“Stay alert and sober!” NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Second Graders dress up as saints for our community Mass Eucharist Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives at The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi. As disciples, we hunger to be fed and nourished by the Word and Sacrament of Jesus Christ. Saturday: 5:30 pm / Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am*, 11:30 am*, 5:30 pm. Weekdays: 9:00 am in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. *Child Care Ministry available in Clare Hall, age 1 and walking through age 4. Baptism Parents of children under the age of 7 are invited to participate in Baptism Preparation and can register online at bit.ly/SFABaptismPreparation. If you’re an adult or have a child, 7 years or older, you can find more information at www://bit.ly/ SFAChildrensRCIA. Contact us at: [email protected]. Confirmation Confirmation is a Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts of the Holy Spirit. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of Initiation and of faith in God's fidelity to us. Our regular parish program is a two-year process that may begin with entrance to 8th grade. Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an expression of God's forgiveness of our sins that reconciles the baptized with God and with the Church community. It is celebrated in Advent and Lent communally and individually at 4:30 pm on Saturday in the Reconciliation Room (inside the Eucharistic Chapel). OUR MISSION STATEMENT Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all. Anointing of the Sick In Anointing of the Sick, the Church prays that the healing grace of Christ might touch the whole person, not just for physical healing, but that the one sick might find forgiveness and hope. It is appropriate to seek it for any serious illness, physical, emotional or mental, and not just in danger of death. Celebrated communally the second Wednesday of the month at the 9:00 am Mass. Also by request, please call a friar directly. Please Note: Because of Privacy Laws, hospitals may not inform us when a Catholic is in the hospital. To notify the parish, please call Jackie Adamo, 919-847-8205x268. Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the love of a couple who enter into a covenant with God and one another. Couples planning to be married must make arrangements at least six months before the intended wedding. Call Terri Layer, 919-847-8205x289 to begin the marriage preparation process. Contact us at: [email protected]. Holy Orders THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI THE FRANCISCAN FRIARS HOLY NAME PROVINCE 11401 LEESVILLE ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27613 www.stfrancisraleigh.org OF To discern a vocation of commitment to priesthood or religious life, please speak with a friar or visit www.beafranciscan.org, or for the diocesan priesthood www.raleighvocations.org. One of the highlights of my time here was just over a week ago, a cool and crisp Monday with blue skies and bright sunshine, as our parish and school staff gathered in the church for prayer and then spent the next several hours doing different service projects, both onsite and offsite. As the day went on the photos started to come in: staff pulling North Carolina sweet potatoes out of the dirt on a farm near Louisburg; staff sorting out food at Catholic Parish Outreach; staff working in the community garden in front of the log cabin; staff writing letters to the inmates on death row at Central Prison. When it was over, a gathering for lunch followed by mass in the church and a sense throughout the week that the staff enjoyed spending time together and loved, especially, going out and getting involved in all kinds of worthy projects. We were inspired by the words of our beloved Pope Francis who at a World Youth Day gathering in Brazil last year said “I want people to go out. I want the church to go out into the street! I want to defend ourselves against everything that is worldliness, that is installation, that is comfortableness, that is clericalism, that is being shut in on ourselves. The parishes, the schools, exist to go out!” Many thanks to all the people who helped to make the day such a success for us. On Saturday last week we had our annual columbarium mass, outside in the courtyard. Mass started at 9:00 am and the temperature was in the low 40s, with many people bundled up in jackets and gloves and scarves. Again, it was another glorious fall day and as I stood outside at the altar, I could look up and around at the blue sky and the reds, yellows, and oranges of the leaves outlined against the bright sky. The mass was held in memory of those whose ashes are reposed in our columbarium. Afterwards there was a reception with hot apple cider, which reminded me of my days skiing in New Hampshire and coming inside to the lodge to warm up with hot cider. Thanks to all who helped organize the mass and reception. I have been here at St. Francis for just over two months and I’m slowly learning my way and getting to know who’s who and what’s what, though that will continue to take some time. Beginning next week and continuing through December, I will be having a series of listening sessions which are open to anyone in the parish, as a way for me to learn more about this parish of St. Francis of Assisi. Each session will be limited to 10-12 people, and will have a facilitator and a scribe. I will be present to listen. To sign up for one, visit www.stfrancisraleigh.org/pastor or click the link on the home page. Blessings to all on your week! Through Baptism may they walk always as a children of the light: William Thomas Brearley Son of Mike and Jessi Brearley Andrew Joseph Dennis Son of Drew and Lauren Dennis Ava James Lowe Daughter of Rick and Tara Lowe Valentina Adriana Ramirez Daughter of Nick and Pilar Ramirez Robert Alex Wilson Son of Rob and Jenn Wilson May they rest in peace and perpetual light shine upon them: +Andrew Lavin Father of Kevin Lavin +Elaine Law Wife of Gerald Law Mother of Aimee Kimble and Michael, Matthew, Mark and Tony Law +Mary Szoke Mother of Anna Fowler Mass requests are accepted up to Tuesday, November 25 for the Thanksgiving weekend Masses. Mass requests are accepted up to Tuesday, December 23 at 11:00 am for the Christmas Masses. Next week’s Bible Byte: “Lord, when did we see you…?" Matthew 25:37 2 Memorial Garden Mass A s Catholics, we believe that Baptism is our birth into the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; the Eucharist is our meal for life’s journey. Our Memorial Garden reminds us of this mystery. As we pass through the Garden each Sunday on our way to Mass, we come through death to life, through the Garden to the waters of Baptism and the table of the Eucharist. We are travelers passing through, incorporated into the body of Christ, one day to be united with Him and with those we love who have gone before us. For more information about the Memorial Garden and Columbarium or to purchase a niche or plaque, please contact Joan Port, 919-847-8205x249. 3 Ministries of Liturgy, Evangelization, and Music First Reconciliation Retreat L ast Sunday, 240 of our second graders and their parents participated in their First Reconciliation Retreat. Led by Coordinator of Family Formation for Children, Dawn Eagan. The retreat provided a “sacred time” for parents to spend with their children exploring the depth of God’s grace offered in the sacrament of Reconciliation. The retreat’s activities included hospitality, music, faith sharing, crafts, and much more. The group ended their time with a visit from our friars, who encouraged the children to not be afraid and spoke of God’s great love for them. Please pray for the children and their parents as they prepare to receive their First Reconciliation on December 13. “Do You Hear What I Hear?” A Night of Lessons and Carols J oin the youth of our parish on Sunday, December 21 at 7:00 pm in church for an evening of fun, drama, music, prayer, and Eucharistic Adoration for the whole family! As we sing along to familiar Christmas carols, we will reflect on the theology behind the lyrics and deepen our understanding of God’s great love for us. People of all ages are welcome to this night of fellowship and Christmas spirit. We hope you will save the date and plan on participating! Youth Confirmation Preparation I nterested youth who are currently in 8th grade or above and at least one parent must attend an information/ registration meeting. Confirmation preparation is a two year long journey and will culminate with the Celebration of Confirmation in the fall of 2016. Final Registration Opportunity Wednesday, 12/10/2014 at 7:00 pm Anthony Hall Founders Room To register, please visit: stfrancisraleigh.org/confirmation2016 Questions? Please contact Martina 919-847-8205x264, [email protected]. 4 Pastoral Ministries Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness GoodNews On-Purpose Life Sharing the Fruits of Ministry www.stfrancispastoralministries.wordpress.com T Thank you! hrough your generous gifts of time and talent, the Care and Wellness Office is able to help families each and every week through the following ministries: Visit the Sick- our Visitation Ministry visits parishioners in all local hospitals. Eucharist to facilities and homes: our ministers go to 5 local facilities, Rex Hospital and individual homes bringing a smile and the assurance that each member of the community is important. Prayer Shawl Ministry offers a handmade shawl or item to those in need of comfort. Feed the Need offers cooked meals to those burdened by significant life events so they can take a night off from the kitchen. Prayerline Ministers pray for those requesting special intentions throughout the week. Referrals to CPO for food and children's clothing assistance help those trying to make financial ends meet Stephen Ministry walks with those who are in need of compassionate, Christian care giving to get through a difficult time. Transportation Ministry brings people to Mass who are no longer able to drive Caregivers Ministry offers transportation to doctor appointments and grocery stores. They also offer caring visits to help primary caregivers get a well deserved break and a new face to those being cared for. Alzheimer's/Dementia Ministry walks with those caring for a loved one facing dementia. Finding support and resources while caring for a loved one whose needs and personality change daily makes the load lighter. Job Connections offers coaching, resources and fellowship for those searching for a new career The many bereavement ministries help those in grief find a new "normal" following the loss of a loved one. None of these caring opportunities could exist without the support of our faith community or the people who benefit from these ministries. Whichever group you're in, know that you are appreciated. To learn more about any of these ministries, just call 919-847-8205x241. Y ou've seen those folks- the ones like the wife in the first reading and the servant with the 5 talents. They are the ones who make life look easy. Their work seems effortless and the outcomes are always positive. They are joyful in their work and even when bad things happen, they have a way of weathering the storm with grace. When I look at my life, sometimes I feel like I'm competing with myself or the clock to get more done, get done faster, and have more time for-doing more. Recently I participated in a seven week course, On Purpose Peace. The foundation of the course is scripture; the intent of the course is for each person to find their own life purpose and to create their own map for making decisions about how they spend their time. It's an ingenious method of making lists about what's important in life and comparing that to how you actually spend your time. It's a real "A-ha" moment when you realize that your purpose really can be found in many of the things you "have" to do every day. And when you support that purpose with God's plan for you, rooted in scripture, it changes from things you "have to do" to things you "want to do." The other very powerful element in the program is realizing that how you spend your time really is up to you. Like the good wife, if you feel that taking care of your family is your purpose, you don't focus on the task, but on how God is working through your efforts to affect others. Let's say you realize your purpose is "extending care." Then you will come to know that anytime you extend care- to your family, friends, community, you are living "on purpose. "When you realize that caring for your family is also an opportunity to reflect on God's gift of family in your life, you become the focus, not the task. And when you have more "want tos" than "have tos" in your life, the tension eases, the pressure ebbs away, and you can rediscover the joy of being and doing things with a purpose! So if you're tired of juggling the demands of your life, if you'd like to create a plan that offers you time to be your best instead of beating the clock, join us for this learning experience. You'll find the peace of living an on-purpose life! 5 Catholic Education Ministries The Franciscan School St. Francis of Assisi Preschool Elementary: K-5 Middle School: 6-8 Growing in excellence since 1991 The Franciscan School Alumni Spotlight Fire Safety A t the Franciscan School, we are always proud of our alumni and enjoy hearing about their accomplishments as they continue on their educational journey. These two high school seniors are among our many former students who are accomplishing important things. Nikki Knapp ’11 was selected as the 2014 Homecoming Queen at Cardinal Gibbons High School. Nikki is an exemplary student in and out of the classroom. She has made the A Honor Roll throughout high school and she serves as a retreat leader in the Principal Leader Conference, is vice-president in the Franciscan Youth International organization, and she was the recipient of the Golden Key Scholastic Art Award. In addition, she plays piano, ukulele, and lacrosse. Nikki hopes to be accepted at UNC, NC School of Design, or Elon University. At The Franciscan school’s commencement, Nikki was the recipient of the Franciscan Award. She said her favorite memory of TFS was the wonderful teachers and staff who helped make her experience “a home away from home.” Olivia Ontjes ’11 has verbally committed to the University of Southern California, where she will be a member of the swimming team. Olivia specializes in the short freestyle and breaststroke events. The ability to swim both breaststroke events and the three short freestyle events at that level makes her extremely valuable in the NCAA format, where she can contribute to all 5 relays. “I chose to be a part of the team because of the positive and special environment that is unique to USC,” Ontjes said. “It offers the best opportunities to achieve my potential in and out of the pool. I want to study biological sciences on the pre-med track.” Olivia, an honor student at Raleigh Charter High School, swims for both the YMCA of the Triangle Area and Raleigh Charter and is the YMCA Long Course National Record breaker in the 50 breaststroke. 6 A t the beginning of November, the Durham Highway Fire Department visited the Preschool to discuss fire safety with the children. Earlier that week, students participated in a school-wide fire drill on campus, learning how to safely evacuate the Preschool in the event of fire. During the firefighters’ visit, they shared important safety tips with the students. The students practiced “Stop, Drop and Roll,” and listened as the firefighters discussed all of the important safety gear that a firefighter must wear while fighting a fire. The children watched as one of the firefighters dressed up in his fire gear, toured one of the fire trucks, and even climbed up inside. We extend a sincere thank you to the Durham Highway Fire Department for taking time out of their busy schedule to once again visit our school. Every year, these generous firefighters visit our campus. It is wonderful for the children to learn the importance of fire safety and see the firefighters dressed in their gear so that they will not be afraid if a firefighter tries to help them some day. For more information about the Preschool, please contact Shelley Freeman at 919-847-8205x262 or [email protected]. Stewardship SHARE YOUR GIFTS Parish Volunteer Opportunities Phone Skills: Do you enjoy connecting with people over the phone? The Care and Wellness office is looking for a few people to make calls to parishioners for various ministries. Contact: Kathleen Owen at 919-847-8205x241. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Gleaners Needed: Are you willing to give a couple of hours rescuing food from area farms to donate to the hungry in our communities? Be a part of this meaningful and fun gleaning opportunity for youth and adults. Contact: Suzanne Szymendera at [email protected]. Welcoming Hosts: Meet our newest families; help them find their place in our community. Families of all ages are welcome! Contact: Sue Mathys at 919-847-8205x222, [email protected]. Feed the Need: Help provide cooked meals to families in our parish who are adjusting to life’s challenges. Sign up for a date that works for you. Contact: Donna Mariani at [email protected], 919-326-3768. Mentor Engaged Couples: Do you remember preparing for marriage? Among the wedding plans and preparing for life transitions, someone took time to sit down with you to talk about the joys, blessings, and trials of marriage. We invite couples married 10 years or more to join the Fully Engaged Ministry Team to host conversations for an engaged couple using the results from their Fully Engaged pre-marital inventory. Flexible Time commitment, meet with engaged couples in your home or at St. Francis as you are available. Contact: Jason Lillis at [email protected], or 919-847-8205x244. Donations Volunteer: Do you find satisfaction in providing material donations to nonprofit organizations serving people in need? We’re looking for an organized person to coordinate our donation drives and arrange for distribution of unsolicited donations to partner organizations. Some work can be done from home. 10 hours per month. Contact: Sheila Read at [email protected], 919-847-8205x420. Cross Bearers needed at all masses. Training is provided and you will serve once a month or less. Contact: Tresa Pickup at [email protected], 919-847-8205x488. Caregivers Ministry: Do you enjoy helping others and being with people who are happy to see you? Take someone to the doctor’s office, the grocery store, or just visit. Contact: Carol Derrenbacher, 919-554-2578. Sue Mathys, Coordinator of Stewardship Contribution Envelopes Offertory Envelopes Special Collections T he Stewardship office would like to thank those of you who are helping us to “Go Green” by opting out of receiving monthly contribution envelopes. For many of you that contribute with checks, your check is what records your donation to your parish contribution record. Please just put your check in the Offertory basket and we will do the rest. We do have second collections and special collections and we will list the upcoming ones in the bulletin. For November and December: November 23 - special collection-Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Dignity November 27 - Thanksgiving- special collection Food for the Poor December 7 - special collection-Mortgage Sunday December 8 - Holy Day of Obligation- Immaculate Conception December 14 - second collection- Franciscan Infirmary and National Retirement fund for Religious December 25 - Christmas-Holy Day of Obligation December 25 - Christmas- special collectionChristmas flowers December 25 - Christmas- second collectionDiocesan Priest’s Retirement January 1, 2015 – Holy Day of Obligation Solemnity of Mary If you make cash donations, please use envelopes that list your name and address. If you are receiving envelopes and want to “Go Green” with us and discontinue your envelopes OR are not receiving envelopes and would like to receive them, contact Toni Hammes, at [email protected], 919-847-8205x265. 7 Diocese of Raleigh News Band of Sisters: Monthly Reflection Days Pope Francis has declared 2015 as the "Year in Celebration of Consecrated Life". Join us as we gather monthly at Avila Retreat Center Durham to reflect on the wisdom offered us by the lives and works of holy Catholic sisters. We have gathered a group of presenters from all over the diocese of Raleigh to lead these days of reflection which begin in December 2014. Registration is available at http://tiny.cc/tv2amx via signup genius and Paypal. For more information, contact [email protected]. Save the Date - March for Life (DC) - The Raleigh Deanery Respect Life Committee is reserving buses for the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC on Thursday, January 22, 2015. The cost of the bus trip is $50 per person. Make your reservation through email address:[email protected]. To guarantee your seat, reservations and payments are due no later than Monday, December 29 (post dated checks will be accepted). Reservations after this date will be put on a waiting list. If you have any questions, please call Kathy or Bob Klein at 815-1369 or email:[email protected]. Training for Volunteer Hosts for People Who Are Homeless. The mission of Raleigh’s new Oak City Outreach Center is to provide a place of hospitality on weekends where people can gather to receive and give nourishment that comes from the sharing of food and fellowship. Next Volunteer Orientation Session to be held at the Oak City Outreach Center in the white metal building behind 215 S. Person St. across the street from Moore Square in downtown Raleigh: Tuesday, November 18 and December 16 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The orientation will be led by Love Wins Ministries and Catholic Charities. To register for this training please send an email to [email protected] or call 919-812-5546. 10 Small Group Opportunities AA Meeting: Alcoholic Anonymous, daily at 7:15 am in Laverna, (log cabin). Enter through the garage. Al-Anon Meetings: Sun. 7pm, Anthony Hall Rm 403. Adult Open Play Nights: Assisi Community Center Gym. Visit http://stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/ community-life/athletic-programs/adult/ to contact the ministry leaders for each of our adult open play nights. Always Our Children: Safe, welcoming confidential place for GLBT persons and family/friends of GLBT persons to discuss issues of personal concern. Meeting Sunday, December 7, 3:15 pm, Anthony Hall Room 403. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Support Group: The first Wednesday of the month, 1:00-3:00 pm in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center and the third Wednesday of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm in Anthony Hall Room 405. Carol Gault 919-239-4620. Centering Prayer: Thursdays, 9:35 am or 7:30 pm in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. Community Center Classes: Regular exercise classes and parent/child classes run on a weekly basis. http://stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/community-life/ programs. Community Garden: Saturday mornings, 10:00 am. Call Pat or Paul Kelly at 919-413-8833, email [email protected] or just drop by. Exercise Programs: http://bit.ly/14T9JXR. Mass of the Anointing: Tuesday, December 9 at the 9:00 am Mass in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. Coffee in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center following Mass. Men’s Ministry: Breakfast, Monday, December 1, 7:00 am, Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center. Visit www.bit.ly/SFAMensMinistry for details Prayer Shawl Ministry: Thursday, November 20, 12:30 pm, Clare Hall Room 202. Call Regina Sisinni at 919-803-6444 or Cindy Cardello at 919-846-8825. Rosary Ministry: Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. 55+ Adults Group: Monthly potluck luncheons starting at 12:00 noon throughout the year and monthly game days starting at 11:00 am, September through May in Clare Fellowship Hall. The St. Francis Single/Single Again Ministry: Meets on Thurs. evenings. Activity nights include service evenings, game nights, book club, and night on the town. Contact Kathy Duckworth, [email protected] or Kathy Reynolds, [email protected]. Third Option: A marriage skills-building small group: http://bit.ly/sfathirdoption Young Adults Community: (20’s and 30’s) Weekly Bible study every Wed.,7:00 pm, Anthony Hall Rm. 403. Welcoming Coffees: Our next welcoming coffee will be held on Sunday, November 16 after 9:30 am Mass. Contact Trina Sugrue at 919-847-8205x245, [email protected]. Register at www.stfrancisraleigh.org/welcome_events. 11 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching Monthly Theme: Life & Dignity of the Human Person: Brittany Maynard’s decision to end her life at age 29 because of terminal brain cancer revived a debate over physician-assisted euthanasia - and what it means to die with dignity. The Church teaches that respect for life and dignity means respecting the inherent value of their lives, even when suffering terminal ill. The U.S. bishops call for a compassionate response to suffering through palliative care and love and attention from the community, assuring people who are dying of their inherent worth and attending to their spiritual needs. “…the temptation grows to have recourse to euthanasia, that is, to take control of death and bring it about before its time, "gently" ending one's own life or the life of others. In reality, what might seem logical and humane, when looked at more closely is seen to be senseless and inhumane. Here we are faced with one of the more alarming symptoms of the "culture of death..."- Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life Pray: For people who are terminally ill and their families 12 Parish Office: 919-847-8205 Administration Collection Counters Columbarium & Mem. Plaques Volunteer Receptionists Webmaster Pat Kowite Joan Port Sue Mathys Tricia Downs Stewardship Opportunities 847-8205x229 847-8205x249 847-8205x222 847-8205x234 Community Life Youth Basketball High School Basketball Youth Volleyball Adult Summer Basketball Adult Gym Nights Community Center Programs Summer Camps Parish Community Events Assisi Café Volunteers Assisi Café Entertainment Babysitting Co-Op II Rich Wessel 870-1643 Tim Burns 949-4472 Mary Arleth 847-8205x379 Tim Burns 949-4472 Tricia Henry 847-8205x375 Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Tricia Henry 847-8205x375 Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Diogenes Ruiz 847-8205x271 Catherine Walvoord [email protected] Evangelization Returning Catholics Fr. David McBriar Rite of Christian Initiation-Adults Jules Weber Christian Initiation of Children Jules Weber Intergeneration. Fam. FF (FIRE) Jules Weber 847-8205x261 847-8205x242 847-8205x242 847-8205x242 Liturgy Liturgical Ministry Mailbox Children’s Liturgy of the Word Play and Pray Church Keeping Cross Bearers Deaf Ministry Environment & Art Eucharistic Ministers Funeral Ministers Lectors Master of Ceremonies Music Ministry Parking Ministry Servers Ushers Wedding Directors [email protected] Jackie Kelly 896-6297 Niamh Crotty [email protected] Beverly Saunders 846-5795 Tresa Pickup 847-8205x488 Jean Cooke-Byrne 412-8365 Theresa Baumgartner 848-3383 Margaret Monteleone 233-4781 Deb Rodi 803-3304 Jane Paris [email protected] Lisa Gianturco 845-9718 Mike Wrzesien 624-1592 Michael & Julie Ducatte 622-8883 [email protected] Bob Kaczynski [email protected] Joyce Petzka [email protected] Steve Burdett 845-2714 Chet Wayland 870-6110 John Cuomo 931-4308 Troy Chaput 665-7194 Judy Ferraro 395-3005 Family Life AAMEN Ministry Baptism Preparation Family & Marriage Enrichment Gay & Lesbian Ministry Leon Cooke 740-7515 Bill & Regina McCrorie 847-6757 Steve & Cecy Becker 870-0694 Jane Paris 847-7431 Chris O’Neill 210-5319 Gay & Lesbian Parent Support Joe Pietrus 609-8425 Marriage Preparation Team Theresa & Mark Baumgartner 848-3383 Men’s Ministry Steve Becker 870-0694 San Damiano House Marc Kielty 847-8205x266 55+ Adults Group Pat Gerney 803-8276 Senior Monthly Potluck Joe & Kate Corsaro 554-4498 Single/Single Again Kathy Duckworth [email protected] Kathy Reynolds [email protected] Young Adults Melissa Misko [email protected] Other Organizations Knights of Columbus Marriage Encounter Boy Scouts Cub Scouts (pack352nc.org) Girl Scouts Secular Franciscan Order Brian D. Denison Charlie Abbott Angela Abbott Pete Oertel Chris Triplett Jamie Johnson Joanne Jacovec [email protected] ncmarriagediscovery.org 556-7401 781-8055 [email protected] 847-8205x379 [email protected] Fax: 919-870-1790 Campus Spring and Fall Beautification Care and Wellness Resurrection Ministries Consolation & Care Emmaus Ministers Funeral Receptions Eucharistic Ministries EMs to Abbotswood EMs to the Homebound EMs to the Magnolia Glen EMs to the Meadows EMs to Rex Hospital EMs to Springmoor Jim Anderson 847-8205x263 Celesta Carlson Paddy Pagnani Celesta Carlson 818-4122 570-8684 818-4122 Gerry & Karen Collins [email protected] Pat Spencer 706-5324 Erica Schaab Emerson 617-7765 Andrea McVerry [email protected] Janet Smolenski 500-1971 Mary Papi 381-6764 Ministries to the Infirm, Sick, and Hospitalized Transportation to Mass Caregivers Caregivers 402 Line Medical Facility Visitation Ministries of Care & Presence Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Divorce Survival Guide Feed the Need Hope After Loss Job Connections Project Rachel Stephen Ministry Special Needs Ministry Stephanie Smith Carol Derrenbacher Sharon Holland 302-0080 554-2578 847-8205x402 [email protected] Carol Gault 239-4620 William Morgan [email protected] Donna Mariani 326-3768 Mary Kane 818-7250 Vince Papi 926-7193 [email protected] 852-1021 Kathleen Owen 847-8205x241 Heather Lisk [email protected] Karen Ondejko [email protected] Ministries of Prayer & Faith Sharing Centering Prayer Prayer Line Prayer Shawl Ministry Rosary Ministry Alice Stanford 781-5860 Susan Stamey [email protected] Regina Sisinni 803-6444 Cindy Cardello 846-8825 Judy Newell 977-9058 Justice and Peace Education and Advocacy Ministries Dignity of Life - Danielle Merritt-Sunseri [email protected] Committee for Immigration Justice Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 JustFaith Sheila Read 847-8205x420 Justice Theater Project Deb Royals-Mizerk 272-1551 Racial Awareness & Religious Exchange Tom Zimmerman 870-1379 Witness for Peace Southeast Gail Phares 856-9468 Service Ministries AIDS Care Team Tom Zimmerman 870-1379 Blood Drive Tom & Elaine Dupree 577-6901 Brown Bag Ministry Rich Zemonek [email protected] Catholic Parish Outreach (873-0245) Sue Hand 846-7954 Community Garden Pat & Paul Kelly 413-8833 Disaster Recovery Janet Mintel 676-6352 Duke Children's Hospital Ginny Winckelmann 848-8791 Gabriel Project - Kip Moffett [email protected] Habitat for Humanity Diane & Bob Steinbeiser 846-8026 Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (250-0043) Suzanne Szymendera 845-4885 Migrant Ministry Terrence McDonald 538-4627 Passage Home (834-0666) Peg Cavender 985-5950 Prison Pen Pal Pam Boyan [email protected] Ronald McDonald House Julie & Jason Huckaby 624-5065 Sister Parish - Guatemala Carie Gunnell [email protected] St. Francis Feeds Donna Mariani 326-3768 St. Francis Inn, Philadelphia John Budway 305-205-5104 Support Circles Ellen Ferrone 381-5509 Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Ron Smith 455-7786 13 Our Pastoral Staff Parish Office: 919-847-8205 Fax: 919-870-1790 St. Francis Preschool FRANCISCAN FRIARS 240 Cathy Ashton, Assistant Principal for Preschool 261 Fr. David McBriar, O.F.M., Associate Pastor 262 Shelley Freeman, Administrative Specialist 223 Fr. William E. McConville, O.F.M., Associate Pastor Cardinal Gibbons High School 919-834-1625 249 Joan Port, Assistant to the Pastor 224 Fr. Steve Patti, O.F.M., Pastor PASTORAL MINISTRIES EVANGELIZATION MINISTRIES 268 Jackie Adamo, Admin. Specialist-Care and Wellness 473 Trish Adamkowski, Administrative Specialist 289 Terri Layer, Admin. Specialist-Family Life 264 Martina Dumberger, Administrative Specialist 244 Jason Lillis, Coordinator of Family Life 239 Dawn Eagan, Coordinator of Family Formation-Children 241 Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness 238 Jennifer Fiduccia, Coordinator of Family Formation 420 Sheila Read, Justice and Peace Specialist 269 Jennifer McCourt, Administrative Specialist 270 Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace 236 Matt Merry, Coordinator of Family Formation-Youth FINANCE AND PLANNING 488 Tresa Pickup, Administrative Specialist 228 Charlie Abbott, Financial Administrator 242 Jules Weber, Director of Formation and Evangelization 229 Pat Kowite, Coordinator of Finance and Administration 230 Jim Wahl, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music 243 Robert Neppel, Director of Finance and Planning CATHOLIC EDUCATION MINISTRIES The Franciscan School PARISH OPERATIONS 255 Marie Leone, Receptionist (Main Number) 263 Jim Anderson, Facilities Manager 233 Jennifer Bigelow, Principal 234 Tricia Downs, Database/Web Specialist 254 Michele Northington, Asst. Principal - Student Life and Activities 265 Toni Hammes, Admin. Specialist-Stewardship 251 Joanne Sullivan, School Nurse 375 Tricia Henry, Coordinator of Community Life 469 Lura Tysiac, Coordinator of Marketing and Admissions 227 Marc Kielty, Director of Parish Operations 314 Laureen Wacenske, Guidance 222 Sue Mathys, Coordinator of Stewardship 651 Mike Watson, Asst. Principal-Curriculum and Personnel 271 Diogenes Ruiz, Communication Specialist 245 Trina Sugrue, Admin. Specialist-Safe Environment & Welcome 242 Jules Weber, Asst. Principal-Formation and Evangelization Staff email address: [email protected] OUR PASTORAL COUNCIL Jim Carr, Patty Carr, Julia Earnhardt, Tim Fischer, Thomas Graham, Robert Longley Alberto Lopez, Sue Mathys, Liz Mosler, Vince Papi, Jane Paris, Steve Patti, O.F.M. OUR FINANCE COUNCIL Delynn Alexander, Jennifer Bigelow, Betty Camp, Rebecca Daumen, Steve Dilger Julio de la Rosa, Ron Doggett, Tim Hrehor, Bill Laxton, Robert Longley, Mike Keleher, Marc Kielty, Adam McCarthy, Tom Mense, Robert Neppel, David Nerz, John Smith, Bob Randolph, Steve Patti O.F.M. OUR SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Jennifer Bigelow, Jim Carr (co-chair), Patty Carr (co-chair), Mike Keleher, Robert Neppel, Michele Northington, Phil Strand, Lisa Tomaino, Steve Patti, O.F.M. OUR PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Cathy Ashton, Jennifer Bigelow, Amy Challgren, Barb Dobner, Nicole Gass, Darren Harris, Gail Hemedinger, Trey Morris, Liz Mosler, Heather Lisk, Steve Patti, O.F.M. Local and Out Of Town Deliveries! • Fresh/Silk Flowers • Food/Gift Baskets Plants/Balloons • Holiday Décor/Bows • Thanksgiving and Christmas Centerpieces • Poinsettias, Poinsettias, Poinsettias!!! • CELEBRATIONS SHOPPING CENTER (SIX FORKS & SAWMILL) 7457 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615 Chauncy F. Nelson, DDS, MS, PA, parishioner 10940 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 204 (919) 845-2900 Making the world a more beautiful place...one smile at a time.™ nelsonorthodontics.com (919) 847-3381 • www.northraleighflorist.com PHILIP R. TAYLOR Financial Advisor 4208 Six Forks Rd - Suite 1000 - Raleigh, NC 919.201.7514 25 YEARS - CUSTOM HOMES, ADDITIONS & REMODELING [email protected] www.ducatte.com Retirement & Estate Planning www.PhilipRTaylor.com 919-645-5760 or 800-681-9860 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 MICHAEL & JULIE, PARISHIONERS 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 006792 St Francis of Assisi Church (C) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 J & L LANDSCAPING, INC. Your local, full service landscaping company [email protected] Jerry Sroka 919-518-8002 Shutters, Blinds, Draperies & More FREE parishioner in home consultation & install 919-875-0116 THE DILEONE LAW GROUP, P.C. Ralph J. DiLeone, Attorney/Parishioner 919-791-0900 www.dileone.com Business Law Contracts Plan 30% off Signature Window Cover with this ad Wills/Trusts Protect Patio & Walls Irrigation Erosion & Drainage Landscape Lighting Lawn Maintenance Tree & Shrubs Design & Installations & Maintenance Parishioner at St. Francis Prevail Registration with this ad 919-847-8413 www.zervosandearwood.com LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED INSTALLATION-SALES-MAINTENANCE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS! ★ Gymnastics ★ Tumbling ★ Birthdays ★ Camps Brier Creek Location 919.572.5320 919-844-4444 EMERGENCY OR UP TO HEATING & AIR $1000 CASH BACK SERVICE CALL 919-782-6242! ONLY $45 $35 OFF $250 OFF HEATING INSPECTION WITH CARBON MONOXIDE CHECK ANY HVAC REPAIR ANY NEW INSTALL UP TO $400 OFF Philip A. Lisk, DDS, PA FREE Apex Funeral Home HEATING REPAIR 550 W. Williams St., Apex, NC www.apexfuneral.com SERVICE CALL 200 SE Maynard Rd., Cary, NC 300 Saint Mary’s St., Raleigh, NC 1701 E. Millbrook Rd., Raleigh, NC www.brownwynne.com 919-467-8108 919-828-4311 919-876-6900 Mitchell Funeral Home at Raleigh Memorial Park 919-782-6242 • allamerican-nc.com Parishioner • 8817 Westgate Park Drive • Ste 108 Wisdom Teeth Dental Implant surgery 919-362-8233 Brown-Wynne Funeral Homes and Crematory WITH ANY REPAIR OVER $300 John A. Pearson, DDS Jay A. Jefferson, DMD Brian H. Camp, DDS, MD www.DrLisk.com Comprehensive Adult Dentistry, Parishioner 7701 Six Forks Rd., Ste. 110 Raleigh, NC 27615 CALL 919-782-6242! NEW WATER HEATER TREATING YOUR VEINS SPIDER VEINS TO VARICOSE VEINS www.veincareofnc.com 919.870.6892 AVAILABLE EVENINGS &WEEKENDS ON PURCHASE OF A HIGH EFFICIENCY HOME COMFORT SYSTEM THRU MARCH 31ST. CALL FOR DETAILS #320 Summer Winds 800-972-8899 www.ncvacations.com Jane S. Smith, M.D. SAVE THIS AD! 0% FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS Parishioner Discount. 10700 World Trade Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27617 www.wakegymnastics.com Parishioner HEATING AND AIR COMFORT SPECIALISTS NEW YEAR’S SALE! Call Us Today! Oceanfront 3 bedrm/2 bath condo at Indian Beach, Summer Winds, all amenities on site. Litigation $5 Off Annual Julie Zervos DDS & Amy Earwood DDS, PA 900 Paverstone Dr. Franchising 7209 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC www.mitchellatrmp.com “Your dog will digg it” 919-783-7128 Raleigh Memorial Park and Mausoleums (919) 788-2107 7501 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 919-787-2766 www.raleighmemorialpark.com 8109 Ebenezer Church Rd. Raleigh, NC 27612 www.dogdiggitydaycare.com Your Local Dignity Providers ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers www.raleighoralsurgery.com 919-876-4746 8301 Bandford Way, Suite 121, Raleigh, NC 27615 Oral Surgery • Dental Implant Surgery Surgery with a Caring Hand 7101 Creedmoor Rd., Suite 109, Raleigh, NC 27613 919.846.5500 www.TriangleOralSurgery.com Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Helping GOOD PEOPLE get out of BAD SITUATIONS Family Law Services • Bankruptcy Ch. 7 & 13 Michael A. Julyan Parishioner Michael W. Hopper 3737 Glenwood Ave. • Suite 270 • Raleigh, NC 27612 www.wakelegal.com (919) 876-3300 Richard J. Schneider, M.D. Parishioner (11 USC 528) Disclosure: We are attorneys that practice in the legal area of bankruptcy law Duke Primary Care Creedmoor Road Internal Medicine Medical Director 7200 Creedmoor Rd. Ste. 208 Raleigh, NC 27613 Tel: 919.327.1650 • Fax: 919.327.1667 www.dukemedicine.org I Want to Help You Research, Customize and Go On That Special Trip & Share in the Joy it Brings! 919-589-2437 Chris Rakes Total EXPERIENCE Travel Treat Yourself. Specialized in All-Inclusive River & Ocean Cruising, Land Tours and Resort Options in the Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii and Mexico [email protected] • www.totalexperiencetravel.com 006792 St Francis of Assisi Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Eric D. Challgren, MD, Parishioner Gregory J. Wilmoth, MD Margaret B. Boyse, MD Laura D. Briley, MD Tracey S. Cloninger, PA-C 919-782-2152 4201 Lake Boone Trail Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27607 DAYLIGHT DONUTS 676.7442 “Stonehenge Market” Parishioner, TFS-Family 5am.-Noon Tues.-Sun. 10% off w/this ad Larry Warner, JD, MBA • Parishioner 919-510-8130 • [email protected] • Business Law • Contracts, Leases • Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney • Estate Administration PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH 10010 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27614 TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ www.southernderm.com Jenny Doyle, Esq. Family Operated Immigration Counsel 919.616.4869 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Bilingual Attorney • OLL Parishioner Practice Limited to Immigration Law. 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License #HC2182 783.0500 www.ChadRichards.com 5300 Six Forks Road RALEIGH ELKS LODGE The Perfect Venue For Your Wedding, Reception, or Special Event for information contact 919.787.5990 or [email protected] CALVERT PAINTING A T RUE SLICE OF Full Irish Breakfasts & Lunch Brierdale Shopping Center at Brier Creek 10730 Moncreiffe Rd., Suite 109 Raleigh, NC 27617 919-544-4141 www.traliirishpub.com • [email protected] 006792 St Francis of Assisi Church (A) I RELAND $5.00 off Valid for food purchases over $25 Excl. Alcohol, tax and tip. One per check. Join us for a delicious Weekend Brunch starting at 11 am Interior • Exterior • Decks Carpentry • Staining Pressure Washing 870-2999 www.calvertpainting.com Since 1980 Insured Sam Calvert, Parishioner References • Free Estimates Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. www.visitingangels.com/raleigh 919-856-9494 • Litigation • Estate Planning • Employment Law • BusinessLaw/Contracts shanahanlawgroup.com Bill Duncan, Broker Home Buying & Selling Assistance Real Estate Investments Full Property Management Relocation Assistance PHONE: (919)-518-8122 CELL: (919)-247-6017 [email protected] St.Francis Parisioner Jo-Anne V.LPC,Ludwig , LCAS, PA What’s bothering you? I can help! Short Term Solution Focused Counseling For: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Families, Couples/Partners 919-593-7748 www.frombackpackstobriefcases.com Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED For further information, Specializing in Rehearsal Dinners and family celebrations. please call the Parish Office. 1 mi west of Crabtree Valley Mall www.jspaluch.com 781-8750 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all. Holiness Altar Server Training: If you are a youth in the 5th grade or older and would like to be a part of our wonderful Altar Server ministry, there will be a training session on Sunday, November 16, 1:00-2:30 pm in the church. Contact Chet Wayland, [email protected]. Small Christian Communities-SCC: St. Francis of Assisi creates a culture of faith-sharing, conversion, and relational ministry within all types of small groups. Join the SCC Vision Team to support these groups by setting goals, offering resources, information, and opportunities for existing and future SCCs. Contact: Mary Morch, [email protected] or Gladys Whitehouse, [email protected]. Small Group Leaders Change Lives: We are looking for adults who are passionate about their faith and want to help our young people deepen their own, to be small group leaders for our children and youth formation programs. No experience is necessary. We will give you everything you need. If you: • enjoy working with children/youth; • like to talk about Jesus; • want to be a part of a dynamic and supportive small community; please prayerfully consider this amazing opportunity to help shape the next generation of our church! For more information, contact Jenn at [email protected]. RCIA Sponsors Needed: We are in need of 12 sponsors for RCIA. Would you consider joining us? Contact: Jules Weber at [email protected]. 8 Play and Pray Employment Opening: We are looking for loving and reliable caregivers to staff our Sunday Morning Play and Pray nursery for children who are 12-23 months old. If you are passionate about your faith and want to radiate the love of Christ with these young people, please answer the call. In addition to serving young children, you would be providing a great service to parents who would then have the opportunity to attend Mass as a couple and be spiritually refilled. The hours are 9:00 am-1:00 pm every Sunday (except major holidays). Candidates should have experience working with young children, and have/be able to complete Level C Safe Environment Certification. Please send cover letter/resumé to [email protected]. Play and Pray: Quality childcare and formation during Mass for ages 1 and walking through 4. To enroll, visit: stfrancisraleigh.org/enroll. Small Christian Communities: For Advent, the offerings of At Home With The Word (available for $4) and the weekly online resource Living the Good News (free!) are available to our Small Christian Communities. To reserve a copy of At Home With the Word, email [email protected]. For Living the Good News go to https://www.livingthegoodnews.com/ #YourAccount Use login: [email protected] Password: #1Francis (case sensitive) For an online tutorial visit http://youtu.be/-Zzsvfo3zHQ. Find information about Small Christian Communities and other Adult Formation Opportunities at www.stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/ opportunities-for-adult-formation. Hope Job Connections Ministry: If you’re looking for your next career, let us help. We provide individual coaching assistance, resumé review, and networking help. Employers, please consider listing your positions with our Job Connections Ministry. Coaches, consider joining our leadership team by contacting Vince Papi at 919-926-7193. Journeying with Grief through the Holidays: Sunday, Nov. 16, 2:00-4:00 pm, Anthony Hall Founders Room. If this is your first holiday after the loss of a loved one. Learn to celebrate your loved one and the holidays. Ronald McDonald House Dinner: Sign up to donate food or prepare a meal for families of sick children. Contact: Julie Huckaby, 919-624-5065, [email protected]. A Word on the Inspired Word: Daily reflections by Fr. Bill. Sign up at www.stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/ email-subscriptions. Habitat for Humanity: Seeking fellowship and hands-on service? Join St. Francis parishioners Dec. 6 for our last St. Francis Habitat for Humanity work date this year. Needed: 15 volunteers, age 16 or older. Contact: Diane Steinbeiser, 919-846-8026, [email protected]. “Waging a Living”: Film Showing and Discussion. Nov. 20, 7:00 pm, Anthony Hall, Room 403. If you work hard, you get ahead. That’s the American Dream in a nutshell. Yet, this widely held dream is out of reach for an increasing number of working Americans. Join us for a documentary on low-wage workers. Moderated discussion following the movie on Catholic Social Teaching and poverty. Seats are limited, so please RSVP to [email protected], 919-847-8205 x270. Advent Giving Tree: November 25 through December 14. Our most popular donations drive of the year provides parishioners with opportunities to give Christmas gifts to families in need. Featuring 2,000 ornaments and 20 different ministries or community organizations. Choose ornaments, shop for gifts and return gifts to the Stewardship Center. We are upgrading the parish website. Thanks to all of you who participated in our website review focus group. Your input was very helpful in enhancing this important parish communication tool. The upgrade should be live on Dec 1. Please bear with us as we work out any kinks in the process. Hospitality 15th Annual Advent Pancake Breakfast: The tradition continues with a few surprises! Please join us for a wonderful morning of fun and fellowship as we gather to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. Delicious food, live music and caroling, crafts and even a story from St. Nicholas himself! Saturday, December 6, seatings at 8:30 am and 10:00 am. Cost is $15 per family. Registration information coming soon. Questions, contact either Kristy Szabo at [email protected] or Michelle Staub at [email protected]. Making Music Praying Twice: Join this fun, hands-on music course. Children (0-5 years) and parents use instruments, toys, and scarves to dance, chant, sing, play games, and pray together. For info/registration visit: http://stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/ community-life/programs/ parentchild-classes. Transportation Ministry-Drivers Needed: Looking for a good way to share ministry with your children? Could you bring someone to Mass once each month? Contact Stephanie Smith at 919-302-0080 to find out more. Sing & Sign Playtime: In a playful environment, children and parents can practice the signs they already know or learn new signs to go along with fun songs and activities. This 30 minute class is designed to keep American Sign Language fun and entertaining. No previous signing experience is necessary. Class is geared towards children 10-36 months old. Come ready to sing, laugh, read books, sign and dance. Join us. Wednesdays, 9:30 10:00 am, November 19 -December 17 at the Assisi Community Center. For more info, visit www.stfrancisraleigh.wordpress.com/ community-life/programs/parentchildclasses. Great Date Nights: Friendship – Fuel for Romance. Join us for our monthly short presentation on healthy relationships before we send you out on a date night with your partner! Childcare available for children ages 2-12. The next date is Friday, January 9. Contact Jason Lillis, 919-847-8205x244 or RSVP at http://bit.ly/sfamfe. Volunteer Basketball Coach: The Franciscan School is seeking an energetic, knowledgeable varsity basketball coach to lead the Lady T’Wolves. This volunteer position is a 4-day/week commitment through February. Games generally are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you or someone you know are interested, please contact the Athletic Director Nancy Evans for more information, [email protected]. Young Families Newsletter: A weekly update for families with young children to connect with each other and with relevant opportunities at St. Francis of Assisi. Sign up for our newsletter at http://bit.ly/sfayfn, or check out recent newsletters at http://bit.ly/ youngfamiliesnewsletter. 9
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