First English Lutheran Church 9 NW 3rd ST; Ortonville, MN 56278 Rev. David W. Tonn Kirsten Karels, Youth & Children’s Program Director Lisa Berdan, Senior Choir Director Phil & June Nelson, Missionaries/Cameroon Time After Pentecost- Lectionary 33 November 16, 2014 - 9:00 am Gathering Songs: 1] ‘Walk Across the Water’ * On the day we came to be baptized, by the word in the water freed, Jesus looked into our wondering eyes and said, “Walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) “Walk across the water. Walk across the water. Let your faith run free on the raging sea, and walk across the water to me. 2. And when Israel fled from Egypt’s land, they were chased up to the sea. Moses’ God said, “Take them by the hand . . . and walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) 3. Is . . . . that my Lord a walking - on the Sea of Galilee? Jesus says, “If your faith be more than talk,. . .then walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) 1. 2] ‘We Will Walk On’ * (Chorus) Though we may be wear-y and we can’t see clear-ly, there is strength for the jour-ney. We will walk on. 1. Sometimes the road is long, caught be-tween right and wrong; but when our hope is gone, the Lord will lead us on. Take a look at the earth, bleed-ing for all its worth. We all feel the hurt; The Lord will give new birth (Chorus) 2. Though we don’t un-der-stand where all the piec-es land, Christ stretched out his hands and gave us strength to stand. (Chorus) On and on (the Spir-it holds on). On and on (Keep-ing us strong). On and on (We won-der how long). On and on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3] The Lord Is My Defense’ * When my heart is weary, the Lord is my defense. When I can’t see clearly, the Lord is my defense. When my friends don’t understand, the Lord is my defense. When fear weakens my hand, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. When somebody slanders me, the Lord is my defense. When a memory hinders me, the Lord is my defense. When I cannot hide my heart, the Lord is my defense. When the condemnation starts, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, the Lord is my defense. Kyri-e e-le-i-son, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. 4] Lord’s Prayer * Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heav’n. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive. Save us from the time of trial, deliver us from evil. For the kingdom and the power and the glory . . . . Creator of all life, Maker of the light. Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. A-men Announcements Greeting & Sharing of the Peace Invocation Call to Worship ‘Build Up’ * Build up, prepare the way. Remove the obstructions from my people’s way. Build up, prepare the way. God is near, God is here today. Break the chains of injustice. Let the oppressed go free. Share our homes with the homeless and our bread with the hungry. Build up, prepare the way. Remove the obstructions from my people’s way. Build up, prepare the way. God is near, God is here today. God sees all our destruction; how we get in love’s way. Still God comes and meets us with a steady, healing embrace. Build up, prepare the way. Remove the obstructions from my people’s way. Build up, prepare the way. God is near, God is here today. Opening Dialog L: What should we pack as we begin our journey? C: What should we bring along? L: The word of God to illumine our path. C: The light of Christ to show us the way. L: The gifts of the Spirit to share with those we meet. C: The love of God to be our compass and guide. Opening Song ‘Walk Across the Water’* 1. On the day we came to be baptized, by the word in the water freed, Jesus looked into our wondering eyes and said, “Walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) “Walk across the water. Walk across the water. Let your faith run free on the raging sea, and walk across the water to me. 2. And when Israel fled from Egypt’s land, they were chased up to the sea. Moses’ God said, “Take them by the hand . . . and walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) 3. Is . . . . that my Lord a walking - on the Sea of Galilee? Jesus says, “If your faith be more than talk,. . .then walk across the water to me.” (Refrain) Confession & Absolution L: Let us boldly approach the throne of grace, trusting in God’s mercy and love. (Silence is kept for reflection) L: Generous and faithful God, C: We confess to you all the ways, known and unknown, that we reject and undermine your steadfast love. Though you made us your people, we treat strangers with suspicion. Though you forgave our debts, we collect without mercy, and we are quick to pass judgment on others. Have mercy on us, O God, and remember your promise to us, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. L: The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Through the living Word, t Jesus Christ, God forgives your every debt, your every sin, and gives you a new heart and a new spirit. C: Amen. The Song of Mercy ‘The Lord is My Defense’* 1. When my heart is weary, the Lord is my defense. When I can’t see clearly, the Lord is my defense. 2. When my friends don’t understand, the Lord is my defense. When fear weakens my hand, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. 3. When somebody slanders me, the Lord is my defense. When a memory hinders me, the Lord is my defense. 4. When I cannot hide my heart, the Lord is my defense. When the condemnation starts, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. 5. Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son, the Lord is my defense. Kyri-e e-le-i-son, the Lord is my defense. The Lord is my defense, the Lord is my defense. Here no harm can come to me, the Lord is my defense. Song of Praise ‘The Journey of Praise’* 1. We are all –– on a journey — from the cradle to the grave. We are given life — through the price — our Savior had to pay. Oh, let our hearts praise the Lord! Oh, let our hands praise the Lord! Oh, let our voices praise the Lord! Oh, let our lives praise the Lord! 2. We can feel — suffering, — there is someone near in need. We are given choice, — heart, hands, voice; — they are within our reach. Oh, let our hearts praise the Lord! Oh, let our hands praise the Lord! Oh, let our voices praise the Lord! Oh, let our lives praise the Lord! Prayer of the Day: Righteous God, our merciful master, you own the earth and all its peoples, and you give us all that we have. Inspire us to serve you with justice and wisdom, and prepare us for the joy of the day of your coming, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen Scripture Readings: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 OT pg. 679 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 NT pg. 159 Children’s Message Gospel Acclamation ‘Listen’* Listen (listen) to the Word (Listen) of the Lord (Listen) Listen (listen) to the Word (Listen) of the Lord (Listen) Listen (listen) to the Word (Listen) of the Lord (Listen) Holy Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 NT pg. 22 Anthem ‘Moses’ Senior Choir Sermon Offering Offertory Song ‘We Are Called’ ELW # 720 1. Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord! We are called to be light for the kingdom, to live in the freedom of the city of God. (Refrain) We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly; we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. 2. Come! Open your heart! Show your . . mercy to all those in fear! We are called to be hope for the hopeless so hatred and blindness . . .will be. . . no more. (Refrain) 3. Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one”! God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other as sisters and brothers . . . united in love. (Refrain) Affirmation of Faith We believe in God, the one who comes before us and goes behind us, creating life and opportunities to love and care for the world. We believe in Jesus Christ who walks with us in our journey each day. He is God, yet human like us and experienced all life’s joys and pains and challenges like we do. But his love is so great that not sin nor suffering nor even death could stop it. Today the love of Jesus lives and continues to bring new life to the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit who comes like the wind and blows in and through us to bring God’s power and light to all the world. The Spirit who breathes faith and life into the church and enables us to follow the way of Christ. We believe in God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who goes before and behind, with, in and through us, bringing hope and life and newness to the world. Amen Prayers for the People of God Lord’s Prayer Lord’s Prayer (sung by praise team- please sing along when you are comfortable with doing so) (DRA pg. 121) Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heav’n. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive. Save us from the time of trial, deliver us from evil. For the kingdom and the power and the glory . . . . Creator of all life, Maker of the light. Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. Creator of all life, Maker of the Light. A-men Benediction The blessing of almighty God, the Father of glory, t Jesus Christ our peace, and the Spirit of truth be upon you and remain with you always. Amen. Dismissal L: Go in peace, knowing Christ is with you on your journey. C: OK! WE WILL! Sending Song (Chorus) 1. 2. ‘We Will Walk On’* Though we may be wear-y and we can’t see clear-ly, there is strength for the jour-ney. We will walk on. Sometimes the road is long, caught be-tween right and wrong; but when our hope is gone, the Lord will lead us on. Take a look at the earth, bleed-ing for all its worth. We all feel the hurt; The Lord will give new birth (Chorus) Though we don’t un-der-stand where all the piec-es land, Christ stretched out his hands and gave us strength to stand. (Chorus) On and on (the Spir-it holds on). On and on (Keep-ing us strong). On and on (We won-der how long). On and on. Postlude * Used by permission All rights reserved. Dakota Road Music Welcome to all visitors and guests! May the joy of Christ fill you as you worship with us today. Friendship Pads are at the ends of each pew (by middle aisle). Fill them out, pass them on to your neighbor(s) and then send them back. Visitors should pick up a ‘Thanks For Popping In’ packet from the ushers as they leave today. Join us downstairs following worship for coffee and fellowship! KDIO Radio Broadcast is sponsored in loving memory of Lawrence Bergseth at the time of his birthday (November 19th ) by his wife, Arvilla Bergseth. [Radio broadcast cards are in the kiosk; cost is $55] PRAYERS FOR HEALING and COMFORT for: Norma Jean Burdick; Beryl Cebula; Jyla Dahle; Jerry Dragseth; Bob Dybvig; Dallas Hanson; Gary Johnson; Marvin Knopf; Marcella Kohls; Burt Nypen; Gene Olson; Bonnie Rothi; Mary Jane Sanborn; Aaron Smith; Andy Anderson; Karolyn Barrett; Brenda Dexter; Natalie Henneberg; Brenda Herrmann; Bonnie Hill; Jeanette Kaercher; Isaac Kolstad; Christopher Sis; and Laura Taylor. AT NORTHRIDGE RESIDENCE: Rena Bagne, Hazel Bergseth; Twyla Hinneberg, Gebbs Holme, Lois Lorange, and Edna Paasche. AND FOR ALL OUR MILITARY who are deployed to areas of conflict. ALSO PLEASE PRAY for the students and adult chaperones who will be part of the SW MN Synod Jr High Youth Gathering in Willmar on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21st & 22nd. God’s Creation Calendars are being sold by FELC Youth. Cost is $7. Youth will be selling the calendars on Sundays before and after church or you can pick one up at the church office. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser! The Jerry Dragseth family benefit will be held here on Thursday, Nov. 20th, from 5-7 pm, put on by friends of the family and supported by Thrivent Financial Services. We need the help from our First English family to provide BBQs and bars for the fundraiser. Sign-up sheets are on the kiosk in the narthex. Thanks for your help! Endowment Committee will be meeting at 5 pm this Wednesday, Nov. 19 th. Volunteers are needed to videotape Sunday morning services and/or bring the DVD to Northridge on Sunday mornings. The residents really enjoy their worship time and it’s very important to them. Please call the church office if you can help. Thank you for considering to serve in this way! Day of Love is looking for new members – whether you can cut, sew, pin, tie or work with the cards your help would be greatly appreciated! Day of Love meets Tuesday mornings at 8:30. If you can help please call Sharon Carlson (273-2154) or Nola Lockwood (839-3623). Day of Love is also now accepting recycled greeting cards (no Christmas cards at this time, please). Offering Update: Amount needed weekly: $4,300. Last week’s offering: General: $4,590.00; Operating Reserve: $100.00. REMINDER: Calendar and other important information is on our website at and on the bulletin board (kiosk) in the narthex. Church office: (320) 839-2527. Ministry Assistants Organist: Lisa Berdan Lector: Scott Huizenga Videotape: Liz Ketz Sound System: Dallas Hanson Northridge: Rich & Tami Lundberg Greeters: Dave & Deb Ellingson Acolytes: Jason Helgeson, Michael Larson Coffee/Fellowship: Barb Johnson, Nola Lockwood, Sharon Carlson, Kathy Stolpman Ushers: Dallas Hanson, Gale May, Russell Thielke, Jim Foster Ministry Assistants Next Week - November 23rd Organist: Amy Adelman Lector: Deb Barnhardt Videotape: Tom Tobin Sound System: Liz Ketz Northridge: Cindy Scholberg Greeter: Jim & Ranet Schmeichel Acolytes: Jacob Wiik, Mikhail Thomson Coffee/Fellowship: Weber/Schmeichel Ushers: Richard Barnhardt, Roger Barnhardt, Gale May, Gene Stotesbery Weekly Calendar 9:00 am Contemporary Worship - KDIO Broadcast; 10:00 am Fellowship; 10:15 am Sunday School; 10:30 am Adult Bible Study Tues - 11/18: 8:30 am Day of Love; 4:00 pm Northridge Wed - 11/19: Newsletter Deadline; 9:30 am TV Broadcast; 11:15 am Fairway View; 3:30 pm GLUE Kids, Confirmation grades 7-8; 4:30 pm Confirmation Grade 9; 5:00 pm Endowment Meeting; 5:30 pm TV Broadcast, Steeple People; 7:00 pm Senior Choir Thurs - 11/20: 5-7 pm Jerry Dragseth Benefit Fri - 11/21: Depart for Jr. High Youth Gathering in Willmar after school Sat - 11/22: Return from Jr. High Youth Gathering Sun - 11/23: 9:00 am Worship - Commitment Sunday - Autumn Lynn Lee Baptism - KDIO Broadcast; 10:00 am Fellowship; 10:15 am Sunday School; 10:30 am Adult Bible Study Sun - 11/16:
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