Parish Formation Community Solidarity UPGuide Spice UP your life 2014 - 2015 Welcome eucharistic Celebrations at eUP This is particularly expressed in the tradition of taking one of the Mass readings in the parishioners’ language other than English. Each Sunday and Feast day liturgy is followed by a reception – a time of hospitality, encounter, sharing and community building. Sacraments (adult initiation, infant baptism, confirmation, first communion, reconciliation, anointing of the sick and marriage) are prepared and celebrated as community events. “Our Vision is to build Christian community in a changing world” Dear Friend, PARiSH 3 FORMATiON 5 COMMUNiTY 9 SOLidARiTY 10 PAROiSSe 11 Here it is: the brand new UP guide for the academic year 2014-2015. Here you’ll find an overview of all our activities for the year to come. UP occupies a special place within KU Leuven. As one of the university’s services, we focus on community building, solidarity and the search for spiritual significance. We try to reach this ambitious goal through a diversified set of initiatives. Inspired by the Christian tradition, and with an open eye to culture and to the multicultural society in which we live, our activities are aimed at holistic personal growth and development of all members of the university community. Among these activities there are our (weekend) parish, our student programme and our solidarity initiatives. UP aspires to be the intellectual and existential centre where people with an open heart and mind can find answers to their questions about – and search for – community, solidarity and spirituality. UP is dedicated to offering a platform for genuine interaction and a warm connection to other people for inspired action, in-depth discussions and debates, celebrations and giving thanks. Our university is becoming more international every day. That is why we want to focus especially on students from abroad. We hope that UP has something to suit the needs of these important members of the university community. The goal of the English-speaking University Parish (EUP) is to welcome people from various parts of the world to form Christian community. It fosters an open atmosphere where people from different backgrounds, cultures and countries, people of different age and walks of life can meet and experience Christian community, pray and sing, find ways to work for a more just world. The community also welcomes families with babies and children of all ages, and tries to acknowledge their presence and active participation in the Eucharist celebration in various ways. While the community mostly uses English, it respects and acknowledges the languages and cultures of all participants. • Sundays and Holidays of Obligation at 10 am • More information • Chapel of the Leo XIII Seminary Vesaliusstraat 2, Leuven • Contact [email protected] Celebration at the opening of the academical year and Patron Saint’s feast Our University holds a beautiful tradition of opening the new academic year with a Eucharistic celebration. All members of the University community are wholeheartedly invited to attend. The University Parish provides this opening celebration. This academic year the celebration takes place on Monday, 22 September, 2014. Have a look at what we do! Meanwhile, let us be the first to welcome you to our community. We look forward to meeting you soon at one of our events. The UP Team On Monday, 2 February, 2015, KU Leuven celebrates its Patron Saint’s feast. This event is also opened with a Eucharistic celebration, for which the University Parish is responsible. • Monday 22 September 2014 • Monday 2 February 2015 • St. Peter’s Church, Grote Markt, Leuven Taizé Prayer UNIVERSITAIRE PAROCHIE Tiensestraat 124 bus 5003 3000 LEUVEN, België tel. + 32 16 32 55 85 [email protected] Drawings: © Joris Snaet Taizé is a community in France where brothers from different Christian denominations live together. Every year young people from all over the world go to Taizé to meet each other, to live together for a while, and to pray together. Participants often sing during these prayers; and because the songs are short and repetitive, the atmosphere quickly becomes peaceful and meditative. Each month UP organises a Taizé time of prayer and song. Whether you are a Taizé-addict or know next to nothing about it, don’t hesitate to come join our prayers! Everyone is welcome! Afterwards, we close the evening with a drink. • 6 October, 3 November, 1 December 2014 12 January, 9 February, 2 March, 30 March, 4 May, 1 June 2015 • 8:30 pm • More information 3 • Church of St John the Baptist Groot Begijnhof, 3000 Leuven • Contact [email protected] Adult Baptism Preparation Marriage Preparation Course Our community is equally open to welcome adults who would like to become Christians. Adults who are not baptized can inquire in an informal atmosphere about the process of initiation into the Church. Adults who decide to pursue the journey toward the Christian faith are offered an extended initiation process in a catechumenal group (including community members, godparents, relatives and friends), which reaches its climax with the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist in the Easter Vigil. Couples preparing to get married are encouraged to enrol for the preparation process ideally six months before the desired date of their wedding. Marriage preparation is offered as a group process with other couples, giving a couple an opportunity to discover each other more deeply, to think through possible areas of difficulty and how to handle them as a couple. The course is designed around 5 meetings, with the frequency of one meeting per week, so that a couple has some time to reflect, digest and experience the discussed topics. The couple is free to select the relevant for them topics out of 20 proposed themes. The course is informatory, yet not lecture-based type, and oriented rather to the exploratory and thought-provoking discussions. Alongside many themes of psychological and theological nature, upon your request a practical help is offered to you regarding the preparation of the documents (in case your wedding takes place in another parish/country), selection of the readings for your wedding ceremony etc. Two courses are offered per academic year. Confirmation Adults who participate in the catechumenal process to be baptized will also be confirmed in the same liturgy. Adults who were baptized as infants, but were never confirmed, are invited to celebrate their confirmation in our community. They need to enrol five months before the desired date. Acceptance into the Catholic Church Infant Baptism Preparation Parents are welcome to enrol their children for baptism preparation ideally one to two months before the desired date of the sacrament. Parents and godparents are invited to participate in preparation sessions with community members. Subscription is obligatory. •One evening out of the following dates: 13 October, 10 November, 8 December 2014, 5 January, 16 February, 9 March, 20 April, 11 May or 8 June 2015 •8 pm - 9 pm •Information and subscription at •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] Memorial Services Each academic year, we face something what we would rather not go through: we experience a passing away of our fellow students, colleagues, former colleagues. We say goodbye too early, unexpectedly, or after a long time of friendship. Nothing should be lost: the footsteps of the beloved, the fire, a person’s brightness, the laughter from before, or the tears from now. During the memorial service we refresh our memories of the deceased persons. Christians who belong to other Christian churches and desire to become Roman Catholics can be accepted in a community liturgy. They are offered a preparation process similar to the preparation for adult confirmation. They are not baptized, but received into the Catholic Church normally in a celebration during Sunday liturgy. They can choose whether they would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. •This formation is only offered to couples where one (or both) partner(s) are student or staff of KU Leuven. •Subscription is obligatory. •Group I: 30 September, 7 October, 14 October, 21 October, 28 October 2015. 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm •Group II: 28 April, 5 May, 12 May, 19 May, 26 May 2015. 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm •Information and subscription at •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] Marriage Preparation Course reunion •This formation is only offered to students or staff of KU Leuven. •Subscription is obligatory. •Wednesday 5 November 2014 •6:15 pm •Contact [email protected] [email protected] Rituals can heal together with fellow students, colleagues and friends to commemorate the deceased person. Regrettably, it might happen that at your faculty, school or department a student or staff member passes away. Weeks or months after the funeral, a need can arise ‘to do something’ But what and how? UP can help you to develop and shape this ‘something’ into a ritual, and if desired could assist you in its preparation. For instance, these are the following examples of a possible commemoration event: •A remembrance with witnesses, music, texts/prayers, symbols, silence... •A gathering in intimate circle, where memories about the deceased person could be shared, recognized and accepted by the group. •A workshop, where people work individually (with more or less creative methods), concluded with a final moment in group. Couples who completed there marriage preparation course are invited to get together again in an annual festive event of reunion. In friendly and warm atmosphere, we offer you some inspiration and nourishment for your relationship. It is a great opportunity to catch up with your former mates, to meet new friends, to pose your questions or just to enjoy a great company of beautiful people with tasty food. Refreshment of your senses and good humor is guaranteed! •20 October, 17 November, 22 December 2014, 26 January, 23 February, 27 April, 22 June 2015. •8 pm - 9 pm •Information and subscription at •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] •Information at •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] •Contact [email protected] 4 •Church of St. John the Baptist Groot Begijnhof, 3000 Leuven 5 Mindful Yoga Mindfulness Workshop Workshop The yoga of Patanjali consists of eight stages. Patanjali writes about these stages in his book ‘Yoga Sutras’, also called the Bible of Yoga. During eight sessions we are introduced to the world of Yoga Sutras by a 30 minutes introduction of one of the stages, followed by 60 minutes of Hatha Yoga. This course of Mindful Yoga is a follow-up of the course Mindfulness and is open to everyone who is interested. In this workshop, we want to make our senses more aware as an exercise in attention and generosity. We are inspired by the Buddhist tradition (Mindfulness) as well as by the Christian tradition. We experiment with forms of Buddhist and Christian meditation and we explore the spiritual background of these exercises. This course will provide an introduction and is intended for people who are not very familiar with meditation. Guided by Peter Baekelmans, certified yoga teacher in the tradition of Patanjali and specialist in various yoga traditions of the East. • 30 September 2014 7 - 14 - 21 October 2014 4 - 11 - 18 - 25 November 2014 • 4 pm - 5:30 pm • Information and subscription at • € 80 working people € 30 students and not-working people Fresh expressions of Church supported by a theological vision and a team of employees that provide training and the framework, a variety of ‘fresh expressions of the Church’ grows and flourishes in the Great Britain. This movement operates – what’s important – not as a replacement but as a complementation to the existing church structures, and thus became a successful 'mixed economy' of churches. Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh is an author of numerous books that provide a theological foundation of the Fresh Expressions movement. On this study day, he will offer us an introduction to the movement. The lecture will be enriched with numerous practical examples of the development of Fresh Expressions of Church. In the last decade the Great Britain experiences the movement of ‘Fresh Expressions of the Church.’ It is a movement with a new vision on the formation of the church. The emphasis is not that much on 'come and see' but rather on ‘go and tell.’ Just like in the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium, in the past decades the Church of England and the English Methodists went through a drastic diminishing of the number of the regular churchgoers. This development made some theologians in the Anglican and Methodist churches think through the following issues profoundly: how can the existing ‘church’ revive and become more appealing? How can the church address her essential missionary zeal and put people back on of the development of Fresh Expressions of Church in a contextual way? Grounded in the basics of the nature of the church and • 4 November 2014 • 10 am - 4 pm • Church of St John the Baptist Groot Begijnhof, 3000 Leuven • Contact: [email protected] In collaboration with CCV, IJD and Chair Georges Van Gelder (KU Leuven) • Information • € 40 │ € 20 Spiritual care in a multifaith environment • Oude Abdij Drongen • Contact [email protected] This situation poses questions and raises new challenges for those involved in pastoral care in various sectors of the society. On Friday, 7 November Sophie Gilliat-Ray will address this issue. In a general lecture, from 10 am to 11:30 am she will rest upon the issue of ‘Spiritual care in a multifaith environment.’ She will focus then on the sectors of education and health care. Among others, the key questions that may be addressed are: How is the interfaith care developed in health care system? What is the changing role of pastoral professionals in a multireligious and pluralistic philosophical school and university context? Can pastoral care be offered from a clear Christian identity? What to do in a context that has profoundly de-traditionalised but where spiritual quest is still very much present? How to deal with religious identity and spiritual care for young people in a multi-religious context, in an interfaith way? Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray (Cardiff University) examines how the traditional Christian pastoral care as a result of migration, changes the inter-religious care in the domains of education, prisons, welfare and health. Although perhaps less pronounced than in the UK, the Flemish community yet becomes more and more multicultural and multireligious. • 7 November 2014 • 10 am - 12 am • Information and subscription (obligatory) at 6 • University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven • Contact [email protected] Participants are invited to continue exploring the offered meditation exercises at home. This requires about half an hour per day. Participants are also asked to follow the entire workshop. This workshop is supervised by Peter Baekelmans (CICM). He 's specialized in comparing philosophies and spent 20 years in Japan where he regularly participated in Buddhist training. Each meeting includes a brief theoretical introduction, a common exercise and the exchange of experiences of the past practice week. • 10 - 24 February 2015 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 31 March 2015 • 4 pm - 5:30 pm • Information and subscription at • € 80 working people € 30 students and not-working people • Church of St John the Baptist Groot Begijnhof, 3000 Leuven • Contact: [email protected] Society and sustainability Series of lectures The transition to sustainability: an ethical question. 12 February 2015 - Prof. Peter Tom Jones Respect of ecological limits is a non-negotiable basis for our social and economic development, the well-known British Sustainable Development Council suggests. Given the urgency of the socio-ecological issue, small stepwise optimizations are no longer sufficient. The transition of a system arises: it involves profound changes of structures, cultures and practices. Due to the multiple barriers, it is a long process that will spread to two or three generations. In the transition the radicalism of the objectives binds with the pragmatism of the approach. The world of engineers and product developers clearly plays a great role in the radical sustainability of production process. Clean technologies, smart closure of life cycles, intelligent eco-design and new business models are indispensable to fill up the (system) technological component of the sustainability transition. However, to achieve the (scientifically grounded) Factor 10-target (in a few decades the environmental impact decreased by 90%), the changes are also needed at the level of legislation, behaviour, worldview and ethics. A real transition is much more than just technological innovation. It is this integrated vision of a system that is central to this lecture. or ethical ways of reflection that could offer another direction for our behavior? Meat and fasting 26 February 2015 - Prof. Johan De Tavernier The third evening focuses on the topic of ‘meat and fasting.’ We zoom in on a specific aspect of the whole sustainability issue, and test it out on a long and rich Christian religious tradition. Peter Tom Jones. Ccivil engineer of Environmental Sciences, Doctor of Applied Sciences and a Senior Research Manager (IOF) at the KU Leuven, specialized in industrial ecology. Pioneer of Plan C, the Flemish transition arena for sustainable material management. President of the I-Cleantech Flanders association and the Flemish Enhanced Landfill Mining Research Consortium. Sustainability and ethics 19 February 2015 - Prof. Johan De Tavernier Johan De Tavernier. Professor of Theological Ethics at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven. Director of the Center for Science, Technology and Ethics (Science, Engineering and Technology Group, KU Leuven – During the second lecture, we elaborate further on the questions about sustainability approach. What (ethical) questions calls us to deal with (non) sustainability? What consequences could arise from this attitude? Are there alternative theological • 12 - 19 - 26 February 2015 • 8 pm - 10 pm • Information and subscription at • € 25 / 3 lectures 7 • UP, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven • Contact [email protected] Supporting a grieving person Bible and spirituality The wisdom of love Digging in Biblical narratives for meaning Individual counseling “My feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping but I shall go on living.” Pablo Neruda Series of lectures Human relationships are often marked by conflicts and violence. Is speaking about love in such situations grossly naïve? And where is God in all these? Through a reflective in depthreading of Biblical narratives prof. em Roger Burggraeve sdb, Levinas scholar and Bible philosopher at the KU Leuven, opens perspectives on the human and divine intrigue of moral conscience, the relationship between prohibition and freedom, and the different dimensions of our human responsibilities. •5 - 12 - 19 March 2015 •8 pm - 10 pm A loved one passed away... The whole world seems to stop. How to deal with such a loss? How to even think of moving on? Often a person in grief feels isolated or alone. Having someone to talk about the loss, or just to lean on can help through the mourning process and offers a new perspective on how to move one. Usually, healing comes as we make space in our lives to acknowledge and express our pain. •Information and subscription at •€ 25 / 3 lectures Weekend in the Abbey of Chevetogne to “get away from it all” to revitalize your spirit and rejuvenate your soul during a weekend in the Abbey of Chevetogne. Chevetogne Abbey, also known as the Monastery of the Holy Cross, is a Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery dedicated to Christian unity, in particular between the Catholic and Eastern Churches. The monastery has both Western (Latin Rite) and Eastern (Byzantine rite) churches which hold services every day. It is a place where Christian differences are met and recognized as the same Body of Christ. It is also a place where God is sought in solitude, stillness and the beauty of nature. Through the participation in the prayer schedule of the monastery, in the silence and solitude of a monastic retreat, through reflection upon selected texts, and sharing a common meal, you are invited to explore and rediscover your relationship with Christ through the others. Rest. Reflect. Renew. Relive. Recognizing God in the Other “Let everyone that comes be received as Christ.” St Benedict of Nursia An invitation to recognise God in the others is probably one of the most beautiful and yet challenging tasks of Christianity. How do we see Christ in our neighbours? What does it practically mean for us now and here? What image of Christ do I communicate to the others? Often, in the midst of our busy daily life while pursuing our tasks and responsibilities, we find this ethical imperative rather difficult to be achieved. UP offers an opportunity •From Friday 24 April 2015, 5 pm to Sunday 26 April 2015, 2:30 pm •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] •Information and subscription at •€ 80 working people € 55 not-working people Away from me •Benedictine Monastery of Chevetogne •Contact [email protected] •Free for the students and staff members of KU Leuven. •€ 10 for persons not affiliated with KU Leuven. The counseling is offered on individual basis in one or more meetings, depending on your wish. •Information at Spiritual exercises in daily life Need to talk? The Spiritual Exercises (elaborated by Ignatius of Loyloa, founder of the Jesuits) is an experiential method to trace both God and the common base from where you get to live. It is a way of learning how to pray, to get a better view on the close link between faith and life, to discover what the meaning of following Jesus is for you, to grow in your relationship with God, the others and yourself,... The central element is praying with the Bible: what do these texts tell about God, about Jesus, about myself, ...? How do they move my thoughts, feelings, my life? En how do I react to this? Spiritual Exercises are best not practiced on your own. They require guidance. You regularly have a conversation with your mentor to see where you stand in your proces of personal growth and to receive concrete directions for your prayer and meditation. The human life is complex. Happiness and sadness come along your life path. Sometimes you feel the desire to share the beautiful experience or feel the need to get around the more sensitive aspects of your life to recharge those batteries. If you feel a need to talk, you are welcome to share the depth of you experience in a confidential and warm context at UP. •Individual counseling •Information: •Contact: [email protected] •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact : [email protected] Community House ings; while the second meeting is more about finding comfort and a way of healing. We try to create an atmosphere where you are welcome to express your sorrow in your unique way. While being surrounded by other persons, you also have the opportunity to hear their stories and talk about coping day-today, as well as on the most difficult days of our grief journeys. Often, people in grief experience that is not merely about letting go, but rather learning how to hold on in a different way. In the individual introductory meeting with Maryana you can decide whether this is something for you. Two evenings on Loss, Pain and Healing “In difficult times always carry something beautiful inside.” Blaise Pascal The death of a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. A person may experience all kinds of difficult emotions and it may feel like the pain and sadness one is having will never let up. There is no right or wrong way to grieve; yet there are healthy ways to cope with the pain that, in time, can renew a mourning person and permit one to move on. During two evenings we come together with the grieving people and share our experiences in our journeys toward recovery. The first meeting is focused more on loss, pain and feel- for students Are you a student looking for a room in a student residence which is more than just a dormitory? UP offers you Sint-Jan International Community House in Heverlee – an opportunity to experience living in community. Among many activities, residents of Sint-Jan CH are invited to take part in a weekly community meal, yearly trip to an Abbey, work with underprivileged children on the playground in Leuven or put your shoulders under our voluntary action iCare. The complete range of social activities consists of more than thirty initiatives. Address: Celestijnenlaan 101, 3001 Heverlee. “Coming to Grief Group feels like having warm arms wrapped around you when you are shivering.” Anonymous •31 March 2015 21 April 2015 •Information and subscription at • 7:30 pm - 10 pm •€ 10 / 2 evenings 8 •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact [email protected] •Contact [email protected] •Information and subscription at •Contact [email protected] 9 Voluntary work in Leuven One of the core tasks of UP is to offer possibilities for the students and staff of KU Leuven to commit themselves to the needs of the others, especially the most vulnerable ones. Thanks to the contacts with various organizations in Leuven, UP is able to mediate in offering voluntary work to KU Leuven students and staff. Students who wish to be supervised by UP in the forming process, are welcome to contact Ilse Hoeven. •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact: [email protected] iCare week Financial solidarity with victims of disasters During the week of the volunteer (February 28 to March 8, 2015) UP brings to attention the voluntary sector and the various possibilities for voluntary work. Equally, through a university-wide action, UP extends its gratitude to the volunteers for their great contribution. Fundraising In response to major disasters, such as typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, UP coordinates various actions within KU Leuven to provide aid to the victims. UP records various initiatives undertaken within the university, makes them available through a website and collects donations for the immediate disaster relief. •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven •Contact: [email protected] •Contact: [email protected] ‘Give Away’ Fair away movement. The stuff that you want to give away can be brought to UP till Monday, 15 December 2014. On Wednesday, 17 December 2014 the goods will be set out in our popup shop. Everyone is invited to choose beautiful Christmas gifts absolutely free. On Wednesday, 17 December, 2014 UP organizes a second edition of ‘Give Away’ Fair. This fair is a part of – what in a meanwhile became known as – ‘give-away phenomenon’ or ‘give-away movement.’ This movement is an embodiment of the adage that one does not always need to give or receive money for what one does, gives or gets. ‘Give-away movement’ challenges traditional ‘something-is-for-something’ concept and invites to explore virtue of gratitude. People help each other without any need to get anything in return. If people systematically refuse to ask money for certain things and/or actions, they change their perception of giving and receiving. A few years ago a first ‘give-away house’ arose in Leuven. With its ‘Give Away’ Fair UP wants to take a share of this give- •17 December 2014 •10 am - 4 pm Célébrations eucharistiques Vous êtes étudiant francophone à Leuven et vous désirez rencontrer des personnes de toutes nationalités qui partagent votre foi chrétienne? Alors venez-nous rejoindre à la messe dominicale chantée en français et en langues africaines à 11h30 dans la chapelle du séminaire Léon XIII, entrée Vesaliusstraat 2, en face de Groep T. •Dimanche, 11h30 •la chapelle du séminaire Léon XIII, Vesaliusstraat 2, Leuven •Info: [email protected] │ 016 32 55 85 •University Parish, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven 10 •Contact [email protected] v.u.: Johan Vanpée, Universitaire parochie KU Leuven, Tiensestraat 124, 3000 Leuven. UNIVERSITAIRE PAROCHIE Tiensestraat 124 bus 5003 3000 LEUVEN, België tel. + 32 16 32 55 85 [email protected]
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