Välkommen till höstens studiedagar med Föreningen EMDR Sverige 4-5 september 2015 Föreningen EMDR Sverige har glädjen att inbjuda er som är (eller planerar att bli) medlemmar, till två högaktuella workshopdagar med två framstående tyska EMDR-kliniker och forskare (kursspråk tydlig engelska) Dr Arne Hofmann Dr Michael Hase EMDR in the treatment of depression EMDR to treat substance abuse and addiction Program 4 september EMDR in the treatment of depression 08.30-09.00 Registrering 09.00-12.00 Workshop 12.00-13.00 Lunch på Piperska muren 13.00-17.00 Workshop Program 5 september EMDR to treat substance abuse and addiction 9.00-12.00 Workshop 12.00-13.00 Lunch på Piperska muren 13.00-17.00 Workshop Plats: Piperska Muren, Scheelegatan 14, Stockholm Med t-bana: blå linje till Rådhuset. Piperska muren ligger mellan uppgångarna, men enklast är att ta uppgång vid Bergsgatan. Ta sikte på Rådhuset och gå till framsidan, så är det rakt över gatan. Med buss: linje 40 eller 56 till Rådhuset/Scheelegatan. Bussen stannar vid parkeringen framför huset. Linje 3 till Kungsholmstorg. Promenad: från Centralstationen är det ca 10 minuters promenad Anmälan: per mail och eventuella frågor skickas senast 15 augusti 2015 till Per Calleberg, [email protected] Vänligen ange namn och om du är medlem. Skriv också om du önskar specialkost. Uppge fakturaadress (helst mailadress) i din anmälan. För deltagande krävs lägst level 1/grundkurs nivå 1. Kostnad: 2 500 kr för medlemmar, 3 200 kr för icke-medlemmar. Då ingår LUNCH, förmiddags- och eftermiddagskaffe för båda dagarna. Betalning: till EMDR-föreningens plusgiro 44 74 42 – 5, senast den 31 augusti 2015 OBS! Vid internetbetalning – uppge namn, tack. Välkomna Raili Hultstrand ordförande Om programmet EMDR in the treatment of depression Dr. Arne Hofmann, MD Severe depression is one of the most common mental disorders and affects between 5-15% of the general population in their lifetimes. Although many psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic interventions exist that are considered to be effective in depression, the treatment is less than satisfactory. High relapse rates (ranging at 50% after two years), unsatisfactory remissions and suicidal risks are among the major problems. Scientific studies of EMDR have shown that it is one of the most effective tools to treat posttraumatic stress disorder. One of the lesser known properties of EMDR is that it also seems to be an effective intervention in depression. Our study group has done research on the subject since 2007 and finalized two controlled pilot studies that show the potential of EMDR in depression. A multicenter RCT study is underway. Even if the results of the study will not be available yet, some useful clinical observations on the use of EMDR in depressive patients will be shared. Dr. Arne Hofmann is specialist for internal and psychosomatic medicine and is head of the EMDR-Institute in Germany. He learned EMDR in 1991 during a residency at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California and has introduced it in the German- speaking countries. He founded one of the first inpatient units for victims of trauma in Germany and has helped develop aftercare programs after mass disasters like the train accident in Eschede 1998, the school shooting in Erfurt in 2002 and in the wake of the Tsunami in 2004. Dr. Hofmann is a founding board member of EMDR-Europe and a member of a German national guideline commission on the treatment of PTSD. He is teaching, researching and publishing internationally in the field of psychological trauma and EMDR. EMDR to treat substance abuse and addiction Dr. Michael Hase, MD Dr Michael Hase är chefsläkare vid enheten för psykosomatik vid Dianakliniken i Bad Bevensen, Tyskland. Dr Hase är specialist i psykiatri och utbildad psykoterapeut. The comorbidity of PTSD and substance abuse gives sufficient reason to treat patients who are addicted with EMDR targeting the traumatic memories, which drive the comorbid PTSD. However, there are several pathways leading to addiction and PTSD is only one of them. Thirty years of addiction research have provided sufficient evidence for the crucial role of memory in drug dependency. The Addiction memory (AM) serves as a useful concept for “obsessive-compulsive craving” to be seen in drug addicted patients (Boening, 2001). The concept of an AM and its importance in relapse occurrence and maintenance of learned addictive behaviour has gained growing acceptance in the field of addiction research and treatment. The AM is interpreted as an individual-acquired memory following drug consumption in some individuals. The addiction memory is based on normal memory systems and systems of neuronal information processing. This neurobiological-based, imprinted, addictive behaviour seems to resist change under normal circumstances. The implicit nature of the addiction memory seems to qualify it as a target for EMDR treatment. In a pilot-study group of 34 patients with chronic alcohol dependency in in-patient treatment for detoxification were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions: treatment as usual (TAU)) or TAU+EMDR. In the TAU+EMDR group patients received two sessions of EMDR focussing on memories of intense craving or relapse in order to activate and reprocess the addiction memory. The craving for alcohol was measured by the ObsessiveCompulsive-Drinking-Scale (OCDS) pre, post, and 1 month after treatment. The TAU+EMDR group showed a significant reduction in craving posttreatment and 1 month after treatment whereas TAU did not. The TAU+EMDR group showed less relapse at the six-month follow-up. The results indicate that EMDR might be a useful approach for the treatment of addiction memory and associated symptoms of craving (Hase et al. 2008). This Workshop will address the EMDR treatment of comorbid PTSD and serves as an introduction into the application of EMDR as an adjunct in addiction treatment. The current EMDR approaches like DETUR by Popky and the Feeling State Addiction Protocoll by Miller will be briefly introduced. REFERENCES Boening JA. Neurobiology of an addiction memory. J Neural Transm. 2001;108(6):755-65. Hase M, Schallmayer S, Sack M.EMDR reprocessing of the addiction memory: Pretreatment posttreatment, and 1-month follow-up. J EMDR. 2008;2(3):170179. Hase M. CravEx – an EMDR-approch to treat addiction. EMDR scripted protocolls – Vol 2.
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