cmte. 6 pm – Finance Cmte 7:00 pm Congregation Council Mtg. M. Luther’s Bday,1483 Veterans’ Day 17 18 13 14 15 21 22 28 29 7 pm – Cantate Choir 19 20 Epistle Announcements due Noon - Quilters 7 pm – Cantate Choir QUILT BLESSING 23 24 9:30 Holy Communion 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Sun. School, Confirmation, Adult Forum Poinsettia Orders Due 25 26 7 pm –Thanksgiving Eve Service Last Sunday of Church Year 30 9:30 Holy Communion 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Sun. School, Confirmation, Adult Forum 1st Sunday of Advent 27 Thanksgiving Day ST. PAUL’S MISSION STATEMENT “Mindful of a need to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, to worship Him, and to better serve Him, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church commits this congregation to revitalizing and nurturing its faith through worship, education, fellowship, and prayer and to continue Christ’s loving work through outreach and evangelism in service to our Lord.” St. Paul's Epistle 5 NOVEMBER 2014 ELCA provides $100,000 to help contain Ebola Thanks to generous gifts from ELCA members like you to Lutheran Disaster Response, the Lutheran Church in Liberia and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone are training health care workers, providing Ebola education about prevention, and distributing food to the many people isolated by the outbreak. See For a personal view from ELCA missionary Brian Palmer of the Ebola tragedy in Liberia, see To view a Lutheran Disaster Response video about the need for assistance, see To find out what you can do, see East Jerusalem: Documentary features ELCA supported hospital "Healing in a Holy Land," a film about Augusta Victory Hospital, offers "a stark contrast to the images of war and death by holding up tangible evidence of positive work being done on the behalf of ELCA members," says the producer of the film, Tim Frakes. See Central America: Ministry is a team effort Through the universal priesthood of all believers, the churches in Central America are getting God's work done. Teams of volunteer lay leaders are assuming roles that have been reserved for a paid pastor in more traditional church settings. See Zimbabwe: Building the church In the second largest city in Zimbabwe, there is an exciting Lutheran outreach initiative underway as part of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. Read what six ELCA visitors learned on the recent ELCA Global Church Sponsorship trip at Mission of the Month: New life for children in Tanzania Children in rural Tanzania are getting the medical care they need thanks to ELCA missionaries Dr. Stephen Friberg and his wife, Bethany Friberg. But "mission doctors know it is God who does the healing," they say. Share this inspiring story with your congregation. For a colorful Word document to display on a bulletin board or use in a newsletter or PowerPoint presentation, visit ELCA members join world climate change march Hundreds of ELCA members were among the more than 400,000 people who participated in the People’s Climate March in New York City on Sept. 21. See Malaria videos show impact The ELCA Malaria Campaign has three new short videos that help demonstrate the impact of your gifts. Share these videos with your family, friends and people in your congregation. View and download each at Expand opportunities for women! Women represent 70 percent of the world's population living in poverty, yet in church and society, they are often underserved by a lack of access to education and training to develop their leadership skills. Watch this video highlighting the ELCA’s new initiatives to empower women: To help support this program or to learn more, visit: St. Paul's Epistle 6 As a public church called to witness to God’s love for all God has created, the ELCA affirms the importance of participation in society by all people, including people of faith. Voting is one of the most important ways Americans can be involved in our representative democracy. Scripture reveals God’s presence in all realms of life, including political life. This church understands government as a means through which God can work to build a more peaceful and just social order in a sinful world. The electoral process is one way in which we live out our affirmation of baptism to “serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus,” and “to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.” Election Day: November 4, 2014 For WY election information visit: PORTICO FINANCIAL SEMINAR MISSION MOMENT God's Work. Our Hands: Early/Mid-Career Financial Wellness Seminar Mobile Action Ministries More than 15 years until you retire? Learn How to Minimize Debt, Optimize Assets, and Customize a Strategy for Retirement. Portico Benefit Services, in collaboration with Ernst & Young, invites you to join us for a day-long seminar on the fundamentals of personal finance. You¹ll get information from a certified Ernst & Young financial planner on these questions and more: How can I reduce my debt? How much money will I need for retirement? How do I choose investment fund options in the ELCA Retirement Plan? How much life insurance do I need for myself and my family? When: Friday, November 14, 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Where: Rocky Mountain Synod, 7375 Samuel Drive, Denver, CO 80221 Materials and lunch will be provided Register Online If you happen to be on the east side of St. Paul, Minn., on Thursdays during lunchtime, there's a place where you can get a fresh, healthy meal, free of charge. Enjoy a homemade meat or veggie hand pie and salad, along with a cool glass of water and a genuine sense of community. And if you feel like hanging around, there's a Bible study and prayer service. Shobi's Table, a mobile food truck restaurant and portable ministry, reaches out to people who are confronting homelessness and other hardships. Thanks in part to a grant from the ELCA churchwide organization through Mission Support, this new food truck ministry serves about 80 people every week. Margaret Kelly, pastor of this unique mission start in the ELCA Saint Paul Area Synod, describes it as "a ministry of, by and for folks struggling on the margins in St. Paul." Watch a video interview with Pastor Margaret. The mission support we give through our offerings, supports new ministries like Shobi's Table. Feeding God's people, We are Church: Better Together. St. Paul's Epistle 7 NOVEMBER WORSHIP November 2 SERVICES Holy Communion ELW 6 All Saints’ Day November 9 Holy Communion ELCA Good Gifts ELW 8 Creative Worship Anna Thompson November 16 Holy Communion ELW 6 November 23 Holy Communion Now the Feast Feast of Christ the King November 26 Thanksgiving Eve November 30 Holy Communion Now the Feast st 1 Sunday of Advent 2014 CONGREGATION COUNCIL Pastor Ron Powers Bob Fecht, President 635-9090 Roger Jacobsen, Vice-President 638-0682 Dave Delicath, Secretary 775-9264 Nancy Coffin, Treasurer 634-3503 Joan Stout 632-5027 Maren Felde 778-2865 Audrey Brunner 630-3730 Rebecca Brunner 630-3730 Cheri Lovas 631-0132 Judd Eifealdt 307-320-5685 Gail Young 634-2428 Janet Adams 634-2897 Loretta Pyle 634-3292 During coffee hour on November 2nd, there will be a discussion about the ELCA GOOD GIFTS CATALOG by members of the Social Ministry Committee to encourage giving gifts that give twice. ELCA Good Gifts goes beyond your regular congregational offering to support the ministries of the ELCA that mean the most to you and your loved ones. Your gift carries God’s love to others, making a difference in their lives and in the world. Your donations support long-term, sustainable solutions that ensure that these good gifts last for more than a couple of days or weeks. They keep on giving for years to come. There will be order sheets available in the Fellowship Hall along with the catalog for review. Last year for Christmas I bought my sister and her husband a goat which was given to a family through this program. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church th 218 E. 19 St. Cheyenne, WY 82001 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID CHEYENNE, WY PERMIT NO. 05 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED St. Paul's Epistle 8
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